#Sole Party 2.0
11queensupreme11 · 9 days
Okay so, Pjo!Hera tries to find Percy through the multiverse. And I came up with an idea how she finds Percy in RoR universe.
It was a fancy party, it must've been for a child's birth or birthday based on few key details, such as the decor,with blue details mixing together with the other colours.Based on how grandiose it is, it must've been and important even having multiple deities from different pantheons.
Hera looked at around trying to find an ounce of clue about Percy, her shoulder was tapped by Eileithyia
“Mother, the announcement of the party almost starts, let's walk back to our seat. (Yandere's name) And Percy are excited to announce the birth of their child.”
The Queen of the gods was quiet during the whole party, not only to not be suspicious but full on shock was fueling her body. Percy in flesh and blood was there with a child in her arms smiling tiredly due to the complications of childbirth from what she heard from her daughter. Hera just need to wait for the perfect moment to talk to Percy in a secluded corner or run together before it's too late to turn back time.
Also I need to see her reaction to finding out two her brothers fell inlove with Percy, + her cousin.
I think Hera's reaction to Beelzebub, Loki, Anubis and Chu Chulainn is at least better because it's not blood relations between them.
(I apologise for my writing, I'm suffering a writer's block)
hera would not give a shit about incest, so she wouldn't prefer beelcy, poki, anuby, and sécy just because there's no blood relations
she would definitely hate posy, percades, and perpollo tho solely because it's a DEMIGOD they've fallen in love with. like "seriously? how could you fools fall in love with a half-blood? how low have you fallen? 😒"
(and with perpollo, she'd probably scoff and say "oh of course the bastard with the bastard, how fitting")
for beelcy, she would 100000000% see that beelcy baby as the antichrist 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 just because their daddy's the devil 😭😭😭😭😭😭 she'd probably be a lil paranoid that this baby might become the next luke 2.0, but she's not too worried cuz that'll just be a situation for the ror gods to deal with, not her gods
for anuby, poki, and sécy, i see her being disapproving??? i know in the pjo verse that the other pantheons are aware of each other and just don't meddle in the other's affairs even if it's about world-ending stuff, so that gives me the idea that inter-pantheon mingling is a huge no-no, so she would probs disapprove because of that (even tho this is the ror verse and not the pjo verse)
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bobbie-robron · 28 days
Robron Fanfiction Recommendations (Aug-2024)
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The below were recommended on Twitter during August 2024.
Front Page News (2017) 29.6K words, lullabelle_moon
Reporter AU. It’s the 1930s and Robert, a small time reporter, wants to break into crime reporting which means trying to get an interview with the infamous Zak Dingle. That path leads him to Aaron who is being used as a scapegoat for a diamond shop robbery with the owner having been shot supposedly by Aaron. During the span of six weeks before Aaron goes on trial, not only is Robert trying to gain support for Aaron through news articles but his attention loses focus from that Zak interview to slowly realizing his heart totally beats for Aaron. Can Robert save Aaron from the noose?
Reunion (2018) 7.5K words, livesybaby
Reunion 2.0 alternative. If you take the events before Valentine’s Day to the day of their reunion and jiggle them around a bit with a callback of Liv’s involvement in getting the idiots back together in 2016, you get this new lovely take involving Operation: Get the pillock back home. Doc pointless being dull as ever makes it all the better 😜.
Reclaim Me! Make Me Yours Again! (2017) 27.3K words, DingleLovesSugdenAlways
Alternative early hell year. In this version, Aaron is still being beaten and taking spice but with more horrors. When a beaten Aaron is hospitalized, Robert has the lawyer work his magic to get Aaron out of prison right away but on tag. What follows is an organic journey of Aaron trying to cope with what he went through in prison both physically and mentally with Robert there every step of the way. There is NO Hippy Henrietta in sight… it’s solely about their journey together!
The Future Starts Slow (2016) 6.4K words, dirtylittlegreasemonkey
It’s Vic’s 22nd birthday and she wants to spend it bowling which Robert hasn’t an interest in. So that leaves her, Adam… and Aaron. Aaron’s going? That changes Robert’s mind right away. Even though he and Aaron are only mates now, he misses him. Well, with having a sister that is rooting from them, a little nudging is needed with the two but will it be enough to push them in the right direction especially when they get stuck on a road?…
A Cold Night in November (2016) 18.1K words, robron_til_the_end
When Liv doesn’t come home as expected, Aaron is ready to call the police until Robert goes out to find her. When Robert does find Liv at the cricket pavilion, she drops the bombshell that she’s pregnant. And from there the story unfolds about the lads accepting her decision about the baby, who the baby’s dad is (and isn’t) and how the situation brings up a traumatic time in Robert’s missing years. It’s all about the little family banding together and growing stronger.
Life As We Knew It (2019) 9.8K words, some_mad_lunge
Enemies to Friends AU. Aaron had been a very close friend of Connor’s for years and then to his husband, Isaac. They even tried to matchmake Aaron (with Robert) but it went wrong big time. Now the couple have died unexpectedly and it’s godparents Aaron and Robert who wind up with custody of their son, Arthur. The dislike is still there but they both are determined to put it aside for the sake of Arthur. Will living together also give them the chance to see each other in a new light to be more just parents to Arthur?
Royal Expectations (2015) 23.4K words, shineistan
Royalty AU. To celebrate Diane’s 60th birthday, the royals throw a birthday party (but for King Jack, it’s also to search for a bride for Robert who has no desire to wed and doesn’t believe in love either). During the party, Robert spots Adam (his sister’s fiancé’s betrothed) with Aaron, and is intrigued right away. What follows are the up and downs or Robert and Aaron with a large dose of Jack using blackmail to get his way (and Aaron away from Robert in the process). Rest assured, Jack gets what’s coming to him in the end…
Be My Forever (2016) 7.0K words, thesalmondean
When Aaron returns from a meeting in Hotten Adam forgot to cancel, he comes across blood at the scrapyard where Robert had been scrapping a car (yes, manual labor shocking). Having left his mobile behind, he learns Robert is at hospital but when he gets there, he is erroneously informed Robert died! Harming himself believing he’s lost Robert, Aaron is shaken when Robert turns up alive and well. Back home at the pub, they talk and reconnect. “But I can promise you I’ll never leave you willingly.” - how true that line became in the end 😢.
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not-mary-sue · 7 months
And now, every d&d character I've played so far in ten words or less (some are technically the same character, but in different campaigns based at different times of their life)
Illa (Bard): Area woman joins adventuring party, universe immediately collapses.
Illa 2.0 (Bard): Has a majority time share with party's sole brain cell.
Uther (Fighter): It's time to make this midlife crisis everyone's problem.
Jade (Rogue): Messy divorce destroys multiple governments.
Victoria (N/A - From a different ttrpg system): Anicient goth single parent to three immortal idiots.
Caleb (Cleric): Poison results in time travel and existential crisis.
Old Man Caleb (Cleric): Grandpa is too old to die!
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spiceynoodls · 2 months
MLB Episodes Chronological
Some of these aren’t released yet (according to the wiki) but there will be links posted as I go
beware. This is a LONG ASS LIST.
Season 1:
Stormy Weather
Lady Wifi
The Evillustrator
Princess Fragrance
Dark Cupid
Mr. Pigeon 
The Bubbler
Simon Says
Roger cop
Dark blade
The Pharaoh
The Puppeteer
The Mime
Guitar Villain 
Kung Food
Santa Claws
Season 2
The Collector
Prime Queen
Despair Bear
The Dark Owl
Captain Hardrock
Queen’s Battle
Heroes’ Day
Season 3
Miraculous World: Shanghai - The Legend of Ladydragon
Gamer 2.0
Stormy Weather 2
Ikari Gozen
Party Crasher
The Puppeteer 2
Cat Blanc
The Battle of the Miraculous 
Miraculous World: New York - United Heroez
Season 4
Gang of Secrets
Mr. Pigeon 72
Furious Fu
Sole Crusher
Queen Banana
Gabriel Agreste
Mega Leech
Glaciator 2
Dearest Family
Kuro Neko
Shadow Moth’s Final Attack
Season 5
The Kwamis’ choice
The Final Day
Miraculous World: London - At The Edge of Time 
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racefortheironthrone · 11 months
Given that the New Deal was passed, at least in part, by a Faustian bargain with Southern Segregationists, do you think it might take a similar bargain to pass a New Deal 2.0, even if the US were to somehow elect a president of FDR's talent again?
The TLDR answer to your question is no, because the party alignments are completely different from where they were in the 1930s.
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Even by the standards of American politics, the New Deal coalition was a particularly messy and complicated one: the core of the party was still the "solid" white South that was committed to Jim Crow even as it was internally divided between the corrupt "courthouse rings" machines and the populists who had fuelled Bryan's hegemony within the party and Northern immigrant workers, but even this core was radically different from the 19th century one in that the Northern contingent was increasingly made up of Jews, Poles, and other Eastern Europeans as opposed to being solely Irish.
These newer immigrants were not only more left-wing than a lot of their Irish antecedents, which created some tension with the white Southern delegation, but their very identity as Jews and Catholics were more "controversial" at a time when the revived Klan of the 1920s very much considered Jews, Catholics, and other "new immigrants" to be as much of a threat to their vision of an all-WASP America as non-white people. Hence why the Democratic Party divided around Al Smith.
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And then in 1936, the coalition expanded when African-American voters in the North shifted en masse into the Democratic Party and immediately began acting as a bloc to push for both an expansion of the New Deal and to shift the Democratic Party away from Jim Crow and toward civil rights. (This period of the "long civil rights movement" has been a particularly fruitful one for historians.) This coalition that included both black voters and their mortal enemies was always going to be an unstable one, although it did persist for many decades.
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However, in the decades since the 1990s, we've seen a partisan realignment that has made the American party system much more ideologically "compact" than it used to be - conservative white voters both in the South and the Midwest are now voting solidly Republican where they used to vote for conservative Democrats for Congress and local office, while college-educated voters are now voting much more Democratic than they were in the 1980s when there was still a lingering influence of the Rockefeller Republican.
That's not to say there's not internal negotiations within the party coalitions, but the divisions are much narrower than they used to be. Thus, a negotiation on a "Second New Deal" in the event of a Democratic trifecta would largely be between left-wing, liberal, and moderate Democrats - because there aren't really conservative Democrats any more. Similarly, the reverse on the Republican side would be between different flavors of right-wingers, because there aren't really any moderates or liberals left in the Republican coalition.
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dearweirdme · 11 months
Agree with anon, the fandom’s dismissal of Taekook/Taehyung is because there will never be official content of solely them. The blatant lack of them together to a lot of the fandom is the only reality, because they’re incapable of looking passed edited subtitles from the company. They’re seen as a taboo that when you DO get a moment shared (like JK’s listening party) they go out of their way to shut down shippers. Last year when someone spotted them arriving in Busan earlier than Jimin’s Bday, they were called liars, when someone spotted them at a beach in Busan after their concert, they were called a stalker. All of Taekook’s outings last year were seen as “privacy invasions” but for every other pair/member those rules never applied. That being said, if it’s for the sake of keeping their peace/protection I’ll never demand more. But it does suck that Taekookers know they’re the only people who care for them as a duo.
Hi anon!
Many people went along with the ‘drifted apart, things got awkward’ explanation. They don’t look past that, because people just tend to believe what companies and media tells us. To me the fact (and yes it’s a fact, it’s been layed out in ITS1) that Tae and Jk are the only members with a ‘not close’ narrative at one point, stands out as a red flag. A narrative like that, isn’t actually good for public perception. If something like that is actually the case, companies will usually bury it deep. A narrative like that opens up the path to rumors about tensions, about arguments, about splitting up.. and stuff like that is bad for business. It will effect the market if it gets too serious. So for BH to have actually addressed that in official content, was a very weird step. They way they did it though, was thought out. Because while addressing (explaining) weirdness between two members, at the same time they introduced Taekook 2.0.. ‘almost back to what it was, but not quite’. By having Tae and Jk appear all cuddly directly after the ITS talk, they squashed direct rumors about tension and whatnot. The whole thing was still harmful though, because Tae always gets the label about only wanting attention and Jk gets the label of not caring enough. Super sad.
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willfulabyss · 3 months
Before the new update drops, I might as well post my feelings about the 2.2 story because unless they retcon it, I don’t think 2.3 will (or can) rectify my issues with it. I took a long break halfway through the story before coming back to finish it, and while the second half did get better, it didn’t make up for how disappointing the first half was.
Tl;dr: Why did they bait us with an incredible 2.0 and 2.1 and then fail to deliver on what they built up?
Major 2.2 main story spoilers ahead!
First off, the Misha/Mikhail story. Was anyone else seriously disappointed with it? This is the main reason I put off finishing the quest for a few weeks. I was so disappointed and underwhelmed with how it panned out. After so much buildup, it fell completely flat for a number of reasons, the biggest being all the horror buildup with no horror payoff. Himeko cheerfully walks us through the literal hellscape that is A Child’s Dream, all-knowing for whatever reason, and then we learn that Misha is just the escaped memory bubble of Mikhail’s youth, and that Mikhail largely lived a fulfilling life? Like, I suspected Misha may be Mikhail just on account of their names. But if there wasn’t something nefarious going on, why on Earth is A Child’s Dream so terrifying? Why did Firefly feel “an unwavering resolution in the face of death” or whatever while we were there? Why was “Death” (which was also kind of a letdown as a ferryman to the other side rather than the embodiment of humans’ fear of death, as it was described in the special program) lurking in there while putting on a horror show with all the TVs and lights? What’s the deal with all the text that appears in Death’s horror room—“Penacony must save itself,” “no, don’t come close,” “get him,” “help me,” “don’t let him get away,” “I don’t want to die,” etc.? Why is there a woman’s voice saying, “Mikhail said… do NOT open the box!” shortly after we open the box containing Misha’s puzzle piece? What’s so dangerous about the box and why did Mikhail say not to open it when it seems like that’s what he wanted all along? That was even a clickable textbox line, not some background flavor dialogue! Why is Misha so distressed and terrified in his disembodied voice lines in the dream, begging Mikhail not to go and to take him with him? What was he trying to finish for Mikhail in the workshop? All this for the mystery to just be that Misha is a Memory Zone Meme who was never in distress at all?
I think I set myself up for disappointment by watching a bunch of streamers play the first two acts over and over before 2.2 came out. All the details I retained and tried to fit together and theorized over ended up being only the most disappointing red herrings. I was really hoping/expecting that Misha was going to be a The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas situation where the Dreamscape was powered solely on his suffering. Sparkle called it “the real Dreamscape,” so I was sure it was the single dream sustaining the entirety of the sweet dream and that it was collapsing because Misha’s will to live was fading. Maybe Misha was Mikhail, or maybe he was his grandson, but I had the idea that Mikhail being considered a traitor by the Family led to them using him/his grandson/his extracted childhood essence in Memory Zone Meme form as the foundation for the sweet dream as punishment. And if Mikhail was Misha’s grandfather, the Nameless distress call in the invite could have been Mikhail/an aware third party like Gallagher (don’t even get me started on him) trying to draw people in to rescue the fading Misha before he disappeared forever. Maybe Misha could have been merged with a Stellaron like us in order to power the dream, and he’s been “alive” for hundreds of years, unaging and suffering just to keep the sweet dream going. It would have been an interesting way to incorporate the Stellaron rather than having it just sort of being there. Or Misha could have been kept “alive” in a dream pool a la Chadwick (which would have been great foreshadowing). And only recently, he’s started to astral project himself out of the real Dreamscape in desperation to find help, but he forgets everything except his day-to-day life as a bellboy once he’s out (which is kind of what happened anyway). Ugh, I don’t know. I just feel like there was so much potential in the plot line, only for it to end up being something so mundane and weirdly wholesome. Like, if you’re not going to make it a horror plot, don’t do the horror setup just to leave those of us who really took to that element disappointed. It felt like a team of completely different writers took over for this plot, and they only had a cursory look at what was already presented. Or someone decided they wanted to tone down the story at the last minute. Just… so disappointing.
Also not sure how I feel about Dreamflux Reef being a community you can just… enter, apparently? Conceptually, I like the idea of “unauthorized” dreamscapes in Asdana where people have created their own cities and such outside the reach of the Family. But, like, how does that work when so many people were taken there against their will? Why didn’t they leave? Can they? Surely plenty of them would want to go back to their family and friends and not start a new life in this place. How did word never get out that the “victims” of Death were alive and well? What happened to their bodies in reality? Does the Family cremate them after a certain amount of time of them being gone, thus making it impossible for them to return? Also, Mimosa in Dreamjoy Memoir says Dreamflux Reef was her home town. How is SHE, an Iris family representative, aware of SUD’s true identity, but the head of the Oak Family isn’t?? Maybe this is explored in the lore and side quests, but I haven’t done those yet, and I can’t imagine a way they could write it at this point that wouldn’t feel like a cop-out. It just felt like such a gaping hole. It would have been much cooler, imo, if the people who were “killed” ended up having to form their own city there in the hopes of being rescued, truly making it a “land of exiles.” Also, now it feels like the victims of Death have no meaning or purpose. Was Death going rogue and just grabbing people randomly? Did Gallagher, who seems to be able to control it, set it on random people? If so, why? After how tight 2.0 and 2.1 were, the whole first half of 2.2 felt like a scattered mess. I hate how any sense of trepidation and unease is shattered by how chill March and Himeko are. Like there was never anything to be afraid of at all in the Dreamscape. They even make fun of that Pepeshi who was just taken, like, “Wow, bro, you actually got scared by that many-eyed thing that murdered you, lol?” It also makes the whole plot Aventurine concocted feel pointless despite how high-stakes it was portrayed in 2.1. In the end, Aventurine getting himself killed in the dream was meaningless because he didn’t figure anything out and ended up lost in god-knows-where until Argenti—for SOME reason—finds and saves him. Why was Argenti roaming the Memory Zone wilds?? How did he save Aventurine, who apparently couldn’t save himself? I love Argenti and want to see more of him, but why was he shoehorned into this quest?? Why couldn’t we at least see his rescue of Aventurine? We’re just told it so off-handedly that it gave me whiplash. (And his EN voice didn’t even work, which made it even more anticlimactic.)
The second half of the quest was better. The stuff with Acheron and Tiernan was legitimately the highlight for me. Very well-done, great buildup, and a payoff that I didn’t expect at all yet that made so much sense. The final reveal really hit hard. The fake-out ending, as frustrating and anxiety-inducing as it was to play through when there were so many loose threads left hanging, was a nice twist with many people having theorized beforehand that we never truly left the dream after we first met Acheron. Robin was cool, and I like the role she played as a foil to Sunday. I really liked her story of getting shot while doing aid work and putting on performances for people on war-torn worlds. It was a surprising example of emotional strength portrayed as, well, strength, and it aligns with her belief that not everyone can be physically strong, but that doesn’t mean they’re weak or that their lives have no meaning. I really appreciate the focus on this type of nontraditional and stereotypically “feminine” strength, which is often denigrated as emotionalism. Despite not being a fighter, Robin is an active participant in the plot after her first appearances makes her seem like she’s going to be a damsel, and I love that she’s the one who saves her brother in the end. I’m glad I pulled for her. I loved the twist with the Order since that lore has been explored in the SimUni already. Sunday’s motivation felt sort of cliche and underdeveloped—a five-year-old could have told him that the Order’s perfect world he desired could never function the way he anticipated—but it was workable. Hopefully we’ll get to see more of him soon and learn more about how his ideals became so warped. Directly following after Aventurine’s incredibly complex mix of stakes and motivations, Sunday’s felt particularly flat. It doesn’t seem like his story is nearly over yet, so I hope MHY doesn’t fumble it. Admittedly, I’ve lost a lot of trust in their storytelling abilities with this update.
All in all, I feel let down by this chapter in a number of ways when I really wanted to love it, mainly because of the Misha stuff but also because the Dreamflux Reef and SUD reveals took a lot of the stakes and tension out of the story for me. 2.2 feels like it wanted to soften the previous two chapters, and that’s honestly a shame. I’m not quite sure how I feel about the rest of the plot elements/story as a whole yet, though. I’ll need to watch it again to refresh my memory. 2.0 and 2.1 were tough acts to follow, and maybe I shouldn’t have expected something that perfectly wove everything together, but I still feel like a lot of momentum was lost and plot threads were dropped or unsatisfactorily tied when there were so many better options with what to do with them. At least it wasn’t as devastating to me as Genshin 3.3 was? Sigh.
time to write another fix-it—or rather “destroy-it” fic?
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tkblythofficial · 5 months
I'm here to offer tea in the name of 🍊 juice.
My friend did a new reading and here it goes:
About BB and T: She said she sees BB operating on a more noticeable level to try an regain T's attention because he's been drifting more and more as of late.
She also claims that BB is using his name as a way of gaining more fame for herself, and is truly bothered by T's friendship with R.
She says that BB has been gaining a more toxic aura about her lately and that she has tried to catch T in the act talking to R even going as far as reading his texts without his knowledge.
According to her, she perceived R as a threat from the get go for some reason and while R did try to form a bond, she couldn't and gave up on it all together because although she'll never admit it to herself, R didn't like how T's attention would be focused solely on BB while they hung out.
About J: My friend doesn't like him, she thinks he's shady and that's he doing something he shouldn't do, might even be talking to another woman behind R's back and to no one's surprise according to my friend she might be around 20 years old.
My friend also stated that R is for some reason worried about who's going to be the lead of FTA. When I asked why my friend started cackling and said it's because R is toxic and doesn't want to see T sharing any sort of connection with other actresses, that's quite possessive of him in general and doesn't like that another might have that so she's worrying over it.
Welcome back Tarot Orange and associate!
Is no one here normal? 😭 I thought BB was our last hope at normalcy but she’s just as crazy.
BB opening her account to get T’s attention and him pulling a reverse uno and unliking her pics 💀 what a mess. Men don’t like being boxed in or forced to do something so it makes sense.
Using T’s name for fame? I’m sorry but she’s a little stupid if that’s true. T doesn’t want to use his fame for himself, let alone her 😭 also she should’ve opened her account months ago to capitalize on his fame more
Reading his texts without his knowledge? Omg is it that serious? 💀 this is why an ultimatum never works. She’s doing all of this for him to talk to R anyway…and I can see her developing a toxic aura about this. It explains her strange behavior.
R not liking T’s attention on BB? The dinner party video is cursed. J was clueless, R was staring at T, T was smiling for the camera and BB was thirsty for his attention. Also Tarot 2.0 said a while ago that T saw no reason for R and BB to be friends and didn’t try to help cool down the situation lol. Is that true?
J sniffing after another young woman as R’s birthday draws near is so gross.
I can’t wait for Farewell actress to be announced. I’m glad Orange confirmed my suspicions. R is toxic now so imagine her toxicity when he’s preparing for this project with another actress.
Thank you :)
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angelwheat · 1 year
2.0, Primis "Tank" Dempsey; Random Headcanon
i think an awful lot about this man. i got carried away :p
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(All before the events of the Primis storyline)
For Dempsey, joining the Marines stemmed from a group idea amongst his high-school friends when they were roughly 16 or 17. Despite how they would banter and joke around as teens do, he and his friends had spoken about their futures, what they wanted to do, where they pictured themselves in 10 years, and such, when it was nearing the end of their high-school years.
Not all of them, but a few of his friends had the same idea as Dempsey to join the army, and they were adamant about signing up together. When Dempsey turned 18, he signed himself up for the army and told his friends right away. He was so happy with himself and couldn't wait to hear that his friends had done the same. They'd all get to stay together. Or so he thought..
But they didn't sign up. Even the ones that were adamant that they would were either discouraged by their family or talked themselves out of it in fear. It was like a kick in the gut for Dempsey. He was so certain that all of his friends would stay together as they got older. He cared a lot about them.
The time had come, and he was sent off for training. During that time, he seemed to forget about things as his focus was solely on his current job. But on the odd occasion, he'd have a moment to himself, and memories of his friends would flash in his mind. He pushed past it and carried on, but it all came flooding back to him when he had spent a good amount of time in the military and worked his way up the ranks.
Dempsey has never had loneliness strike him so hard in his life. Of course, he had met people along his journey and made a few friends during training and such, but eventually, those people were sent their own ways; typically stationed elsewhere, even out of the country. Dempsey thinks that he could have possibly stayed close with a few of his high-school friends if they had signed up like they promised. Now he's alone.
He gets along with people, but he struggles to get too friendly with anyone. He seems very quiet and reserved to an onlooker. He gets on with whatever he needs to do, and it stays that way. With the way his high-school friends turned their backs on him, had left Dempsey with some severe trust issues.
In some ways, he regretted his decision to join the Marines in the beginning, but he's never thrived so much in his life. He's proud of himself and how far he's come. He just wishes he could share his enthusiasm and success with his friends. Although, he does wonder where they all ended up. Did they all chase their dreams? Despite some of them sounding too farfetched. Dempsey had even met a girl before being sent off, and things were really friendly between them. He could tell she liked him too and had plans to ask her out, but one of his friends was competing with him to get her, and he seemed to back off thinking she was more interested in the other boy. Only now, he realises he is probably never going to see any of them again.
And that's why he feels an everlasting loneliness in his heart. He's never had to rely on anyone but himself since then. He's never trusted anyone the same, either. He developed an overly confident demeanour after all of this. It covers how he truly feels by being outgoing and friendly; like the life and soul of a party. But sometimes, he falls into this funk, and his loneliness truly shows when he seems distant and lost in thought. And if anyone asks him what's going on, he says he's just thinking. But the sadness in his eyes shows it all...
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A List of Ways in Which Adrien Agreste Was Wasted & Assassinated
–– Was treated as a mere sidekick despite the show being about both Ladybug and Cat Noir. Here's a chart made by @//shirabarchen1 on Twitter. It is not mine. It shows the screen time of Adrien, Marinette and the rest of the cast from season 1-3:
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(HUGEEEE shoutout to the og creator)
–– Was direcly and indirecly mocked by Ladybug and the show. His abilities were under appreciated, and at times were the subject of mean spirited jest.
This happened in the episodes: Timebreaker, Dark Cupid, The Puppeteer, Princess Fragrance, Despair Bear, Zombizou, Anansi, Style Queen, Malediktator, Chameleon, Gamer 2.0, Reflekdoll, Party Crasher, Ikari Gozen. That's a total of 14 episodes.
–– Ladybug is the only one who gets to meet up with Master Fu, give people Miraculouses and know their secret identities.
–– In season 4, when it was finally pointed out how Adrien is being left in the dark and is not an equal to Ladybug, his character was Assassinated. He became obsessive and controlling over Ladybug, when innocent lives were at stake. He was being unreasanble, when Akumas were on the loose. And his motivarions were rooted not from being mistreated, but from his selfish love from Ladybug. He acted entitled and arrogent at serious situations where innocent lives were at stake.
This happened in the episodes: Lies (explanation here), Sentibubbler, Glaciator 2 (by not moving on after dedicating a whole episode to it), Hack-San, Kuro Neko, Risk (explanation here), and in Stike back he gets a "heartwarming" scene comforting Ladybug.
–– Despite season 4 giving him an "arc", their screen time is still nowhere equal. Again using the chart by @//shirabarchen1:
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–– If you wanna make a point that in season 5 they were treated as equals (we're still not sure about screen time), this is just his lack of consequences from his embarrassing & negligent behavior in season 4. And the finale disproves this anyway. It did not get better in season 5.
–– In the two part finale of the arc that is completely centered arond his family, he was locked up in a room for no apparent reason.
–– The main antagonist for 5 seasons was his dad, and he never found out. Which is not only set up for his character that we have been waiting for for 8 years with no payoff, but it doesn't make sense. Wouldn't Ladybug tell Chat Noir who Hawk Moth was? She doesn't know he's Adrien.
–– Said villian's motivation was Adrien's mother's death. We don't see them reunite. And think of the situation from his pov. His mother was dead for a year, now she's back. What does he think happened? (Which also ties into my last point).
–– Was the subject of a cheap plot twist done solely for shock value that breaks continuity and doesn't enhance his character in any way. In fact, it might have made it worse. Why does he need a different motivation to not being able to confront his dad? It used to be a natural response to his trauma. Now that depth is stripped away except not really? It made his character really confusing. And this twist is contradicted by the show: 1) Adrien snuck out to school in civilian form in Origins, and 2) Wouldn't his dad feel his sentimonster suddenly disappear once in a while for 5 seasons? I can go on and on and on but I made my point.
–– He didn't discover he was a sentimonster. I don't care for "what he deserved". It's yet another example of the story taking Adrien and withholding a satisfying reveal/arc.
–– Even after 5 seasons Adrien is yet to crack 3 jokes (correct me if I'm wrong). The fact that Cat Noir is his true self remains very underdeveloped.
Before wrapping this up, I must voice a concern. In the first 5 seasons, the main conflict was about his family, now, in the next arc, the main conflict is about Lila – Marinette's enemy. If this is the treatment he got while the entire story revolves around him, what will happen when the story doesn't revlove around him? Now he has no connection to the main conflict. I am comcerned.
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bylertruther · 2 years
the mistake & the monster, a willel character study
it's so fascinating how will and el's role reversal in the narrative reinforces their negative self-image and keeps them from moving forward in their own stories. they're both stuck in time, specifically the day that will went missing, just as the upside down is.
will being thoroughly replaced by eleven in every aspect and made a secondary character in his own life story serves to make him feel like a mistake.
here's someone that looks like him, joined his party and later his family, and has been given everything that was once his, including his own feelings and gifts for his best friend that he knew and loved first, that she wouldn't have ever even met if not for him and the love mike had for him, and who ruined his life and gave him unimaginable trauma, and... he can't even do anything about it. he doesn't even allow himself to be mad anymore—he seethes, and he aches, and then he bottles it back up and tells himself he deserves it.
because she's eleven. their new mage. the superhero. the girl that saved their lives over and over again. his sister and his friend and a member of the party. a person that he loves, would do anything for, and wants only to be happy. and who is he to be anything other than grateful?
she's the better, new and improved version of him; an upgrade that does the saving instead of needing to be saved. if he wasn't a mistake, then wouldn't it be him? wouldn't he be the first choice as he once was? or, even just a choice at all? if he, as he is now, wasn’t a mistake... then wouldn’t they have let him back into their lives? wouldn’t his own life have allowed that?
eleven being forced to fill the voids of various men, forced or guided into bringing their ghosts back to life so that they can rewrite their rotten histories, and doing their bidding in isolation serves to make her feel like a monster.
brenner could not let go of henry, and so he molded eleven in his image, made her look for him, trained her to beat and surpass him, kept her in isolation and reliant solely on him so that she would not turn on him as henry did, and reared her to be a success so great that it would wash away his failure with henry. hopper could not let go of sarah, and so he projected his fears and trauma onto her. of course, eleven is being sought after by the government, so the isolation is in part understandable, but it's still not an ideal situation for either of them. she was not ready to be a caged animal again, going stir crazy with no answers and nothing but her memories warped by time, nostalgia, and loneliness, and the television to keep her company. he was not ready to be a parent either. he was still grieving, unsure of how to actually raise her, and so scared to lose her that he drove her away. again, similar to brenner with henry, hopper was trying to balm his fears and perceived failure with her. eleven still didn't know what it was to be a person—someone that has friends, talks to people, and likes things; all very basic components of being a human in society—because he was treating her like sarah 2.0 and his mini-me in some ways. as for mike... mike wants to feel and be safe. safe from monsters, bullies, and societal pressures. eleven is the superhero that consistently swoops in to save him, his loved ones, and the entire world from doom. she's the force that kept troy from hurting him when he stood up for will and that caught him when he stepped off the cliff after troy and james told him to. she's also the first ever “girl that’s not grossed out by [him]". people see them, think that they like each other, and push him in her direction. alas, there's his chance to prove that he's normal! that he's not a loser or a freak! he can get girls and people clearly think that he likes them, too, judging by how they've confused his kindness, consideration, and friendship for something romantic. she's his lifeline, his path to "normalcy" and "manhood". as was the case with hopper, this is a layered dynamic. they meet and bond due to trauma. mike finds her while looking for will and frequently says, in less affectionate words like "weapon", that they need her to accomplish their mission. they undoubtedly bond a bit in the few days that they know each other, but mike finds and keeps her because he wants will back and she's the only way to save him. at the end of season one, mike tells her that she can be his sister "once all this is over and will's back". it's only when she questions him on this, and thus reminds him of what everyone else has been saying, that he quickly backtracks. he can't explain romance to her, but he goes back to that role anyway, asks her to the snow ball, and kisses her. because, oh, right! everyone says that i like her, so clearly i do! nevermind the fact that when he's speaking uninhibitedly with her about their future, he describes a more familial relation and that he's been playing caregiver to her all season. and then... after promising her a family and a date, he watches her save their lives again and be terribly weakened by it, only to later get up to defend them from a big scary monster. then, when he steps forward to stop her, he watches her push him back and "die" saving their lives. mike is terrified of losing people. he's pressured by his family to grow up and be a man. he feels a personal responsibility to save everyone, despite being just a kid himself. he also feels that he's nothing special, just a random nerd that got lucky. eleven frees him from all of this. she's his "cure" and his "superman". it is a disservice to both of their characters to not acknowledge this and saying it doesn't detract from their relationship or how they feel about each other. it's just... what it is. eleven ticks all of his boxes: she's a savior, she makes him special, and she's proof that he's grown up. he doesn't want to lose her for a multitude of reasons, even if neither of them can or have given each other what they want and need. mike still views her as the girl he met in the woods and wants their relationship to remain as it was during those few days. eleven doesn't want this. she's outgrown that girl. she doesn't need him and she doesn't want to be seen through that lens anymore. she wants him to see her as she is now and love her for it. but... he doesn't, does he? he can't. he can't write it to her, he can't give her a card with those words on it, and he hasn't ever said it—not even when she sobs and begs him to. he doesn't, he can't, and he refuses to lie to her (until they believe that her life and the fate of the world literally depends on it).
mike's actions are not malicious. he can't help the way that he feels. he doesn't want to hurt her, but is in a position where he has no choice. no matter what he does, it'll hurt them both. it is hurting them both. and that's what makes this relationship particularly special: that they were both pushed into this, and that they are both aware that she cannot fill his void nor can he fill hers.
and so they are stuck hurting themselves and will, because unlike the other situations, this ghost is not a ghost. will is alive and well and actively wants his part in this story back.
having been removed from their triangle of lies, it seems that eleven is in a better place than them at the end of season four. she's gone on a journey and made steps; steps that seemingly lead her away from mike and the endless roles she's been thrust into, and into whoever it is that she is.
once the painting lie is revealed, i reckon it may even be the catalyst that slides everything into place for them all: that it was never meant to be her by mike's side, but will. (among other revelations, of course.)
there's a lot yet to resolve, but it seems that season five will help both will and eleven find their personhood.
eleven will know that she is more than what little the men before her have believed and shaped her to be, that she can be more than their ghosts and their failures, that she is a person worth knowing and loving all on her own, and that she is more than her might.
will will know that he is no mistake, that he does have a place in this world, that he isn't a burden to the ones he loves, that he has not been forgotten by them, that there is love for him worth fighting for, and that he is worthy and deserving just as he is and has always been.
their stories are about discovery and coming into one's own, and they cannot be decoupled. it's no mistake that as will begins to be more open about his feelings for mike and nears the role he once had in his life, that eleven begins to grow away from him and find herself. they're two sides of the same coin, twins that have been distorted by outside forces to fit into their false narratives.
that's what makes will feel like a mistake and what makes eleven feel like a monster, and it won't stop until they manage to break the cycle by saying "no".
no, i won't turn the other cheek and bite my tongue.
no, i won't be what you tell me to be.  
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a34trgv2 · 2 months
In Defense of Justin Bieber
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Among the many musical artists that are celebrated as icons in the eyes of the public, you'd be hard pressed to find one as divisive as Justin Bieber. Despite his immense popularity and devoted fanbase, critics and Internet users worldwide have been throwing harsh critiques and cringy memes at his expense since he rose to stardom. I've seen first hand how the fame and negativity surrounding Justin has afrected him, both physically and mentally. For this post that is about a decade late to the party, I'll be discussing why Justin Bieber is not just a talent musician, but is also a really good person deep down.
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In the mid to late 2000s, Justin was a talented kid from Ontario covering songs from the likes of Chris Brown, Ne-Yo, Usher, Alicia Keys, and Edwin McCain among others on his YouTube channel. He was discovered by his manager, Scooter Braun, and released hit after hit before he was even 15. In addition to having wonderful singing chops, Justin was very skilled on guitar, drums, and piano. Justin's musical prowess made him a local celebrity in his hometown of Stratford, but after releasing his debut single One Time, he was an international celebrity. It was with his debut album, My World 2.0, that he became a global phenomenon as it sold 283,000 copies in it's first week. The lead single, Baby, featuring rapper Ludacris, also became a smash hit with the accompanying music video raking in millions of views. All this is to say, Justin made it huge in the music industry, but unfortunately not everyone was happy about it.
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With the millions of fans Justin Bieber had, he also had just as many detractors. It'd be one thing if some people weren't a fan of his songs or thought his singing was adequate at best or even if they just brushed him off as a trend that would be forgotten about in a week and thought nothing of it. But oh how wrong I was for thinking we lived in a sensible society. The music video for Baby became the most disliked video on Youtube at the time and many comments were crude, nasty, unfunny, and hurtful. And that was tame compared to all the other stuff Justin had to go through for the next few years. He's had things thrown at him while performing, grown adults were making hit pieces and slams against him, and paparazzi were hounding him on his personal life. This was all done maliciously for the sole purpose of gaining clicks and 15 seconds of fame. None of these people ever took into consideration that Justin Bieber was still a child and all this negativity being thrown his way is gonna give him anxiety and depression.
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And what do you know?! THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT FREAKING HAPPENED!!! Yes, I'm well aware Justin did some stupid and irresponsible things during the 2010s, such as reckless driving, vandalism, DUI, and resisting arrest. All that said, though, the root problem with all of Justin Bieber's controversies was that he was L-O-N-E-L-Y! Imagine being one of the most recognized people in the world and not having any real friends to comfort you. Outside of immediate family, Justin had nobody, no one to vent his frustrations to. And he didn't try to hide the fact that he wasn't happy either. This was most evident in the song Where Are U Now, where the lyrics ask where the person he cared about is now that he's going through it. While the song had several other writers besides him, I think this was Justin's way of asking for help during the worst time in his life.
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The bulk of the blame for Justin Bieber's depression and anxiety should go squarely to his manager. Scooter Braun may have been instrumental with putting Justin on the map, but the way he handled Justin's career and his mental health was just despicable. Justin should've taking a hiatus after the My World Tour to recharge his batteries. Justin also should've been in therapy, spend as much time with his family as he wants, and have paparazzi be forbidden to take photos of Justin without going through security first. That would imply that Scooter was a good manager and not this generation's Col. Tom Parker. Yeah, that's how bad he is; Justin should've fired him years ago.
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Naysayers that think he's nothing but a teen heartthrob that swims in his riches like Scrouge McDuck clearly ignore his philanthropy and Christian upbringing. In 2011 he donated proceeds from his concerts to the Japanese Red Cross following the disastrous earthquake and tsunami of Tohoku. He's also a big supporter of Pencils 4 Promise, a charity that builds schools in developing countries. He was also one of 85 artists that participated in the We Are The World 25 For Haiti song that gave support to Haiti during their disastrous earthquake in 2010. He's also a big advocate for mental health (for obvious reasons), with his recent donation of $100k to Julie Coker, a fan that works in mental health awareness, as proof positive. Justin is a believer in God, though unlike religious nut jobs like Kirk Cameron, he doesn't shove his beliefs down people's throats. Rather he showcases his beliefs by example. He attends Churchrome, was baptized in Jesus' name in 2014, and led worship at SoFi Stadium with fellow Christian artists Kari Jobe and Cody Carns. As a fellow Christian who also struggles with anxiety and depression day by day, Justin has my respect for still being faithful even after everything that's happened to him.
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Justin Bieber isn't some privileged brat who let fame get to his head and destroy his mental health. He's an earnest young man from Ontario who had a passion for music, got his big break, and rode an emotional rollercoaster he was essentially forced on and is now suffering the long term consequences. Underneath the big name celebrity exterior is a good man who loves music, is a strong advocate for mental health, uses his platform to inspire others. Best of all he's married to a beautiful woman and is on his way to being a father. He definitely deserves to live a long and prosperous life, especially to see his child grow up and one day say, "My Dad is the greatest."
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Hi! You convey your thoughts so well that I wanted to ask you: what do you think about (chapter 48 summary spoilers because I don’t know if you’ve read it from Keru!!!) Ugetsu trying to help Mafuyu reconnect with Ue/music at syh’s show? At first Ugetsu’s energetic mission to get him there felt out of character for me, but I think it’s going to read differently seeing Ugetsu having moved on and moved forward with his life in growing outside of his own codependent relationship with Kaji.
Hello! Thank you for being patient, I am back! I personally think that mix_18/chapter 48 was done ✨~SUPERBLY~✨. @morievna captures it pretty perfectly in her meta on Mix 18. I believe that Ugetsu was very much in character and he is, as you said, displaying some differences due to his growth as a character.
GIVEN | Ugetsu 1.0 and 2.0 similarities and differences
Remember, Ugetsu and Mafuyu are 🎶MUSICAL MIRRORS 🎶  because they both use music as an outlet to express, understand their own AND other people's emotions. Ugetsu therefore knows that Mafuyu NEEDS to attend the SYH concert in order to know how he is feeling.
Ugetsu and Mafuyu's mentorship is mostly Ugetsu taking the lead to drive Mafuyu to confront music. So Ugetsu has always been quite energetic when it comes to talking to Mafuyu.
Code_16 Ugetsu 1.0
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Mix_17/Chapter 47 Ugetsu 2.0 👇
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However, the energetic attitude back then was laced with criticism and a bitter pain. His liveliness was lined with a sense of falsehood. We see that in Code_16/Chapter 16, Ugetsu 1.0 who organised the Tchaikovsky tickets for Mafuyu and Akihiko. However Ugetsu liked inspiring by showing Mafuyu how cool he was at the violin concert, he was hoping for Mafuyu to also join the "lonely genius bubble" club, to become like himself, to rely solely on music to process trauma and communicate with others to avoid difficult conversations.
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Mafuyu doesn't want to turn out like Ugetsu 1.0. And just like you said, having moved on and moved forward with his life in growing outside of his own codependent relationship with Kaji, Ugetsu 2.0 here realises that this
1. stagnation of feeling he has to choose between Akihiko and music 2. never properly communicated with Akihiko on how the other party was feeling
that led to their toxic relationship. Ugetsu smiles knowing that Mafuyu doesn't quite understand that yet. Then Ugetsu says,
"Either way, there is no going back for me."
and later on
"Didn't you pretty much neglect factoring what the other party thinks about this?
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Ugetsu is hoping that Mafuyu will learn in his own time that being in shutdown and avoid the other party will ultimately make Mafuyu end up like him. So it's not too late for Mafuyu and Uenoyama!
What Ugetsu 2.0 does differently is rather than showing off or critiquing, he tells Mafuyu:
how he is not great and still working on building his human relationships and taking care of himself
how he has no idea what the future holds, maybe he'll be in NY longterm, he doesn't know
shows vulnerability but is being a realist that he can't go back in time to change things with Akihiko.
What he demonstrates here is the imperfect humanness of being a professional musician. Professional musicians don't have certainty and don't have it all together. He is telling Mafuyu that uncertainty about life is perfectly normal. Ugetsu also knows that Mafuyu, just like himself, connect with others best through music. So if Mafuyu wants to figure his feelings and connect with Ue, he NEEDS to go to the concert. But Mafuyu is putting too much pressure on this event to give him complete clarity. Pre-debut and post-debut is still full on uncertainty. So why not just "learn more about it?" Why not just listen?
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I find it so funny that Mafuyu says "did you even hear me" because Ugetsu has been the best listener and actively doing something to help him. Ugetsu is still musically driving Mafuyu to confront music like before. However, he doesn't place himself on a pedestal for Mafuyu, or let Mafuyu process music on his own (like in CODE 17)
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or feed into the unhealthy mindset of the "lonely genius".
He holds Mafuyu's hand to face the music together.
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Just a sidenote but I LOVE that even though Ugetsu is running and leading Mafuyu, look at how gently he holds Mafuyu's wrist. 🥺 It's like he is holding a new violin bow, understanding how delicate Mafuyu's temperament is right now 😭😭😭
Also observe how tenderly and genuinely Ugetsu smiles now compared to before. It's now grounded in wisdom and self-reflection. Kudos Ugetsu 2.0 also being able to listen to Mafuyu talk about his issues while before, he tended to emotionally dump on Mafuyu about his own issues.
Of course what I love is that the crowd then separates the two and and Mafuyu is pushed further to the front. Ugetsu reassures Mafuyu that he is strong enough as an individual to face Uenoyama, paralleling the "It's okay" in Code_27 where Mafuyu first said to him that he is strong enough as an individual to face a life without Akihiko.
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To summarise, Ugetsu in my opinion was very much in character and displayed tremendous growth. We can all learn from Ugetsu:
Face changes in life with vigour and keep facing it despite feeling scared, uncertain and unclear. Change is just a fact of life. Avoidance, rumination and stagnation makes things worse.
If you like what you read, all I post is basically Given analysis content!
Masterlist of my Given Metas
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Full Timeline for Seasons 1-5 + Specials
Season 1 September
Monday, September 1 - Origins Part 1 (Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Wednesday, September 3 - Origins Part 2 (Stoneheart)
Saturday, September 6 - Stormy Weather
Tuesday, September 9 - Bubbler (Adrien’s Birthday [14 - 15])
Thursday, September 11 - Lady Wifi
Friday, September 12 - Copycat
Sunday, September 14 - Pharoah
Wednesday, September 17 - Gamer
Friday, September 19 - Rogercop
Monday, September 22 - Mr. Pigeon
Thursday, September 25 - Animan
Saturday, September 27 - Timebreaker (Alix Birthday [15 - 16])
Tuesday, September 30 - Dark Cupid October Friday, October 3 - Evillustrator (Nathaniel’s Birthday [15-16]
Sunday, October 5 - The Mime
Thursday, October 9 - Juleka and Luka Birthday, 15 - 16
Friday, October 10 - Horrificator
Monday, October 13 - Pixelator
Wednesday, October 15 - Guitar Villain
Saturday, October 18 - Kung Food
Friday, October 24 - Darkblade
Tuesday, October 28 - Reflekta November Saturday, November 1 - Puppeteer
Sunday, November 2 - Simon Says
Monday, November 3 - Vanisher and Antibug
Thursday, November 6 - Volpina Season 2 Friday, November 7 - The Collector
Sunday, November 9 - Prime Queen
Tuesday, November 11 - Despair Bear
Thursday, November 13 - Riposte
Saturday, November 15 - Captain Hardrock
Sunday, November 16 - Glaciator
Friday, November 20 - Sapotis
Sunday, November 22 - Dark Owl
Tuesday, November 24 - Gigantitan
Thursday, November 27 - Robustus
Saturday, November 29 - Syren
Wednesday, December 3 - Frozer
Tuesday, December 9 - Zombizou
Friday, December 12 - Sunday, January 4 - Winter Break
Sunday, December 14 - Troublemaker
Tuesday, December 16 - Gorizilla Friday, December 19 - Befana, (Marinette’s Birthday, [14 - 15])
Wednesday, December 24 - Santa Claws
Thursday, December, 25 - Thursday January 1 - Christmas Truce January Friday, January 2 - Frighteningale
Monday, January 5 - School Starts Again.
Thursday, January 8 - Queen’s Battle Starts, Audrey Arrives, (Maybe Zoe If I Choose For Her To Appear Early)
Friday, January 9 - Sole Crusher (If I Have Zoe Arrive Early)
Saturday, January 10 - Style Queen and Queen Wasp
Monday, January 12 - Malediktator
Thursday, January 15 - Chloe’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Sunday, January 18 - Anansi
Wednesday, January 23 - Reverser
Sunday, January 25 - Sandboy
Friday, January 30 - Heroes Day - Catalyst and Mayura Season 3 February Saturday, January 31 - Saturday, February 7 - Week Long Heroes Day Holiday
Monday, February 8 - Chameleon
Saturday, February 14 - Bakerix - (Tom’s Birthday)
Wednesday, February 18 - Weredad
Saturday, February 21 - Backwarder
Sunday, February 22 - Christmaster
Tuesday, February 24 - Reflekdoll
Saturday, February 28 - Animaestro March Friday, March 6 - Oblivio
Sunday, March 8 - Silencer
Tuesday, March 10 - Marc’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Thursday, March 12 - Oni-chan
Monday, March 18 - Miraculer
Wednesday, March 20 - Startrain
Friday, March 22 - Stormy Weather 2
Sunday, March 24 - Desperada
Friday, March 27 - Kwamibuster April Saturday, April 4 - Feast
Friday, April 10 - Gamer 2.0
Saturday, April 11 - Max’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Sunday, April 12 - Timetagger
Thursday, April 17 - Ikari Gozen
Saturday, April 18 - Puppeteer 2
Sunday, April 19 - Party Crasher
Sunday, April 26 - Felix - Date Adrien’s Mom Vanished May
Saturday, May 2 - Saint Athanase Day/Chat Blanc
Thursday, May 7 - Ladybug
Sunday, May 10 - Lila’s Birthday (16 - 17)
Saturday, May 16 - Battle For The Miraculous - Heart Hunter and Miracle Queen
Thursday, May 28 - Sabrina’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Saturday, May 30 - Sunday, August 30 - Summer Vacation Specials June Monday, June 1 - Monday, June 8 - New York Friendship Week/Miraculous New York Special
Wednesday, June 10 - Kagami’s Birthday (16 - 17)
Sunday, June 14 - Mylene’s Birthday (15 - 16) July Sunday, July 5 - Sunday, July 12 - Marinette Visits Shanghai/Miraculous Shanghai Special
Wednesday, July 15 - Nino’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Saturday, July 18 - Rose’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Saturday, July 25 - Kim’s Birthday (15 - 16) August Saturday, August 8 - Saturday, August 22 - Miraculous Paris Special Wednesday, August 26 - Alya’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Saturday, August 29 - Ivan’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Saturday, May 30 - Sunday, August 30 - Summer Vacation
Monday, August 31 - New School Year Starts
Season 4 September
Saturday, September 5 - Truth and Lies.
Monday, September 7 - Gang of Secrets
Wednesday, September 9 - Adrien Birthday (15 - 16)
Friday, September 11 - Mr. Pigeon 72
Sunday, September 13 - Psychomedian
Wednesday, September 16 - Furious Fu
Friday, September 18 - Sole Crusher
Thursday, September 24 - Queen Banana
Sunday, September 27 - Alix Birthday (16 - 17)
Tuesday, September 29 - Gabriel Agreste October
Friday, October 2 - Mega Leech
Sunday, October 4 - Nathaniel’s Birthday (16 - 17)
Wednesday, October 7 - Guiltrip
Friday, October 9 - Crocoduel (Luka and Juleka Birthday [16 - 17])
Saturday, October 10 - Optigami
Sunday, October 11 - Sentibubbler
Wednesday, October 14 - Glaciator 2
Tuesday, October 22 - Rocketear
Friday, October 23 - Wishmaker
Sunday, October 25 - Simpleman
Friday, October 30 - Quilin
Saturday, October 31 - Dearest Family November Saturday, November 7 - Moolak/Ephemeral
Saturday, November 14 - Kuro Neko
Friday, November 20 - Penalty/Penalteam
Sunday, November 22 - Zoe’s Birthday (15 - 16)
Thursday November 26 11:00 PM - Friday November 27 5:00 PM - Risk
Friday, November 27 5:00 PM - Friday, November 27 11:00 PM - Strikeback
Season 5 Friday, November 27 11:30 PM - Evolution/Bunnix
Friday, November 27 11:30 PM - Saturday, November 28 3:00 AM - Destruction/Monarch
Monday, November 30 - Multiplication/Ikari Dozen December Saturday, December 5 - Jubilation/Darker Owl
Monday, December 7 - Illusion/The Collector 3?
Friday, December 11 - Sunday, January 3 - Winter Break
Saturday, December 12 - Determination/Manipula
Friday, December 18 - Passion/Safari
Saturday, December 19 - Marinette Birthday (15 - 16)
Wednesday, December 23 - Reunion/Pharoah 2
Friday, December 25 - Friday, January 1 - Christmas Truce
January Saturday, January 2 - Exaltation/Glaciator 3
Sunday, January 9 - Transmission/Kikou
Monday, January 10 - Deflagration/Scarabella and Kitty Noire
Wednesday, January 13 - Perfection/Ryukomori
Friday, January 15 - Chloe’s Birthday (16 - 17)
Saturday, January 16 - Migration/Gold Record
Sunday, January 17 - Derision/Dark Humor
Monday, January 18 - Intuition/Bugfighter
Tuesday, January 19 - Action/King Of Plastic
Thursday, January 21 - Protection/Riposte Prime
Friday, January 22 - Adoration/Vanisher 2
Saturday, January 23 - Emotion/Argos
Sunday, January 24 - Pretension/Matagi Gozen
Wednesday, January 27 - Revelation/Hoaxer
Thursday, January 28 - Confrontation/Reflekta 4
Friday, January 29 - Collusion/Sans-Culotte
Saturday, January 30 - Revolution/Queen Mayor
Sunday, January 31 - Representation/Nightormentor. 1 Week Before Monarch/Gabriel Dies. Therapy/Miraculize App Is Installed Onto Alliance Rings
February Sunday, February 7 - The Last Day: Conformation/The Miraculized and Re-Creation/Bug Noire
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teamoon7 · 4 months
Which episodes from canon are you removing from your AU?
Well... I have 2 main lists of episodes I want to remove:
Episodes I'm pretty sure (by now) I'm going to remove: Robustus (the implications of AIs being able to be akumatized is not something I want to work on), Gigantitan, Animaestro, Chris Master, Oblivio, Gamer 2.0 (I really like the akuma dynamic but I don't want to use the same akuma again for most cases), Stormy Weather 2, Time Tagger (definitely no time travel here), Puppeteer 2, Party Crasher, Oblivio, Efemeral, Chat Blanc (I also don't want to do what if episodes. But I really like chat blanc's concept, so I'm still unsure about adding him somewhere else or not), Sole crusher, queen banana, hack-san, simpleman, dearest family, penalteam, Evolution, determination and revolution (And basically every special like NY etc)
Episodes I'm still unsure about removing or not: Copycat, Animam (I'll likely remove these 2), the pharaoh, horrificator, guitar villain, pixelator, princess fragrance, glaciator (I just hate Andre too much...), frozer, bakerix, reflekdoll, startrain, kwami buster, feast, ladybug, heart hunter and miracle queen, Mr pigeon 72, furious Fu, mega leech, guiltrip, crocoduel, glaciator 2, qilin, juro neko, and most of season 3 (except for destruction, passion, exaltation, kwamis choice and emotion)
BUT, tbh, not only those lists can change VERY much, but that also doesn't mean that I'm going to delete the whole plot of those episodes. The thing is:
1- There are many episodes that I'm going to keep the basic premise, but change most of the stuff that happens in them (for example: I plan to keep the episode "Kung food", but only the premise of "marinette's uncle gets akumatized because of a chef competition". Everything else that happens- such as Chloe being the judge- will likely change to a different plot). That means that many episodes that I plan to "remove" are just going to be given new plotlines to their basic premises. The opposite is also true- maybe there's a specific plot that happens in the episode (that isn't necessarily part of the "main plot"- or at least of what occupies most part of the episode, like the akuma) that I want to keep, BUT since the rest is either not interesting to me or simply wouldn't work in the AU, I'll just change the episode where this plotline happens (Example: though I'm removing Sole crusher, I'm not removing Zoe as a character- I'm just putting her introduction somewhere else) to other episode.
And 2- Originally, I wanted to remove as many episodes as I could so I wouldn't have to work with episodes that I considered to be "filler", that didn't have many events that progressed the narrative or the character growth. But, at this point, I've written so many stuff (and specially stuff that deviates from canon) that I honestly need to have episodes to include theses plots LOL, so I'll probably use some basic stuff of the episodes I was planning to remove (like some akumatized villains) to add these plots (and the AU is probably gonna be way bigger than I originally wanted to, lol).
Anyways, in summary, removing an episode does not mean removing a storyline (and vice versa). For every episode I want to remove, I have a list with the plots I want to keep and things that could give me new ideas (even from medias that mostly don't affect canon like the special episodes, even the PS5 game has stuff that I want to either keep or adapt lmao).
So, although those are the episodes I plan to remove at the moment, I think asking if I'm going to keep or remove a specific storyline would give a more precise answer in general.
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berryzawati · 1 year
Variant Dungeon Wishlist
Ever since the introduction of Variant dungeons I’ve been thinking about which places we could visit in the future and which npcs could accompany the wol.
Personally there’s still a lot of places I wanna visit in the future and so many characters I wanna spend time with, so I made a little list of npcs with whom we could run future variant dungeons with:
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Lyse (& alternatively Raubahn)
I wanna see more of Gyr Abania and Ala Mhigo. It is my favorite place in all of Eorzea and Ala Mhigo always gets shafted by the devs and fandom. Because of that I’m itching to learn more lore and this type of content would be the perfect opportunity to do just that.
Because of my wol’s lore I’ve taken a great interest in the monk job lore and the Fist of Rhalgr, so if there’s an aspect of Ala Mhigan culture I’d choose for a Variant Dungeon it’d be monk lore. Though because I feel Ala Mhigo got the shorter end of the stick I’d take anything. I’m also up for more Lyse lore and maybe M’naago makes an appearance in the notes?
The sole reason why I want to run a Variant Dungeon with Kan-E-Senna is because this could be another opportunity to learn more about Gelmorra. Gelmorra was a focus in FFXIV 1.0 with its various locations (including unfinished dungeons!) but has been shafted in favor for Allag since 2.0.
The only times we get to see parts of Gelmorra are during Tam-Tara (which was about the Lambs of Dalamud), Toto-Rak and the Palace of the Dead. None of these instances focus on the culture of Gelmorra and the details as to how the Duskwight Elezen and Wildwood Elezen started to live apart.
And since Duskwight Elezen are extremely underrepresented, it is only fair to at least give their home another try. Kan-E-Senna is not an Elezen and theoretically be a neutral party in this conflict. That is if the dev team ever wants to write about Gridania’s political problems…
(Besides, I like Kan-E-Senna, she needs more screentime in this game…)
Honestly I just want more Aymeric screentime, no matter how. I don’t mind either staying in Coerthas or Dravania but if we do, I’d want to explore new aspects of these places. I’ve personally have my fill of the thousand year war against the dragons and I’d rather see something new. And a new private side of our lord commander! Possibly a look at his cat? Who knows!
I wanna learn more about Garlemald, especially the Garlemald before Zenos and Fandaniel destroyed everything there. Alternatively I’d love to learn more about the Garleans before the founding of the Garlean Empire. The Garlean race has lived in Goug as well as Corvus, I’d love to learn more about their lifestyles from way back then.
But personally I’m also a huge sucker for Maxima and I wanna spend more time with him…
I wanna see more Far Eastern place and I love Yugiri! And I wanna visit a ninja village! Yugiri is a ninja, so she’d be the perfect candidate. I want to learn more about the ninja of Doma and frankly this is just me hoping to see Oboro, Tsubame and Karasu again.
Alternatively we could learn more about Sui-no-Sato again? The lives of the people there are extremely fascinating to me and Shisui was such a stunning dungeon. Wouldn’t mind seeing something like this again.
On a last note… It seems only people who only appeared in the msq are qualified for variant dungeons but I’d also would love to see other characters too like job quest characters or characters you meet during raid content like Mikoto from the Ivalice raids and Bozja but for that she has to appear in the main story first, it seems… that makes sense but my heart is still a little broken lol
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