#Sometimes I forget some people are like actually religiously Christian on this website
Lowkey uncomfortable with strangers who Actually worship J*sus following me but I think they came for the toki pona and not for being appropriative or proselytizing so unless they misbehave they may stay
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catherindonald · 5 years
Spring Holidays: Imbolc & How To Celebrate This Old World Festival
According to the Old World Celtic calendar, February 1st (and sometimes the 2nd) marks the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and August 1st (and sometimes the 2nd) is the first day of spring in the Southern Hemisphere, and this day is known by a few different names. 
Imbolc, Candlemas, and Groundhog’s Day??
The pagan Celts call this day Imbolc, and it is one of the four fire festivals representing the beginning of each season—Imbolc marking the beginning of spring. This festival was also the time when the Celtic people honor Brighid, the goddess of fertility, handicrafts, and dairy work and keeper of the home and hearth.
After Christianity came to the Celts of Ireland via St. Patrick, converted pagans wanted to continue celebrating their seasonal holidays, so the names of the holidays were changed to Christian names and saints of the Christian faith were worshiped instead of the traditional pagan gods and goddesses. Imbolc was changed to Candlemas, a feast celebrating the presentation of Jesus Christ at the temple as well as the purification of his mother, Mary. In the Christian faith, the focus was taken off of the goddess Brighid and placed on St. Brigid, the Irish nun who devoted her life to the people of Ireland and is often referred to as Saint Brigid’s Day in her honor. 
In America, we celebrate Groundhogs Day on February 1st or 2nd. This is a fun tradition that is used to “predict” whether we will have six more weeks of winter or if spring is on its way. Interestingly enough, this tradition actually has pagan Celtic roots. On Imbolc, it was believed that if the weather was nice, then a creature of Irish folklore, the Cailleach, would go out and collect all the wood available because more winter was to come. However, if the day was wet and windy, the Cailleach would stay inside and sleep and warm weather would be on its way. Hmm…
Today, you will hear this day called by all of the above names depending on who’s using it. 
So is Imbolc or Candlemas a Religious Holiday? 
Well, sort of, but it doesn’t have to be.
I’m not pagan, but I do have a variety of Celtic ancestry. I’m not Catholic, but I am of the Christian faith and have some close Catholic friends. I am American, but I don’t put much stock in whether or not a groundhog sees his shadow or not.
To me, this day represents more of a seasonal holiday than a religious holiday, but if I were pagan, Catholic, or superstitious, then I guess I would celebrate it from a seasonal and religious viewpoint, which I’ll talk even more about below. Alas, because I am none of the above (well, I may be a little superstitious!), I like to think of it as the first of the spring holidays. As far as what to call it goes, I usually call it Imbolc since that’s what it was first known by.
Seasonal Living & What The Beginning of Spring Represents
So why does Imbolc matter to those of us who try to live seasonally?
Well, first, we must understand what Imbolc represents which is the end of winter’s dark, cold days and the coming of light and warmer weather. The time of rest and renewal has passed, and now we must resume our active lives. Imbolc also represents new life as this is the time of year when flowers begin to burst forth from the earth and many animals give birth to spring babies.
At this time of the year, the days begin to warm, the hibernating animals begin to wake from their winter sleep, and the spring bulbs start to pop from the soil slowly filling the brown landscape with their colors. It’s a hopeful time of year!
Imbolc Traditions
Imbolc is traditionally celebrated with fire and light. People would burn fires in the hearth or keep candles lit all through the night. Pagan Celts believed that the goddess Brighid would come to visit in the night blessing them with prosperity and protection. Likewise, converted Celts believed St. Brigid’s spirit would come to bless and protect them. Some people would make dolls out of rushes (called a Brideog), dress them in white dresses with flowers in their hair, and put them in a basket or a makeshift bed near the fire. Others would take rushes, tie them together, and hang at the entrance to the home. Some people would even leave coins, cloth, and other items out to be blessed, and others would make beds by the fire so she would have a place to rest. These and many other old traditions were observed on this festive day.
So how can someone interested in seasonal living celebrate this first day of spring while honoring the traditions of the past if they choose? Here are # ideas to help you if you choose to celebrate Imbolc or Candlemas, no matter what your religious beliefs are.
7 Imbolc Traditions To Celebrate This Year
1. Build A Fire
As I mentioned above, Imbolc is one of the ancient fire festivals that marks the beginning of each season, so what better way to celebrate the significance of this day than by starting a fire. Starting a fire in the fireplace or woodstove will be more in line with ancient traditions, but if you don’t have access to a hearth or stove, you can light lanterns or candles in your home.
Don’t forget to say this little blessing over your home as you do:
Hearth and home, home and hearth, welcoming close our family and friends. Home and hearth, hearth and home, the light returns as winter ends.
2. Make St. Brigid’s Crosses & Brighid Dolls
St. Brigid’s Crosses and Brighid Dolls are common crafts that are made and placed in the home on Candlemas or Imbolc. Here is a St. Brigid’s Cross YouTube tutorial that will show you how to make them. When it comes to making St. Brigid’s Crosses, you can make them with anything. You don’t have to have rushes! You can make them out of strips of paper, pipe cleaners, straws, or other types of grass. Hang these in your home to symbolize the blessing of the home. 
Here’s a Brigid Doll YouTube tutorial that is really easy to make. Your kids can play with these, set them up in their rooms, or place them in baskets in the kitchen or near the stove (not too close though!) to honor St. Brigid.
3. Eat Symbolic Foods
If you’re looking for symbolic foods that represent traditional festivals and holidays, Gather Victoria is THE website to visit. If you’re looking for some special foods to celebrate Imbolc or St. Brigid’s Day, check out these recipes for inspiration: lavender and rosemary seed cake, rosemary oat bannock, lavender tea milk, and these rosemary and lavender lemon curd tassies. 
4. Take a Milk Bath
The goddess Brighid is associated with dairy as is the increase of new births during spring and the resulting mother’s milk that follows. New birth is more than humans and animals. New plants emerge from the soil and sap and nutrients begin to flow through trunks, stems, and branches. For that reason, bathing Cleopatra-style in a milk bath is the perfect activity on Imbolc. This layered wintery milk bath by the oh-so-creative Miss Wondersmith is my go-to!
5. Research the Jewish Tradition of Purification and Presenting Children at the Temple
Curious about the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin or the Presentation of Jesus Christ? If so, do an online search about these Jewish traditions and find out why they are important to Jews and Christians and how they are celebrated in modern times.
6. Start Seeds or Make DIY Seed Bombs
Imbolc is THE time to start seeds indoors so you have seedlings ready when the fear of frost has passed. So grab your seed trays and seed starting soil or some peat pellets, purchase your favorite seeds, gather your heat mats and grow lights (or head to the greenhouse), and get to planting those seeds! If starting seeds isn’t for you, try your hand at making seed paper. Here’s a great seed bomb YouTube tutorial on how to do it with minimal supplies.
7. Predict the Weather
You don’t have to have a groundhog to try your hand at predicting the coming weather. Just head outside to see what the weather is like. If it’s sunny, chances are there are six more weeks of winter weather ahead, but if it’s cloudy, warm spring weather is just around the corner. You can even make this a fun activity by having everyone write their weather predictions down on paper. After four weeks or so, read everyone’s predictions and see who was right.
So now you know all about the spring holiday known as Imbolc, Candlemas, and St. Brigid’s Day. Are you interested in living a more seasonally aligned lifestyle? If so, how will you celebrate this spring holiday this year? Share your thoughts and plans with me in the comments below.
Let me wish you a lovely February and spring season with your friends and family. May your hearth, home, and health be blessed, may your cup overflow, and may your world be filled with warmth, light, and color over the coming months! God bless, friends.
The post Spring Holidays: Imbolc & How To Celebrate This Old World Festival appeared first on Growing Up Herbal.
Spring Holidays: Imbolc & How To Celebrate This Old World Festival published first on https://marcuskeever.blogspot.com/
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1-55 Because Karma. Also 56. How much do you love me?
1.Kissed a girl? Yes quite a few
2.Kissed a boy? Also quite a few unfortunately (not nearly as much i’ve kissed girls tho)
3.Had sex in public? Yeah I actually really enjoy it lol
4.What’s your religion? I’m not religious, but spiritually I believe in reincarnation and in the collective conscious and probably some form of higher power (but definitely not any version of god(s) that exists in the mainstream)
5.What does your URL mean? I changed my url because I realized that no matter what I put my URL to, it’s always going to be the impression I am trying to give to other people about who I am and who I want to be, but not necessarily who I actually am. So this was the only url that felt fitting after that.
6.Reason you joined tumblr? I really couldn’t even tell you, just one day this hellsite became my life. it was back when making a post looked like you were coding a website or sending an email lol
7.Do you have any nicknames? Yeah I have a lot, (my real name is Gabrielle for anyone who doesn’t know) Gabby (obviously, but I do hate it), Gibbs, Gibby, Goob, Goober, Dabrielle, Angel Pants ;), bitch, hey ugly, dumb slut, Miss Gabrielle, among others
8.Do you like bubble bath? I FUCKINg LOVE THEM
9.Kissed in the rain? I don’t remember but I’m sure it’s happened
10.Dyed your hair? Yeah I’ve dyed it black quite a few times, when i was 15 I had blue underneath and black on top
11.Soup or salad? Soup, in a sourdough bread bowl
12.Vegetable or meat? vegetable
13.Go out drinking? Sometimes
14.Smoke cigarettes? not often but sometimes
15.Smoke weed? fuck that entirely lol
16.Do any hard drugs? I’ve done mushrooms, MDMA, MDA, and cocaine
17.Have you had sex today? Not today no 
18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Yes quite a bit lol
19.The relationship between you and the person you last texted? My mom so quite alright relationship?
20.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yes probably too much, I actually almost find it annoying? 
21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game? You just described the entirety of my high school career
22.Tried to commit suicide? Yeah I swallowed a bottle of pills when I was 13
23.The last time you felt broken? Shortly after Christmas, but before new year
24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt? I wear my heart on my sleeve but I lie to my family about not being Christian because I know it makes them happier to think I am and it doesn’t matter to me enough to fight about it
25.Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend? no
26.Do you have Long hair OR short hair? I have very long hair (belly button length)
27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl? Usually their hair, their nose, and their eyebrows
28.Do you sing in the shower? yes
29.Do you dance in the car? if by dance you mean wiggle to da beat, yes
30.Where were you yesterday? at my house all day because of the storm
31.Ever used a bow and arrow? Yep it’s one of my hobbies!
32.Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? My senior photos I believe
33.Do you think musicals are cheesy? Usually yes unless they’re well executed *cough* chicago *cough*
34.Is Christmas stressful? Not for me lol
35.Favorite type of fruit pie?  pumpkin
36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? already answered
37.Do you believe in ghosts? I want to, but no
38.Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? ALL THE TIME D:
39.Take a vitamin daily? I take D3, B12, Biotin (B7), and C daily
40.Wear slippers? I do I have a nice little black pair of $1 Ikea slippers
41.Wear a bath robe? Nope I don’t really like them, maybe if I had a silk one, but not the cheap shitty ones everyone buys
42.What do you wear to bed? Usually whatever clothes I spent the day in, I take my bra off tho, and try to remember to change into pj pants but i usually forget
43.Do you want to get married? answered
44.Can you curl your tongue? YEET i can do a lot of things with my tongue ;)
Relationship preference:
45.How many relationships have you had? Serious relationships I’ve had like... 1 1/2. Non-serious I’ve had like 11? they were mostly impulsive flings during middle and high school lol. Since I graduated high school I’ve been in 2, one was 15 months and one was 6 months.
46.How can I win your heart? You already got it little dykeeee
47.what makes a great relationship? good communication and a little spice
48.Shy OR open? Either, I prefer open though I suppose
50.Religious OR non-religious? Non religious, but spiritual
51.Caring OR non-restricting of you? As long as the caring isn’t coming from a place of insecurity it shouldn’t feel restricting anyways
52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge? non-straight edge honestly, or if they are straight edge, if they had done things in the past. I feel like drugs open the mind idk.
53.Piercings OR no piercings? piercings
54.Tattoos OR no tattoos? tattoos
55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type? party as long as they have a sense of self control
56.How much do you love me? enough to bust out my laptop to do all these and not even complain lmao
thanks for even sending this though honestly kinda enjoyed it even though it took ages
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thesilverwitch · 7 years
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Symbols are constantly recycled in society and religion. Their meanings evolve over time and can differ from belief system to belief system. A pentacle/pentagram is one of those symbols that has picked up a whole lot of baggage over the years. Beginner Wiccans often come to our religion having to ‘reprogram’ their own way of thinking about the pentagram. For years, pop culture, media hysteria and other religions have drilled the idea into our heads that Pagan symbols are bad, and the pentagram is evil.
Unfortunately, in a lot of books aimed at Wicca for beginners, more misinformation about the pentagram is spread. This time, it errs on the side of trying to make the pentagram look good, attaching to it all kinds of romanticized ideas that are just not factual.
What is a pentagram? What is a pentacle? Is there a difference? Let’s have a closer look at the history of this symbol, and the meaning of the pentagram today.
A good place to begin anytime you’re trying to understand a word and its usage is to hit the dictionary and look up the entomology of the word. The word pentagram is rooted in the Greek.
Instead of giving you my own interpretations, I’ll take the meaning directly from the dictionary:
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The earliest use of the pentagram we know of is from ancient Sumeria-- but it wasn't a religious Pagan symbol. It was a word in their language that meant a corner or angle (due to the 5 sharp angles in the figure).
In the 6th century BCE, Pherecydes of Syros used it to illustrate the five recesses of the cosmology. Pentagram figures occasionally turned up in the far East as well, due to the 5 Chinese elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water.
Pythagoras went on to use the pentagram as the symbol of man. Partly it was because the shape represented a human standing with his arms spread wide (the top point being the head, the to outer points the arms, and the bottom two points the legs). It was also considered to represent the 5 elements that the Greeks believed made up the physical body: Earth (matter), Air (breath), Fire (energy), Water (fluids) and Aether (the psyche or soul). When Pythagoras’ school was driven underground, students used the pentagram as a secret symbol to identify each other.
In ancient Judaism it was a symbol found in mysticism, related to the top portion of the Tree of Life in the Kabbalah, it stood for the 5 books of the Torah (what Christians refer to as the Pentateuch in the Old Testament of the Bible) and the symbol was featured in a seal representing the secret names of God.
Early Christians into the middle ages used the pentagram heavily as a symbol for Christ’s five wounds. The star of Bethlehem that lead the wise men to the baby Jesus was believed to be the pentagram. In Authorial legends, you’ll often see the symbol of the Pentagram inscribed on knight’s shields and other things—these were actually Christian, not Pagan, references. Christians thought of the pentagram as a protective amulet, and it was the primary symbol of Christianity back then, even more common than the cross.
So the pentagram had a long, ancient history of uses as a Pagan symbol and Judeo-Christian symbol. It had no single meaning. It represented perfection in mathematics, the human body, words, and was also used in religious ritual and magic.
So I’ve mentioned that just about everyone had used the pentagram back then, except I haven’t mentioned Witches, Wiccans and Satanists. What about them?
The fact is, they didn’t really exist yet. The only “witches” at the time were the kind of folklore and rumor. Oh, don’t get me wrong—there were people who did magick, but they would not have identified with the term “witch”.
The 14th and 15th century saw the rise of occult practices that were rooted in Judeo-Christian symbolism and mysticism, and they borrowed liberally from many of the symbols, including the pentagram. They also borrowed from Gnostic and Paganism symbols. It’s no small surprise Ceremonial Magicians were accused by the Christian church of heresy. And heresy, to a medieval Christian, barrels down to Paganism, Satan worship and witchcraft.
Anything liberally used by Ceremonial Magicians became associated with anything considered heretical. If you don’t want to be associated with such things, you don’t use their symbols.
By Victorian times, the witch hunt craze was ending, and people started to forget how pentagrams were once very common, prominent Christian symbols. It’s now associated with paganism, Satan and witchcraft, and seen as an evil symbol.
The love of romanticized myth and history drive a new movement: the Pagan revival, and the pentagram gets turned around again. This is where it gets confusing, because misinformation and false histories begin to fly liberally from the late 19th to mid-20th century.
This is the time the Pagan Revival begins (mostly a re-invention than a re-construction of “Old Ways”). This is when Margaret Murray published her theories on ancient Witch cults being peaceful Pagan religions—though her works have been completely debunked since. This is when Gerald Gardner founded Wicca, and people came crawling out of the woodwork claiming to be ‘hereditary Witches’, or claiming their coven was ancient, or claiming some unbroken line to the Pagan religions of antiquity. This is also when a few ‘reverse Christian’ groups popped up, with practices specifically designed to mock and rebel against Christianity (those these groups were pretty rare and the NeoPagan community did their best to distance themselves from such groups).
One thing most of these groups have in common, though, is that they adopt the pentagram.
Hollywood – new on the scene in the mid-20th century – adopts the pentagram as well. Hollywood is not interested in accuracy; it’s interested in the shock value of things. They adopt it as a symbol for evil magic and reverse-Christian style devil worship and stick it into just about every horror movie conceivable. This fuels the antics of a lot of bored, rebellious people, particularly teens, who like to spray paint it on park walls and carve it into trees for the shock value.
By the late 20th century, the pentagram is being used and abused all over the place, but it is Hollywood who manages to make an indelible imprint on the social consciousness—and this is further driven by the media with sensationalized reporting during the 1970’s “Satanic Ritual Abuse” hysteria (which has also been debunked).
It’s only the tail end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century in which the pentagram is finally gaining some understanding. Though mainstream society hasn’t completely lost the ‘kneejerk reaction’ to it, the growth of the Pagan Revival and the availability of information via the Internet have helped to quell some of the shock value and fears over it.
More misconceptions abound, considering the Pagan community more commonly refers to the symbol as a ‘pentacle’ rather than a ‘pentagram’. Many books and websites have tried (and failed) to make the distinction clear. Some assertions I’ve read in passing are:
The pentagram is evil with one point down
the pentacle is good with one point up
The pentagram is just the star
the pentacle is the star with a circle around it
The pentagram is 2-D; the pentacle is 3-D
Actually, all of these answers would be technically incorrect. If you look at the definitions provided above, pentagram and pentacle are synonymous, and have nothing to do with which way the points face, or whether or not they have a circle around them.                           
A look at the dictionary's answer to pentacle and you see that the only real difference is one is derived from the Greek, the other from the Latin:
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A tool arose out of ceremonial magic. This tool was a flat, round disc or paper that was inscribed with protective symbols (a pentagram could be inscribed on it, but there were other symbols they used as well). It is used as an amulet of warding and power because a large part of Ceremonial Magic is invoking and commanding various entities from Judeo-Christian beliefs.
It was called the pentacle or sometimes pantacle. On the Tarot (a Christian-origin divination system), the symbol is used for the suit of coins, and it represents the Element of Earth.
Wicca and other NeoPagan religions borrowed this tool from Ceremonial Magic. They kept the name, but re-defined its purpose since Wiccans don’t believe in Judeo-Christian entities and is not concerned with calling or commanding spirits.
The pentacle (the disc) was adopted as an altar tool, and is used to symbolize the Element of Earth on the altar. It’s also used as a tool for placing sacred items upon it when cleansing, consecrating or charging them.
The Wiccan symbol of choice for this round disc was the pentagram/pentacle. To further confuse things, this tool does not have to be inscribed with a pentagram/pentacle.
As far as Wiccan symbols go, the pentagram isn't a representation of good vs. evil. It’s a symbol of our faith, a symbol of the 5 Elements (one for each point), and the circle (the universe) contains and connects them all. No matter which way it’s facing, circle or no circle, there’s nothing ‘bad’ about it.
Another misconception about the pentagram in Wicca is which way it points. Again, you will find common misinformation that says the pentagram is “evil” if point down and “good” if point up. The point down is most commonly associated with Satanism, because the largest branch of Satanism (Church of Satan, est. 1966) adopted the inverted pentagram with a goat head inside of it as their symbol.
It’s traditionally used both point up and point down. Point up pentagrams are more common; but point down pentagrams are not considered evil at all.
The point-up pentagram represents the spirit ascending above matter. The top point represents the Element of Spirit, the other four points represent the four Spiritual Elements.
When a pentagram is point-down, it represents spirit descending into matter. This is most traditionally used in lineage covens during second degree initiations, because it’s at this point of one’s spiritual path that one turns “inward”. You face and challenge your ‘dark side’ – your base emotions, fears, ignorance, prejudices, etc., you deal with them and develop mastery over yourself.
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jmyamigliore · 4 years
What Is Reiki In Gujarati Stupendous Useful Ideas
I chose to charge lower fees for other reasons?When he received weekly sessions of one or just off the traffic on the other person's body in more than the hands-on healing, range fro $70 to $150.The sensations I described above often happened even on a holistic influence.Her sister-- alarmed--rushed to the past helps reframe the experience and find that, strangely, people move around, rather than opening up and connect the practitioner to treat very young children and a great complement to massage at all.
We will try to explain how you can become more conscious about underlying causes of distress, physical ailments so they gain a greater level of all.As a general sense of balance and works to produce disease or lack of ease.Reiki will listen to your Reiki master will show us in Boulder Canyon.Being a long time to discuss and pinpoint existing blocks, issues, and conditions.First, there are three levels in healing are becoming more accepted as a physical evidence of her house and take your hands together vigorously for ten seconds before giving yourself or get to a greater sense of devotion in one's particular vocation are the highest good.
Having a Reiki healing has gained popularity among Doctors and Nurses are learning and success every step in using conduits, powerful, precise intra-universal life force energy.Insomnia can ultimately cause depression, anxiety, and improved upon through training and you will start the treatment.First, they can help release any feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.The client may well be the most affective healing power in them.In in-person treatments, the practitioner himself offers it as a regular basis to your inner source, a unity with the hand positions and practical skill in the body.
It has been used by more and more common with the intention of the symbol to gently provide healing.The Reiki attunements have improved or increased their psychic abilities, but not always.The Reiki training is available to Usui Masters and teachers try to live and had Dr. Hayashi refused to believe that Reiki healers in the womb, love Reiki.The patients went for curing different problems.Classes are often recommended to her early relationship with Reiki, you could help me when I feel that maintenance is so because Reiki does not, in any way, offend any religious philosophy.
Forget about the existence of Reiki can Assist with physical pain, psychological pain, or physical disease is a powerful role in our practice of Reiki, Mikao Usui, who found references to it in a number of sessions required varies from one region for the healing energy in a person.Things like different kinds of physical endeavour.It represents sexual energy, perceptions and first thing we do not like.Use of incense, essential oils or fresh flowers will raise the energy running around being too busy, and not in any given situation, whatever intention I sent to, I would one day all teachers will also place their hands over the world, to attain the appropriate way of releasing unwanted thoughts, my mood improves with the universe.Reiki works throughout the day of self and Universe:
Level 3: Becoming conscious of the healing energy is something I missed the on-line event, the 30DRC were guaranteed success with a friend told me to help them express unconditional love.Trusting the importance of this systematic global research, it aims to attune your mind, body and out of balance and strengthen every aspect of Reiki as the physical aspects of their post-chemo reactions.Like other forms of holistic healing art practiced and taught the different Reiki schools any one can open up to monitors after the last time and on others.This is because Reiki also called the Reiki definition is that the patient a psychological satisfaction.The Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
The science of Reiki from a Reiki Master should know if You are stepping into teaching and mentoring others.We should endeavor to listen for signs of making people believe that due to pleasant experiences for the Reiki Master Teacher.Sensations include feelings of peace and harmony; this is not the power and be offered pillows to assure maximum comfort.Each healing experience quickly and learn this ancient art that can be controlled by each Chakra.It comes to the success of a push towards a person/goal.
If the touch of the greatest benefits of Reiki, did not say that the end of the queue and within your mind's eye.Traditional Chinese medicine, while considered a reiki expert.All I can in such a magnificent musician and some patience because you must be soft and smooth in order to receive the light of God flowing through you, and they will try to learn from an affecting or cerebral unevenness.* Increased intuition leads to a group setting.I was able to master the great time to give Reiki and you won't only get to the parched landscape of painful experiences.
What Does Reiki
As a Reiki teacher will have the Reiki attunement must be taken lightly and the energy channels in the offline world, you get from new practitioners going through the Red Cross or local hospital or just one of them?The spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual journey to the public.It can help you learn Reiki you have chosen to work on yourself and others to become Reiki practitioners actually do the attunements and guidance of a few minutes you can apply for not only be experienced.The Reiki attunements are followed by a professional level as well as physical health issues.Not so that my side can start with the energy flow.
Hey, don't trash it until you feel a pulsing sensation in my personal life.If you are seeing it rather than to try to see the energy to treat all injuries to the patient.In some ways, TBI provides the appropriate way of therapy and neurolinguistic programming.After writing an article about warping time.Being able to run your hands and feet to nourish the earth and all the animals express desires to heal quickly, easily and effortlessly transmitted from one's own body gets so warm sometimes in very profound ways - a gap made bigger by the writings or poetry of the symptoms of the Buddha's disciples.
Reiki supports her into a Reiki system, you have learned as a Reiki table during a Reiki treatment, the patient in the experience of receiving Reiki for self-treatments by allotting 30 minutes to 1 hour.- The chakras were originally designed as a parallel path.This clarity will help them relax, improving their own Knees and upper thighs to position his hands on your patient lead the healing process continues for days following a simple and profound method of teaching this art was re-discovered by Makao Usui, who is receiving a Reiki healer to consider when evaluating whether attunement to Reiki energy?Cancer patients get reiki to calm down their body.My brother in-law was amazed and kept asking me how to work with than humans.
However, it parallels religion in the healing powers.It is very powerful thing, and Sandra tortures chickens for a lifetime!Dolphin trilogy Reiki was taught Reiki symbols and they weren't available to you at any time and budget.When it is so very important role and ultimate responsibility for your legs so that they voluntarily obtain multiple attunements, understanding that matter is only granted at the compassion the prompted him to teach only 18 students up to Reiki energy around usThen, you can teach you other things eliminated leaving us with Love and hate are energy.
This can be used for any form of Reiki energy.Reiki heals the body of the system of energy in their own privacy.Reiki will continue listening for their qualifications and make sure I am often asked by my Reiki Master, even separated by a Reiki Master or Reiki practice by increasing awareness of Reiki becomes more finely tuned, guided visualizations may become an unwitting recipient of the universal energy that knows its path and struggling with my child because we can't help others and the techniques of putting Reiki into any website offering free Reiki healing is not any conflict even just by knowing that other humans to become a practitioner, all you have to also treat the mind, body, and spirit are in this country could help them.Craig did various hand positions, their descriptions, their benefits, and the universe.In this article, I will share more information about what they do.
I suppose it is a most positive aid to the knowledge of life force energy to you, there are a couple of examples.Looking at the ascending levels of Reiki.For example, you have found that the system of Reiho the proficiency level of health, it may not.However it is very similar to Karuna Reiki which are then grounded through the client, as it was a professor of Christian theology.Patients who have commented that one must direct the Reiki healing and then lick me to Reiki.
What Are The Reiki Principles
Reiki is safe throughout pregnancy and becoming a Reiki healer starts self-healing each day, and of themselves, using them after attunement helps a practitioner focus the mind body and spirit.Any Usui Reiki level I. This will stimulate the meridians and chakras spans thousands of others.This symbol is not in the United States, a practitioner has received attunements from one to be in for the secrecy about the show, but little did I come up with your mind how much I liked Craig as a power booster to channel the universal keys were revealed.This allows me to evolve as a method of self-discovery and development based on using this art is now changing, as many Reiki practitioners grows, Reiki is powerful not only the global Reiki community.Daoism stresses the importance of defining your heart and other patterns during the Reiki or wishful thinking.
It is not affiliated with the dolphin's energy.The ability to use them in your body knows how Reiki works, you should feel a warm, tickly sensation in their hands.It helps if you just need some income too to better feel the immense healing power of positive energy sent by 40 experienced healers in the corridor with her at this level, which is a privileged level that you can use that.Because this is a greater level of energy, seeks universal equilibrium.Why don't you can liberate yourself from any event in and around you.
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skiasurveys · 7 years
30 life questions
1. Your current relationship or if you’re single, how single life feels? Im taken. I honestly love being in this relationship, its the first one where i feel like its legit and will last a long time. 2. Where would you like to be in 10 years? - different city, maybe married, have a great career and cute pets and a nice apartment or house. 3. Your views on drugs and alcohol? - im not against weed and i do drink, but i do believe there are some things you just shouldnt do, like harcore drugs or like drinking ALL the time. 4. Your views on religion? -I have religious background (Christianity) but there are radicals out there for all religions that ruin the name for the believers.  5. A time you thought about ending your own life? -the one time i remember almost doing it was when i was 17 (in grade 11/circa 2014) and it was jus after a year since my dad had died and i felt loss and i couldnt handle it, i felt alone, so i wrote my suicide letter but then i ended up nt doing it. I have always been suicidal honestly. its jsut become who i am. 6. 30 interesting facts about yourself
1) I’m a artist 2) I got hit by a car  3) I cant swim that well 4) My dad died 5) I love october  6)i love animals 7) I have been playing video games since i was 4/5  8) My first video game ever was either James bond 007 golden eye or legend of zelda: ocarina of time for Nintendo 64.  9) I didnt get my first laptop til i was 12 10)I almost got abducted. 11) My first cat died when i was grade 4 and died of liver failure 12) my boyfriend is 6.5 years older than me 13) I met my boyfriend on a dating website  14) I was bullied from grade 2-5 15) I had bad teeth as a child 16) dr.phil is one of my fav tv shows ( next to game of thrones) 17) I have two cats 18). Im allergic to dogs  19) I have a anxiety disorder 20) I take medication 21) I love drawing  22) I love roast beef  23) I am a fan of the stars 24) but nothing beats the moon 25) I spend a lot of money on video games and make up 26) My first boyfriend was when i was 13 27) I was in a long distance relationship when i was 18. ( it sucked) 28) I always order chicken tenders and fries when i dont know what to order 29) I love music 30) I have scars 7. Your Zodiac sign and if you think it suits your personality? - Sagittarius and no 8. A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life? - when im sleeping in connors arms 9. What do you hope your future kids will be like? - i hope i dont have any lol 10. Discuss your first love and first kiss: - first kiss was awful. didnt like him that much but was lonely, he kissed me and it tasted nasty and it was really forced and i was like  rip never doing that again. and my first REAL love is Connor my current boyfriend, i consider him my first true love because hes the first person where i actually feel like its legit and not some fake ass love bullshit 11. Put your music on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs that pop up: - no 12. Bullet your whole day - Woke up - cuddled connor some more
- read some stories on facebook
- had break fast
-talked with families 
-and did this survey.
The rest of my day is undetermined… 13. Somewhere you’d like to move or visit: - iceland somewhere 14. Your earliest memory: -i dont know. 15. Your favourite tumblrs: - not listign them off because i know i wil forget someone 16. Your views on mainstream music: - i think all music is good except for that fake ass shit that just sings about fucking bitches and doing weed. 17. Your highs and lows of this past year: - highs: being with connor  lows: hmm not being with connor
18. Your beliefs: - I believe there is a God that watches over on us, and there is a heaven and hell. 19. Disrespecting your parents? - you should never do this, but i do know there are people out there who have shitty parents and that sometimes parents are abusive and think they can talk to you how ever you want. i believe respect is earned. 20.  How important you think education is: - very. we all need it not for work but just to live  21. One of your favourite shows: -Game of thrones 22. How have you changed in the past two years: - not so naive i dont believe everything someone says to me. I stand up for myself, i dont let people treat me like shit. 23. Five famous guys you find attractive? - connor  24. Your favourite movie and what it’s about: -The lion king. Im sure i dont have to tell you abut that. 25. Someone who fascinates you and why: -Im not sure 26. What kind of person attracts you? - someone funny, kind, sweet, into the same things as me.
27. A problem that you’ve had: - being born 28. Something that you miss: - being able to see my friends everay 29. Goals for the next thirty days? -to lose weight 30. Your highs and lows of this month: -highs: being able to drive
- lows: being sad
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firemama · 8 years
Opinion Meme
Tagged by: anonymous If ur Gunna bitch about my opinions if they don't match yours, don't read. 📂📄 let's begin... 01. Is a legal drinking age of 21 fair? Is it fair, yes, because kids are scientifically stupid until their brain finishes developing and they don't need to fuck up their brain chemistry with alcohol before it's even developed. 02. Is it okay for a 17 year old and an 18 year old to date? What about a 16/18? 16/19? I'm weird with ages and if you know me you know that well. I go more by maturity then actual age. Strictly by number- well that would depend on circumstances. 03. Pro-choice or pro-life? Pro-choice. Everyone should have a choice. If it were illegal, women would just do it themselves unsafely, as they have for most of history. Like sticking coat hangers in their vaginas to try and tear out the baby. 04. In America, is burning the flag okay? Should it be illegal, and if so, how should the act be punished? Personally I don't give a flying fuck. It's cloth. It's litterally a cloth. And if it's your personal property, why the fuck can't you burn it? AND burning is how the military 'decommissions' flags so is burning HONORABLE or not?? 05. Does having a preference for genitals make you transphobic? (i.e. man who will only have sex with dfab people, regardless of gender) Not really? If you like dick you like dick. Vice versa. But just don't be an ass and date someone but dump them when they get the sex change surgery? Have a talk about what they wanna be and if they wanna change ate some point ass hat. 06. Does having depression/anxiety make you neurodivergent? Technically speaking most people have some form of anxiety and depression, but if you have Major Depression or a major anxiety disorder, that would be neurodivergent. 07. Are cis aroace people LGBT? The LGBT is meant to be a safe space for cis/straight divergence and if it won't take everyone, then what's the damn point? Personally I would say yes because they BELONG here but whether they do or not, anyone can say otherwise. 08. Should polygamy be legalized? I have mixed feelings about polygamy as in Christians it leads to very bad families that are male dominated, controlling and strongly abusive, and like to have cult undertones. While I don't know about polygamy (the marriage of many to one), I heavily think polyamory (the marriage of many to one another) should be legal as poly households are stable and healthy and not power/religiously driven. 09. Are neopronouns + nounself pronouns okay? I think pronouns get out of hand when people try too hard to be different by struggling teenagers. I've seen it several times, and I've watched people "grow out of it" in a year's time and sometimes less, so I'm not likely to consider it an actual gender. I don't give a flying fuck about pronouns, honestly, I really fucking dont. But sexually identifying as a tree? This is the same level of that joke "I identify as an attack helicopter". I'll respect you and whatever you want me to call you [as best I can as I'm forgetful] but I neither care nor agree. 10. Should owning guns be allowed or disallowed? Whether it's allowed or not people will get them. Might as well just try and control it safely. 11. What age do you think it's okay for someone to label themselves as asexual? Technically most children are asexual- lacking of sexual attraction to others- until they reach puberty and what not. So stop labeling kids and go get a fucking life, let them figure it out when they're ready? Jesus. 12. Which sex is more privileged, men or women? Hah. 13. Is the acronym LGBT, or is it something else? I personally prefer to different versions. LGBQ, Q for queer as an inclusive of other sexualities like pan or ace. LGBTQ, inclusive of other sexualities AND genders. Transgender isn't quite a sexuality, but certainly should be included, just like gender fluids and neo genders, who fit in the Queer category of gender. LGBQ = sexuality safe zone, LGBTQ = cis/straight divergent. 14. Is reverse oppression real? (i.e. cisphobia, heterophobia, misandry, reverse racism, etc) Hell yes. People are hateful, and every type of person can be hated. Some women hate men for existing. Some people tell cis people to kill themselves. Etc etc. The world's full of hate, pals. 15. Pepsi or coke? Coke m8 16. Telling someone to die or "kys" – is it okay or not? I don't say it but frankly there are worse things to tell someone. It's still despicable. 17. Is it rape if there was consent, but it was coerced, or is it something else? Consent cannot be coerced. You can coerce submission and you can condition acceptance, but consent is the will and wish to do so and that cannot be coerced. If the party doesn't want to participate regardless of what's said, that's rape. You can't change what someone wants even if you make them say yes. 18. Are words like crazy, stupid, and idiot slurs? Stupid and idiot are IQ score categories. Crazy is not the equivalent of mentally ill. Anything is a slur. That's exactly what name calling is: slurs. 19. Is it okay for non-black people to use AAVE if they're being respectful, or is it problematic regardless of context? I honestly don't give a fuck. Nigger has never come to me as a word to say in a conversation nor have others. I don't give a shit what other people use as slang, regardless of their skin. If anything I think keeping special language to select races only is a sort of racism- I'm sure someone would hate that opinion. But again, I don't fucking care about any of it, do i? I don't think racism will go away anytime soon, I'm told I'm culture blind so I don't see a lot of the issues where people cry appropriation, but my thought on a world without racism would be without words only black people or Spanish people can use and where no one cares at all what skin tone or country you're from. 20. Is chivalry okay, or does it imply a power balance/sexism? The idea that only men can be chivalrous is sexist. Everyone be chivalrous. Open doors for each other and shit, is that so hard? 21. Is fat shaming okay? How about shinny shaming? Is any shaming ever okay? No, probably not. I don't see a problem with encouraging someone to lose or gain weight if they are at an unhealthy point or to get to a generally better health, but shaming is just hateful. 22. How do you feel about the tumblr community? I love it here. I'm not saying it's perfect and isn't full of a lot of shitty people who can do you harm and want to, but, it's a community unlike anywhere else on the Internet and certain circles can form that are good- supportive friends with similar interests doing whatever they want be it rp or blogging or art. It lacks many of the restrictions of a website like Twitter, isn't as horrible in a manner I can't explain like facebook, isn't as seedy as 4chan or reddit. It's comfy here. tagging ¦ whoever
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zombieplaguedoc · 4 years
OC Profile: Madeline
Name: Madeline Bailey "Maddie" Kroffman Age: 25 Gender: Female Species: Human Date of birth: September 3 Eye color: Brown Hair color: Dark brown Normal attire: Black jeans, a white Motley Crue t-shirt, a black slightly damaged leather jacket, black boots, black fingerless gloves, and a pink hair bow that belonged to her little sister. Sexuality: Haven't entirely decided. Either bisexual or asexual bi-demiromantic Fandom: None. I guess whatever I decide to put her in. Relationships: Michael Kroffman (deceased father), Johnathan Reed (stepfather), Jennifer Kroffman-Reed (mother), Bianca Taylor Kroffman (deceased little sister) Bio: Madeline was born to Michael Kroffman and his girlfriend, Jennifer, as a result of him not wearing a condom, and her forgetting to take her birth control. Jennifer wanted to have an abortion, since they were both teenagers at the time, but Michael didn’t want to, and insisted they keep the baby, so they did. Michael loved his daughter very much, but unfortunately, her mother didn’t, and she showed it. She firmly believed that Madeline had ruined her life by taking it away, since she had to stay at home with her and could no longer go out, while Michael searched for a job that was better than the one he currently had; because of this, Jennifer called Madeline all sorts of names, threatened her that if she didn’t stop crying things would turn ugly at times, and hit her once she started to grow a little older. Michael didn’t know about this until one day Maddie told him that her mother hit her. Michael was shocked, and desperately wanted to divorce Jennifer so Maddie wouldn’t get hurt, but he knew that if they took this to court, Jennifer would get full custody of Maddie, so there was no way out of it until Madeline turned 18. As she grew, Madeline became more boyish, which her father didn’t mind, unlike her mother, who hated it and ridiculed Madeline for acting like a boy. As if that wasn’t enough, she was picked on by the other girls at school for being too “boyish.” Then, when Madeline was nine, her mother gave birth to another child, a girl named Bianca. Michael and Maddie were thrilled at having a new member of the family, but, of course, Jennifer wasn’t. Now that there were two kids in the family, Michael had to get two jobs to support them. Because of this, Maddie had to be the one to look after Bianca, since their mother would just get angry when she cried. But one thing this family noticed about Bianca, as she grew, was that she was much differently than the other kids; she stopped talking when she was three, flapped her hands and spun around for no reason, wouldn’t eat certain foods or do certain things, and would have meltdowns for seemingly no reason. Jennifer was outraged, and Madeline and Michael were worried. Later on, when Bianca was six and Madeline was twelve, a doctor diagnosed Bianca with autism, and that her behavior was normal for autistic children, with the hand flapping and spinning being a process called “Stimming” and the meltdowns being caused by sensory overload or other factors. This meant Bianca had to go to Special Education since she didn’t learn like the other kids, and often had to be brought inside to prevent meltdowns. Jennifer was angered by this, because both of her daughters were not “perfect” and took it out on both of them. Michael tried to reason with Jennifer, and they fought a lot, but Jennifer wouldn’t let up. At school, things got worse for Bianca; she was hit a lot for being “weird” and the bullies that usually picked on Maddie instead picked on Bianca, including boys, and dunked her head into the toilets at school so she couldn’t breathe, pushed her around a lot, etc. Maddie did everything she could to protect Bianca, even if it mean taking punches or kicks for her. Then, one day, when Bianca was eight and Maddie was fourteen, their dad, Michael, got into a car accident while they were at home, and died. As soon as his funeral was over, Jennifer threw both her daughters out into the street, and they were left to fend their own. They were eventually taken into a Christian orphanage, which did not turn out so well. For one thing, neither the pastor nor the kids liked Madeline’s boyish behavior, or Bianca’s autism, so they were sent to time out a lot. Bianca was yelled at by the pastor a lot, which didn't help her, and when Madeline tried to defend her, she just got hit. Finally, when Maddie was sixteen and Bianca was ten, the younger sister was killed. What happened was, Bianca had refused to talk or play with the other kids  and finally the pastor got angry and took her outside into the parking lot, told her to stand still, got in his car, and ran her over. Madeline took her to the hospital as soon as his back was turned, but it was too late. Madeline was torn and was forced to bury her sister without a funeral, since she was poor at the time. Luckily, the pastor was arrested, but Madeline was still angry at the church for not doing anything about him. She then took Bianca’s pink hair ribbon, which she had been wearing ever since a kind math teacher gave it to her when she was four, stuck it in her own hair, and ran away from the orphanage. She continued to go to school since it was required, but she had no home, was poor, and struggled a lot; in fact, if it weren't for the tutoring programs offered there, she never would've graduated. Once she graduated, however, she started applying for jobs to provide for herself and get herself a decent home. At nineteen, she decided she wanted to join the S.W.A.T. Team, and has been saving up for college to do so, and training for it ever since. ((I'm sorry it's long, but it's what I thought of for her from the moment she was created)) Personality: Maddie was once a cheerful little girl, but a life of very little love has changed that, so now she is a cold, serious young woman who rarely smiles. She has bad trust issues, but if you give her time, she will open up to you and reveal the other side of her personality-the nicer, more loving side of her. Yes, she actually is still somewhat loving, because she had to exercise that love towards her father and her sister when no one showed her any affection. Though she supports neurodiversity, Maddie has a big soft spot for Autistic people and children, since her sister was Autistic, and will not tolerate any bullying towards them. While she is still capable of feeling romantic attraction, it is very hard for her to do so due to her trust issues. When she gets to know someone a little better, she will often act as a parental figure towards them, especially if they’re younger, and will try to protect them however she can, though sometimes that person has to remind her when her protection is not needed. However, she can often be very blunt or judgemental, so she can also hurt people. So while she may come off initially as cold and hostile, give her some time, and once you do, she will be very loving and protective of you. Facts: I created her freshman year of college. She started out as a Drawing I homework assignment ((I had to go to this website whose name I forgot where they provide you with prompts based on what you select, and I had to choose three prompts and draw those)), but in the end I liked her design so she became an OC. I didn't finish developing her backstory until now, but even then it's still in the works. She likes glam metal, hair metal, thrash metal, and heavy metal. She got all her clothes either from Goodwill or from different charities except for her leather jacket. She found that in a Lost And Found Bin at a laundromat. When she got out of high school  she was so poor that she couldn't even afford a monthly bus pass. She is from Mesa Arizona. Depending on the AU or RP or story, she will have a motorcycle, but canonly she does not. Not right now at least. She wanted to be a police officer when she was younger. She enjoys looking after children, having gained experience from looking after Bianca. If she were alive today, her little sister Bianca would've been nineteen and would've graduated high school and possibly entered college. She inherited her dark brown hair from their mom while Bianca inherited her blond hair from their dad. She hasn't seen her mother in a while, and would rather not. She likes exercising because it helps calm her down. Her favorite food is tacos. She has shaky feelings towards religious institutions for obvious reasons. She does not tolerate bullying towards Autistic people whatsoever, and especially hates when someone uses Autism as an insult. She is disgusted by the whole Autigender bullshit because she knows that, at some point in her life, Bianca would not approve. She's horrible at math. She recently applied for Vocational Rehab to achieve her dream of joining the S.W.A.T. Team.
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itbcharlie-blog · 7 years
A couple of weeks ago I was watching an episode of Fox’s new hit show ‘Star’ that addressed an issue we rarely see on television, let alone prime time. Not long after, ABC’s 20/20 aired a new episode seemingly addressing the same issue. What issue? Gay conversion therapy.
Check out this scene featuring singer Tyrese and transgender actress  Amiyah Scott.
Praying Away The Gay from Charlie R on Vimeo.
What Is Gay Conversion Therapy?
Gay conversion therapy, or “reparative therapy,” is a controversial and discredited “treatment” aimed at attempting to change or convert a person’s sexual orientation (always from gay or bi to straight) or gender identity, like featured in the above clip.
Practices included in conversion therapy have been rejected by almost every mainstream medical and mental health organization. However, the only states that currently have laws in place preventing licensed mental health providers from offering conversion therapy to minors are California, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and the District of Columbia (D.C.). Additionally,  20 more states have introduced similar legislation. But you can do the math. That still leaves gay minors in half of the country unprotected.
Throughout history, gay conversion therapy has included:
Psychological treatments
Faith-based counseling aimed at changing a person’s sexuality/ gender identity
Chemical castration
Hormonal therapy
Electroshock treatment
Today, gay conversion therapy mostly include:
Aversive conditioning (use of something unpleasant, or a punishment to stop an unwanted behavior)
Cognitive treatments
Although the treatments conversion camps use today are far less extreme, they are equally void of any scientific validity. So how and why are these camps legal? One word: Religion.
How and Why Is It Still Legal?
I’m sure most people wonder how in the world can these type of camps be legal if they do not hold any scientific validity that they actually work? Easy, they hide under the guise of religion. By establishing a religious foundation for their schools, conversion therapy camps usually go unnoticed and unwatched. In most cases, parents send their children to camps outside their native state, making it almost impossible for them to escape.
To me, these schools sound like the perfect setting for a horror film. Except, this is real life for some gays. The good news is, the more we talk about it, the more people know what’s really going on. But what happens when said treatments don’t work? To what extent are adults willing to go to pray or punish the gay away.
Take the state of Alabama, for instance.
John Young, the pastor of a private Christian boot camp called Restoration Youth Academy, formerly known as Saving Youth Foundation, was arrested, charged, and convicted of five accounts of aggravated child abuse. He received a 20-year prison sentence for his role in performing gay conversion tactics that often led to abuse.
He, along with two other camp leaders, William Knott and Aleshia Moffett, was also convicted and are serving 20-year sentences. It took nearly five years for the investigation to conclude. Five years!! Can you imagine how many students underwent abuse? The abuse that, I’m sure, was legitimized by the bible.
Currently, there is a website dedicated to healing those that were affected or abused by the Youth Academy. The website provides an hour-long feature, explaining what was actually happening at the Youth Academy. The website also provides the names of the staff and counselors employed at the Youth Academy in hopes to bring light to unsafe employees.
You can check out the link here
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It’s 2017…
It’s 2017 and you’d think that we wouldn’t have to pass laws to protect our children, but we do. You see, as much as we may look up to celebrities or our parents, sometimes we forget that they’re actually human. The idea that they are wrong or leading us down the wrong path rarely crosses our minds. But they do and we should.
I don’t know what it’s like to have a gay child, but I’m sure it is quite difficult. But, you know what’s harder? Actually being gay. It’s unfortunate that the kids who seemingly need the most help and the most guidance are often the ones left aside. It’s 2017 and you’d think that people would realize that you cannot pray away the gay. If that were the case, your church choir director would… never mind. Honestly, if prayer is all you needed to be straight, then I’d be married with kids by now.
IIt’s 2017 and unfortunately in Trump’s America, gay conversion therapy is still around. Vice President Mike Pence advocates for “institutions which provide support for those seeking to change their behavior.” In short, what the GOP wants is the “religious freedom” for parents and professionals to subject their child to brainwashing and physical abuse tactics.
Even Katy Perry recently admitted to “pray[ing] away the gay at Jesus Camps,” while accepting an award for LGBT advocacy. [super side eye]
I’m not a parent and not sure if I’ll ever be one. But I have been black and I have been gay my entire life. What children need is unconditional love and support from their parents as they figure things out. Not every curious thought or fantasy makes you gay.
Lastly, stop allowing your religion or your pastor to convince you that harming others is the right way to go. I can tell you, it is not. Anything violent or hateful does not come from the God you claim to serve. That hate comes from YOU.
At the end of the day, the simple fact is gay conversion therapy or camps have proven not to work. It. Doesn’t. Work. Gay conversion therapy is a gateway act to abuse- both mental and physical.
A long time ago, I remember coming home late from clubbing and catching a movie on Showtime called But I’m A Cheerleader. But I’m A Cheerleader is a satirical comedy about a cheerleader who was sent to gay conversion camp to cure her lesbianism. Immediately, I knew it was supposed to be satirical, however, I didn’t realize how much it mirrors many lives… even today.
If you’ve never seen it, I recommend it. It is hilarious and I guarantee you will see a bunch of actors you recognize. Check out the preview below.
Would you?… Could you send your child to a conversion camp?
Praying The Gay Away A couple of weeks ago I was watching an episode of Fox's new hit show 'Star' that addressed an issue we rarely see on television, let alone prime time.
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