#Song Il-kook
everyfilmisaw · 1 year
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레드아이 (Red Eye) by Kim Dong-bin, 2005
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kwavecl · 1 year
Los 59th Baeksang Arts Awards anuncia a los nominados para las categorías de cine y televisión.
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¡Los 59th Baeksang Arts Awards han anunciado sus nominados para las categorías de cine y televisión!
Los candidatos fueron elegidos entre dramas, programas y películas que se emitieron o se estrenaron entre el 1 de abril de 2022 y el 31 de marzo de 2023. Sin embargo, las obras que se estrenaron durante el período de proyección del año pasado también se incluyeron en el grupo de este año. Se encuestó a 60 expertos de la industria antes de las nominaciones finales. Además, las producciones que se excluyeron el año pasado porque se estrenaron durante el período de proyección también se incluyeron en el grupo de este año.
Echa un vistazo a los candidatos finales de la televisión y el cine del año pasado a continuación:
Mejor Drama
JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Netflix “The Glory” tvN “Our Blues” ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” tvN “Little Women”
Mejor Variety Show
tvN “Earth Arcade” Psick University “Psick Show” Netflix “Physical: 100” TVING “EXchange 2” Coupang Play “SNL Korea 3”
Mejor Show Educativo
wavve “National Office of Investigation” (literal title) Netflix “In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal” EBS “Your Literacy Skills+” (literal title) MBC Gyeongnam “Adult Kim Jang Ha” (literal title) KBS “Hidden Earth: 3 Billion Years on the Korean Peninsula”
Mejor Actor
Son Suk Ku – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Lee Byung Hun – tvN “Our Blues” Lee Sung Min – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Jung Kyung Ho – tvN “Crash Course in Romance” Choi Min Sik – Disney+ “Casino”
Mejor Actriz
Kim Ji Won – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Kim Hye Soo – tvN “Under the Queen’s Umbrella” Park Eun Bin – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Song Hye Kyo – Netflix “The Glory” Suzy – Coupang Play “Anna”
Mejor Actor de Reparto
Kang Ki Young – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Kim Do Hyun – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Kim Jun Han – Coupang Play “Anna” Park Sung Hoon – Netflix “The Glory” Jo Woo Jin – Netflix “Narco-Saints”
Mejor Actriz de Reparto
Kim Shin Rok – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Yeom Hye Ran – Netflix “The Glory” Lee El – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Lim Ji Yeon – Netflix “The Glory” Jung Eun Chae – Coupang Play “Anna”
Mejor Nuevo Actor
Kim Gun Woo – Netflix “The Glory” Kim Min Ho – ENA “New Recruit” Moon Sang Min – tvN “Under the Queen’s Umbrella” Joo Jong Hyuk – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Hong Kyung – wavve “Weak Hero Class 1”
Mejor Nueva Actriz
Kim Hieora – Netflix “The Glory” Noh Yoon Seo – tvN “Crash Course in Romance” Lee Kyung Sung – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Joo Hyun Young – ENA “Exaordinary Attorney Woo” Ha Yun Kyung – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”
Mejor Entertainer Masculino
Kian84 Kim Kyung Wook Kim Jong Kook Jun Hyun Moo Hwang Jae Sung
Mejor Entertainer Femenina
Kim Min Kyung Park Se Mi Lee Soo Ji Lee Eun Ji Joo Hyun Young
Mejor Película
“Next Sohee” “The Night Owl” “Hansan: Rising Dragon” “Hunt” “Decision to Leave”
Mejor Actor
Ma Dong Seok – “The Roundup” Ryu Jun Yeol – “The Night Owl” Park Hae Il – “Decision to Leave” Song Kang Ho – “Broker” Jung Woo Sung – “Hunt”
Mejor Actriz
Bae Doo Na – “Next Sohee” Yang Mal Bok – “The Apartment With Two Women” Yum Jung Ah – “Life Is Beautiful” Jeon Do Yeon – “Kill Boksoon” Tang Wei – “Decision to Leave”
Mejor Actor de Reparto
Kang Ki Young – “The Point Men” Kim Sung Cheol – “The Night Owl” Park Ji Hwan – “The Roundup” Byun Yo Han – “Hansan: Rising Dragon” Im Siwan – “Emergency Declaration”
Mejor Actriz de Reparto
Park Se Wan – “6/45” Bae Doo Na – “Broker” Ahn Eun Jin – “The Night Owl” Yum Jung Ah – “Alienoid” Lee Yeon – “Kill Boksoon”
Mejor Nuevo Actor
Noh Jae Won –”Missing Yoon” Jinyoung – “Christmas Carol” Byun Woo Seok – “20th Century Girl” Seo In Guk – “Project Wolf Hunting” Ong Seong Wu – “Life Is Beautiful”
Mejor Nueva Actriz
Go Yoon Jung – “Hunt” Kim Si Eun – “Next Sohee” Kim Hye Yoon – “The Girl On a Bulldozer” IU – “Broker” Ha Yun Kyung – “Gyeong Ah’s Daughter”
La ceremonia está programada para el 28 de abril en Paradise City en Incheon a partir de las 5:30 p.m. KST. El programa se transmitirá en vivo por televisión a través de JTBC, JTBC2 y JTBC4, y también se transmitirá en vivo a través de TikTok.
Fuente: soompi.com
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seoul-italybts · 1 year
[✎ ITA] Consequence : JungKook dei BTS Ci Parla del Suo “Divertente e Giocoso” Nuovo Singolo, “3D” feat.Jack Harlow | 29.09.2023
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JungKook dei BTS Ci Parla del Suo “Divertente e Giocoso” Nuovo Singolo, “3D” feat. Jack Harlow
JungKook continua a lanciarsi nella sua ribalta solista con il suo nuovo singolo
__ di MARY SIROKY |  Twitter 
All'interno del mondo dei BTS, troviamo JungKook, il membro più giovane dei sette, che di questi tempi è noto specialmente per le sue dirette streaming insieme alle/gli ARMY. Le/i sue/oi fan sono statə testimoni di varie attività, negli ultimi mesi: JungKook che cucina noodle, che lava i piatti, che si gode una sessione di noraebang (karaoke) a tarda notte o che semplicemente parla della sua giornata.
Quando JungKook si collega per un'intervista via Zoom con Consequence per parlare del suo nuovo singolo, “3D” featuring Jack Harlow, la sua energia non è poi così diversa. “Dunque, quando mi stavo preparando per il mio nuovo singolo,” ricorda, “ho ricevuto un sacco di tracce da visionare, ma non ce n'era nessuna che mi piacesse particolarmente, finché non mi sono imbattuto in questa. Non appena l'ho sentita, non ho potuto che sceglierla.”
“3D” suona un po' come se fosse stata strappata dalle onde radio di mezzo decennio fa, quando Justin Timberlake ha rilasciato FutureSex/LoveSounds e qualsiasi cosa Pharrell toccava, brillava più fulgida dell'oro. I ritornelli ripetuti e sussurrati da JungKook e le sue armonie su più livelli ne acuiscono il senso di nostalgia, ma la partecipazione del rapper Jack Harlow tiene il brano saldamente ancorato al presente.
Sebbene i rispettivi impegni abbiano impedito a JungKook e Harlow di trovarsi materialmente a registrare insieme la canzone, i due si sono incontrati sul set del video musicale e si sono subito trovati. “Adoro il suo entusiasmo. È stato davvero fantastico”, dice JungKook. “Per menzionare solo uno degli episodi più interessanti, nel video c'è una scena in cui giochiamo a scacchi, ed è lì che ho imparato a giocarvi per la prima volta nella mia vita. E, pensi un po'! Ho sfidato Jack e ho vinto!”
Alle/i fan che seguono questo gruppo già da parecchio, non suonerà affatto sorprendente che JungKook si sia lanciato in questo frangente competitivo – sebbene si trattasse di un'occasione piuttosto casual e amichevole – e che ne sia uscito vincitore. È famoso per provare cose nuove e riuscire quasi subito, ma – come anche i suoi compagni di gruppo – è una persona che lavora estremamente sodo. La nostra chiacchierata si tiene a metà delle sue prove per una delle esibizioni principali del Global Citizen Festival di New York, per la quale JungKook ha selezionato alcune delle sue tracce soliste, come “Euphoria” e “Still With You”, insieme ad un meddley dei successi inglesi dei BTS (“Dynamite”, “Butter” e “Permission to Dance”).
Anche i singoli solisti presentati da JungKook nel 2023 (“Seven” feat. Latto, e ora “3D”), finora, sono in lingua inglese, ed entrambi lo hanno visto spingersi verso lidi più espliciti, come mai prima d'ora. Ormai 26enne, JungKook è sotto i riflettori fin da quando aveva 15 anni, e sembra intenzionato a sondare il terreno e sperimentare con tematiche più mature, in questo suo capitolo solista. E non si lascia perturbare dalle eventuali sopracciglia alzate per questa sua direzione, preferendo invece fidarsi della diversità della sua fanbase. “Le/i nostrə ARMY appartengono a tante generazioni diverse”, commenta. “Credo questa canzone sarà come una piccola scossa, divertente e giocosa.”
Sebbene non veda l'ora che le/i fan ascoltino la canzone, ammette che il processo creativo, quando affrontato da solo, è piuttosto diverso rispetto a quando lavora insieme ai suoi fratelli dei BTS. “Nelle canzoni dei BTS, ci sono tutte le nostre diverse personalità e stili uniti insieme — mentre nel caso delle mie canzoni, ci sono solo io ed il mio stile personale. Non credo sarò mai in grado di creare qualcosa di così ricco di personalità come i brani dei BTS.”
Quando gli chiedo chi (al giorno della nostra intervista) ha già ascoltato “3D”, tra i suoi compagni di gruppo, arrossisce fino alla punta delle orecchie. “SUGA e RM”, dice. Gli chiedo cosa gli è parsa la canzone, e lui sprofonda sul tavolo, nascondendo il viso tra le braccia in uno spasmo di melodrammatica angoscia. “Mi hanno detto che sono una vera pop star”, borbotta.
Una coreografia dinamica:
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Quando si ascolta “Seven” e ne si guarda il video, c'è questa certa frizzantezza. Nel caso di “3D”, invece, è più la sensualità, che abbiamo incorporato anche nella coreografia. Alcune parti sono molto intense, altre più rilassate; c'è molto contrasto e tanto dinamismo, nel video. In generale, la coreografia è molto coinvolgente e facile da seguire. L'atmosfera giocosa non fa che acuire quest'impressione. Credo sia piuttosto divertente.
Musica dei primi anni 2000:
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Ecco, anni fa, quando ero un trainee, ascoltavo un sacco di canzoni per prepararmi alle nostre esibizioni. Quando ho iniziato a lavorare a questo brano, ho subito pensato potesse piacere a coloro che conoscono la musica dei primi anni 2000. C'è questo senso di nostalgia. Ma credo possa intrigare anche le generazioni più giovani, grazie al suo sound sofisticato, e mi piace la piega che abbiamo preso con questo progetto. Ho lavorato anche molto sulla pronuncia, sul senso e l'atmosfera creata dal testo e sul brano in generale così da riuscire a trasmettere proprio quel vibe.
Spingersi oltre i limiti:
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Ciò che voglio fare è sondare le acque per vedere fin dove posso spingermi con la mia voce e le mie abilità. Cosa sono in grado di fare quando sono da solo.
Inoltre, voglio provare tanti generi differenti. Per me, è importante non focalizzarmi su uno stile in particolare. Semplicemente, voglio tenermi aperte diverse possibilità, quindi quando lavoro ad una data canzone, cerco di seguire l'ispirazione del momento, cosicché i contenuti delle mie canzoni possono raggiungere tante persone diverse ed avere tante interpretazioni differenti.
Tonalità chiare:
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Nella mia mente, mi immagino tinte sull'azzurro ed il bianco. È per questo che, recentemente, ho cambiato il colore del mio microfono in bianco!
Quando sono insieme ai BTS, tutti i nostri colori e stili personali si uniscono nel prodotto finale — mentre, nel caso delle mie canzoni, ci sono solo io ed il mio stile personale. Non credo sarò mai in grado di creare qualcosa di così ricco di personalità come i brani dei BTS, ma è grazie al lavoro fatto finora con i BTS, che ho potuto gettare le basi per i miei progetti solisti.
⠸ Ita : © Seoul_ItalyBTS⠸
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nizynskis · 2 years
OmgHii tagged by isaac @lycanthrology to write my url in song titles
N- Non Occupatemi Il Telefono by Gino Paoli
I- It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones
Z- Zombie by The Cranberries
Y- You’re So Creepy by Evil Town
N- No Other Love by Jo Stafford
S- Stereo Love by Edward Maya
K- Kooks by David Bowie
I- It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue by Joan Baez
S- Shower by Becky G
tags @downbylaw1986 @snowfallingfromheaven @vainkaz @gutterinstitutions
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feel-me · 2 years
Ringrazio @charlie-fa-surf per il tag <3
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
Naive -The Kooks
Waste A Moment -Kings of Leon
Alien Blues -Vundabar
Be There - Seafret
Lovers Rock -TV Girl
Youth -Cleopatrick
Comatose -Low Hum
Moving Light -Ezra Glatt
She's Casual -The Hunna
When It Breaks -Inhaler
Taggo: @coragio @dolcirimpianti :)
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bemybaebaebae · 2 years
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Song Il Kook
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chanchao-kha · 4 years
It's 2020 and i'm here on the bed watching triplets dance.❤️❤️❤️
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jgsmile · 5 years
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songilkook  대한 민국 만세 태어나줘서 고맙다! 앞으로도 건강하고 씩씩하게 자라주고 무엇보다 지금처럼 셋이 우애 있게 지내다오~^^ (사진 : 김산해작가 플래티늄Studio) #Happy Birthday
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7rmforever · 5 years
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“Siamo così eccitati per essere stati nominati a ‘Group of the Year ‘e ‘Song of Summer’ con ‘Left and Right (feat. Jung Kook of BTS)’ ai #VMAs 2022! Grazie mille come sempre per il vostro amore e supporto! 💜
#BTS #BangtanSonyeondan”
Traduzione a cura di Bangtan Italian Channel Subs (©Sarah)
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unknidthots · 2 years
Thank you for the tag @bungle-boy :)
Rules: Make a new post and spell out your URL with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL.
USA by Mr. Bungle
Nice Nice by Dazey and the Scouts
Kooks by David Bowie
Il Cielo In Una Stanza by Mike Patton
No One Lives Forever by Oingo Boingo
Dance: Ten; Looks: Three by Pamela Blair
Terrorist by Heavens to Betsy
Heat of the Night by Aqua
Orange Krunch by Green Jelly
Thinking Cap by Rollins Band
Strange Days by The Bobby Lees
I'll tag @peppermint-candy @eddiemunsonsbaby @aaron-scissorhands @the-monster-mash @pitiful-anonymous-vampire @luckyheart-67676 @numberonesublimeinfluencer @michaelmyersleftfoot @bowieandqueen11 @sagethetrashpanda @fig-blossom
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fallingforfandoms · 2 years
Thanks for tagging me, @disappointingsalad!
Favourite colour: Green, blue, red & black - please don’t make me choose
Currently reading: "The Last Wish” by Andrzej Sapkowski
Last song: “Naive” by the Kooks
Last series: Probably Stranger Things? Good God, I’m so basic, I’m sorry.
Last movie: Disobedience (That was ... a few weeks ago though. Haven’t forgotten about ‘As We Danced’, still on my to watch-list!)
Spicy/Sweet/Savory: Always (too often) sweet, regularly savory, sometimes spicy if I mess up in the kitchen and still grow to like it
Currently working on: Myself, I guess? :) Apart from that, gifs and dozens of fanfic headcanons concerning Tatort Ludwigshafen - send aaaall the gif requests my way, I’m hyped to make your day!
Tagging:  @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare @albvrich @caromitpunkt @mistofstars and literally anyone else - if you feel like it, have fun with this!
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aprlkdramas · 7 years
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Daehan and his appa
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dear-indies · 3 years
Hello. I hope you have a good day! Can you suggest to me some male Korean FCs, preferably who have horror or thriller recourses?
Park Jin-young (He Is Psychometric) Korean. 
Yeon Jung-hoon (Possessed) Korean.  
D.O. / Doh Kyung-soo (Room No.7) Korean.
Gong Yoo (Train to Busan, Goblin & Age of Shadows) Korean.
Woo Do-hwan (The Divine Fury) Korean.
John Cho (The Exorcist) Korean.
Lee Do-hyeon (Sweet Home) Korean.
Steven Yeun (Mayhem & The Walking Dead) Korean.
Yeo Jin-goo (Circle: Two Worlds Connected) Korean.
Daniel Henney (Criminal Minds & The Last Stand & Hawaii Five-0) Korean / Irish, English.
Justin H. Min (The Umbrella Academy) Korean.
Christopher Larkin ( The 100) Korean.
Shannon Kook (The 100) Korean / Black South African.
Matsuda Shota (Dias Police: Ihou Keisatsu) Japanese, 1/4 Korean.
Rick Yune (Marco Polo) Korean. 
No resources at time of posting but worth a mention!
Yoo Ah-in (#Alive) Korean.
Lee Hyun-wook (#Alive) Korean.
Lee Jin-wook (Sweet Home) Korean.
Song Kang (Sweet Home) Korean.
Ma Dong-seok (Train to Busan) Korean.
Choi Woo-Sik (Train to Busan) Korean.
Lee Joon-hyuk (Dark Hole) Korean, 
Choi Daniel (The Ghost Detective) Korean.
Kwak Do-won (The Wailing) Korean. 
Kim Kap-soo (A Tale of Two Sisters) Korean.
Park Jung-Hak (Bedevilled) Korean. 
Kim Dong-wook (The Guest) Korean. 
Kim Jae-wook (The Guest) Korean.
Park Ho-san (The Guest) Korean.
Lee Dong-Wook (Strangers From Hell & Tale of the Nine Tailed) Korean.
Im Si-wan (Strangers From Hell) Korean.
Sung Dong-il (The Cursed) Korean. 
Not all of these are horror / thriller media but could work!
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huaschengs · 4 years
❃ Eastern and Southeastern Asians Facecast Help❃
Note: :D hi,  I’m tired of people casting the wrong facecast for characters in creations. So, I made a list. 
Please stop interchanging East Asians and Southeast Asians (whether between the two or within).
Even with this list and other sources, please be sure to double-check every faceclaim you use in your creations/works, thank you.
List posted 10/6/2020
Updated 12/25/2020
Please let me know if there are any errors. 
 The creator of this list doesn’t have that much knowledge of South Asian celebrities and models. Please refer to other lists, thank you.
I didn’t include people from all Southeast Asian countries.
Baifern aka Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul (พิมพ์ชนก ลือวิเศษไพบูลย์)
Bass aka Suradet PiniwatSuradet Piniwat (สุรเดช พินิวัตร์) 
Ben aka Benjamin Brasier (เบญจมินทร์ เบรเซียร์)
Bright aka Vachirawit Chiva-aree (วชิรวิชญ์ ชีวอารี)
Captain aka Kongyingyong Chonlathorn (ชลธร คงยิ่งยง)
Copter aka  Panuwat Kerdthongtavee (ภานุวัฒน์ เกิดทองทวี)
Diary (ไดอารี่)
From RedSpin
Dome aka Woranart Ratthanaphast ( วรนาถ รัตธนภาส)
FahProud (ฟ้าพราวด์) 
From RedSpin
First aka Nattapat Kapilkarn (ณัฐภัท กปิลกาญจน์)
Frung aka Narikun Ketprapakorn (นรีกุล เกตุประภากร)
Gulf aka Kanawut Traipipattanapong (คณาวุฒิ ไตรพิพัฒนพงษ์)
Gun aka Napat Na Ranong (ณภัทร ณ ระนอง)
Jackie aka Jackrin Kungwankiatichai (จักริน กังวานเกียรติชัย)
Jam aka Charattha Imraporn (ชรัฐฐา อิมราพร)
James aka Teeradon Supapunpinyo (ธีรดนย์ ศุภพันธุ์ภิญโญ)
Jaylerr aka Kritsanapoom Pibulsonggram (กฤษณภูมิ พิบูลสงคราม)
Joong [or Chen] aka Archen Aydin Winphakun (อาเชน วิรภากุล)
Kaownah aka Kittipat Kaewcharoen (กิตติภัทร แก้วเจริญ)
Kayavine aka Kay Lertsittichai (เค เลิศสิทธิชัย)
Kim or Kimmon aka Varodom Khemmonta (วโรดม เข็มมณฑา)
Lay aka  Talay Sanguandikul (ทะเลสงวนดีกุล)
Lisa aka Lalisa Manoban (ลลิษา มโนบาล)
Birth name: Pranpriya Manoban (ปราณปริยา มโนบาล)
Lotte aka Thakorn Promsatitkul (ฐกร พรหมสถิตกุล)
Mark Prin aka Prin Suparat (ปริญ สุภารัตน์)  
Mew aka Suppasit Jongcheveevat (ศุภศิษฏ์ จงชีวีวัฒน์)
Minnie aka Nicha Yontararak (ณิชา ยนตรรักษ์)
Namfah aka Thunyaphat Phatrathinchaicherin (ธัญญภัสร์ ภัทรธีรชัยเจริญ)
Natty aka Ahnatchaya Suputhipong (อานัชญา สุพุทธิพงศ์)
Nine aka Kornchid Boonsathitpakdee (กรชิต บุญสถิต์ภักดี)
Noey aka Warattha Imraporn (วรัฐฐา อิมราพร)
Paris aka Paris Inthonkomansut (พาริส อินทรโกมาลย์สุต)
Pavel aka Naret Promphaopun (นเรศ พร้อมเผ่าพันธ์) 
PearPunch (แพร)
From RedSpin
Pepe (เปเป้)
From RedSpin
Perth aka Tanapon Sukhumpantanasan (ธนพนธ์ สุขุมพันธนาสาร)
Peter aka Cholapatr Jeepetch (ชลพัชร จี้เพชร)
Piglet aka Charada Imraporn (ชาราฎา อิมราพร)
Pimmy (พิมมี่)
From RedSpin
Plan aka Rathavit Kijworaluk (รัฐวิทย์ กิจวรลักษณ์)
Porsche aka Sivakorn Adulsuttikul (ศิวกร อดุลสุทธิกุล)
Porsche aka Nishapang Suksawatnachok (ณิชชาพัณณ์ สุขสวัสดิ์นำโชค)
From RedSpin
Praew aka Narupornkamol Chaisang (ฤภรกมล ฉายแสง)
Ryu aka Vachirawich Aranthanawong (วชิรวิชญ์ อรัญธนวงศ์)
Sorn aka Chonnasorn Sajakul (ชลนสร สัจจกุล)
Tae aka Darvid Kreepolrerk (ดาวิชญ์ กรีพลฤกษ์)
Taew aka Natapohn Tameeruks (ณฐพร เตมีรักษ์)
Tee aka Thanapon Jarujittranon (ธนพล จารุจิตรานนท์)
Third aka Lapat Ngamchaweng (ลภัส งามเชวง)
Title aka Kirati Puangmalee (กีรติ พวงมาลี)
Tor aka Thanapob Leeratanakajorn (ธนภพ ลีรัตนขจร)
Toto aka Thanadech Ophatthanyakorn (ธนเดช โอภาสธัญกร)
Amee (Trần Huyền My)
Annie (Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy)
Bảo Anh (Nguyễn Hoài Bảo Anh) 
Bích Phương (Bùi Thị Bích Phương)
Chi Pu (Nguyễn Thùy Chi)
Cody (Võ Đình Nam)
Duc Ung (Ứng Văn Đức)
Erik (Lê Trung Thàn)
Grey-D (Đoàn Thế Lân)
Hoàng Yến Chibi
Hong Phu (Huýnh Hồng Phú )
Ivone (Bui Diệu Linh)
J (Phạm Tiến Đạt)
Key (Võ Trần Thái Trung)
Kha Ngan
Khoi My (Trần Khởi My)
K.O. (Nguyễn Thái Sơn)
Lana Condor (Trần Đông Lan)
Liz (Ngụy Thùy Linh)
Lục Huy (Lục Quang Huy)
Min (Nguyễn Minh Hằng)
Minh Hằng (Lê Ngọc Minh Hằng)
Minh Hoang (Nguyễn Minh Hoàng)
Miu Lê (Lê Ánh Nhật)
Nicky (Trần Phong Hào)
Phuong Ly (Phương Ly)
Quang Huy (An Quang Huy)
Rosy (Mai Huyền My)
Sơn Tùng M-TP (Nguyễn Thanh Tùng)
Soobin Huangshan (Nguyen Hoang Son)
Thanh Hằng (Phạm Thị Thanh Hằng)
Tóc Tiên (Nguyễn Khoa Tóc Tiên)
Toof.P (Nguyễn Lâm Hoàng Phúc)
Tùng Maru (Hồ Lê Thanh Tùng)
Yori (Lê Võ Huỳnh Nga)
Zino (Ngô Nguyên Bình)
Ahn Hyo-seop (안효섭)
English name: Paul Ahn
Arden Cho
Bae Ju-hyun aka Irene (배주현)
Bae Suzy [or Suzy] aka Bae Su-ji (배수지)
Byun Baek-hyun aka Baekhyun (변백현)
Cho Mi Yeon aka Miyeon (조미연)
Cho Seo Young aka Ireh (조서영)
Choi Choong Hyup aka Baron (최충협)
Claudia Kim
Han Eunji aka Mia (한은지)
Han Sung Min (한성민)
Heo Yoorim aka Aisha (허유림)
Jamie Chung
Jang Eun Seong aka Dosie (장은성)
Jang Woo-young aka Ace (장우영) 
Jeon Ji-woo aka Jiwoo (전지우)
Jeon Jung-kook aka Jungkook (전정국)
Jeon So-min aka Somin (전소민)
Jeon So-yeon aka Soyeon (전소연) 
Jo Serim aka Onda (조세림) 
Jung Jae-hyun aka Jaehyun
Legal name: Jung Yoon Oh (정윤오)
Jung Ho-seok aka J-Hope (정호석)
Jung Sung Chan aka Sungchan (정성찬)
Kang Seul-gi aka Seulgi (강슬기)
Ki Hong Lee
Kim Dong-young aka Doyoung (김동영‬)
Kim Gun Hak aka Leedo (김건학)
Kim Ho-sung aka Lou (김호성)
Kim Jennie aka Jennie (김제니)
Kim Ji Soo aka Jisoo (김지수)
Kim Jin Seok (김진석) / Kim Woo Jin (김우진) aka BM
English name: Matthew Kim  
Kim Jong-in aka Kai (김종인)
Kim Jung-woo aka Jungwoo (김정우) 
Kim Nam-joon aka RM (김남준)
Kim Seok-jin aka Jin (김석진)
Kim Sihyeon aka Sihyeon (김시현)
Kim So-hyun (김소현)
Kim Soo-hyun (김수현)
Kim Tae-hyung aka V (김태형)
From BTS
Kim Tae-hyung aka J.Seph (김태형)
From K.A.R.D
Kim Tae-yeon aka Taeyeon (김태연)
Kim Ye-rim aka Yeri (김예림)
Kim Yoo-jung (김유정)
Kim Young Jo aka Ravn (김영조)
Kwon Bo-ah aka BoA (권보아)
Lee Chae-young aka Chaein (이채영) 
Lee Dong-hyuck aka Haechan (이동혁)
Lee Gun Min (이건민) aka Seoho
Legal name: Lee Seo Ho (이서호)
Lee Ji-eun aka IU (이지은 )
Lee Je-no aka Jeno (이제노)
Lee Keon Hee aka Keonhee (이건희)
Lee Min Hyung aka Mark (이민형)
English name: Mark Lee
Lee Sun-bin (이선빈)
Lee Sung-kyung (이성경 )
Lee Tae-min aka Taemin (이태민)
Lee Tae-yong aka Taeyong (이태용)
Min Yoon-gi aka Suga (민윤기)
Moon Chae-won (문채원)
Moon Geun-young (문근영)
Moon Tae-il aka Taeil (문태일)
Na Jae-min aka Jaemin (나재민)
Na Go Eun (나고은)
Noh Yoon Ho aka Ayno (노윤호)
Park Chae Young aka Rosé (박채영)
Park Hee Jun aka Ziu (박희준)
Park Ji Eun (박지은) 
Park Ji Min aka Jimin (박지민)   
Park Ji-sung aka Jisung (박지성) 
Park Jiwon aka E:U (박지원)
Park Shin-hye (박신혜)
Park So-dam (박소담)
Park Soo-young aka Joy (박수영)
Park Su-jin aka Swan (박수진)
Pony or Pony Park aka Park Hye-min
Seo Su Jin aka Soojin (서수진)
Seo Ye-ji (서예지)
Seo Young Ho aka Johnny (서영호)
English Name: John Suh 
Son Dong Ju aka Xion (손동주)
Son Seung Wan aka Wendy (손승완) 
Yeo Hwan Woong aka Hwanwoong (여환웅)
Bai Jingting (白敬亭)
Bai Lu (白鹿)
Cai Xukun (蔡徐坤)
Cai Zhuo Yi aka Joey Chua (蔡卓宜)
Cao Lu (曹璐)
Cheng Mengchen aka Shen Mengchen (沈梦辰)
Curly G (希林娜依·高)
Deng Lun aka Allen Deng (邓伦)
Dilraba Dilmurat (دىلرەبا دىلمۇرات)
Mandarin Chinese: 迪丽热巴/ 迪力木拉提
Dong Sicheng aka WinWin (董思成)
Gulinazhaer Baihetiyaer aka Gulnazar (古力娜扎) (گۈلنەزەر بەختىيار)
Mandarin Chinese: Gulinazha/Guli Nazha (古力那扎尔·拜合提亚尔)
Fan Bingbing (范冰冰)  
Fan Chengcheng  (范丞丞)
Fernanda Ly (利献灵)
Gao Yuanyuan (高圆圆)
Guan Xiaotong (关晓彤)
Huang Guanheng aka Hendery (黄冠亨)
Huang Renjun aka Renjun (黄仁俊)
Jia Fu aka Fingal (付嘉)
Jia Nailiang aka Jerry Jia (贾乃亮)
Jike JuanyiJike Junyi aka Summer (吉克隽逸)
Other name:  王隽逸   
Jing Tian (景甜)
Li Bingbing (李冰冰)
Li Qin (李沁) 
Li Xiaolu aka Jacqueline Li (李小璐)
Lin Xinru aka Ruby Lin (林心如)
Liu Shishi aka Cecilia Liu (刘诗诗)
Liu Yangyang aka Yangyang (刘扬扬)
Liu Ying (刘颖) aka Ying Er (颖儿)
Lu Han (鹿晗)
Luo Yunxi aka Leo Luo (罗云熙)
Ma Sichun aka Sandra Ma (马思纯)
Madina Memet (مادىنا مەمەت )
Mandarin Chinese: 麦迪娜 or 麦迪娜·买买提/ 买地娜·买买提
Meng Ziyi aka Zoey (孟子义)
Merxat (米热夏提▪亚里坤)
Ni Ni (倪妮)
Ouyang Nana (欧阳娜娜)
Qian Kun aka Kun (钱锟)
Song Yuqi aka Yuqi (宋雨琦)
Song Weilong (宋威龙)
Song Zuer aka Lareina Song (宋祖儿)
Sun Li (孙俪)
Sun Bohao (孙博豪)
Tang Yan aka Tiffany Tang (唐嫣)
Tang Wei (汤唯)
Ten aka Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (เตนล์ ชิตพล ลี้ชัยพรกุล)
Li Yong Qin (李永钦)
Ethnically Chinese 
Tian Yitong (田依桐)
Tong Liya (佟丽娅)
Father: Tong Jisheng (佟吉生) of Xibe ethnicity from Xinjiang 
Mother: Mao Haiying (毛海英) of Han ethnicity from Gansu
Wang Chuanyi aka Kingone Wang (王传一)
Wang Jiaer aka Jackson Wang (王嘉尔)
Wang Likun aka Claudia Wang (王丽坤)
Wang Yibo aka Yibo (王一博)
Wang Yifei aka Faye (王一菲)
Wang Yiren aka Yiren (王怡人)
Wang Ziyi (王子异)
Wang Zhuocheng (汪卓成)
Wu Qian aka Janice Wu (吴倩)
Wu Tianming aka Constance Wu (吴恬敏)
Wu Xize aka Caesar Wu (吴希泽) 
Xiao Dejun aka Xiao Jun (肖俊)
Xiao Zhan aka Sean Xiao (肖战)
Xu Ke (徐可)
Yang Mi (杨幂)
Yang Wei Ling Hua (杨魏玲花)
Yang Zhiying aka Katherine Yang (杨之楹)
Yang Zi aka Andy Yang (杨紫)
Ye Shuhua aka Shuhua (叶舒华)
Yu Shuxin aka Esther Yu (虞书欣)
Zhao Liying (赵丽颖)
Zhang Liyin (张力尹)
Zhang Xinyuan (张辛苑)
Zhang Yixing aka Lay/Lay Zhang (张艺兴)
Zheng Shuang (郑爽)
Zhou Dongyu (周冬雨)
Zhong Chenle aka Chenle (钟辰乐)
Zhou Jieqiong aka Kyulkyung (周洁琼)
Zhu Zhengting (朱正廷)
Abe Haruno aka Haru (阿部春野)
Adachi Yuto aka Yuto (足立湯と)
Alice Hirose- Hirose Arisu (広瀬 アリス)
Aragaki Yui (新垣 結衣)
Hamada Asahi aka Asahi (浜田朝光)
Hirai Momo aka Momo (平井 もも)
Hirokawa Mao aka May (廣川茉音) 
Honda Hitomi aka Hitomi (本田仁美) (ほんだ ひとみ)
Ishigami Kuniko (石神 国子)
Kanemoto Yoshinori aka Yoshi (金本芳典)
Katsuno Rise aka Remi (勝野莉世) 
Kiritani Mirei (桐谷 美玲)
Birth name: Sayasa Matsuoka (松岡さや紗)
Komatsu Nana (小松 菜奈)
Lyrica Okano
Minatozaki Sana aka Sana (湊崎 紗夏)
Miyawaki Sakura aka Sakura (宮脇咲良)
Mori Koyuki aka Yuki (もうりこゆき)
Myoui Mina aka Mina (名井 南)
English name: Sharon Myoui
Nakagawa Taishi (中川大志)
Nakamoto Yuta aka Yuta (中本悠太)
Okamoto Tao (岡本 多緒)
Osaki Shotaro aka Shotaro (大崎将太郎)
Sasaki Nozomi (佐々木 希)
Satoh Takeru (佐藤 健)
Shimabukuro Satsuki  (島袋 さつき) aka Meisa Kuroki (黒木 メイサ)
Takahashi Juri aka Juri (高橋朱里) (たかはし じゅり)
Takata Mashiho aka Mashiho (高田ましほ)
Takei Emi (武井 咲) 
Watanabe Haruto aka Haruto (渡辺春虎)
Yabuki Nako aka Nako (矢吹奈子) 
Yamashita Tomohisa aka Yamapi (山下 智久)
Yamada Ryosuke (山田 涼介)
Angel Locsin
Birth name: Angelica Locsin Colmenares
Charo Ronquillo 
Coco Martin
Birth name: Rodel Pacheco Nacianceno
Daniel Padilla
Devon Seron
Gabbi Garcia
Birth name: Gabriella Louise Ortega Lopez
Janine Tugonon
Birth name: Janine Mari Raymundo Tugonon
JC de Vera
Julie Anne San Jose
Birth name: Julie Anne Peñaflorida San Jose
Manuel Jacinto
Rita Daniela
Birth name: Rita Daniela De Guzman Iringan
Sam Concepcion
Birth name: Samuel Lawrence Lopez Concepcion
Teresita Marquez  
Birth name: Teresita Ssen Lacsamana Márquez
Yūn/Yūki Mago
Birth name: Laya
Jelita Septriasa aka Acha Septriasa
Maudy Mikha Maria Tambayong aka Mikha Tambayong
Muhammad Tulus aka Tulus
Nikita Purnama Willy aka Nikita Willy
Rachel Amanda Aurora
Rizky Febian Adriansyah Sutisna aka Rizky Febian  
Sherina Munaf
Shireen Sungkar
Yunita Rachman aka Yura Yunita 
Amber Chia 
Jordan Rodrigues
Yunalis binti Mat Zara'ai aka Yuna
Aarif Rahman aka Li Zhiting (李治廷)
Of Arab, Malay, and Chinese descent
Awkwafina aka Nora Lum 
Of Korean & Chinese parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Chinese
Bambam aka Kunpimook Bhuwakul (กันต์พิมุกต์ ภูวกุล) 
Of Chinese descent, one of his grandma is Chinese.
Belle aka Jin Hyeon Ju (진현주)
Of Korean and Filipino parentage
Mother: Filipina, Father: Korean
Brenda Song 
Of Thai & Hmong parentage
Chanmina aka Otomonai Mina (ちゃんみな)
Of Japanese and Korean parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Japanese 
Elaiza Ikeda
Of Filipino and Japanese parentage
Mother: Filipino of Spanish descent, Father: Japanese
Haley Tju
Of Chinese and Indonesian descent
Hari Won  aka Lưu Esther 
Of Vietnamese and Korean parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Vietnamese 
Hashimoto Tenka (橋本 甜歌)
Of Japanese and Chinese parentage
Mother: Chinese, Father: Japanese
Heart Evangelista aka Love Marie Payawal Ongpauco-Escudero
Lucas aka Lucas Wong/Huang Xuxi (黄旭熙)
Of Thai & Chinese parentage
Mother: Thai, Father: Chinese
Manika aka Manika Grace Ward
Part Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, and Spanish
Nichkhun aka Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul (นิชคุณ หรเวชกุล)
Mother: Chinese, Father: Thai/Chinese descent
Takahashi Yu (高橋 ユウ) 
Of Filipino and Japanese parentage
Mother: Filipino, Father: Japanese
Tomo aka Visava Thaiyanont (วิศว ไทยานนท์)
Of Thai & Japanese parentage
Mother: Japanese, Father: Thai
Yuki Anggraini Kato 
Of Japanese and Indonesian parentage
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149 notes · View notes
alexalblondo · 4 years
F1 teams what their actual anthem should be:
Mercedes: Wir sind Helden - Gekommen um zu bleiben:
sooo many songs that work but the line „We came to stay we won’t go away like a perfect stain“: tell me that song doesn’t scream Toto subtweeting Christian and Ferrari about being the girlboss™️ now? (alternate it’s Die Toten Hosen - Tage wie diese cause „On days like this we experience the best and there is no end in sight“ and … damn, I should have picked Haftbefehl - Chabos wissen wer der Babo ist, shouldn’t I?)
RedBull Racing: Reinhard Fendrich - I am from Austria:
a song about Austria (duh!) but it’s basically Reinhard dragging his country to hell and back then going: oh but I still love you, boo! I mean: „I know the rats, I know the stupidity […] I can do what I want, this is where I fit, this is where I belong“ 💔
McLaren: Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High:
my heart said The Kooks or Razorlight but my brain said One Direction, so we compromised and ended with Atomic Kitten and a song that slaps (be glad it wasn’t Boyzone, fellas) … also both Lando and Daniel are girlbosses™️ and that song screams girl power (Spice Girls were out because someone had to go and marry a spice girl)
Aston Martin: Ed Sheeran - You need me I don’t need you
… I know what you’re thinking, but hear me out, okay? So Aston Martin is british but also really green right? You know which country is famously associated with the colour? Ireland! Who had a song about a girl from Ireland in the past few years? Ed! Where is Ed from? Britain! What other song was sung by Ed? You need me I don’t need you! - anyways, this is a long winded way of saying: I need someone to do a fancam of Seb/Lance holding winners trophies in Aston Martin suits while Ed sings: „They say I‘m up and coming like I‘m fucking in an elevator“ because that line is iconic and I did go to an Ed Sheeran concert just for this (worth it though) (Jk it’s Alles nur Geklaut - Die Prinzen, cause they drive a benz that glitters in the sun)
Alpine: Stromae - Papaoutai:
which is basically Esteban’s song now that Toto has George and Cyril left Renault (Nando, please be his new dad!)
Ferrari: Andrea Bocelli and Giorgia - Vivo per lei:
Idk I just realized I blocked out most of my italian knowledge but yeah, living for her? seems like Ferrari
Alpha Tauri: Il cocodrillo come fà?:
cause it’s a children song and AT is the junior team and also come on ya‘ll, it slaps and if the universe was fair we‘ll get a video of Pierre and Yuki singing it
Alfa Romeo: DJ Ötzi - Der DJ aus den Bergen:
gonna be honest, there is no deep connection here, I just think the song slaps and Sauber is swiss 🙈
Haas: Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA:
nothing screams Haas 2021 like this song cause it’s basically a big „fuck u!“ but no one gets it (jk jk it’s some Russian electro)
Williams: Elton John - Rocket man:
cause both are iconic and british and it‘s one of my favorite all time songs and Idk, Frank Williams always reminds me of Elton
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