#Sorry about the sketches🫡
humijpg · 4 months
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Emo Terry and dumb Korvo.
they're in love now sorry
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myokk · 5 days
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In honor of waking up to see that my two favorite fanfics updated (what are the odds when they update like once every few months🥹🙏) I had to draw my favorite snake🐍
This is How You Lose the Time War - fleabagshair
Blood and Gold - @obsidianpen
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extreme-neutral · 9 months
Hi! Sidestep ask game is still pinned to your dash, soo... 5, 15, 16 and 29 for Cy pretty please ^^
Yes, the ask wall stays until I finish an art. Meanwhile, it entertains me while I'm at work or traveling, so giant THANKS for asking!
5. What is their zodiac sign?
Virgin Virgo.
I find it hard to imagine Cy just answering this question with some lie/on random instead of just dodging it..
So I'll just go with the legend that someone asked him his zodiac sign and someone else teased with "virgin" and Cy just rolled with it (virgo is Latin for virgin).
I had to conduct full-on research to answer this one, but character-wise this sign fits him extremely well.
15. What is their greatest flaw?
Torn between paranoid and self-destructive, but if we are talking fatal flaws - as in "will kill you" kind - that would be the latter ofc.
His revenge scar from HB combined with self-rivalry is one side of it, sure. He gets... urges. from time to time - really doesn't like himself at all.
The other side is his same old need to have a clear purpose. Once *everything* is done, he sees no future for himself. Fuck's he supposed to do if he survives? Learn to live and love himself? LOL
So, he strives for no life improvement, no bettering of his own head space - which only makes him more unlikely to try to solve this mess that is himself and soooo Ouroboros turns eternally.
All in all he's just tolerating himself for as long as it takes like a soldja.
(imma tell you a secret tho, there is at least one individual who, theoretically, might persuade him - mayhaps unintentionally - to suffer himself indefinitely...)
16. What is their best virtue?
So funny thing. Cy is this kind of a person who would crank any virtue up to 150% where it tips into a flaw, if you know what I mean.
If he's loyal, he might be blindly loyal to wrong people. If he's practical, he'll try to apply practicality to emotions and get confused. If he's empathetic, he'll start overthinking and just make a normal situation weird..
Interestingly enough, I've read a mention of Virgos doing exactly that: too much of good thing thing... :'D
And I'd say Cy's ultimate virtue is... selflessness. Which, yes, seem to result in self-neglect if you overdo it.
And the only thing that might overcome his greatest flaw? You got it - selflessness (as in, he might go for the worst of fates for someone else).
Something about Cyrus and vicious circles, man...
29. Do they flirt often?
Simple answer is: no.
He does use jokes with lewd undertones to startle or embarrass someone on porpoise, but not on people who might turn it into actual flirting. That would be unintentional self-subotage.
Hard to speak for sure about him flirting in a relationship, since I have no data further than one imaginary scenario. Feel like if the other is not prone to flirting he would take it up, but there is no saying if it's gonna be a cheesy one liner or a statement of opinion at any given moment. And if he’ll just fluster himself with it…
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parisoonic · 11 months
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I'm so sorry these are all just images with my duff handwriting (I thought I had more half-sketched things than I actually did WHOOPS) but here's a bunch of comic scripts I've had chilling for ages (and this is like...a fraction of them lol).
Anyways for 2k followers (!!!) I thought I'd do something a bit bigger than I have been drawing lately SO if you have a preference about what you'd like to see finished here's your chance 😊 I'll run this poll for like 48 hours (wait...there's only two choices? 1 day or 1 week smh...a week it is) and then get to work 🫡
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slutforsnow · 5 months
His Sunflower
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Chapter 5 🕺
We boutta fly through these next few chapters to get to my lore idea so I never forget it 🫡
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As the week of midterms went antagonizingly slow, Festus and Sunni were arguing, which pleased Coryo and Sej, but they didn't show it when Sunni told them about their most recent fight in the art room.
"What? Fes, why would I abandon Sej and Cori?" Sunni asked as her boyfriend watched her sketch out her next painting. She was sitting by the window, getting a headstart on the painting for class. Her teacher had wanted the class to paint the people, things, or places that made each person happy. Sunni, being the overachiever that she is, had to work twice as hard because of what she had planned.
"Because, my darling, they don't understand the love we have for each other. They hate us for it. Did you forget how Sejanus reacted when you told him the news?" Festus drawled, not really wanting to be here. The art room smelled awful to him; all the oils and paints? Not for him, but he dealt with it that way she didn't think he didn't love her. Well, he didn't, but Sunni couldn't find that out. Not yet.
"They don't hate us, it just came as a shock cause we've only known each other for about 3 months," She replied, setting her pencil down to look up a photo she had taken of her center piece.
"And how do you know what? Did Sejanus tell you that?" Festus snapped, a frown appearing on his face.
"Yeah, actually," Sunni sassed back, glaring at her boyfriend. "Say Sejanus' name like that again and see what happens."
The pissed off look was surprising to Festus; all he had seen Sunni do was smile, laugh, beam, and grin. He had to tread lightly when talking about her cousin because if he wasn't careful, she'd pick up on his true nature.
"Right, sorry, love," He said gentler, earning a bright smile of approval on her face before turning back to her work.
"I don't forgive you just yet, Fes, you'll have to earn your forgiveness."
Coryo had grabbed his shovel, as the three of them were in his family's apartment when she told them, but she told him no and bapped him on his head like he was cat.
It was like a factory reset for him; he hadn't been touched like that since he was a kid, so it had worked, and he sat back down, putting his shovel back in his closet, mumbling a quiet fine.
"Has he been working on improving?" Sejanus questioned from the floor, running a hand through his hair.
"Yeah!! He's not a total ass like you guys say," She replied, beaming. "Yeah, he has his moments, but he's super sweet!"
'I could be better for you, Sunni. Better than that lowlife player and cheater,' Coryo thought, pulling his white hood up to rest on his head before glancing at his notebook that was squeezed into his mattress. How Sunni hadn't seen it yet, he had no idea, but was he grateful she hadn't? Yes. Yes, he was.
"Sun, it could be a front; he could still be a bad guy," Sejanus warned.
"Yeah, yeah, I know, but he's changed! I know it!"
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Then the party came. The boys plan to have a sideshow exposing Festus to the entire senior class during the party was ready, with photos (comprising of from texts to photos of Festus on dates with different girls) from sophomore year as proof, was ready and on a USB drive.
They were dressed in casual-ish clothing. Sejanus was wearing black jeans and a baggy band t-shirt. He didn't feel like dressing all nice like people usually expected him to do so—he also wanted to blend in as most of their class loved wearing band shirts on no-uniform days and since this was Clemensia's party, there would be no-doubt that a lot of people would be wearing band t-shirts.
Coryo, on the other hand, was wearing blue jeans, which had rips up and down them but he didn't really care; they were styled that way so people wouldn't pick up on his financial situation and he looked good in them too. He wore a large short sleeve plain white shirt and an oversized dark red hoodie over it with a gold chain he borrowed from Sejanus around his neck. He liked his simplicity. Not too "poor-looking" and not too fancy either. It was a perfect mix of what he needed to show and comfort.
The boys were waiting for Sunni by the door of the estate, and when they saw her, Coryo's jaw hit the Titanic.
Sunni had curled her hair a little, just to make it bouncy, and was wearing a white dress where the sleeves rested on the arms instead of the shoulders. It came down to the middle of her calves. She was wearing gold-coloured heels, which were the kind you had to tie on you, so you didn't fall out of the shoes. The only accessory she had was a silver necklace that had a jeweled sunflower.
She looked stunning. She was way too good for Festus. She was a goddess. Someone to be worshipped. Not be manipulated by Festus.
Coryo tried to speak as Sejanus answered the door.
"Festus!!" Sunni exclaimed, seeing him at the door. She giggled and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck, kissing his cheek, as Festus embraced her body.
"Hi, baby," Festus greeted, smiling and sending a triumphant smirk to Sejanus and Coryo as the two glared at him.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing
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ccrisalright · 20 days
Opening Kindergarten art requests !
I may not do all of them, and I might fall back on them, bc my motivation fluctuates a ton.
Examples of my art. Stuff I deliver will be decently clean sketches w monochromatic coloring
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(^ silly comics would be more styled like this)
Things you can request:
- Multiple characters interacting
- Aus!!! Please send me refs and let me draw your aus!!! And tell me about them!!!
- Ships, just like. Nothing weird.
(No incest or pedophilia, obviously.)
- Silly little comic ideas (chances I do them may be low tho)
- I'd prefer to keep these silly and lighthearted, so nothing w heavy gore or extreme angst (I'll do light angst though)
- Don't really want to draw OCs, sorry :(
I hope I get some requests, and deliver well 🫡
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asiandra-dash · 2 months
Hii 🫡 can I request a emu otori headcanons to eat jom nom
Yes!!!! I actually never really thought about any headcanons for Emu, so this got me thinking :0
Also there is no organization I just wrote down anything that came to mind I'm sorry about the mess
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The symbols in Emu's dialogue when she talks are used in the same way when she texts, but they confuse Tsukasa. Will he say anything about it? No.
She also uses emoticons at the end of her texts a lot °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Whenever WxS has a rehearsal, she always brings snacks to share.
Emu loves watching children's shows! Her favorite characters are Pinkie Pie and Bluey.
She plays Roblox obbys and tycoons a lot.
She is practically immune to sickness. You could count the number of times she's been sick on one hand.
Somehow, Emu will always have a stash of candy on her. If you ask her for something to eat she will magically produce a piece of candy out of nowhere.
She eats chewy candy a lot because if she doesn't she will find something else to chew on.
Sometimes Emu cuts her bangs. It went really badly at first but she eventually managed to get it. She still doesn't cut all her hair herself though, she doesn't trust herself to not mess up the back of her hair (Unrelated to PJSK but it'll probably look as bad as Xingqiu's hair I'm so sorry-)
Emu loves children's coloring books and uses crayons!!
She also draws with crayons sometimes, though she usually uses a colored pen.
SPEAKING OF COLORED PENS!!! If she's not zoning out in class and actually takes notes they're SUPER colorful and has doodles all over them! Kind of similar to sketch notes or two page spreads (I literally do not know the difference but according to my English teacher there is)
She has those glow in the dark stars on the ceiling of her room and a few on her walls.
She used to have braces.
She sometimes pulls her shirt over her knees when sitting on the floor. Anyone around her has to watch her closely when she does that in case she suddenly jumps up and loses her balance because of it.
I can't decide if Emu has a high or low spice tolerance
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Aahhhhhhh I would write more but I'm tired, it's midnight, and I have 26 vocabulary words to go over before school I'm gonna finish my dumb homework and head to bed but anyways thanks for asking!! I had a lot of fun coming up with headcanons for a character I didn't have much for!!! ^^
Gifs created using blinkies.cafe
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kidovna · 11 months
Sorry if it's been asked already (I always ask this to people with really cool artstyles so I mightve asked you myself already and straight up forgot LOL) but I was wondering, do you have any advice/tips/tutorials for drawing full bodies?
I just think you have a really cool artstyle and ive always struggled making fanart (other than semi-realistic screencap redraws) because I still have to learn how to stylise full bodies😅 (faces too but those im a bit better at).
Anyway, ive also been following u since your scorbus era and it's been so cool to see all the growth and different fandoms youve gone through! (I myself am a big byler🫡).
Sorry this is long, have a nice day/night🥰 and feel free to ignore this if you want, no worries!
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answering both of this together because i feel like my answer is going to be similar to both of them:
keep live/quick sketching people and poses! it’s a fantastic way to practice anatomy and when you speed up your process, it helps you figure out how full bodies look in your style because it’s your immediate instinct to draw a certain way! you don’t even need a live model to pose for you. the internet is full of incredible images and stock photos that are always fun to sketch. If you’d like a place to start, Adorka Stock is a deviant art page full of stock references made for artists.
I’m always and forever an advocate for quick sketching because when I started doing live sketches about a year ago they looked like this:
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And these are my sketches from a couple of months ago:
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The difference may not be massive to most people but I feel like my grasp on anatomy AND my line weight has improved drastically since. I feel more confident going into a piece knowing what the poses are going to be like in my head.
Apart from that, it’s normally widely accepted to reference poses for your art as long as you’re not tracing over someone else’s work. my favourite thing to do is self reference with photos or a mirror because then i can get exactly the pose that i want.
I hope this helped!
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daybreaklynx · 11 months
the nebula looks pretty doesn't it
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inspired by this scene. it was so funny
this is a SUPER quick sketch sorry about it. my first time drawing em but it won't be the last🫡
anyway aziraphale fell first crowley fell harder i am right 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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scythlyven-art · 2 years
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fullsaviourshalt · 11 months
I found this hormungous, disgusting, aweful sketch/comic I did the chapter Mike saw Henry irl and I hate it too much to not let others see 😭😭 btw if my hand writing werent so ATROCIOUS I wouldnt need to write out all the text but thats what happens when you have a touch of the tism 🫡
This was based off of the chapter from A kiss for a Kill made by @hunnydreams42 btw lol, im yet to scrape enough confidence to post any recent art for the letter fic. Im getting there 😭
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Henry: Darling sweety honey bear <3
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Wills imagination:
Will: *on his knees* im sorry my snookums, ILYSM I would never cheat!
Mike: Its okay pookie bear, im not mad at you! I love you!
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Mikes imagination:
Will: *Holding Mikes face lovingly* Oh Mike, Im so happy you killed Henry, he was so ugly! ILYSM, lets get married after we burn his gross body!
Mike: 😊🥰😍☺️
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Henry on fire at the Byler wedding feat. my bandaged hand 😍
btw Mike would SO daydream about him and Wills wedding even if its technically is illegal, he would giggle and kick his feet whenever he thinks about it too dont @ me
I hope you like it pookies 💞💞
P.S. Will would totally steal the white dress Jane wore at Joyce+Hops wedding and Mike would wear his suit he wore 🥰
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faerieismm · 2 years
hello hello friends, today i am writing a request 🫡🫡 woohoo first request YIPPIE!! (well technically i kind of initiated it myself but-) THANK YOU @adrianasunderworld ehem, i give you:
levi cosplaying for you!!
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tw: none oui oui
genre: fluff mostly, slightly suggestive??
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sat at his desk, both you and levi were hunched over his computer.
levi was looking for some wigs for his cosplays, and what levi did, you did too.
“WOAH! this is a really good ruri chan wig!” he suddenly shouted, little twinkles in his eyes. as he started to rant about ruri chan and the details of her hair, you interrupted him.
“you already have three of them though..” it took him a second to process what you said.
“mmmgh, yeah..” he slunched back down (in my head slunched was a word, autocorrect doesn’t approve tho-) he scrolled some more, your eyes following every row that went by.
“how abooout.. - you started - you cosplay one of my favorite characters!” this surely peaked his interest, his eyes lightening up.
“uh yeah!” levi stuttered.
he now realized he didn’t even know who your favorite character was. sure you had talked about some of your favorite anime and mangas but as you know, levi could ramble on and on, and you always listened. he appreciated it from the bottom of his heart but he felt so embarrassed!
with a hand in front of his mouth, he said “who is your favorite character actually?” embarrassed he didn’t know.
“oh! right.” you grabbed your phone. “mitsuri kanroji!” you beamed.
“she’s cute!” levi stuttered.
now it was your turn to ramble about your favorite character, and levi happily listened to all you had to say.
it was pretty obvious you were simping hard for mitsuri, and the demon started to feel a little envious. nevertheless, he typed out some details as you went on about how much you loved her, and made a sketch of her.
suddenly realization hit you, and your words faded out. how long had you been talking for? surely long enough.
“i’m - you lowered your head - i’m sorry, been talking for awhile huh?” a soft chuckle followed.
“i don’t mind.” levi smiled at you and shoved the sketch in your face before you could say anything else. “this right?”
“oh yes, absolutely, that looks just like her!” and back to your excited state you were. “your art is so good!”
levi blushed at the compliment and put the sketch back on his desk, immediately starting on some more sketching and pattern making.
you were with levi through the entire process, sometimes you helped him, but you mostly watched, wanting to learn from him.
a few weeks passed, but you were actually having alot of fun! levi taught you alot about where to take measurements, how to process them, and a little bit of sowing. at some point you had even started to call him sensei, which made him blush profusely.
and after a filled 5 weeks, it was all complete. as soon as levi got the wig, he texted you to come over.
jumping up and almost literally sprinting to levi’s room, you swear you almost broke your ankle, but this you had to see.
you opened the door to a blushing leviathan, looking at his feet.
a loud gasp left your mouth and you ran up to him, taking in every piece of the cosplay.
“levi this is so good!” you practically shouted. you studied all of the fabrics, in awe at how well this was made.
“i’m glad you like it..” he stuttered.
you let your hand slowly slide down his arm. “i don’t know which mitsuri i like better now.” you said with a wink, and pressed a small peck to his shoulder.
levi couldn’t stop blushing for atleast the whole month.
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alriiiiighttttt! hope that was alright, i tried hehe :} thank you for this opportunity @adrianasunderworld !
yours truly,
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fizzfags · 1 month
hi i know what its like to feel like nothing u draw comes out right worst kind of artblock ever honestly. but if it means anything i love your art sooo much you have such a distinctive style i could recognize it from a mile away. youre so good at using hatching and to create texture or differentiate values esp in sketches it always looks sooo good without fail. and the way you texture hair and shit oiuuugh my god. theres so many little things you do that give your art so much texture and fucking character and i adore it. theres something so refreshing about it. this is long as fuck sorry what im trying to say is if lukas art has 1 fan that is me
no thank you so much it is very appreciated 🫡yay :)
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thekidsarentalright · 9 months
ahh hi bff it’s been a hell of a week!! ok SO. presale was stressful as always but i got tickets and i’m so hyped! it’s like we switched, this time ur gonna be at the first show and i’m traveling to go to a later show lmao 😭 first show is terrifying in such a good way i’m so excited for u! and TWO SHOWS BACK TO BACK?!?! holy shit dude!! 😄😄
and YESSSS to painting a jacket, that’s gonna look so cool! ur lowkey making me wanna do smth diy for my show… i’ve painted on clothes before and decorated a shirt for when i saw tswift, so i already have a bunch of fabric markers and things lying around 👀 it looks like u got a lot of good advice already and i second all of it… definitely sketch with a fabric marker first so u have a vague idea of what u wanna do. and literally don’t worry at all if it isn’t perfect, it’ll still be cool bc You made it and that’s what matters!!
alsoooo the vmas, they’re so silly and goofy i love them so much <333333 the shoulder pads, patrick singing “youtube killed mtv”, pete wearing shorts(?!) with the suit jacket etc etc. they had the opportunity to be the funniest fucking band ever and they did!! the patrick emotion has been insane recently… still not over that tour announcement video and then the suit, he’s so endearing 😭
oh and also!! i hope ur having an amazing day/night <3 mwah!
- 🧋 anon
hiiii bestie omg ikr it has been such a chaotic week, as such so sorry for replying to this a couple days late but fksdjnfs god yeah presale was a lot!!! it's always so stressful tbh BUT worth it for getting tickets!!! so exciting that you were able to get some!! and yeah now this time i can be the one reporting abt everything early... a heavy responsibility i am willing to take on ofc 🫡 but ahhh thank u yeah fr going to the first show feels so scary!!!!! and i am so excited!!!! can't believe im getting back to back shows they're literally gonna kill me fksdjnfks
and thank u for that advice!! especially about not worrying about it being perfect <33 and to u i say absolutely go for making something for your show too!! i've noticed more and more people diy-ing stuff for concerts recently and i think it's so so fun :,) would love to see what u make if u do end up doing something too!!!
literally they are the best funniest silliest goofiest dfkjsnfs band EVER and i love them for it. love that every time they have the opportunity to be that unserious they take it, forever living up to be seriously unserious <3 and god ikr the patrick emotion is nonstop being set off... i think him w the beard is just extra. awooga. literally looks like a cuddly teddy bear how could we be expected to act normal about That!!!
and also thank u!!! i hope you're having an amazing day/night too bestie!! mwah mwah <333
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