#Sorry guys I’ll get to all your requests asap I’m just out of town currently
spookyswhore · 4 years
What You Gonna Do When They Come for You? (Oscar Diaz x Reader)
Summary: Creating a new life from Freeridge may have been more of a nightmare than a blessing. After a life altering decision, what you gonna do when they come for you?
Word count: 2.7k
Author’s Note: this is a request from @tinnadh7 , hope you like. Sorry I’ve been away for so long between graduating and going to college everything has been stressing me out lol
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Freeridge still looked the same as it did before you left. Shit, it even smelled the same too. Cigarettes, alchohol, and 15 years later, you were now back in town after your move to New York. Right after your high school graduation, you moved out of state to New York to pursue your dreams of becoming a detective. Watching crime shows like The First 48 and Cops (and singing very passionately to the theme song) only put that final nail in the coffin and cemented your decision to become a part of the police force. Now here you were sitting on your older sister’s couch, a glass of wine sat chilled in your hand and you were clad in a sweater and some sweats with your hair in a ponytail. She lived in Brentwood, maintaning the life you were struggling to build, on your end. Her huge house, quiet neighborhood, and peace were all some things you wanted to acquire at some point in your life. That point is just not now.
"What are you doing here?" Your sister asked. By the tone of her voice, you could tell she wasn't exactly the happiest to see you. After you left, you lost contact with everything and everyone that was involved with Freeridge, which didn’t really sit right with her. After all, family was everything.
“I need somewhere to stay…” You said. You silently hoped that she would let go the grudge she held against you for the last 15 years and not be petty enough to not accpet her sister into her home. You both were raised on ‘Family First’ and you had no idea whether she was going to go against all that you were raised on.
“I’m not going to stay here forever. I just- I just need somehwere to lay low for a few days. I’ll find an apartment. I did something bad and not I’m in some shit that I can’t really explain right now..” You said as your pleas began to fade. You so badly wnated to fill your sister in all of the stuff that happened in the time that you were gone but right now you had no idea what to do and you didn’t want to put her or her newborn in jeopardy.
“Aren’t you some cop or something. Do that stuff that you guys do and you’ll be fine.” She said, completely dismissing you.
“It’s not that simple. I know you don’t really like me right now but just, please, can I stay here? I won't be in your way. I just need a little bit of time to figure this shit out.” You teared up as your voice broke. You hated the unknown and you were really scared of the shit you were caught up in and you didn’t know if you were going to make it out alive.
Your sister took a deep breath. You could see her internal dialogue spread across her face as she tried to decipher whether she’ll let you in or not. After a hot second, she shook her head of her thoughts and looked at your distraught state.
“Yeah. Sure. But I swear if you bring this shit to my home-.” You cut her off.
“I’m not. Thank you.” You got up and hugged her. “Now..” you smirked at her. “Can I meet my nephew?”
She laughed at your question. “Yes you can.” You followered into his room and never seen or experienced anything so heartwarming. The way his little beady eyes gleamed at you and the way his tiny little hand wrapped around your finger just melted your heart completely. She then showed the extra room she had, where you’ll be staying you thanked her again, bringing her into a teary eyed hug.
You woke up at noon with a sweat. The events that led you to your current state plagued your mind and your dreams as you slept and only left you a wet mess, breathing heavily in anxiety. You threw the covers off of your sticky body and trekked youself towards the bathroom and noticed your sister set you up with a fresh set of clothes throughout the night. Silently thanking her, you made a mental note to get a job and save up enough money to get you a whole new wardrobe, seeing as you literally had to get up and go and you were going to be in Freeridge for a while. Once you finished showering, you threw on the fresh set of clothes. In the middle of doing your hair, your stomach made the iconic sound that everybody loves and knows to be a whale call, indicating that you have eaten in the last 36 hours. Between spending money for transportion and paying for food at any diner that was closest to you, you were flat out broke. You began to walk down the spiral staircase, taking note of the white marble and planning to put it in your “future house items’ list. Only hearing the sound of your footsteps as you drew closer to the fridge, it was only right that you assumed you were the only person awake right now, not knowing that your sister’s husband had to get up this early too. Only difference was… he had a job. Rummaging through the fridge with a piece of toast after what seemed like two minutes, at least to you, you were startled by a deep voice.
“Excuse me? Who are you?” He said. You moved your eyes quckly side to side, trying to conjure up a response good enough to not make you look stupid.
“Uh, who are you?” You said, straightening up from being bent over in half, with a gallon of orange juice in your hand.
“I...” he said as he took a few steps closer, “...am Melissa’s husband. Now again who-”. He got cut off by the deadpan tone of your sister’s voice.
“Sean, who are you trying to intimidate now- oh.” Your sister’s words get cut off as her eyes land upon the situation she was absolutely dreading between her sister and her husband. She thought she would be able to put it off and hide her sister long enough to come up with a reasonable explanation to explain to her husband as to why there’s an extra person in this house.
“Yeah. Oh. Who is this?”
“This is my sister.” She said, taking long strides to stand next to you.
“Sister? You never told me you had a sister.” You stood there very awkwardly looking between your sister and her husband. Melissa started fiddling with her fingers and you saw the gears start rotating in her brain. So, calling onto your sisterly duties, you decided to relieve your sister of the stress and explain the long story yourself. After a lengthy 5 minutes, a dark grey cloud of silence loomed over everyone. For a second, you saw a look of pure rage engross her husband’s face but maybe it was your paranoia. Your sister and her husband looked at you, eyes wide in disbelief but you didn’t stay long as you turned and and made your way out of the door. You needed some fresh air anyways. Your legs took you farther and farther away from the house as you made your way towards somewhere that wasn’t the cringey feeling that encapsulated your sister’s home.
Great apprehension crept up in your body as you grew closer and closer to a home you’d never thought you’d see again. The memories you made with the Diaz residence when you were younger flooded your mind. The sexual thoughts you held sacred in your mind about Oscar had gotten interrupted by Oscar’s tall frame standing in front of you. During the time that you were friends, you developed a bit of a crush that only you knew of. It was imperative that you, in the name of the wellbeing of your family, would never get romantically involved with Oscar. With him being this infamous gang leader, it would just end very badly for every loved one in your life. As much as you saw through his machismo exterior and saw him as the loyal, caring, protective man, all of that had to be thrown out of the window as you stood in the present.
“What are you doing back over here?” He nodded. Not being the shy, little high schooler you once were, you sized him up, matching his intimidation. But don’t get yourself wrong, the rapid beating of your heart and the throbbing in your core was almost enough to have you start seeing wedding bells.
“You know, I REALLY don’t think that is any of your business. Bold of you to question me, isn’t it? Got a problem?” Your cop instincts kicked in as you and Oscar stood with your eyes locked with each other. His eyes faltered for a bit in defeat then darkened with what you assumed to be lust. It was then that he didn’t respond but let off but a smirk, small enough for you to see, as he walked away. Shaking your head of your thoughts, you noticed Cesar and the rest of the Santos burning holes in the side of your head. Offering a quick smile and a wave to Cesar, your face dropped as you mindlessly wandered, again, around the streets of Freeridge.
Day turned into night as you made your way back “home”. As you opened the door, the scene that laid out in front of you. There were broken items everywhere. The table, the vase that sat on top of the island in the kitchen, basically anything that can be within arms reach. Then, your eyes jolted to your sobbing sister on the floor, surrounded with the shambles of the house that once was.
“Melissa. What the hell?”
Her head shot up in shock and the mascara-laced tears that so deplorably ran down her face left you in utter shock. You immediately ran to kneel beside her and took the bottle from her hands. You proceeded to ask her what happened during the time that you got some air. As she told you what transpired, everything in the room started to turn red. Anger quickly simmered inside you like some meat in a pressure cooker as the maroon-colored richness that only resembled blood made it’s way into your pupils. Never in a million years would you have believed that life would put you in a situation where your sister is in some deep shit and you would be there by her side. But this was the card that you were dealt. You didn’t have much info on what was going on but you definitely knew you and your sister had to get out ASAP. Something told you that something, or someone rather, is bad. Thoughts on the many ways you were going to kill your sister's husband flooded your mind as you helped your sister up. You told her to wait outside for you while you went to go get her baby to make sure he was safe.
"Yes, baby, it's okay. Shh." You cooed. Your nephew was starting to awake from his sleep and you knew it was a matter of time before he would begin to cry. You grabbed as much stuff as you could--the essentials--and made your way to join your sister outside. The cool night air hit y’all as you came to a dreadful realization.
"What?" Your sister asked.
“We have nowhere to go.” You replied, swaddling the baby on your chest. You racked your brain trying to figure out who the hell in Freeridge was going to accept two random adults and a baby at this time of night. You couldn’t exactly go to certain parts of town because of the Prophets and 19th street. They would chew you up and spit you guys out, just loving the fact that you guys are in a vulnerable position. Your options were limited but they all pointed to the safest one. Oscar.
“Fuck.” You groaned.
“We gotta go to Oscar’s.”
“Oscar. No. We are absolutely not going to that bastard’s house.” You sister said as she crossed her arms in retaliation.
“Well do you have a better idea. Because quite frankly, we don’t have anywhere to go and Oscar is our safest option right now. We also have to get a move on before Mr. Incredible Hulk comes back.”
“Fine. Alright. Let’s go.” Your sister huffed. When you arrived at Oscar's place, you knocked on the door until you couldn’t anymore.
“Yo are you crazy?” Oscar said as he threw open the door in frustration. But I mean, could you blame him? You and your sister showed up at an ungodly hour with a fussy baby in your arms and let’s not even get started with the way he was dressed which honestly made you feel some type of way. The way his tank top sat on his body and the shorts sat oh so perfectly on his hips sent a blissful sensation to parts down below.
“We need somewhere to stay for the night.” Your sister spoke.
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Oscar can you not be a dick for 2 seconds and let us in.” Melissa said, obviously irritated.
“Melissa,” you started. “Oscar can we just spend the night, please. There’s a lot that has to be explained but there’s nowhere else in town for us to stay. Please.” You were pleading with Oscar at this point.
“What’s in it for me?” He smirked at the suggestive tone of his voice.
“Oscar, now is not the time. Are you going to let us in or not?” The longer you stood there, you yourself also began to grow frustrated.
It took him a minute to make a decision as he went silent. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching or lurking in the shadows and mumbled a silent “come in.”
You set foot in the house and all of the air left your lungs. Memories of you and Oscar began to drown your thoughts, again. The laughs. The movie sessions. The food. The study sessions that led to him giving up because he was lazy. Everything. You put your nephew down in Cesar’s room to go back to sleep and made sure your sister was okay before making your way back out into the living room. Oscar sat there with a mug, casually sipping whatever liquid was in it. You let out a large breath of relief as you finally got to sit down and relax after the day you’ve had.
“Long day?” His deep voice grumbled.
“Major understatement.”
Soon after, you felt a presence beside you and a dip in the sofa letting you know that Oscar is now sitting on the couch with you. With the interaction you encountered today with your sister’s husband, a little inkling told you something was up. Although you had just met him, you would have never began to think that he would manhandle your sister like she’s same ragdoll and honestly, the reality that it became had the anger inside you boil over. On the other hand, reality also hit that you didn’t have your job or your badge had been confiscated so there’s really nothing much you two can do but run and never look back. In deep thought about your next steps, you feel a hand on your shoulders and it starts to rub the day’s tension away.
“You’re tense.” His deep voice boomed.
“Yeah, well can you blame me?”
“What’s wrong?”
The room becomes quiet as you try and decide whether you want to tell Oscar everything that has happened in the past 15 years.
“Everything I know is gone…” You whispered.
“What?” Oscar replies.
“I thought escaping from Freeridge and trying to create a whole new life was gonna fucking help but it’s obviously not.” You said, beginning to tear up.
“What are you talking about?”
“Goddamnit, Oscar there’s people coming, “you said with a warning tone. “I fucked up. I did some shit that I can’t take back and now-“
“Hey hey shh.” Oscar soothed. He took you in his arms and tried to calm you down as you cried your eyes out. The weight of trying to protect your sister, her child, yourself and everyone around over a senseless decision you made on the other side of the country, was coming down on to you entirely, bearing no mercy. Now the question is, what are you going to do from now on to ensure the safety of you and the people around you?
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
We’ll make it work; Wanda x Vision x child reader
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well it’s been a LOOONG time since I posted something OUTSIDE of the Bohemian Rhapsody/Queen fandom. So I hope that my marvel readers enjoy this cute little fic that had been on my wattpad inbox since like last Sept. And I PROMISE to those anons who have sent me requests from Doctor Who and a couple more marvel stuff, I WILL GET TO YOUR REQUESTS ASAP. So I’ll stop here for now and let you all enjoy this cute little fic :)
They said it couldn’t be done.  Hell everyone would say it was downright unnatural but yet it was finally happening. After the whole battle with Thanos and managing to bring everyone back, Wanda and Vision settled down together in a quiet suburban home in upstate New York.
They built their house from the ground up using their own two hands and decided that now with the white picket fence home, they could now start thinking about having a family together.  Now of course Vision being a machine he can’t physically reproduce but as luck would have it, there was an orphanage just 30 minutes from where they lived.
Wanda submitted an application to the orphanage introducing themselves and what their preference for adopting was.  They had agreed on wanting to adopt a little girl, preferably around 4-6 years old. With some interviews, home visits, and looking through the files, Wanda and Vision finally came to an agreement on their dream child, young (Y/n) (l/n).  
An orphan that was brought to the orphanage after her mom gave birth to her in prison.
Her parents were would-be-robbers who mostly robbed homes or cabins but then they got cocky hoping to rob a bank.  Unfortunately they were caught right before they got even a foot away from the bank.  It was there her mom found out she was pregnant and gave birth in prison before the foster system brought her to the orphanage.
After reading her backstory, Wanda and Vision knew immediately they wanted to have her.  So she called the orphanage and set up a meet and greet and in one week they would get to meet their future daughter.
When the day arrived, Wanda and Vision (in his human disguise) drove up to the orphanage where they met the Head organizer Ms. Eliza Soo.  She asked them some questions that weren’t on the application like what their current jobs were, and since they were publicly named heroes, that they had their powers under control for the sake of their future daughter.
The two heroes assured Ms. Soo that they had full control of their powers and do not intend on showing their powers before young (Y/n) unless she asks them to. After about 15 minutes of chatting away, Ms. Soo told them.
“Alright. Now unlike most meet and greets that other orphanages do, we personally would like to see how the potential parents interact with our children. Instead of trying to force the child to talk in a room with 2 strangers, we ask that the potential adopters meet the child in the Playroom. Are you two up for that?”
“Yes of course. I personally understand what it feels like. For most of my childhood it was only my brother and I for years before he…...” Wanda said.  At the mention of her brother, tears flickered in her eyes but Vision took her hand in both of his and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“My wife lost her brother just shortly after we met. They were both orphaned when they were 10 years old back in her old home of Sokovia.”
“Oh I’m so sorry Ms. Maximoff, my condolences on your loss. I lost my brother around that age too. Gunshot by a rival gang member.” She took a deep breath in before exhaling out. “Now then, (Y/n) should already be heading towards the playroom if not already there by now. Allow me to escort you there so that you three may get acquainted with each other.” The three of them stood up and Ms. Soo guided them out of her office and down the hall.
They soon reached a room that was labeled at the top of the door PLAYROOM. Decorated all over the door were various art projects that the kids have done and at the bottom there were their names and ages.
“Now we’ll just observe you guys from the double-sided mirrors and see how you guys interact with her. If we see that there’s a connection, then we can proceed with the legal adoption.”
“Thank you Ms. Soo.” Vision said.  She nodded and walked off leaving the couple alone by the door.  The two of them looked at each other and Wanda asked her husband and partner.
“You ready?”
“If you are, then so am I.” Vision responded.  Wanda then reached for the doorknob and turned it on its side to open it up.
When they stepped into the room, it was completely filled with every kid of children’s toys imaginable from toy cars and trucks, dolls and action figures, even a small TV with a videogame console.  There was also drawings hung up along the wall just like there were on the door.
Soon their eyes came to young 4 year old (Y/n) (L/n).  She was at a small circular table with some paper and crayons surrounding her.  Happily humming to herself as she continued to draw on the paper.  When she saw Wanda and Vision, her head tilted to the side like an intrigued puppy.
“Are you my new mommy and daddy?”
“We—we hope to be.” Answered Wanda.  A wide smile soon spread across her face and she raced right up to them and immediately embraced Wanda.  Once she felt that little girl embrace her, a warm sensation fell over her and she already felt that maternal instinct take over.  Wanda knelt down and embraced young (Y/n) and she said. “So what is it you were drawing?”
“Come look. I’ve been working really hard on it!” like every excited child that wanted to show off their accomplishments, she dragged them both to the table and they all sat down around it and she began to show them all the drawings she’s done.
Some of them were drawings of herself out in a flower field, with her favorite animals, but one picture struck out to the two of them.
“What is this picture of (Y/n)?” Vision said as he held up a picture of (Y/n) standing between two adult figures.  But they had no hair or facial features drawn yet.
“That’s a picture of me with my new family. I…..I didn’t want to finish it till I knew it was for real. Are you guys really gonna be my new parents?” Wanda smiled and gently placed her hand on top of (Y/n)’s head and stroked down it.
“If Ms. Soo thinks we’re good with you, then yes. We will be.”
“I know one way that can help you, follow me!” she then stood up and raced over to the toy chest and opened it up.  Inside were dozens of costumes ranging from feather boas, to every kind of hat imaginable. Donated Halloween costumes, and even some props. “Since you guys are real life heroes, do you think we could play superheroes?”
Both Vision and Wanda were a little hesitant but after seeing the hopeful look in (Y/n)’s face, they agreed.  So they want up to her and they dug through the costume chest to see what all they could find.
With the wide imagination (Y/n)’s had, her and Wanda would be the heroes while Vision was to play the giant fire breathing dinosaur.  They stacked up some blocks for the town and places the toy cars to make it feel like an actual city.  
Watching them through the double-shift mirror, Ms. Soo along with some of the other workers watched the two former heroes interact with (Y/n).
“Seems (Y/n) has finally found the family she’s always wanted.” Said one of the female workers.
“I agree.” Said a male worker.  Ms. Soo who had been watching with interest, began to realize that maybe her employers were right.
After about 10min. of playtime and just getting to know her a bit more, that’s when Ms. Soo stepped into the room.  Her face was stoic as she looked at the three of them.
Wanda and Vision stood up and Vision asked.
“Ms. Soo, is there something wrong?”
“No. As a matter of fact, I’ve seen all that I’ve wanted to see. And……you guys have proven to me that you’re meant to be her future parents.”
“Really Ms. Soo?! Wanda and Vision are gonna be my new mommy and daddy?” (Y/n) asked excitedly.
“Indeed they are. We’ll have the legal forms printed out and have you both sign them. Then in a couple of weeks you can officially move in with them to your new home.” Ecstatic about the news, (Y/n) jumped up and down happily cheering at the fact she now had a new mom and dad, not only that but her new parents were Scarlet Witch and Vision.
“Thank you Ms. Soo. Thank you.” Wanda said happily.
“No need to thank me. You’re truly shown me that you both are the perfect couple to take her in.”
So for the next couple of weeks, Wanda and Vision signed any legal papers that the orphanage would send to them, get (Y/n)’s room ready for her and buy her some new toys, clothes and get her bed all made up.
Vision was currently outside building the playground that they wanted (Y/n) to play in the backyard.  It wasn’t anything grand just the basic swing set and jointed mini-clubhouse.  But as he was reading the instructions for how to hook the swings up that’s when he heard the gossiping voices of one of the neighbors next door, Karen and Felicia.
“Have you heard about the couple next door adopting a kid?” asked Felicia.
“Yes. That poor kid, having to be adopted by a bunch of freaks.” Karen mouthed out.
“I mean Wanda’s an okay girl, but I just worry about that boyfriend of hers.”
“Like he’s a freakin machine! You’ve seen all those robot shows. What if he goes all Terminator on that poor little girl?”
“I’d feel safer if her and Wanda bailed when that robot isn’t looking.”
“Amen to that sister. Oh! Did you see the recent Housewives of Orange County….” At this point Vision stopped working and went back inside.
He phased through the wall before levitating himself up towards the master bedroom and just stood there with an array of emotions buzzing about his head. Anger, fear, hurt, heartbroken, but most of all doubt.
Was he really able to take care of a child….scratch that a human being? He was an android after all.  What hope could he possibly have of taking care of a human child? He couldn’t taste properly so there’s no way he’d be able to cook for his new daughter.  There are some human emotions that he still has trouble deciphering, so how would he know what his daughter was feeling, especially once she reached her teenage years?
“Vis?” Wanda’s voice called out to him.  He looked up and saw Wanda kneeling in front of him.  Vision soon took notice that he was now on the floor, his knees curled up close to his chest, his back up against the wall. “Are you okay?”
“Wanda I—”
“Shhh, calm down. Breathe for me.” She placed her hand to the side of his head, her fingers gently brushing against his temple and he closed his eyes taking in a few deep breaths.  “You okay now?”
“Yes. Forgive me I—don’t know what came over me.”
“You were having an anxiety attack.”
“How—how is that possible?” Vision asked.  He was an android how could he have an anxiety attack?
“I don’t know.”
“Well we’ll—we’ll worry about how that’s possible later. Do you want to tell me what it was all about?” Vision looked down with regret and he whispered softly.
“I was a fool to think I could do this.”
“What? What are you saying?”
“Me. Being a—a father. To a human child.”
“What? Vision why—why would you say something like that?”
“I’m not fully human Wanda. I mean yes I can pull the disguise but—when it all comes down to it I’m a machine. After all I was originally supposed to be Ultron’s Vision.”
“But you’re not…….”
“There could be another threat. A threat that—puts you and our……I’m sorry Wanda. I shouldn’t have even spoken up about this.”
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me. Look at me Vision.” She cupped the side of his face. Her eyes filled with concern as her brow furrowed to match the concern in her eyes. “There is nothing wrong with speaking up about something like this. I’m scared too.”
“But you’re at least human. What if I—what if I hurt her?”
“You won’t.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I feel you. Just you. And when we played with (Y/n) just two weeks ago, I could feel just how happy you were. You will not hurt her.”
“But what if…..”
“Stop.” She held out her hand as she spoke softly.  She then moved her hand and gently with her powers, showed Vision a memory of when they first met (Y/n).
Specifically the memory of when both him and (Y/n) were playing together.  It was when she (as the superhero) had slain the reptile creature and he allowed her to climb on top of him and do a victory pose with her fake sword and shield.  After awhile that’s when he suddenly came back alive and he began to playfully tickle her.
After seeing that memory, Vision turned to Wanda and she said with a warm smile.
“That’s how I know you won’t hurt her. After just knowing her for that short 10min. of playtime. You were just like how my father was with me. Kind, caring, and a heart full of love.”
“You do realize I don’t actually have a heart right?” she arched her brow at Vision annoyed. “Right, sorry.”
“You know what I mean. What I’m trying to tell you Vis is that it doesn’t matter whether your human or machine, (Y/n) loves you for who you are, who you’re going to be to her. You’re the only father she’ll never know. And as long as you care and love her, it doesn’t matter what you look like.” Vision nodded and said to his love, tears flickering in his eyes.
“Thank you Wanda. Thank you.”
“I love you Vis. So does (Y/n). I won’t deny that we’ll probably make a million mistakes but so long as we both love her together, I know we’re doing something right.” The two of them shared a soft but loving kiss before embracing each other.
In a few days (Y/n) was soon moved into her new home and just like Wanda told him, they both loved and gave her the care she was denied from her birth parents.
Of course there were the skeptical neighbors but Vision hardly paid them any mind now, because as long as he was loved by his new daughter, that’s all that mattered to him.  
Also I won’t confirm or deny that when Wanda finally found out just who was responsible for putting doubt into Vision’s head in the first place, she may or might not have given Karen visions of her worst memories and fears, while making Felicia think she had a poltergeist in her house.
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thebaddie96-blog · 3 years
Once In A Life Time
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~Chapter 5~
“ He can’t think I’m wearing that”
“What? I think it's cute. He knows you well; red is definitely your color.”  
“I personally think she would look good in anything.”  
“Of course you would.” So-eun whispers under her breath.
Yesterday was filled with nothing but greatness. After my victory beer in the park I met up with So-eun and Min-oh for lunch to fill them in on the big news, not that they had any doubts in my abilities. They too had invitations to the black tie gala.  Z met up with us later at a pool house near my air bnb. So-eun to say the least was not a fan of Z from jump. The first moment she met her, her face immediately went cold. Z, who I've come to learn a lot about in the 20 hours I’ve known her, is childhood best friends with Jay’s little sister and a recent college graduate. She's a psychology major per her parents request with a passion for photography. She says she's working for Jay till she can make a name for herself and travel the world snapping pictures. 
We were currently sitting in my living room studying the dress Jay picked out for me. It was beautiful, gorgeous but I'd be lying if I said I didn’t think Jay was tryna show me off.   
“You're sure this is the dress, you didn’t pick up the wrong one?” I ask Z.
“Honey, when you walk into a boutique that houses dresses like this, and say you're here to pick up for Jay Park, you don’t get it wrong.”
“It pains me to say, but I agree”
“Well thank you, to the both of you, and Jay I guess. I’ve got the contract over here, let me get it to you before you go.” I grab the contract and walk her to the door.
“We’ll send a car to pick you up around 7. Will there be others traveling with you?” She trails off peeking behind me.
“Haha yeah So-eun and Min-oh will both be with me. You should ride with us.”
“I don’t think So-eun would like that very much.”
“Don’t worry about her, she's just grumpy and old.”
“Ok, well I’ll see you tonight.”
Shutting the door I walk back in to see So-eun scanning a magazine.
“Really So-eun?”
“What?” She doesn’t even look up from the magazine. I roll my eyes sitting next to her on the couch
“You know what. Why are you so mean to Z?”
“I don’t know what you're talking about. I have nothing against her”  
“Ok sure and what about last night.”
“What about it?”
“I’m serious So-eun, you wouldn’t let her get a word in, in any conversation we had. Not to mention your intense pool energy whenever she went up to pot a hole.”
“Ok, so I get a little competitive.”
“What about just now ‘Of course you would’, it ‘pains’ you to agree with her.” 
“I was joking.” Deflection from the real problem.
“Don’t you think that after all these years I would know when you're joking or when you're being hostile?”
“Stop gilling me, I don’t have a problem with Z.”
“Mmhmm well she’s coming with us to the event tonight.” She shoots me a tight smile obviously fake. 
“Great. Enough about me and your suspicions. How are you feeling, really?”
“Honestly, it all feels so surreal. None of it has sunk in yet. I mean I just got off a plane 5 days ago, I'm out here for a completely different project I just-- I just don’t wanna fuck it up you know.
“You’ve always done your best when you follow your heart. Don’t let the fear of chasing your dreams stop them from coming true because of self doubt. You are one of the most talented people I know; next to Min-oh, and if anyone deserves this opportunity it you 100%”
“Thanks So-eun.”
I pull her in for a hug. as we pull away she notices a small piece of paper on the coffee table.
“What's this?” she asked as she picked it up.
“Oh it's the business card of the guy I met when I first got in. Mr. Yo? I think his name was.”
“Yu? Christan Yu? Christan Yu was the fuckboy who splashed you with his car?”
“Well I don’t think he meant to.” 
“Did you call him yet?”
“No, why would I?”
“He gave you his card. He obviously wants you to.”
“ No he doesn't, his driver gave it to me.”
“ He gave it to you, told his driver to give it to you, it's the same thing. No?”
“Absolutely not, and it's been damn near a week, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t remember who I am or the situation that happened.”
“How could he not? Imma call the number.”
“What? So-eun no stop.” 
She quickly punches in the number, throwing the phone at me after she presses speaker. It rings 3 times before a deep voice answers.”
I just sit there staring at the phone. 
Say something. So-eun mouths.
Like what.
I don’t know anything.
“안요?” He asked again but in Korean.
I hesitate, rushing out a quick “Sorry wrong number.” then hanging up.
“Smooth babe smooth.”
“Shut up. No one told you to do that.”
“I was just tryna help you out. You could get some good Korean Dick while you're in town. And knowing your sex drive we will need to find someone soon.”
“ I have traveled in preparation thank you very much. And how would you know if his dick game was good?” She looks at me surprised then guilty. “Oh my god. Did you sleep with Christian?”
“Let's get ready for the Gala. We only have six hours till the event starts and if you're still the same girl from college it's gonna take you forever to get ready. What time are we supposed to be leaving?”
“Oh this is great. Does Min-oh know?” She’s stuck in it and she knows it.
“No, it was before we started dating.”
“Oh this is great.” I get up heading to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?”
“ To shower.”
“You won't tell Min-oh right?” I just continue walking to the bathroom whistling a tune “Right B?!?!”
This dress was tight as fuck, my feet hurt, everyone who's anyone in South Korea is here, and oh, I’m the only one in a bright red dress. The fact that I don’t like big events like this isn’t helping my mood. I need to smoke ASAP. Lucky for me I smuggled a blunt in my bra at the airport. I just have to find the right time to sneak out. I scan the room from the corner I was standing in near the stage. A perfect view of everyone in the event but still hidden in the shadows.
When we arrived Jay swooped me away from So-eun, Min-oh, and Z. We spent almost an hour working the room. He introduced me to some of the label's top artists, producers, and stylists. Even some artists from H1GHER music. Don't get me wrong, it's been fun getting to know the people I'm gonna get to work with but this is all new experiences that I'm just gonna have to get used to.
"So here is where you're hiding" So-eun sneaks up next to me leaning on the wall.
"Ha, yeah I just need a break. So Many 'hellos' 'nice to meet you' and 'the pleasure is mine'. Did Min-oh talk to his guy?"
"Yeah we can pick up after the Gala."
"Ugh, ok I'm gonna head outside for some air."
"So you sneak away, leaving me to deal with Loopy and Nafla's drunk asses on my own. And you--" Min-oh turns to me, shaking his finger. " Why are you in a corner in the dark all alone?" 
He was clearly tipsy, he gets a little clingy and bossy when he's under the influence.
" You guys were only talking to each other. What was I post to do, stand there like a deer in the headlights?"
"Yeah and I was just going to get some air, I'll leave you two to talk. Where is Z."
" With her people." "With the AOMG guys'' They both said at the same time. I shoot So-eun a look for her comment and start to walk off.
" Ok, cool. I'll be right back."
Heading off toward the exit, I clutch my bag housing my soon to be smoked blunt. I'm close. I can see the exit in the clear, bodies start dividing, allowing me to pass. I've got one hand on the door ready to open. At the same time I push, the door is swung open and I come stumbling out colliding with the feeling of soft velvet against a firm chest. 
"Sorry I didn't know someone was on the other side." That voice. 
I look up, stepping back. It's him, the guy from the airport, I mean Christian Yu, and he was looking good. Fashionably late but fashionable he was. He was wearing a slim fit crimson velvet blazer jacket with silk black slacks and crimson velvet loafers to match, his hair was styled back making his jaw line pop. I stood there just staring at him.
" Are you ok?" No realization is present in his voice. He doesn't remember me. I mean I was covered in street water, but this is the second time we've had a forced interaction and I'd be lying if I say it didn't hurt my ego a bit.
" Yeah, sorry I was in a bit of a rush. Thanks for breaking my fall tho’ I don't think this dress would have survived." He scans my body taking in the silhouette of my dress lingering a little longer than need be. "Excuse me." 
I step to the left, walking past him and heading out the door. Yeah, that blunt will be nice right about now.
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academla · 7 years
Hey guys, I know I haven’t been around at all but I’m back with an update. Unfortunately, it’s not the greatest update. I explain everything below, but ultimately, I’m back to ask if anyone is willing to give me any donations for my college fund. I know it’s presumptuous considering it’s been so long since I’ve contributed to the studyblr community, but I had to. As you’ll see if you continue reading this long post, I’m under a lot of financial strain right now.
I applied to Wellesley College as a transfer student on March 1. When I spoke with a counselor on the phone, prior to the deadline, she said that I didn’t need a midterm report (information about current classes would be on my transcript) and high school transcript because I will have my Associate’s degree when I transfer. It occurred to me too late that I should probably get it down in writing (or have recorded the phone call), so 6 days ago I emailed Wellesley with the same questions. I was told that the high school transcript and midterm report were required, and test scores (from 2014) were “strongly recommended.” I emailed my high school secretary, who told me that they don’t take email requests for transcripts and to snail-mail my request with a fee and give 5 business days advance warning.
I figured I’d rather just go right in to the high school instead of wait for mailing. I was planning to go on Tuesday. However, we got hit with a blizzard (we got 22 inches of snow; other towns got up to 27 or 28) and schools were closed for two days, so I wasn’t able to get there on time. Then I found out that I need to submit a CSS profile.
I need to pay my school bill by tomorrow, and due to working on transfer applications my last couple paychecks have sucked because I had to cut down on my hours. I am a full-time student doing an internship as well as working as a preschool teacher and I couldn’t stretch myself too thin. My school bill will exceed the amount in my checking account, which means I’ll have to transfer money from my savings. Not a huge deal, because I do have that backup, but it hurts because usually I don’t touch my savings since they all go towards college and I know won’t be near enough once I transfer.
I don’t see my therapist much anymore but I recently experienced severe withdrawal symptoms from decreasing a medication and had to see her. I have also been seeing a nutritionist to help with my ED issues (she sort of re-”diagnosed” me with an ED, but I am in recovery), but apparently our insurance claims have been denied; hopefully I will figure that out, but I don’t even want to imagine how much I will have to pay out of pocket if that doesn’t work out.
To submit the CSS profile is $25. To send my scores is $43. I don’t have to send them, but Wellesley is very competitive and my top choice/dream school with a unique child study program perfectly suited to my goals, so I’m really leaning towards biting the bullet and sending them. My school monthly payment is $518. I’m going to go to the high school tomorrow and offer to pay for priority mail if they can get my transcript out ASAP and I’m not sure how much that will cost (hopefully no more than $10-15). My therapist copay is $25. My nutritionist copay is $60 and I’ve been seeing her weekly. My medications are about $25 as well. Altogether, that's approximately $711 I have to spend this month on education and mental health, plus the costs of traveling and gas.
I am spending a LOT of money right now. I'm not broke, I'm not homeless. But I am paying for my mental health care and my education costs and it’s not cheap. ANYTHING helps, even if it's just $1. I am NOT looking for $711. I'm NOT asking you to pay bills for me. I'm NOT asking for even as much as $20. But if you happen to have $3 to spare, if you feel like forgoing the latte for one day and supporting a hard-working, passionate student with the money you don't spend on that, it would help make the costs a little bit less terrifying.
I know without a doubt that there are people far worse off than me. Please please do not think I'm begging or trying to free-load off of guilt tripping or your generosity. Studyblr is built around supporting students, and all I want to know is whether anyone on here might want to support me in this way. You can find ways to support me here. Signal boosting also helps, of course.
I appreciate all of you and I’m sorry to have to be doing this in the first place.
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A Whole New World Pt.4
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I groan loudly as I hear a knock on my door and I roll over and put a pillow over my head “Go awayyyy” I say feeling exhausted from last nights endeavors....last night... “Ahhhh” I groan louder this time my face flushing with embarrassment as I remember “Laxus” I whisper and giggle, “ugh stop you are acting so dumb you don’t even know him, sure he saved you from those dudes but still...He probably just felt sorry for you and he probably saves girls all the time. Bleh with his looks he probably has lots of girls... Probably has herpes too.” Still I can’t help but giggle and squeeze my pillow thinking about him, but immediately drop my smile “stop acting like a little girl” I whisper to myself
“Hannah if you don’t get up and out here I’m going to burn this door down, it’s 12pm I’ve been trying to get you up for like two hours but we don’t have phones here so I can’t text or call you. Get your ass up!!” Aaliyah yells through my door
I groan again but reluctantly roll out of bed and put on my old clothes, God we have got to get a job today and get money to go shopping, our clothing probably smells gross. We have worn and sweated in them one day too long. I open the door and stick my tongue out at Aaliyah who is waiting for me outside with her arms crossed, “well lets go get a job and get that bag” I say while walking out the exit with her.
We walk in and my stomach immediately starts rumbling, “dude we need food money asap” I say as we walk towards the bar and take our seats, I smile at Mirajane “Hi Hannah and Aaliyah it’s good to see you both, I hope you both slept well in your new rooms, also come to take me up on the free food order?” 
My eyes light up “Oh yes please, I thought you might have been joking yesterday but I’m so glad you weren’t, we haven’t gone on a job yet so we are currently broke, haha” I say scratching the back of my head and grinning. She smiles back “I don’t joke about helping two newcomers out, give me a few minutes and I’ll be out with something for you both” She says with a wink.
“Damn, I think I have a girl crush on her dude.” I say to Aaliyah and we both laugh. A few minutes pass and Mirajane brings us two plates with sausage eggs and toast. My mouth waters “Thank you so much Mirajane” I say with a few dramatic tears in my eyes as I eat the delicious food. “You can call me Mira” Her smile seemed so sweet and pure, wow I really like it here, I wonder if everyone else is as nice as this. I look up at the second floor “Hey, Mira what’s up there? Is the second floor off limits, I don’t see anyone up there?” I ask while nibbling some of my toast. She nods while cleaning some drink glasses “Mm yes, the second floor has the S class job requests which is a rank you achieve by doing a promotion trial, its a series of tasks and compete against other wizards to test if you have the ability, talent and of course strength to get the title of S class. So far we only have three current S class wizards, four if you count me but I don’t really count myself since I don’t do those jobs. They are Gildarts who is always traveling on hard jobs and is almost never here, Erza who is also known at Titania and our strongest female wizard, not counting myself, and of course our masters grandson Laxus, he’s a bit distant from people not on his team but hes a softie deep down, don’t tell him I told you that.” She winked at me. “But S class jobs are usually much harder and more dangerous, but the reward is always much better, I always say the harder the task the more the jewels.” 
I laugh and continue to eat my food, hmm s class jobs maybe I can use my camouflage to sneak up there and take a peek. I giggle to myself and Aaliyah gives me a look I just wave her off, we could use the money but I guess we can take a regular job today so we can at least have money for new clothing. 
We are finishing up our food and a man with black hair and a chilly vibe comes and sits next to me “Hey, the names Gray, I haven’t seen you two around so I thought I would introduce myself. I’m an ice make wizard.” I shake his hand and smile “I’m Hannah and shes Aaliyah, I have erm, nature magic. And she has fire magic.” I say being vague with our powers just to keep it lowkey, don’t want everyone knowing we have origin magic, it might cause trouble. 
When I look back at him after looking at Aaliyah while introducing her I make the biggest ‘WTF’ face ever “Ummm, you seem to have... lost your clothing...” I say awkwardly trying to not look at his damn six pack right in front of me while blushing. Gray looks down a yells “Damnit sorry not again!” I give a little snort, I guess this guy strips, what, unconsciously? “Pfft” These people are something else. I giggle blushing at his crazy antics and then suddenly a dark shadow casts over me and a man steps right in between my stool and grays blocking my sight of him “Oh Laxus you are back, how was the job” I look up and my blush gets ten times worse just looking at him and remembering last night too.
I turn back in my seat back to my food, staring at my plate “It was fine, normal stuff, boring mostly.” He says nonchalantly and I risk sneaking a peak at him and we make eye contact and for a split second I see a small smirk on his face before he looks away. I huff in annoyance, jeez whats with this dude he might be hot but hes kind of annoying me, he seems so arrogant and full of himself, probably a leo too. “Hey Gray go put clothes on I’m gonna sit here.” He says as his presence alone causes Gray to move out of his chair and just nod. I raise my eyebrows and turn back to my food trying to finish faster. I turn away from Laxus to Aaliyah and she gives me a look “I’ll tell you later” I whisper and I grab her arm “time to get a job for once in our lives” I say as I jump off my stool and pull Aaliyah along with me to the request board. I can’t even be around him without feeling crazy, hmph I’ll just avoid him then, easy enough thanks to jobs.
We walk over to the bulletin board with job flyers all over it and a man standing staring at them, I smile “Hi I’m Hannah and this is Aaliyah, we are new” We both smile at him “are you looking for a job too, we’ve never taken a job before” I say to him as I look them over. “Hah, yeah right Nab never takes a job he just stands there all day staring.” A man shouts from a table near the board. Nab turns around “Yeah right Max I’m going to take a job one of these days I’m just waiting for one that only I can do!” I giggle at them and Nab turns to me “So what kind of magic do you two use” He asks “well, I use nature magic and she uses fire magic” He looks around and grabs one “This one might be a good one for your first job, not too hard but the pay is decent” I look at the flyer ‘Need help relighting our magic lanterns with long lasting fire, reward 100,000 jewels’ I hand it to Aaliyah “I think you can do it, I mean the pay is good to we split it and both get 50,000.” Aaliyah looks at me “Why would we split it I’d be doing all the work” I give her a fake shocked look “Oh my my, but we are a teammmm we are traveling together, teams split the reward, besides next time we will get a job that uses my magic and I’ll split it with you too.” I grin “Lets go, thanks Nab! I hope you find that job and it was good to meet you” I say waving and he smiles back “You too Hannah, Aaliyah, just clear the job with Mirajane before you go!” 
I rush over to Mira and hold out the flyer to her while purposely pretending Laxus wasn’t sitting right there and forcing myself not looking at him. Just act like he doesn’t exist then everything is fine, I keep chanting that to myself. Mira smiles and hands the flyer back to me “It looks good for you two good luck on your first job and don’t push yourself too hard!” Me and Aaliyah thank her and wave goodbye as we leave.
Mira watches as Hannah and Aaliyah stroll out of the guild hall to their first job “My, what strange girls, and their magic power... It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before” She says to herself before looking at Laxus with a raised eyebrow “What was that then hmmm” She says slyly while grinning “Does the big bad Laxus Drayer have an interest in our newcomer Hannah” He just stars at her before scoffing and downing the rest of his drink, standing up and walking away. Mira giggles “Oh this is very interesting” She says to herself while cleaning Laxus mug.
“SO! The village is just up a few mile north of Magnolia, jeez as soon as we make money we can take a train next time, no wonder everyone here is so fit looking they work out doing jobs and hiking around towns. My legs are gonna be so dead by the time we get there. God I bet it looks beautiful in the fall and winter though, I can’t wait.” I say while smiling and me and Aaliyah walk down the dirt path towards a small town called Aspen village. 
When we reach the town we see the flyer said to go to the mayors house so we ask around until someone tells us where it is. We knock on the door and a tall elderly man answers the door. “Hello sir, we are wizards from Fairy Tail here to do the job you requested!” I say and me and Aaliyah smile at him. 
“Ah yes, thank you, every year or so we need wizards to relight them with special long lasting fire instead of wasting money on resources for the lights. Just go around and light each one then come back and I’ll have your reward.It interesting to have a different fire wizard this time, we usually have a very destructive but boisterous young man who comes, it’s good to see new faces though, you Fairy Tail wizards are always so kind. ” He says to us and we smile then head out into the town again.
“Hmm looks like you have competition for best fire wizard in the guild then, we haven’t met him yet he sounds.. Interesting, I’ll try not to judge before meeting him.” I say poking Aaliyah in the side. 
She laughs “yeah okay he’s probably better than me right now, but we just got here, he’s been here his whole life, probably learning magic since he was little, so it’s not exactly fair to compare yet, but hey Ignis said our origin magic has the potential to be stronger than any wizard in this world if we train enough. So eventually I can probably beat him if I had to.” I nod at her words
We walk along the street, Aaliyah lighting each street light as we come across them. “Hm, it is weird, to know you control such powerful magic, I could sense Laxus’s power last night, honestly it was the most intense thing I have ever felt, I don’t want to get on his bad side, I guess that means they can sense our magic too then. I wonder if it feels strong or weak right now, pfft my guess is weak, at least for now.” 
Aaliyah is about to light another street light but she stops and turns to me “wait what do you mean Laxus last night? What the hell, tell me everything right now”
“AHG” I say forgetting I hadn’t told her yet about last night events “crap, I forgot to tell you, I was going to but then he showed up this morning and distracted the pants off of me, not in a sexual sense, well kind of, but also that other dudes pants too. Wow this is a weird world man.” I say while laughing really loud. Aaliyah laughs with me as we keep walking and she works on the street lights “Soooo stop avoiding it what happened, you two didn’t....Hook upppp did you??” 
My face flushes “WHAT, oh my lord stop playing around, a man like that would never want a girl like me, I mean get real did you see the girls around the guild, they all look so much better than me and I mean him and Mira would make such a good match, shes an S class, or former S class wizard and he is too, I mean I heard that her and this other girl Erza are the two most powerful girls in the guild. They would make a great couple, I can’t compete with that, and I bet he has hordes of girls and fans who he could have any time he wants.” I say fake smiling “Besides I don’t like him, I just think hes hot, I don’t even know the man.” 
Aaliyah looks at me “Righhhhht, first off you are gorgeous, stop acting like you aren’t, the other girls might be pretty too but that doesn’t make you any less hot, stop putting yourself down, and pffft who cares about being powerful besides the fact that we ARE strong, Ignis and Terra told us we are remember we have origin magic which is apparently I don’t know TERRIFYING, we just need to train! And don’t you like being weaker than the man, who knows maybe he wants a girl he can protect and be strong for.” She says while throwing up another flame into the street light. “NOW stop avoiding the subject and making me go off on a rant, what happened last night!”
I sigh and dip my head and retell the events of last night. She looks shocked “Are you serious, you went out alone, at night, in a city we just got to, and you got lost HAHA, oh man I’m sorry I shouldn’t laugh, that sucks I would have beat those dudes down. I guess its good Laxus was there, man why didn’t you use your magic?” I let out another dramatic sigh 
“I don’t knooooow, I was just so terrified it’s like my brain stopped working, I’m really glad he was there, who knows what would have happened, God it’s kinda cliche though isn’t it. Like a damn movie.” I say rolling my eyes but blush thinking about how it ended. “Still I think he might like you, that little way he teased you when he brought you back, now I would have killed to see your face when he did that, I bet you were so embarrassed, honestly it’s weird that he heard you though, we were pretty far away from him when you said it... Maybe it’s part of his magic?” She adds. 
“Eh?” I furrow my brows “But he has lightning magic how does advanced hearing go with that” She shrugs “Maybe lightning is just his main magic, and he has some other abilities too, you make him sound strong enough to take down this whole town, who knows what he has under his sleeve.” I giggle.
“Oh I KNOW he has GODLY biceps I haven’t seen him shirtless but I just know, under that sexy coat he always wears he has the biggest arms that could rival The Rocks.” Aaliyah looks at me, “Hannah you are drooling.” I quickly whip my hand up to my face “Oh haha, nice one, I can’t wait till you see a hot magic wizard man and I get to tease you about it.” 
“So far not one man has caught my eye I’ll tell you that.” She says and I hum “Suree, just wait it’ll happen and when it does I’ll be righhhht there waiting.” I cross my arms as I walk beside her, “there we go, that should be the last one I think, I tried to think in my head burn for a very long time please, while lighting each one. I hope they actually stay for a while or I’ll feel pretty shitty.” 
I laugh “who knows with our origin magic you might have accidentally made them burn forever and then we won’t ever get to come back and make more money here.” Her eyes widen “Do you think I could actually do that, that’s kind of scary.” 
“Pffff, who knows, we honestly don’t know our true strength yet, I mean I can do camouflage why couldn’t you create I don’t know, infinity flames.” I say while waving my hands dramatically.
We walk back to the mayors house and get our reward, 50,000 jewels each. We wave goodbye to the mayor and head off back to Magnolia.
“Look we can take the train now, but we should probably buy a bag or purse to keep our money in when we get back. Hey are you okay?” I say to Aaliyah and she nods “Yeah just glad we can take the train, using all that magic really drained me, I don’t think I could walk back home.” 
We buy our train tickets and board, “Gosh, we really need to train, we can’t save the world if this drains us, maybe we can get a mentor? Someone who can teach us how to use our magic” I suggest 
“Yeah but we could just call up the origin ghosts, they said we could contact them if we had questions, I mean they are ghosts what else do they have to do all day.” Aaliyah says looking sleepy. “Hm, yeah but I think It would be better if we got someone actually living, maybe we can ask who we should ask to be our mentors though, I bet they know a bunch of powerful wizards with the same kind of magic as us.” Aaliyah just nods and we eventually reach Magnolia.
“Okay, I know you are tired but we should go shopping, we really need new clothing, and a bag and some food, then we go home.” I say as we get off the train.
We walk through the streets of Magnolia until we find a clothing shop and I drag Aaliyah inside. We both go around the shop and I find a cute olive green romper with a matching headband, “Hmm, 10,000 jewels, I’ll take it” I buy the outfit and buy a bag to go with the outfit and to keep my money in. Aaliyah picks out a cute black tank top with red pants, a matching black bag and “Ohh look at us we both have headbands, we are so cute. Come on food is next!” I say hurriedly as we run off to the market.
We both pick out different ingredients and two different cook books to use, I go to reach for a bag of chips that look yummy but my hand connects with someone else reaching for the same bag. An electric current runs all the way up my arm “Jesus, you scared me sorry I mean you can take them.” I look up at him and I fidget looking down at some other snacks as he grabs the bag of chips and buys them. “Here” he says as he hands them to me and walks off down the street. 
I blink a few times... “Uhm, thanks..” I can feel the heat in my face again, but he was already gone. “Stop stop, it was just a weird conicidence and he was just being nice.” I say smacking myself in the face a few times and Aaliyah walks over looking at me weird “Stop looking at me like that!!” I snap “AHG sorry god he always has to show up at weird times doesn’t he.” 
“Dude Laxus again?!” Aaliyah says “What happened now?” 
“BAH he tried to grab a bag of chips I was also trying to grab to buy and duh our stupid hands touched, dumbass lightning wizard I got shocked. And then he bought them after I said he could have them and he gave them to me, the nerve!” I say with a huff. Aaliyah laughs “Oh man, this is so funny, you like him so bad it hurts.” I glare at her “Hell no, come on lets go home”
I turn around and walk back towards Fairy Hills. We both go into my dorm “I’ll cook tonight I think i got some good stuff, and this cookbook has so many recipes I’m excited to try!” 
We get to work in the kitchen and make braised fish with miso soup. We eat and laugh together, “man I feel more like an adult here than I ever did back home” I say while eating some soup.
“I mean we are only 18 it’s not like we had to instantly become adults at 18″ Aaliyah says and I sigh “I know I know but I just feel like at least I’m accomplishing something, I never felt like I did anything in our world, I feel like I have a purpose here, and I’m glad we came to this world together, I don’t know if I could have been here by myself.” We both smile and I add “hey I wonder what the drinking age is here.” Aaliyah scoffs “of course you would want to know”
“Come onnnn it could be funn, I wonder what wizard alcohol tastes like, haha oh I bet they have hot springs we can visit, ohhh I’m so excited even though the world is gonna end and we have to stop it and we need to train, I don’t care right now. I’m just excited to explore and have fun too!” We both laugh and talk the rest of the night, just like back home.
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