#Sorry he got funky art styled
lillyosaurus · 1 year
can-can I request a Winter for the dragon drawings?
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cupiidzbow · 2 months
hello. ive gotta know. which sprites/models of the kongs are your favorite? whether as the collective or specific ones you have. for example i am a big fan of the dk64 models overall. dk is very silly looking and it's my fave!!! thank you for indulging.
I AM SO GLAD YOU ASKED . you have immaculate taste !!! there’s something so charming about the dk64 models to it’s probably how low poly they are and their animations are so goofy it’s so cute!!! UR SOSO RIGHT!!!!
i have a few that I love SO much!!! the original dkc models were so silly to me and the fact they forgot to give diddy nostrils in the first game is so funny to me. he’s also built like rotisserie chicken and I always though that was so cute. 🥹🥹 they are so friendly looking they got that 90s render charm
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I FUCKING LOVE. THE DK KING OF SWING ART . they only used this art style once but my god it changed my life. they changed the artstyle to be more like their 3d models in its sequel and it’s totally fine BUT ITS NOT THE SAMEEE 😭😭😭😭
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and i adore Funky’s model in tropical freeze they rendered his fur all extra bc he was originally just the shop clerk but became playable in the switch port and they kept it. he’s the only one rendered like this it’s so funny to me 😭😭😭😭
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b3742864234 · 1 year
Futa x reader, Futa x reader, Futa x reader. Please please. There aren’t that many out there, which is a shame~
Ok so for this I decided to do just regular relationship hcs (lmk if you want a pre milgram him xreader about how you got together as i already wrote one for current him) buut i included both pre-milgram fuuta and the fuuta we have now :)
Pre-milgram silly
he can and will be agressively protective of you
im talking like, if someone looks at you wrong he is not afraid to get in a fight with them
he's proud to show you his accomplishments (by that i mean. getting a whole group of people to bully others)
but also, he's be very proud of you
he's the kinda person that will show off his s/o at any chance he can get
annoying-couple style, he posts about how cool and great you are
he easily adapts to your love language, he treats your needs as more important than anyone else's
his love language is physical touch. so get ready
he plays soccer with you :)
if you don't know how to play/aren't that good at it, he teaches you instead
when he first asked you to play you were. surprised to say the least
smth smth twitter user goes outside !?
but still. he doesn't seem like the kinda person to enjoy sports all that much
if you're in any way artsy or just want to get out and do something, he's the one
like in backdraft's mv, i imagine he actually enjoys drawing graffiti
it's a nice way to destress, express yourself, all that
if you mess up it's whatever. who's gonna judge a graffiti drawn in some secluded place
he draws you at one point. it's not the best but you know he tried his best.?
you both take a few selfies in front of the art :)
it's Your Spot <3
he found out about his victim's death when he was with you
and oh. oh
he didn't mean to do this
he just. stares there at his phone, mumbling excuses to himself
because he's not a murderer, right?
you wouldn't date a murderer.
he's okay. he didn't do anything bad
he just hopes you don't blame him
Milgram silly
he feels weird about this relationship
in a way that, he doesn't fully understand your reasons to date him.
but he's happy with you
he often says how you're "the only normal one here" and you "keep him sane"
he's joking. obv
half joking
if you're a prisoner, he fully believes you are innocent
honestly i feel like he wouldn't even date you if he thought otherwise
as in, he'd first have to know your story and then he'd judge you based on that
if you're a guard? that's a funky dynamic
the annoying loud angry prisoner becoming more and more calm around That One Guard
everyone is quick to notice, which results in him kind of avoiding you
he fails miserably. you are a guard. there is no escaping
either way he cares about you. a lot
he talks about you to haruka
it started kind of involuntarily. haruka just asked him about his opinion on you
and oh boy. he sure had an Opinion
he "offhandedly" complimented you a lot, noticed a lot more details about you than about other prisoners
haruka understood the situation. pretty quickly
he does not mind :) he finds it kinda cute
fuuta thinks about you. a lot
he likes to imagine you both in different scenarios, he has soo many ideas for you guys for when he's (or you both) released
speaking of which, you're his new motivation to get out of milgram
he now just wants to live with you, be free to do whatever he wants, all with you, without That Feeling at the back of his mind that someone is watching (other prisoners/guards)
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smoodle sump (style doodles) as well as a drawing that im not gonna finish cuz I dont like it!!! Its stinky!!! Sorry for the amount of cookie run shit, its easiest to draw them funky before doing other characters hjfbjdf
Style inspiration is Fl00kie on Twitter hes got a lot of funky cr art I adore.
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s1llydr3amscape · 1 month
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Here some ye olde Vanessa designs i managed to find sifting through my sketchbooks (pre sb!!!!) There's more but Its really deep in the trenches.
rip their 4head broo they have no brain 😔
I miss doing stylised stuff tbh but ppl bullied me for it so now whenever I do it I go 😭
very old art vs my current art style and oc's below + rambles :
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this was right After the freaking posters released and oughhhh 😭😭😭😭 gurlll
top name cut off that Blaine guy are other human ocs I had for years!! They were in a comic with Vanessa and others heheheh I used to do comics 24/7!!! Ft my old fnaf ocs rival to fazbears who was better at keeping the safety aspect off their robots. I wanna ramble abt them too one day after a heavy rehaul. Vanessa actually switched jobs from my oc location to the Pizzaplex in it!!!! Because I hope Vanny and Vanessa were seperate!!!
Vanessa and Vanny were seperate people in my Rabbit City AU but idk if I still want them to be different or the same now. Also one of Glitchtraps workers who managed to break free from his control and he didn't like that and sent every piece of her crimes online on the Internet as this crazed murder. So now she's in a new city under hiding or face criminal charges she didn't commit willingly. She managed to dye her fur and change enough and became a roadie for this band that's not very good. (Ffps rockstars I love yall funky vibe I'm sorry yall died too soon). She wants to help people and protect them she knows there's others under Glitchtrap’s control and wants to put a stop to him. Sadly some off them don't seem like they want any help... She was a beagle dog because when I saw her I was like beagle!!!!
My longest one is my oc story that's bad and outdated which included 3 rap battles (i love rap sue me) and an orange cat with green eyes with wings mc who's name try and guess
Its Winger.... (yeah because he was based off Scootaloo having small wings so young me thought ohhh Winged but like Winger because unlike scootaloo he can fly and is a winner!!! 💀💀💀 he also had beef with nyan cat oc over a girl and could transform into different elements!!! Like nature fire ice and rainbow... the main main main mc tho is a brown green eyed cat who was half robot after an accident... God looking back what was I on (I got into mlp and had unrestricted Internet access)
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then we had this off my old sona... I didn't know how to draw fat could you tell... dark times oughhhh I wasn't blind tho then win 💀 alot of my older older art is traditional so you may not see it unless I sift through 17 layers off hell. Wish I backed up more of my 2019-2020 digital art tho but those were the darkest times for me also wait eewwww no eyebrows
ive gotten better and fr be the change you wanna see in this world draw fat bitches!!!! going down the rabbit hole
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that one barbie trend I didn't finish look at the hands boy ouggh insane sauce I drew that
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I miss drawing like this lowkey but my hand hurty and god ibis crashes every 25 minutes u was gonna gonna feral bro
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self love is drawing urself accurately irl after years of drawing a caricatures of yourself (My first human sona ever was a skinny white woman with long neon yellow hair and a purple streak </3)
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Gremlin from earlier I learned color theory aswell but only for purple, green and brown oops <333
I figured I could give it an oval nose because I didn't know how to draw my nose at all. Big ass nose death off me real!!! I love :3 face so much and big ass ears!!!! I will make them have big ass ears they are fun!!!!
These are my sonas I have like 4 rn and a million in thr vault (progress is progressing)
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old oc his name is Jamie now and he's from a dream I had. Literally an incel too like he's studying magic got so fed up no one in his own world wanted him. Used magic to find his soul mate who existed in another universe. Made a portal to get there and take her back to his world because he wouldn't comply in a non magic world. When he arrived to her world almost died turning white and green. And like still managed to get the girl back to his world (Akuma's a goober who wanted to be isekaid) and yeah. Like huh my guy chill out 😭😭😭😭 no wonder you ain't getting any. He also killed me in the dream and is so dumb for being a prodigy??? Like he made a business selling illegal potions with the company name just vile.... his own initials... like bro how are you not caught. I can't with him. I pray opun his downfall and can't wait to see what other shit he pulls outta his ass. I feel bad for the Akuma she just wanted to escape not knowing this guy a freak.
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heres him now!! He's much more dream accurate with the current events so far!!!!! If he appears next time I hope he croaks fr from the magic sickness like bro u a freak freak /neg
But yeah improvement is real!!! my art process is slower now (carpal tunnel) but I love to draw so much it is so fun if my bitchass ibis won't crash that is hehehehe (it crashed a million times trying to first time make a comic digitally I'm 💥💥💥)
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kaijukat-art · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if you could a small tutorial on how you render your pieces?? They’re all super pretty btw!! I love your art :D!!
Ahh thank you sm!! <3 0: i’m not very good at explaining my process, and it changes depending on what I’m drawing as well, but I’ll try my best to explain it!
imma use the choso panel redraw since it’s a pretty simple portrait (done in Procreate, but most of this can be applied to CSP too)
once i’ve got a decently refined sketch, i fill in a basic starting skin colour for the character. i start some shading once i have a basic idea of where i want lighting. colour-wise, i usually go a bit darker & warmer for the first pass. (i use a brush that’s a basic airbrush settings but i replace the shape source with a reuleaux triangle) besides where shadows will fall, ill also focus on making the colour more dense on the ears, fingers, around the eyes, and sometimes the blush area. (also let it be known i use Liquify a lot, and constantly flip my canvas. as you render you’ll often start noticing lil adjustments that need to be done)
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ill build up passes of colour, going darker & more saturated as i do. as the colours darken, they’ll be in the more receded/hidden areas of the face (like under brows, under chin, inner ear, unless the lighting calls for otherwise) in this case though, he’s also kinda beat up, so i added more colour under the eyes/on the cheekbones to add to the bruise vibes
for the nose/brow/shoulder highlights, i made a new layer & set it to Add. it’s a handy way to get a highlight colour and brighten your hot spots for lighting. this is usually when ill mess with the sketch/linework, sometimes i switch the layer mode to Multiply if i know i want to fully paint over it. in this case i think i just Alpha Locked the layer and painted in the hair/eyeliner since i wanted them darker. once the linework is thoroughly fukt with, i make a new layer and start painting over. usually involves a lot of colour picking & making some adjustments, playing around with levels of colour. I also swap between the reuleaux and a funky dense rectangle thing for rendering, sometimes little sketch pens for smaller details too.
(technically the blue-tinge reflective lighting wasn’t very accurate for the bg/scene colour i chose, but i got carried away and didn’t wanna change it lol)
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hair rendering is fun sometimesssss. i make a new layer, choose a slightly brighter colour, and messily block in where i want the highlights. idk how else to explain it besides like, think about using H-adjacent shapes when you’re erasing/refining the highlights. for the last step, i make a new layer, set it to Add, and paint inside the highlights for the sharper look.
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When it’s getting to a place i kinda like, (added some blood/cuts on this one before moving on) ill usually start messing with some overlay effects. this usually involves picking a random colour, filling in a new layer, and seeing how it lays over the piece. depending on the vibe im going for it can change a lot, but i find myself usually liking Exclusion & Subtract a lot. (sometimes ill throw a Noise + Overlay layer on top as well, but didn’t for this piece)
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i hope that makes some sense??😭 im sorry if anything isn’t clear, i can try my best to answer specifics if needed.
it’s not my most thoroughly rendered portrait but it’s one i got a decent amount of wip screenshots for.. my style in general is still a wip, and i change it up a bit every time. i encourage experimentation always!!! it’s helped me a lot. i’ll see about making a more thorough tutorial for a properly rendered piece soon too!
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vimse · 11 months
For the artist ask thingy. 1, 2, 8, 9, 14
Hello!! Sorry for the wait, I wanted to get home to access my pc for an old pic I wanted to share.
1.) What canon character(s) do you love to draw the most? (And why?)
Tech (isn't it obvious? 🤓). I cannot articulate why though. I just get a good feeling when I draw him. I think it has to do with the fact that he's my current fictional crush. However, I do enjoy drawing modern au version of him the most. Why? Even when I don't want to, I have a tendency to comply to canon sources as much as possible. In a modern au, that is not an issue and I have a lot more creative freedom, so that's why I like it. And also he's totally not maybe dead there so 🤷‍♀️😅 also why is he such a good looking model?
2.) What do you think makes your art iconic?
Last time I was active on tumblr, I think I was known for my use of very vibrant and saturated choice of colours. Also I used to highlight the lineart with fully saturated CMY colours. I’ve never seen anyone else do that at the time, so I think it was very recognisable. And since I really like you, I wanna share an old piece of art made in 2016 (looking through old art is embarrassing, but this was probably the peak of my fanart career tbh haha) ❤.
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As of right now though, I don’t feel like my art is iconic in any way. I don’t think I’ve drawn enough to have something recognisable going for me.
8. Are there artists that inspire you (and maybe shaped the way you draw your art)?
This is a hard one 😅 I completely stepped away from art during 2018, and when I returned I sort of just continued on with what I knew from before. But since it had been such a long time, I don’t remember what artists influenced me or shaped my art to make it like it is today. Rather than specific artists, I think I was more inspired by art styles, if that makes sense? I started with anime and manga, and then I tried to transition to a more semi-realistic style as I grew up. I was really into the art of my favourite games at the time, which were Overwatch and World of Warcraft. Also I think the art style of Arcane is so very lovely, I think I’d like to emulate it more in my current paintings.
9. How many drafts you have right now, be honest-
I am HONEST I don’t think I have too many drafts
The Band Batch x 2
Greasy mechanic!Tech
A special something about modern au Tech featuring a certain automobile 👀
Another Tech portrait in funky lighting.
Band au Crosshair (concept: he is smoking (hot))
A little self-indulgent Tech something to comfort my soul
I have a lot more ideas, but those have not made it to the canvas just yet.
14. Funniest thing that happened to you during the drawing process?
In recent time, maybe…that time I posted a sketch of Tech with an exposed neck and shoulders and the absolutely feral responses I got from the denizens of this site 😂 It happened on the art blog, and unfortunately I've deleted the post when I cleaned it up 😢
Thank you so much for sending these! They're good distractions on bad art days, you have no idea how much I appreciate it!!
In case anyone else reads and is interested: Weird questions to ask your local Tumblr artist
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ramadoodles · 2 years
Grave errors: Or how to learn an entirely new art movement in 30 days or so
Hi guys. Sorry about the month-long hiatus.
I have several excuses prepared for it which I will not bore you with, because I have figured out the reason why I was delaying my posts.
The reason I have been delaying the cubism series, is because cubism is hard. It's like an expanding book, the deeper i dive into it, the broader the field gets. And considering the attention span of people on the internet, I don't want to dive too deep and make the post too big, because I have grown attached to the amount of likes and reblogs I receive on these posts.
So finally I gave up and asked a proper professional for advice about how to go about learning an entire new field of art with almost prior knowledge. Here are the tips that I learned from them, which I hope I can pass on so that you do not make the same mistakes that I have made.
(Also in case the professional in question is reading this- in case I got anything wrong, please let me know!)
Tip 1: There are multiple levels to understanding an art movement.
Level 1- Conception
This level is achieved by the original artist or artists who start thinking "what if I take these disparate concepts and combine them into something entirely new and never before seen?" Think Picasso combining African masks and impressionist paintings (or, as it was explained to a nerd like me, think of Einstein wondering what light would look like if he travelled alongside it, a precursor to his developing the theory of relativity.) Understandably, we students can't achieve this level of understanding of an already developed movement.
Level 2- Style development
After Brach and Picasso developed their first line of funky new cubist paintings, a whole bunch of artists decided to copy them and understand how they were made. They were really focused on the nitty-gritties- a cubist painting is made of multiple distorted perspectives of an object, but how many perspectives? How much distortion? How much of the object is still understandable?
After they learned the exact technique that pucasso and brach had used, these artists started experimenting with the rules by adding more distortion, fewer perspectives, more color, removing all semblance of the original object, etc. From this level, two subcategories were developed, Analytical and Synthetic Cubism, but that's not really as important.
What's important is understanding how we, as students, can achieve level 2 understanding of any art movement- by understanding the exact rules of how these paintings are made, and then experimenting with them. That requires copying (ideally) many different paintings of a variety of subcategories inside the art movement. I'm currently doing this, and progressing much faster in three days than I have in the last three weeks.
Level 3- Mannerism
The basest understanding of an art movement. Imagine if you simply added a bunch of geometrical faces to a drawing of say, an apple, and claimed that it was a cubist drawing🥲. (I'd link my own apple drawing as an example, but I'm not going to shame myself that much.) To come back to my Einstein example from level 1, imagine if someone told you "Einstein is famous for inventing the theory of relativity, E=mc^2" and could not tell you what E, m or c were supposed to be. And the level of visceral rage a scientist would feel at that remark, is probably what an artist feels every time they hear about cubism being a bunch of blocks stacked on each other. I feel deep sympathy for artists now🥲.
Moving on from my self-pity, if you want to avoid falling into the trap of this style of art, then you need to draw as many paintings of your chosen art movement as possible. They need to be of a large variety, and also not too difficult for you to get discouraged. (Trust me, I learnt it the hard way.)
I'll put up a list of paintings that I'm going to start copying tomorrow morning. I should churn out one every two days if I regular about this, so hopefully you can expect regular posts from now on. Let's see how it goes.
Tip 2: Art movements tend to be reactionary.
That is, they tend to oppose whatever art movement came before them. To make it more understandable, you know how fashion always cycles every twenty years, and whatever was popular ten years ago is hated today, only to be loved ten years from now? Art has a similar concept.
How is this useful to us? When you're looking at an art movement, it's always a good idea to look at the movement which came before it, which it is now opposing. It helps you to get a better sense of the movement you're trying to understand. I haven't gotten far enough to try this out yet, but i'll make a post on it when I do.
That's all for today, i'm dead tired. Goodnight y'all.
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tciddaemina · 2 years
for the sake of transparency
some of you may have noticed that there’s something a bit funky going on in the comment section of keep it simple, one of my one piece/naruto crossovers featuring zoro/kisame as the main pairing, so i thought i’d explain just to preemptively set the record straight. for context, this is a slash fic, and one thats very clearly tagged, listing both the M/M pairing and who the main pairing is as explicitly as the tagging system allows. i literally could not be more obvious if i tried.
and a while ago, in July, an anonymous user left this comment on my fic
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which sort of pissed me off. to clarify - i do not give a single honest fuck about what other people decide to do in regards to their headcanons, ships, whatever. ship wars are a waste of time and i literally could not care less. if you think zoro is straight, all the more power to you, that’s a valid interpretation and i respect your opinion. but that only works if you respect that i may also choose to have a different interpretation, one that is equally as valid. this is my fic, that i am writing, and i can choose to write it however i want. that is what fanfiction is about. 
the level of entitlement in this comment alone is offensive, this idea that you can dictate what others create or that there is only one acceptable correct way of looking a character or pairing emblematic of some of the worst of fandoms current mentalities. 
if this guy didn’t like it they had entirely the choice to shrug and say ‘hey thats not for me’ and keep going, but they didn’t. and its on chapter 1 as well, when the fic was several chapters in, so it wasn’t like this guy skimmed over the tags by accident, got all the way in and was like ???wait gay??? and then decided to whine about it. no, all i can assume is that they were scrolling, saw the pairing and decided click in solely for the purpose of leaving a shitty little comment. 
(also like. can we just acknowledge what a whack fucking suggestion this is? i chose to write zoro and kisame because they can be put together in a very fun and intense dynamic revolving around swords and bloodlust, that is why i wrote the fic. i honestly cannot tell if this dude just wanted me to what? rewrite the fic altogether with franky in zoro’s place? or just like, stop writing and go write franky/kisame instead? (i can only assume they think franky is gay because he’s sort of camp and more stereotypically gay, which is sort of offensive in its own right but go off.) either way its a very weird thing to order someone to do. 
also please, franky/robin all the way. this is my own opinion mind, but damn if franky isn’t the straightest fucking person in the straw hats. again, my own opinion). 
but anyway the comment fucked me off enough that i decided to be pretty and reply like this:
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(this is not my art, but rather is an amazing piece by tumblr user cranity, found here. they have an amazing art style, for all that i found this image by it literally being the first franky/robin fanart in the results when i did a tumblr search. i essentially just shared the image in the form of a comment)
i’m more bemused by the whole thing than anything, as the discord server can attest, so apart from some initial confusion i just shrug and move on with my life. it earns a good laugh in the server if nothing else, so that’s good enough. there is no reply, and i honestly wouldn't care if there never was one
except whoo, anon is not done with me yet, because several weeks later i receive these. (sorry about the darkness of the images, my phone was on a light filter when i look the screenshots. also, i’d like to note that usually i would crop the persons name when discussing a story like this, but i want you guys to be able to see for yourself they’re the source of the emails)
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what you’re seeing here is like a dozen spam replies and comments all by that same anon. the actual content of the comments was a bunch of links, as the anon tried to reply to my image with some of their own (Robin/Zoro frank art, to be precise, presumable to ha, pwned you). except that that is not how uploading images to AO3 works, you need to go through some specific html code for that, which means what this guy sent was only a bunch of links. 
links which AO3 then ate. like a GC, AO3 recognized that hmm, if someone is sending dozens of comments in quick succession its probably not a real comment but rather an attempt at spam and bullying, and so AO3 ate the comments. i still got the notifications in my inbox, but when i went to the fic itself the comments didn’t exist. 
and at this point i’m just like 🤣🤣🤣🤣 because not only has this person just failed to spam me, but they also fucked up how they tried to do it and couldn’t get the images to work anyway. rip my guy. 
the comments never existed, so i don’t bother to reply. honestly this is just an ongoing source of fun amusement for the discord server at this point so i’m just bemusedly waiting to see things will continue to unfold. 
and behold, another several weeks later, my inbox looks like this:
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ya boy the anon is back and at it again, except last time they obviously got frustrated by the fact that their images were only coming through as links because they learned the html! (and wow, i love accidentally trolling someone into learning a useful new skill)
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so what i receive in my inbox are essentially a bunch of comment replies that all look like this, featuring various zoro/robin fanart, presumable to prove to me the error of my ways in showing how utterly not gay zoro is. because man, this is really going to make me repent and show me how wrong i was. 
except that wow, haha, anon still fucked it up because they sent a dozen of these and AO3 was like spam? and ate the whole lot of the again. which is how we get to the most recent interaction, now several weeks later again. having presumably seen that gasp, their spam has mysteriously vanished, they then leave this comment:
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which honestly just makes me laugh. i’m not going to comment on their writing, because maybe english isn’t their first language and that’s not something i’m going to make fun of someone for, but man the rest is up for grabs. again, they are ordering me to switch the main pairing insisting in tears Zoro!Isn’t!Gay! and that since they said to stop i have to stop. because the word of some random fucko really is what governs all my writing choices, and how dare i not obey. forgetting not the little postscript, as if to remind me of the superior ship, as if they haven’t tried to repeatedly flood my inbox and comments already with just that. 
again, it would be perfectly possible for this person to just ... walk away and never have to see this fic again. they could just not read it, not look at it, not engage, and go back to reading whatever het fic they prefer. they’re the one seeking this story out specifically to harass its author, outraged that someone in the world might have a perspective and opinion even lightly different than their own. nobody is going to stop making robin/zoro content because my fic exists, it literally impacts nothing and no one.
this is my reply:
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so far there’s been no reply, but no doubt there will be one. i just wanted to lay the whole thing out here for the sake of transparency and as an explanation for whoever might be seeing the comments and wondering what the hell is going on. 
i’m going to say it again, but i could not give less of a fuck about ship wars and how other people choose to headcanon characters. everyones opinion is exactly as valid. if the harassment continues and gets truly annoying, i’ll just put on comment moderation and switch the fic to only being visible to AO3 users. if they try to go after any my other works, i’ll just move the whole lot to being user-only, and if they still want to try spam me using an actual account i’ll just block them. 
i do not care. this has no impact on my life, and while it would be sad that some non-user readers can’t access my fics, if that’s what has to happen then fine. 
and so to RDemon, if you somehow find your way here to read this (because at this point I wouldn’t even be surprised) you can keep sending as many messages as you want and it isn’t going to change anything. your comments don’t make me angry, they don’t hurt me, they’re a minor inconvenience at most and have brought far more amusement as the topic of entertainment in the discord server than they ever have caused strife. it is honestly hilarious, watching someone get so worked up into a frothing rage trying to fight with me about something i could not care about less, and every message you send only makes me spitefully want to write Zoro getting absolutely railed by Kisame in the filthiest and most explicit way possible even more. 
so cheers, RDemon, you’ve been a fun source of entertainment. know that we are very much laughing at you, and when i write the gayest Zoro smut i’m going to dedicate it to you 
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sparingiscaring · 2 years
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I'll probably be asleep by the time midnight rolls around, but... wow. It's been a year, huh? November 12th. An end to an Ambition, and a one year anniversary. Might as well have a wedding photo to celebrate.
Check under the Read More for an alt version, and some silly art for the occasion!
First, a version with Leigh in his mask!
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I was too proud of his face to use this as the main image, but technically he should be wearing it, so here it is!
Secondly, a wedding photo? How?
Well I'm glad you asked, because I procrastinated this idea for quite some time because I needed a canon reason for these to be had!
Apocyan does adorn a Crooked-Cross, after all. And despite all my personal gripes with the profession, Leigh still carries his. And Apocyan and dreams results in something quite helpful for the newlywed and his rabid need for photos. But blinking is sooooooo old fashioned! Leigh had a better idea.
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Better is a subjective term.
He did, in fact, throw his cross at a wall to take this
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Nobody was impressed. The Bishop also wasn't impressed, but he was still physically chained to the altar, so he's making the exact same face, just out of frame.
Thirdly, look! A whole new art process!
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They were drawn in grayscale! I don't believe there's any visual art of Apocyan photography, at least none I've personally encountered, so my thought process was to go for something akin to Cyanotyping, and apply the blue at the end. The complete inability to ever represent true Apocyan also gave me the freedom to do more than exactly one hue, which is where the other color tones come in.
If you take away the cyan coloring, and just look at the other overlays, we end up with this funky-looking result which ABSOLUTELY fucks!
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Like, I didn't put those colors there. I used 2 blues and a bunch different layer styles to do that, and somehow, it worked out to be their exact colors. Life is good sometimes.
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I'm also quite fond of how that one turned out with the photo-looking effects, too! So I thought I'd share!
Anyways, that's all I've got! I am still madly in love with Poor Edward, and unfortunately, you guys still have to deal with it. But I will spare you the stomach-butterfly gushing that I so want to spew forth, and leave ya with this.
Edward, I miss you and I love you. If I could visit you whenever i wanted, I would waste my every spare action doing so. Happy Anniversary.
And buggo kiddo, again, like I tell you all the time, I'm so sorry I made this man your Step Father.
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miodiodavinci · 2 years
3, 4, 10, 11, and 29 for the ask game?
these are fun questions!! sorry if i chose too many lol
ohhh thank you ! ! ! ! ! ! ;; o ;; i'll put these under a read more because oh no these are so long askjfdhklf
3. What ideas come from when you were little
well Very Little Me ala elementary school exclusively drew cats and dragons and digimon and neopets and i feel like a lot of that no longer exists in my art outside of very vague plans to one day get back into just making funky technicolor animals for the hell of it
but like in terms of character and story concepts funnily enough, i feel like what i enjoy and really want to achieve now is essentially what Middle School Little Me deeply wanted to draw but adamantly refused themself on principle due to a lot of internalized ideas about what makes "good" and "bad" characters
like little me loved reading cheap mangas and watching cruddy AMVs and reading edgy over-dramatic short stories and looking at people's neon winged scene cat OCs on devianart but also refused to let themself publicly acknowledge liking any of these things, much less allowed themself to draw them, and thus existed in this sort of tense "ohhhh i hate you so much you're So Cool and Look So Fun but that's because you're Bad and Terrible and therefore my stuff is So Much Better™ because it's Boring and not you" phase for years until i got into VOCALOID and realized "wait drawing anime crap fucks" and never looked back ADKJHAKL
like my typical pre-VOCALOID OC would have been Some Guy™ with an Exceptionally Normal Life™ who had a Weird Science Thing™ happen to him that i'd then have to explain for 30 pages before i lost interest and dropped like a rock, but my typical post-VOCALOID OC is literally like
"okay so basically they're a cassette tape who's been animated by this hell facility and is maybe magic but is also maybe just the secondary protagonist projecting herself onto the tape as she's done with the other 7 junk people here but ALSO they're special because they can see alternate timelines and they don't speak but people understand them because they talk through implied second person narration like an RPG protagonist. this is a canon, in-meta aspect of their character. do not steal."
ww that aside, art style-wise at least, i can Definitely Say™ that while a lot of my middle school art style has kind of disappeared over the years, that thing where i draw the hips forward and the legs pointed back a bit with the whole body kind of forming an acute angle that is absolutely something middle school me discovered that i have yet to figure out how to break AKDJHALDKJ
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dig through my artwork and you will find a million and ten examples of this Exact™ leg placement, ranging from subtle to extreme w
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
(hands clenched and trembling) i have this one character i've been working on for two years now that i have a Very Specific Design In Mind For™ but he's so non-descript that it's Impossible to narrow down What™ that design is so he's looked different every single time i've drawn or tried to design him It's Hell™
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rest in fucking pieces, virgil
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
m m m m i know i definitely love drawing big baggy clothes that obscure the form underneath because heehee easy to take shortcuts, and y'all Know™ i like drawing cool boots because i have my own boots to reference 24/7 and thus it's second nature at this point, but i don't know if i have a favorite piece of clothing specifically??
i like scarves, i like hoodies, i like boots, i like oversized jackets, i like gloves, i like front-brimmed hats , , , , ,
still haven't figured out how to make dresses that make sense though and that kills me every day 😭
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what?
i do ! ! ! and more often than not it is one of two massive playlists i have that each contain upwards of 1500 vocalo works because i physically cannot get enough of these funky little vocal synths AKDJHADLKJ
admittedly nowadays it's moved on from being exclusively VOCALOID/UTAU + some nostalgic touhou classics and has been peppered more and more with non-vocal synth works ala syudou's non-vocalo things, su lee, bill wurtz, woodkid, sigur rós, and a small smattering of other artists (though again the playlist is 99.9% vocal synth www)
i really, truly need to get into other artists though because every time someone asks what sort of music i'm into i feel death approach me like a dark horse on an open moor OTL
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
this one i had to think about for. a really long time askdjsdjf
it might be kind of a simple answer, but i'd probably have to say OFF? which is to say that i adore the game with all my heart and love replaying it every couple of years, but it's the kind of game i enjoy just experiencing and reminiscing about rather than pulling it apart and emulating in my own works w
either way, thank you for asking ! ! ! ! a a a a ! ! ! !
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eattheglowingmoss · 2 years
For the ask meme, 2, 11, 19, 20
For Ame :)
(From @sarsparilla-stars )
Oh, I am so excited to answer all of these. This is actually the first ask I've ever gotten about Ame, so I'm more than happy to answer it all! You're about to get so much info dumping. Thanks so much!!
2.) What are their S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats?
These will be a little wonky, since I'm going off of his current in-game scores (Right now he's about level 13). But these are about accurate for how I imagine him.
STR - 5 PER - 7 END - 5 CHA - 8 INT - 3 AGL - 5 LCK - 10
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He's might not have the brains for it, but he sure has the spirit.
11.) What weapon type do they prefer? (Ballistic, Energy, Radiation, Melee, ect.)
Ame’s all about luck – but his eyes aren’t too bad, either! Most of my characters are melee builds (Bog and Alec are melee, Artie is unarmed, and Jester is melee/explosives), but he’s all about ballistics. Specifically, he goes between a sniper rifle and hunting rifle.
There was actually a short stint where he worked with the NCR as a sharpshooter to help with protecting his family’s farm, which was on Sharecropper land. That’s where he got his rifle and his beret! Though that was pretty early on, and he found caravanning and courier work was more suited to him.
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At the time joining up on the force was one of the few ways he could convince the NCR to let him keep a gun in his hands while on their land. Downside being that there was no chance they'd let him get away with the long hair he'd sported up to that point. He and the Brahmins-eye "Battalion" were really just a bunch of farm kids just trying to pick up where the regular NCR folks weren't doing their jobs. (And, most importantly, keeping the gecko population under control.)
Nowadays he doesn't put much thought into what Meg and Duke are getting up to. They've probably moved up in the NCR ranks and gotten on with First Recon or something like that.
Though? He swears... just swears one of those NCR soldiers he saw in Nipton looked familiar. But he doesn't really want to know the answer to that question considering what happened.
19.) How do they feel about robots? (May include synths if they know about them)
Some of Ame’s best friends have off switches! (or something like that.) After Victor found him outside Nipton and dragged his sorry hide out of that hellhole, he can’t see much of a difference between them and regular folk anymore. Even if there is a difference, he doesn’t have the slightest clue over how they work. So he treats them all nice just in case they end up being more man than machine. I mean, it’s only polite.
On another note, he doesn’t know a thing about synths, and if you tried to explain it him, he’d probably think you’re lying (but still sort of half-believe you all the same). In the event its proven to him? Same as above.
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(This isn't new art, but it's fitting for the answer. So I'll attach it anyway!)
20.) If they magically found themselves in another universe (ex. Skyrim, Pokemon) what would happen? (This one’s a wild card question - dealer’s choice)
Hi you’re about to get a stupidly specific answer because my other game obsession right now has been, of all things, Castlevania. (Also, I just wanted an excuse to draw in the show’s art style again. It’s FUNKY)
I’m taking this as “He’s just a character in the universe” (Since I think if he were going Fallout -> Castlevania he’d probably just die. Emotionally, and probably literally. Sniper rifle ≠ crossbow).
I think Ame would’ve ended up in the local guard of some little town who accidentally got all wrapped up in the monster hunting shenanigans of the Belmont/Morris clans. All the dialogue about him would have the vague tone of – “He’s not the sharpest dagger, but a dull blade in our enemies’ back is better than a dull one in ours.”
Also he and the Morris’ would get along great. A whole bunch of himbo Americans telling Dracula to eat it? They’d love each other.
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(This is about as far as I got before my hand started cramping. But you can BET I'm finishing this eventually. I need to get the burn scars on his cheek at least)
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may-tine · 2 years
Someone who has never watched TMNT Rise reacts to the movie
@gauntletknight​ this is for you
so the last tmnt anything i watched was the 1990 live action film and the 2003 cartoon, when i was like 7? so we are off to a great start, but lets get into it
hey what, why are we in hell
okay wow Casey is here already i remember him
hey MIKEY??? WHAT im sorry does leo have a metal arm?
are we opening with time travel WHAT
I just watched a man die.
things keep happening and i cant put my thoughts down- oh i JUST WATCHED ANOTHER MAN DIE
alright pausing for half a sec to get thoughts down, this is a wild opening, tho i guess for a movie you need some higher stakes then a normal show. Im pretty sure the normal show is more classic turtle hijinks. aight back to it
actaully whats the krang? was that in the original? Are we going to see shredder?
oop yep classic teenage turtle hijinks
now i dont remember much but i remember Donnie and Leo being kinda hard to distinguish personality wise. Im glad they put some further characterization on them both
Mikey is somehow more childish?  but like in a babyish way
oh yeah Raph is the leader this time around.
okay so the magic thing is already established in the show, and Shredder has been dealt with?
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oh buddy
I think Donnie was always tech but was he always THIS tech? Damn son
music is super funky
Eyy foot clan! wait these are shredders guys arnt they?
Raph is still mostly angry but hes like, softer. and WHY IS LEO BEING SUCH AN ASS! is he always like this?
Rat dad! We Love splinter
this version of casey is so weird compared to what im used too, i dont hate him tho
yoo wait thats April? APRIL STEALS?
Yo  have they been training her as a ninja as well? good for her- APRIL DONT STEAL RANDOM CHEMICALS
Oh this is begging to go wron- yep
this entire interrogation scene is amazing
Okay i do adore this casey
shit is it really like, too late, too late?
god this krang thing is heking creepy why are they blocks
OH THE MAGICS OFF, right after i noticed April had magic too
oof Splinters out cold
Do they have a pod for casey? ok yeah- oh leo no
hey waat the fucK? RAPH?
oh god the you survived banner is about to NOT be funny
nooo hes turning on casey
oh god the powers are still gone
Raph isnt captured... is he?
oh he is captured, kinda surprised there
ah hostage situation got it- HEY WHAT THEY FUCKKKKK
AHHHHH?????? bye foot clan
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same mikey
oh caseys about to ruin the mood
or hype them up
oh no reveals are being delayed
GOD  this is horrifying isnt this a kids show?
APRIL HAS A MOTORCYCLE YESSSS (did she have that orginally? maybe?)
Im worried how single minded Leo is getting about this, but at the same time, i get it.
SOFT SHELL? oh your kidding
Oh god dont possess the tank
APRIL NO- oh, april yess
Ive never been so scared of a train in my life
Casey with the call out!- oh not like that kiddo no
yep like cops will do anything- WHY ARE THEY GOOP LIKE THAT, Its too fleshy my guy.
Casey what was that smirk?  Did you do this on purpose?
Mickey with the mystic hands stuff worries me cuase is LITERALLY KILLED HIM
oh the triangulation scene ive seen this
oh no
oh raph is not going to be raph once hes out of there is he
god krang raph is so spooky
HEEY FAM? HEY TMNT FANS??? ARE YOU GUYS GOOD??? i was not expecting such levels of cosmic horror 
wait why does a turtle have eyebrows?
god the krang possessed tech is the worst, horrific,OH GOD WHAT IF THE TURTLE TANK.
shout out to Donnie having a step counter, same buddy.
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i do enjoy the art style
oh why he sound like that
god the animation on krang raph is upsetting
I do adore this mikey as well, i was thinking i wouldnt liked this take on ‘immature’ but hes growing on me
OH NOOO DOnnie no dont do it oh god the goop
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guys WTF
Hello?? am i about to cry over turtles??
MYSTIC POWERS!!!!!! What about the power cancel?
oh yeah B team. Love that Aprils first idea is dropping a building on somthing
AHHH THATSD A BEAM THROUGH AN EYE AAA, like its an alien but ye
Oh this is so sick
yeee the anti power stuff or not? they still work?
Leo damn it dont do the self sacrificial shit YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT SCREWED YOU UP WHEN RAPH DID IT
hot moment to appreciate the Krang mechs, great monster designs
Casey my boy ; _ ;
oh god it ended on a portal chop
whats he holdin- NOOOOOOO DONT DO THAT TO ME
ive only been to new york once whats wrong with Staten island
Casey gets pizza!!!
WHo the hek is Cassandra- UH OH
oh this ending song is a banger
WELL That was a lot of fun and SUPER DARK WHAT. At least I get the hype now. I dont know if ill start the actual series but I will be rooting for a s3 for all the fans
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szmaciarz-pospolity · 2 years
Quick story of my Michael Afton design
His first ver (wich was a base for all the other ones) was PURLEY based on the fnaf 4 sprite beacuae,,, It's the only Mike design I like besides that pizza sim bear- LIKE SORRY ALIVE MIKE IN SISTER LOCATION IS UGLY AS FUCK and overall I had idea to make him based of Foxy in many regards (such as with thos darn ahoges to represent Foxy's hair spikes). Also here comes the worst part of Mike design that I can never get rid of beacuse I'm wayyyy to attached to it- fleshtooth. I know it's awful you know it's awful I love it
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Then I started to doodle him again and then his iconic emo bangs apeared and let's just say,,, these were here for a stay
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Then I drew first real art of him and that solidifed the basic purple mike design I would draw the most. It would change slightly later but these changes were mostly based on giving him cooler clothes
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Important thing to note on these designs: rather reddish toned hair, those boots (also purple lace if you know lace code you get it) also those fish net stockings. There's no real drawings of teen Michael Afton in this era but I have this gacha model (I'm not doing gacha videos I just liked making characters for fun. I like dress up games ok-) wich tells us a lot we need to know
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There's not much imporant things to note here beside black shirt and grey hoodie onstead of gray shirt. This decision was made beacuse I think black shirt suits his edgy teen vibe more and I added the optional grey hoodie to recompensate that. There was also sims 4 model but It was horroble and I don't feel like looking for it. Onky thing notable there were ever redder hair and fishnets making a comeback
Then my fnaf hiperfix ended for around half a year and I came back with this design (also here's still unshaded fullbody in new style)
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Notable things with Zombie Mike: No more ahoge, I finally deleted it since drawing it was a pain and it did nothing do enhance the design. he looses a piece of cheek, overall I want to make Zombie Mike look more destroyed. Still tho I want to keeo the general "funky purple monster high oc" vibe since that suits style I draw in more and I enjoy drawing stuff like this more. I litearlly make animatronics into funky furries with bows leave me alone.
Things to note on teen Mike design: Ahoge is also gone, but fishnets make a comeback, same with purple lace comebat boots. He also gets long hair like REALLY long hair. At first I wanted to play around with somehow keeping these bangs but also giving him mullet. However I have no idea how but he ended up long haired but I liked it he looked cute so I kept it.
Final thoughts and bonus funfacts
I totally went with count the ways millie aproach didn't I- But um yeah my Mike doesn't look like this punkish 80's bully boy but like 2000's emo fem but that's okay since that's the aesthetic I prefer anyway 💖 My Mike wasn't meant to be realistic he was meant to be cute and fun to draw ok-
Now funfacts
-Those weird side bangs he has were meant to be a reference to side burns I saw people draw him. But his eyes were too big to make side burns visible so side bangs it is
-He had snake bite pirercing in the first design but I deleted it. Bonnie Bully got it instead to recompansate
-Also Freddy bully gets more of an 80's edgy bully archetype look to recompensate for Mike going the emo way
-His red hair apeared beacuse on his fnaf 4 model I always saw his hair as reddish so I decided to make it evenr redder. It's obviously dyed
-Where it comes to his face he actually looks mostly like his mom, and only has William's eyes. I know this is totally not canon but I just like the irony that feom all things he could have inherited from William, it was his fuckin eyes you know THE WINDOWS OF A SOUL.
-He also gets William's body feutures tho. The only major differecence is shoulders aren't as wide
-His mom was Filipina so he's mixed
-I want him to get a buzz cut and dyed blonde hair during his Mike Schmidt era. I'm yet to design that
-his Foxy mask has a tounge stuck out beacuse of that fnaf 4 foxy teaser
-That light blue tongue while he's purple thing is beacuse I was stupid and while making the first doodle of his design, I acidentaly covered his tounge color with his eye white color
-He propably would wear those fuckin combat boots at the beach. Before you claim me insane to sugest anyone would do that- I litearlly went to beach with someone who wore combat boots there.
-He ripped holes in his jeans himself
-He's so skinny you propabky could count his ribs </3 He's eating alright he's just build this way
-He's tall as fuck
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likeastars · 1 year
How did you get into Ouran?
Anyway I don't remember the specific moment I got into Ouran, I just remember that I started watching it on YouTube and, you know, I liked but I wasn't giving it much attention. I stopped watching after the twins' episode I think. Then I met my best friend at the time!!! And she was. Obsessed. I think she still has fanart of the show as her WhatsApp bg. So she taaaaaaalked to me abt it and I finished it!!! And I L-O-V-E-D IT. I JUST. THE ART STYLE IS INSANE. SO LONG AND FUNKY AND EXPRESSIVE!!!!! And all the backstories of the characters are sooooooo creative and so much fun! They took stereotypes and made them so profound and entertaining and unique!!!!! I think I'm still recovering from Kyoya's episode holy shit
Also Haruhi is so good as a main character because she's supposed to be the meek self insert, but she's full of personality and a great contrast to all the insane characters of the club.
And. Obviously. My love my darling my son boy Tamaki. Baby boy tiny slinko pinko this kid owns my whole heart he's so sweet and perfect and I wish I could enter the show and teach him feminism 💖💞💝💗💝💝💖💝💖💞
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azalea-bee · 6 months
grabs you OC TIME!!! ✨🧠🍀✏️ for all your guys!!!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
for all of my ocs, the name is usually one of the last things i pick out when i’m creating them :P i like to get a good sense of their appearance, sense of style, gender/pronouns, personality, and the setting (ie, modern, fantasy, historical etc) they’re gonna be in first! and then i just browse baby name sites or whatever until i find something that i think goes well with all of that :D and i try to find names that i like the meaning of too even if it’s not like. directly relevant to them hehe
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
dove, cassia, micah, emrys and winnie are all a group and got created at the same time so they have pretty much the same inspo! i don’t remember exactly what my thought process was but my favorite kind of stories are about found family and close friendships/relationships that don’t really fall into the traditional family roles of parents, kids, siblings etc but still love each other a lot! so they’re my own self-indulgent version of that trope placed into a modern fantasy world setting with complicated magic vaguely inspired by a few various minecraft smps :]
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
micah— they have 100% dormant/hidden catshifter traits!! they do confusing cat behaviors all the time and nobody knows why bc they look entirely human and that’s very funny to me skdhdj. misunderstood kitty <3
winnie— she’s a regressor!! it’s not a big focus of her character in the main story i have in my head but small winnie is so so important to me..they’re just tiny sometimes.. :’]
cassia— i accidentally ended up projecting a bunch of my disability woes onto him (sorry cassia </3) so that part of his character is rly important to me!! also she/him pronouns for the win :D
dove— i love love love the way she dresses! a million accessories at all times and funky colorful patterns and a new complicated hairstyle and makeup combo every day and a hint of gothic witchy vibes to top it all off. if i was capable of choosing just one aesthetic to dress myself for the rest of my life i’d pick hers hehehe
emrys— lion!!! shifter!! he’s the only one of this group who’s able to actually fully turn into an animal and i love the way i made his shifting work in this world he’s placed in. always complicated to explain so i won’t try rn but trust me in my head it makes me very happy <3
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
agh. i have perpetual art/writing block and my disabilities make it so so hard to create anything so i basically just have crumbs. i have sketches of almost all of them and little pieces of disconnected story tidbits here and there but mostly they all live in extensive pinterest boards and a million headcanons that if i’m lucky i remember to write down on my phone skdhj. but they are rotating in my brain almost constantly trust me hehehe
tysm for asking and giving me an excuse to ramble abt them!! <33
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