#Sorry the vids so long
talkingteardrop · 7 months
more art posts-
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utterdrip · 9 months
love this dialogue btw. his little “do..takecareofyourself” as an afterthought is so funny. this man is so unused to saying niceties and also. he really doesnt care
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arcanegifs · 2 years
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Vi and Caitlyn's Recall Animations in their Valentine's Day Heartthrob skins
Bonus: Official Splash Art
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brain-rot-central · 6 months
I don't wanna go to work. I just want to write vampire smut, cook good food, and bake bread.
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puppybot · 6 months
BEGS YOU to draw sam and Sebastian being gay. please please please i need to see what you cook up with them. only if you want to though. sorry 😔
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shaneydays: 1 willow lane , pelican town
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arthursfuckinghat · 7 months
Arthur's part in Poor Lonesome Cowboy
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ehh-is-the-name · 15 days
ii 16 has killed me. I am rotting in a gutter.
I have so much to say that I can't even write it all, so there's some audio's below and just to let y'all know the of clip was like 45 mins long...
One thing I wanna say is that I was really REALLY not fucking with the whole "everyone's fake" bombshell when I was recording the last parts but now I just don't know how to feel. Idk if it's just me feeling that way or not.
This vid is genuinely how I expressed my distant for Cobs at the part where he hung up on mephone- I heard it back and knew it'd be too funny not to put a backing on.
Keep in mind, I said all that stuff maybe like 30 mins after the ep launched, it didn't really have time to settle. I hate Cobs, I love to hate Cobs, but like this is so much to be genuinely mad at that I can't help but take the piss at myself.
There's more from that audio but I've literally worked on this vid all day so.... yeah. Not parsing through more 'til tomorrow.
If you wanna hear the joy and whimsy vanish from my vocal cords tho, here's my actual reaction to the ending of the ep:
I can say with full certainty that this show has made me,
Inanimate Insane~
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chemistryread · 2 months
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holy shit guys
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elvhenmage · 2 months
so, first of all, i didn't know the "i would drown us in blood to keep you safe" line is from his first fucking act two convo?? gave me whiplash like you wouldn't believe. also, as soon as this cutscene ended courtney looked at me and said "that is the most your type conversation i have ever heard" LMFAO
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numberonepartyboy · 4 months
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mwagneto · 1 year
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localgardenweed · 1 year
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This is all I offer to the community, link to reference
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secondchoice-ragdoll · 5 months
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faunandfloraas · 6 months
okay but my fav little thing is how whenever Lee Know has a singing moment where it's largely just him up on the stage, you can tell he still gets really nervous about it but Seungmin's always off to the side smiling and amping him up, telling fans to sing along- like you can tell he's trying to boost his confidence and its so :((
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potabo · 11 months
If there is magic in the light world, I will eat my hat
And here's why:
We've already seen a world with magic, so every difference between worlds is important:
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toriel's stove
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the books on magic in the librarby- note that in deltarune it's a book of magic *tricks* that require *floating hands*
this also comes with a more profound understanding of the soul than we have in deltarune...
2. The Direct Evidence
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Note that Susie and Noelle here are listing the ways in which the dark world is DIFFERENT than the light world, also following on that last line...
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sorry I got something in my eye
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note again, that magic is referenced in terms of tricks- sleight of hand- only further emphasized by the name "jongle" a portmanteau of the words "juggle" and... something else (this carries over in JP)
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now this one is slightly more esoteric, but bear with me-
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the mere fact of a bathroom and the lack of healing the hot chocolate provides means that the food, quite simply, is not magic like it is in UT- it is decidedly mundane
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3. The Counterarguments
This first one is easy to move past, and a fairly weak argument overall, but it involves, in particular, catti:
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pretty suspect right? until you consider the surrounding dialogue
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She's an edgy goth teen- this is in reference to her family being loud.
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again pretty convincing right? not really no:
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"studying the occult" from a goth teen is about as reliable as it sounds- and on the same level as the party tricks from earlier.
the second counterpoint is something along the lines of "but what about noelle and snowgrave"
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to which the obvious answer is: we already know one line of spells from the "Dragon Blazers" games, it isnt much of a stretch for snowgrave be the metaphorical firaga to flare of final fantasy
Another relatively tame explanation could be that our monster allies simply *know* spells upon entering the Dark World (Susie with Rude Buster, Berdly with his Tornado) and snowgrave is either something she acquired through the route (Like susie with ultimate heal) and REALLY doesn't want to use, or a spell she simply actually doesn't know.
The other two counterpoints however, are harder to dismiss, and they have specifically to do with monster biology
Monster Funerals, technically speaking
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While not directly stated in game, its a fairly reasonable assumption to make that the reason monsters turn to dust when they die is their lack of physical matter. Where this becomes relevant is through Father Alvin's infamous line about "this hammer" which implies that the burial tradition (and thus the physicality) remains constant between the two games. This would imply that, in-spite of the food and bathrooms, monsters are still made mostly of magic (further obscured by the lack of confirmation on monster blood we have)
2. Blookster
Let's assume for a second that monsters are physical. That they are confirmed to have blood and dont turn into dust and all that comes with it. Then what about Ghosts?
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(many images stolen from @nochocolate )
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 7 months
Ghostly's Mini Leverage Crack Vid 21/?
Requested by @qwanderer
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