tattoodfirewicca · 8 months
"De én tudod inkább nem beszélek róla
Ez jobb ha mások szívét már nem nyomja
Így is tele vagyok régi sebhelyekkel
De továbblépek és talán majd egyszer
Minden ugyanúgy lesz mint
Amikor még régen kint
Játszottunk, és nem számított
Hogy ami nem öl meg az fájni fog"
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bipolarism2047 · 10 months
i annoy them
but my comrades really changed alt hiphop
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fajdalmak · 2 years
Próbáltam meglelni a békét, nem ment
Elfelejteni téged, nem ment
Visszaszerezni az időt, ami elment
De az út közben egy kicsit meredek lett
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moisos-place · 1 year
Void is out now!
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soulwave · 1 month
Daily Diary
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, wherever you may be. I'd like to start fresh on this account, and I'd like those of you who would be interested to join me.
I would like to introduce a daily diary, to log how i'm feeling, as well as interact with those of you who would like to share how you are as well. A little community support blog, if you will.
So, if you stumble across this post, why not take a minute to log how you feel, get something off your mind, or leaving something positive for another to read? Recommend a series, new music you found, a drawing you made, anything you want to share. I'll go first:
My week overall hasn't been the best. My anxiety has been high and I've taken it out on people I care about. I found that my best solution was to reduce my social media intake, as obvious as that may sound, I feel it's difficult to escape a vicious loop of endlessly checking your notifications, checking what your friends are doing without you.
It starts driving you a little crazy almost, and it's not until you put your phone on silent, come back to reality and indulge in a much healthier use of your own time and company.
Once I silenced some of my notifications, my mind was so much more rested, and I found that my hobbies had come back to me with a little more enjoyment, because I had no lingering fear of missing out.
I've hurt some people closest to me this week, and I can only wait and allow them the time they need to forgive and start fresh if they feel they want to. It's times like this when your mind has a little more clarity, that you can start to think about your next move to improve- whether it's your relationships with others, or your relationship with yourself.
I wish everyone a peaceful day and night.
Love you to the moon and back,
Soulwave x
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taxi-davis · 9 months
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tulsagosanoszintee · 2 years
“Tudom, Neked se könnyű,
Egyedül a városban.
Hiába mozogsz,
A barátaiddal párosban.
Falakat húzol magad köré,
Bent meg káosz van.
Lehullik a lepel,
És Te ott fekszel a hálóban.”
Soulwave - Remélem Tudod
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eletemidezetekben · 2 years
"Átvernek, Szerelmet hazudnak, De szeretni nem mernek."
Soulwave: Remélem tudod
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nightlightrequested · 6 months
Trigun soul eater ideas cause I like thinking about it
- Wolfwood is a weapon without a mister pretending to be a mister with a really shy weapon who never transforms or says anything because it is completely an introvert and don’t look at him hiding his other hand that’s fused into the giant crossHESAIDDONTLOOK-
- Wolfwood or livio (both?) black blooded?
- Milly is a weapon and her and meryl can soul resonate but like it’s a nuke, and highly destructive and they use it as a threat
- meryl doesn’t want to be a mister weapon pair and tries to stay strong in that fact when Milly uses puppy dog eyes or there’s a good work package for mister weapon pairs
- Knives soul resonates with his sisters compared to Vash who only soul resonates with himself (he chooses to do that, like he actively chooses not to soul resonate with anyone despite there being a few people who’ve got the potential for it)
-Vash and his siblings can see souls and soulwave lengths
-the plants are still some cosmic secret third option but can easily pass for being weapons i.e knives generating blades and Vash’s arm or their Angel arm cannons
-Meryls wavelength does funny things to Vash’s brain but he chalks it up to her and Milly having a “constant conversation between their souls” that makes like a white noise affect
-Millys soul is like the soul equivalent of the sooth bell from Pokemon
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(Propaganda time!)
An interview with Jasper Clearwater, explaining her powers:
Every soul has a song, unique to it. The song can change as a person does, over time or over the course of a few seconds or minutes. Just the everyday emotional roller coaster a person experiences changes it temporarily, and major events can alter it permanently.
Every soul emits wavelengths. I call them soulwaves. The soulwaves make up the soulsong. Soulwaves can change, but typically follow a pattern, regardless of the situation. If I alter my own soulwaves to fit their pattern, I can achieve a soulsync with anyone. If they're willing, it's usually a very smooth, painless process, and then we're linked up–unless our soulsongs just don't mesh well, then it's harder. Like trying to mash up a slow classical song with something upbeat and modern.
Surface-level thoughts and emotions are extremely easy to access and even influence between the synchronized souls. Memories can be accessed, sometimes accidentally. The soul is who you are, so I see what makes a person them. If a memory is accessed that one person doesn't want the other to access, a soulsync can be broken off abruptly--it's jarring, because it breaks the harmony. It's like if you're listening to a beautifully composed song and all the sudden the mics squeal and the speakers blow out.
What if they aren't willing?
If they aren't willing, it's a battle. Their soulwaves will be triggered by the fight or flight response, and become…what's the word? Haphazard? There's still a pattern in there somewhere, but it's more difficult to sort out. Like two songs by the same artist playing at the exact same time and trying to find an instrument in one. And of course, it's easier if my natural soulwaves already are close to theirs. The more I have to alter mine, while also listening for the pattern, the harder it is.
How do you alter your own pattern?
As I'm trying to identify theirs, I get glimpses of inside their soul. What makes them tick, I guess. And I…it's kind of hard to explain, but I try to put myself in their shoes.
What if multiple soulsongs are playing at once? Like in a crowd?
It's overwhelming, all the noise. I usually have to wear headphones to block out all that. But I'm also learning how to tune my soul like a radio and only hear certain frequencies.
Are some frequencies more common than others?
In a high school full of teenagers who have endured the trauma of being turned into Otherlings? You do the math.
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Two idiots in love
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And two out of context memes
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littlemisspascal · 1 year
New Writers added to The Pedro Library 🐼
@stardustandskycrystals @popcornforone
New Works Added ✨
Many fics aren’t appearing in the tags when searching. If I miss yours, please let me know 💗 Or add me to your taglist cuz I love being tagged 😊
As always, if you would like me to remove your work from the rec list, please let me know and I’ll remove them asap 😊
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@musings-of-a-rose Zach  Since Forever / Joel  The Deal
@toomanystoriessolittletime Joel  Break +  Counting Stars
@javier-pena Joel  The Overlook 
@forever-rogue Joel  Jealous +  Swim Lessons / Javi G  Protective
@laters-gators Joel  Do You Think You Deserve My Cock Right Now? +   There's no way I'm gonna let you wear that in public / Din  I Didn’t Know You Were So Sensitive
@ozarkthedog Joel  Morning Delight +  Sweet Days of Summer +  Period Sex +  Every Inch of You
@moonlight-prose Joel  Warm Glow
@lavenderursa Joel  A Matter of Timing
@grippingbeskar Joel  Duality
@the-ginger-hedge-witch Joel  Turn
@mellowswriting Joel  It Will Come Back
@omgreally Joel  Hot Coffee
@mishasminion360 Joel  In An Instant
@criticallyacclaimedstranger Joel  Stonemilker
@supernaturalgirl20 Joel  A Fool For You +  Trying Not to Love You
@wheresarizona Joel  Respite
@psychedelic-ink Javier    Infections of a Different Kind / Joel  Exile + Burning Pile +  Aquatic Rehabilitation / Whiskey  Afternoon Sun + Snap Out of It / Pero  Like That / Marcus M  Black Water Lilies
@foli-vora Javier  Before My Eyes
@oonajaeadira Javier  Nadie Espera un Milagro (No One Expects a Miracle)
@lavendertales Javier  Indecently Dishonest / Joel  Fine Line +  Relief +  New Territory
@spacecowboyhotch Javier  The Sun Also Rises
@saradika Din  If You Send For Me, You Know I’ll Come
@firstofficerwiggles Din  Gimme the Beskar Spear
@oliviajdjarin Din  Dare You to Touch Me—Dare You to Love Me / Joel  Marked Me Like a Bloodstain
@floral-force Din  Apples & Honey
@kingofthebeskargoats Din  Open Arms
@flightlessangelwings Din  Trust and Intuition
@simpingcowboy Din  Full Disclosure / Javier  On The Clock / Marcus M  If It Wasn’t For the Nights
@theredwritingwitch Tim  Tune Your Soulwaves
@something-tofightfor Tim  Black Days
@agentwhiskeysdarlin Whiskey  Labyrinth
@movievillainess721 Whiskey  Pregnancy Craving
@thot-of-khonshu Whiskey  Nightcap
@boliv-jenta Charlie  Charlie’s Birthday / Frankie + Whiskey + Dave  Interagency Cooperation
@frenchiereading Frankie  Shared Breaths
@redahlia-writes Frankie  You Make Loving Fun
@wardenparker Frankie  I Have No Idea What You Just Said to Me
@beecastle Frankie  Paw Prints on Our Heart Rewrite
@absurdthirst @storiesofthefandomlovers Frankie  Landlord From Hell / Dieter  A Fork in the Road / Din The Future of Mandalore / @pedropascalsx Dave  His
@ssuperficialspacecadett Frankie  Through the Scope
@albertasunrise Frankie  Oops Baby
@writer-darling Marcus P  For All the Sad Mad Poets
@whataperfectwasteoftime Marcus P  Spring Fling
@pedropascalsx Dave  The Storm
@wildemaven​ Dave  The Secrets We Keep...
@kayleezra Ezra  A Sunflower and Their Encyclopedia
@pennyserenade Dieter   Only Backwards
125 notes · View notes
theredwritingwitch · 1 year
Soulmate Fic- Tune Your Soulwaves
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Pairing: Tim Rockford x reader
Soulmate AU: Soulmates can tune a radio to the sound of their soulmate, can then communicate to each other through the airwaves.
Words: 1.4
Warnings: language, fluff!!!
Note: Little soulmate fic in honor of Pedro’s birthday!
He braced his forehead against the steering wheel of his car. He could hear the chatter of police officers standing in front of the mansion’s doors beyond the yellow crime scene tape. He had walked the grounds and halls of the mansion many times over now, felt the broken glass as well as the soft loose petals of flowers crunch under the weight of his shoes. Droplets of fresh rain fogged his glasses, Tim didn’t care.
Notes were scattered about next to him in the passenger seat of his car. Open manila folders, black and white photos of suspects, and receipts for cooking ingredients scattered and fell off the seat to the floor. Tim looked down at the evidence he had compiled, unbothered to pick the notes back up and reorganize himself. Not tonight anyways. The bright lights of the cop cars glared down on him through the windows. Small droplets of rain slowly dribbled down the windows as more droplets spat down from the clouds above to the puddles below.
The night was only beginning and the detective was already done with the day. His brain was pounding through his temples just as his eyes seemed to tire themselves out with constant stain. Tim had leafed through multiple books, delicately handled piles and piles of knives, and dug his hands into some viscously scrumptious blueberry pie. But even after long hours of going over taped meetings and footage, he had nothing but boards of bottomless theories and trash cans full of shitty take out food. 
The moon looked down on the poor detective as his long held breath huffed out of him. His case was far out of his grasp yet he still had a long night left of work to get done. But for a minute Tim wanted nothing to do with the case. Tim closed his eyes for peace just as a small tune of jazz music sang out on the car’s speakers. He opened his eyes and shifted his head from the wheel to the sound. Maybe he could get lucky tonight. Just a little bit of luck?
Resting his cheek to the steering wheel, Tim stretched his arm to the tuning knob. He listened carefully as the knob tuned in and out of the static between channels. The detective heard strumming of guitars, blurry static, salsa, loud static, sports chatter, mumbled static, and gospel. 
“Come on baby, are you out there tonight?”
More mumbling chatter and static rang threw his car before he stumbled on the familiar hum. His fingers twitched as he reversed his roll and tuned back and forth till the humming became crystal clear.
“There you are,” Tim smiled as he sat up and scooted over to the radio, raising the volume so he could fill the space with something pleasant. “Always where I last left you.”
“Where else would I be?” your voice chimed out of the speakers and into Tim’s ears.
“I imagine you would be sitting in front of a fire, curled up with a book.”
“That sounds rather wonderful right now,” you murmured to him.
Tim smiled at the warmth of your voice, “If not that, then maybe at this late hour you're in bed, listening and waiting for some music to carry you off to sleep.”
“Staying up listening to the sound of your voice sounds more blissful.”
“You’re a sweetheart, have I told you that?”
“You’ve mentioned it once or twice,” you laughed as your voice went in and out of the radio. “So another late night huh?”
“As always. Same with you?”
“As always,” you mimicked him with a dry chuckle.
“So back to our guessing game?”
“Of course!” Tim laughed at your excitement. He had been guessing your occupation for some time, trying to narrow down who you were and where you were.
“Let me think then,” Tim put his car in gear and drove away from the crime scene. “You’re definitely not in any sort of government related work. But you are on the clock right now.”
“That is correct, detective. We both work the late shift apparently.” You couldn’t help but mock him a little.
Tim paused and with an elated smile he replied back, “That’s correct honey!”
“What’s correct?”
“I’m a—” the static returned to the radio drowning out Tim’s words and your own. Tim kept one hand on the wheel as he continued to drive down the dark roads, while his other hand re-tuned the radio.
“Did I get it right?” Your voice strained through the returning static. “You’re actually a—” jazz music and soon news chatter sounded through the radio. Tim refused to let up though as he continued to search the airwaves. Every so often, for a mere second or two, he would catch a glimpse of your voice through the radio. Excitement could easily be heard in your voice but the static returned every time Tim felt he was close.
“Come on baby, you can do it.” Tim begged for you through the persevering static. After many minutes of driving through rain and surfing through static, Tim’s hand began to cramp as your voice was lost in the airwaves. He slapped the top of the dashboard with a low yet agitated “damn” that took up the only noise in the car as Tim turned the radio off. He would just have to try again later tonight or even tomorrow.
After driving into an empty parking space in front of his favorite take-out restaurant, Tim rubbed his hands through his hair and over his eyes. Exiting his car and slowly dragging his steps into the restaurant, Tim was greeted with the sound of static playing on the radio. It sounded like someone else was having a hard time tuning their signals as well.
Tim called out to the server in the kitchen. He had been to the restaurant many times before, but always picked his orders up to go, never sticking around. Tonight he just wanted a little bit of company though.
You jumped back from tuning the radio and rushed to the counter quickly writing down his order before returning to the kitchen and back with his drink. You were jittery and bouncing about the place. Apparently you were in a better mood than him, which was obvious as he plopped down into his seat.
“Rough night?” you asked. There was a familiarity in your voice that made Tim pause and give you a good look up and down before he answered.
“Oh just some broken reception issues with the radio, you know.” 
You agreed with a nod “Happened to me today too.”
“Really, you don’t look so sad about it,” Tim’s voice quizzed you.
“Nope actually, I figured out something pretty important about my soulmate today.”
A smile crept on Tim’s face, even if he was having a rough go at meeting his soulmate, he was happy someone else was finding theirs. “What’s that?”
“My man is a detective! Can you believe it? A real Private Investigator!” You broke out into a large bright toothed smile, “Too bad he seems a bit bad at it though, otherwise he would have found me already.”
Tim couldn’t help himself as he leaned back and laughed. “Honey, maybe his detective skills are better than you think, or maybe he just has some dumb luck every once in a while.” He certainly couldn’t believe his own dumb luck at the moment.
You looked at the handsome man questionably, “Suppose so? That could be a possibility. We all can have some dumb luck every now and again. Maybe even you could get lucky.”
“I think I have,” Tim whispered to himself as he watched you set his food and check down.
“Do you suppose you give out discounts for officers or maybe even detectives,” Tim slowly pushed his badge forward on the counter, watching you stop in your tracks and gasp up at him.
Your hands traced over the badge before saying “I think something could be arranged, maybe a meal or two could be on the house.” Your bright smile returned to your face as you looked into his charming chocolate eyes.
Tim smiled back at you as he leaned forward, placing his hands over yours, “You’re a sweetheart, have I told you that?”
“You’ve mentioned it once or twice,” you murmured as your detective’s lips brushed and then settled down onto yours just as a swinging jazz song came on the radio from the kitchen.
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szanella · 2 years
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Slowdive into soulwave 🥀 (à Siargao Island Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkYodknNkwk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boglarkarebay · 1 year
Some stuff for my AU, DELTASOULS (info all the way down)
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So, this AU is basically Soul Eater, expects the Deltarune characters are in it. It’s mostly nonsensical, because it’s supposed to take place during the canon evens of the universe, but there are Deltarune characters who are deathscythes, which shouldn’t be possible.
Anyway, the three teens are the main characters, Kris and Susie are 17 and Ralsei is 16. Kris is the weapon meister for the two, with Susie being an axe and Ralsei being a magical lantern. They both have special abilities, which are made stronger by Kris’s soulwaves while they’re resonating. Their rival teams are Berdly with his weaponpartner Noelle, and the mysterious prodogy Papyrus, wielding his older brother Sans, a deathscythe.
My favourite character from this AU is Asriel, because of course he is. He’s 11 years older than Kris, has a grigori soul and wields his wife Dess. An essential conflict of the plot is them returning home after being away for more than two years to help the modern crisis that is the kishin breaking free, which results of them facing ALL the family trauma.
There’s also some characterwork in my traditional sketches for this world, including some Ralsei backstory.
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I’m cooking hard with this one. 🥰
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“Mesélhetnék arról hogy mivan velem..;
Hogy folyton fáradt vagyok,
És sokszor fáj a fejem…”
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tokoyamisstuff · 2 years
Chemistry Ch. 2 - Franken Stein / Reader
Summary: Much to everyone's astonishment, you and Stein get along surprisingly well.
Warnings: None. Literally just fluffy nonsense.
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"Let me try again! One last time, please?"
"Sure..." Honestly, it's way too early for Stein to endure anyone's voice longer than the bare minimum - but on the other hand, it was quite entertaining to see you all delighted over something so trivial. "Go ahead."
You giggled like an overly excited child as you pressed Stein's hands together, emitting soulwaves through your palms with ease.
It was a rather pleasant sensation, he had to admit.
...but with such a happy look on your face, he didn't really feel like destroying your efforts just like that.
"Now try moving them apart!" The strings you had formed to stitch his palms together were feeble and easily torn apart...
"Very good" your partner praised with a proud smile on his face, acting as if it was hard to set himself free. "You certainly have potential."
Learning this kind of skill sure wasn't easy. In fact, Stein was the only person known to be capable of using his soulwaves in this unique way - until now.
"Do you want some coffee?" you hummed, disrupting his line of thought. "I think I've stressed you enough this early in the morning, so it's the last I can do."
"Yeah, that would be nice" he mumbled, head resting on the table of the teacher's lounge as he watched you operate the coffee machine. "And don't worry about it - I like having little side studies."
Stein couldn't help but using his soul perception, the initials on your soul catching his attention once again - and he began to wonder: Don't they say Soulmates share similar abilities?
"Say, Y/N, what was the property of your weapon again?"
"Electricity" you answered as you put down the mug in front of him, hearing a quiet 'thank you' in between his usual self soliloquies. "Why?"
"Oh, nevermind. Forget it."
Mistaking the brooding with his usual morning grumpiness, you didn't really put much thought into your partner's words. "We sure make a good team, right? At first glance, no one'd ever expect us to be so similar."
"We are not even remotely alike" he retorted, absentmindedly stirring his drink. "Far away from it, even."
"I object. We are compatible in the ways that count!" You ended the topic like that as you sat down next to him, busying yourself with preparing today's lessons.
Since Death's order a whole month had passed without further incidents, so there was plenty of time for the two of you to grow accustomed to one another.
At the beginning you admittedly were still a little hesistant and unsure to what extend you could trust your unusual new partner, but Stein really went out of his way to act welcoming.
While he could certainly be a pain in the ass and liked to annoy you more often than not, he was also reliant, funny, witty - and could even be quite charming if he felt like it.
However, sometimes it was hard to conceive whether the man was being genuine, or if he was just acting to give you a false sense of security.
Spirit, knowing him best, emphasized that even though Stein certainly had a more humane side towards certain people, he was emotionally immature and unable to control the different sides of his personality...
...and that he was in fact very talented when it came to playing along with what's considered 'normal' behavior - even if you rather wouldn't want to know what's going on behind the facade.
And while Stein himself was amazed that your constant presence didn't bug him in the slightest, something about it still wasn't sitting right with him.
The small possibility of you poor thing being his Soulmate, that is.
"You done there?" Stein leaned over to see the last few tests you were currently grading - way too late, obviously, since class started in not even twenty minutes. "I can help you with that, you know."
You had been obsessed with perfecting Stein's soulwave technique lately, and had wasted a lot of time on training those past few evenings instead of doing your actual work.
"Forget it!" you wouldn't even look up from the papers, feeling irritated that you could get distracted by his stare so easily. "I've screwed up myself, so I'll get it done myself. And also: Your handwriting is awful."
"Aww, you should hear yourself." Not that he doesn't know what it's like to rather drop dead than to accept someone's help, but your stubbornnes was almost endearing. "Death's hard-working little lapdog."
"You're one to talk, you freaky douchebag!" You punched Stein's stomach softly, a few sparks of your soulwaves disappearing into thin air as soon as they touched him...
...Soulmates are also unable to harm each other with their souls, he mused.
"We should take bets whether they start making out or get at each others's throat first." The source of that aggravating voice was Sid, entering the teacher's lounge together with the others who had been in the canteen during lunch break.
"Fair enough" Stein cackled, even though you were the opposite of amused. "Don't encourage them! And also: gross."
"Hey, I consider myself quite a catch." Seems like he's enjoying the subject as long as it get's on your nerves.
"Yeah, so does Spirit" you scoffed, hearing the man whine in the background before he proved you right as he started bothering one of the other female teachers.
Out of a whim, Stein put his arm around your shoulder, jokingly declaring "Besides: This is the woman that let me operate on her without a sedative. So she's not too bad either."
You blinked up at the man, taken aback by the sudden proximity before watching your wrist. The wound was almost nonexistent now, just as he had promised back then - and you couldn't help but feel grateful.
"So that's the only way to earn your respect?" Naigus spat bitterly, walking past the man without biding him another look. "Psycho."
Maria Naigus sure was the hardest colleague to deal with - at least ever since you had been assigned to Stein, that is...
...and that mix of disdain and pity whenever she looked at you was somehow hard to bear.
Moreso, it seemed like he always drew the focus on himself, so the others would leave you alone. "If you want to find out, you know the location of my laboratory."
"Haha, maybe." Stein himself seemed completely unfazed by the constant degrading. Well, he's probably used to be the centre of negative attention either way.
Naigus chose to ignore him, rather whispering some barely audible curses under her breath as she stormed outside the room again. Sid rushed after her after uttering a half-heartedly apology on behalf of his partner.
There was a while of uncomfortable silence until soon the remaining teachers would leave for their respective classes as well, and you finally felt like you could breathe freely again.
You should've been used to this kind of treatment by now, and if not you should hurry up and do so - because this is what it's like to be associated with Stein.
"Well that was uncalled for" you said, about whom of the two you weren't sure. "Why does she have such a great problem with you?"
"Who doesn't?" he shrugged, just to be sharply poked to the chest by you. "Me, for example."
"Yeah, that's right." You felt Stein's hand petting your head, smiling at you almost innocently. "Thanks for putting up with me, Y/N."
"Oh, I- uh...it's actually fun being around you, ya know? Never get's boring at least."
There was something about whenever the two of you touched that shot pleasant tingles through your whole system, no matter how desperately tried to contain this feeling...
...and little did you know that Stein felt just the same.
You gave it your best to avoid his intense gaze, willing to do anything to change the topic before he'd notice your nervosity - only then realizing that the clock showed five past 1pm. "We should go. Class has already started."
"In that case, how about we meet after work today?" he suggested, curiosity getting the better of him as he wondered if his theory might be correct after all. "To spar a little, I mean."
Your function at Death Academy was to lead some of the weapon exclusive classes, and others which focused way more on the practical usage of one's abilities than theoretical knowledge.
And many, many times you had asked Stein to accompany you for a demonstration, which he had always politely declined. In fact, until now he had completely avoided to use your weapon form at all.
So it was no wonder his offer made you a little suspecting.
"I thought there's no need for that, since you're such a great Meister and all?" Still jittery beyond belief, you shuffled away from the man to become clear-headed again.
"It could help us getting used to each other's fighting style, though." As if a goddamn genius like him only now noticed this.
There just had to be a superior motive to his idea, yet you couldn't put your finger on what it was.
"Y/N?" Stein waved a hand in front of your face at your lack of answer. "So, what do you say?"
"Okay, okay!" You threw your hands into the air, gaining a cheeky smirk of your partner. "Fine by me. 4pm at your laboratory?"
"Can't wait, my dear."
The last hours of school went by incredibly fast - that's probably what enjoying your job must be like...
...and now for the rather unpleasant part.
"I honestly have no idea what awaits me at a place someone like you calls 'home'" you teased as Stein escorted you to his laboratory.
"I always found uncertainty eery exciting, don't you?"That was a lie, and you knew it. As intrigued as he was by so many things, the constant ambiguity of his own self sure had to be exhausting, if not deeply frustrating.
You were correct of course, since right now Stein was concerned for your wellbeing - or rather the consequences if you'd find out to be Soulmates after all.
As much as it being true would be a blessing for himself, it would also be a curse for you on the other end.
Staying blissfully unaware would be better than a life-long sentence written in stone, right?
But hey, in the end the two of you had to find out eventually - even if the idea itself didn't even cross your oblivious mind yet.
"...why am I not surprised" you taunted as you saw the huge patchwork building at the horizon. "You live pretty far away from...everything, don't you think?"
"I like to have my peace and quiet while working" he shrugged it off, mutely adding "and like this no one can hear the screams."
Seems lonely, you thought.
"At least we can go all out here!" Feeling a rush of motivation and adrenaline flowing through you, you stretched a little before you grabbed his wrist. "Ready?"
"Ready when you are."
In an instant, you had transformed right into Stein's hands, feeling the massive power radiating off of him now flowing through you.
And that you were supposed to channel and amplify?!
"Don't worry, I can control the output" your partner reassured you, as if able to hear your thoughts. "Also, you're a Death Scythe - and a very competent one at that. With you I shouldn't need to hold back."
"Huh, how considerate. I'll go easy on you the first time as well!" you cheered, knowing that the burden of wielding a weapon as powerful as yourself had it's limits - even for someone like him.
And indeed, there was no need to get used to each other, for the instant connection between the two of you felt as natural as nothing you had ever before experienced.
"This is incredible! Don't you think so too, Y/N?" Stein was laughing almost manically as he manoeuvred your weapon with ease, leaving you a little uneasy. "Y-Yeah...but please don't overdo it, okay?"
"Soul resonance?" Both of you suggested in unison, and in a matter of seconds you were ready for the blow. It was amazing, what sheer power you were capable to synthesize together.
Something like this shouldn't even be possible, unless...
"Shit!" The shockwave of energy following your attack could most likely even be heared far away back in the city...
...and right there, at Death Academy, two spectators had witnessed your little performance as well.
The two of you were unable to see it with your own eyes, but anyone with soul perception could've seen the initials on your respective souls brightly lighting up.
"Master Death..." Spirit was left at loss for words by the sight they both observed through Death's mirror. "I've never seen a soul resonance like this."
"Yeah, a Death Scythe in combination with the strongest Meister is immensely powerful for itself, as you already know..." Death explained calmly as the scene unfolded in front of him, "But what dimensions would their potential reach if at the same time, they'd happen to be soulmates as well?"
"How most unfortunate...or not? It could be beneficial, yet also unpredictable..." Seems like not even Death had planned for this outcome, yet an overwhelmed Spirit still felt the need to defend his former partner for some reason. "We won't know how this ends until we see it with our own eyes."
"Either way, what an incredible twist of events. I'll need you to keep an eye on those two."
"Stein!" you exclaimed as he had fallen over due to the recoil, transforming yourself back. "Are you alright?!"
"Heh, worried for me I see?" he gave you that shameless grin again, to which you'd simply pout. "Can you be serious for once? We've almost wrecked your house."
"I think it went pretty decently for the first time" he evaluated contently, looking at all the havoc the two of you wreaked in his front lawn.
"Strange man, strange hobbies, strange views..." You sighed, offering him a hand and almost losing balance yourself as you pulled the tall man up.
"I could get used to this" Stein stated quite jubilant, dwelling in the afterwaves of your soul. Time sure ran fast when together, both of you realized as you saw the moon raise over a purple sky. "Should I accompany you home?"
"No, actually-" you stopped yourself halfway through the sentence, biting your lip as you realized how stupid the idea might sound...
...just to give in to this whim anyways. "I-I'm exhausted. Do you think I could stay the night?"
"Sure, suit yourself." This time it was you supportingly putting your arm around Stein, whose back hurt a little more than he was willing to admit. "But don't complain if you get dissected."
"As long as I wake up again, why not?" you snickered and your partner couldn't help but break out in laughter as well. Maybe it would be nice to have some company for a change - if it's you at least.
"No, seriously: I trust you with my life, Stein."
"Oh, I'm honored - but I don't think I deserve that praise yet" he dismissed the compliment, yet you wouldn't give in. "Then you better hurry up and prove yourself."
Impossible, he thought. Someone as naive as yourself can't possibly be his Soulmate...
...otherwise this story would have the complete opposite of a happy ending.
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