#Space Sunrise Live 2021
sgiandubh · 1 year
A stupid shipper's guide to the Peloponnese, part 2: Mycenae, my Craigh na Dun
Forgot to mention: Praxiteles' statue of Hermes still has faint cinnabar traces in its curls. Which makes that Hermes a ginger, hehe. You simply can't make this shit up. /end of poetic justice moment
Anyways. The very minute your car, bus or bike crosses the Corinth Canal, even if you cannot see it from the modern, German highway, you just know you are in the Peloponnese. Everything changes: the light, the landscape and even the silence. In summertime, cicadas reign supreme: mercifully, after a while, you don't hear them anymore and sleep like a log in daytime. Summer nights are always for something else, in this land.
Odysseas Elytis, my favorite Greek poet, knew something about all this:
"Drinking the sun of Corinth Reading the marble ruins Striding across vineyards and seas Sighting along the harpoon A votive fish that slips away I found the leaves that the sun’s psalm memorizes The living land that passion joys in opening."
So really, forget about the islands, spare some unsung, almost unknown gems. The heart of this country beats South of Corinth, and once you've realized this, there is no turning back.
Olympia and her little sister, Nemea, are all about joy and cheer and the sort of organized happiness the Ancient World was so adept at. But at Mycenae, we hit a different chord. It is home to this guy - the filthy rich, ruthless, rogue King Agamemnon.
"Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair":
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Mycenae and I go back a couple of years and too many repeated, insistent expeditions to count properly. Even Zorba the car knows the way by himself, so all I have to do is wait for the right week-end, climb at the wheel and enjoy the scenery. Many dinners in town and embassy receptions have been traded for the simple joy to be awaken by kyria Panagiota's impertinent rooster (across the street) at 5 am and open my room's French doors to this view:
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A mix of olive groves and vineyards, with the odd cypress tree randomly thrown around. 354 inhabitants. Two churches. Two stone bridges, built somewhere at the narrow end of the Stone Age and still treaded by tractors, cattle and unsuspecting pedestrians. And also this:
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The Lions' Gate (the real one, not TPTB related), as photographed by me the day before yesterday, for the umpteenth time, proudly standing at the end of a steep-ish climb cursed daily in tens of different languages by thousands of tourists. As for Angkor Wat, you'd have to see it at sunrise or sunset to fully get the magic, in complete silence. Patience and determination will certainly be rewarded. For this place is rich with all the memories of those who once called it home, back in the day when it was one of the most powerful political and trade centers of the known world. The Cyclopean fantasy of a demi-god, which is all about flawless ownership of space and aggressive affirmation of one's worth. Or, as the obscure Alpheus of Mytilene aptly put it in an epigram, written some time around 0, AD: "a city built by giants and passing rich in gold".
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Pic taken by me in late October 2021, that blessed age of innocence when I had no frigging idea of Craigh na Dun. Different light, same arresting view that plunges all the way to Argos and farther away, to the sea.
Cats rule the world. We know that (January 2023):
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And then there's the Vault, half a mile down the road. If the Lions' Gate is about Space, the incorrectly named vault - a mausoleum, really - is about Time. Or rather the complete irrelevance of it:
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Because I am not only stupid, but also nuts, I sometimes flip a coin, once inside. All binary answers were proven to be eerily accurate, with time. But things like this only show themselves to the believer. Last question asked is still technically up for confirmation, yet I - along with all of you here - know already it's a yes:
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And yeah, I did it. What the heck. I had the place just for myself, and that is rare. Wouldn't you?
Mordor, I don't care about your pearl-clutching reaction. There is poetry to be found in the most unlikely of places. Especially in the most unlikely of places.
Walking back, I challenge you to pinpoint an exact year. It is impossible and there is a reason to it. This place and this view are timeless, of course:
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In an unexpected, involuntary homage to the Atrides, the 354 inhabitants of modern Mykines still bury their dead all around Agamemnon's Vault.
Around an almost icy jug of Retsina wine, I asked my treasured friend V, the archaeologist: do you really think they ever left?
Are you nuts? And what would we do without them?
Coming back to a sweltering Athens, just imagine my head shake in disbelief watching Lasagna Lady once again clinging to that poor guy's T-shirt, the bickering between C's stans about who is the most telepath of them all and the wailings about the lack of secksay content in Episode 7.
Seriously, Fandom? Is this the best you can give me?
Episode I am hurrying to watch, nevertheless. But first, the laundry. Fair's fair.
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bagelthatwrites · 2 years
Somewhere Sunrise (Begins Another Day)
Chapter 1: Unfortunate Mishaps
Summary: Reagan Ridley tries to be prepared for situations, but the job always manages to surprise her.
Especially when she's thrust into another universe, and stuck figuring out how to get back.
Fandoms: Undertale (2015), Inside Job (2021 Cartoon)
Notes: (thank you to my good friends @pastelkonpeito and @maddestmewmew for beta reading this chapter!! also another thank you to hen again for helping me improve the pacing !) Also this takes place briefly after part 2 of the show, and after the true pacifist ending of Undertale.
WARNINGS: blood mention, possibly death, also swearing
If you knew anything about Cognito’s head robotics scientist, it’s that she’s been on this job for over a decade.
The job came with many problems and risks, be it near death experiences, dealing with cover-ups and disappearing accidental witnesses, or nearly losing an appendage or two.
But out of everything Reagan Ridley’s done and been through, she didn’t think she would spend her last moments like this.
The machine had taken months to finish, endless all-nighters spent programming, and connecting wires, and checking and rechecking the blueprints to make it perfect. 
The companion watch took just a few weeks to properly sync to the shiny, new transporter… 
And it malfunctioned. And it took her with it.
It was a decently quiet night in the building, and the cool wind from outside somehow seeped its way through from the windows to the quite sizable space of Ridley Labs, though it never affected Reagan, as she was used to the drafty windows. Never got the damn things fixed.
Her best friend and co-team leader Brett Hand shivered, though, used to the rest of the building being room temperature. 
As Reagan installed the last few panels onto the transporter core, Brett took a minute to look around the lab again.
It was in its usual state, messy but somehow organized enough. Fitting for her, isn’t it?
“Alright, we’re almost ready.” She lifted the welding mask and switched off the propane torch, turning to him. “Brett, do you have the watch?” “Oh- yeah.” He handed her the device. “So… what does this do again?” “Were you even listening the first time?” She muttered, and waved her hand dismissively. “Well, the old teleporter was broken and out of date, so I took the liberty of building a new one. This one syncs to a watch- the one I’m holding here- to take the wearer to and from their destination. The machine serves to make sure that the watch works as intended, and to actually choose your destination.” She patted the machine, and put the wristwatch on, adjusting it.
“You’re here in case something happens to me.” She pointed to Brett, and walked back over, putting her hands on his shoulders. “...If I’m gonna be honest, you’re the only person in this place that I’d trust if anything happened to me.”
“Awww… Reags!” He smiled bright, pulling her into a tight hug. “Me too.”
“Put me down, you goober, or we won’t be able to start the experiment!” She laughed out and smacked at his arm.
He placed her back down and she turned to activate the machine and the watch. “Alright. I’ll start with a decent location… somewhere just outside of DC.” She pressed a few buttons on the machine.
“But… what if you can’t get back? You might have to walk for a while…” Brett commented. He widened his eyes. “OR! I could come and pick you up!” She snapped her fingers. “Exactly.” She presses a button on the watch.
The transporter vrrrr’d to life, and its sounds echoed across the lab in a pleasant symphony of machinery.
“It’s working!!” Reagan couldn’t hide her excitement, her eyes lighting up as a smirk appeared on her face. “Brett, it’s working!”
Brett squealed in corresponding exhilaration as the watch lit up in unison.
The excitement of the pair was short-lived, as the wristwatch elicited short shocks.
“Shit.” Reagan struggled to get the watch off, as she felt the teleportation tech do its magic. “I can’t- shit, fuck, it’s stuck! I can’t get it-”
And she disappeared in a flash.
Brett’s phone buzzed, and the call was from…
…Reagan. He sighed in relief and clicked to accept the call, only to see a screen of white.
Reagan comes on screen, hair whipping in the wind (wind????????).
"Brett! Are y-ou getting this tr-ansmi-ssion!?" The audio and video were cutting out, but Brett nodded. 
"List-en to me! I d-on't know wh-er-e I am, but no m-atter WHAT, you have -to keep the m-achine running! I seem to- to h-ave gone to a- different area than intended-”
She pushed her hair out of her face and looked around, squinting in the foggy winter wonderland- if she remembered correctly… it was supposed to be… September.
Oh god.
“I-I.. I-’m th-ink in a di-ffere-nt uni-v-erse! And it's hailing b-" A piece of hail flew down and nailed the scientist right in the temple, causing her to fall over into the snow. 
"Reagan? REAGAN!?" Brett brought the screen closer. 
"Aw- SH-IT, I... there's sn-ow getting into the wa-tch a-nd I-" Reagan's eyes drooped slightly, and they both noticed blood dripping down her face from the deep cut, now very prominent on the side of her head. 
“Shit- Th-this is go-ing a lot w-or-se th-an I th-oug-ht it wo-uld! If I c-an get th-e wat-ch to-”
…She couldn’t…
Reagan felt herself getting weaker. There was blood dripping down into the snow now.
The situation was getting worse. The situation was unsolvable.
"...Brett... if I don't su-rvive this... I j- just want you to know that I'm sorry... for ev-eryth-ing. You w-ere a... a good fr-iend." Reagan felt herself getting more lightheaded, and the watch glitched and crackled as the weather worsened the condition. 
"Reagan, why are you apologizing..? Hey- no- listen, you'll come back, you'll be okay, I promise- REAGAN?" Brett teared up and clasped his hands worriedly. The transmission was almost lost. 
"...G-oodbye, Br-ett." The screen cut out as white overtook the transmission video, and the small screen finally displayed "SIGNAL LOST". 
"Reagan? REAGAN!" Brett called out, but no one answered. 
He felt his stomach twist.
He failed to keep himself stable on the edge of the desk, starting to slide down and sit on the floor.
His heart caught in his throat as he choked up, tears falling, the lab now dreadfully silent.
“Oh goodness…. Frisk! Get the first aid kit!”
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xtruss · 1 year
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One month after George Floyd was murdered while in police custody in Minnesota, Kris Graves photographed the remnants of the Confederacy in and around Richmond, Virginia. “One late night on statue-lined Monument Avenue, I came across projections by artist Dustin Klein on the monument of Robert E. Lee,” he writes. “We stood and watched a seemingly endless rotation of Black lives that had been ended at the hands of police.” Officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of Floyd’s murder one year later, but Graves writes that “this continues to be an epidemic in the United States.” Photograph By Kris Graves, National Geographic
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Wildlife ranger Joseph Wachira comforts Sudan, the last living male northern white rhino, as he laid dying at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya in March 2018. “He died surrounded by people who loved him,” wrote Ami Vitale, who was there to capture his last goodbyes. She added that she hoped that Sudan's legacy “will awaken us to protect this magnificent and fragile planet.” Photograph By Ami Vitale, National Geographic
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While documenting the treacherous waters and fishing culture of the Aleutian Islands, photographer and salmon fisherman Corey Arnold captured this image. “Every night in Unalaska, I'd spot this red fox near the side of the road, charming drivers with its irresistible cuteness into throwing it snacks out the window,” he writes. “On this evening, I spent a few hours watching this fox at work, using my headlights to light the scene.” Photograph By Corey Arnold, National Geographic
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“I don’t know about you, but fireflies take me back to childhood,” writes Kiliii Yuyan, who captured these synchronous fireflies flashing at early nighttime in the forests of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. “Here, in the space all around me, a thousand tiny green-yellow lights are miniature lanterns, blazing long enough to be seen but always escaping my cupped hands.” Photograph By Kiliii Yuyan, National Geographic
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This is a rare example of performing polar bears, a controversial but not illegal practice in Kazan, Russia. Polar bears are a threatened species and a powerful symbol for conservation—yet these bears are fitted with metal muzzles and their trainer holds a metal rod. Photographer Kristen Luce and writer Natasha Daly traveled the world to learn about the suffering behind the scenes of wildlife tourism. “Our intention is not to shame tourists who have had these encounters,” Luce writes, “but to arm our readers with information that will help them identify potentially abusive situations for animals.” Photograph By Kristen Luce, National Geographic
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Left: “A reminder to breathe,” writes photographer, filmmaker, and mountaineer Jimmy Chin of this striking image of the Middle Teton in Grand Teton National Park. Photograph By Jimmy Chin. Right: The Caldor Fire rips through a valley south of Lake Tahoe on August 29, 2021. Lynsey Addario documented the California wildfire season—the second worst on record—on assignment for National Geographic. Photograph By Lynsey Addario National Geographic
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Andy Lewis crosses a slackline high above the valley floor in Moab, Utah. Photographer Renan Ozturk dedicated this photograph to his late friend Dean Potter, who first envisioned a free-solo image like this "moon walk," captured without digital manipulation within a single frame. After missing his first chance at the shot, Ozturk writes that he “stumbled through the night, arriving tired and bloody to the moonset/sunrise location on the opposite side of the towers.” Photograph By Renan Ozturk, National Geographic
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negaversebuffet · 1 year
The last mixtape I was able to do during the pandemic shutdown! The audio is a lot of early 2000s Animal Collective, their side projects/friends, and some newer spookie stuff I've found. This was the last time I did datamosh feedback before switching computers and having that setup break. A fun one to throw on at ur basement show :)
Reptilian Space Beings, Shapeshifting Bloodsucking Vampires//Eric Copeland
La Cucaracha//Black Dice 
Acid Baby//Nmesh
Woodshedded//Leslie Winer and Jay Glass Dubs
Face Mask//Terrestrial Tones
Two Sails On A Sound//Animal Collective
The Sailor//Terrestrial Tones
Fun Dink Death//Eric Copeland Originally made for Deaths dynamic shroud halloween mixtape swap 2021 but I got really busy and didnt send it out and the guy disappeared and T_T
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usagirotten · 1 year
AnimEigo to Launch Kickstarter Campaign for Macross II Anime Release
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AnimEigo's Robert Woodhead announced at the Animazement event last week that AnimEigo will launch a Kickstarter campaign for the release of the Super Dimensional Fortress Macross II original video anime film this summer. The company will reveal more details at its panel at the Otakon event, which runs from July 28-30. #Macross2 Kickstarter is coming later this summer. Details at @Otakon panel. We announced this at @animazement but somehow I "spaced" on tweeting about it. If you have interesting ideas for stretch goals, tweet away! — Robert Woodhead (@AnimEigo) June 5, 2023 Biggest announced in July 2022 that AnimEigo would be releasing the anime on Blu-ray discs. At the time, Woodhead revealed on Twitter that his release of Macross II would be a high-definition transfer and not a resolution bump. The six-episode anime premiered in 1992. The story is set eight decades after Space War I and follows a civilian news reporter who meets a mysterious singer from a previously unknown alien race. Studio Nue began the Macross franchise in 1982 with The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, a television anime series featuring the themes of a love triangle, music, and transforming fighter jets. Studio Nue worked with advertising agency Bigwest and anime studio Tatsunoko Production as production partners. The franchise spawned three other television series (Macross 7, Macross Frontier, and Macross Delta), several theatrical films (beginning with The Super Dimension Fortress Macross: Do You Remember Love?), and several video series (including Macross II, Macross Plus, Macross Dynamite 7 and Macross Zero). Macross Delta aired from April to September 2016, after a trailer for the first episode in 2015. The latest animated work in the Macross franchise, the feature film Gekijōban Macross Delta: Zettai LIVE!!!!!!, opened in Japan in October 2021 along with the short film “Gekijō Tanpen Macross Frontier Toki no Meikyū” (Macross Frontier Film Short: Labyrinth of Time). Sunrise is releasing a new Macross animation project. via Anime Networks Read the full article
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dowoonr · 4 months
In the quietude of the evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky painted itself with the hues of a fading day, he found himself walking along the shore, the gentle lapping of the waves a soft symphony to his musings. The sea, an endless canvas of cerulean, whispered tales of a time when two souls danced upon its shores, leaving footprints that had long been reclaimed by the tides.
It was there, amidst the salt and spray, that they built castles not of sand, but of dreams and shared laughter. Their days were woven with the golden threads of sunrise, and their nights were serenaded by the choir of the cosmos. They were two wayfarers, journeying through life's ebb and flow, finding an anchor in each other's gaze.
Yet, as all tales do, theirs too found its chapter's end. She, his beloved, now soared 'above the clouds', a spirit unbound by the mortal coil. And he, a solitary figure by the sea, clutched the pearls of their memories close to his heart. They were treasures no tide could steal, the light that pierced through the veil of his solitude.
With each wave that caressed the shore, he sent forth a wish, a silent prayer that the winds carried to her. May she find peace in the ethereal realms, may her laughter be the melody that adorned the stars, and may her journey be filled with the iridescence of celestial wonders.
As the twilight deepened and the first stars began to shimmer, he stood there, a testament to the love that once was. The sea, their witness, knew the depth of the bond they shared. And though she was no longer by his side, he found solace in the thought that they were both under the same vast sky, she amidst the heavens, and he, here, on the shores of remembrance.
So, he walked on, his heart a vessel of the love they had nurtured. The story of them may have found its pause, but in the quiet moments, when the world seemed to hold its breath, he felt the warmth of her presence, a gentle reminder that love, true love, was not bound by the confines of time or space.
And as he bid the day adieu, he knew that their story, like the sea, was eternal, its whispers carried on the winds, its essence etched into the very fabric of the universe. For in the end, it was love that remained, love that endured, and love that whispered to him, across the ages, that to have loved was to have lived truly.
Farewell, my dearest, until they met again, in this life or the next, by the sea or amongst the stars. May her soul be cradled in the arms of eternity, and may she know that here, on this earthly plane, she was missed, she was cherished, and she was loved, now and forevermore.
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disneybritton · 6 months
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Happy Easter! It's not been easy, juggling the reality of decorating for a rental property for three years (2022-2024), but this Spring we’re moving in permanently. We developed a mood board inspired by both the sunrise and our art collection, and we have a designer helping us to make it feel lively yet calming, and structured yet jazzy.
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What each year’s decoration experiences taught us about living in Key West:
In 2021, we began with a monotone sand tone for renters. Calming but not lively.
In 2022, we explored multicolor maximalism. Lively but not calming.
In 2023, we successfully floated the couch, nicely structured but it's still too busy.
In 2024, we’re returning to monotone, but an orange palette to complement the living room artworks.
Below are the six next steps to our 2024 refresh.
1. Clear the Clutter
First, remove the clutter, and color-drench the entry. It's that simple. Move hats to Den. Then, install music speakers, ceiling lights; and lay down a full-length entry rug for the narrow hallway. Art: Hamsa; Rug: Ruggable-Peach; and Paint: Farrow & Ball's "Pink Ground."
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(Images: Now vs Vision)
2. Let the Art Breathe
Second, we'll anchor the most important pieces in our art collection in the great-room, but allow space for them to breathe. Breezy is the key word in this room. Replace the rug, and clear the console. Art: Ed Hamlton and Arturo Alonzo Sandoval; and Rug: Ruggable-Peach.
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3. Brighten the Kitchen!
Third, we'll replace the moody grey with sunshine colors. While, the grey kitchen was a key factor in the purchase, we've evolved to see the need for peach and glass cabinetry. Art: Raul Diaz; Rug: Ruggable-Peach; and Paint: Farrow & Ball's "Pink Ground."
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(Images: Now vs. Vision)
4. Match Room Colors
Repaint the blue bedroom to match the peach beauty of the adjacent living room, and spotlight my favorite books. Art: Anila Agha, Nhat Tran, Nicollo Cosme; Rug: Ruggable-Peach; Shelving: IKEA; and Paint: Farrow & Ball's "Pink Ground."
(Images: Now vs. Vision)
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(Images: Now vs Vision)
5. Create a Playroom.
Create room for play. Blue color-drenched for: TV, games, a Peloton, and shelves for rotating Jesus art. Also, a sleeper sofa for weekend guests. It'll also be a 3-day guest room. Benjamin Franklin famously said that guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.
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6. Remember the Bathroom
Recreate our Indianapolis or 21C bathroom in Key West.
(Images: Now vs Vision)
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mmoviejournal · 9 months
Hotel Transylvania: Transformania (2022)
In Bruges (2008)
Carlito’s Way (1993)
Black Adam (2022)
All the old Knives (2022)
Outside the Wire (2021)
Sabrina (1995)
The Lion King (2019)
The Piano (1993)
Nope (2022)
The Bubble (2022)
Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted (2012)
Project Power (2020)
Paw Patrol: The Movie (2021)
Lady Sings the Blues (1972)
Road House (1989)
The Defiant Ones (1958)
Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)
Mean Streets (1973)
Ball of Fire (1941)
The Recruit (2003)
The Tuskegee Airmen (1995)
Dark Victory (1939)
The Aftermath (2019)
Bright Road (1953)
Encino Man (1992)
Bolt (2008)
To Catch a Thief (1955)
Tootsie (1982)
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
Inferno (1980)
Old Dogs (2009)
Look both Ways (2022)
Antwone Fisher (2002)
Witness for the Prosecution (1957)
Kajillionaire (2020)
The Wiz (1978)
Littly Italy (2018)
Menace II Society (1993)
Cops (1922)
Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966)
Those who wish me dead (2021)
Ajvar (2019)
Burning Sands (2017)
Operation Fortune (2023)
Your Place or Mine (2023)
Vivo (2021)
The Age of Adaline (2015)
Luthor: The fallen Sun (2023)
Scent of a Woman (1992)
Boston Strangler (2023)
The Smurfs (2011)
Faraway (2023)
The Sweetest Thing (2002)
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018)
The Smurfs 2 (2013)
Monster’s Ball (2001)
John WIck: Chapter 4 (2023)
Fallen (1998)
Outbreak (1995)
Scream (2023)
The Good Nurse (2022)
Fireflies in the Garden (2008)
Before Sunrise (1995)
Crooklyn (1994)
Scream (2022)
Band of Angels (1957)
Kramer vs Kramer (1979)
The 355 (2022)
Old (2021)
Come Sunday (2018)
All my Life (2020)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Hellraiser (2022)
Roman Holiday (1953)
Creed III (2023)
Red Corner (1997)
The Laureate (2021)
Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (2006)
Red Notice (2021)
Dune (2021)
Sherlock Jr. (1924)
Disclosure (1994)
I killed my Mother (2009)
Next Exit (2022)
Submergence (2017)
In the Heat of the Night (1967)
The Vanishing (1993)
The Color Purple (1985)
The Long Hot Summer (1958)
Transcendence (2014)
Don’t be a Menace to South Central while drinking your Juice in the hood (1996)
Ransom (1996)
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Cloud Atlas (2012)
The Mother (2023)
Elephant Song (2014)
Gosford Park (2001)
Driving Miss Daisy (1989)
The Girl in the Spider’s Web (2018)
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
Swordfish (2001)
Moneyball (2011)
Official Secrets (2019)
Death at a Funeral (2010)
Killer Elite (2011)
Out of Africa (1985)
What’s love got to do with it? (1993)
Frankie and Johnny (1991)
The Hustler (1961)
Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)
Seberg (2019)
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021)
Interstellar (2014)
Soul Food (1997)
Wait till dark (1967)
Mo’ Better Blues (1990)
In the Heights (2021)
Ghosted (2023)
Matthias & Maxime (2019)
Sweet Smell of Success (1957)
In the Cut (2003)
The Wood (1999)
Outlaw King (2018)
Donnie Brasco (1997)
Extraction (2023)
Little Nikita (1988)
The Illusionist (2006)
The Lady from Shanghai (1947)
Some like it Hot (1959)
Eve’s Bayou (1997)
The Aviator (2004)
Space Jam: A new Legacy (2021)
Clock (2023)
My Girl (1991)
Design for living (1933)
Everything Everywhere all at Once (2022)
Chain Reaction (1996)
Pandora and the flying Dutchman (1951)
Before Sunset (2004)
The Jackal (1997)
A Journal for Jordan (2021)
Candyman (2021)
Tequila Sunrise (1988)
Midnight (1934)
The Deer Hunter (1978)
Our Hospitality (1923)
Miami Vice (2006)
The Perfect Find (2023)
Just Cause (1995)
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)
Our Brand is Crisis (2015)
Notorious (1946)
Crush (2022)
Striptease (1996)
Don’t worry Darling (2022)
The Lion in Winter (1968)
The Constant Gardener (2005)
Ben Hur (1959)
Deliver us from Eva (2003)
Fast X (2023)
Strange days (1995)
8mm (1999)
The Woman in the Window (2021)
Guys and Dolls (1955)
Sister Act (1992)
The Visitor (2022)
Dead Again (1991)
Spellbound (1945)
Air (2023)
Indiana Jones and the last Crusade (1989)
Carmen Jones (1954)
…and Justice for All (1979)
Honk for Jesus. Save your Soul (2022)
A Fish called Wanda (1988)
The Nutcracker and the four realms (2018)
Boogie Nights (1997)
Venom: Let there be Carnage (2021)
Bird Box: Barcelona (2023)
Hush…Hush Sweet Charlotte (1964)
Rumble in the Bronx (1995)
They cloned Tyrone (2023)
Once upon a time in America (1984)
The Wild One (1953)
Something New (2006)
Dying Young (1991)
Death Takes a Holiday (1934)
Me Myself and Irene (2000)
Friday Foster (1975)
One day (2011)
A good Year (2006)
Varsity Blues (1999)
High Noon (1952)
Men in Black 3 (2012)
Friday (1995)
Strait- Jacket (1964)
Step Up (2006)
Air Force One (1997)
Big Business (1988)
Breaking (2022)
Barbie (2023)
He who gets slapped (1924)
Near Dark (1987)
How Stella got her Groove back (1998)
The Joneses (2009)
Stardust (2007)
Heartburn (1986)
Mildred Pierce (1945)
Paid in Full (2002)
Awakenings (1990)
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Serpico (1973)
Amsterdam (2022)
Tom and Huck (1995)
Emancipation (2022)
Mademoiselle Ange -Ein Engel auf Erden (1959)
The Ninth Gate (1999)
No Sudden Move (2021)
The Rite (2011)
Her (2013)
King Rat (1965)
Labyrinth (1986)
Too Young to Die? (1990)
42 (2013)
One Night in Miami (2020)
That Thing you do (1996)
Lilies of the Field (1963)
Me before you (2016)
He got Game (1998)
Life as a House (2001)
Bhowani Junction (1956)
Pretty in Pink (1986)
Antebellum (2020)
Wild Things (1998)
Shadow in the Cloud (2020)
Fled (1996)
The Batman (2022)
No Time to Die (2021)
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958)
Vampire’s Kiss (1988)
Conspiracy Theory (1997)
Red, White and Royal Blue (2023)
The Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)
The Postman (1997)
Enemy at the Gates (2001)
Out West (1918)
The Age of Innocence (1993)
Spider-Man: No way Home (2021)
Masquerade (1988)
Fair Play (2023)
Harlem Nights (1989)
Das Cabinet des Dr Caligari (1920)
Knock at the Cabin (2023)
The Pope’s Exorcist (2023)
Swing Time (1936)
Angels & Demons (2009)
The Dictator (2012)
Best Christmas Ever (2023)
Istanbul Için Son Çagri (Last call for Istanbul) (2023)
The Negotiator (1998)
Cuvari Formule (2023)
The Lady Eve (1941)
Family Switch (2023)
Shall we dance (1937)
Leave the World behind (2023)
The Killer (2023)
The Burial (2023)
Dead Presidents (1995)
Brothers (2009)
My Summer of Love (2004)
Oppenheimer (2023)
Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire - Part 1 (2023)
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edeldoro · 1 year
Incomplete and un-positive random thoughts on 08.27.2023 (grouching in 2nd person)
suicidal ideation / homicidal ideation / previous attempt to die by suicide implied / overdose / bad formatting /
If there are those obsessed with death, you're certainly vain about dying!
You want it to be perfect. Head in the oven is easily accessible as it's easily collateral and you don't want to be so found. There are no small bodies of water to lie in and chug with rocks lining your pockets. You quail at the likelihood of losing the sonority grown on your hands. There are safety nets at every bridge big and small. The local train would brake in time. The overpass above the train is too low. Climate change has raised the lowest temperature in the area; frost wouldn't even gather on your eyelids in November, December, January, FEBRUARY; soaking in water before lying out and about is a waste of time. You're wasting the water bill. You waste the food too through eating. You don't think you can commit to a proper deep cut to even nick the colon, the small intestine. Neck? COULD YOU? If you failed, could you still hum or sing? Read aloud the papers? You're not confident in your ability to make knots, let alone a proper noose. Ang p*lis-- could you even trust that any shot, any blow would do the job? They will fire at anyone-- how could any time with you be different?
How to conceive you're a threat when you already believe so? Your voice rises to a Polly Pocket Barbie formal retail register when you order a combo vegetable bun and sandwiches. You pretended you couldn't perform Chopin's third Ballade and Schubert's fourth Impromptu and fled the audition room. You can't relax in a crowded room full of living strangers (and even then, peers and acquaintances) because you don't understand why you perceive them occasionally dead or dying or being killed. You regret not retaliating against the groper and you cry because you're thinking of opening him with the keys and plucking his eyes and caving his chest and isn't that overreacting? For every man who hurt you, you weep at the singing ideas of slaughter. You would rather be put under a rocket engine than process genuine gifts. Come on.
Falsely falling before a moving vehicle is too cruel to the driver, the passengers. You aren't licensed to drive into the rivers. All those years and you haven't got a state license yet. Too guilty to take up space in a new database. Lifeguards. The mountains are hours away. Your family has a history of alcohol abuse. You don't go there.
You don't want your books to go to the Salvation Army. You haven't finished reading a couple of books you kept from your ex piano teacher. You want to watch the plovers through binoculars. The photo album with the art cover of a lighthouse that you couldn't fit in the UPS box you chose hasn't been sent yet. You hate cooking. You love cooking. You forgot the fragments to the sonata idea you wanted to try writing. Does that matter? You still don't remember them. You feel six years overdue, going on seventh in FEBRUARY. That's awful. This is awful. You feel bad for the child who dotted blood on their first canvas in pre-Kindergarten art and turned out like this (and you are surprised one of the DNA clipboards framed it).
You like clumping through snowstorms in the afternoons and you're going smad that you might miss out on the next one. You remember wildly learning to bake flaky pastry style hopia in 2021 and miss it (and loathe the grueling prepping process). The drafts in your Tumblr account are roughly seven thousand and counting. Whenever the sunrises go, you try to reach some extent of greeting. Loathsome, congested, bleary and all.
The other day, you went to the website of the National Library of Medicine in pursuit of using products already at your disposal. Six months later, your hesitance and prick of excitement makes a fortuitous/blasted mistake. Your stuff on that matter is confiscated. As much as you try to, you can't finish the mashed potatoes at the emergency department. Lol. Your under someone's insurance, so it's fine. It's so fine.
You remember the clots of ferrous sulfate coating your insides the other day while eating gelato someone made in-house. Good grief. What's next. You want disposable income, maybe a natural death (and what is that? Do we go over the city and medicine and urban sprawl and immigrant paradox and, and and, and--?).
Good grief. What's next.
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usmaradiomagazine · 1 year
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🔴 ON AIR - Today Tuesday 9 May 2023 at 7:00 pm (CEST) - usmaradio.org USMA for Radioart106 #𝟭𝟯𝟵_𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗶𝗹 𝗯𝘆 𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽 & 𝗔𝗰𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀 [60 min] Reveil is a project, initiated and produced by Soundcamp and the Acoustic Commons network. It tracks the sounds of sunrise from travelling West on live audio feeds from streamers around the world. It tunes to the sounds of weather, machines, migrating birds, air traffic and more - creating a collective soundwork lasting one earth day.
This show is a rebroadcast of Reveil 8 from 2021, to highlight the 10th edition of the project which will take place from 5AM London time on Saturday 6 MAY to 6AM on Sunday 7 MAY 2023. radioart106 will stream from the port of Haifa, in collaboration with Ithaca music, Mezo gallery and Radio Rikavon, in Palestine, Israel.
We will stream nonstop (UTC+3) in parallel to the main (global) stream. Mezo will be open to public during the entire loop as a listening space, and Radio Rikavon will relay the main stream.
This show is Introduced by the Acoustic Commons network members/project producers Grant Smith, Maria Papadomanolaki and Dawn Scarfe. For complete information visit: https://soundtent.org/soundcamp_reveil.html
Supported by Arts Council England and the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Streams: Pomègue, Frioul Archipelago By Locus Sonus and the Parc National des Calanques Stave Hill Ecological Park, London By Michael Speers and Public Works Puerto del Carmen, Canary Islands By Lanzarote Webcam Surface Creek Road, Cedaredge, Colorado By John Hopkins Batuco Wetlands, Chile By Cristián Pinto Hydrophones at Bush Point and Port Townsend, Puget Sound off Seattle By Orcasound.net Maroochy River, Sunshine Coast, Queensland By Leah Barclay (Biosphere Soundscapes) and Arts Front Northern Royal Albatross nestcam, Taiaroa Head Nature Reserve, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand By the Cornell Laboratory for Ornithology Closeup birds in lofi, gyeonggi province, Korea feeder cam Chittaranjan Colony, Kolkata By Sukanta Majumdar Varessaare forest hut, Alutaguse National Park, Estonia By John Grzinich, Taavi Suisalu and Veljo Runnel MBARI deep sea cabled observatory hydrophone, Monterey Bay, California By Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
https://soundtent.org/soundcamp_reveil.html https://www.rikavon.co.il >>  Radioart106 explores radiophonic works of worldwide radio artists. Radio art is a subset of Sound art where radio art is produced for the medium of radio and is specifically intended for broadcast. A new radio work is aired every first (or second) Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm CET on usmaradio.org
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hgono · 2 years
Civil Twilight October 22 - November 25 
Guendalina Cerruti Sam Cottington Evangeline Ling Hamish Pearch Gal Schindler Mary Stephenson Michelle Uckotter 
Civil Twilight occurs just after sunset and the moment when the geometric centre of the sun is at 6 degrees below the horizon. 
Caught before the beginning of day and beginning of night, twilight beckons the end. A bewitching intermission before the changing worlds. A palette cleanser for the next act. Twilight is the thin edge of the thaumatrope of time, flickering at speed as memory merges the transitions from day to night. In summer; morning light beckons a flight of song, and evening calls on those who invade, leech and crawl through the darkness. Winter dawn brings thaw, slowly tearing at the frost delivered by night, dusk brings time for cold to once again take hold. Twilight offers an exchange of knowledge for secrets and secrets for knowledge, day exposes and night shrouds. Harmony is found as twilight balances the scales.
 Civil Twilight is the stage curtains for day, still keeping the dreams of night alive. Night offers few answers, and it's mystery compels. Day offers opportunity, to those willing to engage with its tribulations. In the heavens above, Civil Twilight offers daylight a glimpse at theatrics. The fade in and eventual out signalling its presence. Daylight offers calm and new beginning. Night consumes the world stage, emotions are amplified. Night needs no introduction and dusk as it's opening beckons it's intent. 
From the corner of your eye Civil Twilight performs its ritual. The sky's leading star, washes with rich flourishes of reds, pinks, blues, and yellows, the announcement of change is rarely without spectacle. 
 List of Works:
Sam Cottington The Writers Body, 2022 Vinyl Dimensions Variable Hamish Pearch Foraged Sunrise (07:38 22/10/22), Sunset (15:59 25/11/22) and Asteroids, 2022 Steel, aluminium, enamel, paint, epoxy putty, epoxy resin 60cm x 42cm x 12cm 
Gal Schindler Lapses, 2022 Oil on linen 60cm x 70cm 
Mary Stephenson Tight New Shiny Shoe, 2022 Oil on linen 40cm x 55cm 
Evangeline Ling Self-portrait in Bordeaux, 2019 Oil on canvas 60cm x 50cm 
Guendalina Cerruti Merry-Go-Round, 2022 MDF, metal wire, photo transfer on canvas, fabric, glitters, mixed coloured beads 35cm x 170cm 
Michelle Uckotter Friends Embracing, 2022 Oil pastel on panel 12.7cm x 17.78cm
Guendalina Cerruti (b.1992, Milan, Italy) lives and works in London, UK. She holds an MA from the Royal College of Art, London, UK and BA from the Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Italy. Recent exhibitions include: September Issues, Peres Project, Milan, Italy (2022); People Watching, New Low, Los Angeles, USA (2022); Wasted Dreams, Public Gallery, London, UK (2022); Primary Domain, Ordet, Milan, Italy (2021); Old Friends, New Friends, Collective Ending HQ, London, UK (2021); Studiolo Lounge #1, Studiolo, Milan, Italy (2021); Marigolds, Harlesden High Street, London, UK (2019) and Playful Agressions, Greengrassi, London, UK (2019). 
Sam Cottington (b.1993) lives and works in London, UK. Recent exhibitions and performances include: Blanks, Ridley Road Project Space, London, UK (2022); Pennies From Heaven, London Performance Studios, London, UK (2022); Getting Dressed, V.O Curations, London, UK (2021); Crave, SET Lewisham, London, UK (2021); Haus Wien, Vienna, Austria (2021) and Deadhead Perfora, Yaby, Madrid, Spain (2020).
Evangeline Ling (b.1996) lives and works in London, UK. She holds an MA from Goldsmiths College, London, UK. Recent exhibitions include What is it Like to be a Bat?, ADZ Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal (2022). 
Hamish Pearch (b. 1993, London, UK) lives and works in London, UK. He received a Postgraduate Diploma from the Royal Academy Schools, London in 2019. Recent exhibitions include: All season sanctuary, Mendes Wood DM at Retranchement (2022); Happy Birthday, Dear Speed, Quench, Margate, UK (August, 2022); Amygdala Lost and Found, Sans titre, Paris, France (2021); Thames Mud, Front, Brussels, Belgium (2021); Head Above Water, Belsunce Projects/Manifesta 13, Marseille, France (2020) and Nights, Soft Opening, London, UK (2019).
Gal Schindler (b. 1993, Tel Aviv, Israel) lives and works in London, UK. She hold an MA from Royal College of Art. Recent exhibitions include: The Earth has music for people who listen, Sapling, London, UK (2022); Razor Wave, Ginny on Frederick, London, UK (2022); My Reflection of You, The Perimeter, London, UK (2022); Mud Garden, Painters Painting Paintings (2022); Les Danses Nocturnes, East Contemporary, Entrevaux / Cote d'Azur, France (2021); Entropy, Baba Gallery, London, UK (2021); Limb-Loosener, Daisy’s Room Gallery, London, UK (2021); After Image, MAMOTH, London, UK (2020); Onlooking, Kupfer Gallery, London, UK (2020).
Mary Stephenson (b. 1989, London, UK) lives and works in London, UK. She holds an BA from The Glasgow School Of Art and is currently completing her Postgraduate Diploma from the Royal Academy Schools, London. Recent exhibitions include: Incubator, London (2022); Contrappunto, Vin Vin, Vienna, Austria (2022); Watch The Fire From The Shore, Linseed Projects, Shanghai, China (2021); Fertile Spoon (with Grace Pailthorpe), Bosse & Baum, London (2021) and Paintings On, and, With Paper, Cob Gallery, London (2020).
Michelle Uckotter (b. 1992, Cincinnati, USA) lives and works in New York. Recent exhibitions include Sinkhole Project Is Presenting, Micky, Chicago, USA (2022); heaven above sea below, Lubov, NYC, USA (2022); Electric Affinities, T293 Gallery, Rome, IT (2022); Trap Paintings Vol. 2, King’s Leap, London, UK (2021); Murder Time, Springsteen Gallery, Baltimore, USA (2021); Trap Paintings, A.D. Gallery, NY, USA (2020) and Center of the Core, Deli Gallery, NY, USA (2020)
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My 2022
I think in the many years since I started documenting ‘my years,’ I am breaking a record by not getting to this until 17 whole days into the new year. I am not sure why it feels like a chore this year, but after reading ‘My 2021′ it reminds me why this can be such an exciting and important tradition to keep up. 
Exciting things in 2022:
- We moved into our new home! We still absolutely love it and were fortunate to get as settled as we did. Everything was placed a bit on pause as we plan and save for our wedding, but I love how far it has come already and Winston LOVES his backyard
- Mardi Gras in New Orleans! 10/10 would recommend and go back although I could argue the one day and one night was plenty
- We asked our bridal party to be in our wedding!
- Rodeo returned! (& we went 4 times!) Sam Hunt and Chris Stapleton will forever live in my mind rent free
- 6, yes SIX weddings! Luke & Grace, Hayley & Jared, Em & Matt, Em & Brandon, Antonios & Sarah, and Summer & Colin - safe to say the airport was our second home this year and I honestly think we thrived getting to see friends and family and travel as often as we did
- I went camping for the first time for (almost) real! Glamping in tipis, wifi, AC, and a perfectly functioning bathroom count, right? I had never seen a desert landscape in my life and it was breathtaking. I loved the trip even with the many hours worth of hiking in 100+ degree weather. We went with a large group of friends and it was an experience of a life time. Shadows from the moon and seeing the entire Milkyway Galaxy at 5am before a hike. 
- Celebrated my bestie since preschool and had her shower and bach party, both of which left me with a full heart and so much love and happiness for Summer and Colin. Their wedding was the last event of the year prior to Christmas and it truly was magical and an emotional and joyful day. Definitely consider 12/17/2022 a major highlight of my life and our friendship.
- I found my wedding dress!!! She’s everything I ever dreamed of and we named her Ariel. And I am equally as proud to share that she was on sale. Because obviously. 
- I became an aunt (& uncle)! We welcomed our nephew Thomas on August 6th and he has our entire heart! As if that wasn’t enough, I was asked to be his Godmother and I am still beyond honored
- Not one but TWO PSU games! In keeping with tradition, Tony, Uncle Steve, and I went with friends went to Penn State at Auburn and we also got to see Penn State play at Rutgers before Thanksgiving.
- CROSSED OFF MY NUMBER ONE BUCKET LIST ITEM AND WENT IN A HOT AIR BALLOON!!!! - I can still remember the feeling of literally being at peace if my life ended after that experience - it was that breath taking, peaceful, fulfilling, and exhilarating. I anticipated being scared (and the morning of driving to the field ALL of the nerves hit that I never once really considered or made mental space for) but I also was shocked at how calm and quiet it was. We went near my mom’s house in central NJ and could see for miles - visuals of both NYC and Philly and the most breathtaking sunrise and landscapes. The company we used hires out family owned balloons and we were paired with a husband and wife and their daughter in law who truly made the experience that much more enjoyable and wholesome. Tony and I went for our 7 year anniversary and the last anniversary we will celebrate before being married. 
Travel: Cabo (Em Sweigart’s bachelorette), New Orleans, Pittsburgh, Hilton Head, Baltimore, Jupiter - FL, Big Bend National Park - Terilingua TX, Corpus Christi (4th of July), Atlanta (visit Kelly + Auburn vs. PSU game), St. Pete’s (Sydney & Adam’s Housewarming), Miami (Summer’s bachelorette)
Job: WW finally took a toll and I felt like I couldn’t give the same copy and paste tour anymore or deal with the same members trying to get out of a legally binding contract. Business was good when it was good and I didn’t want to stick around for the second half of the year when it slowed. There was no growth opportunities and I felt like it was always a game of ‘how can we screw our sales team out of the most $.’ Maybe that is harsh, but I definitely felt like it was time. Fortunately Tracy helped me snag a job (arguably super easily and quick) at my current company, as a CSM, in July. I’ll be honest, I said I was going to get out or quit more times than I can count, but once the dust settled and I entered a groove like I am in now, I can see myself hanging on through my wedding and possibly into 2024. The next job I take needs to be a good one and something I know is right/my next step. If it comes this year, I will be thrilled. But I am comfortable and fine staying put as wedding events commence. 
Therapy!: Another exciting thing to come out of 2022 was me finally taking the step to see a therapist and I have found it to be so refreshing and healing and it is actually something I look forward to. Fortunately, there is nothing majorly major that serves as my reason to go, but I know that that is not needed and not the point. I am so proud of myself for doing something for myself and being brave enough to actually put this into action - something I have thought about for a long time.
Faith: This is arguably once of the more fulfilling aspects and transitions that have happened this year. Over the past 2-3 years I can definitely say Tony and I have both grown our faith tremendously. I can’t quite recall, but either in 2022 or late 2021, despite going to church here and there, there was one week in particular where I could hear and sense God’s calling to attend church (ironically on one of the few weekends Tony was out of town and I was home alone, and so I went alone). I remember where I sat and just how everything touched me so deeply during that service that it brought me to tears. I look back and know it was the Lord calling me home. Tony and I took a marriage class online through the church which planted the seed, helped us to put down roots, and got us more involved. Now, we make it a priority to attend every Sunday. Just recently we applied to become volunteers in the Relief and Outreach Ministry and I am so excited for all that is to come. With my first, personal bible in hand and a vow to ‘never miss a Sunday,’ I am beyond excited to see all that God will do this year in our lives and all that is in store. I have never felt closer to God and know there is still SO much ground to cover, but I remain unwaveringly hopeful and faithful in the journey ahead.
My 2023 Resolutions:
1. Start saving to purchase a second home by 2025
2. Read 12 books
3. Never Miss a Sunday
4. Volunteer 4x minimum (arbitrary number, just as much as possible! + more than in 2022)
5. Switch all household, beauty, and cleaning products to clean, toxin free by EOY
6. Tackle and resolve cheek biting/jaw/teeth issues
7. Re-do laundry room & pantry, office wall
8. Try acupuncture
9. Get a new job (if it’s right)
261 days left as a Tedesco and until I become a Mrs. .......BRING IT ON 2023! TIME TO GET MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!
xoxo, Bri
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We are excited to invite Francis Arevalo as our speaker for January.
Please join us.
January’s global theme is ‘SANCTUARY’ and we are excited to invite Filipino-Canadian Francis Arevalo, an artist, producer, founder and manager at UWIDO, and mental health advocate.
A multi-hyphenate from Vancouver, Arevalo’s work in the music industry is informed by his previous work as Music Program Coordinator at Creative BC and Board Director at Music BC. As a hip-hop artist, Francis writes to uplift, inspire, and energize himself and his communities. He is known for his personal storytelling, thoughtful messages, and colourful production.Arevalo’s production highlights include co-producing Desirée Dawson’s JUNO-nominated EP Meet You At The Light (2021), producing and co-writing Mikey Jose’s Wait (2020), and his own artist catalogue. Francis released the Threes & Frees EP in November 2022, as a teaser for his upcoming debut album HEATCHECK! for release April 27 2023.
We asked Francis a handful of probing questions to give us a deeper glimpse into their life and relationship with creativity:
How do you define creativity and apply it in your life and career? I find creativity to be nebulous and hard to define. For me, creativity arises from the intersection of imagination, expression, problem-solving, play, work, experience, environment, evolution and liberation. It connects the space between my personal and the collective, what’s inside me with what’s beyond me. Where do you find your best creative inspiration or energy? I don’t believe there is such a thing as “best” creative inspiration or energy, because I don’t put ideas into a hierarchy or relate to them in a binary good or bad. There are just ideas, and circumstance and personal/collective need determine the usefulness, appropriateness, and potential of them. I can more easily think of circumstances in which I most reliably receive or come up with novel ideas or progress on something I’m thinking about: long walks, most often and ideally just before sunrise. There is something powerful for me in that space in the morning before the day becomes a day and the rest of the world starts needing things from me. The early morning is my time for me and my ideas, feelings, wants, and turmoils to have the space to be full. Physical movement the mental, emotional and spiritual movement. Timing my walk to end just after sunrise gives me a sense that I’ve made progress and I almost always end up somewhere new with an idea that I wouldn’t have gotten to otherwise.
What’s one piece of creative advice or a tip you wish you’d known as a young person? Learn how much sleep you need to feel well. As someone living with bipolar disorder, I have a complicated relationship between sleep and creativity, but overall, I wish I slept more when I was younger. It takes a certain capacity for me to properly cultivate my ideas, and I need to be rested to do that work.
Who (living or dead) would you most enjoy hearing speak at CreativeMornings? My creative peers who don’t often speak or present about their works in this way.
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This month’s live musical guest is Bella Roces. Born Isabella Boquist, Bella Roces comes from a Filipino-indo and Scandinavian background. Bella released her first single in 2018, “You’re Confusing”. Since then, Bella has performed in various shows and venues throughout Vancouver, including The Railway club, Fortune sound club, the Juice Truck and more. For her soft spoken soul, singing and song writing became a way for Bella to express herself. Growing up, she was influenced by her parents love for R&B and alternative indie. Bella’s smooth vocals mixed with her authentic, vulnerable, song writing that connects across generations. Please join us.
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movestonki · 2 years
Spacious ranch style home
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Outside entertaining is effortless on the covered rear veranda with brick path to the fire-pit, creating a perfect spot for breezy summer evenings. Move through the kitchen to the formal living room offering handsome oak flooring and wood-burning fireplace with custom granite hearth flanked by built-ins and into the den with glass pocket doors or into the formal dining room. The single level, custom built, Shingle-Style inspired, mini-estate on over 2 private acres welcomes you through a covered porch and spacious foyer to the entertaining hub of the home, the chef's kitchen, which features a center island with seating, painted wood cabinetry, walk-in pantry and top-of-the-line appliances. Live in luxury at Harbor Lights, one of southern York's most sought-after enclaves, surrounded by mature landscaping, lush hardwood trees and verdant lawns that complement a detached three-car heated garage/studio with bath. Just minutes to all amenities in town Windham, grocery store, restaurants, & entertainment! Do not miss this opportunity on the lake! Great location to live permanently year round, if you are visiting & for all your guests. Hop on and boat to everything Sebago Lake has to offer with ease. Waterfront has a permanent pier dock system, with an additional boathouse/garage near the waterfront. Enjoy the sunrise & sunlit lot from almost every corner of this property! Great rental property option as one of the most desired rentals in the basin, with great rental history! Features a beautiful sandy beach, sprawling lakefront yard, large waterfront fire pit area, a perfect place for all family gatherings large and small. Brand new heat pumps throughout were installed in June 2021. Large kitchen, formal and informal dining spaces, first floor laundry, large two car direct entry garage. Enjoy direct walk out access to the lake front from the large deck on the main level or sliders out to the patio/ lawn area on the lower level. Has a large open floor plan ready for your ideas, large main floor primary suite, w tub and shower, 3 additional bedrooms, large living room w two fireplaces, expansive game room downstairs & with walk in closets & storage galore through. Plenty of room for everyone! This is the perfect private family home or compound or investment/rental property. Stunning water views are abundant from every room, with a very open, accessible and usable 389 feet of lake frontage! Upon entering the meandering driveway, it brings you through manicured grounds to the main house, which offers a 4,100 square feet of finished living space. Truly Sebago Lake at its best in a private yet convenient location on a sprawling four acre lot in the Sebago Lake Basin! This is the opportunity to own one of the most sought after properties on the lake. Property being sold 'as is', come make it your own and experience a lifetime of memories on a pristine location in desirable mid-coast Maine. Furnishings will remain with the exception of personal items. All so close to the general store, beach, yacht club, town landing and walking trails, you won't want to leave the island! But if you do, Boothbay/Boothbay Harbor amenities are conveniently nearby. While not buildable, it provides more scenic vantage points and a provides terrific spot to swim, launch kayaks/paddleboards. Also included in this package is a point of land flanked by Cozy Harbor on one side and David Island on the other. Its waterside deck is a relaxing spot to the enjoy sights and sounds of this special location. Next is a cute boathouse cottage that has an amazing view of Cozy Harbor and all its boating activity. Main house also includes a two-car detached garage, a workshop and a garden shed. Inside and out, you are treated to mesmerizing views day and night. This package includes two dwellings, 4.25 acres and 1209 feet of water frontage - plenty of room for family and guests! Starting with the main house, you will find four bedrooms, two baths, a waterside deck to enjoy the cool ocean breezes and a cozy woodstove for those chilly days. A rare and unique offering on the shores of beautiful Southport Island.
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elmundotech · 4 years
Pikachu and Rayquaza appear via AR in JAXA's Space Sunrise Live 2021 event
#Pikachu and #Rayquaza appear via #AR in #JAXA's #SpaceSunriseLive2021 event - #space #videogames #anime #augmentedreality #elmundotech
During the 2-hour Space Sunrise Live 2021 event, The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency showed off Pikachu and Rayquaza in space using augmented reality. While some fans were hoping for an announcement related to a remake of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, both characters appeared as part of the show to introduce a special Pikachu giveaway starting today (in Japan). Before the reveal of Pikachu with…
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tropes-and-tales · 3 years
See What I See
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Day 18 - Sunsets || Golden hour, towering pine trees, and warm coats. (Frankie Morales x F!Reader)
(For the 2021 December Challenge.  The event masterlist is here.)  
CW:  Light angst; fluff.  Unrequited love.  Two idiots in love.
Word Count:  1981
AN:  Late and unedited.  There is a sequel here.
Requested by: the celestial @nuvoleincielo​!
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Frankie loved spending time with you, so when you asked if you could borrow his truck for the day, he did you one better:  he chauffeured you in his truck instead.
You lived next door to him, had moved in a few years ago because you needed the space for your studio.  You were a photographer—you paid the bills with studio sessions and weddings, but your real passion was for nature photography.  You loved Ansel Adams, and you loved the outdoors, so it made sense.
An icy storm had blown up the night before, coating the world in glittering ice.   Frankie put his truck into four-wheel drive and drove you out to the national park, to a stand of old-growth pine trees.  
“Oh, we timed it just right,” you said as he put the truck into park and killed the ignition.  “Golden hour is about an hour away.”
Frankie smiled at your enthusiasm, and he climbed out of the truck to help you.  You pulled on a pair of fingerless gloves, and you buttoned up your fleece coat.  You pulled a knit cap out of your pocket and jammed it gracelessly onto your head, and you turned to your equipment:  a camera with more controls and buttons than a Chinook helicopter, and a dizzying arrange of lenses and filters that you arranged in your camera messenger bag.
Then you turned to face him, the smile wide across your face.  “I’m good.  Let’s go.”
You were a fantastic nature photographer because you had a preternatural sense about it.  You always seemed to know when a storm would blow up and rent the sky with ultra-white lightning.  Or when the same storm would leave behind a sunrise so brilliant it made tears come to his eyes.  
Or this:  the ice storm had come out of nowhere, and now that it had warmed up a few degrees, the ice was melting slowly.  It coated the bare branches of the trees, and it coated the needles of the towering pines.  It made everything look like it had been coated in diamond dust, glittering and sparkling in the warm golden light of the afternoon sun.  
Frankie jammed his hands in his pockets and walked a few steps behind you, his boots crunching in the snow.  He loved these excursions because they were so peaceful.  You were so peaceful.  You had a calming influence on him; your gentle, quiet nature soothed the demons—his PTSD, his addiction—that roared in his skull sometimes.
“What time do we have to be back by?” you asked, your voice low.  You didn’t look at him.  Your camera was pointed at one of the pine trees, and you were shooting it, adjusting your camera, shooting it again.
“By seven,” he replied.  His girlfriend, Amelia, was coming over, so he had put a time limit on your excursion and the use of his truck.
“Plenty of time then,” you murmured.  You lowered your camera and looked at him.  “How’s that going, by the way?”
Frankie sighed.  “It’s fine,” he lied.  
You made no attempt to hide your disdain for Amelia.  You had met her over the summer at Frankie’s cook-out, and you had found her to be rude and unlikable.  She had been critical of Frankie and his friends, and her teasing had a mean edge to it that you had frowned at.  You had talked to him about it afterwards, but Frankie had shrugged off your concerns.  But whenever the subject of Amelia came up, you always said the same thing—
“You could do so much better, Frankie,” you said now.  You gazed at him and then shook your head a little, as if you were disappointed in him.
“I’m a divorced single father and an addict,” he replied.  “I have PTSD, I live paycheck-to-paycheck, and my back hurts in rainy weather.  How many better prospects do you think are lining up to date me?”
“So you admit that there’s better options out there than Amelia?  Interesting.”  You were facing away from him, focused on a pair of chipmunks scurrying across the crust of snow, but Frankie could hear the smile in your voice anyway.
“I didn’t say that,” he huffed out.  “She’s….nice.”
“She is.”  He knew he sounded unpersuasive.
You turned to face him again, and you put one hand on your hip.  “Frankie, she’s not even nice to you in public.  I can’t imagine how she treats you in private.”
You weren’t wrong.  Amelia didn’t treat him that great in private, but Frankie had always considered it what he deserved.  He guessed he fell short in all the ways Amelia claimed, and he tried to do better…
“If I dated a guy who treated me the way Amelia treats you, wouldn’t you say something?” you asked.  You tilted your head at him, and your eyes looked soft and sad.
“That’s different.”
“I can take care of myself.”
You snorted and turned away.  “Sure, Frankie.  Okay.”
Even if it looked like a disagreement to an outsider, the two of you fell back into your peaceful, companionable silence. There was a spell in the forest:  the dripping of the melting icicles, the little crystalline chiming when the wind rustled the icy branches.  The light got softer and softer, a lovely golden quality just as the name would imply.  Sunset was an hour away, and the world seemed to be utterly quiet.  Utterly perfect.  Even the cold seemed to fall away, though Frankie knew it was his thick flannel-lined coat that kept it at bay.
The steady clicking of your camera fell away too, until Frankie was roused out of his reverie.  He turned and saw you—you had your camera pointed right at him, and there was a mischievous grin on your face.
“Did you take my picture?” he asked, his voice laced with mock-anger.
“It’s golden hour with my favorite golden boy,” you replied in a sing-song.  “Of course I took your picture.”
He took the few steps over to you, and he caught a glimpse of your camera’s small preview screen just before you turned away.
“Shit,” he said.  “You caught my profile.”
“What’s wrong with your profile?”
He huffed in embarrassment.  “My nose.  It’s too big.”
“It is not!”
“Yes, it is.  Delete that picture.”
“It’s a great picture, so no, I won’t.”  You studied him, narrowed your eyes a little.  You got a mean edge to your voice. “Did Amelia tell you your nose is too big?”
She had, actually, but Frankie wasn’t going to tell you so.  He only shook his head as if he were disappointed in the question, and he turned to walk back towards the truck.  Golden hour was ending, and he had a date that night.
The drive back was similarly quiet, similarly peaceful.  With you beside him, the coming evening with his girlfriend was in stark relief.  You were so serene, so gentle a presence.  Amelia, Frankie could guess, would be bickering with him before the clock struck midnight.
“I’m sorry that I harp on your dating life, Frankie,” you said quietly beside him as he navigated the highway.  “It comes from a place of love, I hope you know.”
He glanced at you and smiled.  “I know.”
“I just think you could do better.”
His smile widened.  “Yeah, I got that.”  A stretch of silence passed, and his smile faded as he added, “but I’m not much of a catch, you know.”
You grumbled, and you turned a little in your seat to face him.  “You know, you never talked so poorly about yourself before you started dating her.  Of course you’re a catch, Francisco.”
He rolled his eyes and signaled the turn on yours and his road.  “People aren’t exactly beating down my door to date me.”
You didn’t reply until he pulled into your driveway.  You gathered up your camera and gear, and you put your hand on the door handle.  But you turned to face him, and in the shadows of the truck cab, Frankie thought you looked a little timid.  Shy, almost.
“Maybe you should stop waiting for people to beat down your door then,” you murmured.  “Maybe you should be the one looking for someone better.”
Then you were out of his truck, slamming the door and giving him your usual little wave over your shoulder as you jogged up the steps to your house.  But your words—uncharacteristically forceful, despite your soft voice—piqued his interest.
He didn’t have time to mull it over.  He backed out of your driveway, drove the few yards down the road to his own house.  He showered, he had his nightly call with his daughter.  He ordered take-out and waited for Amelia to show up, and if he noticed how his anxiety ratcheted up the closer his girlfriend got, he ignored it.
It was an okay evening with her.  There was bickering, as he had guessed, but not too much.  Still, he couldn’t help but compare the evening with her and the afternoon he’d spent with you.  The quiet way you had of teasing him.  The quiet way you even had of arguing with him.  It came from a place of love, as you had told him, and Frankie wondered at that.
Amelia didn’t spend the night.  After dinner, they watched a little television and then had sex, but she left afterwards.  It left Frankie feeling used, a little, and lonely.  As usual.  
But as he started to nod off in bed, alone, his phone chimed.  He sighed, thinking it was Amelia with some late-remembered criticism, but when he checked his phone, it was a message from you.
Thought you’d want to see your picture, the message said.  Golden boy at golden hour.
Then you sent the photo, and Frankie opened the thumbnail up.  He tried to see it through your eyes:  his profile at golden hour, the low sunlight backlighting his face and the curls under his hat, making him look like he was outlined in gold.  There were even soft rays of sunlight behind him, like some portrait of a medieval saint.  It wasn’t bad, he begrudgingly admitted to himself.
Not that he’d admit it to you.  Gross, he texted back.
You replied with an emoji that was both frowning and crying, and then there was a long moment of the three dots just blinking on his screen.  You were either typing him a novel-length message, or you were struggling with what else to say.
Finally the message came through:  Wish you could see what I see.
He didn’t reply to that, but he couldn’t stop the goofy grin that stretched across his face.  Or the warm flush of feeling that settled into his chest.  Or how his loneliness melted away at just your text.
Maybe he shouldn’t keep waiting for someone better to turn up.  Maybe someone better was next door the whole time, patiently waiting and loving him in a gentle, quiet way while he struggled to accept that he deserved better.
Maybe he’d wake up in the morning with a little seed of hope in his chest, and maybe it would grow and grow.  Maybe he’d break up with Amelia as kindly as possible, taking charge in their relationship for the first time, right at the end.  Maybe he’d wait a short period of time, like a Victorian mourning period, and then maybe he’d march next door.  Ask you out as he should have a year ago.  Someone better who saw beyond all his flaws and baggage and still thought him golden.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.  Maybe if he timed it all right, he’d have his someone better in time for the new year.
Frankie fell asleep with a smile on his face that night.  There were no maybe’s, after all.  As far as he was concerned, they were certainties.
~~~Tag List~~~ @bananas-pajamas    @massivecolorspygiant​   @imspillingcoffee​   @amneris21​  @paintballkid711​   @mad-girl-without-a-box​   @bestattempt​   @rosiefridayrogersunday​   @strawberrydragon​   @hoeforthefictional​   @greeneyedblondie44​  @leannawithacapitala​   @stardust-galaxies​  @isvvc-pvscvl​   @mrschiltoncat​   @danniburgh​   @stillshelbs​   @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics    @tobealostwanderer​   @nuvoleincielo​  @knivesareout​  @frankie-catfish-morales​    @prostitute-robot-from-the-future  
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