#Specify a Muse
constellationcrowned · 6 months
THE CROWN OF LEAVES starter sentences Featuring prompts from chapters 1 and 2 (all routes), change pronouns and etc as necessary.
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"I don’t often ask you to do something for me but today I’ll make an exception…"
"According to yours and _____’s words, constellations/_______ are important, probably even the main part of me."
"Next time you’ve a mind to lie to me, come up with a better story, you dolt."
"You can trust in my senses, they’re a touch sharper than yours."
"I don’t want to be entertained. I just want to find a silent corner in this house."
"You’re not supposed to be constantly on guard with the ones you love. Being able to trust is a very valuable quality."
"If something unexplainable happens, the spirits are to blame. And if blaming the spirits is not enough, you can also break loose on some clueless fool."
"Let’s smooth out our unfortunate acquaintance with the rules of decencies and introduce ourselves to each other."
"Do you think I wouldn't come to my ______'s rescue? I’d be the first to run if I only knew where to."
"That’s enough, _____. It’s obvious that you spoiled him/her as a child. S/he’s stupid and lazy because you didn’t teach him/her the value of hard work."
"Okay, that’s enough. I don't believe in destiny or predetermination. I change my life myself!"
"_____ never do anything for others, only for themselves."
"You won't deny yourself the pleasure of challenging and refuting me, will you?"
"Don't forget, you still need to protect me!"
"I’m talkin’ about your brains, alright? As if somebody’s gone and pried open your skull and given it a good bit mix-up with a spoon."
"I’m serious. For him/her, there is no friend more important and closer than you."
"It looks a bit… Well I don’t want to be rude… but… boring."
"I just want to understand why you are making this such a big and terrible secret."
"If you absolutely have to write down your name, write it all wrong. In that case, an evil spirit won’t be able to possess you."
"Nobody will forgive you if you screw up."
"Why so grumpy? I just wanted to see my friend."
"I’m only asking you to stay in touch, that’s all. And should you run into trouble — well, I'll always come to the rescue, if I can."
"I asked you for at least a day---a single day!---not to touch those blasted constellations/_____."
"As your faithful friend, I prefer to ignore your failures."
"Won’t you tell me what’s wrong with the little one? S/he’s extremely silent."
"If one learned how to hide all of them did. The dead helped the living to avoid their mistakes."
"As far as I know, amnesia's not contagious."
"Some challenges need to be addressed head-on. I have an axe, for example…"
"Some _____ are eternally exiled for violating the rules. What if _____ is one of them?"
"Not everyone knows what they want from life. And not everyone has as much energy as you do to look for the best place for themselves."
"Honestly, I've had enough of aggressive communication for today."
"Can I see them? The _____, I mean."
"I'm not eager to end up like my ______! And neither do I want to be a substitute----no matter for who or what!"
"That's right. If you've chosen your way, then follow it."
"You're going to die until none of those who are willing to save you are left---and they're already few."
"_____, bark."
"Mark my words, I’ll ensure your punishment is long and exciting."
"Even such a touching confession won’t make me become your partner/_____."
"There’s no time to be tired, I need to pack my things."
"Now I know exactly what kind of monster under the bed I was afraid of as a child. It was you!"
"I don't know about _____, but ______ definitely loved you very much."
"In what way can one become a murderer? In the most direct one."
"And here I thought you were just foolin’ with me, but you really, truly don’t understand a bloody thing."
"I have no choice and you know that! I don't want to run into _____ again!"
"A part of me is in _____. Moreover, it saved his/her life."
"This is my real home! All jesting aside, if you lived here for awhile, you’d realize it’s not nearly as bad as it seems."
"A long tail is useful for plowing the ground, but that’s it."
"I knew there was something dangerous about you, something otherworldly. I should have followed my hunch."
"So you don’t remember _____, do you?"
"If s/he acts like this towards friends, then how does s/he act towards enemies? I don’t even want to know."
"You mentioned something about your destiny---we're going to test it now."
"That’s just how our culture has turned out. It’s full of mysticism, even if you don’t like it."
"I… I remembered I had another wound, aside from the one _____ gave me."
"Remember this once and for all: you don’t play these stupid games with me."
"Glad you care about me and my health! How sweet of you!"
"I’m not staying with him/her. Leave it to him/her to kill me in the middle of nowhere."
"Sometimes, as it happens, I see a human and my stomach growls."
"I'm not insulting anyone---I'm telling the truth in the most straightforward way."
"I’d like you to understand this: I don’t hate you."
"Who is “everybody”? Does anyone else other than you want to see me?"
"I shan’t be messing about with your head anymore. Seems to me it’s suffered quite enough."
"You’re a friend of our birthday boy/girl, aren’t you?"
"If you want to get rid of insomnia, I advise you to stop drinking coffee first."
"If the ______ doesn't get banished, people will start dying."
"Grow up and stop believing in fairy tales."
"I work with what I see. You looked like you were about to throw up."
"______ would happily go to any lengths to save you."
"I remember everything very clearly! Why won't you believe me? Why would I lie?"
"Did s/he really get so mad at me for not coming to his/her party?"
"Just admit it. Admit that you’re bursting with envy."
"It’s okay, you can keep it. It suits you---with all the stars and everything."
"How do I know it's not poisoned?"
"Two of my friends are dead! Why?! Who allowed them to die?"
"Your mind isn’t all that good and well, and you know why? You broke my restriction."
"Now I can’t even take it away…...only kill it."
"You really hear them? And just what are they going on about?"
"It's difficult to trust someone who's been constantly stalling from the very beginning instead of speaking frankly, isn't it?"
"You think I enjoy yattering about myself? Not even close."
"Good, be afraid. A horrendous monster with giant sharp teeth dwells in that house/_____---it will gobble you up and not even choke."
"It occurred to me that I could ask about your childhood and get to know you better."
"Keep in mind though, I can replace mercy with rage at any time."
"There’s no such thing as “______”. It sounds like some beaten fantasy book trope."
"Maybe s/he's gone totally nuts and started suspecting everyone around of some evil deed."
"Such a delicate ringing… a pleasant sound….it must be that one day it will grow louder."
"And what’d it get you? Nothing. Not a bloody, damned thing."
"You know what happens to mortals if they don’t leave _____ when....when they should?"
"Was it too hard to smile, huh?"
"I haven’t done anything wrong! I have nothing to do with it!"
"Your head has finally got rid of _____ and made a space for me. I’m glad it did. Now I’m going to be your best friend/____."
"I used to be very friendly---perhaps much friendlier than I am now."
"I’m not exactly what you’d call the finest at maths, but that’s already two conditions, and not just one."
"You managed to defend yourself. On your own."
"If you're the savior of the _____, then why did _____ kill you?"
"That title isn’t ringing any bells? Oh, okay, I knew I should have chosen something else."
"Just tell me this: do you hear the stars?"
"I know better. I’ve been around him/her longer than you."
"There’s no wound….but s/he stabbed at me right here."
"Obsession is passion! And what’s so bad about passion?"
"I think you give too much importance to fairy tales. Although, this isn’t surprising of you."
"Let me tell you who you reminded me of, to make this awkward situation even more awkward."
"They dragged you away, and I was afraid you were done for. Are you okay?"
"I’ve lived my entire life by the ______’s side, I know all about them!"
"Both were so determined, so desperate. A perfect example of self-sacrifice."
"Trust is the very thing I don’t demand. I just suggest helping each other. Wouldn't it be the best decision to stick together?"
"____’s right smart at telling stories. I’m even a touch envious, really---s/he’s always got the best of ideas, meanwhile my brain is all full of spiders and dirt."
"What’s the point of saving the ______ if there will be no one left to dwell in it?"
"I… hate him/her....but….what would I hate him/her for?"
"Carry your ladies/______ in your arms, and they won’t run away from you."
"I'd hate to find your bare corpse somewhere under a birch."
"Well, why so silent? We haven’t seen each other in ages! You could have said “hello”, at least."
"If you forgot about _____, just let it stay like that. And this is my best advice."
"Did I get into a scrap and make a scene?"
"You’re as good as a tool for them, and they’ll indulge you for as long as you are useful to them."
"_____.....Why on earth am I thinking of her/him? I don’t know….but s/he’s driving me wild right now."
"They judge me… hate me…"
"You're a despicable son of a bitch used to being fussed over by everyone."
"This world---whatever world it is---is empty, and there’s nobody in it except me."
"This creature has a soft spot for eyes/____, because it has none of its own."
"Oh, my little friend. You will always be safe."
"S/he is generally incapable of holding long meaningful conversations."
"Am I the only one lucky enough to see you both from a slightly different perspective?"
"This is my secret, and you are the only one privy to it. Well, happy now?"
"I only hope that you’ll always tell me about your adventures."
"It is difficult to get along with someone who is light-minded about deadly danger."
"Part of it is true. You may decide yourself which part exactly."
"You are our bright star, and you need to take to the skies."
"Oh, _____, where did your blind trust in _____ go? Weren’t you the one insisting just half an hour ago that s/he only wants the best for me? Naive."
"Do you think I can just go back to my regular routine without thinking about any of this?"
"Yes, I condone his/her shortcomings. There is not much good in me myself to force _____ to change for me. I love him/her the way s/he is."
"S/he was my companion, s/he means a lot to me! There were supposed to be the two of us….but you let ______ die!"
"I’m your partner, me! I’m the one you must trust!"
"How about a good ol’ goodbye hug?"
"What am I going to do without them? Who's going to help me? I can't deal with it on my own. I need them by my side!"
"The order is disturbed. If _____ is gone, what's the point of _____? If ______ is gone, what's the point of me?"
"Who brought me back to life if it wasn't _____? And what for if nothing will ever be the same again?"
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sevenciircles · 1 year
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Starter call for the moth !! Interact for a starter from Vaggie.
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Starter sentences from The Ever Pleasant Mr Bates; the prequel series to the podcast Dark Tides. Change pronouns and etc as necessary. Notable TWs: death, violence, gore, abuse, disassociation, anxiety, etc
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"I need you to come back to _____ before it's too late."
"These look like they'll kill us faster than anything or anyone we decide to attack with them."
"If you're going to try and eat somewhere new every night you've got about three nights in this town."
"Always trust a local."
"The tides are rising, ______."
"Why can't you just leave so I can get my happy ending?"
"If you were really trying to make it better just---just make it stop hurting! Make it stop....!"
"There are dangerous things in this world but there are greater dangers on the way, _____."
"You want a happy ending? I want you to have a happy ending too, _____."
"I am sorry that it hurts _____, but it's going to hurt a lot more if we can't do something about this."
"I promised good people that I would do good things and I will do them."
"I do not know what I am---but I am not like you, no."
"I have lived in your world, I have lost for your world, and if that doesn't make me one of you I don't know what will."
"I'd like to think that I'm a good person."
"I only accept those who come to me, it doesn't work otherwise."
"I hated you for a long time but you were the only person that I could actually look up to that had any worth and now you're running?!?"
"I told you that I didn't need you to protect me and I was lying! Of course I was lying!!! I was relying on you!!!"
"You can hate home but it's still home."
"Stay in the shadows, little ones."
"I have heard the voice of rage and ruin and s/he is coming and when s/he does the slate will be wiped clear."
"You're running?! You're going to abandon us/me/_____ now?!?"
"If you leave then the town/______ is dead!"
"The town/_____ isn't dead until you go."
"I'm a good friend but I'm a better leader."
"Sometimes it's better to stay with what is unfamiliar than to feel detached from your normal life."
"Do not hurt a soul inside, do not even lay a single finger on them."
"I've never been called by a name before."
"Nothing is true in a cage, everything is a mirage."
"Don't come to me with stupid questions."
"You should go. You should all run while you still can."
"Do you even know what you are?"
"I take what blame is mine but I take no more."
"I understand the rage---not white hot that boils over, but the icy hatred that eats away at you. The desire for vengeance, any sort of vengeance."
"They saved me form that type of hatred, it is the only reason why I am here."
"We carry the dead with us but we never let them guide us. We carry them selfishly."
"I did not bring them here as tools of bargaining or manipulation---I have no need for such things."
"What I offer is good, it does not need to be twisted to be made desirable."
"We must look after one another---we must be one."
"What I offer is not for the strong, it is for those who've been strong for far too long, for those who're beginning to buckle under its weight."
"Enough of being broken, enough of being shattered, let me rebuild you."
"You're a thief of the heart---you steal way people's self respect, their courage, their hopes, you lower them down to your level so that you can manipulate them! You weed your way into their minds and make them think that all is lost!"
"You can't fix us! You can't even fix yourself!"
"You might think you have this town/_____ by the throat but there will always be people to stand against you!"
"You'll never have _____, not while it/s/he's still alive!"
"GET AWAY FROM MY _______---!"
"If ______ can't take me what do you think you're going to be able to do with that?"
"If it works out some aggression, go ahead: shoot me/______."
"I don't care about him/her, I care about you."
"We carry the guilt, the regret, and the anger because it destroys us. We carry what destroys us because we think it's what we deserve."
"Try taking the good with you too---take the memories and let them guide you."
"You have put yourselves/yourself on the side of the enemy---on the side of the monster."
"I want light so that means this place is going to be set on fire."
"I will defeat him on my knees!"
"That's a funny way to honor them if you ask me."
"Let me put the kettle on and we can talk about it, okay?"
"Okay, backtracking to before you kicked the child/_____ ---"
"S/he is mothering because s/he is scared."
"I want to find out what's going on just as much as you do."
"I'll take a bagel if you just take the knife!!!"
"Too many kids/______ disappeared down the old _____."
"You get what you deserve you dog."
"You want me to dumb down what few words I have left for you?"
"We heard noises in the house/_____ and decided to investigate."
"Is this about you? Are you having a breakdown!?"
"You should do it in a really serious and threatening tone."
"I'm not killing anyone ---I'm saving them."
"We're wasting time. The darker it gets the more in danger we'll be."
"It kinda tastes like blood but I think that's me."
"Out for a stroll, eh? Those are some nice bolt cutters/______!"
"I know everything about the man, I've been through his bins!!!"
"S/he was screaming in the middle of the street about something in the dark trying to get him/her."
"All lines must be cut for history to take its course."
"Avoid all eye contact. Do not react."
"if it/this/______ dies so does everything we ever were."
"It's not dying---it's rotting."
"Oh yeah, I'm just like a dog that you can tie up and leave somewhere!"
"I know that you're upset, I know that you're angry, I am too, but we need to think about this!!"
"Keel over and die, old man!"
"______ wasn't crazy---or at least s/he wasn't crazy enough for the reality that's actually happening."
"I said I heard it, I didn't say that I wanted to go towards it!"
"Get in the light! Stay out of the dark!! GET IN THE LIGHT!!"
"Butter him up, golden boy."
"You don't do something like this unless there's a connection, even if it is a small one."
"All I ask is that you give it a day."
"If you haven't figured it out yet _____ is a horrible person!"
"I locked that door."
"I've tried to shoot him/her many, many times but they're just too fast!"
"I'm a designated dumpster diver now!"
"You look like shit."
"It's kinda good that it doesn't smell like piss."
"You know what my favorite part is? Not seeing _____."
"It's okay, I can give you hugs."
"Their eyes---there's something wrong with their eyes."
"______ is blackmailing all of us because s/he is a paranoid mess."
"Sometimes that keeps me up at night, thinking about how many people we could've saved if we'd caught up sooner."
"My superpower is called 'burnout'."
"Little by little we will make this place ---we'll make this world---a better place. A safer place."
"I'm not going to fight you because your ______ would kill me."
"The road to freedom cannot be seen with downcast eyes."
"I hope I get the chance to make things right. I hope I get the chance to apologize to all of you."
"I think I'm glad it's here."
"It's not perfect but it's real, ______, and one imperfect, good thing is worth more than all of the fake good things in the world."
"You're not just ______, you're our ______."
"Come to ______ or more people will die."
"We're one step closer---we're one step closer to finding ______."
"You make me very proud, ______. Very proud."
"S/he never laid a hand on me and I don't know why. Maybe that was his/her form of compassion."
"Smile, ________. Please...."
"You gave him/her that power but that doesn't mean s/he gets to keep it!!!"
"I think we took a wrong turn somewhere."
"We're actually looking for...a ghost town. Been dead for a couple of centuries now."
"You're clearly a little young for this! Hold the speeches until you've won."
"I'll be dead by morning."
"You perspective is meaningless, go back to your corner boy/______."
"You're just trying to make me move back aren't you?"
"Why didn't you go after ____? Why didn't you hunt him/her down like a dog!?"
"Is it wrong to believe in more than what you see?"
"No man is going to use my ______ as his puppet(s) and if that means I need to cut their strings to stop them dancing then I will."
"Why are you always stopping me from fighting?!?"
"If it's not me then something else will come! Something else will tear everything down and none of you will make it out! None of you will survive!!"
"We run together. Fast. Strong. Together."
"This is not your land! The earth beneath your feet shall receive you no longer!!!"
"Your sassy ghost friend is kinda cute."
"I burned the soul out of him/her and s/he was still grasping for the truth! Still grasping for you/all of you no matter how much I poisoned their very mind---!"
"That blood is on your hands."
"If there's just one of us left standing we all stand."
"You and me, we're gonna do this together. We're going to break these ropes/______ together."
"Are you guys alright? You're really out in the middle of nowhere."
"We found you hiding, we found you lying, choking on the dust and sand."
"This why you attack the nerve---there are no pain sensors in the eye."
"If this doesn't work....you kill me, alright?"
"Will you tell me where ____ is? Will you tell me where ____ and _____ are, or will I take your eyes?"
"I'm probably alive because I ran."
"No one considers the truth of eternity. No one considers how that would effect the human animal."
"Either I'm dead or this is a hallucination."
"I haven't seen you wash your hands since we been here but that doesn't mean you haven't washed them!"
"I think that the _____ I used to know might not be in there anymore."
"I let you in. I let you in and you....didn't let me in back."
"You're not walking you're being dragged!!!"
"Look, I just want to know what I'm supposed to do. I just want to make it better and nothing I try ever makes it better."
"The world may have broken you but I shall rebuild you."
"Do you remember the reputation of my family?"
"The road is calling and I gotta go. Under clouds, beneath the stars, over snow and spring fields, I'll find the way home."
"When I'm dead and gone will it be any better? Will I've even made a difference?"
"YOU'RE A FREAK, _____!!!"
"If you try hard enough you can avoid the hurt somehow."
"Attempted murderers don't deserve water."
"I didn't want to but when it came down to it I couldn't do it on my own."
"Everyone else can die if it means I get to walk on their bodies to keep my feet from getting wet."
"______ has been dead for a long time, it's just been slow."
"I don't think there's anything I hate more than not knowing what to do."
"That desire is probably what's going to kill the most people."
"Just tell me one thing: what happened to _____?"
"Just for a second I thought, that maybe, just maybe, I missed. Turns out I don't miss."
"You understand him/her better than the others."
"You all possess a deep enough connection to be physical and mental anchors to each other."
"With your blessing I'll go."
"In here time doesn't work the same as it does in the real world."
"Do you want some liquids?"
"Let's move him/her somewhere before they catch on fire."
"You look like a homeless man."
"I built him/her up and then tore him/her down, over and over. I consumed him/her from the inside out."
"I really need a hug, some brownies, and a nap."
"Let me put my shotgun down and pick up this piece of wood instead!"
"Someone needs to stay standing."
"S/he is always falling apart but....s/he is always there for us."
"People love to, especially with the dead, take their actions and their choices out of the matter."
"Do you want to die yourself or live as something else?"
"Look, ______, I know that you're taller than me but I won't look up to you."
"That feeling ______, hold on to that feeling. You've gotta hold onto the good things. You've gotta try!"
"Oh I know ________, that guy is a psychopath."
"You don't need to feel guilty, you don't need to feel scared, because what we saw defies anything that we could ever cope with."
"Know this: his/her bag of tricks runs deep. We haven't even come across his/her most powerful ally yet."
"Do you think a man as powerful as ______ can raise the dead?"
"I might not of met ______ but I'd know that smile anywhere."
"Can you imagine the ego? Little humans thinking they have any right, any sway, on the realities outside of their own?"
"A 'good job'? Do you have any idea how much I've sacrificed to get here? The friends I had to leave behind? The brothers I had to cut down? The trusts I had to betray? The homes I had to burn? The amount of myself---of my own soul---that I had to cast aside?!"
"You're supposed to be on our side! You're supposed to be helping us not them!"
"Only you can be the master of your own mercy. This is the moment who you decide who you will be and the actions you will take."
"Maybe it's time for something new---to become something new."
"Sometimes we don't get what we want because we'll lose ourselves to do it."
"You think I'm going to just let you go?"
"I gave you everything you asked for, I stayed true to every side of my bargain."
"You sold your soul to me---it is beyond your grasp to reclaim."
"You shall live a half life---a cursed life."
"You are marked by my symbol and all those who hate me will hate you, all those who hunt me will hunt you, all those who despise evil will spit in your face."
"The stink of the traitor will dog your step forevermore."
"The day you die will be met with rejoicing and you will never be buried. Your body will rot where it falls and none will pay it any mind, they will simply step over you."
"You belong to me and I reject you."
"I curse you. Now leave my sight, leave my house, and leave my lands."
"It's a fine night for a bloodbath."
"There is no future, there is only the past."
"I don't even know if I'm as much of a monster as _____ claims I am, or if there's even any good in me."
"I'm not going to make you promises that I can't keep like so many people before me have made to you."
"You claim to help and yet you bring a hunter's blade into my presence."
"Who do you think taught the humans how to dream?"
"I'm not special. I'm not a leader. I'm not anything."
"From my experience extraordinary things aren't done by extraordinary people, they're done by the ordinary."
"Enough of this, ______. Enough of all of this."
"You have become everything they tried to make you, a fine way of honoring our legacy by becoming everything we tried to fight against. Our history is a long history of mistakes and wars and failures...and beauty. But it is just history---it is past---and you had a chance to be better."
"Every day of your life, every choice you make, they will try to destroy you with it. They will try to control you when they fight for you."
"Take a look at my life---I'm a lot like you."
"I don't blame any of you for leaving, nor do I wish to make myself a martyr for staying."
"How do you leave your soul in the earth that you took it from?"
"The ghosts of all we were---and all we still are---still remain."
"I hope you can learn to be the man you deserve to be and not the man you fear to be."
"I pray you see how worthy you are of respect."
"Don't be afraid to be alone, it's only upon being alone and waiting that we meet people who deserve us."
"Every tunnel consists of darkness but we travel on in hopes of what's beyond, not what we must go through."
"Don't turn back, don't look behind. Drive away and try to keep smiling."
"Go towards all the life there is with all the courage you can find and all the belief you can muster."
"Be true. Be brave. Stand. All the rest is darkness."
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scriptorxfabularum · 11 months
Starter call! Send me a symbol through replies, asks or IM, and I’ll hop on a starter!
💀 - Andrea Harrison - Canon - The Walking Dead
🍄 - Owen Moore - Canon - The Last of Us (1/2)
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer:
🔪 - Faith Lehane - Canon
Dragon Age:
🧙🏻‍♀️ - Freya Amell - Canon
🧝🏽 - Zevran Arainai - Canon
🦁 - Michel de Chevin - Canon
🏰  - Mia Rutherford - Canon
👑 - Alistair Theirin - Canon
🗡️ - Maxwell Trevelyan - Canon
⚔️ - Yvesse - OC
🍷 - Cersei Lannister - Canon
🔪 - Faith - Crossover
🍆 - Ros - Canon
🐺 - Robb Stark - Canon
🐦 - Sansa Stark - Canon
Harry Potter:
📚 - Hermione Granger - Canon
✨ - Draco Malfoy - Canon
🏡 - Theodore Nott - Canon
Lost Girl:
💖 - Ysabeau "Bo" Dennis - Canon
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina) -  OC
Rizzoli & Isles:
🚔 - Jane Rizzoli - Canon
🎃 - Alexander Carlisle - OC - vampire
🎀 - Matilde Carlisle - OC - vampire
🚑 - Lucas Jackson - OC - nurse
🩸 - Theresa Lewis - OC - serial killer
💸 - Ryan Miller - OC - Heir to a Fortune 500 company
💄 - Lill Redding - OC - exotic dancer
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multusxcastalides · 2 years
Starter call! Send me a symbol through replies, asks or IM, and I’ll hop on a starter!
Apocalypse (TWD/Z Nation/TLOU/FallOut):
🔟 - 10K - Z Nation - Canon - Secondary
💀 - Andrea Harrison - The Walking Dead - Canon - Primary
🍄 - Owen Moore - TLOU(2) - Canon - Secondary
🧟 - Maria Reyes - TWD/TLOU/Fallout - OC - Primary
🎻 - Dina Walters - TWD - OC - Primary
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer:
🔪 - Faith Lehane - Canon - Primary
Dragon Age:
🧝🏽‍♂️ - Zevran Arainai - Canon - Primary
🧙‍♀️ - Morrigan - Canon - Primary
🏰  - Mia Rutherford - Canon - Secondary
👑 - Alistair Theirin - Canon - Primary
🗡️ - Maxwell Trevelyan - Canon - Primary
⚔️ - Yvesse - OC - Primary
🍷 - Cersei Lannister - Canon - Primary
🔪 - Faith - Crossover - Primary
🍆 - Ros - Canon - Primary
🐾 - Jon Snow - Canon - Secondary
🐺 - Robb Stark - Canon - Primary
🐦 - Sansa Stark - Canon - Primary
🐲 - Rhaella Targaryen - Canon - Primary
Harry Potter:
📚 - Hermione Granger - Canon - Primary
✨ - Draco Malfoy - Canon - Primary
🏡 - Theodore Nott - Canon - Primary
💼 - Lucy Weasley - Canon - Secondary
🍪 - Rose Weasley - Canon - Secondary
🏆 - Roxanne Weasley - Canon - Secondary
🕷️ - Yelena Belova - Canon - Primary
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina) -  OC - Primary
🌎 - Bobbi Morse - Canon - Primary
💻 - Natasha Romanoff - Canon - Primary
One Chicago:
🚨 - Kim Burgess - Canon - Primary
Rizzoli & Isles:
🚔 - Jane Rizzoli - Canon - Primary
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina)  OC - Primary
👻 - Trisha Patricks  OC - Primary
🍰 - Dean Winchester - Canon - Secondary
The Vampire Diaries:
🌑 - Damon Salvatore - Canon - Secondary
🌙 - Enzo St. John - Canon - Secondary
🛡️ - Lagertha - Canon - Primary
The Witcher:
🃏 - Geralt of Rivia - Canon - Primary
🎃 - Alexander Carlisle - OC - Primary
🎀 - Matilde Carlisle -OC - Primary
💞 - Briana Carter - OC - Primary
💔 - Jane Carter - OC - Primary
🚑 - Lucas Jackson - OC - Primary
💄 - Lill Redding - OC - Primary
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reliving-elegy · 1 year
Send 🎙️ + A question for a Voiced Interaction between Mun and Muse!
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melit0n · 6 months
- Oneshot
- Obsessive! Ghost/Reader
- Word Count: 3.2K
- Warnings: Descriptions of gore, canabalism as a metaphor for love, mentions of past domestic abuse, implied stalking
- Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52474849
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley was born hungry. 
Born with a relentless nagging feeling curled up right between his oesophagus and the squirming muscle of his stomach. From the very moment Simon opened his eyes, he was hungry for something he would never have. Left to starve in the gloom of the locked cupboard he was shoved into for not shutting up. He spent fifteen-odd years greedy for any drop of affection he could get. Anything he could grasp and hold onto, no matter how many bruises it would leave him with. No matter how long he would have to spend chained up like a bad dog in the corner of his room licking his wounds telling himself that it was worth it. That the blood was worth it. The pain was worth it. 
Anything to be acknowledged. 
Now, once again finding comfort in the gloom of his home, he is still hungry. Even more so. However, he didn’t like to be touched, because of him, but he still craved it. Maybe too much. He wanted, wants, to be held tight enough so he doesn’t break. Wants to be vulnerable. But he’s still afraid he’ll end up being a scared kid looking into the slit eyes of a snake again.
He blames his younger self for the predicament he’s found himself in, wants to sit down with him and shake him by the shoulders and ask why. Why he put himself through that for that long. But even so, he can’t blame the kid. He knows how hungry he is now; feels the scraping like dull claws against the soft spot between his liver and his spleen. He can only imagine what it was like for him as a kid. He’s blocked most of those memories out now, though.
He sits through the tugging, the pulling, through each dull meeting. Each dark night spent alone in his bunk. Each evening he spends licking wounds that just won't close. 
Unfortunately, this issue, this dilemma, is a hard one to fix. A hard want to satiate. Being a 6’4 SAS agent with a heavy Manchester accent and an apparently unapproachable demeanour, most people tending to avoid him in the streets, makes it a bit hard to gain attention, let alone affection.
But then there’s you. 
The first word that would come to his mind is kind.
Out of the blue, draped in moonlight and glimmering stars, you begin to appear everywhere. He doesn’t know if you’ve moved here recently, or if his brain has randomly decided to notice your presence, but you’re here. And there. And everywhere, really. 
He sees you in the local corner shop, holding tightly onto the baggy sleeve of whoever you’ve brought along for your midnight excursion, brushing your hand, intently, against that of your work friends on the crowded train you both take every day into the city. You use physical affection as not only a way to show affection itself, platonic or romantic, he isn’t particularly good at guessing unless it’s incredibly obvious, but as a form of comfort and encouragement as well. 
In less than a month into his leave, you’ve managed to become a staple in his civilian life. He sees you in the morning, always at the train station with breakfast and lunch in hand looking quizically around to see if you’ve missed your train like a doubtful deer. He knows you know you haven’t. You’re like him; you’ve got an obsession with time. While his is instilled by the harsh words of the military, yours is brought about by a tight work schedule. And maybe something else. He wonders what the something else is as you both board the already stuffed train, both standing in the same carriage full of warm, tired bodies. 
He sees you in the afternoon as well, sitting outside on a park bench with a friend eating lunch. While you talk, you have a habit of taking tiny crumbs off of your sandwich, flicking them off to the ratty pigeons that flock around your feet like moths to a flame. You always have the same lunch; the same sandwich bread from the same corner shop with the same filing. You have a thing with regularity, routine, as well, it seems. Just like him. 
Of course, he sees you in the evenings too. You both take the same train home, and almost always end up so close yet so far from each other on the carriage. Your work friend gets off at the stop two before yours and Simon’s; always leaving you with a pat on the shoulder and a closed eye smile, which you almost always return. You have a habit of doing a little jump when you get off the train which Simon finds quite cute. It’s almost as if you’re actually afraid of the gap.
Of the fall. 
Either way, you part ways without knowing you’re parting from him, leaving him incomplete in an odd way, and head back to your home. Ghost has an impulse to follow you, in between curiosity at where you live and to make sure you’re safe, but Simon urges himself to head home. To sleep. You linger in his thoughts each time he walks back. 
At first, he’s oddly amazed, a bit in awe, if he were honest, that you can give so much affection so easily, touch so easily, and receive it tenfold from the people around you. 
Then, there’s annoyance, titering on the fine, chipped-away line of anger. Like a mantra, he asks why it’s fair someone can give, give and keep on giving, let alone receive something back, and he can’t? How can you hold someone so closely and not be afraid of a knife in your back? 
Maybe that’s Ghost talking, he thinks. 
Eventually, he falls off the fine line of annoyance and anger into the muddied trench that is jealousy. Jealous not only of you, how you can give and receive so easily, but of the people in your life who get to experience the affection that you give to any warm body that passes by you. Said people who don’t understand how precious and rare that experience is to others. To him. He wants to taste it. Badly. 
Then, it morphs. Twists and turns like a dying thing, all red with chunks of fur sticking at odd angles, into attraction. Turning from a want to be held, a quiet plea to the void for you to keep him together for just a little bit longer, to a need. A need to kiss until both your lips are bloody and raw, bitten and chewed like a pomegranate, seeping your liquid life for him to drink as an elixir. He wants, needs, hungers to feel the comforting weight of your blood in the bottom of his stomach. 
He’s seen the way you kiss, and God above he needs it. Needs you. He doesn’t care if it’s the fleeting, platonic kisses you gift to your friends on the cheek (he wants you to take a chunk out of his cheek. Wants you to chew on the fat like the gum you always have in your mouth), or if it’s the rough ones you give to the men you bring home. The ones that have them chasing your lips for more, which you always allow because you never stop giving. 
Simon wants it. Ghost needs it. 
Consequently, the dull scratching of the claws in between his liver and his spleen grows sharper. After years of the scratching, the pulling, the tugging, he’d thought his hunger pang’s talons had grown weary, but he feels them. He feels the sharp ache like a pistol’s bullet and it bloody hurts. Has him hunched over on his bed trying to claw out his stomach because, for the first time in years, it's hurting him. 
And, for the first time in years, Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley decides to listen.  
As more time passes, more time spent getting soaked outside your house in the rain waiting for you to come home because you’re oddly late for all the time he’s known you, it changes again. Writhes around in his stomach and the fat in his veins, to something much worse. Much more harmful, at least, to you. In all the pain of his hunger, he contemplates taking chunks out of you. Maybe that will satiate the creature that squirms in his bloody viscera, laying claim to all of his innards in an attempt to get him to feed for once in his life. 
To allow him to know what it feels like to be full, instead of half-starved. 
Zoning out during meetings easily turns to daydreaming of taking one of his hunting knives to your flesh. Cut strips of skin, like your his sacrificial lamb to slaughter and devour, and finally put those butchering skills he gained to work somewhere other than on the field. He promises he’ll be delicate. Promises he’ll be kind. He wouldn’t dare show you the bloodthirsty rage his opponents see on the field.
Oh, and he can just imagine how you’d cry when he’d do so. He hates hearing people cry. After all, he’s haunted by the echoing sobs of someone lost to him in some distant, sun-stunned, sand-smothered land. But you? He doesn’t mind one bit. It’s another piece of you for him to consume, another piece of you that you can offer to him, gift to him, to bring you two together. 
He knows how much it takes to be vulnerable, so he wouldn’t even be able to describe what he’d do to taste your tears. To savour your salty sadness upon his tongue and be able to offer comfort. To lick your face dry and hold you in his arms; warm body against warm body just like he’s daydreamed about.
The more time that passes, the further he falls. 
On slightly rarer occasions, ones where he’s alone in the quiet of his room for longer than a human should be, he thinks about feeding your own lovingly cooked gore to you. Get’s him more riled up than he’d like to admit.
He can see it as clear as a freshly painted watercolour; a candle-lit dinner. Warm lighting. He’s tried his hardest to cover up the smell of his cigarettes for you, a scent that clings to his walls like mould, with roses. The smell of whatever he’s cooked for you permeating the air.
Soup sounds good, doesn’t it, love? 
It’s a macabre yet intimate fairytale that finds its way into his thoughts when all else is quiet. Leaves him tossing and turning in his bed because the scraping just won't stop. He swears he's bleeding out from the inside, and he’ll break his own kneecaps from how long he’s been on the floor at your feet begging you to make it stop. To stop the scratching, the itching, the nagging feeling. For you to clean and stitch up his wounds, new and old. 
He’s utterly enamoured with the thought. The idea of being that close to another human being. To be able to physically intertwine each other’s atoms through mutual consumption. To be sewn into the quantum patterns of your being. For you to feed him a proper meal like his parents never could.
He remembers being taught in his History class, the one with the old hag of a teacher who, with her droning words alone, convinced him not to take it for GCSEs, that in ancient times people used to eat each other as well. They did this so that in life, and eventually in death, the two of them would share an utterly unique bond, as well as each other's attributes. 
He only really remembers that because his mates laughed at the idea of aristocratic Victorians eating mummies like it was a five-star meal for weeks after that lesson. 
Even so, Ghost decides he could die happy on the field knowing that a part of you rested within him. That even when he was dead and gone, probably much earlier than he should be, you two would still be connected. He would have a piece of you, and you him.
And you, him. Mutual consumption. He doesn’t mind extra scars, extra wounds, because he knows you’ll lick them clean for him. Knows you wash them, stitch them up and check on them so they heal properly. 
In the end, that is the intimacy he dreams of. The affection he wants from you. 
His body is yours, as yours is his. Let him be yours. Let him feed. Let him fulfil you. 
The idea leaves him with a small smirk on his face that Soap nudges him in the ribs for with a prodding grin of his own. 
So, he makes a decision. For once, Simon and Ghost agree on something and work together as one instead of turning the other off for the greater good. 
The decision? To feed. To finally know what it is like to be full instead of half-starved. 
The scraping, the nagging, only grows stronger. 
He makes it a point to bump into you as much as he can before his next mission. 
Anywhere is a dinner table to him. On the crowded train, brushing his calloused hand against yours to ease the hunger for even a second. In the artificial lighting of the run-down corner shop, grabbing that bag of snacks that are just out of reach for you. Anything. Anything will do. But it only temporarily satiates the pang, doesn’t satisfy it. He just gets hungrier and hungrier and hungrier. 
He knows you’ve begun to notice him. You’re getting hungry too. He just hopes it’s in the same way he hungers for you. He hopes you’re hungry for him, and him alone.
At first, you attempt to offer him platonic comfort, which, God above, tastes so sweet. You offer soft touches on his shoulder. You gift your fingers intertwining with his as you cross the street to his home because he’s gone off on another bender trying to stop turning over in his bed and seeing the inside of a coffin that he has to dig his way out of again. 
‘N you’re just some poor night owl who’s trying to be kind. 
It becomes a routine. Both for you and him. You know he’ll come out of the pub at quarter to one and you know he’s expecting you. You’ll walk the same walk to his home, fumbling with his keys as he looks at you with the softest eyes you’ve ever seen on a man, hands intertwined. You’ll still carry him home and close the door softly with your foot as you lay him on his couch and get him a glass of water and whatever painkiller he has lying around. You’ll still stay as he chats, drunkenly, to you. You’ll take care of him and he’ll be whole again, for just a moment. 
At least until the morning comes, anyways. 
He hungers for your touch the same way water hungers for the cavities of people’s lungs. Hungers for your skin like he hungers for the nicotine in his cigarettes. Hungers and begs and pleads until you both fall like Icarus; wax melting and dripping off your backs as you try and crawl your way back to the sun, back to the light, while he drags you down into the depths of the deep blue. 
It's almost poetic.
In the midst of your drowning, the front door opening startles you out of your stupor. You do that a lot, Simon notes. You’ll black out and stare at a wall for hours, whether it be to awkward silence or a piece of music. He doesn’t question it, verbally, at least. From how easily you dissociate, he’d say it's something you picked up a long time ago. He’ll find out when, eventually. 
Carefully, you get up from the couch, approaching him as he walks over to the kitchen counter. The blue plastic bag he has rustles loudly in the spotless kitchen. 
“What’s that?” You ask, gently, placing a hand on his shoulder to get a better look. 
Please give me more. 
He lets out a knowing grunt and pulls out two round, red fruits. At first, you mistake them for apples, but the star-shaped top throws you off. 
He nods, looking into your eyes for some sort of approval. 
Gingerly, you take one of the pomegranates out of his hand, his fingers twitching as the pads of your digits brush against his. Your eyes dart back and forth between him and the fruit as you do so, careful to earn his compliance as you inspect the fruit. 
I’ll take anything you give. Just please give me more. 
They’re a deep red, almost crimson, and the shine reflects your face on its vermilion skin. 
“Chopping board,” He pauses, “please?”
Nodding absent-mindedly, you place the fruit back into his cupped hands. 
You open the drawer behind the both of you and pull out an old chopping board, red soaked and stained into the wood that Ghost just can’t seem to get out. You place it on the counter next to the pomegranates, along with a clean bowl he didn’t even hear you grab, and then find your way to the knife block. Hearing the subtle shink of a blade against wood, Ghost turns and scrutinizes you as you try to remember which knife is the fruit knife. Choosing the shortest one, you hold it by the handle, facing downwards just like Simon taught you, and place it on top of the chopping board with stitched-up hands and missing fingers from all the times he’s begged for more. From all the times you’ve said you have nothing more to give, but he knows you always have more. 
I’ll take even the spare and broken bits. Just look at me. Touch me. Let me be full.
You watch, intently, as he delicately cuts the top of the pomegranate off, slicing through the thick skin. Gently, he peels the layers of the pomegranate back, kissing each one with the tips of his fingers, letting it stain them something beautifully violent. He reveals the soft viscera inside, glancing back over to you again and again. Looking for something in your eyes you’re not sure you can give. He cuts it into quarters, continuously surprising you how utterly gentle he is with it, but not down to the skin. Leaving it in a fileted star-like shape, he turns it upside down on the bowl, and, using his hand, slowly shakes the seeds off of the fruit into the bowl. 
Once he’s finished, sure he’s got all of the seeds off, he sets the empty corpse aside and just…stares at the bowl of red. 
The silence is deafening. You want to fill it.
Simon takes a bloody scoop of the red viscera with his right hand, letting the pinkish juice dribble down his hand, his forearm, and drip onto the immaculately clean counter. 
The kitchen smells like bleach. It makes the back of your throat itch. 
He offers his hand out towards you, like an olive branch, like some lurid type of eucharist, and, like the obedient dog you are, you feast. 
“I love you.” He mumbles, fondly watching the muscle of your tongue dart out to catch the pinkish juice dribbling from your frothing maw. 
Be full. Let me fill you, and in turn, you fill me. Feed on me until there is nothing left. Let us decompose, intertwined. Please. Just say you love me, too. 
You’re eating, and you begin to repeat it, but Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley taught you well not to speak with your mouth full. 
Note- If anybody believes this needs the Dead Dove: Do Not Eat tag, please let me know. I've seen much more horrific works without the tag, but I'm mildly worried this is inching into the category. 
I've spend the past week hearing Abbey by Mitski at every turn, so I wrote this out in an hour or two. I think if I heard that song or saw something about bloody pomegranates one more time I think I would've started chewing the flesh off of my own bones. Canabalism as a metaphor for love is a incredibly profound, and, in some ways, poetic literature device for the sheer destruction a toxic relationship can cause, so, I wanted to try my hand at it! And also to stop myself from clawing my face off from hearing anything about this canabalism metaphor from literally everywhere on the internet.
I apologise for this being description and inner monologue heavy. I wanted to focus on the horror aspects in this rather than the romance aspects, so I'm sorry if you didn't get what you came here for. 
Do tell if this feels too out of character for Ghost. It was originally written for König, but I changed it last minute. Thank you for sitting down and reading my work! It means a lot <3
I'll leave it up to you if the metaphor is really a metaphor in the end. 
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
Let’s play
What the Fuck is Up With That?
The rules of the game are simple: call out something you noticed about my muse—be it in a past RP, in their background description, or in a ramble post about them—and ask me to elaborate (i.e. gush) by asking “What the fuck is up with that?”
468 notes · View notes
Starter sentences from season 1 of The Stoker Society; the sequel to The Ever Pleasant Mr Bates belonging to the podcast series Dark Tides. Change pronouns and etc as necessary. Notable TWs: death, violence, gore, disassociation, anxiety, etc
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"Firstly they don't believe me, secondly they're too scared that there is a predator or something out there."
"I....am the good memories of a bad man."
"We never saw eye to eye but we never really needed to."
"S/he really didn't fit in with the rest of us for the simple reason that the reason that drove him/her to what we were doing was love."
"Without him/her none of this would be happening now."
"It's a lovely story."
"I think it's something that a lot of people who love too much often do: they forget about themselves."
"If you were my apprentice I'd be very pleased."
"You're a fast judge of character, I'll tell you that."
"....Are you wearing my jeans?"
"Alright, you'll never see this again. It's mine now."
"I cannot guide you home, I can only show you the path."
"Carry on. Be wayward no more."
"We're in this difficult middle ground, we've got ourselves into trouble but we're not good enough to get ourselves out of trouble."
"You would do well to remember my words and commit them to memory."
"People were dying...not as themselves. They were dying as lesser things. They were dying as cowards."
"S/he died really badly but s/he died as himself/herself."
"It didn't make sense just to leave every last bit of everyone in the dust."
"If we stay true, if we hold fast, nothing will be denied us."
"I remember back, to that small town."
"Don't tell me to up my literature game when you haven't read a book in years!!"
"They didn't find most of the bodies---they were just....gone."
"No matter what must be left behind the road ahead shines."
"We can use all the lovely language that we want to get away from it but _____ was murdered and that will not go unforgiven."
"You never give me the answer that I want."
"I am the ward of the field/____ and I will protect those in my domain."
"The reason no one likes to admit that the _____ is alive is because then they would start to hate it."
"Whether you like it or not I do count you as part of my family, and that means I'm fighting for you too."
"S/he will come and s/he will destroy everything. S/he will remake all worlds exactly to his/her will."
"These have been the happiest years of my life....they were the absolute...happiest."
"You call me wild yet who stands before me?"
"You know nothing of what you speak, boy!!!"
"You call me a demon and you keep the very devil in your basement/_____!"
"If I can contain the devil, little ghost, imagine what I can do to you."
"My warning stays the same: Heed it or face the consequences of it."
"How long until you tell your master what's going on?"
"The old ways have passed on---let them die."
"I will protect those who come to me with an open heart, I don't have the strength to do more."
"There is a light, there's the sun, a place for all the shadowed ones. A place we belong."
"Well, I don't have a name so I can't tell you it, can I?"
"To nature we all deserve the same fate."
"______ served ______ in the only way a loving person can: with complete honor, respect, and vigor."
"I'm not ready to say goodbye yet."
"Hear me now, _____: the defenses must hold. All of them."
"Sometimes you have to discover things about yourself that you don't like, and sometimes when you discover those things that's when you discover who you really are."
"Shit, this is why I work in the field!!!!"
"Go on then, do your worst. All you can do is kill me."
"All's well that ends well, I suppose."
"There's no way to get ______ back without taking some very dangerous steps into dangerous territory."
"I will stretch out my hand and only darkness will follow."
"I won't run. I won't be silent."
"I don't care what _____ decides!! This is my house/______!!"
"_____? ______, look at me. Where are you? Look around, where are you? Look at me, it's alright."
"Everyone's still here, _____. We're not going anywhere."
"You might want to enlighten me because I am entirely clueless."
"You learn more as a teacher than you do as a student."
"Are you seeking paradise like all the rest?"
"I'm not a barbarian."
"Many have been....disappointed....when faced with the cost."
"Remember _____: Death is a mystery and something to fear."
"I don't know if it was nice meeting you ____, but it was interesting at the very least."
"Tell me _____, does it make you strong to stand against something weaker than yourself?"
"I'm as real as I want to be."
"What is it, what did you see?"
"____ and I spent a long time alone."
"There is nothing good that awaits you on your journey."
"Death awaits those with a great burden."
"Go home, little one. Leave that which burdens you behind."
"I can't go without you knowing....without showing you who I really am."
"I feel at peace for the first time in a very long time."
"I hope you know that we had everything and you broke me and left me with these pieces."
"I want you to hurt like you hurt me that day. I want you to lose as much as I lost."
"It's less his/her life running out him/her and more his/her will to live running out and pooling on the floor."
"This won't do. This won't do at all, ______. Not. One. Bit."
"Monsters will always be slain by those they prey upon."
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forestofstarlight · 6 months
Open Starter: A Very Special Present (Male, Female or Futa)
The snow falls in gentle flurries outside of your muse’s home as it neared closer to the holiday season. The lights inside were already on as your muse steps inside. How strange. As they walked inside, they noticed a large present underneath their Christmas tree.
It was decorated with green and gold wrapping paper with a gold bow on top. The tag attached reads “A special treat to celebrate the holiday and new year! Enjoy! - Mun”. After reading, the box starts to move around a bit and muffled sounds could be heard from within.
What will this mysterious present be?
@erikwolf1998 @nightmare-the-mercenary @shawty-after-hrs @askkagethevizard @thecrazyone1990 @1-king-many-queens @hellforestrp @the-hunky-fighter @lewdest-dungeon @rp-series @ask-uro-and-lizz @a-den-of-demons
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claie171art · 11 months
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The Spot: fashion edition
Dressed him up a bit because poor guy’s life would probably be improved in some ways if he just dressed decently, or at least wore pants
Pinterest references:
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scriptorxfabularum · 1 year
Starter call! Send me a symbol through replies, asks or IM, and I’ll hop on a starter!
💀 - Andrea Harrison - Canon - The Walking Dead
🍄 - Owen Moore - Canon - The Last of Us (1/2)
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer:
🔪 - Faith Lehane - Canon
Dragon Age:
🏰  - Mia Rutherford - Canon
👑 - Alistair Theirin - Canon
🗡️ - Maxwell Trevelyan - Canon
⚔️ - Yvesse - OC
🍷 - Cersei Lannister - Canon
🔪 - Faith - Crossover
🍆 - Ros - Canon
🐺 - Robb Stark - Canon
🐦 - Sansa Stark - Canon
Harry Potter:
📚 - Hermione Granger - Canon
✨ - Draco Malfoy - Canon
🏡 - Theodore Nott - Canon
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina) -  OC
Rizzoli & Isles:
🚔 - Jane Rizzoli - Canon
🎃 - Alexander Carlisle - OC - vampire
🎀 - Matilde Carlisle - OC - vampire
🚑 - Lucas Jackson - OC - nurse
🩸 - Theresa Lewis - OC - serial killer
💄 - Lill Redding - OC - exotic dancer
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multusxcastalides · 2 years
Starter call! Send me a symbol through replies, asks or IM, and I’ll hop on a starter!
Apocalypse (TWD/Z Nation/TLOU/FallOut):
🔟 - 10K - Z Nation - Canon - Secondary
💀 - Andrea Harrison - The Walking Dead - Canon - Primary
🍄 - Owen Moore - TLOU(2) - Canon - Secondary
🧟 - Maria Reyes - TWD/TLOU/Fallout - OC - Primary
🎻 - Dina Walters - TWD - OC - Primary
🎸 - Ellie Williams - TLOU(2) - Canon - Secondary
Buffy, the Vampire Slayer:
🔪 - Faith Lehane - Canon - Primary
Dragon Age:
🧝🏽‍♂️ - Zevran Arainai - Canon - Primary
🧙‍♀️ - Morrigan - Canon - Primary
🏰  - Mia Rutherford - Canon - Secondary
👑 - Alistair Theirin - Canon - Primary
🗡️ - Maxwell Trevelyan - Canon - Primary
⚔️ - Yvesse - OC - Primary
The Dresden Files:
🦇 - Thomas Raith - Canon - Primary
🍷 - Cersei Lannister - Canon - Primary
🔪 - Faith - Crossover - Primary
🍆 - Ros - Canon - Primary
🐾 - Jon Snow - Canon - Secondary
🐺 - Robb Stark - Canon - Primary
🐦 - Sansa Stark - Canon - Primary
🐲 - Rhaella Targaryen - Canon - Primary
Harry Potter:
📚 - Hermione Granger - Canon - Primary
✨ - Draco Malfoy - Canon - Primary
🏡 - Theodore Nott - Canon - Primary
💼 - Lucy Weasley - Canon - Secondary
🍪 - Rose Weasley - Canon - Secondary
🏆 - Roxanne Weasley - Canon - Secondary
♛ - Mary Stuart - Canon - Primary
Lost Girl:
💋 - Ysabeau Dennis - Canon - Primary
🕷️ - Yelena Belova - Canon - Primary
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina) -  OC - Primary
🌎 - Bobbi Morse - Canon - Primary
💻 - Natasha Romanoff - Canon - Primary
🎯 - Grant Ward - Canon - Primary
One Chicago:
🚨 - Kim Burgess - Canon - Primary
Rizzoli & Isles:
🚔 - Jane Rizzoli - Canon - Primary
🐙 - The Experiment (Irina)  OC - Primary
👻 - Trisha Patricks  OC - Primary
🍰 - Dean Winchester - Canon - Secondary
The Vampire Diaries:
🌕 - Tyler Lockwood - Canon - Secondary
🌑 - Damon Salvatore - Canon - Secondary
🌙 - Enzo St. John - Canon - Secondary
🛡️ - Lagertha - Canon - Primary
The Witcher:
🃏 - Geralt of Rivia - Canon - Primary
🎃 - Alexander Carlisle - OC - Primary
🎀 - Matilde Carlisle -OC - Primary
💞 - Briana Carter - OC - Primary
💔 - Jane Carter - OC - Primary
🚑 - Lucas Jackson - OC - Primary
💄 - Lill Redding - OC - Primary
🐎 - War - OC - Primary
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grimowled · 2 days
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mutuals!! if we haven't interacted yet (even if it's just with another muse) and you don't know how to approach or are just bored just give this post a like, and I shall slide the creepy birb all up in your inbox :>
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iiryoku · 2 months
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⸺ Like this for a one-liner from any of my HSR muses.
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mutantmuses · 3 months
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