#drew this in the plane back from New York
claie171art · 1 year
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The Spot: fashion edition
Dressed him up a bit because poor guy’s life would probably be improved in some ways if he just dressed decently, or at least wore pants
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I can't get my emojis to work, but Joshua Whitmore and happiness?
That Familiar Smell of Fresh Paint - Joshua Whitmore/Reader
Warnings: Gender-neutral reader, no use of Y/N.
Wordcount: 2560
Summary: Happiness isn't a familiar feeling to him anymore, but it's the little things is his new life with you that makes him start to remember how it feels.
Notes: I love writing him so much that I'm already looking forward to all the new ideas that came to me as I was working on this QwQ
It was hard at first, but you both expected that after your big, dramatic return from New York. As soon as you'd boarded the plane the two of you knew that things wouldn't be the same now that he'd been found, and sure enough once word got out that you'd not only crashed his big party to steal him back but also returned to Detroit, one Ms. Jorie Chastain was back at your door to properly ask for an interview this time.
Turns out she'd been quite reprimanded by her superiors for her previous ‘interview,’ and you were more than happy to accept her apology money and then have Joshua slam the door in her face as thanks for tearing the painting that was now framed on your wall.
It'd been quite the sum to make up for nearly ruining both your lives, and you put it away to go towards that adorable little property you'd had your eye on since it'd gone on sale. You drove past it the next day with him to test the waters, see if he'd want to start over fresh with you there, just casually mentioning the for sale sign and how you should maybe check it out, get back to animosity since everyone now knew where you lived. He'd been silent, his foot propped on your dashboard and his sketchbook placed against his leg while he drew what he saw, and he'd barely paid the property any attention at all when he caught sight of an overgrown park crawling with nature and freedom.
You try again a couple weeks later when you make the drive to the art store with him to give his legs a rest; he was so used to walking everywhere he'd forgotten completely how to drive, and at first he'd gone on a very long rant about how cars were polluting the environment and how walking was better for the body and mind, although for once he tossed in a little compliment as he commended you for always walking to work even though you did own a vehicle. 
Now, many rides later, he’s relaxed and sitting in the passenger seat while feeling the breeze, completely fine with cars for the moment while you drive, and you point out the for sale sign again as you approach.
‘I see it still hasn't sold, it's a decent property, I wonder what's wrong with it?’ you joke with many glances thrown his way, and this time he did look as he hums to himself.
‘Based on the state of the yard, broken windows on the side of the house, as well as that concerning dent in the roof I'd say it's a wreck inside, owners are probably old and finally selling because they can't afford to keep it in the family anymore, that one won't be housing anyone until the whole thing needs to be gutted,’ he figures before taking his sketchbook back out to work on his park sketch, he only seemed to work on it when you drove together.
‘Oh, how'd you-?’
‘Been in a lot of places like it, I can usually tell from the outside what the inside will be like by now,’ he says without looking up, and for a moment you'd actually forgotten that he'd been on the road the past seven years, not homeless but traveling, of course he'd had to have learned about all the safe and empty places to stay, what would be a risk and what would be a temporary paradise. ‘You're quiet, you wanted that house, didn't you?’
‘What? No, of course not, I've already got a decent duplex, you're not gunna find a better bathroom for that cheap,’ you brush him off nervously, but he doesn’t buy it as he glances at you and keeps drawing. ‘By the way, I've been wanting to ask since I don't see you on my floor, but how's the job going?’
‘Working to survive but not to be happy, it's a hard question to ask, isn't it?’ he begins, and you give him a look until he chuckles. ‘It's fine, been a while since I've been around that many people, and I know the only things they know about me were found on the internet and in that woman's news segment, but I'd prefer it if I was a no one to them again, just so they'd stop staring when I come around.’ He doesn't draw as he speaks this time, his eyes staring out the window as the neighbourhood turned into downtown, the art store in sight.
‘We could always see if you could work from home, I hear that's been a big thing in the city?’ you suggest, but the thought of that makes him visibly recoil.
‘Working at a desk in the comfort of my own home? Taking the precious hours we have in a day to get up, sit in front of those machines and just work until I can't tell what's the job and what's my personal life anymore? That sounds worse than being forced to paint, don't ever say that to me again,’ he grumbles as he hunches up and places his shoes on your dash again. You chuckle softly at the sight, he always knew what he wanted and what he didn't like, and you certainly can't imagine him being able to work on anything other than his paintings while he was home.
‘Sorry, I should've known better,’ you tease, and he just continues grumbling all the way to the parking lot. The art store is more well stocked now that everyone knew he was here, the owner ordering all sorts of professional things since he knew that Joshua would be back in due time, and sure enough he always was to replenish his supplies. It was nice to not be limited to just the children's supplies now, he’s certainly very happy about it as he races for the paints and sees that they were higher quality than last time, and the new brushes he'd suggested have come in as well, the display announcing their newness to the lineup. 
He has his own money again, after the great loss to the show you'd ruined he'd ended up having to pay out of pocket for it all as compensation, but once that was settled and he was finally set free from his contract he was also free to claim the rest of what the bank had been holding for him for almost a decade now that he wasn't legally dead. 
His checking account had been pretty much cleaned, but he'd also had a secret savings account that had been highly suggested by his then girlfriend, since she did care about his future until he'd grown too numb to remember how to love her back anymore. As such, since Mr. Eldred didn't know about it and focused purely on what he had left in his checking, the interest had accumulated into a new mini fortune that he was now slowly blowing through as he spoiled himself with new paints and proper canvases and all the things a starving artist on the streets wouldn't be able to get.
It was funny how fast his views on money had changed when he was able to toss everything onto the counter and pay for it without putting you out.
Now that he has a paycheck again he mostly sticks to using that, the two of you recently having joined your accounts so you could help contribute to his savings. It was a very big step in your relationship, once you discussed many times as you helped him set up an online account so he could see where his paychecks were going without a trip to the bank, but it felt right after your big city rescue. Knowing that he can get whatever he wants, you again wait patiently as he checks out everything and repeatedly goes over his mental inventory of what he still had back home. 
You hang around the register so you won't bother him, he would likely be ignoring you anyway if he wasn't giving you a history lesson about everything he was looking at, so you prefer this option since it gets you home faster. You exchange a friendly nod with the owner, he was very familiar with the both of you now, and get comfy leaning against the counter until he’s done, his voice drifting over the aisles as he openly talks to himself since you weren't there to listen.
‘He sees like a nice guy,’ the owner observes as he also listens, and you smile fondly in his general direction when he sees something he doesn't like and starts talking a bit too loudly about how kids could never flourish with brushes that break that easily and were too cheap to actually hold the paint they were using.
‘He is,’ you reply honestly even as he approaches with an armful of said brushes and sets them down with the intention to have them be removed from the inventory, which of course they wouldn't be. ‘He's a bit insufferable at times, but… he's genuine, and honest, and passionate, and I've never met anyone like him.’ He returns with more as well as the things he actually wants to pay for before disappearing again. ‘I'm sorry about this, I'll put it all back when he goes to the canvases.’
‘It's no problem, it's pretty slow in here when the kids don't have any big art projects going on, gives me something to do,’ the man laughs, and Joshua is very pleased when he finally notices the extra large canvases that were now in stock even though you know it'll be a pain to fit them into the backseat. 
You continue your light conversation with him while Joshua finishes up, and in his excitement the final bill is a bit more than usual, but he’s happy to pay for it all as he hands over his card and punches in the pin. All three of you have to carry everything to your car once the transaction is complete, thankfully he only indulged in one giant canvas this time since he was running out of wall space in his studio, and the rest is tossed into the trunk with great excitement.
‘Thank you for getting these in, and you have my list of more appropriate supplies for the kids’ section, right?’ he asks as you get into the car, Joshua hovering around the door and refusing to let the owner go without his very important suggestions being taken into consideration.
‘I'll see how well the new stuff sells before I order more stock,’ he vows as he backs up towards the door, Joshua ready to walk back in and give him a quick lesson on why he should also really get rid of some other things so he could pay more attention to his rather lacking informational book selection when you lean across the seats, grab him by the back of the hoodie, and pull him in with you. He relents and shuts the door, now preferring to see how this stuff compares to what they provided in his month back in New York since they'd gone for price over preparation, which of course he could tell the difference between. 
You have to pass by the house again to get home, but you can only glance at it longingly this time at the thought of moving him into another rundown place; you don’t want that for him, he deserved someplace open and clean after waking up in empty houses for so long. He sees your look this time and bunches up again to draw, but this time it isn't to work on his park you discover as you pull into your driveway, it’s actually a rough blueprint of how to fix up what he saw on the outside.
‘Need to get in, see how bad it is or if I’m wrong,’ he mutters as he hands the book over after everything is brought in, and your heart pounds a little harder when you read his notes crammed beside the shapes.
‘It’s just a house, we can look together for something better,’ you tell him as you hand it back and head for your laptop, but he just shakes his head and rests his arms over your shoulders, his chin on the top of your head while you sit at the table.
‘Told you I’m good with my hands, did a lot of construction work, if we buy it fast then we could get it cleaned up before it gets worse,’ he says softly, and you realize that he was doing this because it was something you wanted for once, his final hurdle in him getting used to not only living with but also loving someone again.
‘I don’t want you to have to stay in another busted up old house,’ you reply without looking up, your hands still on the keyboard and touchpad as you hover over the real estate site you’d bookmarked weeks ago. ‘This place is fine, we don’t need anything bigger or better, it’s… you deserve better than more broken ceilings and cracked paint.’
He kisses your head then, he was still getting used to giving you affection when he felt like sharing it even though you’d already slept together and had been together for months, but just knowing that he was the one to kiss you this time is enough to make your heart soar. ‘You know I don’t mind the smell of fresh paint, that’s my entire life,’ he reminds you quietly, his lips moving against your hair and his chin digging into your scalp as he speaks, and you free yourself to turn in your chair and stare up at him.
‘So you really wanna do this? You wanna buy a house with me? I’ll have to start driving to work again,’ you gape up at him, and he doesn’t seem too happy about you driving so much, but his expression is still very soft as he leans down even more to rest his chin on your shoulder along with his arm.
‘It’s closer to the art store, we can start walking there together,’ is his reasoning, and you press your own kiss to his cheek before going to the house’s page and checking out the uploaded images together. It’s better than he expected, the damage is mostly on the outside, but he was right about the older owners wanting to sell their family home since they now had a slightly smaller place closer to their grandchildren and couldn’t afford to keep both. He points out the easy fixes, stuff he’d learned how to do years ago, and the second bedroom is the perfect size for an even bigger studio; both bedrooms lead out into the backyard, a proper backyard this time where there’s room for a garden, and a birdbath is already in place and sporting a bluebird in the photo on the screen.
You take it as a sign, you both do, and he decides to save his giant canvas for later as you call up the realtor and set up an appointment to tour the property, Joshua just watching you talk with a content smile on his face all the while.
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kiki-shortsnout · 2 years
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Premise: What if Stephen and Tony were in an established relationship before the Battle of New York, and when Tony took the nuke into the wormhole he never came back? Then, years later after Stephen becomes a Master of the Mystic Arts, he's about to go off on a mission, and as he opens a portal, Tony falls out.
Current story for @the-elle-kat​
Stephen frowned at the dark shadow beyond in the portal, the destination different than what he’d conjured the portal for. Taking a step closer, he allowed his fingers to weave through the tendrils of green magic twisting around the portal, transforming his spell, manipulating the endpoint.
‘What is happening?’ Wong demanded, mouth agape as they stared into what looked like this inside of the spaceship. Stephen’s arm shook from the backlash of energy, his sling ring burning on his fingers as the hijacker drew on more energy, locking Stephen into place. Wong steadied him with hands on his shoulders, gritting his teeth as he felt the vibrations from Stephen’s hands shake his arms.
‘I don’t know. I can’t break the spell, the portal is unstable.’
‘Someone is coming through,’ Wong muttered, stepping aside to summon Tao Mandalas, ready to face the threat attempting to break through into their interdimensional plane.
Whatever it was didn’t stumble through by itself, it was flung headfirst through the portal, the shimmering image of a metallic corridor the only indication of where the threat had come from, leaving the disgusting heap of rags and stench between Wong and Stephen.
Stephen gasped through clenched teeth at the recoil of magic forcing him back, the portal closing with a sharp snap. That was Asgardian magic, Stephen realized, rushing forward to check the empty air, the scorch marks on the Sanctum floor, ensuring nothing nefarious had been etched into the fabric of their world.
‘That wasn’t Thor’s energy,’ Stephen told Wong, only giving a cursory glance back as his friend crouched down to examine the body. ‘This feels like Loki,’ he hissed, trying to get his trembles under control. ‘Thor’s been searching for him for years, and the green energy fits with his profile…careful,’ he barked out a warning as Wong shuffled closer to the wheezing creature on the floor.
‘Stephen,’ he breathed out in wonder, energy dissipating from his hands as he crouched beside their unwanted guest, hand prying back the rags. ‘This isn’t Loki.’
‘It was definitely his magic that-’ his words caught in his throat as he saw the azure light spilling over the floorboards, recognizing it as a memory from long ago. Stephen flung himself to his knees on the hardwood floor, turning the figure cautiously onto his back, letting out a low wounded sound.
‘Careful, Stephen, it might be a trick, an illusion to gain your trust,’ Wong cautioned, magic lighting his fingers as he trailed them over the body, probing gently as Stephen shoved the heel of his hand into his mouth. He couldn’t stuff the emotions back down his throat, trying not to hope, unable to breathe as Wong checked.
It can’t be.
‘It’s him,’ Wong whispered after he’d performed all of the spells he could, sitting back on his ass with a heavy thump, looking between them both in bewilderment, unbelieving what he was seeing. ‘We should summon the Avengers-’
‘No!’ Stephen shouted, flinging his hand out over the body as if that would do anything. ‘Just…please, give me a minute,’ he gasped out. ‘Let me just, please,’ he begged, bringing his trembling hands to the figure’s face, cradling it in his.
His fiancé. His fiancé who had died four years ago.
He looked awful, his face gaunt from malnourishment, purple smudges tattooed under his eyes and prominent collarbones jutting out from ashen-hued skin. Even returned from the tortures of Afghanistan he hadn’t looked like this, his scars more mental than physical, but Stephen could see them now, painted upon his skin beyond the tattered rags of the undersuit he used to wear beneath the armor.
A ragged moan exhaled through chapped lips and eyelids peeled back, revealing confused brown eyes.
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alovesongforu · 19 days
Three - Tragedy in Blood
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Nine hours and a half of flight was a lot. I got on the plane with my heart pounding on my chest. I'm alone. Completely alone. I'm nobody's daughter, I'm nobody's friend, I'm not wanted by anyone.
The flight attendant smiles sweetly at me before pointing in the direction of my seat. First
Class. At least I would have a few hours of luxury before becoming another miserable person starving at USA's streets. Not that I'm unfamiliar with hunger, but I'm not looking forward to get back together with my old friend again.
A little bewildered, I sit, watching people walk by and sit down too. A nine-year-old boy with his parents, a businessman, a couple in their twenties...I like being invisible in public places.
No one ever notices the scrawny little girl with bushy hair staring at you. I like to trying to imagine these people's lives, it makes me realize I'm surrounded by humans, like me. Everyone here feels sadness, joy, euphoria, anger...everyone here bleeds, has dreams, expectations, fears...don't you think that's beautiful?
We're humans. Our life is short and fleeting compared to Earth's life. We live short and feel intensely, inventing stories about something higher to cling into faith. I think this is beautiful, but I'm weird, so don't take my opinions into account. I wonder what are all this people thinking.
You see, I never had many friends, none if I'm being honest, so I got used to diving into fantasy, action or suspense books, where I had knowledge of the characters' thoughts. Real life it's not like that, sadly. People are unreadable, they don't open up at this level, exposing their deeps and disturbing thoughts or telling you the reason behind all their actions.
I have a natural interest in human beings. I want to crawl into their brains , capture every little bit of information about everyone, truly know people the way I know the back of my hand. I know it's weird, but I'm a curious person. I just wanna know more and more about everything.
When I was a little kid, I used to write little stories, creating characters and actually knowing them. After all, I was their creator. For a long time, being a writer was my dream, but it doesnt matter anymore. A long time ago, mommy's dad found the notebook I used to write and set it on fire. My stories burned away with my dream. Why? That's a good question. I think he just didn't want to see me happy, 'cause he destroyed everything that made me smile.
Anyway, I'm distracted from my thoughts when the flight attendants start that speech, showing what to do if there's turbulence and bla bla bla. I buckle up and open my purse, wanting to put my phone on airplane mode. I put my hand inside and feel for my cell phone, but I feel the texture of... paper?
This is strange. Other than my sketchbook and a book, I didn't put anything else that had paper in my purse. I take it out to examine it and find a piece of notebook paper torn out with my mom's handwriting.
Half Blood Hill
Long Island, New York
(800) 009-0009
Speak with the director upon arrival.
Well, at least she looked for a place so as not to leave me wandering the streets.
Look, I'll spare you from describing the next boring hours 'cause there wasn't much to do. I only watched a few movies, read a little and drew, but nothing much. It didn't take me long to get bored, and believe me, when you have ADHD, sitting around for a long time with nothing to entertain you feels like torture.
I start trying to imagine the lives of other flight passengers, but I quickly get even more bored. With a grunt, I throw my head back and close my eyes. I do what I do best: I imagine. I imagine a world in which an artist painted a portrait of his daughter with her own blood. I imagine what the little girl's death was like.
What her last moments were like before life drained from her little body. I imagine how the artist had a lonely and miserable life before he died. How the painting is discovered years later. How it is displayed in a museum centuries later. How the child's spirit began to haunt the place, thirsty for revenge. That's a good story. I think about writing it for a second, but I remember the flames turning paper to dust and then I give up.
"I HATE YOU!" A child screams angrily before slamming her door.
The intoxicatingly clean smell of hospital. Blinding white lights. Weak coughs. Aged and pale skin. Diarrhea. Vomiting. Nurses here and there. Distance from her. Guilt slowly eats away at my insides with each passing day. White hair and kind green eyes. She didn't blame me for it. But she should.
Grandma doesn't have long to live. I can feel it. I'm at the bedroom door, waiting. I could only visit her when everyone had already talked to her, but this time it was different. I think she also knew that death was caressing her cheek and calling her. Mommy's dad pushes me inside roughly before leaving the room without looking back.
My uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and even my mom leave the room, leaving me alone with her. I know I should keep my distance because of the disease, but I don't care, I even hope that I die with her. I approach Grandma and intertwine her fingers with mine. I held back the tears.
She looked so bad, so so bad. Her body was covered in lumps, her eyes were beginning to become translucent and dull, her nose and lip area were stained red. I've made this.
Her voice sounded hoarse, weak. I swallowed a sob. I didn't notice the tears wetting my cheeks until she reached out her hand with large, purple lumps to wipe them away.
"I-I...I'm sorry." I choked. It hurts. My chest hurts. Was this healthy? Wouldn't I be having a heart attack?
"Why are you apologizing, my princess?"
"I'm sorry. It's my fault, I'm sorry! I didn't meant to." I sobbed.
"It's not your fault, Beatrice. You're just a child." That was a lie. We both knew that.
But she didn't hold a grudge against me. Even when I breathed the disease into her fragile body. Even when I couldn't fix the mess I made. Even with the agonizing pain she suffered day and night, she didn't hate me. I wish I was mature like that, because even without having gone through her pain, I hated myself. I was hoping with my family that I would die in a car accident or in another painful way.
Her hands move away from me to try to take off the necklace with the strawberry pendant she always wore.
"Listen, child. I don't have much time left, much less materials to bequeath, but I want you to have this."
"I don't deserve it."
"You deserve it. Beatrice, know that I don't blame you. I could never. You're blood of my blood and I love you. Every time you miss me, look at the necklace."
It hurts. God, why does it hurt so much? Why? If you exist, God, why not heal her? Why rip away one of the only people who love me?
"Stay with me. Please."
I begged. For the millionth time, I try to fix my mess. Pull the disease out of her body, suck it into me. Nothing. I feel as if hundreds of maggots were eating me from the inside out that time.
I took pity of her failed attempts and took the necklace off her neck. Grandma gives me a faint smile.
"There's so much I want to say to you, but I'm afraid I won't have time."
Grandma lets out a groan of pain and straightens her head, closing her eyes and taking her last breath. I froze. I wanted to make God have mercy on me, to make a miracle happen, but I never knew how to pray.
I remained still, holding her hand and feeling her warmth begin to fade. Do past lives exist? What had I done in one of them to pay for so many sins in this life? I felt angry. Then I realized: God does not exist.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate God, I can't hate something whose existence isn't real, but I know it doesn't exist. And even if it exists, it's not as Christians preach. If he exists, he's not kind. He's sadistic and evil. I have no idea how long I was alone in the room with Grandma, but mommy's dad enters the room after what seems like years, and it doesn't take long to connect the dots.
I remember his hands around my neck, pushing my spine into the hard wall behind me. Panic clouds my senses. I can't breathe. I can't let go. I think I hear my mom shouting something, but his hands tighten.
I just waited for the sound. That sound of bones breaking, when I would fall to the ground, limp like a rag doll. I could see nurses bursting into the room, but my vision went black. I felt my limbs weaken and I imagined Death eager for the moment when my heart stopped beating.
I woke up drenched in sweat with the announcement that the plane was landing. I look around, stunned. That memory always stunned me. Hey mate, I know you must be confused right now, so let me explain: I killed my grandmother. It wasn't intentional, but that's not an excuse or explanation. Her blood stains my hands and drips and leaves a trail wherever I go, and I know it.
My cousin bullied me. I cursed him. Grandma arrived and scowled at me for calling him names. I said I hated her. I hate you. I don't know how I did it, much less why, but those words injected the Ebola virus into her already aging body. Yes, I know, I'm a horrible person. Yes, I deserve to be hanged in a public square. Go through the goat torture. Being impaled. You choose, but yes, I deserve it all.
Happily for both, me and you, dear reader, I'll probably go through hell right now. The plane jolts as it lands and I remember something: my English. As you can see so far, I think very well in English. Maybe I even write reasonably well, but my pronunciation...eeeh, no. I like to describe my accent as that of a choking redneck.
I never participated much in English conversation classes at school. I know my accent is ridiculous and I never wanted to give people more reasons to ridicule me. I regret that now. North-americans are arrogant. No matter how hard you try, they won't try to understand you if you make one small pronunciation mistake.
Anticipatory fear begins to infiltrate my blood as people start to take off their belts. Nobody here knows me, I could just pretend to be mute, right? That's it, I'm going to pretend to be mute! Oh...but I don't where do is this...Half Blood Hill. Danmit!
I left stunned. I held my bag tightly as I fixed my eyes on the airport building. I'm not going to let myself be enchanted by the architecture and aesthetics of this place. I managed to grab my bags and looked around. Men and women rushing past me, people working, on work calls... I don't trust no one here to ask for help. They would certainly realize that I'm alone and only God knows what would go through these people's minds. I tried searching for the address on Google Maps. Nothing. Great, mommy made up a random address.
Fear begins to build up in my chest, caging itself in my ribs and making its home in my bones. What now? I look around as if a prince in shining armor is suddenly going to save me. I go down to the bus station. Maybe I could live from city to city, providing services and eating cheap food. At least I wouldn't starve.
Fear makes it difficult to breathe. I force myself to stop and take a deep breath, trying to clear the fog in my head. Bus ticket, I need a bus ticket. Something coos next to me. I look in the direction. A pigeon tilts its head at me. I feel relief.
Lost, miss? He asks, in my head.
Yes. Can you help me, mr...
Beaumont. Call me Beaumont. Where do you need to go, Your Highness?
I bet you must be in disbelief now, right? Turns out I'm not crazy. Pigeons, rats and bugs really talk to me. I blush at my new friend's politeness. Even though they're always nice to me, I never get used to kindness from people (or animals) who aren't my mom.
I, uh...Mr. Beaumont, can you tell me if there's a place called...Half Blood Hill?
He takes flight and I raise two fingers to serve as a perch. I'm already used to it. Pigeons friends, remember?
You wanna go home, naturally. I'm afraid that no bus takes the route towards your destination, but I can show you the way.
I let out a relieved sigh. I went back to the building to buy Mr. Beaumont a raspberry muffin and then we left. 'But Bea, you shouldn't be feeding the pigeons!'
If you thought or said that, close this book. Never, ever again read my story. You lack the necessary levels of empathy. I was once a friend of hunger, and it is an experience that I wish only for those whose crimes are so sadistic and evil that our brains can barely rationalize them. So yes, I am feeding the pigeons, illegal or not. If you think I being dramatic, think of your best friend. Think of them with their his hip and rib bones popped out. If you imagined this, you can understand me.
Well, back to reality, I walked for so long that I ended up on a road, with nothing but vegetation and cars speeding past me. It must have been around seven o'clock at night, and I was starting to feel scared, but a pigeon can't do anything too bad to me, right? I look at him, perched on my shoulder.
Hey, Mr. Beaumont?...
Yes, Your Highness?
You..you're sure that we're in the right way?
Absolutely, Your Highness. You see that hill to your right? That's your destination.
I look at a dark mass of vegetation a few meters in front of me. I know you're judging me now, but I trust pigeons more than humans. One way or another, Mr. Beaumont was right. As I climbed that hill (which wasn't easy), I found lights a little way down. Lights in a house. I wasn't going to sleep on the street today. I thanked my friend and gave him the cereal bars I had in my purse.
I went down to what looked like a giant house and went inside. Yellow lights bathed me, along with moths flying directly into the lamps. I heard voices ahead, and followed. Maybe I would meet the director here?
Further ahead, two men were playing cards. One of them appeared to be middle aged, had brown hair and eyes, a thick beard and was in a wheelchair. The other had curly hair so black it seemed to glow purple, was built like one of those barroom old mans, and was wearing a Hawaiian tiger-print T-shirt. I didn't felt afraid of him. Didn't seem to be disgusting pedophiles to me.
The man in the Hawaiian shirt narrowed his eyes at me, letting out a deep sigh and and setting his can of Diet Coke down at the table with a tud.
"Another one..." he grumbled.
The weelchair one gives him a sympathetic glance before looking at me. I felt embarassed.
"Oh, um...I'm sorry. I'll wait on that bench while you finish your business."
I wince at how bad my accent sounds, then turn my back to the two men. The Hawaiian shirt man continued to stare at me, but the weelchair man stops me.
"No, no, you don't have to wait." He says, kindly and the other man gruffs in agreement.
"What's your name, child?" He asks, gruffly
I thought about lying my name, but that wouldn't work. I wouldn't answer if someone called.
"...Beatrice, sir."
The man lets out a snort hearing this. I feel a little offended. Why would he laugh of my name? I know it's not the prettiest, but it carries a beautiful meaning: the one who brings joy.
"Beatrice." He repeats, his voice full of mockery. "A pretty name, but it doesn't fit a cursed soul."
I can feel the blood draining from my face. What does he mean by that?
The man grins cruelly.
"Oh, you didn't know, did you?" He asks sarcastically.
"You're cursed, kid. Tragedy follows you around like a lost puppy. You'll never have a happy ending."
The weelchair man opens his mouth, but the man shuts him.
"No use sugarcoating it, Chiron. She needs to know."
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mythroom · 9 months
Reunion Pt.1 - Midge x Lenny
𓆩♡𓆪 𝔸𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣𝕤 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖: This is my first time writing an actual fiction for Tumblr. It came from a writing prompt book I had. And I love these two characters so much I want to re-write the prompt so that it fits them. If this does alright I might continue the writing because I think that there could be a potential spot for people writing fanfiction for the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I love this show so much. These characters aren't my own and there is nothing that is cannon about this but I had fun writing it anyways.
𓆩♡𓆪ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥: Angst and Fluff, mentions of drug use/ addiction
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She was an absolute natural. He was so happy for her, watching from the back row. Guilt overwhelmed him. She had always supported him, even when she found out about the drugs he had stashed. 'Stashed', he laughed to himself. He barely tried to hide it, maybe it was his way to call out for help. The last time she saw him in person he was getting on a plane to head to Miami. Hoping his daughter would eventually come visit him. A foolish dream while he was strung out. Laughter. It drew him back to reality. Her voice carried through the hall, echoed by the laughter of the huge crowd she had emassed. The show was amazing. He was determined to tell her that to her face. Once the show ended he waited a while, before attempting to convince his way back stage, afterall he was Lenny Bruce, famous comedian, here to see his dear friend after her first big preformance.
After weasiling his way backstage he waited by the exit. Leaning against the wall, eyeing the people around him, listening to the whispers.
"Isn't that Lenny Bruce?"
"I thought he was in LA."
"I heard he died."
He was lucky the last part was just a rumor. A rumor started by a big stint in the hospital for him. And the reason he was clean now. He shook his head, denying the hard times that flooded back to him now. He needed to focus on Midge. He hadn't seen her in three? Four years? He wasn't sure and it was giving him a headache trying to remember. By the time he was done he saw her, leaving through the exit he was standing so close to. He followed after, into the cold New York air. He watched her walk away for a little, nervous she wouldn't want to talk to him after all this time. Then finally he decided to call out to her, his last chance at redemption. "Midge" He let out, voice cracking, denying the cool calm personality he had tried to form over the years. She stopped in her tracks and turned around, bright eyes shining in the street light. Red coat mixed in with the winter backdrop of the city. Looking at her flooded him with memories, and his mouth opened to say more but came up short of words. His breath mixed with the cold air as he took her in once more. Her beautiful eyes, dark hair perfectly pinned in place, lips red from her lipstick mixed with the cold of the night air. He missed her so much, and he could tell she missed him, but yet she stayed frozen. Her eyebrows arched, eyes widened, mouth slightly agape. He laughed akwardly. "What's wrong Midge? You look like you've seen a ghost." He smiled as he approached her, stopping short of a foot away, scratching the back of his head. Even closer he was able to see she was exactly like his memory of her, perfect in every way. He should have reached out sooner, introduced her to Kitty. God he missed Kitty already, but he missed Midge too, he was glad even for this moment. He turned to go, when she broke her silence.
"Lenny?" Her voice was filled with fear, her eyes were watering and her hands shook as she reached out to him.
"Miriam." He responded with certainty, a kind smile on his face as he turned around and welcomed the woman into his arms, reunited once more.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Soulmate/ 1
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 3.6k
Includes- Oral, pussy eating, face riding, cum eating, riding, sex from behind, multiple orgasms, one bite on the arm, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Series Masterlist 📝Masterlists
📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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"So your coming over later right?", Hobi asks over the phone
"Tonight? I dunno Hobi. I got work tomorrow", I say, "Besides don't you have practice or songs to write or whatever?"
"Yea but I'm stressed out and I need you."
I snort, "You don't need me Hobi. You just want sex and I'm the one giving it to you."
He pauses, "That's not true. You're the only person I've ever done this friends with benefits thing and we agreed not to sleep with anyone else for now."
Hell yea
I didn't want any diseases
Neither did he
"Beside you want it too.", he adds
"Do I?", I ask sarcastically
"Fine. If you tell me right now you don't want it tonight, then I won't bother you about it....for now", he challenges
Usually I'd take a challenge and make him wait but he's right
I do want it
It's been a week since he had any free time and I miss him
"Well I didn't say that", I give in
"Ha...I told you."
"Well.....shut up!", I say
"So you're coming? You can stay over too and leave for work in the morning.", he says hopefully
"Yea fine. I'll be there in an hour.", I say
"An hour?", He exclaims
"Yeah Hobi, I have shit to do! Besides you'll get me all night. You can wait an hour. Christ.", I snap
"Ok fine. I'll see you later."
We hang up and I sigh
I get up and start packing some clothes for tomorrow
Jung, Hoseok better known by his stage name, J-Hope, is my best friend.
I moved to Gwangju, South Korea when I was 15 from New York
I was a bit of a wild teen and my mom couldn't control me
My dad passed away when I was young
I got in with a bad crowd and did some things I'm not proud of
I think my mom drew the line when I got arrested
Granted she didn't like the tattoos I got- a sleeve on my right arm that I spent a year getting and one on the my right side of my torso- all at a place that didn't ID or really care as long as they got paid
O the piercings on my face- eyebrow, lip, nose, tongue
Or the way I dressed
Or the color of my hair
Or anything about me really
She especially hated it when I came home drunk
But being arrested for stealing and underage drinking was the last straw
My mom had my brother and sister to think about and she didn't want me to get in anymore trouble in New York
So she called my aunt who was transferred to Korea in the business she worked at and asked if she could take me for awhile
Looking back that was the right call my mom made
The way I was going I'd either be in jail or dead
But of course that's not what I thought when I moved here
I was pissed
I was being sent to live with my aunt, in a place where I couldn't speak the language or even read it
I spoke English and I also spoke spanish because my mom is spanish
But I didn't know anyone who spoke Korean
I hated Gwangju from the minute I stepped off the plane
My aunt picked me up and drove me to her house
There she laid the ground rules down
I thought I could get away with things but boy was I wrong
My aunt is a strict woman and she whipped me into shape
It took time and I fought her but it worked
Anyway I met Hobi on my first day of school
I had to wear this ugly uniform with a blazer that I was sweating in Since it was spring and not too cold I had to wear a skirt and a button up t-shirt, with that damn blazer
I added my own style by wearing my combat boots and spiked bracelets.
Yeah I thought I was a bad ass
That day was hard for me
First there were the stares
I was a white girl from New York in Korea
To say I stuck out would be putting it lightly
Not only that but at the time I had pink hair and all my piercings still in
So I was met with looks of surprise and disgust
Then came the fact that I had no clue what was going on in my classes
They were all taught in Korean
Which I did not speak
I heard that they teach English in Korean schools but nobody said anything to me in English
Nobody said anything to me at all
I spent the day getting lost and getting to my classes late
In class I spent the time spacing out or doodling in my notebook
In one class, I was dying in the blazer and I saw that some of the other students took theirs off
So I did too
When the teacher noticed, she started yelling at me
In Korean
I had no clue what was going on
She kept gesturing to the blazer
"I'm hot", I said
"No!", she yelled and continued in Korean
"It's hot", I repeated helplessly, "I'm sweating"
I saw some other students look at me and laugh
I glared at them and they stopped laughing and turned around
I looked back at the teacher who was glaring at me but I didn't know what she wanted or why
The guy next to me turned to me and said, "Your jacket. Put it on."
I stared at him, "You speak English?"
"A little. Not much.", he answered
"Jung, Hoseok", the teacher yelled
The guy who spoke to me turned to her and answered her in Korean
She said something to him and he answered
She nodded and turned back to the lesson
He said to me again, "Put the jacket on."
"Why?", I shot back, "It's hot and everyone else has it off."
He nodded to my arm, "Your tattoos. Not appropriate for school. You're too young"
"Seriously? So I have to sweat because I have tattoos?"
He shrugged, "The teacher doesn't like it. Just put it on."
I made a face but I put on the dumb blazer and sat sweating for another twenty minutes
When class was over I looked at my schedule
I started to get up but the guy who spoke to me called me
"Uh. Russo...Joanne?"
I turned to him, "Um what did you call me?"
"Um your name? Russo, Joanne right?"
"Oh you guys do the last name first thing.", I remembered, "Um yeah that's my name but you can just call me Joanne. Or Jo works too."
"Jo?" he asked
"Yeah. My family calls me that."
"And you are?"
"Jung, Hoseok"
"So....Hoseok?", I clarified
He nodded, "Yes. Or Hobi."
"Ok Hobi", I repeated, "So tell me what it is you want? And could you make it quick, I'm hungry "
He looked confused for a minute
I wondered why he wasn't saying anything until I realized he either didn't know what I was saying or didn't know how to say what he wanted to in English
Well this sucked, but I tried again
"You want to talk to me?"
"Uh, yes.", he said
He gestured for my schedule and I handed it over
"Um you have lunch now.", he said slowly
I nod
"Me too"
"Oh ok", I said,
"Want to come with me?", he asked
I gaped at him for a few seconds surprised he was actually interacting with me, let alone asking me to go to lunch with him
I pulled myself together and answered, "Sure why the hell not? It's not like I have any friends. I'd probably get lost trying to find it anyway and then I'll be starving and sweating" I say
He just looked at me, unsure
"Oh right.", I said to myself
"Ok", I said to him
He smiled and I followed him to the lunch room
Since that day Hobi and I became inseparable
I found out he lived in the house next to my aunt's
Hobi is an amazing friend
He was there for me and helped me turn everything around in my life
He always made me laugh and he is so funny
He still makes me laugh all the time
He helped me with school and especially with Korean
I also practiced hard on my own because I wanted to talk to him more
I helped him with English as he wanted to learn it
Now we're both fluent in English and Korean and speak to each other in both languages
I also found out Hobi loved to dance
He loved hip hop dancing and he was amazing
He competed with a dance group in shows and competitions.
Once I found that out I went to every show and competition he had.
I loved watching him dance
He was mesmerizing
Still is
When we graduated high school Hobi auditioned for a company called "Big Hit Entertainment."
He was picked to become a trainee as a solo artist- a rapper and dancer
He had to move to Seoul for his training
It actually worked out because I was moving to Seoul to go to school there for paleontology
So we went together
Hobi was a lot more busy than I was especially when he debuted
But I was there with him supporting him all the way
I will always support him no matter what
I get out of my car and go to Hobi's apartment
Hobi and I have been doing this for about a year
At first it was just sex
Too bad I had to fall in love with him
But I'm very good at hiding my feelings
I used the keys he gave me and opened the door
Hobi POV
I hear the door unlock and I know she's here so I get up and go to the door
When she opens it, I grab her, slam the door closed and push her against it, my mouth on hers in an instant
I feel the cold metal from her hoop lip ring on my lips which feels good
I need her
She drops her bag and responds to me immediately, her hands going in my hair, pulling me closer
My hands are all over her, groping her body
She tugs my hair and I can't help it, I make a whiny sound
I feel her smirk
She knows I like it when she pulls my hair
I reach down and pick her up, her legs going around me as I carry her to the couch
We're not making it to the bed
I lay her down and I rip her shirt off
"Hey! That was a new shirt!", she protests
I roll my eyes, "I'll buy you a new one"
"Not the point", she says
Ignoring her I lean down and kiss her, her tongue moving in my mouth
She reaches for my shirt, pulling it up and I reluctantly move from her lips to help her get it off me
I look down at her, admiring her
She's so beautiful
I kiss down her neck and her body shakes
I move down and kiss down her tattoo on her side, making her shiver more
She loves it when I do that and I love doing it
I usually don't like tattoos especially for me
But I love hers
It's not Joanne without all her tattoos, it's part of who she is
And they're beautiful just like her
I get back up and kiss her on the lips again, one of my arms wrapping around her and going in her hair
I start kissing down her neck again
She turns her head and makes a small sound before she bites my bicep and I moan
She's a biter and I love it
I keep kissing her and she moans "Hoseok"
It drives me crazy when she moans or screams my name
I can listen to that all day
I smirk then kiss her lips as I start to pull her pants off
Her hands are moving all over my body and then they reach my pants pulling them down
I get up and we get all our clothes off, tossing them around the living room
I lay down on my back on the couch, my head against the arm rest
I smirk at her, stick my tongue out and motion for her to come to me
She climbs on me stopping at me hips
"No", I tell her, "Higher"
She cocks her head confused but she moves up and hovers above my stomach
"More", I say
She moves up to my chest and I say, "More"
"What? Where am I supposed to go? There's nowhere else to go"
I smirk and say, "My face"
"Excuse me?"
I say clearly, "I want you to ride my mouth"
"Really", I answer, grabbing her and lifting her up until her legs are on either side of my head and she's hovering above my mouth
I lift my head and attach my mouth and lips to her, tasting her
She lets out a scream as I move my tongue
She immediately gets so wet and I love how she tastes
She moans loudly and her hips start moving against my face and I love it
I stick my tongue inside of her and she screams my name
"Hoseok! Oh god Hoseok!"
I start moving my tongue, fucking her with it and tasting juice as it runs in my mouth
So good
Her hand goes in my hair and pulls and with everything she's doing, how she's screaming my name and how good she tastes I feel my hard cock leaking cum
I stop for a second to tell her, "Baby cum in my mouth"
Then I lick her slowly again
"Wha...what", she moans out
"I want you to cum on my tongue", I say between licks
"Please baby, I want you to so much. You know you taste so good and I want it. Please", I beg
"Yes Hobi", she moans
I start licking her faster and her moans intensify
"Hobi, Hobi", she screams and I know she's ready
I stick my tongue in her again and wiggle in as far as I can
I feel her cum, her tightening and pulling on my tongue, her cream tasting so good
I eagerly swallow her sweet cream, wanting so much more
Latching onto her clit, I suck desperately, her fingers twisting my hair, the pretty moans falling from her throat sounding in my apartment
Her clit throbs in my mouth and I'm so hard, it hurts
The next suck has her coming in my mouth and I greedily swallow all of it
So fucking good
When she finishes her body relaxes but I'm not done yet
And I know she isn't either
She can go for a long time
I grab her by her hips and lift her up, slamming her down on my cock as I lift my hips up, burying length inside her in one stroke
I let out a shout at how incredible she feels as she yells too
"Oh my god!", she screams in pleasure
I pick her up, almost off me and slam her down again and again and again, her pretty pussy opening just for me, the pleasure astounding
She's so tight, clinging desperately on my shaft, her pretty slit opening to fit me inside her
She keeps squeezing and clenching me over and over so that she's so tight when I slide in her
I groan and keep slamming her on me faster, right into her spot, her cunt creaming my cock so much, the sight so beautiful
"Don't stop Hobi. Please. Don't stop" she yells
And I don't
"Fuck Hobi! You're so fucking hard fuck. Such a big thick cock baby. You feel so fucking good", she wails as I continue to fuck her on my dick
I look up to see her head back and her body wet with sweat
I feel myself about to lose it
"Cum baby!",I yell
"Mmmm", she moans
"Please Joanne. Please. Cum on me!", I beg her, slamming her down hard, my hips all the way up going so deep in her
She does, screaming, her pretty body shaking on me
When she clenches and pulls on me I let go and shout her name as I cum, ecstasy hitting me hard
Her cunt pulses around me, milking my cock and prolonging the pleasure
My god, her orgasms are so fucking pleasure
I've never felt anything like them and fuck I'm addicted
When we finish, she collapses on me, both of us breathing hard and sweating
We lay like that for a few minutes, with her kissing my jaw and neck over and over
I feel my skin tremble under her kisses, sending shivers down my spine
I run my hands down her back, squeezing her cute round ass in my palms
And I get hard again
She can make me hard so quickly and she hardly had to touch me
She giggles and whispers in my ear, "Again Hobi?"
"Mmmm..hmmm. You know I can't get enough of you"
I sit up and push her back gently, helping her get on her hands and knees
She knows what I want
When she's in that position, I give her full control and she can move however she wants on me
I position myself and wait for her
She looks back at me and giggles
"You want it Hobi?", she teases, shaking her ass at me
I gulp, "From you Jo? Always"
I moan loudly she slides on me and her behind hits my pelvis, bottoming me out
She moves almost completely off of me and then slides back down me faster, making noises as she does
"Fuck", I moan
She moves faster and faster
I look down and see me going in and out of her, her leaving me drenched every time she pulls away
I can't tear my eyes away and it turns me on so much more
"Hmmm you want it Hobi?"
My eyes snap up and I see her looking at me over her shoulder
I nod
She moves off me, turns and pushes me back, climbing on top of me and putting me back in her
She starts bouncing on me, up and down, over and over
I love when she takes control like this
I watch her ride me and my hands go up to hold her boobs
"No Hobi", she says,
I get excited knowing what shes gonna say
I love when she does this
"No touching Hobi"
I growl at her, "But-"
"No touching or you don't get anything"
"Jo!", I whine
She continues to move on me
Then she says, "You want it Hobi. You wanna cum?"
Fuck yes I wanted to cum
I nod over and over
"I wanna cum too", she moans
"I want you to cum too baby. I love seeing your cream all over me"
She keeps moving, harder, leaning on my chest, the squelching sounds of her cunt taking my cock inside so fucking pornographic
"Tell me you want to cum Hoseok and maybe I'll let you", she says as she moves faster, intentionally clenching me and smirking
"I...I...", I stutter, the pleasure she's giving me is so intense
"Wha..what was that?", she pants
"I....wanna cum. Oh my god, ahh, I wanna cum so bad!", I shout
"Then cum Hobi", she whispers and my body obeys her and I shout as I explode, shooting my load deep inside her
She starts moaning and then screams my name as she explodes too
I grab her hips to keep her from falling off me, keeping her on my cock, letting her ride out the pleasure on me
After, I help her off me and get up, letting her lay on the couch
I'm starting to get up when she takes my hand asking me to stay with her
She moves on her back, pulling me on top her
We get into a comfortable position, my head using her boobs as soft bouncy pillows
She wraps her arms around me, softly playing with my hair
I glance up at her and she smiles at me
Her smile is so beautiful
She's so beautiful
I can't help it
I say what I've been wanting to say to her for a long time
"I love you", I whisper
She freezes and her eyes go wide, "Wha...what?"
"I love you Joanne. I'm in love with you. I've been for a long time. I've been wanting to tell you but I was scared. But I want you to know. And if you can, can you give me a chance to be with you? For real?"
I don't know what I expected her to say or do but I'm still surprised when she smiles.
"I love you too Hobi", she confesses
"You do?", I ask shocked
I did not see that coming
"Yeah. I guess I'm really good at hiding my feelings", she says, "I've been in love with you for a long time too."
I smile at her, so excited that she loves me too
"And yes. I want to be with you"
I'm ecstatic when I hear her say this
I reach for her and pull her into a searing kiss, so happy I finally got the girl I've always wanted
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xaviernottheprofessor · 5 months
Concrete Jungle (where dreams are made of) | Flavier
Featuring: Xavier and Fletcher ( @fletchervanhall) with mentions of others Location: NYC, Empire State Building, Millenium Hilton Hotel Time Frame: Afternoon, April 25, 2024 Notes: Fletcher surprises Xavier in NYC and tells him something really important!
Fletcher shouldered a duffle bag while walking into the hotel DJ told him Xavier was staying at. There was a small prickle of anxiousness sitting in his chest--partly because he had never done something this grand for someone he was in a relationship with, partly because he was literally across the country from his daughter and uncle, and partly because it was the first time since he was a teen that he was back in New York. Fletcher had yet to tell Xavier that he was from The Big Apple or that his parents lived here. As much as he'd let Xavier in, there were still a few things he hadn't shared about himself. Most were just talents of his but these intertwined facts of his hometown and parents were the biggest ones. While Fletcher knew that would change sooner or later, for now, he was focusing on surprising Xavier. He'd been doing his best not to give the prickling much attention if he could help it because he wanted this. He wanted to come and surprise Xavier, and he knew that his boyfriend deserved thoughtful gestures like this.
While he knew the front desk clerk wouldn't give him a key card--least of all to the room of someone of significance like Xavier--DJ told him the room number. So after giving a call home in the lobby to Drew and Emiliana to check in, Fletcher proceeded to the room. Taking the elevator up and walking to the door, Fletcher knocked, placed an index finger over the peephole and said, "Room service, Mr. Mitchell," in a voice entirely different from his own.
Xavier was half-way through a big writing week for the season finale of SNL. He wouldn't have an entire summer to do nothing but he'd have more time at home which made him happy. Even with that known, this week *felt* difficult. Being away from his kids, his boyfriend and his friends was a lot at times and while this would be his last week for a while, Xavier still hated it.  He was glad that he was honest with his director about his plans to be home more but it still did create such a void when he had to get on that plane. He had spread out some sketches he had written along with index cards containing cast members names. He wanted to distribute material fairly but also wanted to keep in mind who was more popular. Marcello was deserving of more sketches because of that. He stacked up the remaining cards and left them to the side before moving his papers to join them. His eyes had been burning from staring too long at his pages that Xavier needed a break. Winter had sent him a playlist to his Spotify and he pressed play as he plopped down on the couch. He had a nice Facetime conversation with kids a few minutes prior to start his writing. Xavier hadn't heard much from Fletcher but he assumed his boyfriend was probably working. Wondering if he should order something to eat, Xavier began to aimlessly scroll through Reels when he heard the knock on the door.
Hearing the odd voice on the other side of the door, Xavier wondered if this was some hoax. His co-workers tended to do things like that. "Room service?" He muttered and stood up, making his way toward the door. "I didn't order any..." He tried looking through the peephole and when he couldn't see who it was on the other side, he unlocked his door and opened it.  Nothing could have prepared him for seeing Fletcher standing there and happiness quickly replaced his perplexed expression. He smiled brightly as he opened the door wider for him. "Baby...I--what are you doing here?"
And before he could get an answer, Xavier practically tackled Fletcher, pulling him in for a warm embrace as he showered his boyfriend with kisses. "Wait, are you ok? Everything ok?" He took his hand to guide him inside the room. "You're--here!" Xavier chuckled and pulled him back to his frame.
Fletcher hadn't dropped his hand until the door swung open. His lips tugged up in his crooked smirk and then a toothy grin. "Hi. Hello. Greetings. Hola. Salutations," Fletcher replied to Xavier's shock. He stumbled back when Xavier threw himself at him and chuckled from all the kisses. "Damn, I should find ways to surprise you more often." He hadn't gotten past the doorway but held Xavier's hand and squeezed it. "Babe, yes, I'm fine. Everyone's fine. I just came to spend a couple days with you. I thought I'd surprise you." He slipped the duffle bag off his shoulder and let it set on the floor so he could properly hug his boyfriend. Fletcher kissed Xavier on his forehead and then said, "I missed you, and you looked so sad when you left. So I'm just here for two nights and then I fly back. I know you're working so I wont be bugging you with going places and doing a lot. I figured it would be nice to just be near you when I can, and maybe sleep or bum around here when you have to go to any meetings or anything like that."
Xavier let out a quiet laugh, still completely shocked by Fletcher's appearance. All he could do is attack him with kisses as he had done and stare at him incredulously. "You've got to give me a second here to make sure I'm not dreaming or hallucinating because anything is possible on the little sleep I've gotten out here." He loved surprises and he loved it even more that Fletcher had been the one to do this for him. He sighed out of relief learning that everything was fine and his smile returned quickly as he relished in his boyfriend's embrace. He pulled back a bit so that he could cup Fletcher's face and her smiled widely. "I missed you too and consider me pleasantly surprised. No one's ever...well I...I'm just speechless that's all." He listened to how long Fletcher would be in New York, feeling even happier knowing he'd be flying out to California a day after. "Thank you. This is...I rather like this." His cheeks were burning at the confession. He was usually better versed than that but Xavier was still happily taken aback by the gesture. He kissed Fletcher's lips and smiled. "Sleep. Sleep is so good." He beamed at the thought of Fletcher getting some rest while he was out here too. "I'm so happy to see you. I *was* sad. How transparent of me..." With a smile pulling at the corner of his lips,  he remained in his boyfriend's arms before taking his hand. "Come in. I'll show you around my boring room which just got a touch of glitz with you here." he pulled Fletcher inside, taking his duffel bag and placing it on the couch. "This is it. Where the magic happens. It's why I get paid the big bucks. I get a microwave and telly too. Oh, and a fridge for leftovers." He chuckled. "The bathroom is to the left and a little kitchenette over to the right over there. Are you thirsty or hungry?"
"I could pinch you if it'd help you believe I'm really here," Fletcher said, bringing a hand low on Xavier's butt, priming to pinch him there. He listened and planted a kiss on Xavier's temple and then his lips, slowly returning some of the kisses Xavier showered him with a moment ago. He caught what Xavier stopped himself from saying and then gently pressed his nose to Xavier's cheek, whispering, "If the roles were reversed, I know you'd do it for me." He felt the growing warmth on his boyfriend's skin and smiled before kissing him there too. He held him  for a little while and then walked with him to look around the hotel room. He chuckled a bit as well and then said, "It’s a nice room." He took a seat on the edge of the bed and said, "I ate a sandwich on the way over here, but I ate it within the first hour of my flight. Are *you* hungry? Have you taken a break to eat?"
"I say you pinch me anyway." He grinned playfully, his smile never leaving his face as he relished in all the kisses given to him. Xavier places his arms on Fletcher's shoulders and when his boyfriend whispered, he nodded. "Definitely." And while that was true, that Xavier would do the same for Fletcher, it still meant so much to him that he had done this for him. As Xavier showed off his boring room, he smiled listening to Fletcher. "Uh..." He looked over to his work, realizing he only had hotel coffee and some eggs in his stomach. "Don't kill me." He moved to gather his pages into a pile and hide them in book bag before throwing that into the closet. "I've had some awful coffee and some off my omelette from this morning. I should really take a break now and since the most amazing, gorgeous, man has stepped into my hotel room, I really want to take a break with him. Want to grab something at the deli? We can walk around. I'll take you to the Empire State. Let you have your way with me later, you know the usual." He grinned as he looked in the mirror to make sure he didn't look like hell and applied some lotion to his face, hands and arms followed by a spritz of cologne.
Fletcher didn't wait for Xavier to backtrack before he closed his thumb and index on his boyfriend's ass. He tenderly pecked Xavier's lips a few times and then moved to the bed. He heard the hesitant response and lifted his brows at his boyfriend. And then his face fell to non-amusement while watching Xavier hurriedly gather up his papers. "Oh I'm not gonna kill you. But I *am* gonna make you take a break now. A proper one as you'd say." His eyes stayed on Xavier, following him about as he freshened himself up. Fletcher stood and stretched his arms while walking up to stand behind Xavier. "That sounds like a good idea to me. All of it. Hell, I'd even be fine skipping the trip to the Empire State and going right to the usual," he half-joked, wrapping his arms around Xavier from behind and bending his head to inhale the freshly-applied cologne. "Maybe even skipping the walk too now..."
A soft chuckle fell from his lips from the pinch and Xavier's smile widened at Fletcher's words. "A proper break it is. I'm done with writing for the day anyway. My eyes are going to fall out at this rate." he watched his boyfriend from the mirror and smirked playfully. "Empire State? What's that? Never heard of her." He smiled at the reflection that now included Fletcher and lowered his arms to pull Fletcher's and tighten the grip on his waist. "Mm, boy if you don't stop..." He chuckled and lolled his head to the side so that his boyfriend could get better access to the new scent. "I am as incorrigible as you are, you know that..." He turned slowly, still in Fletcher's arms. "There's always room service...and you're *soo* tired from your flight to walk, I'm sure."  Xavier reached up to run his fingers through Fletcher's hair.  "It's only been a couple of days but I've missed a lot about you, love."
"Well we don't want that," Fletcher replied of Xavier's eyes falling out. He held his boyfriend from behind and smiled, kissing his neck and enjoying the enticing scent of his cologne on his skin. He smirked at the way Xavier spoke of the Empire State Building and then shamelessly grinned despite his, "What?" full of false innocence. "Mm, no you're definitely worse, but believe me, I'm not complaining in the slightest." He righted his bent head when Xavier turned around to face him. "I've missed you too. And truthfully, I wouldn't mind a little walk. I'm sure you'd like to get out of this room since you've been working so hard. I disrupted your day so whatever you wanna do today, count me in." He shut his eyes, drawing in a deep breath while enjoying the familiar feeling of Xavier's fingers in his hair, and then he let out a content sigh. "Yeah... whatever you want to do."
“Definitely not,” Xavier laughed softly, watching his boyfriend through the mirror as his eyes rolled back for a moment while Fletcher kissed his neck.  He then smirked, his eyes opening again. “Mmm I don’t know. You’re pretty bad too.” He chuckled thinking how they both had a tendency of indulging in one another whenever they wanted caring very little about where they were. They’d always find a way. When they were facing each other, Xavier snapped out of his naughty but pleasant thoughts and smiled. “We’ll go for a walk and we’ll order some room service for supper.” Xavier grinned , watching Fletcher’s reaction. God, he loved this man. He took advantage of his boyfriend’s eyes being closed and kissed his lips. “When we get back I’ll do what I want to do.” He murmured against Fletcher’s mouth and then kissed him again. “See? I have some kind of restraint. It’s quite hard but…” he laughed. “It’s there.”
“Not as bad," Fletcher argued in between kisses. He certainly did lean into his emotional, intellectual and physical attractions to Xavier. And unless he was absolutely dead on his feet, he never turned his boyfriend down. Hearing what Xavier proposed for them to do, Fletcher nodded, "Sounds good," and then pecked Xavier's lips. While enjoying the small caressing of his hair, he'd been caught by surprise at the kiss but responded in kind in a split second. "That type of restraint will get you into some trouble," he chuckled after opening his eyes. He grinned a little, his lips tugged up a little higher on one side. "Get your shoes on, babe. Let's go take this walk."
“Ehhh you say tomato…” he laughed, teasing his boyfriend, still in some disbelief that he was there with him.  He grinned at Fletcher’s reaction to the surprise kiss. “I’m a troublemaker but you love it.” Xavier pressed a quick kiss against Fletcher’s neck and then reluctantly pulled away to grab his sneakers from his bed side. He slipped them on and then grabbed his jacket and wallet. “In the spirit of surprises, I actually have one for you. I was going to save for when I got home but since you’re here, I can tell you.” He took Fletcher’s hand in his opened the door to the hotel room. As they walked out, Xavier gave his boyfriend’s hand a gentle squeeze. “This is the season finale we are working on which you knew but what you didn’t know isssss drum roll, babe…” he grinned and began walking backwards so that Xavier could look at Fletcher. “I’m going to be home for six months.” He smiled widened and he stopped to lean against the wall beside the elevator. “I just have to be in NYC for a special in June and that’s it. I have no big jobs here and I’ll be focusing more on little things coming up domestically. So…” he stood up straight when the elevator arrived, “you’ll get to see this mug more often.”
"And you say 'toe-*mah*-toe'," Fletcher quipped with his version of a British accent on the produce item. "Damn right you are. And yes, I do." He lifted his brows at Xavier saying he had a surprise for him. Fletcher was about to open his mouth to say something ahead of this, but he closed his mouth and walked out of the hotel room with Xavier--his own phone and wallet still in his pockets. He listened to his boyfriend and glanced just ahead of them to make sure the hallway stayed clear for his backwards strides. His blinked twice as a smile slowly spread across his lips. "No shit?" Reaching past Xavier, he pressed the 'down' button on the elevator and then said, "That's the best news I could've gotten today. Next to my flights all being on time." He flashed a grin at his little joke and then wrapped his arms around Xavier. "I'm glad you'll be around more for a long while, sweetheart." As he drew back to look into Xavier's eyes, he said, "It'll give me more chances to not only show but tell you I love you."
“Are you making fun of me, Rizz?” He smirked, super excited about the news he just broke out and even more excited about Fletcher’s reaction.  “Yes shit.” He chuckled and shook his head at his own words. Getting to see his kids and Fletcher and his friends more made him so happy. “I’m glad you like the news. And when I get back, you can help me look for a family car. Something we can put a car seat in and that Drew will feel comfortable in so I can take him places too.” He already had so many plans. He wanted to help Drew with his garden, help his boyfriend more with the baby, take Winter and Henry out more and spend time with everyone. “Me too.” His lips pulled up into a wide grin upon hearing his pet name and at the little joke his boyfriend made. He’d never grow tired of any of this. He was convinced. He wrapped his arms around Fletcher too and Xavier kept his gaze on Fletcher, looking up at him full of joy. His grin melted into a small smile, his lips twitching slightly before he let a soft chuckle fall from him. “You love me, huh?” Xavier  whispered before the ding of the elevator went off. He was all smiles, his teeth taking across his bottom lip as he walked into the elevator with his boyfriend. “I love you too. *so much*.”
"Some people are so touchy," Fletcher easily fired back with the movie quote. He laughed a bit with Xavier and listened some more. "A family car, huh?" Hearing some of the reasons Xavier wanted one had a warmth spreading from Fletcher's hart, out to every orifice of his body. The way that their two worlds were melding was somthing Fletcher hadn't expected and not at the pace it was happening. But he didn't want to fight it. He had no real reason to. He knew how he felt about Xavier and his kids, and he knew Xavier's feelings for him and his family. When the elevator doors slid open, Fletcher headed inside the lift with his boyfriend. "I love you," he clearly repeated, pressing the first floor button and then taking hold of Xavier's other hand as well. "I know you do. I couldn't be more humbled to be loved by you, X." His eyes were fixed on the younger man as he said, "I guess I could've waited until we were on our walk to tell you - make it a little more romantic like you deserve. But I promised I would tell you as soon as I knew." It was a promise he'd largely made to himself and he was committing to it. He kissed Xavier's forehead and then dipped his chin to kiss his lips. "I love you, Xavier Mitchell."
Xavier laughed at Fletcher's quick response, loving the fact that his boyfriend knew the reference. "A family car. If I can get a 7 seater, imagine all the trips we can all take over the summer." He didn't know how to express the fact that Fletcher's confession had made his entire body light up and that he was feeling a pleasant warmth course over his body. He took his boyfriend's hand and listened intently. He has never felt this way toward anyone. Xavier found himself feeling excited about future plans. Long-term future plans that might have scared him to even think about in the past. He smiled as his boyfriend spoke with great vulnerability and genuine intent. Xavier appreciated the openness and the fact that Fletcher had waited until it felt right for him. "What do you mean? This is romantic. It's coming from you and I know it's from the heart and that is what makes it memorable and romantic to me." His heart literally soared and Xavier returned his boyfriend's kiss. "I love you. I could hear that over and over again, you know. I don't think it'll get old. I'll take care of you, Fletcher. I'll take care of your heart." He'd never hurt him. Xavier was his. Glad that no one decided to get on the elevator, Xavier kissed his boyfriend on the lips once more before they got to the first floor. As they walked out, he kept his hand in Fletcher's. "You know, it's funny. Going back to when I first kissed you and how we had our reservations because of our personal lives and everything...now all I can think about is how we came into each other's lives for a reason." He held the door for Fletcher and smiled as he walked out after him. "Thank you for telling me. When it felt right for you. It makes it even more special." They walked hand in hand.
"You're adorably thoughtful, you know that? A seven-seater sounds like you're gonna be looking at a minivan or a big SUV. Do either of those seem like something you're interested in?" Fletcher knew they'd talked about Disneyland already and figured that was going to be quite the trip in itself for the summer. A new car and a trip for both of their families sounded like a full Summer to him, but he could be wrong. But he and Xavier had time to sort out Summer plans for themselves, their kids and Drew. For now, h was letting himself feel the bit of jitters that he wasn't showing but came with him telling Xavier out loud for the first time that he loved him. He meant it and he was glad that he'd said the words to his boyfriend. "You give me a lot of leeway, sweetheart," he replied, gently disagreeing on how romantic a gesture he'd executed with his first time telling Xavier that he loved him. "Well you're going to hear it over and over from me. Taking care of my heart's more than I could ask for. I love you and I'll do all I can to take care of yours. You're nurturing to me and my family and I can only hope to be that to you and yours whenever you guys let me." Fletcher walked through the door, smiling as he thought back to their first kiss--how unexpected it was, how it completely caught him off guard and how he  may have had mixed feelings at the time but was quickly drawn to how kissable Xavier's pillowy lips were. He continued holding Xavier's hand as they walked out of the hotel and down the street. His eyes went to the younger man, and then the building he pointed out - a small smile appearing at the kiss to his knuckles, followed by the sight of the NBC logo and knowing what it meant. And then he circled back to Xavier's question. "I knew before I got here. I've never jumped on a plane for someone before in my life. Booking that flight? Yeah... I knew you had my heart and I wouldn't be leaving San Francisco to come here if I didn't love you."
"Stahppp Adorable I am not but yeah! I'll even get a pair of New Balances and a plaid shirt with cargo short. I gotta get a hat that says *ask me about my dad jokes*." Xavier squeezed Fletcher's hand and chuckled. "What do you think? I can make an SUV sexy." Xavier was already enjoying the idea of being able to mesh both families together for a trip. Ever since Disney was mentioned, he had been filled with excitement. "We're going to have these little fights all the time, I think." Xavier smiled widely. Thinking back to their first kiss, it was one of those times when his extroverted confidence paid off for him. At the moment, Xavier felt that if Fletcher decked him, he'd be valid but everything that happened after continued to pleasantly surprise him and it was pretty clear that they couldn't get enough of one another. "Well, now that I'll be home more, maybe we can arrange our schedules so that I can bring the kids with me to your home and you guys can come by more often like we had discussed. We can stay at each other's places here and there as long as Drew is taken care of. He's important to me so I'm always going to consider his safety, time, and feelings. And Winter and Henry already love Phoebe and spending time with all of you. It's very humbling to see how easily our families do that." Xavier continued walking toward the Empire State. There was a grill and deli shop a few stores down and he was hoping to get some food and goodies on the way back to add to whatever they wanted from room service. Fletcher's explanation made Xavier smile and even blush all over again. "And you say it wasn't romantic. I don't care what we were doing at the time, that's pretty grand gesture of the Rom Com variety. Look out Ryan Gosling...my man's got them all beat." He glanced over to Fletcher and winked. "No one has ever done anything that big for me. Ever. I'll never forget it."
"Oh Jesus, yeah way to suck all the adorable out of it with that mental image," Fletcher joked. "And if you get that hat, just know it's not one I'll be buying for you. But you *are* for damn sure adorable. Period. End of story." He chuckled a little, "I think it'd be more of a challenge with a minivan than an SUV but in this case, the man's gonna make all the sexiness - not the car. And yeah, we probably are gonna have these little fights. You'll be wrong each time you're denying that you're adorable or cute or anything else that's true about yourself." Time had flown so quickly from when their first kiss occurred. And so much had changed between them from before then and after it as well. He was glad for the changes that followed their first kiss, namely because it led to them being where they were now.
"I like the sound of that. And I love you for taking Drew into consideration. Phoebe too, but she's more adaptable to whatever we decide to do." He smiled a little while thinking of his little girl being back home, and he hoped that she wasn't giving Drew or Emiliana too much trouble. "When I get back, I'll get the spare room arranged. If Winter and Henry don't mind sleeping in the same room, I can put an air mattress in there, or I can set one of them up in the living room so they don't have to worry about sharing space with Phoebe and think on being quieter or shit like that when you guys are over." He thought about investing in a cot or something that might be more comfortable than an air mattress. He was thankful as well for how well their families blended already. His eyes only briefly wandered around their vaguely familiar surroundings before they landed back on Xavier. "I'll hav to add some sorta comedy to it to make sure I cover the 'com' part of this rom-com you've got us in." He snorted at the mention of Ryan Gosling. "You're more than deserving of the gestures, big and small, sweetheart. Don't ever forget that either."
"Gotta get the daddy look going!" He smirked at Fletcher's words and feigned disappointment, placing his free hand on his chest. "I'd have to get it stitched at one of those places at the mall because no way that hat exists." Xavier chuckled, unable to keep his happiness hidden. "I won't argue with you because you're in love with me so you'll probably win most arguments." He laughed, every so often leaning into his boyfriend as they walked. "Well, I want you to go shopping with me next week . I trust your taste and I'm super impulsive so you'd be my anchor." Xavier smiled. He knew that they balanced each other well that way. "So I'll be a sexy daddy in my SUV dating the sexiest daddy. I love how confident you are in my erroneous behavior." He kissed Fletcher's cheek quickly. "We should go to the Brooklyn Bridge tomorrow after I drop off my pages to Lorne and I give you a tour. You'd love Brooklyn. We can hit up some food spots."
"Of course. I know you are a big part of his life and betterment, and I wouldn't take you away or anything like that. If anything, I want to help you and him as much as I can especially now that I'm free as a bird for a few months." He smiled when Fletcher spoke. They were nearing their destination and Xavier had to add, "You know, darling. Your face just lights up every time you talk about her. It's the sweetest bloody thing. I adore it. And Winter and Henry won't mind it at all. The first few months they moved into my house, they shared a room because it felt safer for them. They share a very unique and precious bond. They're super adaptable so whatever I can do to help you figure it out, I will. I have two spare rooms now so I can make a mini nursery for Phoebe for when she comes over with you. Winter will have a field day with that. She's really into interior design like my mum. " He chuckled after Fletcher spoke. "I think you've got the com part covered. I think you're pretty funny."
Once they arrived at the Empire State, Xavier pressed another kiss against his boyfriend's cheek once more. "Thank you. I don't know if you know how much that means to me. You being so thoughtful and all. I'm very lucky." They entered the building and Xavier showed off his City Pass and SAG ID. The young man at the ticket booth seemed thrilled to see a celebrity come up to the booth but kept himself as reserved as possible. "Enjoy your afternoon at the Empire State Building, sir." Xavier nodded and tucked away his pass and ID into his wallet before taking Fletcher's hand again to walk toward the elevator "This is my first time going to the top. I've done the exhibits and I've eaten downstairs. I hear the view is phenomenal."
"Next thing I know, you're gonna be walking around in sandals with socks on. And we both know you've got better fashion sense than all of that." Fletcher wouldn't consider himself the most fashionable person in the world but he knew how to dress well enough when the occasion called for it. Xavier, on the other hand, regularly had impeccable fashion which was something Fletcher found attractive about him. "Well there's no fun in you already deciding I'm gonna win the arguments. Besides, now that just makes me wanna start stupid shit I know isn't true to see how far you let that go." He smiled a bit and then said, "I can do that. Whether you just wanna look and do some behind the wheel tests or if you wanna drive off the lot in something, I'll be there to help you make sure it's not some suburban-type of car." He chuckled, "I'm gonna remember you said that you love that. And it's not erroneous, it's facts." He listened and nodded a bit, "Whatever you wanna do, as long as I'm not getting in your way."
Fletcher knew one of the other things he loved about Xavier was how understanding he'd been when it came to Drew and the role Fletcher played in his life. And he was grateful to Xavier wanting to help him, even if he himself didn't know what that looked like just yet. "Thank you," was all he could tell him for the time being, and he did. So after lifting their joined hands and planting a kiss on the back of his boyfriend's. Fletcher listened to Xavier some more and cracked another gentle smile. He'd also been happy to hear that the arrangement of them dividing their time between each other's homes seemed doable. "Is that what Winter wants to do when she graduates? Interior design?" He gave Xavier a light and good-natured nudge when complimented that he thought he was funny.
Walking inside of the building had Fletcher glancing around but his eyes caught sight of the badge and then arched a brow. He'd still been following Xavier to the elevator when he asked, "Uh-huh. So, uh, wait, the badge you showed. Is it also some Empire State VIP pass here?"
““Oh no I stop at sandals with socks. “ Xavier grinned, glancing over to his boyfriend. Looking good helped with making him feel good and Xavier did his best to live by that. He was smiling the whole time Fletcher spoke knowing damn well that he was going to let him win arguments easily and was simply teasing. His smile turned into something a little more devilish and he wiggled his brows as if challenging or taking the challenge of keeping it up only to chuckle. “Don’t worry, we will still argue.” Xavier glanced over lovingly every chance he could. He still couldn’t believe that Fletcher had come out to see him. This was a grand gesture in Xavier’s book and he’d always remember this. He was glad to hear that Fletcher was willing to go with him to start some car shopping. In truth, he knew he wanted the McLaren but a family car would be incredibly different and he was excited to shop with Fletcher especially when he wanted him to have a set of keys in case he needed a bigger car.  “Thanks, babe. Well got to Volvo for starters when I get back.” He chuckled, loving Fletcher’s feisty spirit. It was just one of Xavier’s favorite things about him. “You’re not getting in my way. You’re saving me from boredom” he had already finished most of his pages and was ready to assign skits. The rest of his stay would be easy and then he’d be home free.
He smiled at his boyfriend, wanting nothing more than to always reassure him that he was going to be there not only for Fletcher but every aspect of his life and that included Drew and Phoebe. His kids also loved them and that made Xavier so happy. “Always.” He smiled at the kiss against his hand. “I think she wants to get into design at some capacity whether it’s interior or fashion. She keeps telling me she wants to look into fashion and design schools so that’s what we will be doing next year.” He chuckled at the nudge, genuinely thinking Fletcher was hysterical and loving that it was just for him sometimes.
Xavier smiled and handed him the city pass and SAG ID unsure which one Fletcher was talking about. “Most people come to the 82 floor. You need reservations for the top deck and an Express Pass to skip the lines.  The City Pass is to get easy admission and the ID helps with skipping the lines without a reservation. Usually it’s insane but we’re going to the 102 floor and we will get a panoramic view of New York City. Also, it’ll be more private.” Xavier pressed a kiss against Fletcher’s lips and headed toward the elevator to the top deck where someone was waiting for them to take them up.
"Well thank fuck there's a line," Fletcher quipped and smirked to his boyfriend. He'd probably float the idea to Henry and Winter to get him some sort of 'dad'-related baseball cap for Father's Day though. "I'm sure we will. Besides, wasn't there a talk about great makeup sex when it came to arguing?" He gave a tiny grin at that and briefly thought about his and Xavier's relationship, mostly about how loving Xavier was in every way possible. While Fletcher didn't have much in the way of meaningful dating history, he'd been with enough people to honestly say that Xavier was the sweetest person he had ever met. He was both strong and gentle at the same time, funny and emotional, thoughtful and easygoing. He was a devoted friend, a wonderful lover, and he made Fletcher feel like it was a true honor not only being in his company but being his boyfriend. He thought about this as they walked and conversed with each other. "Volvo huh? Alright, sticking with the speedy, foreign luxury cars, I see." He winked, knowing full well that while Volvo was foreign to both of them, the McLaren cars were very much British. He chuckled a little, "Boredom? Do you have some other kind of meeting or something before you have to fly back?" Fletcher would only be there for one more night after this evening, but he'd come in the middle of Xavier's NYC stint.
Listening on some more, he took in what Xavier was saying about Winter's design interests. "As long as she keeps knowing she can do anything she sets her mind to and puts in the work for. She'll be great regardless, and she's got plenty of time to explore her options." And when Xavier handed over the two cards, Fletcher realized he'd seen the SAG ID and thought it was what Xavier had shown to gain them access inside. He'd been vaguely familiar with the city passes from his childhood but hadn’t seen one, let alone held one since he was a kid and his class had taken a field trip to the American Museum of Natural History. He remembered his dad being convinced Fletcher would need one while his mom argued that they would just need to send Fletcher with a one-time discounted payment along with the permission slip. Fletcher's dad bought the city pass anyway, only to learn that in the end, his wife was right. Fletcher had been listening to Xavier while staring at the city pass and thinking on the memory, only to mentally swat it away. Returning fully to the present, he handed both badges back to his boyfriend as they rode the elevator up. He met and returned the kiss and stared around at the elevator's interior. "How many times did you say you've been here before? This is your first time to the very top, right?"
"I mean, even I have limitations." Xavier chuckled knowing his line existed way before sandals and socks. At the mention of makeup sex, he couldn't help but smile wider and give his boyfriend a playful sideways glance. "Uh, yes. Main reason I'll pick arguments with you so can have your way with me after and vice-versa." He kept his voice low just for Fletcher. He wasn't argumentative at all and while he didn't mind conflict, it rarely came looking for him. Jeremy was probably the most troublesome person he had met. Going to therapy has helped Xavier with effectively sharing his feelings and conflict resolution. While arguing was healthy and he agreed that is was, he didn't think it would ever get to the point of being explosive however if it did, he had the tools to resolve things. He loved Fletcher and with that came understanding and patience that would help their relationship flourish. He laughed at the Volvo comment, nodding at Fletcher. "I love nice things, what can I say?" he then added, "And it's a super safe brand so I feel like it would be perfect with all the precious cargo I'll be carrying." He smiled, thinking on his work week. "I mostly have to make sure I write all the pages assigned which I have and assign them. I'm due to perform on Saturday obviously but from tomorrow until then, I'm free after I drop off my pages unless I'm pulled into a meeting to discuss anything."
"I want Henry and Winter to follow their dreams, whatever they are and I want to help them accomplish that. Winter has a lot of potential. She's so bright and so good at what she does. She plays around with her school uniform all the time. She tells me how her classmates constantly ask for a 'Winter Original'." Xavier beamed proudly as he thought about his daughter and son. "I think Henry is going to be a Pokemon master. Haven't told him that isn't an actual trade but that's okay." He chuckled once more. He watched Fletcher go somewhere else in his thoughts and tilted his head.
Taking the badges back, Xavier smiled at his softly as he tucked them away into his wallet. "Are you alright, baby?" When they went into the elevator, Xavier greeted the operator and then responded to Fletcher, "It is my first time at the top. I've been here a couple of times since I'm right down the block . Usually to get my mind off things or wake up and get some coffee. The restaurants are nice and the shops too. There's so much here. They even do a movie night. I think Mama Mia is happening tomorrow? It's magnificent how much operates in just one building. I'm glad I'm going to the top with you though. It seems right."
"And thank god for that," Fletcher quipped even though he had full confidence in this already, given Xavier's fashion sense that was always on display. He grinned at the look on the younger man's face as well as his response about make-up sex and murmured a, "Good," as they continued walking. And while Fletcher knew he could be stubborn and was often blunt, he was grateful for Xavier's maturity as well as his own, particularly when it came to things that truly mattered. He wasn't bothered in the least by Xavier liking nice things. "I like them too sometimes, I just can't always afford them," he replied with a single, light chuckle. It wasn't meant as any sort of dig or even to comment on the difference in their finances and income. Fletcher was just very matter-of-fact when he wasn't being so obviously sarcastic.  "I'm looking forward to us taking a look around." And when he heard what all the rest of Xavier's week was likely going to be, Fletcher nodded a bit and then said, "Look at you, getting ahead on your work. Good job, X. And if you end up in meetings or something while I'm here, I can nap it out at the hotel."
One thing he’d quickly grown to love about Xavier was how caring a father he was. Winter and Henry were his children in every way that mattered and he’d been a loving, doting and nurturing father to them which from what Xavier had told him, both children had been lacking–Winter in particular. “You will help them, and because you will, they’ll be great in their paths in life.” He’d really had no doubt in that and knew the two kids were just as lucky to have him as he was, them. He smiled a bit, “Maybe he’ll be able to channel that Pokemon mastery into a career path. Hell, if I knew as a kid that people made money from playing video games, maybe I would’ve gotten into them more than I did.”
When asked if he was alright, Fletcher glanced down at Xavier, “Yeah, just thinking is all but I’m listening.” He leaned over and pressed an assuring kiss to his boyfriend’s forehead and then heard him answer about the Empire State Building. “A movie night, huh? I didn’t know that.” He cracked a small, crooked smile about it seeming right for Xavier and him going to the top together. “Another first with me, huh?” He’d looked to the doors as the elevator slowed to a stop but spoke to Xavier again. “I’m glad we’re doing this together too. The view’s gonna be wild, I’m sure.”
Xavier let a light-hearted chuckle fall from his lips as he walked hand in hand with his boyfriend. He enjoyed all of Fletcher's reactions to his responses and the banter they partook in was just one of Xavier's favorite things about their relationship. A gentle smile appeared against his features at Fletcher telling him he liked nice things too but couldn't always afford them. Xavier was just happy with the chance to spoil him and his family. "Yeah, and this economy is bonkers too but I hope you'll let me continue spoiling you." He nudged him with a grin. He would never want to make his boyfriend uncomfortable but he'd try to do little things here and there for him. "Me too! And I must get a car seat for Phoebe too so you can help me with that since I'm clueless about those things." He did feel very accomplished with his work in his last week in New York City but he owed it all to wanting to get home and spend all the time he could with the people he loved. "Thank you, thank you. A nap sounds nice! You need it, that's for sure, baby."
Thinking about the future of his children worried Xavier but he also looked forward to seeing them grow up. They have only been in his life for such a short time but he felt like they have been a family forever.  Imagining Winter going off to university and Henry starting high school often got him teary-eyed. They meant so much to him. "Thank you for saying that. I plan on making sure they get where they want to be." He smiled at Fletcher's comment. "Yeah, I mean look at Riley but what you're doing now, you're incredible at it. You have such a talent. I know I'm biased here but I mean it. I've seen your Instagram, and seen the comments from people who admire your work. Now that you've mentioned it though, I'm curious about Fletcher as a kid. When you were Henry's age, what were you into?"
Smiling at the kiss, he then nodded in response to the movie night. "Yeah, it seems nice." Xavier laughed and waited to be out of earshot from the elevator operator and murmured, "Always popping my cherries." When they stepped out, Xavier's smile widened immediately. There weren't too many people at the top mostly because it was mid-week in the middle of the day and because reservations were hard to get but man was it breathtaking. "Oh, wow. Take a look at that."
"Tell me about it," Fletcher agreed when Xavier commented about the economy. But he squeezed his boyfriend's hand. "As long as you don't go crazy with it, you can still be my lowkey sugar daddy," he teased a bit. Considering much of the spoiling had been for his family and not him directly, Fletcher had been fine with it. The fact that Xavier was keeping his uncle and daughter in mind while talking of car shopping for his own family was spoiling for him. And Xavier organizing the sip and see for Phoebe was extremely sweet as well. He knew the gift giving was a love language of Xavier's as well and since Xavier wasn't taking away from Fletcher still being able to do things for himself and his family, he wasn't bothered. "Don't worry, babe, I'll help you out with the car seat."
He'd gone from thinking about a nap to thinking about Winter and Henry and he smiled a bit, listening to Xavier. "I know you will." He nodded a bit, "Yeah, although Riley makes money from designing the games, not playing them, right?" And when Xavier turned the conversation to him, Fletcher took the compliments in humble silence but raised a brow when he asked about him when he was younger. "Young Fletcher was a little shit. Just ask Drew," he snorted and then abruptly stopped. "Actually, don't ask him. He's got too many stories." He glanced up in thought and let out a pensive sigh, "Let's see, when I was around Henry's age, I was into the Niners, *Xena: Warrior Princess*, *Street Fighter* and *The Legend of Zelda*, and being a little shit to anyone who criticized or made fun of me. What were you like?"
He grinned at Xavier's cherry-popping comment and then quipped, "And what an honor it is." He stepped out of the elevator but his gaze had been on Xavier until the younger man indicated the view. Fletcher looked out and gently parted his lips. He'd never seen NYC like this before and all he could manage to say then was, "...Shit..." at the seemingly endless skyline. "What a view."
"Oh, yeah? I kinda love that." He grinned at his boyfriend's words, glad that he was open to him getting him a few things here and there. He brought their joined hands to his lips and kissed Fletcher's knuckles. "Thanks, love." Xavier smiled at the other, keeping his gaze on him when Fletcher wasn't looking. It made him incredibly happy having the older man in his life and to hear that he felt the same as Xavier did had put him on cloud nine. He felt so lucky to have found someone to share all the big and little things with and was even more grateful that it seemed to have happened at the right time for both of them. It was one of those times where the stars really did align.
"That's right. Luna does the playing." He chuckled, finding it curious his best friend and Khamani's wife found each other on that island. It really was wonderful how they were all in each other's lives now. "He started telling me a few things but hasn't gone to deep into stories. I'll get some from him soon though. I'm sure you were a little shit though." He laughed. "Oh no, no. You've activated curious Xavier and you know I'm relentless." Xavier bit his bottom lip as Fletcher went on. "Oh! Xena! I love Xrna and Hercules too! All the greats I see and of course you were dishing it out even then." Xavier flashed him an easy-going smile. "Me? I was bossy. Always telling Clayton what to do and just wanting things a specific way. My dad insisted I was a perfectionist but I'd say I just liked things a certain way." He smirked. "Had a great deal of anxiety so I joked around a lot to get over it. Was the class clown, loved to hear people laugh. There was always something electric about it all. I was obsessed with Toy Story especially Buzz Lightyear. Power Rangers were everything to me aaaanddd I had a giant crush on the pink ranger."
Xavier then laughed again. "And the green ranger." He sighed softly and then let his gaze fall on the scenery before it shifted toward his boyfriend. "Yeah...shit." He walked  over to get the best view of the city line and beyond. "This is truly stunning. I see why it's considered so romantic." He wiggled his brows comically and chuckled. After a few minutes of taking it all end, he added, "Thank you for coming here. Grand gestures...they're kind of my weak spot you know." He gave Fletcher's hand a squeeze, "thank you, my love."
"Want me to start calling you 'Sugar' or 'SD' for short?" he joked although he wasn't totally opposed to calling Xavier 'sugar' when he already called him 'sweetheart'. Both were fitting pet names for his boyfriend in his eyes. There were moments where being there in NYC with him felt absolutely surreal. But the hand squeezing and kissing with Xavier grounded him all over again. Eventually, he'd end up telling him how this wasn't his first time in the big apple and how he'd actually been born here and still remmwbered parts of it from childhood. But now wasn't the time to open that Empire State-sized can of worms.
"Ugh. Yeah I'm sure it won't take much for you to get those stories from him," he replied with a faux soured face. "But yeah, I was. Drew and the assistant principal knew each other on a first name basis when I was in middle school, and I wasn't much better for most of high school." He wasn't necessarily proud of it now but back then, it took him time to grow up and mamage his anger and resentment in ways other than mouthing off to people and getting into fights. He smirked and raised his brows, a bit surprised hearing that Xavier was bossy. "Really? That's hard to picture, you being bossy. But how much did your brother actually listen to you?" The organization made sense. He knew Xavier kept a clean home and car, and when he cooked, he was good at cleaning as he went. "Class clown doesn't surprise me but Toy Story, huh?" He liked learning these things about Xavier, including the Power Ranger crushes. "I mean, who *didn't* have a crush on Kimberly?" he chuckled a bit and then grinned when Xavier added the green ranger to his crushes.
He took in the view around them, still keep his hand in Xavier's while committing as much of the moment to memory. Not just the sight but being up there with someone he loved and felt glad to be sharing this moment with. He looked to Xavier, really looked into his eyes and smiled warmly. "I'm learning that. And I'm glad we did this." He kept his eyes on his boyfriend for a bit longer before leaning in and kissing him on his full lips. His free hand came up to cup his jaw and cheek and when he drew back, he told him, "I love you," followed by another brief, tender kiss. "Do you want to take a couple pictures up here before we head back down?"
Xavier smiled at the pet name. “Sugar reminds me of Rogue from X-Men.” His smiled widened a bit more at the thought. “I’ll just call you mon amour.” Xavier adored the idea even though every time Fletcher called him ‘sweetheart’ , it did something to him. He couldn’t explain it but he knew he loved it.
Xavier listened intently, smiling as Fletcher spoke. He knew that the other had been a trouble maker when he was a lot younger and knew that Drew was responsible for his turn around. “And look at you now. Still a trouble maker but in a hot way.” His smile grew some more. “But seriously, thank goodness for Drew. You just needed the right guidance and he made sure you got it. I wonder if we would have been friends. Like, if the age gap wasn’t a thing. And yeah really! I was bossy but Clayton never listened.” He laughed and shook his head thinking about growing up with his twin and with Riley and Athena. “He fell in loved when he was 12 and never looked back.” Xavier smiled. “Look, Toy Story was all the rage. I really wanted to go to Disney World and meet Buzz and get all the merch. We never go to as kids but my parents threw me a Toy Story birthday party and got a character for it and it was delightful.” When Fletcher made his comment about Kimberly he laughed and nodded. “Right?! And Tommy was a crush no one knew about. Not even Riley or Clayton.  Tommy and Prince Caspian are responsible for my bisexual awakening.” He shook his head at himself and then directed his attention to the view. He was sure that he had never felt this way about anyone.  Xavier loved Fletcher fully and wanted to have more memories like this one with him and their families too.  There was nothing in the world that seemed more special.
“Me too.” Xavier whispered, his gaze flickering up to meet Fletcher’s. The slight breeze gave him a little chill down his neck as he returned his boyfriend’s kiss, raising his free hand to rest against Fletcher’s.
He smiled hearing the proclamation for the third time that afternoon and Xavier knew he’d never grow tired of hearing it. “I love you too.” More than he’s ever loved anyone romantically. “And definitely. I’ll make it one of my lock screens and put it on my desk.” He smiled as he pulled his phone from his pocket before accessing the camera and turning it to selfie mode. “You have longer arms, you do the honors.” He handed Fletcher the phone and then pressed a kiss against his cheek as one of the poses.
"I mean, I could say it in a raspy, Southern accent whenever I say it if that does something for you," Fletcher replied seriously, despite the twitch of his lips.
Hus lips did end up forming a sly smirk though and he quipped, "No regrets," at being called a troublemaker by his boyfriend. "Yeah I owe Drew more than I could ever say or do for him." Fletcher knew it wasn't the first time he'd said something like this to Xavier but it was no less true then as it was now. "It's hard to say if we'd be friends or not. I wasn't the kid who gave other kids the 'let's be friends' vibes. I could probably count on one hand the number of people who were friends back then. Weirdly, even though I wasn't the most openly friendly, it didn't really seem to stop people from trying to talk to me or be friends or whatever though." He remained a tentatively listener to Xavier and softly grinned. "Your love for Toy Story's adorable. Are there pictures somewhere of you from this birthday party? But Tommy and Prince Caspian, huh? You like your brunettes, don't you?" He chuckled and kissed the side of Xavier's head, and then got to looking at the view with his love.
While he prepared to take his phone from his back pocket, he listened to Xavier and chuckled, "Oh is that all?" He smiled and then chuckled again, accepting Xavier's phone. "Sure thing, sugar," he answered with his best Rogue impression, positioning the camera and  smiling softly as Xavier kissed his cheek. He took the picture and then turned his head to nuzzle Xavier's temple for another picture before muttering, "C'mere," tilting his head to meet his lips for a kiss. He remembered to tap the camera button a couple of times before drawing back and then asked, "Should we take one where we're *both* looking at the camera?"
Xavier glanced over at his boyfriend with a smirk and then chuckled softly. "You do that and we're not leaving the hotel room after we eat."
"hm, I bet." Xavier kept his smirk. "Bad influence is what you are." He replied playfully thinking how much he loved Fletcher for who he was. He then smiled gently at the mention of Drew who had become someone Xavier respected and appreciated in such a short time. "Remind me to thank him a million times for everything." He was a rock for Fletcher. He was his boyfriend's anchor and he'd go as far as saying he was his savior and if not for him, perhaps Xavier would have never met him and his boyfriend wouldn't have had the opportunity to know what true parents were like. "I could see that. All of that. I was a little awkward. A lot went into that with being one of the only black kids in my class raised by a white family. So comedy...that's how I made friends. But I probably would have been one of those trying to be your friends." He sighed, holding on to Fletcher's hand, enjoying the easy conversation. He felt his cheeks flush at being called adorable for liking Toy Story. "Aw shucks, thank you." He then nodded. "I know my parents have tons. I'll have them send me some to show you. Also, just remembered their Facebook has photos. And you know what? yeah, I do—troublemakers with a big-ass heart brunettes. I'm a giant sucker for those." He laughed as well, completely engrossed in their moment.
"Yeah, that's all." He chuckled too and then bit his lip as he smiled at Fletcher's Rogue impression. "Oh, you're in trouble now." Forgetting they were taking pictures, Xavier closed his eyes momentarily as his boyfriend nuzzled his temple, letting a soft laugh fall from his lips before they were met with Fletcher's pair. He nodded at the question that came next and Xavier softened his gaze, admiring his troublemaker before looking at the camera with a giant smile.
Once the photos were taken, he pocketed his phone and continued admiring the view. "We'll get our sandwiches to go and then you can do whatever you want with me." His gaze flickered up to meet his boyfriend's eyes. "Make some fantasies come true. Anything." He reached up to gently run his fingers through the side of Fletcher's hair. "Proper thank you for coming out here for me, mon amour."
"You say that like it's a threat, but all I hear is a challenge." Fletcher met his boyfriend's smirk with one of his own and started thinking about Southern accents.
"Moooi? A bad influence?" He said, faux shock with his free hand pointing to his own chest. "Well that's just painfully accurate." He knew as much and didn't actually have a problem with this description of himself. And he listened to Xavier, speaking kindly and highly of his uncle while not knowing the full extent of how much Drew deserved all the thanks. One day, Fletcher would tell him about his parents and why he ended up I'm Drew's care, but today wasn't that day. He was far too happy and had plenty to relish about their time and having told Xavier he loved him. He listened to the younger man and sobered a bit hearing some of the reason behind Xavier leaning into comedy and being the class clown. Fletcher squeezed his hand, "I can't imagine what that had been like growing up especially. The fucking stupidity of some people." He lifted their joined hands to kiss Xavier's, and then let their hands remain held at their sides. A small grin appeared at Xavier's "type" and then he chuckled, "A half dozen tattoos might be a bonus to that, hm?"
He'd taken a few more pictures for them and then arched his brows, "No, no, I'm the trouble-maker, not the trouble-getter." He kissed Xavier on his lips and had taken a couple more pictures before handing the phone back to his boyfriend. "Oh really? Hot damn, sweetheart. Say less." He smirked and pressed another, lingering kiss to Xavier's lips, his free hand cupping Xavier's neck while gliding his thumb along the Brit's jaw. "We better get outta here or we'll never make it to getting sandwiches."
"Take it as you will." Xavier shook his head all the while stealing a glance at Fletcher's smirk only for his lips to do the same.
"Uh yes! But I kinda sorta love this bad influence so I guess it's okay." Xavier teased Fletcher. He loved the way his boyfriend challenged him and taught him new things. He had become open to exploration he wouldn't have known about if not for meeting him and it was just one of the reasons Xavier had fallen for the other. He smiled softly at Fletcher's reaction to how and why Xavier had chosen comedy. "Mm. I blame the parents. I always said if kids are out there spewing unkind things, what are the parents teaching them? It's okay though look at me now, bitches!" He laughed. "Kidding. Kind of. Nah, eat shit." He laughed again, his expression melting at the sight of Fletcher kissing their joined hands. Little gestures were just as incredible as the big ones. "The tattoos were definitely a bonus. I got myself a baddie." He playfully nudged Fletcher with his shoulder and grinned.
"I think you can be both." He laughed and kissed his boyfriend. If he could, he'd devour him there. Xavier took the phone from Fletcher and quickly sent them to him, a smirk landing on his face at Fletcher's words. He looked up at him and returned the kiss, turning to face him completely, a sly little smirk playing against his lips. "We need to eat. Sustenance. I saw my trainer this morning so I have a lot of energy..." He chuckled and went back to taking Fletcher's hand, gesturing toward the elevator. "I need you to wipe me out."
"You know I will," Fletcher quipped. And then he gave Xavier a questioning glance, "You *kinda sorta* love the bad influence thing?" He pecked Xavier's temple and then gazed out at the skyline as the two of them continued to talk. But his eyes fell back on his boyfriend when they got back to talking about what kids were like when Xavier was growing up. "Eh, yeah parents can be a big part but other dumbass people are influences too. Peer pressure and shit like that. I'd had idiots I'd gotten into fights with because their friends were idiots too and they were just copying what the other was saying or doing." After squeezing Xavier's hand, he said, "Yeah you better own that. You're amazing, smart, handsome, loving, sexy, successful, and funny." When he lowered their hands between them, he chuckled, "The baddie and the zaddy," pointing between the two of them.
"Eh, I can be and I have been. But in this case, I just wanna make a little trouble." He kissed Xavier deeply, only reluctantly lightening the kiss to mutter against his lips. "Didn't you say room service was a thing?" He kissed the corner of his mouth and to his jaw, heading to his neck where he murmured, "You need that, huh? Well I've been sitting on an airplane for hours so I've got plenty of energy that needs to be used up." He nipped Xavier's ear and then lifted his head, "Let's go. You've got me wanting to show you how much I love you, and wanting to fulfill that need of yours all at once."
Xavier loved the banter. Fletcher never had a problem keeping up and conversations were always easy even when they were teasing one another. "Okay, I really fucking love it." He smiled at the kiss against his temple, sighing contently. Even amid heavier topics, Xavier and Fletcher found ways to support each other and still find some levity. He nodded in agreement to Fletcher's response. "You're right. There was plenty of that growing up. Sorry that you had to deal with it too." Xavier listened intently, a smile forming on his lips, the warmth rising in his cheeks. If he smiled any harder, his cheeks would begin to hurt. "You're complimentary today." He grinned once more. "Ohhh I like that. The baddie and the Zaddy." Xavier knew he had struck gold with Fletcher and he'd make sure his boyfriend was reminded of that as often as possible.
"Only a little?" Xavier closed his eyes, returning the kiss as a part of him wondered if there was anywhere they could run off to but thankfully the hotel wasn't too far away. "Room service is always a thing..." He bit the inside of his cheek and then the corner of his lips as he tried to focus. By now, Fletcher knew exactly where his weakest spots were and he was hitting some of them now. "Mm hmm. Desperate." He barely got the words out secretly wishing there was no elevator operator. "There are better things you can do for hours." He chuckled, grabbing his boyfriend's hand and pulling him toward the elevator to leave for the hotel.
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justforbooks · 1 year
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“I always felt like the kid that sat at the foot of the gods,” said Treat Williams, who has died aged 71 following a road accident. And it is true that the first decade of his movie career was dominated by one high-calibre director after another.
John Sturges put the doughy-faced, darkly handsome actor toe-to-toe with Michael Caine in The Eagle Has Landed (1976), adapted from Jack Higgins’s novel about a plot to kidnap Winston Churchill. Miloš Forman gave Williams his first lead, as the hippie Berger in the screen version (1979) of the 1967 musical Hair. He was an ill-tempered army corporal in Steven Spielberg’s wartime comedy 1941 (also 1979). Sidney Lumet drew on his cocksure swagger and his air of moral ambiguity in Prince of the City (1981), a thriller about police corruption. And Sergio Leone cast him as a union boss in the gangster epic Once Upon a Time in America (1984).
It was Lumet’s film that announced Williams as a formidable talent, with a special aptitude for ensemble playing. He starred as Danny Ciello, a corrupt drugs squad detective who becomes increasingly isolated as he informs on his colleagues in the elite Special Investigations Unit. The character was based on the detective Robert Leuci. Williams lived with Leuci while preparing for the part. He also attended drug busts and hung out with police officers. “By the time we started rehearsals, I was thinking like a cop,” he said.
Janet Maslin in the New York Times commended the “playful, arrogant, effectively brazen quality” of his portrayal. Equally integral is the seam of self-disgust that runs through Ciello, first when he is exploiting his power over drug addicts and dealers, then when he turns on his own kind.
Williams went on to display a menacing eroticism in Smooth Talk (1985), directed by Joyce Chopra and based on Joyce Carol Oates’s 1966 short story Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? When he turns up in the second half of the film as Arnold Friend, a vision of adult masculine prowess that the teenage protagonist (Laura Dern) seems to have been yearning for, he is simultaneously ridiculous, alluring and intimidating.
Williams was born in Stamford, Connecticut, and raised in nearby Rowayton, the son of Richard, a pharmaceuticals executive, and Marian (nee Andrews), an antiques dealer who also ran a sailing school. He was educated at Kent school, Connecticut, where he first began acting, and at Franklin & Marshall College, Pennsylvania. He studied in New York at the Actors Studio, where his classmates included Mickey Rourke, and was hired as understudy to four parts (including Doody, played on stage by John Travolta) in the Broadway production of Grease. Eventually he took over the lead role of Danny Zuko, which he played for three years.
Having already appeared on stage in the London production of The Ritz, Terrence McNally’s comedy about a hounded businessman hiding out in a gay bath-house, he was then cast in Richard Lester’s 1976 movie version.
Auditioning for the film of Hair was a lengthy and arduous process. During his 12th audition, he recalled: “I started removing all of my clothing. At the end of the monologue, I was standing stark naked in front of them … They applauded, and I told them: ‘This is all that I’ve got, I don’t know what else I can give you.’” It was enough.
Discouraged when Hair, 1941 and the comedy Why Would I Lie? (1980) continued a run of box-office flops, he began an alternative career flying planes in Los Angeles. A call from Lumet, who was looking for an un-starry and largely unknown cast for Prince of the City, put him back on track.
He continued to alternate between film and theatre, following Lumet’s picture by appearing in Ohio in Carlo Goldoni’s farce The Servant of Two Masters and on Broadway taking over from Kevin Kline as the Pirate King in The Pirates of Penzance. On television, he played the boxer Jack Dempsey in the TV movie Dempsey (1983), Stanley Kowalski – opposite Ann-Margret as Stella – in A Streetcar Named Desire (1984), the title role in J. Edgar Hoover (1987) and the super-agent Michael Ovitz, co-founder of CAA, in The Late Shift (1996), for which he was Emmy-nominated.
In Things to Do in Denver When You’re Dead (1995), he played a thug working as an undertaker and using corpses as punch-bags. He was also in the noir-ish Mulholland Falls, the superhero adventure The Phantom (both 1996) and the thriller The Devil’s Own (1997), starring Harrison Ford and Brad Pitt.
Better than these were two projects that displayed his versatility: the monster movie Deep Rising (1998), in which he does battle with sharp-fanged sea-serpents, and The Deep End of the Ocean (1999), starring Williams and Michelle Pfeiffer as a couple reunited with their son many years after he was kidnapped.
He starred in Woody Allen’s Hollywood Ending (2002), played James Franco’s father in Danny Boyle’s 127 Hours, and the writer Mark Schorer in Howl (both 2010), which also starred Franco as Allen Ginsberg. He had a recurring role on the series Everwood (2002-06), as a widowed neurosurgeon settling in Colorado with his children, and on the cop drama Blue Bloods (2016-23). He also appeared in many Hallmark channel productions, including the series Chesapeake Shores (2016-22), as well as the Netflix musical Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square (2020).
He is survived by his wife, Pam Van Sant, whom he married in 1988, and their children, Gill and Ellie.
🔔 Richard Treat Williams, actor, born 1 December 1951; died 12 June 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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rhpsdys · 1 year
below the cut is raine's 1940s las vegas verse from b.accano campaign that i forgot to post. it's also been added to their carrd.
Born in Bushwick, Brooklyn to one human parent and one elven one, Raine was raised with a foot in two worlds. They had an early passion for music, and it became evident around age five that they had been granted magic a few years earlier in 1920 — while plucking out notes on the piano at a friend's house, they inadvertently cast a prestidigitation cantrip, and the resulting magical effect drew attention to their powerful abilities at such a young age. They enrolled in music classes, where their prodigious skills became evident, learning not only the piano, but the flute, the guitar, and finally the violin at a rapid pace.
At age eight, they were accepted into the pre-college program at Juilliard, where they studied primarily violin along with the rest of the classic string ensemble instruments. They furthered their studies with private lessons in the woodwinds, and continued to teach themself guitar. Over the next ten years, Raine practiced, improved, and mastered over half a dozen different instruments. Raine then completed their Bachelor of Music degree in Violin and Graduate Diploma in Historical Performance, completing all studies by age 23. They auditioned for the New York Philharmonic, and at 24 were hired playing Second Violin. By 28 they were promoted to First Violin.
Even within this exceptional ensemble, comprised of the country's most accomplished musicians, Raine rose through the ranks swiftly; they were talented and hardworking, but while they remained passionate about the music itself, the uptight and formal nature of such a prestigious formal organization was constricting and tempered their love of playing.
Turning back the clock a bit...
Halfway through high school, Raine's family moved to Manhattan — their mother Kali got a raise at work that allowed them to move closer, making Raine's commute to and from Juilliard easier. At their new school, they met Eda — class clown, lacrosse star, and directionless but gifted kid. The two became fast friends, and Raine fell for her HARD. They started going out shortly after graduation, and Eda's wild and carefree spirit was the escapism Raine needed to continue finding the passion in their music as they made their way through school. They were in love with her, even planned on marrying her one day. Sometimes, more frequently than they'd care to admit, Raine considered dropping out of school, to just go off and be a street performer, or play in dimly lit bars, or even just sitting on the floor of the tiny apartment they shared, making music for and with Eda — their love, their muse, their biggest cheerleader, and their best friend.
But Eda was not without her own demons, and Raine found themself in the position of needing to provide for both of them. Over time, life in New York became too difficult to maintain, as the war came and went, and as magic usage — especially by those who came from other planes — was strictly regulated. In 1946, Raine made the difficult decision to resign from the Philharmonic, and the pair moved from NYC to Las Vegas in hopes of finding more financial success, while working a lower-stress job (lol) that would give them the flexibility needed to continue taking care of Eda, whose situation was worsening. Raine begins playing more jazz than classical — something they thrive at due to its loose and improvisational nature. They gig around at various bars and clubs, and they love it — but concern for Eda is always on the forefront of their mind, and tensions between the two have only seem to grow since their move.
also apparently eda accidentally helped make the liquor of immortality (alba just informed me of this like 2 seconds ago god bless)
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d-l-dare · 2 years
The sun shone brightly through the taxi's windshield, making it difficult to keep from squinting as we made our way to the airport. It was a warm mid-summer day, and the streets were about as busy as you can imagine. Along the sidewalks, there were crowds of people so large that you'd see someone walk in and never make it back out. A sea of people, all swarming to greet the beautiful day. Of course, I'd be spending most of my day out of the sun.
I had spent the last few days exploring New York City. I'm traditionally a yoga instructor, but after a year and a half, my higher-ups allowed me a week's vacation. I had decided that the one place I'd always wanted to go was to see the big apple. Exploring Time Square and seeing so many phenomenal Broadway shows, was all incredibly expensive, but it was an amazing experience. Especially with the friends I'd made there in that short time. I have to remind myself to go back next year.
After a while, the taxi finally pulled up to the airport. The building stood over me, casting a dark shadow, reminding me that my 'fun in the sun' had come to an end.
I reached for the cool glass door, noticing that there weren't many people inside. It was strange. You'd think that, with it being the middle of summer, more people would want to be traveling. I didn't mind though. That only meant that the plane wouldn't be so crowded on the way back to my home town of San Diego.
The woman behind the desk was friendly, greeting me with a warm smile as she asked for my ID before letting me get a plane ticket. As our exchange occurred, I couldn't help but notice the blue chairs in the waiting area, most of which were empty. The one chair that drew my attention was one that wasn't quite as empty. From what I could tell, there was a pair of sunglasses, sitting perfectly folded in the center of the chair. It piqued my curiosity enough that after I got my ticket, I sat down in the chair next to it.
I'd waited patiently for several minutes to see if anyone was going to come back for them. Nobody did.
I can't really explain why these headphones drew my attention so much. Perhaps it was how out of place it felt for them to have a seat all their own. Eventually, They called for my flight to be boarded. With nobody else coming to claim the sunglasses, I took them and put them on. There wasn't anything too special about them, looking through. Surely, it was a relief to not have the light intruding on my vision, but with the lenses being scuffed, they were far from favorable to be wearing.
I took them off as I sat down, placing them in my purse, just next to me.
Roughly an hour into my flight, I grew bored. I needed something to do to keep my mind busy, and the music I was listening to was boring me even further. I decided to give the sunglasses another examination. They were wire framed. The shape of them looked like something from the 80's, like something a cop would wear. The lenses were dark enough that you could barely see anything through them from the front. When I put them on, they felt extremely comfortable, as if they fit my head perfectly. It was a surprise, as wireframe sunglasses usually cut into my skin just behind my ears. With them still on, I looked all around me. The fade from the sunglasses made the world around me feel somewhat crisper, like watching your favorite movie in high quality for the first time. I continued turning my head until it reached the aisle, where there was a man. He was standing in the aisle, staring down at me, slightly hunched over. The sudden closeness made me jump.
I took the sunglasses off my face and began to ask what he was doing, but when they were off of my face, he was nowhere to be found. In looking around for him, I noticed a couple of weird looks coming from the few people in the cabin around me. I returned my eyes to the sunglasses and shrugged. Maybe he knew I noticed him and he ran away.
Slipping the sunglasses back on, I noticed a familiar shadow looming over me. Looking to the aisle again, I saw the same man staring down at me with his piercing blue eyes. He was breathing heavy enough that I expected to feel his hot breath on me, yet I felt nothing.
I lowered my sunglasses, only to realize that he was missing in the parts outside of the sunglasses.
"Who are you?" I asked in a lowered voice, hoping to avoid being looked at weirdly. "And why are you staring at me?"
For a few moments, he just continued to stare at me. I was feeling incredibly uneasy at this point, panicking internally. I knew I had to hide it, otherwise the others around me would see me as crazy.
"You found my sunglasses," he said, his voice low and monotone.  I had so many question running through my head, yet none of them could escape my lips. I just watched as he continued to stare down at me. It was hard to tell if he was angry with me or what. I only knew that his eyes never once looked away from me.
I took the glasses off of my face and put them back in my purse. I figured that if I couldn't see him, he would eventually just go away. Several minutes had passed and I had almost forgotten about the mysterious invisible man. That was until I heard his disembodied voice in my ear. "You can't escape me."
My head jerked to the side, where the voice was coming from. I somehow expected to see something but still, there was nothing. "What do you want from me?" I asked quietly, looking down at my phone, as to not draw attention to myself. "If you want the sunglasses back, I'll give them to you."
"Why do you not look at me?" the man asked in his dry, monotone voice. "I grant you sight, yet you do not look?"
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Mentally, I was asking him to go away. I hoped that if I didn't acknowledge him, he would possibly lose interest. This, unfortunately, was not the case. He continued to beg me to look at him for what felt like an eternity. I put my headphones on, hoping it would drown out his voice. I closed my eyes and found myself getting lost in the soft melodies. I leaned back in my seat and relaxed.
"It'll all be over soon," I told myself. "I'll take a nice, warm shower when I get home and feel ready to take on the day when I wake up for work tomorrow."
"That's what you think," the man's voice boomed over my headphones, startling me awake with a gasp. I ripped the headphones from my ears and turned to where I knew he was at.
"Leave me alone!" I shouted.
Immediately, I had drawn the attention of the flight attendant, "Is everything okay over here, ma'am?"
I nodded, looking around to find that all eyes were on me. I noticed a few people whispering to the person next to them, their eyesight narrowly escaping me.
I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. I'm a yoga instructor after all.
"If there's anything you need, just ask, okay?" the flight attendant said politely before walking to the back and disappearing behind a blue curtain.
After I made sure the attention was away from me, I carefully put my sunglasses back on. "What the hell is your problem?" I asked in a hushed voice.
"You have my sunglasses," he said.
"I know, you've told me that already," I said. "I found them at the airport and nobody wanted them. I'm sorry sir, do you want them back?"
"No!" his voice boomed, sending shivers down my spine. "You've found them, now they're yours forever."
"What does that even mean?" I asked. "Are you just going to follow me around with them, or what? Why are you here?"
In hearing those words, a burst of cruel laughter escaped his lips as he threw his head back. "It is not just I that will follow you," he said.
"These sunglasses are a beacon to the undead. You can hear them. You can see them. They will forever be all around you."
*** Yoga teaches you many things in the form of relaxation. Finding your inner peace, and being able to truly center yourself. And somehow, in the madness of my situation, I have slowly been able to find peace. With the voices haunting me, saying things in varying tones, following me everywhere I go. Somehow, I have found peace with it. It took a lot of practice, locking myself away from the world. There's no way I could continue work as a yoga instructor, pretending to relax, as to not alarm any of my students by the random agitation of trying to shoe away voices that only I can hear.
And as for the sunglasses, I think I've figured out a way to get rid of them. I just need to give them so someone else. To get them as far away from me as possible. Oh, sweet freedom, oh, how I crave you.
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bllsbailey · 1 month
Iran Wants Trump Eliminated by Election Day
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The Islamic regime in Iran is trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump, with hopes of doing so by Nov. 5, Election Day.
Multiple governmental sources associated with U.S. allies across the Mideast have informed me of the danger.
In the assessments of several governments, the Iranian regime has made clear it wants to rid itself of Trump — and it believes it must do so by Election Day.
The ayatollahs' mortal animus against Trump is not a secret.
After Trump ordered a Baghdad drone missile strike in January 2020 that successfully killed Qassem Soleimani, head of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps), Tehran vowed bloody revenge.
Soleimani was a revered figure within the regime's base of supporters, second only in power to Ayatollah Khamanei.
Now, with the U.S. election race close, the power figures believe Iran's growing status as a regional Mideast powerhouse will be at serious risk if the former president returns to the White House.
Throughout his campaign, Trump has repeatedly promised that if elected, he will stop the regime's nuclear weapons program and defund it with crippling sanctions.
"Iran is very close to having a nuclear weapon, which would have never happened," Trump said in his keynote address to the Republican National Convention last month in Milwaukee.
"This is a shame ... the damage that this administration has done," Trump told the nation.
Trump blames the Biden administration for the resurgence of Iran's nuclear program and its misdeeds across the region in the wake of Oct. 7.
"Iran was broke. Iran had no money," Trump said during the convention. "Now Iran has $250 billion. They made it all over the last 2 1/2 years. They were broke."
When the former president says "Iran" he means the Islamic regime that overthrew the shah and took power in 1979.
Trump has vowed repeatedly to use sanctions and make that regime broke, a result the mullahs cannot accept.
Today, killing Trump remains Tehran's safest option and its highest priority next to growing the country's nuclear program.
One U.S. intelligence source tells me that safeguarding Trump at rallies and keeping his private plane secure remains a challenge for the Secret Service.
In the past the assassination of a former president, U.S. leader, or presidential candidate would have drawn serious repercussions for an aggressor state.
But friendly sources throughout the region say the Islamist rulers believe they are immune from serious reprisals from the U.S. if they succeed in killing Trump.
The ayatollahs' allies and their terror groups openly claim on social media and in private conversations that Trump will not be a worry because they believe he won't be alive on Election Day.
As Trump's term drew to an end, the regime's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said publicly Trump was in his agencies' crosshairs, promising "revenge on the orderer and killer of Qassem Soleimani."
Since then, the regime's leaders have made multiple verbal threats on Trump's life.
Last year, IRGC Cmdr. Amir Ali Hajizadeh said on a television program, "We are seeking to, Allah willing, kill Trump and [former Secretary of State Mike] Pompeo."
And just before last month's unsuccessful assassination attempt on Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, the U.S. had received intelligence of a regime-backed plot to kill Trump.
While the information prompted the Secret Service to take steps to beef up security, the rally near miss shows just how vulnerable Trump remains.
In court filings made public this month, the Department of Justice alleged that a Pakistani man with ties to Iran traveled to New York City to lead an effort to assassinate Trump in late August or early September.
The DOJ documents indicated other current and former U.S. officials were also being targeted by Tehran.
U.S. law enforcement has also revealed that Trump's campaign has been targeted by the regime with cyberattacks, including a recent and sophisticated hack of an aide's email account.
The backdrop to the growing danger to Trump is the U.S.'s belief the Islamic regime is believed to be just weeks away from acquiring a nuclear device.
Last week in an opinion piece I wrote for "Independent Arabiya," I reported that the regime already has acquired tactical nuclear weapons.
Such weapons can be operational at any time at the orders of Khamenei.
My sources indicate Tehran's strategy has been to use the significant funds it has amassed during the Obama and Biden years to purchase smaller tactical nuclear weapons.
At the same time, Iran has been developing the capability to make its own larger nuclear devices.
Tehran has also been using its newfound oil wealth to fund a massive propaganda and influence campaign across the Mideast, Europe, and the U.S.
For Tehran, the stakes are high if it fails to stop Trump, who has promised to greatly reduce Iran's oil revenues.
The stakes are also extremely high for America, Israel, and the West if Iran succeeds in its deadly plan.
Dr. Walid Phares is a noted author, professor and Mideast expert who has appeared regularly on Newsmax, Fox News, and MSNBC.
© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
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magicinaframe-part2 · 9 months
Some Mysteries Don't Get Solved
"I love a mystery. Don't you?"
My imaginary question from an imaginary questioner is something I would occasionally hear spoken in my 20's and 30's and I recall asking the question at one of my jobs; crummy job #2, I believe. What was the context? I can't remember -- and the fact that I can't remember any context says a lot about that job, by the way.
Most people at Tumblr will agree that mysteries are very much part of every human being's life. It's something that we all think about, from time to time. And it accounts for the continuing popularity of movies with police detective and private detective characters.
The movie that I'm thinking about on this cloudy Saturday in New York City presents a mystery with a number of layers. It's easily as memorable as any number of Hollywood movies -- such as CHINATOWN and BODY HEAT. So...it should be as well known, here, in the U.S., as those two movies, but it isn't.
Somewhere, there is information to be found on the Internet as to why the movie is not well known, here, in the U.S.
The name of the movie is BYE BYE BARBARA (1969).
Much of the effectiveness of the way that BYE BYE BARBARA's plot plays out has to do with the way that men and women relate to each other and the concept known as 'femme fatale.'
From the audience's point of view, the mystery for sports journalist Jerome Thomas begins in a bar in Biarritz, France, one evening, when, out of the blue, a beautiful-looking young woman wanders in from the street, barefoot, asking for someone to telephone for a taxi. It's one of those unforgettable moments in life.
Who is she? Is she in some sort of trouble?
Jerome offers to help and brings her back to the little hotel room where he had spent the previous afternoon. The two characters travel together and return by plane to Paris, the following day -- and by the end of Jerome's first workday back in Paris, he finds himself involved in a mystery, a disappearance. And the more that he focuses on this mystery, the more complicated it becomes.
BYE BYE BARBARA, with a running time of 109 minutes, is an absolutely unforgettable contemporary drama, with mystery, psychological, and thriller elements, along with some comedy touches. It's available on DVD with English subtitles. I recommend BYE BYE BARBARA to all movie lovers at Tumblr.
-- Drew Simels
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maddieautobot273 · 10 months
Silk & Cologne - Christmas Special (2)
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Title: All I Want For Christmas Is You - link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 2/10 - The Night Before Christmas - previous chapter (X)
Words: 2.8K+ words
Summary: Lisa arrives at Aunt May's cottage and catches up with the Spider-gang, meanwhile Miguel is running behind schedule.
Parker Manor - Buffalo, New York - 2 weeks later 
One by one, the guests arrive at the manor, bringing gifts, food, and ingredients to make even more food. Plus cookies, we couldn't forget that. Lisa was one of the last to arrive, hitching a ride with Jessica Drew and her husband. 
Miguel agreed to the idea of spending Christmas with the Spider-gang, so the pair were the last to RSVP to Miles. They still had a wonderful dinner with Gabriel and Dana after their talk, even hitting the ice rink at Rockefeller Center afterwards. Lisa lost count of how many times she nearly fell over or tripped herself, but she got better over the course of the night, especially with Dana teaching her.
That night in fact she had done a lot of skating with Dana. Not that she was complaining, Dana was an absolute delight that night. Lisa used the opportunity to reconnect and catch up with her, especially so now that she and Gabriel are dating. 
Speaking of the O’Hara brothers, the two of them were almost like pros. They tried ice hockey and played for their high school teams as a bonding experience when they were younger, so they were complete naturals. Naturals to the sense where they’d try to trip each other on the ice. Lisa remembers Dana scolding Gabriel at one point when Miguel just caught himself on the ice, picking himself up and the rest of them just laughed.
Lisa thinks it was the hardest she’s ever seen Miguel laugh in a while, or smile as much as he did.  
She also noticed the brothers talking and whispering among themselves frequently over the course of the night. What were they talking about? Last minute gift ideas? 
Since Miguel and Lisa would be spending Christmas at Aunt May’s Manor, Lisa gave Gabriel and Dana their gifts early over dinner. Dana was over the moon with her bracelet and Gabriel was ecstatic about the new VR game he got. After the double date night, Lisa and Miguel went back to the apartment, exhausted and quickly fell asleep.
From the following morning until the next week, it was getting the last bit of Christmas shopping done, wrapping the last of the gifts, saving the city once or twice, running other important errands until Lisa finally saw Miguel off for his Alchemax business trip. She dropped him off at the airport, hugging him tighter and longer than normal. Miguel didn’t complain and gladly returned the gesture.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” He offered her a reassuring smile. “I promise,”
After he got on the plane, it had been a quiet week. Villainy and crime was at a surprising all time low. Lisa took it as a sign that hopefully even bad guys took a break for the holidays once in a while. 
When she arrived at the manor with Jessica, her husband kind enough to drive and drop them off, Lisa was narrowly bombarded with bear hugs as Miles, Gwen, and Pav surrounded her. 
“You made it!” Miles cheered. 
“I’m here!” Lisa laughed, trying her best to wrap her arms around the three of them. “It’s so good to see you guys,”
“Lemme get that for you Musey,” Hobie approached her, offering the woman a friendly nod as he grabbed her and Jess’s suitcases from the trunk. 
“Thank you, Hobie,” Jessica smiled. “That’s actually nice of you,”
“Heh, I believe in Christmas miracles,” Hobie teased, winking at the pregnant spider-woman before carrying the bags inside. 
Jessica kisses her husband goodbye, reassuring him that if something comes up with the baby, she’ll call him right away. Lisa smiles at the exchange, already missing Miguel, but she tries to stay positive, knowing that he’ll try his best to keep his promise. She reaches into the back seat of the car, carrying a box containing the last of the Christmas presents. 
“Is there still enough room under the tree, May?” Lisa asks with a grin as the group begins to ascend the front porch steps. 
“Surprisingly, though it’s quickly becoming an island of itself,” May chuckled as she let them inside. 
Lisa took a peek inside the grand living room of the manor and the interior was breathtaking. It was like something out of a classic 1920’s movie with a beautiful fireplace, the fire already burning. The Christmas tree was huge, decorated with an arrangement of ornaments, lights, and streamers, it was like something out of a Christmas play. 
Miles was very sweet and took everyone’s coats and brushed off the snow as Lisa carried the box of gifts into the living room. 
“Miguel is coming later?” Pav asked her as he helped her put the presents under the tree. 
“Yeah, he’ll be flying in after he wraps up his business trip,” She nodded as she put the last of the gifts under the tree. “Although it will be cutting it close. They just had to push back the date,”
“If I know Miguel, yes his work is important,” A familiar voice echoed across the room as Peter B. entered the living room with little MayDay strapped into her holster. “But he always comes through,”
“Peter!” Lisa smiled as she got up and offered him a hug. “I didn’t see you come in,”
“Early bird gets the worm as they always say,” Peter B. grinned, gently taking MayDay’s hand to make the toddler wave at Lisa, “MJ and I arrived earlier to help May get started on the food. Say hi to Aunty Lisa May-May!”
“Hweewo,” MayDay smiled brightly, her eyes twinkling with excitement. 
“Hey MayDay, you’ve gotten so big!” Lisa gently ruffled her red hair curls, making the baby laugh. “Picking up a few words too?”
“Yeah, she started talking a couple months back,” Peter B. smiled proudly, immediately taking out his phone. “You wanna see her first word?”
He plays back the video, MJ feeding MayDay some crackers for a snack when the little toddler suddenly yelps. “CRACKER!” 
“Oh my god, that’s so cute!” Lisa fawned, her heart melting at the display. 
“I know right? She does that every time she sees a cracker,” Peter B. laughed. “Oh, I can’t wait to show Miguel, he’s gonna die! Where is the big guy, is he not with you?”
“He’s flying in today actually, coming straight from his business trip,” Lisa nodded. “I’m hoping to hear back from him soon,”
“Well there’s still plenty of holiday activities to help pass the time,” Aunt May smiled. “Gwen, I have to grab more wood for the fire, can you help MJ with preparing dinner?”
“Yes ma’am!” Gwen saluted the elderly woman before sauntering over to the kitchen. 
“You’re the last to arrive, so lemme give you a tour,” Miles offered with a kind smile as he motioned his head to the side, signaling Lisa to follow him. “Come on! You gotta see this place!” 
They end the afternoon with Miles giving Lisa and Jessica a tour of the manor. Perhaps in the future, Lisa may consider looking into owning a place like this with Miguel. Once she gets a couple hundred more paychecks under her belt, she'll refuse to let Miguel cover the whole thing, as he has done in the past. 
As the sun began to go down, the spider-gang had an early dinner and the food was fantastic. Aunt May, MJ, and Gwen outdid themselves with the main course, and everyone brought with them their own little appetizer, a little piece of their home cuisine to make it complete. Bellies full, the gang was left to their own devices as they each began to break off and do their own things. 
Miles was eager to learn how to make christmas cookies so he set off to the kitchen to work on a recipe his mom loaned him. Hobie and Pav went outside to have a snowball fight while Jessica, Aunt May, and MJ relaxed with some tea in the dining room.  
Everyone else was decorating other parts of the house and really getting into the holiday spirit. Gwen notices Lisa hanging out by the window nook in the living room, looking out at the snow. “Everything okay, Lisa?” 
“Yeah, I’m just worried about Miguel. The snow is picking up and he should have been here by now,” Lisa sulked. 
It had been almost all day and no word from him. His plane should have landed by now. In fact, it should have landed hours ago. 
“I’m sure he’ll turn up! If I know Miguel, he’s got a plan for any situation!” Gwen reassures her with a snarky grin. 
Suddenly Lisa’s phone rings. She quickly glances over at the caller ID, seeing the familiar name and selfie. Lisa smiles at the image as she picks up the device in her hand.  
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear!” Gwen declared with a show-woman's voice. 
“Oh shush!” Lisa shoves Gwen playfully before answering her phone.
Miguel reassured Lisa that he'd absolutely be there to spend the holiday with her and the spider-fam. So when Lisa answered the phone, sighing in relief when she heard his voice for the first time in a while, her heart dropped when she heard his explanation. There’s a problem. 
“Your flight got canceled?!” Lisa yelps. 
“All flights to and from New York are canceled. Looks like the blizzard down there is picking up steam,” Miguel groaned in disappointment.
“Oh, Miguel, that’s awful. Are you stranded at the airport?” Her worry begins to bubble up in her stomach. 
“My flight got rerouted to Cleveland to avoid the brunt of the storm. Thankfully I got a hotel nearby for the night, and I’m on the standby list for the next flight out to Buffalo,” he reassures her. 
“Great! When do you fly out?” Her eyes brightened with hopeful enthusiasm. 
“. . . 4;00am Christmas morning,” He answered after a brief hesitation.
“You’re kidding?” Lisa sounds absolutely heartbroken as she slouches in her seat. 
“I’m so sorry, mi amor, I knew you were really looking forward to us all being there together. I promise I’ll get there as soon as I can,” He tells her, his voice trying to soothe her. - my love 
“Well, I’d rather you get here safely than as a frozen icicle,” Lisa sighs, a sad smile on her face. “Or worse,” 
“Hey, I know something that will cheer you up,” Miguel said, sounding optimistic. “Did all my presents make it over there in time?” He asks. 
“Yeah, Aunt May said they came in yesterday. They’re all under the tree,” Lisa glanced over at the large Christmas tree, seeing the pile of presents. 
“Look for a long, rectangular one in red and blue wrapping paper with your name on it,” Miguel instructed and Lisa could hear the smirk in his voice as she began rummaging through the presents.
Lisa finds it, admiring the wrapping briefly. She opens it up to reveal a beautiful box. Pulling off the lid, Lisa peers inside to find a nutcracker! Beautifully crafted, coincidentally it’s uniform is the same colour palette as Miguel’s suit (cause of course it is). “Oh, Miguel, it’s beautiful!” 
“I know you said you were fond of the collection your dad had, so I thought. . . Why not keep the tradition going?” Miguel speaks through the phone. 
“I love it!! Thank you, Miguel,” Lisa nearly tears up as she admires the gift. 
“You’re welcome, mi Mona Lisa. I’ll call you if I hear anything about my flight, but until then, I promise I’ll be there tomorrow,” Miguel smiles over the phone. “Te amo mi amor,”  - I love you my love
“Te amo guapo,” They hang up the phone and Lisa holds up the nutcracker, admiring it in the light. - I love you handsome 
Lisa sets the nutcracker down on the table. With a pep in her step, she sets out to join Gwen and the others in decorating. She was helping them wrap tinsel around the handle rail of the staircase when suddenly a loud scream came from the kitchen. 
“Miles?!” Gwen and Lisa run over to check on him, only to find the poor boy is covered in flour, and cookie dough.
“Help!” He whimpered, coughing out flour from his mouth. 
“What on Earth happened here?” Aunt May looks flabbergasted as she jogs into the kitchen from the dinning room. 
The girls help Miles clean up, brushing the flour off his head and taking his hoodie off. But not before Hobie and Pav snag a quick picture. Miles calls them out on it as May gently wipes his face with a washcloth and Miles looks good as new in no time. 
Pav takes lots of pictures and sends them to Miguel to keep him updated on the night’s festivities. He thought he’d appreciate Miles messing up the cookie batter. Peter B. laughs along with him, but can’t help but feel sorry for his student. 
After the cookies are finally done and baking in the oven, Lisa was walking by the living room when she hears something fall and crack, followed by a whimper. “Oh no!”
She and the Spiders rush in to see little Mayday was playing with her toys. Peter B. must have dropped her off here after hearing Miles scream for help. But it looked like while he was gone, MayDay wanted something extra to play with and accidentally broke the arm of the Nutcracker.
“Oh, MayDay, what happened?” Peter B. scoops her up in his arms, the baby clearly upset about what happened. 
“Swoo-worry,” MayDay looks at Lisa with sad puppy dog eyes.
“Oh, MayDay,” Lisa’s heart aches at the look on her face as she takes the nutcracker in her hands. “. . . You’re not hurt, that’s what matters,” 
“Aww, I’m sorry Lis’, I still feel awful,” Peter B. offers her a sympathetic look. “I have a family friend who’s really good at tinkering and fixing up toys like that. I’ll give him a call tomorrow,” 
“But it’s Christmas,” Lisa gives him a skeptical look. “Nobody is open during the holiday,”
“Tell that to the old geezer that never sleeps,” Peter B. snorted. 
Peter B. leaves to put MayDay to bed for the night, hoping it would calm her down. As the evening progresses, Lisa struggles to figure out a way to keep the broken arm steady, terrified that it will fall off completely. She doesn’t want to call Miguel to tell him what happened, not wanting to upset him. 
“Here, try this,” Miles hands her a small piece of ribbon before she carefully ties it around like he’s wearing an arm cast. 
To her relief, it stays on and keeps the arm elevated! 
“Miles, you’re a life savor, thank you!” Lisa sighs in relief as she gives the boy a hug. 
“Hey, don’t mention it! You helped me out, it was the least I could do,” he offered her a soft smile.
Before long, everyone is winding down for the night, heading to go to sleep in their rooms. All except for Lisa. Lisa can’t bring herself to go to bed and stays in the living room on the window nook, looking out into the front yard, eyes on the driveway. 
She glances over, smiling down at the nutcracker with his makeshift arm cast. Footsteps approach as she looks over to see Aunt May bringing her a blanket and pillow. “I had a feeling you wouldn’t be convinced to move somewhere more comfortable?”
“I guess. . . I was hoping Santa had some magic left tonight?” Lisa shrugs. 
“He’ll show, one way or another. He’ll be even happier to see you knowing you got some rest tonight,” Aunt May gave her a knowing look. 
“For all you know I could be on Santa look out duty, you saw how excited Pav was,” Lisa smirked.
“Get some rest, Lisa,” Aunt May insisted with a kind smile as she handed her the blanket and pillow. “I have a feeling you’ll need it for tomorrow,” 
Lisa is curious but doesn’t dwell too long on what she meant as she watches May leave, turning off the lights. The fire is still kindling as Lisa smuggles up, holding the nutcracker close. She snaps a picture, sending it to Miguel. 'Thinking of you. See you tomorrow <;3'
Putting her phone away, Lisa falls fast asleep. There’s a glint in the nutcracker's eye, like a star flashing in the night sky.
Meanwhile at the Cleveland airport, Miguel is handed his stand by ticket for the following morning and the flight attendant gives him directions for the entrance to the hotel. As he’s walking through the large, bustling hallways, he reaches into his bag, double checking on the one gift for Lisa he didn’t send with the other presents that he wants to give her himself. 
A ring box.
Santa’s got one more trick up his sleeve.
Happy Holidays!
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naoa-ao3 · 10 months
Remy sat in the front seat of a yellow taxi cab with a newspaper open, pretending to read it while his eyes watched the street. He was waiting for a Mr. George Finnegan to finish his business meeting. Mr. Finnegan had a wonderful jewel collection that he would soon be relieved of. Remy was going to do the relieving.
He chewed aimlessly on a stick of gum, the busy sounds of New York surrounding him but he'd long since tuned them out. He wished Finnegan would hurry up, he planed to learn the man's daily habits by driving him around for a few days. He checked his watch, he'd been waiting for damn near two hours. He was getting antcy.
Eventually the doors to the big executive building opened and out strolled Mr. George Finnegan himself, completely unaware of the loss he was about to suffer. Remy didn't feel too bad for him, the man was a multimillionaire and his gems were securely insured.
Finnegan hailed his cab and he nearly caused an accident trying to beat another cab to meet him. The other cab driver yelled an insult at him as he almost clipped his rear bumper and he did his best impression of a Yankee cab driver in return, yelling back and giving the man a dirty gesture.
Finnegan climbed in and he hit the timer, it may not have been a real job but that didn't mean he couldn't make a little money while he was at it, over the past week he'd taken several young ladies all over town.
Finnegan gave him the address and then buried himself in his account book, ignoring his driver. Remy grinned, the more the man ignored him the easier it would be to pick him up again. People so seldom paid attention to the driver. He talked easily in a false Queens accent and babbled on about sports and teams and politics. Finnegan paid him no mind what so ever. Just what he wanted.
He dropped the man off at his apartment, a nice, upscale place with good security. Finnegan tipped him appropriately and grunted a thank you and he pulled out, back into the street just as the rain started. A few more days of this an he would have Finnegan's schedule down to perfection.
He drove down the street with the radio turned down low, almost overpowered by the falling rain. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel and hummed, listening to the DJ speed talk. He switched the station to something a little more mellow. No need to get high strung. He took a corner easily and coasted, it was relaxing to drive. He was pretty sure he had the job in his pocket, there was nothing to stress about.
He saw a figure up ahead waving down his cab. It was a young woman by the looks of it, dress soaked and a scarf over her head. She waved frantically and he slowed, she darted in clumsily in the rain. "Thank God." She said.
"Where to?" He asked, fake accent still in place. "Shame about your dress."
She squeezed her hands together wringing out her evening gloves. "Melody Lane."
He cracked a grin and hoped she'd caught it in the mirror but she was looking out the window, decidedly not interested in him. Still, there was something familiar about her. He drove on for a little while longer. "You know, you look awful familiar." He finally said when he couldn't take it anymore."
She turned to look at him in the mirror and a smile seemed to come to her slowly but it was a sad smile just the same. "How are you, Remy?" She said softly.
He hesitated, it was funny how life threw you curve balls when you least expected it. "Hey Belle."
In an elegant motion she drew the scarf from her head and folded it in her lap. "I didn't recognize you." She said.
He nodded. "Me neither." He studied her face in the mirror for a moment. Once a pone a time he had cherished that face. Once a pone a time, a million life times ago he's loved that face and that voice. Maybe part of him still did but he wasn't sure.
She tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear and watched him. Her eyes looked sad.
An awkward silence filled the cab. It seemed a million years ago that he'd held her. Somewhere in a fairy tale. He'd learned about love with her and but maybe the lesson just hadn't gone very far. He watched her, it was funny how you never really forgot your first love. True he didn't love her the same way anymore and even though he hadn't had much luck lately he knew that wouldn't change.
She didn't ask him why she was in New York because he knew there was probably only one reason and he didn't want to think about it and she didn't ask him, although there were a million possibilities. She didn't even ask him what was up with the cab.
Mostly they just savored the shock of finding each others' company. Who'd have believed they'd meet on a rainy night in New York City? Remy hadn't. But the who'd have thought a grubby little pick pocket would meet the little princess of the Assassin's Guild.
Oh, once a pone a time he'd be able to drive her wild and she him but that was along time ago and if they didn't have anything to talk about it was best they didn't talk about the past. There was too much pain there.
He was nearing her Melody Lane and she was looking out the window. He didn't ask if it was where she was staying. Really there wasn't much to talk about. Whatever they'd had once was long gone.
He stopped the car in front of a large house and she lingered outside the drivers' window looking at him with a faint expression like she was seeing something from long ago and maybe he was too. Then she reached inside her purse and handed him a crumpled fifty It hadn't even been a twenty dollar fare.
She leaned in and he thought for a minute that she was going to kiss him but then she whispered: "Remy, keep the change." She'd just wanted to be close again, just for the briefest of seconds.
Then she turned and walked away into the night. He watched her go and tucked the bill into his shirt. For a split second he was angry with her and the world but then he was only angry with himself and then he wasn't angry at all because there wasn't really anything to be angry about. She hadn't come looking for love and neither had he.
And really both of them had what they wanted, he had freedom and she was the leader of her Assassin's Guild. There wasn't anything else to it. They'd had their shot.
He put the cab in reverse and backed away. He had another long day ahead of him.
Through the too many miles and the too little smiles I still remember you.
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byenycfm · 1 year
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Hawthorn Penrose|| 50 || #P2B || Jude Law || Deceased
How does one articulate perfection into silly words? Silly words we fling about each and every day, turning them into the mundane where once they were born with impact? Charmingly poetic. Poetically handsome. Handsomely full of it. Hawthorn is a pathological liar with grand ideas and an even grander imagination. He’s verbose to the point of nonsense, finding his own words poignant when the majority won’t have a clue to what he means. He’s grown attached to his fame, loving the limelight and the admiration that came with it, never quite coming to terms that his brand name waned years ago. 
There are two sides to Hawthorn Penrose. There’s the truth, and then there’s the retelling of history penned by yours truly. Because truth cracks the lens the writer sees through, Hawthorn has removed that risk altogether and spun an ordinary tale into something that awes party guests, makes audiences applaud him, causes fans to swoon over every word. For the record, these facts are his secrets to keep; they were never meant for the public to ogle nor will they ever become, but for the sake of historical completion, they are the following:
Hawthorn was born as Jack Rush, and just as the name would entail, he suffered in the most mundane ways. His childhood was rich with mid-western charm, flat land for miles and miles, nondescript Ohio surrounding him for scenery. The Rush family was well-off, in spite of the locale, a magnate in the steel industry, but Jack’s interest was never captured by it. As soon as he could, he fled to New York to start writing full-time. It was only when he discovered the invention of embellishment did his success grow. 
Now, the tale that’s been told a thousand times before through paper and voice is disarmingly different. Hawthorn Penrose has been inflicted with pain since before he was born! Rife with poverty and a broken home, a father who died from disease when he was just a boy and a mother who worked three jobs to support herself and her only child. They were robbed, almost died, his mother fell in love with the wrong man to start a new life, only for it to fall apart all over again, and so on and so on. You’ll have to read The Battered Hart for all the remaining details, but the short-end of it is that Mr. Penrose’s life has been an inspiring tale of redemption given his good fortune. Nothing will get in the way of that, not even those pesky facts!
In another volume of his literary genius, bound as a collection of connecting poems, Hawthorn drew again from sorrow, this time from his own romantic saga, ending in the tragedy he banked on.
He had planned to be wed, but a week before the wedding, his fiancee was lying nearly lifeless on her bed. Every day became one more closer to crossing over into that great unknown, the light transcending from within her body to a beacon of immortality among a different plane. He watched with a mixture of grief and longing on each of those torturous days, recounting their fond moments to win her spirit back. On her final day, where he knew time was setting like a rose wilting before your eyes, he married her in a ceremony only witnessed by wife and husband. Her final words were "I do," the last parting gift she could have given to him. Not once are their names spoken so the reader may fully insert themselves for a more cathartic experience, but that irritable truth is that there’s no name given because the lover who inspired the work once threatened to expose him if she wasn’t paid her dues. Last he heard, she was living comfortably somewhere in Miami. How heartbreaking indeed!
With profound success, the scales are always meant to tip slowly in the other direction. Hawthorn's last hit was in 2015. He still writes (writes every day!) but the public hasn't shown their appreciation like they have in the past. Before the outbreak, he was just about to publish his masterpiece. Once all this business is over, he'll be back on the best seller's list and perhaps even treat himself to another Pulitzer! 
Pre Outbreak Occupation:  New York Times Best Selling Author and Pulitzer Prize Winning Author
Previous Zombie Experience: Zombies? Him? Well, now that you mention it, he did have a rather close encounter! He’s fortunate to still be with us! Trust him.  Martial Status:  Single Children:  N/A Residence:  Penthouse 2B Years residing at The Wexley: 20 Years Connections: 
The Wexley's - Friends/Neighbors
Sada Vang - Toxic lover
Ember Wexley - Apocalypse fling
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guam-671-dv8 · 1 year
NYTimes: Air DeSantis: The Private Jets and Secret Donors Flying Him Around
Air DeSantis: The Private Jets and Secret Donors Flying Him Around https://nyti.ms/3BJ3yz1?smid=nytcore-android-share
"For Ron DeSantis, Sunday, Feb. 19, was the start of another busy week of not officially running for president.
That night, he left Tallahassee on a Florida hotelier’s private jet, heading to Newark before a meet-and-greet with police officers on Staten Island on Monday morning. Next, he boarded a twin-jet Bombardier to get to a speech in the Philadelphia suburbs, before flying to a Knights of Columbus hall outside Chicago, and then home to his day job as governor of Florida.
The tour and others like it were made possible by the convenience of private air travel — and by the largess of wealthy and in some cases secret donors footing the bill.
Ahead of an expected White House bid, Mr. DeSantis has relied heavily on his rich allies to ferry him around the country to test his message and raise his profile. Many of these donors are familiar boosters from Florida, some with business interests before the state, according to a New York Times review of Mr. DeSantis’s travel. Others have been shielded from the public by a new nonprofit, The Times found, in an arrangement that drew criticism from ethics experts.
Candidates and officeholders in both parties have long accepted the benefits of a donor’s plane as worth the political risk of appearing indebted to special interests or out of touch with voters.
But ethics experts said the travel — and specifically the role of the nonprofit — shows how Mr. DeSantis’s prolonged candidate-in-limbo status has allowed him to work around rules intended to keep donors from wielding secret influence. As a declared federal candidate, he would face far stricter requirements for accepting and reporting such donations.
“Voters deserve this information because they have a right to know who is trying to influence their elected officials and whether their leaders are prioritizing public good over the interests of their big-money benefactors,” said Trevor Potter, the president of Campaign Legal Center and a Republican who led the Federal Election Commission. “Governor DeSantis, whether he intends to run for president or not, should be clearly and fully disclosing who is providing support to his political efforts.”
Mr. DeSantis has aggressively navigated his state’s ethics and campaign finance laws to avoid flying commercial. And he has gone to new lengths to prevent transparency: Last week, he signed a bill making travel records held by law enforcement, dating back to the beginning of his term, exempt from public records requests.
But both Ms. Sachs and a person involved in Mr. DeSantis’s recent travel said they did not consider the trips political contributions or gifts. The person was not authorized to discuss the matter and spoke on condition of anonymity. The group’s practice “is to provide transportation for special guests,” Ms. Sachs said, “in full compliance with the law.”"
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