#special starter
forestofstarlight · 10 months
Open Starter: A Very Special Present (Male, Female or Futa)
The snow falls in gentle flurries outside of your muse’s home as it neared closer to the holiday season. The lights inside were already on as your muse steps inside. How strange. As they walked inside, they noticed a large present underneath their Christmas tree.
It was decorated with green and gold wrapping paper with a gold bow on top. The tag attached reads “A special treat to celebrate the holiday and new year! Enjoy! - Mun”. After reading, the box starts to move around a bit and muffled sounds could be heard from within.
What will this mysterious present be?
@erikwolf1998 @nightmare-the-mercenary @shawty-after-hrs @askkagethevizard @thecrazyone1990 @1-king-many-queens @hellforestrp @the-hunky-fighter @lewdest-dungeon @rp-series @ask-uro-and-lizz @a-den-of-demons
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musubiki · 1 day
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pikachu trainers school au
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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rumor-weed · 1 year
Kid Gorgeous Edition.
“He was a man most acquainted with misery.”
“None of that matters, but it's important to me that you know that.”
“He did not look like his job description.”
“He looked like he should be the conductor on a locomotive powered by confetti.”
“But, instead, he made his living in murder.”
“He was the weirdest goddamn person I ever saw in my entire life.”
“He could look at a child and guess the price of their coffin.”
“Shut up! You're all gonna die. Street Smarts!"”
“You remember the scourge of muggings when you were in second and third grade.”
"Man, I need cash for drugs right now.”
“Okay, you can get these at any haberdashery.”
“Buy a money clip. Engraved, question mark?”
“Hey, Dad. Can I have a silver money clip with a $50 bill in it, please?” (Or sub “dad” for character name, if you’re a coward)
“The man with the mustache told me to do it.”
“Let's say a kidnapper throws you in the back of a trunk.”
“You kids have no upper body strength.”
“Yeah, he was not a "spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down" kind of guy.”
“Brush your teeth. Now, boom, orange juice. That's life.”
“Fight the guy off using weird, psych-out, back-room Chicago violence.”
“I chewed up a tab of Alka-Seltzer I carry with me at all times. This created a foaming-at-the-mouth appearance that made it look like I had rabies.”
“Now I've thrown him off his rhythm.”
“Okay. Your odds of coming back alive from the primary location, about 60%. But if you are taken to a secondary location, your odds of coming back alive are slim to none.”
“I am 35 years old and I am still terrified of secondary locations.”
“Nah, sister. You're not getting me to no secondary location.”
“I thought I was going to be murdered my entire childhood.”
“Top three colleges? I thought I would be dead in a trunk with my hand hanging out of the taillight by now.”
“I just got a letter from my college, which was fun 'cause mail, you know?”
“So then I had to speed to Goodwill really fast.”
“It was charitable, but it was also fast and violent.”
“I was throwing boxes at people. The boxes were so heavy I couldn't even say what was in them.”
“This one's shirts. I got a bunch of shirts! Take 'em away!"
“How do I write that on my taxes?”
“My mom said it could be a sleep shirt. Please deduct this from my 2017 income.”
“So rather than violate these meaningless politeness rules, I'll just go to bed in a smock like goddamn Ebenezer Scrooge.”
“I'll tremble off to bed in my long Victorian nightgown.”
“Was there ever even a ghost, Mother, or was the dead Victorian girl you saw just me all along?”
“And that's why you shouldn't give to charity.”
“I found out recently that jokes don't do well in court.”
"Hey, that lawsuit with my neighbor is still dragging on.”
“Hey, do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because it sounds like he sucks and I will totally kill that guy for you.”
“Okay. See you at improv practice.”
“Strange, the passage of time.”
“I'm not that old. I'm 35, that is not old.”
“I never knew about this, but I am now gross.”
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kerizaret · 4 days
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Pair 7/9 — Jacks of Diamonds ♦️ and Spades ♠️
We're almost done with the court cards!! I'll post them aaaall together once they're all ready :D
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zeravmeta · 3 months
seeing a bunch of yugitubers finally white knuckling teeth clenching admitting that links were actively detrimental for the game and that pendulums were not the core issue is so satisfying, actually
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cousmemes · 9 months
dialogue starters from VARIOUS DOCTOR WHO SPECIALS. feel free to edit for context / continues under the cut.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Do you know, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before."
"Whatever happens tonight, remember you brought it on yourself."
"Don't treat me like an idiot."
"Sorry, I didn't realise I was boring you."
"What's happened? What are you not telling me?"
"I don't care. I'm not like you. I don't even want to be like you. I don't and never, ever will care."
"Give me your hand and come to me."
"Everything has got to end some time, otherwise nothing would ever get started."
"I don't need anyone else."
"That wasn't there a second ago. It just appeared, from nowhere."
"What's wrong with silly?"
"Where are you going? I thought we were just getting acquainted."
"How refreshing to see you taking an interest again."
"Don't worry. No one's going to hurt you."
"Don't try to run away. Stay where you are."
"Why would I run? I know what's going to happen next and it's funny."
"What's wrong with dangerous?"
"I'm begging you. I'm on my knees."
"Children are not really my area of expertise."
"Yes? What? I'm trying to read."
"This isn't the sort of thing I do anymore."
"You missed this, didn't you?"
"Do I always have to state the obvious?"
"Blimey, you really know how to sulk, don't you?"
"Well, for your information, I'm not sweet on the inside."
"I don't know why I'm crying."
"Remember this. This right now, remember all of it. Because this is the day. This is the day. This is the day everything begins."
"What is the point of blaming yourself?"
"Will you come away with me?"
"Don't you think, after all this time and everything I've ever done, that I am owed this one?"
"We saved the world, you and me. We really, really did."
"Next time, would it kill you to knock?"
"What's our cover story for this?"
"Am I having a midlife crisis?"
"You don't seem to be kneeling. How tremendously brave of you."
"Is something funny? Did I miss a funny thing?"
"Oh, goodness, you're not actually dead. Oh, that's tremendous news."
"Emergency! You're my boyfriend."
"No, stop, stop, don't move. Don't do anything."
"There you are. What took you so long?"
"You didn't even say goodbye!"
"Why did you send me away?"
"Everyone gets stuck somewhere eventually. Everything ends."
"Why didn't you call me? I could have helped."
"Oh. I died. It's funny, the things that slip your mind."
"He just looked so beautiful standing there. I wanted everything to stop. I wanted nothing to change ever again."
"Don't hug me so tight. You'll break something."
"Were you always so young?"
"You're going to stay here. Promise me you will."
"It's started. I can't stop it now."
"It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror."
"We all change, when you think about it. We're all different people all through our lives."
"I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear."
"Stay calm. Just one question. Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?"
"Talk to me. I never thought I was going to see you again."
"Don't make me think about them!"
"Don't you dare. Don't you dare say that."
"Who are you? Why are you dressed like that?"
"We never stood a chance. How did we survive that?"
"Seriously? You're trying to help?"
"Well, that's not a very nice attitude, is it?"
"You're always talking like you're so clever, going on and on. So tell me what to do!"
"You're always such a downer."
"I'm sorry. I was stupid. I should have come back earlier. I wish that I had."
"No. It isn't all over. It's far from being all over."
"I knew it. I knew you couldn't be dead."
"That is - That is not happening. That's totally not happening. Agreed?"
"Who the hell do you think you are?"
"Why am I wearing these?"
"Quite beautiful, really, isn't she?"
"Can we just pretend that that never happened? Can we just never, ever talk about this again?"
"I hope we talk about it loads. I hope we spend years laughing about it."
"I'm afraid. Very, very afraid. I don't normally admit that to anyone else."
"You're a bit of a legend these days."
"Well, that would be a nice story, wouldn't it?"
"The real world is not a fairytale."
"I'm so tired of losing people."
"How was this our fault?"
"I think I'm ready now. But I should like to know - are you?"
"Whatever you decide, good luck."
"Can't I ever have peace? Can't I rest?"
"Thank you. Thank you for everything that you were to me."
"You wait a moment. Let's get it right. I've got a few things to say to you."
"Laugh hard, run fast, be kind."
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mr-tony-stark · 1 year
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// Closed Starter for @freckledboss
Having a secret identity was proving to be quite the annoyance for Tony. Since he cave, he'd been hiding his medical condition, that was threatening his life and required him to now always wear a metal chest plate with an electromagnet built in, keeping he shrapnel imbedded in his chest from reaching his heart.
It was a big secret to keep, but it wasn't his only one. The other one was really big.
Keeping the secret had meant that he could help fight crime and keep the world safe, but it also meant he had no one to rely on and help when he needed it.
Tony had had his ass kicked. He'd won the fight he'd been in, but he had left battered and bruised with what felt like might be internal bleeding and several broken bones. He'd made it back to his workshop but the suit had lost power before he'd reached an outlet to charge it and he'd sunk to the floor, fairly certain her was about to die.
He supposed this was one way to let the world know who he was.
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sincerely-sofie · 4 months
I concur with the ghost and grass typings for a gym leader, but I propose bug also. I can just see you with an early region gym team of just the cutest little guys like Spinarak, Joltik, Tarountula, Surskit, Burmy, Grubbin, Snom, and of course your ace Cutiefly :)
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We all know Baby-Doll Eyes, even the gym leader. We WILL cry if you look at us funny. That is a THREAT. Joltik is the only one who actually likes fighting but PLEASE DON'T HURT MY LITTLE BATTERY MUNCHER
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willowbirds · 6 months
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I’ve had this in my WIPs for a while so here it is finally finished!
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forestofstarlight · 7 months
Open Starter: Bakers Delight (Male, Female or Futa)
Honey hums to herself as she spreads pink and red frosting over a tray of heart shaped sugar cookies. Valentine’s Day was a busy day for her and her sister’s sweet shop, so she had to make sure that they were effectively stocked the day before customers came in. Even then, she smirks to herself due to knowing that her partner was coming over. She perks up when she hears her front door open. “I’m in the kitchen~!” She calls out, her smile growing slightly in excitement.
She had originally invited them to help out with the baking, but decided that since it was a special day tomorrow, to also surprise them with an early Valentine’s Day gift...
@hellforestrp @paragonoflust @harmonyloveangels1990
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musubiki · 2 days
mochi & lime pokemon au and for their starters lime has a pikachu and mochi has a mimikyu
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monsterqueers · 23 days
Putting your Squirtle starter in the fridge for winter, kissing it goodnight to see in a few months, it sleepily waving goodbye as you shut the door.
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munchmemes · 1 year
mitski lyrics, The Land Is Inhospitable And So Are We edition
❛ as i got older, i learned i'm a drinker. sometimes a drink feels like family. ❜
❛ did you go and make promises you can't keep? ❜
❛ amateur mistake, you can take it from me. ❜
❛ i try to remember the wrath of the devil was also given to him by god. ❜
❛ i have a hope and though she's blind with no name, she shits where she's supposed to and feeds herself while i'm away. ❜
❛ sometimes i think it would be easier without [them] but i know nothing can hurt me when i see [their] sleeping face. ❜
❛ all of our love is filling all of our room. ❜
❛ now i bend like a willow, thinking of [you/them]. ❜
❛ i sip on the rest of the coffee [you/they] left like it's a kiss left of [you/them]. ❜
❛ something set free is running through the night and the dark awaits us all around the corner. ❜
❛ here in our place we have for the day, can we stay a while and listen for heaven? ❜
❛ i don't like my mind, i don't like being left alone in a room with all its opinions about the things that i've done. ❜
❛ so, yeah, i blast music loud and i work myself to the bone and on an inconvenient christmas, i eat a cake. a whole cake, all for me. ❜
❛ there's another memory that gets stuck inside the walls of my skull waiting for its turn to talk. and it may be a few years but you can bet it's there, waiting still for me to be left alone in a room full of things that i've done. ❜
❛ i want someone to take this soul, i can't bear to keep it. ❜
❛ i'd give it just to give and all i will take are the consequences. ❜
❛ your pain is eased but you'll never be free. ❜
❛ there's a deal that i made. ❜
❛ when memories snow and cover up the driveway, i shovel all those memories and clear the path to drive to the store. ❜
❛ and if i break, could i go on break? ❜
❛ i'll be back in my room, writing speeches in my head. ❜
❛ my love is mine, all mine. ❜
❛ nothing in the world belongs to me but my love is mine, all mine. ❜
❛ nothing in the world is mine for free but my love. ❜
❛ after everyone's long been gone but me, i was hiding or forgotten. the only one left. ❜
❛ now the world is mine alone with no one to share the memory. ❜
❛ you're my best friend. now i've no one to tell how i lost my best friend. ❜
❛ remember when we met, we acted like two fools. we were so glad to have found it. ❜
❛ that love is like a star. it's gone, we just see it shining. it's traveled very far. i'll keep a leftover light burning so you can keep looking up. isn't that worth holding on? ❜
❛ you know i'd always been alone till you taught me to live for somebody. ❜
❛ you believe me like a god. i destroy you like i am. ❜
❛ i'm sorry i'm the one you love. ❜
❛ no one will ever love me like you again. ❜
❛ so, when you leave me, i should die. i deserve it, don't i? ❜
❛ one day, you'll figure me out and i'll meet judgement by the hounds. ❜
❛ people always gave me love. others were never to blame after all. ❜
❛ you believe me like a god. i betray you like a man. ❜
❛ stride through the house naked. don't even care that the curtains are open. ❜
❛ let the darkness see me. ❜
❛ streets are mine, the night is mine. all my own. ❜
❛ oh, how i love me after you. i'm king of all the land. ❜
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reestallized · 10 months
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ive been waiting for this for who knows how long. happy anniversary pokemon spain!!
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curseofbreadbear · 5 months
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i still have a short backlog of unarchived threads to get to, BUT in the meantime...
have a lil inbox call because i want to write new things too! smash that like button & i'll dig through your inbox meme tag and send you some goodies. specify ANY muse you want!
mutuals only / multis specify <3
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