#specify which muse you want in the response
forestofstarlight · 10 months
Open Starter: A Very Special Present (Male, Female or Futa)
The snow falls in gentle flurries outside of your muse’s home as it neared closer to the holiday season. The lights inside were already on as your muse steps inside. How strange. As they walked inside, they noticed a large present underneath their Christmas tree.
It was decorated with green and gold wrapping paper with a gold bow on top. The tag attached reads “A special treat to celebrate the holiday and new year! Enjoy! - Mun”. After reading, the box starts to move around a bit and muffled sounds could be heard from within.
What will this mysterious present be?
@erikwolf1998 @nightmare-the-mercenary @shawty-after-hrs @askkagethevizard @thecrazyone1990 @1-king-many-queens @hellforestrp @the-hunky-fighter @lewdest-dungeon @rp-series @ask-uro-and-lizz @a-den-of-demons
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quixoticall · 2 months
To Hell I Go
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Suggested Listening: Anything Zach Bryan but particularly, "Something in the Orange", “Open the Gate”, and "I Remember Everything"
Chapter Warnings: Gun violence, injury, some light death ideation, Billy is here, death of an animal
WC: 2.8K
Author's Note: Hello! It's been a while! Please know I'm working on TCGU! But I've been really inspired by Zach Bryan recently and this concept of the Final Girl of the West which is how this idea was born. I hope you like it!
“Sheriff Hopper’s after us. Has his new Pretty Boy deputy with him too.” 
The sun is high and bright and bothersome but you’ve been on a job for the last month, which paints everything bothersome,  even Max’s warning. 
“Didn’t know Hopper was working with anyone,” you muse, as you dismount your horse, Calliope, and hand the young girl the reigns. Your muscles are stiff and achy from riding so long and you smell like a manure pit. You desperately want a proper bed—or a shallow grave—to fall into. 
“He’s new. Hops probably needs the help on account of his leg being fucked up since you shot him,” Max responds, admiration tinging her voice. 
You scoff, “I didn’t fuck up his leg, he’s just old and fat.” 
You had barely even grazed him. 
“Pretty Boy, huh?  I’m sure your brother is seething about that.” 
Max glares at you through her lashes, “he’s not my brother,” she warns. 
You know this, of course, you’re just in a bad mood and looking for a bruise to poke. You should probably apologize but Max’ll get her lick back soon enough—it’ll be easy with you, too. You’re all bruise. 
“Billy hates him, already ran into him and the Chief in Amarillo. Came home all black and blue from their scuffle, ended up running him off the trail and he fell off his horse.” 
You whistle lowly, knocking Billy Hargrove off his horse is no easy feat. He must’ve been angry after that.
“He said that they had a list of all the gang’s members. Not our names or nothing, just descriptions, I guess. Apparently, Hopper has you on the list as ‘crack shot girl’. ”
You drink this information up, eyes scanning the horizon, half expecting Billy or Hopper or even Creel to spring out any moment.  Nothing but the wind through the grass, though. 
“What does he have you as?” You probe. 
Max nearly pouts in response, “Red.” 
You’re trying not to laugh, and instead grapple to change the subject. 
“What about the ‘Pretty Boy’ deputy? Does he have a name?” 
You don’t care too much, you want to keep the conversation going, it’s the only real one you’ve had in weeks. 
“Heard it was Harrington or something like that,” Max shrugs, quickly losing interest in favor of brushing Calliope’s mane. 
It has to be “something like that”, you decide, because you knew for a fact there wasn’t a single Harrington west of the Appalachians. There hadn’t been in years. 
Steve Harrington was the first in his family to leave Wyoming in thirteen generations. It wasn’t by choice. 
Steve’s daddy had been a cattle rancher. He hadn’t owned any land like yours had but he was the best bull rider in all the West. That was, until his fatal fall off the saddle when Steve was barely old enough to ride himself. 
The heartbreak of her true love’s death had made a ghost of Steve’s mama, effectively making him an orphan. 
He was thirteen when he had come to your Daddy’s ranch, threadbare hat clutched tightly in his fists nervously as he asked for work. 
You were twelve then and watched the whole exchange from the top of the stairs with your sisters, the three of you drinking him in with an odd curiosity. He had been all limbs back then, thin and awkward but as tall as a man. His face was uncreased and fearful, giving away his true age. You listened, unseen as the young boy stuttered through an explanation of his pitiful circumstances. 
He wasn’t looking for charity, he made a point to specify, but work. He could ride and wrangle and he knew how to work the land, too, he explained, chest puffing with pride. He would earn his keep, he propositioned. 
The ranch was always in need of hands, and your father was always benevolent to necessary causes and in circumstances that made him seem like a better man than he was, so it was a done deal before night’s end. 
“Son of a bitch,” you exhale through gritted teeth, desperately trying to reload your goddamn shotgun. 
It was supposed to be an easy enough job—a little stagecoach stick up right outside of Tombstone. You had been scoping the target for days, a miner and his family making their way back East after striking it big in the mines. They were obnoxiously flagrant about their wealth—just like all New Money—and it was obvious that they were traveling with their coffers full of that fine California Gold. The plan was that you, Billy, and Tommy would ambush their stagecoach sometime around twilight before they reached Tombstone proper but then Max had decided to tag along and, while she was your favorite member of the gang by miles, she had no place at an armed robbery.  
The whole operation was slowed down to accommodate the tagalong and suddenly it had become too dark and late to hit them before they arrived in Tombstone, so you had to adjust and hedge your bets on ambushing them when they left the small town the following morning. Someone must have recognized the crew that night and tipped off the sheriff, though, because next thing you know, the four of you are about to run the stagecoach off the trail when you hear gunshots and Hopper’s gruff demands for your surrender.
There goes that easy $800, you sigh to yourself, steadying your aim over your shoulder. You’re a lousy shot at this angle especially while riding a horse, but you’re not hoping for a miracle, only to distract long enough to give Max a chance to get away. She’s the slowest of the four and you refuse to leave her behind. (Even if all of this is kind of her fault.) 
On the opposite side of the road from behind the stagecoach, you see a sharp movement— the deputy, you’re sure. From the corner of your eye you catch fragments of familiar hair, eyes, lips and suddenly your finger slips on the trigger, a stray bullet flies behind you, spooking a horse and causing some commotion. You hope it’s Hopper’s but you can’t bring yourself to check. You can’t bring yourself to do anything. At all. Because there, on the other side of the road, all tan skin and freckled-faced is Steve Harrington, alive and older and looking at you with an expression of shock matching your own. 
“Sunshine?” He shouts over the gallop of hooves and in hearing his voice you’ve lost all doubt that this was some sort of joke you managed to play on yourself. 
It’s him. Truly. 
What you say back is lost to the wind as a lone shot rings out and suddenly you’ve lost your balance on your horse and you’re sent tumbling down, fingers fighting for purchase along your reigns. 
Steve’s stunned face and the smoke from his gun are the final things you see before hitting the ground. 
Son of a bitch.
You and Steve became fast friends, being close in disposition and most importantly, age. 
While you loved your younger sisters they were just that: younger. At six and eight respectively, Hattie and Lottie were far too preoccupied with dress up and tea parties, hobbies that you had also adored at their age, but at the mature age of twelve, no longer stimulated you. In Steve you found a confidant and an accomplice. 
You snuck him extra portions at supper and spent your spare moments following him around reading aloud from one of your many books. He had a penchant for war epics and horror while you liked romance and mystery. Both of you could agree, though that Westerns were the best. 
In exchange for your generosity, Steve taught you how to ride and shoot and lasso.
He was the best teacher truly and would often outdo men of twice his age and size when it came to rearing and riding. He learned everything from his daddy, he had told you.  Steve talked about his father a lot. About what he was like and everything he was exceptional at and how the crowd had gone stone silent when his broken body hit the dusty ground. 
“That’s how I’m going to die too, one day,” he had told you, grim but not sad. “On a bull in Cheyenne. Probably the same one, he’s the only one that could take me out.” 
“How do you know how you’re gonna die?” You awed at him.
“Just a feeling in my gut. Sometimes you just know,” he shrugged sagely. 
You nodded along and tried, desperately so, to will your gut to give you a precognition about the circumstances of your own death.
“I don’t know how I’m gonna die,” you admitted to Steve after a long moment of self-assessment, “but I know you’re gonna be there.“
You had no clue what possessed you to say that other than the fact that you knew it to be categorically true. 
Steve smiled in response, pleased. 
You wake up under a sky of pinprick stars. Dreams of childhood vows and muddy fields filled with promise fade as you take in your surroundings.
There’s a fire burning next to you and a sharp pain running along your entire body, burning to match. Max suddenly appears by your side, looking equal measures relieved and frazzled. 
“What happened?” You ask weakly. 
“Pretty Boy shot Calliope and you fell into the ravine. Had to fish you out of there and find a place to lay you down.” 
“What about Billy and Tommy?” 
“They left us.” 
Of course. 
“Bastards,” Max agrees. 
“And what about the sheriff… and the deputy?” 
“Sheriff fell off his horse when you shot him and his deputy went after Billy. Didn’t see where though, but I’m sure he didn’t catch him.” 
“Probably not,” you croak before accepting the canteen Max brought to your lips.  Billy was a menace on a horse, agile and quick in ways most men could only dream and he already had too much of a head start. 
You try to stand up now, too fast evidently, since Max rushes to your side to help you along when you waver.  Eventually, you’re on your feet, stumbling forward with only Max keeping you upright, your whole body screaming at you to stop. 
“Come on then, Red, let’s go back home.” 
Your whole body aches so much your vision blurs and there’s a pain along your ribcage that may hint at a broken bone. The ride back to the Creel House on the back of Max’s scrawny horse is utter agony but at least Max has gifted you a mercifully silent journey by not trying to make conversation.
“You know him,” Max murmurs. It’s nearly morning when she finds enough courage to bring it up.
“Pretty Boy called you ‘sunshine’,” she continues, “I heard him.” 
You freeze. 
“You must’ve heard wrong then. I’ve never seen him before in my life.”
You leave it at that.
By the time you were sixteen, you felt like you knew Steve better than you knew yourself. You could read him like a book—every crook of an eyebrow, every sideways glance, and their meaning were neatly categorized in your mind. Part of that was the familiarity bred by endless idle hours together and part of that was the burgeoning ache that had been festering inside of you in the past months; the soft, comforting ember of friendly affection had given way to something hotter, something you couldn’t bring yourself to define yet but singed your skin at the sight of him and made you want to chart his every mood like sailors charted the stars. 
This was exactly why you could tell he was upset even though he denied it. Something about the way he clenched his jaw while he aimed his gun at the row of cans sitting on a broke down fence a little too hard indicated that he had something weighing on his mind. 
“You’re meant to hit the targets, you know,” you goaded after he had missed all of five shots. 
His jaw clenched harder. 
“You can’t be cross just because I’m the better shot than you,” you needled further. 
“I’m not cross,” he argued back, crossly. 
“Yes, you are! You’ve been sullen and cross three weeks now even though you say otherwise and it’s driving me mad so, why don’t you stop being stubborn and tell me what it is that’s making you act like this and we can fix it and be back to normal. I don’t want to spend my last week here watching you pout all over the ranch.”
He sighed a drawn-out, guttural thing, and then suddenly, it hit you. 
“Wait, are you mad I’m leaving?” Your tone wasn’t accusatory as much as it was curious. Truthfully, when your parents had share the news that they were sending you to a finishing school, you had been devastated at the prospect but you tried your best to keep your true feelings from view. Your father had made it known that he had gone to great lengths to secure your spot and your momma got misty eyed when she spoke about how many doors this opportunity would open for you.
“No, I’m not mad you’re leaving,” he argued back and flinched at how unconvincing he sounded. You knew deep in your bones that you'd miss Steve the most when you were gone. No matter how fair you'd go or how'd long you'd be apart, you're sure you'd miss Steve.
“Steve, you know I’d rather be here, shooting cans than anywhere else, even that fancy school,” you cajole. It's a simple, earnest statement but as far as you could trust yourself saying without confessing your devotion.
“You say that now,” he petulantly threw himself down on a tree root and you moved to sit next to him, “but as soon as you make friends and meet new people, I’ll be dust.” 
You laughed at the uncharacteristic display of self-pity. “You really think I’d find someone I would love more than you?” 
The idea of it was so ludicrous you didn’t even realize the carelessness by which you threw out such hefty claims of affection. Of course, you loved Steve and he you, and while you were never scared to voice that to each other before, now the word meant something different—at least to you it did. 
Your eyes shift down to your boots, hoping he didn’t pick up on the change in your heart. 
“Not more, just different.” 
“Different how?” 
“You're going to find someone,” it was his turn to get flustered and glanced at the ground, “... someone you want to spend the rest of your life with.” 
“Well, I want that to be you,” you responded, not thinking and far too quickly. 
“No, I mean, someone you want to marry,” he spits out, exasperation being quickly replaced with embarrassment as his words sank into place.
You stalled at the implication your heartbeat becoming almost deafening. Steve was afraid you were going to go out and find someone else to marry and leave him behind. Was it possible that he was equally consumed by that same burning affection that had been sieging your heart for months?
Out of the two of you, you had always been the braver one. The one that always jumped in first, the one to take a risk on a whim. And, while it terrified you and made your voice small and wavering, you couldn’t help but say right back, “I want that to be with you, too.” 
Steve beamed in response. 
Tommy and Billy had beaten you and Max back to the Creel house. At least the bastards had the decency to look a little ashamed as they watched Max support your limping form through the threshold. Mostly, though they looked surprised. 
“Thought the deputy had gotten you,” Billy whistles lowly through the toothpick that is perpetually resting in the corner of his mouth. 
“He killed my horse,” you bemoan. “ Max had to fish me out of the ravine on her own, no thanks to you two.” 
The blond man shrugs in response, “We couldn’t go back. Thems the rules, you know that.” 
You do know that but you are miserable and tired and just looking for someone to blame for the life you had fallen into so you glare back. 
Billy is unfazed by your glare and in a rare moment of kindness, offers to acquire a horse for you during his next round through the nearby ranches.  This uncharacteristic show of pity makes you realize you probably look as bad as you feel and for a brief moment wish that Max hadn’t pulled you out of that ravine. 
You manage to stumble onto your cot, body raked with pain and you lay there, unmoved until night comes and it’s not until the dark has truly settled and you are sure that no one could possibly see, that you begin to cry.
Silent tears stream down your face for your companion, your horse, the last thing you called your own. One more thing stolen away--and this time, by a ghost no less. A gift from your daddy when you had turned seventeen, her name plucked from one of your books on Greek mythology she had been your companion when you had felt most alone.
Calliope was the final reminder of a life long gone and now she’s just another thing you’re left mourning.
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being a mumu is STILL quite frustrating, unfortunately. while they are now generally more popular for people to have/make, it seems like a lot of partners still don't know how to navigate interacting with one. the amount of times i get people approaching me for plotting or interactions all excited, only to then completely ghost me when i ask them which one of my muses they are interested in… that is the bare minimum! im not going to force a random muse down your throat! you should know who you want to interact with! also, that's what interest trackers are for, but nobody seems to actually fill those out. it's even difficult to get traction on interaction calls unless you explicitly say people don't have to specify a muse. which then puts YOU as the mun into the position of laboriously listing like ten different muses, only to then more often than not get a vague response like "oh i like all of them." so frustrating. if anyone has any insight or tips regarding this, i'd appreciate it. mumu life is fun but SO exhausting.
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thegapbetweenmoments · 8 months
New Muse Ideas!
So here is my consistent conundrum: I like writing things with what I like to refer to as notable supernatural elements. This could be a vampire character (Alicia), a necromancer (Diana and kind of Belle), a time mage (Tom), etc.
The problem with this is twofold. One issue is simply that many people aren't super interested in fantasy based things, which is 100% fair and fine, and why most of the time I just write without the supernatural bits unless otherwise specified.
The other is that even when people do want to write supernatural-ish things, sometimes the vibes don't line up with whatever it is that I made for my characters, which is why it takes a while for new characters to be made even at times like this when I'm relatively active.
Below is a list of character ideas I've come up with that I'm currently considering. If you see any on the list and go "Ooh! That sounds cool!", please let me know, because that kind of input is super helpful for this process. Doesn't matter if you're a mutual, nonmutual, never interacted before, etc (though more weight will be given to mutuals/people who've interacted before). Just drop a little response and that will give more weight to the idea. Once one or two have been figured out, I'm going to make a new post about FCs, because tbh I suck at picking those, but that is a thought for later!
The list of thoughts (under read more so that I don't take up the whole dash):
Half-devil lawyer (Honestly, this is a character I actually did use for one thread and I enjoyed a lot. I may make this one even if people don't want him, but weight and priority will likely be given to things people actually want. I've always enjoyed devil contracts as plot devices, and he might be just a smidge lawful evil)
Freed djinn nurse (General concept is that she has pretty significant powers that only work if she uses them in response to a wish. She wouldn't have to respond to every wish, and like more nefarious djinn she'd probably try to use the wording of wishes in order to bend things to work how she wants, even though she as a person is not trying to harm anyone. Job as a nurse is essentially so that she can hear wishes that are inherently more benevolent and grant or bend those to do good things)
Rune mage tattoo artist (Essentially, the thought behind this is a guy who can write a long, complicated series of glyphs as a sort of magical sentence on something and activate it to give whatever it's written on an effect. Take this to its logical conclusion and with enough time, this can be used to give magical tattoos to people that give them some type of ability or effect)
Air mage pilot (I mean the usefulness of the power is kind of obvious, but also I think she'd likely own a smaller plane of her own and generally be a bit more chaotic/daring than most of my girls on here, which is a lot of the fun behind this idea for me personally)
Blood Mage Butcher (I like when characters have these powers with crazy amounts of evil potential, who then use them for completely mundane, neutral-to-good aligned things. I think this guy is just passionate about meat and grilling. Probably early to mid thirties with wholesome dad vibes. Maybe not the route most people would go for characters they want to write with, but certainly one I find amusing)
Lightning Mage Art Thief (I'm thinking she shorts out cameras and security fixtures, then just walks up to an expensive piece art and swaps it with a replica, possibly with a nearly invisible hidden signature. Some real heist movie bullshit. Then, she goes back to some incredibly mundane or wholesome day job. Maybe an elementary school art teacher who steals to buy art supplies for class)
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industrialist-of-zaun · 10 months
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This is a multi-muse RP blog; if you wish to strike up an RP with me, please message me with which muse you want to interact with and the scenario desired.
As a general rule, this blog is 18+; minors, please occupy yourselves elsewhere.
Asks are always open on this blog; you may ask the writer specific questions or HCs/interpretations, or you may ask the muses themselves specific questions. Just be sure to specify who you're asking, or one of the three will decide and answer at random.
Willing to write:
Canon-typical + excessive violence
Dead Dove content (please message me for specific scenes)
Involved character responses/drabbles in response to asks
Interactions with Piltovan, foreign, and/or original characters
Unwilling to write:
While some NSFW themes may be present (violence, drugs, sexual themes), no smut will be written on this blog
No major character death
Heavily-domestic/slice-of-life style interactions
Please bear in mind that while I'm not new to roleplaying, I'm new to Tumblr roleplaying. Extend me a bit of kindness & patience if I do things wrong!
I look forward to writing with you!
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mystalwartheart · 2 months
NAME?: Ali
MOST ACTIVE MUSES?: Jill @mystalwartheart, Ashley @andthemouseroared and TBA
RPG CLASS I'D BE: White Mage, Offensive/Healer combo build.
FAVORITE TYPE OF THREAD: Romance, slice of life, plotted adventure
FAVORITE THING ABOUT MY MUSE: Jill is a strong and inspiring figure: She's a true survivor, a hero and an incredible leader. But she's also a very nuanced and faceted character with a lot of depth: She's feminine and demure, but has a mischievous, playful and snarky sense of humour. You wouldn't necessarily think she's the kind of person she is or works the job she does if you just met her on the street.
On a more directly personal level my specific take on Jill allows me to indulge my Love for Venice, Los Angeles and the 1980s, a time and place that have been special and meaningful to me my whole life. Her face- and voiceclaim is a hero and role model for me, and I consider it an honour to write for her.
HOW YOU LIKE TO RP: Reach out to me over DMs first, so we can get to know each other as writers before we slip into our roles! I do all my plotting over messages, but I also use memes and starters a lot to brainstorm ideas: I'm always accepting asks from any meme I've ever reblogged, just specify which one it is so I know what you're looking for. I often turn ask meme responses into threads, but I also use them for quick interactions/conversations as well.
FAVORITE PLOTS: Slow burn kindling romances, relationship fluff with earnest displays of Love, support and affection and large-scale thriller plots of political intrigue and mystery to be revealed. I really love how reimagining RE this way has given me the chance to explore military history and espionage plotlines, as the real history underlining them has always fascinated me.
WHERE YOU GET YOUR INSPIRATION FROM: As a professional writer, I consider myself an observer of life and of people. My inspirations come from every aspect of my life, and all the things and people I encounter in it.
For Jill specifically though, I draw a lot of inspiration from her face- and voiceclaim, as she's a living hero and inspiration to me as well.
FACT ABOUT YOU: I am a practicing priestess and spirit worker.
tagging: Whoever wants to
tagged by: @illuzijan.
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angelfate · 2 months
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indie  tekken  female  multi - muse  featuring  jun,  asuka,  alisa, josie, & unknown  as  fought  by  wikia || low - moderate activity. canon divergent & headcanon based.
RULES  UNDER  READ  MORE follows back from @demonsfate
I’ll only interact if we follow each other. However, non-mutuals can still like posts, reblog posts, & send me asks if they desire to. I just only want to write threads with mutuals because it’s less stressful.
I’m also likely to unfollow if any of the content on your blog makes me uncomfortable. If I unfollow, I really appreciate it if you don’t ask me why unless you suspect that it was an accidental unfollow, as Tumblr can be wonky.
This is a SIDE BLOG to @demonsfate​ - so, I can only follow back from it. And I mean - it’s another Tekken character, so - win win, I feel.
As for DUPLICATES? I don’t mind following other dupes seeing this is a multi-muse blog with four (technically five!) muses! XD
If muse is not specified, I WILL pick a muse for the message, UNLESS I can obviously tell who it’s meant to be (if your muse had already established a relationship with one of the muses)
This blog is also very accepting of OCs and crossovers.
All girls are canon divergent to an extent. They also follow the lore on @demonsfate​ - meaning that will always be their “default” Jin for now (there aren’t rly any other Jin writers at the time of this!) and they all follow the lore that Jin wasn’t responsible for the war, but his Devil was. This is important for Jun, Asuka and Alisa’s depictions.
I tend to depict Jun as she was portrayed in earlier games than how she is in Tekken 8. (Sorry, but she just feels different to me in T8) my Jun will be more stoic than T8′s depiction (smiling less, showing less obvious emotions) & whilst an understanding woman, she can be pushed past her limits. Although I will sometimes use screencaps from T8 for icons, I try to stick to her Tag 2 model for icons (as she also looked more like how I pictured Jun in that game)
Jun was also NEVER Unknown in canon, nor had she ever become her once. Although I will write Unknown, she is always, just like in the games, an AU version of Jun outside of canon. I’m just willing to write Unknown for fun, is all.
Asuka, meanwhile - is VERY canon divergent. I depict Asuka as important to the plot. She helped Jin overcome his devil. Asuka has purifying powers and is aware of them, she spent a good part of the war discovering them, which helped Jin take back control during the war.
Josie may be a bit headcanon based due to having limited lore. 
Alisa will have some headcanons that may differ from canon, I want to really focus on her existence as a robot.
NSFW + Triggering content
Posts may contain triggering themes - I will tag all the best I can, and I will accept custom tags if people request it.
As for smut threads? It’s possible - however, all will be tagged as “spicy” or “NSFT”. Whether or not they’re put under a readmore depends on if my partner puts them under one. 
Godmodding is a no and metagaming is also a no.
This blog is multiship! Pre-established ships are fine as long as we plot them out or they’re somebody the character already knows (Jun and Kazuya, for example) Also, just because Jun has a canon relationship with Kazuya - doesn’t mean I’m unwilling to ship her with anyone else! Jun is definitely still open for shipping if anybody’s interested!
Anything but threads are rebloggable! Because typically my partners don’t like threads to be reblogged. Whether you’re a mutual or not, feel free to reblog my ooc posts, my shitposts, memes, my art. (highly encouraged!) I don’t mind at all!!! 🥺🥺🥺 Also, if you sent in a meme or anything in the inbox, you’re very free to turn it into a thread.
I’m not any of my muses, their thoughts and actions are not reflective of the mun.
All graphics used on this blog are made by me unless stated otherwise.
Hi hi hi! I am the mun, you can call me by Wikia or anything, I am 26 years old. If you made it down here, I just wanna say that there’s no password to send and thank you for reading and respecting my rules! I hope to write with you soon. ❤︎
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ask-the-crimson-king · 11 months
Magnus & Musings
Greetings to you all. You may call me the Mysterious Hermit, and I am the human behind the blog. I think I've procrastinated long enough on making a proper pinned post, so allow me to do so now.
If you follow this account, know you will see more than just rp threads. You will most likely see artwork and writing, the occasional lore post, or just some banter. I am a mostly-rp account. Not every post is or will be in character.
The contents of this post will be as follows: > RP Expectations/Rules >My Portrayal of Magnus the Red >Side Muses Bios
RP Expectations/Rules What I do not rp/answer to:
I do not do NSFW rp of any kind, nor do I entertain NSFW asks of any kind.
I prefer mostly-serious threads. I do not mind the occasional banter, but PLEASE do not come spamming old TTS memes/recycled grimdank memes in my ask box.
What I would like as a thread/expectations you should have when starting a thread with me:
I do not mind doing crossovers! If I am not familiar with the original property/your OCs backstory/etc., I may ask about it.
I am willing to do threads during the Crusade/Heresy and the modern 40k era. If you do not specify which you would like, I'll most likely assume 40k.
I am sometimes very, very slow to respond. Please be patient, or hit me up if it's been a while and you want to continue a thread I might've dropped.
I try to match length in responses as best I can, but please do not feel pressured to do the same. All that I ask is multi-para replies do not get one singular sentence.
The Portrayal of Magnus the Red:
I try to stay as close to canon as I can, though occasionally I may deviate. I enjoy playing him as a complicated "road to hell paved with good intentions" kind of character, with all the hallmarks of his famous arrogance and gigantamax-brain-ness on display.
In the modern day, I have him currently focusing on his New Kingdom project, where he is trying to terramorph Prospero so that it is decently inhabitable again while training the human psykers who are being drawn to Sortiarius in droves. Instead of Prospero being a gunshop, I am instead running it as the future home of the human population, while Sortiarius stays for the Legion. There will still be industry on Prospero's surface, but to a lesser extent than to what has been described, since I just find it way more interesting.
Side Muses:
Kazakh, Daemon of Tzeentch
Kazakh is a small, brightly-colored daemonic bird who has been given the order of keeping an eye on Magnus. He generally acts as his small daemonic messenger and sometimes emotional support daemon if the time requires. He has a penchant for hoarding shiny objects within the fluff of his chest, and usually takes shiny things as payment for being a messenger or to get him to screw off. Though sometimes in response to the latter, he'll show off his very shiny knives. He has once tried to cut Fulgrim himself for not coughing up a shiny bauble for him.
Zikar-Sin, Master of Possession
Zikar-Sin is a former Thousand Son returning to the Legion for the first time in millennia. He still considers himself a Word Bearer, having been attached to a Host for these past few thousand years, but is happy to be returning to his parent Legion. His role in the creation of the New Kingdom has largely involved him aiding in the reconstruction of a viable biosphere, or helping to integrate the inbound humans to the teachings of the Legion. His sorcerous mastery mostly lies within diabolism, but he was an Athaenean in the ages long since past, and his telekinetic mastery has also improved. He can also be found accompanied by his tutelary, Sepa, who joins him in the form of small twin screamers.
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umbralrosa · 2 months
06, 08, 22, 27 & 32 ♥
𝑬𝑿𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺𝑬𝑳𝑭 . ( a collection of 40 questions for muns , with assorted questions directed towards both single - muse & multi - muse blogs! )
o6﹕ is there something about the roleplay community that irks you ?
I know it's a two-way on this, given I get sidetracked and caught up IRL between going to Tumblr, but seeing many responses while my own is kind of collecting dust is deflating to experience. I think I've experienced so much of it I kind of just go really quiet and don't touch it anymore. What sucks is I know the best way to get on top of that issue is to ask if the interest is still there, but I am cursed with social constipation and anxiety and get caught in this loop of being a possible bother. Sending asks to let people know I'm still interested but go unanswered is another level to it. It's always been a thing since I started on Tumblr around 2010, not to mention when I have asked it got disregarded, which I guess is why I don't say anything now that I think about it. I feel like it's one of those things everyone feels on here though. It's easy to reach me and others on Discord by contrast imo.
o8﹕ what time of day do you feel you create your best work ?
I used to always be on top of it all around the clock before I got balls deep in college stuff. Nowadays in university it's turned to evenings, but know for a fact I'm quick to hop on when a homie I've known for years responds.
22﹕ would you consider [ character name ] to be a comfort character ?
There wasn't a specified name, but I can say I have 2 comfort characters. Naruto was the first anime I got very deep into, and was always drawn to Sasuke. I think it's the same case today because seeing art of him pre-Boruto is always quick to make me remember calmer times. Vampire Hunter D is a whole different character that I adopted in my adult years from the novels and Bloodlust movie. Love that man so much I bought the deluxe edition statue, which was limited to 650 pieces (no I do not want to talk about the cost).
27﹕ what is a trend within the rpc that you would consider to be overrated ?
I think I'd had such a semi-hiatus from school that I'm out of the loop on any new trends.
32﹕ what were the last three songs you listened to ?
Frank Sinatra - I Can Read Between The Lines
Joji - Die For You
Bad Omens X Poppy - V.A.N.
Bonus: I've been listening to all of Kendrick Lamar's stuff with the Drake beef, but that don't count since it's on rotation in everything rn xD
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ladyodaskonpeito · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Thank you so much for the ask!
Since no fandom is specified, please have this WIP I wrote from some time ago (Zakkura fic, FFVII):
Cloud wakes up on the wrong side of the bed on the fine morning of his 28th birthday. He creases his brow as soon as he realises that the other side of the bed is cold and empty. Zack has, uncharacteristically, woken up earlier without arousing Cloud. A job in Sector 8. Will be out for the entire day, his note reads. Made strawberry pancakes for breakfast, so don't forget to eat your fill before heading out! Don't wait for dinner with me tonight, this might end later than usual. XOXO Zack Cloud frowns as he recalls how he had missed Zack before falling asleep the previous night. He had been looking forward to hearing Zack's birthday wishes for him, which always arrive as soon as the clock strikes midnight throughout the years they've been together. Maybe he'd been spoiled rotten by his husband, Cloud thinks. The rest of the day isn't any kinder to him either, as he makes his usual deliveries and has the misfortune of coming across entitled customers complaining about his delivery speed. In hindsight, Cloud now clenches his teeth in regret for giving up his last name. He should have insisted that Zack Strife sounds so much better than Cloud Fair. Sure, he knows this sounds incredibly petty. But can he be blamed for feeling neglected on his birthday? Despite his easy-going attitude and happy-go-lucky demeanour, Zack is usually an attentive and meticulous lover. Cloud worries his lower lip as he contemplates what might have changed this year. When Zack eventually reaches home that night, Cloud has gone down the rabbit hole of imagining what happens if Zack falls out of love with him. Has Zack finally gotten tired of him? Has he finally realised that Cloud is not worth his affection after all? “Hey, babe,” Zack flashes his smile at Cloud, seemingly unaware of the latter’s foul mood. Cloud has to admit, finally seeing that charming smile of his does make the day slightly more tolerable. If only his husband would finally wish him a happy birthday. “How was your day?” is what Zack opts for instead. So Cloud entertains the conversation but omits the details to avoid disclosing what a terrible day he’d had. He also fails to mention how it’d go a hundred times worse if Zack were to forget about his birthday. “Look what I found when I was on my way back from Sector 8,” Zack holds out a yellow rose. “It reminds me of Aerith.” Cloud gives a noncommittal huh in response to that and raises a brow. “I’m thinking we should visit her tonight, it’s been so long since we’ve had a chat after all,” Zack muses. “I can imagine she’d be delighted to receive a gift like this.” Cloud isn’t sure how he feels about that idea. Maybe he’s a little too tired from his work, or maybe he’s sensitive when it comes to this (because come on, this is his husband’s ex we’re talking about). He clenches his fist and he can’t help but heave a sigh. Zack looks at him expectantly, still. “How about no,” says Cloud in a quiet voice. “Why not?” Geez, Zack can be so tactless at times. Cloud scowls. “Because aren’t you forgetting something?” Zack appears to ponder over the question for a few moments. “Hmmm,” He eyes the ceiling and strokes his chin as he contemplates. “I was sure we have no other plans for the night… Do you have anywhere else you need to be?” Cloud tsks. Count on Zack to come to that conclusion for why I disapprove. “If that’s the case would you at least give me a lift on your way there? I’m sure you can still reach in time with how fast Fenrir can be,” Zack is giving him puppy eyes, seemingly not even the slightest bit ashamed of the selfish request. Cloud rolls his eyes and complies reluctantly. He really doesn’t want to make this day any worse than it already is by ending it with an argument. At least he can go out for some fresh air after dropping Zack off to spend time alone. To enjoy some peace and quiet. To celebrate his birthday alone. To contemplate why his life has come full circle into loneliness’ embrace again.
Zack actually has a surprise birthday party planned for Cloud at Aerith's place, I just haven't gotten to writing that part out for at least two years already 🙈
Once again, the ask is much appreciated as this thing at least got the chance to see the light of day. I hope you'll enjoy a happy Halloween ahead, @thefinaljediknight!
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scarecrow-in-a-hatake · 7 months
Info Post
[This is a canon-compliant Hatake Kakashi RP blog. Feel free to send asks, reblog, or tag with rp starters! Generally speaking, responses will be in the same format as the inciting text, although most posts will be written in first-person POV as if the muse is running the blog.]
[This character has two different versions you can interact with: Agent Hound from his days leading Anbu Black Ops Team Ro, after Minato's death, or the Sixth Hokage from the Blank Period between the end of Shippuden to Naruto's inauguration in the epilogue. Unless one or the other is specified, the version that responds will be whichever seems more fitting in terms of the timeline.]
[As of March 2024, this account is high-activity.]
For RP blogs who want to interact from a sideblog: try submissions, your main blog pfp won't show
For reference to rp and topic threads, here's a wip masterlist
For tag searching in case the archive function is broken again, see below
#rp chain — all interactions with other Naruto RP blogs.
#in the spring days || other faces — interactions with characters that Kakashi has little personal connection with, including but not limited to OC muses and anon asks. #in the summer days || unwelcome ghosts — interactions with characters that Kakashi would canonically consider an enemy or opponent. #in the autumn days || old friends — interactions involving characters that Kakashi considers comrades, friendly acquaintances, and of course, friends.
#in the winter days || lonesome ramblings — posts where Kakashi is not directly speaking to any other characters, such as giving life-updates
#anbu days — posts where Kakashi is responding as Hound, captain of Team Ro/Team Six, age 18-24 #blank period — posts where Kakashi is responding as the Sixth Hokage early on in his term, age 32-35
#ooc — [out-of-character posts from the mod, @macchiato-dreaming22, which will be written in brackets such as this.]
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lefae · 2 years
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⚠️ Interest Tracker - required for in-character threads ⚠️
If you want to me to interact with you through in-character threads, it is required that the interest tracker be filled out.
OPTIONAL: 💞 Ships & Dynamics Preferences - ship/dynamic plotting 💞 💖 Best Friends Call - established mutuals only 💖
Established mutuals are those who have established connections through in-character interactions with one or more of my muses (ie if we haven't interacted at all yet, then the Best Friends Call is not yet for you).
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I announced this rules change back on June 25, 2022, with a deadline for filling it out set as January 01, 2023, at which time I will be breaking mutual status by unfollowing those who have not yet filled it out by then.
These are not the Google Forms I've had in the past, though if you have filled one of those out semi-recently, I may or may not be able to transfer your response upon request (ask, and I'll at least check if it's possible, as it does vary on a case-by-case basis, as GForms has lost some of the field responses).
I have severe memory struggles due to medical issues, and cannot reliably remember which muse(s) and/or verse(s) you want to interact with, especially if we don't talk regularly ooc.
It serves as a means of communication for stating your preferences in terms of how you want to interact with my muses, without it becoming as stressful if you forget to specify a muse and/or verse when sending asks/memes/prompts/etc.
I am more likely to initiate interaction myself if I have some idea of which of my muses and/or verses you're actually interested in interacting with, otherwise I will always wait for you to initiate instead and expect for you to specify your preference when requesting that interaction.
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Read the Rules & Guidelines before interacting! (This includes before filling out the Interest Tracker form(s).)
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Imagine # 1,041
Pictures NOT mine.
Year posted - 2023
*Based on this post. Feel free to imagine whatever era (age) Henry is in this one, I never specify his age or yours for that matter. Enjoy!
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Walking into the house (Y/n) carelessly tossed her bag on the floor by the front door. She then walked sluggishly into the living room where Henry was reading in the recliner. "Hey babe." He greeted her with a small smile, which faded when (Y/n) merely grunted in acknowledgement, before flopping face first onto the couch. "Rough day?" He asked as he sat his book aside. "Completely shit day." Came her muffled response, making Henry hum in understanding. Without inquiring further Henry made his way to the kitchen, and got to work. All the while (Y/n) continued to lay on the couch, dozing off here and there, though the smell of cooking food kept her from falling into a deep sleep.
By the time Henry had prepared everything and returned to the living room, (Y/n) had begun snuggling with one of the throw pillows. The sight made Henry smile as he sat the items in his hands down. "Come on sweetheart." He called out in a soft tone as he grasped her forearms, gently pulling her up into a sitting position as she huffed out a sigh. "You know I love you right?" He asked as he knelt in front of her in order to look into her eyes. "Of course I know that." Her smile, while genuine, couldn't hide the sadness in her tired eyes. "Good." He mused then grasped her face between his hands. "Because I love you more than I could ever possibly express, you're my soulmate, and my universe." Henry pulled her in for a comforting hug.
"And I'll do anything in my power to not only protect you, but to comfort you, and love you for as long as you want me." He pulled back from the hug, placing a soft kiss against her forehead, before draping her favorite fuzzy blanket around her shoulders. "Forget those assholes, and relax sweetheart, you're a million times better than those assholes anyways." He mused as he passed her the plate with the steaming grilled cheese he had prepared for her. "Thank you Henry." (Y/n) smiled, her eyes a little glossy with emotion. "You're welcome baby, and after you finish your food we'll go take a shower." He brushed her hair back affectionately, smiling at the eager nod of her head. "Awe you even cut it diagonally." (Y/n) cooed as she held up half of her grilled cheese, stray tears slipping from her eyes.
"Well it's nothing to cry over sweetheart." He chuckled as he wiped away her tears, smiling as she nuzzled into his hand. "I can't help it." She murmured before finally taking a bite of her comfort food. "You're precious." He mused before planting another kiss against her forehead. "I'm going to go set out some clothes to change into after our shower, and then I'll gather some cheesy horror movies for us to watch while we cuddle afterwards." He explained as he stood up properly. "I fucking love you." (Y/n) cooed with adoration adorning her face. "I love you more sweetheart." Henry winked before walking off to do as he said, chuckling when she hollered after him. "IMPOSSIBLE!"
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*I know I know... I've been AFK for a while now, things have been kinda heavy at home... I'm going to make a post talking about it later.
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flownintothesun · 1 year
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𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒 𝐔𝐏 — I don't know if this is my autistic self having a hard time or what but while I deeply appreciate everyone's interest in my muses it is SUPER frustrating to constantly have the mental load pushed back on me when it comes to who to write. I am a multimuse and I have five VERY DIFFERENT characters. When I ask who you want to write with, it is because I know that some of my muses aren't everyone's cup of tea for various reasons. I do my best to let you make an informed decision. I provide character pages, verses pages — and often when I reach out it's after reading YOUR character / verses pages and giving you a list of my muses that I think would work (and the reason). It is super super frustrating for it to come back on me to have to choose (especially with single-muse blogs) because it gets super tiring picking the 'wrong muse' when I gave all of the necessary information to help us have a successful thread and you (broad you) didn't want to take the time to read about my muses and pick (that doesn't bode for a successful thread, either). Things don't get responded to, I've wasted my time. It's just like making a meme call or starter call and saying 'specify muse' where everyone ignores that.
Roleplay is a collaborative hobby — it isn't up to me to make all of the decisions, decide which of my muses you want to write with (I'm not a mind reader), and in some cases be the only one making decisions in-character to move the thread forward. This isn't a vague at anyone in particular just something that has happened so many times it needs addressed. If you want to write with me, please do the work of deciding which of my muses you're interested in, especially if I've given you options, reasons I think (x) might work as well as resources to help you make an informed decision. Likewise, I am happy to give you a list of muses / scenarios that I think might work if you're struggling, but fuck, I'm tired of noncommital responses, people not reading my rules (in my carrd and on posts), and having to make every single decision. I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just *gestures* tired. It's okay to be interested in multiple muses or start multiple threads btw, but you should still know which (whether one or all) that you're interested in. if you follow me, please be interested in my characters enough to read about them, that's kind of the bare minimum.
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fablesuntold · 5 months
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Blog ran by Alex. He/Him. I am 25+. All of my muses will be aged up to at least 18 for the sake of the plot.
Check muse list HERE. Please switch to print layout when viewing. I’ll be adding more over time~
✨Welcome to my multi-muse roleplay blog, containing muses from a variety of shows, movies, video games and more. Want to roleplay with me? Here are a few simple rules: ✨
❄️Absolutely no minors at all please. I only interact with blogs that are 18+ and will not interact with people who don’t have an age on their blogs.
❄️Don’t act like a complete dickhead unless you want the same energy back. Obviously in character is fine but out of character? That’s a nope. Keep me out of your drama.
❄️Make sure to specify which muse you’d like to interact with when sending a meme or starter, and who you’ll be musing too.
❄️NSFW will most likely come up in my threads, as will topics such as gore, violence and other triggering themes, so this is just a caution. If that’s not your style then you probably shouldn’t be on this blog.
❄️I write descriptive replies and often get carried away. I’m all about the detail and love paragraphed responses— though I will write shorter replies if my partner prefers. As long as we keep it interesting.
❄️We all have lives outside of roleplaying and I have a full time job. Replies on my end could take days or weeks, but I promise I’ll do my best to make them worth the wait. Please don’t spam me for replies and be patient otherwise you’ll be blocked, I’ll get around to replies as soon as I can, but my DMS are always open if you want to chat!
❄️Please don’t try to force a ship on me. If our characters flow romantically, then they flow. If not, platonic is perfectly fine. I’ve had so many people trying to force ships and it’s not fun.
❄️Do not use my ideas, headcanons or plots. Anything I come up with is my own and therefore I don’t appreciate people stealing.
❄️I am selective when it comes to OCs and strongly prefer to roleplay with canon characters. It’s nothing personal, I’ve just had a lot of mundane interactions with them in the past. I will absolutely not interact with self inserts either. Sorry, they just don’t interest me in the slightest.
❄️Mary Sues and overpowered characters aren’t welcome here. No character is perfect and the plot can get boring if your character is portrayed to have no flaws or weaknesses.
❄️You can never have too many threads! I don’t care how many we have, keep them coming. If you have an idea you want to try, feel free to throw it my way regardless of how many we already have.
Topics that I like to include in my roleplays:
Friends with benefits
Enemies to lovers
Angst, Angst, Angst
Canon verse
AU’s/Fix its
Found family
Open starters
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paradise-in-k4 · 26 days
The Gap in the Evening, Report Entry 0: “Retrospective in Retrograde”
The night was dark. But then again, the nights are always dark here. Darker than they were in the last month. But that didn’t stop us from trying to uncover the mystery behind the mega crater that was a thousand times the diameter of Lake Suwa. I had made the hypothesis that this was part of a rogue meteor shower that wiped a whole town and the surrounding mountains off the map, but that couldn’t have been more wrong. Using her ability to see the boundary between what I inferred at the time as past and present, Maribel had realized that the area was alive and well. The story we had heard about a meteor wiping out a whole prefecture and then some was a cover-up, and we had to see this through as we crossed the boundary.
What we had witnessed was beyond belief. We bore witness to a practically untouched Japanese civilization that could date back to feudal times while boasting limited technology that could match the 21st century’s technological advances. Perhaps this was the land that Maribel had talked about visiting so much in her dreams. Was this a discarded second satellite whose mission was to compensate the assumed total loss of the TORIFUNE? Or maybe a botched attempt to test anti-gravity theories with cutting-edge technologies?
Our musings were cut off by one of the residents who claimed to have built her house in the nearby forest, introducing herself as Marisa Kirisame. As genuine as she sounded, her attire just screamed “modern day witch” with her cone-shaped long-brimmed hat accompanied by a poofy dress adorned with ribbons accompanied by a matching broomstick and what I can only assume- from one tabletop gaming session- is a magic focus of her own design. She said that something was wrong with her friend- a shrine maiden whose charge protected this whole region- and one of the authority figures of the land, asking us to help her out with some research in a parallel world where her sealed land of fantasy hadn’t yet gone through an incident of this magnitude. Using a parasol that she had been given from the aforementioned authority figure, she opened a second rift similar in quality to the one that Maribel had found. After being given a list of names of people who were said to belong in both worlds, we stepped headlong through the boundary into a parallel world. One that many called Gensokyo.
-Renko Usami
Hello and welcome to my general roleplay blog that appears Touhou-centric and boasts an AU based on Touhou that I call Universe K4 (refer to Touhou Lost Word’s universe coding to understand how I came up with this concept, as well as how universe denominations work with my muses), but some of it is essentially nonsensical ramblings unless you’re familiar with some of my other fandom interests and creative works. While I am *still* trying to get this stuff figured out, things’ll get more organized the more I work on this. Stuff like a rule list and guidelines are still under consideration, but my current list of rules is simple:
no NSFW of any kind on this blog (and there’s no side blog for it either)
no godmodding
in your ask, tag the RP blog you want me to respond to if you’re asking on anon or your main non-RP blog
be patient with me and tell me if things seem like they’re not going right, this is my first real attempt at making something like this
I’m open to plotted RP, but I will not do DM RP
anyone can usually drop in at any time by reblogging to your own RP blog, but mind where and when it's right for your character to enter
I can do fandom crossovers (because I have AUs in other fandoms that rely heavily on them), but responses might be slow if I don’t know the other fandom until I do a bit of research on the fandom and its characters
specify the muse(s) you want to interact with and which of your muses are in the scene, and possibly even a location if you want, it makes it easier for me to think of a response
I have a life like everyone else and several other not-quite-RP blogs that I like to write stuff on (below the break), so responses might not always be immediate
being on mobile, I might be unable to do several things that are limited to a desktop client. but I’ll try my best
you don’t have to match the length of my replies or be super detailed/formatted with them, but all I ask is that they’re grammatically legible
this blog isn’t restricted to mutuals-only or anything related. not yet, at least. if you want to interact, just do it!
FOLLOWER NOTE: If you get follow from @derpytoad or an ask that looks like an interaction request with this blog’s tag and then this blog reblogs your answer, it’s still me. Both blogs are one and the same because this blog is a side blog. Otherwise, it might appear as an anonymous ask with this blog’s tag.
Muse List, Writing Master Post, and Blog Tags
Useful Character & Worldbuilding Generators
Below is a list of active muses without a profile. Will eventually be moved to the muse list linked above.
Renko Usami (K4) - A university student and super unified physics major who accepted a request alongside her partner Maribel to help resolve an incident that afflicted an alternate Gensokyo as a side effect of trying to uncover the truth behind a disappearing landmass. Daring and adventurous, she looks at things from an objective perspective to find her answers. Her ability allows her to tell the time (in JST) by looking at the stars and to determine where she is by looking at the moon. Does not know of or have any declared Spell Cards yet.
Maribel Hearn (K4) - A university student and relative psychology major who accepted a request alongside her partner Renko to help resolve an incident after uncovering an alternate Gensokyo during an investigation behind a disappearing landmass. A specialist in reverse psychology, she looks at things from a relative and subjective perspective to find answers, sometimes considering specific concepts to be unreal due to her self-concealed ability to see- and possibly manipulate- boundaries. Slightly knows what Spell Cards are from her brief experiences in Gensokyo in the past, but hasn’t personally declared any yet.
Star Sapphire (L1) - One of the Three Fairies of Light that happened to spot Renko and Maribel as they entered Gensokyo through the gap, currently trailing them for her own reasons. It is currently unknown if she wants to help resolve the Parallel Satellite Incident or simply cause her usual brand of mayhem with pranks. A prankster a heart with rather bizarre perceptions and interests such as literally anything to do with stars, she comes off as the calmest and wisest of the three with more common sense than the average fairy in Gensokyo. Although Star comes off as a slacker at times, she knows when to alert her allies of something incoming when preparing to prank someone, and when to bail out and leave her friends behind to face the consequences if things go wrong. Her ability allows her to detect the presence of moving objects and people like a radar, although other abilities like Reisen Udongein Inaba’s ability to control wavelengths can interfere with this. Her first two Spell Cards may be Starlight "Star Laser" and Star Sign "Red Star" although she has several others to declare if isolated from any other backup, and she’ll often change the order she declares them.
Marisa Kirisame (K4) - A firepower-focused magician from the Forest of Magic who asked Renko and Maribel for help regarding an incident after Reimu and Yukari lose control over their abilities, causing Gensokyo to get stuck free-floating within an unknown gap as a satellite orbiting another larger celestial object. While still a proponent of bullet theory with a strong passion for building power as an ordinary human magician (often accented with giant laser beams), the recent incident has forced her into a more serious and scholarly approach to determine how to approach resolving the incident with Reimu and Yukari essentially out of commission for the time being. Her ability to use magic hasn’t changed, though she is currently holding Yukari’s gap-opening parasol while the incident is ongoing. Will declare Love Sign: Master Spark and Magic Sign: Non-Directional Laser as her first and/or main two Spell Cards if challenged to a fight, danmaku regulations or not.
Icon is Renko as portrayed in Touhou Lost Word, banner is currently one cutscene background from the same game.
Other than that, feel free to send an ask, tag me for an interaction, or just let me know what your blogs are in the replies or reblogs, as this is a permanent starter call. At least, until a separate long-term starter call post is made. If you read the rules and muse list and know what’s going on with this blog, send me an ask that says “Yukari, get the train!”
Looking for one of my other semi-or-less-RP blogs? Most of them are Cookie Run, but I have a bit of variety:
@bakersstreetirregulars - Cookie Run news with character commentary; open to Q&A with a select cast of muses but not full RP
@crepearchives - Cookie Run informational archival blog/pseudo-wiki for Tumblr convenience with character commentary; open to Q&A with an even smaller cast of muses than above, but no full RP
@lilywhite-space - Cookie Run AU with crossover implications that share universe lore with THIS BLOG. Everything else is WIP on this so far
@grimoiresofseveralmagicians - Touhou-centric info blog under development to act as a pseudo-wiki for Touhou Lost Word and other mobile games (the latter being under consideration). All personal lore posted on that blog is shared with and canon to THIS BLOG TOO.
Or are you looking for my other more Cookie Run RP-oriented blogs?
@timekeepertwister - Cookie Run AU with crossover implications partially canon to this blog; open to Q&A and RP for various characters related to the Time Balance Department
@kitsune-corps-investigators - Wizardposting blog with a backdrop cast of Cookie Run wizard/detective characters both canon and OC. Open to Q&A and RP for various characters related to the series as a whole, but still under development
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