#Springdale high school
watsittoyah · 1 year
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Along Came A Spider…2099
Warnings-Sexual content, and adult content. Some mentions of multiple dimensions. Oral sex, rough sex, fang play, claws kink, size kink, thigh fucking, breeding kink, and web bondage (shibari?), slight fear play…
(My Spanish isn’t great, so I did use google translate and Spanishdict to help…)
Chapter 10- Arachnophobia Behavior…
You woke up under Miguel’s heavy arm and when you try to move, he tightens his hold on you. “Baby, I need to get up and use the bathroom.” You whisper to him in his sleep. “Okay amor, okay.” He loosens his grip on you and you slide out of bed.
You keep the lights off in his bathroom as you use it. When you yawn you look out the window and you rub your eyes. You swear you saw something out of the window. “What was that?” You clean up and as you walk to the window, something green glows in the distance.
You blink and the glow was closer to the window. Almost like it was watching you. You take a step back feeling uneasy. The glow blinks out of existence and you shake your head. “Maybe I need to get back to sleep.” You turn and the glowing green eyes was right there, but they belonged to a green eyed ghoul. As you go to scream, the ghoul smiles and shoves a pumpkin down your throat..
You jerk up under Miguel and he stirs awake from your movement. “Está todo bien, amor?” He asks in a sleepy tone. “Everything’s okay. I just had a scary dream about…something.” Miguel sits up and you rub your throat.
“You know we can cancel the trip. Let your friends know you’re not feeling well.” You shake your head. “No, it’s okay. I want to go for Jerry. He’s kind of counting on us to come on this camping trip with him and his boyfriend.” You get out of bed and you hear Miguel behind you get out of bed as well.
“Was it about the Green Goblin?” Miguel asks as he walks over to you. You nod and chew on your thumb nail. “It was the same, I go to the bathroom, I see glowing green eyes and when I turn around...” Miguel holds your arms and rubs them, calming you down.
“Amor, you’re okay. It was just a nightmare.” Your tears seem to be close to the brim and you nod feeling scared. “It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare and I’m okay.” You reassure yourself. Miguel nods and pulls you into his arms.
You’ve been having this green goblin nightmare for the past few weeks now. It always starts the same and it ends with the goblin just about stuffing you with a pumpkin. It sounds funny when you explain it but it was terrifying to see it happen to you.
All you know is that you didn’t want to have the nightmares anymore. You wanted to have a peaceful nights rest. So you hoped that the camping trip would help, somehow…
For the camping trip, you were going to pretend that you had a normal sleeping pattern and focus on the people who matter the most around you.
So you were in the back seat with Miguel while Dennis and Erica were in the front. Dennis was driving and Erica was talking about how Jerry isn’t a nature person.
“Come on, E. Maybe Jerry changed his mind on the out doors.” You tell her. She look at you through the rear view mirror and you look away.
“Jerry Springdale? You know, the same Jerry that when we went camping for our junior year of high school, he had a panic attack because there wasn’t any toilets? The same Jerry who had a fit that there wasn’t any place to plug in his phone so it can charge? T be for real. Jerry is only into nature because his new boyfriend is into nature right now. Why couldn’t Jerry find a boyfriend that was into paying for a trip to California?” Erica says as she leans her head back in her seat. “I don’t know Erica, I think this could change Jerry. He seems happy.” Dennis says as he takes a left turn. Erica looks at her boyfriend and sighs.
“Babe, I know what you’re saying, but the second Jerry sees a lizard near his hiking boots he is going to lose his shit. I promise you that.”
As they talk about Jerry and his dislike for the out doors, you were looking out the window. You blink away the sleep and you feel Miguel’s hand rest on yours. “If you want to rest, amor you can. I’m here.” You shake your head and give him a small smile.
“I’ll be fine, baby. But how do you feel about finally getting to hang out with your little brother? That’s got to be exciting.” He rolls his eyes. “What?”
“Nothing amor. I love Gabriel, he’s my baby brother but it gets so tiresome when my mother talks about how he’s the perfect son. Gabriel is a detective, Gabriel comes to see me all the time. Gabriel would give his lung to me.” You give him a look and Miguel waves it off.
“It’s just my mother makes him seem like the perfect son but I have my own accomplishments. Some I can’t share for obvious reasons.” He looks away but you touch his cheek. “Hey, you know I’m proud of you right? For all that you do. I bet your brother is envious of you too about you being a scientist.” Miguel gets a small smile on his face.
“You know growing up, he would always tell everyone that I was his cool older brother. When I did experiments he would always want to be included.”
“From what I hear it seems like your brother loves his big brother. Cherish that, Miguel. I don’t have siblings. Yes I have my friends but I always wanted a sister or brother. I want to have the sibling arguments or just the thought that I can share stuff with my siblings. It seems fun.”
“Gabriel and I had some fun times…amor, puedo hacerte una pregunta?” You nod for him to ask. “Do you want kids?” He asks. “Now if you were my grandparents I’d say the same thing I’ll have them some day, not today or tomorrow. But really? I do, I want a big family. You know so the kids all are close and grow up with each other. I’m thinking two kids for now. Maybe more in the future. But I want a boy and a girl. But if it doesn't work out like that then, that's fine. I just want them to be happy and to have a great childhood.”
Miguel pulls you close to him and kisses your lips. “I can see that. I hope all of our kids, will have your curly hair and your beautiful eyes.”
You scoff. “Really? I always pictured them with your eyes and hair.”
“Alright, we’re here. It looks like Monica brought Josh along. So everyone is paired up thank goodness.” Erica says as she unbuckles her seatbelt.
As you four get out of the car, Miguel and Dennis both start unpacking the stuff. Monica walked over to the two of you and she gives a look.
“What’s wrong?” You ask. “Jerry, is out here acting like a whole Boy Scout. He’s about to make me start drinking now and you know that’s something if we just got here and I don’t want to be sober.”
“Come on it can’t be that ba-” A whistle sounds off causing everyone to wince. “Alright ladies and gentlemen! We have 0’hundred hours to get this place ready for the camping activities. Nick, honey, don’t put those logs there, someone might fall and break a knee.” You all look at each other. “Monica, where the liquor at?” Erica whispers. “In my bag, you want brown or white?”
“Guys, let’s just try to make the best of this. For Jerry and Nick.” You look at the camp site and your optimism slowly dissipates. “Are we camping or is this boot camp?”
“T, he was going to make us lock our phones in a box. I had to tell him that was a dumb idea. What if there’s a green goblin attack and we can’t call for help?” Monica says as she takes a drink off from her flask. You shiver at the thought and make sure your portable charger is in your bag.
“Nick, bless his heart. He’s just trying to make this fun for everyone but Jerry is just doing too much…T you talk to him.” Your two friends both look at you and you take a step back. “Why do I have to do it?” You whine.
“Because Jerry will listen to you. He looks up to you because you’re smart. Now get over there and save us from this camping trip from hell.” Erica pushes you along and you jerk yourself away from her.
You walk over to Jerry who was attempting to put his tent up but failing. “Hey Jerry, how’s it going?” You ask him as he goes to put the tent up again but it falls. “Fine, everything is fine. Why?”
You pull him over to the side and rub his arms like Miguel does to you after a bad dream. “Jerry.” Was all you had to do before he just let the tears go. “Tommie, I’m freaking out. This stupid tent won’t stay up, Nick forgot to grab the food, and I just I can’t stand the fucking outdoors! There are bugs out here, and no toilets. I just I want to go home, Tommie.” He cries to you.
“Hey, listen, listen. These are problems that we can solve. I’ll help you with your tent. You know I love building stuff. As far as food, we can send some of guys to grab some food, we aren’t that far from civilization. And we packed plenty of bug spray. Next time, make sure you tell Nick how you feel about camping.” You explain to him. He nods and he wipes his eyes.
“Thank you, T. I just…I want things to be perfect and-” You hug him and make sure he’s alright. “Come on, let’s get this camping trip all set.” Jerry gets everyone’s attention and he explains the new game plan.
“The hell did you tell Jerry?” Monica asks. “Just told him what needed to be told. Now I’m going to go and fix up some tents, you wanna help?”
“Yeah, Erica and Nick are getting wood and Josh and the others are getting food. And I don’t feel like getting back into that car.” You laugh and guide her to the first tent. “Alright, let’s get this started.”
After you and your friends had gotten things in order, it was around lunch time and the boys with the exception of Jerry were cooking.
“Now if camping is like this? With the men cooking, I could get use to this.” Jerry said as he drank a wine cooler. “If that’s the case then you should be helping them then, Jerry.” Erica said as she took a sip from Monica’s flask.
“If I gotta help then so do you, those men need a big back strappin’ boy to go help them lug up that fire wood.” You almost spit up your drink hearing Jerry and Erica go back and forth.
Monica on the other hand was laughing and walking away. You take that cue and go check on the guys with the food.
“Hola chef Miguel. What’s on the menu?” You ask as you wrap your arms around him. “Well, amor. We have chicken skewers, with street corn, courtesy of me, some fire fried bread and try this.” He brings a spoon with brown liquid on it and when you taste it, you nod in approval.
“That? That is good, what is that?” You ask him as you look in the pot. “It’s a family recipe for fire wood gravy. It tastes good on pretty much anything. I’ll make it for you another time, amor.”
“I can’t wait. The menu looks delicious, do you need anything?” Miguel’s eyes flicker from hazel to red and back to hazel.
“Nada que pueda decir delante de la compañía, mi amor.” You lean in close to him and eye him up and down. “Then maybe we can sneak away from company and have a chat. I know you love my voice.” You flirt as you lean your breasts against him.
“I do, I do love your voice, princesa. And I love how your voice gets weak when I lick the right places. I might need some reminding.” He leans down to kiss you but Nick and Josh calls for Miguel attention, since Dennis is concerned over the chicken. “I’ll be right there fellas. As for you? Oh I’ll be very happy when we can have a ‘talk’ later.” Miguel winks at you and you watch him walk over to the guys.
One thing you loved, was how Miguel can be so serious one second and then the next he was all over you like carmel on a sundae.
You walk back over to Erica and Jerry and you see those two not speaking. “Tommie, tell Jerry that if he wants me to talk to him he needs to stop calling me a man.”
“First of all, I didn’t call you a man, I called you a big back boy-” You stop the both of them. “Both of you need to cut it out. Come on, while they finish up let’s go for a swim. I saw a lake when Monica and I were fixing up the tents.”
They agree, and you tell Monica the plans. The four of you grab your swimming stuff and head to the lake. Erica sees a tire tied to some rope and Jerry tests it out to make sure it’s safe.
Monica being the daredevil she is, does the first dive into the water and you sit on the side, soaking in the sun and feeling the water on your feet. “This is nice.” You look at your friends in the water and Erica comes up for air. “Come on in. The water feels great.”
“I’ll be in soon. I just want my skin to get some vitamin D.” Erica moves up and sits down next to you. “Isn’t Miguel about to give you that later?” You slap her thigh and she yelps. “Hey, it’s not like the rest of us isn’t gonna get some tonight. I mean look at us, I know tonight no one is going to be alone.”
“Yeah, I’m sure tonight will be packed with fun. But um, E can I talk to you about something?” Erica looks concerned for a moment. “Yeah what’s up?”
“It’s just, so after the green goblin incident, I’ve been having well nightmares. I know it’s all in my head and I was wondering if you could recommend a therapist to me? My old one retired. Plus I know when you got in that car accident last year and you had nightmares and you went to therapy.”
“I’ll give Janet a call, I’m sure she can squeeze you in.” You feel good about that and just for the fun of it, you push her back into the water and you dive in.
It’s been several hours and the eight of you were around the camp fire eating food and talking about the old times.
“Monica, remember that time when T almost got expelled from school?” Erica says as she sits on her boyfriends lap. “We don’t need to bring that up.” You pretend the chicken on your plate the most delicious piece in the world as you hope Erica does explain.
“Amor, what did you do? I didn’t take you as a rebellious girl?” Miguel asks you keep looking at your chicken. “Alright so here’s how it went down, it was our freshman year of high school and there was this one teacher who had the fattest grudge against the girls in his class. I think he was a sexist but I could be wrong. Anyways he just kept down talking to all of us girls so Tommie was like, I bet I can get him respect us. So this little evil master mind rigs all of his doors, his windows. Erica what else did she rig?”
“She fucking rigged all the metal in the science room! I remember! She was like don’t touch anything he touches.”
“Exactly! So she does that and as soon as we all are settled in the class Tommie has this smirk on her face. And as soon as the teacher touches his metal desk that man went flying into his white board. We all thought he died because he had passed out.”
You look up at the sky as you feel everyone’s eyes on you. “I might have miscalculated the voltage. And the only reason I didn’t get expelled was one my grandparents had evidence on the teacher mistreating us and two…I got his heart up and running again.”
Everyone bursts out laughing and Miguel holds you close. “Eres peligrosa mi amor. But that’s part of your charm.” Miguel kisses your temple and you feel embarrassed.
“The funniest part of it is that she used a coil, three watch batteries and…uh?”
“A rustic potato.” You answer. “Okay Tommie remind me not to mess with you.” Josh says from across the fire.
“Alright, I don’t know about you guys but being out here reminds me of when I was little with my mom and that’s when we would tell ghost stories.” Nick says with excitement in his eyes.
As you watch your friends around the camp fire you feel a bit uneasy, because their faces looked haunting in the flickering fire light.
“Te gustaría descansar, amor?” Miguel asks you. “Yeah, just a little tired. Guys were calling it a night. See you all in the morning.” Your friends all say good night and Miguel leads you back to your tent to get ready for bed.
After you two had brushed your teeth and had gotten into your sleeping clothes, you sit up for a little bit looking at the moon.
Has it always looked a bit…green?
“Tommie?” You turn to Miguel and he closes the tent flap and turns on a light. “Are you alright?” You don’t know how to answer that. “Can I lie and say yes?”
“Amor, if you want to leave now we can.” You shake your head. “I want to stay. It’s just…I’m fine during the day time but when nightfall comes. I just get this feeling that something is watching me. Do you ever get that?”
“All the time, amor. But that’s because when I’m Spider-Man I tend to have a target on my back. But if you want I can check around the camp site. I’ll be quick and no one will even notice me.” You give a nod and draw your knees to your chin. “I’ll be back, princesa.” He rubs your shoulders and he then quickly leaves the tent.
As you listen to everything in the dark, you see a green hue against the tent. In that moment you had the awaited response of fight or flight.
You always figured if your dream had came true that you’d fight the ghoul who haunted your dreams. And so you gave a quick nod to yourself and you ran out ready to punch, hit, kick, and bite whatever awaited you.
Instead you see, fireflies. You felt stupid, seeing the yellow and green glowing bugs. You raised your hands and see three of fire flies land on your palms and fingers. “To think I was scared of you?” You chuckle to yourself.
You see a few more around you and when you turn you see a dark figure right there. You jerk back and throw a punch.
The dark figure catches your fist and that’s when you realize it was-
“Miguel? Baby don’t just stand there. I almost hit you.” He gives a chuckle and kisses your knuckles. “I’m sorry, mi corazón. I didn’t mean to scare you. But I checked, and everything is clear. But clearly you had to check for yourself by the way you swung at me.”
You felt your cheeks warm. “I’m sorry. I saw some green lights outside the tent, but it was these fire flies and when I turned and saw your figure I got scared.”
“No need to explain, I was watching you for the past five minutes.” You scowl at him. “Miguel put a bell on next time then.” You snatch your hand away from him and get back into the tent. As you get your sleeping bag ready, Miguel soon after enters the tent and zips it up behind himself.
“Estas molesta conmigo?” You hear Miguel ask as you pull your sleeping bag all the way to your neck. “What makes you say that?” You ask not looking at him. “Because you’re in bed and you don’t have your scarf on.” You turn towards your things, snatch your scarf out of your bag and put your curls up in a high ponytail and tie it up.
“Night.” You mutter to him as you face the tent and not him. “Oh no, no lo haces. You are not going to bed angry with me, pequeña mujer.” He pulls your sleeping bag over to him and you scoot down in your sleeping bag. “I’m not mad! Night!” You yell as you shut your eyes.
You hear Miguel give a sighing laugh and you feel his sleeping bag close to yours. Maybe if he hadn’t scared you, you wouldn’t be upset with him.
You somehow had managed to fall asleep an hour or so later. Oddly you didn’t have the nightmare or even a dream. The thing that made you wake up out of your sleep was how cold it had gotten in the tent.
You were only wearing a tank top and some dolphin shorts. Which you thought was good enough considering how it was in the high 90’s that day. But you didn’t think of the drop in nighttime temperatures.
You turn around in your sleeping bag and you see Miguel sleeping peacefully. You scoot over to him and you try to get back to sleep but it’s hard when your teeth are chattering.
You scoot a bit closer to him and he stirs in his sleep. “Mmm, amor? What’s wrong?” This man ain’t cold?
“I’m co..cold.” You chatter. “Come in with me then.” He opens his sleeping bag and you scoot in with him and sigh in relief, because he was as hot as a furnace.
You had your back facing his chest and you feel much warmer as he wrapped his arms around you. “I see someone isn’t being a brat anymore.” Miguel whispers against your neck.
You pout but you sigh. “You deserve my silent treatment as of now.” Miguel on the other hand had other plans to get you to talk. He runs his hands against your breasts and squeezes them gently. “Miguel, what are you doing?” You ask feeling his dick hardening against your lower back.
“Oh, I thought you were giving me the silent treatment. And since you’re so curious, I figured you were still cold. Solo te estoy calentando, dulce niña. Don’t you want to be warm?” He asks as he rubs your nipples through your tank top.
“Yo…you’re trying to be fu…funny, Miguel.” You say feeling yourself getting wet. “Me? Being funny? No amor. You know your well being is my…” Miguel then reaches under your shirt, tugging and rubbing your nipples. “…my top priority, amor.” He says as his flicks his tongue against your earlobe.
You let out a soft moan and you take one of his hands and guide it under your shorts. You part your legs as he parts your lips as he uses his middle finger to play with your clit. Your moan gets a bit louder but Miguel shushes you.
“Amor, you can’t go moaning too loud, your friends might hear you.” He says as he massages your breast and clit at the same time. “C…can’t help it.” You moan as you slowly grind your hips. “Sí puedes, amor. But bite that pretty lip of yours and let me keep you warm.” You feel him shimmy out of his bottoms and he slides his dick between your thighs.
He doesn’t enter you, he just presses your thighs together and he slowly thrusts. Fucking your thighs as he moans softly against your ear.
He rubs your clit faster and you bite down on your bottom lip as you feel the sweet tension building in your lower stomach. “Te sientes tan bien, princesa. So, so good.” Miguel’s fangs trails down your neck and you move your neck a bit, to give him permission.
“No, amor. I might hurt you. I’m feeling…very…. I might bite too hard.” You pout at his response and you feel him rub you faster which makes you jerk a bit as you feel yourself getting ready to come.
“Please.” You moan as you start to open your legs. But he squeezes them shut again and fucks your thighs faster. “You are such a brat tonight, Tommie.” He groans as he thrusts faster and he rubs your clit faster. You let your head fall against Miguel as you feel yourself coming against his fingers.
He grips your breast as he gives a silent grunt and you feel him coming between your thighs. Before you can even speak, Miguel sits up and he moves away from you. “That was a waste, because now I need my cum buried inside of you.” He motions for you to sit up and you by reflect do what he tells you.
“So all of this just to keep me warm, Miguel?” You ask looking at him as he stares at you. His demeanor would look haunting if you didn’t know him. His fangs were protruding past his lips. His claws were clenching his thighs.
He had leaned in close to you and without a word he slides your shorts off. “Mig-” He shakes his head so as if to tell you not to speak. You never seen him like this before.
Wait, yes you have. That night in the club bathroom. That face you saw in the mirror…
Miguel sniffs the air and you hear him inhale deeply. “Solo quiero mantenerte caliente, mi corazón. Is that wrong?” He asks as he leans in again. “N…no.” Your heart pounds a little and he sniffs the air again. “Am I scaring you? Don’t be scared, niña.”
“No you’re not.” You lie. You see Miguel study your face and he takes a singular claw out and pulls you by the front of your shirt. “I can smell two things. I can smell that you’re very aroused and que estas mintiendo. Don’t be scared, niña. I won’t do anything that you wouldn’t like.” He tugs a little and slices your shirt clean open, releasing your breasts. He stares at them and you watch as he touches himself which only makes you want to fuck him even more.
“Miguel do you want to taste these?” You ask motioning to your brown breast. You massage them and watch as he strokes himself faster. You pick up a pillow and you mount it. “Miguel, baby. Why aren’t you answering me?” You ask as you start to fuck the pillow in front of him. He just watches you like a hungry dog and you buck your hips while playing with your nipples.
“Someone is being greedy, with my late night snack.” Miguel grunts as he leans in. You throw your head back as you fuck the pillow and you feel his hand against your throat. “What’s the matter baby? You don’t like I’m having fun without you?” You tease to Miguel. He doesn’t answer, instead he yanks you over to him and kisses your lips. “Come.” He tells you as he grips your throat and rubs his thumb against your windpipe.
You knew Miguel would never hurt you but the dangerous thought that he could bruise your throat…oddly got you going. You grab at his hand and you suck his fingers, soaking not just them but the pillow under you. Once you climax, Miguel slides the pillow from under you and he inhales the wet spot. “Mine.”
He takes a hold of you and he flips you upside down, with your pussy to his mouth and your mouth to his pre covered dick. He didn’t even wait for you to taste him he was already licking your lips like a messy plate. He palms your ass apart and he licks you from your pussy up to your asshole, causing you to jerk from the sensitivity.
“Mmm is that too much?” Miguel asks as he pulls back the hood of your clit and licks it making you squirm. He slaps your ass as his nose gets buried in it. “Oh god.” You moan out. “Mmm amor, god isn’t here to help you. Now get that pretty mouth busy.” His dick presses against your lips and you take him in.
With the position you’re in, it was easier for him to slide in and out of your mouth. Miguel let’s out a whimper as he fucks your mouth and you fuck his.
You make a gagging noise with your throat and Miguel slurps up your juices. He lifts you up a bit and with his tongue he does circles around your clit. “M…m…m…baby I’m gonna come.” Without warning you squirt against Miguel’s mouth and you feel Miguel doing one solid thrust. Coming in your mouth and moaning. You suck and swallow, as he gives kisses on your inner thighs. Both of you were out of breath.
He sets you down gently and you lay back down feeling spent. “Te sientes cálida ahora?” He asks causing you to laugh. “Yes, Miguel I’m warm now. And I see you’re sweating.” You chuckle as you swipe a droplet of sweat off of his nose.
He captures your hand and you touch his face. “Let’s get back to sleep, amor.” He says as he cleans up the mess and brings you into his sleeping bag. “Sorry for being a brat earlier.” You tell him after a moment of silence. “I forgive you, Tommie. Now, close those beautiful eyes and get to sleep.” He says as he lays still. You yawn out and feel yourself drifting off dreaming about the goblin, only this time your personal spider-man swoops in and saves the day..
The camping trip was soon over and you were happy to be home, where your shower and bed room was. Erica was just happy to be getting Milo from her mothers house and Monica said quote unquote, please don’t invite her black ass back out into the woods.
All in all everyone had a good time. You and had felt closer to your friends and to Miguel. He had learned more about your past childhood shenanigans, and you learned that Miguel was practically a young genius. Was that really surprising though? Nah.
The nightmares were slowing down, but they weren’t stopping. Instead of everyday you had the nightmare three out of seven days of the week.
This green goblin really messed you up. And what made things worse is you knew Miguel had to deal with that monster.
“Amor?” You were staring off into space as you and Miguel sat on the couch with Milo watching a new show on tv. “Amor?” You snap out of it as you heard Miguel calls for your attention. “Yes? Sorry just had work on my mind.” You lie.
“Work? Or nightmares?” He asks as he places a hand on your knee. “That obvious huh?” You sigh and scoot carefully so you don’t move Milo out of his sleep. “Solo un poco, amor. Do you-” You shake your head.
“Nope, I’m going to therapy soon and I’m paying them to listen. Now remember we’re going to the baby shower tomorrow.”
“I will remember. You don’t need to worry, amor.” You hum to him. “I’m not just reminding you, Miguel. I’m reminding Spider-Man. Because he seems to always make you late to the party.” Miguel rolls his eyes but smiles as he pulls you onto his lap, straddling him.
“I’ll relay the message to him. Though, I thought you were a fan of his. Considering his special talents.” Miguel takes a finger to your chin and you feel warm in the cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr O’Hara.”
“Oh you don’t like the…fangs?” Miguel flicks his fangs out at you and you feel your breathe flutter a little. “They are nice I will admit.” You confess to him. “What about the…claws?” You feel his claw stroke your bottom lip and you can’t help but shiver in excitement. “I…I plead the fifth.” You tell him causing him to chuckle.
“You plead the fifth? Oh well how about when I, do this?” He webs your arms behind your back causing your chest to poke out to him. “I’ll admit I…might like that…” Miguel smiles up at you and eyes your chest. “I know I like this a lot.” Miguel says as he looks back up at you. His claws were back to fingertips and he was reaching under your shirt.
“You know. I’d like to see you tied up one of these days.” You tell him as he cups your breasts. “Mmm maybe one day, amor. But for now you’re my prey, caught in my web.” He suckles your breasts and flicks his tongue between them.
You’re careful not to wake up Milo but you let your head fall back a bit as Miguel sucks your breasts and licks your nipples. “Miguel, baby…just like that.”
Me keeps sucking while looking up at you. “If I wanted to, I could take advantage of you. Just keep you like this and turn you into a begging mess. Te gustaría eso, amor?” You nod feeling yourself hump his bulge. “That’s right, princesa. Make yourself feel good. I want to watch you make a mess of yourself.” Miguel lets his fangs trace the veins on your breasts and you jump when you feel his fang graze your nipple. “Mi amor, no te haré daño. Prometo.” He breathes out as he pulls at one of your nipples.
You then hear the keys jingle at the front door and Miguel straightens your shirt while slicing the web off of you carefully and you sit beside him pretending you two were watching what was in tv.
Erica came in with Dennis, laughing about something. “Oh, hey guys. I thought you two were going to the movies?” She asks as she puts her keys down. Dennis had greeted the two of you and you just felt embarrassed from almost getting caught.
“We were but, all the seats were sold for the viewing we wanted so we came back here.” Miguel answered for you. “Well, I would say let’s stay up and chat but Dennis and I have something to talk about. Right babe?”
“We do?” Erica gave him a deadpan stare and the boy bless his heart finally understood. “Oh! Yeah yeah. We have a lot to talk about.” Erica rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand. “Good night.” She said over her shoulder as the two of them went into her bedroom.
Miguel had sat up and looked over at you. “Are you okay, amor?” You look back at Miguel and lean in. “If you don’t hurry your prey is going to get away and get started without you.” You leap up from the couch running to your room, but it was already a lost fight. Because Miguel had webbed you from across the room.
“Pensaste que llegarías lejos?” He says as he walks over to you. Your hand was webbed to the door and you pout. “I thought I had a chance. But now that I’m caught in your web again. What are you going to do?” Miguel blinks and his eyes are ruby red. “I’m going to do what any predator does to their prey in the animal and insect kingdom. I’m going to eat.” Miguel cuts you free, and lifts out up over his shoulder. You smile like an idiot as he kicks your door closed….
Bonus! Some drawing I did when it wasn’t so hot 🥵😩 (please stay cool, if you can, get a cold cup of liquid!)
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Team Patience & Valerie Wester (@cherry-spot and @toa-arania) vs. Poppy (@stobotnik)
Patience & Valerie Wester info:
Patience and Valerie's Descriptions: What’s better than one girlboss? Two, of course! Red and green, fire and plants, spiteful god and godless heathen, and just so much drama to go around.
Patience, the self-declared leader of the high court of heaven, looks on the surface to be the kind and selfless leader to those she tries to save face for, with the noble goal of wanting Heaven to be a perfect paradise for all. Her family and the other gods know the truth, thanks to her “encouragement” for them to be her version of perfect. From the people she drives away, and to the countless people she actively seeks to harm, her insidious grasp on the divine beings can be felt everywhere throughout the realms.
Valerie Wester, a plant witch staying with her aunt in Springdale, is outgoing, confident, blasé, and consumed with overwhelming hubris and pettiness. She is notorious throughout the town for a variety of things, and when she isn’t enacting meticulous revenge, saying “we learnt something new” to justify her latest bullshit, or completely failing to understand the concept of altruism, she’s casting hexes, pissing off her ‘friends’, and attempting semi-successfully to get the attention of the various gods.
Patience's Crimes:
Pushed away one sister (Thena) to the point that she left the entire universe and convinced the other (Tempy) that her husband cheating was her own fault to encourage "improvement", then convinced her brother to be Heaven's executioner against his explicit wishes Framed Tempy's husband for the murder of someone who wasn't even dead so she could get him and his mistress kicked out of heaven and then put the 'murder victim' in a magic stone because she wasn't good enough at her job, a thing she does a lot and to anyone she just doesn't like very much. Some of them have been in there for centuries now because Patience """forgets""" about them. Intense demon hatred to the point of getting a demon-hating cult leader to be her understudy and nearly getting someone killed because their brother (not even the guy himself) was trying to convince her to let demons into heaven Unintentionally started a war between heaven and hell because she indirectly caused the death of the Queen of Wrath Total unshakable belief that everything she does is for the good of Heaven. She doesn't understand why the higher beings of Heaven have effectively disowned her
Valerie's Crimes:
Kleptomania for use in magic spells that exist almost entirely to fuck with people and extensive breaking and entering Compulsive lying and actively manipulating her friends Fucking with her sort-of-ex (including letting him think he's being haunted because it's funny and not doing anything about a rumour that they hooked up because it wasn't inconvenient for her) Liberal application of poison including to make herself sick to get out of assembly so she could go and steal things Lack of ethical consideration in spellcasting, such as accidentally cursing half the school to see terrifying demonic visions (re-traumatising an ex-infernalist and her ex's new girlfriend in the process) and spying on her friends to read a book about elder gods A frankly inordinate amount of scheming, including deciding "I'm going to destroy the Queen Bee's reputation in one week" because she is incapable of flirting normally (also for revenge) and nearly pulling it off, scrying on an agent of the god of trickery and deciding she wants to outwit him, and accidentally giving a venus fly trap sentience that she then used to get the fae king's attention. Being horny on main and a monsterfucker in a Christian Town™
Other Notes: @cherry-spot's friends are often split on calling Patience either the worst being in existence or desiring her carnally, and @toa-arania's friends are all terrified of Val using the word "fascinating" because it means an impending Val Moment.
Poppy info:
Description: Octoling MILF who traversed the deepsea metro and all she got out of it was this loser robot husband. You can’t spell ‘unethical cephalopod experimentation’ without all the letters of cute!
Crimes: Assisted Cdr. Tartar in omnicide, world domination, brainwashing, and eugenics. Allowed her daughter to destroy a world monument to also take over the world and assists them in their drug ring. Stole a cadaver to revive a rogue AI and allow it to continue living. Scrolls Pinterest on the clock at Grizzco while her co-workers get their shit rocked by flyfish.
Other notes from the submitter: Autism be damned my girl can work industrial machinery
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vidyapun09 · 25 days
A Comprehensive Guide to the Top Schools in Delhi: From South Delhi to Dwarka -By Stu Intern
Schools in South Delhi: A Hub of Excellence
South Delhi is known for its affluent neighborhoods and high-quality schools. Among the schools in South Delhi, institutions like Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram, an The Mother’s International School stand out for their academic rigor and holistic development programs. These schools are often at the top of the list for parents who want the best education for their children in a supportive and resource-rich environment.
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Exploring the Top Schools in Dwarka
Dwarka, a rapidly developing sub-city, is not far behind when it comes to offering excellent educational options. Top schools in Dwarka  like Delhi International School and Mount Carmel School have gained a reputation for providing quality education with modern facilities. These schools are becoming increasingly popular among parents seeking a blend of academic excellence and co-curricular activities.
The Appeal of CBSE Schools in Delhi
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of the most preferred educational boards in India. CBSE schools in Delhi, such as Bal Bharati Public School, Pitampura, and Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan, are known for their consistent academic performance and well-rounded curricula. These schools emphasize not only academics but also the overall development of students, making them a popular choice for many families.
 Best Public Schools in Delhi: Quality Education at an Affordable Cost
For those seeking quality education without the hefty fees, the best public schools in Delhi are an excellent option. Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) schools in Delhi are renowned for their disciplined approach and strong academic focus. These schools cater primarily to the children of government employees, offering a consistent and affordable education option across the city.
 Pre-Schools in Delhi: The Foundation of Learning
Early education plays a critical role in a child's development, and pre-schools in Delhi like The Shri Ram Early Years and Mother’s Pride are known for their nurturing environments. These pre-schools focus on creating a strong foundation for young learners, ensuring they are well-prepared for formal schooling.
Delhi's educational landscape is vast and varied, offering something for every family. Whether you're looking for top schools in South Delhi, prestigious CBSE schools in Delhi, or the most respected
public schools, the city has it all. This guide provides an overview of some of the best options available, helping you make an informed decision for your child's future.
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ledenews · 3 months
Jody Miller: ‘I Cry A Lot … I Miss Her So Much’
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Heather Miller was a classic, all-American kid who loved softball, singing her daddy’s favorite songs, crowded family picnics, and she adored her momma, too. She was loud, she was fun, there was nothing she wouldn’t try, and she volunteered, even roofed with her father, and she knew as a teenager her life’s mission would involve caring for other people.   “Heather was my best friend,” said her mother, Jody. “And when she would come home from college, she wanted to be with her family. “What 20-something-year-old young person comes home from college and wants to hang out with their uncle or their parents and family? But that was Heather. There was something very special about her.” Heather Miller was a few weeks away from being graduated WVU’s nursing school when she passed away in March 2008 after suffering extensive injuries as a passenger in an alcohol-related car crash. She was resuscitated on the way to the Ohio Valley Medical Center, and that’s where the family begged fate for a miracle. The 17th Annual Heather Miller Golf Classic will take place on July 26th at Oglebay's Crispin Course - but the event is not about the golf. Heather was only 21 years old when she died a week later, but she was an organ donor and she saved lives. In fact, Heather’s story is featured in the first episode of a five-part docuseries titled “Gifted” that debuted on March 15th at Wheeling Park High’s JB Chambers Performing Arts Center. The Miller family has celebrated Heather at the end of July every year since, and the Heather Miller Memorial Golf Classic has raised thousands of dollars for hundreds of nursing scholarships at WVU. This year’s event is scheduled for July 26th at Oglebay’s Crispin Course, and golfers and sponsors are always needed, thank you very much. “I get asked why I choose to relive it; why I keep telling Heather’s story. I think more than anything, as a mom, I think her story needs to be told because I don’t want this to happen to any other family; to another mom or dad or sister or brother,” Miller explained. “If telling her story means someone else won’t feel this loss so deep down, then good. That’s why I tell it over and over. “I cry a lot because I miss Heather so much,” she said. “I don’t want the crash to define Heather, but rather the fact she was an organ donor. That’s what I want people to learn when they watch the documentary. I want people to realize her impact. I want them to get the point.” The Millers have become involved with MADD, CORE, and with Wheeling Police Chief Shawn Schwertfeger so they can spread Heather's story to as many people as possible. Heroes Save Lives She had job interviews scheduled, and that meant she soon would trade a student’s life in Morgantown for adulting her way into a full-blown professional nurse. Life was about to get real, so Heather wanted to have some fun when she returned to Wheeling for her final college spring break. “She told us she just wanted to go out with friends and have some fun and that she had a designated driver, and she was going to stay the night with some friends,” Miller recalled. “It wasn’t the first time, and she was always careful. We talked about those things. “And then the doorbell rang at 12:30 a.m. and I thought it was her because she decided to come home and she forgot her key,” she mumbled with tears. “But then I saw the two deputy sheriffs at the door.” The crash took place at the intersection of Park View Lane and National Road close to the Springdale area of Wheeling, and the scene was saturated with the flashing lights of tragedy. “At that moment, our lives changed forever,” she said. “Heather was in a rollover crash and the authorities said the vehicle was going about 78 (mph) in a 25 miles-per-hour zone. She was partially ejected out of the window and she was pinned with the car on top of her. The Miller family decided to participate with Robert Horsey's "Gifted: The Docuseries" project and the episode debuts on March 15th at Wheeling Park High. “They told us we needed to go to the Ohio Valley Medical Center as soon as possible, and when we got there, they told us they had to bring her back on the way there.” The Millers are attending the annual Transplant Games this week in Birmingham, Ala., where donors and recipients compete in the two divisions in events like golf, swimming, ballroom dancing, and even darts. Robert Horsey, the author of “Gifted” and the creator of the related docuseries, is there, too, as he continues to produce the remaining chapters for the film. Jody will, of course, tell Heather’s story as many times as necessary while in Alabama just as she and her family did for Horsey’s docuseries. “When Robert first asked us about doing the documentary, we were reluctant at first, but we also believe it’s important to tell people about Heather and how she’s helped so many others so we can spread the word about organ donation. Some people are still against it, and they have their reasons, but we know the positives that come from donating,” Miller said. “We’ve realized the importance because of Heather’s decision to be a donor. We’ve witnessed the blessings. “So, we agreed to the documentary. We agreed to tell Heather’s story to a much broader audience so her impact could grow even more,” the mourning mother added. “It was tough. I know our kids were reluctant. But they talked because it was about their sister, what she was like, how she lived, and what they miss the most.” She paused, and then said, “And it’s about all the miracles that have followed.” Jody and her husband are attending the Transplant Games this week in Alabama. Read the full article
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savemax · 6 months
Unveiling the Allure of Homes for Sale in Brampton: Your Ultimate Guide
Nestled in the Greater Toronto Area, Brampton stands as a beacon of diverse culture, bustling communities, and a burgeoning real estate market. For those seeking a perfect blend of urban convenience and suburban charm, house for sale Brampton offer an enticing opportunity. In this comprehensive blog, we'll explore the myriad reasons why Brampton is an ideal destination for homebuyers, highlighting its vibrant neighborhoods, diverse housing options, and the unique lifestyle it affords.
A Tapestry of Neighborhoods: Brampton is a city woven from a rich tapestry of neighborhoods, each with its own distinct personality and allure. From the historic charm of Downtown Brampton, with its quaint shops and cultural landmarks, to the family-friendly suburbs of Bramalea and Heart Lake, Brampton offers a diverse range of communities to suit every lifestyle. Whether you're drawn to the hustle and bustle of urban living or the tranquility of suburban life, Brampton has a neighborhood that feels like home.
Diverse Housing Options: One of the most compelling aspects of Brampton's real estate market is its diverse range of housing options. Whether you're in the market for a cozy townhouse, a spacious detached home, or a sleek condominium, Brampton has something for everyone. With new developments springing up across the city, there's never been a better time to explore the housing market in Brampton and find the perfect home to suit your needs.
Family-Friendly Amenities: Brampton is renowned for its family-friendly amenities, making it an ideal destination for those with children. From top-rated schools and parks to recreational facilities and community centers, Brampton offers everything families need to thrive. Neighborhoods like Springdale, Castlemore, and Mount Pleasant are particularly popular among families, thanks to their excellent schools and abundance of green spaces. For parents looking to provide their children with a safe and nurturing environment to grow up in, Brampton is the perfect choice.
Convenient Location: Situated just northwest of Toronto, Brampton offers the perfect balance between urban convenience and suburban tranquility. With easy access to major highways, GO Transit stations, and public transportation, Brampton is an ideal location for commuters looking to travel to and from the city center. Additionally, Brampton is home to a thriving business community, providing ample employment opportunities for residents right in their own backyard.
Affordability: Despite its close proximity to Toronto, Brampton boasts a relatively affordable housing market compared to its neighboring cities. This affordability, coupled with the city's excellent amenities and high quality of life, makes Brampton an attractive destination for homebuyers looking to get more bang for their buck. Whether you're a first-time buyer looking to break into the market or a seasoned homeowner looking to upgrade, Brampton offers options to suit every budget.
Conclusion: In conclusion, Brampton's houses for sale present an exciting opportunity for homebuyers looking to settle down in a vibrant and thriving community. With its diverse neighborhoods, wide range of housing options, family-friendly amenities, convenient location, and affordability, Brampton truly has something for everyone. Whether you're a young professional, a growing family, or a retiree looking for a peaceful retreat, Brampton offers a place where you can put down roots and create lasting memories. So why wait? Explore Brampton's real estate market today and discover the perfect home for you and your family.
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candacehughes123 · 7 months
bryant brothers barber shop 1130 springdale st memphis tennessee 38108 gnarcotics headquarters aryan nation earth kipp memphis collegiate high school gun manufacturing houseings 2110 howell ave. memphis tennessee 38108 aryan nation earth 1114 overton bayou university st off chelsea ave. swat headquarters aryan nation earth university st tennis courts memphis tennessee 38108 aryan nation earth university park memphis tennessee 38107 aryan nation earth kipp memphis academy middle 2110 howell ave. memphis tennessee 38108 eldridge ave. manufacturings paid aryan nation earth passion place boarding home 5269 brekenwood dr memphis tennessee 38127 aryan nation earth bomar car wash 2032 chelsea ave. memphis tennessee 38108 aryan nation earth gooch park 1974 hunter ave. memphis tennessee 38108 aryan nation earth shelby county fire 67 944 northaven dr. memphis tennessee 38127 candace marie hughes records penny pantry 4991 brekenwood dr. memphis tennessee 38127 drane lake kim's kloset 5136 blacksmith dr. memphis tennessee 38127 park northhaven elementary school 5157 n circle rd. memphis tennessee 38127 houses earth must return to candace marie hughes and swat and candace marie hughes swat and aryan nation earth and aryan nation and doors earth and doors aryan nation earth and earth and blood. on. paid. vvoiced vvoiced on paid. remove glass cover. paid. mail kiy key card dh to candace marie hughes. on. paid. police uniforms sizeings vvoiced uniforms appear vvoiced must return to candace marie hughes. on. paid. vvoiced paid. mail kiy key card dh to candace marie hughes. on. paid. vvoiced paid. remove glass cover. paid.
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wutbju · 8 months
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Reverend Doctor Paul G. Hammond was joyfully received in Heaven by His Lord and Savior on the morning of September 6th, 2023 with his beloved wife by his side in the Upstate Medical University Hospital Neuro ICU. The family thanks the doctors, nurses and staff for their skills in caring for him, and their tender concern for the family.
Paul was born June 13, 1933, in Soldiers and Sailors Hospital in Penn Yan, New York and raised in Penn Yan by his parents Ford Cassius Hammond and Evangel Johnson Hammond, daughter of Rev. G. Frank and Lillian Whitney Johnson.
Paul attended Penn Yan Academy and graduated from St. Francis DeSales High School in Geneva, NY in 1952. He played football and lacrosse for Penn Yan and had his nose broken in a box lacrosse game on the Indian Reservation.
He served in the US Army Security Agency during the Korean War and at Fort Bragg, NC. After his meritorious Army service, Paul attended Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC where he quickly earned a B.A. and a M.A. He was ordained at the Springdale Baptist Church, Taylors SC. He earned a M.S. in Psychology from the State University of NY at Brockport and a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling from the [unaccredited] Christian Bible College in Rocky Mount, NC.
Paul was a humble man who never flaunted his degrees and his knowledge. The Ph.D. was his tribute to his father who ‘only’ had an 8th grade education yet had more practical knowledge and spiritual insight than many.
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tartrat · 9 months
My thoughts for a rewrite for Yo-Kai watch Blastes 2 rewrite.
Recently i have been thinking about one of my main problems with Yo-kai watch (besides the fanbase on twitter) and that would be the Bundory family being perpetually trapped in Blasters 2 and specifically how i do have a rewrite in my head.
My main problem here is that because B2 has been disregarded they have been stuck there since. I know that Gowin, Catleen and Dandory have reappeared in Puni Puni but apart from that the rest of the family haven't appeared in any game since 2017. I feel like there should have been some sort of crossover with Yo-kai watch 3 as B2 is based on the treasure blasters mode from it and it would've possibly given them a bit more acknowledgement as well as possibly having localised names. I mean recently i found out that the family name has a spanish translation (Familia Feliante, apparently) on the wiki but am unsure whether this is legitimate or if someone was bored one day and decide to mess around.
I do favour Dandory over the rest as he is the main one, but over the years I have rewritten him inside my head, like i thought about this alot during 2020 and within the last year or so i've tried to make it more cohesive. I just like him and i don't know why, an unfortunately most of the results that come up for him online are f*tish art of him (on an unrelated note i wish that Charlie and the chocolate factory was never written)
(note that in this rewrite i have made Dandory 15 and have also aged the human characters up to 15 as well, because most shows sort of show 15 year olds fighting god at this point or something)
This is a basic outine.
Anyway my rewrite essentially goes that Catleen had made a deal with Kanendesu that it would take her first born child, but eventually she kept evading it with her family and having the other three children. However, Kanendesu eventually catches up to her and as punishment, possesses her before going off to the island where B2 takes place. This leaves Dandory with the family and his life becomes a living hell. Eventually Gustaf, tips him off about Nate so that he could go to him for help, and so Dandory flees to Springdale in the night, ending up collapsed on a random street only for Katie to trip over him in the morning. This then leads into the events of B2 but with Nate, Katie and Hailey exploring the temples with Dandory to find his mother. Eventually when they do find Catleen, and that she is currently possessed by Kanendesu, the other Bundory Family members reach them and in the squabble that ensues Kanendesu releases its control on Catleen and goes straight for Dandory and possesses him, leading to him being the first phase of the final boss.
So what else would i change and what would i keep?
Firstly he is still going to be the brains of the group as he would know the most about the temples that they will be going into.
Obviously with the mention of Nate, Katie and Hailey, they are the protagonists of this rewrite, I have more ideas for why Katie has a watch but not how the game explains it, but i also want to see Nate interact with humans more. This would also be a way to show Dandory healthier family relations.
Dandory isn't an actual criminal in this and was simply being used behind the scenes, when this is found out, Gowin is arrested (though he would eventually break out again).
Dandory is enrolled in the human's School afterwards and has to go by the name "Danny" whilst there, and is taken in by the Forester family (I would need to explain Katie and her family"s relationships with Yo-kai in the rewrite). The school in this is not the elementary school and is instead a high school for the arts.
Thats really all i have for now. This week i really have been thinking about how theres a lot of things that i would change in Yo-Kai watch. I haven't really kept up with the series in a while and i dont really follow anything from Shadowside onwards because its all kind of strange and I don't understand it (like what is a sorananki and why arte there three different versions of it and why is one kind of hot?). But Dandory will always have a special place in my heart and I really wish we got to see more of him and his family. There is his dragon variant and red cursed variant in puni puni but they are not exactly him. I don't care if he's a criminal or not, he deserved better from the narrative. Again just like with my previous Knight Light post i do want to think morer closely about this rewrite that i have as there is a lot that i want to say in regards to this series (Such as how Nate barely has friends like the most he interacts with other humans in the main story events are with his future daughter and so kid from the 60's) but thats all i have on Dandory for now.
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maitreyajha · 1 year
Top 10 CBSE Schools in Delhi: Providing Quality Education to Students
Delhi, being the capital city of India, is home to some of the best schools in the country. Many of these schools are affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which is known for its high academic standards and holistic approach to education. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 CBSE schools in Delhi that provide quality education to their students.
Delhi Public School, RK Puram: This school has consistently been ranked as one of the best CBSE schools in India. It has state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculty, and a wide range of co-curricular activities to help students develop their overall personality.
Modern School, Barakhamba Road: Founded in 1920, this school has a rich history of providing quality education. It has excellent facilities for sports and extracurricular activities and is known for its focus on holistic development.
Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj: This school has a unique approach to education that focuses on experiential learning. It has a sprawling campus with well-equipped labs, libraries, and sports facilities.
Sanskriti School, Chanakyapuri: This school is known for its emphasis on Indian culture and heritage. It has a highly qualified faculty and a strong focus on academic excellence.
The Mother's International School, Sri Aurobindo Marg: This school is based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It has a progressive approach to education and is known for its emphasis on creativity and innovation.
Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan: Founded in 1955, this school has a rich legacy of providing quality education. It has a strong focus on co-curricular activities and is known for its innovative teaching methods.
Amity International School, Saket: This school has a modern infrastructure with well-equipped labs, libraries, and sports facilities. It has a strong focus on academic excellence and has consistently produced excellent results.
Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj: This school has a sprawling campus with excellent facilities for sports and extracurricular activities. It has a strong focus on holistic development and has consistently produced well-rounded students.
Bal Bharati Public School, Pitampura: This school has a well-qualified faculty and a strong focus on academic excellence. It has a wide range of co-curricular activities to help students develop their overall personality.
Ryan International School, Rohini: This school has a modern infrastructure with well-equipped labs, libraries, and sports facilities. It has a strong focus on academic excellence and has consistently produced excellent results.
In conclusion, these are the top 10 CBSE schools in Delhi that provide quality education to their students. Each of these schools has its unique approach to education and is known for its academic excellence, co-curricular activities, and holistic development of students. If you are a parent looking for the best CBSE school in Delhi for your child, you can consider these schools based on your preferences and requirements.
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rohitthrills · 1 year
Top 10 CBSE Schools in Delhi: Providing Quality Education to Students
Delhi, being the capital city of India, is home to some of the best schools in the country. Many of these schools are affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which is known for its high academic standards and holistic approach to education. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 CBSE schools in Delhi that provide quality education to their students.
Delhi Public School, RK Puram: This school has consistently been ranked as one of the best CBSE schools in India. It has state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculty, and a wide range of co-curricular activities to help students develop their overall personality.
Modern School, Barakhamba Road: Founded in 1920, this school has a rich history of providing quality education. It has excellent facilities for sports and extracurricular activities and is known for its focus on holistic development.
Vasant Valley School, Vasant Kunj: This school has a unique approach to education that focuses on experiential learning. It has a sprawling campus with well-equipped labs, libraries, and sports facilities.
Sanskriti School, Chanakyapuri: This school is known for its emphasis on Indian culture and heritage. It has a highly qualified faculty and a strong focus on academic excellence.
The Mother's International School, Sri Aurobindo Marg: This school is based on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It has a progressive approach to education and is known for its emphasis on creativity and innovation.
Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan: Founded in 1955, this school has a rich legacy of providing quality education. It has a strong focus on co-curricular activities and is known for its innovative teaching methods.
Amity International School, Saket: This school has a modern infrastructure with well-equipped labs, libraries, and sports facilities. It has a strong focus on academic excellence and has consistently produced excellent results.
Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj: This school has a sprawling campus with excellent facilities for sports and extracurricular activities. It has a strong focus on holistic development and has consistently produced well-rounded students.
Bal Bharati Public School, Pitampura: This school has a well-qualified faculty and a strong focus on academic excellence. It has a wide range of co-curricular activities to help students develop their overall personality.
Ryan International School, Rohini: This school has a modern infrastructure with well-equipped labs, libraries, and sports facilities. It has a strong focus on academic excellence and has consistently produced excellent results.
In conclusion, these are the top 10 CBSE schools in Delhi that provide quality education to their students. Each of these schools has its unique approach to education and is known for its academic excellence, co-curricular activities, and holistic development of students. If you are a parent looking for the best CBSE school in Delhi for your child, you can consider these schools based on your preferences and requirements.
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hostor-infotech · 1 year
High School Esports 2023 Power Rankings, Week 2
1. Southside High School: Maverick Esports 2. White County Central High School: WCC Tibbers 3. Gentry High School: GHS Infinite 4. Springdale High School: Red Dawgs 5. Wynne High School: Delta Swarm 6. Bryant High School: HiveFive 7. Morrilton Senior High School: Devil Dogs 8. Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts: Rabbit Hole 9. Bentonville West High School: BWHS League of…
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desnayy · 2 years
Thinking again about the CCS next gen type story I was coming up with in my head where the main character, a high school boy named Momiji, found the Sakura Book in an antique store and accidentally released all of the cards except for The Sword, and the first card he faced off against was The Wood that had grown a dense forest in the front yard of the school he went to. Also it took place in Springdale/Sakura New Town from the Yokai Watch series
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ceoreview · 2 years
Top 10 Schools in Delhi
Schools in Delhi are some of the most prestigious institutions in the country. They offer a world-class education, with top-notch facilities and a curriculum that is second to none.
Here is our list of the top 10 schools in Delhi
1. Amity International School 
2. The Shri Ram School
3. Sanskriti School
4. Springdales School
5. Vasant Valley School
6. Modern School
7. GD Goenka World School
8. Pathways World School Aravali
9. Scottish High International School
10. Shiv Nadar University Primary and Secondary School
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ledenews · 3 months
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thinkwinwincom · 2 years
AK Valley Football Preview Pods para el 31 de octubre de 2022Juegos
AK Valley Football Preview Pods para el 31 de octubre de 2022Juegos
por: miguel amor domingo 30 de octubre de 2022 | 15:20 Cristóbal Horner | revisión tribuna Brooke Taliani de Springdale supera a Amara Puglia de Mohawk durante los cuartos de final de Clase A de WPIAL el miércoles 26 de octubre de 2022 en Kiski Area High School. Previa de los clasificatorios de fútbol de la WPIAL niños Clase 3A semifinales 2-trabajo respetable (18-1-1) contra 11-umbridge…
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rajeshwarfan · 5 years
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