battychaichilla · 2 months
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Decided to draw the monkeys in outfits again! This time I drew Nova first ❤️
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ohphestr · 1 year
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hi :) this is my first srmthfg fanart please be nice to me <3 they're humans because drawing monkies is hard. hope u understand. light and love.
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bowletta · 2 years
(spoilers for a show that came out... 18 years ago?? lol)
this. this is the moment when i knew srmt was something special. HOW was this a tv budget disney show in 2004???
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rararazaquato · 1 year
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no guys you dont get it. hes like a son to me. he’s a silly little guy. he’s my cool bisexual uncle.
(the middle image was traced over my otto repair chronicles images and the one in the bottom right was traced over chopper from one piece. figured i should state that.)
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tauriatalksmonkeys · 2 years
Alternate Evil Ages: A Bulletfic
so @sweetcircuits & i were talking about Evil Ages for unrelated reasons & my brain fed me this idea, so!
it started with me once again dwelling on my thoughts on Evil Ages (fun & cute but also, frustrating bc it's all earth/american-centric history when shuggazoom is a separate planet, & it would have been rly cool to see unique lore/eras. tho it being a 00's kids show i understand why that's not what we got)
and THEN i started thinking about like, the eras of the show we DID get to see--a glimpse of Scrapperton-era Shuggazoom, and then, of course, Cap's flashbacks to the Golden Age.
which THEN led me to, uh. this.
(also BIG thank you to @sweetcircuits who both encouraged me to write this & also was a big help with making sure it worked with the episode <3 ilu)
Instead of landing in the Prehistoric-era, Chiro & Nova land in Shuggazoom. Kind of. It's... different. Recognizably home, but altered enough they feel like strangers. There are buildings missing on the skyline. Some are shorter than they remember. Others are wearing different logos, painted alternate colors. Hovercars whiz down the street, but not the cars of their memory. These ones are shiny chrome with sharp angles and boxy fronts.
They wander the streets, looking for any clue as to what the heck is going on. And then they see people running. They share a glance before they take off running as well, towards the source of the disturbance, not away.
I like the idea of them reaching the place where the Robot is now parked, but it could just as easily be the site of the museum, a town plaza, a park---it doesn't really matter. What matters is what they see:
A man who looks awfully like the museum curator stands in the center, surrounded by giant, creepy puppets with abnormally wide grins. Across from him, a stranger hovers several feet off the ground. He's clad in black and white and orange, a cape billowing from his shoulders. His uniform is familiar; Chiro is wearing it's match right now. But it's not the uniform that really draws the eye.
It's the helmet.
"He's wearing our logo," Chiro says dumbly. He meets Nova's eyes, and sees his confusion echoed there.
Chiro doesn't get a chance to ask what it could mean.
The stranger says--- "You won't get away with this, Puppeteer!"
And the curator-lookalike laughs. "I already have!" He raises a set of pipes to his lips, and begins to blow. The puppets fly forward, hands raised to hurt, and the stranger throws bolts of electricity. It's enough to startle both Nova and Chiro into the fray, joining the stranger.
They are, of course, overwhelmed, defeated, and they wake up in the dungeon with the others, no sign of the helmeted stranger. They don't think about it, for a bit; instead focused on stopping and defeating the Curator.
And then the episode ends. The Curator is gone, disappeared to who-knows-where, or when. The team returns to Shuggazoom, where the dolls sit on display; small and life-less once more. Among them is the stranger. Chiro picks him up, looks at him. He's never heard of any other heroes on Shuggazoom---but then, history was never his best subject. (That's what he has Antauri for, now.)
Speaking of. Antauri approaches. "What have you found?" he asks, and this prompts Chiro to explain the bubble that he and Nova were caught in.
Antauri, too, seems mystified.
On a whim, Chiro pulls at the helmet. It slips off. (Ignore that this doesn't make sense, please and thanks.) It doesn't make sense, but he's half expecting to see the Alchemist. He doesn't. The monkeys have gathered around, now, and upon the sight of the stranger's face, their heads tilt. The doll is simple, of course, but there's enough detail before them. Short, slightly spiky brown hair. Dark eyes. Chiro thinks he's meant to be handsome.
"He looks... familiar," Nova says, visibly unsettled. The other monkeys nod, slowly, just as unnerved. Just as perplexed.
"Who IS he?" Chiro asks.
Episode fade-out.
Four episodes later, they track down a mysterious signal... and find a helmeted stranger.
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co27 · 1 year
For the love of... Take this down. Right now. Learn to use the bloody shift key! Learn that no matter what you might think, the Monkey Team is not gay! Bloody hell, why not make them all commit suicide. Please.
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ladytauria · 2 years
Made up fic title: Questions - SRMTHFG!
oooo there's so many different ways i could go with this 🤔
i think ultimately i'll go with my first thought, which is chiro questioning the chosen one prophecy. why him? how does antauri know it's him / could xan be right, and it not be him? what exactly does the prophecy foretell?
how exactly i would answer these questions would... depend, i think, on my mood and what i was trying to accomplish at the time?? as for what i'm feeling right now. answering in a different order, tho:
what exactly does the prophecy foretell? -- i'm not going to write an actual prophecy right now bc that shit is hard, BUT. the gist of it is that two forces, one agent of light and one agent of dark, will clash, & the person who prevails will decide the future of the next age. whether darkness & chaos or light & hope rules. or some such like that. & i like the idea of the prophecy being kind of old, & thus a bit fragmented, with pieces lost, and things that could be interpreted one way or another? but basically. it's vague, maybe a bit ominous, & many varons have committed to studying it & arguing over what it means.
how does antauri know it's him? -- the true answer would be a feeling / hope that it is. the answer that antauri would end up giving is the strength of chiro's power primate & his compassion. (maybe also that he found / awakened the monkey team?)
could xan be right, and it isn't him? -- i'm actually going to answer that along side "why him?"
why him? -- i REALLY like prophecies that have an element of choice to them. like, the person who fulfills the prophecy is the person who CHOOSES to do so. so... no. right now, chiro isn't really the chosen one--he's a POTENTIAL chosen one. he has to make the choice, during the hypothetical season 5 finale. antauri's answer, though, would be "i don't know" or "it was destined," maybe.
also on a related note: i really like the idea that xan was telling the truth during his whole rant in antauri's masters. he DID see a bad future---but it was either a) an outcome that COULD be, not necessarily WOULD be, or b) a false vision from the dark ones. in canon i lean towards b), but a) is fun to play with, & ties into my last answer :P
[ send me a made up fic title & i'll tell you what i'd write for it! ]
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elliemyrah · 8 months
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A Spooky Vamp
Here's to @inkmoller a scary trick with a sweet treat to end it.
This was for @sweetcircuits srmthfg trick or treat exchange
I wanted to give Gibson a bit of a silly nature cause I think we don't see that enough. Antauri loves his bf for trying so hard hehe.
I hope u enjoy your trick and treat Ink! 🧛🏽
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blankisanaddict · 8 months
Woop woop Art exchange ting!! @dreamerawaken @heartofzoltoy here's the bby boy!!
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srmthg · 2 years
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Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! OP Color Notes
Via Ciro Neili @ Instagram
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sweetcircuits · 1 year
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Merry Christmas Eve!
I noticed that there was a lack of “robot monkeys in tacky christmas sweaters” fanart this year so I decided to do it myself XD. Of all of these I think Otto’s, Sparx’s, and Antauri’s are my favorites lol
A bit of background/explanation under the cut.
Chiro is regretting his self-appointed role as cookie taste tester when it comes to Antauri’s vegan cookies.
Sparx picked the tackiest, flashiest, lighty-up sweater they had and Gibson is just. Not having it.
Otto and Nova are sharing excitement over Otto’s cute kitty sweater! (I know Otto and kittens is a little over-done trope but I really struggled to find a sweater for Otto and it was cute so I picked it lol)
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dragonwolf360 · 1 year
Quick boards with mine and Astra's characters, for homework, but for fun... exposing people to srmthfg, you know how it goes
kofi: ko-fi.com/dragonwolf360 reuploaded cause I posted the wrong one v_v
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Rewrite Mandarin Relevation
Scenario, Mandarin’s stuck with SK and decides to play with him a bit, making Mandarin realize just how much he screwed up his life. Based on dialogue from She Ra double trouble.
Mandarin: This will end Skeleton King! I’m done with you ruining my life! Once I finally get rid of you, the Hyperforce will have to realize I was right and I-I could-
Skeleton King: What? Be their leader and brother again? Hahaha... You know, it took me a while, but I finally figured out your 'character'. Uses his hologram tech to project the Hyperforce.
Holo-Mandarin/SK: You try so hard to play the lone monkey but your heart's never been in it. Has it?
Mandarin: W-what do you- Stop. Stop it!
Holo-Mandarin/SK: People have hurt you, haven't they?
Holo-Antauri: They didn't believe in you.
Holo-Nova: They didn't trust you!
Chrio- Didn't need you. Replaced you.
Skeleton King: But did you ever stop to think? Maybe, we’re not the problem?
Holo-Otto: It's you. You drive them away, Mandy.
Mandarin: Why are you doing this?
Skeleton King: It's for your own good.
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rararazaquato · 1 year
oh theyre bringing phineas and ferb back after a satisfying conclusion, two movies, only about eight years of being off air with one of those movies coming out in 2020... yeah this is fine. okay. *sobs in monkey*
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lesbiantvfish · 3 months
noticing multiple notes at once on old unrebloggable fanart post, might be a group chat bringing it up ((which is fine dw)) but if anybody is reposting + linking my posts in tags plz let me know
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co27 · 1 year
can’t wait until alex bale releases a conspiracy theory video about srmthg so everyone can argue about lore in the comments
THAT WILL BE THE SCARIEST DAY OF MY LIFE HONESTLY. the only thing worse than srmthfg never getting popular and receiving a final season would be srmthfg getting popular and more than 2 strangers on the internet being wrong about it
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