#Stacy Stokes
bookaddict24-7 · 2 months
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Teenage Dirtbags by James Acker
Canto Contigo by Jonny Garza Villa
The Darkness Rises by Stacy Stokes
The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray by Christine Calella
Right Here, Right Now by Shannon Dunlap
The Last Love Song by Kalie Holford
Dragonfruit by Makiia Lucier
Against the Darkness (In Every Generation #3) by Kendare Blake
Happy reading!
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yooms-posts · 1 year
God gave us two hands, two legs, two eyes, and two ears, but just one heart so that we could find the second and today I found my pair in you.
Characters: miles morales (both earth 1610 and 42), gwen stacy, hobie brown, pavitr prabhakar
Pairings: all of them x gn reader (separate)
Reader: gn reader
notes: reader is around the age of the charcaters don't be weird, mentions of fights and blood, reader could be seen as a person who speaks Spanish for miles, contains some spoilers for atsv
genre: fluff with a hint of angst 🤏
Miles morales (1610)
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he is such a sweetheart fr 🤞
definitely gets nervous and shy when entering a relationship with you
his love language is definitely acts of service, physical touch and giving gifts
is shown in the movies that miles is a very good artist, I'm sure he'll give you a very precious gift made by himself
need help with anything? he's there trying too help, homework is getting difficult for you? he's ready to teach you easier methods
holding your hand to keep you close? you got it babe
i feel like he likes to kiss your forehead as a sign of affection
in moments of vulnerability, he would place his forehead against yours
meeting his parents of course, family means a lot too him
his mom and dad may be wary of you (sorry), but they start too loosen up when you interact with them more
they could tell that you were the right one for miles, and they couldn't be any happier
that was wayyyy before you knew he was spiderman
why? because he thought it may make you view him differently
after all he couldn't keep it from you, you were one of the important people in his life (and he was running out of excuses why sometimes he has to leave earlier on dates)
it was definitely some sort of a shock! being spidermans s/o? crazyyy
have i mention dates when the both of you sit at very high buildings? dont worry he's watching out for you
miles just swinging while you hold him tightly for dear life
helping to patch him up after a fight while scolding him for being reckless sometimes
sometimes he has to comfort you when you realise you could lose him due to his duties
best date views, best atmosphere
the both of you just leaning on each other, wrapped in a blanket watching the sunset? yea thats the life...
both of you making nicknames for each other
he would call you: mi luz (my light), bebé
*if you aren't familiar with spanish, you would definitely pester him and ask him for the meaning
you would call him: lindo (cutie), mi hombre (my man) if your feeling slightly playful, babe
trading clothings is common
his jacket? suddenly your in possession of it, your shoes or clothes that fit him? it's his turn to wear it
lots of photos taken, whether its good or questionable (you accidentally spilled water on him) it will be kept in his phone
Gwen stacy
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i remember seeing her and questioning myself fr 🏳️‍🌈
anyways, your very precious to her i dont make the rules
like miles, nervous and shy when entering a relationship but leaning towards nervous
her love language is definitely acts of service and quality time
being spiderwomen definitely brings a challenge to the relationship
thats why quality time is very precious to her, any time your together is makes her happy
it doesn't have to be anyone talking or doing anything, she just want to be with you
acts of service? if you ever mention that you need something, she'll pick it up own her way back
kissing is very rare but when it does happen it always on the knuckles of your hand or on your cheek
inviting you over to her house for dinner, which lead to you meeting her dad, peter and aunt may
of course her dad approves you, he notice how she lits up even more around you
but after the incident where gwen loses peter, she unintentionally shuts everyone out
it causes a riff in your relationship because all you want to do is help but she's pushing you away
it got into an argument between the two of you and she accidentally slipped out that she's the heroine
that was the reason she was pushing you away, scared and afraid you might be next
comfort her, hold her, tell her that you aren't going anywhere, she needs that comfort
the relationship became better and stronger slowly
same thing as miles, you patching her up and muttering she shouldn't be too reckless
dates with her are always exciting, she would be showing you places where only her could acces due to her spider abilities
nicknames are the regular ones between the both of you
you would call her: my girl, babe and wifey (as a joke to tease her)
she would call you: dear, bae
its shown that she leaves her sweater/jackets in other people's room soooo...
yea, leaving her stuff at your room and taking it back a few days later
technically making it yours too, i dont make the rules 🤷‍♀️
Hobie brown
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i wish british people are real 😔
i wanna say it would be a 'you fallen first but he fall harder' type of scenario
like it's impossible to not fall in love with him a little
love language? it's got to be words of affirmation and giving gifts
he would be those types who would be able to tell that somethings bothering you
he would reassure you if you ever feel bad about yourself or have bad days, he would be there to boost your confidence
remember how he made his own version of the watch to travel different dimensions?
then get ready for him to present to you self made gifts for you
whether it's like a pin or a accessory, he puts a lot of love and thought into it
he gives me the type to lazily pepper kisses on your face teasingly
but if he needs the comfort or other way round, one of you would cradle the others face and kiss the other
going to shows and pubs for entertainment
definitely invites you to watch his show, if you are there you bet his eyes stays on you
him casually entering your house (with your permission!!) at the most weirdest time
around 2am he's knocking on your window so you could help with with bandaging
the first time that happens is when you didn't know of his secret identity which worried you
fights don't really occur between the two of you since he knows what to say and not to say if things get heated
since gwen sometimes crashes at his dimension, she would have probably meet you
it's like a sibling bond between you and her, you sometime lend her your clothes and she tries to help around in the house
im not sure what his actual age is tho...if you know please tell me, its confusing some said he's around gwens and miles age some said he's 19-20
if he is 19-20, you and him would probably be like the older brother and older sibling to gwen
which later on include miles too (miles heard how kind-hearted you are when talking to gwen)
to be honest, eveytime your with him it feels like a date
he's unpredictable at times, making it exciting to figure out what he plans on the date
nicknames is common between the two of you
his nicknames for you: love, darling and hun (he rarely calls you that, it happens when he is sarcastically teasing you)
your nicknames for him: sweetheart, B (since his name is hoBie yk?) and babe
if your open to different types of clothing style, he would lend you his jacket
the both of you would trade small accessories with different styles to match each other
Pavitr prabhakar
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my cutie patotie fr ( not trying to baby him in anyway!! he's just precious in my eyes)
he is so sweet and polite to everyone, so i wouldn't blame you if you fall for him
you know those confession letters? he would probably leave one at your locker
very understanding if you dont feel ready for any PDA at the start of your relationship
physical touch is his main love language followed by words of affirmation
if you are okay with being held, get ready to be held by him
his arms wrapped around your side and arms, he likes to hover near you to hold you
holds your hand almost everywhere and most of the time
he has a way with words definitely, he knows exactly how to make you laugh, how to make you smile or how to jokingly tease you
you mean the world to him, of course he would notice little things about you
definitely giggles when kissing you, whether it's on the cheeks or the tip of your nose
introducing you to his aunt, which she takes a liking to you :)
bringing some food made by his aunt to share with you
you already had suspicion that he was spiderman, you didn't say anything cause he looks so proud when keeping it a secret
eventually it ends up with him spilling it since he gets cuts the next day without proper excuses
which led you to remind him to care himself when doing patrols
proudly showing you off to people, your just amazing to him really
dates with him is very calming and stress-free
like doing each other's face mask or shopping for things together etc
nicknames has got to be cute for you two (or purposely cringy to get the other to not pay for the meal)
his nicknames for you: baby, babe, bae or my s/o
your nicknames for him: pav, my s/o or darling
i feel like he won't mind lending you his clothes, just give him a heads up first
like it could be his tie that you found cute or his pants that fits you nicely
Miles morales (42)
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his whole design was just so sick and just so hdisbosjso?!
him and you? yea you wish...that actually came true congratulations ‼️‼️
it takes a long time to be his friend but as a partner? even longer but it's worth it
he just have issues like lots of them, he's got to know if he could depend on you for help
take your time and slowly tear his walls down, show him your trustable and reliable
his language would range from acts of service, words of affirmation and physical touch
physical touch is a 50/50 with him though, you have to reassure him it's fine if he doesn't want to show PDA
acts of service is definitely his strongest love language
for example, if he notice your too tired to do something he would wordlessly do it for you
do the same for him! he would deeply appreciate it
if you ever have bad days, dont worry he would be there telling you interesting stuff to distract you from it
once your relationship is secure and good, he introduce you to his mom and uncle
his mom already had a feeling that he was seeing someone by the way she notice he slightly smile at a text on his phone
when you meet them, his mom would welcome you with open arms
asking you if you have eaten the typical mother things you know?
his uncle though? he intimates you at first, once he notice you were good for miles he let's loose slowly
likes to kiss your hand generally, like the knuckles and palms
if he feels a little more bold, he likes to tease you by kissing the corners of your lips and ghosting above your lips before pretending nothing happened
that prowler business? you were bound to find out sooner or later
he trust you a lot, he asks you too sit down with him to properly explain why sometime he doesn't show up to dates early
that would be a massive relief for you, you were getting worried that he's starting to loose interest
which you have to mess up big time for his trust and loyalty for you to dissappear (don't)
dates would take place at the rooftops, blankets laid down with snacks to watch the sunset
you cant tell me he would have a soft smile glancing at you from time to time while watching the sunset
seeing that his spanish is more noticeable than miles 1610, his nicknames for you are all in spanish
his nicknames for you: mi cielo (my sky/heaven) , mi corazón (my heart)
*if you aren't familiar with spanish, you would probably try and search up the meaning before asking him
your nicknames for him: guapo (handsome), cariño or mi amor (my love)
i feel like he likes small accessories from you when trading clothing
it's like a reminder to him that his yours and your his
probably brings it with him everywhere he goes
Wooo im finally done!! If theres any spelling mistakes tell me. I hope you enjoyes yourself. Im thinking of writing more itsv/atsv if i have time. Let me know what you think. :)
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Can I request Gwen and Miles with a reader whose insanely good at skateboarding?
hi anon !! sure sure :DD HOPING YOU LIKE THIS >:DDD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
gwen stacy and miles morales with a skater reader (headcanons and short fics!)
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i like to think that miles and gwen would have been really stoked to be your friend when they witnessed those cool stunts you pulled with your skateboard, LIKEEEEE THEY WERE STARSTRUCK WHEN THEY WATCHED YOU SKATE AND ALL
they'd try hard to look cool in front of you when your gaze went their way, and they'd freak out a little before they try getting themselves together :')
"miles, MILES, THEY'RE LOOKING THIS WAY" gwen said as she grabbed miles by the collar of his hoodie, as he looked your way and noticed your very confused gaze. miles' eyes widened as he grabbed gwen by the arms and shook her. "THEY'RE LOOKING THIS WAY?" "YES, THEY'RE LOOKING THIS WAY, NOW CALM DOWN" "I AM CALM"
then when you walk over close to them they lean against a railing and try to look cool, with miles almost falling down and losing his balance, but he catches himself and looks at you and goes, "hey" (LOOK AT MILES RIZZ MORALES GO)
when you ask them why they're looking at you, they try to cover it up when you just look them down until they admit that yes, they were staring...... BUT THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE SO COOL OK, THEY WANNA BE TAUGHT BY YOU
"that's no problem, just follow me down here," you tell them as you kick up your skateboard and skate downward a slope. they look at each other and back at you, then back at each other and high five each other. "we got them to teach us, THIS IS AMAZING"
you try teaching them all the kinds of moves you knew were easy, and they were really good at them tbh, though they cheated a bit with their spider powers bc ykyk, gotta show off to the great skateboarding legend they've been idolizing for weeks now :>
when gwen tries to freestyle a little, miles competes with her and tries to one up her in a battle of impressing you--it's a friendly competition for the most part, with them chuckling and play fighting while they try to keep your attention on them.
they both do mess up at the end and slightly hurt themselves, but you tend to them and ensure that they're both okay :')
"wow, you two... are so good yet so goofy." you point out with a soft chuckle as they lay there on the ground, chuckling and groaning slightly as you help them both up. "yeah, well, at least we got a laugh out of the legendary skateboarder." miles said as he looked at you with a smirk. gwen lightly punched him as she looked up at you with a grin. "just wanted to show you we did more than just learn from you, are we... official part of your cool squad now?" she asked as she looked at you a little nervously. you smiled as you got off your skateboard and shook both their hands. "you two were always part of my... 'cool squad', you two basically formed it now since... i want to be friends with you two." you admitted a little bashfully as they looked at each other when you said that and grabbed each others' shoulders.
and from then on, you two became a trio--skating to and from school as much as you could, hanging out at each others' places for a sleepover or a friends' night, and finding all sorts of cool, undiscovered places where you three could skate for a little and perform new stunts.
you three were there for each others' newest scars and scrapes from skating and to film each others' newest stunts. of course, you were always the one carrying the med kits in case anyone got hurt and always had their phone charged and a map in hand if you got lost and/or needed medical assistance or someone to pick you guys up.
and honestly, this is the sweetest friendship you have ever experienced in a long while--with miles and gwen adoring you and admiring all your awesome tricks and stunts, and with you getting prouder and prouder of them the better they got 🫶🫶🫶
tags !! @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @solecitoszn
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haveamagicalday · 1 year
My top ten reads of 2022
10. Into the Heartless Wood by Joanna Ruth Meyer
This is a unique retelling of The Little Mermaid. Here the mermaids are switched out with deadly forest sirens who harvest the soul’s of those they lure into the witch’s wood. Owen lives at the edge of the wood and one day he is shockingly saved by one of the sirens instead of killed by her. Owen and the siren grow close as an enchanted war threatens to boil over. I really enjoyed this dark fairy tale and loved the forest sirens lore.
9. Such Sharp Teeth by Rachel Harrison
After surviving an attack by a strange creature, Rory finds herself transforming in a frightening way and what follows is a journey of self discovery. This comedically dark love story is full of fun werewolf goodness!
8. House of Hunger by Alexis Henderson
Marion lives in a world where the wealthy consume human blood. In order to do so, they employ bloodmaids, esteemed servants who are treated with respect and given a hefty sum after their service ends. Marion jumps at the chance to become a bloodmaid for the House of Hunger and finds herself entranced with her employer, the beautiful countess Lisavet. But something sinister is happening within the house and Marion may be in danger. Creepy and gothic, this book was a perfect halloween read. I also thought it was interesting that Henderson didn’t go down the vampire route but created a strange world with another motive for drinking blood.
7. The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager
Sager has quickly become one of my favorite thriller authors. This book starts off with a tired trope; a widowed woman copes by drinking and secluding herself in her family’s lake house. Casey spends her days spying on her neighbors through binoculars. The couple across the lake seems perfect until Casey sees something she thinks she shouldn’t and shortly after, the wife vanishes. We’ve seen this before but Sager flips things upside down and takes it in a direction that hasn’t been seen before. It almost seems like he was trying to parody the trope in a way but it is not goofy or anything. This book was thrilling and fun with plenty of twists.
6. A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham
When Chloe was 12, girls started disappearing in her town and her father was arrested for it. Now an adult, Chloe works as a therapist and engaged to a wonderful man. Finally Chloe feels as if she has moved on from her past but then girls around her start to disappear again. This was a solid debut novel with a pretty surprising twist at the end.
5. Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry
Friends is my favorite show and Chandler my favorite character so I was stoked when this book was announced. Of course, Friends is not the focus of this book, Matthew’s history of addiction is. I’ve always admired his honesty when talking about his addiction in the past but wow was I not prepared for how much he went, and continues, to go through. Matthew is still in recovery for his addiction. He almost died in 2021 and started writing shortly after. This is not a look back on addiction and his triumphant recovery. This book IS his recovery. You can feel it through his words. This book was painful and bleak but also hopeful with a dry sense of humor sprinkled throughout. 
4. When We Lost Our Heads by Heather O’Neill 
This book is not for everybody but it was for me! This book follows the life of two friends, spoiled Marie and devilish Sadie, during the late 1800s. While Marie grows to inherit her father’s sugar empire, Sadie disappears into the gritty underworld of Montreal and within the working class a revolution is brewing. This is written with a strange whimsy that makes some of the darker aspects in it feel dreamlike. TW: Rape 
3. I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeanette McCurdy
I’m the same age as Jeanette and was in high school when icarly first aired. I never considered myself a fan but looking back, I watched a lot of it and it was a genuinely funny show. McCurdy’s memoir is a honest, funny but also heartbreaking look into the world of a child actor that never wanted to be one. What she went through was horrible and her ability to write this book with such wit and grace is incredible. She’s a very talented writer and I’m glad she finally got to tell her story and pursue what I think is her real passion: writing,
2. Juniper and Thorn by Ava Reid
This was marketed as a Juniper Tree retelling but it really has nothing to do with the fairy tale. Marlinchen and her two older sisters live with their wizard father in a world where magic is a thing of the past as industry booms. As witches, the three sisters are used as a tourist trap to earn money. They are rarely allowed to leave their home and one night they sneak out to the ballet and Marlinchen falls in love with the talented leading hero. Marlinchen continues to disobey her father as dead bodies around town suddenly start to turn up. This book was eerie and wholly original. It was dark but in some of the best ways. TW: Gore and Sexual Assault
1. Nocturne by Alyssa Wees
This book as being marketed as a Beauty and the Beast retelling, I think it needs to be looked at as its own story. I'd say it's more of a Beauty and the Beast inspired story than a true retelling. The writing style is gorgeous. The imagery it conjures is both dreamlike and haunting. Our main character Grace has lived a tragic but fascinating life. The flashbacks of a childhood during the Great Depression mixed into a strange fairytale setting was one of my favorite aspects of the book. The combination of fantasy and historical is always a genre I like and I thought this was very well done. As for the plot, I don't want to give too much away but one thing that really resonating with me was the theme of death throughout. It comes up in many different and unsuspecting ways. I can't say too much but the outlook on death was a refreshing one that we don't see to often in media and it really made me think about life and morality. This book is for readers who enjoy dark fantasies and enchanting prose. And for any ballerinas out there as well!
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thefreakymunson · 2 years
Anywhere But Here, Chapter 11
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Taglist: @rockautumnviking @hazzaismyreligion @iratetourist @xcatnapsx @haylaansmi @iamaslutforcoffee @tlclick73 @eclipseeetop @lullaapots @benztrip @micheledawn1975 @fuckmeupeds @edsforehead @livasaurasrex @prozacandnicotine @fuckmeupeds @shinydixon @hellfirefiend @anaisweird @spookygally @morganamoonstone @leather-n-velvet @harringtonfan4 CW: Nothing really, just some cuteness, lil drug use talk, nnnddd i think that's it? Anywhere But Here Masterlist
You were jostled awake by the RV hitting a bump in the road. You sighed softly, eyes cracking open to the dark RV. Glancing over at the clock, it read 4:36 AM. Sleeping was hard on the road, but luckily, you’d have a chance to catch up on some rest soon. There was a two day stay in Indiana to give the guys some time to rest after the show tonight.
It was a smaller venue, more intimate, but the guys were stoked to play it. Apparently The Hideout was where they got their start. You were excited to see their old stomping grounds, but the anxiety you felt being that close to where Stacy resided made your stomach feel queasy. It was either that or the pregnancy – possibly both.
You sat up on the side of the bed, letting your feet dip down onto the cold floor.
“You okay?” You heard Eddie’s sleepy voice, still hoarse from the prior nights show, come from behind you.
“Yeah, go back to sleep.” You said softly, patting his hand that reached out for you, “Just going to get something to drink.”
When you opened the sliding door to the bedroom, you seen Sam sitting up on the fold out couch. There was a small lamp on beside of her, and you could tell by the way she was curled up, she was reading the book you had loaned her earlier.
“Can’t sleep either?” You asked softly.
She acted as if she didn’t hear you and you laughed slightly to yourself. She was giving you the silent treatment apparently.
“Okay,” you said as you sat down beside of her, “Well...I just wanted to apologize. I snapped at you yesterday and I’m sorry.”
“Does he know now?”
“He does know.”
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“Did you take the test?”
“No, I’m going to wait at least a week. I’m just two days late so anything could happen.” You shrugged softly, “We had a long talk and I swore to him I could take care of it by myself, but he said he didn’t want me to have to go through any of it alone.”
“Will he go see Madison while he’s in town?”
“That’s all he talked about last night was getting to see her, so I’m sure.” You nodded, “Things aren’t completely resolved between us but...I get the feeling that I haven’t heard the entire story of what really happened between him and Stacy, or why she was left with his uncle. It’s hard for him to talk about.”
“Yeah, but he can’t keep you just waiting to hear the entire story.” Sam frowned.
“Holy shit,” she sighed, “This tour is wild already.”
“It is,” you laughed, “There’s less than a month to go, too.”
“What happens then?”
“When the tour is over and he goes back to Indiana and you go back home...what then?”
The weight of her question hit you like a ton of bricks. Truth is, you hadn’t even really thought about it. You didn’t usually have to think that far ahead. Sam must’ve seen the realization hit you because you felt her arms wrap around your shoulder and pull you down into a hug as you felt the tears well up in your eyes.
“This isn’t fair,” you frowned.
Your home was one of the things you were most proud of, having bought and paid for it yourself your first year of working for the label. You weren’t ready to give it up and move so far away and that was a huge ask of Eddie. He had an entire child waiting on him to get back to in Indiana, he had friends and family, too.
“I know,” Sam said softly as she stroked your hair, “We can’t chose who we fall in love with.”
Your emotions had been a roller coaster, and paired with the weight of the emotions from the past two days, you were starting to feel like you were drowning. Sam held you as you sobbed into her chest, muffling the sound of your cries. You clutched to her tightly, wanting everything to just stop for even a few minutes.
When you sat back up, you were red faced and wet cheeks as she wiped your tears away. Her fingers tucked wet pieces of hair behind your ears as she swallowed her own emotions.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you,” you repeated your words from earlier, “It’s just...a lot right now.”
“I know. I’m just trying to make sure you’re looking out for you, ya know?” She whispered softly, “You’re important to me.”
“I know,” you whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she gave you a small smile, “If it’s a girl, name her after me….you have to. It’s best friend law.”
You laughed and shook your head as you stood up from the couch and grabbed a bottle of water as you looked over at her, “If...if this doesn’t work out with him, and I am pregnant...will you please help me raise it?”
She held her pinkie out and gave you a honest smile when you hooked your little finger with hers, “I pinkie promise the little bastard will have the coolest best friend dad in the world.”
You laughed and slapped her hand away before you made your way back into the room where Eddie was still asleep. Crawling into bed, you laid down facing Eddie. He felt the bed dip and his arm instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him as your legs tangled with his.
“You okay?” He asked again, making you laugh softly. He was still very much asleep.
It gave you a minute to really study him, your fingers ghosting over his smooth cheekbones and down to his lips, your thumb tracing the outline of his mouth, before you leaned forward and kissed him. He wasn’t as asleep as you thought, feeling his hand flat against your back as he pulled you in closer and kissed you back.
“I want you to meet Maddie tomorrow,” he whispered softly, “If you’re up for it.”
“Yeah?” You gave him a smile as you nuzzled your nose against his, “I’d love to...i just don’t want to be around Stacy.”
“I doubt she’ll be there.” He snorted, “Don’t gotta worry about that.”
He kissed you again, this time his tongue flicking against your lips for entrance. Your tongue brushed against his as he pulled your leg up over his hips, nudging his knee in between your thighs, right up against your heated core.
“Just wanna be inside of you,” he mumbled against your kiss, “Need to feel you.”
“Yes, please.” You whispered, clutching to his bicep as you felt the need for him grow in the pit of your stomach.
His fingers dipped into your panties, stroking through your slit, thumb rubbing lazy circles over your clit as his mouth devoured yours. It didn’t take long, the pool of wetness being spread by his prying fingers. Your nose bumped against his as you arched into him, a soft needy whine escaping your lips as you felt his fingers leave you.
It was replaced soon by the tip of his cock, just outside your entrance as he looked over your face in the dark room. You nodded slightly, fingers threading into the curls at the base of his neck as he guided himself inside of you. Trying to be quiet to not disturb Sam, you pressed your face into his neck, your arms clinging to him as he filled you entirely.
He nuzzled his nose against your hair, breathing you in, giving himself a moment just to feel you. His hands trailed up under the baggy shirt you were wearing, pinching and massaging all at the same time.
“You feel so fucking good,” he mumbled as his warm hands traveled up to your chest.
Being touched on and loved by him feltgood. It was the way he stroked your body, skilled calloused fingers scratchy against your soft skin.
You gently pushed him on his back, keeping him inside of you as you straddled his lap. His fingers dug in your thighs as you slowly rocked yourself on him, your hands resting on his chest for leverage. His eyes were glued to your cunt, watching as he speared yourself down around his cock. His fingers splayed across your thighs, large enough to keep them where they were and pressed his thumb against your clit, hearing your soft moans as you ground yourself down against him, the patch of public hair tickling your sensitive skin in all the right ways.
“Eddie,” it was a soft whimper, but loud enough for him to hear it.
He brought his knees up, knocking you forward a bit, as he started thrusting up inside of you, his cock hitting that needy spot as you buried your face in his neck, mind too gone to do anything else other than snake your hand between your bodies and rub your clit the same pace he was doing earlier.
His thrusts got deeper the harder he panted, breathing quickening as he felt you start to pulse around him. He nuzzled into your hair, cradling your head to his chest as he fucked you through your orgasm, and then chased his own, the two of you reduced to a sweaty, panting lump of bodies.
You stayed there with him buried inside of you still, his arms clinging to you tightly, and all you could think about was the happiness that bounced around inside of you. He made you so unbelievably happy. You didn’t get a lot of alone moments with him, but in the times that you did get to share alone, you felt yourself slipping further and further into his grasp, falling into him, no matter how high your walls were stacked. He always broke them down.
The next morning, the RV’s brakes woke you up. You stretched your sore body out on the bed, feeling behind you for Eddie and finding a cold bed. And then you smelled the coffee brewing and heard the soft chattering in the front of the RV and smiled to yourself. They were getting along by the sounds of it, which was a good thing. Sam was an important part of your life.
“Has she told you about the fact that she was in a band?” You heard Sam’s laugh.
“Y/N? No way,” Eddie laughed in disbelief, “Are you serious?”
“We both were!” Sam nodded, “Grunge band that never made it out of a garage, but we gave it our all for about three months.”
“She told me she loved music but she never told me she played,” Eddie shrugged.
“I played lead guitar,” you said as you emerged from the back room, causing them both to jump, embarrassment tinging their faces at the fact that they had been caught talking about you, “And sang.”
“A woman after my own heart then, hm?” He smirked as he stood up and walked over to you, kissing the top of your head as you poured your cup of coffee, “Can I hear you sometime?”
“There’s a reason why we never made it out of the garage, Eddie.” You laughed, “The reason was me.”
“I don’t believe that.” He shook his head.
“What else did she tell you about?” You playfully glared past his shoulder at Sam who just shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly.
“All good things,” he gave you a small smile.
“What’s on the agenda for today?” You said as you walked over and sat down at your big three ringed binder. His hand slid over your waist as you walked past him, fingers gently digging into your skin to try and keep you close but not completely clingy enough to stop you.
“I’d like for you to go with me to see my kid and meet my uncle,” he said sheepishly, “Let them know I’m not a complete loser and that I can pull a gorgeous girlfriend.”
You looked up at him a bit dumbfounded that went unnoticed by him as he turned around to walk back into the back room. You heard the bed dip and could see from the shadow that he was putting his shoes on.
“Did you hear that?” You asked softly as you turned to face Sam.
“Hear what?”
“He called me his girlfriend,” you blinked a few times.
“Well...aren’t you?” Sam looked at you from over her coffee mug.
“He’s never asked me,” you shrugged.
Being in the bands hometown meant being able to get rid of the buses for a few days. You, Eddie, and Sam had decided on staying at his own apartment while the rest of the guys went to their respective homes. You would be meeting up later at the Hideout for their show. You lugged your small bag of clothes and hygiene products up the steps behind Eddie, who quickly unlocked the door and let the two women walk in first.
“This place is a dump, just to warn you. But there’s hot water and comfortable beds, so...can’t go too wrong, yeah?” Eddie snorted as he kicked the door closed behind him. You dropped your bag down on the floor, watching as he walked over and turned the window unit air conditioner on. The walls were bare except for a few tapestries, the couches didn’t match, and there was a single small TV adorning one corner. However, beside of the small television, there was a rack of guitars and amps that spanned the rest of the wall. Above them was a huge collection of albums and tapes, a record player perched on top of the biggest amp. He was a musician through and through.
“It’s fine,” you gave him a small smile, “Sam and I have stayed in dodgy hotels for most of my career….at least we’re safe here.”
“Safe as you’ll ever be,” he snorted, “While in Hawkins, at least.”
He walked to the small hallway and pointed down to the left, “Sam, the spare bedroom is in there. I think my old roommate’s shit is still pretty much in there for the most part, but it’s clean and you should be able to rest easily in there.”
“Who was this old roommate?” Sam looked over at him, “Clean?”
“It’s clean,” he laughed and nodded, “Old roomie was Gareth before he bought his place with his girlfriend.”
“Okay,” she sighed in relief. She knew Gareth, he was clean. Thank god.
“And down here,” he said as he threaded his fingers through yours and pulled you down the rest of the short hallway, “Is my room.”
He pushed the door open and your eyes widened slightly. You expected messy and unorganized, but it was clean. The bed was made, black comforters laid neatly against the mattress that was situated in the corner of the room. You watched as he flopped face first down onto his bed, a soft content groan leaving his mouth as he melted into his own bed for the first time in a week.
“I’ve missed this bed,” he mumbled, looking up at you as you moved to lay beside of him.
His room smelt like him, it was like being completely surrounded. You moved to press your nose against his hair, breathing him in as he pulled you even closer into him, his arm draping over your waist as he pressed his face to your chest.
“You called me your girlfriend earlier,” you mumbled softly, fingers tracing the sharp edge of his jaw. You felt him tense below you.
“Was I not supposed to?” He asked quietly, as if he was worried he had done something wrong.
“I mean, we hadn’t really talked about it.” You shrugged, “I liked it...it felt good.”
“Are you my girlfriend?” His voice was muffled by your chest.
“I think the correct way is will you be my girlfriend?” You smirked.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” His voice was even more muffled and you looked down, seeing the slight red tint to his cheeks.
“Are you blushing?”
“Shut up and answer my question,” he groaned, which turned into a laugh as you looked down at him.
“I mean...I guess I love you.” You laughed softly, “Maybe we done this a bit backwards, hm?”
“Couldn’t help it,” he snorted.
“Yeah, I just knew when you damn near knocked me out with that door, I was doomed.” You laughed, hearing his own laughter bubble from his chest, “To answer your question, yes.”
“Really?” He asked, finally lifting his face to look up at you.
“Why not?” You shrugged sheepishly, “You’re pretty cute and I might be knocked up by you, so…i figured I should give you a chance.”
“I think you’re pretty cute too,” he smirked as he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
You laid there for a few minutes, pulled flush against him, fingers gently rubbing at his scalp as he looked up at you, brown eyes warm and inviting. He seemed to have a perplexed look on his face, as if he was hesitant to bring up whatever was on his mind.
“What’s going on in here?” You asked, moving to tap the center of his forehead.
His fingers curled around the fleshiest part of your thigh as you draped your leg over his hip, pulling you closer to him as he laid in front of you.
“I felt like I put you on the spot earlier, telling you I wanted you to meet Mads.” He chewed on his bottom lip, “You don’t have to...i understand if you’re not ready for that, yet...but I want to share everything I can with you...i’d like for her to start being a bigger part of my life. Before I left for tour, I didn’t have her with me constantly, but I was trying more than I had before, ya know, and I just---”
“I want to meet her,” you said as you threaded your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, “I know she’s tiny and she won’t understand who I am, but...i’d love to meet your daughter.”
“Yeah? You don’t feel like I’m pressuring you?”
“Absolutely not,” you shook your head, “This is your home time. If you want just the two of you to go off for a bit, I can entertain Sam and myself. I’m not going to keep you from your family time.”
“What if I want you included in my family time?” He asked softly, moving to stare at you completely.
His question took you back a little bit and you felt the tears well up. Stupid emotions. You pushed his bangs off of his forehead as you bent down and kissed his lips fully, trying to will the tears away but they slipped down your face, wetting his cheeks in their journey. His fingers slid behind your ear as he kissed you back but stopped once he felt your tears.
“Why are you crying?” He pulled back a bit, fingers ghosting over your earlobe.
“It’s just nice to feel wanted,” you shrugged, “Haven’t had that in awhile, Eds.”
“I love you,” he nuzzled his nose against yours, “I’m always going to want you.”
After a few more shared soft minutes, fingers tracing and touching over your clothes, you got up and took a hot shower, staying in a few minutes too long. The hot stinging water felt amazing against your taunt muscles. Your thighs were still a bit sore from their overuse from the previous night and as your fingers drug the rag over your body, cleaning away any traces of dirt, you realized just how sore you were.
In the comforting warmth of the hot shower, you done something you hadn’t allowed yourself to do prior. You moved your hands up over your stomach, right over your navel. If you were pregnant, you were too early to notice any changes to your body, but there was a part deep down inside of you that just knew your suspicions were correct. No matter how scary it was.
Forest Hills Trailer park was a quiet little park out past the major train tracks that ran through town. Eddie drove you there with ease, obviously knowing the roads like the back of his hands. The back of his hand that rested on your thigh the entire way there. You were holding the bag of things he had bought for Madison out on the road. Small stuffed animals, shirts, different toys. He said something about finally being able to afford to spoil his girl when he handed you the bag, a sheepish smile on his face. You felt the pride that radiated off of him. He could afford a few simple toys now for his daughter...the smile was infectious.
“She’s going to be a little shy at first probably,” Eddie gave you a reassuring smile when he parked the car and looked over at you, “She warms up fast, though.”
The door to the trailer opened once you and Eddie were walking towards the trailer and Wayne walked out, a small toddler holding onto his finger as she stepped down off of the small ledge by herself. She was sporting two pig tails and there was a pacy in her mouth as her sneaker clad feet thumped over the wooden porch.
She made a beeline for Eddie, her brown curls bouncing as she walked as fast as she could, arms swinging with each step. You watched as Eddie squatted down and scooped her up in his arms, causing her to squeal in delight.
“Who is that, Mads?” The man, who you realized must’ve been Wayne, asked as he laughed.
“Daddy!” She grinned up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
“Hi, stink.” Eddie’s smile was one that took your breath away. He lit up around her, as she did the same. They looked nearly identical. Same nose, same pouty pink lips, and the same big brown doe eyes. She was just a tiny version of Eddie. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and whispered,“I missed you.”
Wayne walked a bit closer, pulling his nephew into a side hug before he turned to you and held out a hand.
“I’m Wayne,” he said as he nudged Eddie in the ribs, “Sorry, I raised him better than to not introduce the pretty women.”
“Sorry,” Eddie said sheepishly, “This is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, this is Wayne, and this little stinker is Madison.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Munson.” You said as you shook his hand.
“Just call me Wayne,” he gave you a small polite smile.
“I’ve gotta run down to the corner store,” Wayne said as he looked between the two of you, “You okay with her?”
“Yeah, I’ve got her.” Eddie gave him a small smile, fingers tickling her sides as she squealed, “Take your time.”
You watched as Eddie sat down on the side of the porch with Madison in his lap and you flopped down beside. You could feel her curious eyes on you as you sat down, knowing she was wondering who you were. It must’ve been confusing seeing another woman with her dad. Wayne was gone a few minutes later and you pulled the bags of toys into your lap, hoping that just for a split second that she would warm up to you if she saw you brought offerings.
“Hi, Madison.” You gave her a small smile, which caused her to bashfully duck her head into Eddie’s chest. She silently waved at you with her small chubby hand before she tucked her hand between her body and Eddie’s chest sheepishly, “Are you being shy?”
“You can talk to her, silly.” Eddie said as he tickled her side, “You know how to talk.”
She pressed her face further into his neck with a small “mph!” to hide. You looked over at Eddie and gave him a small nervous smile as to ask ‘Please help me here,’ and then you got an idea.
“Look what I’ve got,” you said as you dug into the bag and pulled out a small pink teddy bear. You had slipped it in the bag before you left. Eddie wasn’t the only one who could supply the presents, “Daddy said you liked teddy bears and every princess likes the color pink, hm?”
The two key words got her attention and she turned her head a bit to look at you with one eye. Her small hand reached out for the bear, pulling it to her chest with a quickness that was unmatched by anything you had seen before.
“What do you say?” Eddie asked as he bounced her on his knee, “Can you tell her thank you?”
“Tanks,” she said with a lopsided smile that matched Eddies.
“She is your mini me,” You laughed softly as you shook your head in disbelief at just how much they resembled each other.
“Don’t curse the child like that,” Eddie laughed.
You sat and watched them, seeing the wanton look that came over his face whenever she smiled up at him. He gave her the rest of the contents of the bag and the two of them played for a bit. You had taken to just being quiet, watching them run around the yard, smiling behind your hand at Eddie who was resting on his knees, a pink tiara sat atop his head. You could see the love in his eyes as he watched her run around, playing through the bubbles that was being blown by Eddie.
“Here,” Madison said, drawing you out of your thoughts as she walked over to you and held her hand out, “You come play?”
“You want me to play with you and daddy?” You asked, taking her tiny hand in yours.
“Yes, please.” Big brown eyes stared up at you behind the biggest toothy grin, a small giggle coming out as she watched you stand up.
She guided you by the hand over to sit next to Eddie, giving you another sheepish grin as she slyly handed you the second bottle of bubbles with a look that said “Please?”
“Welcome to the next hour of your life,” Eddie laughed softly as he dipped his wand back into the liquid.
And so you sat there, for the next hour, blowing bubble after bubble through the plastic green wand, the laughter of the tiny child infecting the both of you. She was a blitz of energy, bouncing between you and Eddie for most of it, before she got tired and to your surprise, climbed up into your lap to catch her breath.
“She’s probably going to fall asleep,” Eddie smirked as he handed you her sippy cup, “You can take her inside if you want while I clean up the toys?”
He helped you stand up, and you felt her cling to you a bit tighter when you lifted her up with yourself. You could tell she was getting sleepy by the way her eyes started to slip closed, even though she was trying to fight it – afraid she would miss whatever was happening.
You made the journey into the trailer, the slated door slamming shut behind you and you jumped slightly. Eddie didn’t get his interior design skills from his uncle, that was for sure. Coffee mugs and hats lined the walls of the trailer, but everywhere in child height was pink. It was like the trailer was split in half horizontally. Pink toys scattered over the carpet, a pink blanket draped over the chair. He wasn’t lying when he said she loved the color pink.
Eddie walked back in a few minutes later, finding the two of you swaying slightly in the living room. She was still clutching her sippy cup in her hand, but her eyes were closed and she was fast asleep.
He took a few seconds to just watch the two of you, seeing her draped over your chest, cheek pressed tight against your shoulder. You hadn’t noticed him standing in the door way as you looked at the few photo frames that hung on the wall. He took in the way you slowly rubbed your hand over her back, soothing her while she slept. It felt natural to see you like this, as if it was in your nature. The door shut, getting your attention as you turned to face him with a small smile. A smile that warmed his heart.
“Here, let me go put her down.” Eddie said, gently peeling the sleeping girl off of your shoulder. She stirred a bit, wondering what was happening, but when he seen it was Eddie, she was back fast asleep.
He carried her down to the end of the hallway, and you found yourself following along. You watched as he bent down and placed in her her crib, softly shushing her as she started to whine, a firm hand on her stomach until she calmed back down and went back to sleep. You watched as he lightly stroked her still red cheek with the back of his hand, making sure she was asleep before he stood up straight and turned around, smiling once he seen you standing there watching him.
He left the door cracked just a bit as he followed you back into the living room, a soft sigh leaving his mouth as he sat down on the couch, pulling you down with him.
“She’s going to be out for a few,” he nodded, “Kid plays hard.”
“Just like you,” you laughed softly, “Queen Eddie.”
His hand reached up as if he suddenly remembered there was a tiara sitting on his head and he laughed at himself.
“Pinks your color,” you smirked, watching as he tossed it to the other couch and then rested back against the cushion, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “It just sucks knowing I have to leave her again. She warms up to me and then when I’m gone for even longer, it takes her a bit to remember me when I come back.”
“She didn’t forget you by the looks of this morning,” You grinned, “She bolted straight to you.”
“Like fire,” he laughed.
“Exactly,” you laughed, “She’s gorgeous. You created a perfect replica of you, you know that?”
His fingers rubbed up and down your arms as he looked over at you, a small smile on his face.
“I know you were a bit worried about meeting her. I could see you were anxious.” He smirked, “But you handled it perfectly. She warmed up to you faster than she has anyone ever before. Even me sometimes.”
“Did Wayne leave because I’m here?”
“No,” he laughed softly, “I think he uses it as an excuse to give me and Mads some alone time. He runs to the corner store each time I’m here...for hours at a time. It’s nice to just be able to see her. I’ve told him he doesn’t have to leave, I can take her to the park or something, but...i don’t know. He’s a strange man sometimes.”
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips, cupping his jaw in your hands as you felt his arms snake around your waist. Soft, tender kisses shared for a few quiet minutes before you sat up a bit and looked around.
“Those photos...are they you as a kid?” You nodded up to the wall.
He followed your train of sight and visibly cringed at the photo you were pointing to. He was a kid, a little bit older than Madison was now, sitting on the exact same couch the two of you were now. He had his moms guitar in his lap and you could barely see him over the top of it, but his smile was wide.
“I told him to get rid of that fuckin’ photo,” Eddie groaned, “Yeah...that’s me in all my nappy headed child ways.”
“You were adorable,” you laughed softly, “Oh my god, you even started off a musician, didn’t you?”
“Were? He feigned hurt, “How dare you.”
“You’re still adorable, but I would dare to call you handsome now.” You gave him a small smile as you looked up at him, “Maybe even sexy.”
“Maybe?” He laughed, “Okay, well you’ve definitely struck a nerve now.”
“Oh yeah?” You smirked, “What are you going to do about it?”
“Just wait until I we get home tonight,” he grinned, his tongue tucked into the corner of his mouth as he playfully poked his finger into your sides.
“Is she coming to the concert tonight?” You laughed, pushing his hands away.
“I couldn’t get any extra tickets, they were all sold out.” He said, biting back his frown. You could tell he wanted them there, this was the first time they ever sold out The Hideout, “Plus, I know the music will be too loud for her probably.”
“There’s always a way around that and there’s headphones she can wear. I keep a pair with me backstage.” You shrugged, “Do you want them there?”
“She’s never seen me play,” he gave you a slight shrug, “Not on a stage at least...it’d be cool for her to witness it, I think.”
It was an hour until show time as you went over your check list twice, making sure everything was set. The band had been in the RV since sound check earlier and you going over your last bit of check list when the door to the venue opened and you turned to see Wayne walking in and a bundle of pink of purple attached to his hip. She perked up this time when she seen you instead of shying away and she wiggled free of his grasp, making a beeline for you.
“Hi, Madison!” You said cheerfully as you slotted your hands under her arms and lifted her up, “You look so pretty!”
“Tanks,” she said again, as if she knew she was the cream of the crop. You loved her confidence, “Where daddy?”
“Daddy is out on the bus getting ready to play tonight.” You said, fixing her tiara, “Do you want to go see him?”
“Yes, please.” She gave you a smile as she clapped her hands together.
“You gotta yell at these men that there’s a princess coming through,” you said, dodging a few of the crew as they carried the heavy light rig through the slightly crowded space.
“Hey, watch out. There’s a princess here!” She shouted at them, causing everyone around her to laugh.
“I am so sorry, your majesty.” One of them called, “I’ll make sure it won’t happen again.”
When you got to the tour bus, you thought for a moment before you just decided to open the door and go for it. When you finished climbing the stairs, you felt your heart sink to your stomach. You watched as three of the four guys passed a rolled up funnel between the three of them and were huddled over the small tray that you had come to be able to identify in a split second. It was the same one you seen Eddie snorting from the night of the hotel party.
Thankfully, you were able to whip around before Madison saw anything to really question it. You handed her to Wayne and asked him to wait right there. None of them had realized you were even on the bus, too enamored with the white powder that had been chopped into fine lines already for them.
Without thinking, and without caring, you walked straight to the middle of their huddle and smacked the tray out of their hands.
“What the FUCK, Y/N?”
“No, all three of you shut the fuck up.” You said sternly as you pointed a finger in their faces, “Listen to me. I’m responsible for the four of you for the rest of this goddamned tour and the sanctification of the people who have paid to see you. Now I don’t give a flying fuck what you do after the show, but an hour before show time, I do not EVER want to see you fucking using again. Do you three understand me? I had Madison with me, she almost saw what the fuck you three dumb asses were up to.”
Three. Three. There was only three of them. Gareth, Jeff, and Freak. Where was Eddie?
The back door opened and Eddie walked out as he slid his shirt over his head, looking down into the front sitting area as you chewed the three of them out. He wasn’t sure what had happened, but as he made his way closer, you were on the tell end of your speech.
He stepped into the room as they were starting to argue back with you and tried to get a grasp on what was happening as he looked around in disbelief at the way they were acting.
“You fuckin’ owe me $250, you dumb bitch!” Gareth said as he stood straight up and got in your face, pushing your pointing finger away.
“Hey!” Eddie shouted, gripping the back of his shirt and jerking him back down, “Don’t you fucking talk to her like that. What’s going on?”
“I don’t owe you shit, asshole!” You shouted as you glared at him, “Talk to me like that again. I fucking dare you.”
“Hey, hey!” Eddie said, moving to stand between the two of you, “What the fuck is going on?”
“I was bring Madison on board to see you and I walk in and these three idiots are snorting up,” you said as you looked between the three of them, “An hour before show time.”
“Jesus,” Eddie sighed as he looked around at the three of them, “Where is she? Did she see anything?”
“No,” you sighed, “Her and Wayne are outside waiting. Where were you?”
“I was in the back getting dressed,” he frowned.
You stopped him in his tracks and stared deep into his eyes, seeing his pupils regular sized. His nose was clean, there was no sniffling.
“I swear, I’m not on anything.” He said, sincerity set deep in his brown eyes, “I didn’t even know they were using.”
Eddie grabbed his coat and slid it on his arms as you turned back to the guys, seeing their three pissed faces. Good. They deserved to be pissed off for pulling this stunt.
“Clean this shit up and get ready to go on.” You said as you looked between the three of them.
“Fuck you, I don’t have to listen to you.” Gareth spat at you, disgust evident in his face.
“Gareth, I’m going to give you one more fucking chance to stop talking to her like that.” Eddie said loudly, nostrils flared as he stared his best friend down.
The glare down between the two men was intense, neither of them moved an inch for a few seconds, locked in a heated gaze that screamed in the silent tense filled bus. You managed to push him down the steps and outside to his daughter who squealed in delight when she seen him.
You kept Wayne and Madison backstage with you. It was a small venue, but the backstage seating arrangement gave you a side stage seat. Madison had her noise canceling ear muffs on as she danced to the opening act. Luckily, she was in her own world as she danced her awkward baby dance, arms tucked out at her side looking as she had wings as she bounced herself up and down.
Things were still heated between Eddie and Gareth and the tension was still thick, but Eddie shrugged it off as best as he could as he played with Madison when she gave the dancing a break. He tossed her up in the air, her pink dress a stark contrast to the band t-shirt and the ripped jeans her dad was wearing.
The band had finished their set and Corroded Coffin was to take the stage next. Gareth walked past them as the other three huddled up and gave you a death stare as he walked straight out onto the stage. You wouldn’t falter – you knew to stand your ground. He was just an addict in pain. He’d get over it eventually.
“You going to watch daddy play, huh?” Eddie asked as he picked Madison up and balanced her on his hip, “For the first time.”
“Yeah!” She laughed.
“Going to be my good luck charm, hm?” He asked as he fixed the pink tiara back on her head correctly.
“Yep,” she matched the grin on his face and you swore you melted as you watched them both move to kiss each others cheeks.
He handed her back to you, giving you a soft kiss on the lips, and then patted Wayne on his shoulder. You moved Madison’s earphones back onto her ears as the lights dimmed and the sound of a guitar filled the small venue. She sat in your lap the entire time, completely enthralled in watching as Eddie played.
Metal music was hard to dance to but as she stood up in front of you, she made the most of it, flailing her arms and mimicking her dad as he head banged out on the stage to the beat of the music.
When Eddie looked over at you as he took a sip of his beer, he felt his heart beat a bit faster. He stole plenty of looks throughout the usual performances, but this one hit a lot harder. Jeff was leading the band into their second song and you scooped Madison up, swaying back and forth to the beat of the drums as they kicked in, and for the first time since the day Madison was born, he felt a happiness so deep inside of his body that he felt as if he was going to burst. ------ A/N: Do you guys like the longer chapters like this or the shorter chapters? Let me know!
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reincarnatedasacupcake · 10 months
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I'm really surprised that no one seems to be talking about the brief cameo at Weird Barbie's house of Teen Talk! Barbie! I knew who she was the moment I saw her and was sad that she didn't get an introduction like the others.
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I remember the controversy over this doll and the boycotting of her. One of the things that she said was "Math class is tough" and boy did that piss people off. They thought she was furthering the stereo type of Barbie (and the girls who played with them) couldn't be as smart as a man. This totally missed the point that she also said things like "I'm studying to be a doctor" and "Will we ever have enough clothes?"
I always thought it was stupid. I mean Math class IS hard. The Simpson's also did a spoof of this doll with the Talking Malibu Stacy episode.
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Anyway, I was super stoked to see her in the movie and wanted to point her out to anyone who had missed her.
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April 2024 Young Adult Book Releases
🦇 Good morning, my bookish bats. I hope you have a good book, delicious latte, and sweet snack within reach! No TBR is complete without a few young adult novels, and plenty were released in April! Here are a few YA releases to consider adding to your shelves.
[ List Under the Cut ]
🩷 April 2 🩷 ✨ Your Blood, My Bones - Kelly Andrew ✨ What If... Loki Was Worthy? - Madeleine Roux ✨ Fate Be Changed - Farrah Rochon ✨ No Going Back - Patrick Flores-Scott ✨ The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jackson ✨ Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan ✨ Draw Down the Moon - P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast ✨ The Black Girl Survives in This One ✨ Wrath of the Talon - Sophie Kim ✨ Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris ✨ Otherworldly - F.T. Lukens ✨ Misdirection of Fault Lines - Anna Gracia ✨ Something Kindred - Ciera Burch ✨ Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer ✨ Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo
🩷 April 9 🩷 ✨ Teenage Dirtbags - James Acker ✨ Canto Contigo - Jonny Garza Villa ✨ Dragonfruit - Makiia Lucier ✨ The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray - Christine Calella ✨ Fog & Fireflies - T.H. Lehnen ✨ Against the Darkness - Kendare Blake ✨ The Darkness Rises - Stacy Stokes ✨ Right Here, Right Now - Shannon Dunlap ✨ The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford
🩷 April 16 🩷 ✨ To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods - Molly X. Chang ✨ Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon ✨ Deep Is the Fen - Lili Wilkinson ✨ This Is Me Trying - Racquel Marie ✨ Calling of Light - Lori M. Lee ✨ Pretty Furious - E.K. Johnston ✨ Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao ✨ The Lady of Rapture - Sarah Raughley ✨ The End of Always - Rebecca Phillips ✨ The Kill Factor - Ben Oliver ✨ The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram ✨ We're Never Getting Home - Tracy Badua ✨ The Harrowing - Kristen Kiesling & Rye Hickman ✨ King of Dead Things - Nevin Holness ✨ Sheine Lende - Darcie Little Badger & Rovina Cai ✨ The One That Got Away with Murder - Trish Lundy
🩷 April 23 🩷 ✨ Song of the Six Realms - Judy I. Lin ✨ Off With Their Heads - Zoe Hana Mikuta ✨ Blood Justice - Terry J. Benton-Walker ✨ Kill Her Twice - Stacey Lee ✨ Dark Parts of the Universe - Samuel Mille ✨ Finally Fitz - Marisa Kanter ✨ The Merciless King of Moore High - Lily Sparks ✨ Out of Blue Comes Green - M.E. Corey ✨ A Whisper in the Walls - Scott Reintgen ✨ Homebody - Theo Parish ✨ Punk Rock Karaoke - Bianca Xunise
🩷 April 30 🩷 ✨ To a Darker Shore - Leanne Schwartz ✨ The Vanishing Station - Ana Ellickson ✨ The Last Boyfriends Rules for Revenge - Matthew Hubbar ✨ What's Eating Jackie Oh? - Patricia Park ✨ Sound the Gong - Joan He ✨ Playing for Keeps - Jennifer Dugan ✨ Not Like Other Girls - Meredith Adamo ✨ The Notes - Catherine Con Morse ✨ I'll Be Waiting for You - Mariko Turk ✨ Pillow Talk - Stephanie Cooke & Mel Valentine ✨ Saint-Seducing Gold - Brittany N. Williams ✨ Where Was Goodbye? - Janice Lynn Mather ✨ The Lilies - Quinn Diacon-Furtado
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maraxp · 10 months
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this is a multifandom blog meaning that i favorite certain fandoms/characters so there will most definitely be more writings for certain characters and fandoms.
please don’t be offended if you send a request for someone and i don’t fulfil it, sometimes the inspiration is lacking for certain characters. i still wish to write though so i will continue to post.
requests are open so you can send them whenever you want !
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my masterlist is the [ 🏴‍☠️ ] at the top of my blog in the navigation, it can also be found on the left hand side of my blog when viewing on desktop.
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please check my masterlist [ 🏴‍☠️ ] for request details, I always try my best to keep it updated.
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smut, angst, fluff, age gaps, poly/threesome+, reverse harem, dubcon, noncon, yandere, toy play, cheating (to an extent), blood play, knife play, bdsm, breath play, violence, gore, hunter/prey, praise and degradation, power imbalance, supernatural, choking, mommy/daddy kink. (wrap it up !)
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rpf, necrophilia, incest, daddy/little play, age play (basically pedophilia), spitting, bimbo!reader, foot fetish, animal play, race play, watersports, miscarriage, any kind of abuse, child fics, any ocs, i avoid the pet name ‘kitten’ like- it’s just.. no.
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i use canva and sometimes ibispaint x. i get most of my images from pinterest.
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miguel o’hara, hobie brown, gwen stacy, miles morales, tony stark, peter parker (all variants), doctor strange, wade wilson, eddie brock, kate bishop, mary jane
eddie munson, steve harrington, henry creel, jim hopper
negan smith, rick grimes, daryl dixon, maggie greene, glenn rhee, abraham ford, carl grimes, morgan jones, shane walsh, michonne hawthorne, ezekiel sutton, gabriel stokes, eugene porter, rosita espinosa
leon scott kennedy, chris redfield, claire redfield, ashley graham, ada wong, luis sera, albert wesker, jill valentine, carlos oliveira, rebecca chambers, sherry birkin, ethan winters, helena harper, alcina dimitrescu, karl heisenberg
simon riley/ghost, john mactavish/soap, john price, kate laswell, phillip graves, kyle garrick/gaz, alejandro vargas, könig, gary sanderson/roach, farah karim, valeria garza, rodolfo parra
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are racist, homophobic, bigoted, zionist, islamphobic. judgmental to what people enjoy writing/reading. copy or repost my fics without permission. follow me if you’re problematic. send your full fic into my ask box, i will not post it. —  if you fit the average dni criteria you will be blocked.
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gemgirl28 · 4 months
I discovered Sub-radio because people had reposted their Stacy’s Dad and Bi Bi Bi videos here, so it feels appropriate to share here that today I got tickets TO GO SEE THEM IN CONCERT and I am SO STOKED!!!!!
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angelf1re · 1 month
Who I Write For
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Spider-Man: Into/Across the Spider-Verse
Miles Morales
Gwen Stacy
Hobie Brown
Pavitr Prabhakar
Miguel O’Hara
Horror/Slashers(certain characters!!)
Micheal Myers
Jason Vorhees
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Brahms Heelshire
Hannibal Lector (NBC)
Will Graham
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Mabel Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Robbie Valentino
Wendy Corduroy
The Black Phone
Finney Blake
Robin Arellano
Vance Hopper
Bruce Yamada
Billy Showalter
Griffin Stagg(platonic/sibling only!)
Fear Street
Deena Johnson
Samantha Fraser
Simon Kalivoda
Kate Schmidt
Josh Johnson
Nick Goode
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Tommy Slater
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfiels
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Eddie Munson
Johnathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Coraline Jones
Wybie Lovat
Isaiah Howards
James Etten
Isabella Chen-Lopez
Margot Stokes
Lucas Parker
Harold Biddle
Nathan Bratt
The Outsiders
Ponyboy Curtis
Darrel Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Johnny Cade
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Matthews
Steve Randle
Miraculous Ladybug
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Adrien Agreste
Alya Césaire
Chloé Bourgeois
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Juleka Couffaine
Luka Couffaine
This list will update with my interests! Don’t be disappointed if one thing disappears! My interests change after a while and if I feel like I can’t write the characters well enough I might just take them off the list
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somerando369 · 9 months
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meet Stacy my evolve stoke
Went for a skate today perfect weather for it
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iamheretemporarly · 11 months
Question, what made you want to create Spider-man: Into the Spider-Swap? Was there a reason? Or was it more of a "why not?" By the way, if it's not a bother, could you share some headcanons you have about this au? Whether it's about the characters themselves, their relationships with others, their reactions to certain events, etc. PS: I love the au you created and how you created it (I already have it living for free in my head), I would like to see how you can continue expanding it and hopefully you continue enjoying talking and telling about it.
Ok so, I had an undertale phase back in the day, and I was obsessed with the underverse series, and my favourite undertale au was underswap
Fast forward few years later, spiderverse comes out, and I immediately see the potential of a swap au, I looked it up, no one has done it yet, so I took the leap of faith and made it, and tadaaaaa you get “Spiderman: into the spiderswap”
Everybody say thank you underswap!
As for some spiderswap hc (although they’re not headcanons given how I’m the creator of this au so that means they’re canon but shhhhh):
Gwen is a huge heroic age Spiderman fan
Peter is too
Gwen redesigned her Lyla to resemble Marlyn Monroe a bit
Gabriel is still in contact with Gwen in case she needed help in some tech stuff
Captain Stacy isn’t happy with his spot as the captain of the public eye, he knows how corrupt alchemax is but he stays for him and his daughter’s sake
Peter b Parker wasn’t so stoked about meeting gwen in person given his past with his own gwen, it took him a bit to collect himself then turn around to face her
Comic Miguel is monolingual
Miguel and noir have a frenemies relationship and actively mess with each other
Miguel actively breaks shit with hobie when he’s in the mood
Miles tried to appeal to Peter b and get his approval a lot, too bad Peter b is a closed off emotionally constipated guy
Peter b does infact enjoy spending time with Miguel’s son, he has babysat him in the past
Miguel’s son hasn’t developed full powers like his dad, he only shoots webs and has claws, venom and enhanced senses come later
Instead of bringing him an empanada, Gwen actually brought peter b a cheeseburger when she met him for the first time
Following the last fact, her best friend Peter’s favourite food was cheeseburgers, so she brought it in hopes that cheeseburgers being Peter’s fav was a multiversal thing
Thank you for the ask! I also love talking about this au a lot and I’m so happy with the asks I’ve been getting please keep em coming and never be shy to ask about anything!
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alexzalben · 1 year
Do you have any info on the Dead Ringers remake at Amazon Prime Video?
Yep! 6 episodes, all will premiere April 21 on Prime Video. Here are some first look images, and more info below:
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Rachel Weisz (Disobedience, The Favourite, Black Widow) stars as OBGYN twins Beverly and Elliot Mantle for the highly anticipated psychological thriller Dead Ringers. Weisz also serves as an executive producer. The limited series is created, written, and executive produced by Emmy-nominated writer and playwright Alice Birch (Normal People, Succession, The Wonder). A modern take on David Cronenberg’s 1988 thriller starring Jeremy Irons, Dead Ringers will feature Rachel Weisz playing the double-lead roles of Elliot and Beverly Mantle, twins who share everything: drugs, lovers, and an unapologetic desire to do whatever it takes—including pushing the boundaries of medical ethics—in an effort to challenge antiquated practices and bring women’s health care to the forefront. The series’ ensemble cast includes Britne Oldford (The Umbrella Academy, American Horror Story: Asylum) as Genevieve, Poppy Liu (Hacks, Better Call Saul) as Greta, Michael Chernus (Severance, Orange is the New Black) as Tom, Jennifer Ehle (Zero Dark Thirty, Saint Maud) as Rebecca, and Emily Meade (The Deuce, The Leftovers) as Susan.
Filmmaker Sean Durkin (Martha Marcy May Marlene, The Nest, The Iron Claw) directed the first two episodes and co-directed the last episode of the series. Durkin also serves as an executive producer. The directing team also includes Karyn Kusama (Jennifer’s Body, Girlfight), Karena Evans (P-Valley, Snowfall), and Lauren Wolkstein (A Friend of the Family, Y: The Last Man). Dead Ringers is co-produced by Amazon Studios and Annapurna Television. Alice Birch, who is the series showrunner, serves as an executive producer alongside Rachel Weisz for Astral Projection, Stacy O’Neil, Sue Naegle, and Sean Durkin. Ali Krug is the executive producer for Annapurna Television. Erica Kay, Anne Carey, and Polly Stokes also serve as executive producers. James G. Robinson, David Robinson, and Barbara Wall executive produced for Morgan Creek.
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jarofstyles · 4 months
Sooo stoked for stacy’s mom !!!
Omg I’m so glad. We don’t have a ton of reverse age gap with him and I’m happy to contribute
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daniartist19 · 2 years
Cartoon as Animals (AU Thing) Part 3
Part 3 is now in.
Total Drama
Chris - Weasel
Chef Hatchet - Alligator
Beth - Quinea Pig
DJ - White Tailed Deer
Gwen - Black Panther
Geoff - Sea Lion
Lindsay - English cocker spaniel
Heather - Snow Leopard
Duncan - Wolf
Tyler - Bolder Collie
Harold - Canadian Goose
Trent - Tiger
Bridgette - River Otter
Noah - Aardwolf
Leshawna - Toucan
Katie - Meerkat
Sadie - Chinchilla
Ezekiel - Opossum
Cody - Mouse
Eva - Honey Badger
Owen - Giant Panda
Courtney - Jackal
Justin - Peacock
Izzy - Red Randa
Alejandro - Jaguar
Sierra - Striped Skunk
Blaineley - Fennel Fox
Jo - Spotted Hyena
Scott - Red Fox
Zoey - Gazelle
Mike - Marsh Deer
Lightning - Zebra
Brick -  Germany Shepherd
B - Elephant
Dawn - Barn Owl
Dakota - Flamingo
Anne Maria - Florida Panther
Staci - Parrot
Cameron - Rabbit
Sam - Sloth Bear
Ella - Squirrel
Sky - Cheetah
Max - Mole
Dave - Abyssinian Cat
Leonard - Pangolin
Beardo - Bison
Amy and Sammy - Salukis
Jasmine - Kangaroo
Topher - Black Footed Ferret
Sugar - Pig
Scarlett - Rat
Rodney - Moose
Shawn - Amardillo
Don - Golden Eagle
Carrie - Sheep
Devin - Dhole
Kelly and Taylor - Minks
Kitty and Emma - Siamese Cats
Ennui - Vulture
Crimson - Hawk
Jay and Mickey - Chipmunks
Ryan and Stephanie - Rhinoceros
Josee - Snow Lyxn
Jacques - Siberian Husky
Brody - Chocolate Labrador Retriver
Dwayne and Junior - African Lions
Sander - Doberman Pincher
MacArthur - Pitbull
Chet - Warthog
Lorenzo - Tasmanian Devil
Jen - Ring Necked Parakeet
Tom - Hyacinth Macaw
Rock - Harbor Seal
Spud - Sloth
Laurie - Alpaca
Miles - Goat
Ellody - Mongoose
Mary - Beaver
Tammy - Tapir
Gerry - Cobra
Pete - Rattlesnake
Jude - Black Footed Ferret
Nikki - Rabbit
Jonesy - Mexican Wolf
Jen - Bolder Collie
Wyatt - Canadian Red Deer
Caitlin - Leopard Cat
Reef - Emperor Penguin
Fin - River Otter
Emma - Harbor Seal
Lo - Swan
Broseph - Sea Lion
Johnny - Cougar
Might do a part 4 if i can.
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g0dspeeed · 1 year
Truck Problems
A horrible afternoon for Cappie De la Costa takes a turn for the better in the form of the saddest, brown eyes in all of Hope County.
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Never had Cappie De la Costa thought a place so serene, so brimming with natural beauty could be also so very hated like the Whitetail Mountains of Hope County. She scorned every needled pine, every bubbling brook, every wildflower. Loathed the slopes, the cavernous crevassess, and the many aged faces of its rocky mountains. The animals, all the wildlife with their sharp horns and hisses could go fuck right off. In that moment underneath the warm, afternoon sun, Cappie despised the whole region more than any place on the planet.
In a rare moment of self-examination, Cappie thought that visiting the mountains would clear her mind, offer a fresh perspective that was long overdue. That's what therapists and shit said to do, right? Self-care and other feel good crap? So she left her house, took a drive in her truck with the windows down, and tried to reflect upon the last year, tried to appreciate the world around her.
It didn't take. All that mountain air and sunshine managed to do was remind Cappie of the past, of bittersweet memories, and just plain piss her off. She saw memories like the old road signs along the mountain side, each one hurt more than the last. Each one stoked her anger, the frustration that hummed beneath the skin.
Just when she was leaving, too, escaping her personal Hell, that's when her truck decided to groan and sputter, as if in that fleeting moment that was when the Universe felt like taking a big, steaming shit on Cappie's life. The engines stuttered to a stop in a final cough of hot smoke, the ugly plumes rolling out of her truck's engine block like a chimney as it left her stranded on the side of the road. She was stuck. Cappie was stranded in the last place she wanted to be at the base of one of the region's western mountains.
Hazel eyes glared at the distant hills and cliffs as if they mocked her, as if playing a majestic witness to her rotten predicament. Fingers twirled an unlit cigarette.
"Ugh, fuck me," Cappie grumbled from the side of the road as she fished out her cellphone from the back pocket of her jeans. Calling her brother Staci wasn't an option because he was at work, leaving her with few options. Her thumb tapped away at the screen, scrolled through her Contacts until finding the one she buried there.
Her finger hovered over the screen as it taunted her.
Could she do it?
Yeah. She could.
And he would come. Cappie was certain.
But did she want him to?
No. Absolutely not.
An aggravated groan dragged from her throat for she was torn between next moves and resented that there was even any indecision to begin with.
Just as Cappie relented, surrendered to her desperation to call the last person on earth whom she wanted help from, the sound of tires rolling down the road stole her attention.
Her anxiety spiked, pounding her heart harder in her chest.
Those Project members, or 'Peggies', as she'd grown accustomed to calling them, had become more emboldened lately. More preachy. More stubborn, even in the face of Cappie's initial indifference, staunch atheism, and hedonistic rhetoric.
Therefore it didn't help that following the loud slam of a car door did a man with the most full bodied beard she had ever seen in her whole life and the saddest brown eyes of all of Hope County approached her from around her truck.
Before the stranger could say a thing, Cappie beat him to it.
"Yes, I know about the Father," she groused while lighting her cigarette. "And no, I don't wanna go to church. And no, I don't care about burnin' in Hell forever. Been there, done that. So unless you know how to help me with an engine, you can fuck right off."
Her brain braced itself for a lesson in fire and brimstone, to be called a sinner, or just plain cussed out.
Instead, Cappie heard a "Well, nice to meet you, too, ma'am" in an easy timber.
A hot scoff left her, but when she looked at him again to give the stranger a piece of her mind, she hesitated.
The more she looked at the man the more Cappie realized that he probably wasn't a member of Eden's Gate. True, he definitely had the hair for it, the tresses dark and grown out to his shoulders, a little unkempt but softened by the warm sunlight cutting through the trees. The beard, too, was impressive and needed a trim. Dressed on his taut frame was more camouflage than the typical Peggie wore, along with a tactical belt and military jacket with some kind of antler emblem on it.
And his eyes. The sadness in them, that dull shadow swimming in the brown, lifted at her challenge, and became lit with curiosity.
They were lovely.
"Sorry," she found herself admitting, her voice sheepish. "Just, Christ, had a shit day."
The man shifted in his boots and his attention left her face to scrutinize her truck.
"Can see that," he replied. "And I'm no engine expert, but I don't know if we or anyone can fix your truck out here."
No shit.
"Probably not, no," she validated.
Cappie took a long drag from her cigarette, relaxing at the feeling of nicotine hitting her system.
The man's age seemed a mystery between the full-bodied beard and the dark circles under his eyes, which only stoked her burning interest for who the hell he was.
Like ants crawling along the skin, Cappie could feel how his eyes studied her in return.
"Got a question, sir?" she prompted, regaining his haunting stare into her soul. "Cause, you know, you look like a Peggie to me."
Her smile, a peace offering, brought back the softness to his eyes.
"Promise I'm not, ma'am–"
"Please don't 'ma'am' me," she interrupted. "I hate it. Just call me Cappie."
His lips, full beneath the coarse hairs of his mustache, quirked a smile before sliding back to neutrality. Like a shooting star, quick and rare, Cappie decided then and there that she would like to see it again, that smile, before they parted ways.
"Okay, Cappie."
A sharp heat stung at her cheeks as his easy cadence spoke her nickname, so Cappie chased it with some agitation.
"And who the hell are you?" she prodded.
The stranger cleared his throat.
"Name's Eli," he shared.
Like Elijah?
Cappie flicked the ash from her cigarette to stifle her sudden enamoration. She felt it in her belly, that untamed desire to flirt.
"Sweet," she cooed. "So, Eli, wanna give me a ride or are ya just going to comment on my shit situation and leave me to the bears?"
Her body, all stiff muscles and aches, whined as Cappie rose from the ground.
When Cappie turned to face him, she caught the fleeting glance from her ass by her new acquaintance.
Cappie smiled to herself as she walked towards the beat up Bronco he arrived in, flattered.
Then, the wise words of Deputy Pratt echoed from the depths of her brain, and in a quick motion Cappie whipped out her phone and took a picture of the mountain man, earning a frown.
"Sorry," she teased without an ounce of remorse. "Just gotta send a pic of your handsome, not-a-Peggie mug to a few people."
"Why?" he questioned.
Cappie looked up from her phone screen after she sent the picture to her brother, boss, and boyfriend, and delivered a cheeky wink. It had its intended effect. The man quirked another small smile for a whole second.
"Oh, you know, in case I go missing in the next twenty-four hours," she breezed. "Not that you could take me. I'm kinda feisty."
Much to her disappointment, Eli didn't take the bait and flirt back. He just shook his head and followed Cappie to his own truck.
"Just take me to Fall's End, por favor," requested Cappie.
Eli nodded, and a prickly, uncomfortable awkwardness befell the cab as they took off down the mountainside. Cappie was restless, unsettled by the views out the window, the radio, and the sensation of his sideways glances from the driver's side. Having nothing much else to do, she teased him.
"Like what you see?" she asked him with a coy grin.
His somberness seemed to fall from his face as the skin around his dark eyes crinkled and his full lips lifted into another rare smile.
Eli chuckled. She loved the sound.
"You normally this ornery with people you just met?" he challenged.
Her brow furrowed at that.
Ornery? Hm. What word was that?
Cappie twisted in her seat to face him. Eli glanced to regard her, a tinge of fear lighting his eyes.
"You think, you think I'm horny?"
All the blood drained from the man's face.
Cappie glared.
"Cause that's fuckin' creepy, dude," she told him.
"No! That is not what I said–"
"And I'll tell you what, I don't care who the fuck you think you are," she continued with a damning finger, "But I will kick your ass to next fuckin' Sunday if you try anything!"
Despite it being a damn bridge, Eli hit the brakes so hard that her body had to brace against the dashboard. They stopped in the middle of the bridge between regions and he parked the Bronco, his face brimming with worry.
"Ornery ," Eli stated, firm and loud. "I said ornery , ma'am–Shit, I mean Cappie."
Hazel eyes roved over every feature of his face searching for a lie, for the bullshit. From his full lips to the ripe fear in his deep eyes, Cappie found not a foul thing about Eli. The poison in her glare lost its sting and was replaced with uncertainty.
Cappie leaned back in her seat and stared out the window, resigned to move on and pretend not to be dreadfully embarrassed.
"Oh," she muttered. "Okay. Shit, I guess I dunno what that word means."
Mere seconds of silence followed before a laugh--His laugh-- full and hearty at her expense, filled the cab. The sincerity bloomed a hot warmth to her face. Cappie couldn't take her eyes off of Eli, for despite as stupid as she felt, the sight of his smile, pinked cheeks, and glimmering eyes was endearing.
"Shit, Cap, I promise I didn't mean anything offensive," Eli maintained Cappie with a smile. "Ya just seem tense is all. Can't say that I blame you though, especially if you've had a shit day."
Her heart skipped a beat.
She liked that coming from his mouth.
"Okay," she settled. "Okay, fine, won't kill ya, but I meant what I said. I'm feisty."
He nodded his head, smile still in place, and shifted the Bronco back in gear to resume their drive. Gone was the heavy awkwardness, their misunderstanding loosening him up, thank God.
"I believe you," he added. "You seem like a handful."
His glance caught her wink.
"Can be," she admitted. "I'm not for the faint of heart. No one can tame me."
She didn't expect Eli to say anything back, so when he did, her cheeks flushed again.
"Well," he told her, his voice dipped low. "I hope no one ever does. You got that fire in ya, and it's, it's kinda nice. Like a breath of fresh air."
Some deep, heavy part of her that she had carried inside her chest for over a year unmoored at such genuine kindness. Cappie felt seen in that moment, appraised like a jewelry box, the treasure of her personhood valued by the mysterious stranger behind the wheel. She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat and resigned herself to stare out the window lest he see the brimming of fresh tears.
If he noticed, Eli didn't say anything, not until she sucked it up and started idle chatter about the County, his hair, and how much she hated the outdoors.
"Well, we can't be friends then," settled Eli as they approached Fall's End.
"Why not?" she mused.
"Because I love being outside. My favorite places are in the mountains. So that's that."
"Damn," she sighed. "And here I thought we had some real chemistry goin' on."
He opened his mouth up as if he wanted to add something, but alas, Eli must've thought better of it and offered a smile instead. His cheeks were a bit pinker.
"Just sayin'," she drawled upon entering the town. "Your hair is like the people in that Project church. All kumbaya and shit."
"And you look like you're dressed for a run in the City, ma'am ."
"I would have been fine–"
"Right. You and your pocket knife. A poster child for survival."
She laughed as he parked in front of the Spread Eagle.
"Thanks for the ride," Cappie sighed, a pang of disappointment flitting in her chest.
"Not a problem," he answered. "Thanks for not killing me."
The passenger side door popped open and she slid from the seat.
"If ever in town," she told him. "Let me buy you a beer. I work at the Eagle. Maybe we can sit down and you can teach me a thing or two about camping or fighting bears."
Eli shook his head with a smirk, looked again like he wanted to ask something, but glanced out the windshield.
"You're trouble," he groused. "But I might take you up on that sometime."
"The beer or trouble?"
The man gifted Cappie with another grin.
"Something tells me I'd get both. Have a good one," he told her.
Cappie winked again and closed the door.
When she saddled up to the bar top of the Spread Eagle, intent on dialing the nearest auto shop, Mary May had a suspicious smile on her lips. Cappie frowned.
"So, that a thing?" ventured her boss.
"What a thing?"
"Eli. Eli Palmer."
Cappie scoffed and shook her head.
"Nah, he just helped me catch a ride. I was stranded up on the mountain."
Mary May's face dropped, and to Cappie's surprise the woman added, "I can make it a thing. If ya want."
"Thanks, but I'm already seein' someone–"
"But you could see someone better."
Cappie pondered her words, but shook her head again.
"I ain't his type," she decided. "He wants a nature girl, I think. Someone who likes bein' outdoorsy and shit. I'm just, shit, I dunno. A hot mess."
A cold beer was set before Cappie, but when she reached for it, Mary May scooted it out of range to level Cappie a serious look.
"That man hasn't smiled in years," she told Cappie. "And you're an idiot if you let that one go."
The bartender walked away before Cappie could say a thing, left her to stew.
A shit day indeed.
I love how they met! Just one of my snippets for my Eli Palmer and Cappie De la Costa pairing.
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