#Stanuary 2019
stanuary · 10 months
Sorry if this has already been answered, but is there a list of all the past Stanuary prompts? I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but I’m getting excited for next Stanuary!
no worries, i love that you're excited already! the past themes are all on the Tags List, but i'll put them in this post too for convenience
2017: Home, Protect, Memories, Family
2018: Con, Trouble, Youth, Safe
2019: Love, Travel, Dreams, Comfort
2020: Burn, Secret, AUs, Fight
2021: Charm, Sacrifice, Crime, Future
2022: Brothers, Identity, Ocean, Past
2023: Mystery, Connection, Fear, Worth
i'm planning to leave out 2023's themes from the poll tho, since they were most recent and i think it'd be boring to potentially have the same themes two years in a row lol
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krokonoko · 6 years
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@stanuary week 4: Comfort
Ma Pines and her little free spirit.
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amigolupus · 6 years
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Here’s my next entry for @stanuary, featuring the Comic Artist Stan AU!
He worked really hard for this, but now Stan’s finally got his very first booth in a con. Is he nervous about the con and whether he’ll sell stuff, or is he nervous about Fidds’ hand casually touching his shoulder? Or both? You decide.
As for Ford, he’s just so proud and happy for Stan and one thing that’s echoing in his mind right now is:
“The author of the comics...my brother.”
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jackyjackdraws · 6 years
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Stanuary week 2: Travel
Ready to sail for their dream of a lifetime!
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scatty-0 · 6 years
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Stanuary. Week four: Comfort!
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autumn-pines · 6 years
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WELP this is my first Stanuary piece. Mabel is trying to teach Stan how to knit, so I suppose it isn’t tied to any theme. I did look at people knitting for reference, however I’m not entirely sure this looks correct, ha.
Also, I tried a bit of a different style with this. I feel like it’s been inspired by another piece of art I saw, but I can’t recall what it was...
(And this took me ridiculously long to make XD)
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aceofstars16 · 6 years
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“…and then we’ll run off with the treasure because those pirate ghosts don’t deserve it anyway and all the girls come running because we are the two greatest adventures to ever live!”
As he spoke, Stan waved his hands, for effect, getting caught up in his own story as he spoke. Adventuring with his bro, that was the dream.
A small laugh sounded next to him and he quickly looked over at Ford. “Whatcha laughing about, Sixer?”
“Nothing. You just have the best imagination of anyone.” As he spoke, Ford grinned at Stan.
Matching his brother’s smile, he sat up, punching Ford’s shoulder. “Imagination nothing, we are going to adventure all over the world, it’s just fact.”
“So you can see the future now?” Ford asked, sticking his tongue out.
Not daunted the slightest by the teasing, Stan folded his arms and nodded. “Yup. We are going to grow up and find all the weirdest things and be the best team ever.”
“Well, I won’t argue with that.”
Opening an eye, Stan saw that Ford was now looking at the ocean again, excitement lighting his eyes.
“You better not, because it’s gonna happen. Wherever we go, we go together, right?”
Ford turned his gaze from the ocean and he grinned.
Stanuary Week 3 - Dreams
I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do for this prompt but...this was fun, I love these boys so muchhhh <333
Art and fic c) @aceofstars16/ @aces-creative-corner
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leaujacques · 6 years
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That time when Stan arranged for Dipper to spend some time with Ford out on the Stan O’ War II so he could take teenage Mabel to see a musical about their shared love interest. Of course Mabel made her own sweater and Stan made his own ten spot. When Mabel asked why A.Ham was facing the wrong way, Stan said that was his good side.
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bistens · 6 years
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Stanuary Week one: Love!
Absolutely loved the Stanchurian Candidate and recently rewatched it so thought I’d draw our lovely family on their way to vandalize mayor Tylers mansion. PINES! PINES! PINES!
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orangeoctopi7 · 6 years
How It Should Have Ended
@stanuary Week Four is Comfort. Dusted off another fic from my mission. Haha, I’m actually gonna have to write some original stuff for Forduary now, I’ve cleared out most of my backlog.
Stan blinked as his vision came back into focus. He’d been zoning out again, daydreaming about… crud, he couldn’t even remember now. Too many long nights with the portal this week. What had he been doing? Oh yeah, he was in the kitchen. Probably getting a snack. He stuck his head in the fridge to see what looked appetizing. The sound of the kids coming down the stairs and into the kitchen distracted him as he tried to tell which container of leftovers was least moldy. The kids both sat at the table expectantly. Stan glanced at the microwave clock. 7:00! He’d zoned out longer than he’d thought!
“Alright, what do you kiddos wanna eat?” He asked.
“Chocolate chip waffles!” Mabel cheered.
“Is it your turn to cook?” Dipper asked.
That was a weird question. “Since when does anyone else in this house know how to cook?”
“Hey-oh!” Mabel laughed. She and Dipper burst into giggles. Whatever was so hilarious, it was lost on Stan.
Whatever. Breakfast for dinner, he could go for that.
“We can have regular waffles. I haven’t got any chocolate chips.”
“Check in the butter-box on the door.” Dipper suggested.
Stan opened the box and found a half-used bag of chocolate chips. “What the…”
“How do you know all his hiding places?” Mabel asked her brother in awe.
“Great minds think alike.” The boy said proudly.
Ok, so apparently Soos was hiding candy in the fridge now, or something. They were going to have to talk about that. Or maybe this was one of those weird Gravity Falls things. In which case he’d better just ignore it like usual.
He’d gotten all the ingredients out and was searching for a mixing bowl and the waffle iron when he heard the door open again. Who could that be? The were close for the day; Wendy and Soos should both be home for their own dinners.
What Stan saw when he turned to look startled him right out of his slippers. He tripped back into the pantry shelf. He was stunned speechless as his mind raced to find an explanation. It had to be his reflection or a trick or something. What he was seeing  was impossible.
The real Stanford Pines, not the show Stanley had been putting on for the past 30 years, was standing right in front of him. His brother was here.
“Are you alright?” Ford asked, reaching down to help his brother up.
Stan grabbed onto his hand like a lifeline, felt six fingers close around his own. It was real, tangible, not an impostor or a ghost. This had to be a dream. The kids seemed completely unfazed by the stranger standing in the kitchen and were much more concerned with their Grunkle, the one they knew, falling on his rear-end.
“You-y-you’re… h-how are you here?” Stan spluttered as he almost regained us of his tongue.
Ford’s expression switched to the ‘a-ha’ look he got when something clicked and his mind kicked into genius-mode. Apparently whatever it was clicked for the kids too. They wore twin looks of realization.
“I’ll go get my scrapbook.” Mabel said, getting up from the table urgently.
“I’ll… go with her.” Dipper followed after his sister. He knew what was coming and he knew Stan would be embarrassed later if anyone saw it.
None of this made any sense to Stan. There was only one explanation.
“I don’t care if it’s a dream. I’m gonna enjoy it while it lasts!” He threw his arms around his brother and hugged him. Maybe even cried a little. It was a dream. He didn’t care. Ford rocked back a step to keep his balance, but hugged Stan back the best he could, comforting him.
“It’s not a dream, I promise.” Ford assured his brother. Stanley tended to be even more dangerously reckless than usual when he thought he was dreaming, and it was harder to bring his memories back if he didn’t accept the present as reality.
“Then how…?”
“You did it! You reactivated the portal! I’d still be trapped between dimensions if it wasn’t for you.”
“...And you’re not mad?”
Stanford sighed heavily. “Not anymore.” was all he said.
They just stood there in the kitchen for a moment while Stanley tried to regain his composure, until Mabel poked her head in the door. She seemed worried, but she smiled when she saw the older twins hugging.
“Are you two ready?” She asked.
“Ready for what?” Stan asked.
“Come on, I know you’re confused by all this. Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything.” Stanford led him into the living room. Dipper and Soos were already there. For some reason Soos was dressed up as Mr. Mystery.
“Do you remember who I am?” Soos asked the second he saw Stan.
“Soos, why the heck are you wearing my suit?”
“He remembers!” The young man cheered, relieved.
“Ok, so it looks like you remember everything up to some point last summer.” Mabel said, sitting Stan down in his recliner and opening up her scrapbook. “So I guess we’ll just start with Gideon stealing the deed to the Mystery Shack.”
And so Mabel went through, recounting everything they’d done that summer, using pictures and things in her scrapbook to help tell the story. At first Stan didn’t understand why she was doing this. He knew everything she was telling him, it’d happened just last week! But then she started talking about government agents snooping around, and zombies, while Dipper and Soos often interjected their own comments. Stan didn’t remember any of this happening… but then he did. The more they told, the more images and memories resurfaced in his mind. He remembered a particular thought he’d had when Mabel explained finding the solution to their zombie problem.
Invisible ink, that punk! If Stanford’s not dead when I find him, I’ll kill him!
As the stories of last summer continued, Stanley remembered more and more, even things the kids didn’t tell him. He remembered long nights pouring over each page in the Journals with a black-light. He remembered the confrontation with those pesky agents. He remembered the moment he brought his brother home.
“Finally, after all these years! Brother!”
“You punched me in the face!” Stan pointed at Ford, interrupting Soos’s account of protecting the vending machine.
Stanford averted his gaze sheepishly. “Uh, yes…”
“Yeah, you two were pretty mad at each other to start with.” Dipper nodded.
“But then you had to work together to save us and you made up and everything’s better now!” Mabel tried to move on to a happier subject. “So, not long after that, the old Mayor died, and you decided to run for office….”
And so they continued, and Stanley kept remembering more and more, but his attitude had changed. It was subtle, but he seemed to be… grumpier than usual, if that were possible. They only got another page into the scrapbook when Stan stopped her.
“Alright, I’m good, it’s all coming back now.” He said, rubbing his temples.
“Hmmm… What did I get you for your birthday this year?” Mabel asked, testing his memory.
“A sweater with your face on it.”
“A hat and gloves.”
“Ok, you’re free to go.” She consented.
Stan was uncharacteristically quiet all through breakfast. He cleared the table brusquely and jammed the dishes in the dishwasher loudly. Later, as the family sat down to watch TV, Stan pointedly ignored Ford’s request to pass the popcorn, and instead gave it to Dipper, who was sitting on the opposite end of the couch.
By the end of the day, Ford had had enough of the barely concealed glares and silent tension. He waited until everyone else was busy in the gift shop and then confronted his brother.
“Alright, what is it?” Ford asked him, standing with his arms folded.
“Huh?” Stan asked from his recliner, refusing to turn and look at Ford.
“It’s obvious you’re upset with me about something, although I can’t  figure out what, so let’s just get it over with. If it’s about the mop, I thought we’d already resolved that issue.”
Stan didn’t answer for so long that Ford was sure he’d gone back to ignoring his brother. “... That’s how it should’ve been.” Stan finally grumbled.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Ford asked impatiently.
“Earlier this morning, when I was havin’ the memory lapse, that’s how it should’ve been when you came home.” Stan explained.
“... That’s what you’re mad about?” Ford asked exasperatedly. Stan just sat there moodily. “You do realize that was an incredibly unrealistic expectation, right?”
“Oh, what, I was supposed to expect you comin’ and punchin’ me in the face?” Stan snapped.
Ford pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m not saying what I did was right, but we couldn’t have gone from the state things were in when… I left, to where we are now without some friction in between.”
Stan sat and grumped some more. Ford really didn’t understand what his brother wanted from him at this point. It had been almost a year now, they’d moved on, their relationship was on the mend… wasn’t it?
“Stanley, I can’t go back and change what happened, not without seriously endangering the timeline, anyway, but I really am sorry, and I really am trying to be better. Maybe I’m not doing such a good job--”
“No.” Stan grunted, “You’re doin’ a great job. Just let me wallow in self-pity for a while, jeez.”
Ford rolled his eyes. “You’ve been wallowing in self-pity all day!”
Stan finally turned to look his brother in the eye. “So?”
“So, I care about you too much to let you do that. Also I don’t like being gypped on popcorn.”
Stan finally smiled. “Should’ve known that’d be what finally got to you.”
He stood up and the two of them walked down the hall to join the rest of their family in the gift shop.
“Guess I could stand to do some apologizing too. I wasn’t exactly Mr. Nice Guy to you.” Stan said.
“Some might say you were justified, given my actions.”
Stan rolled his eyes. “Just accept the apology, Poindexter. I’m trying to be better too.”
Ford smiled. “And I think you’re doing a great job.”
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fordanoia · 6 years
Stanuary Week 1: Love
Words: 1,400~ || CW: -Slightly phobic ideas- || Mabel asks her Grunkle Stan for some romance advice. 
For @stanuary Week 1′s theme of Love. The ending doesn't really come to a resolution, but sometimes that’s how it goes. __
They heard the door loudly kicked in and both Stan and Ford jumped a bit from the table before relaxing at the triumphant voice headed their way.
“Date SUCCESS!!” Tromping feet soon entered the room revealing a victorious Mabel. “Up top!” She raised her hand toward Grunkle Stan first.
He grinned, high fiving her. “That’s my little charmer!”
She beamed then held out her hand to Grunke Ford who clapped his hand against hers with small smile. “Congratulations. It sounds like it went very well.”
She nodded. “Oh yeah, it went great-!!” Mabel leaned over on the table and talked with quiet glee. “Date number three.”
Ford squinted, thinking. “Is that... chocolates here?” He tried
“You’ve been back on Earth for four years, poindexter, you don’t get to use the ‘what is it in this dimension again?’ excuse anymore when you don’t know something.” Stan said, using air quotes.
Ford shrugged innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Stan rolled his eyes when Ford quickly evaded. “So what does a third date mean, Mabel?”
“It means you can go to the next level. I’m going to ask her to be girlfriend and girlfriend!” She pronounced proudly. “Girlfriend squared.”
“That’s great, pumpkin! Go get her, yeah!” Stan said, slapping the table.
“Yeah!!” Mabel resounded back, swinging an arm with a smile on her face, looking out into the hallway. Then... stayed like that. The expression on her face stuck on the smile, but it looked... off and nervous now.
Stan glanced over making sure she wasn’t looking at nothing and when he looked back she still hadn’t moved. “Uh, pumpkin?”
In the same cheerful upbeat voice that had a clear anxious undertone, she finally looked back at the pair of them. “How do I ask someone to be my girlfriend?!”
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ford looking over at him already. Good thing one of them had some experience at least. “Okay, okay,” Stan said waving a hand, “calm down sweetie, it’s a lot easier than it looks! I mean heh, I had a girlfriend, you know.”
“What’d you do?” Mabel asked, letting the forced smile go.
Stan crossed his arms easily and shook his head almost fondly at the question. “Ha, ‘what did I do?’” Hell, what did he do? He stalled as he ransacked his brain. “Well, course I started talking to her, like you’ve been doing. We went on a couple dates...” (Wait, did he ask her out or did Carla ask him out? Either way, he was pretty sure it was just a real simple question.)
Stan shook his head. “Anyways, all you gotta do is just outright ask her if she’d like to, boom easy. If she says yes, great, and if she says no then you never gotta see her again!”  
Mabel sighed, half relieved. “Okay, piece of cake! That’s not too hard, and then we can do after third date couple things!”
“What after third date couple things?” Stan asked.
“You know, Matching outfits-” Thank Christ, just the dorky stuff.  Stan missed a couple points, but quickly tuned back in to Mabel still listing more out on her fingers, “-sending each other lovey dovey messages, romantic walks at night whenever we want, sharing jackets, super romantic stuff!”
“Sharing jackets?” Stan asked.
“Yeah, you know where someone else is wearing your jacket and you get all warm inside seeing them in it!”
“How’s that one romantic?”
Mabel seemed stumped for a second, “because- when you see them wearing your jacket it makes your heart all warm and it’s just really nice.”
Stan still didn’t get it, but before he could say anything about it Mabel was looking over at Ford, “you know?”
“Ah, yes- ah, well,” he cleared his throat, caught off guard, “Well, I remember Carla wearing Stanley’s jacket quite a few times.” He said gesturing back over to Stan.
“Ha, yeah she did.” Stan said. “You know she always just stole it when I wasn’t paying attention? Already had her own jacket and everything! If I was her I would have stolen a better jacket from someone else.”
“Yeah!” Mabel perked up. “But wasn’t it really romantic and sweet when she borrowed your jacket?”
“I mean borrowing something’s just stealing without following through.” Stan said. “It’s not really something ‘sweet’ or ‘romantic’ just because she’s wearing it around me.”
Stan was surprised to see Mabel’s eyes shift back over to his brother. “Grunkle Ford?”
“I’m sorry. I can’t really say, Mabel. I’ve long since stopped trying to understand romance, frankly.”
Stan scoffed. “Spoken like a true nerd.”
Ford shrugged his shoulders in defeat. “It’s a thoroughly confusing subject matter.”
He was just to make another nerd joke when Mabel drew back his attention. “Hey, Grunkle Stan, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, ‘course you can. What is it?”
Her face was scrunched together, like she was trying to really hard to understand something. “You’ve gone out with a lot of girls, right?”
“Yeah, I have. I was the good-looking casanova type.” He told her with a smile.
“Did you like any of them romantically? Different from you would a friend?”
He laughed a little. “‘Course I did. I kissed them and everything.”
“No, not just kissing. Like all the feelings and junk.” She explained.
“... Like when you kiss them?” Stan asked. “What are you talking about, sweetie?”
“Like yeah, when you kiss them, but how you feel even before you kiss them!”
“Wanting to kiss them?”
Mabel groaned, pulling her hands down her face. “No, not the kissing. Just forget about the kissing!”
“What can I say? Kissing’s the best part about having a girlfriend.” Stan said. “That’s what dating is for!”
Mabel spun around and started walking in a circle, hands clapped near her serious face.
“A-buh-buh-buh!” She hushed him, waving a hand his way, soon stopping and taking in a deep breath.
Stan waiting, going to take a drink from his soda when Mabel boisterously turned back to him suddenly.
“Okay!!” Mabel walked back over. “Grunkle Stan, what’s the difference between a girlfriend and a girl you’re friends with that you kiss and stuff?”
“Uh, they’re the same thing. What is this, a trick question?”
A gleam of understanding flashed in Mabel’s eyes as though she had just solved some grand mystery.
“Kid, you know that’s what makes a girlfriend a girlfriend, right? The whole kissing thing.” Stan tried telling her.
“What if you had a girlfriend you didn’t kiss? They were still your girlfriend but they didn’t like to kiss.” She asked him.
“That’s just a friend.”
“But they’re still your girlfriend!”
Stan just took a breath. “Sweetie, that doesn’t make any sense.”
“Grunkle Stan, romance isn’t just kissing or wanting to kiss or even the stuff later on!” Mabel said.
“Alright, then what is it?”
Mabel thought. “Well it’s uh.... Hm, you kinda just-..” she made a face, “you kinda just know?” She shook her head. “Look, Grunkle Stan I’ve got to talk to Candy or Grenda, but just think about it for now okay!” She said, already leaving the kitchen.
“Wait, kid-!” Stan sighed and sat back in his seat as he heard a door swing open. “That kid don’t make any sense sometimes.”
Instead of a response from his brother though, he only got silence. Stan glanced over to find Ford thoughtfully staring at him. “Hey, I just got that look from Mabel, I don’t need it again from you this, you know.”
Ford glanced down at his coffee. “Sorry, I was just thinking.”
Stan waited for a good second or two before just asking. “About what?”
He was quiet for a beat. “Just trying to remember back when you and Carla were dating, I suppose. Along with what Mabel was talking about... I don’t know.” Ford frowned.
“Beep Boop. Dating does not compute.” Stan moved his arms out and turned like a robot before dropping the act to jab an elbow at Ford’s side, smiling at him. “Heh, don’t fry out your nerd brain there, poindexter.”
Ford briefly glanced over at him then back down again to drink his coffee. “Right...”
“Hey, remember when you made a kissing machine?”
“Dear Tesla-” Ford put his cup down and fully looked over at him. “Why is that the one thing you always remember from our teenage years?”
Stan shrugged, doing his bare minimum to push down a smile. “Just really memorable, I guess.”
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stanuary · 6 years
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The Stanuary 2019 Themes have been chosen!
Thank you all for voting! This year's winners are:
Week One: Love (with 132 votes) (includes the prompt: Bonding)
Week Two: Travel (with 133 votes) (includes the prompts: Out, Streets, Run, and Getaway)
Week Three: Dreams (with 139 votes) (includes the prompts: Daydream, Nightmare, Sleep, and Real)
Week Four: Comfort (with 177 votes) (includes the prompts: Self-Care, Mental Health, Praise, and Forgiveness)
A list of all additional suggested prompts can be found here. Feel free to combine any of them with the main themes or use them for some extra inspiration!
For any newcomers to Stanuary who want to know how to participate, the About page, FAQ, and Guidelines can be found here.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's creations! Have fun!! ♥
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krokonoko · 6 years
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@stanuary week 2: Travel
FINALLY, my part of an art trade with the incredibly talented @lazy--stars!
Fiddleford and Stan on a road trip is one of my favorite scenarios. Just the two of them, escaping all of their troubles together, if only for a couple of days ♪♫♬
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amigolupus · 6 years
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My entry for @stanuary. And how could I resist drawing some good ol’ Fiddlestan?
I just liked the idea of these two exchanging headwear and having matching t-shirts like the cute bi couple they are. Fidds’ shirt is supposed to say ‘YES I YAM’ but I couldn’t find a way to show it off from this position haha.
This is also my try at coloring with a different color palette, so I hope it looks good!
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jackyjackdraws · 6 years
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@stanuary week 3: Dream
Forbidden desires we used to daydream, success and family, none of them where possible
(the fact that Fillbrick is missing isn’t a case)
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scatty-0 · 6 years
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Stanuary. Week three: Dreams Nightmare.
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