#State Question 820
Oklahoma voters rejected a state question Tuesday to allow for the recreational use of marijuana, following a late blitz of opposition from faith leaders, law enforcement and prosecutors.
Oklahoma would have become the 22nd state to legalize adult use of cannabis and join conservative states like Montana and Missouri that have approved similar proposals in recent years. Many conservative states have also rejected the idea, including Arkansas, North Dakota and South Dakota last year.
Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt and many of the state’s GOP legislators, including nearly every Republican senator, opposed the idea. Former Republican Gov. Frank Keating, an ex-FBI agent, and Terri White, the former head of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, led the “no” campaign.
“We’re pleased the voters have spoken,” said Pat McFerron, a Republican political strategist who ran the opposition campaign. “We think this sends a clear signal that voters are not happy with the recreational nature of our medicinal system. We also think it shows voters recognize the criminal aspects, as well as the need for addressing mental health needs of the state.”
Oklahoma voters already approved medical marijuana in 2018 by 14 percentage points and the state has one of the most liberal programs in the country, with more than 2,800 licensed dispensaries and roughly 10% of the state’s adult population having a medical license to buy and consume cannabis.
On Tuesday’s legalization question, the “no” side was outspent more than 20-to-1, with supporters of the initiative spending more than $4.9 million, compared to about $219,000 against, last-minute campaign finance reports show.
State Question 820, the result of a signature gathering drive last year, was the only item on the statewide ballot, and early results showed heavy opposition in rural areas.
“Oklahoma is a law and order state,” Stitt said in a statement after Tuesday’s vote. “I remain committed to protecting Oklahomans and my administration will continue to hold bad actors accountable and crack down on illegal marijuana operations in our state.”
The proposal, if passed, would have allowed anyone over the age of 21 to purchase and possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana, plus concentrates and marijuana-infused products. Recreational sales would have been subjected to a 15% excise tax on top of the standard sales tax. The excise tax would be used to help fund local municipalities, the court system, public schools, substance abuse treatment and the state’s general revenue fund.
The prospect of having more Oklahomans smoking anything, including marijuana, didn’t sit well with Mark Grossman, an attorney who voted against the proposal Tuesday at the Crown Heights Christian Church in Oklahoma City.
“I was a no vote because I’m against smoking,” Grossman said. “Tobacco smoking was a huge problem for my family.”
The low barriers for entry into Oklahoma’s medical marijuana industry has led to a flood of growers, processors and dispensary operators competing for a limited number of customers. Supporters had hoped the state’s marijuana industry would be buoyed by a rush of out-of-state customers, particularly from Texas, which has close to 8 million people in the Dallas-Fort Worth area just a little more than an hour drive from the Oklahoma border.
Michelle Tilley, campaign director for Yes on 820, said despite Tuesday’s result, full marijuana legalization was inevitable. She noted that almost 400,000 Oklahomans already use marijuana legally and “many thousands more” use it illegally.
“A two-tiered system, where one group of Oklahomans is free to use this product and the other is treated like criminals does not make logical sense,” she said in a statement.
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gothicprep · 2 years
i've been meaning to write something for a while now about how misinformation is not a partisan issue, it's just an issue in general. i was mulling over writing something about how infowars waterboards statistics into saying whatever alex jones wants – i'll still probably do that in the future – but it's not something that exactly supports my thesis here.
but, lucky me, i had a perfect example fall into my lap this week.
so, was andrew tate taken into custody over twitter beef with greta thunberg? the short answer is "no" but i'll elaborate.
here's the primary romanian news report about the cops taking the tate brothers into custody. the way that this has been reported in US news media has basically been that a pizza box in andrew tate's video response to thunberg helped romanian authorities confirm his location. here's a daily beast article that insinuates this:
In a video rant he uploaded to Twitter, in which he smoked a cigar and tried to brush off the online spat, he unwittingly displayed a pizza box from a local pizza chain—alerting authorities looking for him to his presence in the country.
here's the problem with that, though – none of the romanian journalists who reported on this story said anything about the pizza box thing. there's also a huge problem with these stories just... citing each other.
if you dig through the citation loop long enough, you end on this daily star article that cites tweets (jurnelism!) from, of course, alejandra caraballo
According to Alejandra Caraballo, a writer and clinical instructor posting on Twitter: “Romanian authorities needed proof that Andrew Tate was in the country so they reportedly used his social media posts.
(as an aside, if you follow her on twt, i'd heavily recommend against doing that. she spews bullshit like her life depends on it and i think this is inexcusable.)
these are caraballo's tweets in question:
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the source for this is the romanian article i linked to earlier in this post. it doesn't say any of this. at least, the english translated version of it doesn't. for what it's worth, i'm not a romanian speaker, and i don't have any benchmark for judging if google's translation service is missing linguistic nuances. here's what it actually says:
Sources close to the investigation stated, for Gândul , that shortly after the completion of the computer expertise, the authorities waited for the right moment to catch the Tate brothers, who were always out of the country.
After seeing, including on social networks, that they were together in Romania, the DIICOT prosecutors mobilized the special troops of the Gendarmerie and descended, by force, on their villa in Pipera, but also on other addresses.
it's also probably worth pointing out that tate's villa was previously searched in april. while the article does say that social media was used to help confirm their location, it doesn't say anything about pizza boxes. and, like, given that tate is a prolific social media poster and was tweeting out videos of romania on sunday, i think it's safe to assume they had a wealth of other information to go off.
and if you don't want to take my word for it, nyt and wapo both reported that the spokesperson for the romanian prosecutor presiding over the case denied the pizza box thing:
Speculation online centered on whether a distinctive pizza box featured in one of Mr. Tate’s tweets to Ms. Thunberg had helped lead the authorities to him, but Ramona Bolla, a spokeswoman for the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, told The New York Times on Friday that that was not the case.
anyway, ain't it funny how caraballo's made the fuck up pizza tweet got 76 million views, 97k retweets, and 525k likes, while her appended correction got 78k views, 100 retweets, and 820 likes. her initial "source: my mind" tweet is still up. ain't. it. funny.
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whencyclopedia · 12 days
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Theophilos was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 829 to 842 CE. He was the second ruler of the Amorion dynasty founded by his father Michael II. Popular during his reign and responsible for a lavish rebuilding of Constantinople's palaces and fortifications, Theophilos is chiefly remembered today for a major defeat by the Arab Caliphate in 838 CE and as the last emperor who supported the policy of iconoclasm, that is the destruction of icons and their veneration being treated as heresy.
Succession & Popularity
Theophilos was from Amorion, the city in Phrygia which gave its name to the dynasty begun by his father Michael II (r. 820-829 CE). Michael's reign, tarnished right from the beginning by his brutal murder of his predecessor Leo V (r. 813-820 CE), continued its downward spiral with a serious revolt led by Thomas the Slav and significant defeats at the hands of the Arabs in Sicily and Crete.
Inheriting the throne in 829 CE aged 25, Theophilos was seen as a new hope for the empire to get back on its feet again. A return to former glories was not to be but at least Theophilos was popular because of his exuberant personality, even participating once in a chariot race in the Hippodrome of Constantinople (which he won, of course). The emperor also enjoyed a reputation as a lover of learning and justice, especially when he introduced the tradition of the emperor riding to church on Fridays and permitting any commoner to throw questions of justice or appeals his way. The historian J. Herrin recounts one such episode:
On one of the occasions a widow complained to Theophilos that she had been defrauded of a horse by the city eparch. Indeed, she claimed it was the vey horse he was riding! He ordered an investigation and discovered that her story was correct: the eparch had taken her horse and given it to the emperor. Theophilos immediately returned the horse to its rightful owner and had the very high-ranking official punished. (75)
Another eccentricity of the emperor was the habit of walking about the streets of his capital in disguise asking the people what they thought of the problems of the day and checking if the merchants were selling their goods at fair prices. Theophilos' reputation for learning stemmed not only from his own education but his endorsement of everyone else's - he increased the faculties of the university at the capital, increased the number of scriptoria where manuscripts were duplicated, and ensured that teachers were paid by the state.
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ralvezfanatic · 8 months
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Luke Alvez x Male!Reader
Reader wants to kiss boys. Luke helps!!
Warnings: Fluff. Boys kissing. Boys get caught kissing. Excessive use of the word boykisser. Luke is sorta OOC. I made reader speak how I speak so I'm sorry because I speak oddly sometimes. also inspired by this >_<
Word Count: 820
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He looks at you, confused on what that was about. “What?” Is all he asks, lost on why you were telling him this out of the blue.
“Y’know, I was walking past this group of highschoolers today, and one of them whispered to his friend that I seemed like a boy kisser..” You say suddenly as you stand next to Luke, waiting for the elevator to go up to work.
“Oh?” His eyebrows raise, trying not to show his disappointment at the confirmation that you were straight. “Well, they’re just dumb kids right? No need to get upset over it?”
You shrug and look at him for a moment before looking back at the elevator and pressing the button as if to hurry the elevator up (or down in this case). “I don’t know. Like, they're wrong. Completely wrong actually.” You frown, crossing your arms as you take a quick glance at Luke.
Now it's your turn to raise an eyebrow at him. “What? No I mean- Well yes they are dumb kids because they shouldn't be making comments about strangers like that..” You shake your head in disappointment at how some teenagers act. “But I mean, they're wrong because I don't kiss boys. I don't have a boy to kiss! I'm.. I wish I was a boy kisser though.” You shrug, smiling because of how childish you spoke.
Luke lets out a hum as he nods, listening to you. He thinks for a moment and then looks at you.
“Really? What, you can't get a date? No boys catch your attention?” Luke laughs as the elevator finally arrives. With a ding, its doors open, and Luke motions for you to go in.
"Um.. I probably could. But I haven't tried.” You admit, stepping inside the elevator, Luke following right after.
“Why is that?” He asks as he stands besides you, leaning on the back wall for comfort.
“I have my eye on this one guy. But I don't know if he likes me back for sure, so I've just decided to.. wait for him to make a move I suppose.”
He wondered if he's the guy you're talking about. He had noticed how you act with him at times, but maybe it was just his imagination.
“I don't know if he ever will though..” You look at him, hoping he'd catch your hint.
Maybe it wasn't his imagination.
“So.. you want to be a boy kisser?” Luke asks, and you nod slowly, raising an eyebrow at the question.
“Me too.” He states, nodding his head as he stands up straight and crosses his arms.
You look to the side for a moment and then back at him, confused at how this conversation is going. “You know something?” He asks again, looking at you with a smile.
“What?” You ask, your face still as confused as before.
“Well, I'm a boy. And you're a boy. And we both want to be.. boy kissers.” He chuckles at the word, not believing how juvenile he's acting. “Do you see where this is going?”
You hold back a smile, definitely seeing where this is going, but instead continue on with a confused expression. “No?”
Luke looks at you, unable to tell if you were messing with him or not. “Really?” He asks, and you just shake your head.
“We could kiss..” He sheepishly suggests, suddenly growing shy.
“I can help you be a boy kisser.” He explains, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.
"Yeah? How is that?” You ask, unable to hold back your smile any longer.
You let out a soft laugh and step closer to him, your hands making way to his shoulders. You lean in close, your lips centimeters apart as you speak. “That, Luke Alvez, is a great idea.” You smile, closing the gap between the both of you.
Luke quickly adapts to the kiss and his hands move up to cup your face, pulling you close as he happily kisses you back.
Your arms wrap around him and you deepen the kiss as he slowly starts pushing you back against the elevator wall. The elevator dings and the doors open, exposing the both of you to a horrified Penelope, and annoyed Emily. You both jump as the doors open and pull away from each other, your faces completely flushed and horrified at being caught by your boss.
“Did you guys forget to press a button?” Emily asks as she steps in along with Garcia, who makes sure to distance herself from Luke.
“I uh, we didn't.. we weren't..” Luke stammers out as he looks at you for help, but you just shake your head and look down at the floor.
“Save it.. I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that because I don't have time for all the paperwork this early in the morning.” Emily puts her hand up to hush Luke, sighing as she shakes her head.
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confusedblakex · 1 year
Soulmate AU Series: Eijiro Kirishima
Pairing: Eijiro Kirishima X Reader (GN)
Summary: The day you get your soulmark, except you didn't find your soulmate the way you expected
Wordcount: ~820
Warnings: None
Requested by: No one
Inspired by: This post by @dashielldeveron and this post by @haitani-trash
Notes: Just trying to finish off all my fic series before I start anything new
Last edited: 16th May 2023
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You woke up an hour before your alarm, giddy with excitement. Your phone was buzzing with texts and ‘happy birthday’ messages, and there was a buzz of happiness in the air.
You threw the covers off yourself and immediately stood yourself in front of your mirror. Staring at your reflection, you looked yourself over.
There was a small, printed mark on the inside of your right wrist.
34.929529, 138.377314
So what did that mean? With a sigh, you brushed it off and continued with your morning.
As you arrived at school, hoping that someone would recognise what it meant or be able to decipher it. You were early, but people wished you a happy birthday as they entered the classroom. Ashido was the first to ask about your soulmark, closely followed by your friends Jiro and Tokoyami.
You showed them the mark, pulling up your sleeve to show them your wrist.
“Some sort of code, perhaps?” Tokoyami suggested, but you stopped when you noticed something about your soulmark.
“Wait, the numbers have changed,” You said, noticing that the combination was entirely different now. This gained confused looks from your friends.
Mina grabbed your arm and dragged you across the classroom, asking various random people what they thought it meant.
“Oh! It’s some numbers!”
“Fuck off”
“Dates or times perhaps,”
“Phone numbers?”
Hold on. Mina dragged you back to Todoroki who, with little to no emotion, simply stated once again that.
“It’s coordinates.”
“Of course! Coordinates in latitude and longitude, does anyone have a GPS?” Midoriya yelled excitedly.
To his question, Tokoyami pulled out his phone and Jiro pulled a laptop out of her school bag.
Midoriya held a compass, and Jiro poured over the laptop while Tokoyami read out the numbers on your wrist. Mina was being moral support.
The collective breath was held as the search loaded. And the screen zoomed into UA.
Mina cheered, but everyone else – including yourself – all sighed. This was good, yes, but if the coordinates change when your soulmate moves, all that means is that they are one of the many many students at UA currently.
“The coordinates are only enough for a general location, not specific rooms in the school…” Midoriya said, getting lost in his own thoughts and quiet mumbling.
“Your best bet is to wait until lunch,” Tokoyami suggested, with Jiro quickly understanding.
“Yeah, that way if the coordinates change you know that they’re someone who’s up and moving.”
So classes continued as normal, and though a little underwhelming, it was nice. Lunch always seemed to come quickly and you felt a little better sitting down with your friends, though for some reason Mina had insisted on staying near you all day.
“Can’t miss some good romance drama!” She said when you asked why.
Therefore, she had abandoned her usual friends at their lunch table. But before you could think too much about it - or even start eating - the numbers on your wrist changed.
One number changed. Then two, and then the first number again, and then once more-
“Oi Mina!”
“Where’ve you been?”
The self-proclaimed ‘Bakusquad’ - the friends that Mina had abandoned to see the ‘romance drama’.
Bakugo, Sero and Denki all walked over to the table and Mina waved at them enthusiastically. Trailing behind them was Kirishima.
The numbers on your wrist had stopped changing, so you looked up to see what the Bakusquad were doing, only to look up directly at Kirishima.
His eyes widened and he froze in seemingly amazement or disbelief. Your eyes lingered on him, and for some reason you couldn’t look away. But it made sense - neither could he.
“Kirishima?” You asked loud enough for him to hear. He was still a good few paces away from you.
Not daring to look away, he just smiled. A blinding smile, the most beautiful, brilliant smile. To the confusion of everyone there, you stood to meet him halfway and giggled a little when he stumbled over his feet in excitement.
He didn’t slow down, though, when you reached each other and instead scooped you up into a hug. A gentle, loving hug.
So it was him. Kirishima is your soulmate.
You definitely weren’t disappointed, and Mina seemed to catch on as she squealed like a small child.
“It’s you, it was you all along,” He said quietly, still beaming.
"You're so... gorgeous..." He whispered, his eyes only on you, seemingly absorbed in all the colour he could now see.
“Hey, at least take me out for coffee first,” You joked and Kirishima flushed bright red as Denki laughed.
“Ah! Of course,” He said, finally stepping back from the embrace, “But I’m glad it’s you, (y/n).”
“Seeeeeee, I told you~” Mina sang as she danced around Kirishima.
“Told me what?”
“That you’d have a great love life one day,” She said, sighing to herself, “Ugh, now I need an entire manga series of your romance together! You and (y/n) are so cuuute!”
“Minaaaaa-” Kiri grumbled, bright red.
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Hey, sweetie!
How old you think are the sakamaki, mukami and tsukinami? i have seen lots of posts and all says different things from each othe, i'm really confused--
Hi Love,
This is a really good question. Its something I've always wondered and have been struggling to answer but I will do my best. A while ago I did some extreme math to calculate their age which I will say, I do not recommend such torture to anyone. Plus, I completely forgot the logic behind the formulas so whelp to that. And I think I am either correct or Rejet is inconsistent with their ideas. Either case, something is off and I'll do my best to explain what I think their age range is.
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
Okay so as I'm sure most of us know, we are aware of their physical age but when it comes to their actual age its tough to say but there are some estimates that could pinpoint a rough estimate as to how old they are.
For example. in one of the drama CDs I believe Reiji was the one who explained to Yui that the mansion that we see in the anime was given to them back in the 18th century? or was it 1800s? I can't remember overall it was a long time ago. And whichever it was they were all grown up to live there on their own as a family. This means for over 200+ years they have looked like teenagers!
The Tsukinami's age also helps us determine the Sakamaki's age. In the Young Blood manga, you can notice that Carla looks just as old as he looks now, and this is when the Sakamaki's were only children. So he and Shin are fairly old. Plus it was stated that they were trapped for thousands of years, so they are old considering that they had some business with their father.
If we also look at Beatrix's attire that Rejet gave her, it is a style that leans more toward the 15-1600s and her children where very young at the time. Of course these years are somewhat misleading because if you think of it, that dress is probably from the demon world so their way of doing things hardly changes. So there is a chance that the attire doesn't greatly respect the time.
However! In another drama CD when the boys were asked about their age Shu said he couldn't remember how old he was exactly but that he was roughly in his early 1,000s. Reiji, Laito, and I believe it was also Kanto who admitted that they were several of 100s of years old. (This was all on the CD which of course I don't remember which one.)
So having said this I've dug far deep to give a good estimate on all this so here it is:
Idk why but this exact number is what I always think of when I see him.
Although in terms of range it would be 1,030-1,080.
he's approaching 1,000 real soon.
I know they are triplets and they were born on the same day, but it's hard to picture they're all the same age. So I gave each a different range for each one because I don't know what to pick, but for them I would say the range is roughly : 715-870
I always feel like he was older but it turns out he's younger than Shu?
Now considering that Shu met "young" Yuma or "edgar" in this case, centuries later, it shows how slowly purebloods age and just how fast a turned vampires age, so while the Mukamis look to be the same age as the Sakamakis they're actually younger.
I know the Mukamis are psychically a year apart from each other but you know vampire aging works a little differently. Plus, we don't know how much they really are I'm just going by what age range I see on them.
He is old and was probably born in 1500-1700s, as much as I want to say 1800s but we know it's not accurate.
Now idk why but I feel like he was born in the year 1570. (It just sounds right lol)
So for age wise its 518-640
He's younger than Kou and it's just so hard to believe.
He's probably 460-580
I could see him being in his mid 400s
Oh my, they are very old.
And I'm just going to say it, they do not look like teens. I always felt that they looked like they were in their 20s. Honestly all of them look like their in there 20s.
But anyways, lets keep in mind that Carla looks exactly the same as he does now when the Sakamaks were kids. (This was in the young blood manga btw).
(also please let me know if I'm wrong about my facts so just let me know.)
anyways I feel like they are quite old and over a thousand. they said he was trapped for thousands of years so they are really old.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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thatturtleleon · 1 year
A Talk in Donnie's Lab
Content + Warnings: Mention of character deaths, Platonic April + Donnie, Implied Sunita x April, Set in the apocalyptic future timeline, 820 words.
Quick Authors Note: This is a small fic that will be apart of a series I'm writing about the apocalyptic future timeline. The series plot will follow the movie and what the movie implies (Raph/Donnie deaths, Leo being a father figure, Mikey aging faster, etc.). Basically me just writing out interactions and events I think happened in the apocalyptic future timeline, plus my own headcanons (like Sunita x April). Most of these will be one-shots but I may write multiple fic situations, we'll see lol. I hope you enjoy and feel free to request something/ask questions <3
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The sign stating “Donatello's Lab: Enter with CAUTION” rattled slightly as April knocked on the large metal door in front of her. The previously wooden door was recently replaced, as Donnie kept accidently exploding the door off with his experiments. 
“Yes yes come in come in April” Donnie’s voice called out.
The door opened revealing a very focused Donatello working on what seemed to be some type of mask. Metal parts and scraps cover the lab in organized chaos. The bright light from his workspace illuminates the room, flickering slightly as the door shut behind April. 
Gesturing to the door, she says, “Really should get a doorbell or something for that thing.” 
“Apologies April,” Donnie looks up from his work for a moment, “I’ve been trying to get this mask improved and finished as soon as possible.”
“What kinda mask? Is it more for fighting or scien…” April trails off as she walks closer to see what Donnie’s been working on, “Is...is that-?”
Donnie nods, “Cassandra’s mask.” he speaks somewhat softly, grief laced through his words as he mentions Cassandra but continues, “Casey’s 13th is coming up and I think this would be something he would like to have.” 
The room is silent for a moment. Cassandra had gone missing in a Krang battle several months earlier. Only a few weeks ago is when Leo and April found her mask…along with a body as well. The crew were doing their best to stay strong for Casey, but Cassandra’s death took a toll on everyone. Casey was young when Raph died, too young to remember it though. Casey’s still young, yet old enough to understand his mom wasn’t coming back. April never wants to remember the look on his face when she had to tell him what had happened.
“I think he’d like that alot.” April breaks the silence. 
Donnie smiles, “Yes, I hope so. There’s a few more things I need to do before it’s ready,” he begins to tinker with the mask again as he speaks, “Some improvements here and there, and then I will be just about done, except…”
“Except what?” April notices Donnie’s face fall for a split second.
“I’ll get straight to the point,” he sighs, “I need you to go out and look for parts, I, I know it’s dangerous and I hate to ask you this, but everyone else is busy at this moment, and Casey’s birthday is coming up in a few days and I just-” 
“I’ll do it.” 
Donnie’s face suddenly has a very ‘un-donnie-like’ expression of nervousness and regret, “April I don’t want to push you to go out on a mission so soon, especially since…”
Interrupting him, April continues, “That’s exactly why I want to do this. If you need extra parts for this mask, then I’ll go get them. Casey needs this mask, and I’m gonna make sure he gets the best of the best for his birthday. I don’t care if I gotta walk through a lava pit and back, Casey’s gonna get the best birthday present ever.” April stands, hands on her hips with a determined look painted on her face. 
“That's my April. Although I can assure you that you won’t have to walk through a lava pit to get these parts.” Donnie pulls out a map of the surrounding area and points to a spot not too far away from the base, “This place should have everything I need, and it should be far out of sight from the krang as well.”
Donnie continues to tell April everything he needs while she writes it down. As he speaks, April can’t help but notice how much older he looks. Not in a Mikey way, definitely nowhere 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦 to how Mikey has been aging. But the single “worry line” across his forehead has now turned into three worry lines. Three “Raph chasms” as Leo would say. Now that April thought about it, Donnie had probably been working on this mask non-stop. It wasn’t unlike Donnie to not get much sleep these days, she could say the same for herself and everyone else too. But, they had only found it a few weeks ago and he was already almost done upgrading it. 
“...and that should be about everything I need,” Donnie’s voice snapped April back to the conversation, “Everything alright April?” 
She nods, “Mm yeah, just thinking. I’ll have these materials back in no time Dee.”
“Thank you April,” Donnie’s eyes scan April’s face before he turns back to his work again, “I sent Sunita a message to come with you so you won’t be by yourself.”
“I’m sure she would find a way to come even if you hadn’t messaged her.” A warm smile sweeps across her face at the mention of Sunita.
They say their goodbyes and the sign rattles as the metal door shuts behind April once again.
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helianskies · 2 years
turkport for @needcake; 820 words, based on the prompt: "ow! that hurt!"
One moment, they are having fun outside in the snow—snow that has come to greet them while they are holidaying away in the Netherlands—and the next, someone cries out in pain, and the fun stops.
“Ow!” Henrique winces, hand to his face. He hisses, he blinks—his eyes blow wide for a few seconds—and then he states: “That hurt…”
Sadık suddenly panics. He hurries over and takes Henrique’s face in his own hands before the other can protest or fend him off, and looks at the area the snowball must have hit. His skin is red (not just from the cold) and his left eye is watering.
It must have been a close call. 
"I'm so sorry," Sadık says, "are you okay?"
"Yeah, just about," Henrique replies, blinking away the residual stinging as a smile stretches onto his face. He has always been good at pretending his pain does not exist. "It's a bit rude of you to throw a great big ball of ice at me, though, don't you think?" he jests all the while. 
Sadık tuts. If humour will help him cope, then, "Sorry," he repeats, "but I thought you were a fan of being hit in the face by big balls, no?"
Henrique very nearly smacks him in the face in retaliation, but, in lieu of that, he instead pushes the other's hands away from his face. "Very funny," the Portuguese victim responds. "I'd be careful what you say next, however, if you want those big balls of yours to stay in one piece."
"I appreciate the indirect compliment," Sadık concedes, and he glances again at the red patch of skin. "Are you sure you're okay?" he duly asks. "It does look quite sore, canım.”
“And what do you want to do about it?” Henrique returns. “Put some more ice on it?”
Again, Sadık tuts, and again, Henrique brushes him off. He continues to act as though he’s fine, as though he is not bothered, as though that snowball to the face didn’t hurt. But Sadık remains unconvinced. He feels bad—feels guilty. It doesn’t matter if the other now smiles, and has figuratively picked himself back up. That red patch is glaring at Sadık, the villain he is, and he—
Sadık almost stumbles back, not realising how close Henrique had gotten to him again. The other looks up at him—their faces are so close, he can almost feel their breath mixing in the frosty Dutch air—and in his eyes lies a question left unspoken, and unheard.
“I’m fine,” the Turk assures him. He musters up a smile, his hand comes to cup the other’s face, and he even dares press the most delicate kiss upon Henrique’s cheek. The already red patch seems to gently darken. “I love you, you know.”
“Aww, I love you, too,” Henrique coos, nearly beaming, “even if you are an idiot, sometimes.”
A gasp—nothing but hot air—escapes Sadık. “Me? I’m the idiot?” he scoffs. “Who’s the one who got hit in the face by a snowball?”
“It was more ice than snow!” 
“I said I was sorry!”
“Yeah, well, you’re lucky my beauty comes from more than just my face!” Henrique throws at him, along with that signature barely-there-pout he has perfected. “And that there were no witnesses, for that matter!”
“Do you want me to get onto my knees and grovel? Because I’ll do it,” Sadık says, hands raised in mock surrender. “You know I’d happily get on my knees for you.”
“There—” Henrique seems to do a double take. “There’s a time and place for things like that!”
Sadık agrees wholeheartedly. “Like in our hotel room,” he supposes, “maybe even this evening, if you wanted.”
“I’d do it!”
“I know you would, my love,” the other responds, just shy of sighing, “but you really don’t need to. It was an accident. It happens. God knows I’ve smacked you countless times in the middle of the night.”
“But your poor, beautiful, perfect face…”
He sticks out his bottom lip and, once more, holds the other’s face in his hands. Each time he gets to hold it—even see it, bask in it, cherish it—he feels luckier than before. It is no different right there, right then. He looks at Henrique and Henrique looks at him and Sadık simply can’t help himself. 
“I love you,” he says again. And again. And again after that. In between each profession comes a pecked kiss, short and sweet, right against soft, cold lips, and by the end of the onslaught, he almost wishes he could do it all over again. 
But, Henrique stops him. He says, “You really are an idiot,” and instead lets their noses touch, gently run against each other, and then separate. “But,” he then presses, “you are my idiot, which is all I care about.”
“Yours, eh?”
“Mmh, mine,” Henrique smiles. “Mine, all mine.”
Sadık rather likes the sound of that.
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adricimmigration1 · 1 month
How Long Does Canada/Australia PR Visa Processing Take
If you’re considering moving to Canada or Australia, one of the most important questions you’ll have is: “How long does the Permanent Residency (PR) visa processing take?” Understanding the timeline can help you plan your move and set realistic expectations. In this blog, we’ll explore the general processing times for Canada and Australia PR visas, factors that influence these times, and tips to expedite your application.
Canada and Australia PR Visa Processing Time
Canada PR Visa Processing Time
Canada offers several pathways to Permanent Residency, each with its own processing time. The most common PR pathways include:
Express Entry System: This is the fastest route for skilled workers. The Express Entry system manages three main immigration programs:
Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
The processing time for Express Entry is typically around 6 to 8 months from the date of submission of the complete application. However, this can vary based on the volume of applications and the completeness of your documents.
Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): If you receive a nomination from a Canadian province, you can apply for PR through the PNP. The processing time for PNP applications is generally 15 to 19 months. This includes both the provincial nomination stage and the federal PR application stage.
Family Sponsorship: If you are being sponsored by a family member, the processing time for family sponsorship applications is usually around 12 months. This time frame can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case.
Quebec-selected Skilled Workers: For those selected by Quebec, the processing time can be 15 to 24 months. This includes both the Quebec immigration process and the federal PR application process.
Australia PR Visa Processing Time
Australia also offers several pathways to Permanent Residency. Here’s a breakdown of the processing times for the most common PR visas:
Skilled Migration Visas (Subclasses 189, 190, 491):
Subclass 189 (Skilled Independent Visa): The processing time for this visa is typically between 8 to 12 months. This visa is for skilled workers who are not sponsored by a state or territory.
Subclass 190 (Skilled Nominated Visa): The processing time for this visa ranges from 8 to 12 months as well. This visa requires a nomination from an Australian state or territory.
Subclass 491 (Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa): The processing time is generally around 8 to 12 months. This visa allows you to live and work in regional areas of Australia.
Family Migration Visas:
Subclass Partner Visas (Subclasses 820 and 801): Processing times for partner visas can range from 15 to 24 months. This depends on the complexity of the case and whether additional information is needed.
Subclass Parent Visas (Subclass 143 and 173): The processing time for parent visas is usually around 30 to 50 months. This long wait is due to high demand and limited places available.
Business and Investor Visas:
Subclass 188 (Business Innovation and Investment Visa): Processing times are typically 12 to 18 months, depending on the stream you apply under and the complexity of your business or investment.
Factors Affecting PR Visa Processing Times
Several factors can influence the processing times for PR visas in both Canada and Australia:
Completeness of Application: Submitting a complete and accurate application can significantly impact processing times. Incomplete applications or missing documents can lead to delays.
Volume of Applications: High volumes of applications can lead to longer processing times. Both Canada and Australia periodically experience peak periods which can affect the speed of processing.
Background Checks: The time taken for security and health checks can vary. If there are issues or additional scrutiny required, it can delay the processing of your application.
Changes in Immigration Policy: Changes in immigration laws or policies can also affect processing times. Keeping updated with any policy changes is crucial.
Additional Information Requests: If immigration authorities request additional information or documentation, it can extend the processing time.
Tips to Expedite Your PR Visa Application
Ensure Accuracy and Completeness: Double-check all forms and documents before submission. Incomplete or incorrect information can lead to delays.
Prepare in Advance: Gather all necessary documents ahead of time. Having everything ready can help avoid delays.
Stay Informed: Keep track of your application status and respond promptly to any requests for additional information.
Consult an Immigration Consultant: Working with a qualified immigration consultant, like Adric Immigration, can help streamline your application process and provide expert advice.
Be Patient: PR visa processing times can be lengthy. While it’s important to plan and prepare, it’s equally important to be patient and allow the process to take its course.
Understanding the processing times for PR visas in Canada and Australia is crucial for effective planning. While the timelines can vary based on the type of visa, completeness of your application, and other factors, staying informed and prepared can help make the process smoother. Whether you’re looking to settle in Canada or Australia, being aware of these timelines and taking the right steps can lead to a successful PR application. If you need assistance with your PR visa application, consulting with a trusted immigration advisor like Adric Immigration can provide valuable support and guidance throughout the process.
Feel free to reach out for more information and support in your journey towards obtaining Permanent Residency in Canada or Australia.
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khalidplsstfu · 4 months
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Something about white would be "revolutionaries" really just irks my nerves. The cost of a revolution is never discussed; The logistics of the world post-revolution are never discussed (whether we win or lose). It's just all fire and brimstone from people benefitting from a worldwide legacy of ruthless capitalism. America was built on the backs of 12.5 million Africans who were brought to this country and enslaved between 1525 and 1866, and now that the system the ruling class has built is crumbling in on itself, the population who has most benefitted from the American caste system seek to just wait around for everyone else to undo generations of corporate sponsored white supremacy.
But I'm not here to talk about that. I wanted to try to answer the question to the best of my ability. What IS preventing the 99% from overthrowing the 1%?
Lets start with the obvious one.
America spent 820 BILLION DOLLARS (HOLY FUCKING SHIT) on their military in the fiscal year of 2023 , while only spending $79.6 billion for the fiscal year 2023 on education. We spend more than 10x our national education budget every year on our military for a REASON. A population too ill-educated to know why revolutions throughout history failed, started, or if they even existed; is a population ill fit to succeed in a class struggle with a country that spends 820 billion dollars on it's military. A people too ill-educated too see how misogyny, homophobia, racism, and individualism act as counter productive means for the ruling class to get us to play their fucked up games; by their fucked up rules; is a people who'll never consider "Maybe we don't have to play that game anymore" Most people aren't making a daily effort to get smarter, which wouldn't be such a big deal if mass media and social media algorithms weren't making a daily effort to make us all stupider.
How many commies do you know in real life? how many people do you know who could nurse a wound well enough for you to avoid depending on the health care system? Do you know anyone with a garden? What about alternative transportation in case of gas shortage? Do you know how to load a gun? 57% of people say they Do you know who in your community owns one? Probably not. 57% of Americans say they know only some or none of their neighbors, according to a Pew Research Center survey. That share climbs up to 72% among 30- to 49-year-olds and 78% among 18- to 29-year-olds. Our hyper individualistic, online centered lives have removed the fundamental practice of knowing the people around you from our lives in most cases. We've all seen the outcry for third places (that are never coming) and remembrances of a time of skating rinks and shopping mall hangouts and Friday night movies. We want to know each other again. And we should, because an anti-social society is a society living in a state of constant depredation.  
whether you want to come to grips with it or not, a large portion of the "99%" is people who think Donald trump would be a good president. We don't share the same reality as those people. A large portion of the "99%" percent doesn't believe in an immediate ceasefire for all worldwide genocides. We don't share the same reality as those people either. A large percentage of the "99%" believes that liberalism and conservatism are the only means of governing a country. We don't share the same reality as them either. One of my best friends isn't 100% convinced black people came from Africa. I don't share the same reality as him and he's my fucking guy. How am I supposed to team up with hillbilly bob to overthrow capitalism when he could be a NAZI? Our distrust in each other stems from a purposeful dissolution of a fundamental reality we could all share, and now we're reaping what the ruling class has sewn for us. which leads me to my next point
Some of those who are a bit more intellectual, or socially/politically conscious have this attitude of "It's not my job to educate you". This is the "crack in the black community" of modern organizing efforts. In a world where people's attention is constantly under attack, what benefit does being a pompous asshole have besides making someone feel self important for not helping the next person understand something? Sorry to inform you of responsibility you may not want to hold, but it IS our job to educate each other. It's one of the few jobs we have that's actual worth something. You think Allah sent you to earth to work for a corporation? or to share you knowledge and experience with those who need you most? Aristotle once said "The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." and I couldn't put it any better. Our best weapon is that we're right, but what good is a weapon when you don't join the fight?
Dawg, Israel is throwing these politicians more money than a NBA rookie contract for the right to put their hands up their ass and work their mouth's like a fucking sesame street puppet. Sleepy Joe? Cashed out 5 MIL. Billy C's ride or die bitch? 2 MIL (AND SHE LOST). We got 2 of the biggest rappers ever conveniently beefing with each other during the biggest student protest in recent memory (battling a colonizing Jewish dude should've been a layup for a free palestine bar but whatever) Silence and complicity has a price, and its LARGE. And if we continue to perpetuate a community of "get it how you live" individualism we'll always be fucked.
thanks for reading. ily.
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 8 months
Fame e povertà nel mondo: dov'è il progresso?
Nonostante i progressi significativi compiuti in vari settori, nel mondo si continua a combattere una battaglia urgente e persistente: la fame e la povertà. Ciò che rende questa sfida ancora più spaventosa è la sua tendenza a crescere, diffondendosi in maniera allarmante su scala globale. In un'epoca in cui la tecnologia e lo sviluppo economico avanzano, il flagello della fame sembra contraddire il nostro cammino verso un futuro migliore. La fame e la povertà nel mondo: i dati Mentre i dati sul progresso economico e tecnologico possono essere incoraggianti, la cruda realtà è che la fame persiste come un'emergenza mondiale. Secondo le Nazioni Unite, nel 2022 sono state oltre 820 milioni le persone che in tutto il mondo hanno sofferto di fame cronica, un numero che sembra aumentare nonostante gli sforzi di organizzazioni umanitarie e governi. Questa sfida non conosce confini, colpendo Paesi ricchi e poveri, e sottolinea la necessità di affrontare le cause profonde della povertà. Uno sguardo più approfondito rivela un elenco di Paesi particolarmente colpiti dalla fame e dalla povertà estrema. Paesi come il Sud Sudan, la Repubblica Democratica del Congo, l'Afghanistan e la Somalia sono costantemente alle prese con crisi alimentari, conflitti e instabilità politica che aggravano la situazione. Le risorse limitate, la mancanza di infrastrutture e l'accesso limitato all'istruzione contribuiscono a una spirale discendente di povertà da cui è difficile emergere. La povertà nei Paesi industrializzati Tuttavia, non si tratta solo di una questione che affligge i Paesi in via di sviluppo. Anche in quelli cosiddetti industrializzati, la fame e la povertà stanno emergendo come problemi sempre più urgenti. La disparità economica e sociale è in aumento, con un divario sempre più ampio tra i ricchi e i poveri. La pandemia di COVID-19 ha ulteriormente esacerbato questa situazione, mettendo in luce le vulnerabilità nei sistemi di sicurezza sociale e aumentando il numero di persone che si trovano in situazioni di precarietà economica. In molti Paesi sviluppati, ci sono persone che faticano quotidianamente per mettere cibo sulla tavola e garantire un tetto sopra la testa. L'insicurezza alimentare, benché meno visibile, è una realtà che colpisce diverse fasce della società. Le organizzazioni di beneficenza e i banchi alimentari stanno vedendo un aumento della domanda da parte di individui e famiglie che, a causa di situazioni economiche difficili, si trovano a fare i conti con la fame. Un modello di sviluppo sostenibile L'approccio a questa crisi globale deve essere multidimensionale. La comunità internazionale deve lavorare insieme per affrontare le radici profonde della fame e della povertà, promuovendo lo sviluppo sostenibile, l'accesso all'istruzione e l'uguaglianza di opportunità. Inoltre, è essenziale affrontare le disparità economiche nei Paesi industrializzati attraverso politiche sociali ed economiche che mirano a ridurre il divario tra ricchezza e povertà. Solo attraverso sforzi congiunti, sia a livello locale che globale, possiamo sperare di costruire un mondo in cui ogni individuo abbia accesso a cibo, istruzione e opportunità per un futuro migliore. In copertina foto di ElasticComputeFarm da Pixabay Read the full article
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iraempirecom · 11 months
Premier Coin Galleries Reviews
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What are Premier Coin Galleries?Premier Coin Galleries Locations, Timings, Email, Phone, Services
Premier Coin Galleries is a coin dealer and precious metals investment firm based in East Islip, New York. They have been in business for over 30+ years and are a trusted source for rare coins, bullion, and IRAs. The company offers a wide variety of coins, including U.S. coins, foreign coins, and ancient coins. They also have a large selection of bullion, including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. In addition to selling coins and bullion, Premier Coin Galleries also offers appraisal services and investment advice. They have a team of experienced numismatists who can help you assess the value of your coins and help you make informed investment decisions. The business is BBB-accredited and has an A+ rating on Better Business Bureau.
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- Address: 3240 Sunrise Hwy South Service Rd, East Islip, NY, United States - Phone: 1(800)820-5006 - Email: [email protected] - Website: https://premiercoingalleries.com/ - Fax: 631-471-9132
People Behind Premier Coin Galleries: CEO, Owner, Co-Founders & MoreWho owns Premier Coin Galleries? What is the management team behind Premier Coin Galleries?
The lack of information about its owner and management team on the company's website poses a significant drawback in terms of transparency. When potential customers or investors visit a company's website, they often expect to find details about the individuals leading the organization. Information about the owner and management team is crucial for establishing trust and credibility. Without such information, customers may feel uncertain about the company's legitimacy and reliability. Transparently providing information about the leadership team allows customers to understand the company's values, expertise, and experience, which can influence their decision-making process. Transparency is Important Moreover, the absence of details about the owner and management team raises questions about accountability and responsibility within the organization. Customers may hesitate to engage with a company that does not disclose essential information about its leadership structure, fearing potential risks or hidden agendas. A transparent and open approach to providing information about the owner and management team on the website helps build a stronger rapport with customers and enhances the company's reputation. It fosters a sense of openness and honesty, which are crucial factors in gaining customer trust and loyalty. By addressing this drawback and providing relevant information, the company can demonstrate its commitment to transparency and strengthen its overall brand image.
Premier Coin Galleries Products: Bullion Coins, Bars, And Rare CoinsAll products offered by Premier Coin Galleries
Premier Coin Galleries offers a diverse range of products and services tailored to meet the needs of both collectors and investors. One of their prominent services is the option to convert a traditional IRA into a Precious Metals IRA. This allows clients to fund their accounts with a variety of reputable gold, silver, and platinum mints and refineries. For coin collectors, the company presents an extensive selection of rare coins from around the world, including gold and silver coins, as well as commemorative and collector coins. Their team of experienced numismatists and appraisers provides valuable insights into the history and value of these coins, assisting collectors in making informed decisions. The company was founded with the aim of providing investors with safe and practical options to navigate uncertain economic, political, and monetary conditions. Their services are designed to facilitate investments and ensure clients make educated decisions. To achieve this, they offer expert guidance and market insights, catering to both novice investors and seasoned professionals. The team at Premier Coin Galleries collaborates closely with clients to align their investments with their budgets and goals, providing actionable steps for maximizing profits. For added convenience, they operate a secure online store where clients can explore and purchase items. The user-friendly interface allows for easy navigation, featuring a simple scroll function. Each coin displayed in the online store is accompanied by an information sheet, providing a quick history and specifications of the coin.
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How to Invest in Premier Coin Galleries IRA?Step-by-step guide for investing in Premier Coin Galleries IRA
To invest in a precious metals IRA through Premier Coin Galleries are the general steps: Open a Self-Directed IRA Select an IRA company that handles opening precious metals IRA accounts and fill out an application. You can work with Premier Coin Galleries to recommend an IRA company and provide the necessary paperwork. However, I don't recommend doing so. Fund Your IRA Once you have selected an IRA company, you can move your funds into your new IRA account. You can work with the IRA company representative to transfer or rollover funds into the new account. Select a Precious Metals Dealer One of the forms you need to fill out along the way is typically called a Buy Direction Letter. This is where you list the precious metals dealer you have selected, such as Premier Coin Galleries. Decide Which Precious Metals to Purchase You can choose to invest in gold, silver, platinum, or palladium for your IRA. There are some restrictions regarding fineness requirements and allowable coin types, so it's important to get guidance from Premier Coin Galleries in this area. Place Your Order Once the funds are available in your IRA account, you can call them to place your order for the desired precious metals.
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However, I don't recommend opening an IRA with them. Opening a precious metals IRA is a major decision. That's why I suggest checking out our top gold IRA providers list. You can find the best precious metals dealer in your state and choose accordingly. Also, the list will help you understand what the industry best has to offer and what you might miss out on. On the other hand, you can get a free guide on gold IRAs below. It will help you understand the process.
Premier Coin Galleries Fees and Charges: Do they overcharge?What are their fees? Do they have hidden fees?
Premier Coin Galleries has specific pricing and fees associated with their services. As a dealer, they are not a custodian, so customers will need to pay their custodians separately to maintain their accounts. If you choose to open a precious metals IRA, these fees will come into play. However, if you make a personal investment using savings rather than retirement funds, you won't have to worry about these specialized fees for storage or maintenance. They allow you to create a self-directed precious metals IRA using Goldstar Trust IRA, a reputable company with substantial assets and numerous clients. Storage fees vary based on your metal holdings and account size, and in some cases, free storage might be available. They offer depositories on the East and West coasts, as well as in the Central portion of the United States. While specific depository information is not widely available online, it's advisable to seek depositories with flat fees rather than fees based on a percentage of your account value to potentially reduce costs. For those who want to segregate their items, an additional fee ranging from $100 to $200 annually might apply. Custodian fees typically range from $100 to $250, depending on the custodian and their fee structure. When opening an account, there may be a one-time fee of $50 to $150 to cover administrative expenses and paperwork processing. To get a precise cost range for these fees, it's best to contact your representative at Premier Coin Galleries and discuss your individual situation.
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Companies like Augusta charge ZERO fees for up to 10 years, allowing you to choose your gold & silver. Premier Coin Galleries on the other hand provide fewer options. >>>Get in touch with the #1 rated gold IRA company of 2023 Read the full article
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universalinfo · 1 year
Decoding the Enigma: How to Determine if Your Product is a Medical Device
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The world of medical devices can be both enchanting and perplexing. As an inventor or entrepreneur, you pour your heart and soul into creating products that have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and improve lives.
But amidst the excitement and boundless creativity, it’s essential to discern whether your creation qualifies as a medical device. Is it destined to be adorned with the prestigious label and subject to the intricate web of regulations governing such inventions? In this guide, we’ll help you navigate the labyrinth of medical device classification. Let’s begin, shall we?
Unmasking the Medical Device Consultant
Picture this: you’re lost in a dense forest of regulations, unsure of where to turn for guidance. Fear not, for a medical device consultant is here to rescue you. These seasoned professionals possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help you navigate the labyrinth of regulatory requirements. Also, they’re equipped with the keen eye for detail and the analytical mind needed to solve the most perplexing regulatory puzzles.
A skilled medical device consultant will be your guiding star, shedding light on the intricate criteria that define a medical device. They can assist you in assessing the intended use, function, and potential risks of your creation.
By working closely with a medical device consultant, you’ll gain a valuable partner who can offer expert advice on regulatory strategies, submission processes, and compliance pathways. Their familiarity with various regulatory bodies, such as the FDA or CE marking, can be invaluable when seeking compliance. So, consider reaching out to a medical device consultant to ensure a smoother journey on the path to medical device recognition.
Defining the Medical Device: The Fine Line
Ah, the million-dollar question: is your invention a medical device? The answer lies in its intended purpose. A medical device is any instrument, apparatus, or contrivance used for diagnosing, treating, or preventing a medical condition. It’s like a superhero cape, swooping in to save the day for humanity’s health and well-being.
To determine if your creation falls within this auspicious category, ask yourself: does it diagnose, treat, or prevent a medical condition? Does it aid in the management of diseases or contribute to the overall well-being of individuals? If the answer is a resounding “yes,” congratulations: your creation might just be a medical device in disguise, ready to make a positive impact in the world of healthcare.
The Regulatory Conundrum: Navigating the Seas of Standards
Now that you suspect your creation might be a medical device, it’s time to sail the vast and treacherous sea of regulations. Each jurisdiction, such as the United States, Europe, or Australia, has its own set of rules and standards governing medical devices. Navigating these waters can be akin to embarking on a grand voyage, complete with unexpected challenges and hidden reefs.
A medical device consultant can be your compass, guiding you through the turbulent waves of compliance. With their expertise, they will help you determine which regulatory framework applies to your invention.
These consultants will ensure that you meet all requirements, from quality management systems to safety and performance standards. From ISO 13485 to FDA 21 CFR Part 820, a medical device consultant will decode the regulations that are relevant to your specific product and ensure that you sail smoothly toward compliance.
Risky Business: Assessing Potential Hazards
A vital aspect of identifying a medical device is evaluating the risks associated with its use. Think of it as a quest to protect the unsuspecting masses from harm. A true hero’s journey, if you will. To be a responsible guardian of public health, you must assess the potential hazards your creation may pose.
To gauge the risk level of your creation, ponder the following: Does it have a direct physical or biological interaction with the human body? Does it involve invasive procedures, or does it emit radiation? Is there a possibility of adverse effects or complications arising from its use?
If your invention could potentially cause harm, it’s time to put on your safety goggles and consult a medical device consultant. They will assist you in conducting a risk assessment and implementing appropriate measures to mitigate any potential hazards. With their guidance, you can ensure that your creation not only serves its intended purpose but does so safely and responsibly.
It’s All About Intention: The Purpose Behind the Product
Dear reader, at the heart of every medical device, lies an intention to improve human health. The purpose behind your creation is a crucial factor in determining its classification. A stethoscope, for instance, has an unmistakable medical purpose, while a decorative bracelet does not. The distinction lies in the intention and the impact your creation aims to make.
When pondering your invention’s true calling, ask yourself: Does it aid in diagnosis, treatment, or prevention? Does it contribute to monitoring health conditions or improving patient outcomes? Does it fill a critical gap in the healthcare landscape?
If your creation aligns with these noble goals, you’re sailing closer to the shores of medical device status. Embrace the purpose behind your product, and let it guide you in your journey toward recognition and impact.
Embracing the Journey: The Road to Compliance
If your invention meets the criteria of a medical device, it’s time to set your sights on compliance. The regulatory landscape may seem daunting but fear not. A medical device consultant will be your trusted ally throughout this perilous voyage. They will help you navigate the intricate pathways and guide you toward the coveted harbor of regulatory approval.
With their expertise, they will help you compile the necessary documentation, such as technical files and design dossiers. They will assist in navigating the choppy waters of conformity assessments and clinical evaluations.
Also, these consultants will help you identify the appropriate regulatory submissions, whether it’s a 510(k) clearance or a CE marking application. With their guidance, you can confidently steer your creation towards regulatory approval, setting sail on the open seas of the healthcare market.
While we offered helpful insights in this guide, seeking the guidance of a medical device consultant is key to success. They possess the expertise and knowledge to help you unravel the complexities, mitigate risks, and sail smoothly through the regulatory seas. With their support, you can set sail on the open waters of the healthcare market, knowing that your creation is compliant, safe, and ready to make a difference.
So, as you embark on your journey of determining whether your product is a medical device, don’t hesitate to seek the guidance of a medical device consultant. May your invention shine brightly in the world of healthcare, improving lives and leaving a lasting impact.
Website : https://gmppros.com/sb/decoding-enigma-how-to-determine-if-your-product-medical-device/
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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Theophilos was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 829 to 842 CE. He was the second ruler of the Amorion dynasty founded by his father Michael II. Popular during his reign and responsible for a lavish rebuilding of Constantinople's palaces and fortifications, Theophilos is chiefly remembered today for a major defeat by the Arab Caliphate in 838 CE and as the last emperor who supported the policy of iconoclasm, that is the destruction of icons and their veneration being treated as heresy.
Succession & Popularity
Theophilos was from Amorion, the city in Phrygia which gave its name to the dynasty begun by his father Michael II (r. 820-829 CE). Michael's reign, tarnished right from the beginning by his brutal murder of his predecessor Leo V (r. 813-820 CE), continued its downward spiral with a serious revolt led by Thomas the Slav and significant defeats at the hands of the Arabs in Sicily and Crete.
Inheriting the throne in 829 CE aged 25, Theophilos was seen as a new hope for the empire to get back on its feet again. A return to former glories was not to be but at least Theophilos was popular because of his exuberant personality, even participating once in a chariot race in the Hippodrome of Constantinople (which he won, of course). The emperor also enjoyed a reputation as a lover of learning and justice, especially when he introduced the tradition of the emperor riding to church on Fridays and permitting any commoner to throw questions of justice or appeals his way. The historian J. Herrin recounts one such episode:
On one of the occasions a widow complained to Theophilos that she had been defrauded of a horse by the city eparch. Indeed, she claimed it was the vey horse he was riding! He ordered an investigation and discovered that her story was correct: the eparch had taken her horse and given it to the emperor. Theophilos immediately returned the horse to its rightful owner and had the very high-ranking official punished. (75)
Another eccentricity of the emperor was the habit of walking about the streets of his capital in disguise asking the people what they thought of the problems of the day and checking if the merchants were selling their goods at fair prices. Theophilos' reputation for learning stemmed not only from his own education but his endorsement of everyone else's - he increased the faculties of the university at the capital, increased the number of scriptoria where manuscripts were duplicated, and ensured that teachers were paid by the state.
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psychicwindow · 1 year
Free psychic question reading - psychicwindow
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Learning to open up your psychic potential involves training your mind to reach an altered state of consciousness. All psychic information is processed through our subconscious mind, and the problem is that most of us simply do not know how to listen. Get free psychic question reading option. Psychics can help you with this, but I also have some practical advice in this situation that works 99% of the time. For more information, you can visit our website:- https://psychicwindow.com
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izielhealthcare · 1 year
When should you start a QMS?
“When do I need a Quality Management System (QMS)?” is the most common question that we get from new clients who are just entering the medical device field. The answer depends on your target market and your exit plan.
QMS is a quality management system as the name suggests this is essential for any simplest medical device too. There are two aspects of QMS. One initial is to build a system wherein you will document the system mostly as per ISO standard 13485. System build means, writing down the procedure for each section of ISO stating what, how, when and where you are going to do. At this stage, you are only developing a strategy or system but not doing anything in action.
In the second stage, you will carry out the action and create evidence of action through records of your system. This is an explanation of what QMS one must do.
This is just a basic need. Then comes regulatory requirements which are different for different countries. These are must requirements, and you have no choice to follow them or not.
In theory, a medical device is supposed to be developed using design control as described in ISO 13485 and 21 CFR 820. In the US once clearance or approval is granted for a device it can be legally placed on the market and the FDA may inspect the manufacturing facility to ensure the required quality system is in place. During an inspection, the auditor looks for evidence that the QMS is being obeyed and this most often comes in the form of records, or more specifically manufacturing records.
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IZiel covers all the product-specific requirements for all components, manufacturing processes, verification & validation along with corrective and preventative actions (CAPA) for assessing customer satisfaction, product non-conformance, assessing and improving quality policies and procedures, carrying out and assessing the results of internal audits, and implementing systems for continuous improvement.
IZiel works with clients to make the QMS simple yet effective and flexible to allow changes to keep up with the changing regulatory requirements. 
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