#Steapa x reader
silens-oro · 2 years
wip wednesday
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steapa x f!dane reader
synopsis: finan, ever the schemer, tries to play matchmaker.
an: this will be a stand alone one shot that will be filled with filth and debauchery once it is finished 😈this was written on my phone so no word count or editing. we die like s*****.
warnings: talks of sex and maiming, but neither act happens. Finance’s mouth is it’s own warning.
“I’ve noticed something,” Finan said as he sat next to you on the bench you occupied. All of the men had dispersed once you made it to Winchester -for food, sleep, women, or a combination of the three. You decided to head to the closest ale house for some food and drink to unwind after your long journey before you went to bed.
Your body ached, as did your belly. You tried to not let Finan’s interruption ruin the meal in front of you.
A hearty bowl of stewed beef with chunks of carrot, potato, and onion steamed in front of you, a hunk of crusty bread in your hand to dip into the thick broth. You were mid-dunk into the bowl when Finan spotted you.
“Is it that you refuse to give me a moment’s peace?” You grumbled, finally bringing the soaked bread to your mouth. You nearly groaned at the taste and feel of a hot meal. You threw Finan a look as you chewed. “You’ve lost your shadow?” You referenced Osferth, who had grown quite the attachment to Finan, as you dig into the bowl with your spoon.
“Praying, what else would be be doing? And do not deflect from my questioning.” He playfully reprimanded.
“I merely wished to know where to find the boy so I could tether him to you so you’d leave me be,” you said through a mouthful of stew. “What are you doing bothering me? Will no woman take your coin for the night?” You grinned.
“Any woman would be happy to take my coin, thank you. But my question still stands: Why do you not take a man to bed?” You dropped the bread to the table and abandoned the spoon in the bowl to turn your body to face the Irishman.
“Excuse me?” Offense was clear as day on your face as you glared at him. “Who I take to bed does not concern you.”
“Anywhere we stop, the men find their ladies of the night, but you never take anyone to bed. Why is that?” Your head tiled back as you sighed. There goes your meal for the night.
“You do not know this.” You argued.
“Ah, but I do.”
“Why does this matter?” You grumbled, bringing your cup of ale to you lips. “How would you know my whereabouts when you’re occupied?”
“Because you always have the same look on your face before I leave to hump and when I’m finished.” He had a point. “It is a good stress reliever. You seem wound up, more so than usual. If you need help-”
“No!” You stopped him mid-sentence, your dagger out in the blink of an eye and pointed at Finan. “Do not finish that sentence if you wish to keep your tongue.”
“It was merely a suggestion,”
“Merely do not suggest,” you spat. His grin only widened at your growing frustration. A few moments passed where you were both in a standoff with your stares, and your dagger pointed at him, before you stood down. The blade was placed on the table, pointed at him in warning. “There’s a reason I don’t allow any of you fools into my bed. I intend to keep it that way.”
“I think it would help. From one friend to another, you need to let loose a little.”
“Let loose? Finan, are you aware of the anatomy differences between you and I?”
“I am intimately aware,” He wiggled his thick brows.
“Then you would know that only one of us is capable of becoming with child,” Finan grimaced at your point, then his eyes lit up with a thought.
“They make a tea for that!”
“Yes I am intimately aware of that, Finan,” You mocked him. His eyes widened, scandalized, but humored nonetheless. “I have ample supply on me, but there is still risk.”
“You minx!” Finan laughed. “Okay, minimal risk. What is the next?”
“The women, more or less are agreeable to look at, yes?” His head teetered from left to right with a shrug.
“But most times you are able to find a woman you can stomach looking at,” You stated.
“I guess so.”
“Look around this ale house,” You said, let him scope out the patrons for a moment before bringing his attention back to you. “Do you see my problem?” Finan grimaced. “My best prospect is Steapa,” you nodded your head in his direction. Finan’s jaw dropped. “And even then I’d need a few more cups.” You shook your ale cup in front of Finan. The man was not disagreeable to your eyes, but he was massive. Gargantuan. There was no question that *all* of him was to proportion.
“Steapa?!” Finan said a little too loud, garnering the man in question’s attention towards your table. You punched Finan directly in the center of his chest, causing him to wheeze and double over on the table in pain.
You gave a short wave with an awkward smile at Steapa who sighed at the pair of you before shaking his head and guzzling more ale.
“Clearly he isn’t interested, and every other man who I could stomach doesn’t have the spine to approach me. It is no surprise. Saxon men are generally weak.”
“You really are unapproachable,” Finan agreed while rubbing his chest. He flinched when you made like you were going to hit him again. “Your face is constantly pinched. You look like you’ve sucked on a lemon,” he teased as he touched the tensed muscle between your brows.
“I wonder why,” you smacked his hand away from you.
“So this is my mission for the night, eh?” Finan wrapped an arm over your shoulder to put you in a near headlock. “We’ll find you a lad to hump so we can get that dazzling smile back on your face!” He said louder than he should’ve, catching the attention of a few men within the ale house -Steapa included. You could feel the heat radiate off of your face as whistles and hoots filled the room. Finan stood before you could stop him and he was off into the night.
Steapa caught your eye. He had a questioning look on his face, to which you just shook your head with a roll of your eyes. Chugging the last of your ale, you looked to the now cold stew in front of you with a sigh.
You heard the scrapes of chairs and benches on the floor, followed by boots heading in your direction.
“Any man who approaches me will be chewing on his own balls as a midnight snack!” You said without looking up. You made a show of fiddling with your dagger before sheathing it. The men who were going to approach sat back down without hesitation. Steapa’s eyes still followed you as you stood, put the hood of your cloak up and fled the ale house to find refuge in your bed.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 2 years
TLK Christmas - Christmas with Steappa
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"Ah, there you are." You say, as your husband ducks into your cozy, warm house. Steapa grunts and comes over to kiss your cheek. "How was mass?" You ask him. "Dull, shame you could not be there." He replies. "I've got the kids, thank you very much." You point out.
Steapa embraces you from behind. "Dinner smells good. Beats the feast Alfred is throwing." He grunts. You know he is not lying. Alfred's Christmas 'feasts' always mean the King trying to teach his guests about not indulging in the better things in life. Gruel and bread hard as cobble stones would be served to the nobility tonight. Luckily your husband is home with you tonight.
You prefer him home during the Christmas days, so you may at least celebrate somewhat. You have a lot of mouthes to feed and bodies to clothe, so the celebration can never be too extensive, but as long as you are all together and the children get a small gift they will be happy with, you are not at all complaining. And luckily Steapa gets paid some extra during the Christmas days.
"Help your mother, set the table." Stea\ppa tells your oldest. "Yes father." The boy says, rushing to the cupboard to grab plates and cutlery. "Good lad." Steapa rufffled his hair. Your son preens under his father's attention and it is absolutely adorable.
You serve a dinner that is very luxurious for your standards. The bird you roasted Steapa brought down himself. It is a beautiful fat partridge. Alongside it you have fresh bread, potatoes and a stew of vegetables and herbs. Steapa's also brought a nice block of cheese and a big bowl of berries. An absolute feast.
The children sit down in their places at the table. You sit down and Steappa leads the prayer. "Amen." You whisper when he is done. "Amen." The children chorus. "Now give me your plates." You say. You give your children first and then your husband. But there is still plenty for you.
"Happy Christmas." Steapa takes you by the hand and kisses your knuckles. "Happy Christmas." You agree softly.
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ladyinred2248 · 6 months
The Scottish Princess, Finan x Reader, Part 3
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Warnings: Mature, Minors DNI. Sexual themes. Angst-ish.
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“A young woman like you needs to be brave...”
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You and Finan stood from the ground as you watched the guardsmen get closer to your camp. Finan grabbed your arm and pulled you closer to him once again, whispering to you.
“We won’t be able to outrun them, lady. You must not stand for it...”
Your chest felt tight and your breathing became ragged at this realization. You pleaded with him as you realized that this situation might not end so well.
“We have to try, Finan, please...”
Finan shook his head, a defeated look in his eyes.
Suddenly he walked over to the fireside, threw on his tunic, armor, and sword belt, and began to walk closer to the guardsmen as they approached with you watching in panic. He stopped just ahead of them, taking a confident stance with his sword drawn and resting over his shoulder as the man leading the guard, Steapa, approached.
“The King has ordered your arrest. It will be easier on you if she comes willingly.” Steapa beckoned.
Steapa and Finan had known each other for many years, unfortunately leading to opposition at certain times.
“Aye, come down from there and arrest me then, big man! Don’t worry, you can tell Alfred that I haven’t touched the Princess… much.”
Steapa glared at Finan as he watched him smirk, cursing under his breath at the stubborn bastard he knew all too well.
“Don’t make this difficult, Irishman!” Steapa shouted back.
Finan smirked at him again.
“I am the lady’s honorable guest! Won’t ya join us?”
Steapa gestured for the guard to stand by as he dismounted his horse, walking closer to Finan and towering over him, but Finan remained steadfast.
You decided to interject at this moment.
“Steapa, tell the King that it was my request to travel with Finan. He will not be detained. We will return with you. But I demand to speak to Lady Aelswith immediately.”
Finan was shocked at your sudden confidence and demands, his mouth hanging open as you spoke. He grinned as he heard your last statement, looking at Steapa and knowing that he wouldn’t be able to turn you down.
Steapa glared at you for a moment, and then nodded. “Very well.”
You kept your eyes locked with Steapa’s and spoke again.
“You and the men will make camp down the river. And we can leave for Winchester at first light.” You demanded.
Steapa nodded again. “Yes, Your Highness.”
Finan goaded Steapa as he mounted his horse again, directing the men with his sword.
“That’s right men, down the river with ya!”
Steapa shook his head at Finan, a small smirk forming on his lips.
Finan came back over to you with a grin.
“That’s it, Princess. Make them submit to your demands.” He said with a wink. Finan leaned closer to you, whispering in your ear with his deep brogue.
“Perhaps now you can submit to mine.”
His words made your cheeks flush, though you just smirked and crossed your arms, observing as the guardsmen made their way past you.
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The guardsmen trudged down the river, giving distance from your camp but still in view. Night had fallen quickly as Finan made and stoked the fire, looking over to you with a smirk.
“That went well,” Finan said after a moment.
You came over to sit closer to him; you and Finan had been flirting back and forth since the guardsmen were dismissed, and you felt the heat in your core building.
“I’m proud of ya. Only a woman like you could make a man bend to her will that way.”
You shook your head with a sigh.
“I wouldn’t be so sure. My fear is what makes me weak.”
Finan furrowed his brows and was unsure how to answer you for a moment. He gazed softly at you as he grabbed your hand, squeezing it in his.
“No. I have been in fear my whole life. Do ya think I’m weak?” 
You shook your head no and looked at him contemplatively.
“Ya must be brave. A young woman like you needs to be brave...” Finan said as he kissed your hand.
His sentiment brought you calmness, for you knew he had much wisdom from years of battle and God knows what else. Finan was easily a decade older than you, and you took comfort in his words and his embrace. His softness turned into a desperate expression of passion as he grabbed you and took you over to straddle his waist. He kissed you hungrily, his tongue stroking yours as he deepened the kiss, bringing his strong hands to your arse as he held you in his lap. You gripped at his armor, using it to pull him against you.
Finan pulled away from your kiss to trail wet kisses at your neck, and you glanced over his shoulder at the guardsmen making camp down at the river, not a far distance away. You brought your lips to his ear, whispering and sending a shudder down his spine from your breath.
“Take me to your tent,” you whispered raggedly and Finan didn’t hesitate to pick you up in his arms, your legs around his waist. You knew that the King's guardsmen would see this, but you didn’t care. Steapa caught a glimpse and sighed.
Finan took you over to the furs inside the tent, laying you upon them gently as he knelt over you, his rough hands searching your body and grazing up the skin of your thighs as you moaned into his kiss. He pulled away from your embrace to undress, once again allowing you to admire the ridges of his abs, the scars on his firm chest, and the strong arms that had lifted you so gracefully into this position. He looked into your eyes as if to beg permission as he unlaced the strings that held your dress at your breasts, and you nodded to him as you started to run your hands over his body.
Once it was unlaced, he swiftly lifted you and in an instant your dress was off, leaving a thin shift underneath. Finan’s eagerness eased up as he admired your body underneath the shift, bringing his hand up to one of your breasts as he kissed you again, softly this time.
He would never admit to you that his heart raced not just with passion but with nervousness, as he realized that you meant more to him than an attractive alehouse maiden that would beguile him for the evening.
You pushed on his chest to gesture him up so that you could unlace his trousers, both of you holding a soft gaze at each other with quickened breaths.
As the two of you fully undressed, you admired the forbidden part of his body with a soft gasp, wrapping your hand around and stroking his impressive cock as he let out a soft groan. 
“Are ya sure you want me?” Finan asked.
“God, yes…I need you.” you whispered.
Finan angled himself to your entrance and pushed in slowly, groaning at the feeling of how wet you were and watching you intently for your reaction as your breath hitched and you let out a soft whimper. He slowly bottomed out inside of you, letting you adjust to him before pulling back. He shuddered as he felt your nails dig into his back, which increased his drive to fuck you relentlessly. His thrusts increased, and it coaxed moans from you as his cock breached a sensitive spot in your core, driving you mad as the pleasure built in your belly. Finan’s thumb made perfect circles around your clit, and before you knew it, a nerve wrenching climax built within you.
“Come on, sweetheart. Give it to me,” Finan rasped out as he increased his pace just slightly, holding your chin to make you look into his eyes. He felt your body clench his cock as you came, coaxing his own release but he held his restraint as he bit his lip. He kissed you passionately and waited for you to come down from your high, then turned you on to your belly.
“Oh, God!” You gasped as Finan entered you again from behind, gripping your hips and giving you a relentless pace once again, his hard cock hitting that sweet spot over and over.
“Yes, you are so good,” he growled, wrapping his arm around you to pull you against his chest, the other hand coming to your throat and giving light pressure. “That’s it…I want you to come for me again, princess,” he growled in your ear as your moans became louder, your legs quivering.
You moaned helplessly as he brought you to the edge on his cock once again, barely aware that he had reached his own peak as you felt him stutter. After a moment of leaning your back and head against his chest with you both catching your breath, Finan turned you around gently to lay on your back as he kneeled on top of you. He looked at you with half open eyes, nuzzling your nose before giving you a deep kiss, then came back up to give you a cheeky grin. His beautiful smile made you giggle, provoking Finan to tickle your sides to hear your laugh again. He pulled you close against his body as you both rested for against each other skin to skin, and it was the warmest you had ever felt. 
The experience with Finan was different, as if he seemed to know your body well and wanted you to have nothing but a good time, which was different from what you had been previously accustomed to with men, namely the King. Alfred usually sought out his own pleasure, denying you yours right at the last second, or when you did find it pleasurable, he would send you to your quarters immediately afterward and give you nothing but coldness. The caveat to that was, when Alfred asked you to join him again, he would say he felt strongly for you, only for him to send you away again once he got what he wanted. You came to realize that you were easily manipulated to believe what he wanted you to believe. You would never go back now. You could face him, but you would never submit to him again. You had deep feelings stirring for a certain Irish warrior.
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As first light approached, Finan woke you by kissing your neck and chest and you melted into his embrace again. He was soft and gentle this time, running his hands along your bare skin and bringing his lips to yours in a sleepy, passionate kiss. You returned his heated affections and Finan made love to you that morning, just as enticing and amazing as the night before, but it was different this time… tender and loving, a connection you had yet to experience with a man, and you simply wished you could stay there with him forever.
Finan kissed your forehead and admired your graceful slumber for a moment before he rolled out of bed and began readying you two to make the journey back to Winchester with the guardsmen. He was disappointed in the interruption of your journey to Coccham. He truly wanted to show you the place he lived; he thought you might find peace there, perhaps even agree to stay with him. He shook his head as the thought of this came to his mind. Surely she doesn’t want a life with me, I can’t offer her anything.
Finan goaded Steapa and the guardsmen at every opportunity during the first day of travel. You had yet to see him banter with other men, and you could hardly prevent yourself from laughing. It truly looked like Steapa wanted to kill him at certain moments. What you didn’t know is that Finan wanted to keep you feeling as lighthearted and as calm as possible on the journey back. He believed in you and your strength, and helped in the best ways he could.
Along the journey, Uhtred, Sihtric, and Osferth encountered you, Finan, and the guardsmen on the road halfway to Winchester. Uhtred took a deep breath when he saw you all, kicking his horse into fast motion to reach you.
“Finan! Thank the Gods,” he said, then rode his horse closer to Finan’s, speaking quietly, “I thought they would have you killed.”
Finan nodded and gave him a smirk. “I still might be, Lord. Steapa wanted to arrest me as soon as he found us. But the Princess decided to go peacefully.”
Uhtred gave him a serious look. “Alfred is not pleased. You must give this up.”
Finan met Uhtred’s gaze and nodded again. He wanted to argue his own point, but he thought it best not to as it would only frustrate his Lord. He would never give you up, from here on, unless you wanted him to.
Steapa suddenly directed his horse closer to speak to Uhtred.
“Lord, I want them separated.”
Uhtred looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “You will not.” He spoke calmly in his Danish accent.
“Lord, the King demands it!”
Uhtred gave Steapa a smirk. “And is he here to speak of it? I believe the Princess has a choice in the matter.”
This had silenced Steapa for now, but Finan had eavesdropped the conversation. It made his heart race when he thought of Alfred’s anger and the inevitable repercussions. Nevertheless, he thought that he truly had nothing left to lose at this point in his life. Once this ordeal with Alfred was finished, he could at least help you travel home to safety… though he hated the thought of parting from you.
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You entered the gates at Winchester that evening, and the panic set in as you glanced at the palace in the distance. Finan dismounted quickly and came around to help you off of your horse, the two of you speaking with glances rather than words as you did for most of the journey back to remain discreet.
As you all trudged toward the palace, Steapa ordered the King’s guardsmen to seize Finan.
“Take him below, to the gaol.” Steals ordered them.
Uhtred grabbed Steapa’s arm with wide eyes.
“Steapa, no!”
“Careful, Lord… or you will follow him.”
The guardsmen surrounded Uhtred and the others, while Steapa grabbed your arm roughly and led you to the palace as you fought the whole way, trying to keep your eyes on Finan as he was punched in the stomach to better comply with his arrest. As you were dragged into the hall, Alfred was sitting on his throne, looking pale and perturbed as usual.
“Lord King,” everyone addressed him, Uhtred glaring at him from afar, guardsmen holding him.
“Steapa, well done,” Alfred spoke, “Uhtred, I expected more from you.”
Uhtred shoved away the guards that held him, coming closer to Alfred. “Lord, this is madness. Finan did not do anything wrong.”
Alfred frowned, looking at Uhtred intensely. “Did you not lie and say that you hadn’t seen her? That he was on an errand for you?”
Uhtred sighed, growing more frustrated.
“Lord, she asked him to protect her.”
You became frustrated at this point as well, interjecting yourself into the conversation. “Lord King, I am here, you can speak to me directly. I requested that Uhtred’s man stay with me. I requested to travel to Coccham, for a visit, nothing more.”
Alfred glared at you, and you knew then that he could see right through your lies. 
“I wish to speak with Lady Aelswith!” You shouted, desperate for any form of reprieve. Perhaps if you told her the truth, it would shatter Alfred’s sense of control.
“She is visiting an abbey and won’t be back for some time.” Alfred said, a devious half smile gracing his lips.
Your heart pounded against your ribcage as you sought out the strength to speak up once again.
“The real dilemma here, Lord King, is that you think of me as property when I am a noble of Scotland. I have no binding to you nor an oath to you. So why is it that you are having us detained?”
You could tell that Alfred’s emotions shifted, searching his mind for an answer. His actions and his feelings had become fickle, and now he displayed it amongst a crowd for the first time. He cleared his throat.
“Your Highness, Wessex is living in dangerous times and I only sought to keep you safe as is my sworn duty to your Father. The issue at hand is that an ealdorman of my Kingdom lied about your whereabouts to deceive me... And this will not be forgotten nor go unpunished.”
Uhtred chimed in again, speaking sternly.
“Lord… the Princess fears your wrath. She wanted Finan to be with her, they are bonded! If you must punish someone, then let it be me!”
You contemplated this, and unfortunately so did Alfred, who refused to release Finan and dismissed everyone from the hall angrily. He ordered Steapa to take you to Alfred’s bedchamber and lock you inside.
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Your heart raced as you paced the floor of the chamber, your thoughts drifting to worry for Finan.
You braced yourself as the chamber door creaked open, and Alfred stood before you.
You looked at him, rage evident in your eyes as you spoke.
“Lord, how could you do this? I am not your wife, nor am I your property. And Uhtred and his men are not either!”
Alfred listened quietly as he usually did, but you could tell how tense he was, ready to explode at any moment, spite lacing every word he spoke. “I rule these lands. And my word is final. Anyone who defies me will be met with consequence.”
“Lord, I beg of you…”
“ENOUGH!” Alfred said sharply.
You glared at him, becoming enraged now at the mistreatment and the complete disregard for your own authority.
“Lord King…  This is over. You will release Uhtred’s man immediately. I will return to my own Kingdom. You must return to your wife and your duties. Unless you would like everyone to know of this scandal, if not already.”
You held your ground, and it was difficult as you saw the contempt in Alfred’s eyes. He hesitated for a moment and paced the floor with his hands entwined behind his back, before turning to face you again.
The unspoken words between the two of you were always hidden by pleasantries, politics, and Alfred’s own fear of admitting why he reacted so harshly and made rash decisions on your account.
“Very well. You may go. I will consider the terms of Finan’s release.” Alfred spoke. 
You bowed to him, quickly leaving the chamber as to not escalate the matter more.
Meanwhile, Uhtred had gone down to the cell he knew all too well that was now entrapping his best friend.
Finan sat cross legged on the cell floor, and Uhtred did the same adjacent to him, the bars of the cell separating them. Uhtred looked at Finan with concern evident in his eyes.
“I do not yet have a plan.”
Finan smirked. “I coulda guessed that, Lord.”
>>>>> Part 4
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Taglist: @gemini-mama @persephones-journey @itbmojojoejo @alexagirlie @whitedarkmoonflower @bcon24 @justanother-sihtricgirlie @ficnation
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist ❤️
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The One (Part 14)
The one with the wedding
Sihtric x Reader
The journey was, once again, uneventful until they made it to the gates of Winchester. It took some convincing to Steapa to make him finally open the gates. But once he did no one wasted time to enter the walls
Finan, Sihtric and Y/N were the last ones and Steapa was already down the stairs and next to the big doors when the three crossed them "Lady Y/N" Steapa greeted her with a big smile "Nice to see you doing well"
"Nice to see you, too, Steapa" She returned his big smile with one of her own only to turn and find Sihtric and Finan giving her a confused look "What?" She said shrugging but the men said nothing
Once they got off their horses she stood close to both men, not really wanting to get lost in this unknown place
"Is that Aethelwold the sword-Dane I see?" Finan said to a man that sat on a table near by drinking "Looks like you've mislaid an eye" And Y/N took notice of the short blonde man
"I see you perfectly, Finan" The man replaied unamused "Though I do not see your master. Uhtred, where is he?"
"Standing at your blind side, perhaps" Finan said shrugging making Sihtric laugh
"Finan" Y/N slapped the man's arm scolding him but he just laughed and the group of three walked away, not without noticing how Aethelwold looked at Y/N
Osferth appeared out of nowhere scaring Finan a little as they all made it to a corner "So, we are inside the walls of Winchester. Where will he go? To Father Beocca?" The monk said once they were sure no one listened
"Yes. He'll find us. Be sure of it" Finan replied
"And he is free of his curse"
"She's dead?" Y/N asked in surprise and both her and Sihtric shared a look
"Then we're all free of the curse, baby monk" Finan said and went off to talk with the Bishop, to say some excuse for them to stay so no one would find them suspicious
The three of them left went to find a table at an ale house so they could eat something and wait for Finan to figure out what to do next. This time Sihtric decided to sit next to Y/N and she suddenly felt very warm. Osferth sat across them once he made it with two jugs of ale and a few cups. They drank mostly in silence, Y/N looking around her as much as she could, taking in the new big city she was in and she saw Hild talking to some of the priests not far from them
"Apparently there is a wedding" Finan said as he sat next to Osferth and grabbed a cup for himself "Looks like you lost your chance with the princeling, Lady" Y/N rolled her eyes as he winked at her
"What do you mean?" Osferth asked
"Finan have this amazing imagination where he believes Edward was courting me somehow" Y/N explained
"It wasn't Finan's imagination, Lady" Sihtric said next to her looking at his cup and Finan gave her a I told you so look "We all saw it. Ask Lord Uhtred"
"You could've been queen" Osferth said with wide eyes
"You have all lost your minds" Y/N scoffed as she left the table to find Hild who welcomed her with a warm smile "Please let me stay with you at least for a while. I cannot stand those three any longer"
"You are more than welcome to make me company" Hild said laughing at Y/N's words "I know exactly how you feel" They both laughed in complicity "And I think someone would like to see you" She said and once inside the palace they were met with Aehelflaed and her husband who had come to the wedding
"Lord" She said to Aethelred not wanting to start a fight but he only gave her a exagerated smile and went on his way. She did not complain, on the contrary
"Oh, it is so nice to see you again" Aethelflaed said as they both hugged each other 
"We have some catch up to do" Y/N said to her hoping to have a moment alone with her friend
"We do" Aethelfaed nodded "But first we must find you a dress. For the wedding" She explained at the confuse look on Y/N's face
"Oh, I don't think I should come to the wedding..."
"Of course you should" Alfred's voice was strong, once again, on contrary to his looks. He walked with Edward at one side and a woman on the other "You would not reject the invitation from a king, would you?" He said with a warm smile on his face 
"I wouldn't dare" Y/N replied and he nodded satisfied
"Mother, this is Y/N" Aethelflaed introduced her to Lady Aelswith
"You must be the famous Y/N my husband and children keep talking about" Lady Aelswith said qith an emotionless tone
"I do not know about famous, Lady" She replied "But it is an honor to finally meet you"
"Is that so?" Lady Aelswith said with surprise 
"You are the mother of one of my dearest friends" Y/N explained as she pointed to Aethelflaed and she saw how a smile formed on the Lady's face
"She also fought bravely at Beamfleot" Edward said nodding at Y/N
"You were on the battlefield?" Aelswith asked with a disaproving tone and shock on her face "That is not place for a Lady"
"Unfortunately, yes" Y/N said to her "And trust me, Lady, I do not plan to find myself in that situation again any time soon"
"Now come, my love" Alfred said to Aelswith "We still have some preparations to make" And with that the pair were gone, followed by Hild
"It is nice to see you again, Lady" Edward said once they were gone
"And on a merrier scene as you wished" Y/N replied with honesty "I am happy for you Edward" 
"I am too, Y/N" He said and that was the first time both had said each others names, which warmed Y/N's heart to had found a new friend amongst them
"I'm sorry to interrupt, brother, but we must find Y/N a dress for tomorrow" Aethelflaed said 
"Do what you must" Edward said with a smile and the two woman were gone
After hours and hours of talking, catching up and trying dresses Aethelflaed was more than satisfied and let Y/N make her way back to the three men at the ale house 
"What's with the bag?" Finan asked as she joined them at the table
"Wouldn't you like to know" She replied as she sat next to him, only to have him reach for the bag but she slapped his hand away "Take your dirty hands of it!" She said at his smirking face "It's a dress"
"A dress?" Osferth asked "What for?"
"The king has invited me to the wedding" She simply said making them all surprised at her words "And also, I just met lady Aelswith" Y/N said with a sigh. She wouldn't rate the meeting too bad, she knew it could've gone so much worse, but there was something about that woman that frightened her a little
"Oh, you poor thing" Finan said as he handed her some ale and she could do nothing but laugh
The next day Osferth, Finan, Sihtric and Y/N made their way to Father Beocca's house so Y/N could get ready for the wedding. And also, to ask Uhtred their next steps
"Lady Y/N" Father Beocca greeted her in surprise "It is good to see you. I see you still wander with this trouble makers"
"I happen to have grown fond of them, unfortunately" Y/N replied making Beocca smile at her
"Oi! She is more troublemaker than all of us together, Father" Finan said as he sat in the kitchen table as Y/N gasped faking innocence. And once the door to his house was closed Uhtred came out from one of the rooms with a red haired woman
"Lady Y/N" Beocca said to her once again "This is my wife, Thyra. Uhtred's sister" 
"It is so nice to meet you" Thyra said and welcomed her in a big hug which Y/N happily returned "Uhtred has told me everythign about you"
"Seriously, you ask him to keep this one secret and he tells everyone" She mumbled scolding him but he only laugh
"You can trust Thyra. She is family"
"I know" Y/N gave him a look "I'm just starting to think maybe I should not trust you" She raised an eyebrow at him 
"Oh, he means well" Thyra said earning an See? I told you look from Uhtred to Y/N who just rolled her eyes at him. The arrongance of this man... "Now come, you have yet to change"
She pushed Y/N to a room and left her alone so she could change in peace. Which Y/N thanked as she put her bag on one of the tables. She sat on the bed trying to catch her breath. She didn't know why she was suddenly this nervous. 
Y/N heard Finan's voice followed by Sihtric's laugh and her heart melted a little. It wasn't very often Sihtric was loud, unlike the former Irishman. But everytime he showed this side of him made Y/N's heart grew bigger and for a second she wondered what it would be like to make him laugh that hard by herself. But, she pushed the thoughts aside as she reached for her bag and the new dress.
She walked out of the room and into Thyra and Beocca's kitchen, wearing the dress Aethelfaed had chose her not feeling entirely like herself "It is weird isn't it? I feel weird" She said and everyone went silence as they looked at her with wide eyes "I knew it!" She said as soon as she saw their reactions "It's too much, I'm changing" She started to made her way back to the room when she was suddenly stopped
"No!" Everyone said at the same time 
"You look beautiful" Sihtric suddenly said breathless and they all stared at him for a second before looking over to Y/N to see her reaction
"Thank you" Y/N said softly and she already knew she was blushing at his sincere words and intense gaze
Finan stood up and made his way to her "Let me see you" He said as he place both hands on her shoulders and looked at her to then look into her eyes again "They will be some lucky bastards" He smirked and she rolled her eyes at him "You look really nice, Lady"
"You really do, Y/N" Uhtred said to her and she saw Osferth nodding at his friend's words
"You have to let me do your hair" Thyra said with a big smile on her face and Y/n did not have the heart to tell her no
A few hours later, Y/N stood next to Thyra and Beocca watching the beautiful bride made her way down the aisle and towards Edward
If you wanna be tag, let me know! 💜
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lllostgirlll · 1 year
@justasightseer I FINISHED IT FINALLY! So this didn’t go how i wanted it to, it was going to be a bit more oc-ish, but i do like the direction i took it. Yet another one based off of a dream i had.
TLK: King Alfred x Modern!Reader
“I’m telling you i don’t know! All I remember is waking up in a field when these LARPers grabbed me and hauled me here!” I raised my voice, exhausted physically and mentally.
I was telling the truth, i don’t know what elaborate Ren-Faire i had stumbled upon, but they were taking it waaaayyy too seriously.
I was getting tired of it.
The “King” raised an eyebrow, his face remained neutral. His wife, I assumed, glared at me. If looks could kill, everyone in the room would be dead.
“Steapa, find a room here for our guest. Keep a close eye on her, she is not to leave until I allow it.” King Alfred ordered, eyes never leaving my face. I tried to keep from blushing, he was quite handsome. “Lord King-“ his wife began. He put up a hand silencing her. ‘Wow. Rude.’ I thought.
Steapa grabbed me by my bicep and started dragging me out of the hall. I started shaking as we went through the doors. I was so tired. I was so scared. “P-please, where are we going?” I asked. I tried to put on a brave face but my eyes were watering. He looked down at me, his gaze softening ever so slightly. “King Alfred ordered me to take you to your room. That is where we are going.”
That happened at least a month ago.
I wasn’t sure how much i believed this elaborate Ren-Faire, i’ve heard of a couple lasting at least a month. But they never broke character. Ever.
During that time, King Alfred himself would come to my room to personally question me. He was incredibly intimidating. And smart. And handsome. The guards stationed at my door handmaidens passing by would whisper about how odd it was that King Alfred himself would question me.
One day, He entered at his usual time, around lunchtime. But there were no guards with him…Weird. He began to just… talk to me. Not interrogate, talk. He asked me about my strange clothes (ha) and if all women wore them where I was from. We talked for a while. He left for dinner and I was brought a plate shortly after. After that, that’s what happened on a regular schedule, he would come in and we would just… talk.
One day, after we had grown closer, he asked, “Do you read by any chance?” My eyes lit up a little. “Dude, I love reading!” He smiled very briefly, still not used to my language. He suddenly stood up. “Follow me.” He ordered. I followed him, excited because he barely let me out of that stupid room, nervous because I didn’t know where he was taking me (and i would never get used to the guards that followed us). We arrived at a large double door.
He opened it and I couldn’t help but let out a small gasp.
In the room there were scrolls. Everywhere. And a few tomes. I stood there and took it all in.
The King watched my reaction, what I didn’t notice was the soft smile on his face. “You read where you are from?” He asked again, curiously. “Only those of noble blood, most often men, are permitted to pursue education.” He stated. I was a little surprised. I told him about where I’m from and that almost everyone has access to higher education. Almost.
We sat down at a table and talked for hours. Eventually he set a scroll down in front of me. “Read.” He demanded nonchalantly. I unrolled the scroll and paused. There was no way i could read this.
I recognized some of the letters, but it looked like someone had a stroke while writing it.
“I-Uh…” I started. He raised an eyebrow. “Something wrong?” “N-No… Well yes…” I stammered, trying to make some sense of the writing in front of me. “It’s just so different. This looks like nothing I’ve seen were I’m from…”
He moved to stand behind me and he peered over my shoulder. I was only slightly flustered at our close proximity, but i brushed it off, too focused on the words on the scroll.
He hummed in acknowledgment. “That won’t do. Tomorrow you will be tutored by our royal scholar.” He said offhandedly. “H-Huh?!” I looked up at him in shock. “Is there a problem?” His voice, cool as ever, responded. I gathered myself and shook my head. We eventually got to talking but only for a little while, before a guard entered. “My Lord, Uhtred is here.” The guard said, bowing. I looked at The King and I picked up on his very, very brief look of mild annoyance. He orders me back to my room and that was that.
Over the course of a few months, I attended lessons every day. Sometimes The King would enter and shrug the scholar off, telling him to act like he wasn’t there. That he just wanted to see my progress. He wanted to see my progress. He was a distracting presence. And that jerk knew it.
Other than my studies, over the course of these months, I had been allowed more access to the palace. I would sit in the gardens, occasionally seeing The King. I caught him staring at me a few times. And one thing that happened during these months, is that I was developing feelings for him.
It was so wrong. He has a wife, and I would hear some of the servants whisper about his escapades with some of the servant girls. I brushed them off, not wanting to dwell on it.
Until one day.
I was in the scroll room, I was always there brushing up on my studies. I noticed what looked like a little trinket sitting in one of the windowsills so I moved to get a closer look. I heard the door open behind me but I paid it no mind. Believing it to be one of the priests or scholars.
As I was looking at this strange trinket, I felt a presence behind me. Oh so closely behind me.
“How are your studies?” The King’s voice asked softly behind me.
I couldn’t answer, I noticed if i had moved even one centimeter back, I would be touching his chest. I was too flustered to speak, I could feel my face heating up. “You could stay with me… if you would like.” He whispered, I could just barely feel his lips on the shell of my ear. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I licked my lips, about to turn around and respond.
A priest burst into the room, hurriedly explaining something about someplace named “Beamfleot.”
I felt The King sigh before collecting himself.
I turned and watched him leave the room, but not before pausing at the doorway and giving me a brief, hungry look.
(Sooooo how did my 2nd ever fanfic go 🙈 @solinarimoon @morosemagick @errruvande @kingslionheart @malewifebillcage ???)
Edit: missed a few words. fixed i think.
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years
The Prospective Bride (Finan x Reader)
Guys...I’m going to admit. I had entirely too much fun writing this. I hope y’all also like it. 
Can be read as reader or OFC. 
Warnings: Some swearing...I think that’s it.
Words: 4k 
Tag list: @happyveday​ @evelynshelby​
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  "Uhtred! There you are! Uhtred!"
 "What does he want now?" Uhtred groaned, rubbing a hand over his eyes. 
 Finan shrugged, his own ire rising at the man's childish and shrill voice. "How much trouble ya think I'd be in if I stabbed him?"
 "Alfred may reward you…. save him the headache."
 They chuckled darkly as Aethelwold dropped onto the bench next to Finan at the alehouse. The two friends had been sitting happily and nursing cups of ale, waiting for the meeting with the king to begin. 
 "Did you hear the news?!" 
 "That ya're a turd?" Finan mocked.  
 "What?" Aethelwold glared at Finan then turned back to Uhtred. "No...no! Alfred in all his godly wisdom has seen fit to permit me more authority and responsibility…."
 "That's what you wanted." Uhtred interrupted, looking like he wanted to be just about anywhere but here at this moment.  
 "Yes, but...BUT, first I must marry."
 Finan snorted in his drink. "Poor lass."
 "Poor...poor lass?" Aethelwold sputtered, gaze darting back and forth between the two, "I... I have no intentions nor interest in marriage. Alfred will certainly find me a woman who is a harpy and will slowly suck my soul and purse dry...then, then! he won't have to kill me. Oh no, I will certainly wither away because of her."
 "Ya don't know that." Finan waved to the barmaid who brought over another cup of ale for all three at the table. 
 Aethelwold gladly took the cup, still sulking and bemoaning. "It is Alfred! He will make a mockery of me and this will be his way of reminding me of my place.  Mark my words."
 "If you say so." Uhtred rolled his eyes. "Do you know who this harpy is?"
 "No, well yes. I will. In three days. Her father is a wealthy lord of East Angelia. Alfred wishes to open up trade with him specifically. He hopes this trade will better relations between Wessex and East Angelia, to unite us all. To further this, he wishes to broker a marriage to this lord's daughter with myself. To show I am willing to do my duty for Wessex." Aethelwold finished sarcastically then promptly drained his cup of ale in one go. 
 "This may be good for you. Perhaps she is beautiful and you will want to hump only her." Uhtred tried to reason but to no avail. 
 "Oh, all the whores in Wintanceaster will wail at the loss of my coin and cock then." He rose to his feet. "I must leave you now. I must make sure I have a clean tunic to meet my prospective wife."
 The two watched the king's nephew strut away, then get distracted by a whore leaning out of a nearby doorway. 
 Finan turned back to his lord and friend. "That poor lass…Alfred would not really do that, would he?"
 Uhtred shrugged. "If it was for the good of Wessex, he would."
 Finan shook his head. He hoped Alfred knew what he was doing, what he could potentially subject some pious, sheltered girl too. Aethelwold would not be a good husband. Finan took another sip of his ale, listening to the sounds of the bustling city around him. A part of him was curious about the girl. If he was lucky, he hoped to see her before having to listen to that pig's arse lament anymore about marriage. That bastard would be lucky if any woman ever chose to willingly marry him. 
 I stood to my father's side as he greeted the king of Wessex. We had arrived last night, directed towards an inn where we were able to rest and refresh ourselves so we could meet King Alfred this morning. 
 Having left the guards who traveled with us back at the inn, it was only my father, myself and the two advisors standing in the throne room. The greetings had been formal between our two parties. I spoke not a word, my father introducing me as I gave a polite incline of my head. Here I was to keep up the appearance of a proper lord's daughter, something beautiful to look at that knows how to keep silent. What most did not know was the intelligent mind kept hidden behind my pretty face...and that was to my father's benefit. Especially with conducting trade, no one suspected me of gathering intel and information to relay back to him. 
 This was not the first time we had used these roles.
 "Now that pleasantries are done, shall we proceed to discussing business? Perhaps in my study with some refreshments? " Alfred said, hands clasped in front of him.
 "Certainly," my father nodded. With a quick glance at me, my father looked back at the king. "Perhaps while we are talking business, my daughter may tour your fair city...with a guard of course."
 "I thought she could join my wife in prayer."
 I fervently suppressed a snort. 
 "Later, when the heat of the day is greatest. We did not get to see much of the city as we arrived late last night. A walk would do her good, as she has not much experience in the world. Seeing a great city of God as yours is would be a blessing to her." 
 Alfred had met his match with my father. Both were clever men who used words to manipulate to obtain the result they desired. I almost wished I could stay and watch their verbal sparring; it would be most entertaining...but I had a duty to do. My father would want to hear of my thoughts of the city and its people...and the king's nephew.  
 "I see. Said that way I can certainly not refuse." Alfred waved a hand to his side. "Aethelwold will escort her. He was born and raised here and has knowledge of the area. I shall send Steapa as extra protection although it is unnecessary."
 "I thank you but I would ask that Steapa remains so we may garner his insight on trade routes and guards needed for them. I have heard of your man, Uhtred. That he is a great warrior. If he is here, I would prefer him and his men to guard my daughter for she is my greatest joy...but do not tell her mother I said that. She may become envious."
 Alfred momentarily looked like he sucked on a lemon. With obvious reluctance he agreed. "Uhtred," he called, looking past us, over towards the back of the room, "you and your man will guard the lady and Aethelwold. You will do your utmost to be good representations of Wessex and all we hold dear."
 "Yes, lord." Came from the back. 
 My father reached over and pressed a fatherly kiss to my forehead before whispering in my ear, "You know what to do. Be good."
 "Am I not always?"
 He chuckled; he was just as mischievous than I was. My mother claimed if I had been born male, I would have been a duplicate of my father. Quickly he swept out of the room with King Alfred, Steapa and several other advisors and priests. The doors shut behind them with a resounding bang. 
 "My lady."
 I turned to see a man with a round, boyish face and haircut that looked like he tried to do it himself. So, this was the man Alfred wanted to betroth me to. He looked like I could poke him in the eye and he would run away crying for his mother. 
 "I am Aethelwold, it is my greatest honor to meet you." He bowed slightly and grasped my hand, giving it a quick, sloppy kiss on the back of it. "Shall we?"
 Following slightly behind him, I could already see that all the rumors and stories I had heard about him were true. I had hoped they were an exaggeration. Luckily I knew my father would never force me to marry a pompous twat like him. This whole meeting was for show and for me to gather an impression of Wessex outside of Alfred for my father. I just had to play along for now. I wondered how many times I would need to remind myself of that while in Aethelwold's company. 
 Once outside, the sun felt delightful on my face. I could not help but look up and breathe in its warmth. Why ever would ladies willingly stay inside to pray or sew or gossip was beyond my understanding.  There were far more interesting things to do. It was once we stepped outside of the palace that I took notice of our shadows. 
 Turning around I glanced at the two men, both in some armor and with weapons on them. One had long hair with a thin beard, vibrant blue eyes and a sword strapped to his back. Between his looks and his clothing, he looked almost like a Dane. I guessed this must be the infamous Uhtred. The other one had a thick, full beard, dark eyes with laugh lines around them, a sword hanging off his hip and a cross that hung from his neck. Interesting. 
 "You are Uhtred, yes? The savior of Wessex and all Saxons?" I asked teasingly. I had heard so many stories of the man from my father's side. Were they all true though? It was easy for rumors and stories to be exaggerated and the hero to be no more than a wood-mouse even if the stories painted him as a dragon. Although looking at him, I would suspect the dragon. 
 He smirked, eyeing me. "Perhaps. Though Alfred would say it was his God that saved Wessex."
 "Yet it is you who wields the sword." I shrugged, turning my gaze to his companion, who was watching us with unrestrained amusement. "And who are you?"
 "I am Finan, my lady."
 An Irishman? I certainly had not expected that. Nor the way his gaze and accent put a warmth in my belly. 
 "It is a pleasure to meet you both."
 "Yes, yes, they are guarding us so they are to walk behind us silently!" Aethelwold stressed the last word, giving a glare to both. He placed a hand lightly on my lower back, redirecting me down the steps of the palace and into the bustling city. 
 I caught an eye roll from Uhtred as Aethelwold spoke, not that I could blame him. It was when I met Finan's eyes and he winked at me...oh this was going to be fun. 
 Normally I would slap away the hand of any man who thought they could corral or control me. For now, I allowed Aethelwold to keep a guiding hand on my lower back, more to see what he would do and to witness people's reactions. It did not escape my notice the further we walked, the lower his hand slowly slipped. 
 We walked by the palace and some shops, our walk casual and relaxed. I listened to Aethelwold ramble on about this or that, keeping my eyes and ears open to our surroundings. What I had seen so far of the capital of Wessex impressed me. There was certainly wealth here, far more than in Mercia. This would be a good place to commence trade for my father. 
 It was also at this point that Aethelwold's hand had slipped down to the point where his fingers were caressing the top of my arse with each movement. I gritted my teeth at the feeling and at how unaffected he seemed by it. This was unseemingly in public, let alone how to treat a lord's daughter. If this was his standard of respect for a lord's daughter in public, I shivered at the thought of how he would treat his wife. Clearly a woman was only something to hump and amuse him. 
 If he thought that idea included me...he was very wrong. 
 "What is in that direction?"
 Aethelwold looked to where I pointed. "Ah, just a short cut towards the blacksmith's. He prefers to have his shop on the outskirts of the city."
 "I would like to see it."
 "Why? There is nothing of interest for a lady as yourself."
 "Nevertheless, I would like to go."
 "If you insist." He forced a smile and guided me towards the alley that served as a shortcut. 
 It was when we were about a third of the way that I stopped. I could see some people walking past the alley but no one was paying attention to the four persons now stopped. A row of buildings was to our left, the back facing us. On our other side was a small coop with chickens and an overly eager rooster, who had no qualms making his presence known. Otherwise, we were alone.
 "My lady, is someth…"
 I ignored Aethelwold. Abruptly I sidestepped away from him so his hand was no longer touching me. His touch had become more and more repulsive as we walked. Rounding on our two shadows, I focused on Uhtred first. 
 Their quiet commentary had not gone unnoticed by me but Aethelwold pointedly ignored them as he continued to give me the "tour". 
 "Are you Alfred's man?"
 Uhtred crossed his arms over his chest. "What do you mean, my lady?"
 "Is this necessary?" Aethelwold tried to put his hand on me again but I smacked it away, still ignoring him otherwise. 
 "Do you report everything you see and do to Alfred? Are you his man or do you just follow his orders to fulfill your oath?"
 He raised an eyebrow, clearly unsure but curious where I was going with this. "I am not Steapa if that is what you ask."
 I nodded then turned my gaze to Finan. "And you, Irishman?"
 "I just do what my Lord Uhtred says." He chuckled, a gleam of mischief in his eyes as he met mine. 
 "Good." I smiled brightly at them, putting all my charm in and batting my lashes for fun. "I would hate to get in trouble. My father would be ever so disappointed in me."
 "What are you...oh!" Aethelwold started but his words cut off when I roughly shoved him against the back of one of the buildings. He stumbled, not expecting the force and slammed against the wood. 
 As he stumbled, I prowled after him, a snarl on my face. In a well-practiced move, I bent and pulled the dagger out of its sheath I always kept strapped to my lower leg and tucked just slightly into my boot. In an instant, it was in my hand and pressed firmly just between his legs. If his cock twitched, he would feel the edge of my blade. My other hand grabbed his jaw so his focus could only be on me. 
 "Let us get something straight. You try and touch me again; I will turn you into a eunuch. You keep your hands and any ideas of your cock to yourself. Got it?" 
 "Ah, yes. Of course, my apologies, I just...ah, ah, AH!" He paled even further when I moved the blade slightly. 
 "One more thing. You are a piece of shit. I will never marry you, nor will anyone force me to. And if by some miracle, it is arranged. Know this. On our wedding night, I will kill you before you even think about touching me. I am only here to open negotiations between my father and King Alfred. Nothing more. Now…" I slowly dragged the dagger up his torso to land at the base of his throat. "We can continue the tour with a better understanding of one another, yes?"
 "Yes?" He squeaked out. 
 "Good. We will be seeing much of one another the next few days. It shall be fun." I giggled, stepping away from him. A quick glance behind me showed Uhtred with a hand over his mouth, desperately trying to suppress laughter. Finan on the other hand had the biggest grin on his face and a starstruck look in his eyes. 
 I sent him a quick wink, finding myself enjoying that look in his dark eyes. 
 Done threatening my prospective husband, I knelt to replace the dagger in its sheath. Although I always carried it on my person and I knew how to use it well; only a few knew of it and I liked to keep it that way. 
 As I started to rise, a hand came into view. Finan stood before me with his hand out. Quickly I accepted and allowed him to help me to my feet, even if it was unnecessary. His hand felt too good holding mine, the roughness I knew to only come from swordplay, the hand of a warrior. He squeezed my hand slightly before letting go. 
 "Do you know the way to the blacksmith's?"
 "I do."
 "Excellent." I wrapped my arm through his, placing my hand on his forearm. "Will you escort me? I am in desperate need of a new dagger and would like to see what Wessex has to offer."
 That slow, lazy smile I was growing quite fond of spread on his face, dark eyes alight. "Aye, we would not want ya in lack, now would we?"
 "Lord Uhtred, do you believe Wessex will be in greater need of grain and iron this year? I hear King Alfred is continuing to build more burhs due to increased raids in Mercia."
 He answered my question from just behind me. "I suspect, my lady. Although East Angelia needs to remain vigilant in their own defenses."
 "Certainly. King Aethelstan is no fool. Even if he prefers to use priests instead of swords as of late."
 As we walked, we discussed trade and the Danes. Both were impressed with my knowledge and insight, to which I explained that I was my father's only child. He raised me as if I was a son because to him, I am his heir. 
 And if I happened to enjoy the feeling of strong muscles under my hand and warm breath dancing over my skin whenever dark eyes met mine...who could blame me? His Irish accent may also have something to do with my slowly decreasing proximity and increased flirtation. 
 The visit to the blacksmith was entertaining. Uhtred, Finan and myself along with the blacksmith, Aldwin, spoke easily of weapons. In the end, I chose a lovely dagger with a promise to come retrieve and pay for it this evening.
 The whole time Aethelwold grumbled just off to the side, looking like a petulant child. 
 "What will happen when you marry?" Uhtred asked as we walked lazily back in the direction of the palace. 
 "My father will never allow me to marry a fool for his lands, tenants and trade are important to him. He would want someone who is a good lord to replace him."
 "Will that not be ya?" Finan asked. 
 "Yes, unless I marry. Even then I still plan on being involved in everything. I am not one to sit idly by." I paused, smirking to myself as I looked around. "Perhaps I should not bother with marriage at all. The only thing I need is an heir of my own. I could take a lover, become with child and that would solve the problem."
 "I suspect many men will be disappointed when they hear that. I for one think the idea holds merit." Finan held my gaze and with that smirk that spoke of trouble.
 I stopped, turning to face him slightly. "Mmm? Is that your way of volunteering to be my lover?"
 "If the position is open…" He leaned down, his lips ghosting faintly over the rim of my ear. "I promise to make it worth ya time."
 That touch sent a fire burning in my veins and when I caught his eyes, I thought I could see the same desire reflected. "I would hate to be disappointed." I purred, running a finger slowly down his chest. 
 Uhtred coughed loudly from behind us. 
 My cheeks warmed at the reminder we were in public. For a brief moment all I could see and hear was him...and how much I wanted to see if those lips tasted as good as they looked.
 Up ahead I could see Lady Aelswith standing on the top of the steps with a priest on either side of her. Her hands clasped in front of her, eyes scanning the crowd intently. 
 I groaned, earning a chuckle from the warriors. I had hoped she would leave me alone but clearly, she thought I was in desperate need of prayer. After spending time with Finan, my imagination certainly could do with a cleansing.
 "Thank you for escorting me today." 
 "It was our pleasure." Uhtred said. 
 Instead of saying anything, Finan lifted my hand to his lips. His eyes remained glued to mine as his lips touched my skin. It should be illegal how a simple kiss on the hand could feel so erotic. Unable to help myself, my thumb stroked his bottom lip before he could release me. 
 Aelswith finally noticed me and called my name loudly. If the pinched look on her face said anything, she was not pleased to see me walking so comfortably with Lord Uhtred and his man. 
 I smiled at both warriors, taking a step back. I glanced over to the side to see the still sulking Aethelwold.  "Pleasure to meet you. It was most...informative." Spinning on my heel, I started towards the queen not even bothering to hear Aethelwold's response.
 I knew my father planned on being here for a few days before returning home. I could only hope during the upcoming days I would be able to see more of Lord Uhtred and his man. 
 Especially his man. 
 I might need to bathe in holy water when we returned home. 
 "I think I'm in love." Finan murmured to himself, watching her hips sway as she walked away. 
 "I do not think I have ever been so insulted in my life." Aethelwold grumbled, coming to stand on Uhtred's other side. "Harpy. As I said. She may have an attractive appearance but still a harpy. Although, it would be fun to bed her. I bet she rides well."
 Finan rounded on the smaller man. "Say another word and I'll gut ya like a fish."
 "Ooo...so protective. The way you two were practically eye-fucking, I would say…"
 Uhtred wisely grabbed the front of Aethelwold's tunic and shoved him a step back. "You will say no more or I will let him gut you. How dare you put your hands on her like you did earlier!" 
 "I….it was nothing. Just a bit of fun."
 "Can I gut him now, lord?"
 Uhtred sighed and released the king's nephew. "He is not worth the effort. Let us go, Finan."
 The Irishman fell into step with his friend. If he heard one more degrading word out of the pig's arse, his restraint would vanish. 
 "I do agree with one thing that Aethelwold said." Uhtred suddenly said after they walked a few minutes. 
 "What was that?"
 "You were quite taken with her."
 Finan laughed, grabbing the neckline of his tunic. "Aye, I don't deny it. She…I have never met a woman like her before. When she grabbed the turd and stuck her dagger between his legs…"
 "I am surprised he did not piss himself." Uhtred chuckled. "Yet I must warn you of something."
 Finan looked over at the sudden serious tone. "What?"
 "If she does take you as a lover, be careful." Then the cocky bastard had a shit-eating grin. "I would hate to see her damage you. I still have need of you."
 Finan threw his head back laughing as he slapped Uhtred on the shoulder. They headed towards the Inn to hopefully find Sihtric and Osferth.  
 As they walked Finan could not get the memory of her on his arm and smiling out of his head. Nor how her touch and heated gaze made him want to pleasure her in every way. He prayed he would get to see and speak with her again. Perhaps he could further convince her to allow him to be her lover, for he would surely be hers and only hers without question. 
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tlkfanficfest · 4 years
Well TLK Fandom you have OUTDONE yourselves. What started as a little endeavour I thought would go nowhere resulted in 34 brand new fics in TWO WEEKS. Also, today they announced we are getting a Season 5 for TLK. If that isn’t the universe saying all our positive energy worked, I don’t know what is! 
I’ve tried to list the fills alphabetically by prompt, and included both a tumblr link/AO3 link(if available). Round 2 will go up tomorrow so check back soon because that prompt submission box will be open and ready to take your requests! I’ve also got a few new things coming but you’ll hear all about it tomorrow. 
Round 1 Prompt Fills:
"Keen is the wind, bare the hill, it is difficult to find shelter; the ford is marred, the lake freezes, a man could stand on a single stalk." - from a Welsh poem, 'Winter', c.11th century, author unknown
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25043593 by @chaos_is_welcome
"The ocean is full, the sea is in flood, lovely is the home of ships ... the rudder is swift upon the wide sea." - from an 11th century Irish poem, A Storm at Sea, author unknown
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25080601 by @chaos_is_welcome
Aelswith/Alfred, first meeting
https://minimartian.tumblr.com/post/622947185597743104/rolls-off-the-tongue-aelswithalfred by @minimartian
Aethelflaed/Aldhelm, “you have bewitched me, body and soul.”
https://tobebbanburg.tumblr.com/post/622074165361606656/duty-decency-tobebbanburg-the-last-kingdom by @tobebbanburg (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24943159)
Aldhelm has a Nice Day for once
https://cocchamscrew.tumblr.com/post/622713412871421952/day-out-aldhelm-x-aethelflaed by @cocchamscrew (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25068061)
https://sihtric.tumblr.com/post/622862452389019648/caged-birds-flying-free by @sihtric (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25117453)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24997012 by @superprincesspea
Aldhelm, resting and thinking back on his life, Finan and Sihtric come across him. They talk.
https://softestark.tumblr.com/post/622727659241275392/a-truth-you-cant-avoid-softestark-the-last by @softestark ( https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25070851)
Coccham crew get drunk and start flyting against each other
https://tobebbanburg.tumblr.com/post/621729570931015680/flyting-fighting-tobebbanburg-the-last by @tobebbanburg (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24878602)
Eadith/Finan, it was never about pleasure for Eadith until Finan
https://superprincesspea.tumblr.com/post/621821375618891776/winchesters-finest by @superprincesspea (https://archiveofourown.org/works/24896029)
https://jade-masquerade.tumblr.com/post/622774509711327232/the-altar-is-my-hips by @jade-masquerade (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25082065)
Eadith/Finan, it was never about pleasure for Eadith until Finan / Eadith/Finan, Eadith trusts Finan with her life, but she needs to convince him she trusts him with her body.
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24973942 by @chaos_is_welcome
Eadith/Finan/Uhtred, relationship negotiations
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24908578 by @NotInPublic
Finan and Uhtred roadtrip
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24953728 by @solarlotus
Finan, "Don't pretend like you're asleep. Should I find a way to wake you up?"(obvs on the smutty side... I can see it already!)
https://geekandbooknerd.tumblr.com/post/621931804972253184/morning-after-modern-finan-x-reader by @geekandbooknerd
Finan, Finan shares his cloak with the reader at the fire to keep them both warm. His hands wander occasionally / Sihtric rescues the reader from drowning.
https://righmarbh.tumblr.com/post/622266186253598720/love-like-winter by @righmarbh
Finan, Finan shares his cloak with the reader at the fire to keep them both warm. His hands wander occasionally.
https://lauwrite1225.tumblr.com/post/621715492568219648/cold-night-finan-x-reader by @lauwrite1225 (
Finan, him being soft and him caring for kids in my lfie
https://lauwrite1225.tumblr.com/post/622020890369130496/tlkfff2020-tlkfanficfest-imagine-2-finan-him by @lauwrite1225
Finan/Sihtric, that first night after Finan knows Sihtric didn't really abandon them.
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24996745 by @tobebbanburg
Finan/Uhtred, stuck in a confessional box. Can be as naughty as you like. Bonus for Aelswith coming to pray whilst they're stuck.
https://righmarbh.tumblr.com/post/621727119535407104/cloisterfuck by @righmarbh
Finan/Uhtred, they know each other like the back of their hands
https://azyland.tumblr.com/post/621846930215108608/etched-in-your-skin-azyland-the-last-kingdom by @azyland (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24901645)
https://tsukkinami.tumblr.com/post/622118184480342016/like-the-back-of-my-hand by @tsukkinami(https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24951751)
Finan/Uhtred, we are bound.
https://bird-on-a-wire20.tumblr.com/post/622448696390565888/the-best-of-mornings-finanuhtred-drabble by @bird-on-a-wire20
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25114897  by @kirstenseas 
Gisela/Hild, hurt/comfort
https://druellasrosier.tumblr.com/post/622256354464317440/solertia-dolore-written-for-tlkfanficfest-prompt by @druellasrosier (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24979051)
Jealous possessive Finan please!
https://nxrdist.tumblr.com/post/621821341628317696/tlkfanficfest-prompt-fill-for by @nxrdist
Osferth saves Finan and Sihtric’s life from Danes and has a little smirk at the end. / Sihtric and Osferth bonding over being bastards
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24936049 by @limenal
Radio station AU of any description. Wessex FM, Bebbanburg Beats, Mercia Magic...
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/25102252 by salto
Sihtric/Reader, Enemies to Lovers, smut should definitely take place. They have been on opposite sides for years until one day changes everything forever.
https://valhallasubstitute.tumblr.com/post/621804826542718976/that-one by @valhallasubstitute 
https://geekandbooknerd.tumblr.com/post/622293481002565633/opposites-sihtric-x-reader by @geekandbooknerd
The Coccham crew get a little tipsy and Sihtric ends up with his most interesting haircut yet
https://for-bebbanburg.tumblr.com/post/621846264781422592/the-haircut by @for-bebbanburg
The Cookham squad mourn the death of Steapa.
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24989260 by @chaos_is_welcome
Uhtred is visited by the actual Night Walker and they have a philosophical conversation around the campfire.
https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tlkfanficfest/works/24987775 by @kirstenseas
Uhtred/Gisela/Finan is a thing and they need to figure out who is the baby daddy now that Gisela is pregnant.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24960037 by @NotInPublic
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laketaj24 · 6 years
The Dane in Wessex
Authors Note: I am for certain nervous about posting this lol. I hope you enjoy, if you know me on here I can’t just write a one shot, it’s unheard of and not going to happen! The Last Kingdom Taglist is open! If I missed you and you are interested please say so below and I will add you!
Pairings: Reader X Finan
Warnings: none. (I’m slow burning you 😂)
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Training Aethelfaed had been one of the greatest successes of your life, not only had it gotten you into the good graces of the King, but it had led to the decent living quarters near the heart of Winchester. It did not appease the Queen and you did your best to remain out of her sight. 
The small cottage wasn’t much but it was home. You’d taken to the likes of it. The western wall held your kitchen, the long wooden table and three stools just in case any of your few friends invited themselves. The hearth of the fireplace warmed your food as well as your home on the cold winter nights and the eastern wall held your bed. You hung a cross, for the good graces of Father Beocca but the Wooden statue of Odin was hidden beneath your bed and the Thor’s hammer was hidden beneath your clothes. Their god just wasn’t for you.
The people of Wessex feared you, your father Bloodaxe had a renowned reputation both among the Saxons and the Danes. It was the only thing that kept the vile mouth Christians from an outright attack on you, even though you were under the King’s protection. But with the withering health of Alfred the Great you were uncertain on how long the peaceful days would last in Wessex.
“Heathen.” He called as you peaked your head out of the door. You grabbed the wooden becket walking towards the gates of Winchester. If Steapa was the guard there, the brutish looking Saxon would halt before he hit the corner, if not he would follow you as he did before all the way to the orchard.
You hop over the puddle to the alehouse. To no surprise Lord Uhtred and his men are there.
“You heard me HEATHEN, leave! There is no place for you here! This city is God’s city! And you are of the devil!” His finger’s dig into your shoulder.
You whip around, and the move comes as nature. Your foot swings under his leg, knocking him off balance and he lands in the puddle you’d just avoided making a splash of the mud. “That is where pigs like you belong,” You pause. “On your ass and in the mud.” You spit, and the laughter erupts from the nearby table.
“Little Bloodaxe.” Uhtred smiles.
“Traitor.” You smile in return.
“Little Traitor.” He twiddles the birch bark before placing it back between his teeth.
“Good day Y/N,” Finan’s grin is infectious. He waves at you looking up from his food.
“What are you staring at Irishman?”
“Well, there is nothing fairer than a shieldmaiden knocking someone on their ass.” He claps his hands together standing from the table nudging Osferth and Sihtric as he takes his leave. “Where are you going?”
“I was not aware that I had to report to Finan the Philanderer before leaving the walls of Winchester.” You continue to stroll forward heading down the muddied streets to the stonewall. Steapa was a good guy, even though you’d heard him call you a few names beneath his breath once or twice. “I am to the orchard! And to see the abbess.” You wave, and he shoots you a smile.
“Good day to you, Y/N.”
The doors swing open and you toss the hood over your head and cloak the axes in your bucket. Air smelled differently outside the gates of the city, less of shit and more of home. Your heart ached for Denmark at times, even if there seemed to be nothing left there for you.
You head out into the woods listening to the surroundings, taking everything in around you. The crunch of the foliage beneath your feet and the sway of the branches all calmed the wild call in your soul. “I hear you Freya.” You smile.
“The name is Finan actually.” He says peeping out from behind one of the trees.
You unsheathe your sword and he mirrors your act taking his stance in front of you. “Why are you following me? Tell the Ragnarsson I do not need a tail.”
“I am here because I seen your axes in the bucket.” He shrugged. “Either you were going to steal an entire apple tree or you were lying.” He laughs. “What are you up to, Eriksdottir.”
“What I am up to is none of your concern, Finan.” You tug the two strings untying the green cloak allowing it to fall to ground. Your grandfather, Harald Finehair had taught you many things. One of them was the art of throwing axes. You grab the wooden handle of the axe tossing it in the air for a twirl once and then across the woods into the tree beside Finan. He didn’t move, not even a flinch. He held his poise with wide eyes and a smile. “Why did you follow me?”
“Would you believe me if I told you that I find the Dane of Wessex to be mesmerizing?”
“Uhtred has bed many, I am sure if you confess your love and affection to him, he will be open to it. We Danes are an open people.”
“Oh, me god.” He laughs throwing his head back. “He knows I love him, but I wouldn’t fuck him, have you seen the bastard?”
“Then I am uncertain of why you have followed me out here?”
“You are a beauty. It was all I wanted,” he is interrupted by the crack of branches and chatter nearby. “Down.” He whispers.
It was never in your nature to hide, nor was it to take directions. You walk closer to him taking your axes from the wood and his hand is around your wrist as he points to the familiar face from earlier. The Saxon had followed you outside the walls with friends, apparently.
“The fastest way back to Winchester is by creek, but they are for certain to see us. How quick are you, YN?”
“Quicker than you, Irish man.” You shoot a smile, but in your eyes, there is a certain worry. The worry wasn’t that they would catch you, it was that they would catch you and you would kill them so close to the walls of the city and because you are Dane it would end with the axe. You scoop up your bucket and Finan grabs your cloak.
“Don’t look back.” Finan says giving you a small touch on the shoulder.
You two start through the woods hopping over the fallen trees, stumps and barely missing the slight holes. You were not sure why Finan was so loyal to you, but you accepted it willingly.
“Stop helping the heathen, you Irish trash!” he yells through cupped hands gaining a clear advantage as you two make it to the creek.
Finan tosses your bucket over and then allowed you to pass. “Say that to my face, you pig faced arse.”
You tug him over and you both make it across the creek yelling to Steapa to open the gates.
The doors to your home area friendly site to the both of you as you catch your breath. Finan stands turning to Osferth whose waved him over. “I am called my lady.”
Your heart won’t slow but you don’t care really as your lips your crash into his and you are then unable to tell his heartbeat from yours. You pull your lips from his gasping with your hands resting on his chest.  “Are you sure you can’t stay for just one cup of ale?”
“I’ll stay for as many as you pour Y/N.”
@ceridwenofwales @geekandbooknerd @whenimaunicorn @stardustnthings @therealcalicali @earthsmightiestasses
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lordavanti · 6 years
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Finan x Reader
Note: Here it is, my very first The Last Kingdom drabble, offcourse, Finan. <3 Words: 982
It has been months since you last saw the Lord Uhtred and his warriors. His children asked a lot about him, what he was doing, if he maybe was dying, if he was victorious. Gisela often told them stories about her husband and you just often sat alongside her, listening, remembering. You were saves once to, by one of Uhtred his man … Finan. He saved you before a ruthless dane had the chance to kill you, just as he killed your sister, your father and the rest of the village. You were lucky and you knew it. Ever since you worked here alongside of Gisela, taking care of the children as you every day hoped on the return of those warriors. Not only because they gave you that feeling of safety, you wanted to see Finan back, seeing him safe and healthy. There was nothing between the two of you, he was a warrior of Uhtred, yet you always caught him on watching or the other way around. The winter bite his way through Winchester, you wrapped a cloak tight around his eldest son while leading him towards  the fire you just stoke. Hild came in, stretching her cold fingers as she turned herself towards Gisela. ‘A scout announced the arrival of Lord Uhtred.’ She announced with a smile. Gisela looked aside to you, suppressing her lover for her husband's return behind a small grin. ‘Come on, your father is on his way.’ She said to the children. You laid your hand against on his eldest son’s shoulders as you all stepped outside, looking for the horses through the streets. It didn’t took long before you recognized the big furry cloaks and the familiar faces. You looked down to his son, holding him from running of. Uhtred smiled as he saw his wife and children. They all seemed to be in good health. Your eyes went to Sithric and Steapa before they fell on Finan. You couldn’t resist the happy feeling on the inside of you seeing him loyal as always alongside of the lord. He held his arm a little stiffer against his chest what meant he was probably slightly wounded. ‘How did the months fare my lord?’ Hild asked. ‘As if you didn’t stopped praying Hild.’ He answered, letting himself fall out of the saddle. You eyes went back to Finan who was looking at you. ‘Did you miss me Y/n?’ He joked, groaning as he jumped from the horse. ‘Not as much as I missed your sense of humor.’ You answered with a polite nod. ‘He didn’t stopped winning along the way Y/n. Talking about how much he wanted a wife like you.’ Uhtred chuckled, giving his right hand a ferm shoulder pat before walking over his wife. ‘The stubborn ass has a injury, take a look at it.’ He followed, giving you a small nod before grabbing his eldest son from the ground. ‘He is lying.’ Finan said in his defense. You smiled, looking from one warrior to another, all family, all part of your life. ‘Let’s go all inside so I can take a look at who is wounded.’ You suggested to one of the houses. Hild joined you, given Finan wasn’t the only one. His hair and beard grew a lot bigger through the months. You poked the fire, giving them all a cup of ale. ‘She is such a sweet one.’ Sithric said. You knew they were taunting Finan, like they always did. ‘Don’t you need to go find your woman? She probably has already another child.’ Finan taunted him right back. Sithric slapped him against the head and Finan ducked away, causing a little pain to flare up in his expressions. ‘Let me take a look.’ You suggested, nodding towards his shoulder. ‘You may do that.’ He reacted. You shook your head on his wide inviting smile as you helped him out of his armor. His skin was still cold from the whole journey, yours on the other hand. ‘Always such a warm touch.’ He noticed. You softly smiled, looked him for a short moment in the eyes. He rolled his jaw, pulling his attention back to his cup of ale. You pulled his shirt aside and looked to his shoulder wound. ‘How old is this?’ You asked. ‘A week.’ Sithric answered in his place. You nodded, grabbing some herbs as you started to make a concoction out of it that would help him heal and fend of the infection. ‘Try to let this armrest for some days.’ You advised him, he just nodded, looking to your fingers smearing the concoction out on his wound, slowly massaging it into his skin. ‘We should take you with us next time, as a healer.’ Finan said, looking up to you to measure your reaction. ‘Are you leaving soon again?’ ‘Depends on what King Alfred wants from our lord.’ He answered, squeezing his eyes a little together. ‘Would you miss me Y/n?’ He asked. You laid a bandage around the wound, closing it neatly underneath his shirt. ‘Staying behind here, wondering how much of you have fallen isn’t always a nice thought.’ You answered him honestly. ‘Then pray.’ ‘It would be selfish to pray for the safety of one man alone.’ You whispered, smiling shortly as you stepped back, cleaning your herbs. You felt him watching, a very long time but you didn’t dare to look back after your confession. You had fallen for him, maybe already a long time ago. Just now, not seeing him for so long, gave you that realisation. As you looked back he had that content smile on his lips, laughing over something his friends sad. He was relaxed. Maybe they didn’t weren’t the only one giving you a safe feeling, maybe it was the same for them to be here among the woman that took care of them.
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joyofbebbanburg · 5 years
Finan Drabble
Can I request a Finan/reader Drabble with sassy Finan getting into it with readers brother when the brother finds Finan chatting up/showing some form of interest in the reader. Thanks! -x
Request from @nxrdist
Hope you like it hun! xx I did this from my phone so if I missed any spelling mistakes I am so sorry.
Finan and you were walking by the river. He stayed rather close to you the whole time. Not that you minded at all. You've always liked Finan. He's handsome, a great warrior and he may look like a scruffy bear but hes the absolute sweetest man you've ever met...only problem is your brother Steapa would never allow you to be with him.
Finan and you stop and sit on the grass, watching the water. Basking in eachother company.
"You are an amazing woman Y/N." Finan breaks the silence. He turns your head and leans in for a kiss when you hear shouting.
"Finan you are to back away from my sister this instant!" Steapa yells
"Steapa stop he's not doing anything wrong!" You try to defend Finan
"Y/N you will be quiet...Finan I specifically said my sister is off limits. No man is to go near her. She is to marry yes but it will be to a man I choose and that man is not you!" Steapa shouts
"Why can't it be me? You got a problem with me big man?" Finan asks
"Yes I do. You are not good enough for her!" Steapa growls
Finan looks at you
"Y/N tell me...Do you want me or the man your brother has chosen for you? This should be your choice" Finan says
"I want you Finan...it's always been you" you whisper and he smiles
"Well big man looks like she made her own choice." Finan draws his sword and pulls you close.
"You can fight me if you want but your sister would never forgive you. I don't like you and you don't like me but if you come between me and Y/N I wont hesitant to kill you" Finan growls
He maneuvers so you and him can get past your brother and once you're in the clear you two run to Father Beocca to marry instantly.
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ladyinred2248 · 5 months
King of the North, Finan x Reader, Part 1
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Warnings: Mature, MINORS DNI. Violence and sexual themes. Possible character death. Misogyny. Angst.
This is the sequel to The Scottish Princess, find the series in my Masterlist.
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Two days had felt like two years since Finan had last seen you and held you in his arms. He worried relentlessly for your safety, praying to God every moment that he would find you safe and unharmed. He felt that he must be cursed to have to live with such misery, a twist of fate threatening the family you two had made, the one Finan desperately wanted. Regardless, his emotions did not wane as he commanded the men, seeking every last bit of strength he had to continue on. He locked away his feelings somewhere deep inside his heart, not daring to show them, for revenge was now his main objective, and retrieving the love of his life was his duty.
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The guardsmen of Ulaid and Constantin’s kingdom besieged Winchester with brutal force, Finan’s command being to kill anyone who prevented them from storming the palace. Steapa and a band of guardsmen blockaded the front entrance, and Steapa’s eyes grew wide when he saw the Irishman before him, now with practically an entire army at his side and ferocity he had seen in battle before but this time it was somehow much different. The way he held himself had changed. He had become stronger, an unrelenting conviction and confidence allowing him to show no mercy for any man.
Finan dismounted his horse, his overwhelming number of guardsmen attacking the ones who stood with Steapa, and a fight ensued until Finan was able to reach him, sword drawn and eventually held to Steapa’s chest as the men folded.
“Where is she?” Finan asked him, almost menacingly.
Steapa hesitated, putting his hands up as he searched Finan’s eyes for some semblance of the Irishman he had known for years.
 “Finan, I...” Steapa stuttered, the attack being so unforeseen and brutal that his hands trembled for the first time in his life it seemed.
Finan chuckled darkly, a smirk forming across his lips as he pushed the sword down into Steapa’s armor further, “I won’t ask you again.”
Domnal came over to stand beside Finan, smirking at the feared look on Steapa’s face.
“The King’s command was that she would be traded to the Danes.” Steapa admitted.
Finan looked away in fury, then back down to Steapa’s gaze, holding his sword at his chest still.
“Finan, NO!” Uhtred shouted desperately from a distance, Sihtric and Osferth’s eyes growing wide along with him.
“You took her?” Finan asked Steapa, calmly now which grew Steapa’s concern just the same.
Steapa looked down at the sword that almost pierced through his armor, then back up to Finan’s gaze hesitantly. “I… I had no choice.”
As soon as the last word had left Steapa’s lips, Finan thrusted his sword into Steapa’s belly, turning it slightly to illicit pain before withdrawing his sword from his body. Steapa fell to the ground, choking in pain and now potentially mortally wounded.
“All of you should yield,” Finan shouted to Alfred’s guardsmen with a dark chuckle, resting his bloodied sword over his shoulder, “It’s pathetic how loyal you are to a broken man.”
Uhtred almost fell to his knees at the sight of Steapa, Sihtric coming over to embrace him to hold him upright.
“Remember lads,” Finan shouted to his guardsmen teasingly as he began to ascend the steps of the palace, “I want the lovely Lady Aelswith.”
Sihtric spoke to Uhtred, but he didn’t hear a word of it for several moments as he stared at Steapa’s body on the ground, blood spilled on the steps of the palace at Winchester.
“Lord!” Sihtric said urgently, shaking Uhtred’s shoulders, “What now, Lord?” 
Uhtred shook his head, more so in disbelief than in a response before he answered. “Do nothing.”
Finan knew the doors to the palace had been barricaded, but stood in front of them anyway, taking a moment to gaze at the view from the front steps before commanding the guardsmen once more. 
“Ram the doors!”
The guards assembled in lines and rammed the door over and over, Finan watching with his sword resting over his shoulder, until the large doors to the palace busted completely open.  Finan and Domnal shared a grin with each other as the men infiltrated the palace and more fighting ensued. Constantin came to join them, placing a hand on Finan’s shoulder in pride and contempt for the fallen city of Winchester. Domnal laughed as Finan went to sit on Alfred’s throne, crossing his leg and seemingly relaxed with a smirk on his face.
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Within the hour, the men of Ulaid had found and rammed another door, finding Alfred and Aelswith hiding behind it. They brought them to Finan, who still sat on Alfred’s throne, and he chuckled as the King and Queen of Wessex were knocked down to their knees before him by the guards, their hands bound in front of them. 
“It is custom to kneel, is it not?” Finan teased them, chuckling darkly.
Alfred glared at Finan while he trembled with rage, Aelswith holding a similar glare but sincerely fearful at the same time, her bounded hands shaking.
Finan got up from his seat, holding eye contact with Alfred as he took his sword to rest in front of his throat.
“I have a trade of my own, Lord King… your wife, for mine.” Finan chuckled.
“Please,” Alfred begged sternly, “Finan, I beg of you… I can rectify this.”
Finan took his sword away from Alfred’s throat, sheathing it, then kicked Alfred in the chest abruptly with a strong force, knocking the breath out of him and causing him to gasp for air. Finan laughed darkly again, circling Alfred as he lay on the ground, then came over to Aelswith, taking her chin between his fingers as she tried to pull away.
“Hello, pretty lady. You’ll be our humble servant now, won’t ya?” Finan winked at her.
Aelswith spat at his feet and started cursing him, so Finan nodded to Domnal and gestured for him to grab Aelswith up from her knees, “Take her.”
“Please!” Alfred pleaded, still gasping for air, “I will tell you where she is!”
Finan chuckled at him and bit his lip. “Oh, you will do better than that. You will show me,” Finan turned to his guardsmen and pointed his sword at Alfred. “We are taking him with us.”
Finan looked back to Alfred who was still knelt over in pain. “Now,” Finan started, “Where are the Danes?”
Alfred glared at him, looking down before he spoke.
“I don’t know. I traded her to Earl Haestan.”
As soon as Alfred spoke, he was cut off as Finan punched him in the face with brutal force. 
“Ya don’t know, Lord King?!” Finan shouted, bringing his fist to Alfred’s face again. 
“Haestan? I believe they would be in East Anglia, would they not?” Domnal asked Alfred, who spat blood on the ground.
“I can imagine, yes.” Alfred mumbled.
“We will go to Haestan then,” Finan chuckled, his senses raging but his demeanor a twisted form of calm, “Perhaps we take your wife with us instead, hm? Reward my men for their service?” He said, his guardsmen chuckling along with him. They had not served Finan for long, but already admired the grisly demeanor he held.
“Good idea, Your Grace,” Domnal added, chuckling, “She will be very popular.”
“Please,” Alfred pleaded, bleeding from his nose and lip now while breathing heavily, “Just take me. I’ll do whatever you ask.”
“Good,” Finan hummed, then knelt down to whisper in Alfred’s ear, “To think…all of this could have been prevented if you hadn’t been so jealous of my cock.” 
Domnal and Finan laughed together at Finan’s comment, bringing Alfred up from his knees and dragging him away with the others.
King Constantin came over to grab Finan’s arm to beg his attention before he left with the others, nodding to him before he spoke.
“You have already served her well, lad.” 
Finan nodded back to him with furrowed brows before commanding his guardsmen again. Your father was ordered to occupy the palace at Winchester, while Finan and Domnal followed as the guardsmen took Alfred as their prisoner, dragging him outside the palace brutally. Finan had only wanted to torture Alfred and would not subject a woman to harm, so the Lady Aelswith was left with Constantin at the palace.
“You will die for this.” Alfred muttered to Finan.
“I would love to see ya try, Lord.”
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You had been forced to travel with Haestan’s fleet to East Anglia, exhausted and extremely frightened. Steapa had knocked you out when you were abducted from Saltwic, and when you finally woke up you were already positioned before Alfred and Haestan, being sent away with the Danes in an instant. You begged with Alfred when you realized what was happening, but he gave you no semblance of sympathy.
“She’s an important one,” Haestan said to a fellow Dane, Dagfinn, then looked at you. “Why would the King of Wessex so willingly hand you over, little girl?”
Your hands trembled as you opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. 
“Do you speak?” Haestan chuckled, grabbing your jaw with his hand.
“I-I was taken against my will,” you mumbled, then found the strength to speak up, “Lord, I.. I am betrothed, please...p-please don’t hurt me.”
Haestan looked at you curiously, then chuckled to Dagfinn. “Well, that is a shame.” 
The Danes laughed, and suddenly tears fell from your eyes as you imagined your impending fate. 
Surprisingly, the Danes did not touch or harm you, but kept your hands bound and gave you your own horse to ride upon, which they directed to keep you in close reach. When the first stop was made to set up camp for the night, Haestan grabbed you from your horse, and you yelped in fear even though he wasn’t harsh with you. He tied another rope around your waist and secured it to a tree, making sure you had no room for escape while he made and stoked a fire. He spoke to you softly all of the sudden, questioning you.
“Who was your betrothed?” He asked.
You bit your lip to hold back tears, not able to answer him without completely falling apart.
“Tell me who you are.” Haestan said softly again.
He groaned and grew impatient when you wouldn’t answer him, so he stood from the fire and came closer to you, kneeling down as you flinched.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I’d rather trade you for silver,” he chuckled.
You returned his remark with a soft semblance of a smile, nodding slightly as Haestan continued.
“Alfred thinks we made peace with him, but he is wrong. There will never be peace,” Haestan chuckled, “Even when he gifts us beautiful women like you.”
Your hands started to tremble again, your gut telling you that you could never turn your back or trust this brute of a man, regardless of his words.
“Who owns you?” Haestan asked again.
You looked up at him, tears in your eyes and slight rage. “I am not someone’s property! I…I am a noble of Scotland.”
Haestan grinned at your words, thinking of the riches he could acquire with your ransom. 
Haestan gave you a smirk. “And who can I send word to on your behalf?”
You were hesitant to tell him of your father’s position to implicate him further, but you could definitely have him send for Finan, who you thought would be well known enough to reach in Winchester at the very least. 
“His n-name is Finan, of Winchester. O-of Coccham, I mean!”
Haestan held your gaze for a few moments, then rolled his eyes with a groan. You searched his eyes for a moment before speaking urgently.
“What? What is it? Y-you know him?!”
“Of course I know the Irish bastard,” Haestan scoffed, “Uhtred’s man?”
“Yes!!! Yes,” you answered, “Please, they will give you anything you want.”
Haestan laughed, untying the rope that held your waist to the tree but keeping your hands bound, “Come, sit by the fire and warm yourself. We will journey to Uhtred and his men at first light. And I may very well be a rich man by tomorrow,” he laughed again.
“Thank you,” you said softly, Haestan’s lack of vileness giving you enough calm to stop your heart from racing for a moment.
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Finan and Domnal’s troop had started the route to East Anglia, and soon the sun was setting on the horizon. Uhtred had decided to follow, against his own better judgment, but him and the others stayed far back and weren’t sure if Finan knew they had indeed chosen to come along.
“Lord, does this make us traitors?” Sihtric asked as the men sat on their horses, Osferth silently wondering the same thing.
Uhtred had been deep in contemplation, and took a moment to acknowledge the question.
“Yes, Sihtric. It has all gone too far now.”
“But we continue to follow, yes?” Sihtric asked.
Uhtred shrugged somewhat hopelessly. “I can’t leave him to face this alone... I need to bring him back to himself. But I can’t do that until the Princess is found. She is the key to his heart. You two are free men, free to choose.”
Sihtric nodded, and then so did Osferth. “We will stay, Lord.”
The troop made camp at dusk, and Uhtred witnessed Finan walking away from the camp by himself at a distance. Uhtred made a split decision and ran to him. He noticed when he got closer that he was different, the darkness in his eyes gone at this moment and replaced with tears.
Finan looked over to see Uhtred coming near, rubbing the tears from his eyes quickly before nodding to Uhtred, who immediately put a hand on his shoulder, searching his gaze.
Uhtred chuckled at Finan’s accent. There he was again, his Irishman.
Uhtred wrapped him in a strong embrace. He felt Finan begin to sob into his shoulder, so he pulled him in tighter. Uhtred knew that Finan’s heart had been shattered the moment you had been discovered missing, and Domnal and Constantin’s presence influenced him in violent and political ways. Finan was strong, perhaps one of the strongest and fiercest men Uhtred had ever met. However, the coming days, weeks, and months would determine his destiny as he faced the heavy burden of loving someone enough to burn everything to the ground.
>>> Part 2
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Thank you for reading. Please reblog and comment 💜
Taglist: @gemini-mama @persephones-journey @alexagirlie @justanother-sihtricgirlie @whitedarkmoonflower
@ficnation @bcon24
Graphics by @saradika-graphics 💗
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The One (Part 16)
The one with the silence
Sihtric x Reader
A/N: Ragetti is the name of the one-eyed character from The Pirates of The Caribbean. You'll know what I mean! I left a picture for reference at the end of this post :)
Y/N said her goodbyes to Thyra and Beocca, telling them she was tired and that they should stay and enjoy the party once they tried to leave with her. She walked toward the entrance of the palace when she found Steapa sitting in the garden, having a drink by himself. He saw her and gave her a nod as he stood up, clearly not expecting anyone to catch him sitting alone away from the party "Lady"
"Aren't you supposed to be guarding? Inside?" She asked him with a smile
"I just needed a minute from all the..."
"Royal drama?" She raised an eyebrow and he nodded while they shared a laugh
"Are you leaving already, Lady?" He asked and she nodded "Let me walk you. I could use the air" He said before she could protest. 
So both of them made their way back from the wedding to the ale house, where Y/N knew she would find Finan, Osferth and Sihtric drinking. Steapa walked next to her and Y/N was glad she got to share the walk with him. He was a very funny man, he had make her laugh almost all the way, her laughter earning the attention of her friends once they got there, only to be greeted by a very annoying Aethelwold who walked to them as soon as he saw her
"Lady Y/N. I've been looking for you at the party" He said and her friends looked between the pair, confused
"I can make him disappear, Lady" Steapa whispered to her only which made her laugh "Just say the word?" He begged for a reason to punch the man but they both knew it wasn't the ideal way to behave and that it would only creat more chaos
"I'm fine, my friend" She said to him with a smile "Go enjoy the wedding"
"Lady" He said nodding at her before going back to the palace, not without sending a warning look to Aethelwold 
Y/N sat next to Finan and Aethelwold boldly sat across from her, next to a very annoyed Sihtric who looked at him but Aethelwold decided to ignore him "Why is the weasel looking for you, Y/N?" Finan asked but she only shrugged as she poured herself some ale
"The weasel has a name, Irishman" Aethelwold replied rolling his eyes
"So you do consider yourself a weasel" Osferth said making everyone at the table laughed, except for Aethelwold
"Said the bastard child..."
"Hey! You better watch it, Ragetti" Y/N sternly said slamming her cup on the table and pointing at Aethelwold "You will not talk to my friends that way" Everyone stood silent for a few seconds, surprised by the way Y/N had reacted and defended Osferth. But she hold the one-eyed man's gaze, daring him to say something other than an apology
"My apologies, Lady" He said smiling at her in an attempt to make himself believable "It seems I may have drunk too much already and I lost my manners" She didn't believe him, no one did. But she said nothing else 
"Who's Ragetti?" Osferth asked and Y/N rolled her eyes but laughed at her friend's confusion telling him he would tell him later
"I must say you have a beautiful smile, Lady" Aethelwold spoke again
"Okay...?" She replied sipping from her cup and she looked over to Sihtric who only shrugged at her 
"What is it you want, Aethelwold?" Finan asked annoyed at the man
"All I want, Finan, is to get to know the Lady better" He explained "Is that a crime?"
"What if I told you she is already taken?" Finan said to him and a frown appeared in both Y/N and Aethelwold's face
"She is?" He asked clearly not believing him
"I am?" Finan gave her a look "I am" She stated to the man
"By God" Osferth added, catching up with the joke
"Ah, yes, God" She said as she looked up to the sky "My one and only true man" Finan snorted, Osferth smiled widely and even Sihtric couldn't contain his laugh. It was pretty obvious they were messing with Aethelwold, and he might be annoying but he wasn't that supid. He knew what was happening so he eventually got up from the table to leave
"It was lovely to meet you, Lady" Aethelwold said and Y/N gave him a weird smile "Hope I will see you again, soon" And with that he walked away from the table ignoring the other men sitting with her
"What's with you and the royal family?" Finan asked her after a few seconds
"I have no idea" She said as she shrugged "Maybe I am meant to be royalty. I know I am a princess at heart, at least" She joked and everyone laughed, Finan pouring the last of the ale on his cup
But Y/N took the cup away from him "Do not" He stated as he tried to take it back but she was faster, slipping away from her sit next to him as she drunk it all in one sip earning a laugh from anyone but Finan "She always does that" He mumbled as she sat next to Sihtric this time, for protection against her grumpy friend "You are paying for the next jug, young lady" He said pionting at her
"Princesses do not pay" She scoffed with too much confidence "Also this princess does not have any coin" Osferth smiled at her friend and Y/N felt Sihtric's body shaking next to her chuckling at her words.
"This princess needs to learn how to braid her hair" Sihtric said to her as he touched one of the few braids along her long hair. Y/N heart skipped a bit when he had called her princess, already feeling a little blush on her cheeks
"Oh, I know how to" She said not pushing his hand away from her "I'm just lazy" She shrugged and smiled at him playfully. A smile he returned and she wondered how she had not melted already. He hold her gaze and for a second she felt as if it was only the two of them...
"Sihtric?" A new voice broke them from their little moment and they looked over to the source of the voice only to found a woman standing close to the table. Sihtric's frame stiffened, his hand falling from her hair and everyone's smile fade away "Can we talk?" She looked uncomfortable, nervous even. A few awkward, and silent, seconds went by before Sihtric got up, saying nothing, and followed her away from the ale house and into the dark streets
"Who is that?" Y/N asked her friends and she noticed the uncomfortable look Osferth and Finan shared with each other
"That's Sigdeflaed" Osferth replied to her "Sihtric's almost wife"
"Osferth" Finan said sternly, clearly he had given too much information
"Oh" Y/N said softly, realizing there was much to the story she thought "I didn't know he almost got married"
"It is not something he enjoys rememebering, Lady" Finan said to her as he grabbed the empty jug of ale and got up from the table "There is a reason he does not speak about it. And it is not our story to tell" He said to Osferth who looked down at the table and nodded at his friend's words
Y/N really really wanted to ask. She consider pushing Osferth about it once Finan drop drunk on his bed, but decided against it. It felt wrong, Sihtric would tell her if he wanted to, right?
A few days had passed and she noticed how Sihtric's interactions with her had diminished noticeably. He hadn't made any comment on what happened or what the woman wanted, at least not in front of her. 
"It'd be months before Edward's king" Finan said as they all sat together at Beocca's place. But Y/N was once again not paying attention but watching over Sihtric, wishing she could read minds so she could figure out why on earth the quietest of men had gone even quieter when Thyra entered the house
Y/N touched slightly Hild's arm, both women noticing Thyra's upset state. They both walked toward the red haired woman and saw the tears on her face, Hild did not doubt when she pushed her in a comforting hug while Y/N made a signal to the men "Thyra?" Said Beocca realizing something was going on "What is it? Why the tears?" 
"I'm going to fucking kill him" Y/N said grabbing her knife after Thyra had told them between sobs what just happened with a man name Tidman on the streets
"Not if I kill him first" Beocca mumbled as he stormed out of the door
"Wooah, easy there" Finan said as he took the knife from her hand "You are not killing anybody"
"Y/N no" Thyra said stopping her from arguing with Finan "If you go it will put a target on your back"
"She is right" Uhtred agreed "You already stand out too much"
"I do not" She replied rolling her eyes and everyone gave her a look "I do?"
"Please stay" Thyra said and once again Y/N did not have the heart to tell her no, so she stayed. She sat next to her friend as the men started to follow Beocca to prevent him from doing something stupid or for backup, Y/N was not sure. Sihtric gave her one final look before he walked out, Y/N missing it for a second as she looked up and saw his back towards her as Osferth closed the door.
Picture for reference of Ragetti, from Pirates of The Caribbean
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If you wanna be tag, let me know! 💜
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The One (Part 6)
The one with the outlaws
Sihtric x Reader
They were on the road again and Y/N already missed not sleeping on the floor. 
They arrived at Aylesbury in silence. Y/N saw tents and tents and so many soldiers outside the walls and couldn't hel but wonder if it was because they didn't fit inside or, if in case of an attack, they were the first to die. 
The doors opened, a few men with spears blocked the entrance as a very tall and big man stepped outside, sword in hand. Two blonde men, one shorter than the other, followed.
Uthred and Aethelflaed got off their horses as the big man spoke "I ought to kill you were you stand, Lord"
"You could try, my friend" Really Uthred? Really? "I'm here to see the king"
"You ride with outlaws, my dear" The shorter blonde man said as he approach. And yes, he was definitly an idiot. Y/N could even see that from that far
"He's an outlaw of Wessex, not Mercia" Aethelflaed defended "We are here to see my father"
"What is it you have to say to the King that you cannot say to your husband?"
"I want to speak of treachery and traitors" Aethelflaed said calmy and Y/N smiled broadly at the man's face. You go, girl "The dane Haesten did attacked the nunnery at Wincelcumb. It was his purpose to kill me"
"Haesten claims to be a friend to Alfred. He is not" Uthred added 
"Let the outlaw pass" Said Aethelred "No weapons"
"Lord Aethelred" Finan called "Like you we stand against the Danes" But Aethelred only rolled his eyes and walked away
"No weapons is the command, Irishman" Said the big man "None at all"
Soldiers came to took the weapons as everyone got off the horses. They all followed the big man through the doors and inside the walls. Y/N tried to stay as close as she could to Osferth and the rest of the group, trying to ignore the looks other soldiers gave her
"My father cannot suspect my husband is the traitor" Aethelflaed explained, her voice low
"We should kill your husband and be done with it" Finan said to seriously
"And begin a war between Wessex and Mercia now?"
"Lady, I'm joking" Finan whispered with a cheeky grin "We'll kill him tomorrow" 
"We halt. Stop!" Said suddenly the big man
"We know what halt means, big man"
"Speak for yourself, Irishman" Y/N whispered to herself
"Steapa we are both thursty and hungry" Aethelflaed pleaded
"You may enter the hall, Lady. The outlaws do not" Steapa explained
"Then I choose to remain here with the outlaws" Aethelflaed said looking at everyone and specially at Y/N as if asking to play along and she nodded to her friend
"As you wish" 
"Uhm, what if I need to piss?" Finan said nonchalantly
Steapa froze in his steps and turned around to walk to straight to Finan "Then take out your cock"
"And if you mistake it for a weapon, what then?" Y/N snorted so hard and loud she had to hide behind Osferth at the look Steapa gave her. 
"Steapa, food and ale would be appreciated" Uhtred said as Steapa patted Finan's shoulder and smiled. Y/N looked over her friend's shoulder, still unable to hide her laugh when she found Sihtric looking at her, smiling widely. She could feel the heat on her cheeks.
"I will arrange it"
"And Steapa, good food" Finan insisted, everyone had a smile on their faces "Meat, and lots of ale!"
They were escorted to a table at an alehouse. Y/N between Aethelflaed and Osferth as the food and ale were brought to the table "How are you feeling?" Her friend asked and Y/N shrugged
"I'd kill for some fries, but this will do" She joked and as she saw the confusion on everyone's faces she gave her friend an honest answer "I understand almost nothing about what is going on, but I'm okay. I'll be okay" 
Aethelflaed smiled and nodded at her and changed the subject to the war. Y/N looked away from her friend to find, once again, Sihtric looking at her. This time it felt as if he was studying her and she could feel the heat on her cheeks again. Again? Put it together Y/N. But this seemed to only amuse Sihtric as he smirked at her and oh how she wanted to punch him in the face again. To slap away his cocky smile. Or maybe even just stare at him and maybe....No. No.
Y/N grabbed her drink to distract herself and down it all in one sip, looking away. "You okay?" Osferth asked her and she nodded telling him not to worrie about it
"The Lady can drink" Said Finan with a big smile
"Of course I can drink. Am I not supposed to?" 
"Not like that, no" Finan laughed and looked at his friends for support to which they nodded in agreement
"Steapa" Said a new voice
"Lord Sigebriht"
"An approximation to a witan has gathered" The man explained as he reached the table "The outlaws are required"
"What is an approximation to a witan?" Sihtric asked Finan as they all stood up from the table and started to walk towards the hall
"It's almost a witan, but not quite" Finan replied
"Wow, Finan" Y/N mocked him "So much knowledge" He playfully pushed her from her side as they both smile
Everyone entered the hall but only Aethelflaed and Uthred walked to right in front of her husband. Osferth, Finan, Sihtric and Y/N stayed behind in a corner, near the door. From where they could hear and see everything as well as flee right away Y/N noticed.
"Apologies from keeping you waiting in the cold, my dear" Aethelred said and he didn't even bother to hide his fake smile. "Your father is to blame. After deliberation, he decided not to attend"
"I am here in place of the king" Said another man. He looked a little younger than Aethelflaed, tall and blonde. Is everyone blonde in this place? "I'm here to speak for the king."
Y/N only half listened to the conversation really. She was to focused looking around her. The place was amazing. I mean, not really, but considering she had only seen places like this on the internet she was amazed anyway. These were the places in which history was decided, they were icons of an era. The walls, and the super detailed chandeliers. So many candles "And yet, it is so dark" she whispered to herself not realizing. Osferth pushed her shoulder a little, as if to bring her back from her toughts while Finan shush her "Sorry" She muttered and she tried to stay as still as she could 
"A spy" Said Aethelred
"An assassin" Said an older man and every other man in the room started to murmur
"No, he saved me" Aethelread defended Uhtred who just rolled 
"I should've expected nothing different" He sighed, clearly tired and dissapointed from all the comments about him
"He has risked all for me..."
"That is what he wants you to believe, surely" Now it was Y/N time to roll her eyes at Aethelred's words
"Seems a rather grand strategy, Lord Aethelred" The blonde man representing the king said. Finally, someone with a brain "And for what?"
"He is here among us"
"And under guard"
"Then let us get to the truth of the matter" A voice said and everyone went silent as they straightened themselves "Let us hear exactly what Uhtred is here" His voice was strong and assertive, yet he looked pale and old.
Y/N recognized him inmediatly. Yes, it helped that he was wearing a crown, but still, the posture, the way he walked and talked "King Alfred" Her voice only a soft whisper as she took a step foward to have a better look, only to be stopped by Sihtric. He grabbed by her hand and pushed her back softly. She looked over him but he was staring at Uhtred and the king, still his hand remained on hers. 
Alfred stood in front of Uhtred, staring right at him "What do you have to say to me?"
Y/N really wanted to concentrate on the conversation. She wanted to listen and to understand better what was going on. She wanted to have an opinion about things. She wanted to... Sihtric moved a little next to her, but his hand still never left hers. Both their cloaks covering them from outside eyes. Once again this man had revolted her thoughts, leaving her frozen in place and heat on her cheeks. Why did she feel so nervous? It was unsettling and yet, if she was being honest, she didn't want him to let go of her.
The conversation continued for a few minutes. Uhtred's news about Ragnar's death brought a lot of heat to the topic of attacking other Danes as Haesten. Uhtred was honest, he wanted revenge and for that he needed men, but the king was not on board with it. Alfred dismissed Uhtred and his group and left the room not forgetting to remind Uhtred he was still unwelcome in Wessex. 
Everyone got out the hall after a few minutes, Aethelflaed and Uhtred finding the rest right next to the door "Come, I want you to meet someone" Aethelflaed said to Y/N and took her hand guiding her to the room on the back of the hall
"Father. Edward" She said smiling "I want you to meet Y/N"
The man stood from his chair slowly and went to meet a very wide eye Y/N "Lady Y/N, it's nice to meet you" He kindly said and with even a small smile.
"Lady" Edward nodded at her
"Hi..." Was all Y/N could muttered and after a few seconds of her shock of meeting the fucking king of the future England she cleared her throat and tried again "Uhm, Hi hello, it is really nice to meet you" She said with a big smile and then remember to add "Lord"
"Lord king" Her friend corrected her with a smile
"Right, yes, sorry. Lord king" She repeated and even bowed a little not entirly sure what to do in these situations
"Y/N and I met a few months ago" Aethelflaed explained to her father "And she has an amazing story and news I would love to share with you" Y/N looked at her friend puzzled
"And what would that be?" Alfred said lovingly to his daughter
"England" She stated and Y/N stared at her in pure shock "It is not a dream anymore, father. It will come true" She said and Alfred's eyes grew bigger but remained composed "She has seen it"
"And how exactly have you seen this?" He asked directly to Y/N who was still to shocked about her friend's action to speak 
"A dream maybe?" Edward suggested
"She is no witch, brother" Aethelflaed exlplained "She is visiting us from far away in time"
"And in this time, there's an England?" Alfred asked Y/N and she didn't know what to do but nod 
"Y/N tell him" Her friend said smiling
"No..." She hesitated and her friend frowned "I can't talk about this stuff, I told you this many times" She whispered to Aethelflaed
"What is it you can't say, Lady Y/N?" Alfred asked. He looked as if he truly want to believe his daughter. Some messanger from the future to confirm his dream would come true, but still aprehensive of the magic involving time traveling "Is my daughter lying?"
"No, no. She is not" Y/N defended her friend and regretted a little. She took a deep breath and decided honesty was the best chance "Your daughter is telling the truth. But I didn't plan to be here and now. I don't know how my actions will affect the course of things and I can't risk to talk about the future I know"
He nodded, understanding, or pretending he did at least, what she meant. Still, hope was written all over his face "But England..."
"All I will say is all your hard work will one day pay off" Y/N said and she swore she saw some tears on Alfred's eyes. He thanked her wholeheartedly and excused himself to go to his prayers. 
Y/N wasted not one second to storm out of the room and out of the hall and into the streets that lead to the ale house, the only place she knew at the moment. Her heart was beating to hard on her chest, she was out of breath and tears started to fill her eyes. Anxiety started to consume her.
"Y/N! Wait!" Aethelflaed called her from the stairs of the castle but she was ignored. She followed her friend and grabbed her arm before she made it to the table with the other "Hold on, please! What is wrong?"
"You had no right!" Y/N snapped, facing her "You had no right in telling them those things"
Aethelflaed stopped in her tracks for a second and looked around them. Steapa was close, already watching them as they walked out the hall. Uhtred, Osferth, Finan and Sihtric looked over them once they heard Y/N raising her voice. But they were not the only ones stealing glances at them "Y/N, please understand I had to" She explained "It his life dream. Everything he has worked for all his life..."
"I told you this in confidence" Y/N said softer than before "This is not something you can go and tell people about, Aethelflaed. Not everyone will understand or believe"
"He deserves to know"
"And you can get me killed for it!" She didn't want to get over dramatic about it, but let's say that this period in time wasn't famous for how safe the woman were, specially if people believe them for witches or something else. Y/N was scared, she already stood out with the things she said and her actions, not to say her looks, she wanted to lay as low as possible until she could get back home 
"I wouldn't let that happen, you know this"
"It was not your decision to make, Aethelflaed!" She apparently took a few steps to close to the Lady of Mercia as Steapa was next to her in less than a second, sword in hand. Y/N took a step back not expecting this to happen at all. Osferth appeared right next to Y/N, ready to fight and defend his friend, followed by a much calmer Sihtric and Finan
"Steapa, it's ok" Aethelflaed said and the man relaxed
"What is going on?" Uhtred asked calmly looking between the women
"Nothing" Aethelflaed said but Y/N kept quite "Let us discuss more important matters" she said as she walked towards the table and sat and Steapa returned to his previous place
Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes. Uhtred looked at her searching for more information but decided to let go for the moment and followed Aethelflaed to the table. The others stayed next to Y/N for a little longer. Osferth placed a hand on her shoulder as to reasure her she was not alone and she smiled at him as she said "I really need a drink"
"I can help with that" Finan cheered up and went to the table to grab her some ale. Y/N took a deep breath and follow her friends.
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lordavanti · 6 years
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Finan x Reader
Request:  Finan angst where him and reader like one another but she is taken and uhtred has to hold finan back from going after her. Taglist: @whenimaunicorn @nofearforthesettingsun @anni2802
Words: 952
You had already done it all that morning, from carrying buckets water forth and back to chopping some wood. A husband like yours was useless, the only thing he did was drinking ale and command you around. You were the most happy when he followed into battle, it was the only time you had some quiet and peace. The pile of wood in your arms hardly gave you the opportunity to look where you were walking. The mud underneath your feet made everything even more difficult. A wood block fell of the pile and you signed, trying to trace it with your eyes for somebody picked it up for you. ‘You burden yourself with to much Y/n.’ You recognized that voice again, that heavy Irish accent and it made you instantly smile, looking for the face that suited the voice. He still held the wood, looking up from it in your eyes. ‘Some women simply don’t have that choice.’ You replied softly. You saw he wanted to help you but that would only result in your husband being rough with you when he noticed your affection for this warrior. ‘Why are you doing this to yourself?’ He asked. He was concerned, something you loved, his tenderness, his concern and yet he could be so lethal. ‘Because I don’t have a choice.’ You repeated. ‘Finan!’ You both turned towards Uhtred who was looking at the both of you. ‘Let her be in peace, she is to good a woman for you anyway.’ He made a joke and yet both of you knew he only did it to keep Finan safe. Finan looked to the ground before looking back to you. ‘Be safe.’ He just said, with those raised promesing eyebrows, walking away with that piece of wood still in his hand. ‘You to.’ You followed softly. Finan walked by Uhtred who gave you a soft look. ‘Go home Y/n.’ He commanded you before following his right hand to the horses.
That evening you were in the company of Gisela, Uhtred and his men. You provided them with food, ale and wine. You placed a plate between Uhtred and his wife while trying to ignore Finan his look. ‘He will cut your eyes out if you keep looking at her like that Finan.’ Uhtred warned. You were just stepping out of the room, yet you stood still out of sight, listening to the conversation. ‘He doesn’t care for her, she deserves better.’ Finan reacted. ‘She deserves a man like you? Who can die in battle and swore his life to my sword?’ Uhtred always had strong arguments, he was right … in a way. ‘So Sithric gets to marry a whore,’ He didn’t gave up. ‘She wasn’t married.’ Sithric came to the defense. ‘Finan! She is playing with your head, let it rest, you don’t want him after you.’ Uhtred reacted. He wasn’t getting impatient, yet his voice was a little sharper and Finan was silent. What Uhtred said was true, your husband was the size of Steapa. You believed that Finan could beat him but where would that lead to. ‘I think that is something between Finan and Y/n, if he wants to fight for a woman then that is his right. She is a kind woman and she doesn’t deserve a husband like she has now.’ Gisela came in between. ‘Thank you milady.’ Finan whispered. ‘I thought you supposed to back me up.’ Uhtred reacted. ‘Did you not fight for me my love?’ She asked, leaning over for a kiss. It was a long time silent and you peeked behind the corner towards the table. Finan seemed more at ease while Uhtred only shook his head, yet he wasn’t angry. He probably was thinking how big a fool Finan was to try fight this. You turned your eyes away, thinking over the possibilities. You knew Finan would follow his loyalty for Uhtred around, if Uhtred did forbid it he would obey but if he gave a certain permission … who would stop Finan then? Not your husband, of that much you were sure. Yet, how concerning the thoughts were, you smiled a little, felt a little hope, a little laughter on the inside of your stomach. Maybe life didn’t had to be so punishing after all.
The days that followed were a constant feeling of eyes in your back. Uhtred and his men prepared for a journey north on command of King Alfred. You were washing your husband his clothes as you looked how they readied the horses. Finan said something against Uhtred who shook his head before nodding my way. I pulled my hands out of the water and looked how Finan came my way, he looked around before pulling me gentle on my elbow behind the shed. ‘I’m leaving for battle,’ ‘Then I will pray for your safety Finan.’ You smiled, keeping behind the concern and feelings you started to grow for him. He laid his hand against your cheek, stroking his thumb along your cheek before pulling back. ‘Be safe.’ He said, turning around to leave. ‘Finan.’ You stopped him by grabbing his hand. He studied your face for a second while you stepped closer, rasing to your toes and pressing a featherlight kiss against his cheek. ‘You be safe.’ You whispered. You pulled slowly back, looking up into his eyes. He smiled, like somebody just told him a joke, like he was relieved of some kind of burden. He nodded, laying his hand on the knot of his sword before walking back to Uhtred. You walked from behind the shed and looked at him leaving, knowing that once he came back, everything would be different.
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