#Stede doesn't just push his love
aucoba · 11 months
It's the fact that every messed up thing that happened before is actually addressed now that everyone's back in the ship. The story feels so freacking compelling to me because the characters remember what they've been through. Never do they just "move on" no, they work their asses off before they remind everyone how they got hurt before going on. There's no traumatic experience that's just shove off to come back later in a petty way : it's immediately put out in the open and dealt with. And yet it's not dragged on and on for ever. The healthiness of those pirates gets me
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bizarrelittlemew · 11 months
love the implication that in the ofmd universe, chamomile is a more potent incapacitating agent than chloroform
in case you don't know, chloroform doesn't work like in cartoons and movies - one sniff from a rag won't make you go sleepy-bye. you need to hold that soaked rag to someone's face for like 5 minutes (at least) and then keep it there for the duration of unconsciousness (you also need to make sure they don't choke on their own tongue, don't try this at home kids).
but Stede walks up to a guard, they hold a dry towel at non-touching distance from their face even while sniffing it, immediately lose consciousness, and stay unconscious for the duration of the escape. also he isn't affected at all from pushing a cart full of these, not to mention preparing and touching them. amazing
and at first i thought like, okay, it's not really chamomile, it's something else and Stede is just lying, makes sense. but then during Stede's confrontation with Zheng Yi Sao in episode 7, he says "i took her entire crew down with chamomile tea", meaning that it is indeed just chamomile??
when Ed grinds up rhino horn it works like coke and when Stede infuses towels with his Bonnet Special Sleepy-Time Chamomile Blend™️ it renders victims instantaneously unconscious from a single sniff (presumably with no long-term/permanent effects) in a way no known chemical can do (at least without also killing you/rendering you comatose). i love this show
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When I think about Pete's character development too hard it makes me want to cry. He's just so sweet and wonderful and I'm love him.
The show really sets us up in the first episode to assume we know what Pete is going to be like. He's self-centered, he's an asshole, he's misogynistic and has a very over-inflated sense of self-importance. We assume he's going to push back against Stede the whole show.
And then we get to realize he's just...some guy. He doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. Once he realizes that no one's gonna make fun of him for doing unmanly things? He gets to cool the toxic masculinity angle waaaay down. We joke that gay sex fixed him but being in an environment where he gets to openly and safely love another man fixed him! He and Lucius are so sweet together, supporting each other and hyping each other up, and their relationship helps Pete feel comfortable expressing his vulnerability.
In season 2 Pete is just...the fucking best, guys. He's grumpy and snippy in the first episode because he's missing his boyfriend. He tells Lucius that he cried every night thinking he'd never see him again. He helps Roach and Wee John plan ways to cheer the crew up once they all get back together again. He's the one who says "would that make us horrible people?" when the crew decide to ditch the cursed suit with some other suckers. He gets to marry the love of his life. He's a helpful character who cares about the rest of the crew and wants to spend time with the man he loves.
Just...fuck, guys. I love Pete so much.
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thehappyfeminist-22 · 2 months
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Look at Ed's face when he and Stede are playing with each other's hands under the moonlight and Stede says, "You won." He's so in love. He's happy again. A little over 24 hours before this, he was in the depths of despair, thinking that no one loved him, that no one was waiting for him if he chose to live, so he had made the decision to die, but Stede's love pulled him back from the brink. He told him with the most besotted look in his eyes that he loves everything about him, that he loves just being near him. Do you think ANYONE in Ed's life has EVER told him anything like that? I don't think so. And when Stede kisses him and moves to deepen it, he's so overwhelmed that he has to pull away and ask to take things slow, and Stede doesn't push for more like people have no doubt done with him before. He respects his boundaries and asks permission when he gently holds his hand.
He won, alright.
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cataclysmic-cathexis · 11 months
Can we take it... slow?
Because I am once again completely normal about a piece of media, here is a visual essay on You Wear Fine Things Well Take 2: Faces and What Those Faces Are Doing (It's Kissing, But Also Emotions)
(I lightened all these screenshots up so the faces are more visible)
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Ed is telling Stede his very sweet fishing story. Stede is reacting totally appropriately - gasping, eyes wide, interested and adorable. He's genuinely loving spending this time with Ed, hearing about his day.
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He even leans forward to examine the lil fishy. CUTE. He's just so happy to be here, with Ed, talking about their days, spending time together. ("I love being near you.")
Stede tells Ed his abbreviated "cursed suit" story, where Ed delivers the "that wasn't a long story at all" line deadpan with this hilarious face:
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(Why is this face so funny? Scientists in the future may know, but alas, this mystery will not be answered within our lifetime.)
Ed then ups the ante - going from that hilarious face to this SCORCHING HOT ONE after uttering the line that ruined the life of everyone on this hellsite
You wear fine things well
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Those big brown 'come hither' eyes are HITHERING (it's a word, don't Google it tho)
What I also like about the refrain of "you wear fine things well" - Ed is signaling to Stede that he is ready to take another step. In the last episode, Ed put down a firm boundary - "you don't get to say that to me." Stede, in his adorable, desperate, determined, stubborn yet respectful way, backed off (by delivering an arguably MORE romantic speech but whatever - he respected Ed's boundary and didn't say "I love you"). Ed is pulling from their shared history, from a beautiful moment where they both felt something (although it's arguable as to whether or not in the moment Stede actually knew what he was feeling - he certainly with hindsight was like OOOOOOOOHHH).
So Ed is giving Stede the ok to take a step forward - which he does, while making this face with is the human equivalent of the heart eyes emoji:
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Stede then looks away - and he stays in place, letting Ed come to him, making sure it's Ed to initiate. I think Stede wants Ed to be sure, doesn't want to push, since he knows how badly he fucked up and knows how deep Ed's hurt is.
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Stede looks back up, but stays in place. Ed is looking at him with such vulnerability...
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..as he slowly does his adorable little teenager-about-to-have-their-first-kiss shuffle...
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And he leans in for that sweet kiss under the waxing moon.
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Initially it's just Ed who is leaning in, but then Stede leans into the kiss as well - and deepens it.
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Ed is then like "ok weird for ME to be the one saying this but it's probably healthier if we don't skip straight to banging each other's brains out on the deck of the ship and like, make sure of our feelings first"
After Ed says "We're whim-prone, as you said," Stede goes through a little mini crisis. First, fuck why did I say that:
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Then - before Ed can finish what he's saying, Stede's face falls. He's so worried he's messed this up. Ed gave him a kiss and he tried to go too fast, and he's getting rejected again.
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He tries to put a brave face on it, but our lil guy is SO SAD
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Then once Ed finishes his fish metaphor ("You can't catch a fish unless the fish wants to be caught") Stede realises that Ed isn't rejecting him. I think Ed's vulnerability here and how unsure he is ("we're the fish, I guess. Maybe. I think.") helps Stede to remember hey, this isn't about me and my stuff right now, this is about Ed and Ed's stuff.
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Stede gains a little confidence back. He's reassured. Ed is still trying to figure out who he is without Blackbeard, and Stede gets it. And Ed still wants him to be a part of who the new Ed is ("we're the fish"). He's like ok, I got u babe.
So he pulls himself back, but he still wants Ed to feel his affection, and to know that Ed is loved. So he holds Ed's hand and asks for permission.
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"What about this? Is this alright?"
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"This? Perfect."
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Then they have their adorable little hand moment - just happy that they understand one another, happy to be touching, happy to be together.
"You won." Stede whispers.
Ed looks away, beaming:
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And, in contrast to the last time they stood on the deck, under the moon, and said "you wear fine things well", this time they walk off together.
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areyoudoingthis · 11 months
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This shot makes me completely insane. Ed's wanted to bury the Kraken and Blackbeard for so long, but now he's literally and symbolically digging himself up from the depths, he's swimming all the way to the bottom on purpose to drag himself back out.
And he does it in part because he's just been told "If you were ever good at anything, go and do that", and then rowed himself back into a nightmare, ships burning everywhere, Stede missing, and British soldiers harassing him while he's barely coping with what he's seeing. Maybe at first this is about bringing the Kraken back out of anger and dissociation, but that's why what happens next is so important. Because whatever his motivations are in this moment, he's doing something. The last time he was underwater he was drowning and Stede's presence saved him, this time he's taking action and doing whatever he can to fight back. And anger is only part of that, has always only been part of what moves Ed to violence.
Blackbeard and the Kraken have always been fueled by love, and fear, and yes, rage against unjust situations that made Ed feel helpless and trapped, and then left him feeling even worse for fighting back. And that last bit is what changes this time around and allows Ed to reintegrate, because for the first time, he's not alone anymore to deal with the aftermath, he's not a kid without a family, he's not a man crying alone in secret in an empty room without anyone to console him.
After he digs himself up, he emerges fully dressed on the shore, Edward Teach literally reborn on a beach at last, leathers back on and determined to do whatever it takes to find Stede. And it's such a powerful shot: he's all in black against the white surf, dripping wet hair completely obscuring his features and trailing tentacle shaped rivulets of water in front of his face.
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The next shot we see is his shadow self, his dark, blurry reflection on the sand. The only bit of Ed's actual body we get are his feet stepping determinedly on the wet sand, making his way back to land and to Stede and towards his full self (although he hasn't realized this last bit yet).
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But it's not until he finds the soldiers reading Stede's letter -and this is such a lovely representation of how the core of the show is the relationship between these two men- that all the parts of him are finally able to integrate into a single person when Ed embraces the Kraken and Blackbeard and Ed as being of equal value. It's reading the adoring, unhesitating declaration of Stede's love that allows Ed to redefine himself, to see his darker parts in a different light, the light Stede has cast on his life.
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He reads the letter, realizes the depth of Stede's love for him, understands he's really committed to Ed for good (in permanent ink), that he didn't push him away by showing him his trauma as he feared, that sharing the story he's never told anyone else about his first and worst act of violence didn't make Stede reject him, that Stede loves him and wants him in his life for good. He has a short cry about it while he reads and processes.
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And then he roars "you wrote me a lovely letter" and charges. A lot has been said about how angry in love the line sounds, and yes, he is angry, angry that he almost lost Stede again, angry that the British soldiers would mock the letter, angry that they'd hurt Stede and that they'd think they can do whatever they want just because they have the power, think they can separate them again after everything they've been through.
Ed has been afraid of his anger for so long, made up a tale and a whole different persona to hide it behind, but his anger has always been born of love, of the need to keep his loved ones safe, of rage against abuse and injustice, and this is what he needed to be able to see in order to start healing.
He's in love, Stede's in danger, he needs his protection, and Ed offers it unflinchingly and doesn't hate himself for it this time, sees the part of him that is capable of killing not as monster but as loving protector at last. Because the British are abusing their entirely illegitimate authority, and the man he loves is in trouble and may even be dead, and this isn't even a question for Ed, he'll fight for him.
And once he's safe he'll drop his weapons at their feet to kiss him and tell him what he's finally become able to say: he loves him. He's maybe beginning not to hate himself, and he loves Stede. And Stede reaffirms what he wrote in the letter, tells him that he knows, that it isn't Ed-Blackbeard-Kraken that's a dick, but life.
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Is this arc done? No, of course not. Healing happens in stops and starts, it takes a long time, and that's why DJ has said from the beginning that OFMD was always meant to be three seasons long; the last season is going to be all about Ed and Stede dealing with their issues so they can grow and heal. But they were always meant to do it together, because that's when they're strongest, that's when they're able to shed a light on the other's darkest bits and help him see them in a kinder, loving way.
This was an emotionally charged step in Ed's journey of growth and self acceptance, but the issue will probably come back up in the future, especially now that he and Stede are slowing down and taking time to process their mountains of trauma and everything they've been through in a very condensed amount of time.
But this is still an incredibly significant moment for Ed. He's gone from panicking and hiding under a blanket in a bathtub to throwing parts of himself overboard to digging them up from the bottom of the sea towards the shore and the light, and wielding them intentionally to fight for what he loves.
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Pieces of media my mom has seen and the popular MLM ships in them that she doesn't think are gay:
MCU - Stucky (note that she does get a kick out of Stony stuff and she believes wholeheartedly that those two hate fucked in a not-filmed scene of Avengers 2012 so this is not about her thinking "oh Captain America is so straight-laced because he's the ideal American man" or anything)
MCU - Poolverine (she's fully aware and accepting of the fact that both Logan and Wade are canonically queer characters but she thinks all the flirting Wade did with Logan in the newest movie didn't necessarily mean anything because "he talks like that to everyone". Side note though: while she believes Wade should be with Vanessa, she does think that Logan can and should shoot his shot with Wade after Vanessa inevitably dies since he and Wade are both immortal. It's just that she thinks Wade should get his happy ending with Vanessa first.)
MCU - Lokius ("Mama have you ever seen a man fix another man's tie like that" "No but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen! I wouldn't know though; it's been like 15 years since I worked a corporate job.")
Sonyverse/Marvel - Symbrock ("They literally have a symbiotic relationship. That doesn't make them gay." So I showed her the comics where Eddie calls Venom "love" and gives birth to Venom's babies and she said "Fine you win but please never show me alien man birth ever again."
Supernatural - Destiel ("They're like Steve and Bucky! They're brothers in arms! They've been through hell and back together!" Note that she only watched through season 5 but she does know about a lot of their later interactions because I told her about them)
House M.D. - Hilson ("Dot I watched that whole show and they were never anything more than good friends" "What about when House admitted to thinking about Wilson during sex? What about that whole episode where they pretended to be gay for each other to prove a point to a neighbor and Wilson proposed? What about that whole episode where Wilson had to furnish the apartment and House told him not to let a woman tell him what to do but Wilson let House tell him what to do? What about the whole ending?" "Why can't two men just be close enough friends to joke about that stuff with each other?"
Real life - Me and my best friend of the same gender orientation who I've kissed multiple times and have had a requited crush on for years that neither of us have ever persued for logistical reasons (I literally used me and this friend to try and prove my mom wrong about Stucky and Destiel. I asked her if she thought me and this friend were like brothers and she said yes with a straight face)
Sherlock - Johnlock (to be fair this is the BBC ship name, but she doesn't think any iteration of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are the slightest bit gay. "They're business partners and roommates.")
Our Flag Means Death - BlackHands (Should go ahead and say that I'm not really a BlackHands shipper myself; we both really enjoyed Stede and Ed's romance in the show. BUT it takes so much away from Izzy's character and his development if you don't acknowledge that he was jealous of Stede and in love with Ed, at least a little. My mom thought Izzy was just an extremely loyal first mate.)
Also, for the record, I'm not trying to call my mom out as homophobic. I'm queer and so are two of my siblings and she's very supportive of us. There are gay romcoms she enjoys like Our Flag Means Death and Red, White, and Royal Blue. The reason I'm making this list is because I think it's really funny how she doesn't understand the concept of queerbaiting (not that all of the above listed ships are queerbaiting). She thinks things are either explicitly straight or explicitly queer (whether it's gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc) and cannot comprehend the idea that some character relationships are deliberately pushing the boundaries of straight friendships into queer relationships to get more minority viewers and I think her explanations are funny.
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adickaboutspoons · 1 year
Fuck me, I have more to say about this moment:
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And it's gonna get ugly, folks, so buckle in. As important as it is to understand this scene as a moment of Character Growth for Stede? It's also key to understanding Why Shit Went Down the way it did during the negotiation of the escape plan in Act of Grace. So Stede stands up for himself and draws some boundaries. Good for him! Love to see it. And how does Ed respond to "I don't like who you are around this guy?"
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And what does he say when he chooses to leave with Jack?
It's a through-line. In this moment, Ed is calling back to the conversation on the beach. I don't think he is being intentionally cruel - to him, what he's saying is more of a reflection of his struggles with feelings of worthlessness - but how can Stede help but make the association; the ONE TIME he draws boundaries with Ed, Ed leaves. Not only does Ed choose to go, rather than stay and respect Stede's boundaries (which, I would argue are completely reasonable here; Don't wantonly kill innocent animals), he is aligning himself with the man that has spent the entire day tormenting Stede ("This" - Jack killing Karl - "is who I am"). Again, I'm not saying that he's being intentionally cruel; I don't think he fully understands how awful Jack has been to Stede. But, surely you can see how, from Stede's perspective, this is absolutely DEVASTATING - much more than JUST the heartbreak of the man that you had so recently made tentative plans to join your life with ("Co-Captains!") breaking up with you. But breaking up with you AND CHOOSING ONE OF THE WORST PEOPLE YOU KNOW OVER YOU.
So now we come to the Act of Grace and the scene on the beach:
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No, AFTER that.
Ed proposes a plan to run away together. And Stede... doesn't say yes. In fact, his first instinct is to push back, THREE TIMES.
"But you said there was no escape."
"What about the English? They'll be all over us."
"China? That's quite far away."
Every time Ed dismisses his concerns - comes up with a reason to make the plan A Thing. Ed is clearly not going to take "no" for an answer.
And what happened the last time Stede told him no?
Ed left.
Ed broke his heart.
Ed sided with the kind of person that validates Stede's every insecurity about not being enough.
So is it any wonder that Stede gives in? And not even with enthusiastic consent. With the most tepid positive-leaning neutral responses possible.
"I think so."
(Which is to say nothing about his body language - the incredulous-bordering-on-disgusted face he makes when he talks about China, his lips pressed together when he says "Mm-hm", the way he starts the conversation leaning in toward Ed, his body twisted toward him, but quickly shifts so his body is angled straight ahead with his head awkwardly twisted to the side to look at Ed)
The seeds of tragedy were planted when Ed left Stede. Because, by doing so, he accidentally reinforced a lifetime of Stede being taught that his wants and needs are secondary to those of others, and that acceptance is conditional on compliance.
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teeny-tiny-revenge · 6 months
Came across this in a fic again and I have to vent for a moment here: Ed's hair isn't unclean or not taken care of. Ever. Even at his lowest, in the first two episodes of season two, his hair is light and blows with the wind, it's got perfect waves, there is zero grime in it. Impossible Birds Ed hair has clearly been fairly recently washed, combed out and conditioned. Ed canonically loves soap, and you don't get that hair without owning a comb or brush and frequently working oil into it. He's at sea! The air is salty! It'll dry out your hair, but Ed's hair doesn't ever look dried out. The day he decides to commit suicide he puts his hair up into a lovely bun, with whispy stands framing his face. I have no idea what some people are watching, because Ed taking meticulous care (and most likely also putting pride and love) into his hair is clear, on-screen canon.
Like, if you want to write about how he was neglecting himself in his depression Kraken era? There's plenty there for you on screen as well! He sobs all night, probably sleeps on the floor if he sleeps at all. He doesn't wear his knee brace. He drinks and does drugs (and admits to that being poison to Frenchie!). He's pushing everyone away, he's pushing himself hard into a role that made him passively suicidal even before the breakup depression. He doesn't watch his back during raids At All. There's so much self harm there to address. If you want to, it would probably be plausible to add him not bothering to properly care for any wounds he might obtain during a raid. But he clearly doesn't neglect bathing and hair care. They're probably the only elements of self-care he actually still does during this dark time!
Even rock bottom Ed doesn't neglect his hair. And that says things about him! It's also something I'd love to see actually addressed in fic (will probably write it myself one of these days...): Taking good care of his hair, putting on jewelry, doing his makeup, these are things that seem to bring Ed joy or relief in his darkest moments. Where's my fic about these quiet moments of self-care being a straw he clutches to when everything else is terrible?
I love a good bathing together/doing each other's hair fic. It's intimate and loving! And Stede and Ed are prime material to write a mutual caretaking and bonding over it couple! Ed canonically loves soap and taking care of his hair! And Stede brought an entire fucking bathtub on a ship, the wonderful madman. S1 Stede's hair is always carefully curled, and we know that's not its natural state (it's wavy but not in this manner) from seeing him in S2, away from his certainly plentiful bath and grooming equipment. Stede probably has an hour of daily hair routine! We know he has nice smelling, probably expensive soaps. Where's the fic where they share in this?
There's so much potential! They can show each other their favourite care products! Sometimes they'll work on each other and sometimes not at all! Ed's rich hair oils will make Stede's hair all sticky and weird! Ed will think it's hilarious and adorable, he'll try to ruffle his hair and make it stick up worse and Stede will pout! 🥺 He'll look like this, just with weird spiky hair! One ill-advised day they try putting Stede's curlers in Ed's hair and then they almost can't get them back out because Ed's hair is so long and has lots of natural wave and it'll cling to the curlers and it's awful (they laugh about it afterwards, once Ed has very carefully brushed his hair out again and it no longer pulls at his scalp).
Makeup was a thing done by men and women at the time, especially for aristocrats (as seen in Episode 5), so Stede will know his way around hoity toity makeup, meaning rouges and whites (contained lots of lead, yuck!). Meanwhile Ed does pirate costume makeup for Blackbeard endeavours, that's a whole different thing. And both of these are makeups they don't actually enjoy doing (Stede avoids heavy makeup for the party, and Ed's Kraken makeup is part of his whole Everything Is Awful And I'm Making Myself Feel That look). But we see Ed do nice makeup that seems to be him! On his supposed to be final day on Earth, he cleans away all the Kraken coal, he cleans up his cabin, he gets rid of drugs, booze, Izzy (everything that was harming him), he does up his hair really nice and in a style that's very much Not Blackbeard, and he puts on a gorgeous bit of eyeliner that really brings out his eyes. And now that they're safe and happy together, when Ed decides he wants to look pretty today, not only can Stede lose his marbles over the look, Ed can also show him how to make his own eyes pop like that. They can stand in front of their mirror together, giggling and trying not to poke anyone in the eye.
Like. This is a fancy bathroom items for fancy bathroom items couple. They will bond over their love of bubble baths and nice smelling soaps and soft oils for hair and skin! They will learn each other's routines and how to do them just right for them. Let Stede learn that Ed loves his baths scalding hot (Stede has to wait a while for it to cool before he joins him in the tub because he'll get all pink and lightheaded). Let Ed learn how to put in Stede's curlers for him if Stede wants his hair to look extra fluffy the next day. Let Ed learn to massage Stede's back and Stede learn to massage Ed's knee. There's so much potential for loving caretaking with this ship. The trope doesn't at all require Ed to not know or not want to take care of his hair and hygiene. Fuck's sake.
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jaskierx · 7 months
how long do you think ed waited to find someone who understands the specific way that physical touch manifests as his love language
ed's such a tactile person. he likes the feeling of certain fabrics. he's comforted by being curled up small underneath a blanket. from the off, he's very generous with physical affection towards stede, even when they've not known each other for very long, or indeed at all - he holds stede's hand while he's unconscious after being stabbed, before they've even properly spoken to each other. he offers all these little touches on stede's elbow, stede's leg, stede's shoulder, and stede reciprocates - the offer of a hand to lean against during the bathtub scene in s1e6, the let-me-get-that-snake-crumb-out-of-your-beard bit in s1e7.
whenever we see ed physically touching or being touched by someone else, it's not soft or gentle at all. various white people reach into his space to touch his face when he clearly doesn't want them to. when izzy touches ed's cheek in s1e10, it's a violation, and ed is disgusted. the touch he experiences with jack is violent, albeit in a playful way.
and these are often contrasted with how he experiences physical touch with stede - the navy officers tying his hands and pushing him to the ground vs the foot touch. the mutiny vs stede clinging to ed's body while he begs him to come back. being tortured vs sleeping with stede for the first time.
how long was that all the touch ed had known. how long had he only had violence and playfighting and rushed casual sex. how long did he wait to experience a relationship where he could just touch and be touched gently without it being for the sake of a fight or a game or a quick fuck. how long did he wait for stede to kiss him softly and run his fingers through ed's hair and reach out to touch his arm while they're talking
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dragon-kazansky · 5 months
Dragon's Lair
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Spirit of the sea
You were a member of Blackbeard's crew long ago. Then you became a ghost story. Izzy Hands only sees you in his dreams these days, until he sees you for real when investigating Stede Bonnet. This sets him on a rollercoaster of emotions between you and what his captain is doing.
Captain Hands
Izzy is captain of The Revenge. You're his first mate. Your intention is to take down the man that tried to take away your Izzy. In the meantime, you get up to all kinds of shenanigans along the way.
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Symphony of dreams
You are his lover. When Morpheus was captured, you fell into the deep sleep. He has no idea until he returns to his realm where Lucienne tells him what happened. Unable to help you until he gets his tools back, he is more determined than ever to get his full power back.
Veil of the dreamless
A cursed Morpheus holds your father prisoner when he enters The Dreaming without permission. You, also able to enter the realm, take his place. Now a prionser to the Dream Lord, you do all you can to learn about the curse and hopefully break it.
When the raven calls
You, his raven, die protecting Jessamy while rescuing the Dream Lord. When Morpheus returns to his realm, he mourns your loss, only to find a stranger waiting for him in his throne room. The stranger claims to be you, now in human form. He doesn't understand, but his raven will always watch over him.
Heart of the Dreaming
You are the daughter of Rodrick Burgess. You find out about the "demon" in the basement and decide you want to see it. Things take an unexpected turn when your soulmate connection is made with the man you find down there. You are the one he has been waiting for, and you're being taken away from. Not for long. Dream will protect his soulmate.
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The song in our hearts
A musician with a heart that sings and an admirer who wishes to see his songbird thrive. Two beings in different worlds get caught up in each other when someone threatens to steal his songbird's spotlight. Loving Lestat isn't simple, and your life will never be the same again. What is eternity without chaos?
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Bridgerton shade of blue
Season One - Benedict bumps into you, quite literally, at a ball while trying to escape his mother's attempts to find him a partner. You decide to humour him with a dance, not realising just how entwined you would become with him. It seems the universe will find every excuse to push you and Benedict together, no matter how much you fight it.
Bridgerton shade of blue
Season Two - The Viscount is set on finding a wife this season, and you are trying again for your second season. While Anthony is dealing with trials between Edwina and Kate Sharma, you are dealing with trials of your own. Benedict Bridgerton is ever present in your life, but your pursuit to find a husband must come first. Society is ever so exhausting.
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Heart of Ketterdam
In the heart of Ketterdam, a group of troublemakers and thieves prepare take on a big job for a lot of kruge. However, they're not the only one's who caught wind of the big payout. Kaz doesn't like being beaten. Looks like he'll have to go for the alternative. If you can't beat them, join them.
To be determined!
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Head in the clouds
The past was supposed to stay in the past, but with Goose and Maverick getting into Top Gun, it would seem that it’s repeating itself. No matter what you do, you can never escape Tom Kazansky. 
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bizarrelittlemew · 10 months
towel boy stede in his little towel boy outfit and towel boy headband. cutest cutiepie to ever cutiepie. initially claimed to be overqualified for towels but then gave it his all!! spilling all the gossip about his relationship to the towel ladies while they go awwww. doodling hearts around his pretty little drawing of ed on his homemade map. pushing his little cart. slamming unwanted fresh towels down on zheng's desk where she's working just for an excuse to be in her office where things happen. doesn't realize she's staring daggers at him while olu rolls his eyes. he found a cool thing!! (abacus) and thought it was for music not maths!! tries talking up lucius like a dad trying to bond with his teenage son again after said son got dropped bad in the divorce. it fails and he keeps trying anyway!! he knows he made mistakes!! HURLS himself overboard to get to ed. has, at some point, excitedly told olu about eucalyptus!! he takes pride in his towel job!! then uses it to cunningly orchestrate the whole crew's escape even while grieving the love of his life that some of them murdered. towel boy stede my hero my beloved
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I think if you asked Stede, Mr. "I Love Everything About You," he would say that he doesn't dislike any of Ed's tattoos, because they're all a part of his Ed and they're all meaningful. Even if all they represent is "one time I was really bored and let a drunk guy tattoo my ass."
But I also think there's gotta be one or two that push his limits, and Ed knows it. And every so often they have a conversation like:
Stede, tenderly braiding Ed's hair before bed: I love everything about you 🥰
Ed, after a long pause: even -
Stede, with the longest-suffering sigh known to man: yes, even the tattoo just below your left ass cheek of a weed-smoking shark with a human head
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I REALLY want Ed to try to hurt/fight Izzy, Izzy to not fight back, and Stede to not just cut in with his own weapon but to fully GRAB Ed's arm to physically stop him. Pop that 'I know what I've been told about him but I still think he's infallible and everyone else is wrong' bubble of Stede's and put someone in Izzy's corner explicitly. Also lets Ed see how bad things have gotten, maybe he pushes past all of Stede's pleading for a moment to talk but he stops and LISTENS at the 'stand down, NOW' voice and actually LOOKS at Izzy/himself/everything he's done.
But I also want a repeat of the 'I'm not a good person' with a response of 'neither am I' from Izzy and maybe Stede too. Cause like. None of them really. Are. Good people. But that doesn't mean they're unworthy of love and care. So maybe Stede comes in with the 'that doesn't make us stop loving you/each other' (lowkey outing Izzy before he gets the chance, maybe Ed notices or maybe he doesn't, either is good tbh).
Idk I just need them to be messy and human but to CARE for each other.
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portraitofadyke · 6 months
what's been bugging me is how some people, especially steddyhands shippers, seem to ignore Stede's complete blind spot that is Ed. I've been rereading some post s1 fix-its, and it's amazing how almost every one of their reunions had Stede blaming Ed for marooning the crew and attempting to kill Lucius (same with ppl's expectation that there would be some sort of physical fight). And then he just. Doesn't.
Stede obviously cares for the crew. A lot. But the moment Ed's well being is in the picture, he becomes hyperfocused on Ed and Ed only. Obviously the crew told him about being marooned, but we don't see him mention that once in his letters. They reunite with Lucius, and yet all Stede talks about is Ed (and his poor portrayal on his wanted posters)- Lucius confesses about Ed throwing him overboard, and all Stede does is question 'why?', because he knows Ed wouldn't just randomly attempt to murder Lucius. The moment Lucius tells him Stede broke Ed, Stede is back to blaming himself, never Ed. He clearly cares about Lucius, because later in the ep, he tries to reconcile with him by giving him 'dating advice' and trying to save him from what happened to him and Ed, but Ed comes first.
We actually see it in s1 too, if only briefly, in s7 when Stede desperately tries to keep Ed abroad and becomes oblivious to the crew's concerns and problems and we get the iconic line "Eat and apple, for God's sake!" Stede cares, but Ed is at the front of his mind and it's hard for him to understand what could be more important.
In s02e03, he gets his ship and the rest of his crew back, but Ed is nowhere. Izzy is literally missing a leg and Stede just tells him to piss off.
And I've seen people questioning why Stede never questioned that, why he never bothered to ask about Izzy's missing toe or back scars or why he didn't care about the leg more. Izzy clearly lies again and tells Stede Ed shot it off because he told Ed he loves him, and yet stede just. Doesn't care.
And i mean, that question is valid. Because people see Stede as someone who's much more caring, more hero-coded. But Stede is far more a romantic hero to Ed than he is your general hero to the rest of the characters. Stede is selfish. Stede is blind-sided. Stede is willing to abandon his morals when it comes to Ed.
I think there are two reasons Stede doesn't question Izzy's Ed-inflicted-injuries, or any other, for that matter. First one is, Stede's blind spot for Ed. Yeah, Izzy got his leg shot off by Ed (not entirely true, but I digress), but there must have been a reason why. Yeah, Izzy got his toes cut off and hand-fed, but Ed had a reason. Stede knows Ed is not violent by default, so he knows something must have prompted him to do that. Is it completely justified? That's a differenr convo about people trying to portray Izzy as a victim rather than someone who kept pushing Ed over the edge until they were both too far.
The second is... Yeah, Stede just doesn't care. Especially about Izzy. Lie it's been pointed out, Stede just thinks izzy is a dick. He misnames him. He's rightuflly mad at him for selling them out to the english. He literally dreams about killing Izzy for that. Stede blames himself for abandoning Ed and everything that happened after (and yes, Ed's actions are Ed's actions, but that's how Stede sees it), but he clearly also blames Izzy for setting them up.
So, Stede sees Izzy's missing leg? Probably deserved that. Back scars, missing toe? Eh, probably deserved that, too, Ed would look absolutely lovely in a braid. Is that morally correct? No, but Stede isn't written to be a moral character. That's what makes him so real, and that's why so many other actors than Rhys would struggle making Stede sympathetic and likeable to the audiences.
That's not to say Stede doesn't see Ed's wrongs. He absolutely does. He just. Doesn't care that much in the end, because his love for all of Ed is that bright, to the point of being absolutely, utterly selfish. DJenkins said it from the beginning; this show is about Ed and Stede's relationship. Stede doesn't question Izzy's injuries bc in the end, it just doesn't matter to him when Ed is in the picture
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iris-in-the-rain · 2 months
Stede has had the most awful day at Bonnet Industries. He's feeling really poorly and run down, but he keeps trying to push through. His father already gave him a dressing down in front of everyone. He's been feeling so unwell that more than once, he had to sit down on the floor against the wall. Of course, nobody paid him any attention. His face is all red and puffy from trying to hold back tears, but all he gets from his 'colleagues' is snide comments about his appearance. He finally gets in the car and opens his phone to a message from his best friend, Ed
'Looking forward to the movie later! Can't believe we get to see it on the big screen 😍 Yaaaay! Do you remember the first time we saw it?? x'
Of course he remembers. How could he not? He remembers looking at Ed that day and thinking how lucky he was that such a cool, smart and talented person wanted to be friends with him, silly Stede Bonnet. Stede starts crying then, ugly sobs, because he completely forgot about tonight and Ed was so looking forward to seeing the first movie they both saw together on the big screen this evening and he's feeling so hot and weak, and look, Nigel is pointing at him from across the parking lot. So Stede starts driving until he somehow gets home. He barely remembers getting into the house and replying to Ed's message. Ed deserves better. Stede is just useless. He's not a good friend, let alone boyfriend material. He lies down on the sofa and closes his eyes.
Until he wakes up and isn't sure where he is or what's happening. He's simultaneously freezing and really hot. He's in his bed, wearing his fluffiest pajamas, and wrapped in a comforter. And Ed is sleeping in a chair next to him, holding his hand.
Stede whimpers, and Ed snaps awake, immediately cupping Stede's face and frowning at the heat radiating off him.
'Hey love, shhh, you're alright. You should have told me you were feeling so ill'
Stede's eyes fill with tears again.
'The movie! We missed the movie, Ed, I'm so sorry, 'm just useless...'
'Hey, who you calling useless, hey? Better not be my Stede. Gonna need you to take these and drink some water, okay?'
'Ed, I'm sorry fo...'
'Hey, it's okay...'
'No, it's not okay!' Two tears roll down Stede's fever-flushed cheeks. 'We were supposed to see our movie and I could finally tell you you're the best thing in my life and that, that I wouldn't know how to keep going without your support and and everything is wrong, but you are right, you are the only right in my life, and I love you, okay, I just love you so much, but I'm not good enough, and you d- deserve better and I'm just a st...'
But Stede doesn't finish as he finds himself wrapped in Ed's arms and oh, if that isn't the place he never ever wants to leave. Heaving sobs shake his body, as his best friend, his Ed, holds him close, pressing kisses to his head, and murmuring words that Stede can barely make out, but...
'Love, it's okay. I've got you. I love you, too. You have no idea how much, Stede, my god, I got so terrified when you wouldn't answer the door and then I saw you on the sofa...' Ed holds him tigther. 'You're everything, okay! Just...' Ed realises that with the fever, Stede might not remember any of this in the morning, but that's okay. He'll tell him again.
As Stede falls asleep again, it is to the sound of his best friend's heartbeat and a dream of love that he never dared to hope for but always deserved. And Ed falls asleep holding his whole world.
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