#Stella Covingron
rawritzrobin · 4 years
Angel Amongst Bats Chapter 17
Title: Angel Amongst Bats
Pairing: Jason Todd x Stella Covington (My OC)
Warnings: Cursing, past major character death, a little bit angsty, fluff.
Summary: Stella and Jason have been reunited. The family is very interested in their new guests.
A/N: Wanna be on my tag list? DM me and let me know (:
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16
Chapter 17: Reunion
Jason and Stella held each other in the garden for a while. Renegade got up off the floor and stared at the couple in front of him. He turned away when they went in for another kiss. A familiar pang of jealousy filled his body.
The family finally got to the garden and smiled at the scene in front of them. Nightwing looked so relieved and let out a breath he felt like he was holding in for weeks. No one said anything.
Stella pulled away from Jason’s embrace and placed both her hands on his cheek. “I missed you.” She said quietly.
“I missed you too doll.” He said smiling through his tears.
After a few moments, Alfred cleared his throat. “Might we take this inside? It’s starting to get a little chilly out here.”
They all turned to face Alfred and nodded.
Jason scoops Stella into his arms and carries her inside bridal style. She wrapped her uninjured arms around his neck and buried her face in his hair, taking in his scent. She pressed a line of kisses down his jaw. Jason chuckled, and leaned into it.
Alfred opened the door to the manor and they all stepped inside.
Jason carefully sat down on the couch with Stella still in his arms. He pulled away for one second to examine her injuries. Stella could see the cogs turning in his brain and placed a hand on his cheek.
“I’m fine Jay. Honest.”
Jason relaxes into her touch, and for a moment, pushes his worries aside.
Nightwing sat next to him, his mask was off now. A sense of relief washed over his eyes.
“Hey Dickie.” Stella says with a grin.
“Missed you baby bird.” She leans over and gives him a small hug. “You have no idea how hard it has been dealing with him without you.” Stella giggles and Jason rolls his eyes.
The rest of the family just stared at the three of them.
Dick was admiring himself, as usual. “I look good in my hero gear.” He announced loudly. Barbara smacked him in the back of the head and he laughed. “What it’s true. He said as he took a seat next to his twin. “Hi I’m Dick. But you know that already.” He said to Nightwing, extending his hand out.
Nightwing smirked at him and shook his hand. “Hi, let’s call me Nightwing. It’s going to get a little confusing if we start calling me Dick too.”
Dick shrugged. “Makes sense.”
Renegade took a seat across from his doppelgänger. He studied him. The way he was whispering to Stella. The private smiles they shared with each other. The way he held her like she was the only thing that mattered to him. He felt a familiar sense of longing in the pit of his stomach. His heart ached looking at the two of them.
“Will you three be staying for dinner?” Alfred asks.
Nightwing and Jason exchange glances. Jason didn’t care what they did. Now that Stella was safe in his arms, he was up for anything.
“Sure. Why not?”
Dinner was, interesting to say the least.
Dick and Nightwing spent the entire time talking non stop to each other. Well more like spent the whole time complimenting each other. Barbara watched in amusement as she did not know how in the world he was able to talk this much. They were basically the entertainment for everyone that night.
Tim was very interested in the device they used to get here. He asked Nightwing if he could examine it and he obliged, as long as he did not break it that is. Tim was ecstatic. He ate his dinner with one hand while examining the device with his other.
Damian frowned at his food the entire time. He knew at this point Stella was leaving. He actually started to enjoy her company. He was sad to see her go. He said almost nothing the entire night.
Jason and Stella never left each others side. Alfred managed to push both of their chairs together so they could continue to be close to one another. Jason had his arms around the back of her waist, careful not to aggravate her ribs. Stella had her legs draped around his and had her hand on his lap as they fed each other pieces of bread and shared soft kisses.
Bruce admired the scene in front of him. This was the first time in years that the whole family was actually together and not fighting. He watched Alfred hustle around, trying to serve each and every member of the family. Damian was glaring at his food like always, and Tim was fascinated by the object in front of him. He glanced over at Renegade. He noticed the young man was still watching the couple in front of him with wanting eyes.
He would have to finally talk to him after their visitors were gone.
Dinner was peaceful. So when Alfred asked if they wanted to stay the night, Nightwing, Jason, and Stella agreed.
Dick and Nightwing went down to the Batcave. They wanted to fight each other to see who really was the superior Nightwing. Barbara, Damian, Bruce, and Tim followed them.
Jason took Stella upstairs to her room. It was a very eventful day, but Stella was still recovering from her injuries and he knew she needed to rest. They spent a few hours talking to each other while laying on the bed. Jason had his arms wrapped around her the entire time.
Stella told him everything that happened to her in this world. From waking up in a dark alley dressed in her PJs, to being kidnapped and nearly beaten to death by Joker’s son. She made sure to leave out the parts about her sneaking out into Gotham alone. She didn’t want Jason to have an aneurism. Jason smiled down at her.
“How did you know I was here?” She finally asked.
“Well, Zatanna helped us the most. She was able to track down your location using some type of aura scanner or something. Once she was able to pinpoint your location, I used the tracker in your necklace to track you here.”
Stella looked down at her necklace. She wore it so often she forgot she even had it. It was just a simple gold necklace with the letters JT at the end. She held the necklace in her hand.
“Huh, so the tracker wasn’t actually a stupid idea like I thought.” She says with a laugh.
“Told you it would come in handy.” He chuckles.
Stella looks at him and places her right hand on his cheek. Jason closes his eyes and gently presses a kiss onto her hand.
“Just making sure you’re real and not a hallucination.”
“I’m real princess. I promise.”
They shift positions so that Stella is laying on her uninjured side. She hugs him tight, taking over as the big spoon. She runs her hands through his hair with her uninjured arm. He hums and melts into her touch.
“So tell me, how did you keep this a secret from my dad?” She asked with a smirk.
“Lets just say we had a little help from Miss Martian…” He went on to tell her the many ways they covered up her disappearance. They talked until Stella started to get sleepy. Jason handed her the pain pills Alfred left by her bedside, and she fell asleep peacefully in his arms.
Jason took in the room he was in. It was an exact replica of his old room back at the manor. He chuckled at the idea that Stella stayed in his childhood bedroom while she was here. He admires the photographs on top of the dresser. He pauses at the photo of him as Robin, standing with Batman.
Just then, he realized that he had left his mask and helmet downstairs. He didn’t feel comfortable leaving his stuff out in the open like that. Especially since the helmet was pretty much a walking bomb to anyone that wasn’t him. He carefully wiggled out from Stella’s grasp, careful not to wake her. Thankfully, she stayed asleep, the pills working their magic.
Jason tip toed out of the bedroom and carefully closed the door behind him. He made his way into the foyer where he found his hood and mask sitting on the table he left them on. He picked up his things and started to head up the stairs, when he noticed someone was watching him from the living room. Jason turned to face his doppelgänger.
Renegade got up from his seat on the couch and made his way towards Jason. He stood in front of him and looked him up and down. It was like looking in the mirror, except it wasn’t.
The white stripe was a given. Something he remembered Stella talking about. A side effect of his dip in the Lazarus Pit. Jason had many scars on his face, and he was sure he had many more under his armor. And his eyes. They were harder, like he had seen a lot of things. They were the eyes of a man who have clearly been through a lot. He looked at the red bat on his chest.
“So, Red Hood?”
Jason smirked. “Yeah. Kinda just fit.”
“The clown still alive in your universe?”
“Yeah.” Jason answers, in a dark tone.
Renegade frowns, but didn’t say anything more.
“Hey, uh. I just wanted to thank you. For you know. Taking care of her.” Jason said looking away from his twin. He was never too good at these things.
Renegade shrugs. “You should thank the family. I was barely here most of the time.”
“Stella told me everything. To be honest, I probably would have done the same thing. God knows how many things I destroyed in this place while she was gone. I can’t imagine what I would do if I lost her.”
Renegade stayed silent, not knowing how to respond to that statement. “Take care of her.” He says as he turns to return to the living room.
“Always.” Jason replies. He turns and jogs up the stairs with his helmet and mask in hand.
Renegade watches him ascend the stairs. Once he heard the door softly close, he pulled out a cigarette, and made his way out the front door.
Jason enters the room as quietly as possible. Stella turns to look at him as he closes the door behind him. She smiles up at him.
“Sorry doll. Didn’t mean to wake you.” He said as he stripped off his armor and boots. He grabs the spare PJs Alfred left in the room and slips them on. Stella watches him with tired eyes as he gets under the covers and holds her tight against his chest.
“I love you.” She mumbled into his chest, snuggling as close as possible.
Jason kisses her on the head, before whispering back. “I love you too princess.”
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