#Stepford Smilers
ase-trollplays · 11 months
Tag your Bad End Ship™, the one that ended or will end in complete tragedy. I want to see how common they are.
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amanitaknowsbest · 8 months
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Aaaah hah, yup
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woodchipp · 2 months
as laughable as I find the comparison of Sonic and Shadow to Kel and Sunny, I do think the general idea could be fascinating
Sunny's mind could've warped Headspace's Kel into this Sonic-esque hero (pun not intended) - he never lets himself dwell on anything bad that happens for too long, he's the group's constant source of morale, he frequently emphasizes that teamwork makes the dream work, etc. It's Sunny's ideal Kel - it's what he wanted Kel to be.
...and then you get to the real Kel. and then the game starts showing you how the "never dwell on anything bad that happens for too long" mindset wrecked him :)
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bonjourxrenae · 3 months
5 Favourite Characters Tag Game
I was tagged by @lia404 (!!! you found me!!) whose own poll was extremely hard for me to vote on, how dare you have great character taste--
Rules: make a poll with five of your all-time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite.
I'm still very much a floater in fandoms, so this'll be a grab-bag of choices ;;;
I AGONIZED over this list for an embarrassing amount of time, and I definitely could have added more characters, but having a Current Top Five seemed to be the easiest route than a Top 5 of All Time ;;;;
I'll tag @themadcaptain, @pptinfantry, @ondonasand, @k3llyb3an, @aph-lithuania (no obligations!) and anyone else who wants to do this can tag me if they want :)
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elliewiltarwyn · 8 months
a little late but: which aesthetic color are you?
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forest green You're in your own world, spinning fictions and building realities and finding the poetry in ordinary things. The people around you can tell there's something special to you, and you're well-loved by a some very good people. But even to your closest friends, you're a bit of a mystery. This always surprises you to hear, because you don't mean to put walls up-- you just get so caught up in things nobody else sees that you forget to let yourself be seen. You're complicated, and sometimes you get tangled in it. Don't worry, though, it's not off-putting; despite your accidental air of mystery, your warmth can be seen like a campfire through distant trees.
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charcoal You're smart, analytical, and appear balanced to the people around you. You work hard not to judge others, and to listen carefully before giving advice. For that reason,the people in your life trust you deeply, and listen well when you express an opinion because frankly, you're usually right. This need to appear calm and well-informed can be a little crushing, though-- you don't need to hide your uncertainty quite so often. It's human to need help sometimes, and with all you've done for your loved ones, they would be more than happy to provide it.
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tangerine You, frankly, are a goddamn delight. You bring light with you wherever you go, and whether you're aware of it or not, you're the life of the party. Despite your flamboyant nature, you're surprisingly soft. You give the sweetest gifts, and are probably the best amateur masseuse of your friend group. Those closest to you see this softness, and love you for it. Remember this when you are called "too much": there is no such thing as too much of you. People who say those things are just too small to have the space for your light. Don't tone it down, just find people who will treasure every piece of you.
thank you for tagging me @disciple-of-frost and @oneiroy!! if you're as late to the boat as I am then tag, you're it :V
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cosmicheartz · 5 days
psychonauts au where everything is the same but Crystal and Clem swap personalities with eachother so Crystals the cynical one who puts on a happy facade and Clem is the one who still has hope and wants to be happy but is struggling to
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askmovieslate · 2 years
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Ouch, it really hurts to smile like this.
How did Jim Carrey did it!? That man is super human, let me tell ya.
I really like the other two movies too, don’t get me wrong, but I like the original version far better.
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Suddenly so tempted to write a gravity falls and kingdom hearts crossover with grunkle Stan and Sora
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glitchdecay · 6 months
re: prev post's tags
is it my fault when kimi looked like this at the time
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hcreath · 6 months
HGW AU Tamar is hilarious because she sure hopes this heroic spirit she's been forced to summon doesn't kill her husband who bullied her into summoning them but it'd be neat if they did-
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shiawasekai · 7 months
... Actually, thinking in the Pushing Daeran scene...
Nela being so caught in the moment she's laughing and smiling like she used to. It's not one of those mostly fake controlled smiles she is often using at that point. Just a bit childish, as it should be.
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ase-trollplays · 1 year
"Arms Tonite" by Mother Mother is giving me Stepford Smilers feels D:
I just imagine it as Steume talking to Shadah from the afterlife and being sad that they're apart
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billygaysanguine · 9 months
mods are asleep post entire tvtropes entry for scapegrace The self-proclaimed "Killer Supreme", an incredibly ineffectual mage who has yet to actually kill anybody. A bumbling, but tenacious foe of Valkyrie and Skulduggery. Gets turned into a zombie by Dreylan Scarab in Dark Days.
Back from the Dead: Sanguine kills him in Dark Days after finding out he's not a killer, but Scarab decides they may as well put his death to good use, and makes him a zombie. Then in Kingdom of the Wicked he gets Dr. Nye to bring him completely back to life. See Gender Bender.
Break the Haughty: The final book has him finally face the fact that he's nowhere near as badass as he'd like to be. He actually takes it pretty well.
Butt-Monkey: Seriously. He gets humiliated or injured in every appearance.
Card-Carrying Villain: He's very proud of his status as a murderer. (Er... wannabe murderer.)
Determinator: He simply does not give up. Much good it does him.
Evil Duo: Him and Thrasher, with him being in charge - though eventually, they pull a Heel–Face Turn.
Gender Bender: Nye gives him the wrong body. He's unhappy with it, to put it mildly, and while this is initially Played for Laughs, it's later elaborated that he's feeling at least some gender dysphoria and realises that while his new form makes him popular, he's not popular for who he is.
Heel–Face Turn: Decides to become a superhero in Last Stand of Dead Men. The Dark and Stormy Knight. He's equally bad at it as he was at being evil, but he tries.
Hidden Depths: They're very hidden, granted, and it takes until The Dying of the Light to discover them but would you believe that Vaurien Scapegrace passes the third test (just) and nearly becomes the King of Necropolis. And that he turns it down for the moment because he and Thrasher promised Clarabelle they'd come back.
I Can Still Fight!: With his head chopped off.
Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: He's so dreadfully awful at being a bad guy, it's hard not to pity him, just a little, especially as Valkyrie and Skulduggery use his incompetence for their own plans. Though he does pretty much deserve it.
Losing Your Head: Under Gordon's house. Valkyrie drop kicks it.
Meaningful Name: Both his first name and his surname mean "scoundrel".
Removing the Head or Destroying the Brain: Turns out... chopping off his head won't kill him.
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yuridovewing · 11 months
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???????? what do you MEAN "he doesn't have my doubts", he's grumpy as hell in TNP? Stonefur was his MENTOR??
why aren't these plots switched
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amoriscustos · 1 year
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you  spark  humor  wherever  you  wander,  always  seeking  to  brighten  a  room  with  the  roar  of  laughter.  but,  you  are  no  fool.  you  have  seen  the  pain  in  the  world,  and  you  would  give  anything  to  keep  others  from  feeling  it,  too.  though,  humor  is  a  balm,  not  a  cure.  take  care  you  do  not  merely  conceal  your  tragedy  beneath  a  smile.
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tagged by : i stole it <3 tagging : steal from me!!!
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autisticlaezel · 2 years
There's something extremely funny about Jocelyn being considered a hero in the universe where she's the warden, actually
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