#Steve is once again having Tommy feelings. I just think this is one of those things that will always linger for him.
Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 116
Part 1 Part 115
Steve’s counting the days until winter break. Something’s settled within him, now that things have been hashed out with Eddie, and he’s ditched his car and old house key. He wants to go home. But there’s a good week left of pretending to still care about schoolwork along with the rest of the seniors. 
High school, as always, is a powder keg Steve can’t wait to get out of – all it takes is a single lit match and the whole barrel’s going up in flames, taking all nearby bystanders down with it. Steve’s never been good at keeping his distance. 
Carol and Tommy used to be his crutches. They both know how to look out for the striking of the match, when to step back, and when to blow it out. They’d circle him like feral wolves protecting their fresh kill. 
Steve’s always been good at reading people’s moods, but never the room. And now that Carol’s on the fringes of the in-crowd, and Steve’s drop-kicked himself out entirely, all they’ve got left is Tommy, and he’s more likely to be holding the match.
Steve’s dressed down for gym for the first time in weeks, his doctor’s note apparently the only stay of execution he’d receive. He’s excited, is the thing. He’s not even particularly bothered by the looks the other guys are throwing him in the locker room, knows there are scars now that there weren’t the last time he was in here: most notably shiny pink burns speckled across his back.
It doesn’t matter. He wants to move.
Hargrove snorts. “I knew you were into some kinky shit, Harrington,” he drawls from across the locker room. “But this is sick, even for you.” 
Steve pulls his shirt down and slips his shoes on without untying them, ready to get out of there. It doesn’t stop Hargrove from calling after him.
“Is that what you let those freaks do when you were all tied up?”
Steve doesn’t mean to turn back, but he does, confusion taking over his higher brain functions. Hargrove’s smirking, a few of his cronies hanging on to his every word and laughing right along with him.
Hagan’s not laughing. His fists are bunched and he’s glaring at Steve, but Steve still knows him. Tommy has never been an angry guy. The anger’s always been a veneer, spread thin, to cover up something else. His hands are shaking right now, like he’s not sure whether to punch Steve or hug him. He’s sucking on his bottom lip like he wishes it was Steve’s.
Steve turns his back to him, and hears his laugh, a smack of skin. He doesn’t look back. 
There will probably always be a Steve that lives inside of him that misses Tommy Hagan. The same Steve that remembers being small in the backseat of his parent’s car and just wants the idea of them back. But, that’s the Steve of years ago from a simpler, shallower time. The Steve of now has people who love him enough to stay when things get hard.
Would Tommy ever have opened his home to Steve when he got kicked out? Would Tommy have ever walked through hell to get him back?
Soccer’s not a high-contact sport, but Hargrove sure does his best to make it one. 
Basketball skills don’t translate well to it, but there’s a certain level of athleticism that makes most hand-to-eye coordination tenible. None of which explains the way Hargrove’s foot keeps slipping when he tries to kick the ball and bashing into Steve’s shins. 
None of which explains the way his shoulder checks Steve’s with enough force to send him sprawling. Twice. 
And he keeps saying shit.
“I get why you’d let those two redheads fuck with you,” Hargrove calls, looking up and down Steve’s own body like he’s trying to picture something tawdry.  “Hell, Carol’s a tight piece of ass.”
He grins smamirly over at Hagan, either not noticing or simply not caring that Hagan’s face has dropped all its forced joviality. 
“But those kids? My sister?” he continues, still grinning like it’s funny. “What are you, some sort of pedophile?”
“I don’t know your sister, man,” Steve calls, disgust twisting in his stomach, knotting his intestines up in creative bows. 
Steve kick, kick, passes the ball around Hargrove’s weak defense, hoping Hargrove will follow the ball. He doesn’t. 
“Even worse, you let Munson in on that action?” he taunts, staring Steve down. 
Steve looks past him, watching his temporary teammate score an easy goal against a goalie who’s clearly never played a sport in his life. He doesn’t know what Hargrove’s on about, but engaging with vipers never leads anywhere good. 
It doesn’t stop him from spewing more poison. “I always knew you were a freak.” He says it like he’d rather fling a different word that starts with the letter F. 
The teacher blows his whistle at them, shouting complaints about lazing about and lollygagging, so they’re all three forced to run to the other side of the field and catch up with the rest of the game. That doesn’t stop Hargrove from running his mouth. 
“Hell, I heard all sorts of rumors about the three of you, back when you were the king. Carol, Tommy, and Steve, the inseparable trio.” Even through all the monologuing, he doesn’t even have the decency to be out of breath. 
Steve’s lived a far more sedentary life this past year, and he’s panting now, forehead tacky with sweat. But, there’s a certain level of athleticism it takes years to lose, so he still keeps up. 
“I know Carol was Tommy’s girl,” Hargrove continues, lunging around Steve to stop the ball, kicking it from foot to foot with coordinated ease. “But I heard you were taking it just as much as she was.” 
Hargrove feints left, right, scores a goal, running backward to get back on defense without turning his grinning face away from Steve’s. 
“Who would've thought King Steve was a fa–”
Tommy Hagan’s fist interrupts Hargrove’s little speech. It connects with a meaty thwack! with Hargrove’s jaw, hard enough to make his teeth clack together. 
So: powder keg, lit match, ka-boom!
“What the fuck were you just going to call me?” Hagan snarls. 
He swings again until Hargrove rolls them over and starts swinging back. Steve stares, stunned as the teacher blows his whistle and starts running. 
He can almost hear Eddie’s soapbox rant. Something about testosterone, and projection, and the homoeroticism of high school sportsball. 
Both boys are bloody and seething by the time they’re pulled apart and escorted to the principal’s office. 
He intercepts Carol at Barbara’s car after school to tell her what happened, unsurprised when she just laughs. 
“Serves him right,” she says grinning and peering into the parking lot like she might catch sight of his bloodied face. 
“Should we do something about the rumors?” he asks, whispering the last word like if someone hears it, they’ll immediately spew homophobic slurs in both of their directions.
Carol just waves her hand dismissively. “Nah, that’ll just fan the flames.” She wraps her hand around his waist and squeezes, fingers tucked proprietarily beneath his t-shirt. “Go home and this’ll all blow over by next week.”
He tells Eddie what happened on the way home.
Eddie cackles. “Of course it would happen in gym,” he says, grinning as he runs a vacant stop sign without even a rolling stop. “All that testosterone running through their bodies until they’ve just got to touch each other.”
Steve settles in to listen to his rant, delighted when he guessed most of the beats Eddie would hit just right. 
He should be surprised when Hargrove and Hagan are sitting next to each other at lunch the next day, laughing and shit-talking as if the whole school isn’t still atwitter about their all-out brawl the day before. 
He should be, but he’s not. Tommy and Carol have always been good at playing the game, and it looks like Tommy’s determined to stay on the board. 
Steve and Carol trade a commiserating lunch, and go back to their respective conversations. Tommy’s been given chance after chance to make a different choice, but he never does. Steve’s not about to light his own match for an old friend who’d never burn right along with him.
Steve counts down the days until he can go home, and stay there with Eddie, for weeks on end. Four, three, two, one. 
Part 117
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hairmetal666 · 2 months
After the Russians, Steve learns three important things about himself:
Robin is the best friend he's ever had; the uncontested other half of his heart. His soulmate, the platonic love of his life, his missing puzzle piece.
He's not in love with Nancy anymore. It's really saying something that hearing those words come out of his mouth is the shock of his life. Once the drugs wear off, though, he realizes they were absolutely true. A surprising win for the Russian truth serum
Her bathroom confession...he sits with it for days. Not--not because she's a lesbian, of course not, but because. Well, Robin knows herself in a way he's never allowed himself to. And he thinks that maybe maybe he likes boys in the same way. That he always has, but never let himself acknowledge it, the way his eyes wanted to catch in the locker room, the drunken, fumbling touches between him and Tommy.
The last one...he's not sure, is the thing. How can he be sure? Like, in his mind, his imagination, he's very into it, but what if it's different in real life? And how can he even find out? He tells, Robin, of course he does, and they go to Indy, right, to a bookstore and she throws a few zines at him and he sneaks some porn (he's definitely into the porn), but that's not--it's not practical experience. And he's not ready to go to one of the bars, for sure, so he doesn't--like what's he supposed to do?
It's around this time in his bisexual spiral that the kids start hanging out with Eddie Munson, that he starts thinking about Eddie Munson. He always noticed the long, dark curls and the bright, brown eyes; the slender cut of his waist; the wry slant of his mouth as he shouted insults at the jocks; the glinting silver of the rings on his fingers--fingers that were long and callused, fingers that could grip around Steve's--
Nope, he's not going there. Even though, a little voice in his head says, he cares for Steve's kids and maybe he's not good at school but he's smart and he's also so pretty, with his pale skin and his big eyes--
No. He doesn't have a crush on Eddie Munson. Absolutely not.
And when he picks up the kids from their little dnd club and sees Munson standing against his van, he doesn't feel an electric zing in his chest, the first stirring of butterflies in his stomach; that would be crazy. They hardly know each other. It goes like this every time, and he's almost able to believe he doesn't care.
Until Eddie trips over the threshold of Family Video, stumbling on an untied bootlace and gangling his way through the front doors. The clatter catches both Robin and Steve's attention.
"Welcome to Family Video," Robin says. Steve stares.
"Uhh." Eddie's eyes flit between them, his face getting redder by the second.
Fuck, he's so cute and Steve's saying--without thinking about it, he's saying--"let me help you find a movie, man."
"Yea--sure, yeah." Eddie's hands are stuffed in the tight pocket of his jeans.
Steve takes a few steps down the closest aisle. "So, what--uh, what are you looking for?"
"Horror? Nothing in particular."
They make their way to the horror section, and it's like some insane, deeply horny demon takes over. He starts grabbing movies off the shelf, no rhyme or reason, doesn't even know what most of them are.
Eddie's staring at him with wide eyes and a raised eyebrow, and Steve just keeps grabbing tapes, is sort of doing a running commentary on titles and tag lines, and he can't stop, why can't he stop? it's like smoke is coming out of his ears. Robin is watching him from the counter with her mouth hanging open, gummy worm dangling down her chin.
"You know," Eddie grabs something from the shelf, "I think I'll just do Friday the 13th again. Can't go wrong."
And he leaves Steve standing there with half the horror section collected in his arms. He stays there while Eddie pays, face burning. It's been--well, a really long time since he's struck out so hard, and he wasn't even really trying.
As Eddie's walking out the door, his sad pile of movies shifts, then tumbles to the floor.
"You have a crush on Eddie Munson." Robin accuses.
"No!" He ducks down to collect the tapes, hoping to hide the crimson of his face.
"You do." She points an accusatory finger in his direction. "I haven't seen you this pathetic since Scoops."
"It's nothing."
"You know," she crouches down with him, "you could just, like. Try to hang out with him."
"After that? Are you kidding? I'm surprised you don't already have a new You Rule/You Suck board going."
"Oh, I do, it's up front." She jumps to her feet. "But still. You should try. And you have an easy in with the kids."
He glares at her in response, starts re-shelving all the dumb movies, and then they get busy, so the topic is dropped. He thinks about it thought. He thinks about it and he--
Instead of waiting in the car for the kids to get done at Hellfire the next time, he goes in.
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steddieas-shegoes · 6 months
Steve got the tattoo the day they held the very small, very secret service for Eddie.
He knew he had to get it somewhere hidden, didn’t wanna answer questions, not even from Robin.
The E+S on his upper thigh was precious to him, all he had left of the promises they made to each other as children and again as teenagers.
Eddie was Steve’s, even if he wasn’t here, and Steve would always be Eddie’s, even if Eddie no longer knew.
But eventually, the end of summer came, and the kids wanted to have something normal. Normal for them was a pool party that ended in a sleepover, and Steve didn’t have much choice about making it happen.
He wanted them to have something normal.
So he got his bathing suit on, forgetting the tattoo was in a spot that might show in it, and tried to have fun with them.
Robin noticed and then Max noticed, and once he’d tried getting out of the explanation twice in a row, Dustin and Will noticed.
So he just explained that he lost a dare with Tommy years ago and that got them to stop asking.
But he found himself crying in the shower that evening, trying his best not to make any noise as sobs wracked his body and it got harder and harder to breathe.
The only thing that snapped him out of it was the knowledge that Eddie would want him to go back downstairs to be with the kids. He wouldn’t want to see Steve like this.
He kissed his fingertips and pressed them to his tattoo, just like he’d done every single day since he got it.
And then he went downstairs to be with the kids.
His one rule during sleepovers at his house was he still go to sleep in his own bed. Sometimes Robin would join him, but most of the time, he slept alone.
He couldn’t sleep.
He could feel the exhaustion deep in his bones, but every time he closed his eyes and tried to drift, he’d get an overwhelming feeling of being watched.
His eyes would open and he’d look around, confused and frustrated.
And nothing would be there.
Which was good, great even. He didn’t want there to be anyone or anything there. But he did want an explanation for this feeling.
He sat up in his bed and sighed.
Maybe he could-
Something was definitely in his bathroom. The door had been closed earlier, like it always was, and now it was halfway open.
The light was off.
Steve stood from his bed silently, crept to the bathroom with his nail bat raised, and considered what would happen if he died up here.
“That’s a depressing thought even for your melodramatics, sweetheart.”
Steve barely resisted screaming at Eddie’s voice.
“Oh god. I’ve finally fuckin’ lost it,” he said as he turned the bathroom light on.
“I dunno. You still got it, baby. Even if you lost some weight in your ass.”
Eddie, or something that looked and talked like Eddie, was sitting on the sink in the bathroom.
“I did like those little swim trunks, though. Hope you wear those again for me.”
“What the fuck.”
“You know, that’s exactly what I said when I woke up alive. Kinda thought I was dying. Imagine my surprise when I didn’t.”
Steve held his bat tighter.
“Eddie? How?”
Eddie hopped off the sink and stepped closer, slowly, so he wouldn’t scare Steve.
“Not sure. But it’s not the craziest thing that’s happened.” Eddie wanted to touch him, Steve could tell. His hands were clenching into fists to resist. “I know I’m not human, but I’m close enough, I think.”
“Close enough for what?”
“To love you.”
Steve dropped the bat and fell against Eddie, burying his face in his neck and breathing him in, not caring about the dirt or sweat or grime clinging to his skin.
It was Eddie, and he’d take him any way he could have him.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I’ve been trying to get back here for so long.” Eddie’s arms held him tight enough to bruise. “Won’t happen again, won’t leave you again.”
Steve’s sobs were loud, but trying to contain them physically pained him. He’d been in enough pain for months. He had to let these out.
He felt Eddie waving his hands behind him, but then heard Robin’s rambling and decided to turn.
“-and he’s been distraught for months but didn’t tell me anything and then I saw his tattoo earlier and I thought, well, must just be a joke you guys had. And then I was like, no, can’t be, because you barely spoke. Or at least I thought you did. Clearly I’m wrong. I’m super wrong. Wrongest I’ve ever been maybe.”
“Robs.” Steve’s choked voice silenced her. “You know how I told you to go for it with Nancy because I really didn’t have feelings for her?”
“I don’t see how this is relevant, but yeah.”
“She protected me, both of us, really, so we could be together. Offered to pretend to date me so no one would get suspicious.”
“Steve. Steve Harrington. You had a beard?”
Eddie snorted. “I know you said she was funny, but I’m pretty she’s my second favorite human now.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yeah. I’ve been with Eddie for forever. I mean, since we were kids practically.”
Robin was silent. A rare thing for her.
“Sorry, just taking this in.”
“Yeah, Eddie being alive is a lot-“
“Not that. That is gonna come a lot later once I stop and think about the fact that he’s some kind of zombie.” Robin leaned against the doorway. “The fact that I came out to my best friend and he didn’t return the favor. That is queer code, Steve.”
Eddie laughed, and Steve let out another sob. He’d missed him so much, missed his laugh, his arms around him, his heartbeat-
“Eds. Eddie.” Steve lifted his head and pressed both hands to his chest. “You-“
“Ah. So I don’t seem to have a heartbeat anymore. As far as I can tell, I did actually die.” Eddie shrugged as if this news wasn’t absolutely insane. “So my best guess is vampire since I prefer blood to brains. But I can get by without it for a pretty long time.”
“How long?”
“Well, I haven’t had any since the day I woke up. Which is a few months according to your calendar.”
Robin held her hands up. “I’m going. Good luck. The kids are gonna flip.”
“Do not tell them. Not yet.”
Steve needed tonight, needed to have Eddie to himself before everyone else stole it for a while. He wanted to be selfish for the first time in a very long time. He knew Robin would understand.
“Sure thing. But you’re gonna have to be quiet. You’re lucky none of them heard you crying.”
Steve nodded and curled back into Eddie, placing a kiss against his neck.
“Glad you’re back Eddie,” she said as she left.
“I need a shower,” Eddie said. “Think it’ll wake the kids?”
“Nah. They slept through a tree falling in the yard last month during a storm. Just need to be quick,” Steve pulled away to start grabbing what he’d need for a shower, but Eddie pulled him back on, running his nose along his neck and sending chills down his spine.
“You wanna join me?” He asked.
“Of course I do. But we won’t be quick if I join you,” Steve smiled.
A real smile. One he realized he hadn’t had on his face since spring break.
“You wanna wait in bed for me, then?” Eddie beamed back at him.
“Can I stay in here? I don’t-“ Steve sighed. “I don’t wanna leave you.”
Eddie’s smile softened into something endeared. “Yeah, sweetheart. You can stay. Talk to me. Tell me what I missed.”
Steve told him about everything he could while he showered away the Upside Down grime, watching his shadow behind the glass door of the shower to make sure it never disappeared.
They made sure the bedroom door was locked before crawling into bed together, Steve laying on top of Eddie like he always did before.
He was heavier, but Eddie never cared.
Steve slept so long, Eddie had no choice but to go downstairs in the morning so no one would wake him up.
The chaos that ensued was nothing short of overwhelming, but Eddie didn’t mind.
He was happy to back with all the kids, even if they asked incredibly inappropriate questions about his body to find out what he was.
When Steve finally came down, he was still half asleep and barely registered the open-mouth stares of everyone as he came up to Eddie and rested his head on his chest, wrapped his arms around his waist.
Eddie smiled down at him and kissed the top of his head.
“Morning, sunshine.”
“Morning, baby.”
“Sunshine?!” Dustin yelled.
“Baby?!” Mike yelled louder.
“Make them go away,” Steve sighed against his neck.
“You don’t wanna explain?” Eddie asked him, half joking.
“Not today. Scare them or something.”
“You think Eddie can scare us? We’ve all almost died!” Lucas said.
“Fine. Eddie and I are together, have been forever. The tattoo on me is our initials. Get out of my house.”
The kids just stared at them in silence until Steve finally turned from Eddie and put his hands on his hips.
“I wasn’t asking. Get out.”
The kids scrambled to leave, making promises (threats) to come back soon.
Robin waved as she walked out with them, throwing them both a wink and knowing smile.
“So how long do you think we have until they come back?” Eddie asked, rocking them back and forth gently.
“Few hours maybe.”
“I can do a lot in a few hours,” Eddie nipped at Steve’s ear, making him shiver and laugh.
“You got super strength with your new life?” Steve grinned at him.
“I wouldn’t call it super, but I could definitely carry you back to bed.”
Steve jumped up and wrapped his legs around Eddie’s waist, arms around his neck.
“Carry me to bed, then, Eds.”
“Anything your heart desires, Stevie.”
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steddielations · 10 months
Eddie’s queer awakening Part 2 | Part 1
Steve doesn’t know what else to do to make Eddie realize he likes him. Never in his life has he had to work this hard at winning someone over. Never.
Even with Nancy in high school, there was always a hint that she wanted him to chase her, which made it worthwhile. Sometimes, Eddie will do something that makes Steve sure he feels the same, flirting back. Then Eddie will do something that makes Steve not so sure, laughing it off.
Steve doesn’t like resorting to bullshit queer stereotypes because he doesn’t exactly fit them either, but Eddie looks like those rugged guys on his posters and album covers. Sometimes it feels like a masculinity performance worthy of King Steve, but sometimes it feels genuine.
Eddie’s not dressing like Bowie, but he prances around on cafeteria tables yelling about sodomy and he’s never had a girlfriend that Steve knows of. He could like both, same as Steve, of course. Or it could be nothing, of course. Steve’s just putting all these moves on a straight boy, about to get his heart broken again.
Robin’s given him countless pep talks, assuring him that he’s right about Eddie when he starts to doubt it. “You sniffed Vickie out just from her VHS returns. If anyone has a functional queer detector here, it’s you. Trust it.”
“What if I ask him out and he rejects me?” Steve fully understands Robin’s worries now, it’s not the same as getting shot down by a girl. “I’ve got enough rumors about me already.” They all wanted to say it in high school, calling Steve a pretty boy in tight pants that spent too much time in the mirror.
Tommy used to shoot them all down. Now he’s not by Steve’s side, snarling at anyone who suggests it. Which was mostly just Tommy trying to convince himself that everything they did under the covers at sleepovers was “just guy stuff”, and he convinced Steve too. To the point where Steve hadn’t even considered any different until a few months ago when he told Robin and— yeah, that was an eventful conversation. The first time he stumbled across the word bisexual— from a Bowie interview in one of Robin’s magazines— it felt like something clicked into place.
“I don’t think Eddie’s the type to out anyone, either way.” Robin’s right. She’s not always right, everything would be easier if she was, but she’s right about that.
“I keep having to pretend to like his shitty weed to get him to come over. Not even the yawn and stretch move worked on him. Y’know, this,” Steve demonstrates, stretching an arm above his head and then draping it over Robin’s shoulder. She shrugs him off with a fake gag. “I kept looking at his lips and I thought we were gonna kiss, but he laughed and poked me in the ribs and called me dude.”
Robin listens to all his boy troubles and then they come up with a plan. Steve decides he’s going to come out to Eddie, just put it out there that he likes guys. In a totally platonic way and hopefully that gets the ball rolling the other way, where he tells Eddie he likes one guy in particular and hopes all his Romeo efforts don’t blow up in his face.
So he goes for it. Eddie strolls into Family Video and picks out a movie that Steve’s actually heard of for once. It’s easy for Steve to throw him a smile and invite himself over. “You know this is the closest thing to a romance movie you’ve picked? No way I’m letting you watch this alone, somebody’s gotta hold your hand through the sad ending, looks like it’s gonna be me.”
Several emotions fly across Eddie’s face, landing on overwhelmed disbelief. “I don’t get it, man. How do you not have a girlfriend? You’d be so easy to fall in love with. Hell, I feel like you've made me fall halfway in love with you already. If I was a girl, I’d date the shit out of you.”
It looks like Eddie wants to clap a hand over his mouth as soon as the words leave it.
Steve watches him carefully, trying to think clearly over his heart pounding in his chest because Eddie just said he loves him, kind of. This is it. “Would you still date me as a guy?”
Eddie’s nervous hands jingle with chain bracelets as they tug his hair and hide his face. “You mean, objectively? As a guy would I date another guy? I mean, could I want that? I hadn’t really considered that option until now. Uh. Shit. Wow, this is-”
“Because I would, you know,” Steve jumps to say, as earnestly as he can, needing Eddie to finally know. How could he not know? This is it. Steve didn’t come all this way just to tap out at the finish line. He goes for it. “I’d date you as a guy, Eddie. I’d date the shit out of you, too, just like you are.”
Eddie’s face is flushed now, his eyes wide and swimming with both questions and realizations. Steve snaps out of it for a second, looking around to see the store is thankfully empty, Robin’s still on her break, but this isn’t the place for this conversation.
“Wanna talk about it over the movie tonight?” He offers.
It moors Eddie, he relaxes more and Steve hopes he’s not imagining the faint hint of a smile. “Yeah, that’s— yeah, talk. I can do that.”
“Okay, it’s a date. See you then.” Steve hands over the tape, their fingers brushing and making warmth flutter all through him. He watches Eddie halfway trip out the door, running into it once and pulling on it three times before pushing it open.
Steve can’t stop grinning, thinking about later, determined to tell Eddie he’s already in love with him too.
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ladykailitha · 4 months
Paper Hearts Part 4
I finished it!! It will have 8 chapters. I'm excited for you guys to see where this goes! I'm still working on Sweet Home Indiana and will be focusing on that until ITS done. Then we'll be back our regularly schedule WIPs.
We have Eddie's big plan and Steve gets his flirt on.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Steve slipped into the kitchen and there in his mother’s neat handwriting was a note telling him that there were leftovers in the fridge and that they would be home again next Friday.
He sighed and opened the fridge. He immediately closed it when he saw what the leftovers were.
Boiled cabbage with chopped bacon and carrots. It wasn’t bad if it was made correctly, but his mother boiled any flavor and nutrients out of the poor vegetables and then tossed in cooked bacon to hide its sins.
He opened the cupboard and pulled out a small can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup and made that. He was craving the sodium. Eddie’s beef was good to get his body to stop shaking, but he had sweat so much he needed to replenish the salt he’d lost.
Once Steve had eaten and drank another glass of water he went to go get a shower and get ready for bed. It was no use trying to get back to his homework now. He had managed to blow up his whole evening by getting lost.
He had no idea how he got to Forest Hills or even why his feet carried him there in the first place. He could feel the weariness seeping into his bones from running for so long.
He undressed and got under the scorching water, letting the heat carry away his pains. His mind ran through all the things that Munson had done for him. The guy had no reason to be nice to him, but he had been more than gracious.
Then it hit him. Munson had called him Stevie, and without thinking Steve had called him Eds.
Where the fuck did that come from? They weren’t friends, they could barely be considered acquaintances. Was his brain reaching out to the guy subconsciously? Is that why he ended up at the trailer park? Everyone knew that’s where Munson lived. Who knew how many times the guy had been called trailer trash, but the older teen seemed to rise above the insult.
Steve shook his head, spraying water everywhere. Just because Munson picked up lost sheep, didn’t mean he’d be willing to taken in an injured wolf. Because that’s what he was, reformed or not, Steve would never be a sheep. He would always be a wolf. A predator.
But at least as a wolf he could protect those kids with everything he had. And he would, even if it killed him.
The water had long since turned cold by the time Steve stepped out of the shower. He completed his after shower routine mostly on autopilot as he kept going over his interactions with both Munson men. He didn’t really have good interactions with dads or in this case uncles. But Munson’s uncle Wayne treated him with kindness and he could see where the older boy got it from.
He dressed into his pajamas and slid under the covers. He rolled over on his back and tucked one arm under his pillow, staring up at the ceiling.
Steve thought back to the apology. One Munson really didn’t have to give but did anyway. He thought about the other jocks that bragged about hurting his hand. He held it up and looked at the fading bruise. It wasn’t as though he was even basketball anymore. Hurting his hand wouldn’t do anything but make it hard to do his homework and all he had to do is show his teachers his hurt hand and he’d get extensions for that. Like he had for his concussion last November.
But then again Tommy H. never had reasons for the people he hurt either. He just liked the power he got seeing the person helpless.
He placed his hand over his heart and let himself drift off the sleep, brown eyes and dark curls haunting his dreams.
Eddie had originally bought the red heart for himself like he had told the two juniors. But staring at it now, he had a better plan for it. Because that last wall, that last bastion of defense crumbled to ashes when he realized that despite the fancy car, the big house, and the expensive clothes, Steve Harrington was more like Eddie than he thought possible.
Wayne’s approval of the boy cemented that for him. Because if he could take one look at Steve and decide he was worth saving, then Eddie raring to go full steam ahead for a rescue mission.
Eddie could tell that the hearts were made from simple construction paper, like the kind found just about anywhere. He knew it would be technically cheating to just simply make more instead of buying them, but he had no intention of contributing to a dance he was never going to go to because one, it wasn’t his year; two, the whole gay thing; and three, the one person he would want to go with if the gay thing wouldn’t get him hate crimed, wouldn’t give him the time of day.
Well, all right, that might have changed with the whole rescuing him from wandering alone in the dark thing.
He forgave Eddie about being a dumbass, so maybe there was hope for, at the very least, a vast decrease in hostility. And he was willing to take what he could get.
He decided to wait until tomorrow after school to get the construction paper and hope that the high school hadn’t bought up the town’s supply.
On his way out the next morning, Wayne stopped him.
“You don’t have to tell me, son,” he said gently, “but you got feelings for that boy?”
Eddie froze and turned slowly to face his uncle. “What gave you that idea?”
Wayne chuckled and shook his head fondly. “Boy, when you’d go on rants about the Harrington boy, you’d describe his floppy hair, his hazel eyes and how unfairly good looking the kid was. I didn’t say anything because it did sound like he’d been a bit of an ass. Only after last night I got to thinking and was wondering is all.”
Eddie closed his eyes and opened them slowly. He let out a long shuddering breath, his bottom lip quivering.
“I–I don’t...” he closed his eyes again. This wasn’t Al. He wasn’t going to get beat for admitting it, but still it was so hard to say. So he just nodded.
Wayne came up and wrapped his arms around his nephew. “It’s a hell of a lot tougher batting for the other team, but I trust your judgment. Just promise me that if he shows signs of liking you back, you take the chance to tell him how you feel because...”
“You miss one hundred percent of the chances you don’t take,” they said together.
Eddie dropped his bag to the floor and hugged him back. “I know, old man. But I promise if there is a chance, I’ll be brave enough to take it.”
“Get going,” Wayne said, voicing cracking with emotion.
He pulled back and nodded. He reshouldered his backpack and got in his van.
He had a lot to think about and that really wasn’t conducive to paying attention in class or to his friends as they talked about their upcoming D&D session.
Gareth kicked his shin causing him to yelp.
“What the fuck, dude?” Eddie hissed.
“What the fuck is up with you?” Gareth hissed back. “You’ve been going on and on about the mind flayer for weeks and now that it’s literally this weekend, and you’re off in some other realm.”
Eddie blinked at him for a moment before his brain came back on. He shook his head to clear it.
“Yeah, sorry, man,” he said around a pretzel. “Weird night last night.”
“What happened?” Jeff asked, tilting his head to the side.
So Eddie told them. “He was like a ghost, guys. If Wayne hadn’t seen him too, I would have thought I was hitting Mary Jane a little too hard, you know?”
“I didn’t realize he was getting bullied,” Brian said, frowning. “I would have thought with Hargrove giving the dude a wide berth, that everyone else would have too.”
“Untouchable,” Jeff agreed. “The fact that jocks are now splintering into factions tells you what kind of control Steve actually had on them.”
Eddie rubbed his chin. “I don’t know how true this is, but if Harrington wasn’t lying, he’s a real sweetheart, too.”
Then he leaned forward and explained about the pink heart scheme.
“So,” Gareth said, steepling his fingers and resting his chin on them, “you’re telling us is that we have been seriously remiss in our duties in collecting lost sheep.”
The older teen sighed and shook his head. “I’d like to collect him, but I’m afraid the wolves might decide to rip him apart before we got him to safety if we tried.”
Jeff winced. He knew what Eddie was talking about. Steve Harrington wasn’t the usual lost sheep. He might be bullied now, but as King, Harrington had run far too long with the wolves to think that they could protect him one hundred percent of the time.
“So what are we going to do?” Brian asked. “Because if we let this slide, we’re throwing our lot in with the bullies and that’s something I refuse to do.”
A grin spread out over Eddie’s face, closed lips and dimples entrenched into his cheeks. “We’re going to make the school think that he’s just as popular as he ever was.”
The other three boys looked at each other in confusion.
“So what have you got?” Gareth asked, his own grin starting to take over his face.
Eddie made sure to get to class early so he could see where Steve was going to sit. He tried to tell himself it was about the dude’s hand, but it wasn’t working. He wanted to see if the former Hawkins royalty would chose to sit with his old friends or by him again.
He didn’t have long to wait. Steve walked in not long after he did, just as the bell rang. He didn’t even look at his old desk near the front and beelined it for the chair he had sat in on Friday.
The teacher picked up on the change immediately and wrinkled her nose. “I am to suppose that you are taking up permanent residence in the back with Mr. Munson, Mr. Harrington?”
Steve half shrugged as he began to pull out his things for class. “I got more work done, Mrs. Dixon and I really want to graduate on time.”
Mrs. Dixon nodded. “Agreed and as long as you continue the level of attention from last week, you are permitted to stay there.”
About half way through class while Mrs. Dixon was grading papers, Tommy H. turned around and kicked Steve’s chair. “Suck up,” he hissed.
Steve puckered his lips and wagged his eyebrows. “Why? Do you want to be next?”
Tommy turned back around, his face bright red.
Eddie raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side as he considered everything about that interaction.
A little blossom of hope sprouted in his chest and he fought to keep it down. Steve had insinuated that other people were gay for years, but to Eddie’s highly trained gay ears, that sounded like Steve was offering to suck Tommy H.’s dick and that Tommy didn’t exactly turn him down.
Curiouser and curiouser, he thought tapping his lips thoughtfully. More research would have to be done.
He pulled out a different notebook, the one he used for campaign notes and song lyrics.
He wrote girls over one column and boys over the other and began tallying what he knew about the former King of Hawkins.
A shit ton went into the Steve liking girls column, but there was surprisingly more in the liking boys column then he would have thought possible. He looked up to catch Steve smirking at him.
Eddie quickly covered his notebook and stuck his tongue out at Steve.
The other boy shook his head and went back to doing the assignment. Eddie was more careful about what he left out in the open because he didn’t want Steve teased for it nor did he want him to see that Eddie was trying to figure him out.
The bell rang and the notebook was suddenly whisked off his desk.
“Hey!” Eddie cried, looking up to see Steve dancing away with the notebook teasingly. “Stevie!” He grabbed his bag and chased after the other boy. But the other boy was a jock and Eddie was wheezing for breath by the time he caught up with him at his locker.
“Give that back,” he huffed.
Steve gave him a bright smile and handed it back. “I just made a minor addition.”
Eddie frowned as he flipped through the pages but didn’t see anything. Steve took it back and turned to the correct page and leaned close so that only Eddie could hear.
“I trust you’ll keep my secret,” he whispered and then dropped to one knee to start getting into his locker.
Eddie gulped at the sight and turned to the paper to avoid saying something stupid. There in bold capital letters under his girls/guys columns was the word BOTH.
He looked up at Steve who had stood up. Steve winked at him and then walked away, leaving a shocked Eddie behind.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
Shared Kisses
for @steddie-week I’m behind on it but I couldn’t resist day 3, and it’s a little late because I fell asleep while writing it, that's how sleep deprived I am haha. prompt: first kiss
“Okay, okay! It's my turn now. Sir Steven, Lady Birdie, tell me, who was your first kiss?” Eddie giggles from his spot on the carpet. He smells like stale menthols and pine; Steve can’t get enough of it. He has to resist from leaning his head into Eddie and taking a breath of him.
Steve is starting to believe he needs his head checked. Again. Wanting to smell one of his friend's necks isn't normal.
Steve is also starting to realize that maybe that is because he wants to be more than friends. God, he is such a loser sometimes.
“Oh, this is unfair! You know the rules state that we can’t ask it back now. Boooo.” Robin chants from her place on the couch, where she hangs upside down. Steve is for once glad they aren’t playing a drinking game; he is sure Robin would have vomited by now otherwise.
“I still think this a weird game to be playing.” Steve dodges the question and nudges Eddie with his knee.
“C’mon Harrington, questions is an absolute solid getting-to-know-you game.” Eddie nudged his knee back.
“Dude we’ve been friends for six months.”
“Yes but there are so many layers I have yet to peel.”
Robin grunts from her upside-down position, Steve can tell all the blood has finally rushed to her head, and she tumbles onto the ground next to them. “Gotta agree with Metal Man here, Steve-o. I’ve known you even longer, and I still don’t know everything. And we are practically connected.
Steve blows air from his lips, “So this is just a ploy to expose all my secrets.”
Steve can tell that Robin, who might as well share a soul with him at this point, can sense how uncomfortable he is beginning to feel. Her teasing softens for a moment. “What if I went first, yeah?”
Steve pauses, “Yeah okay.”
“You got to promise not to make fun of me.”
“Of course, Robs.”
“I make no such promises.” Eddie interrupts but ultimately cuts the tension in the room. Steve kind of feels like it is on purpose, by the way his eyes skim Steve carefully, and the way Robin lets out a loud snort.
“Wasn’t talking to you doofus. I don’t actually respect your opinion of me.”
“Hey!” Eddie protests, but they all know he isn’t really offended.
Robin chuckles lightly, but continues. “It was in middle school, at one of my first girl-boy parties; gross, right? I hate that we called it those. Anyway. They decide to play spin the bottle, and I feel pressure because my only friend at the time is Barb, and she didn’t come and Colleen Walsh is doing it, and she—well, she’s the prettiest, most popular girl in school at the time and I’d be an idiot not to follow along. So we’re playing Spin the Bottle, right? And rounds go by, and it doesn’t land on me, and I’m grateful but Colleen notices. She goads me on to do it, take a spin since it isn’t fair I haven’t kissed anyone. So, wanting to get over being the center of attention, I reach over and spin it, and it lands on—“
“Wait.” Steve stops Robin, realizing she is about to out herself to Eddie on Steve’s behalf. He doesn’t want her to do that but on anything but her own terms. “Are you sure about this, Robs?”
Robin throws her head back and laughs, “Yea, I’m sure dingus. No need to worry. Anyway, you’ll never believe who it lands on.”
Eddie wiggles his eyebrows, “C’mon buck don’t leave us hanging.”
“Tommy Hagan.”
Eddie and Steve both start choking on air while Steve screams, “What!?!”
Eddie collapses on the ground with a dramatic groan, covering his face with his hands and mumbling, “why cruel world?” Robin giggles at his antics.
“You’re telling me it wasn’t….?” Steve trails off, hoping Robin gets the hint.
“That it wasn’t a girl? No dingus, just because I’m a lesbian doesn’t mean all my experiences are with women. Besides, I was 12; I didn’t realize staring at Colleen’s boobs wasn’t jealousy.”
“Oh, thank god, you know; I thought I was going to have to break the news to you that your gayer than the men’s locker room after a winning game,” Eddie mumbles behind his hands still on the ground.
“Only you would make a sports reference in relation to gayness, Eds. Also, wait, you knew she was lesbian? How did you know? Why are you freaking out then?” Steve rapid fires questions.
Still covered with his hands, “Like seeks like, Harrington. It’s like a sixth sense.”
Steve’s mouth goes dry, “You’re gay?” He says hopefully.
Eddie finally removes his hands from his face but doesn’t sit up. “Yea, Stevie, thought you knew, honestly. Not like it’s a secret, all of Hawkins talks about it.”
“I try not to listen to the rumor mill.”
A soft smile graces Eddie’s face, “One of the many things I love about you sweetheart.”
Steve tries not to blush, but ultimately fails. “Still doesn’t explain why you’re freaking out about Tommy. Sure, he sucks, but like I reacted that way cause I was friends with him at some point. What’s you’re excuse?”
Finally Eddie sits up with a groan. “Okay, promise not to laugh or freak out?”
Robin and Steve both nod and mumble a little “yea of course”.
Eddie rubs a hand down his face, “Okay, I freaked out because even though it’s not my turn to answer and I don’t have to, well—it’s because. Okay, I’m stalling; it’s because Tommy Hagan was also my first kiss. When I was 15, under the bleachers.”
Robin and Steve are both silent, Eddie looks at them expectantly. “Are you guys going to say anything?”
Robin speaks up first, “I think this is the closest we can get to not freaking out.”
“I think I would prefer that over the freaky twin silence.”
Steve still stays quiet while Robin proceeds to react, “Oh my god Munson! This is the funniest and freakiest thing ever. And not in a freak way you like! This is magnificent, oh my god….” Robin continues to cackle and make fun of Eddie, but Steve tunes it out. He can feel all the blood rush to his ears, blocking out all the sound from the room. Tommy. Tommy. He has kissed both of his best friends, one of which he wants to kiss himself. That just seems unfair to Steve. It hurts Steve, and he doesn’t know why. Actually, he knows precisely why.
“My first kiss was when I was 13,” Steve says abruptly, not making eye contact. The both of them stop their bickering and turn to Steve. They stay silent, as if they know Steve needs it to get through it. He is thankful for them both.
“I was 13, and my parents weren’t home. It had become the usual at this point, but I was sad because it was my birthday, and this was the first birthday they didn’t even send a card. And Tommy decided to come over to cheer me up; this was back, I guess, when he still cared too. And we didn’t do much; I didn’t like to make a big fuss about my birthday even then, but it was a nice night out just before the break of summer. So we decided to stargaze on the roof. And I don’t know how it happened, but one second we’re trying to find the Little Dipper, and the next, Tommy is kissing me. It was nice, honestly. To have someone you care about show you affection. And when he pulled away, I smiled at him, but he just stared. And then—“ Steve swallows thickly before looking up at Eddie and Robin, who both look at him with rapt attention.
“Then his face turns angry, and he punches me. He punches me so hard that I almost fall off the roof. He tells me not to be a queer, and if I told anyone, who would tell everyone what I was. And it seemed unfair, right? Because he kissed me, I only smiled. I haven’t kissed a boy since.”
Suddenly there is an arm around his shoulder, “Stevie….” Eddie tucks Steve’s head into the crook of his neck, and Steve begins to sob.
Robin quietly gets up, “I’m going to make us some tea.” Steve knows she can sense that he needs a moment with Eddie. Steve loves her more than life.
“I’m sorry this is stupid. I don’t even know why I’m crying.”
Eddie rubs soft circles on his back, “It’s not stupid, honey. He hurt you in more ways than one, and traumatized you from exploring yourself. You have every right to be upset. Thank you for telling us. You didn’t—you didn’t have to. You could have lied, or told us your first kiss with a girl.—“
“Colleen Walsh.” Steve interrupts into Eddie’s neck.
Eddie barks out a laugh, “Of course it was. Anyway, Steve, thank you for sharing. I’m glad you feel safe with us.”
Steve’s tears are no longer. “I always feel safe with you, Eds.” And the Steve finally does the thing he’s been wanting to do all night. He takes a big sniff of Eddie. Steve doesn’t care if it’s weird because he settles a sort of calm in him.
Eddie grips his waist tight, and puts a finger under Steve’s chin, pulling his face close to his own. “Yea, I do? Does that mean you also trust me?”
Steve can feel Eddie’s breath on his lips. He knows it’s probably not good how quickly his mood has changed, but he can’t find it in himself to care. The air between them is electric, and intense. Steve can feel it make his whole body come alive. “Of course I do.”
Eddie leans even closer, “Good. Because I think it’s a damn shame a pretty boy like you hasn’t kissed another boy since.” Then Eddie presses their lips together.
Steve isn’t sure if someone were to ask what his first kiss with Eddie was like if he would be able to answer. It’s indescribable; it’s perfect. But if he is to try, it would be this, soft, slow, deep, and oh so very good. Steve can feel the heat from Eddie’s lips pulsing into his own. Eddie’s hands' grip Steve’s face, angling him deeper as he slides his tongue into his mouth. Steve pulls him closer by his t-shirt. Going crazy off the taste of salt and chocolate that now swipes his tongue.
They both pull back a little breathlessly, hands still gripping each other. They lean their foreheads together, and Steve smiles. He smiles so big his face hurts. And Eddie does the most thing in return,
He smiles back.
The moment is broken, though, when Robin enters the room again with a bowl of popcorn and a loud “Oh thank god, I was sick of the pining. From both of you.”
Eddie sputters while Steve just laughs at her. “I thought you were making tea Birdie?”
Robin sits down next to them again, “Too much work and I was snacky.”
Steve throws popcorn at her head but isn’t upset at all. He leans his head on Eddie’s shoulder, and Eddie kisses the top of Steve’s head.
Robin smiles fondly at them. Then her face scrunches up in pain, “Wait, all of our first kisses was Tommy Hagan?”
“Unfortunately so.”
“God I do not want to give that twerp any more credit in life than I have to. Why are we all like this?”
Steve giggles while Eddie shrugs.
Robin can’t keep a straight face anymore and falls into laughter. “Wait, does this mean we are all bounded by this? I completely unrelated, non-upside down experience?”
Eddie speaks up before Steve, “I believe so, Lady Buckley. A trauma outside of other worlds binds us. We have been bound since before the slain of Vecna.”
Robin shrieks, “Awee, guys! We were always meant to meet then.”
Then Robin tackles the both of them to the ground in a bear hug. Steve’s not even mad that she’s in the middle of Eddie and him.
Because this, right here, is all the love he’ll ever need.
I'm behind on steddie week, but I want to throw my hat in the ring. Have a written a first kiss thing before? Yes I have. But I can’t resist. Thank for the read, love this community so much.
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toobusybeingdelulu · 4 months
no because why do I have the feeling that the night at the Byers’ house steve needed that fight more than billy? think about it. When seeing Steve on the porch he immediately relaxes (leaning against the car, lighted cigarette, hand on the belt) while Steve is more closed off and tense (arms crossed etc).
Steve knew that that encounter would have ended in blood one way or another, while I don’t think that Billy did: he was just there to pick up his sister. His night had already been ruined. Not even a fight could fix it. And also he had to hurry up because Neil was waiting for him, and last but not least… I don’t think he had wanted to fight steve in the first place, despite what everyone may think. I’ve always had the impression that, in canon, he wanted to get to know him in a non-antagonistic way, but didn’t know how to properly… do that, you know? So yeah, a bit of advice on the basketball court, with just enough pushing to not give Steve the idea that he was some sort of pussy (after all, we‘ve seen how he was raised), then some compliments under the shower and a little bit of encouragement (‘don’t sweat it Harrington’ ‘today is just not your day man’ + side eye at Tommy when he teased him about Nancy + ‘don’t take it too hard man, a pretty boy like you has got nothing to worry about.’) and he probably thought that maybe he was doing a good job at it?
Well. Steve did not think so. How can we blame him tho? Let’s remember that Steve is in a hurricane of emotions in season 2: he just lost his spot as king of the crowds, his shot at a normal life and his girlfriend. And then there is this new boy (who is going through just as much of a change) who cannot stop being in his space, and being mean, and pushing him around, and how could he believe that he was being friendly? Of course he is gonna think that dude’s just being a dick for the sake of making his life hell, for some reason. Even the compliments he threw his way may sound as mocking for someone who had been told to his face by his girlfriend that he was nothing but bullshit.
So.. yeah. It’s safe to say that these two idiots did not understand each other, so a fight had been inevitable. And of course it was started by Steve. Because he is the one that had a different perception of Billy’s behaviors towards him than billy himself: maybe he thought that he would have fought him even if he had told him the truth. Or some reasonable lie. Either way, it would have been inevitable. but least he could have a little fun before the first punch, ergo the “were you dropped too much as a child or what?” Because what the duffers and even his fans don’t understand about Steve Harrington’s character is that he is still a former mean girl. No matter how hard they try to uwufying him. Did he change since s1? Sure. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be bitter. That he can’t be awful sometimes. And selfish. But that is fine!! Because that’s what made him interesting in the first place. And the night at the Byers’ had been one of those times. Did billy get out of line with his violence once started? Sure. But Steve threw the first punch. And he needed that fight, because unlike the monster in the fridge, THAT was something familiar. THAT was something normal teenagers did.
and the thing that makes this dynamic even more interesting? Is that Billy loved this side of Steve (“looks like you got some fire in you after all huh? I’ve been waiting to meet this king Steve everyone is telling me so much about”) Because, once again, it was something that he recognized.
In the end, they were both scared kids trying to find a bit of normalcy in each other’s blood in order to escape their respective monsters.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
We're back with another soulmate AU cause I'm a sucker for them.
Steve had never known a time when the names of his soulmates weren't on his wrists. One platonic, one romantic. Some people were born with two romantic although rare, some born with two platonic, some with just one and some with none.
Steve couldn't wait to meet his soulmates, as a kid he told his mother that his soulmate was going to be the prettiest girl in the world and that his best friend would be the coolest guy ever.
He knew his parents weren't soulmates, his mother's soulmate had died when she was young and his father didn't have anything in his wrists. It didn't matter to Steve though, they weren't around much now that he was older.
He waited all through high school to meet his soulmates, Tommy and Carol had met each other in middle school and he wanted what they had. As the years went on, his parents grew distant, his world became more about popularity, he slowly forgot about his names. He went through girls with the hopes of filling the void inside of him.
It wasn't until one Nancy Wheeler didn't fall for his charms preferring to wait to meet her soulmate did it feel like a knock to the head. He found a friend in Nancy a friendship he didn't even regret once he was pulled in by proxy to a whole other world under their town. He held Nancy as she cried losing her platonic soulmate Barb and met her romantic soulmate Jonathan.
He felt more like himself now that he was hanging around friends that cared about each other rather than their images. He adopted a gaggle of children who also needed protecting from the monsters on their doorstep and started thinking about soulmates again.
Nancy helped him graduate, barely. He didn't want to leave Hawkins without the kids or Nancy and Jonathan and so he started working at Scoops Ahoy. Where he met his soulmate, finally. Robin Buckley was funny and loud and smart and beautiful. Steve didn't want to rush into anything in case he was wrong and by the time he had gotten up the courage to show her his tattoo there were Russians and blood, so much blood.
High on Russian drugs he confessed to her, told her about how she was everything he'd dreamt of in a soulmate when he was little. How she was funny and amazing and that he loved her. He hadn't expected Robin to start crying, words tumbling out how she's not what Steve wants, not what Steve deserves in a soulmate, that she can never love him the way he wants. That day Steve discovers who his platonic soulmate is. From that day they're inseperable.
Steve doesn't know how he went through life without Robin once she was in it. She got on great with all his friends, called him out on his bullshit, comforted him through nightmares and was always there for him. She taught him that it was ok to like boys and girls and that his romantic soulmate will love him despite his King Steve days because she loves him too.
After already having one soulmate in danger from the Upside Down he never dreamt that the first time he'd hear someone say his other soulmates name it would be attached with "murder". Slammed up against the walls of the boathouse, Steve didn't think he'd ever seen anyone as beautiful as Eddie.
"Soulmates huh?"
"Yeah, sorry."
"Well, I know Dustin's one is definitely platonic, since he's a kid. Wonder what ours is?"
Steve wanted to tell him that he wanted everything with Eddie, but he knew his past, and knew that Eddie knew too. So he let himself hope, let himself laugh with Eddie, let himself be close. Nothing had been harder than leaving Eddie and Dustin there as distractions but he had a job to do.
As he'd held bloody bandages desperately to Eddie's wounds and begged him to stay awake, he wished he'd told Eddie everything he'd been thinking, how he was everything Steve had wanted and more.
"Please, Eddie! Stay awake, just hold on a little longer!"
"I think I figured us out, sweetheart."
And those were the last words Steve heard from his soulmate before Eddie had gone limp in his arms.
Steve held on hope for weeks beside Eddie's hospital bed. He had traced Eddie's name on his wrist over and over, memorising it. The tattoo had stayed dark and clear, Eddie was still there, he was still alive next to Steve.
Steve could've kissed Eddie as soon as he saw his eyes blink open but didn't want to injure him further.
"I figured us out too, Eds."
Little Steve had been right, his best friend was the coolest person he knew, and his soulmate was the most beautiful person he'd ever known.
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delta-piscium · 2 years
I wrote this in September and it’s been collecting dust in my docs and staring back at me with judgement whenever I post or write something else so here 
“Steve” a familiar voice shouts across the room.
Steve turns around, and there, on the other side of the crowded room is Tommy. It really shouldn’t be as big of a shock to see him as it is. Steve is at a house party on a Friday night, it would have been weirder if Tommy wasn’t here. But still, that doesn’t mean he’s prepared to see him, they basically haven’t talked in three years, ever since Steve ‘chose’ Nancy over him and Carol (aka finally dropped them because they were horrible and didn’t drop Nancy because she isn’t). 
Still, he plasters on a smile, making it as polite as he can, and waves. Hopes it will be enough but of course, it isn’t. Tommy starts weaving through people, pushing and elbowing his way toward Steve.
“Its been ages,” he says clapping his hand on Steve’s shoulder, “how have you been man.”
Steve resists the urge to shrug his hand off, but it’s a close thing. 
“It has.” Steve doesn’t add ‘because you’re an asshole and I hate who I am around you’ and he feels very mature for it. “I’m good.” He very deliberately does not ask Tommy how he’s been. 
“Me too, me too.” He responds anyways, at least he finally removes his hand from Steve’s shoulder which makes him relax marginally. “Still dating Nancy?” 
And, okay yeah, he and Tommy haven’t really spoken since he and Nancy were still together but Hawkins is a small town and he’s sure Tommy knows that Nancy had both broken up with Steve, gone on to date Jonathan for two years, and recently broken up with him as well. Actually, he thinks he remembers a shower conversation with Billy just days after she dumped him and went off to Murray with Jonathan, a conversation that Tommy was also present for.
“No, we broke up years ago.” He dutifully replies anyways, because what else can he say? 
“Yeah, heard she dumped you?” 
Steve is gonna remain calm, play along in whatever game Tommy is playing, and not react. 
“She did,” he agrees easily.
“And got with Jonathan right after? Should have listened to us and stayed away.” He grins as he speaks, grins as if Steve is gonna agree with him. 
“We’re still friends,” Steve shrugs, letting the fall of Tommy’s smile bring one to his own lips.
“Was for the best that we broke up, we’re much better as friends.” 
Tommy squints a bit, his hackles raising and Steve only notices because he once knew him so well. Why he’s still getting defensive talking about Nancy Steve doesn’t know.
“Oh Stevie, you still hung up on her huh?” 
It’s deliberate, he’s trying to press Steve’s buttons. ‘Well, tough Tommy-boy.’ Steve thinks, ‘those ones don’t work anymore, have been defunct for ages. You’re gonna have to do better than that if you want a reaction.’ 
“Nah,” he says, lets his smile be a bit more genuine when he continues, “she’s great but I’m dating someone else.” 
“Rebound?” Tommy whistles, “she hot?” 
Why Tommy is convinced Steve is still pining after Nancy he can’t say, or maybe it’s the only angle he has on Steve nowadays? Except they basically lived in each other's pockets all through high school and if Tommy really wants to get under Steve’s skin there are other things, better things. Things he has used against Steve before and seen the effect of. Why he isn’t he using them now when he clearly has some agenda Steve can’t say.
Steve is about to respond, has his mouth open and ready to speak when someone calls his name again. Thankfully this time the source is a lot more pleasant. 
Tommy turns around to see who it is, completely exposing his back to Steve. It’s probably the last few years of fighting hell monsters that has ingrained a distrust in Steve. Making him hyper-aware of his surroundings and never willing to leave his back open like this to people he doesn’t trust. He knows this but still, he thinks there should be some primal instinct in Tommy to stop him from making himself so vulnerable to Steve, the action speaks of leftover trust that Steve isn’t ready to face. 
“Munson? You know Munson?” He turns back around, an incredulous look on his face.
It snaps Steve out of his thoughts and reminds him Eddie had called for him. He leans to the side, stretching out so he’s visible behind Tommy, catching Eddie’s eye and waving him over.
“I do, yeah.”
Tommy’s face twists into something Steve can’t immediately place. He recognizes it, knows he’s seen Tommy make that face before. It’s not disgust or confusion but maybe something in between? Before he can figure it out it clears.
“Oh, King Steve getting drugs? Who would have thought?” 
Steve rolls his eyes, the only reason he had stopped smoking weed for a while in high school was because athletes got tested. Why Tommy is pretending Steve ever had some moral issue with it now is beyond him but not much of this interaction has made sense to him so far so what’s one more thing?
“What Steve doing drugs? He’s a very responsible young man and would never” Eddie says, twisting past the last couple of people.
“Right Stevie? You wouldn’t touch the stuff?” Eddie–knowing very well that Steve would in fact ‘touch the stuff’–asks. 
“Not with a ten-foot pole.” Steve–who smoked yesterday–deadpans. 
“Knew I could trust in you to stay a good boy.” Eddie coos as he steps into Steve's space and kisses him despite where they are. It’s quick enough that no one who isn’t watching would catch it though and the only one who is watching is Tommy. When Steve looks back at him his face slack with shock. 
“Hagan,” Eddie says with a short nod. 
“You-?” Tommy looks between them, that same look as before flashing on his face, still just out of Steve’s grasp.
Steve contemplates what he should do for a second but Tommy already saw them kiss, already knows. And honestly, Steve doesn’t really care what he thinks and he knows Tommy won't say anything. Steve has too much dirt on him.
“Oh sorry, Tommy this is my boyfriend.” His voice is deceptively sweet as he introduces Eddie as if that’s what Tommy had been getting at.
Steve turns to Eddie, “baby, you know who Tommy is right?” 
He’s laying it on thick, asks despite Eddie greeting him by name two seconds ago. Knows others' unabashed confidence and being on the outside are things Tommy can’t handle.
“I think so,” Eddie plays along, “you were friends once right? Before you found better people?” 
It’s mean but Steve wouldn't have thought too much of it if it weren’t for the wounded noise Tommy makes. When Steve looks at him again his face is cracked open and it finally clicks what that expression is.
“Aw, you jealous?” Eddie says in a mocking tone, hitting the nail on the head because that’s exactly what that expression is, jealousy. 
It’s the same look he had whenever Steve told him about a new girl, the look he’d have when Steve started bringing Nancy around. It’s deeper though, not only jealousy. He also looks like he did when Steve told him and Carol to leave him alone. He doesn’t just look jealous, Tommy looks heartbroken. 
He tries to pull it together, scrunching his nose up in disdain, and scowls at them. Quickly looks away from Steve when their eyes catch and his mask falls a bit, instead focusing on Eddie who raises one eyebrow in response. 
“Hardly,” he scoffs, it comes out strained, “I would love to stay and chat but-” 
He doesn’t elaborate, just turns on his heel and disappears into the crowd.
Steve is frozen to the spot, a war going on in his head. Puzzle pieces he didn’t know were missing falling into place.
“Come on, let's get out of here.” Eddie grabs Steve’s wrist and starts pulling him outside, away from the party. He gets them in his car and doesn’t try to speak to Steve, probably sensing he’s having some earth-shattering realizations right now. 
“He liked me,” he finally manages to say. “That’s why he hated Nancy so much. He was...” he trails off, knows it’s true but can’t quite say it.
“Jealous,” Eddie finishes softly.
“You knew?” Steve asks because Eddie doesn’t sound or look surprised at all.
He shrugs, “I had my suspicions.”
“But how-”
“We looked at you the same,” his smile is wry, self-deprecating, “I recognized it.”
And Steve can’t really process this right now even though he knows it’s true so he grasps at straws, “Carol, he was with Carol?”
Eddie reaches out one arm and cups his face in his hand, glances at him quickly before he looks back at the road with a sad smile.
“If you’re in love with your best friend, your male best friend who you believe is straight, you do what you need to do to push it down, to hide it. Especially in high school and in a small town.”
“In love?” Steve rasps because he’d said ‘like’.
“Yeah, sweetheart. In love.”
Eddie brushes his fingers under Steve’s eye and he realizes it’s because he’s crying.
“I’m sorry,” he says, “I don’t know why I'm reacting like this.” 
And it’s true, he really doesn’t understand why it feels like a big hole has opened in him. He never liked Tommy, not like that, yet it feels like he’s lost something, fucked something up.
“He used to be your best friend, it’s a big thing to realize.” Eddie parks outside of his trailer, turns to Steve making no move to get out of the car. “Kind of changes everything, or at least puts it in a new context, explains some things.”
Steve feels the blood drain from his face because he’s suddenly remembered something and oh god does it put it in a new fucking context.
“Baby?” Eddie asks when Steve sits frozen again.
“We used to get wasted and make out,” he whispers the words, shame coursing through his veins.
Eddie goes still and Steve rushes the explain.
“Not often and not after he got with Carol, just,” he takes a shallow breath, “It happened a few times. We’d steal my dad's whiskey and get so beyond drunk and, well, kiss a lot.” 
He’d smile at the memory if he wasn’t so horrified by it at the moment. 
“The first time Tommy had never kissed anyone, asked me to teach him so he wouldn’t fuck it up when it mattered. Then after that it just kind of continued to happen. We’d get drunk, make out, and pretend like nothing. It stopped when he started seeing Carol, he tried but I stopped him. Told him he didn’t need to practice now when he had the real deal. We never talked about or even mentioned it.”
Steve sees Eddie’s arms shake and when he looks up he sees Eddie holding back laughter, eyes filled with barely concealed amusement.
“Are you laughing right now?”
Eddie stops holding back, letting the laughter burst out of him and Steve is so confused because he thought Eddie would be mad at him. He’s not sure why, it’s just that this has been such a deeply buried secret wrapped in shame for years with a big ‘do not talk or even think about it’ sign placed in front of it. That it would be met with laughter was never a possibility.
“I’m sorry,” he gasps through it, “It’s just such a cliche.”
Steve’s confused face only makes Eddie laugh harder. When he calms down he takes Steve's face in both his hands holding him firmly and looking him in the eyes.
“Steve, baby, sweetheart. Tommy used the oldest trick in the book on you, asking you to teach him how to kiss and you did it multiple times because what? he needed practice? That’s the flimsiest excuse to gay kiss your best friend and it’s also fucking done, it’s a cliche.”
Steve blinks, realizes that while he never had feelings for Tommy he had definitely found him attractive, had enjoyed kissing him. Had very deliberately not thought too deeply about his or Tommy's motives because that would have made it something he would have had to face.
“Oh,” he says.
Eddie smiles, wide and warm, “yeah, oh.”
“You don’t think I used him?” Steve has to ask, “if he had feelings for me and I didn’t have any for him.”
“No,” Eddie says, “not more than he did you. And you were kids, just messing around and trying to figure yourselves out in a not-very-accommodating world.”
Eddie squints a bit in thought, “though he probably thought you were more on the same page, that you could continue even though he was with Carol. Must have stung to be rejected.”
Steve snorts, “wasn’t really interested in helping anyone cheat, even under all the pretenses.”
“I know.” 
Eddie's eyes are soft, looking at him with so much warmth that Steve momentarily forgets what they were talking about until Eddie's mouth twists into a sly grin.
“I can’t believe your first gay experience was with Tommy fucking Hagan.”
Steve gives him an unimpressed look, “at least I didn’t come in my pants ten seconds in, like some people I know.”
Eddie draws back, clutching his chest with his hands, “harsh words, love. It was at least a minute.”
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shieldofiron · 6 months
Set You Free
Threw this up on Ao3 too
It sounds like a joke. That thing was in his head, speaking in that stilted voice and once it was gone Billy couldn’t stop talking. Couldn’t stop fucking talking, partially because he was scared that it would turn into the wrong voice, partially because he almost couldn’t believe he had survived.
“I don’t want him here, he hits me,” He told the nurse when his dad came to visit.
And just like that they’d barred his dad from the hospital.
Max had come by with her little boyfriends and he’d talked their ears off, half crying, about the year before, about the monster, making no fucking sense, until the littlest one with the creepy haunted doll look sat beside his bed and patted his hand.
He just couldn’t stop talking, but he had to because Harrington was apparently visiting today with his girlfriend or something.
And so he sat silently as Harrington rambled on about the mall, about some freako sounding Russians and fireworks.
“Anyway. I guess what I mean is I’m sorry, cuz I hit you with that car. And if Mike hadn’t pushed you out of the way you’d be dead, and… I’m real sorry, Hargrove,” Harrington said, “For all of it. Mike and Will are like obsessed with telling me how you saved all of us so, I just wanted you to know that… thank you. And I’m sorry.”
Billy nodded, glancing over at the girl who hadn’t said a peep.
“So you forgive me?” Harrington glanced up with those pretty puppy dog eyes.
Billy nodded again, biting his tongue.
“Great!” Harrington nodded, “I’ll go down and get us some coffee or something, and then we can all catch up. Robin, coffee?”
“Black,” Robin nodded, “And get something that won’t make Billy hurl chunks, please.”
“Got it… uh… ginger ale?” Harrington looked at him.
“Just water. I’m missing like ten miles of intestine or some shit,” Billy grumbled.
Harrington blinked, startled, “Right.”
He left with a few of those kicked puppy dog glances, and then Billy was alone with the girlfriend. Robin. The thing is he kind of liked her before she became Steve’s girlfriend.
“I liked you too. And I’m not, by the way,” She folds her hands in her lap, “Steve’s girlfriend.”
Stupid talking thing.
“You’re kind of interesting, Billy Hargrove,” She smiled, and then she frowned.
They just kind of stared at each other, until sweat started to form on his brow.
“Don’t tell him I’m gay,” He blurted out at last.
He knew it, she knew it. Caught him and Tommy having a… moment under the bleachers a million years ago. Billy used to see big poufy band geek uniforms in his nightmares for weeks, but she never said anything.
“I wouldn’t,” She shook her head.
“But I might,” Billy growled, “You gotta keep him away from me, girlfriend or no.”
“Why?” She wrinkled her nose.
“I’m… gay?” He almost scoffed. What was she not getting?
“Okay. Again. Why would Steve have to keep away from you?”
“It’s fucking… wrong. Wrong to have feelings for him. Disgusting pervert shit ok,” Billy frowned, “I told Max he shouldn’t come.”
“I don’t think it’s wrong.”
Billy bit his lip so hard he thought he might draw blood.
“The kids too. Everyone should just stay away.”
“Even me?” She shuffled in her seat, “Is it dangerous for me?”
He glanced at her, not sure what she was saying. Why didn’t people just say what they meant?
“Listen, I don’t really know what happened to you, but I think you staying away from everyone and everything is kind of what got you into this shit in the first place,” She shrugged. “Just sayin’”
“That’s not why it happened,” Billy muttered.
“Then what happened?”
“I was… trying,” Billy’s throat felt right but he pushed through it, “To be normal. And it didn’t work, because I’m fucked.”
“I don’t think you’re fucked. And I don’t think…” Robin scooted forward, taking his hand, “Look. I don’t think you’re evil or anything.”
“I killed people and I have a gay crush on your friend.”
“Okay, that fucking thing killed people and people get fucking crushes every day,” She shook her head. “It’s not a crime.”
“It kind of is.”
“Only to cops,” She rolled her eyes.
He exhaled, “fine. I still kind of like you.”
“Same to you, Billy Hargrove,” She patted his arm, “just remember. The truth will set you free. Maybe Steve won’t think you’re evil either, you know.”
Billy was about to answer when Harrington swung into the door, “The nurses said you could have one of these dinner rolls too.”
“Course you fucking charmed the nurses,” Billy grumbled, “They fucking hate me.”
Harrington just laughed, gamboling in like a happy puppy and setting up Billy’s table.
“The truth,” Robin mouthed over a fluffy cloud of brown hair, “Will set you free.”
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
omg can I please request a steve blurb with the barista meet cute?! like a customer/customer sort of deal?? I am literally obsessed with that list that you just put out!
ah! this list! i like that list, too <3 thank you for allowing me to write you something from it! | meet cute, 1k
The first time you see him you think he's cute. And like every other cute guy you've seen in passing in your life, you sigh and wish you were the kind of person who flirts with strangers.
But then again, who really wants to be bothered in line at the cafe? So you don't say anything to him, though you do stand next to him while you wait for your coffee. Just for fun. He's boyishly handsome, though you expect that he's around your age, probably off to a job or higher education of some kind after this. Long lashes and a few freckles and moles on his neck, hands tucked into jeans as he rocks back and forth on his heels. You can't believe you've never seen him before. But if you had you know you'd remember.
"Steve!" the barista calls, setting down a cup on the bar. The guy steps forward with a smile and a thank you -- nice voice too, you think. He doesn't really look like a Steve. Maybe a Tommy or a John. When he turns around he makes eyes contact with you and gives you the stranger-to-stranger smile before heading for the door. He's got nice eyes, too. Damn. Have a nice life, Steve.
But then you see him again.
This time, you're there first, already waiting for your drink when he stands near you. He's in blue work pants and a yellow sweater and he looks how you feel: tired beyond belief. It's one of those days when the barista is calling orders and not names, so you're trying to pay attention. When they call your order, you step forward for it, but so does Steve. Your hands brush in front of the cup and he jerks back.
"Oh," he says, shaking his head a bit as if to bring himself back to the present. "Sorry."
"I, uh," you say. "I think this is mine?" He takes a step back and grins ruefully, cheeks a little pink.
"Yeah, yeah, of course," he says. "You were here first."
You duck your head and grab the cup. "Thanks," you say, softly. "Good taste, though!" He looks a little surprised at your attempt at levity before he laughs.
"You too," he says. You raise your cup a little and hurry towards the door.
After that, you keep an eye out for Steve. Sure, you spoke once and you were awkward, but he was cute and it's nice to look forward to the little things, right? But you don't see him for a few weeks. Maybe he found a new shop, or maybe he decided to stop drinking coffee.
It's a pretty busy day at the cafe but you've snagged yourself a small table in a corner to read and sip your drink. It started pouring just after you arrived, so you figure you'll stay for a while rather than get soaked running for your car. You're pretty engrossed in your book, the noise of the shop a buzz in the background, until you realize someone is standing fairly close to you. You look up and it's Steve.
"Hi," he says. His hair is practically dripping wet and he's got a soaked jacket in one hand and a drink cup in another. "Can I sit with you? Till the rain lets up?"
You'd probably say yes to anyone who asked, but you're a little quick on the jump, since it's Steve. The mystery cute guy you've seen...twice.
"Totally," you say. He looks very grateful and sits across from you, draping his dripping jacket across the back of his chair.
"Do you have our usual?" he says, pointing to your cup. You laugh a little. Our usual, you think.
"I do," you tell him. "Do you?" He shakes his head.
"Trying to cut back on the caffeine." He looks at his cup like it's personally wronged him. "Just hot chocolate for me today."
"Ah," you say, taking a sip of your drink. "Tough choice."
He sighs dramatically, eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiles. "I'm Steve, by the way." He holds up his hot chocolate cup and points to his name written in the hurried hand of the barista. It's a dorky move and he seems to realize it when he quickly sets it back down on the table and rubs the back of his neck.
You copy his movements, pointing to your own cup. Steve says yiour name out loud, nodding like he's committing it to memory. "Well, don't let me bother you," he says, eyeing your book. "Thanks for letting me sit here."
"Oh, you're not bothering me," you say. You dog-ear your page and close it. "It was getting a little slow anyway." His eyebrows raise. "Well, the big thing has already happened, but the main character --" You launch into an explanation about the importance of a compelling recovery from the climax of the plot before you realize it. Steve just watches, mouth curled up at one corner as he slips his drink.
"Sorry," you say, after a few minutes. "You didn't ask to hear me ramble about a book."
"No, no, by all means, keep rambling." You wonder what he'd do if you died of embarrassment right here, at this table.
"Are you a reader?" you ask, face a little hot. He shakes his head.
"No, not really. But that book sounds interesting the way you tell it." You laugh a little, glad he's nice enough not to make fun of you. It would be a real bummer if your coffee shop crush was an asshole. He looks pleased with himself that he's made you laugh. You look out the window and he follows your gaze, now frowning at the continuing deluge.
"Doesn't look like it's going to let up soon," you say softly. You look back at Steve and find that he's already looking at you.
"Well, keep telling me about this unsatisfying main dude," he says. He leans forward in his seat, looking genuinely interested.
"Okay," you say. "But don't forget that you asked for this, Steve." It's the first time you've said his name and you notice that his mouth twitches as you do.
"Somehow I don't think I'll regret it." Your stomach flutters and you roll your eyes but can't hide your smile. The cute guy from the coffee shop is flirting with you. This is better than any book you've ever read.
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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little-bumblebeeee · 1 year
Moonlight - part 2
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Werewolf!Steve Harrington x vampire!Eddie Munson
a teeeeny tiny bit of angst but don't worry
A little bit shorter than I'd like and I'm realizing this might have more parts than I bargained for (also not proofread if you see mistakes no you don't)
Part 1 :)
They avoid each other like the plague. Well, it's mostly Steve avoiding Eddie a little more than usual. He even starts sending Tommy to buy weed instead of just getting it himself, which means that no, that was not in fact a weird ass dream and Steve most definitely is a werewolf. And Eddie called him a good boy. He doesn't know which is more embarrassing, the fact that he cuddled with him like he was a dog or the fact he kind of misses that. Eddie doesn't even attempt to talk to him. He didn't before, why would he now?
But the next full moon has Eddie wanting to go back to those woods. As he hears those cries and howls, he feels the strange need to go back out and help Steve again. So what does he do? He grabs the now cold McDonald's burger he was about to eat and his bag, as well as a pet brush because he doesn't want his fingers getting caught in Steve's matted fur again, walking briskly back to those woods. Just as last time, when Eddie peeks through the trees, he sees the big brown wolf curled up and whining, clearly still in a little bit of pain. "Steve?" Eddie asks tentatively. Steve's head perks up, looking around before his familiar burnt caramel eyes land on Eddie. He jumps up, bounding over to Eddie and tackling him to the ground.
Oh. Great. Eddie's dying now. His throat is gonna be ripped out and Steve is only licking his face to get a taste of Eddie before he absolutely devours him and- okay now why is that making him think about human Steve sucking his- anyways back to Eddie about to die. Which.. isn't happening. Steve hops off of Eddie, tail wagging as he digs his nose into Eddie's bag, fishing out the burger and finishing it off in a single bite, not even chewing once. "Steve.. hey. Uh.." Eddie stammers, sitting up and scooting back a bit. Steve is a lot more affectionate in this form, and Eddie just assumes that Steve doesn't remember shit because in what world would Steve Harrington want anything to do with Eddie Munson? Especially since... well, they have reasons for calling him a "freak" that aren't just about his looks. The one time he tried his hand at asking out a guy, it backfired horribly, and now practically everyone in Hawkins knows he's- that he's...
He was young. Tried to prove everyone "wrong" by asking out a girl he kind of liked, just to get people to think the rumors weren't true. But it only worsened things somehow, making him eternally damned to be "the freak". Why did life put him here? It's just his luck to be practically tortured his whole life then be told he's going to hell as if he's not already there. Maybe he has died. Maybe this is hell. He's only having this nice moment with Steve as he lays his head on Eddie's lap because it's a way for him to get his hopes up, for him to be happy for at least a few moments before it all comes crashing down again before he even gets the chance to savor it.
He's tired of it. He's tired of getting his hopes up, of crying, of dealing with.. everything. He's just. So. Tired.
Eddie looks back down at the werewolf lying in his lap when he feels Steve's wet nose nudge against his hand, big brown eyes looking right back up at him with a look that almost appears to be worry in his eyes. "Hey, Steve." He says quietly, running his ringed fingers through the light brown fur of the large animal. It's like a sliver of light, a shot of caffeine to wake him up. He feels a little more okay like this, even if his chest aches knowing Steve will only avoid him further by tomorrow. But tonight, he'll savor this tonight.
Before life rips it all away from Eddie, he'll savor this.
part 3
Tag list: @manda-panda-monium (that's it, you can totally ask to be on the tag list if you want, I'll add you no hesitation)
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dragonflylady77 · 1 year
This is one of the first fics I wrote and it's been gathering dust in my GDocs, waiting for me to write more.
I'm not sure I will, so in the meantime, you get to read it.
Stop flirting and get in the house
A 'that night at the Byers house' ficlet for @lovebillyhargrove because she's the sweetest and i love her to bits. ❤️
Read on Ao3
“Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?” Billy says, cigarette dangling from his lips as he takes off his leather jacket and throws it in the car through the open driver window.
The other teen sighs, hands on his hips. “Yeah it's me, don't cream your pants.”
Billy mutters, “Wouldn't be the first time…”
“What?” Shock in Harrington’s eyes and something else… Billy can't tell for sure because it's dark and he might be willing it to be there. Just a little bit. He also realises he said it out loud.
“What?” he says, trying to derail this exchange they're having.
“Oh, now, come on, I wanna hear you say it.”
“Fuck off, Harrington, I'm just here for my sister.”
“See, I wish I could believe that.” Cocky asshole. Acting like he's still that King Steve Tommy keeps yammering on about.
The way he’s standing shows he really wants Billy to get back in his car and fuck off.
Too bad.
Billy doesn't have time for the posturing, not when he's already met Neil's fists once tonight and knows he will meet them again if he comes home without the red-headed pain in his ass.
“I don't give a fuck what you believe, pretty boy. Now hand over my sister. I don't know what bullshit you and the weird kids get up to, but I know it's not worth me paying for it.”
The look on Harrington's face goes from cocky to worried in the space of a breath. “What do you mean, paying for it?”
Billy realises he's said too much. “Fuck this shit.”
He takes a few steps closer to the house, still a distance away from Harrington. Can see the kids in the window, a flash of red. Bellows, “MAXINE!!! TIME TO GO, shitbird.”
“Now wait a minute, there, Hargrove.” Steve moves to stand in his way, hand up, just shy of touching him. “You can't just—”
“You don't wanna test me right now,” Billy bites out, teeth on edge. “Move, pretty boy.”
“Make me.”
That's the moment Max chooses to come storming outside.
“Oh my god Billy, would you stop flirting in front of the children.”
Billy glares at Max before his eyes focus on Harrington again and the way his brown eyes are glued to Billy's chest. He feels his heart skip a beat then.
Maxine pushes past Harrington who's still staring. “Billy, I can't go home, there's serious shit going down.” She stops, waits until he sets his eyes on hers and he can see her make a decision. “We could use your help.”
Billy can't believe his ears. “Oh now you want my help?”
That snaps Harrington out of his trance. “What? Max, we can't—”
“Steve, listen. I know he's an asshole, but he's my brother and I think his anger issues could come in handy.” She turns to Billy. “No offence.”
Billy shrugs and lights a smoke. He knows he’s an asshole with anger issues.
Does Harrington have to shriek this loud?
“What? I'm sure he'll enjoy smashing those demodogs just as much as you do.”
“I'm not giving him a weapon!”
Billy grunts. “He is standing right there.” He sighs. He’s tired, he’s sore and he’s reaching his limit with all the fucking posturing. “Max, what the fuck is going on?”
“Come inside and I'll explain”
“I don't think that's a good idea,” Steve pipes up.
Max rolls her eyes at Steve and walks back into the house.
Billy steps past King Steve with a smug smirk and follows Max, partly because he’s curious to find out what’s going on and also because it’s pissing Harrington off.
He hears Harrington groan behind him and can feel him following close.
When he enters the lounge, Max is in a huddle with the weird kids and they’ve having a hushed argument about him.
He stops and feels Harrington crash into him. The feel of the other teen’s warm body behind him creates a shudder he has no time to stop.
He moves away a bit to lean on the doorframe and crosses his arms in front of him while he waits for the children to decide he’s worthy of knowing what the fuck has them all in a tizzy. Like he fucking cares.
“Max, no…”
“Just do it Dustin.”
“Ugh. Fine”
Billy feels pride bloom in his chest for the way Max takes no shit from those teenage boys.
Billy watches the curly-haired one walk into the kitchen and stop in front of the fridge. The kid looks at Billy then at Max who nods. With a sigh, the boy opens the fridge door and something tumbles out of it.
The silence in the kitchen is eerie as Billy takes in the… creature… that fell out. It’s dark grey, half wrapped in a sheet or something, roughly the size of a big dog, but its head—there’s something wrong with its head, it’s like a freaking flower with teeth.
Billy guesses it’s one of those demodog things Max mentioned outside. He’ll definitely need a weapon if that’s the kind of shit Max and her gaggle of boys are up against.
He pulls out a cigarette and lights it, ignoring the dark look Harrington sends his way. He’s never met Mrs. Byers, but her house is a mess right now, and there’s some dead flower-headed monster in her fridge, so he doubts she’ll mind much if he smokes in her kitchen.
Billy straightens up and sets his eyes on Harrington. “Alright, I’m in.”
The weird kids all start shouting again and Max runs to him, wrapping her arms around his waist in a rare hug that has Billy floundering.
He awkwardly pats her on the shoulder, turning his head to breathe out smoke away from her, because he’s a considerate brother like that.
“Fine,” Harrington says, coming into the kitchen to stand in front of Billy and Billy wants to laugh because King Steve is clearly not the one in charge here.
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fandoms-in-law · 2 months
To the Past Versions
Summary: Steve gets pushed to write letters to his past by Dustin, and then Robin when he isn't nice in the first. It does eventually help him.
Authors note: I am ever confused when words fall easily. I write constantly so it happens often enough, but if I have a prompt I expect to get stuck. Today I did not, happily so.
The idea for this fic: Dear self esteem* as a Steve fic except he's really just writing to memories, wondering when he stopped feeling like he could do anything/be anything
*A sanders sides fic I wrote a while back
Attempt 1:
Hey Steve,
So Dustin has it in his head that we all need to write to the past to get mentally healthy or something, sounds like bullshit, which is what you are, so I picked you to write to.
You’re so wrapped up in yourself, you don’t even realise how much of an asshole you are. You Don’t treat Nancy right now, and barely get better after you sleep with her. You’re a complete jackass, who I and everyone I’ve basically ever met hates and that’s without knowing you most of the time.
Literally, I meet people I thought were complete strangers, or maybe classmates I never interacted with, and get told how horrible you are. That’s how bad you are. You’re worse than complete garbage and trust me, I’ve met men like that enough to know.
Get your head out of your ass, stop bullying people for no reason and fucking learn money solves basically nothing. It just lets you pretend the problem isn’t there until you run out of it.
Thanks for nothing, And better grovel for Nancy to help you learn to be better, you useless prick.
Attempt 2:
So, somehow Robin found out about my first letter and got mad about it? She’s telling me to right to a past me that I actually like and seems set on doing so until she thinks I’m healthier. There were threats to show it to Dustin involved and I do not want to know how he’d react. He’s already acting oddly, along with the other kids since Robs found it. I think she spoke to them too.
Sorry for the ramble, Steve, hello.
You’ll meet Robin soon so don’t worry over having no clue who she is. The kids have already inserted themselves into your lives and I still agree that you’re better for it.
I think the first time I actually liked myself was because of those kids. For once I wasn’t a Harrington, or a basketball player; I was a guy who could help them, protect them in a way Nancy never let me feel like I had done. (We both know I was the one who won against that demogorgan not her or Jonathan though)
Times are shit for you outside of the kids though, but I miss those days. Even if Billy liked to lord over me that he was king now, it was nice to be in the background at school, and stand a chance of learning in lessons instead of Tommy yanking me into parties or rubbish that I never enjoyed. Heck I even enjoyed a few of the classes that year. Who knew I could be interested in that stuff?
Life gets better though, even if it comes looking like horrid situations sometimes. And the kids will be there nagging you through it all. I love those shitheads.
Keep going.
Attempt 3:
Hey Steve,
Erica would have gotten involved regardless. It might be horrible that you and Robin were the ones to do it when she was so young, but I think it was better for her. This last time was the worst and I’m glad she wasn’t trying to understand it all without something to get out of it. You don’t have to carry that guilt forever. At least share some of it with Robin since she was the one who came up with the idea and acted before asking me or Dustin if it was sensible to try.
I wish you had done that ceremonial burning of the scoops outfit though. You and Robs joked about it so much in the weeks after the fire but here I am, with Eddie fucking Munson begging me to wear it again just so he can see the old uniform fully assembled.
Seriously, go burn it now whenever you don’t get a letter from the future appearing
Attempt 4:
Dear Steve,
Kiddo, you know these people you think are friends aren’t. I wouldn’t call the kids I look after kiddo but somehow it works for 13yr old me. Popularity isn’t friendship, it’s people pretending to like you because they think that’ll get them something; I wish you weren’t so desperate for friendship and connection you fell into it.
This is the last year I remember trying to stop someone insulting another person. You got called a bleeding heart for months and if you even grimace at the worst bullying happening around you Tommy or one of the other people hanging onto you would turn everything onto ‘bleeding heart Harrington’. The poker face you develop because of it still hasn’t been broken when Eddie decides everyone should play cards.
Steve, you have hell coming before you, and despite the monsters and location that matches that name better to most people, for you that is high school and being forced to the top all because you wanted friends. You get through it, you find monsters and discover what real friendship is after all of that. I think someone in history class said something about if you’re going through hell keep going and that’s what you need to do, what I did.
But, kid, still keep trying to be kind when you can. I know it feels precarious, dangerous, to have everyone looking at you and see the bullying they do to anyone shown to be human. I know how scared I felt that it’d turn on me if I refused any of those people I thought were friends too much, but you try, I tried, as much as I could for as long as I could, until I got here.
You’re going to be lonely for a while, Steve, but not forever, I promise you that.
I’ll see you in my reflection when I get stunned by my friends. They’ll find you eventually.
Attempt 5:
Dear Steve,
I dug out a picture to write this. One mom took just before leaving saying she’d get it developed so she could never forget her darling boy. Two promises broken at once because I found that camera, and the film still inside it a decade later, the picture still undeveloped until I asked Jonathan if he could.
Dustin was right when he read somewhere that writing to our past could help us feel better, but he was wrong too. He suggested times I could write to for stupid things or times following what he thinks are the big traumas, but those are easy. I knew more of the world then, but you’re just a kid, younger than Erica was when I got to know her and needing far more protection than I think she’s ever done.
If Robin had brought you into the back room of Scoops that day I might’ve done the most sensible thing ever and just driven out of Hawkins, you and Dustin packed into the back seat to try and figure out how to survive. Until Mrs Henderson took Dustin back because she loves him so much.
Sometimes it hurts to witness that, because of your year, 8yrs old and absolutely sure I was a big boy who could cope with a few nights home alone because mom wanted to go with father on a short trip. You shouldn’t have been, have needed to be, and for a long time I’ve been sad about that.
Mom and father were home last week and she found the picture, said she didn’t remember getting it developed. I didn’t correct her. Because you were lonely, scared, for so long, and now I’m mad.
I know you get through it, become the best cook to start taking home economics and almost kill yourself mixing cleaning products enough times you didn’t need chemistry class to tell you what makes poisonous gases. You get to become me eventually, but you shouldn’t have. I could never imagine leaving one of the kids I look after home alone in the way you were, and that’s on our parents. They failed you, even before now, but at 8 was the first time you wondered it. You didn’t need to correct yourself then although I know you did. Mom and father failed you.
We make it, and they will realise they’ve been strangers my whole life when they come home to emptied rooms, bills unpaid and no forwarding address. I move out next week to an apartment with friends.
You will have company again.
Attempt 6:
Your majesty, King Steve,
Eddie is pretty funny and I think I need his flavour of madness right now. Last time I tried to write to you I got mad, at myself more than at you. Then Robin both got mad and started paying attention to how she and everyone talks to me or about who I’ve been. She’s still mad but at herself and others now.
You aren’t good, Steve, but you weren’t as horrible as I began to think. I mean, even at what everyone thinks is my worst I went back to save Nancy. Robin pointed that out to me, sat down and dissected things I was sure I did at my worst, before Nance and I were officially dating.
Some things surprised her and I like knowing that I was a good friend, even to people who weren’t, because you are. You are there giving Carol pudding pots when Tommy ruins hers; there checking no one on the swim or basketball teams gets too hurt by teasing; there trying to make sure everyone claiming to be your friend has what they need.
Those aren’t things a bad person would do, just someone so caught up in protecting themself from the pain of loneliness and isolation that they compromise themself for company. Okay, Robin told me that too, but it tracks.
Most importantly, when I get the chance to be better, to know real connections, I take it. That’s pretty great of you.
Thanks Steve. You take the biggest step for us.
Attempt 7:
To Myself,
It’s been a long journey and I never thought I’d write to myself half so much as I have.
I’ve been popular, lonely, both at once, heartbroken, loved and to hell only to come out fighting. Concussions are far too familiar a sensation and I could probably make do living in the woods with the ways I learnt to cook.
Life is a trip and apparently I don’t get a choice about living it. But in all the letters to our past I’ve written there’s one thing I realised I’ve wanted someone to tell me for years and that’s that it’s okay to mess up. It’s okay if I wasn’t always the nicest person, or that I’m not smart, hardly perfect and have very little will to fight for myself or against other people. I don’t need to be perfect because with the right people we can make a wonderful imperfect family.
To us, Steve. To being myself, as best I know how.
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anarcoqueer1994 · 2 years
Some angst with Steddie fluff.
TW use of homophobic slurs
When Steve was 13, he realized that he may be into other boys. Sure, he thought plenty of girls in his 7th grade class were pretty, but he couldn't help that he also thought some of the boys were pretty, and he may even have a crush on one, namely Tommy.
Tommy had been his best friend for years, it made sense. Their dads were business associates and they were often stuck going to the same stuffy events. They just ended up spending a lot of time together.
The summer between 7th and 8th grade, they spent nearly everyday together, playing basketball, running around town, and just trying to past the time on those long hot days. One day in particular stands out in Steve’s mind. They were sitting by Steve's pool, drying off in the sun. Even at that age, Steve's parents began leaving him home alone, gone for days at a time, not even bothering with a nanny anymore. Needless to say, they were there by themselves.
He doesn't remember how exactly the topic came up, but he does remember asking Tommy. "Hey, do you think it's like possible to like boys and girls?" He was trying gage his reaction, playing dumb.
Tommy looks confused, but not...angry. "Yea, I mean, I guess. Why?"
Steve hesitates, still nervous but reminds himself that Tommy is his best friend. "I don’t know. I mean, like I kissed Tina R. last year at the Snowball and that was great. But I've been thinking about kissing boys too." He quickly looks away, afraid to meet the other boy's face.
After what seems like an eternity, Tommy responds, "That makes sense, I guess. I thought about kissing a boy before, you know..." He pauses, "Just to see how it feels."
Steve risks eye contact. "Really?"
"Uh, yeah." Tommy fidgets nervously.
A burst of bravery comes over Steve as he scoots a little closer to his friend. "Do you want to, um, maybe try it then?" Steve holds his breath once the words leave his mouth, bravery leaving him.
But Tommy nods and starts leaning in, and before Steve knew what was happening, his lips were against Tommy's. The kiss was chaste and awkward, but Steve loved it. When they pull apart, he can't help but smile.
Tommy, though, suddenly stands up, panic covering his face. "I gotta go."
"Wait...please..." Steve tries but Tommy is already running out of his backyard, leaving Steve alone.
After that, they don't talk about it. Steve tried once, only for Tommy to say "Look man, I'm not some faggot. I'm sorry you came onto me, but I'm just not like you. And if I were you, I would keep this whole thing to yourself. Try being normal. Wouldn't want your old man finding out."
And that feels like a knife in Steve’s chest, he knows what he saw, he knows Tommy wanted to kiss him too. But he just nods, never mentioning it again.
Tommy starts dating Carol the following year, and Steve takes his advice. He tries being "normal." He becomes the stereotypical high school popular boy, good with the girls, and no one knew his secret.
Even today he keeps his secret from all but Robin. He had a word for it now, bisexual, but that doesn't mean he goes out announcing it. He liked guys and girls, though is crush on Tommy had long since disappeared. But he does like someone new, Eddie.
He'd first realized he liked Eddie after they had saved the world together. He still remembers the terrified feeling in his chest as he ran with Eddie’s body out of the Upside-Down, praying to whoever might be listening to save him. And he made it, and Steve couldn't be more thankful.
Now, Eddie has become a permanent fixture in his life, often hanging out with the larger group. Sometimes, they even hang out alone. Steve likes those times a lot. Eddie makes him feel comfortable, like he can be himself, well for the most part. He still isn’t ready to tell him he is bisexual, and he definitely is not ready for the heartbreak of telling he likes him. He isn’t even sure Eddie likes guys, let alone him.
Tonight, is one of those times where they are alone. It is a few days before Thanksgiving. Steve and Eddie are at the only diner left in town, grabbing a bite to eat before going to a movie. Everyone else was busy. Steve doesn’t know when they started doing it, but when it is the two of them, they find themselves squeezed together on the same side of the booth. Eddie insists it’s so Steve can hear him better. Steve won’t admit it, but the various head injuries have started to affect his hearing, and Eddie seemed to be the only one who noticed. Steve just likes being close to Eddie. Their heads were close together, laughing over something Steve said.
“Steve.” A voice behind them calls out, its Tommy. He must be back in town for the holiday, home from college. Steve instinctively grates his teeth as he walks up, arm wrapped around Carol’s waist. “How’s it been, man?”
“What do you want, Tommy?” Steve says, not hiding his annoyance. It’s not like they hung out sense that fight in the parking lot, only talking to Steve to fuck with him.
“We’re adults now, can’t we just put that stuff in the past and catch up?” He puts on a condescending smile before scooting into the booth across from them, Carol following behind. She quietly adds “Hi, Steve.”
Steve only glares at him, ignoring Carol. Before he can say anything, Tommy gets a look at who is sitting beside him. “Eddie Munson?”
Eddie not phased, just gives a cocky grin “In the flesh…”
“Wow, how the mighty have fallen.” He laughs towards Steve. “I had to see if the rumors were true, some of the guys told me you were hanging out with the town freak, and I guess you were.”
Steve sees anger flash in front of his eyes, pissed off that Tommy thinks he can come in here and just treat his friends like that. He doesn’t even give Eddie the chance to defend himself. “You better watch your fucking mouth.” His voice in angry, a shakiness to it like he is about to lose control.
“Or what? You going to fight me? You didn’t last time, and I doubt you can now. All I am doing is telling the truth. He’s a freak.” He smirks. Steve balls his fists at his side.
He is about to stand up, ready to make his way across the table and kick Tommy’s ass, when he feels a hand on his thigh. Eddie softly says “It’s okay, Stevie. Let’s just get out of here.” Steve takes a deep breath, before nodding, beginning to walk away when Tommy opens his mouth again.
“Listen to your boyfriend, Stevie!” Tommy mocks as they are halfway to the door. “I’m glad you found yourself another faggot to hang out with!” The restaurant is quiet now staring between the boys now. Steve is so focused on Tommy, he does not even notice the panic look in Eddie’s eyes when Tommy said those words.
Suddenly the conversation from years before plays in Steve’s head, and he feels stupid for ever liking the other man. He doesn’t know what comes over him but before he can think better of it, he looks Tommy in the face and says, “I may be a faggot but at least I’m not an asshole!” He raise his voice even louder, making sure everyone can hear him. “And just for the record, everyone, Tommy let the faggot kiss him.” Steve smiles, ready self-destruct and pull everyone down with him. Eddie stands behind him mouth ajar, not sure what to say or do.
Tommy is fuming, and before anyone registers what is happening, he lunges at Steve, knocking him the floor and landing punch after punch to his face. Steve was unable to react in time, knowing he’s not the best fighter. He does get a good few punches in, landing one that cracks the bone in Tommy’s nose. In the background he can hear Carol screaming stop, and it isn’t until Eddie knocks Tommy off of him that he is able to get up. He walks out of diner, bloodied face, without a word. Eddie follows close behind. In the distance they can hear police sirens.
They get to Steve’s car, where much to Eddie’s surprise he gets into the passenger seat. “I’m not feeling too good, Eds…” He says softly. “Can you please just get us out of here?”
Eddie nods, taking the keys and driving them back to his trailer. Neither of them saying much, but Eddie periodically looking at Steve to make sure he is alright and still conscious.
It isn’t until they pull up to Eddie’s home that Steve says, “I’m…I’m sorry.”
“What? Why?” Eddie is confused, he has nothing to apologize for.
“For Tommy… and for pulling you into all that bullshit. I don’t want to make things harder for you…you know since my grand announcement inside the restaurant. It’s a small town, I’m sure word will spread.” He laughs sadly to himself. “Steve Harrington, into dudes. I’m sure my dad is going to be happy with that one. What I am saying is I would get if it’s easier for you not to be seen with me.” It hurts to say, not wanting to lose Eddie, even as a friend but he would get it. He looks down.
“Steve, the last thing I want to do is stop hanging out with you. What you did in there, standing up to Tommy, was pretty metal. Even if you got your ass kicked.” He laughs, but his eyes are kind.
Steve hides his face in his hands “Ugh thanks for reminding me.” Steve says, embarrassed.
“That’s not the point I am trying to make. I just think it’s cool how you were able to be open, even if not the best circumstances.” He pauses. “I wish I could do that.”
Now it is Steve’s turn to look at Eddie confused. Even with the bloody nose and black eye, Eddie still thinks he is the prettiest person he knows. “What do you mean? You are one of the most unapologetically you person I know, Eddie. You don’t have all that fake bullshit everyone else has. You’re just you….and I love that about you.” He voice shifts, sounding shyer.
“Being a freak is easy.” Eddie jokes, Steve cringes at the word that he himself used to describe Eddie months earlier. “But um, I’m not ready to come out…like you did. When Tommy called us…you know, I just assumed he was only calling you that because you were hanging out with me. To be honest, I was terrified that someone saw through me, knew I was one.”
Steve is not used to the lack of confidence in Eddie’s voice. He tries not think about what this confession could mean for them, tries not to get his hopes up, focuses on helping Eddie instead. “You don’t owe anyone in this town shit. Eds, if you aren’t ready to have a pride parade in the middle Hawkins, that’s fine. You could find a boyfriend, get married and live happily ever after and it still wouldn’t be anyone’s business if you don’t want it to be.  It can be our secret.” Steve puts his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, squeezing gently.
“Thanks, sweetheart…” Suddenly Eddie’s face is bright red, realizing what he just said. He calls Steve little nicknames all the time, but never in serious moments, and never so sincerely. Eddie expects him to freak out. Sure, Steve just said he liked guys, but that doesn’t mean he like him.
But Steve smiles, moving his hand from Eddie’s shoulder to the small of his neck, shifting in his seat so he is staring into Eddie’s eyes. “Can…can you call me that again?”
Eddie can’t believe this is happening, but he goes with it. “Sweetheart…” he puts his hand on Steve’s thigh, leaning closer. “Can…can I kiss you?”
And Steve gives him the prettiest smile he has ever seen, loving the way his nose scrunches when he smiles too big. Its adorable and Eddie has been hooked since the first time he saw it. Steve leans closer in response, resting his forehead against Eddie’s. Steve is inches away from his lips when he says “Only if you promise me you won’t run away from me after…” Steve doesn’t think he could handle someone…Eddie, changing his mind on him.”
“Oh princess, I could never.” Eddie says in breathy voice, desperate for Steve.
Steve’s face tinges pink at the sweet name, but he doesn’t hate it. Instead, he closes the gap between them, lips connecting with Eddie’s, his hands twist in the other man’s hair, the kiss is desperate and needy and everything Steve wanted.
When they break apart for air, Steve notices that he got some of his blood on Eddie’s face. “Oh god, Eds…I’m so sorry.”
Eddie just laughs before pulling Steve close. “Doesn’t bother me…” Before connecting their lips again.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(wait for the season to come back to me tag)
They’re moving Eddie’s small pile of stuff into Steve’s room when it all goes to shit. Steve’s struggling with the air mattress, trying to figure out if the pump’s attached right, and Eddie calls out, “Hey, can I hang some of my jackets and stuff in the closet?”
“Yeah, sure,” Steve says, not really thinking about it, and then Steve suddenly remembers— “Wait, hang on—”
And Steve knows he’s really screwed, because Eddie’s found the shoebox. 
It’s not as creepy as it sounds. Or as it looks, maybe. It’s just, after Steve had lost the vest, he’d wanted something to have. Not as a reminder, exactly; there probably hasn’t been a single day of his life since March 1986 that he hasn’t thought about Eddie in some way or another. Just some physical thing to have and look at sometimes. 
So there’s a little pile of the few pins he could find that more or less matched the ones on the vest, and there’s a stack of cassettes that honestly Steve never really listens to anymore. One of those stupid-looking dice in black and red. A guitar pick on a chain, thinner than the type Steve normally uses. 
None of it is stuff that Eddie ever actually touched, not even once, but looking at it all together is pretty damning. There’s no way to pretend that it isn’t what it is: a fucked-up little altar to Eddie Munson circa 1986. 
Eddie’s hands flex once, twice. He turns around, stalking over to Steve in measured, liquid paces, and Steve’s never seen him so angry. 
“Hey, King Steve. Wanna score some weed to smoke behind the bleachers with Tommy Hagan? Wanna give a freshman a wedgie and call him a queer? Where’s your preppy polo shirt, Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington? Party at yours this weekend, ‘cause your parents are out of town?”
Steve stares at Eddie’s tight, furious snarl. It doesn’t feel like he’s actually expected to reply.
“You want to keep me in a box, Harrington?” Eddie’s eyes are wild and strange. 
“No,” whispers Steve. He might be telling the truth. He’s not sure. He hopes so.
Eddie steps right up and shoves him hard, flat palm smacking against his shoulder. “I’m not yours. Just because you fucking, you built a shrine to me or something. Just because you did a bunch of stuff I never fucking asked you to do, and now I live in your room. You don’t own me.”
“I know,” says Steve. 
“So.” Eddie’s standing so close, Steve can see the wheeling red lights sparking in his irises. “You don’t want to own me. You don’t want to keep me. Steve Harrington with the BC Rich Mockingbird, Steve Harrington with the secret shoebox dice, Steve Harrington, what is it you do want?”
Steve opens his mouth and shuts it again. He’s been asked that so many times, by Robin, by girlfriends and boyfriends, by his mother in a rare moment of raw frustration over a crackling international line. His secret answer, the one locked away tight in the dark, has always just been Eddie. 
And now Eddie’s the one who’s asking, and Steve doesn’t have an answer. He can’t say you, I want you, because it’ll sound like he was lying earlier. So instead he sits back on the bed—his bed, not the air mattress—and looks up at Eddie’s beautiful twisting face. Eddie looks like something from a story, even barefoot and wearing a faded t-shirt that might actually be Robin’s. Eddie looks mythological. 
Eddie looks confused.
“You could keep me,” Steve says. “If you wanted.”
It is, objectively, ridiculous. It’s too much. It is in no way cool or smooth. But it feels good and correct in a way that Steve hasn’t felt in a very, very long time. 
Eddie’s just staring down at him, staring and staring. “What’m I gonna do with you, huh?” he says quietly. “You want to be owned, Stevie? You want me to own you?”
“Yeah,” breathes Steve. 
“You don’t know what you’re asking for, sweetheart.” Eddie shakes his head like he’s shaking off the idea, sharp and dismissive. 
“Oh, fuck you, Eddie,” Steve growls. The spike of anger passes as soon as it hits. “I mean. Just, don’t talk like I’m some kind of wet-behind-the-ears virgin. I know exactly what I’m fucking asking for, so don’t act like you’re doing me some big favor by turning me down.”
“Okay,” says Eddie. “Then maybe I don’t know what you’re asking for. You gotta be crystal clear with me, here.”
“I don’t want you to leave me again,” says Steve. “I know—I know I can’t keep you from going. I’m not trying to, I swear. But you could take me with you, if you leave. And, uh. If you wanted.”
It shouldn’t be this hard to say. He’s picked up so, so many guys before; he’s as good at it as he is at picking up girls. Better, actually. He’s perfected the thing you do when you catch a guy’s eye so casually it could be accidental, then a few steps away, glance back with enough heat to seal the deal. 
But this isn’t some random otter in the Village who he’ll blow and never see again. It’s Eddie, and Eddie is sewn right into Steve’s soft tissue, where it hurts. Nothing has ever mattered even half as much in Steve’s entire life.
“If I wanted?” Eddie says, very soft.
“Anything you want,” says Steve. “I don’t know what you want, but. It’s yours. I want it too.”
“Okay,” says Eddie. “And just to be clear. Is this a sex thing.”
“It’s not…not a sex thing. I mean, it doesn’t have to be. I told you, anything you want. I meant it.”
“Hm.” Eddie lifts a hand, gently, and puts it in Steve’s hair, pushing his head back a little. “Harrington, have you been jerking off about me for the last ten years?” His voice is sharp and uneven. It sounds like the broken edge of a bottle feels.
Steve doesn’t blush. He’s sure of that. But he feels his head go hazy the way Eddie’s handling him like it’s effortless, the hand in his hair tilting him this way and that, just a little bit. “What answer do you want,” he says.
“The truth, Steve. Nothing but the truth.”
“Yeah, then.” Steve's mouth is dry. “Sorry. If that’s weird for you.”
“It’s all weird. This kind of weird, I can probably live with.” Eddie's fingertips are firm on Steve’s head. 
“Yeah,” breathes Steve. “You’re. You’re really, uh. You seem like you know what you’re doing.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Eddie purrs, and Steve feels himself go liquid, shivering and pliant, at the animal edges of Eddie’s voice. “I do not have a single solitary clue what I’m doing, but I’ve had a lot—a lot—of time to think about what I want from you, Steve Harrington.”
Eddie steps closer, sliding his hand down to grip the nape of Steve’s neck. Steve’s knees fall open automatically, and Eddie laughs a high manic laugh. 
“Steve. You know I’m a goddamn nightmare monster from the underworld. What the fuck makes you think it’s a good idea to offer yourself up like some kind of sacrificial lamb?”
“Not—a sacrifice,” Steve says. Words are getting harder to dredge up. “I trust you.”
“Fucking stupid of you,” says Eddie, and he leans in, sliding onto Steve’s lap.
This isn’t the right way to do things. Steve doesn’t really play around that much with the way this seems like it’s shaping up to be, but he knows enough to know better. There should be conversations and negotiations; his friend Connie has a whole actual Xeroxed form that she makes partners fill out, which does seem like kind of a lot to Steve. She walked him through it once, years ago, and laughed at how red and flustered he got. 
But whatever it is he’s offering Eddie doesn’t feel like it exists in the same world as any of that. It feels inevitable and impossible all at once. This isn’t anything that’s ever happened before to anyone, maybe: a dead man twisting cold fingers in Steve’s hair, pinning him down and yanking his head back to sink rows and rows of pinprick teeth into his skin.
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