#Steven's greeting
More Than You Could Ever Know
Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader  
Summary: Steve becomes your knight in shining armour, but things start to get a little too close to the truth for comfort. 
Word Count: 1763 words 
Prompt: #19: Fake dating to appease the parents but it turns real. 
A/N: The lovely @zaramarrogers chose this prompt for the wonderful Mr. Steve Rogers, and I think it is super cute. 
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Steve looked up from his sketchbook as you burst into the room. “Okay, which of you fantastic, amazing, kind, wonderful, handsome men are prepared to be my fake boyfriend for an evening? I can offer a free three course meal at a nice restaurant and free drinks. Though not enough for you to get drunk because you need to impress my parents.”  
“I would love to offer my services, but I think Pepper would kill me.” Tony grinned, leaning on the back of the sofa. 
“Yeah, your ‘playboy’ days are long gone, Stark, but thank you for the hypothetical offer.”  
“Don’t take Barnes,” Sam smirked, “He’ll scare the crap out of everyone with that murder stare of his, and his resting bitch face.” 
“Hey! I’ve not got resting bitch face.” Bucky frowned, utilizing his murder stare. 
“Look, I don’t care which one of you steps up here, I just need someone because I cannot sit through another Christmas family celebration with all my aunts and uncles, my grandparents, my parents, everyone, and have that same damned conversation. The one where everyone tries to work out what’s wrong with me because I’m still single. Just once, I would like to just have a nice night, so will someone do me a solid here?”  
The fact you didn’t care who did you this favour made Steve’s stomach drop. He had been hoping the two of you had been moving towards being closer, that you might have sort him out to ask this favour of him, but that wasn’t the case.  
“Well, Hope wouldn’t be overjoyed about Scott playing that role. Bucky is too scary, Clint is too grumpy, Tony is too under the thumb, so I guess...” Sam grinned, watching Steve out the corner of his eye. 
“I’ll do it.” Steve blurted out, not wanting Sam to offer first. The thought of you pretending to be with anyone, or even really being with anyone, made his blood run cold. He wanted you more than you would ever realise, and if this was as close as he was going to get then he would take it.  
“Really?” Your face lit up with a smile and you practically bounced over to him, kneeling on the sofa beside him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “You really are the best, Steve Rogers. Total life saver. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You enthused and Steve basked in your happiness, watching with a goofy smile as you bounded out of the room to get ready for the family gathering.  
“Thought you were gonna fumble that one, man.” Sam smirked. “Now go show the girl how good you would be together. Take the shot.”  
Steve was nervous and as he stood beside you outside the restaurant, he tried to swallow down his anxiety. This was a huge amount of pressure. What if your family didn’t like him? What if he did something and you saw him differently? When your hand slipped into his, he looked down at you and gave you a reassuring smile. He was here for you, to give you a nice evening, everything else didn’t matter.  
“You ready? You remember the back story and everything?”  
“This isn’t my first mission, doll. I can do this.”  
“Right, well, here we go.”  
He held the door open for you and as soon as the two of you entered you were engulfed in hugs by women of various ages. The warm welcome caught Steve off guard, but he smiled and returned greetings, even blushed at the compliments that came his way.  
“Come, come sit. We’ve got the large table at the back. Now then, Steve, I can see why she kept you all to herself, she obviously didn’t want to share such a fine young man.” Your mother teased as she hooked her arm through his and led him off to the table. Steve looked over his shoulder at you, a hint of panic in his eyes.  
“You’ve got this.” you mouthed, giving him two thumbs up as you followed behind.  
By the time everyone had made their way through the starters, Steve was feeling much more comfortable. His arm rested on the back of your chair, and he made sure to keep you close. He joked with your grandfather, talked sports with your father, even shared some stories about life outside of missions. Every few minutes, he would glance at you, checking in, and make sure you were okay and enjoying yourself.  
Leaning into Steve as you talked to your aunt across the table, you couldn’t help but notice how easy this all was. He made you laugh as much as Bucky did, was as interesting as Bruce, could weave a story as well as Tony, in fact, he was pretty much the perfect boyfriend. Fake boyfriend, you mentally corrected yourself. This was all pretend after all, there was no need to get caught up in thoughts of what could definitely never be.  
You tuned back into Steve’s conversation as dessert was placed on the table. It seemed that someone had asked about when he realised you were the one for him. A sense of panic washed over you, this was not something you had covered in the extensive backstory you’d concocted.  
“You know, people talk about these big moments, all dramatic and emotional. It wasn’t like that. I was coming back from a workout late one night, I couldn’t sleep, and I headed to the kitchen to grab a drink. She was sat at the counter wearing a huge hoodie that drowned her, hair all disheveled from sleep, pillow creases still on her cheek, and her hands wrapped around a warm mug. She looked all sleepy and on the verge of falling asleep right there on the counter. I had this overwhelming urge to just pick her up and carry her to her bed, tuck her in and just be with her. Not that I told her any of that because I was fairly certain I didn’t stand a chance. I mean, look at her, she’s amazing. So, there I was, just looking at her like some love stuck teenager or something, and she rubbed her eye, yawned and then fell backwards off the stool. I don’t think I’ve ever moved so fast in my life! I caught her, made sure she was sitting securely, and she looked up at me and said, ‘Hey Cap, didn’t see you there.’ That was it. As if she just knew I’d stop her from falling even if she didn’t know I was there.”  
Your cheeks grew warm. You remembered that night, it had been so long ago, and you were surprised that was the moment he’d chosen to share. Watching his expression, you suddenly began to understand how much that moment had meant to him. Replaying all your interactions with Steve, it felt as if a floodgate of realisation had been opened. Innocent interactions now held so much significance. Small touches, the times you caught him looking at you, the words that hung in the air between you unspoken.  
“And what about you, dear? When did you realise Steve was the one?” Your Grandmother asked and you felt all eyes on you, expectant.  
“I, erm, I needed someone to help me with this thing, this mini mission, and Steve was the first to offer to help. He put so much work into it, made sure it all went perfectly and he always seems to surprise me. I never really thought about it before but he’s right, I know he will always be there to catch me, and I want to be there for him too. There have been so many little moments, helping me with tree day and dancing to cheesy Christmas music. He is... he’s wonderful, and I am very lucky to have him in my life.” You glanced up at Steve who was looking at you as if you hung the stars.  
The moment was broken by the cheers as the last of the desserts arrived and everyone could tuck in. Steve found he wasn’t all that hungry. The butterflies in his stomach took up more room than he would like, and his mind was whirling. Did you mean what you had said? Was it part of the pretence? Did you like him too? It wasn’t as if he could ask you any of that in front of your family, so he kept quiet, indulging in small talk and trying his best not to get his hopes up.  
Steve managed to hold in all his questions until you arrived back at the compound. As you trudged up the gravel driveway towards the main door, he tugged at your hand, silently asking you to stop. Once you entered the building then the evening would be over, the pretence would be done with, and he needed just a few more moments.  
“Tonight was...” he began, trailing off as he got distracted by your eyes. 
“You were a big hit. I think I will have to bring you along to all future family gatherings or I’ll never hear the end of it.” you chuckled. 
“I wouldn’t mind that.” he said softly, running his thumb over yours.  
“No. I could very easily get used to being your boyfriend.”  
The lack of the word ‘fake’ hung between you, the silence loaded.  
“So, if this was a date then what happens next?” You asked, your eyes darting momentarily to his lips.  
“Well, I would escort you to your door, thank you for a wonderful evening, and...” 
You surged up and pressed your lips to his before he could finish his sentence. It took him a moment to catch up with what was happening, but as soon as he did, he was kissing you back eagerly. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as if you might evaporate or vanish like a dream. When he eventually pulled back a little, he rested his forehead against yours.  
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” He said breathily. 
“Then maybe we should make up for lost time.” You hummed, cupping his face and bringing him in for another kiss.   
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first-edition · 7 months
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Welcome to this year 2023 Smutmas!!!! Im currently working on as many works as i can but here the teaser for all of you since I started late lol. If you want to be added to the tags list please leave a dm or message me!! Thank you
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DAY 1: Present (modern!Sandor Clegane x wife!reader)
DAY 2: Three Wise Men (Jake x Steven x Marc X reader)
DAY 3: Gingerbread (Steven Grant x baker!reader)
DAY 4: Toys (Bucky Barnes x reader)
DAY 5: Santa Baby (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Day 6: OH! Holy Night (Matthew Murdock x Virgin! Reader)
DAY 7: Gold (Spencer Reid x reader)
DAY 8: Frankincense (Geralt of Rivia x reader)
DAY 9: Myrrh (Hellboy x “monster”!reader)
DAY 10: Mistletoe (Arron Hotchner x Reader)
DAY 11: Peppermint (Sandor Clegane x Princess! Reader)
DAY 12: Sugar Plum Fairy (Henry cavil x Ballerina! Reader)
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They’re even gay in the VIDEO GAME I’m losing it.
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smoke-is-living · 1 year
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It started with a joke and ended as a thread
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Here is the video from the queen @whimsquirksandstuff​
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puppybot · 3 months
all these years later and i’m still in shock that tiktok popularized the phrase “sufjans stevens summer” as a romantic and fun experience as if a real sufjans stevens summer wouldn’t consist of yearning and loss so deep and painful that god would turn his back on you to block out your cries for mercy
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My top 10 music artist which I love (pictures aren't mine) ❤️
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70sscifiart · 2 years
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Steven Vincent Johnson, Greetings, 1979
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buckleberry4ever · 2 months
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Huck: Here’s a new Huckleberry Pie x Blueberry Muffin artwork!😃 It was requested by & @higor2005projects !🤩
Blueberry: Me and Huck are saying hi to Higor and Amanda!💕 Higor and Amanda are higor2005project’s ocs!😃
WildBrain owns “Strawberry Shortcake: Berry In The Big City.
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ratxklng · 7 months
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CULTURE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND! | Will Wood - Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally
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predatory-w-a-s-p · 11 months
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New arrivals! Love you Sufjan 💗
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My Father Will Be Pacing The Floor
Characters: Steven Grant x Reader 
Summary: The desire to hibernate when the temperatures drop is incredibly tempting, especially when you have someone special to cuddle up to.  
Word Count: 1080 words 
Prompt: #4: Cuddling, wrapped in soft blankets, in front of a fireplace.  
A/N: The fabulous @ahookedheroespureheart requested this super sweet prompt which gave me the warm and fuzzy's.
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The British weather had taken a turn, temperatures dropping into the minus figures each day, lucky to reach 0 degrees at any point. It wasn’t like Steven’s flat was the warmest at the best of times. Too cold in winter, too hot in summer, but he’d never really minded before. Now, he was sitting on his sofa torn between feeling self-conscious about his inadequate heating and grateful for it at the same time. When you had arrived, he realised it was so cold you could see your breath, something you found funny and proceeded to claim to be a dragon, huffing out warm air. Your giggles made him feel a little better about the situation, and when you stole one of his oversized hoodies, he was almost grateful for the chill. 
Hours later and the usually disused fireplace was home to a small fire, the smoke from which snaked its way up the chimney that Steven could only pray had been cleared at some point in the last decade. The staccato cracking of the flames as they feasted upon the wood blocks you had placed there were a stark contrast to the soft music humming from the radio in the kitchen. It was rather lucky that you both found the DJ's playlist unobtrusive as neither of you wished to move from your spot on the sofa, a cozy nest which made the idea of hibernating incredibly tempting.  
His beaten-up sofa had never felt so comfortable, even though he was squished on one side of it. A thick cable knit blanket hung over the back of the sofa and the density of the chunky wool was comforting, although not as comforting as you leaning against him. Pushing his glasses up his nose, Steven glanced from the pages of his book to you, a soft smile tugging at his lips. This whole scene felt a little surreal, here he was, Steven Grant, snuggled beneath a weighted blanket with a beautiful woman who was currently engrossed in a beat-up book about Egyptian mythology. He had no clue how he had got so lucky, but he was willing to pray to any and every god there was to thank them for this turn of events.  
You shifted slightly as you turned your page, your leg pressed up against his. The two of you had your feet resting on the coffee table, thick socks poking out of the blanket in an Instagram worthy image. Absentmindedly, he rubbed your foot with his, smiling as you instinctively hooked your leg over his. Now it looked like two people wearing mismatched socks and Steven found that thought endearing. Perhaps he would suggest a sock swap at some point, you could mismatch together while matching each other. His heart swelled at the idea, a silly little gesture that would link the two of you, like a real couple.  
“You’re staring.” You hummed softly, eyes still on the page you were reading and a smile playing on your lips.  
“Was just thinkin’.”  
“Oh, that can be dangerous.” You looked up at him as you put your book down. “What you thinking about?” 
Steven shifted a little, not sure if he could voice his thoughts.  
“Come on, you can’t leave me hanging like that.”  
“I was just thinking about you and me, and what we are.” He could feel your eyes on him but refused to return your gaze. 
“And what is it that you think we are?” There was a hint of amusement in your voice, a gentle teasing that made him feel he could tell you anything. 
“I was actually wondering what you think we are, see if we’re on the same page.”  
“Expertly deflected there, Mr. Grant.” 
“Thank you. I could say the same for you.” He smirked, beginning to believe there was a chance you were thinking the same way.  
“Is this you asking if I’m your girlfriend? Or do you want to write me one of those notes, you know, ‘will you be my girlfriend’? With two boxes under it, one with yes and one with no.” 
“I could do, but that would mean getting up and I’m kinda comfy, to be honest.”  
“So it’s just laziness that’s preventing you from the note idea?”  
“You’ve still not answered.” 
“You’ve still not asked.” 
Shifting now to fully face you, he took your hands in his and looked deep into your eyes. If he was going to do this then he would make the moment as cheesy as possible, that way if you rejected him, he could play it off as a joke.  
“Light of my life, sunshine in my ever-gloomy day, would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?” His heart was pounding, and he hoped you couldn’t see just how nervous he was right now.  
“Well, I suppose I should say yes because I’ve already told people you’re my boyfriend. Would be rude of me to turn you down now.”  
“You’ve what?” His eyebrows shot up in surprise. 
“Yeah, I mean, I may have told my workmates that I’m spending today with my boyfriend. Is that okay?” You looked woried now, as if you might have overstepped.  
“Who? Who did you tell them you were spending the day with?” He asked with the hint of a smile at the corners of his lips.  
“My boyfriend.” You grinned, tilting your head a little. 
“Your boyfriend? You’re talking about me, right? Just want to make sure.”  
“Yeah, you muppet, you.”  
A bright smile broke across his face as he tenderly cupped your face, leaning in and placing a soft kiss to your lips. “This mean I can start calling you my girlfriend now? Actually out loud saying it?” 
“Oh god, you’re gonna go round introducing me to people as ‘my girlfriend’, aren’t you.” You rolled your eyes, but your chuckle gave away your amusement.  
“Yes. Yes I am.” Steven shifted back to his original position, wrapping his arm around you and returning to his book.  
A peaceful quiet descended between you as you rested your head against his shoulder. The fire crackled as the smooth tones of Nat King Cole filled the air. Once again the idea of hibernation danced across his mind, and he wondered how long you could stay in this bubble of yours. This was definitely something he could get used to, and maybe, one day, he wouldn’t refer to you as his ‘girlfriend’, but he didn’t want to get ahead of himself.    
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jils-things · 5 months
so i listened to all his voicelines last night
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eternal--returned · 1 month
Sufjan Stevens (@s-u-f-j-a-n-s-t-e-v-e-n-s) ֍ Oh Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary Head! (Rebuild! Restore! Reconsider!) (2003)
From the trembling walls, it’s a great idea! Everything you want, it’s a great idea! From the Renaissance, it’s a great idea! Everything you want, it’s a great idea! Throw them all away, it’s a great idea!
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my-secret-shame · 2 years
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xenonmoon · 2 years
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yurt village is my barbieland
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