#Stiles has no self control
metalmonki · 5 months
50 Ways To Say Goodbye
911 x fem!reader
5k word count
Summary The 911 helps you escape your abusive ex but in true 118 dumb, dumb stile they create a bigger problem that Athena has to fix.
fluff, idiots
Warnings mention and description of death, domestic abuse and self-harm.
Note: I've been working on the next part of The Dating Oddessey while listening to some music. 50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train came on and gave me this idea. Didn't quite turn out how I wanted but its still pretty funny. Also you could take this to mean either Eddie or Buck has feelings for you. Not how I intended it but it's how it came out.
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Today you had finally done it. You had finally worked up the courage to break up with your horrible excuse for a human ex Bradley. You made sure to break up with him while he was working so you had witnesses. The last thing you needed was him gaslighting you back into the relationship like last time. With witnesses, it was harder for him to say the breakup never happened. 
Today had been planned out for weeks. Your best friends, Eddie and Buck, had been helping you slowly remove your stuff from his house for the last month and taking it to your Dad's place. You did have much, after all, Bradley didn’t allow you to have much. He had to control everything from the furniture to the decorations and even the food kept in the house.
Outside Bradley's workplace Buck and Eddie were waiting for you in Eddie's truck. Your Dad, Bobby, was their boss and had given them the day off to play bodyguard for you. When you walked out the front door with Bradley storming after you both boys were fast to jump out of the truck and jog towards you. Eddie wasn’t going to let him hurt you anymore and Buck didn’t want what happened to his sister Maddie to happen to you for that reason Eddie had hidden a lot of what Bradley had done to you from all your friends and even your Dad. Eddies had been the house you would hide in for days at a time while waiting for bruises to heal. Eddie had been the person to give you that final push you needed to leave. 
“What if next time he kills you y/n? Did you think of that?” Eddie slammed his fist onto his kitchen counter as you held a bag of frozen peas to your soon-to-be black eye. “Do you have any idea what that would do to me? To Chris? Hell, think about your father and Athena. The rest of our friends. We all love you y/n and yet you keep allowing yourself to be treated like shit. You know what if you're going to go back to him this time then I don’t want you in my house, take your things and leave” Eddie had left the kitchen, leaving you standing there shocked to your core. It scared you. More than the beatings. You didn’t want to lose Eddie as your friend, you didn’t want to hurt him or Chris, your family, your friends. Eddie was right enough was enough. 
After that night you had come clean with everyone about what was happening. Athena was quick to offer up their spare room for you and Bobby wouldn’t take no for an answer. Eddie and Maddie had to keep Buck distracted at all times until your items were moved out of Bradley's house because he threatened to kill the guy if he laid eyes on him. So when Buck and Eddie saw him coming up fast behind you screaming at you Eddie made sure to direct Buck to get you out of the way. Buck was quick to slide an arm around your waist and guide you quickly to Eddie's truck. Eddie blocked Bradley from coming any closer to you. You couldn’t hear what was said between the two of them but whatever Eddie said had Bradley ducking back into his building quickly. Eddie waited until the building doors closed behind Bradley before walking back to the truck. He didn’t speak once he started the truck nor did he speak for the entire trip to your Dads. His white knuckles gripped the steering wheel the whole drive there. Their conversation was something that had pissed him off. Once at your Dad's, you excused yourself to go lay down. The day had left you physically and mentally exhausted. 
“It’s okay baby you go rest, your Dad wants to cook you something special for dinner so I’ll come get you when his home and cooking, okay” Athena gave you a loving smile. 
You made your way to the spare room and quickly made yourself comfortable on the bed. As you lay there you could hear Athena talking with Buck and Eddie. 
“She’ll be safe here, trust me if that guy comes anywhere near this house he can consider himself arrested” Athena said
“How long does it take for someone like him to just leave a person alone?” Buck asked 
“Some give up after a few days, some a few weeks, months, years, some never quit” Athena sighed “But this guy I’d say as soon as he has a new target he’ll leave her alone” 
“Athena…” Eddie was cut off by someone banging on the front door. Before anyone could move to open the door what could only be described as a stampede echoed through the house. Heavy boots took staircase steps 2 at a time until the fanfare came to an end in the kitchen where Athena, Eddie and Buck still stood in shock at the interruption.  Stood before them in full uniform fresh from a call were Bobby, Chimney, Hen and Ravi. 
“What in the world are you lot doing in my kitchen?” Athena asked frustration lacing her voice
“Did you get y/n?” Chimney ignored Athena looking straight at Eddie and Buck
“y/n is trying to rest which she won’t be able to do with you lot acting like a bunch of zoo animals” Athena crossed her arms over her chest looking at them all like a disappointed mother. 
“So what's the plan from here how do we keep her ex from intimidating her back into a relationship with him” Hen asked keeping her voice just above a whisper partly to keep from disturbing y/n but mostly to appease Athena. 
“Well, to start Maddie and I are going to take her out for the day tomorrow, take her mind off all this” Athena motioned around the room. 
“Then starting the day after I’ve adjusted our rosters so someone can be here with her around the clock in case he shows up here” Bobby spoke up
“Unfortunately, someone here invited him over for dinner so he knows exactly where we live” Athena threw an accusatory look at Bobby. 
“Maybe she should come to stay with me he has no idea where I live” Eddie offered up. 
“No she’s safer here with Athena” Bobby said “Any sign of trouble and Athena can have the entire LAPD on our doorstep” Bobby smiled at Athena. 
“A Mumma has to protect her babies” Athena smiled back at Bobby. “And besides, he knows all of us and he will likely stalk all of us to get to her”
“So what are we supposed to do just wait for him to lose interest” Buck spoke up frustrated with the situation “I mean you said it yourself Athena it could take years” 
“Or days or weeks or months, the only guaranteed way to get rid of him quick is if y/n died, it’s the only way I’ve seen his type leave their victim alone for good” Athena said. The 118 shared a look, a look of mischief, of a united thought on how to get rid of this threat to their family. Athena knew immediately what they were thinking and quickly began shaking her head and looking between them. 
“Don’t you even think about it” Athena pointed a stern finger at each person standing in her kitchen. “You’ll be causing more problems than what you’ll solve”
Despite Athena's warning the 118 decided as a family that if ‘the asshole’ as they affectionately dubbed him showed his face to any of them they would warn him to back off and if he wouldn’t listen they would tell him y/n was dead. It seemed like the perfect plan until it wasn’t. 
The first person to meet him face to face was Chimney. It was 4 days after Eddie and Buck had taken you to live with Bobby and Athena. It was Eddie's day off. He had taken you out for lunch, then you picked Christopher up from school before heading back to Eddies to hang out. Eddie asked if you wanted to stay for dinner and a movie. Christopher who overheard the offer from where he sat in the dining room doing his homework practically begged you to stay. You called Athena to let her know you were going to be out late with Eddie and that he was going to drive you back when the movie ended. Christopher was old enough after all to stay home alone for the 20 minutes it would take Eddie to drop you home. 
Because of this, it was Chimney who got stuck working late at the firehouse. He was the last to leave after finishing off all the small boring end-of-shift jobs like making sure all the dinner dishes were done and the ambulance restocked for the next shift. Bradley had been parked across the road from the station all day watching the team come and go. Your little stunt at his office had cost him his job. He was going to make you pay and he had all the time in the world to make it happen. He waited and counted off your friends as they left. He wanted to make sure that he followed the last person to leave because he knew if he risked following anyone else the rest of your friends would know and his plan would be ruined. He noticed after the first three calls of the shift that one of the guys he had seen you out the front of his office with wasn’t on shift today. He decided it was likely that guy's fault you left him. You’d probably been seeing him behind his back all along. He’d make him pay too. He counted them out one by one as they left the firehouse, first, it was the other guy he’d seen at his office and some Middle Eastern-looking dude. Then that black woman he’d seen you hang out with left. Next was your father. He almost forgot to wait to see him. He wanted to chase him down and run him over with his car but he held it together. He knew there was one more person left. The little Asian guy. When he hadn’t come out after 30 minutes he almost thought he went home earlier and he’d missed him. That was until Chimney walked out of the 118 firehouse almost 45 minutes after his shift had finished. He was talking away on his phone not paying attention to his surroundings creating the perfect situation for a stalker. 
He followed Chimney from the firehouse to one of those 24-hour corner stores. He followed him in close behind, waiting until Chimney was alone in the back of the store. As luck would also have it there were no security cameras in sight. While Chimney was distracted looking at the small selection of diapers the store carried, he took his chance. Before Chimney could respond, he had grabbed him by the shoulder and had him pinned against the diaper shelves he was just looking at. 
“Where is she?” He asked aggressively.
“Who?” Chimney asked shocked but trying to remain calm. He knew exactly who he wanted. 
“Y/n” He held back from yelling in Chimney's face. 
“Y/n? You…you mean you haven’t heard?” Chimney tried his best at putting on a distraught face even willing a few tears to fall. 
“Heard what?” He loosed his grip on Chimney. 
“I’m sorry man, she… she's dead” Chimney said softly trying to lace his voice with sadness. 
“What no! What happened?” He aggressively slammed Chimney back against the shelves. 
“The night Eddie and Buck picked her up from your place she slit her wrists in Bobby and Athena's bathroom” Chimney made himself sob. 
Bradley shook his head in disbelief and ran from the shop. Once out of sight, Chimney let a massive grin break out on his face and he let out a proud chuckle. He grabbed diapers and practically skipped to the counter with them. He was so proud of himself and his lie. He knew if Bradley went looking to see if it was true he would see there had been a call out to Bobby and Athenas that night. It hadn’t been for you thought. Buck being the massive cluts that he is had managed to get his foot stuck in the bin beside the toilet while changing out a light bulb in the sconce above the sink which had stopped working while he was using the toilet. While trying to get the bin off his foot he slipped on the bath mat and fell smacking the back of his head with a loud yet hollow-sounding thunk on the sink, Luckly for Buck he has a thick skull and came out of it with a sore bum, ankle and head and a bruised ego. They still had him taken to the hospital because even though the injuries weren’t that bad he still needed to be cleared of any major head injury before returning to work. 
2 days later by chance, he ran into Hen. It was her day off and she was about to come pick you up to go out to the movies but first, she had to run some errands. Bobby wanted to have a barbecue at his place to celebrate family and new beginnings. She was grabbing a few things to take with her when he spotted her. She was about to walk into the supermarket when he walked out. Seeing Hen he decided to take the chance to confirm what Chimney had told him. He grabbed Hen who was distracted by the shopping list on her phone and pulled her to the side of the door. 
“What do you think you're doing? Get your hands off me!” Hen snapped. 
“I’m sorry I just want to talk” He sighed. 
“What do you want?” Hen asked crossing her arms over her chest,
“Is it true?” He asked. 
“Is what true?” Hen asked. 
“Is she dead?” 
“I’m afraid so” Hen dropped her head.
“No, no it can’t be” He looked at the ground. 
“If it means anything she didn’t suffer” Hen put a hand on his shoulder. When he looked up at her confused Hen was quick to drop her hand back by her side. “There was nothing anybody could do for her. I can assure you she died the second the car made contact with the semi, she wasn’t even aware of the fire” 
“A car accident?” He stumbled backwards. He ran away from Hen and made his way into the parking lot. The groceries he had brought were abandoned on the ground. Hen passed a confused look to the parking lot, shrugged and continued with her day. She knew if he went looking he would find a two-vehicle collision between a truck and a car. Y/n was nowhere near the accident but the 118 had responded to the accident so if he looked it up he wouldn’t be able to accuse them of lying. 
The very next day Ravi saw Bradley hanging out across the street watching the fire house. Ravi would have run off and grabbed Bobby but he was at home spending time with you. Ravi took a quick look around but couldn’t spot any other members of the 118 to alert. Ravi decided that he was going to have to do something about it himself. He jogged across the road and stood beside Bradley's car. He positioned himself in such a way that if anything should happen anyone watching on in the firehouse would be able to see both Ravi and Bradley in the car. Ravi through a look back at the firehouse and then turned his attention back to Bradley. 
“Any reason you're watching the firehouse?” Ravi asked faking a smile trying to pretend that he didn’t know who the man in the car was. “Are you interested in working for the LAFD? I could get you some information if you want to come inside” Ravi motioned towards the firehouse with an outstretched hand. 
“Oh no, I was just hoping someone could help me get some information on a friend” Bradley put a fake smile on his face. 
“No problem sir if you want to come inside I can set you up in the captain's office and we can all have a couple of officers down to help you” Ravi never once let the smile on his face falter. 
“I don’t want to be a bother” If he stepped foot in the firehouse he knew he would be recognised by the other members of the 118. “My friends' name is Y/n Nash I believe you know her, she’s the fire captain's daughter” 
“Oh y/n, yeah I knew her, um the captain is actually off today, I guess you’re here for the funeral?” Ravi let his smile drop. He tucked his hands into his pockets, rocked back on his heels and looked at the ground. “I could get you the funeral details if you want” 
“No, no it’s fine, when did she die? How did she die? I mean last time I saw her she was healthy, she seemed happy” Bradley knew he was baiting Ravi. He’d already been told two different things. Either your whole team was messing with him or you were messing with them. Either way, he was going to figure it out and track you down. And when he found you he was going to make you pay. 
“Uh she…she was involved in a hit and run, Cap had to decide to turn off her life support. The doctors said she had almost no chance of recovery any way” Ravi looked up to the sky knowing if he looked Bradley in the eyes he might break and smile. 
“I’m so sorry to hear that, I was just in town and thought I would stop in for a minute but I wouldn’t want to be a burden, pass my condolences on to Bobby” Bradley gave Ravi a small smile and pulled away from the firehouse. When he was out of sight Ravi fist-bumped the air and jogged back into the firehouse. As far as Ravi was concerned that was the last time he thought any of you would hear from him. Bradley on the other hand had only gathered more evidence that the 118 was potentially lying to him. 
Early the next morning Bradley stalked Eddie to his usual running path. He waited until Eddie was on a particularly quiet portion of the track, hidden from the eyes of the public by bushes and trees. He blocked Eddie's path not allowing him to step around him. Eddie the second he laid eyes on Bradley wanted to punch his lights out but he held his composure. Eddie placed some distance between himself and Bradley before speaking up. 
“What the hell do you want?” Eddie said voice laced with anger. 
“I just want to know what happened to y/n” Bradley put his hands up in surrender. 
“You have no right to ask about her” Eddie snapped “She was so happy until you came along, you broke her down, you isolated her from us, you’re the reason…” Eddie choked on his words. A mixture of real and fake emotions was flowing through Eddie. He was so upset and caught off guard that he almost went off the script. “You’re the reason shes dead” 
“Now Edmundo I don’t believe that for a second” Bradley smirked at Eddie
“Look in my eyes and tell me I’m lying” Eddie growled, “I carried her lifeless body out of her parent's house after she blew her brains out with her mother's gun, I begged and pleaded with god and anyone who would listen to bring her back to me, to us.”
“No, no… you're lying!” Bradley yelled backing away from Eddie. 
“She killed herself because we wouldn’t let her go back to you, maybe we should have, maybe if we did she’d still be here” Eddie's gaze dropped to the ground. The next thing Eddie heard was the sound of someone running away from him. He looked up to see himself once again alone. A smile broke out on his face as he continued with his run. He couldn’t wait to finish up his run, get home, shower and get to work. The only thing that was going to top this was having dinner with you, Buck and Chris tonight. Bradley on the other hand was not so sure what was going on. He found himself confused. Everything Eddie said seemed so genuine. Maybe Bobby and Eddie had told the rest of the team different things to keep them from knowing what happened. He hadn’t seen you around since that day in the office not even with Eddie and Buck even though he knew you’d always run off to them in the past. Still, he had two more people to ask and he wasn’t going to stop until he got the truth. 
That afternoon he followed Bobby into a butcher as he looked for the perfect cuts of steak and his favourite burger patties for the weekend during some downtime between calls. He wanted this BBQ to be reminiscent of the BBQs that you had when you were a kid even though, Mum, Robbie and Brook weren’t here anymore and you’d felt like he had tried to replace them with Athena, May and Harry. You’d grown to love them like Bobby did and accepted them as your family. Bobbys plans came to a halt when Bradley grabbed him by the arm and spun him to look at him. Bobby went from shocked to furious in seconds. Bradley could tell immediately that Bobby was not impressed to see him. 
“I’m not trying to start anything” Bradley puts his hands up in defence “I just need to know…”
“Need to know what?” Bobby snaps crossing his arms across his chest making himself larger and more intimidating. 
“Is she dead?” He asked. 
“My daughter? My child who you destroyed so completely that she couldn’t see her self-worth. Yes, she’s dead and it's all your fault” Bobby was now shaking with anger, his arms hung limp at his side and his gaze had met the floor. “I had to scrape her brains off every surface of my guest room, all my children are now gone, I couldn’t save any of them, what kind of father can’t protect his children?” Bobby looked up to where Bradley had been standing to find that he at some point had run off. Bobby looked around the empty store and shrugged. Had he been a little overdramatic sure but he didn’t think he’d been that bad. With a smile plastered on his face, he went back to picking out the steaks for the weekend and hoped that would be the last time he would have to see Bradley. 
The next morning Buck found himself running late for his shift. Chris insisted on watching a movie with everyone the night before but fell asleep not 15 minutes into the film despite insisting to Eddie that he was not sleepy at all. Eddie carried Chris to bed and decided that since the movie had started you might as well watch it. It was one of your and Chris's favourites. Eddie was sick of watching the movie on repeat and Buck had somehow had the blessing of not being subject to FernGully until now. After the movie, Buck drove you home. This meant he didn’t get home until almost 11 pm and he had to be at the station at 7 am. Bradley had spotted Buck on his drive home and decided to camp out the front of Buck's apartment building for the night. When Buck stumbled out the front door in a rushed mess the next morning Bradley was there to greet him. 
“I’m not here to start a fight, I just need answers” He held his hands up in defence. 
“What the hell do you need answers for?” If looks could kill Bradley would be dead with how Buck looked at him.
“I just want to know if y/n is dead” Bradley moved further back from Buck out of fear of getting hit.
“Dead” Buck yelled and got so close to Bradley that their chests were almost touching “Why do think it’s any of your business to know what’s happening with y/n?” 
“I just heard rumours and wanted to know” Bradley flinched away from Buck. 
“You wanted to know? You wanted to know?” Buck looked away and scoffed “Yes she’s dead alright, she killed herself, you have no idea what it’s like to be called out to a scene where someone you love has killed themselves, to see their blood all over and know that nothing you can do will save them. To see them choking on their blood as it spills out of their open throat” 
Bradley had gone pale, so pale that Buck thought he was going to faint. For a split moment, Buck felt bad, made be he had been too harsh and taken things too far. Bradley quickly crossed back across the road to his car and took off before any more words could be exchanged. Buck shrugged and quickly made his way to work running even more late now. But that was normal for Buck so he knew no one would question him and he wouldn’t have to tell anyone about running into Bradley. 
Finally, Saturday rolled around 2 days later. You had been kept busy all morning by Athena who had you help put out her good wine glasses, set the table for lunch, and do other small tasks. Eddie, Christopher and Buck had shown up around 10 am because Chris was too impatient and excited to hang out with his favourite person. You were so distracted with Chris that before you knew it, the rest of the 118 had arrived. Bobby and Buck were manning the BBQ, Chris was off playing with Danny and Mara, Hen, Chimney, Ravi, Karen and Maddie were busy talking among themselves. Athena was busy drifting around the kitchen while Eddie stood outside next to you watching the kids play. 
“I’m glad you left him” Eddie broke the silence. 
“Me too” You smiled up at him “Thank you for knocking some sense into me”. 
“Okay everyone lunch is ready!” Bobby called bringing a tray of meat into the dining room. 
Everyone sat around the table. Athena had set the kids up at their table out in the yard which made them think they were the coolest kids ever. She even gave them their plastic wine glasses to drink juice from. You were in the middle of one of the greatest lunches you’d ever had when there was an overly aggressive knock on the door. Before Athena or Bobby could move to answer the door someone yelled through the front door.
“I know you're all in there, I want answers and I want them now!” Bradley screamed through the door. 
“What in the world?” Athena looked towards the landing where the front door was. 
“What’s he doing here?” Buck looked around the table. 
“I guess this means the plan didn’t work” Chimney looked between everyone. 
“What plan?” Athena looked at Chimney. 
“Uh, well, uh, Bobby do you want to explain it” Chimney looked to Bobby. 
“You brought it up” Bobby motioned back to Athena. 
“What plan?” Athena stood up, crossed her arms and started tapping her foot. 
The 118 shared panicked glances while you, Maddie and Karen looked around the table confused. 
“Robert Wade Nash you better start speaking or so help me god you’ll be sleeping at the firehouse tonight” Athena levelled her attention on Bobby. 
“We might have told him y/n was dead” Bobby said 
“Dead” Athena looked around the table “After I told you not to tell him that you went and did it anyway” 
“Well in all fairness Athena I was the one who told him she was dead” Buck admitted looking at his plate. 
“You? No, I told him” Chimney jumped in. 
“Wait but I told him she was dead like a week ago” Hen added. “Oh god what have we done” 
“One at a time, how did you all say she died” Athena asked the table. 
“Slit her wrists,” Chimney said
“Hit and Run,” Ravi said
“Car accident,” Hen said
 “Shot herself with your gun,” Bobby said
“Slit her throat,” Buck said
“Same as Bobby,” Eddie said
You, Maddie and Karen, were trying to hold it together despite all having a bad case of the giggles. Athena was done with the entire 118 at this point and it was clear from the look on Bobbys face he was already trying to decide who would let him crash on their lounge tonight. 
“If you weren’t going to listen couldn’t you all have at least agreed on how she died” Athena sighed. 
“I’ll go deal with” Bobby went to stand up. 
“No you’ve done enough damage” Athena left the table. 
Athena went to open the door while everyone else quietly got up from the table and came to peak around the corner. Bradley was still furiously banging on the door when Athena answered it. 
“What do you want?” Athena asked angrily.
“I need the truth, I’ve been told so many different things over the last week,” Bradley said “Tell me the truth and I’ll leave you alone” 
“Yes y/n is dead, yes she killed herself with my gun, no we haven’t told everyone, now if you don’t mind we’re currently having her wake” Athena crossed her arms. 
“I’m so sorry” Bradley quickly turned on his heels and ran off up the driveway out of sight. 
Athena took a deep breath and closed the door. 
“When I turn around you all best be at that table eating” 
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Hey there I seen this post where Stiles has the Triskelion tattooed on his chest so you know of any docs where it has been done
Definitely, @sassygiantpapermaker!
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Marked by lyingismyforte
(3/? I 5,601 I General I Sterek)
Being Marked is supposed to be a gift, but in reality if is more of a curse. When Derek is born with a triskelion tattoo across his back, his parents fear for his happiness. When Derek is six, his soul mate, Stiles is born with a triskelion tattoo covering his his left pectoral muscle. This is their story.
The Triskelion Tattoo by Takara_Phoenix
(1/1 I 5,397 I Teen I Sterek)
One of the challenges of being a human among wolves was that he didn't feel the pack bonds the way the wolves do. To show that he was part of the pack, Stiles gets a tattoo of the triskelion.
Derek had never displayed better self-control than when he sees his symbol on Stiles. He'd done so good holding back and controlling himself around Stiles, but this was his breaking point.
Inked by obsessedbutonline
(2/2 I 9,558 I Explicit I Sterek)
"D'you want to see the rest?" Stiles volunteered, his voice hopeful.
Derek stared- no words leaving him as his eyes roved over the bare skin and the art that adorned it. The lithe muscles of his abdomen were inked with thick, Celtic knotwork as well as more animals- both mystical and humane- and the biggest of all, resting right above his heart and seeming to glow against the pale skin: the Hale triskelion.
Stiles returns from college and spark-training to see his favorite Sourwolf and the pack- covered in tattoos. And Derek is...sharply curious. And in the end, entirely helpless.
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hedwig221b · 3 months
Do you have any fic recs that involve chasing? Like Derek gives in to the urge to run after stiles and catch him?
I kind of didn't really understand what you were asking lol so here are a few types of "chase" fics:
Mating Run Fics:
Wants & Needs by MadcapRomantic
Derek Hale has been participating in the Beacon Hills Mating Run for a decade, each year coming up without a mate. His mother, convinced this is his lucky year, persuades him to run one last time.
Enter Stiles, a young Omega with an unwanted Alpha nipping at his heels.
Family or not, Peter is determined to have Stiles. But convinced they are True Mates, there isn't anything Derek won't do to keep Stiles safe.
The Cursed Wolf by SinQueen69
2023 Suggestion Anon Wanted: Feral alpha Derek, who has been cursed and got in that feral state. The only way to lift the curse is the "sacrifice" of a pure heart. And Virgin Omega Stiles is willing to help him but the ritual has to be a mating run.
When Things Go Right by SylvieW
Stiles is nervous for the mating run. What if his soulmate is disappointed? Scott’s convinced that Allison will catch him, but Stiles isn’t so sure of his best friend’s girl, and the results could be upsetting for everyone.
Angel Choirs and Magic by LadyDrace
Derek has been very, very patient, and has shown frankly incredible self-control in the face of brutal teasing and flirting for two months. But now it's time for the mating run, and he's about to get his reward.
Except for how maybe it's actually Stiles getting a treat. Win/win.
Stiles gets kidnapped and Derek gives a chase:
Out of Focus by exclamation
Stiles was taken prisoner by a coven of witches. Now his only chance of getting home is if he learns how to control his own magic… and stops blowing stuff up by accident. With surging power inside him that he can't restrain, Stiles must deal with memories of the nogitsune, and fears that he might end up hurting those he cares about.
Meanwhile, his family and friends don't even know if he's alive. His father desperately searches for answers, and Derek will do anything in his power to find Stiles, even if it means asking an Argent for help.
of gods & monsters by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“I’m not the best at conversation. I’ve been told I have no finesse for it.”
Stiles took a step closer to Derek, pushing the billowing silk out of the way. “And what would you say if you looked at me now?”
Derek looked up, startled for a moment when he realized he was now looking at Stiles’ unveiled face. He was silent for a beat, taking in Stiles’ features for the first time, convinced he would never see such beauty unveiled for him alone.
Stiles runs away and Derek catches his ass:
between the click of the light and the start of the dream by thepsychicclam
A twig snaps, and then Stiles hears breathing and the rustle of leaves. He strains to get a better glimpse into the darkness, but it’s pointless. There’s nothing but a black void.
It's Stiles' senior year, and he's trying to concentrate on normal things - like the lacrosse championship, spring break, prom, graduation (and definitely not Derek) - when he starts having nightmares and waking up in the middle of nowhere. Oh yeah, and he's being haunted by a hag. Great.
My Wolf by Dexterous_Sinistrous
“If he wants to mate Stiles, why not let him?” Jackson asked, ready to part with Stiles if need be.
“Because if I did that, I’d be demoting Lydia,” Alpha Stilinski replied.
“We don’t even know how good of a Beta he is,” Lydia countered, bristling some that her status was being challenged.
“That’s because he’s not a Beta,” Alpha Stilinski stated. “He’s an Alpha.”
If you wanted fics with their own chasing scenes, I am sorry to inform you that I have a memory of a goldfish, and do not remember any in particular, though I am sure they exist somewhere in the wild. If someone knows some, please, feel free to add!
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | smut | mafia
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murdrdocs · 11 months
YOUR HAZE. void stiles
about. bodies upon bodies surrounding a tree trunk, the nogistune sitting in the center of the stump, and she suddenly finds solace in those familiar amber eyes
includes. DARK CONTENT 18+ fem!vampire!reader, told in 3rd person, heavy manipulation, oral (fem receiving), 'sweet' void tehe, void is a munch
wc: 2.0k
→ kinktober masterlist
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She smells his scent before anything else. 
A soft musk mixed with a gourmand, unique to Stiles and Stiles only. She can’t smell his emotions, not in the way that Scott or Malia can. Her sense of smell has yet to reach that point, and none of them are even aware if it could reach that point. But she knows by the almost sickly-sweet scent of sweat that densely covers his pleasant aroma that he’s nervous, maybe anxious about something. 
The thought increases her speed as she attempts to get closer to him, pushing through the thick trees.  
Then comes the rot mixed with rainwater. A scent unique to Void. It makes her nose wrinkle, the mix entirely too strong, abusing her senses as her eyes begin to water the closer she gets, a slowness to her approach now. 
She’s on guard at this point, understanding that if he’s so out in the open like this, it’s because he wanted her to find him. She doesn’t bother stepping around the branches, perhaps trying to convince herself that she’s not fearful of the spirit that has possessed her boyfriend. 
Yet she’s cautious, even before she smells the blood. 
It hits her nose a little too late, right when she turns to enter the clearing and she sees the bodies laying around the tree stump. Dozens of them, scattered around the base of the stump, most of them dead but her attentive ears, definitely her better sense, pick up on a few slow heartbeats. 
He sits in the center, legs crossed like her and Stiles would sit as kids, before she was like this and before he was like this. He looks pleased with himself, a slight smile on his lips as he watches her wandering eyes. 
When they land on him, narrowed and angry, Void pretends to be unhappy. She knows he’s enjoying this. 
His head tilts, he pouts. “Why so upset? This is all for you.” His arms spread out wide and he grins, like he’s presenting a desired present to her. 
And maybe it is, deep down inside she feels her insides churn with excitement. She’s never had a feast presented in front of her like this before, instead spending her years desperately trying to tether herself to control and strict moderation for the sake of everyone around her. 
With Stiles, it was easier to do that. He was her anchor, keeping her sane and from digging her sharpened pearly whites into his freckled neck, even when he bit his nails until she got a whiff of how tantalizing his blood was. 
But Stiles was gone, and he had been for weeks now. Each day, she felt herself slipping more and more, slowly giving more and more into temptation until she ended up here: Considering the offering laid before her. 
She wants to fight it, she tries to fight, insults and self brags about how much stronger she is than him, how she absolutely refuses to give into temptation and that is what true strength is. 
Her nails, newly filed as she picked up nail care as another distraction from the way she craved something she couldn’t have, dig into her palm as she speaks. Her breathing increases with each word, chest rising and falling rapidly, usually slow heart rate picking up just enough to remind her of when she was human. 
She thinks she has it under control. She does have it under control. 
But she still finds herself at her knees before what looks like Stiles, but she has to consistently remind herself that this isn’t Stiles. 
Stiles wouldn’t look so proud as she digs her fangs into the first neck, veins bursting from the puncturing of her teeth, sweet and almost tangy blood meeting her lips. It’s her first drink from the source since her turning, and it’s fucking delicious. It makes her head spin. It makes her want more. 
Her moan is muffled, but still loud enough for both of them to hear it. It’s oddly sensual, a sexual tone to it, heavily present mostly in the way the sound lifts up at the end. 
Her eyebrows push together as she cringes at herself for a second, then she inhales, pulling more blood into her mouth, and nothing else matters except the red liquid that slides down her through. 
“There you go,” Stiles coos from above her, the stiff sound of clothing against wood as he stands. 
But this isn’t Stiles. 
She has to remind herself of that when Void comes to join her. Because Stiles wouldn’t get on his knees beside her, push her hair to the side, and gently kiss her own neck as she drains another body. 
His nose brushes against her skin as he speaks. “You feel how warm it is? Better than those cold blood bags they give you, isn’t it? This is what I can give you.” The words are growled into her trapezius, his teeth scraping the thin layer of skin through each syllable. 
Her eyes close, she melts into the combined warmth of Stiles and the blood entering her mouth. But this isn’t Stiles. She tries to shake herself awake, she tries to pull from him, repeating the words in her head even as she gulps down pints of life force. 
He senses her hesitation, his hand cupping the side of her neck as his lips brush her earlobe. “He won’t know about this,” he tells her. She takes a breath, considers. 
Stiles wouldn’t do this.  
But Stiles would wrap his arm around her in the way that Void does. Stiles would bring her lips to his with a soft touch of her cheek, and he would kiss her like he’s devouring her. 
She blames it on the new amount of energy coursing through her body. She blames her willingness to give into Void’s kisses and touches on the different blood mixing in her system, a second body in her grasp before she even realizes it, the addition giving her a rush she’s never felt in her life. 
If it weren’t for the bodies she’d already consumed, and the ones she has left, she wouldn’t have let Void lay her back on the stump and spread her legs. 
It’s what she tells herself, trying to comfort the guilt and agony on her own. But she can’t comfort it on her own, she needs Stiles. Or Scott. Or Lydia. But they’re not here. They’re away in their homes, trying to come up with another solution to bring their best friend back, while she lets the shell of him pull her pants off and push her shirt up. 
They’re contriving yet another plan that might be the one to finally end it all while she takes the wrist in front of her face, sucking at the two holes already created, jagged from a puncture that isn’t her own teeth. The uneven circular shape makes it harder for her to get a steady pull from the veins. She has to concentrate to even get the first amount out, but concentrating is difficult whenever Void starts to suck on her clit. 
She doesn’t remember her pants coming off, nor her panties. She tries looking for them, hoping to find the dark denim in the night, but her vision is blurred. It’s like she’s drunk, a sensation she hasn’t felt since before her turning. 
Void inserting two fingers into her cunt doesn’t help her vision. The intrusion is welcomed, her walls used to the feeling of the long digits. Her gummy walls swallow in the familiarity, and instead of rejecting the unaccustomed aspects of the action, she takes it. 
The foreign way his fingers curl reminds her of the stark contrasts between the two entities, previously viewed in a light that made her nauseous as an intense sweep of emotions almost knocked her off of her feet. 
Void adds a third finger. It’s unexpected, a little disjointed, but it’s a pleasant shock. A wanted surprise. It feels good, and she hates to admit it. 
She turns back to the arm in front of her. 
Her teeth are sunken in, her lips pressed to the warm skin, and as Void digs his fingers deeper inside of her, a deep groan comes from within her. Her stained canines tear through the skin, creating two long slits that allow blood to freely gush out of them. 
It’s messy, both the way Void brings her to her peak and the way the blood flows out around her mouth. 
His lips, now added into the already complicated equation, slip and slide along her most sensitive parts, a precision that makes her wonder if he’d picked this action up from Stiles, but a lack of accuracy that makes her feel as if he’s doing this for his own pleasure. She can’t help but briefly think about how much joy Stiles gets from this action, how he always loses himself when his head is between her legs. It’s something they have in common, something that puts Void a little closer to Stiles. And although it shouldn’t, it comforts her. It tells her that her boyfriend is somewhere in there, and she briefly deludes herself into thinking that this is him. 
She starts to let herself go. 
Void licks and sucks like a man starved, like she’s the best tasting thing he’d ever had in all of his many years. His hands dig into the plush of her hips and thighs, holding her open to his torture. His tongue flicks her clit, a speed to it that’s clearly inhuman. Her back arches, moans increasing in volume and pitch, and Void takes it in stride. He adjusts her legs over his shoulders and then slides his mouth down, Stiles’ perky nose bumping into her clit as Void inserts the heated muscle into her. The combination with his fingers makes her drop the limp wrist, blood spilling onto her clothing. 
The heat from Void’s mouth is easily comparable to the heat of the blood that slides from her own lips, flowing down her chin and neck, staining the previously pristine white tee she wears. It’s one Stiles had gifted her, incredibly simple in nature but the quality is why she desired it. A tiny white tank top, with a small silk bow in the center, and lace lining the straps that fall off her shoulders. 
As she looks down at Void, taking in how dark his eyes are, she notices just how ruined the top is, completely beyond repair and she’ll have to throw it out. Just the simple thought clears her head, a sob wracking through her, her body convulsing and curling with her chest up to the sky. It’s just then that Void knocks her over the edge, orgasm pushing through her frame intensely. Her hands find the hair she loves so much and her legs close around his head. 
He lets her do what she wants, and this singular act of kindness dulls her brain. She gets dizzy, letting the last bit of resistance slip from her mind and body, her muscles relaxing as she comes down. She blinks lazily at him, eyebrows furrowing as his veins tinge black for a second, but the color is gone just as quick. 
He kisses her inner thigh, his smile sweet before it twists into something much more sinister and dark. 
“You belong to me,” he tells her, the words sounding pretty coming from his slickened pink lips. She’s out of it, too much blood in her system, orgasm dumbing her down, so she nods, allowing another wrist to be positioned in front of her, this one still live, pulse still thumping. 
She distantly hears cries for help, pleas to let them go, but she doesn’t focus on that. Instead looking into the amber eyes that she trusts more than her own as she bares her teeth once more, and lets them sink into the skin. 
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fuji09 · 27 days
I had a sad thought in the shower about Derek Hale.
So everyone pretty much agrees (that I have seen) that Derek forgave Scott for forcing him to give the bite to Gerard in the season 2 finale.
But did he?
Derek has like zero self worth. With everything that has happened to him, Paige, Kate, the fire, Peter, Laura, trying to be an alpha, trying to teach Scott and his betas, being a fugitive twice, almost dying, being hunted and shot, and everything else, could it be possible Derek didn't forgive Scott because in his mind there was nothing to forgive?
Could Derek be so used to being used, having bad shit happen to him, and having zero control over his life and body that he just sees it as another bad thing that happened to him and accepts it even though that boy is owed many many apologies from a lot people?
Not even processing it, just accepting that it happened and won't think about it again. I could see Derek bottling up his feelings on it. The next episode we get is the first episode of season 3a and Derek acts like nothing happened, he talks to Scott and is basically just allies/friends with him.
Scott seemed to not be around people, even Stiles, very much over the summer, studying and reading. Which is great! Go Scott!
But it's just so weird that the last exchange we see with Scott and Derek (if I'm remembering it correctly) is at the warehouse when it all went down but then we go into season 3a which is after the summer and they seem cool with each other. I feel like we are missing something or Derek really needed some self worth and self love.
This post is not bashing anyone so please don't think that. It's not about if Scott should apologize either. It was a thought about Derek that popped in my head and I needed to get it out there and see if anyone else feels or thinks the same way.
If I have to be sad over my blorbos, so do y'all! I'm kidding, please don't get sad.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
Accidental Admittance - Derek Hale x Reader
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Summary: You ask Derek to fake date you and it breaks all self-control he has
Words: 1.7k 
Warnings: none
I was so goddamn stupid, what made me say that? What made me lie to Greenberg about having a boyfriend? About having Derek Hale as my boyfriend? God fucking damn it, me and my panic brain and my stupid, stupid heart aching for the damn alpha. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!
I’m arriving back to the Hale house too soon, having skipped school not wanting to face Greenberg today. I fired a message to Stiles telling him I wasn’t feeling too good and now I’m back here, my stomach is rumbling and I’m feeling so anxious that I know Derek can smell it from inside. The only thing I can smell with my dull human senses is the familiar scent of the surrounding woods, quickly replaced by something delicious when I open the door, throwing my bag to the side and toeing my shoes off. 
Derek’s in the kitchen, stood in front of the hob, back to to me but from the way his head raises slightly in know he can sense my presence there. He doesn’t move, waiting for me to speak and tell him why I’m home at lunchtime and why I probably reek of anxiety. Damn werewolves and their super senses. It makes me take a hesitant step into the kitchen, my gaze fixed on Derek ’s back. His bread shoulders and strong posture makes him appear even more intimidating, but I know he’s not as unapproachable as he seems.
Taking a deep breath I rather my courage and clear my throat, “Der,” I call softly, knowing he already knows I’m here but it feels weird starting a conversation with him without making my presence known like you normally would with others. He turns slightly, kaleidoscope eyes meeting mine and there’s a flicker of concern in his gaze, “I did a boo-boo.” I don’t know why I say it like that but it makes Derek visibly soften even more as he reaches for my hand and pulls me over to him. His hands grasp my hips and he’s lifting me to sit on the counter next to him so he can keep cooking. 
“What happened?” Derek asks, his voice gentle yet filled with curiosity but all I can focus on his the way his touch sends a jolt of warmth through me, going straight to my cheeks. I try to ignore it, trying to focus on the delicious smell of whatever he’s cooking on the stove, “What kind of boo-boo?” Derek asks, capturing my chin between his thumb and forefinger. 
“Greenberg was bothering me and I may have blurted out that I have a boyfriend…” I fiddle with my hands, not wanting to meet his gaze as I’m going to have to emphasise the fact it wasn’t just a boyfriend I said but the very man in front of me is who I said. I have to take a deep breath, mustering up the courage to continue. I can feel Derek’s intense gaze on me, thumb gently caressing my chin as he waits for me to speak. There’s a mixture of curiosity and concern in his eyes, making it even harder to meet his gaze, “Wellll…. I may have said your name…” I finally admit, my voice barely above a whisper. 
Derek’s grip on my chin tightens ever so lightly, drawing my attention to his eyes. His expression having shifted from curiosity to surprise, and I swear I see a flicker of something else in his gaze - a spark, a hint of possibility. 
“My name?” He speaks softly, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and amusement and I’m nodding, feeling a rush of embarrassment wash over me. His gaze lingers on me, his eyes searching for something. I can’t quite decipher the emotions swirling within him, but I hold my breath as I wait for his response. It feels like forever before Derek’s lips curl into a small, almost imperceptible smile. He leans closer, his breath warm against my ear, “Alright,” He whispers, his voice sending shivers down my spine, “I’ll be your boyfriend.” 
Relief washes over me, and a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. I finally dare to meet his gaze, finding a warmth and understanding that makes my heart skip a beat and I know he hears from the way his lips quirk a little as he goes back to stirring the sauce in the pan. His left hand intertwines with mine, letting me trace gentle circles on his palm, feeling the texture of his skin beneath his fingertips. The simple act of touching him bringing a sense of comfort and connection, igniting a spark of something more than just a pretend relationship. 
I watch him with admiration as he effortlessly moves around the kitchen, his movements graceful and precise, captivating to witness the way he handles each ingredient, his focus unwavering despite our conversation and the fact we’re currently officially, unofficially, dating. The aroma of the food fills the air, blending with the soft sounds of sizzling and the clinking of utensils against pots. I lean in closer, inhaling deeply, my senses heightened in the presence of the man I have been in love with since I met him almost five years ago. There was just something beyond his suggest exterior and brooding demeanour that drew me in, a depth in his eyes, the way they hold a mixture of pain, strength and vulnerability that speaks volumes. Derek is a man of few words, but his actions speak louder than anything he could ever say. He has faced unimaginable loss and heartache, yet he continues to fight for those he cares about, never giving up. It's his unwavering loyalty and protectiveness that has always captivated me, making me feel safe and cherished in his presence. Underneath his tough exterior, Derek has a heart that beats with compassion and tenderness. He may not always express it in words, but his gestures, his touches, and his unwavering support tell me everything I need to know. He has a way of making me feel seen, understood, and loved in a way that no one else ever has. 
And when Derek looks at me, really looks at me, it's as if he sees all of me—the flaws, the insecurities, and the scars—and he still cares about me despite it all. He’s glancing at me out of the corner of his eye, a faint smile playing on his lips, “You know,” He finally speaks, voice low and velvety, “If we’re going to do this boyfriend act, we might as well make it convincing.” 
I just raise an eyebrow at him, “And how do you propose we do that?” I ask, my voice coming out a little breathier than I intend as he turns the stove off and set the pots of food aside so they won’t burn. His kaleidoscope eyes never leaving mine as he steps closer, slotting himself between my legs, hands on my thighs as he closes the distance between us until I can his warm breath against my skin. 
His hands slide from my thighs to cup my cheeks, touch gentle and electrifying, “Like this,” He murmurs, lips inching closer until they finally meet mine in a kiss that sets my heart ablaze. It’s soft, yet brimming with a fierce longing and desire. There’s a gentle urgency in the way our lips move together, as if we’ve been holding back for far too long and are finally giving into the magnetic pull between us. Derek’s lips are warm and inviting, melding perfectly with mine as they move in a dance of passion and tenderness. His hands remain of my cheeks. His touch both grounding and electrifying. As the kiss deepens, his thumbs trace soothing circles along my jawline, sending shivers down my spine, every brush of his lips against mine feels like a sweet surrender. There’s a rawness to the kiss, an unspoken acknowledgement of the emotions that have been brewing between us for so long, a Monet of vulnerability. 
We eventually break apart, our lips reluctantly parting, but the connection between us remains unbreakable. Our breaths mingle, and our foreheads rest against each other, a shared moment of bliss and understanding. It’s a little overwhelming and Derek can feel it all as his gaze falls to mine again, pulling me forwards into a hug where he smooths down my hair and coos out a soft, “I’ve got you.” 
I rest my head against Derek’s chest, enveloped in his strong embrace, I’m captivated by his scent - an intoxicating blend that seems to scream everything Derek. A subtle hint of woodsmoke lingers in the air intermingled with a delicate freshness you can only get after a downpour and finally something citrusy like subtle notes of orange. It’s heady and confusing and makes me a little lightheaded to the point I’m gripping the front of his shirt like a lifeline and there’s a rumble coming from deep within his chest as if the wolf inside him is purring. It’s a primal sound and I’m not going to admit it does something to me, heading straight between my thighs and a whine leaves my throat when he finally pulls away. 
Derek’s hands slowly release their hold on me, reluctantly pulling away from our embrace, gaze lingering on my face for a moment longer, filled with a mixture of tenderness and desire, before he breaks the spell and dislodges himself from between my legs to turn his attention back to the meal he was preparing. He expertly plates up the delicious meal he had been cooking, arranging the savoury aromas on the plates with precision. The tantalising scents waft through the air, mingling with the remnants of our shared moment, creating an atmosphere that is both comforting and enticing. 
“Come on baby, let’s eat first, I can hear your stomach rumbling already.” He leans over, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before leading the way to the living room. He doesn’t look back once as if he knows I’ll be following him and fuck me, he’s right. 
I’d follow him anywhere. 
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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kitchenisking · 9 months
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Merry Christmas Eve!
Good for you by lilysaid - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 16,768, sterek)
Completely by chance, I saw a "human boyfriend for werewolf roleplay" ASMR video on YouTube and thought 1. Stiles would totally do something as reckless as making an ASMR channel for werewolves 2. He would be really good at it and 3. It would definitely blow up in his face
The Alpha and his Spark by sandyde03 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 22,771, sterek)
Stiles is pregnant. Derek is perpetually horny and possessive. Stiles is confused. Not by Derek sexing him up. He loves that. It’s the fact that ever since he started to show that he was with pup everyone has been avoiding his eyes.
Innerbloom (if you want me, if you need me) by nymphe - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 12,133, sterek)
Lydia and Stiles are study partners, Lydia (correctly) theorizes that Stiles is losing precious brain cells daydreaming about getting dicked down by our resident moody werewolf, Derek has issues: trust issues, issues using his words, feelings issues, issues with Lydia’s scent overwhelming Stiles’ scent & issues with Stiles not smelling enough like him. What’s new, basically.
Title from Rüfüs Du Sol.
feelings are the worst kind of f-word by EvanesDust - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 4,514, sterek)
Derek might have been an alpha werewolf, but he was an omega in biology. Thanks to the emotional shit show of his life—and the ever-present dangers of Beacon Hills—he hadn't had a heat in years. But he was finally in a better place, so of course, that was when it hit.
So he turned to the only alpha he trusted to help him through it.
The one he secretly desired.
A Place to Hide Away by Antistalgic - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 58,064, sterek)
Stiles gets turned into a werefox child with no memory of anything beyond the age of five (and a half, thank you very much). So when he smells the scent of home and security, naturally he follows it and finds himself face to face (or rather face to knee) with a scowling man (with pretty eyes).
local area man resorts to necromancy as everything is ruined anyway byLunaCanisLupus_22 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 7,847, sterek)
“Are we doing this?” Scott asks, taking Stiles’ arm before he can approach the pile of ash right in front of the Nemeton. Not ash. Derek’s remains. “Stiles, are we doing this?”
“He did it before,” Stiles snaps, pointing at Peter. “Why can’t we?”
Or the one where the teen wolf movie ending is trash, so Stiles returns to Beacon Hills and necromances his way out of it
His Boy by GhostInTheBAU - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,214, sterek)
“Come on, Big Bad,” he purred, voice lilting, teasing, taunting, “Is this really all you got? The best you can do?  Everything you can give me? Hm?”
Derek went stone-cold rigid at the provocation, his Wolf clawing at him, snapping just below the surface of his skin, itching to be released, longing to show this boy—his boy—exactly where he belonged.
“Because, silly me, I thought you were supposed to be something scary,” Stiles continued, “Something cold and deadly—violent and dreadful and feared.” A huff of laughter leapt off his sharp-wit tongue; and a smirk danced shrill and cunning through the flow of his sultry voice. “Hell baby, I thought you were supposed to be a fuckin’ Wolf.”
And that was it.
That was the end of Derek’s self-control.
Folding Like Honey by Noname109 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,811, sterek)
“I’m gonna take you apart,” Derek practically purrs. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll be screaming my name.” 
“Derek,” he whines, flushing bright red because of how fucked out his voice sounds, throat raw. He swallows before speaking again. “Please.” 
“Is that all you can say?” Derek teases, and his hands wander over Stiles’s body. He feels so exposed like this, totally on display for Derek. “Fucked your mouth so good you can’t talk, huh?” 
“Derek, I — oh fuck.”
I'll Be Your Thrill by red_crate  - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5,354, sterek)
Stiles asks, “What are you waiting for?” He still hasn’t made a move to join Derek on the bed.
“I’m waiting for you, Daddy.” It takes everything in him to hold Stiles’ gaze. 
There’s a hesitance in him every time they start this. Derek is older, an alpha werewolf. He can’t quite get over the spike of humiliation that occasionally works through him at the thought of wanting to give over his control. He closes his eyes for a moment. 
Wanting Stiles to take charge and take care of him isn’t a shameful thing. 
It helps that Stiles is never anything but enthusiastic.
Daddy Sweetly by LadyDrace - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,322, sterek)
Derek likes it slow and loving. And sometimes he likes a little bit more than that. Stiles is more than happy to provide.
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luthientheliterati · 2 months
stiles is actually pretty forgiving
Teen wolf headcanon #6: Stiles is much more forgiving than people give him credit for. I know, I know, he has a spiteful streak for sure (“What you need is to be beaten. Severely. With a lead pipe wrapped in barbed wire.” “Mom would have believed me.”) And certainly, he tends to be on guard against anyone who’s manipulated the pack before (Peter, Theo, etc), although that’s more just good sense. And a needed balance to Scott’s reaching out to everyone.
However, for anyone who Stiles has moved into his ‘friend group’ section, he’s willing to give an incredible amount of leeway. I mean, he meets most members of Scott’s pack because they are out of control and trying to kill him. Scott’s tried to kill him three times! But he doesn’t just accept Scott, his oldest and best friend; he also accepts Malia, Liam, Parrish, etc. I mean, let’s call out Parrish for a second here – this guy is a dangerous, on the loose hellhound, who injured him, FLIPPED THE JEEP, and is interested in Lydia (which I know, she’s not ‘his’ at this point, but still hard for him to watch). And his only response is ‘You. I like you. I’m gonna keep you.’ I mean, I don’t think he even makes him pay for repairs to the jeep! Does Stiles even tell anyone that happened??? Once someone is on his ‘good side’, they are there to stay, and there to the death. It’s not like he just tolerates Scott knowing these people either; he actively fights for them, is willing to take bullets for them. Like, that’s some pretty real forgiveness right there. Now this partly ties into Stiles’s issues with self-esteem (which is a whole nother essay, not head canon), but aside from that concern, I applaud Stiles for this. He’s more accepting than we give him credit for. He’s protective, sure, but he’ll protect anyone who joins up.
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
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Derek Hale x POTSie!GN!Reader Blurb
Word Count: 600
Sundrop's Main Masterlist
Warnings: the reader is gender neutral - the only pronouns used for the reader are you/yours; mentions of the reader having a 'girly' room (elements of pink and having stuffed animals); the reader has POTS - it is the main 'plot' of the fic (Derek can hear the reader's heartbeat). This is mostly just very self indulgent fluff.
A/N: So - again, I am on hiatus. But self indulgent fic ideas are getting to me. If you follow my main blog then you saw this one coming. Originally, my idea was to write something about Derek listening to the reader's heartbeat and catching them before they faint, but this fic is what happened when I started typing. Maybe I will write the other idea sometime, idk. Also, shoutout to the fact that I was writing this while having chest pains due to POTS. Wild
You had been assigned to ‘babysit’ Derek. 
What a glamorous role: sitting in your bedroom with a man on the run from the law (only because Scott had publicly (wrongfully) accused him of murder). 
When you first met Derek Hale, you had been intimidated by him. It was impossible not to be. He was more than six feet tall and impossibly broad - a giant wall of muscle that could have ripped you apart in seconds if he wanted to. But soon, you came to realize that he was… softer than other people gave him credit for. He had lost his entire family, and he was alone in the world. Of course he protected himself from that loneliness with bitterness and anger. But you saw glimpses of something else beneath. 
Especially now, when he was sitting in your bedroom on your pink beanbag chair, among a pile of stuffed animals, reading a YA romance novel that you had given him to entertain himself - he was almost… cute. 
He let out a gentle huff, seemingly frustrated, and you wondered if he had gotten caught up in the plot of the book - which would have been entirely amusing. 
“You okay?” You asked, putting down the pen you had been using to doodle with in your journal, giving him your full attention. “I can get us a snack or something if-” 
“Look, I’m sorry.” He mumbled out, so lowly that you almost didn’t catch the words. 
“What?” You gaped, wondering if you had misheard him. 
“I said: I’m sorry.” He repeated himself, slowly and a bit louder. 
Unfortunately this confused you even further. 
“What for?” You asked, moving to the edge of your bed and putting your feet on the floor, directing even more of your attention toward him. 
“I know Scott and Stiles are making you stay with me, but you don’t have to stay here if you’re going to be… scared.” He explained slowly, quietly, choosing his words carefully. “I know I’m not exactly the friendliest person-” 
“‘Scared’?” You repeated his own words back to him, unsure of what he meant. “Why do you think I’m scared?” 
“Your heart has been racing for the past hour - ever since I arrived.” He explained. “I know you must be afraid of me-” 
You let out a gentle laugh, shaking your head. 
It was Derek’s turn to be confused now. 
“I - I forgot that werewolves can do that.” You told him, putting a hand to your chest and feeling your own rapid heartbeat. “Scott told me, but…” You trailed off, and then you switched to a different line of thought completely. 
“I’m not scared of you.” You announced, entirely firm. 
With your heart thumping at the exact same rapid pace, Derek couldn’t tell if this was a lie or not. 
“But-” He tried to argue, and you cut him off. 
“I have a medical condition.” You explained. 
He looked at you with curiosity, and you continued. 
“It’s called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It means that my entire nervous system is whack - and my heart speeds up or slows down when it’s not supposed to. Because the part of my brain that controls my heart rate is… broken. It also causes me to faint. Way too often.” 
Derek hated to hear you speak of yourself as ‘broken’, because he saw you as such a kind, perfect person. But he chose not to say anything about it. 
A hint of sadness, pity, drifted across Derek’s features - anybody else would have missed it, but since meeting him, you had focused on seeing beneath the surface of his bruteness, and you had started picking up on everything more than the toughness he projected. 
“Do you… need to go to a hospital?” He asked, concerned about the fact that your heart had been racing for more than an hour now. 
“No.” You assured him. “It’s like this all the time. I just need a lot of water - and rest.” 
He nodded. 
“So - you’re not afraid of me?” He confirmed gently. 
“No.” You nodded. “You’re really not that scary.” 
You flopped back onto the bed in order to lay down, but you didn’t miss the tiny uptick at the corner of his mouth - the small flash of a smile that he gave you at these words.
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
I recently started reading about werewolf stiles and I was wondering if you could do a werewolf stiles x male reader, please and thank you
Werewolf Stiles Stilinski x male reader
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Ive never read too many werewolf Stiles fics, as I mainly read Spark Stiles stuff, but its an interesting idea, so I hope you enjoy this.
It’s been a while since I watched the show, so there might be parts about werewolf culture I forgot.
There are many ways Stiles could have been bitten, but lets assume its later on after everything with the Nogitsune and the chimeras. Its most likely Scott that bites him to save his life or something like that.
Because he killed people as the Nogitsune, and maybe other times I can’t remember, he would have blue eyes instead of yellow. Since he has so much experience with other people being bitten, he’s probably more on top of his own transformation.
If it was in the show, there would probably be a whole plot about Stiles becoming something else when he was bitten, because its Stiles, why wouldn’t he. But let’s just say the transformation went as it was meant to go.
Hes still is loud sassy self, but with a lot more wolf and dog jokes. You have to expect to hear the joke about you putting him in a collar at least once a week, or making him sleep in the doghouse.
Stiles struggles with his new urges and senses for a while, especially how much how loves your scent and can’t seem to get enough of you. Even before his bite, Stiles was a clingy lover, but afterwards it gets even worse.
He doesn’t even seem to notice he does it. Stiles will hang out at your place and splay across your bed, burying his face into your sheets and pillow and roll around. Or you go to his place, where he absentmindedly makes you wear his clothes to get his scent on you.
Stiles notices how he wants you provide for you more, it starts out small like bringing you small snacks or letting you borrow his jacket, but it becomes bringing you a whole ass deer after a full moon, much to the pack’s entertainment.
You are his person, if that makes sense. If he’s losing himself during a shift, he thinks about you to get himself back under control. Just the idea of hurting you makes his entire body and soul ache, and it’s the last thing he would ever want to do.
That might also result in Stiles hiding away from you the days before a full moon, just in case, as his needs and urges get stronger and stronger. Let’s just say he’s had to buy a lot of new pants as his claws keep tearing holes in his usual ones, as he has to grip his thigh from doing anything.
Has caught himself almost biting you on multiple occasions, like if you guys are cuddling or getting a little more intimate and Stiles finds himself scraping his teeth across your neck. His instincts howl for him to bite and mark you, but he’s so terrified of the idea that he almost falls out of the bed.
Stiles being Stiles would bury himself in research to try and understand why his urges are so God damn strong, as other wolves he’s met haven’t been so bad when it comes to their lover.
He ends up having to tuck his tail between his legs and go to other members of the pack with more experience, most likely Derek, or Peter, as his research doesn’t end up with much.
Peter would have a good laugh at his situation, and Derek would just raise a brow with a small “huh, makes sense” much to Stiles’s annoyance.  He ends up getting the werewolf version of the birds and the bees, and the whole talk about true mates, and he ends up sitting in his car just thinking this all sounds like one of those trashy werewolf romance books.
Assuming you are an average human, it would take a bit for Stiles to tell you, and you probably have to force it out of him cuz he’s avoiding you. Stiles again being Stiles, would feel like he doesn’t deserve you or that you can do so much better, so he doesn’t wanna force a bond on you.
He needs reassurance that you still love him, especially after he’s become a werewolf. After a long talk, Stiles returns to his lovable clingy self, but he won’t allow himself to bond you until you guys get older, even though he truly wants too.
I can imagine it gets so bad that he wears something like a tooth guard so he can’t accidentally bite your neck in the heat of the moment, cuz he wants you both to build your careers or educations before you get “wolf married” as he calls it.
During a full moon, he also always finds himself by your place, be it crawling in through your window or just hovering in the shadows nearby. You gets used to the feeling of him watching you when he’s wolfed out, and you’ll easily find his glowing blue eyes when you learn where to look.
Like I said earlier, a scent beast. You’ll cat him snuffling and sniffing you on the regular, and it probably reaches the point he can smell the changes in your hormones, so if you ever feel a little hot under the collar you just know he’s gonna smell it too.
After being bitten he also gets more comfortable with his body and appearance, since running around during the full moon ends with him naked more times than he doesn’t. The bite also made him muscle up, at least somewhat, which he appreciates too.
When his old flannels don’t fit on him anymore cuz of the sudden growth spurt, he gives them all to you to wear or do with as you please. If they fit, that’s the easiest way to make him buckle for you.
All in all, he’s still as much of a sweetheart as if he wasn’t a werewolf, now he just has a lot of new urges and instincts that catch him off guard every now and then. Stiles would always carry some guilt for mixing you deeper into the supernatural world, even if you were already part of it, but he also can’t ever imagine living without you.
So, make sure to reassure him that you love him and will stay by his side. If you end up some kind of supernatural being too, the guilt lessens, but its Stiles were talking about, he’s always got some kind of thing going on.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 2 months
Okay I'm having another thought about Isaac (I am thinking about Isaac again, big fucking surprise)
I feel like it says a lot about Isaac that during Motel California when Stiles found him and used the flare to snap him out of the mental torture spell that the motel ghost and the Wolfsbane had put all of the wolves in, Isaac was the only one not actively trying to physically harm himself. Isaac was hiding under the bed.
(If you haven't seen the episode and/or don't watch the show, mentions of trauma, suicide and self harm below.)
Like - let's run it down.
Ethan was being tortured by visions of someone trapped inside of his body and he tried to use a circular saw to cut that someone out (trying to cut himself free). It likely represents the idea that he was coming to resent merging with Aiden in their Alpha state, hating not having his own individual identity, hating the fact that Aiden might make him hurt someone (against his will while they're merged) innocent like Danny in the name of Deucalion's cause.
Boyd was being reminded of a childhood trauma (and I am actually so pissed that the show didn't go into more detail about this story and if they weren't planning on revealing the full details - why didn't they just make his visions about Erica? because he's clearly tortured and fucked up about that) where it seems like he was responsible for a younger sibling in a public place and that sibling was then abducted or went missing (and maybe turned up dead later?) and he feels responsible for her disappearance and/or death.
So he takes the safe out of the office and places it on top of himself to weigh himself down while he drowns in the bathtub - one, because he knows that no one of humans who are conscious of the goings on can lift it off and free him, and two, likely to represent the crushing weight that he feels over the guilt of losing his sibling. The crushing 'responsibility' he felt (even though he was just a child and it wasn't his fault). And it probably comes back to Erica - how he felt responsible for taking care of her during the time they were captured, and he likely felt responsible for her death too.
And Scott - sees a vision of his mother kidnapped and murdered by Deucalion, and he is told that it's all his fault. And he tries to burn himself alive while questioning if there is a ghost trying to convince him to do it or if there's something truly wrong with him. (And not knowing that Derek is alive, he feels responsible for Derek's 'death' and the lives of everyone around him - so the message here is pretty clear.)
What happens to Isaac is what interests me the most. He remembers something that happened during his childhood, a distinct memory with his father - a seemingly random, average conversation where his father is trying to teach him about tools, and things escalate quickly. When Isaac makes a simple mistake, his father's anger booms out of control, and he tells Isaac that he is inherently flawed, and then - Isaac has a vision of himself being locked back in the freezer that his father used to punish him, which we later find out means that the ghost prompted him to crawl under the bed, a tight space that would normally send him spiralling into a panic attack. The ghost is using his claustrophobia to torture him (when Stiles finds him, he's sweaty and shaking and clearly very poor off), but he's the only one of the wolves not actively trying to kill himself.
What this says to me is that - Isaac has already lived through a fate worse than death. Worse than the kind of mystery that drives the average person to suicide. This says to me that a demon (or whatever lives in the motel) that thrives off people killing themselves, gets more pain and suffering to feed off of from Isaac having a claustrophobic panic attack and believing that he's back in his father's basement in the freezer than it would if he was actually miserable enough to want to kill himself.
Isaac already died while locked in that freezer many, many times.
Idk that's just what that moment in the show says to me.
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cgsf · 7 months
Teen Wolf fanfiction recs:
Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski
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"A Little Hot Mess (The Best of Bad Ideas Remix)" (M) by angelgazing | 1,438 | He doesn't know what makes him do it, probably whatever is making his blood edge closer to boiling. He slides a hand up the outside of Stiles' leg, soothing, holds on to his hip as tight as he dares. Says, "I never have, but I can start," with his mouth wetter; hot and wanting.
"i've woken up on one too many floors (but my favorite was yours)" (E) by turnpikedarling | 4,888 | “Come on, dude,” Stiles tells him, planting his hands on the back of the couch and vaulting over it into the hallway of the apartment they’re currently trying to move into. It’s their first apartment together, some shitty little thing Stiles found on Craigslist and sent to Scott in a frantic email. It took Scott less than a second to realize he’d follow Stiles anywhere, and then all of a sudden: a month later they were roping Isaac and Erica and Boyd into helping them move hand-me-down furniture across town, and now here they are, trying to figure out what to do with this disgusting couch that neither of them really wants, anyway.
"Love Me Right" (E) by alexenglish | 6,004 | Generally, people are attractive, all their bits and pieces. Stiles has always seemed to be attracted to everyone, which is why it isn’t a surprise when Stiles leans forward, eyes on Scott’s face as he passes the joint back to him, and says: “Why haven’t we made out yet?” in a very serious voice. It takes all of Scott’s self control not to burst out laughing. The look on Stiles’ face is so so so intent, eyes wide and wet and blinking slowly. It's only a surprise that it takes until they're 17 for him to ask.
"A Little More 'Touch Me'" (E) by alexenglish | 4,215 | “I will blow you for half that pizza,” Stiles says. It’s an accident, really, he definitely didn’t mean to say that. It’s true, but he didn’t mean to, fuck – “I mean, I would blow you not for pizza, but at this point, mostly for pizza.”
"Find new ways to fall apart" (E) by queerly_it_is | 5,997 | Stiles confesses his feelings to Scott when he thinks they're about to die, but has to deal with the consequences when they don't.
"Like real people do" (E) by queerly_it_is | 15,361 | Stiles waits until Scott’s focused on the game, eyes narrowed and his tongue poking at the corner of his mouth, fingers tapping at the controller, before he says, “So I think we should kiss.”
"Apparent Lack of Ceremony" (E) by Loz | 3,104 | Scott keeps climbing into Stiles' bed at night to cuddle. They don't talk about it in the morning.
"more power than anything waiting in the dark" (G) wangler | 2,082 | When Scott jogs back inside, his mom stands against wall, watching Stiles, eyeing the tangle of bandages and dusty old clothes. "Get them off," Stiles is saying, dazed and soft. "Get it off."
"I Want Your Love" (E) by BootsnBlossoms | 7,229 | During high school, he’d ‘jokingly’ teased Scott about wanting to make out with him, about wanting to try new experiences out with him. He loved his best friend literally more than life itself, and once Scott starting dating women, Stiles had taken his attraction and want and shoved it in a little box. Friendship, saving each other from the trauma of their supernatural coming of age, protecting each other from the horrors of their senior year… well, putting the lid on his feelings was easy to do. But now? Now he’d come to terms with his infatuation enough that his buddies were sending him porn videos featuring people who looked like Scott.
"A Place to Belong" 🔒 (E) by blacktofade | 10,086 | Stiles doesn’t know what to expect after they complete the ritual, after his father’s checked over at the hospital and released a few hours later, after Stiles is back at home, sitting on the end of his bed with a heaviness in his chest that’s never been there before.
"Instructions for Dancing" (T) by calrissian18, cybermanolo | 19,247 | If Scott was asked to start from the beginning, his mind would place him right at the center of Beacon Hills, looking up at the black and white Hale house, clamped down on his mom's hand and trying not to feel fear. If Stiles was asked to start from the beginning, he would talk about a boy named Scott who walked into his kindergarten classroom, stuck to him like a barnacle and became the most important thing Stiles would ever do with his life.
"Roadside Assistance" (E) by autoschediastic | 3,741 | Scott shoves his shoulder. "Shut up or I'll let you freeze." "Great, now you're starting to sound like Derek," Stiles says, grinning harder at the look of shocked horror that skitters across Scott's face. He lowers his voice to gravely rumble. "Shut up or I'll rip your throat out, Stiles. I'm gonna kill you myself if you don't shut it, Stiles. Stop talking, Stiles, or I'm gonna--"
"Coal Calling the Kettle Black" (T) by calrissian18 | 1,024 | “You okay?” Stiles scratched at his eyebrow with his opposite thumbnail, turned around. He squinted, licked his lip. “You?” he asked rather than answered. Stiles 101 there.
"Or What" (M) by calrissian18 | 2,043 | Stiles nearly died. Scott's still trying to figure out what the hell that means.
"This is Totally a 'the World is Ending Unless We Sleep Together' Scenario, Right?" (E) calrissian18 | 4,854 | Scott steeled himself and said tightly, “I think we should have sex.” There was no amount of practicing the words that could have prepared him for actually saying them. The way they hung there itched at his skin. Stiles’ head whipped around. He blinked, eyes widening. “Charlie what now?”
"The Killer in Me is the Killer in You" (E) by Loz | 21,327 | Nothing has ever felt as horrific as seeing the look of betrayal in Stiles’ eyes as Scott sinks his teeth into his wrist.
"Let's Think of Each Other and Hesitate" (M) by Loz | 4,944 | Perhaps it was a mistake to try to surprise Stiles like this. He doesn’t know what his reaction will be. He’s always happy to FaceTime, but there’s still distance between them, metaphorical as well as physical. Maybe Stiles has been enjoying this separation from his old life, and seeing Scott in person again will bring all the old horrors back.
"Trying Hard to Keep This Warmth In" (T) by Loz | 1,646 | The thing about them being best friends is that they’re always touching.
"Sensitivity to Scent" (T) by RarePairFairy | 2,392 | Scott is used to Stiles being a werewolf. He's used to Stiles being tactile. But he's not used to Stiles being a tactile werewolf, and somehow, that's different.
"Into Me (See?)" (T) by deathgetsusall & mrsvc | 7,735 | "We still on for this Friday? Sleepover at my place?" Scott almost crashes the cart into Stiles' heels. Scott's not ready, though, to face spending so much uninterrupted time with Stiles, not yet. He's got too many thoughts running around his head, and he'll either embarrass himself, or do something stupid. Like tell him everything.
"scott/stiles twitter fic" (M) mrsvc & rospeaks | 1,725 | series of short bits where scott and stiles make out (and more!) before the series starts.
More to be added.
"Whatever the mess you are (you're mine, okay?)" (E) by queerly_it_is | 4,478 | Scott has no idea what they’re doing. Well, okay he knows what they’re doing, it’s just… how do you wrap the right definition around ‘I’m screwing around with the guy who’s my brother except we aren’t really related’?
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takaraphoenix · 21 days
Announcing: Mischief Mondays!
Who is fully obsessed with Stiles and has no self-control whatsoever? Me!
So when I was hyperfixating on Detective Conan/Magic Kaito in 2022, I did this fun little project I called Magic Mondays. Because I was overflowing with plotbunnies. Weekly, short-ish (between 1k and 3k) oneshots... resulting in a total of 69 stories within a year.
As I am coming off a 31 day long daily writing event that I entirely dedicated to Stiles, I already have 11 documents with story notes in my WIP folder.
But I am, in fact, only human and the amount of things I posted in August was not normal and can not be kept up. So I'm returning to a more manageable updating schedule, which puts my multiple chapter fics onto a rotation on Saturdays, and has me posting oneshots on Wednesdays. Both of which may easily be delayed by a week at times due to the fact that I am a working adult with a life outside of fandom (shocker, I know).
However. As I am possessed by Stiles, I've decided to weed out the many, many ideas I have for Stiles into longer oneshots (for Wednesdays) and shorter oneshots, for Mondays.
So, coming to an AO3 near you starting this coming Monday: Mischief Mondays!
One guaranteed, short-ish (again, that is between 1k and 3k) Stiles-centric fic every Monday.
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hedwig221b · 3 months
Your fic recs got me singing 🎵 a whole new wooorld🎵
On that note, any recs for just pure filth?
You want me to expose myself, huh?
Knot Thinking With Your Head by KnottheWolf
The first time Sam met Stiles he had no idea who the Omega was, nor did he have any clue that the Omega was already in a series relationship. When he met Stiles, he was hungover and had a massive pounding headache that was killing him to have his eyes open. The Alpha instantly ran to the nearest bathroom to puke in the toilet, before splashing cold water in his face and sighing with relief when the pain was barely there anymore.
Flushing the toilet he left the bathroom so he could make himself a cup of coffee, and then start figuring out how to make the best first impression with the other Alpha’s in the fraternity.
Now all he wanted to do, when he spotted the Omega was get all up on that cute ass.
Stuck In A Rut by KnottheWolf
Derek just loves to show off at the gym, first with his muscles and then with his mate.
AU in which it's legal for werewolves to have sex in public.
So Shed Your Skin and Lets Get Started by halfhardtorock
He's sixteen and in the woods on the wrong side of the town-line and he's so fucking fucked.
He knows he's not supposed to run, they teach that to you in preschool (don't run from a Were, back away slowly and walk with care), but they never told you how it would feel, standing alone in the dark with your heart beating in your throat as those glowing eyes tracked you from the shadows.
Deflowered by astrugglingstoic
In which there is a prince, a knight, sequential sword fights, and an anecdote about pressed flower petals.
As it Should Be by KuroKitty (HaleYes)
Stiles comes home from his 18th birthday party at the bowling alley to find a surprise waiting for him in his room.
Or, the one where Derek has no chill.
Plushwolf by the_ragnarok
So suppose Stiles slept every night with his plush wolf doll, to ward off bad dreams. Only that doll was Derek under a spell, and he came alive in Stiles’ dreams.
Specifically, in the type of dreams that involve coming.
In The Dead Of Night by SinQueen69
Stiles wakes up, dripping cum and loves the fact he had no idea who came into his room that night to fuck him.
The Kinky Adventures of a Wolf and His Boy by halcyon1993
A series of mostly unconnected PWPs in which Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale engage in all manner of depravity.
Love's Violent Delights by Dexterous_Sinistrous
Derek caught the way the man’s eyes looked over Stiles before lingering on his ass. He waited for the clerk to place the key on the counter before he reacted.
Stiles startled at the loud noise, turning away from the pamphlets in the display box to see Derek pinning the clerk’s head against the counter. He drew in an even breath, looking between the struggling man and Derek.
Derek briefly looked at Stiles, hesitating before he saw the gleam of excitement in Stiles’ eyes and the hint of lust in his scent. “Ever look at him, or any other Omega, like that again, and I’ll slice your eyes out with my claws.” He shoved the man back, not caring of the commotion that was made as he snatched up the key from the counter.
Angel Choirs and Magic by LadyDrace
Derek has been very, very patient, and has shown frankly incredible self-control in the face of brutal teasing and flirting for two months. But now it's time for the mating run, and he's about to get his reward.
Except for how maybe it's actually Stiles getting a treat.
Anything, really by SinQueen69, I ain't gonna expose myself more than I already did, but that shit is so… 🥵 yeah
Other fic recs: pack mom!Stiles | angsty fics | historical AU | baby/mpreg | outsider POV | possessive Derek | mafia | hurt/comfort | magical!Stiles | Stiles gets kicked out of the pack
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stiles + beating him at mario kart <333
gonna make this one headcanons too🫶🏻(also low key feel like he and I would be the same when it comes to mario kart so some of these might be me projecting🤣)
Mario Kart (Wii version) with Stiles: HCs
first things first, y’all are situated on the couch or the ottoman if there is one, gotta be close to the screen
just using the wii remote is for chumps so obviously he has the wheel controllers
he is always Baby Mario and you consistently try and steal him so now it’s a race to see who can get Baby Mario first too when y’all start to play
he will turn his body with the wheel so expect bumped shoulders
he also leans forward and then pulls back when he’s tryna get the hidden speed-ups (if y’all are sitting on the ottoman he will fall off at least twice and that’s when you try and sneak ahead of him in the race)
his tongue poking out in concentration all the time
he will be *almost* yelling in annoyance if he gets hit with a blue shell: lots of "nonononononnono's" and "goddammit's"
whenever you get close to him in the race or close to beating him he starts pushing you (playfully ofc) to get you to mess up and slow down or hit something, if you’re on the ottoman expect to fall off at some point but if you’re on the couch expect him to fully lay on you on his side and smush you into the cushions (anything to winnnnn)
coin battles are the only option when you don't want the usual race (balloon battles are "lame and not as much fun" but mostly because he can never win those ones)
the cows in moo moo meadows are his self-declared arch nemesis’
he beat rainbow road once in third place and refuses to play it again, that was his victory and he will not try for first place even though it hurts him that he didn't technically win
when he wins it’s all a big show: jumping up, hands in the air, whooping, doin a lil jig but then he sees you pout and goes🥺and gives you all the kisses where you sit and cuddles you into the couch as an apology
when you win you just smile big at him and his pout and poke his sides to get him to smile and after a while it starts a tickle fight and he ends up giving up and calling uncle and then you promise kisses to make up for beating him
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raekensarcher · 1 year
Thiam fic rec <3
I’ll probably keep coming back and adding new ones in the notes, but here’s the list I have made so far :)
(in no particular order)
1. Handle with care 190.1k words, completed
Summary: Theo's back from hell and there's a lot of shit to sort out. Liam helps with that, sometimes.
2. Stray Dogs  2 fic series, completed?
Summary: *basically Theo is like I would break so many laws for u if u just ask*
3. The things you notice 2 fic series, completed
Summary: It’s literally just Theo and Liam loving each other in their pov’s. so special to me, actually.
4. You are stuck with me (so I guess I'll be sticking with you) 30k, completed
Summary: a look into how theo and liam’s relationship built up in the background of teen wolf 6b
5. when I watch the world burn, all I think about is you 6k, completed
Summary: Theo wakes up on the McCall couch and Liam is inside of his shirt. Asleep. On Theo.
6. liturgy for an atheist 2k, completed
Summary: “I don't want to hurt people,” Liam says, eyes flashing bright and blood dripping from his clenched fists, every line of him pulled taut like it's all he can manage to stand there destroying only himself. His rage smells like gunpowder and gasoline, ready to spark and burn the entire school down around them if someone doesn't put it out.
So Theo says, “Okay, then hurt me instead.”
7. a catalogue of spectacular alive things 4k, completed
Summary: In which Theo makes breakfast, goes to a baby shower, shows up late for dinner, falls into bed with someone he loves, and drowns in contentment.
8. coordinates (we are two points in space)  4k, completed
Summary: Liam can’t control all the leaving but he can control his not-knowing where. 
9. smoke rises, and with it the truth of ourselves 4k, completed
Summary: In which Liam invites Theo out into the middle of the woods, gives him a stale s'more, rambles about death, and teaches him to scream.
10.  old ghosts gather in liminal spaces 6k, completed
Summary: Liam asks, “What are you doing here, anyway?” 
“Same thing you are,” Theo says. Avoiding, searching, not-thinking, maybe. 
His answer seems to appease Liam. Or maybe he’d just rather not elaborate on the circumstances that made him seek shelter in a bus stop with a boy that he only spends time with when danger is making a home for itself in the corners of their lives. 
(Theo thinks everyone might be a little out of place, trapped.)
11. and I'll find my way back to you, party of two 2k, completed
Summary: On Theo Raeken’s nineteenth birthday, he is gifted three bullet wounds, two flat tires, and a grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich made by the boy he might love. None of it is as bad as it sounds, really.
12. coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine 5k, completed
Summary: The funniest thing is -- most everyone seems to be under the impression that Theo's driving Liam.
Like most things in Liam's life, it doesn't quite work out that way.
13. lovers alone wear sunlight 8k, completed
Summary: Liam comes home, in more ways than one.
14. when oblivion is calling out your name, you always take it further than I ever can 8k, completed
Summary: In which Liam is terribly high and completely smitten, Theo is allergic to emotions and totally whipped, Mason has the patience of a saint, and everybody wins, except for Stiles.
15. tell me no more secrets, I'll tell you no more lies 1.4k, completed
Summary: "Look at me," he says, and Liam almost can't. "Liam."
Liam looks. "You were attacked. It was self defense."
"Okay," Liam says, and feels the blood trickle from the corner of his mouth, the iron coating his throat catching in his lungs. "What if it wasn't."
Home is the first grave.
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