#Stop AB3080
mother-2-is-home · 2 months
About KOSA
This is another huge censorship bill proposed by Blumenthal and Blackburn.
They are trying to shoehorn it into an upcoming fast pass bill, one that has absolutely nothing to do with internet issues at all.
We need to keep calling reps and senators and making sure that they vote no on this bill and make sure it doesn't go into the gas pass package.
Our deadline is the tenth of May.
California's AB3080 age verification bill is also a huge massive problem as most tech and social media HQ's are in California (like Discord, Twitter and etc) This would mean they couldn't geo block people from the state and would be forced to either move or comply. Our deadline for this is MONDAY.
If you live in California be sure to contact your reps. There are more resources in this link here:
If you need help finding your reps you can use this resource here:
There is also a discord server containing tons of resources and information about how to further help protect online privacy.
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Keep spreading the word and let's continue to help keep each other safe.
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hamadisthings · 2 months
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An upcoming Age verification bill centered in California will be voted on Monday-- And as always,instead of actually protecting kids, it will lead to more online censorship and privacy risks, as it will force websites hosting to verify their users age by sending their ID, your browser history would be linked to it. if you live California, call your reps and tell them to oppose the bill AB3080 as it highly unconstitutional.
They also deem LGBT content harmful to minors, as well as mentions of weapons and tobacco, putting them on the same level as NSFW content.
Since AO3 headquarters reside in California, much like Reddit, Twitter,Discord and Youtube (and others) who knows how bad the effects would be. Instead of just effecting Californians (even then its concerning.) the effects would be US or even worldwide. VPNs wont help.
Please take actions here (a script is included to help you) https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/ca/action.php
Find your rep here https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
You can also send faxes using this https://faxzero.com/
If you don't live in California, please talk about this,tag your friends and urge others to take actions, make posts and tweets using the hashtags AB3080 and NoOnAB3080
More info HERE
Edit: Lots of this information is outdated for a more recent post click here.
Voting has been delaying until Monday May 13th 2024
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blueberrysleepy · 1 month
Hey..What about the other bill (AB3080 or Bill S-210)? Do we also need to continue to fight like Kosa Bill?
Yes.. We, just like the Kosa bill, must also fight so that they do not pass and become law.
We must say that we are really against this!
So…If we want to free and save the Internet, we need to keep fighting!
CALL/EMAIL/FAX YOUR REPS AND SENATORS.... Keep saying you are against it!
Say no on Kosma,COPPA 2.0,Keep Kids Off of Social Media Act,AB3080,HB 2586,Bill S-210 and other bad bills
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homucifer-ryotan · 1 month
Wanted to make a small apology
I made a mistake a few days comparing bill AB3080 to KOSA when it actually isn’t like that (although it have been once upon a time, but it definitely was not when I made my post that I have since deleted). So I want to say I am sorry to my followers and others for spreading some misinformation and freaking any one out, even if my now deleted post barely had any notes.
All of this KOSA got me so nervous, so that’s why I jumped the gun with AB3080 as it was gonna have a voting yesterday (May 6th), only to get move on Thursday (May 9th). Again, I apologize if I freaked anyone out.
Now KOSA is the real problem and a voting is happening tomorrow (May 8th) at 10 am, I am give all links to vote against now.
Please vote and let anyone in your life know about this. Thank you very and a good peaceful night.
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starwhoopsass · 2 months
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The California age bill verification will be voted in monday, please call your reps and tell them to oppose the bill AB3080 as it threathens online privacy, as your ID will be linked to your browser history when you want to access a website. They deem LGBT content harmful to minors, as well as weapons and tobacco, putting them on the same level as nsfw content. Since a lot of tech companies resides in California (Youtube,Reddit,Discord,twitter) who know how they will implement this if it passes. Please take actions here (a script is included to help you) https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/ca/action.php
Find your rep here https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
You can also send faxes using this https://faxzero.com/ If you don't live in California,please spread the word and urge others to take actions, make posts and wteets using the hashtags AB3080 and NoOnAB3080
Remind your reps that companies pull out a of a state when they are required to do age verification. California cannot afford to lose that kind of money. Also specifically speak to Reps who are potentially losing votes or are more easily persuaded by telling them how popular this could be for their careers.
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impalaparkedat221b · 2 months
California Bill AB3080
Please stop fear mongering about this bill. It would not impact Ao3. It does not list queer resources or material as one of the things that needs to be age verified. It does not tie your identity to you browsing history.
It only required companies selling stuff online that is illegal to sell to minors or companies making money off of sexually explicit material (defined within the bill without anything unusual) and where more that 1/3 or their material is sexually explicit to verify the users age. In cases of buying and selling, it only requires it if you buy something that is illegal to sell to minors. In cases of porn is would apply to the website as a whole. Additionally, new clauses have been added, preventing the companies from retaining your identifying information past it’s need.
You can read the full text here: https://legiscan.com/CA/text/AB3080/2023. Updates continue to be made, make sure to click the most recent version link at the top if present.
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dumbdomb · 27 days
these out-of-line anon people are so invested in me being an allocishet white woman who loves misogyny and conforming to the status quo... like, they don't even care how many women they have to disrespect, dehumanize, and degrade to make Me become this unrealistic fantasy person in their head. there are books, movies, fanfic, ai chat bots, and it seems nothing compares to telling some random person online that they need to change and be exactly what someone else wants and tells them to be...
they call me a misogynist for not being interested in misogyny kinks. they tell me i'm kink-shaming when i use the language of those who ARE into so-called "hard, gross, icky, dark" kinks - i've never used those words as my own or as my opinion. (that is what the people who are interested in those kinks refer to them as, and it would be unusual for someone into those kinks to not be aware of what everyone in the room is saying they are... plus, the words tend to change after awhile. like how people talk about "proship" now instead of using the term "map" etc etc.)
personally, i do think it makes it difficult to consent to viewing or interacting with those blogs when they are not specifically or plainly stating what content they post or reblog. it's not informative, i'm not aware of what i would be consenting to by viewing their blogs when it is given a vague "hard kinks" label... (like, what does that mean?! you understand? what is "hard" to one person may not be to another.)
i've had to add more and more to my dni section ONLY BC people with these kinks would NOT accept that i simply was not interested in it, or in participating in rp about "icky kinks". i have no investment or concerns with what other people are into, i just don't want someone to send asks or message me in degrading, misogynistic ways bc i'm not into those kinks. AND PEOPLE GET SO MAD AT ME for NOT having the same kinks as them!!! seriously!!! that is literally abusive behavior, and not at all tolerable in bdsm...!!!!!
it's like they're upset that i'm not the made-up character in their head and am a fully grown, autonomous person living in the real world and i don't want or need to do any of those things they keep messaging me about. i've tried having my neutral pronouns be respected, and they weren't - until i added "HE"/they, only then did people stop using "she/her" exclusively when messaging or referring to me - but then mostly it would only be "he/him" and that's not what i wanted, either... so, eventually, i changed it back to they/them, and at least my usual followers have been more respectful about this.
i don't get why so many people here are so quick to be negative, hateful, and unwilling to have genuine talks with other people. it's as if every time there's an interaction, it means one person is right and one is wrong, with no nuance or complexity or room for growth, learning, mistakes, understanding, compassion... i like to keep things slow and honest, to try my best to understand someone else's pov. it feels like, more often than not, people aren't interested in being authentic and sympathetic with anyone who is not an actual, literal clone and hive mind.
idk, just voicing some thoughts... i've changed my age limit from 18+ to 25+ now. if we're mutuals, it's all good, and you don't need to worry about that. i'm considering making another account somewhere - not leaving this one, though. i want to get more into some old hobbies, but i'm not sure where the best place would be to share. it's starting to feel like the wild west online lol (ah, ab3080 et al...)
i'd like to be among more people who appreciate allies and don't require everyone to be exactly the same person they are. i don't need to COMPLETELY agree with LITERALLY every unspoken thought and opinion another person has in order to be in alignment with our values, etc. i'd like to be able to learn from others and not always be shunned for not having the EXACT experiences as they've had, and so on... it feels really strange writing this bc it really seems like the most basic, early childhood development learning skills and i don't understand why it's so hard for so many to be in a room with other people and it not be like a war room where everyone is your worst most secret enemy or something even more awful...
idk, like. can people be just a little bitsy tiny bit normal about other people existing...? (i keep getting that part from one of marina's songs in my head while thinking about this concept: "...not everyone is out to screw you over..." and i get the sense that maybe a lot of people are feeling this way lately; acting from a place of high-alert fear, anxiety, paranoia, insecurity...)
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emb-ao3-updates · 1 month
Intro post!
Hello everyone, welcome to my side blog! My main is @emo-mohawk-boy if you'd like to follow me there!
This blog is specifically for updates about my fics on AO3, so if you read my work on there, you can follow this blog for updates, polls, and relevant information!
Now, for the actual intro:
Name: Em
Pronouns: they/them/she/her
Erm it's a short intro but it's really all that's revelant :)
Links (accounts):
Main tumblr: @emo-mohawk-boy
AO3 account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/emo_mohawk_boy
Links (AO3 fics):
You're all I Need To Breathe (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak) https://archiveofourown.org/works/54368647/chapters/137709805
Other relevant links:
YAINTB Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5PDI5GarhqGVgW9LynD6lA?si=T44qfo7uSI-f_f_2VB87lw&pi=MJ3VmaulQECBS
OPPOSE AGE VERIFICATION LAW IN CA- STOP AB3080: https://www.defendonlineprivacy.com/ca/action.php
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blueberrysleepy · 1 month
Any news about Kosa bill?
As far as I know, Kosa Bill on hold for the time being.
However, we must not relax… There are still other bills that need to be stopped (including Protecting Kids On Social Media Act (Kosma (aka Kosa bill 2.0))
What they do, they only make it worse.They just want to deprive the Internet and they have no right to do that.
So…If we want to free and save the Internet, we need to keep fighting!
CALL/EMAIL/FAX YOUR REPS AND SENATORS.... Keep saying you are against it!
Say no on Kosma,COPPA 0.2,AB3080,HB 2586,S-210 and other bad bills
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blueberrysleepy · 1 month
Any news on AB3080?
I don’t know yet..I know that today the California’s Senate will have a meeting..It will be related to the AB3080 bill itself, it’s not yet clear
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blueberrysleepy · 7 days
I don't want to lose my blog..I don't want to lose my friends and Mutuals.I don't want bad bills to pass and become law.
I want the Kosa bill, BillS210, SB 976, AB3080, Kosma and other bad bills to officially burn.I am against them passing these bills.
Everything they say about "safety" is a lie..This is internet censorship
Yes, I'm scared, but I don't want to deactivate my account.
The only way to stop bad bills is to keep fighting, say loudly that we are against it and vote "No"
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