tea-potato-gt · 6 months
Kæmpe Stør’s life part 1:
Part 2 here
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Joseph: Human, Blonde hair, Age 29, 6'0, He/him, (Married to Rudy)
Rudy: Werewolf, Blue hair, Age 30, 6'3, He/Him, (Married to Joseph)
Kæmpe Stør: Giant, Brown hair, Age 5, 10'1, He/him
Before Stør was adopted, he was underfed and wore rags because the orphanage couldn’t properly feed or clothe a growing giant child.
He was found alone, sleeping on the doorstep of the orphanage. No note. No parent. No one knows how he ended up there, giants don’t live anywhere near the nation of Noma.
He was very quiet and kept to himself. Most people were afraid of him, since giants were belived to be dangerous, though no one has ever seen a giant other than Stor.
One day: the newlyweds, Joseph and Rudy, came to adopt a child. Joseph fell in love with Stor immediately. Rudy was a little more hesitant, thinking of the financial difficulties that would come with raising a giant. That is until…
Stør: Mr. Rudy, What’s a zoo?
Rudy: It’s a place they keep animals, why do you ask?
Stør: Oh, I heard the nuns talking to a man about taking me to live there. Do you think they'll have purple elephants like in my storybook, Mr. Rudy?
*In the Orphanage office*
Rudy: Yes! I couldn’t believe it either when the kid told me! (To the Nuns) Please tell us this is a sick joke.
Nun 1: …I’m afraid it isn’t… it’s true, they are planning to take young Stør… to live in a Zoo...
Rudy: Who is “they?”
Nun 2: The government… we can’t afford to keep him here…
Joseph: So they’re gonna put him in a zoo?! Like he’s some kind of freak?! An Animal!? He’s only five years old!
Nun 1: Yes, he’s a child… but he’s gonna keep growing… We are having enough trouble feeding the other orphans here, let alone a rapidly growing giant… we can’t afford for him to live here.
Nun 2: At the zoo, he’ll be well taken care of, well fed, and maybe he’ll be happier--
Rudy: What can we do to prevent this?
Joseph: Rudy, what are you—
Rudy: I’ll do anything for that kid.
Nun 1: He has no family to step in and stop this… no real home… no clothes, shelter or food…
Rudy: If we could give him these right now, would it change this? A home, food, shelter… a family, would it change?
Joseph: Rudy! Do you mean it?!
Nun 2: Well… you will have to prove you have suitable arrangements for his needs. And you would need to become his legal guardians… But yes. I will support you in every way possible.
Rudy: Then let’s get our son out of here.
Joseph: (runs and jumps into his husband’s arms) Oh, Rudy! Thank you! Thank you! (Kisses him on the mouth) Lets get our baby boy home!
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"la panchetta di Mario" (2024)
acrilici e tratto in carboncino su collage di vecchi fogli giornale su legno cm35x21x23
"il ricordo di abili mani che i Colori riconoscono." - "SEDUTE"
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nhlovesadri3 · 4 months
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token-08 · 5 months
Battalia Bendetta Chapter 1 - Seeds of the Future
It was 7:14 AM, August 26th in SouthEast Yoyo City. Sunday Simms woke up with a yawn, before breaking into a wide grin. Today they finally were going to begin High School, and they were ecstatic to say the least. They got dressed, brushed their teeth, made some breakfast and left the house fully ready and in High-Schooler Mode™. They left in a run to try to get on campus in time. They hummed to themself as they dashed, mentally making plans to join clubs and make friends and- 
Suddenly they were grabbed by their hood, jolting them backwards, nearly dropping them to the ground. “Ack-!” Before they can react to the tug a large truck whizzed past, blaring its horn at them loudly. It surely would have hit them had it not been for whoever pulled them back. They quickly spun around to see who their rescuer was. It was a girl, slightly shorter than them, sporting short, dark navy colored hair cut into a short bob that was longer in the front and shorter in the back. She wore a black graphic tee with a white sweater beneath. She wouldn’t have looked out of place at a punk concert. Sunday had surely never seen this girl before, but something about her face seemed so familiar. Could it be…?
“Hey Sunny. Sorry for the scare, but I couldn’t let you die before the first day even started.”
“Erika! You look so different now, I didn't even recognize you!”
Sunday wrapped their arms tightly around Erika, both in thanks for saving their life, and in joy of seeing their best friend again. Sunday and Erika had met in the fourth grade, and have been stuck like glue ever since, though they hadn’t seen each other at all during the latter half of their summer vacation as Sunday had been on a trip visiting their dad. If you were to ask them, they’d say they were made for each other. They had shared interests in going to parks and cafés, they both enjoyed hiking and playing video games together, and they shared a massive love for their favorite series, ‘Maiden Senshi.’ The two even supplemented the weak points that each other had. Sunday was the most friendly person you could ever meet, but they had a frequent tendency to do things without thinking about them all the way through (They had a ‘heart of gold but head of air,’ as Erika often remarked.) Erika, however, was extremely clever, especially academically, but her cold and blunt personality made making friends extremely difficult for her. Compounded with her struggle to understand what people were feeling, socialization was a struggle for Erika. Sunday would be helpless if not for Erika’s quick thinking getting them out of jams time and time again, and Erika likely would be all on her own without Sunny’s camaraderie and warmth. Together, they were a complementary pair.
Sunday finally released the prisoner from their Alcatrazean embrace and they began to idly chat on their way to school.
“So! What made you change up your style? It looks amazing!” 
Erika enjoyed the sweet words before making her response. “I think I just wanted to wear something more unique. Something a bit more… like me, y’know?” 
“Hehe, well it definitely suits you!” 
Erika then suddenly remembered something that she was waiting to mention to her friend while she had the chance.
“I want to try to join the photography club.”
“Photography? Oh! That’s awesome! Remember back at the zoo when you took that really good hippo photo? That one that got featured on the Nature Channel!”
“You really remembered that? That was back in like fifth grade wasn’t it?” 
“Of course I remember! It was awesome!” Sunday beamed at Erika, who couldn’t help but smile back. 
Finally, the duo had arrived at the school. The building that they would be attending for the next three years. Up close, the building seemed so much larger and more intimidating than they could imagine. It was in part that they’d never been so close, with the other part being the fact that they were really here now. In high school. Sunday was about to make a remark to Erika, but when they turned to her she was already walking off.
“I can't be late, I’ll be seeing you.” 
“Hey! You can’t just walk off like that!” Wailed Sunday, but Erika seemingly didn’t hear or didn’t care, leaving them alone and destitute in the large courtyard. They mourned for a moment, but figured that their clever friend did probably have a point about not being late. It was the first day after all, and they couldn't live with that kind of reputation for the rest of the year. Reluctantly, they entered the building and went in the direction of their class.
Sunday was placed in Class C, which was located on the second floor, as were the rest of the first years. The class stood fourth door down from the start of the hallway and was taught under the careful guidance of Ms. Leason. Sunday made sure to memorize all of this information so that they didn’t risk getting completely lost in the massive expanse of the building, something that happened to them more times in past schools than they would like to admit. 
The first class was a relatively standard first-day-of-the-year protocol. The teacher introduced herself and then started calling students up alphabetically to do the same. Sunday listened attentively, trying to make a mental note of every person’s name and face. A stranger was just a friend you haven't met, after all! When it was finally their own turn they eagerly piped up and stood. 
“My name is Sunday Simms! I went to Mela Junior High before I went here! I hope to make friends with you all!” 
Ms. Leason nodded. “Thank you, Sunday. Next, Falon Spiel, please.”
A boy situated one desk forward and two desks left from Sunday rose. He dressed nicer than most other students, wearing a white dress shirt and a tie. His hair was dreaded and parted down the middle. These, by themselves, would be pretty average features. Maybe it was slightly strange that he was so dressed up compared to the rest of the student body, but Sunday figured that everyone had their own style. However,  it wasn’t those traits that stood out; it was the white eyepatch he had wrapped around his head, covering his right eye. Immediately, Sunday’s mind went wild. What could have happened to him? Arrow? Acid? Axe attack? Probably not that last one, as there would probably be some kind of scar left. No scar left… Maybe it was fake? Although possible, that theory didn’t feel quite right either. Lost in thought, they almost completely missed him actually introducing himself. They shook themself from their wild imagination to listen. Perhaps he’d say something about his strange accessory. 
“Hello everyone. My name is Falon Spiel. I also come from Mela Junior High. I’m pleased to make everyone’s acquaintance.” He bowed and closed his eye with a grin. Maybe he was winking? It was unclear, but obviously meant to appear playful, which was an odd contrast to his overly formal introduction. Sunday had already grown even more suspicious of their bizarre classmate. He also went to Mela? They didn't remember anyone like him, eye patch or not. He seemed completely unfamiliar. They really were trying to just pass over it, but they just couldn’t shake the strange feeling they got about him. He just seemed so… off. Eyepatch? ‘From the same school’ yet they didn’t know him? Was this guy a time traveler or something? No matter how hard they tried to eject the thoughts they just couldn’t get that weird guy out of their mind. 
The rest of school went by in a flash. Or at least it felt like a flash to Sunday, who operated distractedly throughout the day. They had made several attempts to try to speak with their fishy classmate but it felt as if he had a posse doting on him at all times. Seemingly everyone in Class C wanted a piece of the mysterious Falon Spiel. Sunday walked out of the building at the end of the day, defeated and more focused on their classmate than their surroundings. They were preparing to wait for Erika, yet hadn’t realized that she was already waiting right in front of them. Their friend waved her hand in front of their face to break their daze.
“Sunny? You’re thinking. What's going on?” Sunday found the comment slightly funny, but they knew Erika well enough to know that she was being completely genuine with the inquiry. The two began their walk as Sunday responded. 
“Nothing… Well, mostly nothing. Was there ever anyone at our old school named Falon Spiel? Black kid, dreads, about yay high?” They held their hand a couple inches above their head, as it was the best estimate they could give of his height without being able to get any closer to him.
“No, I don’t remember anyone named or looking like that. Why do you ask?”
“Because he was there today in class.. He was dressed up all fancy and was wearing an eyepatch. According to him, he also went to Mela.”
“An eyepatch? Why?”
“That’s what I was thinking! This guy has been on my mind all day but I didn’t have a chance to ask him anything because it’s like he has his own fan club!” 
“That is all pretty strange… I suppose you just need to ask him when you get a chance, right?”
“Well, that’s what I was thinking today. But then I thought that it would be super weird if I just went up to this guy I’d never met and said ‘Hi! My name is Sunday! What’s the deal with the eye patch and why did you lie about going to my school?’”
Erika laughed. “I suppose that would be pretty weird. So, what’s your plan?”
Sunday put their head in their hands. “I have absolutely no idea.”
Erika sighed; she really should have expected that answer. She looked down the street they were walking past and spotted her house. “This is where I leave you to your own. Good luck with that whole Falon thing.” 
It was now Sunday's turn to sigh at their friend. That girl really couldn’t stick around today it felt like. For a second time today, they were walking down the road, alone, lost in thought, though this time under different pretenses (but still making sure to look both ways before crossing). They walked the rest of the way home as fatigue began to set in. They weren’t sure whether to attribute it to the first day of school adrenaline wearing off or to how much they tried to think today, but they were spent. They entered their home expecting to see their mother waiting for them, as had become a usual for when they got home from school, but they didn’t see her anywhere. They did, however, spot a yellow sticky note stuck to the counter, and gave it a read.
“Felt ill and turned in early, ham and cheese in the fridge! - Mom”
They thought about having the sandwich, but decided that they’d save it for later. As for right now: they needed a power nap. After one quick rest they knew they’d be back to their hyper-energized self. They opened the door to their room to quickly nap and their eyes went wide.
Who is that in their room? 
The small girl sat in Sunday’s chair. She didn’t appear fully grown, but also not quite like a child either. If they had to guess she may have been about 13 or 14 years old. Her skin was golden brown and her hair was white and flowing, as was the strangely elegant dress she wore. Her body was wrapped in many contour golden rings: A set on her ankles, a set on her wrists, one wrapped around her waist, and one wrapped around her head like a size-too-small halo. To call her unassuming would be a lie. But even with all the jewelry, nothing about her compared to her eyes. They were colored a bright platinum, and were as splendid as if they were actually glowing. Wait, were her eyes actually glowing? No, they couldn’t be… The eyes, or her face as a whole, rather, appeared unfeeling. The stranger was completely unbothered as the owner of the room she was intruding in analyzed her. Is she waiting for them? Who is this? Why is she here? What in the world is going on?
Finally, Sunday swallowed their fear and spoke to the mystery girl. “You… who are you? What are you doing here?” 
“To give you the gift to protect, Sunday Simms.” The girl spoke very simply. Her voice was flat, as if she belonged here and that this was something they were meant to know. Her mannerisms of speech actually reminded Sunday of a younger Erika, that is to say it was as if she hadn’t quite figured out how to feel yet. On their friend it was quite funny and their parents had even found it cute. But on this stranger it seemed more unnerving than anything else.
“The… what? And you didn’t tell me who you are! Or how you got here!”
“My apologies. My name is Boast. A goddess long forgotten. I am the embodiment of energy, of victory, of adrenaline. When you feel your blood rush, when you get back up, when you punch and kick and give every fight your all, that is you feeling me. I have come here to give you a piece of my power. To give you a way to protect yourself and others from what is to come.”
The answers they received did little but open up a boundless list of new questions. A goddess? What is to come? What the hell is she talking about? Is this real?
“There’s no way… Is this a prank? If it is, it's not funny!”
“If you disbelieve me, then I implore you: try to remove one of my rings.” Boast held out an arm towards Sunday, wrist up, seemingly vulnerable, offering a golden ring. Cautiously, they lightly touched the ring to grab hold. But with only a light grazing of their finger on the jewelry,  a terrible sensation blazed through their hand. The ring wasn’t hot. If anything, the metal was actually slightly cold. The feeling when they gripped it, though, it was as if it were burning. They recoiled from the painful touch before dubiously bracing themself to reach for it again, but Boast put up a hand to signify for them to stop. 
“I advise you to not try that again. These are the Rings of Binding. Forged by the gods to inhibit. I am fortunate to be strong enough to bear the burden, but to a human they could prove themselves fatal.”
“But why did they put them on you? You seem…” They analyzed the goddess’ appearance before finishing the thought. “Harmless.”
For the first time, Boast paused for a moment before responding. She held her finger and thumb to her chin, looked to the ground, and pursed her lips in deep thought. In that moment, and for only that moment, she really did resemble a child. 
Boast raised her head again. “Have you heard the story of Prometheus? It is an ancient tale, originating from Greece. It’s the story of a god who brought fire from the heavens to mankind, and was reprimanded for it with terrible punishment.”
“Are you trying to say that you’re like him? What did you do then?”
“I gave you, humans, a palette for victory. The taste for more. I am why humans summited Everest. Why they crossed the seas, why they placed a flag on the moon. The gods find your ambition blasphemous. I view it as the missing piece you needed to be whole.”
Sunday was taken aback by this. This girl, this small and inconspicuous girl sitting in their desk chair, was the arbiter of drive and want and ambition in all of mankind. As this sunk in, they decided that they finally, finally, were beginning to trust her. They felt that finally, finally, they were ready to listen.
“Okay. What do you need from me?”
“There soon will be monsters that walk this earth. I am going to give you a piece of me. With this piece you will be stronger, faster, and more vigorous. Additionally, there will be an unforeseen side effect.” Sunday made a face of worry at that comment. ‘Unforeseen side effects’ are typically not a good thing. 
Boast noticed their expression and elaborated. “Worry not, they are not harmful. Quite the contrary in fact. My power will reflect in your soul like a prism, and in doing so unlock abilities that represent what you are inside your heart.” 
Sunday’s tension turned to intrigue. Abilities that reflect who they were inside? What would they say about them?
Boast continued, “It is with this very power that you will take on the beasts of corruption, known as Pollutions. As you foster this power, you shall grow stronger. And since the power you hold is a piece of me, as will I. With enough time and growth, I eventually should accumulate enough power to break free of these Binding Rings and finally purify the world completely of the Pollutions. That objective is our ultimate goal.” 
Sunday nodded. Despite the lengthy explanation the plan seemed deceptively simple. Borrow her power, fight the bad guys, give it back, she gets rid of them for good. They could do this. It seemed easy peasy, right? 
“Okay then. I’m ready. How do we do this?”
“It’s quite simple. Lie down.” Sunday did as told, lying down on their bed and Boast, careful not to let Sunday touch any of her Rings, rose from her seat in Sunday’s chair and placed both her hands in the center of Sunday’s abdomen, as if she were about to give the mortal CPR. 
“Now. I am going to channel my energy throughout you. This will take a lot from you. Are you prepared?” 
They nodded and closed their eyes, nerves beginning to rise. They felt the goddess press down and start quietly chanting in a language they were struggling to place. Italian maybe? Likely some grandfather language to it, though that was unimportant.
When Boast said it would take a lot from them, they assumed she meant that it would be strenuous, or painful like when they attempted to touch the Binding Ring, but it resembled neither.ather, it was more like being given anesthesia at the doctor. They forced their eyes open in an attempt to stay awake a second longer during the process, but a second was all they were gifted. The last thing they were able to recall before finally fading into sleep was the glow of the Boast's pale eyes in their fading room. 
And then there was nothing.
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vigilantescomic · 3 months
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Part 0 I've been working on this comic for 8 years now, I'll be releasing it bi weekly or weekly. Follow for more!
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cmipooja · 1 year
Global Decarbonization Service Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Growing Environmental Concerns
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The Global Decarbonization Service Market is estimated to be valued at US$69.73 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 12.3% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. This market involves the provision of decarbonization services that help reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy practices. With increasing concerns over climate change and the need to transition towards clean energy sources, organizations and governments around the world are seeking decarbonization solutions. These services offer various advantages, such as reduced environmental impact, improved energy efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards. Market key trends: Technological advancements driving decarbonization efforts One key trend in the global Decarbonization Service Market is the increasing focus on technological advancements to drive decarbonization efforts. Advancements in renewable energy technologies, energy storage systems, and carbon capture technologies are enabling organizations to adopt more sustainable practices. For example, the implementation of smart grids and advanced metering infrastructure allows for better monitoring and management of energy consumption, leading to optimized energy usage and reduced carbon emissions. Similarly, the development of carbon capture and storage technology enables the capture and sequestration of CO2 emissions from industrial processes, reducing their impact on the environment. PEST Analysis: - Political: Governments worldwide are implementing policies and regulations to encourage decarbonization. This includes carbon pricing mechanisms, renewable energy targets, and incentives for clean energy adoption. - Economic: The economic benefits of decarbonization, such as cost savings from improved energy efficiency and the creation of green jobs, are driving market growth. Additionally, the declining costs of renewable energy technologies make them more affordable and attractive alternatives to fossil fuels. - Social: Increasing public awareness and concern about climate change are driving demand for decarbonization services. Consumers and organizations are actively seeking sustainable solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future. - Technological: Technological advancements, as mentioned earlier, are playing a crucial role in accelerating decarbonization efforts. The development of innovative solutions and the integration of renewable energy sources into existing infrastructure are enabling a more sustainable energy transition. Key Takeaways: 1: The Global Decarbonization Service Market Size is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 12.3% over the forecast period. This growth is driven by increasing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable energy practices. For example, the rising global temperatures and extreme weather events are motivating governments and organizations to adopt decarbonization services. 2: In terms of regional analysis, North America is expected to be the fastest-growing and dominating region in the Decarbonization Service Market. This can be attributed to government initiatives promoting clean energy adoption, favorable regulatory frameworks, and high awareness among consumers about the importance of decarbonization. 3: Key players operating in the global Decarbonization Service Market include Schneider Electric, ENGIE, Siemens, AECOM, EDF Group, Johnson Controls, DNV, Honeywell, Carbon Clean Solutions, Green Charge Networks (ENGIE Impact), ERM (Environmental Resources Management), First Solar, Tesla, CarbonCure Technologies, and Ørsted. These companies are actively providing decarbonization services and developing innovative solutions to address the increasing demand for sustainable energy practices.
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ibra38 · 7 months
Hello, you will find here all the sports and fitness equipment and bodybuilding supplies
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sakuraandsunflower · 2 years
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You can find this awesome #spooky #halloween #party Lot on the gallery under xuntaintedsoulx Pumpkin Party patch!! Learn about the historical farm house, the pumkin farmer and his family, and the tragic story that took place! Walk through the spooky estate! Then hang out, gets some fall treats, carve some pumkins, take some shots!( pictures and drinks!) and have a helluva good time <3
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madsadcowboyhours · 2 years
Who's Hornier
The writers
The readers
The characters
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givemegifs · 2 years
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tea-potato-gt · 9 months
My new header!
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These are characters from my future comic, “The Biggest Heart”
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Characters from Left to right
Kæmpe Stor - 36 foot Giant, 17 yrs. He is the only giant in their country.
Yilan - 11 feet long head to tip of tail, 17 yrs. He is half human and half snake, a rare occurrence. 🐍
Mizu Rivers - 5’5, 18yrs. She is a water nymph. 🌊
Hansa (masculine) - 5’7, 15 yrs. Part of a species that have two heads, three legs, three arms, and double organs.
Hasna (feminine) - 5’7, 15 yrs. Both her and her brother are rare because usually their species heads are the same gender.
Strega - 5’1, 15yrs. A young Witch in training ⭐️
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Before Freshman Year: Displacement
I was born in 1992, at four in the morning during the Winter Olympics. (Not that it has anything to do with anything)
And all my life I had grown up in New Orleans, Louisiana. In Algiers, to be more specific, and the house I grew up in was a historical double shotgun house nestled beside the levee along the Mississippi river.
There were only five people in family, a mom, dad, grandmother, brother, and myself. And each and every one of us was lonely and isolated, by the unintentional design of parents who were the products of their own horrors and generational issues.
My mother went undiagnosed for her ADHD and BPD. My father fed into his anxieties, depression, and denial.
A variety of abuses came from this, but morphed from more physical to more emotional when the displacement happened.
Before freshman year, a year back in 2005, I had been living in my families camper. We had moved after hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans and the surrounding regions. During the first few months of 2006 I had tried to tell myself that we would go home one day, and that I would go back to my old school. I had just begun to attend a charter school for the arts, and felt I had a place with other kids I resonated with and adults I felt safe around. - Again I was isolated.
While I managed to find a place with friends, the first year was still difficult (as it would be for anyone entering high school). But I found myself also adjusting to a new town, new culture, even new slang. I adjusted myself accordingly. I was used to adjusting my behavior to stay safe around an unpredictable and violent home. High school would be much of the same, but at least it was enjoyable (and the pretending wasn't obvious, not even to myself).
After all, our adolescence is a testing facility. We shouldn't be expected to know or even be ourselves. We won't know who we are for a very long time anyway.
I am miles away from that girl now. Now, she feels less a part of me and more an imaginary friend, displaced from who I actually became.
Desperately, she wanted to be seen and heard. Mostly, she wanted to be understood - Instead she focused on pleasing others, being who and what she thought would gain her the biggest laugh or the most friends.
I'm glad those things became less important to her, to us.
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furniture-freak · 6 months
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Dumont armoire by Stor
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beylikduzuperdeci · 6 months
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Stor perdeler, modern ve şık bir görünüm sunarak odanıza fonksiyonellik ve estetik katıyor. Işığı kontrol ederken gizlilik sağlayan bu perdeler, her tarza uyum sağlar. 🏡 #StorPerde #Dekorasyon
🖱 www.perdeistanbul.com.tr
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Esenyurt / İstanbul
° ° °
#stor #perde #perdeci #esenyurtperde #esenyurtperdeci #esenyurtstor #esenyurtstorperde #perdeesenyurt #esenyurt #istanbul
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sunnyanddumb98 · 8 months
Half up flag and a minute of silence on national tv, five hundred calcined neighbours die in the most drought affected region since the president sold the underground water rights. Far away, his helicopter falls into a private lake, the seat belt fails, and he drowns dead, so the count rises to five hundred and one.
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myriddhisiddhi · 1 year
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