#Storage Units
monkeymeghan · 1 year
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I spent 5.5 hours at storage today with my brother and SIL going through stuff. We donated a ton of stuff and made a huge dent in the storage unit.
I even found the rest of my stargate books. I haven’t seen these guys in the better part of 10 years, so it was a nice surprise!
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weneverlearn · 8 months
From The Distillery to Eternity: A Tale of Lost Recording Tapes, Found on eBay
Red Aunts / Two Tears guitarist/singer Kerry Smith was just putzing around eBay when she saw a tape she made 20+ years ago which was being sold by some rando -- along with lots of tapes by other regional L.A. trash rock acts. A facebook post about it, copious comments, and a surprise good samaritan followed.
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KERRY SMITH rockin' with the Red Aunts at a club near The Distillery studio, sometime in 1993.
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As we all regularly ponder what the hell social media is good for, a major piece of proof for the answer of “Nothing” are the comments sections on Facebook. The vitriol and vague “arguments” that can ensue (should you actually still use Facebook) get stupid and depressing very quickly.
But for every 100 like that, there are posts that actually conjure up a stable discussion, interesting connections, and maybe even some useful info.
Case in point, a recent post from Kerry Smith – Red Aunts and Two Tears guitarist/singer and all-around hilarious, life-affirming gal.
Essentially, she came across an eBay listing that was selling off a studio reel tape of an original master recording she made in 2000. After Kerry’s FB post, a number of people clicked on the link and a few realized their own tapes or someone they knew were also listed for sale.
I contacted Kerry about the situation:
“I recorded a bunch of songs there hoping to put them out as the first Two Tears record," said Kerry. "Lesley (Ishino, Red Aunts) and Danny Hole (Necessary Evils) played some drums, and I played everything else. I forgot about this all until this post was brought to my attention, and I feel sad, angry, violated, ripped off. I demo’d them all on my 4-track and worked hard in that studio. I paid for it all myself, no label help. Lots of people offered to buy them for me, and someone thought they were doing a good deed and bought it, though I had the post taken down. I don’t know why it bothers me so much, until Gar wrote from SD saying it’s an intimate and personal experience, and he said do you feel like you’ve been audio art raped? And I do."
One of the commenters on Kerry’s post was Larry Hardy – head of In The Red Records, the legendary garage rock indie label from L.A. He added a few shocked comments, which led to a comment thread discussion of legality, ownership, old stories, etc.
Given how many bands Hardy has worked with and albums he's released, I thought he’d be one to dig into this strange, ephemeral side of life as a recording musician…
Here's a Two Tears song from that era, though not recorded at The Distillery:
So how did you first hear about this? I assume you saw Kerry's post…
LH: Yes, that’s when I first heard about this. I recognized the writing on the PQ sheets and could tell the tape originated from a recording studio called The Distillery in Costa Mesa, which is where a lot of In The Red records were recorded. I checked the eBay seller’s other auctions and discovered a number of my reels were being sold too. 
When you first saw Kerry's post, what was your first kind of emotional response?
LH: My first response was I knew exactly where the tapes came from. A few years ago another person posted a photo of some master tapes he had saying he was trying to find the bands. One of the bands was the Strange Boys, and they contacted me and said the guy had a bunch of ITR masters. I got a hold of the guy and told him my connection to the tapes, and he said he’d gotten the them from Mike McHugh and had been holding them for him, but Mike had gone AWOL. I never did get the tapes back from this guy.
Can you tell me about Mike McHugh and The Distillery, and how tapes from there might’ve ended up in this eBay seller’s possession?
LH: Yeah, [the studio] was owned and operated by Mike McHugh. He was a brilliant engineer with really good gear – the mixing board came from Muscle Shoals! And he was really down to do weird, unconventional things in the studio. He also actually liked the music. He was my go-to guy for many years. Unfortunately a combination of mental illness and substance abuse got the best of him, and he went downhill really fast and REALLY bad. One of the last sessions I had there was for the band Cheap Time, and he flipped out in the middle of the session and pulled a gun on them!
Anyway, he wound up losing his studio, and we had all the tapes still in there. Lots of other bands kept their tapes there too. I know a number of people tried to help him and tried to save all his gear but, sadly, he was beyond help. I guess a bunch of the stuff from the studio wound up in a storage locker and the bill didn’t get paid – so it all went up for auction. That’s how the guy who is selling them on eBay came into possession of them.
Are the things he's posting for sale original sessions or mastered reels?
LH: The reels being sold are the two-inch master reels. The bands would track on two-inch tape and then mix down to half-inch tape and the record would be mastered from that. Many times we would only take the mixed tape with us as that was what we’d master the record from. The studio had a room where they stored tapes, so we figured we’d leave the two-inch reels there for safe keeping.
In a way, the fact that these are original master tapes, pre-mixed/mastered tapes is even worse. These are unmixed tracks, right? 
LH: Correct. These tapes being sold are the basic tracks on two-inch tape. You could take these to a studio and remix the record with them. We would mix down to half-inch tape so the versions on those are what you hear on the record. Mastering is a separate step done in a mastering lab. This is why once the mixing was done you kind of felt like the two-inch tapes were done too. They already served their purpose.
Yeah, we all sort of leave things in the rearview mirror once the album comes out, as far as where recordings and master tapes end up.
LH: Yeah, some bands are really good about keeping track of their tapes, and some don’t really care. I know the Cramps kept all of their master tapes, but I don’t think most bands do that. I do still have a bunch of master tapes here at my house. I imagine a lot of people took their tapes with them when their session was done. They’re expensive. I did sometimes, but I was at this studio so often I just figured they were fine where they were… until they weren’t. I didn’t have any place to store them at my house anyway. Two-inch tapes take up a lot of room.
Beyond that particular story, when bands record in studios there is a kind of “gentleman's agreement” – especially amongst indie labels and smaller studios – to at least let the bands or labels know they've got their tapes before just selling them off or tossing them, right? My understanding is, if you paid the studio their fee and paid for the actual tapes, they are your's. Though I suppose if they've been sitting in a studio’s closet for 20 years, maybe there's an argument for ownership on the studio's end?
LH: We did have a general understanding when we left the tapes behind that they’d be looked after by Mike. There was also a window of time when I could’ve gone down there and gotten them all; and I didn’t want to deal with him so I just kind of let it go. The only use they would be is if you wanted to remix the record, which I guess is something that could come up.
After leaving them behind that long ago it makes sense they could end up almost anywhere. Now you have a guy selling them on eBay who doesn’t even know who the bands are.
Under Kerry's post, a person commented: "No judgement! But you own the IP [intellectual property] on these tapes as they are independent recordings. You should reach out to the seller!" Is he right?
LH: That’s true. The eBay seller rightfully owns those tapes, but neither he or anyone else who buys them can do anything with the music without the artist’s permission…. Unfortunately this guy did buy them fair and square. I’m sure Kerry paid for that tape and the recording session, but the tapes were left behind all those years ago, and they’ve been passed around a bunch since. These tapes weren’t stolen, they were left behind. It should’ve been on us to get them back if they were important to us. Of course no one could’ve predicted Mike was going to go off the rails as badly as he did. The eBay seller did nothing wrong or illegal.
Lisa Pallow, Haunted George’s wife, contacted him explaining that two of the tapes were her deceased husband’s music, and that she would like to buy them. And the way he responded to her tells me the guy is an asshole. Really the person at fault for all of this is Mike McHugh.
I'm assuming if Rocket from the Crypt tapes are involved here – there were some for sale in that listing – someone's going to take some shit for this, because they were on a major at one point, though I've no idea which RFTC recordings are on those tapes in that eBay post.
LH: Yeah, that was the one tape I saw in there that I thought would probably go for the most money and also could turn into a hassle for the seller if he hears from [RFTC leader] John Reis or an attorney. I don’t think there would be any legal recourse against this guy though.
John Sellers from ‘90s trash-punk band, the Countdowns, commented on Kerry's post, concerning The Distillery: "It was the original board from Muscle Shoals.....Mike told me that [the Rolling Stones’] Sticky Fingers was recorded through it... it had these red and green square buttons to push... totally sixties mod... he LOVED that board!!! Chris... maybe? And I forget his last name but, he had a studio in the same complex as The Distillery and would tour with JSBX selling merch back in the '90's... he told me the whole story about Mike buying that board... how he flew out and it was sent by train upon purchase and how he accompanied it from start to finish... and how Chris would walk in and Mike would be passed out... not by drugs but by obsessive inspiration and no sleep.... with a clove cigarette in his mouth... under that board... working to make it work.
I THINK that The Countdowns were one of the first to record through that board at The Distillery but... well... memories and remembering shit these days... I always referred to Mike as 'The Mad Scientist. He was an absolute thrill of an experience to work with AND... did you ever hear him play drums? FUCK ME!!!”
LH: We did have some great times in that studio and before it all went bad. We hailed Mike McHugh as a genius. He was! It’s all very sad to me now. I have some great memories of that place. Andre Williams recorded with the Blues Explosion and Steve Mackay of the Stooges there! Good times.
Any other recording sessions at The Distillery that you remember?
LH: The wildest sessions I remember at that studio involved Andre Williams. He would get pretty drunk over the course of the session, so you had to get him on tape before he was too drunk. He had amazing stories and he was hilarious. He was also brilliant when he was lucid. He had produced records for Motown, and now he’s in Orange County with miscreants like us! 
I watched the Hunches vacuum up nails and screws off the floor while Mike recorded it so the obnoxious noise could be included on the band’s cover of the electric eels’ “Accident.” Not many engineers encourage this sort of thing. 
I went down to the Distillery for the final night of mixing the Black Lips’ Let It Bloom. The band had booked a show that night at a club directly across the street from the studio. The band left for their show, but I stayed behind with Mike while he continued mixing. I finally went over to the show and went up front. Cole Alexander had urinated into his own mouth, as he was wont to do back then, and spat the mouthful at the audience. I walked in late and went up just in time to get a face full of urine. I was now in business with the Black Lips.
My fondest memory of that studio is probably when the Necessary Evils recorded their second album. I know we were in there on New Year’s Eve. Those guys were all good friends of mine, as was Mike McHugh. The band didn’t have enough material to fill a full length album and were scrambling to cobble stuff together on the spot. It was a wonder to behold. Every one of those guys was hilarious. R.I.P. Steve Pallow.
I have tons of great memories from this studio. It’s really painful for me to think of Mike ending up like he did. Truly heartbreaking. 
Like any Facebook thread, the mass of names and rushed, emotionally punched-out comments can make for an intriguing read. Hell, a good pal of mine and Kerry’s posted that he put in a bid and would give the tape to her if he won it. He did get a couple of the tapes in the listing, but as Kerry stated earlier here, her tape was taken down after she reported it; and my friend got a cancellation message from eBay.
For Kerry though all this is definitely not legal chit-chat, but a loss of something dear, intense, and loved. It’s the kind of mini-nightmare anyone who’s recorded in a studio and then left it for “safe keeping” always has lurking in the back of their mind.
“I feel like crying all day today because of this,” said Kerry. “I don’t know why. Mike is so talented and I really want these tapes back. I used to hang out there a lot with Ronnie when I lived in Long Beach still. So many happy memories there – grateful for the scene ! Le sigh.”
After having wrapped up this piece, I heard from Kerry again with a possible happy ending to this story:
“I reported it as stolen, and it was pulled, and some punker dude in Costa Mesa went to get it for me," she explained, "but I didn’t ask him to. I don’t want the [eBay] guy to get the money. So the Good Samaritan kinda fucked it all up, and is supposed to mail it to me. And he paid $150 for it, so now I feel obligated to pay him back. Lots of people offered to buy it for me. And he bought RFTC and Haunted George."
Kerry asked said Samaritan (who shall remain annonymous) how he was able to get the tapes. He responded:
"Hi, thanks for getting back to me. I purchased the tapes directly from the guy... who bids on storage units. I bought a bunch of friends bands tapes and got them back to them. I knew going in that I'd lose money and I'm ok with that. Please let me gift you your tape back. Years ago I lost all of my... master reels in a storage unit that went unpaid while I was in rehab. I hate seeing strangers getting these tapes. Mike McHugh is the one to blame here. Although it’s hard to blame him with all of his mental health and addiction problems. I got my Distillery reels back from him several years ago after he lost the studio.... Anyway... I can get the tape to you or whoever you’d like me to. Larry Hardy maybe. No charge for the tape. Big Red Aunts fan by the way."
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contac · 1 year
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They call this kind of stuff "new topographics" but really I just like taking boring pictures of buildings.
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storagedepotdallas · 2 days
Affordable Self Storage Units in Dallas, GA: Finding the Best Deals
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When searching for affordable self storage units in Dallas, GA, you want to balance cost with quality to ensure your belongings are stored securely without breaking the bank. With a range of options available, finding the best deals involves understanding your needs and knowing where to look. Here’s how you can find affordable self-storage solutions that meet your requirements.
1. Assess Your Storage Needs
Before diving into the search for affordable self-storage units, evaluate what you need to store. Are you looking for mini storage units to hold seasonal items, or do you need more space for business inventory? Understanding your requirements helps you choose the right type of storage facility, which can affect the overall cost. Self-storage units come in various sizes, so selecting one that matches your needs can prevent overspending.
2. Compare Local Facilities
Dallas, GA, offers a variety of self-storage facilities with different pricing structures. To find the best deals, compare local options to see what’s available in terms of cost and features. Look for facilities that offer climate-controlled storage units if you need to protect sensitive items from extreme temperatures. Additionally, consider secure storage units to ensure the safety of your belongings.
3. Take Advantage of Promotions
Many storage centers in Dallas, GA, offer promotions or discounts for new customers. These can include reduced rates for the first month, special deals on storage rentals, or even free use of storage containers for a limited time. Keep an eye out for these promotions to secure the best deal on your self-storage unit.
4. Opt for Long-Term Rentals
If you plan to use the storage unit for an extended period, inquire about long-term rental discounts. Many facilities offer reduced rates for longer commitments. Whether you need a public storage unit for personal belongings or a business storage unit for inventory, locking in a long-term rental can save you money over time.
5. Check for Hidden Fees
When evaluating affordable self-storage units, be aware of any additional fees that might affect the overall cost. Some facilities may have hidden charges for administration, insurance, or access. Ensure you understand the complete pricing structure before signing a rental agreement.
6. Read Customer Reviews
Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and affordability of self-storage units. Look for feedback on customer service, facility cleanliness, and overall satisfaction. Positive reviews can guide you to trustworthy and cost-effective storage options in Dallas, GA.
In conclusion, finding affordable self-storage units in Dallas, GA, involves evaluating your storage needs, comparing local facilities, and taking advantage of promotions. By understanding the pricing structure and checking for hidden fees, you can secure a cost-effective solution that fits your requirements. Whether you need mini storage units for personal use or business storage units for your company, making informed decisions will help you find the best deals.
Author: Jacob Mortensen
Who We Are
10 Federal Storage provides advanced, secure self-storage facilities. Lease a unit anytime online or by phone. Our high-tech facilities feature controlled access, surveillance cameras, and remote system monitoring. Enjoy competitive rates and 24/7 access. For assistance, call us during our support hours: Customer Support Hours: Monday - Friday: 8am-6pm, Saturday: 9am-3pm, Sunday 12pm-4pm.
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312 WI Pkwy, Dallas, Georgia, 30132, USA
 (470) 536-4111
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flamingpen18 · 2 years
I just learned that we cannot get access to both storage units until we pay off the entire back bill. We owe $460.25. We don't have it.
I'm so fed up with all of it. It's not enough to lose our home to circumstances beyond our control.
It's bad enough that we have been on waiting lists for an apartment for over 2 years.
It's bad enough that Dave has to have a complete knee replacement and can't even consider the surgery while we are homeless.
It's bad enough I had to send my 15 yr old daughter to go live with friends, and I hardly ever see her. Her 16th birthday is on the 22nd, and I can't do a damn thing for her.
It's bad enough that I am physically disabled and no homeless shelter will take me. My disability makes it impossible to stay in the van even when I have no choice. The pain is ungodly.
It's bad enough that I have no friends and no family that can/would help. I'm not even from this state, so I do not know anyone.
It's bad enough that SSI screwed up my address and they took several hundred dollars from my pay.
It's bad enough that our van is breaking down and that Dave is babying it to try to buy time until we can afford to buy the parts it needs.
It's bad enough that I am unable to even get to my doctor appts due to the van issues.
It's bad enough that I have contacted every place imaginable to get help, and all of them, except social services, told me that they can't help.
I'm sick of getting repeatedly beaten while I'm down. I'm not even allowed a brief respite from all the bull sh*t to just catch my breath before something else comes along and beats me down even further.
I'm fed up with feeling like a failure as a parent and for letting my daughters down even though it's through no fault of my own. It's the most heinous feeling in the world.
I never wanted to be rich. I grew up with a disabled dad. We had no money and barely scraped by each month. My parents had a tight budget which meant they could not afford frivolous expenditures. We went without heat, hot water, cable, telephone service, et. That was the norm for us.
All I have ever wanted was to have a roof over our heads, a functioning vehicle, food, clothing, and our needs met with just enough money left over for emergencies. I guess that was hoping for too damn much.
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enchantingmirage · 1 year
Good Storage Companies
Reposted from my twitter.
Can someone please recommend me a storage unit company that has a location in New York?
I, sadly, need to accommodate space in my room so I have to put my NIB dolls away.
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jetremulant · 2 years
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"Hey check it out! I made a friend! He was in some old chest! He squeaks and meows and stuff... I fed him some cookies and he started rubbing up all over me! I was all slimy afterwards... Anyways, i'm gonna find my friends and finish putting up all of our stuff! Now I just need to find where those guys were! I swear I just saw them a bit ago..."
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storagedallastx · 3 days
Self Storage Solutions for Business Owners: Managing Inventory and Supplies in Dallas
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For business owners in Dallas, managing inventory and supplies effectively can be a significant challenge, especially as businesses grow and space becomes limited. Self storage solutions offer a practical and flexible way to handle these challenges. Here’s how Dallas business owners can make the most of self-storage to streamline inventory management and supply organization.
Choose the Right Self Storage Unit
Selecting the appropriate self storage unit is crucial for managing business inventory and supplies. In Dallas, businesses can choose from various types of storage units, including climate-controlled storage units for sensitive items, secure storage units for valuable goods, and larger warehouse storage units for bulk items. Assess your business needs to determine whether you require mini storage units for smaller supplies or larger self storage units for extensive inventory.
Organize Your Inventory Efficiently
Effective organization within your self storage unit can save time and improve efficiency. Use shelving units and storage containers to keep items neatly arranged and accessible. Label all boxes and containers clearly to ensure that you can quickly locate specific items. Implementing a systematic approach to storing inventory will help streamline your operations and reduce the time spent searching for supplies.
Utilize Climate-Controlled Storage
If your business deals with items that are sensitive to temperature and humidity, such as electronics, documents, or certain materials, consider renting climate-controlled storage units. In Dallas, where temperature fluctuations can impact stored goods, climate-controlled storage solutions offer protection against extreme conditions, ensuring that your inventory remains in optimal condition.
Secure Your Business Assets
Security is a top priority when storing valuable business assets. Look for self storage facilities in Dallas that offer robust security features, such as surveillance cameras, gated access, and on-site management. Secure storage units provide peace of mind by safeguarding your inventory from theft or damage.
Manage Seasonal Inventory
Self storage solutions are particularly useful for managing seasonal inventory. Whether you need to store holiday merchandise, seasonal decorations, or promotional materials, self storage units allow you to keep these items organized and accessible without cluttering your primary business location. Rotate your inventory based on the season and store off-season items efficiently.
Explore Flexible Storage Options
Many Dallas self storage facilities offer flexible storage options, including mobile storage units that can be delivered to your business location. This flexibility can be beneficial for businesses with fluctuating storage needs or those that require temporary storage solutions during peak periods.
By leveraging self storage solutions, Dallas business owners can effectively manage their inventory and supplies, ensuring smooth operations and improved organization. Whether you need climate-controlled units, secure storage, or flexible rental options, self storage can provide the tools you need to keep your business running efficiently.
Author: Storage Star
Who We Are
When you store your items with Storage Star Forest Lane, you can expect first-rate service, an exceptionally clean facility, and top-of-the-line features. Our modern, solar-powered self storage facility in Northwest Dallas, Texas, offers convenient storage solutions for business and residential clients, including commercial and climate-controlled storage units. With a prime location near the junction of I-35E and I-635, we make it easy and convenient to store with us. Ready to make more space in your life? Let us help you select the right storage unit today.
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Storage Star
2812 Forest Ln, Dallas, Texas, 75234, United States
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10federallocustg · 3 days
Affordable Self Storage Solutions in Locust Grove: How to Find the Best Deals
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When searching for affordable self storage solutions in Locust Grove, Georgia, finding a deal that fits your budget while meeting your storage needs is essential. With various options available, here are some tips to help you discover the best deals without compromising on quality.
Assess Your Storage Needs
Begin by evaluating what you need to store. Are you looking for mini self storage units for seasonal items, or do you need larger storage containers for business inventory? Understanding your requirements will help you choose a facility that offers the right type of storage at the best price. For items that require special care, such as electronics or important documents, consider climate-controlled self storage units, but be mindful of any additional costs associated with them.
Compare Prices Across Facilities
Prices for self storage units can vary widely. To find the best deals, compare prices at different storage facilities in Locust Grove. Look for facilities that offer affordable self storage without compromising on security or convenience. Many storage companies offer online tools to check rates and availability, making it easier to compare options from the comfort of your home.
Look for Promotions and Discounts
Many self storage facilities offer promotions or discounts to attract new customers. These can include first-month free deals, reduced rates for long-term rentals, or special rates for students and military personnel. Keep an eye out for these offers and inquire about any available discounts when contacting storage facilities. Seasonal promotions may also provide additional savings.
Consider Location and Accessibility
While searching for affordable self storage, factor in the location of the facility. Choosing a facility close to your home or business in Locust Grove can save on transportation costs and time. Also, ensure the facility has convenient access hours that align with your schedule to avoid any additional trips or inconvenience.
Evaluate Additional Services
Some storage facilities offer extra services that can add value to your rental. This might include access to packing supplies, moving truck rentals, or enhanced security features. While these services might come at a cost, they can provide significant benefits and convenience. Weigh these factors when determining the overall affordability of your storage solution.
Read Reviews and Visit the Facility
Finally, read reviews from previous customers to get a sense of their experiences. Visiting the facility in person allows you to assess the cleanliness, security, and condition of the storage units. Ensuring that the facility meets your expectations will help you make an informed decision.
Finding affordable self storage solutions in Locust Grove involves a combination of comparing prices, exploring promotions, and evaluating additional services. By following these tips, you can secure a cost-effective storage option that meets your needs while providing peace of mind.
Author: Jacob Mortensen
Who We Are
At 10 Federal Storage, we firmly believe everyone deserves exceptional self-storage in Locust Grove. We understand the importance of taking the utmost care of your belongings. That's why we provide a wide range of tailored amenities and services to ensure your peace of mind. Our storage units in Locust Grove are convenient and highly secure, offering the ideal solution for all your storage needs. 10 Federal Storage is committed to delivering spotless, move-in-ready storage units and unparalleled customer service as a locally owned and operated facility. We take pride in offering a seamless storage unit experience that surpasses your expectations.
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10 Federal Storage
4418 GA-42, Locust Grove, Georgia, 30248, United States
(470) 730-6951
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storageyubacity · 5 days
The Ultimate Guide to Self-Storage Facilities: What to Look for and How Storage Star Stands Out
When it comes to managing your belongings, self-storage facilities offer a convenient and flexible solution. Whether you’re decluttering your home, storing business inventory, or preparing for a move, choosing the right storage facility is crucial. At Storage Star in Yuba City, we understand what makes a self-storage facility stand out and are committed to providing top-notch services that meet your needs.
What to Look for in Self-Storage Facilities
1. Security Features One of the most important aspects of any self-storage facility is security. Look for features such as 24/7 surveillance cameras, gated access, and individual unit alarms. These measures help ensure that your belongings are protected from theft and unauthorized access. At Storage Star, we prioritize your security with advanced systems and on-site management to keep your items safe.
2. Climate Control For sensitive items, such as electronics, documents, or antiques, climate control is essential. Climate-controlled storage units regulate temperature and humidity levels to prevent damage from environmental extremes. Storage Star offers climate-controlled storage units to protect your valuables from moisture, temperature fluctuations, and dust, ensuring they stay in pristine condition.
3. Accessibility and Convenience Choose a facility that offers easy access to your storage unit, with flexible hours and convenient locations. At Storage Star, our Yuba City location provides extended access hours, allowing you to retrieve or store your belongings at a time that suits you. Additionally, our facility is designed for easy maneuverability, making your storage experience smooth and hassle-free.
4. Variety of Unit Sizes Different needs require different sizes of storage units. A good self-storage facility should offer a range of unit sizes to accommodate everything from small household items to large business inventories. Storage Star provides various options, ensuring you can find the perfect size for your needs, whether you require a small space or a large unit.
5. Customer ServiceExceptional customer service can significantly enhance your storage experience. Look for facilities with knowledgeable staff who are ready to assist you with your needs. At Storage Star, our team is dedicated to providing excellent customer service, offering guidance and support to help you select the right storage solution.
Why Storage Star Stands Out
Located in Yuba City, Storage Star excels in providing secure, climate-controlled storage units with outstanding customer service. Our facility features state-of-the-art security, a variety of unit sizes, and convenient access options, making us the ideal choice for your self-storage needs.
In summary, finding the right self-storage facility involves considering security, climate control, accessibility, unit sizes, and customer service. Storage Star stands out by offering all these features and more, ensuring your belongings are stored safely and conveniently. Visit us today to discover how our storage solutions can meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
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Author: David Decker
Who We Are
For clean, reliable self storage in a well-protected facility, choose Storage Star Yuba City. You’ll enjoy convenient access to your unit 7 days a week, so you can come and go when it’s good for you. With month-to-month rentals, it’s easy to start and stop service as needed. Whether you rent your unit for a month or a year, you can count on impeccable service from our professional onsite manager and friendly team members. Choose your space, move in, and get on with your life. It’s that easy!
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Storage Star
1233 Hunn Rd, Yuba City, California, 95991, USA
 (530) 671-4000
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davidhales9 · 11 days
Best Self Storage in Dubai
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If you're on the looking for best self storage in Dubai, Local Self Storage might be your best bet. They offer secure, roomy, and budget-friendly storage units that meet both personal and business needs. You'll find climate-controlled spaces round-the-clock monitoring, and flexible rental choices at Local Self Storage, so you can rest easy knowing your stuff is safe and easy to get to. No matter if you need a place to store things for a short while or for the long haul, their team of pros is ready to help you find just the right fit for what you need.
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eppujensen · 11 days
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Handy-looking entry hall unit made from combining two Ikea pieces. Tutorial by Tony B. via Ikea hackers.
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danielharris78 · 18 days
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flamingpen18 · 2 years
Getting Kicked While were Down
The crap keeps beating us down. I'm so upset that I have been in tears all day, and I'm not a big cryer. I made an update on GFM.
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skaddy111 · 19 days
Discover Premier Storage Solutions at State Route Storage
When it comes to finding reliable and secure storage solutions, State Route Storage is your trusted partner in Rome, New York. Our facility is dedicated to providing top-notch self-storage services, offering a range of storage units to meet your specific needs. Whether you are looking to declutter your home, store business inventory, or safeguard valuable possessions, our storage solutions are designed to deliver convenience, security, and peace of mind.
Why Choose Self-Storage?
In today’s fast-paced world, self-storage has become an essential service for individuals and businesses alike. The need for extra space can arise for various reasons—whether you’re downsizing, renovating, relocating, or simply need a place to keep seasonal items. State Route Storage offers a flexible and convenient way to manage your belongings, allowing you to access your items whenever you need them.
Our self-storage options provide a practical solution for a wide range of needs. For homeowners, it’s an ideal way to free up space in your living area without parting with cherished items. For businesses, self-storage offers a secure place to keep excess inventory, documents, or equipment. No matter your situation, our facility is equipped to handle your storage needs with efficiency and care.
A Variety of Storage Units to Suit Your Needs
At State Route Storage, we understand that every customer has unique requirements. That’s why we offer a diverse selection of storage units to accommodate various needs and preferences. Our storage units come in different sizes, ensuring that you only pay for the space you require. Whether you need a small unit for a few boxes or a larger one for furniture and equipment, we have the perfect solution for you.
Our units are designed with your convenience in mind. They are clean, well-maintained, and easily accessible, making it simple to move items in and out as needed. We offer both indoor and outdoor storage options, so you can choose the type that best suits your belongings. Additionally, our facility is equipped with features to enhance security and ease of use, ensuring a smooth storage experience.
Secure Storage in Rome, New York
Security is a top priority at State Route Storage. Our facility is designed to provide a safe environment for your possessions, giving you confidence that your items are well-protected. We implement a range of security measures to safeguard your belongings, including surveillance cameras, gated access, and personalized entry codes. Our team is committed to maintaining a secure and trustworthy storage environment, so you can rest assured that your items are in good hands.
Our location in Rome, New York, is ideal for both local residents and businesses in the surrounding areas. We are conveniently situated to provide easy access to your stored items, making it simple to visit our facility whenever needed. Whether you are a local resident looking for extra space or a business in need of secure storage solutions, State Route Storage is here to serve you
Contact State Route Storage Today
If you’re looking for reliable and secure self-storage solutions in Rome, New York, look no further than State Route Storage. Our facility offers a range of storage units to accommodate your needs, with a focus on convenience, security, and customer satisfaction. Contact us today to learn more about our services, check availability, or to schedule a visit to our facility. Our friendly team is here to help you find the perfect storage solution for your belongings.
State Route Storage is your go-to destination for top-quality self-storage in Rome, New York. With a variety of storage units available and a commitment to security and customer service, we provide the ideal storage solution for both personal and business needs. Whether you’re looking to declutter your home, store business inventory, or safeguard valuable items, our facility is equipped to meet your requirements with ease. Reach out to us today and experience the convenience and reliability of State Route Storage.
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