#Story: Tuck Me In!
stubz · 4 months
"Hey guys I got whooping cough."
"Woah calm down--"
"Do not tell me to calm down! Do you have any idea how contagious this shit is?!?!"
"Well, I heard but I'm wearing a mask and I'm literally on the other side of the glass wall, talking to you on the phone right now!"
"Like I give a rat's ass! I work at the child centre!! I. CAN'T. GET. WHOOPING. COUGH. BEGONE. NOW."
"Okay okay okay! I get it, going now! only like 8 of the kids could get it anyways...not even the same species."
"Love you!! I'll make you some cabbage soup!" with that she goes back to her lunch. Oblivious to the strange looks from her co-workers.
"Uh, what's whooping cough?" asked Op reaching for the salt with her tail.
"A very contagious human disease that gives you a nasty cough for several days to a few weeks."
"Oh, that doesn't sound too bad."
"Yeah but it can make you feel just awful and is actually very dangerous for infants, young children, and the elderly."
"How dangerous?" Fenrir asked
"Well...they could die."
"Its not often though, usually rare, they're just more at risk. I mean I had it when I was a baby and look! I'm perfectly fine."
For a while no one said anything. Just eating. Until Fenrir asked another question.
"Why is it called whooping cough?"
"Because that's what it sounds like. The inhale sounds like a whooping noise. But according to my parents I sounded more like a barking seal."
"What does a seal sound like?"
"Hold on." she fishes out her phone and finds a video of a seal barking.
*Seal noises*
"...and what does whooping cough sound like?"
*Whooping coughing noises, which honestly sounds like someone coughing up their heart and soul*
"...how the f*ck are you alive???"
"I second that."
"My Dad tucked me into his coat and walked out in the winter air so that it would clear my lungs."
"That's it?!"
"Cold air is what saved you from death?!"
"...I mean I probably had some antibiotics but yeah. There's no real cure, just a vaccine."
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shepscapades · 24 days
hello!! does joel have any sort of big role in the dbhc au?? just wonderin', since he's one of my favorite little block people! :D
(also your xisuma comics. ALL of your comics, really!!! SO, SO GOOD!! you kick my theory brain into gear and i seriously thank you for that, LOL <3)
TUMBLR USER I’M A LOAF!!!!! HI thank you for your ask, first and foremost: I’m obsessed with the tags you put on my comics and posts and everything in general, they literally always make my day and I’m sat giggling and kicking my feet every time without fail!!! Your commentary and theories make me so happy :D the feedback and the Game-Theorizing is honestly what inspires me to keep making art so thank you for your support and general insanity it means a lot to me :]
BUT ANYWAY your actual question— I don’t have anything “specific” planned for Joel as of now, though I definitely have a lot of thoughts about him as a character and his relationship with etho and bdubs (as per the brief posts I made about double life and bdubs’ attempts to get Etho to redeviate). I’d love to get more in the weeds about Joel’s double life and honestly, double life in general :D
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Anon requested that I make some Screencaps of Vincent Price reading The Christmas Carol (1949).
Enjoy! (I know I enjoyed making them 🥵😻)
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I just wanted to mess around with some paper backgrounds I downloaded but I’ve also been (re-)listening to this song lately. It’s one I’ve loved for a long time and then it sorta smacked me in the face once I realized how fitting it is for Charis
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skyward-floored · 5 months
Lost (as in the nickname for my one Link) content, here we gooooo (even though he's not physically here). Vaati is a placeholder name since [evil purple guy] was getting really old.
The low chatter of her council members barely reached Zelda’s ears, the only thing stopping her from standing up and bolting out of the room being Impa’s steady presence at her side. She knew they needed to have this meeting, but the thought of discussing what to do about the... threat, threatened to make her ill.
“Silence please,” Impa said, giving her cane a rap on the floor. “We have business to attend to. I’m sure you all know why we’re here.”
Zelda took a slow breath in, steeling herself for the words about to come out of Impa’s mouth.
“The Hero has been corrupted.”
The room went into an uproar but Zelda barely heard it, biting her lip so hard it nearly drew blood. Link, her best knight, her best friend, and really only friend aside from Impa, had been twisted into little more than a puppet for the forces of darkness to use as they pleased.
She felt distantly like she was going to throw up.
“—doesn’t even have the blade! Are we certain the boy is the Hero?” one of her councilors boomed, “for all we know Vaati merely created a lookalike of our best knight to frighten us! Are we even certain the boy is still ali—“
“That’s quite enough,” Impa said sternly, then placed a gentle hand on Zelda’s shoulder. “We have firsthand reports of what happened, Sir Link is who has been corrupted.”
“But how do we even know if he is the Hero?” one of the women shouted, and Impa sighed.
“He would not have been corrupted if he were not,” she said gravely. “Sir Rowan’s account stated that Link was the only one who was explicitly targeted. Somehow Vaati knew of Link’s potential to pull the blade, and exploited it. We cannot count on the Hero to save us now.”
The room went suddenly quiet, the emotion of the room turned abruptly from uproar to fear. The council’s gazes turned to their princess, looking for direction on what to do, and Zelda didn’t know what to tell them.
Impa gave Zelda’s shoulder a comforting squeeze, and the princess swallowed down her emotions in order to speak.
“We will need to enact a plan to deal with this threat,” she said steadily, slowly breathing out. “We will strengthen our defenses, and alert our allies to the possible danger. There have been reports of increased monster activity, doubtless Vaati’s doing, so we will deal with them accordingly.”
“And what of the Hero?” one of her councilmen asked.
Zelda swallowed.
“We will send out a description of him, and a warning about what has happened,” she said calmly. “But if... if he’s found, we must aim for capture, not... nothing else, as of now. We don’t know exactly what the enemy has done to him, but perhaps... perhaps we can still save him.”
Her voice wavered minutely on the last sentence, and Impa shortly dismissed the meeting, ushering Zelda back to her rooms. The walk there was a blur, and soon enough she found herself standing by her desk, staring blankly out the window.
The bright rays of sunset shining on her face seemed unfair.
“Your highness?” Impa asked after a minute, and Zelda closed her eyes.
“It was my idea to send the knights to the woods,” she whispered. Impa didn't reply, and Zelda wrapped her arms around herself. “I thought my dream was pointing us there. That by acting first it would protect against the darkness. But all it did was lose us our best knights, take away our strongest rsources. And...”
Zelda’s voice cracked, and a tear fell down her cheek without her permission.
“We’ve lost Link,” she choked out. “I sent him there Impa, he trusted me, and I sent him to his destruction, he’s... I don’t even know if there’s a way to get him back.”
“Your highness, you cannot blame yourself,” Impa said in a voice equally gentle and firm. “This was out of your control.“
“But it if I hadn’t sent him he would still be here,” Zelda said, another tear falling down her cheek. “What if he can’t be saved, Impa? What kind of ruler am I to doom my kingdom to darkness, and send my best friend to his death?"
The last word was punctuated by a sob, and Impa was silent a moment, tapping a quiet finger along her cane.
“Zelda,” she said finally, and the princess sniffled, looking at her through her tears. “I believe there is a way we may yet be able to stop this darkness. As well as save Link.”
Hope faintly flickered in Zelda’s heart. “Truly?”
“Indeed. If I'm recalling the old legends correctly... well. We shall see,” she said thoughtfully, then turned to Zelda with a gentle look. “Come Princess, dry your tears. Link may yet be saved. But you must see clearly to do so.”
Zelda wiped her eyes, and Impa drew her into a short embrace, silence falling between them as Zelda calmed herself. Impa was right, she needed to calm down and think clearly.
Link needed her, and she couldn't help him if she was busy crying over him.
Zelda sighed, and Impa patted her cheek as she drew back. “Now. I need to gather some things so we can properly decide our course," she said, and gave Zelda a sad smile. "...Try and get some rest in the meantime, princess. It's been a long day for us all."
Zelda nodded, and Impa gave her a long look before finally stepping back, and leaving her quarters.
Zelda breathed out as the door closed behind her, and she looked around her room, before stepping out onto her balcony. A cool breeze greeted her, sending strands of blonde hair into her face, and Zelda looked up at the sky, her chest tightening as she remembered how Link had knelt here only days before, promising her he'd be careful.
The wind blew again, and Zelda's damp cheeks felt cold.
Link... stay strong, she quietly prayed, watching as the last of the sunlight disappeared from the sky. Hold on for me.
Hold on for us all.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Baldness is holiness <3
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naivety · 3 months
sorry but i hate that claudia's dress is hung up like it's in a museum. i know why it is, and it's sweet and tragic and i don't blame louis for trying to both honor and grieve her in this way, but i hate it <3 that her clothes fitted perfectly just for her by her immortal companion, just like her diaries, her own private thoughts penned down throughout her life, have been preserved and made perfect in bright open spotlight for gloved hands and watching eyes to feast on even in death. kinda hate it here
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redrobin-detective · 1 year
Shout out to the fics you read years and years ago, fics you found on a whim late at night and read and moved on and yet their stories haunt. Pour one out for those fics you stand no chance in hell of finding again and yet even long after you read those words, you still find yourself affected by them. Here’s to the stories that exist without name, author or even words but just the gentle impression they left on you long ago.
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louisdotmp3 · 1 year
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here's the full pdf
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garussy · 7 months
Season one mcd Aaron is my dad
I don’t know who that season two and three man is though
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bottombaron · 11 months
fics where Nandor is all, "i wish Guillermo would stop calling me 'Master' and use my name" like ahdkgj have you met this man??
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fayehartz · 1 year
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cleaner version :3
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Art inspired by this one cover of the new mexico song:
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enter-drfrog · 1 year
Sometimes I rewatch the Tuck Everlasting musical just to feel something. Everyone who enjoys musical theatre should be required to watch it at least once
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rateelism · 10 months
happy cheongryeo day (11/27). i can't wait for the day we see him go Mega Crazy on moondae <3
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weepylucifer · 1 year
i do kinda want the student commies to (gradually, it's a process) get the hang of increasing their plasm and becoming more inframaterialist and it changing them in weird ways. like, benign weird, probably, but to people who know them it would look a bit like something from a horror story
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wayward-wren · 4 months
Throwback to the time I was 16 and watched Classic Who for the first time and was so upset over Mike's betrayal in Invasion of the Dinosaurs that I created a character called Captain Yates in the story I was writing and had him be working for the badguys but ended up having a redemption arc
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