#Strangerville Townie
bloomingkyras · 7 months
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Victory celebration for the heroes..Its final week for Sienna before she move with Lily to Brindelton Bay. And for the 1st time u guys see Sienna half blood sister Xienna (zianna),she came all the way from Willow Creek to celebrate her sister victory. Its just a small treat for the townie who help her in the war with Mother.
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cassandragoth26 · 5 months
George Cahill
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Prev: Don Gooseman / Next: Gilberth Jenkins
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tricoufamily · 4 months
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to be fair you have to have a very high iq to like strangerville (also young cahill and. some guy)
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cowplantrelish · 4 months
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what is strangerville without our local conspiracy theorist? 👽💅
erwin becomes odie's reluctant sidekick after she stops some rogue militia giving him a hard time outside his market stall. initially wary of her due to her ties to the very conspiracies that he spends his days theorizing over, he soon learns to put his concerns to one side in order to save his little sister. after all, odie chicken may be strangerville's only hope.
camera idea came from @puppycheesecake's amazing erwin makeover, check it out here!
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maxispremades · 2 months
Meredith Roswell 👢
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Супруга мэра Стрейнджервиля — Мередит Розвелл. Как и ее муж, Мередит очень любит шляпы и элегантные наряды в стиле вестерн, но на этом сходство между ними заканчивается. В отличие от Теда, Мередит — добросердечная и отзывчивая женщина, пусть и несколько помешанная на чистоте. За долгие годы брака Мередит буквально убедила себя в том, что ее супруг денно и нощно трудится на благо процветания их родного города. Она предпочитает закрывать глаза на многочисленные недомолвки и откровенные злодеяния Теда, отвлекаясь от гнетущих мыслей с помощью бесконечных покупок и перестановок мебели в доме.
Круг интересов Мередит ограничен чистотой и благоустройством их с Тедом огромного поместья, поэтому ее изначальную мечту о сказочном богатстве я заменил на более подходящую ЖЦ «Барон».
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memoirsofasim · 25 days
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With the vaccine tested and plenty on hand, Celeste confronted the Mother with her small team. Upon opening the final door she threw a vaccine bomb at the Mother and then gave her a dose of Mega Spray. Meanwhile her team took their positions and waited for instructions.
StrangerVille Mystery
vaccinate 3 sims ✔
recruit 3 sims to help stop the source of the infections ✔
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koactus · 10 months
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dead-lights · 3 months
ØUŘ €¥€Ş ΔŘ€ ØƤ€Ň Ŧess ◦ Morgyn ◦ Łilith ◦ Ł.
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in a complete departure from my normal content, here's tess dyer, morgyn ember, lilith vatore, and l. faba as possessed fungal zombie weirdos. it's for a thing.
eyes, accessories, and skin details from strange biology by @dizzyrobinsims (this pack is AWESOME)
mother's vines by @stillplayingthisgameiguess
octetsica's occult skintones
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modernlex · 4 months
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strangerville wips
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muckleberryjam · 20 days
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Meredith what have you done
hair one & two @daylifesims ♦ dress @gilded-ghosts ♦ nightie @serenity-cc
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possessedsims · 18 days
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cantseemtohide · 1 year
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I am very impressionable whenever I see anyone playing StrangerVille on my dashboard I instantly say to myself yeah I should play StrangerVille too.
To start with here is some StrangerVille townies 😊
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m0ckest · 7 months
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Cahill Low-CC Makeover
George is a retired pilot who used to enjoy taking his beloved plane Penelope for long flights across the world. While passing over StrangerVille, a large flash of light caused his plane to crash. He has since set up camp in the remains of Old Penelope and has self-sufficiently lived on the outskirts of town. Although he is growing skeptical of the bizarre residents of StrangerVille, he means no harm and mostly keeps to himself.
First StrangerVille makeover! Now he has the bestest girl, Glider, as company in his bunker.
No-cc version available on the gallery @m0ckest 🖤
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nefarrilou · 11 months
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It was such fun participating in @sims4thehoes townie cas challenge!
In an old save Erwin Pries was replaced by another sim that I gave a makeover. Since I rolled Townie Relation, Human, Programmer and Long Hair, Erwin now has two cousins who can conspire with him and share the shift at his store in strangerville. 👽🏜
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Erwin's makeover is by @gunthermunch - I loooove their sim story so damn much 🤩
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maxispremades · 1 month
Pollination Tech#9 Smith
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Стрейнджервиль не был бы Стрейнджервилем, если бы в нем не жили пришельцы! Встречайте Букета Левкоева 9 Смита — техника-опылителя на пенсии.
Большую часть своей жизни Букет Левкоев 9 провел, занимаясь «опылением» жителей других планет. К своей работе он всегда относился без большой приязни и выполнял ее лишь потому, что законы планеты Сиксим требовали от ее обитателей безоговорочного подчинения разуму улья. Настоящей мечтой Букета всегда была жизнь на Земле, которая, в сравнении с его родной планетой, всегда казалась ему образцом свободного и радостного существования.
Выйдя на пенсию, Букет Левкоев 9 эмигрировал на Землю, где взял себе фамилию Смит, накупил кучу цветастых рубашек и женился на симпатичной женщине по имени Дженни, неравнодушной ко всему зеленому. Сразу же после свадьбы Смиты приобрели дом в Стрейнджервиле, мэр которого прославился на всю Симнацию своим (чересчур?) лояльным отношением к инопланетянам и их технологиям. Вскоре у Букета и Дженни родился зеленокожий сын Джонни, а через некоторое время — дочка Джилл, как две капли воды похожая на обычного сима. Смогут ли Букет Левкоев 9 и его семья стать полноправной частью общества Симнации или же так и останутся «чужаками в чужой стране»?
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
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A Stranger-Townies Lookbook Ft. Some Notable Strangerville Locals
The locals who live in Strangerville will tell you that the blink-and-you'll-miss-it-town lives up to its peculiar name. Full of secrets, government espionage, unsolved mysteries, reclusive misfits, and an abundance of sordid stories of the past only known through word of mouth, this quaint little military town is much more than meets the eye.
Treating this as a one-stop-shop for all my Strangerville townie makeovers! All of them will appear in my story, so I wanted to highlight them. I hope you guys like this lookbook! 💕
George Cahill - Beard + gray overlay, wedding ring, dog tags, top, pants, boots Ted Roswell - Hair + gray strands, bracelet, top, pants, boots Meredith Roswell - Hair, earrings*, wedding ring*, top*, skirt, tights, boots Jess Sigworth - Hair, earrings, necklace, hair-ties and watch, top, pants*, shoes Christie Sigworth - Beret, hair, glasses*, earrings, paint overlays, outfit, undershirt, socks, rain boots Dylan Sigworth - Hair, hearing aids*, glasses, top, shorts (07), prosthesis (+ socks), shoes* Alice Martin - Hair, earrings, necklace, ring, tattoo, knee bandages, dress*, boots Marc Eggleston - Hair, facial hair, eyebrow piercing, nose piercing* (aster), ear plugs, tattoos 1 | 2, top, pants, belt & chain accessory, boots Leslie Holland - Hair, glasses*, top*, pants, boots
-> Quick note: you'll notice I spelled Mark's name as "Marc" and that's not a mistake, I took some creative liberty there, but it's still pronounced the same. It's a small change that will make sense in the story, I promise!
Cas poses by @helgatisha and @nell-le
Anything marked with a * means it’s either from the Sims Resource, Simsdom/Simsfinds, or goes through a “host” such as AdFly.
Thanks to all the talented cc creators! @introsims, @jius-sims, @aroundthesims, @cerberus-cc, @miikocc, @simiracle, @oydis, @greenllamas, @clumsyalienn, @christopher067, @giuliettasims, @glitterberrysims, @coloresurbanos, @dogsill, @okruee, @astya96cc, @dallasgirl79, @magic-bot, @darte77, @aharris00britney, @ayoshi, @gorillax3-cc, @joliebean, @ooobsooo2, @johnnysimmer, @plumbobteasociety, @liliili-sims4, @qwertysims, @igorstory, @sunnybelloria, @daylifesims, @plushxsims, @kisica-plays, @pralinesims, @blahberry-pancake, @serenity-cc, @glimersims, @lotuswhim, @wrixie, @kiwitrait-sims, @tunayegit, @sheabuttyr, @lazyeyelids, @belaloallure3, @whisterias
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