#Striped Lynx Spider
bjugnakraekir · 9 months
nerd time!! spidersona research!!!
if you see something that is incorrect please let me know!!!!
Yellow Sac Spider/Cheiracanthium
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Bite: Creates surface lesion with redness, swelling, burning. Medical attention recommended. Venom is slightly necrotic to humans
Behavior: Bites without reason, hunter (actively chases prey), cannibalistic, most common spider bites. Nocturnal. Do not jump, fast moving, escapes with silk when startled.
Habitat: Gardens, bushes, trees, during cold weather may seek shelter in houses. Northeastern United States, range expanded in recent decades, central Europe.
Size: Females body size range 5-9mm, males 4-8mm. Leg span 2.5cm/1in. Front pair of legs are longest. Males have more slender bodies.
Coloration: Light yellow body, brown jaws, darker legs, vertical dorsal stripes on abdomen. Males are darker. Diet can affect coloration
Body: Scopulae allows them to cling to smooth surfaces like glass, 8 eyes
References: Nebraska University dep of entomology, Wikipedia, WebMD,
Note: I lost some of my references for this entry - take with a grain of salt
Yellow Amycine Jumping Spider
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Note: I will be refrenceing Amycine when I can but not much is known about the species
Bite: Unlikely to bite humans, usually runs away. Causes redness, itching, stinging, and swelling. Can be cleaned with soap and water, does not require medical attention
Behavior: Can move rapidly sideways and backwards, pounce on prey. Can jump 20-50 times their body length, use silk dragline when jumping as safety line. Jumping is caused by sudden blood flow change, fully extending legs. Eats insects and other spiders, may drink nectar and plant matter. Hunts during the day.
Habitat: Vegetation, rocky areas, very widespread - no specific habitat. Not found in Greenland
Size: 3.175mm/0.75in, have larger front legs
Coloration: Extremely translucent, eye cones are visible. Joints are dark due to blood flow.
Eyes: Has two eyes on the front, two on each side, and two on the back of their head
References: Wikipedia, US Dept. of Agriculture, Washington State, PestWorld.Org, Michigan State
Striped Lynx Spider
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Bite: Little danger to humans, only cause temporary pain and swelling.
Temperament: Daytime ambush predator, nimble. Can shoot venom 20cm/7.9in, only observed in adult females. Strong sense of smell to detect prey. Consuming nectar early in life can deter cannibalism and lengthen lifespan somewhat. Jumps and uses dragline like jumping spiders, is not classified as one.
Habitat: Native coast to coast of southern United States, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Lives at the top of vegetation in open areas like fields and backyards. Most well seen in Florida and American South.
Size: Females 5.7-6.7mm, males 4-4.5mm and more slender. Fangs are large in proportion to head
Coloration: Pale yellow, can adjust coloration. Males resemble females, but are iridescent that can appear coppery, silvery-green, or purple. Males are usually more red/orange
References: North American Insects & Spiders, University Florida, University Florida, University Florida, iNaturalist
Other spiders I want to look at later: Heliophanus flavipes, Telamonia dimidiata, Crab spiders, Misumena vatia, orchard orbweaver
Note: Always do your own research!!! Doubt the information I gave you!!!
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cappucosmico · 5 days
hyperfixations areso weird i'll get into something and not know where to start my research and like skimming a wiki is Boring. and then i'll turn around and get fully into reading about lynx spiders and be delighted when i discover there's a genera that's quasi-social And 5 minutes before that moment i knew fuckall about lynx spiders aside from just a (correct tbf) shot in the dark that a spider i was asked the identity of was one
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My submission to the second @spidersociety-rejects zine!
I’ve always struggled with making a Spider-sona since I’m a boring person and don’t particularly love how I look. Figuring out a Spidersona that actually represents me and that I like was an interesting challenge and confidence builder.
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mutant-distraction · 3 months
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A Green Lynx Spider sits atop a Texas Lantana Bloom.
Peucetia viridans, the green lynx spider, is very useful for agriculture, for pest management. They hunt several moths and their larvae that are crop 'pests' such as bollworms, leafworm moth and cabbage looper moths. They are usually found on plants and change colour late in the season, becoming paler, more yellowy with reddish stripes (great camouflage strategies for autumn), in a process that takes about 16 days.
source: Amazing Nature
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samwise1548 · 1 year
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Haven’t drawn personal stuff in a bit. So I took a break today and finally drew my Spidersona!
[ID: A drawing of a spider person inspired by spiderman. The entire character spread is mainly done in shades of green and gold.In the top middle their name, Spider-Lynx” is written. Their suit is comprised of a yellow kurta with a spider-esque pattern. Over it he wears a short jacket with striped, puffy sleeves and a floral hoody. Her green spider mask matches her green gloves. A light yellow scarf wraps around their neck. And atop his head is a golden flower crown.
On the left is a full body pose from his back. She is drinking something through a straw. A question mark floats over their head to express his confusion. There are three flags next to him: gender-fluid, lesbian, and asexual flags.
In the center there is a panel where they hang upside down and say “sup” to a surprised citizen.
On the far right is another stand alone panel showing Spider-Lynx unmasked. She wears that same scarf around her head as a hijab, and a different green hoodie over a yellow shirt. She also had square glasses and brown skin. There is an exclamatory speech bubble pointing somewhere out of the panel. Wavy lines float around his head as their spider-senses alert them to the trouble.
In the bottom right corner is a bust of them in their suit. One hand props their head up as he say “omg!! do tell” in a sarcastic tone.
All around the drawings there are small golden flowers sprinkled around. /End ID]
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arachnophanatic · 8 months
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Striped Lynx spider / Oxyopes salticus
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halffizzbin · 1 year
So my week-long task has been trying to identify a VERY small spider that’s living in my bathroom at work, because it was really good at hiding, had little in the way of obvious distinguishing marks or coloration, and was always backlit by the window and hard to photograph.
End of the week and I fucking DID IT.
(Warning for spider photos and also WAY more insight into this thought process than anyone needed or asked for)
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Not perfect but the best I’ve managed so far lol. I narrowed the family down by the eye pattern and leg spines to Oxopidae/lynx spider, then the genus to Oxyepes because of shape, color, and general vibes, and the stripe from the eyes down to the ends of the chelicerae usually means Oxyepes salticus but I’m not 100% on that, her abdominal pattern is unclear.
Her name is Felix and she appears to be semi-permanently roommates with the other bathroom spider, who lives in the other corner of the window and is named Oscar because she’s gotten her webs all over everything.
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Oscar is this one that I assumed was a wolf spider, until she started putting all the webbing down and setting up camp. Then I got a better look at her spinnerets and eyes and yeah I think she’s a grass spider. I mean she is fuckoff HUGE for a grass spider lol but that’s what I’m going with.
Now here’s Mavis because she’s prettier (SORRY) and also because this is the first time I’ve caught her un-hidden in weeks.
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And then she started running away the instant I took the picture
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Look at her go
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vex-bittys · 2 years
Flufftober 2020: Day Sixteen
Prompt: Kemonomimi
Pairing: Fellswap Muffans (and some Muffyrus)
Category: Familial
Note: That’s right, I am going to complete Flufftober! It’s 2 years later, but it’s happening!
Young monsters wear stripes. In more peaceful universes, these simply help identify a monster's age. In dangerous universes where monsters lie, steal, and dust to get ahead, stripes provide a modicum of protection for children. After all, who is going to waste magic bullets for such a meager amount of EXP?
Once a monster's animal ears and tail appear, all bets (and stripes) are off. The badge of adulthood told other monsters exactly how much EXP and trouble a monster was worth. Predator ears and tails warned potential attackers of their victim's power and intent. Prey ears and tails loudly broadcast an opportunity for a quick, safe stat boost.
So far Mutt's sharp wolf ears and Raspberry’s striped sweaters had served the pair well, but Mutt began to lose sleep to a gut-churning mixture of hope and worry as Raspberry teetered on the cusp of graduation from stripes to ears. What form would his undersized brother's ears and tail take?
Please let them be something suitably intimidating, Mutt pleaded to whatever unseen power might be listening to the desperate prayers of monsters in their stars-forsaken Underground, though none had answered him yet. I just want him to be safe.
Mutt awoke to the sound of his brother wailing. The normally lackadaisical skeleton leapt to his feet in an instant, bone attacks at the ready, wolf ears twitching to pinpoint Raspberry’s exact location. Right outside his bedroom door? Weird, but convenient. 
Mutt opened the door, ready to deliver some well-deserved brotherly teasing, but the sight before him froze his SOUL in his chest. There, atop his brother’s skull (and ridiculously easy for him to see from his superior height) sat a pair of oversized, floppy rabbit ears. Mutt didn't bother checking his brother’s tail; the ears alone were a death sentence. He stood speechless, his little brother staring at him with wide, desperate eyelights.
"I HAVE FLOPPY BUNNY EARS," wailed Raspberry unnecessarily when his brother hesitated.
Mutt fumbled for some reassurance to give him. "maybe they'll stand up if you give 'em time?" The words fell flat, and both skeletons knew it.
"THEY'RE BUNNY EARS." Hysterical tears overflowed Raspberry’s sockets. He looked pathetic in his plain, unadorned adult shirt and drooping ears, exactly the kind of appearance that screamed EXP fodder. Turning away from his unhelpful brother, Raspberry dashed down the stairs… and out the front door.
Not bothering to throw anything on over his “tank top and boxers” sleepwear ensemble, Mutt followed.
Muffet just wanted to get the tabletops in her bar scrubbed down before she opened for business, but the commotion taking place outside her door caused her elegant lynx ears to flatten in irritation. With a sigh, she abandoned further cleaning in favor of going outside to teach some noisy hooligans a lesson. Instead of the expected hooligans, the spider monster found skeletons, skeletons she grudgingly admitted to being quite fond of, surrounded by a mob of EXP hungry attackers.
The first time she'd laid (all five) eyes on the skeletons, Mutt had been digging in the dumpster behind her restaurant, the tiniest of babybones tucked under his worn striped sweater for warmth. Realizing he'd been caught, he bravely stood his ground. He only had one request, and it wasn't MERCY for himself.
"you c'n dust me if y'want, but please don't hurt my little bro."
He pulled the babybones out from under his shirt, just a tiny skull visible from the tightly swaddled maroon blanket that he now wore as a bandana. Little Raspberry was fast asleep, exhausted by cold and hunger.
So she fed them. 
And she let them move into a house she owned in Snowdin. 
And if she happened to "find" spider silk garments in exactly their respective sizes as they grew up, who dared to question it? The skeleton brothers were orphans, after all.
Her orphans.
The older skeleton brother, Mutt, pushed his younger brother behind him, but not before Muffet spotted the source of the problem. Poor little Raspberry had sprouted a damning pair of lop bunny ears overnight. Magic crackled in the air, but it dissipated as soon as Muffet stepped outside onto the snow covered street. Her reputation alone forced the assailants to take a collective step back.
Pretending not to notice the deference,  Muffet strode over to the pair of skeletons. Standing next to Raspberry, she stroked the soft magic of one of his ears. In a voice that carried to the entire crowd, she complimented him.
"Ahuhuhu, I haven't seen such elegant Boss monster ears since Queen Toriel stopped visiting! You'll achieve great things with ears like those, I'd bet my restaurant on it!"
After her words faded, Muffet fixed each monster in the crowd with a baleful five-eyed glare, the tufts on her lynx ears giving her an impressive height and providing the crowd with a spectacular view of her wicked fangs. The unspoken statement rang out crystal clear: these young skeletons were under Muffet's protection, and her ruthlessness far outweighed the damage done by having an adorable pair of lop bunny ears, even with the little cotton ball tail to match.
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animal71154 · 1 year
okokok i wanna make a list of interesting animals that i like and some of which i have trouble remembering sometimes. i will edit this over time. ok. i thought we would be able to do readmores on mobile by now but apparently not. ok (i also always forget the word reconcile so that can be here too)
MARSUPIALS common brushtail possum, quoll, tasmanian devil, thylacine, cuscus (common spotted cuscus, sulawesi bear cuscus, silky cuscus), opossum (white-eared opossum, four-eyed opossum, yapok/water opossum), tree kangaroo, glider (greater glider, yellow-bellied glider)
RODENTS rat, mouse, nutria, Gambian pouched rat, capybara, Brazilian porcupine, jerboa (long-eared jerboa), chinchilla, vizcacha
MUSTELIDS ferret, weasel, stoat, marten (yellow-throated marten), skunk (spotted skunk), mink, greater hog badger
PRIMATES tarsier, aye aye, ring tailed lemur, japanese macaque, gelada, marmoset (pygmy marmoset), capuchin, spider monkey (red-faced spider monkey), howler monkey, white-faced saki
VIVERRIDS binturong, civet (owston's palm civet, African civet, banded palm civet), linsang, genet
PROCYONIDS kinkajou, coati, ringtail/cacomistle, raccoon
HOGS wild boar (really been enjoying these lately) , red river hog, pygmy hog
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FELINES margay, rusty-spotted cat, black-footed cat, asiatic golden cat, bornean bay cat, little spotted cat/oncilla, jaguarundi, sandcat, lynx, bobcat, caracal, serval, fishing cat, pallas' cat
ANTEATERS tamandua, giant anteater, silky anteater, pangolin
LAPINES rabbit (flemish giant rabbit, sumatran striped rabbit, Netherland dwarf broken chocolate colour (someone said i would be this if i was a bunny)), hare
OTHER MAMMALS fossa, mongoose (yellow mongoose, common slender mongoose), elephant shrew (black and rufous elephant shrew), treeshrew, colugo, spotted hyena, antelope (oryx, roan antelope), honduran white bat
FISH eel (New Zealand longfin eel, moray eel, gulper eel), black ghost knife fish
ARACHNIDS jumping spider, house spider, daddy long legs, huntsman spider, tarantula, camel spider, tailless whip scorpion, horseshoe crab
OTHER INVERTEBRATES snail (giant African snail), slug, slater/pill bug, isopod, praying mantis, bee (honeybee, bumble bee), moth, millipede, centipede, earwig, beetle, sand hopper
ok now im tired and im going to go to bed. i will readmore this tomorrow when im on the computer maybe. goodnight
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Nature Memo #1
I decided to go on a little adventure over the weekend since I had three days off (I generally work on the weekends and am almost always on-call for crisis situations). I picked up a new journal so that I could collect plant samples and press them. I've been intending to do this for way too long (2011) but have not gotten around to doing it until now.
I find nature to be mesmerizing and way too often taken for granted. Parks are great, and those with unpaved nature trails are even better. But even then, they are taken for granted.
In any event, below are the list of observations that I made. This is incomplete because I did not include the trees and shrubs that were observed. Of the 29 listed items below, 10 were ones that I had not previously recorded, so I'm pretty excited about that. The total number of living species (plants, insects, birds, reptiles, fungi, arachnids, mammals, fish, mollusks, amphibians, and other species) that I have recorded (as in, photographed, dated, and confirmed the species of) is now 276.
Plants observed (all pressed!)
Oxalis triangularis, False Shamrock
Narcissus poeticus, Poet’s Narcissus
Achillea millefolium, Common Yarrow
Muscari neglectum, Grape Hyacinth
Galium aparine, Catchweed Bedstraw
Stellaria media, Common Chickweed
Oxalis violacea, Violet Woodsorrel
Vinca minor, Lesser Periwinkle
Bowlesia incana, Hoary Bowlesia
Narcissus tazetta, Bunch-flowered Daffodil
Veronica persica, Bird’s-eye Speedwell
Valerianella locusta, Common Cornsalad
Allium vineale, Wild Garlic
Cardamine hirsuta, Hairy Bittercress
Ranunculus hispidus, Bristly Buttercup
Ornithogalum umbellatum, Common Star-of-Bethlehem
Houstonia pusilla, Tiny Bluet
Viola bicolor, American Field Pansy
Claytonia virginica, Virginia Spring Beauty
Insects observed
Camponotus pennsylvanicus, Black Carpenter Ant
Papilio rutulus, Western Tiger Swallowtail (Butterfly)
Coleomegilla maculata, Spotted Pink Ladybeetle
Polistes Carolina, Red Wasp
Eurema lisa, Little Yellow (Butterfly)
Celastrina ladon, Spring Azure (Butterfly)
Amphibians observed
Pseudacris crucifer, Spring Pepper (Frog)
Fungi observed
Trametes versicolor, Turkey-tail
Cladonia evansii, Evan’s Deer Moss
Arachnids observed
Oxyopes salticus, Striped Lynx Spider
Next step is to let the pressed plans dry, followed by labeling, dating, notes on GPS coordinates for each sample, as well as information on whether it it is edible, seasonal growth, and if I am feeling particularly brave I will attempt to draw them.
All of these samples were taken in Arkansas between Siloam Springs, Pea Ridge National Battlefield, and Bella Vista.
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english-project3 · 2 months
the generic name of lynx spiders is oxyopes. In Greek, it is 'ὀξύςὤψ' which means sharp-eyed. ὀξύς (oxús) means sharp and ὤψ (ṓps) means eye.
the family name ‘oxyopidae’ (derived from the genus name) is a combination of the Greek word for sharp (ὀξύς / oxús) and the Latin word for foot (pes). AND they have black spiny bristles on their legs! hence the sharp legs!!!
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this is a green lynx spider! (peucetia viridans) the genus, ‘peucetia’ translates to smallness in Latin. the species (viridans) means green in latin. combined, the scientific name (latin name) translates to a little greenness!
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this is a striped lynx spider! (oxyopes salticus) the word 'salticus' comes from the latin word 'saltus", which means jumping!!
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a-final-push · 5 months
Canon Characters
These are lists of characters I am willing to play. Though a ? mark means my grasp on them is shaky, or I don't know alot about them. But I'm still willing to try. A ! means that there is a note at the bottom about it.
-Star Rail: Asta, Bailu, Bronya, Clara, Fu Xuan, Guinaifen, Hanya (?), Herta (?), Himeko, Hook, Houhou, Jingliu, Kafka, Lynx, March 7th, Natasha, Pela, Qingque, Ruan Mei, Seele (?), Serval, Silver Wolf, Stelle, Sushang, Tingyun, Topaz, Xueyi (?), Yukong
-SAO: Yulier, Asuna, Sachi, Argo, Lisbeth, Lux, Sasha, Silica, Yuna, Kizmel, Yui, Koharu, Philla, Premiere (?) Tia (?), Rain, Strea, Alicia Rue, Yukki, Sakuya, Black Lotus (and other Accel World characters from the crossover game), Seven, Sinon, Shirley (?), Fukaziroh, LLENN, Pitohui, Afasys, Kureha, Zeliska, Alice Zuberg, Sadina Zuberg, Selka Zuberg, Cardinal, Quinella, Ronye Arabel, Sortiliena Serlut, Tiese Shtolienen, Elevator Operator, Fizel, Linel, Fanatio, Scheta (?), Edith, Medina Orthinanos, Aki Natsuki, Koujiro Rinko (?)
Star Wars (!): Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Stass Allie (?), Padme' Amidala, Maarva Andor, The Armorer, Doctor Aphra, The Daughter, Tala Durith, Jyn Erso, Adi Gallia, Stella Gerrera, Cere Junda, Bo-Katan Kryze, Satine Kryze, Mon Mothma, Peli Motto, Enfys Nest (?), Jocasta Nu, Omega, Kestu Onya (?), Airhnda Pryce, Aayla Secura, Fennec Shand, Trilla Suduri, Hera Syndulla, Shaak Ti, Luminara Unduli, Assajj Ventress, Iden Versio, Zam Wesell, Sabine Wren, Maris Brood, Juno Eclipse, Mara Jade, Visas Marr (?), Mira (?), Bastilla Shan, Jaina Solo, Meetra Surik (?), Darth Talon (?), Mission Vao, Darth Zannah, Darth Phobos, Princess Leia,
RWBY: Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Salem, Winter, Willow, Velvet, Coco, Cinder, Penny, Pyrrha, Nora, Emerald, Neo, Glynda, Kali
Nier Automata: 2-B, A2, Commander White, 6O, Operator 210, Devola, Popola, Red Girls (?), 2P (?)
Fire Force: Hibana, Iris, Lisa Isaribi, Maki Oze, Tamaki Kotatsu
Guilty Gear Strive: Bridget, Ramlethal, I-No, Elphelt, Milla, Giovanni, Delilah, Baiken,
Gushing Over Magical Girls (!): Magia Baiser, Azul, Magenta, Sulfur
Magirevo: Anisphia Wynn Palettia, Euphyllia Magenta, Lainie Cyan, Lumielle Renè Palettia, Ilia Coral, Tilty Claret, Sylphine Maise Palettia
I'm in love with the Villianess (!): Rae Taylor, Claire François, Misha Jur, Lene Aurousseau, Lambert Aurousseau, Manaria Sousse (?), May François, Aleah François, Lana Lahna (?), Eve Nuhn (?), Joel Santana (?), Yu Bauer, Philine Nur (?), Lily Lilium, Clarice Répète III
Bloom into You: Yuu Koito, Touko Nanami, Riko Hakozaki, Akari Hyuuga, Midori Igarashi, Koyomi Kanou, Miyako Kodama, Rei Koito, Sayaka Saeki, Manaka Yoshida, Chie Yuzuki
Candy Boy: Yukino Sakuri, Kanade Sakuri, Sakuya Kamiyama, Shizuku Sakurai
JJK (!): Maki Zenin, Nobara Kugisaki, Shoko Ieiri, Akari Nitta, Utahime Iori, Mai Zenin, Kasumi Miwa, Momo Nishimiya, Yuki Tsukumo (?)
Demon Slayer: Nezuko, Aoi Kanzaki, Hinatsuru, Kanae Kocho (?), Kanao Tsuyuri, Makio, Naho Takada, Ozaki (?), Suma
MHA (!): Toga, Froppy, Uraraka, Momo, Jiro, Mina, Toru Hagakure, Itsuka Kendo, Ibara Shiozaki, Reiko Yanagi (?), Yui Kodai (?), Kinoko Komori (?), Setsuna Tokage (?), Nejire Hado, Mei Hatsume, Miriko, Ryukyu, Midnight, Ms. Joke, Sirius, Mandalay, Pixie Bob, Ragdoll, Mt. Lady, Star and Stripe, Camie, Eri, Lady Nagat (?), La Brava
DC: Supergirl, Batgirl, Batwoman, Catwoman, Zatanna, Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Enchantress, Killer Frost, Ratcatcher 2
Marvel (!): Captain Marvel, Khamala Khan, Spider-Gwen, Madame Web (?), Elektra, Black Widow, Kate Bishop, Angela, Gamora, Nebula, Maria Hill, Squirrel Girl, Jessica Jones, America Chavez
Assasin's Creed: (There are way way too many characters, but just ask and I'll see what I can do.)
Hades: Meg, Persphone, Nythos, Artemis, Athena
Mass Effect: Fem Shepard, Ashley Williams, Liara T'Soni, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Dr. Chakwas, Jack, Miranda Lawson, Katsumi Goto (?), Samara, Kelly Chambers, Gabriella Daniels, Samantha Traynor, Cora Harper, Vetra Nyx, Suvi Anwar
Madoka Magica/Magia Record: Mami Toemoe, Homura Akemi, Madoka Kaname, Sayaka Miki, Kyoko Sakura, Nagisa Momoe, Iroha Tamaki, Yachiyo Nanami, Tsuruno Yui, Sana Futaba, Felicia Mitsuki, Ui Tamaki, Nemu Hiiragi, Mifuyu Azusa, Momoko Togame, Rena Minami, Kaede Akino, Mitama Yakumo
More can be added in the future, but this is already a ton to go off of.
! Notes:
-For Star Wars, I prefer Legends, before Disney took over. So I will use those versions if possible.
-For Gushing Over Magical Girls, I'd prefer to wait until it's all out.
-I've only read the first two LNs of I'm In Love With the Villianess
-I have only seen season 1 of jjk, but have had some spoilers
-I'm not caught up on MHA, the villian power up season was the last I saw.
-For Marvel, most will be based on their mcu versions except for like Carol Danvers and Khamala Khan.
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drhoz · 9 months
Culeenup Island Species List - Spiders
2023 - June 9th to 11th
12C-18.5C, 2.4mm-12.5mm rain, strong wind on Sunday
(33+ spp.)
SPIDERS - Jumping Spiders (Salticidae)
Spikey Peacock Spider Maratus spicatus, ♂️ and ♀️ Jotus sp. Threatening Jumping Spider Helpis minitabunda Other unidentified Salticidae 2 spp.
SPIDERS - Orbweaver Families
Australasian Garden Orb-Weavers Hortophora sp. (Araneidae) Socca sp. (Araneidae) Australian Golden Orbweaver Trichonephila edulis (Nephilidae) Longjawed Orbweavers Tetragnatha 2 spp. (Tetragnathidae) Other unidentified Orbweavers, 2 spp.
SPIDERS - Prowling Families
Leichhardteus sp. (Corinnidae) White-tailed Spider Lampona sp. (Lamponidae) Small Striped Wolf Artoria sp. (Lycosidae) Dingosa sp. (Lycosidae) Tasmanicosa sp. (Lycosidae) Venator immansuetus (Lycosidae) Prowling Spider Argoctenus sp. (Miturgidae) Other unidentified Miturgid 1 sp. Lynx Spider Oxyopes sp. (Oxyopidae)
SPIDERS - Other Families
Undescribed Cyclocrassus sp. (Cycloctenidae) Two-tailed Spider Tamopsis sp. (Hersiliidae) Natal Daddy Longlegs Spider Smeringopus natalensis (Pholcidae) Delena lapidicola (Sparassidae) Leishmann's Huntsman Isopeda leishmanni (Sparassidae) Diamond Combfoot Cryptachaea veruculata (Theridiidae) Unidentified Red-and-Black Combfoot (Theridiidae) Cymbacha ocellata (Thomisidae) Isala sp. (Thomisidae) Hemicloea sp. Flat Spider (Trochanteriidae)
3+ other unidentified spider spp., various families
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pratheepvijay3097 · 2 years
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Remember that every story has two sides. It reminds me of your face ! 😶‍🌫️ • ( Striped lynx spider ) 🕷️ #pratheepvijay #pratheepvijayphotography #nature #spider #stripedlynxspider #oxyopes #Oxyopessalticus #lynxspider #Arachnida #Araneae #Species #Oxyopidae #wild #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifephotographer #insect #macro #instagood #instagram #photography #photooftheday #picoftheday #nofilter #naturelover #shotoniphone #realme8pro #shotonrealme #love #art @natgeo @natgeoindia @natgeowild @natgeotravel @natgeoyourshot @natgeotravellerindia @natgeoadventure @natgeointhefield @natgeofineart @natgeoasia @natgeochannel @natgeoexpeditions @natgeo.la @natgeonl @natgeolatam @natgeoencounter @natgeodocs @animalsdoingthings @animalplanet @animalplanetindia @animalaid_india @animalhopeandwellness @discovery @discoverychannelin @discoveryplusindia @discover @discoveryla @grikart_macro @macro_delight @apple @instagram @wholelottabugs @insectguru @naturein_focus @nature_org @wildkarnataka @wildtakes @wildlifeplanet @world_wildlife @incredibleindia @bbcearth @earth @sonybbcearth @natural_history_museum @earthalliance @earthroamer @incredibleindia @macro_brilliance @nature @nature_brilliance @lonelyplanet @ourplanet @lightroom @kumudamonline @bbcwildlifemagazine @asiangeographic @naturesbestphotomagazine @discoverindia.magazine @wildlifeindia @zealwildlifecentral @fwdlife_magazine @climbingmagazine @lonelyplanetmagazineindia @thecaravanmagazine @wildlifesos @realmeindia @realmecreatorshub @realmeglobal @realmeindonesia @realmetechlife @realmepakistanofficial @realmebangladeshofficial @realmebr.official @realmecolombia @realme.taiwan @realmeiraq @realmeegypt @realmemx @realmearabia @realmemalaysia @realme.nepal @realme.it @realmeuk @realmephilippines @realmesaudi @realme.polska @realmekenya (at Pudukkottai/tamilnadu) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgw5gvUhL46/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cupozo · 3 years
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Spoot she’s a striped lynx spider 
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arachnophanatic · 9 months
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Good old striped Lynx spider, Oxyopes salticus.
(Ma’am PLEASE direct me toward the males though, I have too many photos of you already.)
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