#Strom Thurmond
deadpresidents · 9 months
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oldshowbiz · 1 year
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The Unfailing Consistency of the Bigot’s Playbook.
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alanshemper · 4 months
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iamtheweirdomister · 1 month
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Strom Thurmond (1902-2003) Physique: Average Build Height: 5’ 10" (1.78 m)
James Strom Thurmond Sr. was an American politician who represented South Carolina in the United States Senate from 1954 to 2003. Prior to his 48 years as a senator, he served as the 103rd governor of South Carolina from 1947 to 1951. Thurmond was a member of the Democratic Party until 1964, when he joined the Republican Party for the remainder of his legislative career. He also ran for president in 1948 as the Dixiecrat candidate, receiving over a million votes and winning four states.
I'm not saying he was the handsomest guy or could have fuck the cum out of me. What I am saying is he'd get a blow and a pat of the ass. Then I'd send him on his way. What? He was my state's senator when I first took notice of politicians. And I thought he was cute when he'd liven up when a young lady was near by.
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robnraged · 6 days
Back in 2020, re: Biden's nomination, I scribbled this one: "Mr. Trump must be secretly delighted!"
“When I have a difficult subject before me and can see no other way of teaching a well-established truth except by pleasing one intelligent man and displeasing 10,000 fools I prefer to address myself to one man and take no notice whatsoever of the condemnation of the multitude.”  – Rabbi Moses Maimonides, 12th Century Yes, True believers, I believe that Mr. Trump must be secretly delighted that…
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ivovynckier · 1 year
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Lindsey Graham almost cries as he defends The Donald. His sell-by date has passed. The great state of South Carolina has a new Strom Thurmond in the making.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Rev. Moon Aide Concedes KCIA Sent Him $3,000 (1978)
By Charles R. BabcockMarch 23, 1978
The Korean Central Intelligence Agency delivered $3,000 in cash to the chief aide of Rev. Sun Myung Moon in 1976, according to congressional testimony yesterday.
It was the first evidence that an official of the Unification Church received money from the KCIA. The House international organizations subcommittee has been investigating alleged ties between the church and the Korean government.
Bo Hi Pak, interpreter for the Korean evangelist, acknowledged during a hearing yesterday that he had received the money in $100 bills from Sang Keun Kim, a KCIA agent who sought asylum in the United States in late 1976.
But he said he took the cash only as a favor to Yang Doo Won, a high-ranking KCIA official in Seoul.
Pak said that on a later trip to Korea, he passed the money on to a member of the Unification Church from Japan. The Korean government wanted to reimburse the woman for expense incurred on an anti-communist speaking tour in Korea, he said.
Pak could not explain why the KCIA, rather than another government agency, would handle the reimbursement.
Subcommittee sources said later that they did not find Pak's explanation convincing.
Meanwhile, accused Korean agent Tongsun Park appeared for the first time before a federal grand injury in Washington yesterday.
His questioning focused on his relations with former Rep. Otto E. Passman (D-La.), sources said. This raises the possibility that the Justice Department is near a decision on seeking an indictment against the long-time chairman of the House appropriations subcommittee with control of the foreign aid budget.
Park is reported to have told prosecutors that he gave Passman more than $200,000 over the years to obtain his support for increased shipments of food for Peace rice to South Korea. Passman has denied the allegations.
Park received about $9 million in commissions on rice sales from 1970 to 1975.
Pak's appearance before the House subcommittee yesterday was forced under a federal court order, according to Rep. Edward Derwinski (R-Ill.) the ranking minority member of the subcommittee.
Pak, 47, had cited First and Fifth Amendment protections in refusing an earlier subcommittee attempt to gain his testimony. But a U.S. District Court judge recently signed a "use immunity" order, which forces testimony, sources said.
His appearance opened with the reading of a 50-page statement criticising the subcommittee and press for maligning the church. He closed by reciting The Lord's Prayer. His entire testimony was recorded on video and audio tape for the Unification Church.
The articulate 47-year-old former Korean army colonel said he regretted accepting the money from the KCIA because he feared his explanation might be distorted.
Pak said he presumed the money and a six-page handwritten letter from Yang, who earlier had been the KCIA station chief in Washington, came into the United States through the embassy's diplomatic pouch.
He said it was the only occasion on which he took money from the KCIA. Earlier in the day he had sworn that "not a penny came from the Korean government and not one direction" during the mid-1960s when he worked without salary for the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation.
That Washington-based tax-exempt corporation raised millions of dollars over the years for anti-communist radio broadcasts from Seoul.
During the hearing yesterday, Rep. Donald M. Fraser (D-Minn.), the subcommittee chairman, questioned Pak about severl indications of connections between the Korean government and Moon-church-related people and organizations. He appeared to be establishing a record for a possible perjury referral.
Pak made these points in his answers:
He denied taking part in or knowing about meetings in the Korean Blue House, the presidential mansion, in the fall of 1970 where U.S. intelligence reports said his name was mentioned as part of a government sponsored lobbying effort in the United States.
He acknowledged approaching President Park Chung Hee in the fall of 1970, though, to urge that he send a letter to American contributors to Radio of Free Asia, which sponsored anti-communist broadcasts.
He furnished the committee with a letter from Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.) which said the State Department had no objection to the Korean president's letter. A Thurmond aide said yesterday the senator had no recollection of either Park or the letter.
He met Tongsun Park through former Korean ambassador Yang You Chan and asked Park to join the KCFF board in hopes "maybe we could squeeze some money out of him." Park never contributed to the group's projects, however, he said.
He explained a $100 gift in 1968 from KCFF to a key aide to the Blue House security chief as "a reality of life" in Korea. "It helps to have a friend in government," he said.
The subcommittee will resume questioning Pak on April 11, after the Easter recess.
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deadpresidents · 1 year
Any third-party candidate in a post 1900 presidential contest who could have made a decent or average, if unspectacular, President of the USA?
Former President Theodore Roosevelt was a third-party candidate in 1912 against incumbent Republican President Taft and Democratic nominee (and eventual winner) Woodrow Wilson, so I think he's an obvious pick. Other than that, most of the major third-party candidates wouldn't have been great choices because they were racist protest nominees like Strom Thurmond or George Wallace. Ross Perot doesn't deserve to be compared with Thurmond or Wallace, but I don't think he would have been any good as President. Maybe Robert M. La Follette Sr., who did fairly well as a third-party challenger to President Coolidge and Democratic nominee John W. Davis in 1924?
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oldshowbiz · 11 months
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Junior senator Strom Thurmond supported a proposal to exempt the ku klux klan from property taxes.
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pitch-and-moan · 2 years
1458 Great Moments in Racism
A faithful, moment by moment recreation of Strom Thurmond's filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, resulting in a putrid, over 24 hour film.
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rootfish13 · 2 years
Stromboli Thurmond
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alliluyevas · 2 months
Cannon keeps mentions a “Senator Thurman” who I assume is this guy but every time I’m like damn Strom Thurmond was older than I thought lmfao
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revoltinglesbians · 4 months
just learned strom thurmond died the same day lawrence v texas was decided. gay sex wins <3
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thenewdemocratus · 11 months
C-SPAN: Nadie Cohodas: Strom Thurmond Biography: The Politics of Southern Change (1993)
Source:The New Democrat  The best thing I can say about Senator Strom Thurmond, as someone who is not a fan, is that he was a reformed segregationist who reformed his views and rhetoric as the predominant views changed, even in South Carolina, especially as African-Americans became more prominent there. Or perhaps he changed his views because he believed he made mistakes in the past, but he…
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