blizzweirdo · 1 year
Y'all knew I was going to do this, right?
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roughridingrednecks · 7 months
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juanebaart · 11 months
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Inktober 31 My fav-Stukov
Happy Halloween
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s-dei · 5 months
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Misc things unposted from a 2023, to complete my posting-check table Didn't had much to say abt them/ had some specific jokes, so i just throw them now in a bunch.
Translations for some: 3-4) Space is a fkin amazing thing - Guys, come fkin on - You don't belong to the club - Him being obsessed with 'stars' doesn't count? - No (For context: after having some short-but-passionate Venom/Kraven frenzy in December, I realized there is some significant amount of russian monsterfuckery in my fixes. While Sergei and Alexei match in alien stuff, you Nikolai gettin no vodka, go work on your combat reports) 7) Ooooh, are you drawing? Yes I do. Come by fkin one, gonna please you all you peaches
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wolfmaw · 6 months
Been hopelessly addicted to StarCraft II co-op for the past couple weeks now... Given my tendencies I thought I would have burned out by now, but I'm still going strong somehow.
At least I haven't touched gacha in a while :)
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berestsk · 2 months
Russian meme format (i dunno how translate it correctly)
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(They are really similar)
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chromezi · 1 year
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Random HotS stuff and my D4 characters, 1 chibi Nec + 1 Rogue WIP
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savior-of-humanity · 1 year
( To Master Chief as Alexei Stukov )
"So you're the Super Soldier everyone's been talking about. Curious. You must of seen plenty of action in your time."
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The physical appearance of the other man was... alarming, to say the least.
Here before him stood a man that looked human, save for the fact that half of his body looked as though it had been infected by something. It reminded him of what a Flood combat form tended to look like - though the anatomy was off. Instead of decaying, putrid olive-green flesh, there were thick brown chitinous plates interwoven with purple flesh. Aside from the fact that his eyes glowed like fire, half of his face had holes in it, and the infested arm... he looked like a relatively normal human being.
Still, John kept his distance. Just to be safe.
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"I'm told that I get talked about a lot." A small jab at humor - John's was notoriously dry. "But yes. I've seen a lot in my time as a Spartan."
Insurrectionists. The Covenant. The Flood. The Forerunners. Oh yes, he had seen a lot.
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st-just · 9 months
I know I've said this before ad nauseum, but the little hints of plot and distinctive voices do really make me yearn for the degree of narrative and character writing seen in, like, Starcraft, or Warcraft 3. The final quest battle wasn't that distinct structurally from like the final Zerg mission in Brood War but really impossible to overstate how much more I cared about any one of Kerrigan/Mengsk/Stukov/Artanis than I do for every character portrayed in this entire game combined.
A lost art though, sadly.
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blizzweirdo · 8 months
If I don't get new Stukov art, I will die.
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brazenautomaton · 7 months
been playing sc2 co-op again
point 1: they gave us Stukov, a Zerg commander who was really a Terran commander. they should have given us a Protoss commander who was really a Zerg commander, that one Queen that hijacked that Protoss ship, who has a bunch of Spear of Adun style calldowns of ship systems that don't work right because she clogged them with goop, and uses pylon power like creep, and has a mix of zerg units and totally robotic Protoss units they've got half-cracked open and are messing with. hey I couldn't figure out how to get this Reaver to manufacture Scarabs, but how about it shoots banelings? point 2: someone make a fanfic about being the terrans on "miner evacuation" being rescued by zagara and stukov, that would be funny
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stukovsimp22 · 4 months
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Stukov and his ghost army
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blizzardtm · 1 year
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❝ Adorning oneself with the armaments of heaven does not make one angelic ❞
Blizzardtm, Multi-muse, Fet. Ebyssian, Mimiron, Imperius, Alexei Stukov and others, Mutuals only, 18+, Triggering content, Penned by André
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renaultmograine · 10 months
I know silence Stukov in ARAM is the meta and all but I stand by the belief that nothing is funnier than going full burst healing and just making your team a fucking brick wall.
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jadowdra · 2 years
tagged by @trackerwrites almost a month a go but somehow I didn’t see it until now x.x
ten characters, ten fandoms, maybe ten tags
Bolvar Fordragon (Warcraft)
Blish (Guild Wars 2)
Zavala (Destiny)
Pyke (Leauge of Legends)
Boromir (Lord of the Rings)
Boba Fett (Star Wars)
Lucatiel of Mirrah (Dark Souls 2)
Daud (Dishonored)
Alexei Stukov (Starcraft)
Itherael (Diablo)
No pressure tags for: @loki-n-thedoctor, @mysdrym, @khadgarfield, @skymagpie, @peace-blooms, @ermakeys, @janzoo, @thecodyagenda, @puirell, @maenara
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linnrolls · 1 year
Starcraft 2 Co-Op Rambling Don't Mind Me
I just need to ramble about sc2 co-op a bit. Disregard this post if you don't care for that.
I'm getting really into Stukov and he's tons of fun, I have the first prestige now and there's so many cool upgrades. But maaan I wish the starport got some love. It's affected by prestige 1 but the units are so much worse than the factory...
Like the barracks units first of all are temporary but do insane DPS and are super cheap so if you focus on those you are just churning out marines like nobody's business and it's very chill.
And the factory has these insanely long range siege tanks that essentially fire banelings which not only wrecks groups of enemies but also acts as a good distraction.
But it also offers the diamondback which is just a force of nature, it brings flying units down to the ground and it can fire while moving and even leaves behind slime that damages+slows pursuers so it's super hard to nail down and can fight almost anything.
And then there's the starport... You get banshees as your main anti-ground and their payload has enough of a travel time and zero aoe that I just had 40 banshees unload on a single broodling, probably overkilling it by about 1000 with tons of other targets around.
That's kinda what all of this rambling is building up to, I just do not understand why they didn't give the banshees a line aoe after hitting their target, it'd solve that problem perfectly.
The starport has a solid anti-air option in the liberator, which is really cool in its infested form, and the banshees are quite durable, but maaan I feel like he needs some aoe or a snappier attack on those banshees...
I think I'll just do liberator+diamondback on the shuttle mission and diamondback/tank on other missions if I'm going mech. Infested marines counter everything lol, but once I finish prestiging to 3 I will prolly embrace the bunker style of production.
Okay I'm done rambling now.
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