savior-of-humanity · 1 year
( To Master Chief as Alexei Stukov )
"So you're the Super Soldier everyone's been talking about. Curious. You must of seen plenty of action in your time."
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The physical appearance of the other man was... alarming, to say the least.
Here before him stood a man that looked human, save for the fact that half of his body looked as though it had been infected by something. It reminded him of what a Flood combat form tended to look like - though the anatomy was off. Instead of decaying, putrid olive-green flesh, there were thick brown chitinous plates interwoven with purple flesh. Aside from the fact that his eyes glowed like fire, half of his face had holes in it, and the infested arm... he looked like a relatively normal human being.
Still, John kept his distance. Just to be safe.
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"I'm told that I get talked about a lot." A small jab at humor - John's was notoriously dry. "But yes. I've seen a lot in my time as a Spartan."
Insurrectionists. The Covenant. The Flood. The Forerunners. Oh yes, he had seen a lot.
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( To Nepoty as Jim Raynor )
In Virtua Forest, the sound of gunfire could be heard, causing numerous birds to fly out of the trees and numerous Dogoo's running away. The source of the gunfire was a rather large man in a huge armored suit, firing some kind of firearm at an Ancient Dragon.
"Damn it. This thing's runnin' out of Juice!"
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The Ancient Dragon rammed into the armored male, prompting a struggle that the dragon was about to win.
"Alright, big guy. Take your shot."
He clearly has not fought an Ancient Dragon before. He needs help.
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While Nepoty conveniently was near the fight when that happened, she didn't immediately help that man. Instead she was observing the situation at hand, aware that he may be in danger, but won't interfere if he seemed...Less than friendly.
So instead of fighting, she was observing the fight.
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utapok · 1 year
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There are unexpected alliances, arising sometimes in the harsh Koprulu sector. Rival races need to combine their technologies to face the dangers of deep space... Protoss commission!
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artis-dead · 1 year
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"My grandfather was a revered Starcraft veteran, known for his unparalleled mastery of the Terran, Zerg, and Protoss factions. With swift APM (Actions Per Minute) and impeccable micromanagement, he orchestrated epic battles that shook the very core of the Koprulu Sector. His brilliant tactical mind allowed him to outmaneuver opponents, executing flawless build orders and scouting strategies. In the chaos of intergalactic warfare, he was a beacon of calm, making split-second decisions that turned the tide of battles. His strategies, from classic 1-1-1 builds to innovative proxy plays, became the stuff of legends in the Starcraft community. Grandfather's legacy lives on in the virtual stars, where players still study his replays, hoping to glean a fraction of his strategic genius."
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moonlitsorceress · 1 year
@the-koprulu-sector​ continued from here
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“So this is how today will go huh? So much for being retired.” Saya thought letting out a sigh as she folded her arms. “May as well find out more about this before any fighting starts.” Looking up at Alarak, the wolf raised an eyebrow. “Of use to you huh? You should know, that that’s not going to end well for you.” With a smirk, her eyes started to glow blue as she took a step closer. “I would suggest recalling your fleet and leaving.”
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marveledheroines · 1 year
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“Hmm....yup...I got no damn clue where I am... Though going off the terrain...”
“I’m either about to fight God, or maybe cool aliens will pop up!”
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“Wait... I’m the variable here so wouldn’t that mean I’m the alien here? Hm. Oh well, time to wander around and see what I find, I guess.”
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adhdo5 · 11 months
I hate it here I want to go back to the Koprulu Sector
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regina-bithyniae · 1 year
Beat SC1 up through the Terran Brood War campaign. Remember trying and having absolutely no chance as a kid. Now all you've gotta do is mass battlecruisers and steamroll. Funny how something any adult with a brain can do is just completely beyond the means of even a fairly bright 11 year-old
Why did everybody band together against the UED? They did basically pacify the entire Koprulu sector in like, a few months tops(?). Maybe a year. Booted Mengsk out, brought the Overmind under human control. Surely they're the lesser evil to the protoss, and why would Raynor even consider working with Kerrigan and Mengsk?
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ranboo5 · 2 years
My SC2 ladder headcanons (Dream SMP characters playing StarCraft II multiplayer) should not be confused with my StarCraft AU (Dream SMP in the Koprulu Sector)
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headlesssamurai · 6 years
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Terran - Jacked up and good to go!
Please consider donating if you like our boards
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savior-of-humanity · 1 year
“Let’s finish the fight!”
I'm the writer behind who you knew as the-koprulu-sector, who you probably have been seeing lately as spindrift-knight. Looking forward to interacting with you with the Neptunia cast!
Thank you for reading my rules!! :]
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Astraios Plejaren
March 14, 2021 @ 8:00 am
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Namaste . Retrieving imagery of breakaway civilization (s) bifurcation of the ascension paradigm intrusion. Intentions Are dual purpose. Fear of losing food/dispensation (?) had to lookup { https://www.dictionary.com/browse/dispensation the divine ordering of the affairs of the world. an appointment, arrangement, or favor, as by God. a divinely appointed order or age: the old Mosaic, or Jewish, dispensation; the new gospel, or Christian, dispensation. a dispensing with, doing away with, or doing without something.} Same group not Celestials, Nazi’s in Alaska/Neu Swaaben_lannd (?) who did a fly by or Hoover-by of the WH 1956-ish (?). The Ascending species of goddess/godling on Terra is an inevitability. Originally, space Faring race from a timeline/when time. Information now defunct vatican catacombs/dungeon libraries literature from Alexander/Andromeda/Mu/At_lan/ir Atlantis (?). This bought/paid for institutions/Smithsonian criminal empires misappropriation of Cosmic/consciousness expansion of Sources fractals. The Mind expressed of consciousness/Terrans/The terrans (or humans) are a young species with psionic potential. The terrans of the Koprulu sector descend from the survivors of a disastrous 23rd century colonization mission from Earth by Doran Routhe.[1] Compared to the protoss and zerg, the terrans are highly factionalized and endure frequent wars amongst themselves in addition to the more recent conflicts with their alien neighbors. Nevertheless, terrans stand as one of the three dominant species of the galaxy.[2] Research Ethereally/ Orion/ Mars war…(?) This data downloaded through Me. Seventh density Star Jumper /Galaxy Ambassador. Past life reading, guarded by Lyra feline transcriptionist (?) Sirian C. Have stopped asking and began being. So… what’s next? Namaste . Astraios Plejaren
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niaranda · 4 years
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Merry Christmas and happy New Year! Each character presents their ideal dish that would be enjoyed by all members of the Koprulu sector at the New Year's feast.
Abathur -  @liocreative
Aldaris -  @iskelan
Artanis -  @niaranda
Vorazun – @utapok
primal drone dish - @LavVeles
fried zergling - @niaranda
slime soup -  @liocreative
"special smoking" -  @iskelan
Bel'Shir schnapps - nyancatfromsteel 
vespen in bottles - @utapok
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bastardsunlight · 3 years
WIP snippet game, tagged by @original-jade
Post a snippet of something you're working on
“Look at ‘em,” Raynor grunted, lifting his mug of beer and gesturing toward the oddly mirrored pair across Hyperion’s cantina. “I mean… really look at ‘em.”
“I am,” said Matt Horner, the ship’s captain and soon-to-be admiral of the Dominion fleet. The promotion was in the offing, though it had not been officially sanctioned. Emperor Valerian Mengsk had formed a sort of parliamentary rulership as best he could in the few years they’d had since the final conflict with Amon and the ascension of the queen of blades. It wasn’t haphazard, per se—very little of what Valerian Mengsk did could have been considered so; it was not his way—but it was hurriedly formed. The details of moving motions to the floor and through the delegates was still in its infancy. All the same, he had assured Horner that it was forthcoming.
“I told ya,” said Jim Raynor, tossing back another mouthful of beer and sighing noisily, pleased with himself.
“And they’re so much alike—mirror images, Jim, not just brothers but…”
“The same man from a different world,” said the old rebel, waxing momentarily poetic. Matt spared him a look and then sighed, shoulders sagging. About a week ago—that was, assuming time worked here like it did in the Koprulu sector, which was up for debate, given that Tychus Findlay and Sarah Kerrigan were regular fixtures here—Raynor had radioed Hyperion for backup and Matt had answered the call, as always. Before parting, however, the commander had mentioned something about a “genuine, bona-fide Valerian Mengsk lookalike from a thousand and ten years ago”. The one thousand years was explained by the young man’s—he was a king, as it turned out, of a place called Stormwind—armor, which was finely-crafted, but could not have been considered modern in any way. Matt remembered likening it to the knights of old bedtime stories… VERY old bedtime stories. The ten years was because Anduin Wrynn had just reached his twentieth year of life, give or take, and Valerian Mengsk was about thirty (again, give or take; childhood seclusion had blurred a few years here and there and his father had hidden the birth records which Valerian still had not found).
As they chatted, one man in red, the other in blue, they looked, from a distance, as if they were identical, mirror images of each other; that was the only descriptor either Matt or Jim could conjure. It was eerie. Fortunately, closer inspection would reveal that Valerian’s eyes were the slate gray of Stormwind castle’s stones and that Anduin had eyes like the summer sky over Augustgrad. Anduin’s features were also a bit softer, with an upturned nose and nearly cherubic face. Valerian’s cheekbones and jaw had hardened into the rugged nobility of his father, though Matt would have sworn on any holy book someone handed him that he was much, much more attractive than Arcturus had been.
Unaware of their observance, or perhaps simply ignoring it in favor of such a rare meeting of minds, Anduin was complimenting the Emperor of the Dominion of Man on the décor of his ship—or trying. He was being kind at least and this prompted Valerian to interject.
“Truthfully, it was stolen from my father, but Raynor opted to keep much of the… opulence; he told me he… got a kick out of it.” Valerian’s smile lit up his face and prompted the young king of Stormwind to join him in smiling. “I would prefer something a little more spartan,” said Valerian after a few moments, “perhaps not austere, but certainly less…” He searched for the word.
They both stopped, locked eyes, and laughed, Valerian laying a hand on his companion’s shoulder. “Yes,” he said between chuckles, “less gilded by half; this is much too ornate for my tastes.”
“The cantina suits its occupants, at least,” observed Anduin after the laughter had subsided. “That is what it is called, yes? A ‘cantina’? Strange word—I haven’t heard its like in Stormwind.”
“Yes,” said Valerian, “it is a cantina and the one place that’s been… customized.”
The area was hung with trophies and placards, pictures, dart boards, and memorabilia. It looked much like a hole-in-the wall dive bar on a backwater planet like Mar Sara. Valerian winced at the thought of that lost fringe colony and the others the Protoss fleet had glassed—its sister planet, Chau Sara leapt immediately to mind—and he forced himself to put those events of a decade and change previous out of his mind.
“I admit,” said Anduin, “I was surprised when Commander Raynor invited me aboard this… contraption—forgive me, it is not entirely unlike our dirigibles and other flying machines, but dissimilar enough that I admit I do not have a name for it, either, aside from Hyperion.”
“It’s a Dominion Battlecruiser, the largest vessel terrans have ever built or used for war aside from the ancient Supercarriers which brought our people to the Koprulu sector,” said Valerian easily, only mildly unsettled by how quickly he was willing to divulge such information to a young man who, until about twenty minutes ago, had been a complete stranger. He has a face I can trust, mused the Emperor wryly. That was something else he intended to address, of course; it was simply too odd to ignore.
Anduin glanced out one of the portholes and tried to imagine what the vastness of space might look like. They were in what Matt had termed “low orbit”, because when they were here, in this place some called The Nexus, he wasn’t certain just how high the “ceiling” went. He did not want to risk his ship on a gamble. Turning his attention back to Valerian, he then spoke the question the Emperor had been stewing on for quite a while.
“We are very alike,” he said, his gentle lilt the only real difference between his voice and that of Valerian Mengsk, “I wonder why that is… don’t you?”
“I do,” said Valerian, nodding. “I confess, it… unsettled me at first, when Mat—that is, Captain Horner first told me of these… dreams he has been having.”
“So he also has the dreams,” mused Anduin. Raynor had admitted almost immediately that he had strange dreams which brought him to this place, in a conversation with Anduin wherein he seemed to be doing his best to avoid the scrutiny of a fearsome-looking woman-thing with wings like sword edges and hair like bony serpents. Anduin had not known at the time that her name was Sarah Kerrigan, but he had been astute enough to guess that there was some history between them, not all of it good. Not all of it bad, either, he reminded himself.
“Yes,” confirmed Valerian, “in fact, before I arrived, he had just been telling me about them—I must have fallen asleep thinking about it, or…” He trailed off, trying his best to make it seem as if the stoppage was not abrupt. What sort of conversation between an Emperor and a Battlecruiser captain might lead so quickly into slumber? He flushed, but the low light of the cantina protected him.
“And so you awoke here, on Hyperion,” concluded Anduin. It was Valerian’s flagship; the emperor had said as much. It made sense he would be sleeping on it.
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switchimpulse · 5 years
Iron Reputation
Log entry 1, GSY 38904, rotation 397, it's about 20:00 hours right now. I figured I'd put in this entry while the event is fresh in my mind, and also because I'm bored out of said mind. The painkillers in stock here on the N*zerethli ship N*zernoOo are limited to an herbal salve which I discovered I'm allergic to, and what's essen--essenen--what's basically a euthanizer for serious wounds--the N*zerethli don't tend to recover from a lost limb or a bad infection, nor do their nervous systems have a 'shock' response to shut down pain. However, I discovered the euthanizer is chemically similar to Earth opioids; in small doses it will numb you almost completely, but my injuries are such that I won't be able to stop using it any time soon. Trouble is, for humans, it also works as a stimulant, so I expect to be awake for at least another 48 hours.
(Transcriptionist's note: Ms. Kowalski's words are severely slurred. I am including an additional invoice, for translation services rendered by yours truly. Some words are still unclear even in context; best guesses are included. Please contact Ms. Kowalski for additional information if necessary.)
We're docked at Deep Blue 24, the big refueling station orbiting Marquette Gamma. We've been here for about five GSRs longer than expected, waiting for a shipment of crystal lettuces/lattices to be delivered to a client in the Ma'alpa quadrant. Five rotations late, these assholes are. So they asked me to contact the shipper overseer.... I guess the captains' impatience finally won out over their tim--timid--their nervous nature, just not enough to do it themselves... Well, that's what I'm here for. Big damn hero and such. Just like my cousin Bama the Hammer Kowalski over in the Koprulu sector. We have actually a lot in common, Bama and I: We're both brawny, blondey, and gay as a big... gay ... thing. Whatever, I'm too high for metaphors. I should send her a holo.
Anyway, I go down to the community deck, which is of course weapons prohibited as much as I'd love to have had a sidearm, and D*lithss the comms officer is hopping along behind me, and we get to the holo comm station, and we're dialing, when there's a grunt behind us. We turn around and there's this big red ugly mass of muscles and spiked armor, staring at us. I look him up and down, and start to turn back as if to ignore him.
He grabs D*lithss by the shoulder and shoves her be--behind him, and she crashes into a mess table across the way. He--I'm assuming it's a he, not from the obvious erection in his crotch, (ew by the way), but from his fuckin' boorish behavior--he goes to shove me away as well, and I grab his wrist and pull him forward to trip over my outstretched leg, which gets me a nasty scrape from an armor spike. He goes down with a grunt, knocking over a couple of chairs in the next holo booth. I yell at him not to fuckin' touch me.
Of course this is already quite the scene and the other holo users are backing away from us. The boor gets up, grunting, which I dunno, was it a language or just grunting? I'll check out the copy of the security holo when Enforcement sends it to us, it'll have captions. He gets up and pulls out some nasty sharp thing and grins. I raise an eyebrow and smile and I tell him, "don't you recognize a human when you see one?" you know, really playing off our reputation because it's easier than fighting. The witnesses start muttering and a few back away farther.
But he either doesn't speak Basic or he doesn't care, because he roars and comes at me with the knife thing. A really dumb forward thrust, something I'd expect from a drunken moron in a bar/bah* fight. I go to sidestep it, but to my surprise he's ready for me and he slashes in my direction, ends up getting me in the arm as I block it last second, twisting away. His other fist swings around and his glove's armor spikes get me deep in my right shoulder as I'm knocked away to the side, stumbling against the holo booth. Serves me right for underestim--timating.
(*Transcriptionist's note: bah is an arena blood sport popular with humans.)
So I'm bleeding and he's grinning with way too many teeth in his ugly mouth, and he licks the knife because sure, why not be as cliché as possible, and he starts at me again. But his face goes confused and he stumbles, and I take the opportunity to grab and pull his wrist again, and this time I slam the heel of my hand into his elbow, breaking it so his arm's bent backwards. He crashes to the ground, and just lays there, twitching.
I found out from Enforcement later that iron is deadly to his species so basically my blood, which is really high in iron content because of my medication, my blood poisoned him, which is actually pretty badass. D*lithss had obviously been terrified of the boor and had fled right away to get Enforcement, who showed up soon after. We went down to their offices and had a chat. Well, OK, I was arrested, but they set me free when they reviewed the security holo, it was clearly self--self-defense. But like hell was I going to pay for a station medic, so we came back to the N*zernoOo.
Turns out the shipper overseer saw the whole thing via the holo comm, and needless to say, our crystal lettuces are going to be here just as soon as possible. I guess sometimes it pays to live up to us humans' reputations. And hey, I get another couple cool scars, and even better: free painkillers!
Here comes a sequel! The tales of Galinda Kowalski and the N*zerethli are far from over! Much love to all of you who Liked and reblogged the last post, this is for you!
Part 1: Serotonin
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