#Subpart F
citizenshipsolutions · 5 months
Monte Silver's Lawsuit Opposing The Procedural Aspect of #GILTI Regs Lives On
In summary – Monte Silver’s lawsuit against GILTI lives on! On April 19, 2024 the U.S. Court Of Appeals released a decision which included: Plaintiffs had objected before the district court that the Anti-Injunction Act did not apply in light of South Carolina v. Regan, 465 U.S. 367 (1984), because they had no other way to litigate their claims. The defendants argued that the Act barred the suit…
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bindeds · 7 months
explaining my musical-only lucifer magne/morningstar playlist bc i would be confused too if i just happened to chance upon this on spotify BUT I HAVE EXPLANATIONS I PROMISE
quick disclaimer before i start, this playlist is still a wip and these are just my headcanons of lucifer’s story from his pov! i just wanted to share because i wasn’t sure if anyone’s done anything like this (and i may have hyperfixated on this instead of falling asleep, whoops.)
i grew up on theatre so a lot of these songs mean a great deal to me, though some of the movie versions are here instead of the animated films (for disney only) because i simply prefer the movie versions.
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i arranged the playlist according to the (rough) order of events, meaning i’ll be going section by section which represents each stage of his story. i won’t be going through every single song but majority of the time, the titles explain themselves but i will be talking about the songs that stand out to me.
of course, we have his heaven era, which has two subparts—his admiration for heaven but his hopes and dreams for a brighter future for the world they’ll make.
speaking of subparts, lmk if you want a part 2 of this as i’ll only be covering the ‘first arc’ of this backstory in this post and i have songs all the way up until the hotel becomes successful (which hasn’t happened yet, i know. but sometimes i am hopeful.)
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i feel like honor to us all not only represents how lucifer had to conform to the other angels’ way of thinking but also just how rigid the rules and system of heaven is. the entire song, mulan gets told that she must be this or that and a lot of it are almost impossible standards, and i imagine lucifer, especially being the dreamer that he is, found it even just a little suffocating in the beginning and of course it grew worse as time went on.
“men (god) want girls (angels) in good taste; calm, obedient who work fast paced”
i imagine the angel’s got to properly see the wonderful things lucifer was capable of before he started talking about them and i think the greatest show represents that well.
a million dreams is obviously a song that can describe lucifer’s many creative ideas and goals for the new world they’re going to make soon.
— mother knows best is where his pure admiration becomes unstable doubt as it’s god/the angels shutting lucifer down on his ideas (and possibly gaslighting him into making him feel ashamed for having ideas.)
proud of your boy is lucifer listening to god at first, seeing as being an angel is all he’s ever known, of course his first instinct was to obey god and listen to the other angels.
waving through a window describes lucifer’s struggle with being shut down and being forced to essentially hide who he is, and since he was no longer allowed to take part in the making of man, he was on the ‘outside looking in.’ lucifer also gave the angels reasons to stare at him and cast him out when he shared his ideas so the first line fits perfectly.
“give them no reason to stare; no slipping up if you slip away, so i’ve got nothing to share. no i’ve got nothing to say.”
“we start with stars in our eyes; we start believing that we belong; but every song doesn’t rise, and no one tells you where you went wrong.”
“when you’re falling in a forest, and there’s nobody around, do you ever really crash or even make a sound? did i even make a sound, did i even make a sound, it’s like i never made a sound—will i ever make a sound?”
— DEFINITELY represents how he was casted down into heaven later on, and he wonders if he ever even mattered to the angels, if he made even just one valuable contribution in their eyes, so maybe they can reconsider and see that he could be forgiven.
waiting on a miracle definitely refers to him being a part of the angels and yet they don’t quite treat him with the same respect just because of his ideas, and him ultimately hoping that he can go back to being or feeling loved by god wholly.
“don’t be upset, or mad at all; don’t feel regret, or sad at all. hey i’m still apart of the family madrigal (angels) …”
“and i’m fine, i am totally fine; i will stand on the side as you shine … i’m not fine, i’m not fine.” — ‘shine’ could refer to the archangels making the new world without him.
“i can’t move the mountains; i can’t make the flowers bloom, i can’t stay another night up in my room”
— of course this isn’t about lucifer being unable to do things, but i think it could mean that unlike the other angels, he’s just not comfortable bending completely to god’s command if he has genuinely good ideas to offer. but of course, no one listens to him.
i’d like to think almost there is both about lucifer almost getting the whole ‘conforming to the angel’s rigid rules’ thing right, AND refining his ideas so that maybe heaven doesn’t find them so outlandish and they won’t cast him out again, even if the chances are highly unlikely. judging from just how reluctantly he was to let charlie go to heaven that time, it seemed that lucifer really was as hopeful or even more hopeful than charlie was that heaven would listen to anyone with good intentions, especially their own angels.
when will my life begin and naughty come hand in hand with the former being lucifer trying to convince himself that things are good as it is even if it doesn’t feel like it, and the latter being about two things; 1, to stop sulking about his current situation—2, actually doing something about it, thus the decision he made to visit the garden of eden (because i assume he wasn’t allowed to enter for obvious reasons) where he met lilith and began to spend time with her.
touch the sky is about lucifer getting to explore and spread his wings in eden.
something there and can you feel the love tonight is just two love songs i really like for lilith and lucifer as lilith representing belle, the beauty, is just so accurate and makes so much sense as she was made by god to be ‘the perfect woman,’ even if things didn’t turn out that way. and of course, beast represents lucifer very well because later on lucifer ends up being the devil, the worst ‘beast’ of them all.
defying gravity is lucifer’s first proper realization that heaven’s prejudice against him doesn’t matter and that he should still try to pursue his wonders despite it all. i would also like to think that lilith helped me realize this; that if lilith can make him feel this amazing and this loved being on her own, then imagine the things others can do when they too, like lilith, take matters in their own hands. thus, i headcanon that the idea of free will might have been inspired by lilith caring for lucifer. (i am a hopeless romantic like that.)
“i’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s (god’s) game.”
“as someone (god) told me lately, everyone deserves a chance to fly.”
“and if i’m flying solo, at least i’m flying free”
— if lucifer is the only one who will support himself, at least he is no longer bound the rules that suppress him and who he is as a person/divine being.
“to those who ground me, take a message back from me; tell them how i am defying gravity.”
“and soon i’ll match them in renown.”
— and soon, lucifer will be just as good or even better than the angels who helped make the earth.
the other side is SO definitely about lucifer convincing (or maybe even seducing) eve into biting the apple of free will.
“you run with me, and i can cut you free, out of the drudgery and walls you keep in.”
— drudgery and walls very much referring to having to submit to adam and not knowing the taste of free will. same with ‘same old part you gotta play’ that plays during the chorus
“and if it’s crazy, live a little crazy; you can play it sensible, a king of conventional—or you can risk it all and see.”
— i don’t know. this quote struck me as so, authentically lucifer, the subtle playfulness in both the lyric choice and the tune towards the end.
“is this really how you’d like to spend your days, whiskey and misery, and parties and plays?”
— i can see lucifer saying this to eve 100% because it’s completely reasonable to be skeptical of a man you just met, so this could be him trying to further convince eve.
“if i were mixed up with you, i’d be the talk of the town (angels), disgraced and disowned”
— eve fighting back. though similar to how this song ends, eve gives in eventually … but i do headcanon that lucifer offered eve’s first act of free will to be either to reject or accept to have sex with him, just because i really like the idea of lucifer getting back at those who made the first humans without him by seducing both of adam’s wives.
story of tonight is lucifer knowing that his consequences have actions, and even if his plan works, heaven wouldn’t be happy about him disobeying their orders. but at this point, lilith had been the only person to fullyaccept him for who he is, and he realizes it’s not worth conforming to the rules of people who force you to be someone you’re not.
“raise a glass to freedom; something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you.”
— definitely lucifer raising a glass to lilith and eve, because they’re most likely more free from heaven’s clutches compared to him, and both of them have discovered free will at this point already.
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if you’re still here, my god, thank you so much!! please let me know if you’d like to see me explain the rest of my playlist, and here’s the link again if you’d like to check it out on spotify :)
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omcmedicalblog · 5 months
Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) of the FDA - OMC Medical Limited
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The FDA introduced current Good Manufacturing practices (cGMP) to maintain a system that provides proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities.
The cGMP standards ensure products’ identity, strength, quality, and purity by requiring manufacturers to maintain proper control over their manufacturing processes.
This system helps the manufacturer avoid as many failures and errors as possible. The “C” in cGMP refers to “current,” which means that organisations must employ up-to-date technologies and systems to comply with the rules.
The cGMP is subdivided into the following chapters:
Subpart A-General Provisions (§§ 820.1 – 820.5)
Subpart B – Quality System Requirements (§§ 820.20 – 820.25)
Subpart C – Design Controls (§ 820.30)
Subpart D – Document Controls (§ 820.40)
Subpart E – Purchasing Controls (§ 820.50)
Subpart F – Identification and Traceability (§§ 820.60 – 820.65)
Subpart G – Production and Process Controls (§§ 820.70 – 820.75)
Subpart H – Acceptance Activities (§§ 820.80 – 820.86)
Subpart I – Nonconforming Product (§ 820.90)
Subpart J – Corrective and Preventive Action (§ 820.100)
Subpart K – Labelling and Packaging Control (§§ 820.120 – 820.130)
Subpart L – Handling, Storage, Distribution, and Installation (§§ 820.140 – 820.170)
Subpart M – Records (§§ 820.180 – 820.198)
Subpart N – Servicing (§ 820.200)
Subpart O – Statistical Techniques (§ 820.250)
cGMPs Quality System Requirements
Establishing appropriate policies for maintaining quality requirements and ensuring they are followed in responsibility of the manufacturer. Handling matters such as the responsibility, authority, and interrelation of all personnel, resource allocation, quality plan, quality system procedure, and instructions is the manufacturer’s responsibility.
A representative must be appointed who ensures the quality requirements and periodically reports its performance to the executive management.
Quality audits must be mandatorily performed by personnel who are not directly responsible for the matters under audit and reports of such audits must be documented and shared with executive management. Ensuring availability of trained personnel for each task, and training activities for the same is must.
Design Controls
Every manufacturer, irrespective of any device class should maintain a specific design plan that must include design input requirements and the development process, which should be reviewed and updated periodically.
The manufacturer must maintain procedures to define and document design input and output data and be reviewed regularly. The results of design reviews must be documented in the design history file (DHF).
 The manufacturer is also expected to maintain procedures for verification and validation of the design procedure. Design changes and procedures for the changes to product specifications must be part of the manufacturer’s design control plan.
All information listed above must be part of the manufacturer’s Design History File (DHF).
Document Controls
This subpart describes how documents should be verified before distribution.
A responsible for checking document adequacy before circulation with their signature and date of verification is must and should be documented.
Any changes to the documents can be verified by an individual(s) in the same function or organisation unless specifically designated and changes made are to be communicated to the concerned person.
Information such as the description of the change, identification of the affected documents, the signature of the approving individual(s), the approval date, and when the change becomes effective must be part of the change record.
Purchasing Controls
This subpart describes that each manufacturer must maintain a procedure to verify if all purchased or received products conform to the specified requirements.
Manufacturers must evaluate and document their suppliers, contractors, and consultants for all specified requirements, including quality requirements. The type of control over these operators must be defined, and a list of permissible operators should be documented.
It is a must to maintain data with a clear description or reference to specified requirements, including servicing. Purchasing data shall be approved in accordance with Sec 820.40.
Identification and Traceability
This subpart describes identification and traceability requirements.
Manufacturers must establish methods to identify the product during all stages of receipt, production, distribution, and installation to prevent mix-ups. Devices intended for surgical implants or to support or sustain life must have procedures to identify the product with a control number 0f each unit, lot or batch of finished devices. This will help while taking corrective action. Such identification details must be documented in DHR.
Production and Process Controls
This subpart describes how the manufacturer should develop, conduct, control and monitor production processes to ensure that a device conforms to its specifications.
Details of Documented instructions, SOPs, methods that define and control the manner of production, monitoring and control of process parameters, compliance with specified standards, and approval processes criteria for workmanship must be included where process control is required.
Production and process changes must be verified and validated according to Sec 820.75, and changes shall be approved in accordance with Sec 820.40. There must be proper procedure to maintain its working if environmental control is applicable.
Details on personnel, contamination control, buildings, Equipment, Maintenance schedule, Inspection, Adjustment, Manufacturing material and automated processes are mentioned in detail in this section.
Section 820.72 describes inspection, measuring and test equipment. Various aspects from the control of inspection, measuring and testing equipment to its calibration and records are discussed in detail in this section.
Section 820.75 describes process validation. The processes must be verified with a high degree of assurance and approved according to established procedures.
Manufacturers must maintain procedures for monitoring and control of validated processes. Any changes or deviations in the process should be reviewed, evaluated, revalidated if necessary, and appropriately documented.
Acceptance Activities
This subpart describes the process of receiving in-process and finished device acceptance and acceptance status in detail. Finished products shall not be released for distribution until:
(1) The activities required in the DMR are completed (2) the associated data and documentation are reviewed (3) the release is authorised by the signature of a designated individual(s)
(4) the authorisation is dated.
The acceptance record shall include the following details:
(1) The acceptance activities performed (2) the dates acceptance activities are performed (3) the results (4) the signature of the individual(s) conducting the acceptance activities (5) where appropriate, the equipment used. These records shall be part of the DHR
To ensure that the product that has passed the required acceptance activities is distributed, used, or installed, the identification of acceptance status must be maintained throughout the product’s production, packaging, labelling, installation, and service.
Nonconforming Products
This subpart describes the control of nonconforming products and nonconformity review and disposition.
A procedure to identify, document, evaluate, segregate, and disposition a nonconforming product must be maintained by the manufacturer. The evaluation and investigation results must be documented.
The manufacturer must also establish and maintain a procedure for rework, such as retesting and re-evaluating nonconforming products after rework. All these activities must be documented in the DHR (Device History Record).
Corrective and Preventive Action
This subpart describes corrective and preventive actions. Procedures such as analysing, investigating, identifying, verifying, implementing, ensuring correct information, and submitting relevant information for all processes must be established and followed by the manufacturer.
All the nonconforming products must be reported and documented. During the verification process, the manufacturer must ensure that the corrective and preventive action should be effective and should not adversely affect the finished device.
Labelling and Packaging Control
This subpart describes how to establish and maintain procedures to control labelling activities.
Labels affixed to the device must remain legible throughout the manufacturing process and until it is delivered to the end-user.
Manufacturers must establish a procedure for labelling inspection, labelling storage, and labelling operations. During the inspection process, the responsible person must ensure the correct unique device identifier (UDI) or universal product code (UPC), expiration date, control number, storage instructions, handling instructions, and any additional processing instructions present on the label.
A control number as per Sec820.65 for each product must be part of the labelling. This subpart also mentions that the manufacturer must establish a proper procedure for device packaging during different stages of the manufacturing process.
Handling, Storage, Distribution, and Installation
This subpart describes the product’s handling, storage, distribution, and installation.
During storage and handling, the manufacturer must ensure that mix-ups, damage, deterioration, contamination or other adverse effects must not affect the product.
Manufacturers must establish a procedure to authorise the receipt and dispatch the product to storage rooms. Manufacturers must maintain distribution records which should include the following:
(1) The name and address of the initial consignee (2) The identification and quantity of devices shipped (3) The date shipped (4) Any control number(s) used.
Further, Details on Installation procedures to be adopted by the manufacturer are given in detail.
This subpart describes the requirements of record keeping.
The manufacturer is expected to maintain confidentiality if required and a set record retention period for all records as per the nature of the document.
It shall include device specifications, production process, Quality assurance procedures, packaging, labelling, installation, maintenance, and servicing procedures and methods.
The manufacturer must also maintain a Device history record (DHR) which should contain the following information:
(a) The dates of manufacture (b) The quantity manufactured (c) The quantity released for distribution (d) The acceptance records which demonstrate the device is manufactured in accordance with the DMR (e) The primary identification label and labelling used for each production unit (f) Any unique device identifier (UDI) or universal product code (UPC), and any other device identification(s) and control number(s) used
Detailed information on complaint files and Quality system records are also included in this subpart.
This subpart describes servicing requirements.
Manufacturers are expected to analyse service reports with appropriate statistical methodology as per Sec 820.100.
Any service report that must be reported to the FDA under part 803 of the CGMP document shall automatically consider the report a complaint and proceed according to Sec 820.198. In general, the service report must include the following details:
(1) The name of the device serviced (2) Any unique device identifier (UDI) or universal product code (UPC) and any other device identification(s) and control number(s) used (3) The date of service (4) The individual(s) servicing the device (5) The service performed (6) The test and inspection data
The last subpart of the CGMP document gives details of Statistical Techniques to be used while following the CGMP guidelines.
What are the field safety corrective actions of the FDA?
FDA has a stringent FSCA requirement. Refer to our article to understand the FDA’s field safety corrective action procedures.
Are there exemptions from GMP?
Medical devices published in the Federal Register and codified in 21 CFR 862 to 892 and exempted by FDA classification regulations are exempted from following the GMP requirements. However, manufacturers of finished devices must maintain complaint files (21 CFR 820.198) and general requirements concerning records (21 CFR 820.180). Medical devices manufactured under an investigational device exemption (IDE) are not exempt from design control requirements under 21 CFR 820.30 of the QS regulation.
Is it acceptable for a manufacturer to produce sterile products by aseptic processing to rely solely on ISO standards to qualify the facility?
No, in addition to the ISO standards it is required that the manufacturer follows applicable FDA regulations.
Originally Published at: https://omcmedical.com/current-good-manufacturing-practices-cgmps-fda/
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conferencepanel · 6 months
Essential Framework: Guidelines for Critical Access Hospitals
Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) constitute a unique provider type within the Medicare program. They operate under a distinct set of Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and a separate reimbursement structure compared to traditional hospitals.
To be designated as a CAH by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), a participating Medicare hospital must meet specific criteria. The state must participate in the established Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program.
The state must officially designate the facility as a CAH.
The facility must be situated in a designated rural area or an area considered rural for program purposes.
The facility must be situated either more than 35 miles from the nearest hospital or CAH (or 15 miles in specified geographic areas) or have been previously certified as a CAH based on its necessity for providing healthcare services to the local population.
The facility must maintain a maximum of 25 inpatient beds, usable for either inpatient or swing-bed services.
The average annual length of stay for acute inpatient care (excluding swing-bed services and distinct part unit beds) must be 96 hours or less per patient.
CMS Condition of participation Compliance: The facility must demonstrate adherence to the CAH CoPs outlined in 42 CFR Part 485 subpart F.
The facility must furnish 24/7 emergency care services.
A CAH can obtain "swing-bed" approval, allowing it to provide post-hospital care comparable to Skilled Nursing Facility services within existing inpatient beds.
A criteria that helps your organization navigate the complex world of regulations and internal policies, that's essentially what a CMS cops means. It's a set of clear-cut processes and procedures designed to ensure your organization follows all the rules. The CMS CAH survey serves a crucial purpose in upholding patient safety and quality standards within the Medicare program. This evaluation process adheres to established protocols and regulatory requirements outlined in relevant statutes. The primary objective is to assess a CAH's adherence to the Medicare Conditions of Participation (CoPs) and determine if any citations for non-compliance are warranted.
The Compliance guidelines define an "effective plan to prevent and detect violations of law" as a program with a three-pronged approach: reasonable design, implementation, and enforcement. The hallmark of such a program lies in the concept of due diligence. This principle emphasizes an organization's proactive commitment to preventing and uncovering criminal conduct. It signifies a culture that actively promotes ethical behavior and adherence to the law.
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cranetraining7 · 2 years
How can you get crane operator certification and training?
Crane operator certification can be achieved after a proper training that teaches the operator about loads and capacities as well as appropriate analysis and maintenance of cranes. It also describes safety measures like not hauling up a load and people at the same time or lifting a load exceeding the already scaled capacity.
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The training requirements are necessary for the employees to ensure they go home at the end of the day. There are existing standards to be followed while taking the training which is essential. Here are the training requirements-
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Overhead power lines under section 1408(g) and 1410(m). Signal persons under section 1428(c) Operators see section 1427 for the training needed for operators during the four-year interim period for certification, for operators of hardware that does not require certification, and for operators-in-training.
Additional training necessities for operators, operators must also receive training on the following topics:
1.Whenever moving a boom off a support, see 1926.1417(f) and (j) 2.The manufacturer’s emergency process for stopping unplanned equipment movement 3.The employer must instruct each qualified person and each competent person regarding the necessities of this subpart applicable to their respective roles. 4.The employer must instruct each employee who are working with the hardware to keep clear of holes, pinch points and the danger addressed in 1926.1424. 5.If permitted to start the equipment controls (like maintenance and repair employees), operators and additional authorized workers should be trained in proper tag-out and start-up process in 1926.1417(f) and (g)
Crane examination and the method for adjustment actions For respective employee who should be trained, the employer must:
Evaluate each employee to ensure that they understand the material covered in the training and possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs).
Every employee should get refresher training in pertinent subjects when it is clear from their behavior or from an assessment of their knowledge, skills, or abilities that retraining is required. Give the employee the training at no cost to them.
Crane operator certification and qualification:
If an operator is certified under paragraph 1926.1427(b) for a certain kind and capacity of equipment or for higher-capacity equipment of any type, such operator will be deemed qualified to operate that piece of equipment. The type of equipment for which the operator is certified must be specified in the operator's certificate.
Read more..... Are you looking for crane operator classes?
Read more..... How can I obtain a crane operator certificate
An operator will be regarded as qualified to operate that equipment if the operator has been certified for the type that is most similar to that equipment and for which a certification examination is available. This is true that no authorized testing agency can offer certification for any type of equipment.
There are four types of crane operator certifications
Option 1 – Certification after appearing in both the written and practical test conducted by an authorized testing organization. Certification will be valid for 5 years. Option 2 – Qualification after clearing a written and practical exam by a verified employer program. It will be valid for 5 years. Option 3 – Qualification by the U.S. military, the qualification will be valid for the duration of time specified by the issuing authority. Option 4 – Granting by a government entity. In case the crane operator is operating in a province that demands a state or local crane license and the licensing procedure meets the necessities of this standard, the operator should get such a license. Granting will be valid for the duration of time specified by the licensing department, but not more than 5 years.
Benefits of crane operator certification
Crane owners are more frequently demanding certification to make sure that the individuals examining their cranes are qualified enough. To prove their crane examining qualifications, many inspectors rely on Specification 78, issued by the crane manufacturers Association of America (CMAA), as the most broadly accepted industry standard.
Are you looking for crane certification cost?
Crane operators, still the most proficient crane technician benefits significantly from getting certified, in ways like enhancing and continuing education, it promotes education and continued training for technicians during their careers. This prepares an employee to be more prolific, that would lead to less in expenses and better efficiency.
Certification considerably lessens the threat that a technician will lose something amid of inspection and enforce a secure work environment for all employees involved in crane operation. Track of industry updates, as the license expire, a technician should come back for training to get a e-certification. During this process, they get to know about new modifications in safety rules, technical papers, and manufacturers’ suggestions.
What does crane operator certification training cover?
Training center Columbus McKinnon Corporation (CMCO)’s crane and hauling inspection and certification coaching was officially developed by a full-time training employee. The program is the most extensive training course available in the industry today, operates within all brands of cranes and hoists. Columbus McKinnon licensed crane inspectors to get 24 hours of expert training including all facets of cranes and lifting, comprising suspension, structure, motors, controls, gears, wheels, brakes, testing, and more. In CMCO’s recently built 2,000 square feet, state of the art center, a 20-foot, top-running crane arrangement enables classes to have hands on inspections as they would in the real world. 
The course instructor intentionally adds flaws into the crane during the test inspection to provide yet another level of complication to the practical evaluation of the crane technician. A CMCO certified technician would finished the course with a thorough understanding of OSHA rules, a working knowledge of all relevant ASME standards, and the ability to pass a difficult written test. The criteria of CMAA Specification 78 are met, and even exceeded, by qualified inspectors from Columbus McKinnon. The training provided by CMCO for the crane and lifting inspection certification has been utilized by several of our channel partners, including American Crane & Equipment Corporation. American Crane & Equipment Corporation guarantees that the inspections their team does for clients are comprehensive, accurate, and truthful by spending a lot of time and money on certification for their inspection workers. For more details on crane operator certification, visit https://cranetrainingacademy.com/.
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expatriationlaw · 5 years
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beca-mitchell · 3 years
I know your main pp ship is bechloe, but I was wondering if you have any good Chauncey fics you’d recommend? I think their dynamic is very interesting and it would be interesting to see it in a romantic setting.
i don’t have a lot of recs bc it’s been a while since i’ve read a decent chaubrey fic, but definitely check out the ship tag on AO3 and sort by kudos! many chaubrey fics are also triple treble or unrequited chaubrey + endgame bechloe.
these are a few of my faves:
there's madness in the method
by kd_ntjb (2.8k, rated E)
Summary: It's easy to get caught up in Chloe's body.
Incorrect Merciful Impulses
by Be_Easy (1.7k words, rated E)
Summary: Aubrey wonders how she got here.
Vicious Cycles
by theclosetalker (2.2k words, rated E)
Summary: Aubrey's in charge of the Bellas, and Chloe? She's in charge of Aubrey.
Sin Wagon
by quakenbake (2.4k words, rated M)
Summary: Chloe knows this is largely her fault.
I've Been Feeling Foolish (You Should Try It)
Be_Easy (2.6k words, rated M)
Summary: Chloe likes to be liked.
*this is one of my favorite fics of all time haha
Subparts A-F
by outlier (2.2k words, rated E, also this author wrote one of my favorite bechloe fics haha)
Summary: That Chloe liked to watch was not, in retrospect, as unexpected as it had seemed the first time they’d shared fantasies. When Chloe had snuggled up beside her, fingers tracing abstract patterns on Aubrey’s abdomen, her request forthright, she’d gone along in the same way she had with everything Chloe proposed, liking the way it felt to follow blindly and trustingly for once.
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ao3feed-daisuga · 4 years
The Day everything Changed
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LGPYWu
by AnimeBean
Every pup starts out in their families, Everyone is one huge pack lead by a mysterious Alpha and their Omega. Pup’s grow up until they are 13 years old, then they present as any of the three secondary gender’s which each have a different subpart. At the age of 15 when the last batch of pup’s (our haikyuu boys and girls) are finally ‘of age’ the pack will then split them into smaller groups, called ‘Mini Pack’s’.
Each group’s ‘mini pack’s’ are listed below;; Karasuno Nekoma (which consist of Fukurodani and Komedai) Seijoh (which consist of Date tech and Nohebi) Shiratorizawa Inarizaki (which consist of Itachiyama and Johzenji)
This story follows each Haikyuu character and how they manage through this pack, love, and friendships.
Words: 741, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Sugawara Koushi, Azumane Asahi, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Ennoshita Chikara, Narita Kazuhito, Kinoshita Hisashi, Kageyama Tobio, Hinata Shouyou, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Shimizu Kiyoko, Yachi Hitoka, Takeda Ittetsu, Ukai Keishin, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kai Nobuyuki, Yaku Morisuke, Yamamoto Taketora, Kozume Kenma, Fukunaga Shouhei, Inuoka Sou, Haiba Lev, Shibayama Yuuki, Kyraiko Yami, Bokuto Koutarou, Bokuto Aiko, Akaashi Keiji, Hoshiumi Kourai, Hirugami Sachirou, Oikawa Tooru, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro, Iwaizumi Hajime, Yahaba Shigeru, Watari Shinji, Kyoutani Kentarou, Kindaichi Yuutarou, Kunimi Akira, Nakijima Mikata, Daishou Suguru, Hiroo Kouji, Aone Takanobu, Futakuchi Kenji, Koganegawa Kanji, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori, Oohira Reon, Semi Eita, Kawanishi Taichi, Yamagata Hayato, Shirabu Kenjirou, Goshiki Tsutomu, Kita Shinsuke, Ojiro Aran, Ginjima Hitoshi, Akagi Michinari, Miya Atsumu, Miya Osamu, Suna Rintarou, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Komori Motoya, Terushima Yuuji, Misaki Hana, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)
Relationships: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Ennoshita Chikara/Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka, Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin, Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Haiba Lev/Yaku Morisuke, Yamamoto Taketora/Original Female Character(s), Yamamoto Taketora/Kyariko Yami, Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou, Hoshiumi Kourai/Original Female Character(s), Hoshiumi Kourai/Bokuto Aiko, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Hanamaki Takahiro/Matsukawa Issei, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru, Kindaichi Yuutarou/Kunimi Akira, Watari Shinji/Original Female Character(s), Watari Shinji/Mikata Nakijima, Daishou Suguru/Hiroo Kouji, Aone Takanobu/Futakuchi Kenji, Tendou Satori/Ushijima Wakatoshi, Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou, Goshiki Tsutomu/Koganegawa Kanji, Kita Shinsuke/Ojiro Aran, Akagi Michinari/Ginjima Hitoshi, Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi, Miya Osamu/Suna Rintarou, Misaki Hana/Terushima Yuuji, Original Character(s)/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Child Neglect, Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe, Still getting the hang of tags, my hands hurt, So many tags, goddamn how did i survive this, read the tags, hello please send help to me, im dying, more tags to come
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citizenshipsolutions · 9 months
Part 54 - Reactions To The Argument Before The Supreme Court: "Due Process" Does Matter
Introduction – More on Moore – A Focus on “due process” Much of the argument before the Supreme Court in the Moore case focused NOT on whether there was income (it was accepted that the foreign corporation had realized income). Rather the discussion was focused on “due process issues”. Specifically the issues of (1) the retroactive nature of the income and (2) the fairness of attributing the…
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U.S. Complications for Canadians with Holding Companies
Canadian entrepreneurs may have holding companies as part of their corporate structure for several valid justifications. These reasons incorporate tax deferral, both on profits from active business pay and as part of a tax deferral strategy after selling an operating company, and loan boss security. For Canadians planning on moving to the U.S., notwithstanding, possessing a Canadian holding company can be problematic because it offers rise to significant U.S. tax complications. Furthermore you can check  out holding company canada 2019 tips for relevant info.
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The complications arise from the anti-deferral administers in U.S. tax law, which is meant to discourage U.S. taxpayers from earning a passive salary (profits, premium, rents, and royalties) through foreign corporations. Preceding the enactment of the anti-deferral rules, U.S. taxpayers could avoid current U.S. taxation on passive salary earned through unfamiliar corporations until eventual repatriation to the U.S. through the distribution of profits.
Contingent upon their possession structure, Canadians moving to the U.S. with a holding company, might fall casualty to either of two U.S. anti-deferral systems under the Controlled Unfamiliar Corporation ("CFC") rules or the Passive Unfamiliar Venture Company ("PFIC") rules.
The CFC rules apply when U.S. shareholders own the more significant part of a foreign corporation’s shares (either by value or votes). At the point when a U.S. taxpayer claims 10% or a more substantial amount of the democratic supply of a CFC, any passive salary generated by that CFC is considered "Subpart F pay" to the U.S. individual shareholder.
Subpart F salary leads to the loss of tax deferral because it is treated as current pay to the shareholder regardless of whether the CFC makes a distribution. This can create "phantom pay,” where U.S. tax is owed, however with no cash distributed from the CFC to pay the tax. More terrible, Subpart F pay is generally dependent upon ordinary pay treatment at the shareholder's top marginal U.S. federal personal tax rate rather than the preferential tax rate that would otherwise apply to qualified profits.
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Indeed, even where the CFC rules don't apply, a departing Canadian proprietorship enthusiasm for a holding company could, in any case, lead to negative U.S. tax results under the harsh PFIC rules. A PFIC is any non-U.S. corporation that infers 75% or a more significant amount of its gross pay from passive ventures or has at least half of its assets delivering stagnant salary. As the default PFIC taxation rules are profoundly reformatory, if a departing Canadian's holding company intrigue is viewed as a PFIC under U.S. rules, this can deliver much more dreadful tax results than if that intrigue is considered to be a CFC.
Canadians planning to depart Canada for tax purposes also should know that any unrealized capital gains on speculations held inside their holding companies will get taxable at the exit because of the Canadian departure tax.
Because of the corrective U.S. anti-deferral rules, Canadian departure tax considerations, and other issues, pre-leave planning is essential for Canadians with holding companies who are thinking about a transition to the U.S. Pre-leave planning can help Canadians. They own holding companies to avoid undesirable U.S. tax complications and guarantee that they take advantage of pre-leave openings that may be available. To learn more, please demand a consultation.
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First Paragraph Meme
“Post the first paragraph of your last six ongoing projects, then tag six people.” I was tagged by the lovelies @xerxia31​, @hutchhitched​, @mega-aulover​ to post the first paragraphs of stories I work on.
Well, I had to go through all my docs to find these..
1. The Bakery.
They arrived as Peeta’s train began approaching the place formerly known as District 12, now a subpart of the NorthEastern Panem. He had no clue about what he would find there besides Katniss, his old mentor, and a gigantic pile of rubbles - as for her, he wasn’t sure she’d ever want to see him. 
Or if he wanted to see her.
2. Untitled.
No paragraphs yet, it’s an outline I talked about with @bandathebillie​ but I can give you two words : Jenia.Grebennikov.
Something I started for @talesofpanem​ but didn’t get the time to finish. i’ll do it later on :) as it features Librarian!Everlark
I’m a little concerned as the taxi takes me to the airport. I only packed four books for three days. I might need to use my ereader, after all.
I fully expect to get bored ten minutes into this convention. I mean, I’ve been a librarian for five years, I don’t need a lecture on how to sort the books. Yet, apparently, my supervisor thinks we have to go to Panem for this conference, every year.
Same as before, I really don’t have the time to write a full story a week for @talesofpanem​, alas.
She clicks on the green window of Google Hangout to read the message Peeta just sent.
Have you seen this week’s prompt ? Spice! Doesn’t it scream Smut ?
She hasn’t see it yet as she has to well work this day. How stressful to not be able to go and write for her favorite fandom, for her favorite pairing, instead having to focus on sutpid things like translating 50 pages in French. Damn her one year in Paris.
5. Before Sunrise
Roma, Italy.
It was almost quiet and peaceful, so different from the crowd of tourists down on the Piazza del Popolo. She sighed when she started thinking about the beautiful paintings she had been able to see privately yesterday in that little church on the corner of the Piazza- gorgeous Caravaggio lost at the end of an almost unnoticeable building.
Rome had so much to offer, she had so little time. Soon enough, her plane would take her back to her country on the other side of the world, soon enough, she would have to go back to her life of duties, of responsibilities. She wasn’t not looking forward to that.
6.K.Everdeen and Dr. P. Mellark
There were some perks being sent abroad on field trips. The break of routine, the chance to discover and study the culture or artefacts in their countries of origin, the discovery of the countries.
This was all good when it could be done in museums, or nice hotel rooms.
This time, though, Dr. Peeta Mellark, curator of the Panem Archeological Museum was afraid the trip wasn’t going to end in a cozy room of a Sheraton.
As I am late to the party (again), I think everyone’s been tagged already .. anyone who wants to do it, please do :)
If anyone has an interest in reading these things one day, tell me :)
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firecakes-tech-blog · 6 years
Polynomial Construction from Sequences 1
A long time ago I figured out a neat trick where given a sequence of numbers, you reverse engineer a formula which spits out those numbers. This trick involves taking repeated differences between each of the numbers. Let me show you how it works.
Let's say you have the numbers 1,2,3,4,5. The change in value across the sequence is always an increase by 1. You can consider this as the "slope" of the sequence. If we looked at 3,6,9,12,15 instead then this slope value is 3, and when you try to figure out an equation that outputs that sequence from x=1 onward you'll get f(x) = 3x. Constant change over the numbers is easy: find a slope value M, and the resulting equation is f(x) = M*x.
What isn't so easy is something like 1,4,9,16,25. Taking the difference between each of the numbers you'll see that the difference itself increases. It goes +3, +5, +7, then +9. This is where we apply the technique again but to the difference numbers. The following is an effective way to visualize what will be the whole process of what we're doing here: taking differences of differences until we find no more changes in the numbers.
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So, constant numbers were found 2 layers deep. This layer number is significant, as it gives key insight into what kind of polynomial that sequence represents. In this case, a 2 layer difference means a 2nd order polynomial. This means the equation we are looking for which matches this sequence is Ax^2 + Bx + C.
Just like the slope value in the first sequence is important, the slope value of "2" in this sequence is also important. Since this value represents a change in the 2nd order, this value directly relates to the coefficient for the polynomial term Ax^2. In order to find that A value, you have to take two antiderivatives of "2". For those that don't know calculus, this basically means that for N antiderivatives, you have to divide your number by 1, 2, 3, 4, .... all the way to N, and the x will have an exponent of N as a result. Check below for a visual demonstration.
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It turns out that x^2 perfectly matches the sequence 1,4,9,16,25, and beyond, assuming we start at x = 1. But unfortunately, this was a lucky case. What about a sequence like this?
Let's apply the difference of differences tactic and see where this leads us to.
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To recap, we took the differences between numbers until we hit the constant "4". Then, we applied 2 antiderivatives since the differences ran 2 layers deep, resulting in an x^2 term and dividing the "4" by 1, then by 2.
This first term is definitely 2x^2. But, this alone does not output the correct sequence. There is a missing x term and constant term still! How do we find those values? Think about it like this: you have some unknown 2nd order polynomial Ax^2 + Bx + C. You know that A is 2. In order to find the whole thing, what you can do is subtract the known Ax^2 term out of the unknown part, leaving you with Bx + C. Then, you can use the difference of differences trick to solve that subpart!
So, what will happen next is extracting the sequence out of 2x^2 for x = 1,2,3,4,5. Then, we take those values and subtract our starting sequence by them to give us what will be essentially Bx + C, the unknown part.
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That red sequence is what we'll use now! It's okay to have negative values. Just remember that if you subtract a negative number that it turns into addition.
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Applying what we did for the first sequence, we get our mythical Bx term! So, our known formula is now 2x^2 - 3x. If you extract the sequence out of this formula you'll end up with -1,2,9,20,35, and that looks really close to our target 3,6,13,24,29. We can inspect from here that if our known sequence had their values shifted up by 4 then we would get a perfect match. Therefore, the elusive C value is easily found as 4, making our final formula 2X^2 - 3x + 4.
There are a few takeaways from this. In reality we do not need some of the numbers in the starting sequence to figure out the equation. For a 2nd order polynomial it turns out that 3 terms are all that's needed, and that 2 terms are all that's needed to find a linear equation. If you have N terms in some sequence, then by going through this process the maximum order polynomial you can get out of that sequence is N-1. Note that if the original sequence is something that is not a polynomial, then you will not be able to find that equation, you will just find an approximation polynomial formula; so, this doesn't cover geometric sequences whose terms double each time, or cyclical sequences which imply the original equation has a sine, cosine, or exponential form to it. One last thing is that this will all still work if the coefficients of the polynomial you are finding are fractions. Things get a little messy otherwise.
I will now give a more full example of the entire process in action, but with a more difficult sequence.
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There is a lot more that can be uncovered with this technique, but I will save it for another time! Why not try it out and find the formula of the triangle numbers? 1,3,6,10,15...
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
Youth Is Old
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by Thor_Crux
Youth Is Old is a story in the wizarding world, written in the spirit of the original 7 books. The plot is dense, about mysteries, and holds zero steamy part. The action takes place in the years 1984 and 1985. Four Hogwarts students, each belonging to a different House, meet while looking for a treatise that might have been read by Lord Voldemort to deepen his knowledge of dark magic. 7 parts that are up to a certain extent tributes to the original 7 books. There are F/M platonic relationships that drive parts of the plot, but no deep coverage of the corresponding interactions. Chapters are typically used by authors to group many pages of a book, but most subparts are too short to be called chapters, therefore they are called Paragraphs in the text. 72 paragraphs that correspond here to 72 "Chapters". The equivalent of 390 pages in the format of Order Of The Phoenix (Bloomsbury first edition). Part 1 : The Ruins Part 2 : He Who Must Be Named Part 3 : Boys Will Be Wizards Part 4 : Miss Parry's Angst Part 5 : Autumn Cherry Part 6 : Going Awry Part 7 : The Inheritance
Words: 37048, Chapters: 28/72, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Original Characters, Original House-Elf Character(s), Original Squib Characters (Harry Potter), Original Female Character(s) of Color, Original Muggle-born Characters (Harry Potter), Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Rubeus Hagrid, Filius Flitwick, Argus Filch, Peeves (Harry Potter), Madam Rosmerta (Harry Potter)
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yooperwolf · 3 years
Excavation, Trenching and Shoring – Inspection Procedures
Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) DOCUMENT IDENTIFIER:
December 14, 2021
SUBJECT: Excavation, Trenching and Shoring – Inspection Procedures
I. Purpose. This instruction establishes policies and procedures for uniform enforcement of the Construction Safety and Health Division Excavation, Trenching and Shoring Standard.
II. Scope. This instruction applies to the Construction Safety and Health Division (CSHD) and the Consultation Education and Training (CET) Division.
III. References.
A. Agency Instruction MIOSHA-COM-04-1, Multi-Employer Work Sites, as amended.
B. Agency Instruction MIOSHA-COM-13-2, Roadway Work Zones- Inspection and Citation Guidance for Construction and Maintenance, as amended.
C. Agency Instruction MIOSHA-COM-19-1, Trenching and Excavation – National Emphasis Program (NEP), as amended.
D. Agency Instruction MIOSHA-SHMS-12-1, Safety and Health Management System, as amended.
E. Construction Safety Standards Part 9. /R408.40901 et seq. Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring.
F. Division Instruction CSHD-TRG-09-1, Training for Construction Safety and Health Division Staff, as amended.
G. MIOSHA Field Operations Manual (FOM), as amended.
H. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 1926, Subpart P,
I. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction ADM 04-00-
003, May 6, 2020, Field Safety and Health Manual.
J. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction CPL-02-00- 161, October 1, 2018, National Emphasis Program on Trenching and Excavation.
K. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction CPL 02-00- 164, April 14, 2020, Field Operations Manual (FOM).
L. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction, CPL 02-00- 165, July 1, 2021, Compliance Directive for the Excavation Standard, 29 CFR Subpart P.
December 14, 2021
Excavation, Trenching and Shoring – Inspection Procedures
IV. Distribution. MIOSHA Staff; Federal OSHA; S-drive Accessible; MIOSHA Messenger; and Internet Accessible.
V. Next Review Date. To be reviewed in three (3) years from date of issuance.
VI. Contact. Lawrence Hidalgo, Director CSHD and Nella Davis-Ray, Director CET.
VII. Originator: Barton G. Pickelman, Director
VIII. Background. In 1985, OSHA implemented CPL 02-00-069 - Special Emphasis: Trenching and Excavation, in response to the continuing incidence of trench/excavation collapses and accompanying loss of life. According to the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) data, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 130 fatalities recorded in trenching and excavation operations between 2011 and 2016. The private construction industry accounted for 80%, or 104, of those fatalities. An alarming 49% of those construction fatalities occurred between 2015 and 2016. In light of the recent resurgent number of trenching/excavation fatalities and serious injuries, OSHA determined that these worksites continue to warrant an increased enforcement presence. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction CPL-02-00- 161, October 1, 2018, National Emphasis Program on Trenching and Excavation, describes a federal program change which replaces CPL 02-00-069. With this instruction and the Agency Instruction MIOSHA-COM-19-1, Trenching and Excavation – National Emphasis Program (NEP), as amended, MIOSHA establishes enforcement procedures for their trenching and excavation inspections which are at least as effective as the associated federal OSHA compliance directive for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction, CPL 02-00-165, July 1, 2021, Compliance Directive for the Excavation Standard, 29 CFR Subpart P, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction CPL-02-00-161, October 1, 2018, National Emphasis Program on Trenching and Excavation, respectively.
Federal OSHA issued an updated instruction, CPL 02-00-165, July 1, 2021, Compliance Directive for the Excavation Standard, 29 CFR Subpart P, which provides guidelines for enforcing this standard. The OSHA instruction includes policies and procedures that address inspections of workplaces where excavations are present.
IX. Action. MIOSHA is adopting the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Instruction, CPL 02-00-165, July 1, 2021, Compliance Directive for the Excavation Standard, 29 CFR Subpart P, except for the modifications listed below:
A. General Exceptions.
1. Whenever the OSHA instruction references an OSHA occupational safety or health standard, the equivalent MIOSHA standard must be consulted instead. For example, the angle of repose listed in Construction Safety Standards Part 9, Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring, Table 1 as listed in Rule 408.40941(1), must be utilized in
December 14, 2021
Excavation, Trenching and Shoring – Inspection Procedures
lieu of the angle of repose requirements listed in the equivalent OSHA standard, 29 CFR 1926.652(a).
2. Whenever another OSHA instruction is referenced, the equivalent MIOSHA instruction must be consulted. Below are the MIOSHA specific references that are to be used instead of the OSHA referenced instructions:
a) Agency Instruction MIOSHA-COM-04-1, Multi-Employer Work Sites, as amended.
b) Agency Instruction MIOSHA-COM-13-2, Roadway Work Zones- Inspection and Citation Guidance for Construction and Maintenance, as amended.
c) Agency Instruction MIOSHA-COM-19-1, Trenching and Excavation – National Emphasis Program (NEP), as amended.
3. Whenever procedures/policies in the federal instruction reference the OSHA Field Operations Manual (CPL 02-00-164), equivalent policies and procedures from the MIOSHA FOM must be followed.
4. Whenever the OSHA instruction indicates a provision for the safety of the safety officer (SO) at excavation sites, including personal protective equipment provided, the SO is to use the equivalent in the MIOSHA Safety and Health Management System (SHMS).
5. Whenever the OSHA Technical Manual (OTM) TED 01-00-015, Section V, Chapter 2 - Excavations: Hazard Recognition in Trenching and Shoring, is referenced, Section IX. A and Section IX. B of this instruction will be followed.
B. Specific Exceptions.
1. MIOSHA will continue to require qualified persons, where OSHA requires competent persons.
a) 408.40932. Excavation; consideration of soil types; water; slide hazards.
b) 408.40942. Supporting systems; angle of repose; tie backs; tight sheeting; additional bracing.
c) 408.40953. Adjacent structures; protection; design; inspection of shoring, bracing, and underpinning.
Note: A Registered Professional Engineer could be considered a qualified person.
December 14, 2021
Excavation, Trenching and Shoring – Inspection Procedures
2. Equipment Requirements. Equipment requirements listed in paragraph IX. C. of the OSHA Compliance Directive for the Excavation Standard, 29 CFR Subpart P, CPL-02-00-165, will not be required. Inspectors will be provided adequate equipment to properly measure and document citations, which includes:
a) Camera and/or video equipment.
b) Paper and writing instruments.
c) Engineering rod (telescoping rod used for measurements, also called a trench rod/story pole).
d) 50 ft., or greater measuring tape.
e) Penetrometer.
f) Circular bubble level or post level.
g) Optical range finder.
h) Plumb-Bob
i) Velcro loop
j) String marked out in one-foot increments
k) Other equipment on a case-by-case basis.
3. Soil Samples. SOs will not request employees onsite to enter the excavation to collect soil samples. SOs will use field methods such as the ribbon/worm test and penetrometer test. The soil used to perform these field methods are to be conducted in an area that is safe to access and will not place the SO in an area that may be part of an excavation collapse.
4. Training. SOs are encouraged to take the following four courses, but at a minimum, will attend one of the options listed below:
a) MIOSHA Training Institute (MTI) Excavations: The Grave Danger.
b) OSHA Coursemill courses.
1) DTE_0145 OSHA Priority: Trenching and Excavation, and
2) DTE_0134 Documenting Trench Inspections (Techniques).
c) OSHA Training Institute (OTI) 3010 – Excavation, Trenching and Soil Mechanics.
5. SOs will not be required to document ladder manufacturer name, model, and rung distance unless needed to substantiate a violation of a ladder.
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citizenshipsolutions · 10 months
Part I - Debriefing The December 5, 2023 - Moore @USTransitionTax Hearing
Hot to think about the December 5, 2023 hearing in Moore … In Moore @USTransitionTax case, the US Solicitor General urges the Court to NOT read a requirement of "realization" (receipt of income) into the 16th Am. Because a requirement of actual receipt of income would undermine 877A Exit Tax imposed on #citizide. https://t.co/GY2Nc8yTcX pic.twitter.com/2arK8AeClh — John Richardson – lawyer for…
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exoticloading368 · 3 years
Coles Mobile Crane Manual
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Mobile Crane Manual Pdf
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This site is about cranes, in particular Coles Cranes and the history of Coles. To see why this site came about see the 'About Site' section. This site will discribe somthing about mobile cranes, the history of Coles Cranes and contain a database with pictuers of most of the cranes made by Coles along with some intresting little technical details. Coles stopped trading in 1984 and and the last working factory closed down in 1998. Coles is now only a part of crane history. This site is dedicated to remembering what was once one of the largest crane manufacturing companies in the world and to those people who worked there.
About This Site and Database Navigation
How this site came about. How I came to be the model maker to Coles at Sunderland and a look at the Sunderland works. Find out what an odd looking machine has to do with this story. Also find out about how to navigate the database of images used by this site also how to make contact about any information on the site or to add information.
Select Here or the image to left to go to this section
Main Database
The extensive database of this site contains listings of most of the types of crane produced by Coles over it history. Where possible photographs and details are given along with the introduction date of that type. Select Here or the image to left to go to this section.
Original Coles Crane Site
This is a link to the original Coles Crane site which had to be abandoned when the server closed down. It is not as extensive as the above but does contain things not in this site. These include the History's of J S Neal & Co and F. Taylor And Sons Manchester Limited. Also technical details, catalogues and other miscellaneous items. which just seemed interesting at the time.
Select Here or the image to left to go to this section.
Description Of Crane Types A brief description of the various types of cranes that are in use today with an illustrated example. Not all these types were made by Coles. Select Here or the image to left to go to this section. Picture History - Chronology and Time Line A time line showing when certain models of the basic cranes were developed and introduced by Coles over the years. Also a Chronology of dates with short notes on some of the significent events in the history of the Cole Crane Company. Also here a list of all the Cranes made Select Here or the image to left to go to this section.
History Books
Read on line or download any of a series of PDF books about coles cranes. These can be viewed online or downloaded to you own computer and kept. You can also link through to the photographic database to see the photographs in the books,this database contains extra images not included in the books due to space constraints.
To read online or download booklet select here or image to left.
Works Models and Others Here we take as a starting point the scale models made at the Sunderland works. What these models were for and how they relate to the full sized cranes produced by Coles. These include historical Coles cranes, current types and prototype models.Also we look at toys that have been made based on types of Coles cranes. Here we see Dinky, and other die-cast models, Schoco, Victory and finally hobby made cranes form paper wood metal Lego and Maccano.
Scientific workplace 6 keygen accelerator. Refer to ANSI/ASME B30.22, the standard for Mobile and Locomotive Cranes, for more information on crane design and test criteria. (Contact American Society of Mechanical Engineers at www.asme.org for information on ANSI/ASME B30.22.) Crane operators must also be familiar with OSHA 29CFR, Subpart N, Article 1926.550 and CAL. Crane Specification search result for manufacturer: Coles. Beaver Tree Services Takes Delivery of National 9125A From Select Crane Sales.
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Main Database‎ > ‎
Military 1937-1989
Military Cranes 1937-1989
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Military Cranes Coles first involvement with the military came when they won a tender to make cranes for the Ministry Defence in 1937 the order was for a general purpose self propelled light crane for use with the RAF. This order was for 82 units, a large order at that time. From that time on Coles were almost entirely given over to making the same crane throughout the whole of the second world war. From that time Coles had supplied many types of crane for the army, navy and airforce. Not only to the UK but all round the world. All these crane have been based on their civilian range but built to the much higher military specification required by the services and generally heavier and more reliable systems. This of course made them far more expensive so these cranes often have a very good second had value after the military had finished with them. Left is a brochure about Coles Military cranes this was produced in the 1980. The cranes on the cover are, top - Hydra 180 AT 18T, bottom left - All Terrain Hydraulic Husky At422, bottom right - Jumbo Speedcrane.
Model - EMA Mk1First made in 1937 the continued to be made right up until 1946 when it was updated to become first the Aries then the Argus Mobiles.Developed for the air ministry the EMA (Electro Mobile Aerodrome) is a self propelled, twin axled , four tyred, electrically driven mobile crane with 360 slewing and 3 ton 2.4m jib. One major development of this machine was the non-rigid jib made of welded sections.This machine developed from the 2 ton Mk1 through Mk II, III, V, VI, and VII versions increasing capacities up to the 6 ton Mk VII. Images - 5
Model - EMA Utility Mk1Notes - Lattice Jib 2.4 to 3m Long.The EMA slewing unit was also made as a Utility version for use on suitable lorry chassis. This unit was a stripped down version with the minimal parts necessary to make it work. It was intended for the electrical power to be taken from the truck it was mounted on. This was fed by a cable so the crane had to have a limiter on the degrees of rotation. Where the truck could not provide the electrical power a separate small engine and generator were fitted either on the truck chassis, as in the Matador or bolted onto the slewing unit. During the war this slewing unit was fitted to almost any suitable lorry chassis. Two of the most widely used were the 6 ton 6x4 Thorneycroft Amazon and the 6x6 AEC Matador. Also fitted to the Austin K6 and Layland. Note- there is a photograph in the 100 years book showing eleven Thorneycroft Amazon trucks on a row saying they are fitted with the EMA slewing rig, this is incorrect these are a much later units from 1948 fitted with the Ulysses 6T self contained slewing unit. Images - 10
Model - Slewing Recovery CraneNotes - Coles only made the crane unit for the AEC Militant Mark 3 truck. The crane unit took its power from the truck including hydraulic. It could slew 90 degrees each way rase hydraulically under fill load and extend hydraulicly to about 10 feet. Also fitted with powerful cable hook winch. The crane unit weighs 5 to 5.5T. Images - 9 Drawing - yes
Model - Hydra AT 18TNotes - Developed for the military, 4 wheel drive. Both Crane and Truck can be driven from either truck cab or slewing cab position. Not armoured but military specification fittings. This was available from the 1970 but was later updated in 78 and called the Coles/Grove 315M MK2. 4 wheel drive 360 Degree Fully slewing with rear cab, joystick controls, 19m reach, 4 x outriggers, axle locks, PAT 150 DS safe load indicator, ZF 6 speed transmission. Images - 12
Model - Speedcrane MK 2
Hydra Husky 36-40 TSC
Model - Jumbo Notes - In 1982 and 1983 a stripped down version of the Speedcrane was introduced harking back to the Taylors crane hence the name. I was meant to be a fast simple yard crane. Images - 1
Model - Ranger 530 Notes - To make the Husky TSC suitable for extended road use Coles came up with the swing cab. Driving from the normal forward looking position meant that half the drivers sight was blocked by the boom when in the parked position. Developed for the military the answer was to allow the cab to swing 180 degrees to face over the rear allowing free vision. Images - 2
Model - Husky 15-17 TCC ATBuilt after Grove took over and using more of the Grove house design features Images - 2
Model - Grove AT422
Mobile Crane Manual Pdf
The post 1976 COLES MOBILE CRANE FOR SALE. Appeared first on. Mileage: - GrossVehicleWeight: - Updated: 03 Nov 2020 08:46. UK Refuse Trucks. Halifax, United Kingdom HX3 8BW. Seller Information. Phone: +44 1422 702064 Call. Phone: +44 1422 702064 Call. Find great deals on eBay for coles crane. Shop with confidence.
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