#Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
alpaca-clouds · 9 months
How Families Slept
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You know what? Just when I wrote about the medieval living situations I remembered one comment I got on a fanfic a while ago. It was one of my Castlevania and it featured the golden trio having their infant daughter sleep with them in the same bed, when the child was not able to sleep in her crib.
The comment person got really angry about that. How do I dare writing about parents co-sleeping with their infant? Have I never heard about sudden infant death syndrome?
To which I say: "... You are aware that we have evolved to co-sleep with out infants, right?"
You guys know the saying: "Sleeping like a baby?" Have you guys ever wondered what was up with that, given that babies' are well known for... not sleeping very peaceful and keeping their parents awake?
Yeah, the saying originally went: "Sleeping like a baby at mother's bossom." Because it turns out... babies can sleep very peacefully, if they are sleeping in the arms of their parents. Not always. And toothing will most certainly still rob the parents' sleep.
This is the reason why to this day most infants around the world still sleep in the same bed as their parents. Most infants historically slept in the same bed as their parents, given that cribs were expensive - and that nobody had additional rooms for kids to sleep in either. So, yeah, they just slept in the same bed as the parents.
Does co-sleeping heighten the risk of SIDS? Yeah. But only very, very slightly. Meanwhile co-sleeping has also a lot of positive effects on the health of the infant.
To be honest, that comment got me really annoyed, because it just shows just US-centrism. Because while yeah, nurseries are common enough in Western Europe, too, this obsession with keeping the kids out of their parent's bed and forbidding (and shaming people for) co-sleeping is very much an US thing.
As I said: Yes, it co-sleeping slightly increases the chance of sudden infant death. But... It is still about as likely as getting hit by lightning. At least with an otherwise healthy child.
We are still animals. As such we have not evolved to have kids in a whole ass seperate room from the parents.
Not so fun fact, though: The origin of cribs is, basically, that during medieval times often enough during famines parents would smolder their infants to death and then say: "Oh, it was an accident." Which is why the church passed a decree that kids should sleep in a crib. So that parents could no longer claim "an accident".
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I'm writing the moment Mickey and Minnie find their first child Anne at 3 months and I've had to take several breaks,
I wish I could embrace all parents who've gone through this, even from an outsider a writers perspective this, this should never happen
I wish I could hug you all and I hope you all find peace, for those that wish for a rainbow I pray you get them.
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Warning for artistic depiction of death:
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Lilith in Jewish mythology is attributed to being the cause of SIDS and postpartum maternal mortality. Lilith is often demonized, literally, often interpreted as a demoness. She is a malignant spirit, yes, but here I offer a more sympathetic view of Lilith.
Lilith was never created as a human. She was created in a similar vein to an angel, as an amalgum of animalistic traits and spiritual traits.
A common theme in Judaism is that only humans are those who G-d gifted with Free Will, and that angels, including Lilith, are merely messengers, executing what ultimately is G-d's decision. Lilith is an Angel of the Night, and an extension of the Angel of Death. As such, when she takes the souls of infants and their mothers, she is not doing so out of malice, but merely executing what was decided beyond her power. Lilith is no less a helpless messenger than the angel who fought with Yaakov was.
Here, I depict Lilith as a gentle, sorrowful creature, based off the night owl mentioned in Yishiyahu. Yes, her task is taking the souls of infants to the Afterlife, but she is not evil. She is merely a messenger, and feels the pain of those who will mourn the souls she takes. She gently cradles the infant's soul in her arms, kissing his forehead as she cries.
Boundaries: I do not want this art reblogged by appropriative gentiles. This is Jewish art, made by a Jew, for a Jews. If you're a gentile and you appreciate this art, you can like it or leave a comment. This is nothing against gentiles. I just have to take certain precautions because Lilith is a figure so heavily appropriated and corrupted by gentiles, and I want to share my art but keep it in a Jewish space.
[id in alt text]
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ephemeraltea · 3 months
one of my regulars lost a newborn baby to sids. i met that baby. in a way i never realized until today, sids didn't feel real to me. now i'm left grappling with sudden reminder of mortality and how much it doesn't care who we are, how young or innocent. and that's one baby, whose name i cannot recall.
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arthropooda · 1 year
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Ottawa couple Mario and Jennifer Bazinet lost their first son — Beau Paul — at three and a half months old. Mario went to get his son and found him lifeless in his crib on Dec. 13, 2020.
"Our world flipped upside down," said Mario, 31. Jennifer, 29, now volunteers for Baby's Breathe Canada, a foundation devoted to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), the official cause of her son's death.
"When a baby dies unexpectedly it's just not the right order of how life goes," she said. "Your whole world falls apart."
Thousands of Canadian families face this gut-wrenching grief, and though Canada's infant mortality rates have improved over time — from about 10.9 deaths out of 1,000 births in 1980 to 4.4 deaths per 1,000 births in 2021 — the country has slipped in its ranking of infant mortality among wealthy, developed nations, according to data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Canada went from ranking 10th out of 24 OECD countries in the 1980s to 30th out of 38 OECD nations in 2021. 
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itsbezabxtch · 2 months
They follow me into my dreams...
The memories
That cold, tiny, lifeless hand
The absence of
Is more painful than the wound
Cut me open and let me bleed
I'd rather that than this
This... this emptiness, this nothing
The space on the other side of the bed
How your tiny body could take up so much
I crave the feeling of feet fluttering on my back
Sometimes I forget the sound of your laugh
The way your eyes widened in awe of the world outside the window of a city bus
How you'd smile and turn your head to the side, putting your dimple on display
Your dad slow dancing with you in the living room to Tennessee Whiskey
I know, I know
Everyone's so tired of hearing about it
My thoughts are the needle of a compass
Always pointed in the same direction
Always finding it's way back to you, True
My baby, my boy
My peach, my plum
You are my moon, you are my Son
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youngeaglecowboy · 2 months
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ausisthistrue · 4 months
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airbrickwall · 2 years
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ancient-healer · 2 years
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It’s true. And if you have suffered this loss I am sorry. It wasn’t your fault. You didn't know. They know. And didn’t tell you. They are required by law to give you an insert. But they didn't. And therefore you didn’t read an insert. They pretend they don’t know the cause of it. Mysterious syndrome my ass. SIDS and SADS are caused by the same thing.
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iicraft505 · 2 years
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furryprovocateur · 5 months
a 91% missed for me. You have got. to be fucking kidding me.
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milari1234 · 1 month
How to reduce the risk of SIDS? Protecting Your Baby and choosing a right cot mattress. 
How to reduce the risk of SIDS?
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is every parent's nightmare, a silent and inexplicable tragedy that claims the lives of seemingly healthy infants. While the exact cause of SIDS remains unknown, there are steps parents can take to reduce the risk and create a safe sleep environment for their little ones. From choosing the right cot mattress to incorporating organic bedding solutions like Milari Organics, here are essential tips to minimize the risk of SIDS.
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Back to Sleep: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends placing babies on their backs to sleep, both for naps and at night. This sleep position significantly reduces the risk of SIDS. Always ensure your baby's sleeping area is free of blankets, toys, and other objects that could pose a suffocation hazard.
Firm Mattress: Invest in a firm cot mattress that fits snugly in the crib. A firm mattress helps prevent your baby from sinking into soft bedding, reducing the risk of suffocation. Avoid using second-hand mattresses, especially those with indentations or signs of wear.
Safety Standards: When purchasing a cot mattress, look for products that meet safety standards set by regulatory bodies. These standards ensure that the mattress materials are safe and free from harmful chemicals. Certifications such as CertiPUR-US or Greenguard Gold indicate that the mattress has undergone rigorous testing for safety and environmental impact.
Organic Bedding: Consider using organic bedding options like those offered by Milari Organics. Organic bedding is made from natural materials grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilisers, reducing exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Milari Organics offers a range of organic bedding products, including cot mattresses, sheets, and blankets, designed with both safety and sustainability in mind.
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Room Sharing: Share your room with your baby, but not your bed. Room sharing has been shown to reduce the risk of SIDS by up to 50%. Place your baby's cot or bassinet near your bed for easy access during nighttime feedings and comforting.
Breastfeeding: If possible, breastfeed your baby. Breastfeeding has numerous health benefits for both mother and baby, including a reduced risk of SIDS. Breast milk provides essential nutrients and antibodies that help protect your baby against infections and other health issues.
What is the importance of using a cot mattress for your little baby?
Using a cot mattress for your baby is of paramount importance for several reasons:
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Safety: A cot mattress provides a safe and secure sleeping surface for your baby. It reduces the risk of suffocation and ensures that your baby can breathe freely while sleeping. A firm and well-fitting cot mattress helps prevent your baby from sinking into soft bedding, which could pose a suffocation hazard.
Support: Babies spend a significant amount of time sleeping, especially during their first few months of life. A good cot mattress provides adequate support for your baby's developing body, including their spine and neck. It helps promote healthy spinal alignment and prevents discomfort or stiffness.
Comfort: Comfort is essential for a good night's sleep, and a quality cot mattress can contribute to your baby's overall comfort. A firm yet comfortable mattress provides the right balance of support and softness, helping your baby to rest peacefully and wake up refreshed.
Temperature Regulation: Some cot mattresses are designed with breathable materials that help regulate temperature and prevent overheating. Maintaining a comfortable sleeping temperature is crucial for your baby's safety and well-being, as overheating increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
Hygiene: Cot mattresses are easier to keep clean compared to other bedding options such as blankets or quilts. Many cot mattresses come with removable, washable covers that make cleaning and maintenance a breeze. Keeping your baby's sleeping environment clean and hygienic helps prevent the spread of germs and reduces the risk of infections.
Longevity: Investing in a high-quality cot mattress ensures that it will last through your baby's early years. A durable and well-made mattress can be used for multiple children or passed down to family members, making it a cost-effective choice in the long run.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your baby is sleeping on a safe and comfortable surface gives parents peace of mind. A cot mattress that meets safety standards and is free from harmful chemicals allows parents to rest assured that they are providing the best possible sleeping environment for their little one.
By following these tips and creating a safe sleep environment for your baby, you can help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and provide your little one with a healthy start in life. Remember, every precaution counts when it comes to protecting your precious bundle of joy. And using a cot mattress for your baby is essential for safety, support, comfort, temperature regulation, hygiene, longevity, and peace of mind. It is a crucial investment in your baby's health and well-being, ensuring that they get the restful sleep they need for healthy growth and development.
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judaicsheyd · 11 months
i’ve been seeing jewish people who say Lilith is open. Also what if someone’s referring to pop culture Lilith in their eclectic neoreligion as I often see in these spaces? not that i’ve seen that, but i’ve seen people in spiritual pop culture spaces tie characters to historic entities maybe out of association or affection, idk. personal most likely. but what about when the figure is like Lilith? idk im confused
Hi. So, first off, there will always always be someone within a closed culture telling you that it's open*. And, even if a ton of Jews say they don't care, there will always be just as many or more begging you** to stay away from our closed culture that we've been killed and raped and genocided for trying to practice for thousands of years. If you only listen to the Jews that say what you want to hear, and don't listen to anyone else, it means you don't actually care about Jews and only about what you want. Think about how, by interacting with Judaism, a non-Jew gets to have all the fun they want and go unharmed, while even just a few days ago a Jew was stabbed in the street just because he answered "yes" when asked if he was a Jew.
Secondly, these pop-culture versions of Lilith are an example of part of a culture being stolen, erased, and turned into an empty vessel for entertainment. This has actually happened an extreme amount of times with endless amounts of highly sacred Jewish ideas. Also, there's a big difference between pop-culture figures just happening to have the name "Lilith" and actually trying to be Lilith. It would still not be okay to interact with the Kabbalah just because it appears in your favorite comic book, or interact with a figure from any other closed practice just because they were also in a comic book.
If a figure is "like" Lilith, I mean, I'm not sure what you mean (but I will answer this in the next paragraph). Goyim*** who work with her seem to consistently do so because she was the "first wife of Adam who defied Gd". And that's a problem because that's not even the true story. They're taking that narrative from an old Jewish work (the Alphabet of Ben Sirach) that was meant to be a joke, which literally talks about farting and pissing in its other stories. It says Lilith was mad pretty literally because she couldn't be "on top of Adam". And yes, that is the exact origin of that "Lilith was the first woman" story. When you look at actual Jewish (most often Ashkenazi) folklore and Jewish texts, Lilith was never a human being. She was, first, not even one entity, but a category of baby-killing and raping demons. Then she became a singular entity who was the personification of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. So, right off the bat, everything they worship about Lilith comes from their fundamental misunderstanding of what Lilith even is. This stems from the fact that they are not Jewish and will be making these incorrect and ignorant assumptions, therefore continuing to erase actual Jewish ideas and proving a million times over that people working with cultures closed to them will consistently get everything about them wrong because they don't understand a culture that was never theirs.
If someone wants to work with a hot sexy feminist demon or other dark figure that actually stands for female liberation, just go to open practices! Look at Lamia, or Inanna, or Ereshkigal, or Nyx, or Rashoon, or Tezrian, or Delepitoré. Those all actually fit what they think they're getting in Lilith, those are "like" this idea of Lilith that people have and are open. But they go after Lilith anyway, just because they hate being given a boundary and told that they just shouldn't touch a culture that is not theirs.
* In my experience, Jews (who say Lilith is open) whom I have interacted with have, in every instance, not actually known the true story of Lilith or were fully educated on her actual narrative. Not saying they don't exist, but this is my experience, and I think that says something.
** I'm using "you" here a lot but I'm not specifically accusing you of anything. I'm using "you" to denote non-Jewish Lilith appropriators.
*** "Goy"/"goyim" is a Yiddish word for non-Jews.
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strawbeerossi · 1 year
Chasing Rainbows
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Pairing: Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid
Description: Whenever Spencer and his wife face the unimaginable, they grow apart and their marriage takes a nosedive. It isn’t until a few weeks go by that something remarkable brings them together again.
Content Warning: Infant death due to SIDS, different grieving processes, Spencer works like 24/7 and does everything to avoid his wife, reader can’t bare to look at Spencer, there are talks of faith, reader believes in signs from the universe, Spencer and reader do their best to come together again and mend what was broken.
Word Count: 1.8K
Part two
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A beautiful friend @lucreziaq2001 requested this via DMs and I had to write it for them. Please pay attention to the warnings because this will be very heavy on angst with fluff towards the end. 🫶🏻
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Three weeks, two days, seven hours, eleven minutes and forty-five seconds. 
That was how long it had been since Noah died. A once happy and smiley nine month old little boy taken from his parents from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. 
It was nothing new that the word was unfair and unforgiving, taking away innocent children from the arms of their parents in a number of different ways. Spencer had seen it before given his line of work.
Whether it be a person who kidnaps children to do unspeakable things, parents or siblings who snap at the people who couldn’t fight back, or the cruelest thing of all; nature. 
There wasn’t a day in his life where he thought that he would be in the position of so many parents that he had to comfort before. He couldn’t seek closure, instead having to bear with the weight of the world weighing heavy on his chest. 
It didn’t help that his wife, Y/N, was nothing but a hollow husk of who she used to be. There was no smile on her face anymore, she didn’t sleep in their shared bed, she couldn’t eat or much less face Spencer. She was quiet, voice barely above a whisper when she did speak, that was rare.
Grief was different for every party involved. While she was quiet and resorted to shutting down, Spencer was pouring himself into his job. He stayed as late as he possibly could at the office, sometimes just needing to pour himself into an old case that he’d work on in his own time. Emily tried her best to send him home, telling him that he needed his wife, that they needed to comfort one another. 
His argument was always the same, that he would deal with his grief on his own time, truly tired of being told that he needed to be there for Y/N when she wasn’t even there for him. She barely spoke to him, didn’t look at him, she was never present in conversations. 
She shut down on him and he was shutting her out. 
Today was no different than all the others, they woke up and exited their now separate bedrooms. They shared a silent breakfast, Y/N offering a hushed ‘goodbye’ as her now estranged husband was leaving their once warm, comfortable home.
When he left for the day, that was when she was escaping the home that was filled with too many painful memories, nor could she stomach the fact that she wasn’t supposed to be there by herself. 
Noah should’ve been there, making a mess with his breakfast all while being the smiley and baby he was. 
There was silence while she was getting dressed for the day, grabbing her keys and purse before exiting the home. She made sure to lock up, taking in a soft breath. It rained the night before, so the smell of the damp soil filled her nose. Her husband told her years ago that it was called Petrichor, when she told him that the smell comforted her.. 
“Petrichor is the more earthy smell after rain. Did you know that a main component of it is an organic compound called geosmin, which lingers around moist soil. Geosmin comes from the ancient Greek “geo”, meaning earth, and “osme”, meaning smell.” 
It rained the day that Noah died, she could vividly remember hearing the thunder boom outside as she was sitting and talking to the doctor as she described why their little boy wasn’t breathing. 
Rain wasn’t comforting anymore, instead a dark reminder of the worst night of her life.
With her sneakers making splashes out of puddles as she was walking out of her home and up the sidewalk, her eyes were glancing up at the sky. 
It was gloomy, clouds hovering over their town which meant more rain was in store at some point. It was fitting, the bleakness that clouded her life was being transported to the weather. 
As she began her walk around the neighborhood, she was keeping her gaze down. Their neighbors looked at Spencer and Y/N with pity, making sure to stop them and express their condolences or that they were praying for their broken family. 
The thoughts of prayer healing her was insulting. She’d begun to think that if there was a greater deity or higher power out there, she wouldn’t be feeling this pain in the first place. 
They say things happen for a reason and that they make people stronger, however this situation had no positive ending. Instead of being happy with a perfect family, they were all torn apart from one event that ruined both parents forever. 
However, she tried to maintain some form of faith. 
“If things are going to be okay, please just.. Send me a sign.” Y/N had to choke the words out through tears that were already filling her eyes. “Show me that he’s at least.. Okay up there. Is that too much to ask?” 
She knew there was a strong chance that she was speaking to nothing, the words getting lost in the autumn air. Spencer would probably tell her that nobody could hear her, that signs like that just weren’t physically possible. 
At one point, she would’ve told him that he was wrong, that the universe spoke to them in more ways than he realized. Now though, she had half a mind to believe it.
“This is stupid.” She spoke softly to herself, using the back of her hand to swipe away her tears before lifting her head. However she could feel her heart twist at the sight she hadn’t been paying attention to.
There was a beautiful rainbow, settled over the houses that weren’t too far ahead. That made a small smile appear on her face, the tears flooding more.
This was a sign, she was sure of it. This was her comfort, the thing that would keep her belief in a world beyond theirs, one where they’d be reunited at some point. There was going to be a day where she did see her little rainbow again. 
The rest of the walk down the sidewalk was filled with silent thoughts of what was going on around her. Noah was okay. Y/N and Spencer, however, were far from it. They’d been neglecting one another in every way possible. 
Spencer was having his own thoughts of their current life together, currently doing a case in Arlington, Virginia. It was a case that hit close to home, a mother and a father losing their only child. They were under very different circumstances but they felt the same heartbreak, the same pain. The difference was, they were by each other's sides. 
There was no pain from behind the father’s eyes because he refused to discuss what was happening to them, the mother wasn’t broken to the point where she couldn’t speak. They held each other, grounded one another. 
That was the importance of talking these things out. They were bonded together, both able to keep their heads up because they were connected. 
That case opened up his mind to what they were doing. Him and Y/N lost one another when they should’ve been connected from the beginning. They didn’t grieve together, instead separately. They didn’t feel grounded, instead like they drifted away in a storm.
Spencer knew what they needed to do and he was going to do what he could to bring them back to one another. Even if it took days, weeks, months, even years.
They weren’t alone.
Six weeks, five days, two hours and ten seconds. 
That was how long it had been with Spencer doing everything he possibly could. He didn’t stay at the office late anymore, instead bringing home Y/N’s favorite flowers to surprise her, getting her small gifts from when he had to leave the state, even buying them dinner on Fridays from their favorite Chinese takeout place.
The smile on Y/N’s face was slowly coming back, she could look Spencer in the eye now and hold a conversation. They were moving slowly, adjusting to this new life they were navigating together.
They were currently sitting at the dining room table, the two eating dinner in a more content silence rather than the tense one they faced before. “I saw another rainbow today.” The soft tone of Spencer’s voice had Y/N slowly peeking up from the noodles in her takeout box. 
“Really?” She asked, sitting up a little straighter. “The card you got me with my roses had a rainbow on it too.” She spoke softly, offering a smile. Spencer let his eyebrows raise. “Did it? I didn’t see that when I picked it out. Maybe it’s a sign.” 
Of course Spencer realized it, however, the idea of rainbows being a sign from Noah was slowly growing on him, even if the more logical side of him knew that it wasn’t possible. 
“Yeah.” Y/N’s words were a little louder than the barely audible version that her husband was faced with for weeks. 
“I think he’s proud of us, you know. We’ve been doing really good. I walked further down the street today and I passed by his favorite spot, the one with all the flowers. It felt like he was there, Spencer.”
There was a smile on the man’s face. Even if his brain was trying to argue the scientific reasoning that it was just her brain trying to comfort her, he was fighting those thoughts. It was an inner conflict, his logic and his emotions having a full on war. 
“Because he was there.” The words were genuine, there was no sarcasm or any added thoughts of the theories that it could’ve been.
Dinner had been finished and cleaned up not too long after, the parents standing side by side in the kitchen while they were either wiping down the counter or putting their leftovers in the fridge.
“I’ve missed this.” Spencer said, his gaze falling on his wife as she turned around. “Me too. I’ve missed us.” She admitted, only walking into the open arms of her husband, her forehead against his shoulder. That was when the tears were falling from her eyes, leaving her to a sobbing mess.
That hug was what she needed, Spencer was what she needed. 
Spencer was relishing in the embrace, choked sobs leaving his lips as he felt the relief of the world wash over him. 
Tragedy had the power to ruin lives if someone let it and neither one of them could believe that they almost let it ruin them too. 
“I love you.” The two spoke in sync, tears washing over the significant others as if it was a cleansing rain. 
“And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than look down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.”  – G. K. Chesterton
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namazunomegami · 8 months
emperor!sukuna x imperial concubine!reader
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a/n: part 2 of my self-indulging mess. I had a lot of fun writing him and his drabble got finished way before I developed the whole plotline for Geto lol. I'll try to complete Gojo today or tomorrow and Toji is in the works yaaay!!
Also, I'm so surprised my Geto drabble got so many notes in such a short time!! I wouldn't expected people to be remotely interested in my writing but now I'm getting confident.
And finally, I can guarantee that this reader is gender neutral.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <33
wc: 674, I know, I know, Geto got the princess treatment from me but sometimes less is more <333
cw: historical AU, scheming, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of sudden infant death syndrome, betrayal, accusations of abortion, execution, nudity, mentions of poisoning, suggestive
credits: i used a colored manga panel instead of a fanart but I have no idea who did the coloring so feel free to help me credit their work. And again, my precious @notveryrussian did the proofread, luv ya mwah <33
MDNI PLEASE! I'm gonna find you and kick you in the butt if you do. If you’re not comfortable with dark content or anything mentioned in the warnings just scroll, there's nothing wrong with that.
His mandate of heaven is very different from Gojo and Geto. Sukuna is a ruthless tyrant, he enjoys crushing any nation he deems either threatening or undeserving to even exist next to his borders. His palace is a snake pit, full of betrayal and backstabbing. Executions are frequent and he needs no valid reason to sentence someone to death, he enjoys the bloodshed and the sight of lifeless bodies. You can’t survive that place acting kind and humble. Sukuna specifically torments his concubines physically and mentally for the sheer enjoyment of it.
His court is probably the most competitive. You need to be as ruthless as he is, you need to become a schemer. One of his high-ranking consorts takes you under her wing. She lets you spend leisure time with her, and somehow, she ends up telling you way more sensitive information than she should. She once managed to give him a child, but the infant sadly died days after they were born. She complained about how hard that pregnancy was and that she’s afraid of going through it again, even though she’s attached to him. And not long after this conversation, she fell ill. Retching out everything she ate, her stomach burned and ached. She was so weak her cycle was two weeks late. She trusted you enough to have you fetch her a specific herbal tea to ease her pain and grant her some dreamless sleep.
And that’s the moment you decide you’ll use everything you know about her to cast her down and take her place.
You accuse her that she’s pregnant but wants to abort her baby. Your story is so intricately constructed from all the details you knew that his officials are on your side without hesitation. She watches you horrified, desperately telling him that nothing could be so far from the truth. Sukuna decides to believe in your words and orders for the consort to be executed. Finding pure joy in how she wails and begs for forgiveness. At the execution, he studies your face, every little detail and reaction and you were aware of that. It’s time to impress him. Your face is still, you don’t even flinch when her head is severed by the neck. The eunuchs come for you at night.
He loves and loathes this tradition at the same time. The servants want to protect him, so they deliver you stark naked to ensure you won’t carry any weapons. Fools, as if a weak and trembling creature like you could ever hurt him with a mere dagger or a sharpened hairpin. Yet it makes you look like an offering. A sacrificial lamb. Maybe because you are.
Some primal instinct tells you to balance your inner strength and innate fear of him. Pull back your shoulders, straighten your back, don’t even think to conceal your private parts. Let your fingers quiver and the sheer dread in your eyes seep through. He mocks you. Almost laughs at you while sitting comfortably on the intricately carved shelf bed, wearing a loose bright yellow robe, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. There’s no reason for him to not do this though, he’s a god, the son of heaven, therefore, everything about him is perfect.
The first thing he asks you is if you’re satisfied with your pathetic attempt to improve your position. You don’t dare to tell him that you feel the guilt rotting your insides. He confesses that he was poisoning her meals, he wanted to watch her wither away slowly and enjoy her suffering, but you ruined his plans. He might spare you, you’re a stupid little thing, you couldn’t have known. He warns you that you need to do so much more if you want to be on his good side. You need to be absolutely despicable to earn his praise. Though you feel content having reached your goal and getting to spend a night with him, somewhere deep down you hope you can leave his chamber in one piece or, at least, alive.
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