#Sundrop/moondrop x reader
neblina-magico · 6 months
Sleeping In The Sun
Chapter 5 (Pt.1)
You were desperate for a job so you applied to be the daycare Attendants handler! you have no clue what you're signing yourself into but at least you don't have to pay rent now!
Moon hates you, Sun doesn't know how to feel about you and you're just trying to survive.
There are no windows in the apartment, nothing that greets sunlight in or any sort of shine aside from the artificial lights from the ceiling and lamp on the nightstand. You're awake, painfully aware of it, a sudden dreaded feeling crashes onto you the second you wake up. It's common, happens quite often for you, moments where you'll wake up and suddenly be lost in your thoughts, mind, and emotions. Something swarms of emotions but there are times where it's the lack of emotions that overthrows you.
Leaving you feeling like all you can see is a sort of cloudy darkness, you always associate these moments as seeing shadows, reminiscing of past struggles and experiences that have brought you to deal with these feelings. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes everything feels heavy, still, unmoveable. Today your thoughts are little, your mind is mostly blank, yet despite that, all your emotions feel strong, chaotic, and unorganized. Maybe your mind is completely blank, your mind is in a complex state trying to figure out why you woke up like this, when memories of yesterday surface you have a somewhat clear understanding.
Although the day before you made the effort to remain calm during and after the events with the animatronics, try to hide what happened with Moon in those darker corners of your mind. ‘I was doing pretty well yesterday’ you thought looking up at the star stickers decorating the ceiling, ‘so why now does it catch up to me…’ Closing your eyes you take a breath and tell yourself that today will be better, it will.
Getting up slowly you look at the small clock on the nightstand, you have an hour to get dressed and at least have a small snack. You walk over to the closet and open it, greeted with a whole assortment of clothes, most if not all of them being celestial-themed. Not that you'll complain much, you've always loved astronomy. Taking out the Daycare uniform you start changing out of your pj’s.
A sudden buzzing sound comes from the bathroom attached to the bedroom, slowly walking over you catch sight of a pink watch sitting on the bathroom counter. It was similar to those smartwatches with a tiny screen and all. The band is a pale pink color with cute little stars decorated throughout.
Reaching over for your toothbrush you start brushing your teeth examining the smartwatch. Taking notice of a red dot hanging on top of one of the apps, opening it you're greeted by an email from Lenna, the same person who did your interview.
“Dear new employee
I hope you've already settled into your new home! Just thought I would send you an email as a friendly reminder that today will be the start of your new job. You'll be starting a new job at Superstar Daycare! As both a caregiver and attendant in the daycare, looking after the kids and helping around and about depending on what Sun and Moon ask of you, but also as the animatronics technicians and such.
As mentioned before you are required to work around the daycare, helping kids, putting stuff in their places, cleaning, and whatever more is needed. That kind of work is decided by the Daycare attendants, as of recently we are required to provide the animatronics with a sense of free will and decision making and so we expect you to follow whatever they require of you. However, there is ONE thing that is absolutely necessary for YOU to do and that is to be there for when guardians drop off their kids and come to pick them up. You have to check in each kid and who dropped them off and then after hours you have to sign them out and make sure PLEASE make sure you ask for ID.
You start at 8 AM and your shift as a daycare attendant is until 6 PM which is closing time for check out. After that your entire shift will typically end around 7 PM unless Sun and Moon need some maintenance or something.
Before I finish this email I'll just like to say that I don't understand why you'll want to come back to a place like this. Like you're way too overqualified for this job wtf are you doing bestie? Either way, I hope you have a good work day.
Best of wishes,
Putting the wristband around your arm you spit out what toothpaste is left in your mouth and start to fix your hair/adjust your headpiece as you look at the mirror. Your eyebags look heavier than usual, darker too, and your mind feels swarmed with all kinds of things.
‘It's all in my head, nothing like that will happen again’
Taking a slow breath you check the time, 7:25 AM, enough time to make breakfast. Rushing over to the kitchen you take out some ingredients for the breakfast you're about to make. You're thinking of something warm and filling to fuel you for the rest of the day at least until lunchtime.
—- —- —
With your little book bag in hand you look at the entrance of the daycare, 7:50 Pm, some parents are already rolling in with their children. Mentally pushing aside the twinkling warm and irritating feeling from your chest you walk past and into the main daycare area. The bright colors never stop to amaze you, walking over to the little counter near the slide you place your bag down and log into the computer. Slumping onto the computer chair you stair at the statue.
The dread of having to interact with those to again weigh heavy on your shoulders, yet before you could enter into another spiral the noise of the doors automatically unlocking drowns out the dark voices gathering in your mind. Plastering on a smile and confident posture you greet the parents one by one each kid gets checked in until an hour later all kids are inside the daycare.
With a sigh you stand up and stretch, walking over to the silly ass looking slide and swoosh inside. No thoughts run through that mind of yours, okay maybe there are some thoughts, some worries and concerns. ‘How's today going to play out? Will I get chased again? Maybe it’ll all be alright’ and hopefully it all will.
You ain't into the ball pit, surprisingly the little cubes (guess it's more of a cube pit then ball) were soft enough that they just squished into your shape. Sadly enough it felt strangely like a hug, like you're sinking into a bed you've long for, the bed only found in your home town. It is a place you would always call home. These thoughts, feelings, and longing looms over you. There's a slight shift, a kid pulls towards you and sits next to you. She tilts her head looking at you with that childlike wonder. You smile at her and she smiles back. Looking at your watch you look at her sheet.
Name: Meelisa James
Age: 6
Height: 137.16 Cm (4ft5in)
Weight: 44.91 Kg (99 Pounds)
Notes: Meelisa is allergic to Strawberries, also please use sign language with her, she's hard of hearing.
Looking back at her you smile.
She smiles.
‘Hello, who are you? A new friend!’
You nod your head and start to get out of the ball pit looking around, you catch the eye of Sun being chased and claimed by a whole swarm of children.
‘Yes im a new friend, do you want to do some crafts Meelisa?’
You ask her as she walks over to you, smiling and spinning before grabbing hold of your hand and drags you over to the arts and crafts. She makes you sit down while she picks some stuff to use.
Part 2 will he out soon I promise.
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notdysfunk · 2 months
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"Look what I found, Sunshine!!"🔆💕
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chimkin-samich · 4 months
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MerMay hitting like crazy lately...
Expect more, and I mean m o r e ... SOON! 👀
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karoochui · 11 months
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He wants to play UNO
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vacantfields · 6 months
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When your bestie of all time gets to your shared crush first.......
LMAO KSJGHKS i just had a silly idea and wanted to sketch it so here it is... HELLO DCA COMMUNITY!!! HAVE MY OFFERING!!! (i have been here for months its fine)
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bibiscate · 5 months
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yooo so I started working on this when I finished reading Sleuth Jesters by @naffeclipse (not sure if you okay with tagging, i'll delete if not) some weeks ago and it absolutely destroyed my heart :D
the scene where they ran after the Vigilante after discovering their "secret"? Tears??? At 4AM??? More likely than you think!!
so yeah this piece is based on that scene, yes I took very long, yes I forgot to post it, kiss kisss muah
Edit: forgot to credit @sunnys-aesthetic, who made the Detective AU Sleuth Jesters is based on!! :D
If the tag edit doesn't work I might reblog this with the tagging later
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skizabaa · 2 years
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Moon made a new friend!
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pluck-heartstrings · 3 months
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They really get to the ‘tea’ part of tea party.
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ping-ski · 1 month
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shrödinger's plex fic (they are real to me)
EBY eclipse and y/n ref here!! :3
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lilttlefloffu · 10 months
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I'm not dead, I'm just depressed, but hey!, I did a Moon!
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xitsensunmoon · 11 months
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Guard dogs....
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I really really want to finish this but have no time nor energy but I still want to post this as I'm proud of how it came out<3 also yeah I know they are bigger than usual I... Yeah
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neblina-magico · 8 months
Sleeping In The Sun
(Chapter 4)
You were desperate for a job so you applied to be the daycare Attendants handler! you have no clue what you're signing yourself into but at least you don't have to pay rent now!
Moon hates you, Sun doesn't know how to feel about you and you're just trying to survive.
“Now who might you be Starlight”
You suck in a breath pressing the star pillow close to your chest, your eyes wide in panic. The voice was deep and ominous, menacing, and quiet. You feel your face grow cold and a shiver trails down your spine.
You breathe slowly, quietly as if that helps you seem smaller, and saves you from any danger.
“Saw you talking to Sunny and thought ‘Why not see you with my own eyes’ and well here I am!” The deep raspy voice says with a laugh. You close your eyes sucking in a breath, trying to ease yourself at least a little. With trembling hands and only a piece of confidence left in you, you open your mouth.
“Wh— He–!” Your voice barely comes out in a whisper, most of what you said sounded more like squeaks than anything else. You collect some fabric of your pants into a fist, red and gray fill your insides burning yet chilling you at the same time its like a fire pit building up at your chest yet at the same time there's ice cubes running along your stomach and back.
You hear a giggle, a chill overcomes your entire body. You feel lengthy cold fingers wrap around your waist, you suck in a sharp breath, your breathing becoming slow and shallow as the figure turns you around to face them. You come face to face with a two toned shirt, half in black and the other in white with black buttons, the pillow that once resembled a star looks more like a squashed water balloon. You try to suppress your fear as the figure bends down to meet you with its glowing red eyes, the kind you'll only see in nightmares or nightly hallucinations. They pierce into you seemingly reading into your soul, as the figure looks into your eyes the crescent moon face smiles widely.
“What beautiful eyes, it's easy to see your fear through them” Moondrop. Your throats dry, your chest feels tight, restrained and toyed in bondage. You sigh telling yourself that there's no point in living with this fear, that the past doesn't have to continue affecting you years later. Perhaps it's best to slow down, take a step back and rethink this situation. As far as you know Moondrop probably just wanted to introduce himself, hopefully.
“You look like a wanna be Moon for The Legend of Zelda '' you mumble looking at Moondrop in the eyes, you probably would have survived the Victorian Era honestly. A blank stare looking back at another blank stare. You pull the most awkward nervous smile you can conjure up and start slowly backing away towards the exit of the place.
“Where are you going? Don't think you could leave after saying something like that!” Moondrop says making his way at you. ‘Though this conversation ended the moment it started’ you think to yourself as you continue out of the nap time place thing.
“I think…yes” you say making a run across the daycare, in your rush you spot Sun playing with some cubes, stacking and unstacking them. Hearing your loud footsteps, he turns his head to look at you as you rush past him giving a smile and wave goodbye.
Needless to say he was confused by your theatrics till he followed where you came from and saw Moon standing at the entrance of the naptime tent holding the star pillow you were once holding. Well it doesn't look much like a perfect star, more like a deformed one, though that's nothing they can fix. They both look at each other with a shrug going back to what they were doing before you came in.
You push open the doors from the daycare, letting them close behind you as you try your hardest to catch your breath. Feeling your neck burn up and feel the dryness that built up in there, your heart hitting your chest like a punch with each intake.
“What the FUCK was that, What the Fuck was that.” your voice breaks from the heavy breathing. Catching your breath you stand up right and walk towards the door off to the side marked with the “Staff Only” label. Taking your security card out from your pocket you tap it on the handle and open the door. Walking past the little staff lounge area and to the elevator hidden near the restroom swiping your card again the elevator door opens. There's only one way the elevator goes and that's dowwwwwwwwwwwwn.
Sighing you lean on the railings of the elevator feeling the constant state of fear and running catching up to you physically. Felling i wash of blanket like weight drap over your shoulders and eyelids, a lot had happen in so little time and with you state of panic you had allowed time for your brain and body to connect properly. Now youre paying for it through sheer exhaustion. Youre aware its a natural response but even so it never gets old.
The elevator door opens and you walk into youre new home, leaving your shoes at the entrance you drag yourself into you room. Its beautiful with all the space imagery but in you tired state you simply walk over to the closet and unhook some soft pajamas while thinking of something simple to eat. In your fresh gear you walk to the kitchen, preparing some yogurt with cereal and stand there at the counter eating.
You wash the dishes, your brain feels empty, the only things in there are thoughts of the events that happened. It felt to fast, too fast.
“Fucking wannabe zelda moon and his fucking freaky red ass eyes and his assery of a colourful personality” You mumble to yourself washing the bowl and spoon that yiu used to eat. On your way to the bedroom you keep mumbling, “pinche luna, jackass” nonstop.
You turn off the light, lifting the very nice and soft blankets from the bed and sliding into the bed. You let out a relieved and deep sigh feeling the soft blankets caress your body, comfort hitting you at an instant.
“I hope the sun rises and the moon sets nicely, tomorrow will be better” you whisper to yourself as you slip into some much needed sleep.
Tomorrow will be better
Haven’t posted in a while, sorry for the really late update life’s been wild. Hope you enjoyed Chapter 4 of Sleeping In The Sun
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sunrotdropbrain · 15 days
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Source under cut
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chimkin-samich · 5 months
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Ah yes, love showering contest where the judge is blissfully unaware and left rather confused has to be one of my favorite tropes out there...
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karoochui · 8 months
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I am admittedly not the most massive fan of human DCA cuz i think some characters aren't human for good reason BUT. i had ideas. So
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particle-e · 1 year
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