#Super Luigi Nut
the-bejeesus · 2 years
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Who's getting the best head?
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owl-music · 4 months
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broom pose sanji supernut zoro !!! thanks drawfee
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nuctoria · 2 months
Maybe it's not the right time to ask this.
Mario's opinion... Luigi's harem
With Daisy and Peasley he wasn't surprised at all, he teased him endlessly about it. He basically introduced Daisy to Luigi after helping her out in Sarasaland. Peasley openly showed his favouritism to Luigi so it was no surprise to anyone that they'd end up together.
Dreambert and Bowser was a total surprise. Dreambert because he showed equal respect to both him and Luigi and didn't make his crush to his lil bro obvious but he certainly doesn't mind, he finds it cute with how gentle and loving they are to each other. He does mind with Bowser though and was an even bigger surprise then Dreambert! Bowser never showed a single interest in Luigi, forgetting his name in seconds whenever they faced him together! How did this happen?! When did this happen?! He made a big fuss over it and asked Luigi a million questions to try and wrap his head around it. He worried Bowser was manipulating Luigi and would hurt him since he has before but after many weeks of supervision he calmed down and came to accept it, tolerating the lizard when he's not kidnapping the princess.
He nearly had a heart attack when he learned Luigi was with any of these three. King Boo, Antasma and Dimentio. He kept trying to figure out what sort of mind control he was trapped in. He nearly killed Dimentio and Antasma all over again and threatened King Boo that he'd learn how to handle ghosts like Luigi. It took such a long time for Luigi to calm Mario down and explain the situation. He doesn't underestimate his brother, never, but this is nuts! These are the three villains who hurt Luigi the most and were so dangerous to the point they even scared him a bit! He feared they would take away his lil bro the second he turned his back on them, he couldn't let that happen! There were a LOT of rules set in place that stuck for nearly a whole year before Mario managed to begin having a bit of faith and trust or tolerance in those three. It started with Antasma since he was actually the tamest and more calm one of the villains, even if the bat didn't like him and bit him a few times.
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Now that I think about it, my headcanon for Daisy has always been that her solutions for things tend to be more extreme than normal.
For example:
If she's going to best you in combat, she's going to break your wrist.
If she needs a weapon, she'll fashion up something like a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire.
Instead of solving any conflict between others in a diplomatic manner, she'll tell them to stop being an ass.
If you invade on her space, she'll throw you out of a window.
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tornrose24 · 1 year
The idea of Peach and Mario role swapping is a lot funnier after seeing the film and seeing how many family members are in Mario and Luigi’s family.
Because it wouldn’t just be two brothers in charge of a kingdom–you have three generations under one roof doing Lord-knows-what for the Mushroom Kingdom.
And for added hilarity, Peach would either still have to suffer a one sided crush from Bowser or Bowluigi WOULD be somewhat of a thing if Bowser still captured Luigi.
Though without any confirmation of Peach’s biological family, maybe instead of a community of Toads, she’d have a community from Brooklyn who would raise her.
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blluntrotation · 2 days
blunt rotation slop
the team is honestly very dysfunctional
there is not even a leading member, they're just a rushed put together team after hearing the world going to SHIT
they were worse when they first met, they all kind of hated eachother, i mean even right now two still do.
but, they'll find a way, somehow
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Art Dump!
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Characters are listed in the tags!
My OCs Gayle the Awesome Possum (in the starry hat) and Disco Rat (seen moments before getting consumed by an alligator) are also here! There’s another OC, but they’re unnamed so far. That’s is the object-head Crusader guy :P
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1029: The Meeting Among Men (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
11:34 a.m. at the Smash Mansion's Living Room.......
Dedede: (Stands in Front of the Television and Right Beside a White Board with the Words N.N.N. Written in Blue Marker) Alright, y'all, listen up! (Starts Walking Back and Forth with his Hands Behind his Back) The month of spook and scares has officially ended on this fine day. And as the start of November is now upon us......(Uses a Presentation Stick He's Holding, to Point at the Board in Question) so the challenge of the No Nutting Endurance!
Luigi: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Wait, that's still a thing? I thought it died off a while ago.
Cloud: (Rolls his Eyes) ('Tch') I wish. It's been a yearly thing since it first started.
Escargoon: (Looks Up Something on his Phone) Annnnnd it's already trended #1 on Blie Birb.
Dedede: Damn right. And this time around, all of us here is gonna buckle down and make it through December!
Samus: (Raises her Hand Lazily) That's great and all, but why exactly am I in this meeting again?
Dedede: Cuz you're the manliest woman this mansion has offa'. You could even inspire us to man up throughout the challenge.
Samus: I'm flattered. But I think you might wanna ask someone else for that. I already failed.
Dedede: (Eyes Widened) You what!? When!?
Samus: Last night at Chuns place after we sent Li-Fen here for the night. (Sighs Relaxingly While Putting her Hands Behind her Head) As cute as she is, that woman sure knows how to take charge~
Cloud: You might as well add Weeg and I to failed category as well, De. We had a foursome with the ladies all night. Our first one actually.
Luigi: Daisy suggested we give a try once we left the movie theater that night. (Starts Blushing While Bashfully Looking Away a Little) I-It was....nice sharing this experience with everyone and... whatnot.......(Blush Starts Getting a Little More Redder) Cloud and I even started kissing at one point.....
Cloud: (Chuckles Lightly While Gently Ruffling the Top of Luigi's Head) Poor guy been a blushing mess throughout all of it~
Samus: (Giggles Softly) Awww~ (Playfully Pulls Luigi's Cheeks) He speaks the truth, Weeg?~
Luigi: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah.......I nearly fainted after that....(Smiles a Little) Still, I had a really great time with all of you last night. So....(Rest his Head Onto Cloud's Shoulder) Thanks~
Cloud: No problem.
Dedede: Well, ain't that sweet. But y'all still disappoint me! (Pinches his Nose While Walking and Forth Again) I mean, really now, can't neither of y'all wait till the month is over to do all of that?
Cloud: (Shrugs) Hey, if you have a problem with that, you're more than welcome to yell at Daisy about it yourself.
Luigi: (Nodded in Agreement) It is her idea after all.
Dedede: (Stops Walking and Raise Up a Finger) I'll.......(Imagines Daisy Angrily Breaking a Cup to Pieces With One Grip of her Hand Before Gulping in Fear) keep my complaints to myself. But no matter. (Pulls Escargoon into a One Arm Hug With a Confident Smirk on his Face) My man Escargoon and I are gonna try and dominate the challenge ourselves!
Escargoon: Yeeeeeaaah....(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) About that......
Dedede: (Sighs While Turning Back to his Best Friend Woth a Deadpinned Expression) What is it?
Escargoon: My one year anniversary with Mabel is coming up in a few days. (Starts Blushing) So there might be possibility of the failing that challenge early...
Samus/Luigi: Awwwwwww~
Dedede: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Mabel? Wait. (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Realization) You mean that fortune teller in Cappy Town? I didn't know y'all were dating!
Escargoon: Yeah. We've been together for a while now, longer than any other relationship I've ever been on surprisingly enough. We're starting head to the next step of our relationship and I'm already getting nervous thinking about it myself.....
Luigi: (Gives the Slug Man a Reassuring Smile on his Face) There's no need to worry about that. Just stay calm, take a deep breath or two, and see where it goes from here.
Samus: And if you feel like you're not ready for this sort of thing yet, just tell her. I'm sure she'll understand.
Dedede: But if you are up for the challenge, then you go out there and give that fortune-telling woman every single bit that love you had inside ya 'tIll the early morning sun shines down on you both.
Escargoon: Not sure if I could last for that long....(Balled his Fists Up With Full Confidence on his Face) But you're right! It's now or never at this point. Thanks, guys. And....sorry I had to leave you doing the challenge on your own like this, De.
Dedede: (Wave his Hand Down) Nah it's fine, man. I already figured I would be a lone wolf in this. I just hope I don't fuck it all up like the last two times.......
Cloud: Yeah, I've been meaning to ask you about that. How exactly were you able to fail the challenge twice in the row? You're the only person in this room who's still single.
Samus: Unless......(Narrows her Eyes at the Former King) You're not seeing someone in secret, are you?
Dedede: ('Scoffs') Girl, I wish! But nah, I'm not in a secret relationship or anything like that. It's just.....well....Sometimes, when you're alone in the romantic world or better yet, bored out of your mind, you tend to find the urge to watch something more....explicit to help ease the mind of blissful loneliness.
Luigi: Explicit- Wait. Your majesty, does this mind you've been watching-
Dedede: Boy, hush. I'm still talkin'. But whenever you do watch those types of entertainment on the computer screen, it sucks in you in, refusing to let your visual prowess turn to any direction of your choosing. No matter how much you try, it will always find a way to bring you right back to that very screen.
Escargoon: ......Soooo....is this some of sort euphemism of you watching p-
Dedede: But that could be a thing in the future right this instant! Because in the month of No Nutting Endurance, it does NOT only challenge yourself as your worth of a man, but could provide a hefty amount of learning experience from past failures and cowardice for days, weeks, months on end until time for you take that challenge on, rinse and repeat every lesson you've learned thus far, and climb your way to the top of victory! Only then, will you know the essence of a True Man's World.
Samus: You watch porn, didn't you?
Dedede: (Pinches his Nose Again in Annoyance) Oh for the love of- YES! I watched porn once or twice!
Samus silently raises an eyebrow at Dedede.
Dedede: More times than I can count! But I ain't gonna let that slip me up this time. Because this year, I'm gonna accomplish this challenge with an iron fist and mallet! For my name isn't SIR KING DEDEDE THE 4TH-
An Hour or Two Later........
Dedede walks down the stairs with his robe closed and grumpy, defeated look on his face as he makes his way to the kitchen, passing by the living room.
Samus: (Lays on the Sofa Watching TV with the Fellas) How's the challenge going along, De?
Dedede grumbles as he keeps walking, not looking anyone in the eyes.
Samus: (Turns to Everyone Else Present in the Room) He so failed.
Luigi: Yep.
Cloud: Uh-huh.
Escargoon: (Shrugs) There's always next year.
(A lot quicker than last time he entered)
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 years
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Name: Fury Shadow
Debut: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury
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HELL yeah!!!
Still reading this post? Heh... I guess you’re braver than I thought. Not that it means much, out here in Evil Luigi territory...
Despite their appearance, Fury Shadows are NOT actually Luigi. Why do they look like Luigi? I don’t know! Why don’t you ask them?
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Oh, sorry, It’s in Ball Form right now. Please leave a message. Regular Luigi doesn’t go in Ball Form all that often, which is an easy way to tell them apart. Usually, you can also tell them apart because Fury Shadows are made of black goop and have piercing red eyes, but the ball form is more reliable, in case the real Luigi has been wallowing in crude oil while wearing colored contacts.
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Fury Shadows like to be On The Move! Trying not to get got. They are a lot like Shadow Mario, running away with a Shine, needing Mario to chase them down and bop them a bunch to get it. With how Sunshine-inspired Bowser’s Fury is, it is pretty much absolutely a reference to Shadow Mario! I just must ask, why Luigi? Because it’s funnier? I think it’s funnier. Is that why, Fury Shadow?
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Aw, nuts. Ball Form again. They will enter Ball Form after each hit, no doubt incubating their Luigi Form in there, before Luiging once more. I would think this spiky form would be more effective at not being hit, but I don’t think that’s their style. I think they’re Cheeky!
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If Mario takes too long to chase them, Fury Shadows will stop to taunt him. You just got Luigi’d! I think this is all a game to them. Even the most evil of Luigis likes to have fun.
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Fury Shadow also brings to mind Gooigi! They just love making gelatinous Luigis these past few years! I think it would be funny if these just slowly but surely became a permanent fixture of the Mushroom Kingdom. Liquid Luigis becoming as ubiquitous as Toads and Yoshis. A Luigi made of sap, waving to you from the sidelines of Maple Treeway.
And if you find that thought to be more unsettling than charming?
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-Evil Luigi
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luigisblueoveralls · 1 year
This is a rlly weird request but can u do Luigi x spiderwoman reader :o
It's not weird at all! It's different, but that's what I love doing it writing people's requests! Hope you enjoy it!
I Need a Hero
Luigi x Spiderwoman!Reader
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Summary: You are Spiderwoman, and after saving the city one day, you walk home to find a short Italian man nearly getting robbed and you step in to help him.
Notes: I hope I did well on this one! I'm not familiar with Marvel at all, so I hope you enjoy it! There are no warnings for this one 😊
(L/N)=Last Name
"Your usual, (L/N)?" The barista, Cadence, asked you.
"Yes, ma'am." You answer, pulling your wallet out.
"Oh, it's on the house today." Cadence stopped you.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, ma'am. For what you did for us yesterday, you deserve it." Cadence recalled yesterday events.
Yesterday, the beloved coffee shop of Brooklyn city was being robbed by a group of goons and luckily you, Spiderwoman, was able to save the day and take down the goons without anyone getting hurt, besides the goons.
"Oh really, it's no big deal. It's what I do." You comment, making Cadence smile at you.
Cadence finished making your drink and handed it to you. You then grabbed out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to Cadence.
"Take it, please. For your kindness." You reassured her.
"Thank you, Ms. (L/N). Enjoy your day." Cadence, thanks you as she took the tip from you.
"You too, Cadence." You say as you exit the store with your drink.
It has been a chill day so far here in Brooklyn City, and while you loved saving people and keeping peace in the city, you enjoyed a day where you didn't have to do much. You enjoyed being Spiderwoman, but it exhausted you as well. You felt as though it was hard to be a normal person since everyone knows your identity and what you look like, and people like to approach you all the time. Fans were nice and respectful most of the time, but it was the paparazzi and the news reporters that drove you nuts. But you had to go with the flow cause if you said the wrong thing, then they could twist it, and everyone would hate you, and you didn't want that. Not at all. You had just finished your drink and were tossing it in a nearby trashcan, thinking about what to do next.
"S-Stop!! Leave me alone! Help!" A voice cried out from a distance.
It sounded like it came from a young male, and thanks to your super hearing, you were able to pinpoint exactly where the voice was coming from. You quickly ran to where the voice was at and came across an alleyway. Down the ways was a group of thugs, picking up and throwing down a young, short male. What on Earth were they doing that poor young male?
"Give us all you got!" One thug yelled at him.
The young male wore green and sported a thick mustache.
"I-I already gave you everything I got! Just leave me alone, p-please." The young male pleaded.
The young male was terrified and practically trying to get away, but the thugs weren't having it. One of the thugs grabbed the young male by his overalls and held him up.
"Do we have to strip you down to prove it?" The thug threatened.
The young male's eyes went wide in fear. You could sense that he was, in fact being honest, but the thugs were just wanting to cause more harm for the hell of it. You couldn't stand to see this anymore.
"Hey!! Leave him the hell alone!" You scream out.
Three of the thugs looked at you in fear, realizing who you were, but the main thug who was holding the young male wasn't fazed by you.
"Heh, oh, look, it's Spider-Bitch!" The main thug laughed at you.
"Why don't we do this the easy way, and you just let that young gentleman go?" You announce, approaching them close.
The young male's eyes were locked on you. He was nonverbally begging you to save him. You gave him a reassuring look, trying to ease his worries.
"Why should I?" The thug taunted you.
You quickly shot a web at the thug which wrapped around his wrist, and you yanked the web down harshly, causing the thug to drop the young man but get beaten down to the ground. The young male immediately scooted far away from the scene and cowered in fest.
"You..you bitch!" The thug yelled as he was struggling to get up.
"Come on, man, let's go!" One of the scared thugs pleaded to him.
"NAH!! She thinks she can do that and be let go? I don't think so!!" The thug screams at you.
He was pissed off, but you didn't care.
"No, I just don't like it when people pick on others for no reason." You scowled.
The thug tried to throw a punch at you, but you caught it with your hand. Before he could even react, you headbutted him hard on his forehead. It hurt him, but it didn't even make you wince.
"Sh-Shit." The thug groaned in pain.
But he struggled to get to his feet as he tried to approach you, but you just shot a web at his leg, yanked on it, which caused him to fall face first onto the ground. The thug groaned in pain as the other three cowared in fear.
"Get him, get lost, and I won't throw y'all in jail."
The three thugs immediately grabbed the hurt thug that was on the ground and struggled to run away. You kept your eyes on the thugs until they were gone from sight. Thank God.
"Th-Thank you." A quivering voice spoke out.
You turned to find the young male on the ground, holding his legs to his chest, with his eyes gleaming up at you.
"You don't need to thank me, I promise. It's just what I do." You reassured the young male, squatting to get to his level.
The young male looked up at you fully. He was quite handsome, you thought. His big blue eyes, a mustache, and brown shaggy hair underneath the green hat he was wearing.
"Did they hurt you?" You ask to reassure him.
The young man pulled up his sleeve, and there was a nasty scab on his arm.
"Oh, here. Let me help you." You say as you take your glove off.
The young male was concerned, but he knew who you were. You were Spiderwoman, and he trusted you. You wrapped your hand around the scab, and you could feel your healing powers get onto his skin. The young male winced a little but he kept still.
"I'm sorry." You apologize.
"N-No, it's okay. You're helping." The young male reassured you.
As quick as it started, it was over. You released your hand and there was no scab there. Just smooth and clean skin.
"Oh wow. Thank you, Spiderwoman." He thanked you.
"Oh please. Just call me (Y/N). I insist." You sat.
You help the young male to his feet, and he is just barely taller than you.
"Oh, what's your name?" You ask.
The young male's face flushed pink a little but you didn't comment on it to avoid embarrassing him.
"Uh, Luigi." He answers.
"Aw, I like that name, Luigi." You say, and Luigi blushed some more.
"Want me to walk you to your place?" You offer, noticing it was getting dark out.
"Y-Yeah. I would love that, thank you, (Y/N)." Luigi thanks you.
"No problem, Luigi."
The two of you left the alleyway and started the walk to Luigi's place. As you both walked, you two started chatting it up and getting to know each other. Not only was he handsome but he was also super polite, kind and funny. He thought the same of you of course. You both were sadden when y'all both eventually arrived at Luigi's place but you asked for Luigi's number and to keep it a secret. Luigi had sworn to secrecy as you gave him your number. As you were leaving, you couldn't help but think of the friendship and possible relationship that was going to unfold with Luigi in the near future.
I'm super proud of this one and I hope you enjoy it!!
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articskele · 1 month
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Aaa this is super late but!!! Happy birthday @your-local-uwu-artist!!!!!
Also some notes on what I think things are made of under the cut bc I love little details like that ouo
- The bone, ghost type symbol, and Mario and Luigi hats are cookies!
- I imagine the Mimikyu tail has caramel and nuts in it or something? Like a Snickers bar!
- The little alternating red yellow and blue things are gumdrops ouo
- Maybe the Miku is made of fondant or chocolate?
- And I did that thing where people put little smears of sauce on the plate to look all fancy ouo. Maybe the little bat wing in reference to Charlotte is some kinda blueberry sauce? And the reddish pink sauce off to the side is strawberry!
- The star next to the chocolate drizzle is a little piece of chocolate ouo
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nuctoria · 2 months
Super Mermaid Bros (Part 2)
The brothers walked all the way to the underground pipe system of Brooklyn and kept watch for one another as they packed up their overalls, socks and boots before jumping in the water, letting their tails reconnect before swimming back home. The brothers were a pretty bumped at how their first day on the job went but Mario was quick to cheer himself and Luigi up, claiming it was just one time and that he was certain that things would get better from here on out.
Once they made it home, they hang their caps and took off their gloves. Their family paused their chatter when they heard the front door open and close and turned to them, all greeting the twins with a synchronized "Heyo!", the brothers responding in the same way as they sat in their respective seats at the dinner table, Mario next to his dad and Luigi next to his uncle, Tony. The family all together consisted of 9 merfolks; the brothers, their parents, Mia and Pio, their two uncles, Arthur and Tony, their aunt Marie, Arthur's wife, their grandfather and Marilyn, their cousin (I can't see her as the niece, she literally has Arthur's hair and she's sitting next to them like she's their daughter. Sorry folks).
"It's the 'Super Mario Brother'! From the TV!" uncle Tony exclaimed teasingly, laughing along with the grandfather across the table as the twins' mom gave him an annoyed side-glance. "They gave an Oscar for worse actors?" their other, Arthur, joined in the teasing only for his wife, Marie, to set him straight with a slap at the back of his head, confusing him.
The brothers didn't take them seriously or minded the teasing, Mario being happy that they all saw their commercial and asking for feedback, which only gave their uncles the opportunity for another round of teasing and laughing. Their mom however claimed it was amazing and should be in the cinema like Luigi had said back at the pizzeria. The brothers really appreciated the comment and gave their mom soft, grateful smiles.
That smile was gone from Mario's face when his dad placed a big scoop of spaghetti on Mario's plate with plenty of mushrooms in it. He always hated mushrooms, being the only one in the family that did. He took his fork and picked out all mushroom pieces from his plate, dropping them in Luigi's plate, as Tony started another conversation with him.
"Mario, seriously, what were you thinking with that commercial?" Tony asked a bit more seriously. "What? It's supposed to be funny" Mario responded, not even looking up from his plate while Luigi asked for the bread, getting ignored. "Yeah, but what's with the outfits? Plumbers wearing white gloves?" Tony asked again, getting a chuckle from Arthur. "That's right, we gotta have a trademark. Gotta stand out." Mario defended. "Don't listen to them, boys. The world laughed at Da Vinci too back then" their mom encouraged her sons as she passed a bowl of soup to Luigi.
Then Mario asked for his dad's opinion since he hadn't said a word this whole time and hoped he had a different opinion than his uncles. However, their dad admitted that he thought Mario was nuts to leave a steady job and blow their life savings on a commercial for a silly dream business. He didn't mean to wound Mario, he only wanted to give honest criticism since he's very experienced in the world-field, but the discussion was immediately over when he brought how Mario was dragging Luigi down with him.
Mario frowned, drained and hurt by what his dad said, and left the dinner table, swimming to his and Luigi's room. Everyone was shocked at what he had said and gave him looks of disbelief. Mia was the first to speak up about what Pio had just said, scolding him for being so harsh. Pio didn't think he didn't anything wrong, however, which prompted his own brothers to join in and said that he shouldn't have brought Luigi in the conversation since he knew how close the two were.
Luigi didn't engage in this argument, taking Mario's plate and working through it to take out all the remaining mushrooms from it. He put himself a plate as well after being done with Mario's and took both plates to his and Mario's shared room, where he found his brother staring at the screen of their TV with a solemn face.
"Hey." Luigi greeted his brother softly, swimming over to sit next to Mario, the NEWS channel on the TV barely audible. "You're not brining me down, big bro. You know what? What do they know!" Luigi tried to cheer up Mario but the older twin shook his head, rejecting the plate Luigi brought him. "It's not just them, Lu. Everyone has been telling us that we can't do this or that since we were fries. I'm just so tired of feeling like such a small fish..." Mario sighed.
But that changed when he finally paid attention at the TV to see that there was water main break that was flooding Brooklyn. At this, Mario's face lit up and he hurried up from his bed. "Luigi, this is our chance! Destiny is calling!" "Destiny Delvachio from school?" Luigi asked, thinking his brother was talking about their old classmate. "No that one! This is our chance to prove that we can still be plumbers! Come on!" Mario took ahold on Luigi's hand and dragged him out of their room and out of the house.
The two mermen swam all the water to the underground water system of Brooklyn, where the water break was taking place. Since they came here daily, they knew it like the back of their hands. Luckily for them, the place had flooded enough for the break to be underwater and they could work on it much easier since they wouldn't have to be extra cautious to keep their tails split.
Luigi decided to keep hold of their tools and let Mario do the plumbing for now, looking around with an nervous look on his face. He didn't really like how much darker it was here at night. The pipe Mario was working on started shaking violently as he tried to hold it still. Luigi swam over and tried to help keep it steady but it ended up bursting and swinging the brother to a break wall with such force that it broke on impact and sent the mermen to the room on the other side.
After the two had sat up, they looked around them and were shocked to see what they ended up finding by accident. The place was like a whole different pipe system, one that they had never seen before. Judging by the looks of it, no one had known of this place for ages. The water was pouring in from the broken wall but judging from how far down this new place went, it'd take ages for it to even fill up a quarter of a way. This allowed the brothers to split their tails and explore the new area while walking around.
Down and down the went, walking down staircase after staircase, ladder after ladder, it's like it never ended. Luigi tried to keep track of what directions they took and the details around them, fearing they'd up getting lost with how far down they went. By the time they got to the bottom, the water that had rushed in had filled about 12 feet of this place. Based on how dirty it was, it must have gathered up over the years and the break helped fill it up more. It was no problem for them.
They dived in the water to have a look around. "Eww. This water is so gross! M-maybe it's best if we head back, this doesn't seem safe." Luigi suggested, cringing uncomfortably at how dirty the water felt, looked and even tasted. "Just a quick look, Lu. We'll be out soon." Mario promised, not taking his eyes off of his surroundings. He only turned around when he heard the clanging sound of a pipe bring hit.
He saw one of his and Luigi's wrenches laying inside a large green pipe but Luigi was nowhere to be found.
Worry started creeping in Mario when he couldn't see Luigi all of a sudden, even more so when he wouldn't answer his calls to his name. Mario swam over and picked up the wrench from the floor, slowly inching deeper into the pipe to see if he could spot Luigi.
The wrench was suddenly ripped out of his hand by a strong current that soon not even he could fight against as he was sucked into the pipe.
Hope you guys enjoy! @istadris @itsavee4117 @vulpixfairy1985 @billinshoes @fruitytiff @keakruiser
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roninkairi · 1 year
And now for something, completely different...
The Persona 5 Cast Goes To See "The Super Mario Bros. Movie"
(At LeBlanc)
Zenkichi: Hey Ren, thanks for getting tickets for me and Akane! I've been swamped with work, so I hadn't had time to get some.
Akane: Wow, I can't wait! I heard it almost made a billion bucks before it came to Japan!
Ren: No problem. It was Sojiro's idea actually.
Sojiro: Think of it as a thank you for helping out Ren and Futaba last summer. But man...never thought I'd see them try to make a movie out of that game again.
Zenkichi: Yeah tell me about it. If you told the teenage me this was going to happen, I'd thought you were bonkers.
Ryuji: Wait, you guys know about Mario Bros?
Sojiro: Of course we do.
Zenkichi: I still have my original Famicom and a copy of the game stashed in my attic. I used to play the hell out of it after I had finished my studies.
Akane: So that's what's in that box. I thought it was old festival decorations or something. How far can you go in one life?
Zenkichi: Well, I suppose I could go as far as 8-3 now if I tried today...
Sojiro: First or 2nd run?
Zenkichi: Second, definitely second.
Akane: No fair, I barely could make it to World 6 on my first!
Ryuji: I'm kinda lost here, what do you mean 'first run'?
Sojiro: Let me explain...(sips coffee) When you first play the game, your basic enemies are Goombas. After you save the Princess though, the game gets harder. All the Goombas are replaced with Buzzy Beetles.
Ryuji: Buzzy Beetles don't sound so bad.
Zenkichi: No, but they are fireproof and they work in the same way that Koopa Troopas work.
Akane: Plus platforms get shorter and in certain areas, new obstacles are added.
Ren: In short, the game gets harder.
Sojiro: I remember watching Wakaba play that game on her days off. She could clear the game within 45 minutes if she felt inclined.
Zenkichi: Wow. That just kills my own personal record.
Ryuji: Hey, where is Futaba? She would be going nuts talking all about this video game trivia.
Ren: She's been in line with Haru and Morgana since last night for the premiere.
Sojiro: And she brought a tent and everything with her.
Zenkichi: That doesn't sound so bad.
Ren: Uh...
Ryuji: This is FUTABA we're talking about. And knowing her...
Zenkichi: Uh oh.
(At the movie theater, Yusuke and Makoto look at a tent pitched outside the movie theater...which is in the shape of a Toad House. Futaba is sitting in a chair dressed as Mario next to it)
Makoto: I am NOT surprised she is doing this.
Futaba: Hey, glad you made it! Please tell me you brought my camera from Sojiro!
Makoto: I did but I thought it was going to be for entirely different purposes.
Futaba: Yeah, but after the premiere of "Neo Featherman x Masqueraider Ouga", I had to get prepared for a cosplay bonanza!
Yusuke: She's not wrong. There are a lot of dedicated fans on line here dressed as other characters. Some of these are indeed most sketchworthy. By the way, Ren told us Ann and Haru were with you.
Ann's Voice: I'm right here. (Ann steps out of the Toad House tent wearing the Princess Peach riding suit. In her arms is Morgana dressed as Luigi)
Morgana: (staring a hole into Yusuke) NOT. ONE. WORD.
Ann: Oh come on Morgana, you look TOTALLY adorable!
Futaba: (whispering to herself) I'm fairly certain that may actually have killed kitty's ego there. (Haru arrives, dressed in a very accurately detailed Princess Peach dress)
Haru: Oh, you're here! How do I look?
Yusuke: O_O
Makoto: o_O
Morgana: WHOA!!!
Every Other Customer In Line: O_O
Futaba: And if you look to your right, you will see that once again Beauty Thief has stolen the hearts of the fanboys in attendance today. (Instinctively, Haru does her pose upon hearing the words "Beauty Thief")
Ann: ...we're so getting our pictures posted on the internet for this, I just know it.
Makoto: At least your riding suit does not come with spikes.
Yusuke: Such elegance! (pulls out sketchbook and begins to sketch with much passion)
(As the audience watches the movie, Iwai who is with his son, looks and sees Ren sitting with Haru on his left side. On his right side...is Lavenza, dressed in a blue version of Princess Peach's dress, happily eating popcorn.)
Iwai: Somehow, that kid attracts all types.
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rose-learns-japanese · 2 months
Japanese Video Games and Your Consoles
Hello! This post is for people that want to play video games in Japanese and want to know which consoles play them, so I'll go through the ones I know about, here. (Not going to talk about sailing the high seas here)
I've been mostly a Nintendo nut my whole life, so most of my info is about Nintendo!
Hopefully this helps someone!
Gameboy Color/Advance
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Region Free
The Gameboy, Gameboy color and Gameboy Advance are all completely region free. Your Gameboy models will all play Japanese games just fine.
I recommend:
Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Crystal, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald
Pokemon card game and the sequel GR団参上
The Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons
Super Nintendo
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Region Locked, simple devices available
The Nintendo and Super Nintendo were both region locked by the cartridges themselves being of a different shape. You can either buy a Super Famicom (The Japanese equivalent) or buy a peripheral to make your Super Nintendo play super Famicom games. It's not too cost prohibitive to buy what's called a "Cartridge converter". Another option is to buy a Retron system that plays them.
I recommend:
Mario RPG
Final Fantasy
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Region locked, easy modification
N64 is region locked based on the shape of the cartridge back. To get your Japanese games to work on yours, switch the back off of the actual cartridge using a 3.8 mm Gamebit screwdriver with the back from any other US cartridge.
I recommend:
Mario Story (Paper Mario)
Mario Party
Pokemon Snap
Legend of Zelda games
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Region locked
Buy a Gamecube capable Japanese Wii.
I recommend:
Pokemon Coliseum
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
All the Mario Parties
Fire Emblem Path of Radiance if you can get it (EXPENSIVE)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Legend of Zelda Windwaker
Battle Houshin
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Region locked
I bought a Japanese Wii, but skipped the WiiU in Japanese.
I would recommend:
Captain Rainbow (Japan Exclusive)
Takt of Magic (This one is FUN! It's Japan exclusive and you use your WiiMote to cast spells by drawing shapes)
Earth Seeker (Japan Exclusive)
Legend of Zelda (Skyward Sword)
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Region Free
The DS is completely region free. Any DS game will play on your device.
My recommendations:
Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks (You can hold your stylus on a kanji to read it in Hiragana, but it won't show by default! Awesome!)
Any Pokemon Game (You can choose Kanji or hiragana and switch mid-game)
Ace Attorney series - If you want to struggle but skyrocket your reading level, play Ace Attorney, called 逆転裁判. There are a lot of games and they're mostly great. If you can get ahold of the spin off, 逆転検事, I played through the first one and it was a bit slow, but the second one is not released in the US. I've started it, it's supposed to be good.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days
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Region locked
Having a Japanese 3DS has been an invaluable tool. If you save up to buy one Japanese version of a console, get this one. However, with the e-shop closed, if you would rather sail the high seas here, this would be... The prime time to do so, but I did not say anything.
Fire Emblem Fates
Fire Emblem Echoes
Pokemon Moon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Sonic games
Bravely Default (Fully Voice acted)
There is SO MUCH on there
Nintendo Switch
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Region Free
The Nintendo Switch will play any region game you put in it! On top of that, the Japanese language track is available on most Nintendo branded games, so if you have the English version, you might already have the Japanese version!
To buy on the e-shop, make a Japanese Nintendo account. You will need to buy gift cards from a third party site like Playasia to purchase.
Get the online pack, then download the Japanese version of the N64 and Super Nintendo apps! I recommend Paper Mario on the N64 app.
Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (Has Furigana on all dialogue!)
Mario Odyssey
Princess Peach Showtime
Mario RPG
Luigi's Mansion 3
Pretty much anything you can play on Switch can change to Japanese. (Splatoon not included)
This thing is a learning machine.
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Region Free
PSP is completely region free!
I have played Birth by Sleep on here in Japanese and it was good.
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
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Region Locked
There's a trick to make these region free, but I bought a Japanese Ps2. If you want to unlock your non-Japanese Ps2, you can look into something called Disk Swapping.
My recommendations:
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
I haven't explored much by way of Japanese only Ps2 games yet, but I'm going to be getting Endonesia because it's made by some of the same people that made Moon. Look into Moon, it's an awesome game too.
I am aware that the Japanese only library for this particular console is large.
PS3/PS4 (I do not own PS5)
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Region Free
PS3 and PS4 are region free, and I have heard PS5 is as well.
My collection of Japanese games for these, however, is low so I don't really have any recommended games. Maybe I'll update this later.
To buy on the Japanese PS3 and 4 shop, you will need to make a Japanese playstation account. After this, you will need to use a third party website to buy gift cards, such as PlayAsia, to add money. You should be able to buy and download as long as you have the money in the account.
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blluntrotation · 12 days
You already confirmed Geno having a crush on Peach, so I have to ask. Does Starlow have a crush on anyone?
yeah, she does, its Dreambert, definitely not because i ship them too 😭😭😭😭😭
i like to think geno kinda knows the thing going on between them because one day he saw about someone wanting to see a certain star sprite again
he thinks it would be funny to just outright snitch the wish since the 3 are so so close by eachother rn anyways but he'll wait it out, love finds away as they say!
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