#darling I know villains are hot but damn
nuctoria · 6 months
Maybe it's not the right time to ask this.
Mario's opinion... Luigi's harem
With Daisy and Peasley he wasn't surprised at all, he teased him endlessly about it. He basically introduced Daisy to Luigi after helping her out in Sarasaland. Peasley openly showed his favouritism to Luigi so it was no surprise to anyone that they'd end up together.
Dreambert and Bowser was a total surprise. Dreambert because he showed equal respect to both him and Luigi and didn't make his crush to his lil bro obvious but he certainly doesn't mind, he finds it cute with how gentle and loving they are to each other. He does mind with Bowser though and was an even bigger surprise then Dreambert! Bowser never showed a single interest in Luigi, forgetting his name in seconds whenever they faced him together! How did this happen?! When did this happen?! He made a big fuss over it and asked Luigi a million questions to try and wrap his head around it. He worried Bowser was manipulating Luigi and would hurt him since he has before but after many weeks of supervision he calmed down and came to accept it, tolerating the lizard when he's not kidnapping the princess.
He nearly had a heart attack when he learned Luigi was with any of these three. King Boo, Antasma and Dimentio. He kept trying to figure out what sort of mind control he was trapped in. He nearly killed Dimentio and Antasma all over again and threatened King Boo that he'd learn how to handle ghosts like Luigi. It took such a long time for Luigi to calm Mario down and explain the situation. He doesn't underestimate his brother, never, but this is nuts! These are the three villains who hurt Luigi the most and were so dangerous to the point they even scared him a bit! He feared they would take away his lil bro the second he turned his back on them, he couldn't let that happen! There were a LOT of rules set in place that stuck for nearly a whole year before Mario managed to begin having a bit of faith and trust or tolerance in those three. It started with Antasma since he was actually the tamest and more calm one of the villains, even if the bat didn't like him and bit him a few times.
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strawberrybobamilk · 11 months
GTA Protagonists x Reader Scenarios - Spending Halloween With Them
TW: Language, suggestive ending
Halloween isn't his favorite holiday, but will have lots of fun in decorating the house, eating sweets and bingewatching movies with you anyway.
Likes watching classic 80s horror movies with you and dressing up as the villains from those movies.
"Trick or treat motherfuckers!"
He doesn't care how old you both are, he'll happily go trick or treating with you. He'll refuse to go dressed as a ghost, vampire etc though, as he thinks they are "too generic and unoriginal".
You: "What will you dress up as then?"
CJ: "A Ballas member. Nothing is nastier than them"
He'll go trick or treating with you, dressed up as a bloodstained killer butcher.
You: "Er, interesting choice, but why?..."
Toni: "Trust me, you don't wanna know"
Will surprise you with a pumpkin pie with cute spider decorations.
"Thought it would be a nice Halloween treat, darling"
He personally never really cared about Halloween, but definitely won't say no to candy corn! Also expect Roman, Mallorie and Brucie to come visit, all dressed up in various wacky costumes.
"Well, at least it's nice here with you guys"
For him this day is more like an excuse to wear vampire fangs (he secretly has a thing for vampires).
"Damn you look hot, can you keep those on next month too? Or even better, forever?"
Will make his club serve pumpkin flavored cocktails to celebrate.
"Come over here and have a taste Y/N! It's free for you, like always"
Will buy more candy than usual during october. He says it's in order to ensure they have a good stock of them for october 31th, but you know it's just an excuse. Will wake up feeling sick on november 1st.
You: "I told you to not eat so much candy Huang!"
Huang: "Urgh, it's not the candy Y/N, it's... something that's not the candy, okay?!"
He'll just chill with you and watch horror movies together.
"Alright let's do this, gotta use my Vinewood+ subscription somehow!"
Similarly to Franklin, he will (DEFINITELY) watch horror movies with you, but only the older ones.
"Ahhh, the old classics, the newer ones focus too much on jumpscares and gore"
Loves Halloween, its spooky and gritty atmosphere, and will carve pumpkins with you already by september 1st. Just don't ask him why do those pumpkins have "questionable" holes.
"It's called a pumpkink sweetcheeks"
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ursa-tan · 1 year
Part 2 of the reader "captures" the wally, where wally's friends break into the reader's house to save wally from the reader's "evil" clutches and find wally sleeping and cuddling the reader.
(I thought this situation would be funny like a comedy)
He's yours?...
Wally Darling x Fem!Villain!Reader
Word count: 2,910 Reading time: ~10 mins
Part 1, Part 2
A/N: I know that I’ve closed requests… But this was such a cute idea and I couldn’t help but write it… damn you anon, coming in here with such cute ideas! I've put this in my Playfellowxxx masterlist on account of the first part being nsfw and how this second part doesn't really make sense without the first - if you think it needs changing, please let me know!
Anyway! Hope you all enjoy!
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It’s dawning on the next afternoon before anyone realises Wally is missing. The sun is already high in the sky and Barnaby is heading into the bugdega to get the same thing he gets every day for lunch – the “chilli dog” that can’t really be classified as anything but a crime against food.
“Morning Howdy,” He drawls, the same low rumble he speaks with every time he talks.
“Afternoon, actually,” The caterpillar chuckles, pointing to the town clock with one of his many arms. Barnaby can just about see it through one of the many windows of the bugdega.
“Huh, well then, afternoon Howdy.” It’s just gone twelve, but Howdy had adopted the habit of correcting the dog on his timing after Barnaby had jokingly done it once. It was a little inside joke, both of them rather enjoyed it thought.
“Indeed,” Howdy stops cleaning the counter and finally looks up at the big blue puppy, “ I take you’ve gone here for lunch?”
“You know me all too well,” Barnaby chuckles, walking up and resting his elbows on the freshly wiped counter, leaning his head into his hands.
“I know you’re routine – and I know that you’re going to ask me for that abomination of a hot dog for lunch.”
“Don’t knock it till ya’ try it.”
“I think I’ll stick to salad, thanks.”
“Same response every time.”
Howdy can’t help but let out a light laugh as he turns his back on Barnaby, starting to make the same thing he did every day around noon. They always had the same kind of conversation, the same routine. Day in day out, Howdy could rely on Barnaby to come in and keep him company for a few minutes. He also knew he could, begrudgingly, rely on Wally to ruin the apple display while he tried to look for the “best apple”.
“Go tell your little menace of a best friend to get out of my apples,” Howdy speaks, still with his back to Barnaby. He’s in the process of gathering the sauces he needs when Barnaby speaks up.
“Uh… He’s not in the apple display?” The other puppet sounds rather concerned, like he hadn’t noticed before this that Wally wasn’t present.
“What do you mean he isn’t in the apple display?” Howdy practically whips around, abandoning the half made hot dog in order of scanning the store for the much smaller puppet. Barnaby was right, Wally isn’t in the apple display. Nor has he climbed his way onto the counter to wait for Barnaby to get his hot dog. As far as Howdy is aware, Wally isn’t even in the bugdega.
“Where is he then?” The caterpillar asks, turning back around to finish the hot dog as fast as possible before handing it to Barnaby.
“I assumed he was following me…” Barnaby trails off, brows knitting together as he tries to think back on the day so far.
“You didn’t check?” Howdy sounds exasperated. In truth, he’s panicking, he’s incredibly worried about Wally, but his voice isn’t conveying that.
“I don’t usually have to! He’s never not followed me in here when I come in to get lunch!” Barnaby is starting to look panicked as well, discarding his lunch on the counter in favour of starting to look around the bugdega. If Howdy wasn’t also so worried about the little puppet, he would’ve told Barnaby off for dirtying his counter.
“I’ll keep looking around here, you go check to see if he’s spending time with Julie and Frank.” Howdy’s rushing out from behind the counter, hurrying Barnaby out the door as he speaks. Barnaby doesn’t resist in the slightest, running out to see if he can find Wally elsewhere.
It’s not long before the whole neighbourhood is searching for Wally. Julie and Frank have teamed up to see if Wally has wondered into the woods. Howdy, Barnaby, and Poppy are checking in higher up places, seeing if he somehow managed to get himself stuck. Eddie and Sally are going through everyone’s gardens. Even home is worried, squeaking and banging – while no one can understand what they’re trying to say, everyone can tell that they’re distressed.
After a rather frantic search, the whole neighbourhood – bar Wally, of course – gather in front of home.
“Did anyone find him?” Eddie speaks, coming to stand next to Frank. He hold their hand, stroking his thumb over their knuckles as a way to comfort himself.
“No, couldn’t see him anywhere,” Julie says next, worrying at a strand of her hair, tugging at it lightly.
“Does anyone have any ideas where he could be? Did anyone check Home?” Barnaby seems to be doing the worst, his tail swishing nervously as he continues to look around like he’ll somehow spot Wally.
“I asked, but I don’t think he’s inside,” Sally mumbles, looking towards Home. Home, in response, opens and closes its doors. Even if no one but Wally can understand them, they all pretty clearly understand that not even Home knows where Wally is.
“Has anyone seen (Y/n)  today?” Frank speaks up, taking a moment from comforting Eddie to look around themself.
Their question seems to still the very air as it comes from their mouth. Collectively, everyone seems to stop worrying as they turn their heads towards Franks. No one had seen (Y/n) that day, or the previous one for that matter.
It was particularly strange not to see (Y/n) for more than one day. Much like Barnaby going to the bugdega every day or Eddie always delivering mail at the same time every morning, (Y/n) was always up to something or other. So, for the neighbours not to see her was unusual in itself. For them to not see (Y/n) or Wally was even more unusual. So much so that Barnaby immediately turned on his heel and stormed off, heading straight for her house.
“Barnaby! Hold up! Don’t do anything rash!” Eddie calls after what is now an 8 feet tall ball of rage coated in spotty blue fluff. The mailman is hot on Barnaby’s heels, followed close by Frank and then Julie.
“maybe we should think about this?” Julie calls out from the back of the line, still twirling and tugging at the strands of her hair that frame her face.
“If she’s got Wally we have to get him back. We all know nothing good is happening behind those doors,” Barnaby growls out, his voice deeper and rougher than anyone had heard from him before. The tone causes Eddie to stutter in his steps, nearly tripping as Frank bumps into his back.
“(Y/N)!” Barnaby barks, finally coming to her door and pounding a balled-up fist against the wood. The force behind his knock – it’s really more like a punch – seems to cause the whole house to shudder.
“Barnaby, I really don’t think-“ It’s Frank’s turn to try and reason with the angry hound only to get interrupted.
“OPEN THIS DOOR! THIS IS TOO FAR!” Barnaby continues to thump his fist against the door, yet he doesn’t get an answer. Sure, (Y/n) had caused problems before – snuck into the bugdega to switch out the sauces he normally had on his hotdog, stolen Frank’s butterfly collection, messed with Sally’s plays. But this was too far, entirely too far.
After a few minutes of practically howling through the door accompanied by insistent banging, Barnaby decides that he’s had enough of waiting and takes matters into his own hands; using his size and weight to his advantage, he begins to throw himself against the door with the intention of breaking it down.
“Barnaby! Stop!” Julie calls out, running over to him, trying to grab his arm and pull him away, “We can settle this like adults! I’m sure (Y/n) would be open to talking it out!”
Barnaby pauses, more in fear of hurting his friend if he were to continue his attempts over anything else. He looks down at the much shorter puppet, a flash of remorse in his eyes before he scoops her up and walks over to a tree not too far away and places her in one of the branches. She’ll be able to get down, but she’ll need Eddie or Frank’s help to do so.
“Barnaby!” She calls out, trying to figure out how to get out of the tree as he walks away and back towards (Y/n)’s house.
“Sorry Julie,” He mumbles, walking back to the door and throwing himself against it one more time. Apparently, that last push was all it needed as Barnaby collapses forwards and into the house, landing on top of the now ruined door with a loud huff.
The inside of the house is dimly lit despite it being early afternoon, all the curtains drawn and any like that was too bright turned off. The smell of cinnamon and cooked pastry fills the air, accompanied by soft swing music and what sounds like a soft feminine voice mumbling. If it weren’t for the situation at hand, Barnaby would find it rather relaxing.
The dog climbs back to his feet, taking a moment to brush himself off before storming deeper into the house, following the sound of her soft mumble. He knows he’s going to find (Y/n), he can only hope he finds Wally too. What he does find at the end of his short rampage is completely unexpected.
Wally is laying on (Y/n), head on her chest and arms wrapped as far around her as they can go. There’s a blanket pulled up over the both of them – it’s a fluffy yellow one, a teddy bear blanket. Wally is wearing a light pink shirt that appears to be 4 sizes too big, it also looks like one that Barnaby remembers seeing (Y/n) in. (Y/n) is laying on a sofa, head on the arm rest and holding a book in the air, half reading the words aloud. A record player crackles away softly in the background, playing “I will always love you”. There’s a fresh apple pie on the table, along with a few fresh apples.
“’You should learn not to make personal remarks,’ Alice said with some severity; ‘it’s very rude.’,” (Y/n) mumbles before craning their neck ever so slightly to kiss the top of Wally’s head – an easy feat, as his hair is not in his signature pompadour.
“What the fuck.” Barnaby finds himself unable to move, completely rooted to the floor as he looks at the scene in front of him. It’s so perfectly domestic that, if it weren’t for his friend being kidnapped, he would find it sickeningly sweet.
“Do you mind?” (Y/n) asks, turning her head to stare at Barnaby with a look somewhere between distain and malice, “We we’re perfectly comfortable before you came barging in here.” This time, its her turn to growl as she speaks.
Barnaby looks around, looking for any kind of indication that Wally is being held captive, that he can’t just get up and leave. Yet, no matter how hard he looks, he can’t find any. Wally is just relaxing on (Y/n)’s chest while she stares down Barnaby.
“Barnaby!” Eddie’s voice comes loud from somewhere behind the dog before he bursts into the room. Much like Barnaby, he freezes upon seeing the scene.
“Oh great, you brought the mailman,” Yon grumbles, closing her book and leaning over as much as she can to place it on the coffee table, “is there anyone else? Did you bring the whole neighbourhood?” her voice is snarky as she speaks, obviously annoyed with the interruption.
“(Y/n)? Why have you stopped?” Wally finally speaks up, opening his eyes and shifting to sit up slightly. He seems completely oblivious to the presence of both Barnaby and Eddie while he looks up at (Y/n) with droopy, relaxed eyes.
“Wally?” It’s Eddie’s turn to speak now, as Barnaby is still trying to collect his jaw from its place on the floor.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Eddie sounds equal parts confused and outraged, staring at Wally.
“oh… Hello.” Wally sounds like he has just woken up from a nap when he speaks, despite the fact that he doesn’t sleep.
“Can you two leave?” (Y/n) growls, putting her arms around Wally and holding his much smaller body against hers. “He’s obviously not in any danger and I’ll return him soon enough. Get out of my house and please put my door back on it’s hinges as you go.”
“I’m not going anywhere without Wally,” Barnaby finally manages to find his voice, deciding to walk towards (Y/n).
“He’s a grown man, he can go home when he wants to. Like I said, he’s not in danger, I’m not holding him here against his will, he’s free to leave when he wants. He just doesn’t want to leave.” (Y/n) hugs Wally tighter to her body as Barnaby approaches, refusing to let him take Wally from her.
“I… Maybe we should go,” Eddie mumbles, seemingly nervous now. Any anger he had from before has melted away after seeing Wally in this state, obviously not wanting to leave.
“See? The mailman gets it. Now get out,” (Y/n) continues to growl at them, still holding the sleepy looking Wally against her body.
“I’m not-“ Barnaby tries to step forward, tries to reach out and pull Wally from her grip. Yet he doesn’t succeed; Eddie is holding the arm he was reaching forwards with.
“Barnaby…” Eddie mumbles, looking up at the much smaller puppet with a pleading look, “Wally is his own person… He can come home if he wants to… I think we should go.”
“But- He-“
“Let’s go.” Eddie tugs at Barnaby’s arm, beginning to tug him towards the living room door.
Barnaby doesn’t attempt to fight it, just letting Eddie tug him out of the house. His foot steps are staggering as he’s finally lead out, squinting a little as the sun shines into his eyes. He takes a moment when Eddie lets go of his arm to put the door back in place – it’s not perfect, but it’ll to till (Y/n) gets it fixed.
“What happened?!” Julie shouts, still in the tree that Barnaby had left her in. He can see that Frank is still trying to get her down.
“Wally wants to stay,” Eddie is the one who responds, as Barnaby is still unable to find his words.
“He wants to stay?” Frank stops their attempts to pull Julie from the tree to turn to their husband, a confused look on their face.
“Yep, wanted to stay.” Eddie walks over, reaching up and managing to catch Julie as she shimmies her way out of the branches. He puts her down before turning back to Barnaby.
“Why would he want to stay?”
“I don’t know, he seemed comfortable.”
Barnaby can hear the others ease into soft chatter about the situation as he begins to walk away. He doesn’t really know where he’s going, he’s just heading vaguely towards Home and the rest of the neighbours. He doesn’t know if Eddie, Julie and Frank are following him. He just knows that he saw his best friend curled up on the chest of the town’s biggest nuisance. Although, he doesn’t get far before a familiar pair of hands are on his arm again.
“Hey Barn, are you ok?” It’s Eddie. Ever the sweetheart, he’s desperate to comfort Barnaby to the best of his ability.
Barnaby looks around, waiting for Frank and Julie to approach, waiting to be overwhelmed with the voices that are just trying to comfort him, yet no one appears. It remains as just him and Eddie on the small path leading back to Home.
“Frankie and Julie have already headed on ahead. It’s just me and you. Are you ok?” The same question is so much heavier now. Especially as Eddie seemingly stares into his soul – almost the same way Wally always manages to do.
“Why would he do that?” Barnaby’s voice is broken, cracking, and barely above a whisper. Something about it is hollow and desolate.
“I don’t know,” Eddie mutters, now relaxing his grip on Barnaby’s arm.
“He… He’s supposed to be my best friend,” There’s so much distress in Barnaby’s voice. It sounds like he should’ve been shouting, he really should’ve been shouting. “Why would he leave? Why wouldn’t he say anything? Why would he stay with her?”
“I don’t know, only Wally can answer your questions.” Eddie continues to do his best to comfort Barnaby. Although the dog seems to be starting to whimper now despite trying to supress it.
“Maybe we should head back… The others are probably starting to worry about us now,” Barnaby mumbles over a barely supressed whimper.
“Yeah… Let’s head back.” Eddie places a hand on Barnaby’s back, agreeing. He knows the topic change is a desperate attempt not to start crying, so he won’t mention anything.
Wally turns up the next day like nothing ever happened. Granted, his ascot is tied in a different way then he usually does it and his pompadour isn’t coiled as tightly either, but he acts as if nothing is out of the ordinary. When Julie asks where he was, all he says is he was ‘visiting a friend’. When Howdy asks what he did, all he’ll give is vague answers. Worst of all, when Barnaby looks at him with a look of betrayal, he doesn’t acknowledge it.
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paganminiskirt · 1 year
I love reading your analyzing of Coyle. I wondered if you had any thoughts on his sexuality? (I mean I have a damn spread sheet myself, but you're so much better at words and really great at psychoanalyzing lol). I've described him as being "the straightest gay man I've ever seen" to a few people now and eventually the "get" it.
(CW: discussions of canon typical sexual and racial violence, slavery, internalized homophobia, domestic violence and femicide. One of the linked videos also discusses fascism using disturbing transphobic rhetoric as an example.)
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Thank you for your kind words, it’s really nice to know my ramblings are resonating with someone! Discussion should be allowed to emerge naturally, but I think much of the debate that arose from the revelation of Coyle’s character was removed from the context of the oppressed groups being commented on by the text. I say that mainly in reference to people of color, since the KKK represents a cultural trauma which is inextricably attached to blackness, but the statement applies to queer people as well. That very Klan was almost extinguished in the 1870s until it was revitalized half a century later by a film, of all things: media is obviously important. There’s much more that can be, and to an extent needs to be, said about this story beyond rehashing “it is/is not okay to hornypost about this” ad nauseam.
So let’s get this out of the way: I think Coyle was deliberately being written as queer. The ethics of incorporating LGBT characters in a setting so obsessed with the grotesque are questionable (you can read more perspectives on that here and here,) but I think there was intention behind the decision to depict him this way, whether it's "good representation" or not.
One of his defining traits is that he habitually deploys lewd, effeminate language to intimidate and dehumanize his victims: “alluring piglet,” “honey,” “beautiful/sexy b*tch,” “darling,” “sweet, ripe young things" and the like. You could argue that is solely a degradation tactic rather than a direct indicator of his sexual preference, and he does seem to do it primarily to scare you. But a big part of the horror in Kill the Snitch is that Coyle is very unembarrassed about how much pleasure he gets out of subjecting you to that degradation. (“You lick my boot, maybe I let you up.”) The innuendo he taunts the Reagents with is unaffected by their gender presentation, and The Snitch is a fixed character presented as a cis man who Coyle treats with just as much aggressive leeriness. From there, it's difficult to interpret him as straight. 
And since Coyle is one of the main villains of the game, I think I would be remiss if I argued that his bi/pansexuality is a thematically insignificant byproduct of his broader characterization as a sadist. That conclusion certainly presents itself: even if his queerness is loudly implied, it isn’t commented on directly by the text the way other aspects of his character are, like racism and uxoricide. The closest we get to a clear, unmistakable identification of his sexuality comes in the form of his aforementioned attitude towards The Snitch. 
While the Reagents are interchangeable grunts, The Oogie Boogie Man Snitch is Coyle's own prisoner, and as such we witness him compound the usual routine of sexualized cruelty with repeated assertions of possession, calling him things like “toy” “mine” and “property” to emphasize a sense of ownership. He comes completely undone when the Reagents electrocute him to death, exploding into thwarted, miserable rage like a kid watching their sandcastle get kicked to shit (“No! FUCKING NO! He was mine!”) and throwing out all of his beliefs at once as this jumbled, fascistic mess; “anarchist pinko fucks” this and “country’s going to shit” that.
Perhaps the most telling line about their dynamic is this one: “Jesus Christ you look like my second wife, you know that? Spittin' image. Woman got me 'bout as hot as Missouri asphalt.” The only time we see how Coyle interacts with people on an even playing field is in the files, when it’s mentioned that he killed two of his fellow soldiers when serving in the army & brutalized a murkoff agent interviewing him. The social dominance he has over people like The Snitch and his wives seems to be the only way he’s capable of conducting interpersonal relationships on a vaguely emotional level. Otherization, fuckability, and the need for corrective shame/subordination are all intertwined in Coyle's head, muddling together to form his notion of natural hierarchy: one which is incoherent, self-serving, and more about appearances than anything else. (“I know what you did. I just need to hear you say it.”)
And the importance placed on appearances isn’t just something that Leland happens to believe. In the era when this game takes place, the electric chair was at peak popularity as a form of “humane” capital punishment: in reality, it was a callous technological repackaging of the methods of execution which came before it, namely the (distinctly racialized) hanging/lynching. These methods were designed to reinforce social hierarchy by staging voyeuristic displays of dehumanization, and were levied with particular barbarism against people of color. There’s a catalog of horror stories I could insert here about white supremacy and the electric chair, but that’s another post entirely. What I want to establish is that:
A. It's easy to interpret The Snitch’s execution (and the Reagent’s forced participation in it) as a symbolic enforcement of Murkoff’s construction of social dominance, akin to capital punishment or lynching/state sponsored terrorism. B. Men like Coyle were categorically responsible for orchestrating executions like the one in the game, and the fact that he gets so angry and addled about it even though he’s ostensibly a follower of their doctrine speaks to the nature of his ideology. 
Though a lot of real world topics get touched on by Coyle's dialogue, it certainly isn’t 100% down-to-earth social critique. Many of his lines invite you to laugh at him (“It's hurtful when you disrespect the badge. I have feelings, too”/”Ain't you slicker'n a can of mashed assholes”) and his crimes themselves are, at times, overblown and ridiculous. He's a caricature of institutional violence and injustice, not a straight faced example of it. No, the realistic part of Coyle’s storyline is how the power structures of 1950s America both protected him from consequences and deliberately encouraged him to degenerate. I’ve alluded to this before: it’s one of my favorite things about Trials.
He was sent to military school because of his violent tendencies and joined the marines to avoid investigation after killing his first wife, but once he had the Police Department to shield him his behavior escalated in severity so much so that it attracted the attention of an even worse organization. The process was Military School → Ku Klux Klan → Marines → Police Department → Murkoff. This facet of the story was always there, but the newly released comic really hammers in the point, that Coyle - infantile, nonsensical, vulgarly abusive and utterly unworthy of authority - was never a barely tolerated outlier or a well kept secret within the systems he budded up from. The files directly attach his klan involvement to police work even as he's described as a “good cop:” because there were no good cops in Blackwell, because good cops aren’t real. US Law Enforcement can be traced back to early southern slave patrols, they've had a handshake agreement with the Klan for decades, and you need look no further than the recent Minneapolis Police Department exposé to see how they operate in the modern world - and this game is set sixty years before 2023. Horrifying, yeah?
Understanding cops themselves to be fundamentally immoral and unjust, by the time we meet him in the game, Coyle isn’t even a competent cop in terms of his willingness to enact unjust aims. Yes he is brutal, yes he is racist, yes he clings to the childish, cowardly belief in immutable superiority found in actual modern fascists - but the ouroboros of psychosexual issues driving him to behave the way he does take precedence over his purported devotion to any belief system, to such a degree that he isn’t even acting in explicit defense of an institution anymore. That job, to defend the current institution, is what the Reagents are being trained for: the same ones he deems subhuman and, most tellingly, “perverted.”
One thing that makes Coyle’s whole presence in Kill The Snitch  so surreal and disorienting is how manufactured and aimless his job as The Snitch’s defender really is. The man play acts an interrogation of someone who will never see trial, referencing vice squads, courts and elections that are nowhere to be found in the Sinyala facility - even though a different line of his mentions how they “don’t favor courts in these parts.” So, he’s directly contradicting himself. When the Snitch dies, he goes “NO! NO! I'll never... God DAMNIT,” not even finishing his own sentence about what it is he apparently needed The Snitch for.
The man obviously thinks otherwise, but he’s a make-believe cop, a test dummy for trainees to be pitted against ala shencomix’s professional hater. Though nowhere near as disenfranchised, Coyle is a puppet in Murkoff’s trials as much as the Reagents are, all his nasty, grandiose rhetoric ultimately amounting to hot air: and unlike the Reagents, this does not end with him being reborn. He lacks the overarching purpose of eventual service to a greater cause that they have.
And therein lies the self-destroying prophecy inherent to his understanding of reality. You can argue that Coyle is aware (subconsciously or otherwise) that there exists the potential for him to be otherized, and by extension subordinated, for an immutable part of himself which is directly attached to his sexuality and masculinity. I’d be surprised if he wasn't, considering how loudly the prejudices of the culture he arose from are relayed to the audience. The fear that comes from that knowledge gives birth to an obsession with categorism, shame, and “justice:” which he rationalizes as an immutable aspect of reality by connecting it with the natural phenomenon of lightning. (“I used to stand in a storm and watch the lightning strike the plains and I would think, "well there you go." That's justice. Sometimes the finger of God reaches down and touches you. But you never know which finger it is you're gonna get.”)
This leads to violence which he is constantly rewarded for: and because it’s the only viable outlet he has for exercising those very issues which he was trying to avoid confronting in the first place… he overindulges. Loses all interest in presenting the rhetoric coherently, in favor of chasing the immediate release that cruelty provides with ever-increasing vigor. (Funny how he calls the Reagents “dope addicted” too. Mr. Sony VPL strikes again!)
But in the end, Coyle is worthless. He’s a tool, designed to be overcome. It's a similarly symbolic, utilitarian role to that of The Snitch, which potentially feeds into his perverse sense of protectiveness over him, but the people who are coming out the other end of this with a job to do in the real world are the Reagents. People he looks down on, people he terrorizes, people he’s so desperate to bend to his will. He’s like... white chauvinism revealed as senseless, small and disgusting, condemned to chase its own tail & buckle under its own weight no matter how hard it shakes it's fist at the sky. 
And in a series so fixated on delusion and the disintegration of the self, the nugget of reality within that was thrilling to see on screen. 10/10, would cringe at again.
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dr-ground-zero · 10 months
(just a self indulgen sick V!Deku x reader that i definately typed up while horny so sorry it sucks) (CW heavy mess + contagion)
You knew Deku would do anything for you, though what you didn’t expect was for him to indulge your kink! You see the villain had managed to catch a cold, nothing too horrible but you did make him take it easy since you didn’t want him getting worse. Which meant he would be at home with you doing paperwork. He was sitting in his office chair looking through intel files, refiling everything, and going over plans when you came in with a cup of tea.
“Hey Izu, how’s the work going?” He groans softly and turns around in his chair to look up at you.
“Monotonous but I’m getting close to finishing” You hand him the mug of tea which he gladly takes and sips on it. He sighed in relief and sniffled wetly as the warm drink eased the pain in his throat.
“Thank you, babe.” “You should take a break” You recommended, he shrugged and rubbed at his nose which was already turning and irritated pink color around his nostrils.
“It wont be much longer till I finish, once I’m done I’ll lay down.” You huffed and watched as he scrubbed at his nose harshly. Watching how his nostrils flared widely and hearing how his breath caught in his throat. You hardly noticed him grab his handkerchief and you only saw a flash of red before he sneezed.
“HHRRRRESSSH! HRRRRSSSSHHH! hEH! HHHREEEESSHHHMMMPH!” You didn’t have time to hide your blush and saw Izuku smirking.
“Damn bmy handkerchief is soaked” He started while lightly dabbing at his nose which still made stuffy squelching noises. This only made you blush harder though, making yourself look away until he grabbed you by the hand and pulled you onto his lap. You squeaked in surprise as he pulled you close to him.
“Awh what’s got you blushing darling?” Izuku asked in a low voice, you could hear him sniffling. Its thick, and slush-like, as if his body was struggling to contain it. You could hear the soft squeaks and sounds of his nose trying to get some air through it. You tried to make a coherent sentence but all you could do was hide your face. He hoarsely chuckles and snorts loudly.
“Ugh, I already know was it is baby, dno use id hiding from bme.” You whine a little at his teasing but don’t move from your hiding spot. Then the gasping came, you could feel his hot breaths against your shoulder and neck. The way his arms tightened around your body with each passing second. You looked up just in time to see that desperate sneezy look on his face before he dove down head first into your shoulder.
“HEH! HEEERRRRRMMMPH! HRRRRRSHHH! HHHPPPMHHHH!” The warm splatter of snot and spray on you shoulder almost made you scream. When he started rubbing his nose against you, you were almost bright red in the face and held onto his shoulders.
“I-I..Izu, wh-what are you d-doing?” “I told you, my handkerchief was s-soaked. And this c-cold ih is s-so….so. Hehh!” You braced for impact when his voice trailed off and the hitching started up again. He let out an urgent whisper ‘g-godda sdeeze!’ before he was back to messily sneezing on you. Squeezing you in his arms as if you’d run away, but he knew you wouldn’t. You were too flustered for that, and he knew you were into this. He knew you liked when he got all sniffly, when he’d complain about his nose, or when he’d quickly grabbed his bright red handkerchief because he needed to sneeze. You liked it even more when he’d use you as his handkerchief, yank you towards him, and let him press his trembling nose against your skin. How you could feel how warm and wet it was.
“I know you’re edjoying this, darling, so don’t hold yourself back.” He encouraged you while kissing you gently on the lips. You could see the mischievous expression on his face, he wanted to rile you up. He wanted you to wreck him! You adjusted yourself in his lap and smirked back.
“Well if you insist~” You drag your finger down the bridge of his nose. Gliding them down to the tip of his nose and gingerly rubbing back and forth at his septum. You could feel the wetness collecting there, how it scrunched up and twitched as the light touched. His hitching started up again, even if it wasn’t loud you could feel it against your palm.
“I-It iiih itches s-so bm-bmuuuh bmuch!” He whimpers, and you hum happily as you focus and coax out that awful itch plaguing his sinuses. You tilt his face up so you can get a better look at the red-rimmed nostrils that were leaking with snot. You watched as the more you rubbed the wider they flared out before that snarling face came down and buried itself into your neck again.
“! HRRRRRSHHH! HHHPPPMHHHH! Heh hheeh! HEH! HRRRRRSHHH! HHHPPPMHHHH!” Even with them being muffled into your body the force and volume was still loud enough to make you melt. His sneezes always sounded rather ‘growly’ from how he snarled or gritted his teeth which would make more snot ooze from his nose.
Just as you managed to get out a small
“Y-you done, y-yet?” The villain pulled your chest to him to let out one last
“!HRRRRRSHHH!” When you thought your shirt couldn’t get any more ruined he pressed his nose against you.
“Guh s-so st-stuffy, y-your skid is s-so soft” He blew his nose into your cleavage, some saturating your shirt and the rest slipping down. You could feel all of it cooling against your skin. He ended off with rubbing his nose into your chest and sat up still leaving strings and cords of snot connecting you both. He smirks a the expression on your face since you really didn’t expect him to do all that to you.
“Sorry darling, i just could’t help bmyself. I feel bmuch better dnow~”
You were definitely redder than his handkerchief now.
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notmazikeen · 6 months
The Villain | Choso Kamo
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‧₊˚✧[chapter 1]✧˚₊‧
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"Mazzi, get up sweetie." A short woman calls to Mazikeen. She awoke with a dramatic yawn and rubbed her eyes violently. "Mom I am way to tired to go to school today..." She whined. "Mazikeen you cannot skip school again this week. Get up honey." Her mother rubbed her daughter's head and smiled before walking away.
Mazikeen looked down at her phone to check the time, it read 5:30 AM. "Why do I have to leave my bed so damn early." She groaned. She removed her covers and sat on the edge of her bed. She was still half asleep and struggling to get out of her sleep trance. Grabbing her face and shaking it she got up and walked towards the bathroom. "Today will be a good day... I hope." She whispered to herself.
As the hot water fogged up her bathroom mirror she jumped into the shower. She took pride in her appearance and her showers never took less than an hour. I guess that would explain why she got waken up so early.
As an hour went by she finally turned the water off, grabbing her towel from the hook holding it up. As she got ready for school she noticed her parents arguing in the kitchen.
Mazikeen slowly opened her door and listened to their conversation.
"We can't just leave her here! What if something were to happen to her! What if The Red Death showed up!" Her mother was frantically spilling word vomit out.
Mazikeen looked confused, 'Wait... were they going on another mission..?' She thought to herself. "Honey, she will be fine! I will call Cassie to come over and watch her while we're gone. She is 18 and I promise you she will be okay." The man calmly said, rubbing his wife's shoulder. Footsteps were heard that made the two adults turn around.
"Mom? Dad? Are you leaving again?" Mazikeen shyly asked. Her parents gave each other shameful looks and turned their focus back to their child. "Honey, we got a lead on The Red Death. We have to leave pretty soon to meet up with the organization. We will be back soon I promise you." Her mother huffed out. "Come here darling." Her father reached his arms out for a hug.
Mazikeen walked towards her parents and hugged them tightly, hoping they would be okay. "I love y'all. Please be safe." She whispered. Her mother broke the hug to kiss her daughters forehead. "I promise honey. We need to get going. Text us if you need something. Cassie will be here after school to check in on you." They grabbed their bags, that had their weapons and disguises, before walking out the door. 'Why do my parents have to be agents. I just want to live a normal life.' Mazikeen let out a sigh.
Mazikeen dropped her bag by the door and walked into the kitchen. "Hey Cass!" She exclaimed as she saw a woman who was the embodiment of a nightmare. "Hey Maze. I just came to check in on you, I know your parents are overwhelmed with the whole super villain case." She sighed. The girls continued to talk for a bit until Cassie grabbed her things. "I will be back tonight to stay if you're parents don't come back. Let me know if you decide to leave the house." Mazikeen nodded and Cassie walked out the door.
She grabbed her phone and scrolled through social media. Her friends were all obsessed with trying to find this masked man. Her on the other hand, could care less. He was a super villain who kept tearing her parents way from home, in her opinion, he was an asshole. What was his point of blowing up buildings in the city anyway? Her phone started buzzing, as she looked down she heard a robotic voice speaking behind her.
"Miss Tate. Your parents have informed me they will not be back home tonight." The device said. She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Okay, thanks."
She looked down at her phone again, a text message from her best friend, Taiga. 'Hey you tryna partay tonight? 😘' Mazikeen grinned at the message and replied,
'Hell yes! Come pick me up in an hour!' She was excited that it was finally Friday and she could party it up.
Living in a city that has a beach, there is almost always parties on Fridays and Saturdays. She walked to her bedroom and threw herself on the bed. "What should I wear? Something sexy?" She narrowed her eyes. She got off her bed to look through her giant closet. She sifted through skin tight dresses, tanktops and shorts, and leggings. She grabbed a few dresses and threw them on her bed.
Her hand reaching for her phone to snap a picture. 'Which one should I wear tonight?' She texted to Taiga. After struggling for a few minutes she picked a black skin tight dress, with lace trim around the neckline. It was a beautiful sparkly dress, that fell just around her mid thigh. It definitely hugged her body in all the right places.
As she was admiring herself in the mirror she felt a sense of impending doom. Mazikeen whipped her head around to her window. 'What the fuck? Is someone fucking watching me?' She froze in her tracks. There was nobody outside the window, but she swear she heard a gust of wind moving her bushes outside. She shook her head and grabbed her heels.
After finishing getting ready she couldn't help but think if something was watching her. Did they see her get undressed? Why were they there in the first place?
Taiga pulled into the driveway, blaring a song that had almost every curse word in the dictionary in it. Mazikeen sent a text to Cassie letting her know she was going to a friends house. She quickly walked to the passenger door of Taiga's brand new sports car. "Don't you just love it?! It's a brand new corvette stingray!" She squealed. Maze looked at the beautiful white interior with black trim. The car was so elegant yet badass at the same time.
The girls gossiped and giggled the entire way to the party. "Taiga I need to tell you something." Maze exhaled and looked worried. "What's wrong? Did something happen to your parents?" The other girl furrowed her brows and bit her lip waiting to hear the bad news. "No they're okay, it's just... I think someone was outside my window earlier. I could sense someone's eyes were on me. It was so weird..." Maze whined and put her face in her hands. Taiga placed a hand on her back and rubbed circles. "Have you told your parents? Is Cass staying with you?" Taiga was hardly ever worried, but seeing her best friend like this, really freaked her out. "I haven't said anything yet but yeah Cass is coming to stay the night." Mazikeen let out a long sigh and shook her hands. Taiga sucked at comforting Maze and she wanted to just get something in her system.
The girls got out of the expensive car and walked with their arms locked to the beach house.
Mazikeen felt the same sense of impending doom. She looked around and saw nobody.
It was probably just her nerves and there was no reason to be worried... right?
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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epiclamer · 2 years
Hey hi hello could you please maybe write about a hero teasing the villain and the villain being very needy but hero not giving it to them? Love your writing
I could maybe.
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Sticky Situation
The hero hummed, happily watching the villain’s cheeks progressively grow redder. Who knew that a criminal so downright awful, could be so damn needy?
Hero considered that their teasing was excused because of all the trouble Villain had caused them and the city in the past. This was payback.
“Please, Hero…” The villain whined, pitifully looking up to the other for some sort of salvation.
The hero chuckled and shook their head. “No, darling. I said you had to wait. Didn’t I?”
The villain whined even louder, reaching forwards again to try and hide their face in the crook of Hero’s neck or even at this point bold enough to use their chest. But the hero stepped away cruelly once more, depriving Villain of their touch for the third time in the last five minutes.
Adorable wouldn’t have been a bold enough word to describe the villain’s state. They looked the cutest a hardened criminal could with puppy dog eyes and a heavily blushing face. Absolutely stunning.
Hero just wanted to gobble them up, they couldn’t ignore the ache it caused them to have to stand away from the other, refusing to make contact until the villain handed over their bomb. Of course, that was the problem, Villain had a bomb.
The criminal had assured them it was okay since it was in their pocket, therefore if the timer went off accidentally they could throw it away from them. Unfortunately for them, Hero cared equally about their safety as well as civilians.
Throwing an explosive into a city as the timer ticks away impatiently, isn’t protecting the innocent.
“Herooooo… but I worked so hard on it…” the villain stuck out their lip in a pout.
“I know, sweetie. But I can’t just let you walk around town square with a bomb in your pocket. It’s—”
“Crazy?” The villain asked solemnly.
“Unethical. And my job, to protect this city.”
Villain simply huffed, fingers playing with the flap on their pocket that covered their explosive. It was true that they had worked hard on this model, after so many failed attempts they were excited to show it off. Maybe play a little hot potato with it, but nothing too harmful…
“You’re no fun.”
“You asked me out.”
At that, Hero couldn’t help but smile, it was true that Villain had made the first move, but Hero never lacked in confidence. They just wanted to see the pretty villain blush and stutter over their words.
The hero stretched out a hand, motioning for the villain to hand over their goods. “I won’t ask you again, sweetheart. Hand it over. Then I promise you can have all the cuddles your heart desires.”
The villain huffed and crossed their arms, staring down their lover as best they could. Giving it one last shot before they groaned and reached their hand into their pocket. Producing the small black explosive and tossing it lazily from hand to hand.
Causing Hero to have a miniature heart attack, catching it midair when Villain almost missed their pass. Breathing a sigh of relief, weapon secured.
Thank god.
They slipped the small bomb into a protective holder, locking the lid tight as they could finally release the tension in their shoulders. Their eyes now flickered to their partner, a small smirk playing on their lips at seeing the other still flushed.
“So obedient, hm?”
That remark did not help the villain’s case.
“Someone’s needy… just couldn’t help yourself, huh? You’d do anything for my touch and we both know it.”
The hero stepped forward, finally meeting the villain in the centre. Lifting their chin gently with one hand as they grinned, lips hovering mere centimetres apart.
“Take what you need, love. You did such a good job for me. Now’s you’re time to be greedy.”
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mrshipsmcgee · 2 years
I crave some of the classic “random villain kidnaps Peters girl and tortures her in order to get info on him” add in some “Peter shows up at the last minute and goes feral” to make me happy
Yes ma’am. Anything for you my darling 😏
WARNINGS: blood, booboos, owies, hurt
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Peter steps into the open window of his shared apartment with his best friends, Miles and Mary Jane. Peter thumbs the switch of the floor lamp beside him before discarding his mask, pausing as his brows lace together - scanning his surroundings realizing his normally warm and inviting home was dark and empty.
No Miles.
No MJ.
They should be up still.. the house should smell like fresh popcorn and the fireplace should be filled with orange flames as Miles and Mary Jane played through their newest video game together.
They always stayed up together for whoever was on patrol.. but tonight something was wrong.
Hair stands up straight on the back of Peter’s neck as he steps deeper into the home, the old wood floors creaking under the weight of each step he took.
He hears a small whimper - MJ’s whimper.
His stomach drops as he crosses the into Miles’ room.
“Shit,” Peter whispers, hot tears forming in his eyes as they fall upon Miles. Peter is frozen, chest rising as he approaches where Miles sat on the ground propped against his bed, crimson blood flowing from his abdomen as he stares up at Peter.
Peter drops to his knees, immediately inspecting the stab wounds on Miles’ stomach. Peter cries, cupping Miles’ face - his normally warm eyes now panicked as he stares at his wounded friend.
“I- I’m okay, Pete,” Miles tries to point to the door. “He has her. Go.”
Peter’s palm drops from Miles as he stands, gritting his teeth, “Where are they?”
Miles shakes his head, “I don’t know Pete. She… she stopped crying a few minutes ago,” he begins to cry. “He came through the window. We- we thought it was you, Pete. I swear. I promise I tried. My powers failed me.. I’m so sorry, Peter. I should have known-.”
“-No, Miles,” Peter interjects, dropping to his knees again and taking his friend’s face in his hands before planting a loving kiss to his forehead. His eyes meet Miles’, “There’s no need to apologize. You’re still learning.. it’s okay.”
Tears run down Miles’ cheeks as he nods at Peter, “I love you, man.”
“I love you, too,” Peter whispers.
“Please, go find her.. He’s going to kill her,” Miles sobs. “She can’t die. I can’t handle another death.”
Peter stands, already stalking towards the door as he cracks his knuckles, “You won’t have to.”
Rage courses through Peter as he nears the cracked door of his bedroom, kicking it open and stepping through the threshold.
“I was wondering if you’d get home before or after I’ve killed them,” a familiar voice comes from the corner of the room. “I’ve been waiting for this day for so long now. I had hoped you’d be here to watch them die. I’m so happy things are working out as planned. You know, Peter - it’s been an awful long time since you’ve watched a loved one die. Hasn’t it?”
“Show yourself, Harry,” Peter growls. “I’m the one you want anyway, right?”
“Peter Parker… such a bright mind, but still can’t figure out the purpose of this all,” Harry let’s out a gravely laugh. “I’m simply doing what I have done before. I’m killing your hope. I don’t want you dead, I want you miserable. I want you to wish for death.”
“Where is she?” Peter asks, fists clenched as his chest rises and falls, “Where is Mary Jane?”
“Oh, the pretty one?” Harry’s voice is playful. “Pete, do you remember what I like to do with pretty women?”
Peter gulps, eyes flickering between rage and sorrow.
“I like to do whatever the fuck I want with pretty women, Peter,” Harry finally steps out of the shadows. “And god damn did I do whatever the fuck I wanted with her.”
Peter charges Harry, hands wrapping around his scaly neck as he begins to choke him, “I’ll fucking kill you!”
“Do you know who she cried for the entire time?” Harry laughs as he chokes. “You. And - and you - you weren’t there. You - you never are.”
Peter throws Harry against the wall before slamming him onto the ground, holding him by the collar as he screams, “Where is she?!” Peter’s fist meets Harry cheek, then his jaw, then his left eye, then his throat. Harry gasps for air as Peter pulls away, his face beet-red as he screams “Tell me!”
“Go to the bedroom,” Harry smiles. “I’ll just say that she couldn’t move whenever I was done with her.”
Peter immediately runs to Mary Jane’s bedroom.
“Fuck,” he whispers as he sees MJ laying naked on her toddler bed, “Mary Jane.” He rushes to her side, a scream escaping from his throat as he sees the markings all over her beautiful body. Her body already bruising from Harry’s abuse.
His fingers ghost over her bloodied gut, carved perfectly was
Peter lets out an anguished cry as his hands hover over Mary Jane, to afraid to take her into his arms.
She wakes, eyes lazily opening as she looks to Peter, “Peter.”
“You’re here,” a small smile spreads across her face, her busted lip ripping more due to her drying lips. She hisses.
Peter cries, “MJ.. MJ, I- I- I’m so sorry. Mary Jane… I wasn’t here to protect you. Or- or Miles…”
“But you’re here now,” she blinks before passing back about due to pain.
He sobs, taking MJ by the hand and planting a tender kiss to the top of her limp hand. “I’m going to take care of this, and then I’m going to take care of you and Miles.”
Peter’s face drops, wiping the tears from his warm cheeks as he steps into his bedroom and grabs Harry by the collar.
Peter’s face is expressionless as he starts to pummel his ex-friend - beating him to the point of being unrecognizable. His fists finally stop as he hears Harry’s skull crunch under his final blow.
The hero stands, staring at his work - the bloodied piece of shit lying dead on his bedroom floor. “No one fucks with my family.”
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pluviisopibus · 5 months
Ask meme based on quotes from "That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon" by Kimberly Lemming.
Some are funny, some are sweet, some a little bit suggestive! They've been edited to work in the ask meme format.
I only have two things on my mind; cheese and how to get home.
Every scratch, every bruise, I will pay back in fire and blood.
That is so sweet but so unnecessary.
Oh, the troubles I go through for my wife/husband/spouse.
We don't need to have a ceremony or register with the church?
Darling, we burned down the church.
You don't remember?
Last night, you demanded we bring you cheese and then stated that you were the cheese queen/king/monarch.
[NAME], I can barely breathe when you are not near.
If anything were to happen to you...
If you left me to be alone again, these memories of you would kill me.
Hold on, did you just pull an entire bottle of liquor out of your pocket?
Who wouldn't want to go off on a grand adventure with a bunch of hot heroes also chosen by the goddess?
Me, bitches. No, thank you.
My love, I'd sooner kill everyone here to save you the embarrassment.
I could die from this.
They'll have to write "fucked into oblivion" on my tombstone.
Glory, glory, what a hell of a way to die.
You can talk? And not just basic words, either. Like, rational spoken words?
I tend to save my mindless screaming for Tuesdays.
A fucking demon attacked me last night and the day had the audacity to shine as if nothing happened? Rude.
Know this, little rabbit: I make good on my threats, but I make good on my promises, too.
Intruders will catch these flames.
Who needs him/her/them? Or any man/woman/person!
Love is for people with not enough wine in their hands!
My trusted nose locked on to the smell of aged cheddar and the race is on!
Oh, my sweet, I wish you hadn't done that.
I'm going to make you my wife/husband/spouse when this is all over.
I mean, not what I would say to the person who just beat your friend with your other friend.
Live your best life, I guess.
You're just doing this for the giggles!
Are you that bored?
Go to the festival and get drunk like a normal person!
I'm damn near foaming at the mouth and you're acting like we're discussing Sunday brunch!
Honestly, I think you two need to bone.
Someone should put a warning sign on you- Abs for days.
Unfortunately for you, I am a little petty.
I am a strong, independent adult. I am absolutely not turned on by that!
That's fine, I guess. If you like people who keep their shirts on.
You may call me a demon, but you're the cruel party here.
Maybe you're not a straight villain. Maybe just villain-adjacent.
I can work with that.
Well, we just started our new lives as pirates.
You were just told we killed a goddess and that's what you grab on to?
The best solution is to do what any grown adult should do in their time of need: Run home to mommy and daddy.
I'm going to ruin you, little rabbit.
Contrary to what you might have been told, the sight of a quivering, crying person does nothing for my arousal.
Fuck it. Piracy.
Does this mean you've agreed to be my wife/husband/spouse?
No, you're still a rapscallion.
We have haunted the dreams of men since the time of the ancients.
The grandchildren of those who hurt me will weep at the sound of my name after I throw them in the pyre of my hatred and dance in the rain of their ashes.
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Right so you've said to ask for more so here I am BEGGING please can we have more of the 2p yandere's accidentally punishing their darling for the knife hiding thingy? And if its okay can we have the 1ps reaction as well? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE AND YOU DEFINITELY DON'T HAVE TO DO IT AT ALL NO PRESSURE 💃💃💛
(Y/N) mumbled curses into her fingers. Nails bent and cracked with each insult uttered under her breath like a cursed spell.
Yet, there was no magic behind her words. For if there was such power within the woman, she would not be stuck in this dark, padded cell. Instead that ancient relic who claimed her as not only his lover but scorned her as a cunning thief would be sealed in her stead.
As her mind created bloody visions of suffering for what she could only deem an entity of sorts, the padded cell’s door groaned.
The bright light created black spots in her vision as her tormentor’s form became visible.
She watched as his quiet footsteps sank into the cushioning. Unbothered by it as he stalked closer using his eyes to hold her still like a border collie to a lonely ewe.
“Are you ready to confess?” He pressed as he leaned down to (Y/N)’s curled form.
With bared teeth, she spat. “I don’t know where the damn knife is.”
The nation sighed as he stood back to his true height, head shaking in disappointment as it went. “I guess you’ll need a few more days.”
“But I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!” (Y/N) screeched as he left. Shutting the door once more with a bang. Sealing her again in a world of darkness.
1p Canada: Matthew sighed heavily as he stepped onto the wooden floor of his cabin living room. With heavy hands, he turned to close the basement door with the decoy bookshelf door. Silencing his maple’s false cries of innocence.
For a moment he hesitated, with his pale hand on the shelf. Fingers in the faint groove that could easily open the passage. Take (Y/N) away from her demons. Warm her cold bones in his arms.
But he couldn’t.
Not when the knife was still gone. Not when there was a chance of a successful escape.
Slowly, he allowed his weight to drag his hand away from the shelf. Shuffling away from his beloved, Matthew’s eyes glanced around the modern cabin. Looking for a simple task.
In the corner, by a grey barn-style door was a basket full of colorful furs. As Matthew approached them, he recalled how he had painstakingly removed them from their hosts. Prepared their hides to be made into a wedding gift for his bride-to-be.
Maybe, Matthew thought as he shifted his weight, working on (Y/N)’s gift would ease his mind. If only for a small time.
Like a man bogged down by tragedy, Matthew leaned down to lift the basket. Grunting as he moved the large container into his arms, but before he could find a comfortable hold he froze.
The loud clatter that caused it sounded like metal hitting wood.
No, Matthew thought, as he gazed at the shining metal. It was his missing hunting knife.
When Matthew realizes that he’s the reason the knife disappeared, he acts quickly. Throwing the fur into his workshop, and the knife placed on the beat-up worktable. He double-checks that it’s in plain sight as he hurries to the kitchen.
He makes a hot meal and prepares a warm bath before collecting you. Once you’re upstairs, he gives you the option of a bath or meal. Whichever you pick first, he gives with no questions asked. Though he makes up for his mistake, he doesn’t let you lift a finger. Instead, he feeds you and washes you with a gentleness that makes you shiver.
And for a while afterward, he’s a lot more lenient. Just don’t ask for your freedom, he can’t give you that.  
1p America: Though (Y/N) couldn’t see it, Alfred leaned his head against the cool, metal door that kept them apart. Frowning as he heard her villainous venom.
He wasn’t sure how long he had stayed there, heart aching in his chest as he longed for her to repent. When a loud beep and rough vibration caused him to snap to the present.
Scrambling, Alfred grasped along his belt for a little, black pager. Pulling it off like it was hot, he looked at the screen and saw the number of his secretary. He bit back a groan as he moped away from his tortured sidekick.
As he climbed the cement basement stairs to the main floor, he turned to the right. Following the hall until he reached his office.
Once inside the patriotic-themed room, he sighed as he slumped in his black gamer chair. Arm slowly reached out to the black rotary phone on his redwood desk.
With the speed of a constipated turtle, Alfred dialed the number. As the rings trilled in his ear Alfred shuffled through the stacks of documents on his desk. Just as the phone’s rings changed to the monotone of his secretary, he noticed a flash of red.
 Curious, he leaned closer as the secretary’s voice became like elevator music meant to be ignored. His empty hand slid the white sheet to the right, revealing something that made his own skin match the paper.
His letter opener.
“Jenkins,” Alfred said, his voice tight. “I’ve got to go.”
Alfred’s gonna be torn at first. He now knows your innocence, but this could be a chance to make you more obedient. Ultimately, he decides that you’ll spend one more night in the basement, but that you’ll receive a reward for being so good while stuck inside.
When he journeys down the next day, Alfred gives you a small smile as he apologizes. Saying he found the knife and that he was foolish for thinking you would ever go against him. As you get ready to spit in his face and call him all kinds of foul names for his stupidity, he pulls you into his arms. Cradling you as he promises his gift will make it up to you.
That gift is a small, caged patio. It has some plants, grass, and a nice porch swing that bounces when you sit on it.
If you voice your displeasure and tell him off for his lame attempt at forgiveness, Alfred will get defensive. Telling you to be grateful, that one his punishment wasn’t more severe and two that he at least is trying to make it up to you.
Egypt: Abubakar rolled his eyes as he listened to her fading insults. He hoped a few more days in the modified ruins would pull the confession from her, or else he may have to resort to more physical methods.
His shoes scraped against the sandy floor as he made his way through the labyrinth of halls. Calmly he walked to the top, the hot, desert sun blinding him for only a moment as he reached for his gray suit to pull out dark sunglasses.
Within two clicks, Abubakar was in his car. Driving back to the city, though (Y/N) never fully left his mind.
He couldn’t understand why she refused to submit. He offered her everything from power and riches to his body and possible immortality. Yet, the woman remained unfazed, maybe even more determined to leave him.
Sighing as he reached his complex, Abubakar exited his car with the grace of a cat and just as elusively went to his penthouse.
As Abubakar opened the heavy door, a small chirp from his black, Mau greeted him. He smiled softly as she intertwined herself with his legs before running off to her tree.
He watched with tired eyes as she skillfully climbed to its middle level. Meowing at him to come and give her affection there. Like a dog to their master, he obeyed and gave her a couple of scritches under the chin.
As she flopped around, trying to find the best spot for his fingers to scratch, Abubakar noticed something glinting in the dark lair of the condo.
His petting slowed as he reached for the object. He quickly recoiled when his hand made contact. Seeing the healing cut, Abubakar reached out again, this time slower and more cautiously.
He pulled out a dark obsidian knife. His heart dropped when the jewel-encrusted handle matched the one, he accused his darling of taking.
When he realizes his mistake, Abubakar collects you. Placing your tired body on a bed of pillows and silk. While you recover, he puts together a business contract. If you are smart, then you’ll sign. Essentially, it states that signing is you forgiving him and agreeing to the NDA of the incident, then you’ll be given the option of an outing or any material object that you desire. Though, should you pick a trip home or your freedom, know it's on borrowed time. For the contract states you’ll be returned to him after one week.
If you choose not to sign, Abubakar will let you know that he will be tending to you. This way he can assure no one learns of his mistake and that you receive the best care. After all, what brings a couple closer than a little TLC?
Scotland: With his Bonnie Lass sealed once more, Blaine’s calm façade broke as he punched the wall. His fist caused the stone to crack upon its impact. Sparks flew from his mouth, lighting the dark hall like fairy lights as he panted.
For a few moments that was the only sound that accompanied his lass’s screams for release, until his fire could no longer be contained.
Blaine yelled and cursed as he stomped through the halls. His magic turned the sparks into puffs of flames as he cursed. The blaze licked the stone like an overexcited dog as it ate away at the small amount of foliage in the old basement.
As he paused and watched as the small infernos moved through the basement. Bouncing like he had in the room as it attempted to grow. To his luck, each flame flicked and died like unloved mayflies.
Blaine ground his teeth, he needed to calm down before it was too late.
Huffing, the Scotsman walked out of the basement and into the large, wet fields surrounding his home. His head swiveled as he gazed out and over the big fields.
In a moment, Blaine’s vision zeroed in on three cows grazing in the distance. Their fluffy fur was more ruffled than his red hair.
Whistling Blaine got their attention as each paused and turned to their master. With a simple head tilt, he pointed them toward the barn.
When he reached the barn doors, his babies were already there. Rubbing against him as they mooed for pets and chewed on his khaki pants for treats. Blaine smiled and felt the fire fade with their positive attention.
“Alright, alright. Let’s get you girls brushed.” A loud chorus of moos seemed to celebrate his promise of pampering. “Then you can have treats.”
He chuckled as his ladies forced themselves inside. Their tails flicked as they lined up by the shower stall.
A smile and an eye roll as the cows continued to vocalize and do little stomps as he gathered the necessary supplies into a grey bucket.
As Blaine reached for a detangling spray, his hand froze.
In the spot of the product was his missing knife. Its silver metal glinted in the red light of the setting sun.
He could only ask himself one thing.
What had he done?
Blaine’s like Allen in that he drops the knife on the floor and is in a trance-like state as he faces you. The guilt is obvious, though he doesn’t want to vocalize it. Quietly, he frees you from your confines and returns you to the main house.
Once he’s sure you’re comfortable and patched up, he’ll leave you for the day. Tending to his cows while he berates himself for acting too quickly and not being as careful with the placement of his knives.
If you were to escape, now would be the time. Since if he sees you running, he’ll let you go, but only for a few days. He wants to be sure that your punishment for that isn’t confused with his last mistake.
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juiceedapplee · 2 months
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Stardew Valley
Roblox (royale high, bloxburg, dti, bloxy bingo)
Genshin Impact
Sprout Valley
Niji en
Holostars en
Rin Penrose
Boze vs the world
Kurtis Conner
Danny Gonzalez
Andy king
Chad chad
Game theory (film, food, and style too)
Be more chill
Kinky boots
Heathers (both vers are good, west end might be my fav)
Mean girls
Into the woods (the old one is better)
Bring it on
Black Friday
The Oregon trail
Blue Lock
Chainsaw Man
Mob Psycho
Black Butler
The boyfriend
Great teacher onizuka
Secrets in the hot spring
Scott pilgrim vs the world (movie, haven’t seen the show yet)
Trolls band together (got me crushing on a damn troll)
The Lorax
Drink masters
Death note
Saiki K
Saiki K: reawakened
Mlp movies
Glitter force (I watched it on Netflix, dont know the jp name)
Everything everywhere all at once
High rise invasion
Legally blonde (both movies)
Hsm (only the first two)
Tcgf (still reading)
Mxtx (still reading)
Mdzs (still reading)
Svss (still reading)
Remarried Empress
Southern book clubs guide to slaying vampires
Alice in wonderland
Boy girlfriend (damn you axel)
Perfect Buddy
Love leveling
Angel Buddy
Roses and Champagne
Full volume
Semantic Error
Night by the sea
Love Jinx
No love zone
Killing Stalking
Obey me (not the game)
Dangerous Convenience Store
Serious Joke
No Holes Barred (includes a woman, and it’s technically not a bl)
Something’s wrong with my popularity
My darling signed in
Candy Man
Eyes clouded by the tiger
I have to be a good villain
Easy to notice
Kill the lights
Define the relationship
Take off
Angel bunny club
Puppy Love
Shame application
Omega Complex
Mr 100% perfect
Don’t say you love me
Love is an illusion
Worst guy in the universe
Attack and Occupy (dropped cuz holy shit)
My hot friend is glowing
Hwanghyeon Text
Dear Door
No reason
Raising a newbie to grind them
Galatea through the screen
Get schooled/ true education
How to live as a villain
Dungeon reset
Home plate villain
Leveling up by only eating
For my derelict favorite
Trash Count
I obtained a mythic item
World after the fall
Zombie x Slasher
Solo Max level newbie
End of the world is just a game
Duke pendragon
Steel eating player
Dungeon Odyssey
Tyrant of a defense game
Priest of corruption
Lady with one line
Everyone regressed but me
Beginning after the end
S-classes I raised
Bootleg Healer
Teenage Mercenary
Only necromancer
Money Game
Pie Game
+99 wooden stick
Talent eating magician
Max Level Hero has returned
Overpowered healer
Worlds strongest troll
Pick me up
Lazy swordmaster
Resetting lady
Debut or die
Tbate (I haven’t read the chapters from the new artist)
School bus graveyard
Hwarang: flower knight of the underworld
My brothers not so secret boyfriend
Jungle Juice
Disgusted Vampire
I was the final boss
Mono and Mochi
Viral Hit
Solo Leveling
Solo Leveling Ragnarok
Villain to Kill
Cinderella Boy
Tax reaper
Magic Girl Incident
Marry my husband
Return survival
Study Group
Neon Revenge (I’m still sad it ended so early)
Weak Hero
Becoming the Monarch
Maru is a puppy
My little sister is the demon lord
Mafia Nanny
Hanlim Gym
Return to Player
Paranoid Mage
Born to work retail
World is money and Power
The dickheads
Jackson’s diary
Mayo Shonen
My daddy is a villain
Nina’s chest
Kids are all right
Class 1-9
Dungeon cleaning life of a once genius hunter
Like mother like daughter
Bad plan man
Forever after
Les piggies
The hammer
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Writeblr Battle Royale, Lyra - Round 1
Oh Anuli 😭
Joined the @writeblrbattleroyale event and entered Lyra as one of my OCs to fight to the death!! And, well...I mean Lyra would do it except she's got an impulse to help/defend the ones that she can. So when she spotted @anulithots 's Anuli in the arena she just...really...couldn't...hurt fae. She wants to pick fae up and cuddle her until things are okay. But she's been in something similar enough to this that she knows how this goes and doesn't want fae to have to go through this again and again and again...so she makes a choice.
Content warnings for self-deprecating/ can be read as mild su*cidal ideation
Wordcount: 1,610
The story restarted with static. 
As it did. Every time. Every cycle. Leading to nothing but this ending and this ending alone. Some false lead that I may have won. That I might have written a happy ending. Or an unhappy one in this case… only to be blinded to a plot twist of my own making. 
How utterly ironic. The villain messed with faer own motives. Antagonistic, even to faerself. All I needed was an evil laugh. My realization arc would be complete. 
…As soon as my weight stopped tipping from side to side and I figured out if those spark-rimmed dark spots were real or not, and the static stopped consuming me whole. 
Plot holes and darling murders. 
I must have fallen. The tether finally snapped. Into the static I went. Into a happy ending, a release, a freedom I didn’t deserve…. How could it be a sequel? No one likes sequels. It was already the end after all. The villain got faer unhappy ending. It should’ve stayed that way. 
Sequels were narratively impossible. The story was over, all loose threads, resolved, one can’t write a continuation to something forgotten and finished. The only way to do it was a narrative spiral and even that… It hurts. My leaves smarted as the black spots danced. 
The captured star broke from its container, shattering the shards in an explosion of light. The shards stuck in odd angles, flesh punctured, beads of blood tricking, pooling in my stomach. It roared, setting my skin on fire. The static swirled in my head, throbbing, throbbing… 
When did my heartbeat get so loud? Was I breathing? Yes, weird and hollow, but there. Why was it so loud? 
Another one of those spooky antagonist paradoxes. 
…. Oh that was ridiculous. 
My vision blurred in and out. Didn’t I get rid of- I swayed, back and forth. Thoughts fizzled and popped. Not again. I rubbed my head in circular motions. Feelings exist. Feelings exist. Do not float into oblivion. Why did my skin burn? Was it that hot? Was there even sun? It hurts. Shouldn’t it stop hurting after…. a while? 
Oh no. No no no nonono.
Lyra shook off her disorientation as the white began to fade from around her into the space beyond, revealing an arena. The walls rose up around them in stone, the dirt scuffling at her feet as her ears began to swivel and she took in the sights and sounds around her. She flinched when a box up high began speaking, flattening her ears to her head as she took a moment to adjust to the noise and the crackle of static.
A gamemaster? Contenders?! Opponents!?
“No!!” she yelled, wings snapping out to either side. “Not again!!”
She hadn’t even been playing with the scroll this time. She’d given up the search for him, had started trying to fight the darkness back home without his aid. She didn’t have time for this, she didn’t want to be stuck in another death-match tournament with an onlooker that watched bloodshed for amusement.
She glanced around. Her bow. Where was her bow!?!
She caught sight of the one that was supposed to be her opponent, Lyra spreading out her wings and readying herself to fly. To use magic if she needed, damn the consequences. She needed to get back home as fast as possible.
But the one across from her…they seemed…like they shouldn’t be here. They seemed lost, confused.
Lyra lowered her wings. Glanced around at the arena. Looked back at the one opposite her.
“...Are you okay?” She called out. She took the risk of approaching. They didn’t answer at first. So she tried again. “You look so frightened,” she said softly. “Do you…have wings?” She flexed her own a little, enough to make them move. “Can you fly? Maybe we can fly out of here together?”
The words- for they were words after all… maybe… probably - floated over my head and to some far off place.
The other fairy (?) flexed their wings and the static ricocheted.
Oh no no no, absolutely not. Forget narrative symmetry and thoughts stop burning up and form coherent words….
Battle of the fates. 
Kill the fallen fairy. 
And the other one, some other high protector, took that archetype in every shape, way, and form. 
They should kill the fallen fairy, before they realize its true nature. An irredeemable mushed up mess of antagonistic traits that would inevitably mess this up. It was only a matter of some sick comedic timing. Sequels were ridiculous like that. I growled. It made my roots curl into themselves, static sparking. And like a sequel, the story was set on reusing the same plot structure, beginning, progressing, and ending the same way.
Kamari should’ve realized sooner. 
They should’ve realized sooner. 
Anuli the antagonist couldn’t fly. Anuli the antagonist couldn’t say things right or find faer tree or function whatsoever or get faer thoughts off faer ridiculous stories for two seconds for simple, simple things that Anuli the antagonist just couldn’t do. No matter how hard fae tried. Fae wasn’t trying to be an antagonist… at least, I hoped that was the case. But whenever I tried to fix things, it never worked. I was just… the antagonist. 
They would waste valuable time trying to further the narrative of the opposition. It would cost them. It would cost them their happy ending. 
I really needed to perfect that evil laugh. 
The ground swayed. The static roared.  I couldn’t even be an antagonist. It was so hot. So loud. 
A small, selfish thought imagined the other - the protagonist, the ‘opponent’ - giving me a hug and singing and a lullabye, making the Place of Tethers retreat. I hissed at it. Never again. I would not repeat the same story twice. 
I gripped my antenna and yanked until my muzzle stung. 
“Oh, you poor thing,” Lyra muttered, backing away. Put her hands up. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.” She kept her voice soft. She glanced around. It sounded like this was a contest. Like there was another death match just beyond this one, and another and another and another. She glanced back at her ‘opponent’ and let out a sigh. “You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve…to have anyone hurt you, Kelouoyba. I’m so sorry for the pain you’ve gone through.”
She stood and backed away. “I’m going to make sure you don’t have to put up with this.” She glanced up at the white expanse above them. Raised her voice so she could be heard by the one no doubt watching. “And once I’m done here I’m coming for you, game master!!”
She would not go through this again. Would not watch as ones like this one were forced into fighting for their lives. Not ones that had clearly been through a lot. That had been through enough. That deserved peace.
Her wings stretched to either side and she took off into the air, keeping herself level with the top of the wall, just under where the wall turned into what looked like some sort of stands or seating of some kind. She turned her attention to the other one, began humming as she concentrated. Summoned her core magic from deep within. Reached out with hands and magic to connect with the earth directly under her opponent. Felt it as her magic connected to this strange ground, pushing with all her might to create a hole directly under them.
I deserve it. I ruined the same story multiple times. I’m a villain. An antagonist. 
It would be so much worse. I could either let the tether tighten, or fall to everything different. Both were wrong - false leads to the same ending.
And so the story continues. The villain ruins the stories of the ones who gave the antagonist faer own. 
“Akonh Kelouoyba!!” Use your wings, little one. She shouted it as angrily as she could, made it sound like a threat to help sell the idea that she was attacking using her magic, knowing that they likely couldn’t understand her even as her voice rattled in her throat, the cost of her magic.
The Protector shouted. Shouted. Angry. Or wanted something. Something that I couldn’t give. I winced. I did it again. Couldn’t get out of my own thoughts for two minutes to prevent this. Perhaps I was meant to play this role for eternity. Over and over and over and - 
The Protector… was angry, during a battle of the fates. 
Fae realized. 
The story’s over. 
Villain defeated.  
The static roared and the world collapsed to darkness. 
Once they fell she slammed the top of the earth shut with a loud hammering sound and landed on the very spot. She knew she had left an opening big enough and deep enough for them to be safe, so long as they were able to flutter down and reach the bottom. She placed her hand on the spot they had just been and whispered, “Rmhte, Kelouoyba.” Be safe, little one.
Yeah. She's gonna try and fight her way up to the game master so she can kill him. She doesn't like being forced in these types of games and even more so now after Anuli. It'll be interesting to see how far she gets.
Also to see if she meets a certain OC that'll put her on edge and probably cause her to have a meltdown.
This was fun! ❤ I'm glad we got to write together and I can't wait for round 2!!
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anulithots · 1 year
"Let the battle begin" (Writeblr battle royale)
(Yk what, no one can stop me from posting really late.)
Content warnings for self-deprecating/ can be read as mild su*cidal ideation
@writeblrbattleroyale presented a fight, in return I gave it OC's that have never fought before and would die instantly, for, you know, funzies.
But @forthesanityofstorytellers's Lyra ended up being the sweetest bean ever, thank you so much for writing this with me <3 <3
And now, my esteemed guests, onto the fight
The story restarted with static. 
As it did. Every time. Every cycle. Leading to nothing but this ending and this ending alone. Some false lead that I may have won. That I might have written a happy ending. Or an unhappy one in this case… only to be blinded to a plot twist of my own making. 
How utterly ironic. The villain messed with faer own motives. Antagonistic, even to faerself. All I needed was an evil laugh. My realization arc would be complete. 
…As soon as my weight stopped tipping from side to side and I figured out if those spark-rimmed dark spots were real or not, and the static stopped consuming me whole. 
Plot holes and darling murders. 
I must have fallen. The tether finally snapped. Into the static I went. Into a happy ending, a release, a freedom I didn’t deserve…. How could it be a sequel? No one likes sequels. It was already the end after all. The villain got faer unhappy ending. It should’ve stayed that way. 
Sequels were narratively impossible. The story was over, all loose threads, resolved, one can’t write a continuation to something forgotten and finished. The only way to do it was a narrative spiral and even that… It hurts. My leaves smarted as the black spots danced. 
The captured star broke from its container, shattering the shards in an explosion of light. The shards stuck in odd angles, flesh punctured, beads of blood tricking, pooling in my stomach. It roared, setting my skin on fire. The static swirled in my head, throbbing, throbbing… 
When did my heartbeat get so loud? Was I breathing? Yes, weird and hollow, but there. Why was it so loud? 
Another one of those spooky antagonist paradoxes. 
…. Oh that was ridiculous. 
My vision blurred in and out. Didn’t I get rid of- I swayed, back and forth. Thoughts fizzled and popped. Not again. I rubbed my head in circular motions. Feelings exist. Feelings exist. Do not float into oblivion. Why did my skin burn? Was it that hot? Was there even sun? It hurts. Shouldn’t it stop hurting after…. a while? 
Oh no. No no no nonono.
Lyra shook off her disorientation as the white began to fade from around her into the space beyond, revealing an arena. The walls rose up around them in stone, the dirt scuffling at her feet as her ears began to swivel and she took in the sights and sounds around her. She flinched when a box up high began speaking, flattening her ears to her head as she took a moment to adjust to the noise and the crackle of static.
A gamemaster? Contenders?! Opponents!?
“No!!” she yelled, wings snapping out to either side. “Not again!!”
She hadn’t even been playing with the scroll this time. She’d given up the search for him, had started trying to fight the darkness back home without his aid. She didn’t have time for this, she didn’t want to be stuck in another death-match tournament with an onlooker that watched bloodshed for amusement.
She glanced around. Her bow. Where was her bow!?!
She caught sight of the one that was supposed to be her opponent, Lyra spreading out her wings and readying herself to fly. To use magic if she needed, damn the consequences. She needed to get back home as fast as possible.
But the one across from her…they seemed…like they shouldn’t be here. They seemed lost, confused.
Lyra lowered her wings. Glanced around at the arena. Looked back at the one opposite her.
“...Are you okay?” She called out. She took the risk of approaching. They didn’t answer at first. So she tried again. “You look so frightened,” she said softly. “Do you…have wings?” She flexed her own a little, enough to make them move. “Can you fly? Maybe we can fly out of here together?”
The words- for they were words after all… maybe… probably - floated over my head and to some far off place.
The other fairy (?) flexed their wings and the static ricocheted.
Oh no no no, absolutely not. Forget narrative symmetry and thoughts stop burning up and form coherent words….
Battle of the fates. 
Kill the fallen fairy. 
And the other one, some other high protector, took that archetype in every shape, way, and form. 
They should kill the fallen fairy, before they realize its true nature. An irredeemable mushed up mess of antagonistic traits that would inevitably mess this up. It was only a matter of some sick comedic timing. Sequels were ridiculous like that. I growled. It made my roots curl into themselves, static sparking. And like a sequel, the story was set on reusing the same plot structure, beginning, progressing, and ending the same way.
Kamari should’ve realized sooner. 
They should’ve realized sooner. 
Anuli the antagonist couldn’t fly. Anuli the antagonist couldn’t say things right or find faer tree or function whatsoever or get faer thoughts off faer ridiculous stories for two seconds for simple, simple things that Anuli the antagonist just couldn’t do. No matter how hard fae tried. Fae wasn’t trying to be an antagonist… at least, I hoped that was the case. But whenever I tried to fix things, it never worked. I was just… the antagonist. 
They would waste valuable time trying to further the narrative of the opposition. It would cost them. It would cost them their happy ending. 
I really needed to perfect that evil laugh. 
The ground swayed. The static roared.  I couldn’t even be an antagonist. It was so hot. So loud. 
A small, selfish thought imagined the other - the protagonist, the ‘opponent’ - giving me a hug and singing and a lullaby, making the Place of Tethers retreat. I hissed at it. Never again. I would not repeat the same story twice. 
I gripped my antenna and yanked until my muzzle stung. 
“Oh, you poor thing,” Lyra muttered, backing away. Put her hands up. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.” She kept her voice soft. She glanced around. It sounded like this was a contest. Like there was another death match just beyond this one, and another and another and another. She glanced back at her ‘opponent’ and let out a sigh. “You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve…to have anyone hurt you, Kelouoyba. I’m so sorry for the pain you’ve gone through.”
She stood and backed away. “I’m going to make sure you don’t have to put up with this.” She glanced up at the white expanse above them. Raised her voice so she could be heard by the one no doubt watching. “And once I’m done here I’m coming for you, game master!!”
She would not go through this again. Would not watch as ones like this one were forced into fighting for their lives. Not ones that had clearly been through a lot. That had been through enough. That deserved peace.
Her wings stretched to either side and she took off into the air, keeping herself level with the top of the wall, just under where the wall turned into what looked like some sort of stands or seating of some kind. She turned her attention to the other one, began humming as she concentrated. Summoned her core magic from deep within. Reached out with hands and magic to connect with the earth directly under her opponent. Felt it as her magic connected to this strange ground, pushing with all her might to create a hole directly under them.
I deserve it. I ruined the same story multiple times. I’m a villain. An antagonist. 
It would be so much worse. I could either let the tether tighten, or fall to everything different. Both were wrong - false leads to the same ending.
And so the story continues. The villain ruins the stories of the ones who gave the antagonist faer own. 
“Akonh Kelouoyba!!” Use your wings, little one. She shouted it as angrily as she could, made it sound like a threat to help sell the idea that she was attacking using her magic, knowing that they likely couldn’t understand her even as her voice rattled in her throat, the cost of her magic.
The Protector shouted. Shouted. Angry. Or wanted something. Something that I couldn’t give. I winced. I did it again. Couldn’t get out of my own thoughts for two minutes to prevent this. Perhaps I was meant to play this role for eternity. Over and over and over and - 
The Protector… was angry, during a battle of the fates. 
Fae realized. 
The story’s over. 
Villain defeated.  
The static roared and the world collapsed to darkness. 
Once they fell she slammed the top of the earth shut with a loud hammering sound and landed on the very spot. She knew she had left an opening big enough and deep enough for them to be safe, so long as they were able to flutter down and reach the bottom. She placed her hand on the spot they had just been and whispered, “Rmhte, Kelouoyba.” Be safe, little one.
I feel like the winners are going to team up to fight M (dungeon master), and I absolutely love how everyone's fights are going.
Watch the rest of the fights, dear bystander.
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starlight-phantom · 1 year
Ai the somnium files for the fandoms ask? You can include nirvana initiative if you want :3
I think I did one of these for AI about a month ago??? But my memory's terrible so I might as well just do it again 👍
3 male characters I love:
Kaname Date, I'm usually not a fan of the pervy character in things, but Date works so well because 1) He thinks all these things and makes comments but he never actually does stuff to people to make them uncomfortable, and 2) It's not his defining characteristic, he's so much more than horny. Like he's a great detective, he cares about his peers and wants to keep them safe, he's a great father figure even if he doesn't really know what he's doing, he's just such a great character. Also Greg Chun's performance is 👌👌👌
Kuruto Ryuki, *slaps roof* this boy can fit so many mental illnesses. I love this boy but goddamn he is a filthy liar whenever he says "I'm fine". But his story was so engaging and you really feel for him when it clicks into place. Like I've been giving the game a second playthrough with the knowledge of the twist and wow so many scenes hit different. Also, this is the first time I've heard Stephen Fu in a big role (The only other time I've heard him is Douma from KNY and he's only appeared a couple of times so far) and wow, I really wanna hear more of his work because his performance was incredible.
Pewter, I dunno he dresses like a fruity Pokémon villain and he's got an awkward yet charming personality. Not to mention, his story in the right path of the first game made me feel so bad for him... Like damn, just let this man be happy please, he deserves it. Also, I know I'm a broken record, but Sean Chiplock's performance, his delivery on the weirder lines are so funny (Yes I am thinking about the chairs line, how did you know?)
3 female characters I love:
Aiba, I fucking adore Aiba. She's the best. I love how she's the straight man to Date's shenanigans IRL but when they're in somniums, Date is the straight man to her shenanigans, I love her excitement whenever she sees bugs, I love how she knows Date so well she can manipulate him into being a better fighter, I love her lil jelly hamster form, I love Erika Harlacher's performance, I just really, really love Aiba.
Mizuki Date, I don't even know where to start with Mizuki... She's honestly one of the best written child characters I've seen in a game. And this poor girl has been through so much in both games but her route in the first game had me sobbing buckets. Not to mention, Corrina Boegetter's performance, they really knocked it out of the park for every single facet of Mizuki's personality. Also they genuinly managed to sound like a twelve year old, that's impressive all by itself.
Shizue Kuranushi, Listen... I am not immune to hot women voiced by Allegra Clark, okay? I'm only human. But seriously... Her design, her personality, her dedication to her co-workers, her office and the funny interactions that come from all the stuff she just doesn't throw away, and the fact that's somehow simultaneously a girlboss and a cringefail milf???? Impressive. She has the range, darling.
Also, quick shout-out to Tama, I adore her and her crazy laugh so much
3 romantic ships I love:
Kaname Date/Hitomi Sagan, god those two are so cute, really bummed they barely interacted in the sequel...
Kaname Date/Kuruto Ryuki, Date has two hands. But seriously, the admiration Ryuki has for Date and the way they watch out for each other is really sweet
Iris Sagan/Amame Doi, cute bubblegum colours but also they have each others backs and they always have fun hanging out with each other
There was another ship I wanted to add but it's spoilery and a mutual was considering potentially checking out the series so I thought it would be best to leave it out. But if you've played the first game, you can probably guess who it is.
3 platonic dynamics I love:
Kaname Date/Mizuki Date, I mean... Chances are if you've been following me for a while you know that I am just a huge sucker for family dynamics. And the dynamic of adopted father/daughter viewing each other as their real family but being too embarrassed to admit is something I adore.
Kuruto Ryuki/Tama, I love these two so much. I love how IRL Ryuki is just so done with all of Tama's dirty jokes and then in somniums Tama is so done with all of Ryuki's weird suggestions and skits. But also it's their concern for each other, you can tell they're partners. I feel like the best example of this is when Tama insists that Ryuki goes to the hospital no matter how much he protests, like... She just wants him to be safe and healthy...
Ota Matsushita/Mayumi Matsushita, god the Ota route destroyed me when I played through it but seeing them as a family getting through their issues was so sweet. I won't go into detail because it's personal but a few months ago I went offline for a while because of a family emergency and it's because of similar situation to Mayumi. So yeah, playing that hit hard.
3 favorite moments in canon:
The ending scenes of both games. If you know, you know.
Again, I wanna avoid spoilers but the Annihilation Route interrogation. Holy shit that scene was incredible.
The final scene in the final Somnium of Nirvana Initiative. Just... Goddamn that hit hard and the delivery of the "I have no regrets!" Crushed me.
3 favorite headcanons:
I honestly can't think of any headcannons off the top of my head... And I've been typing this response for way longer I intended... Sorry...
3 least favorite things about it:
Some of the somniums can have some obscure logic but like... Not in the way that you proud when you figure it out, but more angry in a "how the hell was I supposed to figure that out?" Kinda way.
I really hate how Ryuki and Tama just got kinda shoved to the side halfway through Nirvana Initiative. Like they stole the show for a lot of their scenes and then once the Mizuki Route started they barely appeared and when they did, they weren't really shown in the best light, especially Ryuki. Granted there's a plot reason for this but still... It's disappointing. If there's an AI3, I hope they get more screentime.
I feel like Tearer really didn't get enough screentime in Nirvana Initiative, especially when unmasked. Like c'mon this is the main antagonist, give us more of him! Especially considering his entire backstory, that's a lot of really interesting stuff to build off of! Also just... I wanted to hear more of Billy Kametz' villainous performance. It was rare to hear him in those roles but he was so damn good in them.
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lehdenlaulu · 2 years
Okay, SaB S2. I'm groggy as hell and only have time for a couple of episodes, but here we go. Ep1.
Alina looks fantastic but I have to wonder where'd she find a curling iron in the middle of the sea. Unless the ship had a convenient tailor on board.
Aw, they cute.
I'm still impressed with the visual worldbuilding and production design so far.
Yeah, the Crows' brooding cello 'theme' still makes me immediately think of 'Vodka Inferno' by Diablo Swing Orchestra, if the overall vibe of the show didn't already.
Kaz backstory here we gooo.
Wow, very well-funded police force if they can afford purple uniforms. Assuming dyes work the same way they do in our world. Which I do, since that kind of thing has to be a conscious design choice.
Aw baby.
Hi Nikolai. I don't know you yet but I know who you are.
Huh, I thought Kaz had known all along and Jesper knew he knew. But I guess they needed to spell it out for the audience.
Damn, Mal. I'm not sure if that's just fancy editing or if we're supposed to believe he's Special somehow. (I know he's supposed to be but not like that I guess??)
And these would be the twins, yes? Hello there.
And here's the dude with the Finnish name and the Scottish accent. Hah.
And Wylan. Hi, Wylan!
Nina! Nice save, babe.
"Funny guns and angry hat." 😂 Perfect.
Poor Genya.
Nice acting from Dani on the 'love of my life'. The realization when she said that out loud.
Ep. 2
There's something about Nikolai I'm not buying. Maybe it's the acting, maybe the whole pirate angle is a little much and the balance of the vibes isn't quite right. Hmm. 🤔
Like, I get that the character is probably playing a part to a degree, but... yeah. Let's see how it unfolds.
Well done with the ship, though, it's actually properly cramped instead of absurdly spacious like in many films/shows.
I still really love the lighting of this show. Especially in comparison to so many other things recently.
I like that we're seeing Kirigan in human light as well, not just as the mustache-twirling villain cliché. The scenes with Genya are fascinating and disturbing. Great job Ben and Daisy.
Honestly I'm so glad they've aged these characters up. I would never believe they're teenagers. I mean, Wylan, maybe.
Huh, flashback or fantasy? I was under the impression they hadn't gotten to that part yet in the last season.
I wish the show had explained the amplifier thing a bit better, tbh. And did we even know about the Sea Whip and the Firebird last season, at all? And if she's been dreaming of them, shouldn't we have seen those dreams?
Ooh, an Alkemi! A cute one. Very... hmm. He might make a great Armand, actually.
Am I supposed to be feeling something between Alina and Nikolai? Because I'm not. At all.
And that would be a Tidemaker, I guess?
Well, that one definitely is one.
Wylan's acting a bit like jilted ex, which is weird and sort of funny. I suppose there's a reason.
Okay, no, everyone's apparently fighting like that now, not just Mal.
Ep. 3
Yeah, I doubt you'll take the Fold down in the third episode, my darling.
Okay, Nik, let's see if I buy you better now that the charade is over.
Aww babies.
Nadia! Hi! Wait, is that the same actress? I don't think it is.
Hi Zoya, good to see you.
Yeah, I thought it was something like that about the jilted ex behavior.
I guess Jesper is musiciansexual. 🤭
Kaz and Inej are better this season, I'm starting to buy it. Well, it helps that Kaz is starting to open up a bit, of course.
I love Nina and Inej, though. Inej needed someone like her around.
Well, everyone really is fighting like that, huh? It's getting sliiiightly unbelievable, but at least it looks awesome.
He's hot all bloody and disheveled I must say. 🤷‍♀️
Get it girl get it.
Listen, I love that Mal is supportive and they're very sweet but especially contrasting with the scene immediately after, I don't really care as much as the show probably wants me to. And that's not some shippy opinion, either, I don't really have a horse in this race.
Oh that's a very good shot of Kaz. Good job with the lighting and colors and blocking.
No, I honestly think Kaz is scarier than Kirigan.
Ooh, Tidemakers have green keftas? Yup, that's the one for me then.
Heh. I wrote this. Almost, anyway. Mine was slightly less creepy.
Well, that last scene felt familiar. Hah.
Okay, now some sleep, last four tomorrow night.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Ah hello, I forgot to answer earlier 🔫
HA HA HA WHAT THE FUCK that "Seonghwa is a work of art" post you sent I was about to do the same 👁👄👁
"Don't worry about the European tour" he said... Well, I'm worried darling...
Wonhyuk a dedicated Atiny, he probably has a stan account too lol. He and that To1 guy who cried when the Teezers won, I recently searched for his Ateez moments and he's been mentioning them since 2020, cuteee. Me af
Damn I felt awkward after winning a few calls last time, but it's not like I see them THAT often. Some people are there EVERY SINGLE TIME. As much as I like seeing some videos, not everything has to be posted, especially if you tell them shitty things ☠☠☠☠ snitching on themselves? Clown behaviour
"Kept seeing Seonghwa" me everywhere I go lmao. I don't get those school thoughts, but dreams & nightmares yeah. And it's usually me failing and avoiding classes then shitting myself because of exams. No alphas please 🤐 but angel Hwa... Taemin's lore... yeah I'm listening
Imagine attending a Shinee concert with Hwa (imagine attending a Shinee concert in general, lmao good luck if you're not in SK or Japan 🤡 I wanna see them agaaaaain)
Me and Tae haunting you miss Baek
Speaking of Twilight, Yeosang you good, you need help? They're both bad, but come on... TB was sexy and bloody, but the love triangle again and ofc I was team the other guy 🙄
Omfg yes SM do something right and put the devils together. How could I forget about mr TY and his Ghost?! It was very hot of him
Well I LIKE VILLAIN Y/N IDC. "Why would he think of someone else" well do I have news for you, some people get married AND think of other people kaydishsjshjshshs. I wonder how the relationship between Hwa and Y/N develops then 👁👁 Oh I know he's gonna be obsessed, clown behaviour after disliking her LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. But he'll be in a competition with ME
Please free Chungha because she needs to slay agaon, I searched for her photos, because I'm trying to make a BIIIIIIG collage with my fave kpop photoshoots and her dark concepts wowowow
No because Sayonara Hitori is one of Taem's best songs and it's a Japanese track?! (the Korean one is fine, but the OG hits different)
You wanna hear the falsettos, bestie most don't sing live 😅😭 but yeah I get what you mean, sometimes they keep talking, but sometimes I am the one talking so 🤭
I'm confused about Mingi's current colour but he looks great. I thought red Mingi was my fave, but I think wolf Mingi takes the cake for me 💞
None of my cats wanted to cooperate, but one time my Tiny was on the windowsill and I slightly aimed the camera at her for Hwa to see and he was like "aaaaaa kitty" and asked about her name 🥰
What is that video you sent 😭 what if they dropped the baby also the way I thought it'd be Baek but no it's The Rock 😭 whose baby are we stealing?!
Bestie did you read the new fic from miss tenelka, because I stayed up late last night even though I had to wake up early, because SPICY 😳 - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
HA HA HA WHAT THE FUCK that "Seonghwa is a work of art" post you sent I was about to do the same 👁👄👁
👁👄👁 aRE U IN MY DRAFTS????
"Don't worry about the European tour" he said... Well, I'm worried darling...
i guess we’re seeing it through the screens rather than irl bc no euro but a whole cb???? 😭😭😭🤚🏼
Wonhyuk a dedicated Atiny, he probably has a stan account too lol. He and that To1 guy who cried when the Teezers won, I recently searched for his Ateez moments and he's been mentioning them since 2020, cuteee. Me af
ateez fr have only atinys and elast HDJQBD I BET HE DOES AND I BET ITS A HWA ONE TOO 😭😭😭 no it’s so cute when their fans are idols too and they show it in public like I WOULD BE CRYING AT THEIR WIN TOO & 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
Damn I felt awkward after winning a few calls last time, but it's not like I see them THAT often. Some people are there EVERY SINGLE TIME. As much as I like seeing some videos, not everything has to be posted, especially if you tell them shitty things ☠☠☠☠ snitching on themselves? Clown behaviour
no bc what’s there to talk about 😭😭 im sure even after a few there’s nothing to talk about,,, like it makes sense if u see them a little in a while but some fans doing it every fancall in that cb era 🔫🔫 NO LITERALLY NOT EVERYTHING HAS TO BE POSTED SOME THINGS ARE BETTER PRIVATE PLS,,,, no literally how are u not embarrassed bro come on 😭😭 like if u were an idol would u like it if someone said your hair isn’t good change it ?????? 🔫🔫🔫
"Kept seeing Seonghwa" me everywhere I go lmao. I don't get those school thoughts, but dreams & nightmares yeah. And it's usually me failing and avoiding classes then shitting myself because of exams. No alphas please 🤐 but angel Hwa... Taemin's lore... yeah I'm listening
FBWNBDKFBWM EVERY WHERE I SEE THIS MAN EVERY WHERE,,, omg bestie i could never avoid a class bc id always be thinking “what if he said something in class and it was important 🔫 and it’s on the exam 🔫” when teachers don’t post slides 🔫🔫 NO ALPHAS??? I THOUGHT U LIKED FURRIES 🤨🤨 angel hwa or vampire hwa now 🔫
Imagine attending a Shinee concert with Hwa (imagine attending a Shinee concert in general, lmao good luck if you're not in SK or Japan 🤡 I wanna see them agaaaaain) Me and Tae haunting you miss Baek,,, Speaking of Twilight, Yeosang you good, you need help? They're both bad, but come on... TB was sexy and bloody, but the love triangle again and ofc I was team the other guy 🙄
NAURRR THE IMAGINE ATTENDING ONE IN GENERAL HIT HARD IT’ll BE SO HARD TO ATTEND ESP NOW AND AFTER TAEMIN COMES TOOO 😭😭😭 STOP THIS IS RIDICULOUS IF THEY COME FOR CONCERTS WE NEED TWO DAYS IN ONE CITY OR SOMETHING,,, id be absolutely honoured if you and taehyung haunt me,, pls be the speaking person between me and taehyung so my thv fan girl dreams true 🤲🏼🤲🏼 we talking about tb but my guy hagrid passed on 😭🤚🏼
YEOSANG JDBWJDHWK PLS 😭😭😭 hear me out, yeosang as a cullen 😵‍💫 wAIT DID U SIDE WITH THE BLOND HAIRED GUY??
Omfg yes SM do something right and put the devils together. How could I forget about mr TY and his Ghost?! It was very hot of him
sm the devil unit wHEN NO HOW COULD U ANON HOW COULD U FORGET TAEYONG 🔫🔫🔫 all of them in red suits too 😩😩 would start passing out
Well I LIKE VILLAIN Y/N IDC. "Why would he think of someone else" well do I have news for you, some people get married AND think of other people kaydishsjshjshshs. I wonder how the relationship between Hwa and Y/N develops then 👁👁 Oh I know he's gonna be obsessed, clown behaviour after disliking her LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. But he'll be in a competition with ME
LMFAOOOO NDBWKDBWK THE SHADE,, im super excited to see how their relationship turns out and the day, the time, the second he switches just like that and miss yn is “????? i-is anyone seeing this???” OH OBSESSED??? MAN LIVES AND BREATHS YN DBWNBD but do they end up together???? LMFAOOHFBDKWL ANON SIMPING FOR YN ALREADY??????????
Please free Chungha because she needs to slay agaon, I searched for her photos, because I'm trying to make a BIIIIIIG collage with my fave kpop photoshoots and her dark concepts wowowow
no bc i went on her company’s ig page and the last time they posted is in july 😭😭😭 I THOUGHT THERE WOULD BE SOME PROMOS FREE OUR GIRLIE GO UNDER SM JOIN THE DEVIL UNIT PLS omg omg let us know how that goes!!!
No because Sayonara Hitori is one of Taem's best songs and it's a Japanese track?! (the Korean one is fine, but the OG hits different)
sayonara hotori (his japanese album) itself was my intro to taemin as a soloist and i could honestly could not have it any other way,,, truly mind blown esp after press your number 😮‍💨😮‍💨🤲🏼 NO BC WHY DO THE JAPANESE TRACKS HIT DIFFERENT THE EMOTION IN THEM 🤌🏼🤌🏼
You wanna hear the falsettos, bestie most don't sing live 😅😭 but yeah I get what you mean, sometimes they keep talking, but sometimes I am the one talking so 🤭
i would get 🔫🔫 if someone kept talking when im watching taemin or exo,,, iM THROWING HANDS
I'm confused about Mingi's current colour but he looks great. I thought red Mingi was my fave, but I think wolf Mingi takes the cake for me 💞
wolf mingi???? 👁👁 time to read miss ateezmakemeweep’s wolf mingi 👁👁
None of my cats wanted to cooperate, but one time my Tiny was on the windowsill and I slightly aimed the camera at her for Hwa to see and he was like "aaaaaa kitty" and asked about her name 🥰
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What is that video you sent 😭 what if they dropped the baby also the way I thought it'd be Baek but no it's The Rock 😭 whose baby are we stealing?!
LMFAOOOO JDVWNDBWK AND THE BABY LOLS LIKE A NEWBORN??? BRO WHY ARENT U AT HOME SLEEPING HELLO??? the rock holding a little pebble 😭😭😭 bestie yours..
Bestie did you read the new fic from miss tenelka, because I stayed up late last night even though I had to wake up early, because SPICY 😳 - DV 💖
2/2 FUCKING HELL it's me DV again, I forgot to answer the quiz 🤦🏼‍♀️ omg all the MCR options, made for me <3 I got: old cleaning lady at the vampire mansion, wbu? Just saying the mansion will NOT be clean, soz
Let me attach some important links. I got;
PLS A SMOOOCH INCOMING. Oh I am appreciating okay. LIPS MODEL SEONGHWA, any thoughts?
🥺 // His face is so kind 😭 // There's a meme that says "the world is too fast for Juyeon" because boy is so slow and...
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Mingi THIS IS KILLING ME /// Oh and speaking of Gidle, my lil meow meows covered Tomboy and I need to promote them <3
bestie we about to be on war 🔫🔫
omg did u hear about the kamp la thing 😭😭
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