#Super Robot Wars J
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raguna-blade · 1 year
So this is more rambling than anything but I have it in my head so let's get it out of there for a tick.
Like I've Enjoyed what I played of SRW30 Well enough but I also think it's kind of fundamentally not a great game game as a pure game experience. I'm not a challenge seeker by any means, I tend to leave my games on the default difficulty if anything, but there is something to be said when the game balance shatters damn near out the gate and the only real way I can achieve anything that resembles a challenge is by pumping up the difficulty (which doesn't actually change anything beyond giving the opponents extra health and more damage which doesn't actually mittigate things) and a decent amount of that was me falling into assbackwards and by quite literal accident.
Now sure, some of this doubtless has to do with when I played SRWJ and i'm probably a better game player over all, but despite the fact that I knew, very very early on, that I had broken the game difficulty, I didn't particularly find it like...distressing.
The same can be said for playing SRWOG's but we're not talking about that, because i think overall that's just an overall better game compared to either here.
And I'm trying to figure out what it is about J that lead me to being AOK with it being wildly out of balance vs 30.
My initial feeling, which I think is deifinitely a part of it but not the whole thing, is the mission structure is different. having to go in a specific route with no stops does fundamentally change the experience, especially in a strategy game. Inability to grind at all makes a big difference in RPG types strategy games, but in and of itself I don't think that's the whole story.
For one, 30's Grinding Options are pretty clearly demarcated as such, and you don't need to do them. But second, I think the difference there is...It's whatever. I don't need to grind, and honestly I don't like to either in games. It's positively dreadful for me, and in games where it's expected it's often enough to make me put it down entirely even if I objectively love everything else.
But it's a difference. But the thing I hone in on, and I think i'd have to seriously look at it more instead of just getting the idle thought off my head, is that, unironically, the way the game frames it makes it feel...less unusual that you're this hyper busted powerhouse?
Like sure, almost any game is going to go on about how you the pc (or your army) are special in some way, or just lucky or whatever and that's why you're able to do something, but here I think the way the game frames it makes it feel less inexplicable?
or no. No that's not right actually. Because both games do make a point of your crews being hyper competent relative to everyone else, but I think it does come back to gameplay to a degree, or at least, certain aspects of gameplay.
It's been a while, so anyone who has the more recent experience feel free to correct me, but I think it actually has to do with the stricter limitations for improving your pilots and machines. that means the grinding does factor in (if only as a sense of They're there as a pressure release if you need it even if you don't use it, which is a real factor if a somewhat more nebulous one), but more critically the way you can stack advantages between the two games is WILDLY different.
I know for a fact that in 30 I have quite literally made the main character (one of them) into god's perfect killing machine by more or less just throwing a copy of whatever abilities onto them because i have the space and why not, and that has rewarded me with a unit with WILDLY outsized impact compared to other comparable units. Or hell, factually just better units not afforded the same grace.
which...Makes sense, but relates back to why it FEELS so different I think, because yeah you made your character mega powerful (and the game rewards and wants this!) but it's not only a little harder, but it requires some decision making because in doing so you're also in some respects making other units weaker, but also you had to expend at least a bit of effort to figure out what was needed to do so.
This isn't to say it was a complicated puzzle or anything in J, i certainly don't recall putting hours into figuring out a build to make a unit godlike, probably at best a few minutes when I realized Oh, this fixes a problem this unit had now I can stomp, but the effort required is there and makes a difference.
Maybe should look into this more sometime.
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Ok one last one for the day. Behold:
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Compared with Okita Souji!
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What kind of similarity we got here?
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luparaneo · 2 years
valid to bully Gunmax
First time I got characters from BP on the outro screen, Pouty Boy <3
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so looking back on it I wasn't expecting how far into orbit this mission would send my sides from laughing so hard
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SEE? Kaidoh, of all people, Ikumi-freakin'-KAIDOH agrees you're doing fine! (I know he's mellowed out by GGGvsBM, but still)
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"You're over 5m tall, do you really think whispering is going to work?"
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There's too much good dialog here with a 30 image limit in posts, and I want to stick to one post per mission, but of COURSE Mamoru would get a bit intense with Shadow-Maru because of Volfogg. ;o;
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Oh I like where this is going.
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Mamoru, Mic Sounders the 13th is my favorite of the GGG 'bots, but this is maybe a bit much. /wheeze
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do it for Yuta, Gunmax
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Deckerd runs a sneaky interference before he blows a circuit! (but ngl Gunmax singing Power of Desire with Mic would be amazing actually)
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Uh oh, we got trouble! Huh, Yuta can ride in there? Can't say I remember that but it's been a hot minute.
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Meanwhile Shadow-Maru absolutely hams it up for the entire mission
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Yuta, Mamoru, and Kaidoh realizing this whole thing was probably a bad idea in 3... 2... 1...
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They did it because they just want Yuta to be happy!
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Once everyone drops the act and the Dreisstrager shows up fashionably late the BP squad goes, "lol nah this is OUR show"
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Yeah he's not dropping that ever, is he.
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Everyone got "inspiration", but before Mamoru could get to Deckerd it was interrupted by the attack. Yeah, I think they've already got you beat on your advice, Cap'n. c:
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15/10 mission, I was not expecting this interaction at all with these two series but I'm glad I got to witness Gunmax completely obliterate himself from embarrassment
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kingofjuglans · 1 year
I’ve been doing this thing on the bird website where i post a mecha 50x50 pixel art every day until the next Super Robot Wars game’s announcement as both a fun way to pass the time until we get it, and as an excuse to practice my pixel art skills. However, it once again seems like that place might be dying for real, so i’m gonna start posting those here on Tumblr as well just in case... so let’s catch up by posting all the ones so far!
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Day 1 - Eva Unit-03
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Day 2 - Texas Mack
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Day 3 - Gekiganger
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Day 4 - Dom
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Day 5 - GM Sniper II
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Day 6 - Mack Knife
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Day 7 - God Mazinger
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Day 8 - Ginguiser
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Day 9 - Deckerd
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Day 10 - Build Strike Gundam
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Day 11 - Schezarade
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tearsoftime0086 · 1 year
listening to the srw j ost bc that post I reblogged yesterday... and I'm suddenly reminded about how I ditched the layzner early in my run of SRW 64.
I'm sorry Eiji, I depended on your 2/2 ammo calf missiles for like 10 chapters and then never upgraded you :'(
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lavendernoise · 2 years
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rx-05-29 · 8 months
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shychangling · 2 years
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I spent 60 bucks to see them and I’m not ashamed because I know I’ll enjoy this game regardless.
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the-interidiot · 12 days
I just wanna state beforehand the trailer looks AWESOME, I have some criticisms but I’m MOSTLY excited! I haven’t played the game in years though, so a lot of my info is pure memory and the power of hyperfixation . It MAY be inaccurate and if it is, I do genuinely want to be corrected!
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Male!White Jessie is the poster child, which makes sense as he is the most recognizable. As much as I LOVE female Jessie sm, I definitely recognize M by first glance.
The animation looks MUCH nicer, though it’s not shown in this screenshot! It’s got a raised FPS from the original, and actually doesn’t have a ton of lighting errors anymore!
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They’re adding newer blocks, which I like a lot - though it does lead to one of the first major criticisms I have. They need to TREAD CAREFUL with new stuff. The amethyst looks great, but I guarantee 90% of people are going to play/watch Block by Block for nostalgia, and an OVERLOAD of new stuff will take away from this.
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PETRA!!!!! She looks COOL in this shot, and in general! The lighting is GREAT, and I appreciate her getting an action shot! The shadow is a little intense, but no complaints here.
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Olivia and Eligard using redstone lights is a nice touch, and connects the characters well. :)
It also begs the question of if Olivia (in that screenshot) is pre-witherstorm or post-witherstorm, as she WAS always a Redstone engineer but she got a lot of her inspiration and materials from Redstone City.
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THE CREW! This is a GREAT starting shot, though I will unfortunately tripe that I wish the shading was less heavy here. Lucas looks great, and I’m happy to see him! He was always one of my favorites. :)
Alex and Olivia having a conversation, while Jessie and Lucas just separately enjoy the situation. Lucas doesn’t look super pleased here, but he isn’t really happy for most of MC:SM, so…. (Free my boy, he needs therapy) /j
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I can’t tell if Gabriel is going to die or not, unfortunately. This scene looks like just adoration for his hero, but it also reminds me of the choice to take Eligard or Magnus’s armor, which worries me. Gabriel dying doesn’t seem too likely though, as we see him in shots that take place presumably later.
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I’m not sure, but I THINK the first place here is Mobcity! If it is, WOAH. It looks INSANE! (/POS) I loved Mobcity so much when I first played the game, and seeing it again made me giggle a little bit.
The second and third locations are clearly Redstone City (Redstonia? I don’t remember the name, sorry!) And Boomtown. I personally always chose Boomtown when I played, but I watched people play Redstone city! They both look nice, and the more terf-war style chaos of Boomtown looks nice - it almost looks like something Fallout reminiscent to me.
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I have a FEW thoughts here. First - the obvious, I can’t tell what the drones are. I’m likely forgetting something story wise - but I can’t identity where they come from. BUT, the lights in the background look a lot like White Pumpkins mansion zoomed in, which excites me.
Except…. I don’t think those are from White Pumpkin.
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THIS shot interested me the most of the whole trailer. Red arrows shooting in a snowy forest. This appears to be the same location as the previous shot, and initially I thought these arrows were from PAMA. But that doesn’t make sense, she’s in the desert.
These arrows look like ROMEO. Sure, it’s a possibility they’re the poison arrows from the Mansion, but they’re glowing too bright and in addition to the drones from the previous shot makes me think them to be The Admins.
So how is HE, HERE? And why was only one drone blue? (Also, keep in mind I DO know the difference between the drones and phantoms).
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Speaking of PAMA. HOLY. JEBUS. /POS
This looks TERRIFYING. I love this shot because it’s nailing in a concept the original kind of failed at, that this robot is ENSLAVING EVERYONE. These people are drones - pawns to the perfect system. And some of the armor here is detailed, making me think some of them are named characters. I don’t remember if any named characters get taken over in the original, but probably.
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The Temple! It FEELS big just with this shot, which amazes me. 10/10, no comments.
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This is the one shot I took a while to identify. I first thought this was the Spleef area for some reason, then I thought it was the Mob Grinder due to the downward shot, but it seems to simply be the cart ride near the beginning of the game through the nether. (Which is a shame, because I would LOVE to see the mob grinder in the trailer!)
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The Piglins concern me a little for the same reason as the amethyst, so I restate - PLEASE don’t rely on new stuff. This is justifiable, as Pigmen are gone, but just a quick warning.
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I CANT tell who the person on the left is, but I have a few theories? This is a snow environment, so my brain thought is that it’s somebody from the White Pumpkin area. But it looks a lot like (from memory) Ivors ninja costume. I’m sure there’s an obvious answer one google search could tell me, but I’m dumb and don’t wanna google stuff.
It could also be an anti-PAMA person? I don’t remember that plot too well, but wasn’t there also a blue headset used to see through the red ones?
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I have SO many good things to say, as well as a few criticisms, but they’re so small I’ll knock them out now. The roof doesn’t really look like it’s glass being shattered, it looks too thick. And the color contrast is a tad too high.
That’s it. The whole criticism. NOW, it’s so BIG. It feels consuming, like it’s not just eating its environment but also growing too fast for even the camera to catch up with. One of my hopes is that they don’t have as many full-body shots of the creature, because shots like THIS - where it’s so large you can’t even SEE THE END (no pun intended) amaze me. I love these shots.
Anyway this excites me very much and also gave me motivation to crawl my MC:MS oc’s from the grave and look at their dirty, cringy asses again. I might remake them TBH, those concepts were fire. 10 year old me COOKED.
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wanderersrest · 4 months
An Abbreviated History of Mecha Part 4.1: THE EAST IS BURNING RED!!! (1990-1995)
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(Read in the voices of Yosuke Akimoto and Tomokazu Seki) ANSWER ME, DOMON! THE SCHOOL OF THE UNDEFEATED OF THE EAST!!
Welcome back to An Abbreviated History of Mecha! Last time, we saw the proliferation of mecha shows throughout the 80's. We also saw the introduction of an incomplete list of influential industry people who got their start in the 80's. In the 90's, we will begin to see a continuation of this proliferation of mecha works throughout the decade. The 90's will also see a lot of the stories I have talked about pay off, as
What we will also see in the 90's are a few major events that will affect the world of mecha in pretty major ways. The first is the bursting of the Japanese economic bubble, which would cause the Japanese economy to go from an era of excess to one of stagnation known as the Lost Decade. Another is the sudden arrival of a third honorary mecha series, except this honorary mecha series would arguably help to kickstart the slow decline of mecha stories. It should be noted that this series is not the only reason for the slow decline of mecha shows. That is a whole conversation in and of itself, and one that, maybe one day, I will talk about.
The last thing that should be noted about the 90's is that this would also see the creation of a handful of networks in the US that would help to bring anime over to the west, namely one Cartoon Network (and more importantly, its spinoff networks Toonami and [adult swim]) for the people in the US. While anime had seen some popularity in the west thanks to shows and movies like Robotech, Voltron, Ghost in the Shell, and Akira, it would be the four-part knockout of two of the series mentioned here alongside animanga juggernauts Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon that would cause anime to become mainstream.
That should be everything. With all of that out of the way...
Gundam Fight!
Yuusha Exkaiser/Brave Exkaiser (1991)
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Starting us off in 1991, Takara would realize that, due to the sudden success of Transformers in the US, it might be time to diversify as Transformers had no longer felt like it was truly their property anymore. As such, they would create the Yuusha line, with their debut series being Brave Exkaiser. Exkaiser would prove to be a massive hit amongst its intended younger audience and would kickstart a whole franchise, which would also include:
The Brave Fighter of Legend Da-Garn (1992)
The Brave Express Might Gaine (1993)
The Brave Police J-Decker (1994)
The Brave of Gold Goldran (1995)
Brave Command Dagwon (1996)
The King of Braves, GaoGaiGar (1997), which I will talk about next time.
The Brave franchise is important due to how often this series gets referenced by other works, with the usual reference points being either Might Gaine or GaoGaiGar. More importantly, both Brave Exkaiser and the Giant Robo OVA would usher in an era of works that looked to the older mecha shows like Tetsujin 28, Mazinger Z, and Getter Robo for inspiration as opposed to Mobile Suit Gundam.
Super Robot Wars (1991) & Another Century's Episode (2003)
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1991 would also see the start of Banpresto's Super Robot Wars, the ultimate crossover of in terms of mecha works. Super Robot Wars is where a lot of mecha-related terminology such as Super Robots, Real Robots, and the Holy Trinity (Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Gundam 0079) come from. Super Robot Wars would also introduce its own set of original robot designs, each with their own unique pilots. Super Robot Wars would eventually gain a sister series in the form of 2003's Another Century's Episode.
One of the most important factors of Super Robot Wars is that, due to its celebratory (some might even say masturbatory) nature, these games can serve as a good metric behind what is a mecha story.
Giant Robo the Animation: The Day the Earth Stood Still (1992)
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In 1992, Yasuhiro Imagawa and company would release the first episode of the now-legendary OVA Giant Robo the Animation: The Day the Earth Stood Still. This OVA, along with Brave Exkaiser, would begin the push for giant robot shows to take inspiration from works that were not Mobile Suit Gundam. The Giant Robo OVA, on top of being one of Imagawa's magnum opera (fun fact: the plural of magnum opus is magnum opera) alongside Mobile Fighter G Gundam, would also be the direct inspiration for western darling The Big O.
Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger (1992) & Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (1993)
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If you're wondering why I mentioned Super Sentai in part 2, this series is why.
In 1992, the Super Sentai series Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger would release in Japan. While, to my understanding, it was about as popular as the rest of the Super Sentai franchise, this specific series in particular would attract the attention of one Haim Saban. With some editing here and there, along with filming new segments featuring an American cast as opposed to using the original footage featuring the original Japanese cast, Saban and company would create Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, which would air for the first time in 1993. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers would go down in history as one of many series that would help pave the way for animanga to gain a foothold in western media.
Denkou Choujin Gridman/Gridman the Hyper Agent (1993) & Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad (1994)
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1993 would also see the legendary Tsuburaya Productions, after a long period of struggles, finally make a comeback with their new series Gridman the Hyper Agent. With its smaller budget, the Hero of Dreams would come to be known as the hero who would help Tsuburaya Productions come back to relevance in the 90's.
Due to the success of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, other US companies would want in on the action. DiC Entertainment would buy the US distribution rights for Gridman and would try to put their own spin on Power Rangers by creating Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad.
Eventually, the people at Studio Trigger, who were interested in making an anime based off of Ultraman, would reach out to Tsuburaya Productions in an attempt to get permission to do so. While their initial request for Ultraman specifically was shot down, they were allowed to choose any of Tsuburaya's other properties for their anime adaptation. And they would choose Gridman for their subject, which would lead to the creation of SSSS.Gridman (a show I will talk about later).
If you have time to spare, you should also check out Cheese GX's video on the history behind Gridman.
Patlabor 2 (1993)
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The fan-beloved Patlabor 2 would also release in 1993. Reflecting the realities of post-economic bubble Japan and the ensuing Lost Decade, Patlabor 2 would trade out the optimism commonly associated with the franchise with a much more cynical and grounded (even by Patlabor standards) tone. People tend to view this movie as being what Patlabor is all about, but in my opinion, this movie is an anomaly that can only truly be appreciated by knowing the context of everything that came before it.
Magic Knight Rayearth (1993)
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1993 would also see the publishing of the shoujo manga series Magic Knight Rayearth. Created by the legendary mangaka group CLAMP, Rayearth would be one of the first magical girl series to really escape the long shadow cast by one Sailor Moon (if I understand my magical girl history correctly, Sailor Moon is basically the magical girl equivalent of the original Mobile Suit Gundam). How was Magic Knight Rayearth able to do this?
By adding giant robots into the mix. That's right: Magic Knight Rayearth is most likely the reason why there is overlap between magical girl and mecha fans. While remembered by many as being an important series in the canons of mecha, magical girls, and CLAMP, Rayearth's legacy would largely be overshadowed by one Cardcaptor Sakura.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam (1994)
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1994 would see Gundam return in a radically different form with the martial arts-inspired Mobile Fighter G Gundam. Often considered to be the other iconic series of Yasuhiro Imagawa, G Gundam would mark the beginning of a new era of Gundam by being the first alternate universe series to exist, thus allowing the franchise to flourish while letting the original Universal Century timeline continue to exist and get its own stories. Because of its radically different nature though, G Gundam is oftentimes looked down upon as a series that spits on the legacy of the Gundam franchise.
And again, not to toot my own horn here, but I also have a trilogy of posts all talking about G Gundam. All three posts seemed to be pretty popular relative to my other posts, so there seemed to be something in them that resonated with a lot of readers.
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing (1995) & New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz (1996)
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Following on from G Gundam is 1995's New Mobile Report Gundam Wing, which is arguably the most important Gundam series after the original and Gundam Seed in the 2000's. As a return to the war stories of the original Gundam, the reason why this series is important is because Gundam Wing would be one of the big four anime series that would make anime become mainstream in the West.
In my opinion though, Gundam Wing's legacy begins and ends with it being the first Gundam series to air in the West. In Japan, another series would air at around the same time as Gundam Wing, one that would loom over the rest of canon of mecha due to its impact on the anime industry and Japanese pop culture as a whole.
Neon Genesis Evangelion (1995) & The End of Evangelion (1996)
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Ah yes, the original "Not Like the Other Girls" mecha anime.
The series that would hamper a lot of Gundam Wing's cultural impact would be Hideaki Anno and Studio Gainax's legendary Neon Genesis Evangelion, and the second of Gainax's Big Four alongside Gunbuster. Created as an homage to shows like Ultraman and Space Runaway Ideon, Evangelion would take the zeitgeist by storm, forcing its way into the pantheon of the mecha canon like... well, like an Evangelion Unit tearing through an Angel's AT Field. There was a certain je ne sais quois to the series that made it stick to a lot of viewers at the time, and a lot of the history and context behind this series' production would help shape a lot of its more cerebral moments.
Anno would eventually revisit this series in 2007 by remaking this anime series into a quartet of films known as the Rebuild of Evangelion series. At first just a project to bring Evangelion to the 21st century, the Rebuild films would eventually become the first of the Shin Japan Heroes Thematic Universe, which would come to also include:
Shin Godzilla (2016)
Shin Ultraman (2022)
Shin Kamen Rider (2023)
The problem with a series like Evangelion is that, while it is a culturally important series that deserves a lot of the attention and praise it gets, a lot of Evangelion fans tend to go a little bit too far. It's subversive nature tends to become exaggerated to the point where Evangelion is often treated as being subversive of mecha, and thus, not like the other mecha shows. This is, in large part, why the infamous idea of Evangelion being "Not like other mecha shows because it deals with character drama" comes from, and it's something that I'd like to talk about at some point in the future after all of this.
And there you have it! As we get into the latter half of the 90's, we will see a lot of iconic mecha shows begin to pop up. We will also see [adult swim] begin to really play its part in making anime more mainstream, along with Gundam begin to decline and the end of the Brave franchise. We'll also see the appearance of the crazy man known as Tetsuya Takahashi make his directorial debut in what is quiet possibly the single most ambitious JRPG project of all time along with a surprise appearance by... LEGO?!
Next time, Part 4.2: A Grand Glorious Gathering!!
This will be the key to victory.
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j-fashion-wearer-otd · 6 months
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Today’s J-fashion wearer is Latune Subbota from Super Robot Wars! She wears lolita!
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oddeyes588 · 2 months
So I just finished Super Robot Wars 30 (the only SRW I've played so far), and being the obsessed hyperfixator that I am, I immediately thought about how Symphogear would've mixed with the world.
Unfortunately the answer is "not great" because in 30 there are multiple elements at play in the creation of humanity and trying to add in Symphogear with it's lore regarding the Anunnaki is... difficult (if only because the Wulgaru from Majestic Prince has taken that space).
WITH THAT SAID... if w were to ignore that part of the lore and they WERE in this universe, could anybody else see Section Two/S.O.N.G. being closely tied to GGG? They serve VERY similar purposes, and you cannot tell me that Genjuro wouldn't respect the hell out of the philosophies that GGG runs on. Because 30 follows Gaogaigar VS. Betterman and takes place 10 years after Final, any Symphogear plots would've had to happen AFTER Final, so chances are none of the wielders (barring potentially Tsubasa) would've had much of a connection to the original GGG members, but that just means they'd be working with the newer GGG instead, which means that they would be friends with Mamoru and Kaido instead, and probably work alongside them at times as well.
Putting a focus on Hibiki just for the sake of simplicity, she probably gets along great with Mamoru and has heard plenty of heroic stories about the original Braves... and when the original Braves DO come back, boy would she ever look up to Guy. And like, who wouldn't, right? But ESPECIALLY Hibiki. She's got bravery in spades, after all.
There are a LOT of other elements to consider, of course.... but full disclosure, I can't say I have a full comprehensive understanding of the timeline concerning the Last 10 Years that 30 takes place after. But it just feels to me that they fit in especially well with the Gaogaigar characters, much in the same way J-Decker did.
Anyways, ramble over, but one last thing... it's worth noting that they'd also work well with the Gridman characters too, especially since well... Hibiki is canonically someone he could merge with in order to fight.
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(God I love the XDU collabs)
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pabsterthelobster · 2 months
The Cymond Cluster
This is a list of the many universal streams within the Cymond universal cluster (its name a reference to the Diaclone franchise that preceded Transformers, whose name comes from a merger of the words "diamond" and "cyclone"), one of the many clusters of different universes that make up the Transformers multiverse as documented by the TransTechs. The Cymond cluster mainly consists of worlds from other franchises that either precede the franchise itself, or some miscellaneous TakaraTomy franchises that are somewhat related to the franchise.
Cymond MMYY.DD - Example
Canon streams
Cymond 772.00 Beta - the Henshin Cyborg, Diakron, and Kronoform toylines
Cymond 381.00 Beta - the New Microman toyline (includes Micro Change subline)
Cymond 1184.00 Gamma - the Zoids: Starriors comic miniseries
Cymond 290.03 Alpha - the Brave Exkaiser anime
Cymond 999.04 Alpha - the Zoids: Chaotic Century anime (includes New Century sequel anime)
Possible streams
Cymond 1082.03 Alpha - the Super Dimension Fortress Macross anime (origin of Jetfire)
Cymond 1083.07 Alpha - the Special Armored Battalion Dorvack anime (origins of Autobot Deluxe Vehicles)
Cymond 384.00 Gamma - the Armored Insect Corps Beetras manga (origins of Decepticon Deluxe Insecticons)
Cymond 484.15 Alpha - the Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross anime (associated with Macross and Orguss as part of Super Dimension anime trilogy)
Cymond 885.22 Gamma - the Commandrons comic miniseries (Commandron faction appears in Beast Wars: Uprising; likely due to merger of original parent Tomy with Transformers parent Takara)
Cymond 493.03 Delta - the Gridman the Hyper Fighter live-action series (collaboration between Takara and Tsuburaya; God Zenon resembles Optimus Prime; includes Gridman Universe anime franchise which references Shattered Glass)
Cymond 401.06 Alpha - the Dennō Bōkenki Webdiver anime
Cymond 402.05 Alpha - the Daigunder anime
Associated via GoBots toyline (Hasbro owns GoBots after buying out Tonka)
Cymond 1083.02 Alpha - the Genesis Climber MOSPEADA anime (connected via model kits sold by Monogram)
Associated via Convertors toyline (created by Select using models by Takatoku, MARK, Gakken, and EXCITE; Maladroid faction and characters Zark and Zardak used in Transformers media, implying ownership)
Cymond 1081.06 Alpha - the J9 Series anime trilogy (consists of Galaxy Cyclone Braiger, Galactic Gale Baxingar, and Galactic Whirlwind Sasuraiger)
Cymond 783.03 Alpha - the Super Dimension Century Orguss anime
Cymond 284.03 Alpha - the Super High Speed Galvion anime
Brave series streams (robot designs reused from Transformers)
Cymond 291.02 Alpha - The Brave of the Sun Fighbird
Cymond 292.07 Alpha - The Brave of Legend Da-Garn
Cymond 193.30 Alpha - The Brave Express Might Gaine
Cymond 294.05 Alpha - The Brave Police J-Decker
Cymond 295.04 Alpha - The Brave of Gold Goldran
Cymond 296.03 Alpha - Brave Command Dagwon
Cymond 297.01 Alpha - The King of Braves GaoGaiGar (includes Betterman)
Cymond 1298.17 Kappa - The Saint of Braves Baan Gaan (coordinates drawn from Brave Saga release date)
Cymond 101.26 Kappa - the Brave Saga Astaria video game
Cymond 205.17 Kappa - Quantum Leap Layzelber (coordinates drawn from New Century Brave Wars release date)
Cymond 491.03 Alpha - the Eldran series (Tomy series that has crossed over with Brave)
Zoids series streams
Cymond 1185.09 Gamma - the Marvel UK Zoids comics
Cymond 1291.30 Alpha - the Soukou Kyoshin Z-Knight OVA
Cymond 1003.04 Alpha - the Zoids: Fuzors anime
Cymond 405.10 Alpha - the Zoids: Genesis anime
Cymond 717.07 Alpha - the Zoids: Wild anime
I'd like to thank portarmy on Twitter for inspiring this post with their own Cymond headcanons. I know I'm hardly scratching the surface on this little thought experiment of mind, but I thought it was fun to do.
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luparaneo · 2 years
(I'm actually playing catch-up posting these, shhh)
o boy o boy o boy!
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[immediately shoves him aside] owo!!
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If these two were introduced in the same episode this would absolutely happen, but also: Gunmax gonna smack a child.
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"so what will happen to them if we can't manage to wrangle these two?" JESUS CHRIST SAEJIMA THEY WERE JUST BOOTED UP
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Y'know, I was holding off on making ANY comments about these two considering a certain very popular ship. However.
They really aren't making this easy for me.
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Yeah good luck dealing with that crisis when he eventually hears about what regularly happens in the United States /COUGHS LOUDLY
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I'm an adult and this is hilarious out of context
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The devs knew. THEY ABSOLUTELY KNEW. /wheeze
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A part of me wishes we got Gunmax Armor, but honestly this makes more sense and I love the animation for the Max Cannon.
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whoops forgot about the Tiger Fang
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And we didn't even get the handcuffs shenanigans from the anime in this. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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[muffled Cruel Angel's Thesis in the background?]
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I didn't grab the dialog but apparently they've been sitting on the floor this whole time which sounds absolutely hilarious. Like a giant robot sleepover or something. I wonder if Shadow-Maru had his doghouse wolfhouse built before then and he just chilled in it when not doing ninja stuff, and everyone was having to sit at his level lmaoo
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duckprintspress · 4 hours
September Patreon Releases: Six Short Stories and an Art Piece!
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Duck Prints Press currently releases our single-author non-anthology short stories solely to our Patreon. The higher one backs, the more stories one gets! Not only do backers get access to our new releases based on their backer level, but they also get access to the entire back catalog of short stories we’ve published to Patreon! That means that someone who becomes a new backer at the $3/month level RIGHT NOW would instantly receive access to 41 short stories. Yes, $3 for 41 stories! Higher levels get even more; at our highest level, $25/month backers who subscribe now automatically gain access to 100 short stories and two exclusive art pieces. That’s a whole lot of awesome queer tales to read and art to view, so check it out, and read on to learn more about this month’s releases!
New General Imprint Titles
Telemachy by Willa Blythe. A bittersweet first-person exploration about a young lesbian who moves to the big city but can’t escape her regrets. Available to Patreon backers at the $10/month level and above.
Junk by J. D. Harlock. Set in a future when sentient robots box for human enjoyment, the fighter Junk Boy confronts his owner about his desire to retire. Available to Patreon backers at the $7/month level and above.
The Deadman’s Gambit by Nicola Kapron. An undead man who has long sought his equally undead husband and a young woman eager to rid herself of her family legacy join forces against the corporation that makes super soldiers in this zombiepunk sci-fi second-person story. Available to Patreon backers at the $7/month level and above.
In Fine Feather by Violet J. Hayes. After being summoned to be the familiar to an herbalist mage, a crow shifter is frustrated to discover that his summoner appears to already have another crow as his familiar. Available to Patreon backers at the $10/month level and above.
New Explicit Imprint Titles
On Campaign by Dei Walker. Lilya and Maret return in this stand-alone story set some months after the events of Clerical Error. War is hell; intimacy can be a much-needed break and chance to provide mutual comfort in this f/f fantasy erotica short story. Available to Patreon backers at the $5/month level and above.
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September Backer-Reward Art Piece
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Artist: May Barros Title: Magic Friendship
May Barros brings us their vision of aroace solidarity and friendship in this sweet piece of two dear friends in a magical setting.
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