karalovesallthegirls · 7 months
After years of pain and love and slow-building hope, Lena and Kara marry.
They are so in love Lena can hardly breathe sometimes from the weight of it. Life has meaning, the world is beautiful. Somehow, despite the odds and atrocities constantly suffocating her, Lena was blessed with her happy ending. The one sweet reward she’d ever had. They were so happy together, always waking in each others embrace. Always sharing kisses and giggles and sighs between work and warfare. They’re so happy that morning that Kara is called to the pier. Some dispute between aliens, nothing to worry about of course - they just need Supergirl to make sure it stays civil. She kisses Lena on the cheek that morning, promises to bring her lunch when she’s done, and then never comes back.
They don’t have an answer for Lena. Even after years of investigation and analysis, no one can tell her what or why it happened. All they can say is one moment Supergirl was there, and the next she was gone. There’s no body, but the Geiger readings are so high they say the Kryptonite must have melted her in a flash. One minute she’s there - her wife, her hero - and then she’s gone. Taken from the universe forever. Taken from Lena.
It nearly kills her, too, the loss. Kara was the one light she had in this life, and it was snuffed out like nothing. She almost lets it kill her. She wants it to, really, but Kara’s voice in her heart won’t let her give up. Despite her deepest desires to be with her wife Lena pushes on. She spends years pulling herself back from the brinks of despair and rebuilding herself into a new Lena. Not the same one, never the same without Kara, but something close. She finds a way to bear the pain. What Kara would have wanted.
And then, as unexpectedly as her second love had, her first returns to her. Slowly, somehow, Andrea finds her way back into Lena’s life. She’s different now, too, and Lena learns she’s lost her life’s light as well. Lena would recognize that look in anyone’s eyes. There’s no hiding a lost love like that. But Andrea has had longer in her grief, her scars less raw. She’s able to hold her pain and still hold Lena, too.
Andrea is remorseful and repenting and so acutely aware of the new scars Lena carries, and in her own twisted sort of way she’s good for Lena. No one else can see Lena like Andrea does, no one else can stare into the depths of her sorrow without flinching. The world mourns Supergirl, and the few mourn Kara Danvers, but only Lena mourns her wife. Alex mourns her, of course, as do their friends, but not the way Lena does. Never that way. There is a hole in her chest that will never close, and no one else will ever fill it.
And Andrea knows that. She never tries to fill it, never tries to replace. She holds Kara in her heart with a begrudging reverence. She knows the only reason she has Lena is because of Kara. Because she died, yes, but more so because she loved her. Her love opened Lena up again. Gave her hope. Made her believe in second chances. Kara was the light, Kara was the greatest lover and friend and hero anyone could have. She’s a dead god, and Andrea finds herself a parishioner.
Andrea loves Kara, in her own way. She’s an aspiration, a tormentor, a ghost that haunts the halls of their life. She’s in every embrace they share, every whispered word. When she finally convinces Lena to marry her, their wedding photos hang proudly beside those from her wedding to Kara. They both mention Kara by name in their vows. Kara is as real in their relationship as she is. And it works for them.
The jealousy is always there, what with living in the shadow of a fallen superhero, but it’s manageable. She knows she can win against a dead woman. And the pain and humiliation and constant pick of jealousy at the back of her skull is worth it because Lena is worth it. No one is worth more than her. And Andrea tries to make her happy - she promised that to Kara in her vows, after all. She made vows to Lena, and then made vows to Lena’s love: I will honor and cherish her as you would. I will protect her as you would. I will love her with all I have, as you would. I know the shoes I’m filling, and I will spend my life proving I’m worthy.
Andrea meant her vows and she keeps them. She loves Lena, and in her own way Lena loves her, and it’s enough. She’s happy. Andrea is so happy, and sometimes she sees that happiness in Lena, too. They build a life together and it’s good.
Then one day, Kara comes back from the dead, and everything falls apart.
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Lena, whispering: Don't let Andrea fool you, she's not that scary. She used to do ballet.
Kara: No way.
Andrea: Which gave me the physical skills I need to strangle you with my feet.
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supergirlmayhem · 1 year
The Hidden Gems of Supergirl Fanfiction
As some of you may have seen, we've been compiling a list of all of the hidden gems in the Supergirl fanfic world. All of those incredible fics that alter your brain chemistry forever and stick with you no matter what, but somehow they go overlooked. We're here to change that!
Here's the list for you to take a look through! It's got sections for all WLW ships that we've received recommendations for and if there's any you think need to be added, feel free to let us know!
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scribbling-punk · 19 days
Sudden Exposure - 2.
Kara watches as Andrea slides a mug of coffee across the counter and she murmurs a thank you as she picks it up, wrapping both hands around the mug for warmth. She takes a sip and allows the slightly scalding liquid to ground her; keep her rooted in the present moment to avoid a wandering mind that dampens her inner thighs.
“Do….” she hesitates as Andrea turns around to face her, watching as her roommate hopes up onto the counter and offers Kara her full attention, “do you enjoy it?”
“Hmmm,” Andrea’s brow wrinkles, her expression serious for a moment, “yes. It’s, uh, certainly thrilling when Lena submits, even if it is just for research, but it’s not about enjoyment when we’re in the moment, Kara. It’s about understanding what we’re writing and offering an authentic take on something that many people often feel shame about.”
Andrea smiles, “we’re just giving people what they crave and, sure, I’ve certainly had worse jobs.”
“You’re not kinky,” Kara frowns, “you just write about it.”
“Oh, baby,” Andrea chuckles softly and takes a sip of her own coffee, “I definitely didn’t say I wasn’t kinky. I just meant that this is about finding something we’re good at and finally crawling out of our parents’ shadows.” 
Kara nods slowly and attempts to absorb Andrea’s words. She had never really considered the depth of emotion that goes into writing such intimate scenes, how difficult it can be to produce something that is just right for others with similar interests.
She glances back down the hall and imagines Lena still standing there, wondering what is going through her friend’s mind as she prepares to write down her experience.
“Drink your coffee,” Andrea gently encourages.
Kara doesn’t even realize that she has automatically followed Andrea’s instruction until the coffee scalds her throat again.
Read part 2 of Sudden Exposure early on Patreon.
Part 1 is now available on AO3.
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evilsnowswan · 1 year
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Summary: Roughly two decades after Kara took off her glasses at her sister’s wedding, she and Lena are enjoying a (mostly) quiet and (mostly) happy life with their family and the family cat in National City. Things are (mostly) good. At least until one fateful December day changes everything.
[A ‘switched at birth’ story. Established Supercorp. Original Supercorp children. Patchwork family. The more mothers the merrier. Eventual Superrojascorp.]
Link: [Read on AO3]
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pirateofprose · 2 years
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twelfth night kiss, but make it superrojascorp
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silv3reyedstranger · 7 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: post the names of all the rules in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
i’m considering myself tagged by @appropriatelystupid since i’m on break and i’ve got time on my hands!
lady of the manor x groundskeeper
cigar shop romance (very sc adjacent but technically an original work)
supercorp angst
cissamione unrequited/requited situationship
supercorp orchestra au
rojarias lawyer au
rojarias fake dating to fake hating au
ginsy neighbors au
superrojascorp tattoo au
supercorp broccoli & cheddar soup au
last chapter of ‘did you lie’ (supercorp) that’s been in the works for the past year🤡
tagging my mutuals if ya’ll are interested!
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flyingpotstickers · 1 year
$5-10/Pay What U Want fanfic commissions open for a ✨special occasion✨ aka Will Goes To Disney
here's the deal: my good friend is going to disney with his class if they can raise enough money to do so. i want to help donate to the cause. so i'm going to raise money in order to donate to that cause by making 500-1K word ficlet prompt fills!
your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to prompt me with as many things as your wallet can allow, and send it to the paypal linked here ( xoxo ) preferably with a note reminding me that it's for un'kah's [kryptonian for my son] class trip. The prompts will be filled at as fast a turnover rate as possible; you should definitely keep in mind I'm going to college full time but also know that I'm still in love with the gay idiots I write for!!!!! @wonder-never-wander is going to fill some of the prompts too, so feel free to cater to his tastes in terms of fanfic as well. :)
please reblog this post even if you can't donate, just to spread the word!!! this commission spree is open until next thursday, september 21st. that's when i can't donate to the cause anymore. ok? ok. let's get will to disney.
argos &son. [will]
p.s. a reminder of what fandoms and ships i've written for can be found here on my ao3 or in this epic list right here.
p.p.s. does that sound like a law firm in the making or what? dude!!!
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femslashhistorian · 2 years
Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective 4: Andrea/x
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In part 4 of the Supergirl (TV 2015) femslash ships & fics retrospective we focus on Andrea Rojas, her femslash ships and a selection of fics and fic recs.
Table of contents
a) A quick introduction to Andrea
b) Andrea's ships overview
c) Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
d) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
e) Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas fic recs
f) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas fic recs
g) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
Series Overview
Supergirl Femslash Ships & Fics Retrospective
Part 1: Introduction, the TV show [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 2a: List of F/F Ships [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 2b: List of Polyamorous Ships [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 3: Astra/x [tumbl] [WordP]
Part 4: Andrea/x (this part)
(links to be added once the parts are done)
a) A quick introduction to Andrea
Andrea Rojas joined Supergirl in Season 5, when (a heartbroken) Lean, who felt betrayed by Kara, sold CatCo Media on to her friend Andrea, who is also the CEO of Obsidian Tech.
Andrea has a secret identity and powers as Acrata and appeared in several DC comics and shows before, but her backstory and character were heavily tweaked for the Supergirl TV show.
To be hones I did not watch enough of Season 5 to really understand the plot and background around Leviathan and the medallion that is linked to Andrea's powers (and from what I have seen of the show this might not have made all that much sense away...) What is important to know (and is often referenced in fic) is that to get the medallion, Andrea needed to betray Lena (and break her heart).
While at first it seemed that Andrea was just another shitty boss for Kara at CatCo, she turned out to be a fascinating character with a lot of shipping potential.
I read somewhere that Andre was so high maintenance that she might as well be a Maserati and obviously this is the car she drives in several of the stories.
b) Andrea's ships overview
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp)
In canon Lena and Andrea are former best friends but many fans interpret their history as ex-lovers. Andrea and Lena definitely have history (some of which is explored in the show) and a lot of chemistry. While shipping Andrea with Lena an obvious shipping choice, this is a relatively rare pair, especially considering that there are few long fics and in a large part of the fics in the AO3 ship tag RojasCorp is not the actual or main ship.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojas)
This has mostly remained a crack ship and a rarepair. There are a few AUs and a large part of the fics are smutty / PWP fics, often featuring some form of kinky / forbidden / hate sex with your boss
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojasCorp)
SuperRojasCorp is a relatively popular ship (especially considering that it is a polyamorous ship).  Maybe because it allows Supercorp shippers (who usually only ship this one ship) to explore a bit outside their comfort zone without leaving Supercorp behind (this might also explain the relative popularity of SuperReignCorp). Regardless, there are many interesting ways how fics can explore this ship in AUs or close to canon settings.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (Reignjas/Rojarias)
There is one relatively popular ship of two characters that have never met in canon: Andrea/Sam. There is a surprising amount of longer AUs, in which some variation of enemies to lovers is a popular theme.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
The last ship is one that am really into and fascinated by, but which is by far the rarest: Andrea/Lena/Sam.
Link to AO3 relationship tag: Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Download reminder: Remember to download your favorite fics, fics you want to read later and long fic that you are currently reading.
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c) Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp) fic recs
Long AUs
tell me you'll stay by sten06  @stennnn06​
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp) (f/f)
Incomplete, 4 Chapters, 17k words, 2021- (ongoing)
Mature; No Archive Warnings Apply
a rewrite of 'ace reporter' with rojascorp instead or what happens when Lena's ex-girlfriend comes to town, shaking up the L-Corp/Obsidian rivalry and causing a lot of heartache in the process
This is a fantastic and very well written story, that is currently incomplete.
Like the author's ReignCorp stories, this fic paints a lively and coherent picture of the character's past and how their relationship developed and fell apart. Telling their story as flashbacks works really well and they make such a beautiful pair of ex-lovers who hurt each other, but never really stopped loving each other. Loved this amazing story. Highly recommended.
Maybe We Could Start Again by ScribblingPunk  @scribbling-punk​
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (RojasCorp) (f/f)
Incomplete, 6 Chapters, 9k words, 2022 (ongoing)
Mature; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
The Multiverse is put at risk when the paragon of humanity turns her back on love. Time travel, do-overs, and gay angst galore.
The author had originally published this story on a different account in 2020. This re-published version makes some changes, although as far as I remember the original versions, nothing too major until chapter 6. With the end of chapter 6 the story nearly reached where the original version of the story ended (with a happy ending). I am curious where the rewrite will take the story.
I really like this story. This is a canon divergent story in which Andrea and Lena used to be lovers and Lena has a lot of regrets. Also, Lena is the Paragon of humanity and Andrea was pregnant.
One-shots and shorter RojasCorp stories
staring in the blackness at some distant star by Valkyrees "You're very pretty, you know that?" Andrea says, without warning, chewing the inside of her cheek afterwards like she has any reason to be nervous around Lena, of all people. "I'm really happy to be in the same room as you again." Lena wants to say me too, she wants to tell Andrea she's been excited since she got her text, that her heart hasn't stopped thudding since she read hey, it's andrea from boarding school, hope you remember me. had to go through like twelve people to get your number, but do you wanna hang out? She wants to tell her that she looked up cute hairstyles and shaved her legs and armpits and even her bikini area, wants to tell her that she spent the entirety of high school waiting for that text and the fact it came a few years too late doesn't diminish the meaning. But instead she just smiles, awkwardly, feeling the blood flooding to her cheeks, blushing even harder once she notices it, and says, "I don't know, not really. Not like you." OR, Some college-aged rojascorp, doing it for the vine.
choices by andrearojas Summary: Andrea gets a second chance. My notes: Interesting alternate reality fic, incomplete
Can't Help Falling in Love(Again) by luthorsxrojas When Lena Luthor signs her daughter up to play soccer, the last thing she expects is for her ex girlfriend to be the coach.
two times andrea found lena sleeping in her office (and one time she let her) by jemmas_daisies soft CEO girlfriends that's all this is.
Smut (with more or less plot)
There are a several excellent smutty RojasCorp fics that explore different relationship dynamics (top/bottom, dom/sub, etc) and if this is something you are interested in, you will have a lot of fun with this ship – the following fics are a selection of my favorites. Mind the ratings, warnings and tags on AO3; and as always: don't like, don't read!
That's What Friends Are For by ScribblingPunk Summary: The Oh no it's stuck/Friends with benefits AU. Comment: Maybe the most loving smut/anal fic. Love their dynamics. Pre-canon, could actually be canon compliant.
Lunch Break by Evilsnowswan  @evilsnowswan By now, almost every woman is walking around town with a not-so-secret secret hidden in her underwear, only a few swipes and taps away from her next orgasm. It’s not the worst world to be living in, really. Or: Obsidian North expands the product range with something new and fun. Like Lord Industry’s new T-Pixel 9 – only better.
you want it all (but you can't have it) by Valkyrees Miraculously, the only thing keeping Lena from dying of sexual frustration is the heat. OR au; it's hot and the world is ending and lena just wants to kiss andrea
Maybe she needed two favors by blurryluthor "You jump, I jump, right?" The rain continued to fall in the city, the thunder hadn’t ceased. Andrea felt the faint scent of alcohol from Lena’s warm breath. She licked her lips and opened them slightly to answer, but the movement of the woman’s hand in front of her caused a short circuit in her brain. Lena raised her right hand and placed it on her left cheek, her thumb gently caressing her lower lip. She felt her knees tremble slightly, but she stood firm. “However... I’m not quite sure that the need to illegally break into the DEO is the only reason you came to my house, with all the weather going on outside...” with her thumb gently pulled Andrea’s lower lip, making her open her mouth more. “Am I wrong?”
Daddy Andrea by TheEvangelion Prompt fill: Andrea makes Lena beg to go down on her during a conference call after Lena has been naughty, and then afterwards Andrea makes Lena ride a big strap. Orgasm for both (But make Lena suffer). Pain play, Nipple biting (for both Andrea and Lena), anal, size kink, humiliation, Daddy Kink. Just as many hot kinks that can be crammed into filthy office sex. Genital slapping, spanking, praise kink. Oh deep throating while Andrea makes her grind on the tip of her stiletto…
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d) Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojas) fic recs
There are no really long (exclusive) Andrea/Kara fics.
You should have never saved me by SuperTrouperLights
Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojas) (f/f)
Incomplete, 1 Chapters, 5k words, 2020
Mature; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
When Andrea Rojas is in danger, Supergirl is always there to save her.
From the author's notes "I was wondering what it would be like if instead of pushing Kara towards another man during season 5, Kara was paired with Andrea. ps.: there are brief mentions to supercorp and supercat in this but it's really just Kara/Andrea"
This is probably the only longer and finished canon adjacent Andrea/Kara fic and it works well to build a connection and ultimately a love story between them. It is a great fic with a full story arc. Not smutty, really enjoyed this.
The author has written 3 more 1k SuperRojas fics: link
And then there is the long fic that is and isn't a Andrea/Kara fic
Wonderland by Marieke_things_dreams_and_stuff
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor (SuperCorp), Kara Danvers/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojas) (f/f)
Incomplete, 15/20 Chapters, 200k words, 2019- (ongoing)
Mature; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
After Lena finds out about Kara’s secret identity, she doesn’t want to have anything to do with her former best friend/ long time crush. But when a mysterious new woman waltzes into Kara’s life and takes a special interest in the reporter, Kara finds herself intrigued. The people in Kara’s life worry that this new woman might be too good to be true, while Kara just wishes everyone could be happy for her. Lena will have to decide whether she wants to hold on to her pride, or save the girl she worked so hard on hating.
The fic was originally called "But in the end in Wonderland, we both went mad" (until the author renamed it to Wonderland). While a part of the fic is Kara/Andrea, this is ultimately a SuperCorp story.
Smut (with more or less plot)
Mind the ratings, warnings and tags on AO3; and as always: don't like, don't read!
You met me at the perfect time by wonderwrath Kara and Andrea are in a secret Relationship for several months, to make their work life easier. Lena missed her chance, when she couldn't deal with the fact that her best friend was Supergirl all along. or They had three rules when the need for a quick personal meeting occured: 1. No kissing 2. No clothes ripping 3. No visible marks Andrea didn't want to look like she just has been railed by Supergirl, smeared lipstick; ripped panties with a massive hickey on her neck. Comment: Incomplete, features a very bitter Lena. Probably the least smutty fic in this section.
when i'm down on my knees, you're how i pray by Valkyrees au; Kara's a famous boxer, andrea's feeling insecure, and they have sex in a bathroom. OR, there isn't really a plot. They just have sex.
heaven is a place on earth (where you tell me all the things you want to do) by Valkyrees canon divergent; andrea wants to tell kara she loves her, but invites her on a road-trip instead OR, kara really sucks at driving, andrea doesn’t know how to tell her, they’re in love with each other, and they have sex in an arcade along the way
a take away a bit of blue girl (all she wanna do is fuck me) by whythinktoomuch “Kara,” Andrea cut in sharply. She gave her the tiniest shake of the head in wonder. “What are you doing?” “What are we doing?” Kara countered. “Some healthy after hours stress relief?” Andrea said simply, and perhaps to her, it really was that simple. a.k.a. a colleagues with benefits AU, wherein Kara and Andrea inadvertently find more than just solace in each other.
Pitch Meeting by Evilsnowswan She doesn’t have a problem with pleasure. She takes pleasure in a lot of things. Her favorite foods, flying, the feeling of sunlight on her skin first thing in the morning. What she takes issue with is the way that Andrea Rojas and her company have turned pleasure into something that can be put into a sleek black box and sold to the masses like something they didn’t already own. Pleasure— like love, like courage, like hope— shouldn’t be commodified. Or: Obsidian North expands the product range and not everyone is happy about it.
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e) Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (SuperRojasCorp) fic recs
Prior SuperRojasCorp fic recs
a falling star fell from your heart (and landed in my eyes) by Valkyrees
You, Me, Her by BiFelicia
Two Doors Down (they're laughing and drinking and having a party) by karalovesallthegirls
Just between us girls by Marieke_things_dreams_and_stuff
Something to Be Earned by Evilsnowswan
Find my full original rec here: SuperRojasCorp Fic Recs [tumb] [WordP]
New SuperRojasCorp fic recs
Mind the ratings, warnings and tags on AO3; and as always: don't like, don't read!
The Awakening by ScribblingPunk
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Completed, 5 Chapters, 17k words, 2021
Explicit; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
No powers / No superheroes AU, college AU, Light BDSM, Light Dom/sub, etc.; Polyamory
Prompt fill - Lena interrupts a scene between Kara and Andrea. Or - Virgin Lena's sexual awakening.
The setup is kind of unusual as Lena and Andrea are friends and flat mates (Lena is not a CEO and the Luthor's aren't criminals) and Kara is Andrea's girlfriend. This story is smutty and hilarious (and lighthearted) at the same time. I enjoyed it a lot. Highly recommended.
Required Love by ScribblingPunk
Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Incomplete, 32 Chapters, 96k words, 2020- (ongoing)
Explicit; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Domestic Discipline; BDSM; Sub Lena Luthor; Dom Andrea Rojas, etc.; Polyamory
Slowburn. Supercorp, Rojascorp, eventual Superrojascorp. Her relationship with Lena had always been difficult to describe. It started as more of an arrangement, Andrea being the one to step up when Lena needed to be held accountable for her actions. They weren’t completely exclusive when Kara Danvers came bounding into Lena’s life like an overeager puppy, and Andrea had braced herself for the loss that never came.
If you like Evilsnowswan's Something to Be Earned, then you will probably enjoy this story, too. Highly recommended if you are into the themes.
But wait, there are more SuperRojasCorp fics
The Not So Secret Desire Of Andrea Rojas by ScribblingPunk Prompt Fill: Andrea is too shy to tell her girlfriends she wants to sleep in the middle for once.
Are you ready for a perfect storm, once you're mine, there's no going back by wonderwrath (WIP) When Andrea came back to National to purchase CatCo, old feelings for Lena dwelled back to the surface, the Luthor feeling the exact same way. The only problem was the Kara Danvers already stole her heart. And yet it didn’t seem to be a problem after all, when she saw the sexual tension between her Superhero and first Love. Months later they are in an established Polyamorous relationship, living together like they are not the most powerful threesome that anyone could ever come across: billionaire CEO, billionaire businesswoman and philanthropist, mixed together with a mighty portion of superhero. Plus problems every other relationship come across as well: Kidnapping, Alien invasion, Poisoning and Mind Control.
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f) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (Reignjas/Rojarias) fic recs
Long Andrea/Sam fics
'tis the damn season by lunchables, poisonluthor
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 28k words, 2020-2021
Teen and Up; No Archive Warnings Apply
No powers / No superheroes AU
“It was nice of you to invite me to dinner,” Andrea said flatly, and she struggled to sound like she meant it. “But clearly it’s been a long time. So let’s drop the act. We don’t need to keep pretending like we’re excited to see each other, and that this reunion was long overdue, because clearly— clearly some things should just stay in the past. Right?” alternatively, the christmas exes au
Another Christmas themed fic, but in contrast to the other Andrea/Sam fics, in this fic rec they were friends (with benefits) or something (that Andrea does not want to think about) in College. They did not talk for years, until they met again at the Women in Tech conference in National City.
This is a great fic. Told exclusively from Andreas PV and very focused. A text from Lena, but otherwise it's only Andrea, Sam and Ruby. Loved angry/annoyed/snarky Andrea, the scenes at the airline counter are amazing.
Favorite Quote
Ruby’s eyes narrowed, only slightly. “I know you spent the weekend together.” Jesus christ, Andrea needed a drink, and stuffy hotel wine absolutely was not going to cut it tonight. “Yes,” Andrea said stiffly, clenching and unclenching her gloved hands. “We did, we had dinner. It was just a… gal pal thing.” “So like, a date?” “It’s complicated.”  “Which means?” Maybe this was too much. “I care about your mom. That’s all that matters, right?” Ruby snorted. “Did you also care about her when you broke her heart?”
i'll be home for christmas (you can count on me) by daskey  @daskey​
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Completed, 1 chapter, 28k words, 2020-2021
Teen and Up; No Archive Warnings Apply
Canon adjacent, technically not a no powers AU (but it feels like one)
Andrea Rojas' jet is stuck in Metropolis Airport. Every single hotel in the city is full. Her only chance at avoiding staying in an airport terminal until the storm blows over? Staying at Sam Arias' brownstone in downtown Metropolis. Only thing is, Sam has a daughter. Who hates her. Oh and also, she hates Sam Arias. aka the reignjas hallmark movie au
I really enjoyed this fic. I really liked that some history with Lena is implied both for Sam and Andrea (but nothing specific about Lena's current or former relationships is explicitly stated). Another one with spot on angry/annoyed/snarky Andrea. And there is an amazing reveal scenes (this one is not about Kara) in Supergirl fanfic.
Favorite Quote
Angrily pressing the 'end call' button on her phone doesn't have the same catharsis of slamming down a handset or snapping a flip phone closed. Andrea grimaces, and prepares to fight to get her checked luggage. She angrily tweets @Metropolis_Airport and gets a placating, watered down PR-friendly message in response, and a reiteration that it's for safety. Andrea couldn't give a shit about safety at this point. She just wants to get home. Home to her apartment, her kitchen, her wine.
fire meet gasoline by sten06
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas, Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor (f/f)
Completed, 7 chapter, 81k words, 2020-2021
Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply
No powers / No superheroes AU
sam arias and andrea rojas despise each other. they also constantly find themselves in the same circles, at the same conferences, at the same lonely places at exactly the same time. what happens when they're thousands of miles from home with only alcohol to keep them company? hint: hate sex, naturally.
This is a very well written fic from one of my favorite authors. And this is the fic that got this ship launched.
However, to avoid potential disappointments (and without spoiling too much): While there are elements of an Andrea/Lena/Sam love triangle in this fic, you should be aware that the primary ship is Andrea/Sam and this is the ship that gets a happy ending. 
Quote from the author's end note: "not the ending anyone was expecting, but hopefully still a good one lots of reasons for why i went the direction i did... and i think its suitable for how the characters were written, and i really just felt like reignjas needed their endgame"
the ties that bind by sten06
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas (f/f)
Completed, 2 chapters, 43k words, 2021
Mature; No Archive Warnings Apply
No powers / No superheroes AU, soulmates AU
the red string of fate AU- The red string of fate is a tale as old as time, and it isn't that Sam doesn't believe in it. She absolutely, wholeheartedly does. In fact, she probably believes in it more than a well-adjusted adult should. Andrea knows a soulmate is someone sacred. They're someone permanent and valuable and hers. It's not something she'll readily admit out loud, but the prospect of having someone out there made for her is addicting. It's the only thing she clings to when everything feels overwhelming and impossible. She thinks about it quite often, actually, but if anyone asks, she'll deny it. OR Sam and Andrea despise each other, but when they meet in person for the first time, they realize the red string of fate has them connected. Chaos ensues.
An amazing, very well written fic. The combination of soulmates AU and enemies to maybe something to enemies to lovers provides a thrilling emotional roller coaster ride.
Favorite Quote
she knows very little about taking care of children, so whatever Lena told Sam about her qualifications is a stretch of the truth at best. Reading to them occasionally is one thing, but being in charge of a small person is terrifying. Not to mention, she doesn't know the first thing about pre-teens. How often do they eat? Do they need sunlight? Do they need to be watered?
 Okay, they're not plants, but it's kind of the same thing, right?
Andrea/Sam one-shots and story collections
Reignjas by disappointingcroissant There’s fluff, there’s sex, theres smiles and softness and them pissing each other off. This fic series has everything I imagine reignjas being, in all diff kinds of situations. Each chapter can stand alone/aren’t necessarily in same universe
In Real Life. by IGotTooManyOTP When girls night begins talking about valentines plans, Lena realises her two friends Sam and Andrea don’t have a date… or do they?
late valentine by from_a_recklesswriter “I thought you already left?” Sam says as way of greeting, utterly perplexed as she watches Andrea saunter in. “Well, yes, actually, I was just leaving, but then I saw these in the backseat of my car-” Andrea sets down the two bottles on her desk, “and I thought, well, office hours are over, it’s Valentine’s and nobody can stop us from drinking.” “Can’t argue with that." OR What happens if Andrea and Sam spend Valentine's evening drinking cheap wine in a lonely dim office?
andrea x sam - short fics by sten06 needed an AO3 place to put reignjas ficlets/prompts/etc as i think of them, separate from multi chaps may adjust this if i write rojascorp or other things but we'll see how it goes :)
candy cane lane by sten06 sam takes andrea on a late-night holiday date
underneath the mistletoe by sten06 when lena throws a holiday party and invites sam, there's only one catch: andrea rojas will also be in attendance. much to sam's chagrin, she tries to go and make nice... and gets a little more than she bargained for.
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g) Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas fic recs
it's so rare that I'm here (don't plan on staying too long) by daskey
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Completed, 1 chapter, 1k words, 2020
Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply; Polyamory
Sam doesn't have to like Lena's other partner. Doesn't have to acknowledge her at all, but- title from special affair by the internet sam week day 3: make me
Opposite Day by daskey
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Andrea Rojas, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor, Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Completed, 1 chapter, 5k words, 2021
Explicit; No Archive Warnings Apply; Polyamory
It's been a while since she'd had to spend time with Sam on her own, and things had settled into comfortable and Andrea wasn't used to comfortable. aka the reignjas smut where they mix things up and andrea wears the strap
Doom Legion by dragonmp93
Samantha "Sam" Arias/Lena Luthor/Andrea Rojas
Incomplete, 7/? chapter, 23k words, 2020- (ongoing)
Mature; Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
This is fundamentally the same plot as Legion of Doom, but in this story, Andrea is who joins Lena and Sam instead of Alex, and Alex is already dating Kelly. ------------- "After Kara snaps again at Lena for making experiments with the black kryptonite, along with the confirmation that Kara and Supergirl are the same person; Lena decides that if everyone is going to treat her like a Luthor regardless of her actions, then she is going to act like one and creates her own supervillain group. But to Alex's amusement and Kara's chagrín, the things are not what they seem, and Kara ends wishing that Lena would build a doomsday device already instead ".
Originally published 2022-10-08, updated 2022-10-09: Added download reminder.
This was cross-posted to tumblr and my WordPress blog
Follow me on twitter, read my WordPress blog for lots of femslash fanfic recs and follow me on tumblr for femslash fanart and fic rec re-blogs.
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sophia2o5 · 10 months
Hey all Supergirl fans.
Don't forget, Sign-ups are right around the corner, so make sure too check it out with the links below!
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Here are the rules for this event.
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theothername · 2 years
One of the worst things in fanfiction is, when you spend hours on reading a 99+k fic, invest your feelings, emotions, sanity into it and then IT JUST STOPS in the middle of a very dramatic situation, in the middle of THE EMERGENCY of the story.
I haven't been the same since...
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coffeeconnie · 4 months
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kara danvers with rojascorp when……….
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kara: this is my girlfriend lena and this is lena's girlfriend, andrea
[an indefinite period of time later]
kara: these are my girlfriends, lena and andrea
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supergirlmayhem · 8 months
May-hem's fic and art recs!
We have so many incredibly talented people participating in the event and it would be such a shame to not show off the incredible work they already have out there for you lovely people, so here we are! You already know we love a good list (Take a peek at our Hidden Gems list for general Supergirl fic recs), so we have created two more lists for you guys!
The first list is The Art of May-hem Makers 2024 - This is where you can find links to the incredible work of some of the artists in the event, and a sneak peak into the kind of art you'll be able to enjoy in May when the art for the event is posted!
The second list is The Fics of May-hem Makers 2024 - This is where you can find links to some of the amazing fics that our writers already have posted for you guys to browse and show a little love to!
What are you waiting for? Get browsing!
Love, light and Mayhem,
-The SG May-hem Team
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scribbling-punk · 8 days
After All This Time - 11.
Sequel to The Intern.
This is a mistake, Andrea thinks. A massive, explosive, potentially soul destroying mistake. Yet, she’s intrigued as she joins Lena on the couch at the front of their hotel room, ensuring her expression remains neutral as she looks across at the blonde occupying the armchair.
Kara seems restless, fidgety, but there’s a fire within those pretty blue eyes that Andrea remembers well.
A fire that Andrea used to sneakily stoke, encouraging their former girlfriend to let her more bratty side out to play to ensure the sight of reddened skin and tear-filled stares that beg for release by the end of the evening. The memories alone are enough to bring a small smile to her lips, even despite their current situation.
“Why are you here?” Lena’s cold tone draws Andrea out from her own head and she grimaces at the glare her wife sends Kara. For all of the heartbreak they have been through together, there is still a very big part of Andrea that wishes to protect the younger woman—even if it is from the ire of the woman Andrea has loved for two decades.
“Veronica knows.”
All of the air seems to be sucked out of the hotel room and the sudden silence is deafening.
Andrea moves closer and settles on the couch beside Lena, her hand settling on her thigh in a gentle attempt to comfort her beloved little troublemaker. Their eyes meet for a brief moment and Andrea prays Lena will find it within her to remain calm, to allow the facts to be revealed instead of jumping to conclusions that will lead to further conflict.
They’ve all been through enough and, really, none of this is anyone’s fault.
Nobody has truly done anything wrong.
Everything that happened eight years ago was discussed and agreed upon, a decision made between the three of them for Kara to go out into the world alone and work on the career that she had been so desperate for. Sure, old feelings have gained a renewed raw ache and Andrea doesn’t think she’ll ever be okay with the way Kara left, but, really, what does it matter now?
Does clinging onto the disapproval and hurt feelings achieve anything? Or does it just mean that, pathetically, she hasn’t properly on even after all this time?
Read chapter 11 of After All This Time early on Patreon.
Earlier chapters can be found on AO3.
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obliviouskara · 4 months
but okay everytime i hc with @morganacorp about superrojas (bc im forcing her against her will & she has no choice but to listen to my endless rants about superrojas) we always end up including lena in it bc why not them being so petty fighting over kara is what i live for LIKE IMAGINE lena just wants her bestfriend back and wants to spend time with her but kara is somehow always in andrea’s lap (figuratively i think) bc in love girlfriends and at first they f8 for her time now they start being petty and buy the shares of kara’s favorite snacks and maybe andrea also buys the shares and some of kara’s favorite restaurants and kara is so confused finding out the andrea now co-owns big belly burger bc andrea doesn’t even like burgers and the list goes own and gets more petty
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