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Supplier Risk Assessment Questionnaire | Why do you need this template?
Supplier risk assessment is a must for any supplier onboarding or evaluation process. Organisations must proactively identify, monitor and mitigate third-party supplier risks to ensure business continuity and meet compliance and sustainability goals.
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The specific process by which Google enshittified its search
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me SATURDAY (Apr 27) in MARIN COUNTY, then Winnipeg (May 2), Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), and beyond!
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All digital businesses have the technical capacity to enshittify: the ability to change the underlying functions of the business from moment to moment and user to user, allowing for the rapid transfer of value between business customers, end users and shareholders:
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Which raises an important question: why do companies enshittify at a specific moment, after refraining from enshittifying before? After all, a company always has the potential to benefit by treating its business customers and end users worse, by giving them a worse deal. If you charge more for your product and pay your suppliers less, that leaves more money on the table for your investors.
Of course, it's not that simple. While cheating, price-gouging, and degrading your product can produce gains, these tactics also threaten losses. You might lose customers to a rival, or get punished by a regulator, or face mass resignations from your employees who really believe in your product.
Companies choose not to enshittify their products…until they choose to do so. One theory to explain this is that companies are engaged in a process of continuous assessment, gathering data about their competitive risks, their regulators' mettle, their employees' boldness. When these assessments indicate that the conditions are favorable to enshittification, the CEO walks over to the big "enshittification" lever on the wall and yanks it all the way to MAX.
Some companies have certainly done this – and paid the price. Think of Myspace or Yahoo: companies that made themselves worse by reducing quality and gouging on price (be it measured in dollars or attention – that is, ads) before sinking into obscure senescence. These companies made a bet that they could get richer while getting worse, and they were wrong, and they lost out.
But this model doesn't explain the Great Enshittening, in which all the tech companies are enshittifying at the same time. Maybe all these companies are subscribing to the same business newsletter (or, more likely, buying advice from the same management consultancy) (cough McKinsey cough) that is a kind of industry-wide starter pistol for enshittification.
I think it's something else. I think the main job of a CEO is to show up for work every morning and yank on the enshittification lever as hard as you can, in hopes that you can eke out some incremental gains in your company's cost-basis and/or income by shifting value away from your suppliers and customers to yourself.
We get good digital services when the enshittification lever doesn't budge – when it is constrained: by competition, by regulation, by interoperable mods and hacks that undo enshittification (like alternative clients and ad-blockers) and by workers who have bargaining power thanks to a tight labor market or a powerful union:
When Google ordered its staff to build a secret Chinese search engine that would censor search results and rat out dissidents to the Chinese secret police, googlers revolted and refused, and the project died:
When Google tried to win a US government contract to build AI for drones used to target and murder civilians far from the battlefield, googlers revolted and refused, and the project died:
What's happened since – what's behind all the tech companies enshittifying all at once – is that tech worker power has been smashed, especially at Google, where 12,000 workers were fired just months after a $80b stock buyback that would have paid their wages for the next 27 years. Likewise, competition has receded from tech bosses' worries, thanks to lax antitrust enforcement that saw most credible competitors merged into behemoths, or neutralized with predatory pricing schemes. Lax enforcement of other policies – privacy, labor and consumer protection – loosened up the enshittification lever even more. And the expansion of IP rights, which criminalize most kinds of reverse engineering and aftermarket modification, means that interoperability no longer applies friction to the enshittification lever.
Now that every tech boss has an enshittification lever that moves very freely, they can show up for work, yank the enshittification lever, and it goes all the way to MAX. When googlers protested the company's complicity in the genocide in Gaza, Google didn't kill the project – it mass-fired the workers:
Enshittification is a macroeconomic phenomenon, determined by the regulatory environment for competition, privacy, labor, consumer protection and IP. But enshittification is also a microeconomic phenomenon, the result of innumerable boardroom and product-planning fights within companies in which would-be enshittifiers try to do things that make the company's products and services shittier wrestle with rivals who want to keep things as they are, or make them better, whether out of principle or fear of the consequences.
Those microeconomic wrestling-matches are where we find enshittification's heroes and villains – the people who fight for the user or stand up for a fair deal, versus the people who want to cheat and wreck to make things better for the company and win bonuses and promotions for themselves:
These microeconomic struggles are usually obscure, because companies are secretive institutions and our glimpses into their deliberations are normally limited to the odd leaked memo, whistleblower tell-all, or spectacular worker revolt. But when a company gets dragged into court, a new window opens into the company's internal operations. That's especially true when the plaintiff is the US government.
Which brings me back to Google, the poster-child for enshittification, a company that revolutionized the internet a quarter of a century ago with a search-engine that was so good that it felt like magic, which has decayed so badly and so rapidly that whole sections of the internet are disappearing from view for the 90% of users who rely on the search engine as their gateway to the internet.
Google is being sued by the DOJ's Antitrust Division, and that means we are getting a very deep look into the company, as its internal emails and memos come to light:
Google is a tech company, and tech companies have literary cultures – they run on email and other forms of written communication, even for casual speech, which is more likely to take place in a chat program than at a water-cooler. This means that tech companies have giant databases full of confessions to every crime they've ever committed:
Large pieces of Google's database-of-crimes are now on display – so much, in fact, that it's hard for anyone to parse through it all and understand what it means. But some people are trying, and coming up with gold. One of those successful prospectors is Ed Zitron, who has produced a staggering account of the precise moment at which Google search tipped over into enshittification, which names the executives at the very heart of the rot:
Zitron tells the story of a boardroom struggle over search quality, in which Ben Gomes – a long-tenured googler who helped define the company during its best years – lost a fight with Prabhakar Raghavan, a computer scientist turned manager whose tactic for increasing the number of search queries (and thus the number of ads the company could show to searchers) was to decrease the quality of search. That way, searchers would have to spend more time on Google before they found what they were looking for.
Zitron contrasts the background of these two figures. Gomes, the hero, worked at Google for 19 years, solving fantastically hard technical scaling problems and eventually becoming the company's "search czar." Raghavan, the villain, "failed upwards" through his career, including a stint as Yahoo's head of search from 2005-12, a presiding over the collapse of Yahoo's search business. Under Raghavan's leadership, Yahoo's search market-share fell from 30.4% to 14%, and in the end, Yahoo jettisoned its search altogether and replaced it with Bing.
For Zitron, the memos show how Raghavan engineered the ouster of Gomes, with help from the company CEO, the ex-McKinseyite Sundar Pichai. It was a triumph for enshittification, a deliberate decision to make the product worse in order to make it more profitable, under the (correct) belief that the company's exclusivity deals to provide search everywhere from Iphones and Samsungs to Mozilla would mean that the business would face no consequences for doing so.
It a picture of a company that isn't just too big to fail – it's (as FTC Chair Lina Khan put it on The Daily Show) too big to care:
Zitron's done excellent sleuthing through the court exhibits here, and his writeup is incandescently brilliant. But there's one point I quibble with him on. Zitron writes that "It’s because the people running the tech industry are no longer those that built it."
I think that gets it backwards. I think that there were always enshittifiers in the C-suites of these companies. When Page and Brin brought in the war criminal Eric Schmidt to run the company, he surely started every day with a ritual, ferocious tug at that enshittification lever. The difference wasn't who was in the C-suite – the difference was how freely the lever moved.
On Saturday, I wrote:
The platforms used to treat us well and now treat us badly. That's not because they were setting a patient trap, luring us in with good treatment in the expectation of locking us in and turning on us. Tech bosses do not have the executive function to lie in wait for years and years.
Someone on Hacker News called that "silly," adding that "tech bosses do in fact have the executive function to lie in wait for years and years. That's literally the business model of most startups":
That's not quite right, though. The business-model of the startup is to yank on the enshittification lever every day. Tech bosses don't lie in wait for the perfect moment to claw away all the value from their employees, users, business customers, and suppliers – they're always trying to get that value. It's only when they become too big to care that they succeed. That's the definition of being too big to care.
In antitrust circles, they sometimes say that "the process is the punishment." No matter what happens to the DOJ's case against Google, its internal workers have been made visible to the public. The secrecy surrounding the Google trial when it was underway meant that a lot of this stuff flew under the radar when it first appeared. But as Zitron's work shows, there is plenty of treasure to be found in that trove of documents that is now permanently in the public domain.
When future scholars study the enshittocene, they will look to accounts like Zitron's to mark the turning points from the old, good internet to the enshitternet. Let's hope those future scholars have a new, good internet on which to publish their findings.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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absolutebl · 1 year
BL Streaming - Which Service is Worth Your Money?
I’m bored and I have a little extra time this morning so it’s time for ABL to play with the spreadsheet of doom. 
Occasionally I get the question: 
If I were to subscribe to only one platform for BL which should I pick? 
This post is dated May 2023. 
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First things first. I am going to be (somewhat) objective about this and not judge on quality of content. Because if KinnPorsche is all you love in life, obvs you need iQIYI, but if you are a HIStory franchise stan, than it’s all about Viki. Those are your life choices, I’m just here to play numbers games, okay? 
Secondly, some shows air on multiple platforms, particularly Viki & Gaga, but sometimes it’s Gaga & YouTube, occasionally it’s even iQIYI + others. This has only started happening in the last few years. Bed Friend was on 3 different platforms (GaGa, iQIYI, YT) - even though it was originally announced for Viki! I honestly don’t know how to track this, so I tend to log the spreadsheet with my preferred watching platform for that language, this will throw the numbers off for those platforms. 
Since I join everything my platform preference choice is based on:  
the quality of the subs/captions   
the quality of the user experience  
My subs experience tends to be: 
YT = best for Thai
Viki = best for Korean and sometimes Japanese, okay for Thai
Gaga = best for Chinese and sometimes Japanese but very weak Thai subs
My user interface preference is: 
YT, Viki, Gaga in that order then everyone else with iQIYI at the bottom. This is because I watch on mobile devices. 
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ASplay, WeTV, former Line, Amarin TV, Netflix and the other smaller suppliers (and apps) will all be grouped together for this assessment. Since they have so few offerings, by default I would not recommend subbing those platforms unless you are a hard stan of all BL with disposable income. 
Super bad BLs that I watched back in the day on grey sites or YT (pre 2020 crack down) because there were no other options and I am a completest are still listed as grey. I would never suggest anyone watch these shows anyway, so I don’t care if they have now shown up on legitimate sites. If they are somewhere, it’s likely Gaga. Which means Gaga’s percentage of the market share is probably UNDER reported by my numbers. 
Movies and cinema-only releases that never got international distribution fall into the “grey” category. If I got it off an indie subber, since that too is technically illegal, it falls into the grey category as well. 
Final note: This is from a USA based IP, I don’t use a VPN, so platforms assessments are from that perspective. 
Spring 2023, current state of the spreadsheet. AKA 
Our BL Data Set 
Total # of BLs = 564
# of BLs ongoing (so finished runtime is best guess) = 18 
Just Answer the Damn Question 
Round Number of Actual BLs - % of market share
YouTube = 218 - 38.6%
Gaga = 148 - 26.2% 
Viki = 77 - 13.7% 
Grey = 53 - 9.4% 
BLs I’ve never been able to find on any platform (including grey): 36 - 6.4% 
iQIYI = 14 - 2.5% 
Other platforms = 12 - 2.2% 
Margin of error: +- 1% (look I’m just not driven to be that accurate here)
Subscription Platforms Breakdown  - % of market share
Eliminating YouTube, Grey, and missing BLs. Viki is included because I do not know which of theirs are behind the paywall and which are not. 
Total subscribe-only BLs: 257 
Gaga = 59%
Viki = 30%
iQIYI = 6%
Sml sites/apps = 5%
Okay but how about actual runtime? 
Gaga = 360 hrs - 44% 
Viki = 311 hrs - 38% 
iQIYI = 98 hrs - 12% 
Sml sites = 50 hrs - 6%
Anyway you cut it... on pure BL standards...
Other consideration? In most places Gaga is ALSO the cheapest per month option. 
Final Thoughts
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YouTube (America’s Alphabet) 
YT has the most pieces of content and longest overall runtime because of all the Thai stuff. ALSO bootlegs show up there, especially the early Chinese and Japanese stuff. They will often get taken down and you have to hunt for it again. YT takedowns come in waves, every 6 months or so.
However, GMMTV, some Star Hunter, some Studio Wabi Sabi, all the Vietnamese & Pinoy stuff (until now), and a few choice bits of Strongberry are YT content.
YT’s app is the best UX of a poor set (for me), but the web based YT at Premium level doesn’t work with Firefox. I use YT for work A LOT, so the fee for Premium ($13.99) and lack of ads + downloads (travel) is worth it for me, but I think it probubly isn’t if you’re on a budget. 
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GaGaOOLaLa (Taiwan’s Portico Media) 
Of the pay to play platforms, GaGa dominates with the most BLs by all metrics. If you’re intersted in darker BL, GL and other queer content, very high heat, the history of the genre, or Japanese stuff - most of that is on GaGa. Also all of Strongberry and some of the newer queerer series (like My Ride).  
At $6.99 a month it’s ALSO one of the cheapest options. 
Gaga is based out of Taiwan, the only Asian country with marriage equality (as of 2022) AND it specializes in exclusively queer content so they need our support. If you can afford them, you should support them. GaGa is the only platform that will always have more BL, guaranteed (so long as Taiwan is autonomous). Ironically, you can follow their YT channel for previews and teasers to their latest series, short content, and acquisitions. 
Their app isn’t great, but their web-based interface is fine. That said: there’s no categories (way to organize), and the way they roll out new episodes is unintuitive. Their mobile app ALWAYS pauses not mater what you actually want it to do and the lack of the quick skip ahead is frustrating. 
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Viki (Japan’s Rakutan)
Viki specializes in longer series, mostly Thai, Taiwanese, and a few of the Chinese bromances. It also now has a lot of KBLs. But in general only more recent stuff (2018 is as far back as they go).
At $4.99-$11.99 depending, it’s low to average cost. I’m not sure which one (if any) you actually need for BL. Most of my favorite new shows tend to air on Viki, and I like Rakutan as a parent company, so I don’t mind supporting them. 
They happen to have 5 of my top ten BLs, which is A LOT (since I hand out 10/10 so rarely). So for me they host the objective best BL content. 
They have the second best app (after YT, it’s kinda a combo of YT + Netflix) but the lack of a speed-up option is frustrating for many. Also the desktop version is super buggy. But they DO have categories you can name and control, which I love.
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Other Platforms 
iQIYI - is Mainland China based (hello Baidu, you ugly fucker), so the platform getting/pimping BL for an international audience only is… how do I put this?… oh yeah: shitty. I will often rename it Icky, for this reason. It clearly wants to break the market, but… do we want it in the market at all? How long will they host BLs? When will they be shut down and censored? I would say it’s only worth it if you really also like Chinese dramas. And even so, Viki also has A LOT of those. Unfortunately for us, Wabi Sabi seems to have cut a distribution deal with Icky. And, of course, there is the KinnPorsche situation (so ironic that Icky hosts the highest heat). The interface is a nightmare. They have the WORST app, even when you pay, it serves ads, some of which alpha crash the platform. 
Netflix - here in the states it almost never has new BL content. Sometimes some old stuff. They tested the waters with SOTUS and Love Sick. I have a feeling they aren’t particularly intersted in this market. So if BL is what you watch, don’t bother. At last check they still had Gameboys and Your Name Engraved Herein and Wish You. 
WeTV - acts like LineTV used to, has Manner of Death and We Best Love and a few of the more obscure Thai pulps. But probably not worth it for anyone but a completest. 
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Grey - Unknown or No Distributor 
Indie subbers: there’s some BLs that you can watch by supporting indie subbers who supply private links to their personal versions. This is not legal, but it is a slightly nicer way to get stuff you can’t find anywhere else. I’ve done this for some Thai and Japanese stuff.
I find the leads for these sources here on Tumblr. If someone is giffing and talking about a show and I don’t know how they are getting hold of it, I simply ask.
DramaCool (USA) & Dailymotion (France) & Bilibili (China) and others - AKA the grey space. You SHOULD feel guilty using these sites, you’re stealing, but it’s where many of us go for BL we can’t find anywhere else (in defiance of what few morals we have left). These are BLs that originally sold to very odd platforms or never got international distribution. Unfortunately, some of my favorites are in this category like Great Men Academy or Seven Days. It’s a nightmare. The ads are terrible and the virus/bug risk is high. They get taken down all the time. Or the leads are faked. I use an old computer to access and suggest you take all necessary precautions yourself.
Look I work tangential to the entertainment industry, so if you thought I wasn’t going to learn you a little on this subject, you got another think coming. 
You watch a show on one of the grey platforms, ESPECIALLY if it actually has distribution on Gaga or Viki - you better review that shit. You spread the word and advocate for that content here, on MDL, on social media, with fan art, I don’t care. You steal it, you find a way to pay back in your time and/or creativity. 
I get it if you’re poor, but don’t be a goddamn scab. Find a way to reward content creators with non-monetary support. If you had the time to watch the thing you stole, you have time to pay it forward in some substantial way. Do this even if you didn’t steal it but got it for free. Do this if you read fanfic. Do this with articles, blogs, books. Do this with podcasts. 
It isn’t hard to be a decent human and support creators. Don’t you dare just TAKE. If you’re that kind of person stop reading this blog immediately. I don’t want anything to do with you and you don’t deserve my words or my spreadsheet of Doom. 
Original post on this subject that I adapted for this post. 
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cathkaesque · 10 months
Around 500 workers in the garment industry gathered in Leicester’s Spinney Hill Park on Sunday, 1 October to protest the worsening conditions workers are facing amid factory closures in the city. They were joined by labour rights campaigners and trade unionists. This was the first time workers had gathered to publicly protest their situation, but workers said they were ‘ready to speak’.
Suppliers have warned that fashion brands sourcing garments in the city are demanding price reductions, often on orders of clothing already made and delivered, which is making businesses unviable. In turn, garment workers in Leicester report significant reductions in hours and factory closures, increasing pressure on already low paid workers on the frontline of the cost of living crisis. 40% of children in Leicester are living in poverty, including those where parents are in work.
Garment workers are calling on fashion brands to take urgent measures to support the industry in Leicester. They want brands to commit to orders from local suppliers with decent wages and standards safeguarded in the contract price, and for a long-term commitment to the area. At the rally, women spontaneously spoke from the crowd to express their anger and frustration at the lack of work as well as the discrimination they face. Women spoke of being given unpaid trial shifts, zero predictability of the amount of work they’d be offered and the struggle to access services and support without speaking English.
A Leicester garment worker said: “Brands should take responsibility and commit to orders in Leicester. I know that the factories here have been running for many years. I speak to other workers who have been working in this industry for 20+ years. This is the time when workers are in need of work the most because of the cost of living being so high but instead the factories are slowly closing one by one. Thousands of workers are dependent on working in the factories in Leicester and most of us are migrant workers who have moved to the UK because of our suffering and for a better future ahead. 
We want factories to stay open and busy, we want improved working conditions and better workplaces with correct rules and regulations and factories that look after workers rights and pay national minimum wage, holiday, and sick pay.
Dominique Muller, UK Policy Lead at Labour Behind the Label, said: “It is high time for UK fashion brands to accept they are responsible for the present crisis garment workers are facing in Leicester. We’ve been here before: during the pandemic revelations about the industry in Leicester forced brands to take measures to improve the treatment of workers. But once public scrutiny moved on, all that remained were vague and aspirational pledges towards a more ethical industry. 3 years later, we see they have failed to live up to their promises. 
If brands are serious about building a fairer, more sustainable industry, they must commit to it. They must adopt an ethical sourcing strategy which includes assessing the working conditions of workers in their supply chain and making improvements. In this case, it means committing to UK suppliers and supporting workers in obtaining decent work. The workers who have given brands years of their labour and millions in profits deserve nothing less.”
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lucaspaqueta007 · 21 days
How to Find the Ideal Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me: A Step-by-Step Guide
Securing the right commercial real estate is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your business. Whether you're a startup searching for your first office, a retailer looking to expand, or a business owner in need of a warehouse, finding the perfect commercial space requires careful planning and research. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to finding the best "Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me," ensuring you make an informed decision. Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me
1. Identify Your Business Needs
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Before you begin your search, it's crucial to clearly define what you need from your commercial space. Consider the following factors:
Size and Layout: How much square footage do you need? What layout will best suit your operations?
Location: Which areas are most convenient for your customers, employees, and suppliers?
Budget: What is your price range, including rent, utilities, and other expenses?
Amenities: Are there specific features or services that your business requires, such as parking, security, or high-speed internet?
2. Research the Local Market
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Understanding the local commercial real estate market is essential for finding the best options. Use the following strategies:
Online Listings: Start by searching online for "Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me." Websites like LoopNet, Zillow, and local real estate agencies often have comprehensive listings.
Commercial Real Estate Brokers: Consider hiring a broker who specializes in commercial properties in your area. They can provide valuable insights and help you find properties that meet your criteria.
Market Trends: Stay informed about local market trends, including average rental rates, vacancy rates, and new developments. This knowledge can help you negotiate better terms.
3. Visit Potential Spaces
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Once you've shortlisted a few properties, schedule visits to assess them in person. During your visit:
Evaluate the Location: Is it easily accessible? Is there enough foot traffic if needed? How is the neighborhood?
Inspect the Property: Look for any signs of wear and tear, and assess the overall condition of the building.
Check Compliance: Ensure that the space complies with local zoning laws and building codes. You may need to verify if the property is suitable for your specific type of business.
Consider Future Growth: Choose a space that can accommodate your business as it grows. Flexibility in the lease terms can be beneficial.
4. Negotiate the Lease
After finding the ideal space, the next step is to negotiate the lease terms. Here’s what to consider:
Lease Length: Determine the ideal duration of the lease. Longer leases may offer stability, while shorter leases provide flexibility.
Rent Increases: Understand how rent will increase over time and whether there are caps on these increases.
Maintenance Responsibilities: Clarify who is responsible for repairs and maintenance—landlord or tenant.
Exit Clauses: Ensure there are clear terms regarding breaking the lease if necessary.
5. Finalizing the Deal
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Before signing the lease, take the following precautions:
Legal Review: Have a legal professional review the lease to ensure it protects your interests.
Get Everything in Writing: Any verbal agreements or promises made during negotiations should be documented in the lease.
Insurance: Arrange for the necessary insurance coverage for your new business space.
6. Prepare for Move-In
Once the lease is signed, start preparing for the move. Consider the following:
Renovations: If the space needs modifications to fit your business, coordinate these before moving in.
Utilities and Services: Set up utilities, internet, and any other essential services in advance.
Furnishing and Equipment: Plan the layout and order any furniture or equipment needed for your operations.
Finding the best "Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me" requires time, research, and careful consideration of your business needs. By following these steps, you can secure a space that not only meets your current requirements but also supports your long-term business goals. Remember, the right location and setup can make a significant difference in your business’s success, so take the time to find the perfect fit.
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tubetrading · 2 months
Exploring Large Diameter Pipes – Construction Challenges and Solutions
Understanding Large Diameter Pipes
Large diameter (Dia) pipes are essential components in many infrastructure projects, including water supply systems, sewage treatment plants, and oil and gas pipelines.  Their size and functionality enable the efficient transport of large volumes of liquids and gases, making them indispensable in modern construction.  However, working with large diameter pipes presents unique challenges that require specialized solutions.  Tube Trading, a leading large Dia pipe supplier in Vadodara, has extensive experience in addressing these challenges.  This article explores the construction challenges associated with large diameter pipes and the solutions provided by industry leaders like Tube Trading, a prominent large Dia pipe dealer in Vadodara and a reliable large Dia pipe distributor in Gujarat.
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Large diameter pipes are typically defined as pipes with a diameter of 24 inches (600 mm) or more.  They are made from various materials, including steel, ductile iron, concrete, and plastic, each offering specific advantages depending on the application.  These pipes are used in a variety of sectors, such as:
Water and Wastewater:  For transporting potable water and sewage.
Oil and Gas:  For transporting crude oil, natural gas, and refined products.
Industrial Applications:  For transporting chemicals, slurry, and other industrial fluids.
Construction:  As structural elements in large infrastructure projects.
Construction Challenges of Large Diameter Pipes
The installation and maintenance of large diameter pipes pose several challenges, which include:
1.   Transportation and Handling
Transporting and handling large diameter pipes can be logistically complex due to their size and weight.  These pipes often require special equipment and careful planning to ensure they are transported safely and efficiently.
Solution:  Tube Trading, as a leading large Dia pipe distributor in Gujarat, uses specialized transportation methods and equipment to handle large diameter pipes.  This includes flatbed trucks, cranes, and forklifts designed to accommodate the size and weight of these pipes.  Their logistics team ensures that transportation complies with all safety regulations and standards.
2.   Site Preparation and Trenching
Proper site preparation and trenching are critical for the successful installation of large diameter pipes.  This involves clearing the site, excavating trenches, and ensuring that the ground conditions are suitable for pipe laying.
Solution:  Tube Trading provides comprehensive site assessment and preparation services.  They use advanced geotechnical surveys to analyze soil conditions and design appropriate trenching solutions.  This minimizes the risk of ground instability and ensures a solid foundation for the pipes.
3.   Jointing and Welding
Joining large diameter pipes securely is essential to prevent leaks and ensure the integrity of the pipeline.  This can be particularly challenging with materials like steel, which require precise welding techniques.
Solution:  As a top large Dia pipe dealer in Vadodara, Tube Trading offers expert welding and jointing services.  Their team of certified welders uses state-of-the-art welding equipment and techniques to ensure strong, leak-proof joints.  For non-metallic pipes, they provide specialized coupling systems that offer reliable connections.
4.   Pressure Testing and Quality Assurance
Large diameter pipes used in critical applications, such as water supply and oil and gas transport, must undergo rigorous pressure testing to ensure they can withstand operational pressures without failing.
Solution:  Tube Trading conducts thorough pressure testing and quality assurance checks on all pipes before installation.  Their testing procedures comply with international standards, ensuring the pipes’ durability and reliability.  This includes hydrostatic testing, where pipes are filled with water and pressurized to detect leaks and weaknesses.
5.   Corrosion Protection
Corrosion can significantly reduce the lifespan of large diameter pipes, especially those made from metal.  Protecting these pipes from corrosion is essential for long-term durability and performance.
Solution:  Tube Trading offers a range of corrosion protection solutions, including coatings, linings, and cathodic protection systems.  These measures protect the pipes from environmental factors and extend their service life.  Their experts recommend the most suitable protection method based on the pipe material and operating conditions.
6.   Environmental and Regulatory Compliance
Construction projects involving large diameter pipes must comply with environmental regulations and standards to minimize their impact on the environment.
Solution:  Tube Trading is committed to environmentally responsible practices.  They ensure all their projects comply with local and international environmental regulations.  This includes using environmentally friendly materials and methods, as well as implementing measures to protect natural habitats and water sources during construction.
Innovative Solutions by Tube Trading
Tube Trading’s extensive experience and expertise in handling large diameter pipes make them a trusted partner for construction projects in Vadodara and Gujarat.  Here are some innovative solutions they offer:
1.   Custom Pipe Fabrication
Tube Trading provides custom fabrication services to meet specific project requirements.  This includes custom lengths, bends, and fittings that ensure seamless integration with existing infrastructure.  Their fabrication facilities are equipped with the latest technology to deliver high-precision products.
2.   Comprehensive Project Management
From initial planning to final installation, Tube Trading offers comprehensive project management services.  Their team of experts oversees every aspect of the project, ensuring timely completion and adherence to budget.  This integrated approach minimizes disruptions and ensures smooth project execution.
3.   Advanced Material Solutions
Tube Trading supplies a variety of pipe materials, including high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and ductile iron.  Each material is chosen based on the specific needs of the project, offering optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.  Their material experts provide guidance on selecting the best material for each application.
4.   Technical Support and Training
Tube Trading provides technical support and training to ensure that construction teams are well-equipped to handle large diameter pipes.  This includes training on installation techniques, safety procedures, and maintenance practices.  Their support services ensure that clients have the knowledge and resources needed for successful project execution.
Why Tube Trading Stands Out
As a premier large Dia pipe supplier in Vadodara, Tube Trading has built a reputation for excellence and reliability.  Their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction sets them apart in the industry.  Here’s why Tube Trading is the preferred choice for large diameter pipe solutions:
1.   Extensive Industry Experience
With years of experience in the industry, Tube Trading has developed deep expertise in handling large diameter pipes.  Their extensive portfolio of completed projects demonstrates their capability and reliability.
2.   Quality Assurance
Tube Trading adheres to the highest quality standards in the industry.  Their products undergo rigorous testing and inspection to ensure they meet or exceed client expectations.  This commitment to quality ensures that clients receive durable, high-performance pipes for their projects.
3.   Customer-Centric Approach
Tube Trading’s customer-centric approach ensures that clients receive personalized solutions tailored to their specific needs.  Their team works closely with clients to understand their requirements and provide the most effective solutions.
4.   Comprehensive Solutions
From supply and fabrication to installation and maintenance, Tube Trading offers end-to-end solutions for large diameter pipes.  This comprehensive approach simplifies project management and ensures seamless execution.
Large diameter pipes are critical components in many infrastructure projects, but they come with unique construction challenges.  Addressing these challenges requires specialized expertise and innovative solutions.  Tube Trading, a leading large Dia pipe supplier in Vadodara, excels in providing comprehensive solutions that ensure successful project execution.  Their commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction makes them a trusted partner for large diameter pipe projects in Vadodara and Gujarat.  Whether you need custom fabrication, technical support, or comprehensive project management, Tube Trading is your go-to large Dia pipe dealer in Vadodara and a reliable large Dia pipe distributor in Gujarat.
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elsa16744 · 2 months
Obstacles Confronting the Private Equity Sector
Laws and regulations have undergone significant changes, impacting how a private equity (PE) professional can meet clients’ demands for reliable investment and exit strategies. In recent years, amid geopolitical and financial upheavals, PE advisors have faced recessionary threats. This post will delve into the main obstacles the private equity sector will encounter in 2024.
An Overview of the Private Equity Sector
The PE sector centers on investing in private companies. Additionally, private equity researchers facilitate buyouts of public companies, transitioning them to private ownership. Regulatory requirements render private equity investments complex, yet PE firms remain in demand due to their long-term positive outlook.
Services Provided by Private Equity Experts
High-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) and institutional investors frequently utilize investment banking services for wealth management and privatization goals. Meanwhile, PE professionals assist them in several ways:
1| Long-Term Investment Guidance
PE investments extend over several years. Consequently, private equity firms can enhance the value of acquired companies through strategic management. Their innovative interventions go beyond operational improvements and financial restructuring, including data-driven market expansion, product development, and talent acquisition.
2| Active Capital Management
PE firms adopt a hands-on approach to portfolio management, differentiating themselves from passive investors. They employ experienced financial professionals and collaborate with tech consultants to optimize performance. Their active capital management methods attract investors seeking higher returns. The expertise of PE specialists provides reassurance and confidence in the investment.
3| Leverage
Private equity transactions frequently involve substantial borrowing to finance acquisitions, using the acquired company’s assets as collateral. This leverage can enhance returns but also increases risk. Consequently, stakeholders perceive private equity deals as high-stakes endeavors.
4| Exit Strategies
Initial public offerings (IPOs) allow PE firms to exit investments. Alternatively, selling to strategic buyers is common. They also conduct secondary sales to other private equity firms. These exit strategies can yield substantial returns for investors.
Primary Obstacles in the Private Equity Sector
1| Managing Inflation and Interest Rate Pressures
Global inflation and tighter monetary policies necessitate careful management of private market portfolios. Therefore, limited partners (LPs) must leverage the best tools and talents to assess the impact of these macroeconomic pressures on their portfolios.
LPs need to monitor margin erosion, cash flow generation, and debt covenants. They can reassess which portfolio companies will thrive despite inflation or interest rate pressures.
For example, an organization that leads its market or excels in maintaining strong customer and supplier relationships will likely outperform others. However, LPs and private equity professionals must evaluate whether it has contractual pricing with minimal exposure to input price volatility. These traits boost a company’s resilience to macroeconomic forces.
Similarly, portfolio companies with high cash conversion ratios or conservative capital structures will be more rewarding. Businesses with flexible terms are expected to thrive in challenging market conditions.
Conversely, companies lacking these attributes will likely face significant challenges in the private equity sector. Therefore, stakeholders must pay closer attention to them.
2| Data Availability and Validation Issues
Private equity stakeholders require accurate data on an enterprise’s corporate performance, legal compliance, and sustainability commitments. Public information sources may not provide sufficient insights into target businesses' core metrics and risk-reward dynamics. Premium data providers might also employ data-driven profiling and recommendation reporting.
Insufficient information and poor data quality hinder PE stakeholders' portfolio improvement efforts. They must navigate markets using well-validated intelligence rather than biased information from public platforms. Malicious actors can falsify claims about a brand’s performance due to undisclosed interests.
Therefore, ensuring data quality to develop the best portfolio strategies remains a significant challenge, underscoring the need for ethical, transparent, and tech-savvy PE experts.
3| Employee Retention Challenges
Retaining top talent is crucial for PE firms to succeed in the private equity sector. Therefore, private equity managers and researchers must foster a healthy workplace culture that allows professionals to grow based on performance metrics. They must also offer competitive compensation packages and retention bonuses.
Collaborating with consultants to create guidelines and training programs can support your core team. Additionally, utilizing automation and third-party assistance can reduce the workload on employees. If PE firms neglect their employees' interests, staff may leave or underperform. Miscommunication between leaders and team members can exacerbate this issue, leading to high employee turnover.
4| Increasing Competition Amidst Fewer New Businesses
Private equity firms have grown by 58% between 2016 and 2021. However, new company registrations often include more startups, with few qualifying to raise funds through PE-supported pathways. While PE research providers have increased, established companies and investors must select the best ones.
As a result, firms and financial professionals have developed strategies to overcome competition-related obstacles in the private equity sector. They offer multiple buyout methods and leverage fintech scalability. They have also enhanced risk-reward modeling and data sourcing to meet clients’ expectations, particularly regarding legal compliance requirements.
However, processing a deal may not always proceed as initially envisioned. Although company owners, limited partners, and interested investors witness new deals, only a fraction reach completion. Therefore, PE businesses seeking a competitive edge must expedite screening, feasibility reporting, and data gathering with modern technologies. This approach is essential for private equity stakeholders to identify the right deals with long-term benefits.
The private equity sector must navigate macroeconomic risks such as inflation, tight monetary policies, and data quality issues. Embracing innovative fintech systems and engaging domain experts to optimize internal processes can help. If each PE firm enhances its operations, it will succeed despite public companies and strategic buyers adopting buy-to-sell principles for business acquisitions.
Competition from fellow PE firms for a relatively stable number of viable businesses seeking investors has prompted a more dynamic and risk-taking approach. Amid these obstacles facing the private equity sector in 2024, firms must prioritize talent acquisition and employee retention. Additionally, limited partners must continually revisit, expand, and optimize their portfolios as global events continue to impact PE deals.
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aqss-usa16 · 2 years
AQSS-USA in Houston provides high-quality Inspection services and Testing services, with professional and efficient Expediting Services in the USA, Europe, Malaysia, India, and other countries around the world. +1 713-789-0885
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aqtsusa1 · 2 years
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enengreen · 3 months
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EnenGreen - Ecovadis Service Partner | Sustinability | Carbon Footprint | ESG | Carbon Credit
In a world where sustainability is becoming more and more significant, lowering carbon footprints and obtaining sustainability certifications are essential for both individuals and organizations. One major competitor in this market is EnenGreen, which offers comprehensive services that help reduce carbon emissions and facilitate the acquisition of carbon credits and sustainability certificates. EnenGreen achieves these goals in this way. EnenGreen provides a thorough analysis of carbon emissions across project borders in accordance with the guidelines provided by ISO 14064 and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. This methodical approach ensures accurate and reliable carbon footprint assessments. In this sector, EnenGreen is the fastest and best service supplier. To obtain an EcoVadis sustainability rating, you simply ask them a question.
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mohammedyusri-blog · 2 years
Strom Synergy Pte Ltd company provide lighting protection, earthing protection solution, lighting protection system audit, lighting protection warning system and lighting risk assessment system in Singapore at affordable price.
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taramjitsita · 3 months
Business Operations Plan for Eco Green Candles
Eco Green Candles is a sustainable candle business located in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Our mission is to provide environmentally friendly candles made from natural ingredients and packaged using eco-conscious materials. This operations plan outlines the key strategies and processes we will implement to ensure the smooth functioning of our business.
Production Process
Ingredient Sourcing: We will source high-quality natural waxes such as soy or beeswax, along with essential oils for fragrance, from trusted suppliers with a commitment to sustainability.
Candle Making: Our candles will be handcrafted in small batches to maintain quality and consistency. We will utilize environmentally friendly production techniques and minimize waste throughout the manufacturing process.
Packaging: Eco Green Candles will be packaged using biodegradable and recyclable materials to reduce environmental impact. We will work with suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability.
Inventory Management
Stocking Levels: We will maintain optimal inventory levels to meet customer demand while minimizing excess stock. Regular inventory assessments will be conducted to ensure efficient stock turnover.
Quality Control: All incoming materials and finished products will undergo rigorous quality control checks to ensure adherence to our high standards of quality and sustainability.
Sales and Distribution
Sales Channels: Eco Green Candles will be sold through multiple channels, including:
Online store
Local retailers specializing in eco-friendly products
Farmers' markets and craft fairs
Distribution Strategy: We will establish partnerships with local courier services for efficient and eco-friendly delivery of online orders. For wholesale orders, we will work closely with retailers to ensure timely delivery and replenishment of stock.
Marketing and Promotion
Brand Identity: We will develop a strong brand identity centered around our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Online Presence: Our website and social media channels will serve as platforms to showcase our products, share our story, and engage with customers.
Promotional Activities: We will participate in community events, collaborate with local influencers, and offer promotions to attract new customers and retain existing ones.
Customer Service
Communication: We will maintain open and transparent communication channels with our customers, responding promptly to inquiries and addressing any concerns or feedback.
Customer Education: Eco Green Candles will provide resources and information to educate customers about the benefits of using eco-friendly candles and the importance of sustainability.
Operational Efficiency
Workflow Optimization: We will continuously review and streamline our operational processes to maximize efficiency and minimize waste.
Technology Integration: We will leverage technology solutions such as inventory management software and automated systems to streamline operations and improve productivity.
Financial Management
Budgeting: We will develop a detailed budget outlining projected expenses and revenue streams, allowing us to effectively manage our financial resources.
Profitability Analysis: Regular financial analysis will be conducted to assess the profitability of our products and identify areas for improvement.
Regulatory Compliance
Product Safety: We will ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and standards for the manufacturing and sale of candles, including safety labeling and product testing.
Environmental Regulations: Eco Green Candles will adhere to local and national environmental regulations regarding waste disposal, emissions, and sustainability practices.
The successful operation of Eco Green Candles relies on the effective implementation of the strategies outlined in this plan. By prioritizing sustainability, quality, and customer satisfaction, we aim to establish Eco Green Candles as a trusted provider of environmentally friendly candles in Greater Sudbury and beyond.
Thank you for your support as we embark on this journey to promote environmental stewardship through our business endeavors.
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