#Sweeny Todd
baatheblacksheep · 1 month
Me whenever a new musical goes on broadway:
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morgangalaxy43 · 2 months
“Musicals are bad” “musicals are overrated” they are amazing and they have brought us some of the greatest songs, plays and movies ever1 and some of you just hate having a good time
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sapphic-bats · 3 months
Rosie and Alastor… Sweeney Todd AU… but they’re platonic…
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reareaotaku · 9 months
Yandere! Sweeney Todd Headcanons
[TW: I've never watched this movie, so sorry if it's OOC or something. I tried my best]
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Always scared he's going to lose you
He is very obsessive and possessive of you
He has to know what you're doing, when you're doing it, where at, with who, why that guy? and so on and on
For a violent murder, he's very soft with you
He treats you like glass. He's scared he's going to break you
He does have his moments where he loses his temper [Usually when he's jealous]
While he's not violent towards you, he will be violent towards the person who was hitting on you and boy does it get bloody
He wants to be vulnerable with you, but he's scared
He's very loving with you. Holding you in his arms, singing to you softly, combing through your hair with his fingers, caressing your face
This man is filled with so much rage and if you ever try and get one over on him, you'll see his anger
He does not know how to properly and healthy grieve and you figure that out pretty fast. Death is something he doesn't show emotions towards, unless it's someone he loves
He thinks about locking you up, in fear of you leaving him or being taken away
He has a creepy melody he hums at night and it freaks the fuck out of you
He loves brushing your hair. It calms him down, especially when he's high-strung. He'll hum while he does it [That same creepy melody he hums at night] and you get scaringly still in fear he might grab the sharp razor on the dresser and slit your throat
You've seen the things he's done to people he hates, so you try and stay on his good side. You try and keep him happy, and it makes him sad when he realizes you're scared of him. Don't you know he'll never hurt you?
You don't ever say no to him
He hates what he sees when looking in your eyes. He can see his reflection and all the emotions in your soul. He doesn't want you to fear him, he wants you to love him
But maybe it's a good thing you're scared of him because it ensures, you'll never leave or cheat on him
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fadeawaywithyou · 8 months
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i completed the circle therefore i legally MUST dye my hair lol
honory mention for my top three characters with ENTIRELY white hair: jack frost, the giant lady from monsters vs aliens, and sophie (howl's moving castle).
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darkwitchingflower · 1 month
Cabin 13 - Hades - Headcanons
(By request of @bookishteardrops, thank you btw!!! 🩵)
It usually takes Hades kids a while longer to realise Hades is their actual father
Hades tends to care for his kids in the less obvious ways (visiting in the form of a lawyer for Nico and Bianca for example or giving his kids zombie chauffeurs)
Just like how Apollo kids can heal others, the Hades cabin have a special knack for healing bones and relocating them
especially since Apollo kids aren't a fan of pushing bones back into place, they like to call Nico in for help (will also just likes to see his boyfriend)
coffee addicts
archaeology fanatics
decaying things fascinate them
Mrs O'Leary actually dug up a dinosaur femur at one point and its now on display in the Hades cabin
There's a ghost in the cabin called Roberto, he and Nico are friends
when Nico goes to the Apollo cabin, the only showtunes they can agree on are the ones from Hades Town or Sweeny Todd
for Halloween, the Hades cabin and Hecate cabin team up to make a spooky Halloween
but since both cabins are like goth and emo central, they go all out
one year a camper fainted
don't worry they were ok
Sweeny Todd was a child of Hades
There's a rumour going around that kids of Hades can tell you your exact date of death, no one is being bullied anymore
They tend to be more introverted and traumatised than the other campers
bless their little hearts
speaking of hearts they have anatomically correct organ models in their cabin
they were valentines gifts to Nico from will
the cabin is currently split in two
one side for Nico
one side for Hazel
if the child is able to control gems there is a good chance a load will pop through the floors when they're stressed, anxious or scared
same goes for if they control skeletons except its slightly more controlled
after the war with Gaia, Hazel and Frank stayed at camp half blood with Nico just to be sure he was ok
Hazel probably needed it more than he did, her side of the room is covered in crystals from when she's had nightmares and PTSD flashbacks
Nico's side of the room however has a wall covered in photos of himself, Bianca will, Hazel and Frank
Hazel will sometimes ask Nico to tell her about their cool big sister
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pr-olvdr · 8 months
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alan rickman 💫
it's crazy what you can do with a marker and an insatiable love for a now deceased british film star
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idkcoven · 1 month
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i can’t get over this photo. they are so adorable
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evans23 · 15 days
Loving you is a losing game
Pairing : Judge Turpin x Reader OC
Summary : The Judge Turpin has married you by buying your hand to your father. Determined to not let him get close to you and even less reach your heart well kept under ice and resentment, you keep on to push him away. But after having been told that loving you is a losing game, something new seems to awake inside of you.
Tag(s)/Warning(s) : Forced marriage. Assault.
A/N: Hello dear 😁 here lay my first Turpin fiction. I didn't really know where I was going with it but here is it. I didn't proofread it so there are probably some mistakes, sorry for that. I forgot to mention I am not the one who came up with the name Richard. I read this name in the terrific trilogy “Judged and Sentenced” from @deepperplexity. Since then I saw the name pop up here and there and so, I suppose the name is sort of canon now 😅
Part II
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You couldn't put up with the fact that he had bought you. But it wasn't really him, your husband, that you despised for that. It was your father. The man you thought you could always count on.
You had had a quite easy childhood with not too much constraint which were rather rare at that time. You has been taught to read and to write. And you were a good writer. Such a good one that one day, a publisher from a local and independent Newspaper from London made you sign up a contract to edit some of your short stories in is Sunday paper. And as he was well known in the literary sector, he put you in touch with a book publisher. This is how you became "Alexander Bryant" in the eyes of the public. Of course, you weren't able to be published under your real name. A female writer ? What an offense !
But you didn't really care as you were able to make some money from the sell of it. Some really good money, a rarity for a woman. It was fortunate as, for the biggest desperation of your father, you weren't, in any way possible, a good maid. You couldn't sew two points in a raw correctly, your cooking weren't palatable at all and if you appreciated living in a tidy house, you couldn't spend more than one hour or less doing that.
But you didn't have to worry about it know as you has been married for two months to no one else than "The Death's Judge".
"How did it happen to me." you muttered for yourself, looking at you in the mirror without really seeing your reflection.
In fact, you perfectly knew how it had happened. You didn't know how and you didn't know where, but Richard, your now husband, had noticed you one day and since then, your faith was decided.
He came one day at your house with a bouquet of flowers for you. You had looked at him suspiciously. You knew who he was. His reputation preceded him of course but you also had a glimpse at him one day when you were at the court with your publisher and one of his associate to negotiate the terms of your new contract with a solicitor.
At that time, you didn't think anything peculiar about the man. You vaguely remembered having thought that he was quite handsome with his hooked nose, his tall frame and his charismatic presence. If you hadn't been forced to marry him, you would have admitted that you had found him alluring.
But here was the point : your father had sold you to the man.
That day when he came to your house with his bloody flowers and his absolutely not appealing smile. He had asked to talk with your father and you had fetched him as quickly as you could, afraid that he was in trouble.
He wasn't in trouble, nevertheless, the call of the money echoed deeply in him when Judge Turpin offered a generous dowry for your hand.
"I apologies to have to tell you are in the wrong Judge Turpin."
The man had looked up at you with a frown.
"This is the woman's family who have to providing you with a dowery and unfortunately, no one here are in measure to give you a penny."
It was half a lie as you kept your money in security into a chest under your bed. You weren't quite honest about your earning with your father as he was quite a spendthrift. So, you helped him by giving him a small amount of money, keeping preciously the rest away to constitue a nest egg for later.
Absolutely not bewildered by your interruption and your statement, Turpin had grinned before announcing that you were the one making in mistake in this particular case.
"I had the sincere desire to marry you and as I just said, I will give a compensation to your father for the loss of his precious daughter."
You had retained a laugh, persuaded that never ever my father would agree to such an obnoxious offer.
You were so wrong. The Judge had let you some days to think over the offer he had laid on.
Tempted by this important amount of money Turpin was willing to pay to ensure that your father handed over your hand to him, your thoughtful father didn't need to think too long to accept his offer and in the blink of an eye, you were betrothed.
You had protested, swearing that you would prefer to kill you rather than marry the man, the deal was sealed without you having a say. In any way, no one was willing to listen to you.
During the ceremony, you were full of apprehension, afraid about your wedding night. But for your biggest surprise, nothing happened. After the party, the both of you retired in the privacy of is opulent mansion, he shown you your room and left you alone.
Your new house were daunting, not up of your expectations. The exteriors were quite imposing, displaying the wealth of the Judge, but the inside was... not really gloomy but also not really lively. It was as if the house was uninhabited. And you discovered later it was the case. Turpin, Richard as he asked you to call him, was seldomly at home. He departed for the court early in the morning and came back lately in the night. Since your wedding, you didn't share a meal together and your only company was your maid.
For such a big house, he didn't have nearly so much staffs as one could expect of man of his stature would have. A cook, three maids, whose one had been hired exclusively for you, and the Beadle. You didn't really know who the man was and what clearly was his function beside your husband but you couldn't stand him. His ratty face didn't inspire you any confidence. He seemed deceitful and ready to betray his own mother if it could bring him any advantages.
"Like Richard." you said to no one as you were looking out the window at the crowd running around the city.
Hadn't you been so resentful for the latest events, you would have admit that your life wasn't as bad as you imagined it would become after your wedding.
He didn't touch you that night neither any other after that. He didn't try anything which could have distressed you, didn't restrict you from any freedom you thought you would longe for. You were allowed to write, he was more than happy to furnish you the papers and the ink you needed and he had made arranged a room for you to make your office. You were allowed to go out, only on the condition to stay in the richest part of the town and you could visit your publisher when needed without his approval. His only wish was that you let your maid know when you were living the home. You weren't dupe, you knew that as soon as you set a foot outside, he was informed. But even if he was aware of each of your movements inside and outside the mansion, you were still able to enjoy your freedom, a privilege a lot of women lost after being married.
He also was lavishing you with presents. Valuable jewelries, the most beautiful dresses you had ever seen, books, flowers. Not a week had passed without an attention for you. In the beginning, you hesitated between brought the presents into his office to let him know you didn't want to have anything to do with him but well aware of his reputation, you had been afraid of infuriating him. After all, you didn't really know the man and he could retake what he had given you at any time.
So was what you told to yourself rather than admit the truth : you were flattered and pleased to receive such beautiful gifts. Should someone had utter that maybe you could come to appreciate your husband you will fervently have denied it. After all, how could you become accustomed to him without having the opportunity to speak with him.
The only moments shared together were on Sunday. Richard wasn't a fervent believer of God and neither did you, so you had lazy Sunday at the mansion. It was the only time during which you eat lunch and diner together and during the afternoon, he systematicaly invited you to join him in the parlor but you rarely speak to one another. In general, both of you were reading. Sometimes, you brought with you your ongoing book and he would ask you random question about it. He had once admitted having your previous literary work.
"And what did you think of it ?" you had asked with a feigned indifference.
Your stoicism hid your nervousness. You couldn't fathom why you felt nervous about his opinion about your work, but you were.
"Well my dear, It is unusual for a woman to write about such things as a vampire. Even less a love story like this one. Is the sexual tension between the human lady and the vampire make in purpose ?" he had asked bluntly.
You had nodded once, your cheeks flushing at the mention of some somewhat suggestive scenes of your roman.
"Well, I am impatient to read the next part of it."
And that was all.
Mustering up the motivation you were lacking to officially begin the day, you pull yourself away from the window and asked the help of your maid to get ready for going out. You had to go see your publisher and then, you expected have a walk in the park to make the better of the sunny day with began to spread ahead as the hours passed by.
But nothing happened has you had planned. While you were walking in the street, you took a side road to reach faster your destination. It was a dark, filthy little street dwelt with drunker and dweller. You weren't really scare as you had taken this path numerous times in the past and as long as you minded your own business, you weren't really in danger. At least, it was what you thought. How wrong you were, you realized when a callous hand has fallen on your mouth.
"Your lost little beauty ?" asked a raspy voice.
You shivered, trying with all your strength to get away from the man but his grip was strong.
"Don't make it difficult little beauty, you will like it."
You bit his hand him to blood, which earned you a ferocious slap on the face. You fell on the ground, a bit dizzy, trying as hard as you can to pull yourself together but you didn't have the time than his hand clenched at your hair, pulling you violently towards him. Standing you up roughly, making you let a squirm escaped your lips, he pushed you against the wall, a hand on your breasts, another trying to find his way under your skirt.
Totally paralyzed, you were unable to move or event scream. Your breath became heavy as you stayed motionless even though you knew what would happened next.
He has approached his face from yours, his foul breath caressing your lips, making you want to throw up, when a snicker was heard.
Not really moved by the onlooker, the man had run his tongue across your cheeks, which had the effect to wake you up from your trance.
You tried to slap him but he was faster and knocked your head with his fist.
"Constable !' shouted a voice.
In one instant, the man was pushed down to the ground by two constables. Behind them were the Beadle. The snicker-man.
"Having dare to touch the wife of the Judge Turpin..." he muttered, enjoying the moment.
"It is something that will send you right through your death." he added with a horrendous laugh.
You have been brought back to the mansion by another policeman while Beadle escorted your assaulter to the prison, clearly enjoying what he had witnessed and the fate of the mongrel.
When you arrived, Richard was already tear, the worry imbued all over his face.
"[Y/N], dear, are you well ?" he asked his voice full of concern.
He tried to take your hand but you pushed him away before holding yourself tightly to retain your shivers.
He didn't follow you as your maid came towards you to lead you to the bathroom where she ran a bath for you. You soaked in the water until it was cold. Then, you called for your maid. In any other time, you would have dismissed her as soon as your bath was ready. You didn't like having someone around you to help you with something as trivial as drying you off but you were exhausted and could barely keep your eyes open. But it's not your maid who entered into the room. It was your husband.
"Richard..." you whispered, not daring looking at him.
You felt suddenly wide awake, the tiredness dissipated and replace with something else. You felt ashamed about what had happened. You knew it wasn't your fault, for that man had acted with malignancy and it couldn't have been the first time. At this thought, you bristled.
"[Y/N], let me help you." he said, stepping in carefully.
He dropped a thick towel around you but when he tried to rub you in the aim to bring some heat to your cold skin, you backed away.
"Don't be afraid [Y/N]. I just want to help you. I will protect you."
He tried again to approach you but then again you backed away, trying to shut him out from trying to break through your shell.
"[Y/N]." he said almost desperately.
You shook your head, muttering for him to go away.
"Leave me alone." you said with anger.
"No ! I want to help you." he replied, looking with disapproval at the bruises which began to form on your face.
"I don't want your help ! I want you to go out. Let me be !" you shouted.
"No ! You are my wife, my place is by your side."
"I'm not." you retorted.
"What ?" Asked Richard, his own anger boiling up quietly but surely.
"I am not your wife." you said with defiance.
He made one step towards you and this time you didn't move, holding his gaze with fury.
"You are my wife. We had wed in front of our families and of God !"
"God has nothing to do with our marriage. You have bought a wife as we bought a dog."
"I asked for your hand because I am in love with you."
"How ? How could you be in love with me ? We have never spoken together !" you shouted totally oblivious than the staff could hear you. "If you were really in love with me, you would have court me properly."
"Would you have agreed ?"
You didn't respond as the answer was obvious. Never you would have paid the slightest attention to his advance, but there wasn't the point.
"So, no matter what, you get what you want by fair means or foul." you spit out.
"My patience grow thin woman." he warned you.
"And what are you going to do ? Giving me a beating ?" you asked brazenly.
He clenched and unclenched his fists several times. Never would he have lay a finger on you on the purpose of hurting you but you were clearly unnerving him far more than anyone before you had dare to.
"I try [Y/N]. I try very hard. You are the one unwilling to make any effort to come to me and get to know me."
"Buying a hand doesn't mean you buy a heart !" you retorted coldly.
You were about to add something else, something you wish were hurtful but you didn't have time as he cut you off.
"I tried to talk about your writing, about your childhood, your hobbies. You always answered me with monosyllable, always with a bored look on your face. I gave you space, I didn't coerce you to oblige to your marital duty, I let you go out alone as a proper lady shouldn't do. And this is how you thank me each time. By pushing me away. Again and again and again. Each time I try to show you kindness, you answer with meanness."
He had said that in a calm, poised voice but his anger could clearly be heard. He had talked with the calm severity of a teacher who doesn't need to raise his voice to make his disobedient pupils obey.
"Richard." you whispered.
"Loving you is a losing game but things are going to change woman ! I am not to let you mess with me anymore. Yes, mark my words, things are going to change for you woman !" he growled dominating you with his imposing presence.
His baritone voice sent you shiver along your backbone.
With one last look at your bruised face, he quit the room, slamming the door behind me.
You stayed there for a while, stunned by what had just happened. He was right. Now that you thought about all the moment he had passed with you, never you had let him reach you farther than the cold surface layer that prevented the world to know the real you.
You were so angry about having been bought like an animal that you had never tried to be more acquainted with him. He was right, never ever he could have had your attention, even less your friendship and certainly not your heart if he hadn't barged in your home. And if you were totally honest, you would admit that you begrudged far more your father than Richard for the deal that was made this day.
"But He still didn't have my heart." you reasoned with yourself.
But inwardly, you felt as if it weren't true anymore. Not totally. You couldn't tell you were in love with him but for the first time, you were ready to recognize that you feel something for the man.
Loving you is a losing game had he said but at this precise moment, you felt as if you were the one losing the game you had settled the both of you in. You were losing the game of the hatred in favor of the love. And this night, whilst you were staring at the ceiling, you found yourself hoping that he take back his words, that he came to the conclusion that loving you was worth it.
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vivi-ships · 1 year
So I saw a clip from V for Vendetta on TikTok and it got me thinking about all the fucked up men I was madly in love with as a child. I made a list with the one rule being that I had to have a crush on them BEFORE middle school.
Here's what I ended up with.
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Anybody who wants to know what's wrong with me should reference this post.
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some video essays I thought were really good/interesting (tagging the fandoms and movies involved)
The Postmodern Horror of TikTok’s Encanto Discourse
How the Music Spoils Sweeny Todd (and why that’s a good thing!)
The Lion King 1 1/2: Judaism, White Pride, and Paranoia
Monsters University and Disability
The Trans Boy Meets World Episode
The Queer Subtext of American Psyco
Women are Meat | Silence of the Lambs is a a movie about Womanhood
The anti-establishment undertones of Horrible Histories
The Internet Folklore of Creepypastas
Unpacking Moral Orel | An Under-appreciated Masterpiece
How Doki Doki Literiture Club Perfected Psychological Horror
Puss in Boots and the Three Villain Types
Images that Make You Kill Yourself
Issac Higgintoot: lost in adaptation (note: this one is about BBC Ghosts btw.)
Did FNAF Ever Have a Good Story?
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writerobscura · 4 months
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Some of you are tripping, this boy don't owe you shit.
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homuradefender · 5 months
Me when someone mentions something I'm obsessed with :
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citrussomebody · 8 months
nightmare blunt rotation
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multifandominfj · 5 months
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