#Swing Benches
filmnoirsbian · 3 years
I think if I had a wrap around porch with a wide railing I could lay out on to watch the sunset, all my problems would be solved
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thecryptkeeper · 3 years
mutuals to sit on the porch with 
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thesneezyunicorn · 3 years
the bench trio go rat hunting
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sparrowmoth · 2 years
Jay, Mal, Carlos, and Evie sitting together on a park bench, but Mal and Carlos' feet can't touch the ground and they're real mad about it
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golisopod-mutual · 2 years
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Caroline’s country ranch home. The furniture required for this request really reminded me of my grandma’s house so this is super inspired by my grandparents’ house in. So so many ways lol
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laurelphotography · 3 years
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Come swing with me and lets fall asleep together while being kissed by the sunset
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ebbilayart · 3 years
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Soft Yenskier is my passion 💖
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hella1975 · 2 years
found out via my flatmate's private story that there was a police officer in my kitchen at 5am this morning bc a boy got so drunk that he dismantled the smokers bench and shredded it into tiny pieces with his bare fucking hands. not quite the bon voyage i was expecting but it works
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softer-ua · 2 years
I got a post of yours in my feed cause I follow tags so idk how old it is but the bkg slime guy thing you have an issue with is addressed in canon almost right away and to me it pans out that the people there acted reasonably and even unselfishly. In USJ 13 points out how dangerous her quirk is. The entire series is about the balance between power/responsibility/autonomy/authority and yeah you can say “they could have done it differently” but ultimately I don’t think they SHOULD have. The individuals recognizing they have destructive capabilities, knowing their limits and bounds and actually FOLLOWING them even under pressure shows greater moral character to me than them impulsively disregarding regulation. If Mt Lady had stepped in to a situation she couldn’t control literally the whole crowd of people could have died from her like. Falling on them
I’m not sure how old the post you saw was, I’ve made several and haven’t changed my stance since day one
Like I see your point, with great power comes great responsibility, but I think it’s kinda undermined by the fact that a normal middle schooler managed to be more helpful.
There were 8 pros on scene; Death Arms, Mt Lady, Back Draft, Slugger, Kamui Woods, All Might, and 2 unnamed heros(1 of which is possibly just Back Drafts sidekick)
Of the hero’s who did nothing Death Arms quirk is super strength, Slugger has some kinda baseball quirk, Mt Lady gianttification, Back Draft water hose, Kamui Woods manifests tendril’s of wood.
I personally think Back Draft and ESPECIALLY Kamui Woods should be legitimately embarrassed about not being able to see how helpful their quirks would have been, it was Kamui own moves that Deku used as inspiration 💀
Every single one of them is a trained professional hero at peak physical fitness, so not only should they have been able to do something, if not with their quirks than at least the sheer number of them working as a team
They should also all know that without extensive training and a lot of practice the average person can at max hold their breath for 2 minutes(for many it’s only 30seconds) and after that the clock starts ticking.
At 2 minutes people just pass the fuck out, at 4 minutes permanent brain damage accoures, at 6 minutes you start dying. The average strangulation death only takes 7 minutes.
They should all know that but none of them even attempted to aid Bakugo in any way, they focused on property damage and crowd control
In the anime the time between when Bakugo catches Dekus eye and when Deku mange’s to get the villain to release his face is nearly a full 30secs and it’s likely Bakugo was suffocating longer than that, Deku got to him truly in the nick of time
I’m pretty certain that if Bakugo had past out that would have been the end of it, he’d be entirely at the villains mercy and easy to cart off to only the gods knows where.
The professionals should damn well know that, and yet they still did nothing. Property is never worth a life, and they failed to control the crowd evident by how a 14 year old child outmaneuvered them with no trouble.
There are certain scenarios where we simply do not have the luxury of time to be cautious and when back up will arrive too late, and this was one of those times where they needed to work with what they had
It honestly kinda makes me wonder how many people have died waiting that 9th hero to show up…
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rainy-void · 2 years
Absolutely cruel that DE gives you the option to sit on a bench but only WITHOUT Kim
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parcspace · 3 years
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Sakuranamiki Park
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gayspock · 3 years
always a surprise when youre in the grass and then good gravy there's a fucking bug! forgot those bitches were in here too!
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
ABSOLUTELY COMFORT ITEMS R A THING (same anon here) i have like one specific hoodie i REFUSE to let out of my SIGHT bc my autistic brain is like ‘mmm. mmmm yes. this is soft n comfy and i KNOW what it feels like’ (and it has flat seams so i don't start flailing the second it touches my skin)
WHICH BRINGS ME TO POINT #2 IN THE AUTISTIC KO HEADCANON which is that ppl make him sensory friendly clothing. like everyone on the island. they go out of their way to flatten seams and make sure the fabric isn't too heavy n all that. so he just gets random gifts of clothes that r specific to his needs. n he LOVES it
also see: his special interest rants r both common and generally random. so it'll be like. 7am on the island. and the man just ‘i read this mystery novel last week and i finished it but its still in my brain and the main character has this complex with–’ and no one is processing it but they're all listening anyway
AND IDK WHY but i picture him w a sensory swing. like the silk swings mounted to a ceiling that add pressure n keep u off the ground. so sometimes you'll go into his cottage and he's just wrapped up in the thing swinging back and forth very lightly and staring at the ground like its so interesting and hes just GONE. just chilling. no thoughts head absolutely empty only comfy swing
WHICH BRINGS ME TO the last one n i think it is so cute– he likes to rock himself but obviously thats hard when anyone is like hugging him so if he's ever cuddling hinata (yes nd komahina supremacy here) he rocks FOR him and they're just. living their best life. rocking rlly slowly. n i think thats great for them honestly
so many thoughts 4 autistic komaeda and that is partially me projecting and partially just him being so. relatable. with his nd traits. i cannot help it sjfjjfjc
OH i love this!!! rocky cuddles hehe...........ahh that’s cute......
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el-im · 3 years
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Piano Man - November 10, 1985 (1991) dir. James Whitmore Jr.
- At least we'd be off the road. That's one thing that I wouldn't miss. - Would you? - Well, no. Actually, I wouldn't miss the road at all. In fact, I wouldn't mind having a place that I could call home for a while.
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patchworkpuzzle · 2 years
excuse me while I steal away my lovely princess gracie ( @melodramaticmatter ) in my castle so we can talk about life and giggle about boys
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maljic · 3 years
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dude the glass isnt back there anymore 😂 dont fall 
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