#Sydney McCallister
jm96studios · 2 years
The McCallister Show - La mia vita nel cinema è una serie show di genere commedia e romantica. questa serie show è la vera storia
prodotta, scritta, diretta, doppiata interamente da me stesso @jm96studios con protagonista @sydneyofficial
la serie è soggetta a Copyright!! è severamente vietato replicare la Serie Show!!
The McCallister Show - My life in cinema is a romantic comedy series. this show series is the real story
produced, written, directed, dubbed entirely by myself @jm96studios starring @sydneyofficial
the series is subject to Copyright!! it is strictly forbidden to replicate the Show Series!!
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sabohteurs · 3 months
' character tags /
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chefkids · 7 months
Wondering if you have any thoughts on the symbolism of “our mother of victory” line between the siblings. Not sure if it has any meaning behind just reflecting their (probably) catholic upbringing, but I don’t trust anything in this show to not have further meaning so wondering what smarter minds out there mean…
Our Mother of Victory, Pray for Us
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The root of this is in the saying Our Lady of Victory, Pray for Us, which comes from a battle that the Catholics won against the Ottoman Turks. It is often used as a prayer before big event, Notre Dame football team says it before football games for good luck. Adding mother instead of Lady places their mother, Donna, in comparison to a literal Saint, the Virgin Mary. Which is ironic and part of their inside joke because as we know she is far from a Saint.
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But I actually think this is a reference to a John Hughes movie called The Great Outdoors, a movie about bear attacks believe it or not. In the opening scene the say Our Lady of Victory, Pray for Us.
We already know Chris Storer has said Hughes movies are a big source of inspiration, specifically in season 2. He included songs from movies like Pretty in Pink, National Lampoons Vacation, and he even gave Kevin McCalliper McCallister from Home Alone a shout out.
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Yes. Even more Bears and Fish. So bear with me.
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The Great Outdoors is about a family from Chicago that goes on a trip to a cabin and the mother's sister and her husband, who they don't really get along with, invite themselves on the trip. At the start of the movie the dad tells them all a scary story about a man eating bear that he saw through the window and shot at but is still on the loose.
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The Bear also starts off with a man going face to face with a bear. The bulk of the movie is about the two families not getting along, but by the end of it, the mythological bear appears and chases them into their cabin and attacks them, but they end up scaring it away and then they all get along and things work out between them.
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The first Bear attack after their prayer was with Mikey and Donna
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The second Bear attack was with Carmy
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But this time, they were actually victorious. Because of Sydney. She managed to get the Bear away from them so they could keep going.
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She is their miracle. Right before Sydney ever appeared there was a Virgin Mary figure. Sydney is always portrayed like Mary with light behind her, even with her hair always covered and in blue and white. Mikey is viewed as a Jesus like figure, he died so that they could all fix their sins and the restaurant. He is this ghostly figure whose memory is everywhere. Sydney and Mikey tied together, and she is the one that takes on his last words. Let it rip.
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Carmy views Syd as a miracle, he could barely even look at her when he said it. Finding the money in the tomato cans was a miracle, it allowed her to come back and be with him. Her coming to work for him in the first place was a miracle, she came in at the perfect time when he needed her the most. Their Mother of Victory was not their mother at all, but Sydney.
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soemotional · 1 year
DRAFTS 02 ONLINE? yes/no/lurking
please read below the cut for more information/rules about my blog!
please be 21+ if you are looking to interact with me
my askbox and messages are open! simply message me if you’re interested in writing and who you’re looking to write against ((:
i write on both discord and tumblr, but i’d prefer if we chatted at least once before i give out my discord
i do not make graphics, i am not good at them, however i like to think i’m a decent writer, so don’t pass me up because i dont have anything fancy pls lol. 
i am doing this the old fashioned way in a post (for now) bc i can’t work my way around the java script glitch in order to add pages to my blog (womp womp)for that reason my character bios/stats are not currently posted , but please trust that i can ramble about them forever lol. 
writer is 22, mst, and uses they/them pronouns 
i don’t write smut, but i am fine with scenes getting a lil hot and heavy before cutting the scene/skipping ahead 
i generally don’t have any tws, but please share yours with me! 
carl gallagher (canon, shameless) davis taylor (oc, verse flexible, zendaya) ginny gail (oc, 70s verse, riley keough) holly j sinclair (canon, degrassi) ian gallagher (canon, shameless) imani omari (oc, verse flexible, sydney park) ivy st.clair (oc, verse flexible, odeya rush) jamison kelly (oc, 70s verse, paul mescal) jason grace (canon, riordanverse) jt yorke (canon, degrassi) lee bennett (oc, verse flexible, brandon flynn) leo valdez (canon, riordanverse) marty mccallister (oc, 70s verse, lucas hedges) max mayfield (canon, stranger things, AGED UP) mike wheeler  (canon, stranger things, AGED UP) nancy wheeler  (canon, stranger things) paige michalchuk (canon, degrassi) sean kennedy (oc, verse flexible, olivia cooke) steve harrington  (canon, stranger things) wilder spry (oc, 70s verse, logan lerman)
looking fwd to hearing from all u cuties ((; 
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letterboxd-loggd · 4 years
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There Will Be Blood (2007) Paul Thomas Anderson
March 31st 2020
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There Will Be Blood
2008. Historical Drama
By Paul Thomas Anderson
Starring: Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. O'Connor, Ciarán Hinds, Dillon Freasier, Russell Harvard, Sydney McCallister, Colleen Foy, David Willis, Hans Howes, Jim Downey, David Warshofsky, Barry Del Sherman...
Country: United States
Language: English
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thebutcher-5 · 4 years
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Morning mail: inner-Sydney cluster grows, America's 'red zone', the anti-real estate agent
Good morning, this is Richard Parkin bringing you the main stories and must-reads on Thursday 30 July.
Top stories
Queensland has closed its borders to greater Sydney and halted all visits to aged care facilities for 48 hours as a new Covid-19 cluster forms in Sydney’s inner-east suburb of Potts Point. Victoria has recorded nine deaths and 295 new infections, with the rising tally of active cases linked to aged care facilities requiring clears answers, Gay Alcorn writes. The prime minister’s department has refused to release 1,100 documents relating to the national Covid-19 commission’s discussion of gas projects, amid ongoing allegations of potential conflicts of interest. Legal advice obtained by the Australian Conservation Foundation suggests that national cabinet deliberations may not be exempt from freedom of information requests. And, in bad news for older Australians, the latest payroll job numbers are in, with workers aged 60 and older facing a sharply tightening labour market, writes Greg Jericho.
The US has suffered its deadliest day of summer, with more than 1,300 Covid-19-related deaths taking the national toll to just shy of 150,000. Twenty-one states have entered what the federal government has dubbed “the red zone”, in terms of rising infection numbers. Globally, known cases have doubled in the last six weeks, undermining optimism that pre-pandemic normality is anywhere in sight. For the first time in history, Saudi Arabia has banned Muslims from abroad from entering the country to perform the hajj – an annual event that usually attracts 2.5 million people, with officials allowing between 1,000 and 10,000 locally based pilgrims access to Mecca.
Top executives from Amazon, Google, Facebook and Apple have been grilled by US Congress in a landmark antitrust hearing. The “emperors of the online economy”, including two of the world’s four richest men, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg, faced a fierce examination of their business practices, with the panel chair, David Cicilline, saying the four “abuse control over current technologies to extend their power” and use “control over digital infrastructure to surveil other companies”. “Open markets are predicated on the idea that if a company harms people, consumers, workers and business partners will choose another option,” he said. “We are here today because that choice is no longer possible.” Facebook has been under fire for its aggressive monopolistic tendencies and Apple faces accusations of anti-competitive behaviours.
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Aemo’s electricity roadmap outlines a system based on large-scale renewable energy and distributed power sources such as rooftop solar panels supported by multiple ‘dispatchable’ sources. Photograph: Benjamin Egerland/Getty Images/EyeEm
The price of gas-fired power will need to stay very low if it is to compete with a national grid increasingly based on renewable energy, Australia’s peak governing body for the electrical system has warned, with solar panels expected to meet up to nearly a quarter of need by 2040.
A third Aboriginal man has died in Western Australia custody this month, with authorities confirming that a 47-year-old man was discovered unconscious in his cell at Roebourne regional prison, 500km south-west of Broome.
Feral livestock are to blame for a sharp fall in native mammal numbers in the Northern Territory, researchers say. Populations of small and medium-sized animals such as bandicoots and gliders have declined, with cattle, horses, buffalo and donkeys destroying their habitats.
The world
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A Pakistani police officer stands guard outside a mortuary where the body of Tahir Ahmad Naseem was taken. Photograph: Bilawal Arbab/EPA
A Pakistani man on trial for blasphemy has been murdered inside a courtroom, with the member of the minority Ahmedi sect shot dead by a lone gunman. A spokesman for the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said religious fanaticism had become “unbearable”.
German police investigating the Madeleine McCann case have uncovered a cellar on an allotment plot in Hanover owned by the prime suspect in 2007. A garden house on the property was torn down that year. Forensic experts have begun combing the site.
As many as 1,000 babies born to surrogate mothers in Russia for foreign families have been left in limbo, with international border closures preventing would-be parents from entering the country, one of the few countries globally in which paid surrogacy is legal.
Researchers in England have located the likely site from which 50 of the 52 giant sarsen stones at Stonehenge were hewn, a popular dog-walking spot in Wiltshire some 24km north of Salisbury. The 20 tonne, 7m centre stones were moved 4,500 years ago.
Recommended reads
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Veteran mechanic Craig Salmon has retrained to work on electric cars and loves it when his regulars make the switch. Photograph: Matthew Netwon/The Guardian
“Car enthusiasts hate them because they run so silent; you can’t get any noise out of them.” But for the veteran motor mechanic Craig Salmon, the list of upsides to electric vehicles far outweighs the negatives, as he tells Royce Kurmelovs – including performance. “The thing no one tells you about electric cars is you get 100% of the torque with zero rpm.” While Australia may have been slow to embrace the worldwide turn to EVs, one company in Tasmania is making affordability its mission. A common fear across the country is that electric cars won’t get you where you want to go. What happens if you run out of charge on a busy highway, or halfway to work? Here’s how the government could easily address these problems.
It’s almost the norm across parts of Europe and North America, but such are the weak rental protections for tenants in Australia, build-to-rent apartments remain rare. In Sydney’s inner west that’s now changing for longtime renters like John McCallister, writes Alyx Gorman. And while on-site rents might be higher, no-surprise leases and 4% capped annual rental rises are just some of the benefits for those looking to eliminate the real estate agent.
There’s something intrinsically cathartic about being in a choir. Linked to improving health and wellbeing, fighting diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, being in a choir fosters near-family like closeness, Ria Andriani explains. But in the coronavirus era, the feasibility of packing dozens of singers together for rehearsal renders this a remote dream, at least until a vaccine is found.
As Australia eyes its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, on this episode of Full Story, Greg Jericho speaks with Gabrielle Jackson about where the economy is at and what still lies in store.
Full Story is Guardian Australia’s daily news podcast. Subscribe for free on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or any other podcasting app.
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Western Sydney Wanderers looked as though they had cracked the code until a media campaign carpet bombed the entire terrace. Photograph: Dan Himbrechts/AAP
In its 15-year history, the A-League has seen the support for clubs wax and wane but it has never captured the sort of tribalism the old NSL engendered, writes Simon Hill. And while success acts as a fillip, a sense of belonging is much harder to sustain.
After nearly five months of inaction Andy Murray believes upsets could be the new norm, likening the enforced break to world tennis to a long injury layoff. And the Scot has called for more mixed-gender events.
Media roundup
Australian workers will withdraw nearly $42bn from retirement savings, reports the Australian, with the figure nearly double forecasts, fuelling concerns the government is undermining long-term planning for short-term solutions. The AFL clubs Richmond and Carlton are facing hefty fines, the Age reveals, after reports a player left the hub to attend a beauty salon, and another’s young children were taken to Sea World before returning to lockdown. And Australian astronomers have discovered a group of ancient stars considered “the building blocks of our galaxy”, posing major new questions about the evolution of the Milky Way, reports the ABC.
And if you’ve read this far …
What’s in an apostrophe? Well, if you’re Donald Trump Jr, quite a bit. Having copped heavy flak for a grammatical error in the subtitle of his forthcoming self-published book, the president’s son has been digging downwards on Twitter: “Sleepy Joe wont like this one. But lets be honest he probably doesn’t keep up with current events.” And his promotional website doesn’t do much better, promising the book will uncover “countless liberal scandals, years of entrenched racism in the democrat party and decades of failed polices”.
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kansascitywatch · 5 years
‘You can do anything if you just try’: Adaptive athlete heads to international competition
Sydney Mccallister, who has spina bifida, doesn’t let her wheelchair get in the way of her CrossFit workouts.
from Top Stories https://www.kmbc.com/article/you-can-do-anything-if-you-just-try-adaptive-athlete-heads-to-international-competition/27601963
from Kansas City Watch https://kansascitywatch.wordpress.com/2019/05/27/you-can-do-anything-if-you-just-try-adaptive-athlete-heads-to-international-competition/
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Matt #Long #celebrities #cute #foodgasm #hot #lipstick #mac #makeover #photographymodeling #pictures #scoutme
Matthew Clayton “Matt” Long is an American actor. He played the teenaged Jack McCallister on Jack & Bobby, the younger Johnny Blaze in Ghost Rider, and Tyler Prince in Sydney White. Long was born in Winchester, Kentucky. He has a single younger sibling, Zach. He attended Western Kentucky University in which he met his wife, Lora Chaffins. He was as well a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. When graduation, Long moved to New York Urban where he worked as an actor throughout distinct theaters. He now resides in Hollywood, California. He is a star on the upcoming ABC drama series Gilded Lillys developed and produced by Shonda Rhimes.
Name Matt Long Height Naionality American Day of Birth 18-May-1980 Put of Birth Winchester, Kentucky, U.S. Famous for Acting
The post Matt Long Biography Photographs Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/matt-long-biography-photographs-wallpapers/
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mversefunhouse · 8 years
Female Muses and Self Defense:
Highly to Well-Trained:
(usually specializing in a specific style or highly proficient in certain weaponry)
McCall Easton 
Piper Stevenson
Sophia Blue 
Knows how to handle herself:
Adelaide Wright
Claudia Littlestone
Davina Montgomery
Ever Maxwell
Faren Strobach
Lauren Green
Ryan Blue
Sabine Valanqor
Vanessa Wright
Probably Carries a deterrent:
(Mace, a Taser, pocket knife etc)
Audi Morales 
Calypso Baringer
Deanna Montgomery
Gillian Harper
Nicole Green
Olivia Gaines
Rebecca Meyers
Veronica Montgomery
Scrappy little Scrappers:
Alegra Owens
Gaia Fosini
Jornee Owens
Huilang Cho
Lutessa Owens
Marguerite Winland
Mia Xavier
Octavia “Julia” Glaber
Rowan McCallister 
Sydney Harper
Taryn Oliynyk
If push came to shove, she wouldn’t just stand there:
Annabeth Stevens
Colette Dupres
Courtney Xavier
Kennedy Johanson
Mari Kwon
Marlene Douglass
Theresa Blue
Would curl up into a ball and cover her head ‘till it was over:
Enola Petterson
Melena Harper
Rachel Bowater
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