#Sydney's tattoo
unladyboss · 4 days
JUST before Carmy and Sydney show up, Marcus is looking at the page on Carmy's notebook where it says to remove the wishbone.
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The purpose of the wishbone is strengthening of the thoracic skeleton to withstand the rigors of flight.
So metaphorically if you remove the wishbone it's because you know that THE RIGORS are gone. The meat can be carved more easily (the heart can be exposed). Lead with the heart if you will
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katiethelmie · 6 months
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Wanted to do a drawing about her tattoo, so I created this. Enjoy
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sydcarmyfan · 7 months
It is the fact that Carmy has touched all of Sydney’s tattoos for me
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rottid · 2 years
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purposechef · 5 months
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Syd doesn't have a boyfriend. She has a weighted blanket.
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espumado · 8 months
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asherlookit · 7 months
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Once more to see you
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scyeschef · 8 months
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Learning that Sydney has more tattoos has been driving me crazy.
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unladyboss · 4 months
Just a small hunch that everything and everyone in the show is strongly connected.
That perceptions and memories may be skewed
It's entirely possible that Carmy's mom crashing through the house, Mikey screaming, 'Ma what did you do? and Sydney showing up with the MOM car tattoo are all related
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Chevrolet Caprice Station wagon
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I'm waiting to see what it all may mean
Christopher Storer doesn't put elements into his story that he doesn't intend to use
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spittyfishy · 2 months
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Hiyobuki Day 6: Wedding
This was the one I was most excited for! I looked up some traditional Japanese wedding outfits for Hiyoko and then for Ibuki just went with what seemed like her vibe! And changed up her hair and such since I figure they wouldn’t be getting married until several years after the end of the games. Originally I was going to include more of the wedding party, but I couldn’t figure out their outfits so just know Mahiru was Hiyoko’s maid of honour and Kazuichi was Ibuki’s lol, and Hajime probably officiated.
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sydcarmyfan · 7 months
You got a fast car; I got a plan to get us outta here
- Fast Car, Tracy Chapman
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thecutiecollective · 2 months
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Sydney Roten
IG: SydRoten
📷 Kyle Bertrand
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kuro-no-kokoro · 7 months
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Running through the city trying to forget about you.
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virtualgirladvance · 3 days
anyone know some Sydney tattoo artists with good specialisation/reputation with mechanical/robot designs?
need my gender comfort improvement robot joint tattoos cause ffs is way out of the picture rn
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The reporter was so nervous! She could feel how sweatier her hands were getting by the minute and how dry her mouth was. She was going to be the first one in the entire city of Chicago to get an interview with the new Michelin-starred restaurateur in town. She had beaten them all, once again.
When she saw Carmen Berzatto approaching her, she swallowed, hard.
The interview started smoothly, considering her heart was basically beating outside of her chest. She was amazed by how great she could function on autopilot and still remember all the questions she had studied the night before and gone over and over on the way to the restaurant.
He was HOT, she thought in the back of her mind as she tried to remain professional. She had such a crush on Carmy, based on her research, that when she finished booking the interview, she made sure to stop by the salon and get a makeover. Her hair looked like a mane straight out of a L'oreal campaign, and she even wore false eyelashes and her favorite French perfume.
When she confirmed the appointment for the interview and found out that his business partner/CDC wasn't going to be there to join them, she faked disappointment but celebrated on the inside because that meant she could flirt with the sexy chef all she wanted. She didn't care that it was rumored that Carmy Berzatto and his CDC were actually dating. It wasn't confirmed by any of them, so as far as she knew, he was available and she was determined to shamelessly hit on him as soon as she wrapped the interview. They had already swapped phones, so all she had to do now was make sure he knew she was down bad for him, and then wait for him to take the bait.
The golden compound question about how they got the Michelin Star and how he felt about it was mid-questionnaire. She preferred to break the ice by inquiring about him, his personal life, his favorite meals, his funny anecdotes in the kitchen, his trips around the world, and his family, which was a topic she quickly learned he was reluctant to touch so she didn't push it and whenever he stirred the conversation to Sydney she just skillfully changed the subject to avoid her being mentioned or keep her name out of the conversation as much as humanly possible. Sydney Adamu was not a winning chef in her eyes, she was just mere competition at this point, and Carla Redmond was not above treating her like such. She was laser-focused on her prize, to be more precise, on her prize's impossibly blue eyes, not to mention the rest of him.
"So, Carmy, can you tell us, mortals how is it that the Michelin stars happen to those who reach for them?"
"Um... Well, Darla, you make it sound a lot more epic than it actually is, really..."
"Carla, it's Carla, Carmy."
"Oh, sorry, yes, Carla. Well, let me tell you... Um... it's basically a phone call you get. As simple as that, well, scratch that. It's not so simple. I-I- think the logistics in the Michelin headquarters are something along the lines of... Um...so, once each restaurant in consideration has been inspected, the Michelin guide director meets with the um... the worldwide teams for what is called ‘star sessions’, I believe, and that is where the rating of each restaurant is debated. These sessions can last days, often do actually, and um... each restaurant is considered one by one until a unanimous decision is reached. And... the um... The results are then published in a country-specific guide, that's when you get the call."
"Sounds fascinating, Carmy!"
If he had gone over the entire list of colors in the Pantone color system, her answer and gooey eyes would have been the same.
"Before getting to the meat of this interview, the brand new accolade you just got, I'd like to make a quick round-up of all your previous awards: Let's see, you are a James Beard Award winner, right?"
"Um... yes, as it's Sydney, my partner."
"Right, right and you were also the best CDC at the most excellent restaurant in America and at some point not only the CDC of the best restaurant in the world, according to Eater Magazine, but also retained not just one but 3 Michelin Stars in New York? And all of this under the age of 30?"
"Well, yes. It was... Wow! You really did your research, Marla!"
She laughed for a second and then corrected him. Again.
"Carla, it's Carla, Carmy"
"Oh, I'm so sorry! My bad... Um... so, yeah, basically that's it, I was very um... lucky? I guess..."
"You gotta give me more than that, Carmy. I'm sure this must have been really challenging for you, especially at such a young age... Tell me more. How did it feel to get the 3-star call?"
"I… Um… Well, so… The first few seconds I felt like a sort of panic... 'cause I knew I just had to retain them. Is not like I had a choice. I had to retain 'em. Um... And then your brain does this weird thing where it just bypasses any sense of joy because you're just so overwhelmed, so caught up in the turmoil and the pressure, etc... And, um, I don't know... Anyway, I-I had to turn over a really slow table 'cause the, uh, entire United Nations Security Council was coming in, it was just another day in the office for me, I guess."
"So you're telling me you didn't enjoy those first 3 stars? This is like your fourth one, Carmy!"
"No, no, this is my first. Our first star and the only one that matters, actually, Carla."
And just as she was getting excited because he finally got her name right, and was about to dig deeper into his first star, she had to turn around because his face had changed. His eyes sparkled a different shade of blue and his jaw dropped slightly as a smile formed on his face, he looked happy and even hotter. So Carla followed his eyes and could see Sydney making a casual entrance, looking down at her phone, obviously texting. She was completely unaware of the effect her presence was having on the cook Carla was trying to make a move on.
"Syd!" His smile said it all, he didn't need to complete that sentence.
"Oh!" Was all that Carla managed to say. She was not loving it but masked it pretty well.
So the interview continued but with all 4 stars in the spotlight: The Michelin Star, Carmy, Sydney, and Natalie, who Syd made sure to include. Even Richie and the rest of the team made an appearance. After they all had their moment in the sun and thanked her for coming, Carla thanked them for their time and left the premises with a very well-composed tune based on all the instruments of The Bear, but also empty-handed and still very much single and ready to mingle with her nightly schedule fully open. Carmy had not taken the bait, but apparently, he was already taken and he made sure to mention it.
Carla was defeated, but couldn't help but admit that Carmy and Sydney looked perfect together, the chemistry was painfully obvious. As was their mutual love. She felt frustrated, but in spite of herself, she was now rooting for them. They were now her "couple goals". After spending an hour with them, she didn't just want Carmy, even though she knew it was never going to happen, she wanted what Syd and Carmy had.
Her last question for Carmy had been "So is there a memento or some sort of souvenir you got to commemorate this Star forever, seeing as you mentioned that you had already retained 3 before, but this one was the only one that really mattered to you?"
"Yes actually. I-I- um... I got a tattoo, right here, this star is gonna be here forever." He pointed at his heart and looked straight at Sydney. Her eyes smiled in the sweetest way, looking right back at him and Carla felt like such a third wheel that she decided to end the interview right then and there. She didn't even ask Syd if she got a memento or a tattoo too for the same reason.
She could guess she probably did and her intuition wouldn't have failed her. She would have been right on the money on that one. Syd did get a tattoo to commemorate her first Michelin star. It was The Bear logo that Carmy had designed when he first pitched the franchise idea to Michael and it was forever inked in a place south of her back where only her Bear had access to.
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kindahoping4forever · 10 months
Ash IG Story
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