#Sygna Suit Aura Cynthia
cynthiaandsamus · 9 months
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Cynthia upgraded sucessfully~
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kyoasatsu76 · 1 year
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pokemaster91 · 2 years
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Now we are stronger than ever before! Cynthia & Lucario have unlocked 6* EX style!
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firecodex · 2 years
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Cynthia: When the opportunity to throw myself into battle against a fierce opponent presents itself…
Cynthia: I feel happiness swell up from the bottom of my heart.
Cynthia: I'm sure you understand, don't you?
Red: … … …
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bowser14456 · 9 months
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Best New Year's present ever! 😻 Even tho she cost 12k gems to get since I had to try 3 times! 😭
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outfitpolls · 5 months
Loser's Round Ten, Match 3
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jadeazora · 1 year
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So, Neo Champion Kanto and the Kanto Birds, I guess? Looks like a Neo Champion outfit. To be honest, I'm not especially thrilled with this.
Mostly because it means Red will get anniversary focus again for the third time. The first anniversary featured him, Blue, and Leaf in their Sygna Suits (he was our featured half-year Anniversary Pair), then last year again with Ash and Aura Cynthia, it would just be kinda redundant if he got featured as an Anniversary Pair again.
This would also make Blue another character with six alts, putting him on par with Steven, so that's kinda excessive too.
That said, I would not mind seeing Leaf get more alts. It always felt weird to me that she didn't have a seasonal or something extra since a lot of other female protagonists have them.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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One more for funsies: Cynthia Sweep. Some of these are Real Stupid.
Vs. Acerola I started this adventure with the weakest link: Sygna Suit Classic. Because oh man, is Kommo-o kinda bad at this point. She needs such a grid expansion. Her multipliers all involve paralysis, so while I initially went Lucas, this didn't work, and I had to shift to C!Elesa to tank a sync. SC Jasmine does a great job of keeping them alive, but also topping off Cynthia. One thing that is nice is that Cynthia has Head Start, and you have two trainer moves that give -1 sync cooldown, so you fast-ramp. It still took three syncs and we had to survive the foe. Thank god for Elesa's debuffs. I really hope she gets a grid expansion soon. Please do the Viral Hit thing, and like...Brainpower. Her DPS needs better multipliers, yes, but I feel like sync is what she needs to lean into.
Vs. Olivia So, I found something out. Lodge Cynthia is kinda really good with Cyrus. His Sharp Entry only needs one Dire Hit+, and her trainer move giving accuracy means Hydro Pump is a sure thing. Add in Winona, and you have a surprisingly strong off-type clear. ...if you EX Cynthia. Yeah, trying this without EX was a lot more challenging. Cyrus has to be really on his game to accomplish his goal. Flinch rate can do it, but his DPS isn't quite where it needs to be off-type. Also Cynthia's real squishy against physical attacks. Thankfully, the EX once again works out, because now you have reason to get Safety Tether. With EX, this actually went great. I'm really happy with how this turned out.
Vs. Kahili I wanted to try focusing on characters Cynthia would mostly have a connection with (please ignore that first set, I did what I had to). So this one focused on the E4. Aaron is a nice option for buffing needed offenses, and eventually defenses. Bertha's got the bonus trap damage, and is really good. The main thing here was that Aaron could flinch. And a well-timed flinch on Kahili right at the end stalled out for Bertha to take her out. I did think about Cynthia taking sync and trying. But Bertha's stronger with conditions active.
Vs. Hala Yeah I wasn't about to give up this team. I opted for Hala just because the others weren't great picks. Jasmine and Lodge Cynthia are too bad against physical to take Close Combat, and Aaron is Ice-weak. I saved him for fourth because I wanted to try this team without the permanent conditions. Turns out, they do it just about as well. I really, really love this team. Goth Gals is so fun. Even if it always comes down to Lillie's ability to tank a sync.
Vs. Kukui In retrospect? This was stupid. But I wanted Caitlin's every alt here, and there's only two so I had to be particular. Aura Cynthia is not, as it turns out, a great support for base Caitlin. But I did what I had to. Survival was real, and Lucian's debuffs really helped on that end. Caitlin herself does pretty respectable damage, even with sync. It wasn't great, but hey, we won.
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rosedevoir · 2 years
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“It won’t end here!”
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stellaferous · 2 years
gonna talk a little bit about the new sync pairs for anni (btw i didn't check grids yet) and trainer lodge stuff
1. Ash looks way too powerful to skip + he's not a favourite but i do like him so ill probably go for him first
2. Red looks powerful as well though the TMs that instantly buff a stat to 6 stat ranks are boring now ngl, the max countdown thing is cool and he clearly pairs well with Ash (and any other electric type) thanks to Electric Terrain and the ability to extend it, i gotta pull him too -- however his outfit is kinda mid to me and that EX is even worse
3. not a big fan of Cynthia's outfit but i like her hair, and i don't think its fair that she's 1. getting a 2nd master fair, 2. getting her 3rd sygna suit and 3. has lucario instead of something like spiritomb:
she's the first trainer to have a 2nd MF and to get a 2nd and 3rd sygna suit, and im not a fan of how she seems to be all about "aura" and "spirit" when Riley is right there who is actually capable of manipulating aura and is literally known for having a Lucario -- and i don't like how this sets a precedent that characters can have 2 MFs and 2+ Sygna Suits, thus sucking out any meaning from both these titles which were originally (and presumably) rare and "special".
going to her kit, im glad that Fighting Zone is finally in the game and i'm tempted to pull her just for that (assuming my luck is good enough) even though she can only set it when she enters battle and after sync, meaning that fighting types can't benefit from it unless theres sync move countdown acceleration; idk im still on the fence on pulling her, we'll see depending on my gem count and my mood lmao
onto the trainer lodge trainers, they also have new sync pairs but i didn't check all of them yet so i won't comment on it, however when i was in the tutorial yesterday i noticed that you don't actually have a conversation with the trainers and instead you just click a button, they have a reaction and then repeat, which is honestly disappointing to me because i thought we'd be able to build friendships with them by us saying something and them replying back with actual words :( i haven't gotten far tho but i hope we get to actually talk with them soon
ALSO ROSA GOT A NEW ALT LETS GOOO ❗❗❗ seems like she got Shaymin simply because she's like the tour guide or something for Pasio... i forgot lmao, i know the Marley (and maybe Mallow) fans are fuming rn and im ngl i understand why
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outfitpolls · 6 months
Round Six, Match 1
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outfitpolls · 6 months
BONUS POLL: Cynthia Aura Sygna Suit
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outfitpolls · 7 months
Round Five, Match 1
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outfitpolls · 10 months
Round One
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outfitpolls · 8 months
Round 4, Match 1
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outfitpolls · 8 months
Round Three, Match 1
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