tswiftupdatess · 10 months
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Ana Benevides, a 23 year old swiftie who attended last night's show in Rio, sadly passed away due to the extreme heat.
Our heart, thoughts and prayers are with her family and loved ones during this difficult time. May her soul rest in peace. 💔
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hyacinths-bridgerton · 10 months
This is the point where I'm actually truly disappointed at Taylor.
Posting a small note on her stories without even mentioning Ana Clara's name is a choice, quite possibly one made not only by her. It hurts to see the distance that is being put between Taylor and Ana, but I can understand that this is a PR decision that goes beyond just her (even if, being honest, I think it's very wrong and cold and, at this point in Taylor's career, unnecessary).
Like everyone, I got emotional watching her singing Bigger Than The Whole Sky, seeing how emotional she was herself, seeing that the whole crowd was meaning every word while singing it with her.
But at the same time, we were first hearing the news that Ana's family isn't getting any support, not from the venue, not from the company and not from Taylor's team and this made the entire thing hollow. Because how can you spend you whole career preaching about the collaboration between your fans and still turn the blind eye when something like this happens?
Even if she still wanted to keep distance from that tragedy, something that I'd never think she should do, but that I could try to understand and see the reasons, she has all the means in the world to help. At this point, her word is worth a lot, even more when it comes to a fan in her concert. If she didn't want her name being associated further with this, an anonymous donation would be more than enough. Actually, it was the bare minimum we all not only hoped, but thought was already happening.
Distancing herself from this goes directly against everything Taylor went for her whole career and it's really really painful to see that the care she has for us has limits she could surpass with very little effort.
We are joining to help Ana's family, organizing a fundraiser to pay for everything they need, because once more, the fans have to do what people that SHOULD be doing things aren't moving. And we are still trying to get Taylor's team attention because if they can listen to the fans asking to turn off the pyrotechnics for Bad Blood, they can listen when we ask help to allow a family to have at least a bit of dignity when grieving a tragedy like this.
I hope Taylor can change my mind and we have some help from her team, better late than never, but until then,
Help Ana's family donating to this PayPal:
(this is the only official mean to donate, beware scammers)
And by the way, in no way I mean this as a way to blame Taylor Swift or her team when the true people to blame is T4F. I want this company to rot and declare bankruptcy before the year ends for all they are making us go though from beginning to end of this experience. I just feel like seeing their inaction, Taylor should be doing something.
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sithexiles · 10 months
it's unserious how people are turning someone's death on fanwar argues, misogyny and christian guilt with the "idolatry" speech. people have been neglected. someone died due t4f's incompetence.
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iheartquestionmarkk · 10 months
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Mas actualizaciones de gente asquerosa y fans falsos que no paran de acusar a Taylor de ASESINA cuando no tiene nada que ver ella, ojalá recapaciten sobre lo que ponen en internet.
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alltoowsll · 10 months
guys help brazilian swifties by tweeting:
to help them get a better treatment during shows, they aren’t allowed to bring water and the heat was above 100 degrees throughout the entire show!!!!
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They're saying that the stadium in Brasil that Taylor's performing at, forbids water bottles and makes you buy small cups of water from them at ridiculous prices. Taylor kept interrupting and stopping her own performance all night to make sure fans were getting water, even threw water bottles to fans, but about a thousand still collapsed from heat stroke cuz it's over 100 degrees over there, and so far there has been 1 death(though it hasn't been announced on any official channels yet so I suppose we have to say 'alleged death').
Tomorrow's temperatures will be even higher. This is a historically high heat wave for them down there. It is inhumane to forbid ppl access to water.
Swifties are trying to get people's attention to this problem.
EDIT #1:
Here's an OFFICIAL report.
EDIT #2:
It has been revealed that the stadium had air vents meant to circulate air around to keep temperatures cooler BUT they decided to close/block them off because they did not want fans outside to possibly have a chance to see anything happening inside. The temperature of the deceased woman's body was at around 140 degrees at her time of death(cardiac arrest from the heat). Yes, the temperature inside the stadium was about 109 degrees, BUT it FELT worse with all those ppl pressed against each other without air flow or water available.
EDIT #3:
There is a Petition for the creation of a law that makes it a requirement to provide free water at such events in the future.
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likeanageoldclassic · 10 months
ana benevides was supposed to have one of the best nights of her life, not the very last because some greedy people decided to ban the entrance of water and cover up the ventilation areas in the stadium.
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swiftiesbuddie · 10 months
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23 year old Ana Benevides died today because of the high temperature in Rio. It felt like 140 degrees Fahrenheit in the stadium. 1,000 people fainted because of the heat as well.
The stadium did not allow water to be brought in. And they closed circulating air vents that would have made it cooler so folks outside the stadium could not watch the show.
Hold the stadium responsible: T4F EXIGIMOS RESPEITO
🕊️rip Ana Benevides, You will be remembered🕊️
Sign the petition to allow water in stadiums!
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tswiftupdatess · 10 months
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Following Taylor's recent concert of The Eras Tour, fans call on the Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos in Brazil to stop prohibiting concert-goers from bringing their own water into the stadium. According to attenders, the stadium closed the air vents that were meant to circulate air from outside the stadium. Security was refusing to hand out water to the crowd and was seen ignoring instructions from Taylor and her team.
Taylor Swift was seen taking the matter to her own hands, including her team, requesting and handing out water throughout the show for fans who were suffering dehydration due to the extreme heat.
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leighlew3 · 10 months
Was just through the T4F EXIGIMOS RESPEITO tag on Twitter…
I don’t even go here, but what happened to young Ana Benevides at the Taylor Swift concert is entirely unacceptable, was entirely preventable, and whomever runs that venue is criminally negligent.
Muito amor ao Brasil. 💜😔🇧🇷
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lizbean99 · 10 months
Brazillian swifties - I'm from Canada but please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help <3
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themomentiknew · 10 months
the water thing is real and it happens at every concert. never in my life was i allowed to walk in with water when going to a concert. i’ve never really stopped to think how unusual and fucking cruel this is.
every brazilian fan is sad and angered. over a THOUSAND people passed out from the heat. people reported being over 60°C inside the stadium and the medical staff didn’t know how to take care of the fans.
a popular streamer passed out and, instead of receiving the medical assistance she needed, the staff marked out as some sort of “anxiety attack” and gave her something to the likes of a sedative, making her already low blood pressure even lower.
we’re trying to raise awareness on twitter to try and change things out, but please help us if you can. the fans are using the tag “T4F EXIGIMOS RESPEITO” to talk about their concerns
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zendadya · 10 months
i just woke up and i found out that a fan passed away at the eras tour concert last night. i'm truly devastated and ANGRY. it's unbelievably sad how shows in latinoamerica are always like this. it's insane to think that we are not allowed to bring our own bottles of water into the stadium. it was really hot last night and security wasn't even handling them glasses of water (which should ALSO be mandatory and free). i experienced this when i went to the show exactly one week ago. they made me throw away my bottle full of water and i had to buy one inside. it's terrible and i hope those who are responsible for this are out of their jobs. to even have TAYLOR and her team begging for water because she was seeing how many people were feeling sick makes me so sad. a concert should be a place to have fun, not suffer. my heart goes out to the fan's family and friends 🤍 T4F EXIGIMOS RESPEITO.
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shortnsweetgf · 10 months
I found these 2 petitions and that Twitter swifties are trying to get T4F EXIGIMOS RESPEITO trending. They're also encouraging swifties to use those tweets to let them (@t4f) know how upset we are.
at least demanding:
free water/ being able to bring your own sealed water bottle
the removal of the obstructions in the ventilations
Other than that the mayor just said they're doing some changes but they're not enough. specially if they're not removing whatever they put up to obstruct the ventilation.
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thats a good start i think. thank you for sending this
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sridharm-1980 · 10 months
💔| Due to extreme heat and restrictions on water many fans passed out and became ill during the show last night.
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likeanageoldclassic · 10 months
the producers literally covered up the areas that were meant to help cool the stadium just so people outside couldn’t see through and that’s why the temperature was around 60 celsius. one life was lost and so many more were risked. literally a thousand people passed out because the heat was unbearable. i’m sick to my stomach.
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