bleachswing · 1 year
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and at last i see the light ☀️
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allsassnoclass · 1 year
hii hazel!! i think you write soft fics really well 🥺❤️ from the prompt list, could you write something for 'toothpaste kisses' for any pairing you like <3
hi adi!!! thanks for sending one in <3
lashton: toothpaste kisses
When Luke glances up in the bathroom mirror, Ashton is leaning against the doorway, arms crossed in front of his bare chest and small, fond smile on his face. If anyone else appeared behind him without notice while brushes his teeth, he would jump five feet in the air and scream, but Ashton doesn't startle him like that anymore. He can be completely zoned out in his own world and tune back in to find Ashton standing next to him as if he has never been anywhere else. Luke's body doesn't register the other presence in his space, like Ashton is an extension of himself that he's always in tune with rather than a separate person he has to keep tabs on.
He spits into the sink and swishes some water around in his mouth, running the water until all traces of the foamy toothpaste disappear down the drain. When he looks up again, Ashton's smile has grown.
"Enjoying the view?" he asks with a cheeky smile. Ashton crosses the short distance to wrap his arms around Luke's waist, engulfing him in warmth. He presses a kiss to Luke's shoulder, meeting his gaze in the mirror.
"It's a nice view," he says against his skin. Luke shivers at the ticking sensation. He attempts to twist around in Ashton's arms to properly kiss him, but Ashton just tightens his grip with a smile, then digs his fingers into Luke's sides. Luke laughs, curling up on himself, unable to defend against the onslaught until he's breathless and Ashton finally relents.
"You ass," he says, finally allowed to turn around and face his partner fully. Ashton smiles cheekily.
"You love my ass," he says.
"I do," Luke agrees readily, reaching down to squeeze his butt just because he knows it will make Ashton throw his head back and laugh, letting his sweet, melodic giggle fill the bathroom.
"I love everything about you," Luke says while Ashton lets out his last bit of laughter.
Luke knows he's being hyperbolic and that it's impossible to love every little thing about a person every second of every day. He gets frustrated at Ashton's stubbornness and when he leaves his dishes in the sink instead of loading the dishwasher, but Ashton wouldn't be the person he loves without those little annoyances. Luke would much rather have to put his plate from breakfast in the dishwasher himself than have Ashton be anyone else. He will love Ashton in every iteration, stubborn refusal to load the dishwasher included.
"I love everything about you, too," Ashton says, fondness layered in his voice as he tugs him closer. Luke has no other option but to kiss him, bending forward to taste the minty toothpaste still lingering from Ashton's own bedtime routine, the two of them pressed as close together as they can be under the yellow light of their bathroom. Ashton's shoulders are smooth and warm under his palms, his arms secure around his waist, and Luke thinks that this is one of a million moments he would be content to stay in forever.
Ashton hums when he pulls back, looking at Luke through half-lidded eyes.
"Ready for bed?" he asks. Luke nods. They exit the bathroom with their arms around each other, parting only to get under the covers on opposite sides of the bed. Ashton doesn't wait to flick off the lamp, blanketing the room in darkness while Luke waits for him to settle so he can press close.
Luke is so thankful that he has someone to hold at night. He loves that Ashton indulges him with this, opening his arms for him, allowing Luke to tuck him against his body until they're tangled up and indistinguishable. Luke loves feeling Ashton's heartbeat under his hand or the weight of Ashton's limbs over his, holding Luke just as securely as Luke is holding him.
Ashton looks up at him, and Luke feels it more than sees it. He tips his head down and is met with another kiss, heart fluttering at the way both of them begin smiling into it.
Luke loves before-bed kisses. He loves the small intimacy of kissing his love as the last part of a bedtime routine, fitting in the affection between brushing his teeth and drifting off to sleep. He loves how he and Ashton use the same toothpaste, their matching minty-fresh breath another reminder of all of the other things that they share, from their home to their lives to their love.
Ashton pulls away after a moment, nudging their noses together before he settles back into Luke's embrace.
"Goodnight, Luke," he says softly.
"Goodnight," Luke replies. When he falls asleep a few minutes later, it's with a smile on his face and Ashton's kiss on his lips.
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tinyglitterrose · 2 years
Snapchat Messages
Part 1, Lashton, boyxboy, 18+
Bottom Ashton, Top Luke
Warnings: SMUT
Ashton sort of accidently keeps sending Luke his nudes on snapchat and finally Luke has enough...and maybe Ashton didn't send those pictures so accidentally.
One thing Luke would have never expected was a snapchat message like this from Ashton. He didn't even know the man still used snapchat, so when he got the notification that Ashton Irwin had sent him a snap at 2 am the previous night, Luke thought maybe he had found a funny filter and sent him a selfie or something.
Well, it was a picture of himself, just not what Luke would have expected.
And Luke was very much straight and happy in his open relationship with a girl called Mandy (fictional made up character) .
So, not thinking much of it, he opened the message in the morning, while he was brushing his teeth.
Two seconds later, the buzzing toothbrush dropped to the floor, toothpaste getting all over the tiles.
"What the -", Luke gasped, spluttering toothpaste on the mirror and sink in front of him, too.
That was - that was certainly Ashton, his moon tattoos were visible in the shot. But what was also visible were his... private parts. Gripped into his right hand, with the pink shiny mushroom tip poking out was his dick. His erect dick.
Luke's knuckles were starting to turn white around the edges of his phone. He had no idea why he was even reacting like this. They had all seen each other naked before and even when those pictures of Calum got leaked years ago, he hadn't reacted like this. He had laughed it off.
But he wasn't laughing right now. Was it because Ashton had sepcifically sent that picture to him? Well, obviously it wasn't meant for him, but then why had Ashton not called yet and told him to not even look at it or had he not even noticed?
It was only 8 am right now after all. Yea, that must be it.
He closed the app and the picture disappeared.
Ashton never came up to him to say anything, he seemed clueless the whole day.
Really clueless and dumb, Luke thought, because at half past midnight that night he got another notification.
Now that was his apology text, Luke thought.
But it was another picture. And not an apology picture, if that even existed.
It was a picture of Ashton standing in front of a mirror, bare from what Luke could see.
His legs were spread, phone in one hand and the other tightly gripping his balls.
The room was almost dark, but Luke could still see everything very clearly. Too clearly, because now he had an unobstructed view to Ashton's hard member and he couldn't help himself but tap on the screen to make the picture stay longer.
Luke was so straight. But then why was his own dick twitching in his pants when he - for whatever reason and also he would never ever admit he had done it - zoomed in to get an even better view?
And Luke was not going to be dumb enough to take a screenshot because snapchat notifies people when you take a screenshot, but he caught himself wanting to screenrecord his screen so he could keep the picture. Why would he want to keep a nude selfie of Ashton on his phone?
He had no clue, but the next night, when he was laying in bed again, alone once again because Mandy liked to go out partying and only come back in the morning, he was waiting to get a snapchat notification. But it didn't come. And when he woke up in the morning, the phone lost in the tangled bed sheets, there was still nothing.
But Ashton didn't dissappoint. Luke was singing along to old 5SOS songs, Mandy leaning on his chest, while she was scrolling through her own phone. She had told Luke about the guy she had met at the bar and how they had spent the night together and Luke had only nodded, mind elsewhere.
He didn't think much of it, when his phone made a small noise, signifying a new notification, but he immediately jumped up from the couch once he had turned on the screen and saw that it was a snapchat message from his older bandmate.
Mandy gave him a confused look, to which Luke only mumbled a "Need to make a call, be right back", before he all but stumbled out of the room.
Just to be extra safe, he locked himself in the bathroom upstairs where he had opened Ashton's first message three days ago. He still couldn't believe that Ashton seemingly hadn't noticed that he was sending his nudes to the wrong person.
He gulped, looked at his own blue and anxiously flickering eyes in the mirror, then he unlocked his phone.
Here we go, Luke thought, and with a deep breath and a weird tingly feeling in his stomach opened the message.
It was Ashton. Of course. He was in his basement, where he kept all his drums, his green shimmery snare drum even in the front of the picture.
But right behind it was Ashton's body, part of his upper body clad in a blue and black striped shirt visible, as well as his legs in grey sweatpants. It was just that those sweatpants were pulled down to just below the full balls, pink dick hanging or more like standing out.
Luke gulped audibly.
What was he supposed to do?
The decision was taken from him as he was alerted with yet another message from Ashton. Now that was new. Was it finally the 'oh shit, sorry, wrong chat' message?
It was not. Instead it was a picture of Ashton now having lost his shirt and from what he could see also his pants, fully bending over the snare drum and his face being in the shot.
Ashton's hazel eyes were staring right at him mischieviously, further back part of his penis still visible and the naked curve of his bent back.
He was grinning, dimples showing and a drum stick clad between his teeth.
If Ashton ever wanted to become a nude model instead of a drummer, he would definitely be successful. This was the sexiest and somehow also prettiest picture Luke had ever seen.
"Ash", he caught himself mumbling, taking in every detail.
Why - why was his own penis starting to grow at seeing Ashton bent over his own drums? The twitching a few nights ago he was able to ignore, but right now he could actually feel blood rushing down there.
Two seconds later he knew why. Or at least he couldn't possibly deny it anymore.
Another message showed up and without thinking, Luke opened it.
A shocked "oh my god" left the blonde's lips.
There was no more dick in this picture. But there was the drumstick. Just not in between Ashton's teeth anymore, but...it was... it was in his butt. In his damn butt.
How had he even taken this picture?
Both Ashton's hands were visible, each pulling one of his butt cheeks to the side in order to expose what was inbetween.
And inbetween was Ashton's fucking asshole with the drumstick pushed into it.
"What the fuck"
"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck", with each repetition of those words, Luke's voice got louder.
How - why - Ashton - Luke had no idea what to think, his brain wasn't functioning anymore.
Of course he knew that some people did this, hell Mandy had told him about anal sex before but he had never wanted to do it, she had a pussy after all so why would he want to put his dick where she pooped out of?
And Ashton had just sent him a close up view of where...he pooped out of. And Luke certainly wasn't as disgusted as he wanted to be.
He took a few deep and shaky breaths, then he directed his eyes to his phone again. Just to see, just because he was curious, totally.
The pink hole and the wooden drumstick shimmered like they were wet with something. It seemed to trail down the drumstick.
Luke’s breath stuttered when he avtered his focus from that drumstick and instead stared right at the pink slightly swollen and shimmery wet rim of what was Ashton Irwin’s asshole. He was fucking staring at his bandmate’s asshole right now.
Did it really feel that good to put something in there?
Whether it did or not, a sudden anger came over Luke. Because these pictures weren’t meant for him and that meant that Ashton was sending these kinds of obscene pictures to someone else. And that was dangerous.
So without further debating it, he closed snapchat, the picture disappearing like all the others before it and after a bit of fumbling around he clicked the call button next to Ashton’s name in his phone.
It rang a few times...then it was denied.
Ashton had denied the phone call and oh hell no, Luke was not having that.
Sure, he might be in a very sexy phone call with the person the pictures were actually meant to go to or even have them over at his house right now, but Luke needed to speak to him now.
When he was denied the call again, he groaned loudly, then stomped down the stairs, gave his irritated girlfriend a quick kiss goodbye and jumped into his car.
If Ashton wasn’t going to pick up the phone, he would come to his door.
Two four-minute songs later, he rang the doorbell.  And just in case Ashton wanted to ignore that as well, Luke kept his finger pressed to the button until he heard an annoyed groan through the speakers above it.
“Luke, seriously?”, Ashton sounded beyond annoyed.
And because Luke knew that Ashton could see him through the small camera, he frowned right at it with scrunched up eyebrows.
He could hear Ashton sigh through the speakers, then a long beep that signalled the door being opened.
Luke all but stomped up the stairs to Ashton’s front door, kicking off his shoes in the entrance hall with one of them kicking over a vase and while Ashton was starting to complain about that, Luke wordlessly grabbed his tattooed upper arm, fingers tightening around the black snake and pulled the other man with him to the living room.
“Luke, man, what is wro-“
Luke interrupted him by forcefully pushing, almost throwing, him onto his own couch. Ashton released a whimper when he landed but Luke barely registered it.
“Do you know”, he started angrily, crowding over Ashton, “how fucking dangerous what you’re doing is?”
Ashton only stared at him with wide eyes.
“Oh, come on”, Luke scoffed in return, “You can’t seriously not have noticed that you were sending your shit to the wrong person”
Now a grin formed on Ashton’s face. “Oh, no, I’ve noticed.”, he said.
Luke really wanted to smack that stupid grin off his face.
“Is that all you have to say to this? ‘Oh, no, I’ve noticed?’”, Luke was fuming, “Your tattoos are all over it, you fucker, this could ruin you!”
Ashton blinked in surprise at such swear words leaving Luke’s mouth, but didn’t say anything else.
So Luke kept ranting: “You can’t send pictures like this to people, Ashton! Did your stupid dumbass brain forget what happened to Calum a few years ago? How they published his pictures? Do you want that to happen to you?”
He stopped when he looked back into Ashton’s eyes.
The hazel eyes were big now, looking up at him from under dark eyelashes and looking like a lost puppy.
“But you- “, his voice seemed like a whisper compared to Luke’s loud one before, “but you wouldn’t- “
“Of course not me, Ash, but the other person, huh? Have you even thought about that? They can see your tattoos in it and – would you stop looking at me like that… what?”
Luke groaned in annoyance as Ashton’s eyes only seemed to have gotten bigger, making the lost puppy look even more prominent.
“I haven’t – “, he bit his lip, a blush spreading on his cheeks, “they were only for you”
Luke’s face displayed pure horror at Ashton’s mumbled words. Only for him? No! No, he refused to believe that Ashton would take pictures like this only – Luke wasn’t even gay for god’s sake and Ashton knew that!
“Oh yeah?”, he bent down to make his eyes the same height as Ashton’s, “And the first one? Was that only for me, you didn’t mean to send it to someone else?”
The guilty look that flashed on the drummer’s face told Luke that he was right.
“But only at the beginning”, Ashton’s big eyes were almost pleading now and Luke had never seen his friend like this, “Only the first two. I haven’t sent them anything else since!”
Luke seemed unfazed.
“Were your tattoos in it?”, his voice was cold, or at least he wanted it to sound cold.
Ashton averted his gaze for a moment, but before Luke could start with any more accusations, he rushed out: “But I blocked them! I really don’t send them pictures anymore!”
Luke continued to stare into the other’s eyes for a few moments, as if trying to figure out whether he was lying, then he stood upright again, grumbled out a “Good” with clenched fists and turned to leave.
Before he could even leave the living room, though, Ashton’s voice stopped him. “Wait”
Luke rolled his eyes and turned around, raising an eyebrow at the other man.
Ashton didn’t look like a puppy anymore, he looked unhappy, well possibly an unhappy and pissed off puppy.
“You’re just gonna leave? You tell me I’m good and then you leave?”
Luke’s other eyebrow rose to the same height as the already raised one.
“If you don’t actually think I’m good then don’t tell me I’m good.”
Okay, Luke was beyond confused. What did he even mean by that?
“If I’m not good – “, Ashton reached next to him to retrieve a drumstick that he then offered to Luke in his open palm, “Do you think I’m not good?”
“I – what?”, Luke was confused and concerned at the same time, “Ash, you know you’re a good drummer, why would you ask that – “
“No!”, Luke jumped a little at the shrill sound, “not – you have to hit me if you think I’m not good.”
And he reached out his palm with the drumstick more to Luke, nodding towards it.
“Hit you?”, Luke vehemently shook his head, “Ash, I would never hit you.”
“Right”, he tilted his head, “And you would never like my nudes, would you?”
Luke’s eyes widened in panic for a moment, before he quickly shook his head.
“Why did you look at them then?”, Ashton was clearly mocking him now.
And Luke wasn’t entirely sure if he had interpreted things correctly, but he didn’t want to let himself be mocked like this, so he just went for it. “Thought you wanted to be good”, he said, tilting his head too and grinning to himself when he successfully made his bandmate shut up, “This isn’t very good behaviour, you know.”
“I – “
“And sending nudes to strangers isn’t very good either”
Ashton was still staring at Luke, shocked by his sudden change of behaviour and Luke was enjoying it too much, so he went another step further and took the drumstick from Ashton’s hand.
Ashton’s eyes got wider, when Luke twirled it on his fingers and said nonchalantly: “Maybe you’re right, I should hit you. You sent me your nudes without asking for my consent after all.”
“Uhm – “
“What, you just assumed that I would like them? Would want them? What do you think I did with them, get off to them? Well, guess what, I didn’t.”
He stepped in front of Ashton again, looking down at him. “Don’t you feel weird sending me your nudes? Especially that last one? You sent me a picture of your asshole, that’s pretty weird if you ask me”
Ashton visibly gulped.
“Pretty weird”, Luke repeated.
Then, without any warning, he struck the drumstick over Ashton’s cheek, his face getting turned to the side with the speed of it.
Upon seeing the red stripe now covering Ashton’s face, though, Luke immediately dropped the drumstick, kneeling down to him and apologizing profusely while carefully cupping his cheek.
“Shit, shit, sorry. I’m so sorry, Ash, I don’t know why – shit, I’m so sorry.”
Ashton grabbed Luke’s wrist and pulled it away from his face.
“I like when you treat me like this”, he admitted quietly.
“Like I’m disgusting. When you berate me like this.”
“But if you – I have no experience with this.”
“Yea, I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”, Ashton giggled a little, “And I know you have no experience. If you would’ve hated my pictures I would have long apologized for them, I promise.”
So it was obvious that Luke had not not liked them?
“Okay”, Luke mindlessly let his fingers trail over Ashton’s reddened cheek, “But if you… behave…”
“Then tell me I’m a good boy”, Ashton sounded breathless, when he said it, like he really wanted to be called that. He wanted to be good for Luke, so good.
“You’re not being very good, though, Ash”, Luke said after giving it a moment of thought. He purposefully made his voice sound disappointed.
Ashton’s gaze turned to that of a sad lost puppy again.
“A good boy would have long given me a real-life view of what I got to see in the pictures.”
And alright, Luke had expected Ashton to obey, but not as fast as he did. Within seconds he had jumped off the couch, turned around, pulled his pants and underwear off, almost tripping over the pant legs, and then he was showing off his butt to his best friend.
“Funny of you to assume that that’s what I wanted to see”
Ashton moved to turn around, but Luke stopped him with a laugh and a “No, no, this is good, I’m just teasing”
He took his time to look at Ashton’s bare butt for a bit. He would have never expected to at some point in his life be basically inspecting Ashton’s ass. And to be liking it.
And wanting to see more: “That’s not what you showed me in your pictures, though”
“Uhm”, Ashton hesitated.
“Come on”, Luke said, pushing on Ashton’s back to make him bend forward more and cause the side of his face to get pressed to the cushions of the back of the couch.
“Be good”, he added and that did it for the drummer. Long freckled fingers gripped into his own flesh and slowly, still hesitantly, pulled his cheeks apart.
Luke let out a gasp once he got a clear view. “You filthy little – “, he mumbled, then remembered that Ashton enjoyed being talked to this way, so he spoke louder, “You’re so dirty, Ash. Sitting here with a sex toy shoved up your ass, while you’re talking to me and acting all shy? So dirty, so filthy.”
“It’s – it’s – “
“It’s what, Ash?”
“It’s”, he took a shaky breath and Luke saw the pink rim clenching around the purple butt plug that was peeking out of him, “It’s so you have it easier.”
Luke wasn’t really listening, distracted, one hand laying itself onto Ashton’s back again, the other slowly reaching out and one finger experimentally poking the end of the toy. “Easier for what?”, he asked absentmindedly.
“Easier – ah”, Luke had given the toy a slight push, “Easier i – in case you want to fuck me”
Luke’s mind needed a few more moments in which he was still poking the purple plastic, until it had caught up with Ashton’s words.
“You want me to – “, he stopped himself from talking, only staring at the back of Ashton’s curly haired head.
The curls bounced as he nodded his head.
“If you think I’m a, I’m a good boy then you have to gi – give me a treat”
“Oh”, Luke grinned even though the other couldn’t see that, “I have to, huh?”
Ashton nodded his head more forcefully.
“And that’s the only treat you want? A bit picky of you, don’t you think?”
Ashton turned his head around at that, rolling his eyes at Luke and said: “Obviously I don’t want Cal or Mike to- “
Luke didn’t let him finish.
“Shush”, he ordered and turned Ashton’s head around again with a tight grip on his hair.
Ashton gasped, his hole clenching around the toy again.
Luke’s eyes zeroed in on it again. Something about this was so pretty to him and he didn’t understand why. This was his friend’s asshole with a sex toy in it for god’s sake, why was he so fascinated by it? And how beautiful would it look if he could see his own dick moving in and out of it instead? Luke had always liked watching his own dick drive in and out of Mandy, but he had never – would it feel different? Tighter for sure? Or not?
“Only one way to find out”, Luke mumbled to himself, ignoring Ashton’s questioning meep and gripped the end of the purple thing to start pulling it out.
What he had not expected though, was for Ashton to start gasping and mewling the way he did. A long stream of high pitched sounds started leaving his mouth as soon as Luke started pulling.
“Feel that good, huh?”, Luke grinned as he pulled the buttplug so it was barely keeping inside Ashton.
He didn’t let the other man answer before he pushed it back in as far as it would go without losing his grip, in one quick and powerful motion.
Ashton screamed out, his knees buckling.
“Please, please”, he whimpered, when Luke didn’t move it any more.
Luke grinned wider. Something about this high pitched tone the drummer seemed to not be able to control made Luke feel so excited, he wasn’t even denying the hard on in his pants anymore.
In fact, it was starting to feel quite tight with his pants in the way.
“I - I, yes, yes – please”, Ashton whimpered desperately when he heard the zipper of the other man’s pants being pulled down. He started to turn his head, wanting to see, but Luke gripped onto his hair and pushed his face back into the cushions.
“But Lukey, please”, Ashton mumbled into them.
“You can look when I fucked you”, Luke grunted, and without warning pulled the plug out, throwing it somewhere over his shoulder, possibly a bit too enthusiastically.
But he didn’t notice the sound of it knocking something, whatever it was, over and had barely registered Ashton’s long gasp when he had pulled it out. He was too focused on the now empty hole closing around nothing and clenching repeatedly like it was searching for something to wrap itself around of.HHhheojdoej
“Damn, Ash”, Luke mumbled stunned, “You’re so – I don’t think I can go back to pussy after this”
Luke wasn’t sure if he was joking or not because this was certainly a sight to behold. Once again, he didn’t notice Ashton’s mumbling of “Then don’t”
Suddenly Luke realized “Shit, we have no lube”
He was really not willing to leave his position and this sight, but he knew there was no way that anal sex would work without lube, except maybe spit but Luke wasn’t sure if that would really be enough.
But it was definitely something he wanted to do, just not now, “Imma rim you one of these days”, he stated and received another mumbled string of pleas from Ashton’s mouth in response.
“Not now, though, just wanna fuck you now, babe”
“There’s lube behind that cushion”, Ashton almost shamefully admitted, gasping at the soft slap he received to his ass in response and the mumbled “dirty little boy”, before Luke pulled a small lube bottle from behind said cushion.
He didn’t tell Ashton what he was doing, just kept the man guessing and waiting, while he spread lube onto his fingers and already on his dick, too.
He got a little carried away when he started smearing it onto his dick, starting to stroke the length, while his gaze was focused on Ashton’s still slightly clenching hole again.
Ashton must have heard the squelching sounds of the lube moving on Luke, because he started to turn his head around again, but Luke was quick to grip onto his curls again and press his face back to the couch.
“What did I say about looking at me?”
“I think you need to be punished again, Ashy”, Luke mused.
Ashton enthusiastically pushed his ass towards Luke in response and Luke chuckled at how eager he was. He squeezed his cheeks with lube wet hands for a moment, then he let go and pushed two fingers into the other man without warning.
“Your punishment is that you’ll be coming from my fingers and when you’re still gasping from your orgasm, I’ll fuck you and make you come again, baby”
Ashton’s knees buckled, barely holding himself in the bent over standing position, as he moaned.
Luke deemed that as answer enough, finally starting to move his fingers. He scissored them to spread Ashton and changed the angle until the other man screamed into the couch, biting the leather to prevent further sounds leaving him.
“There?”, Luke asked, grinning devilishly even though Ashton couldn’t see him.
“Huh?”, he added, when he didn’t get a response and drove his fingers in harder.
Ashton mewled again, unable to get any actual words out.
Only when his knees started to buckle so much that Luke had to get a hand under his tummy to hold him up, otherwise Ashton would've collapsed into the couch, did he start crying out a string of "Luke, Luke, Luke"
Luke loved the way it sounded so helpless, like there was nothing but him in Ashton's brain. And probably, at this moment, there wasn't.
I've been writing on this for like two weeks now, so I'm putting a cut here to post it and part 2 will be uploaded soon! ❤️
Check out my ao3 profile (also tinyglitterrose) for the whole fanfiction once I've posted it!
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(TW) Sadness Masterlist
Amnesia (ao3) - kat_badwi G, 433
Summary: short lashton sadness
A Year Isn't Long Enough (ao3) - mikeyNluke michael/luke M, 14k
Summary: Everything was now going good until one of the boys get diagnosed with cancer and only have a year to live. The others try to do everything they can to make sure his last year is the best of his life.
cracks (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton N/R, 490
Summary: Luke's a bit sad sometimes, and he blames the atmosphere
Disappear (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 2k
Summary: Michael and Luke were never the perfect couple. They fought, not often but when they did, it was massive. Things happen and decisions are made. Now all Michael wants to do is disappear.
Domestic Cuddles (ao3) - antisocialhood luke/ashton N/R, 10k
Summary: Luke's cold and he wants Ashton to cuddle.
(or, Luke wants Ashton in more than one way, and what Luke wants, Luke gets)
dont waste your time on me (ao3) - sweaterpawlyssa michael/luke T, 994
Summary: Luke has a bad day and Michael adds onto it.
or where Michael is really oblivious to Luke being upset, ends up being a complete douchebag and when he finally figures it out, he cuddles him and sings him ATL
Give Your Tears To The Tide (ao3) - smokeynights michael/luke N/R, 406
Summary: Michael has been gone a year and Luke doesn't know how to cope.
I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight (ao3) - WildestWoods luke/calum N/R, 1k
Summary: “They know that tragedy is not glamorous. They know it doesn't play out in life as it does on a stage or between the pages of a book. It is neither a punishment meted out nor a lesson conferred. Its horrors are not attributable to one single person. Tragedy is ugly and tangled, stupid and confusing.” ― E. Lockhart, We Were Liars
Title from I Miss You by Blink-182
It’s Heaven In Your Arms (ao3) - babylrh OT4 T, 1k
Summary: A band cuddle never failed to fix everything.
Let Me (ao3) - fffearless luke/ashton T, 3k
Summary: Ashton's had a feeling about this weird spindly kid for a while now and he's determined to find out what it is
(Ashton becomes Luke's friend and tries to stop him hurting himself)
lonely (ao3) - EmotionalNutella luke/ashton N/R, 487
Summary: Ashton is feeling lonely
Love Hurts (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke N/R, 981
Summary: Michael hits Luke while he's drunk. He comes back more nights drunk and keeps harming Luke. Will Michael realize he's been hurting his boyfriend before it's too late?
nightlight (ao3) - The_Lady T, 1k
Summary: Ghosts from conversations past swarm through Ashton’s brain, dropping to swipe at his tender organ in groups of twos and threes. It’s too much. He can barely breathe, tucked between his bed and the wall as if his mattress could provide some protection from the onslaught – as if the torturers were using the door on the other side of the room. They aren’t. Everything causing the churning within his stomach is happening internally. Still, he wraps his arms around his knees, trying to make himself smaller.
Not Here Alone (ao3) - Lashtonisall luke/ashton T, 692
Summary: When Ashton feels the waves crashing in on him, he goes to the one person he knows he can trust with anything; his best friend.
when it rains (ao3) - ObsessedWithBands michael/luke T, 1k
Summary: where Luke writes a poem about Michael, and Michael comes home after a long business trip.
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gothluke · 2 years
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“ahh.. yeah, well. i’ll spare you the sob story of poor orphan eugene fitzherbert. it’s a little bit of a… it’s a little bit of a downer. there was this book. a book i use to read every night to all the younger kids. the tales of flynigan rider! swashbuckling rogue, richest man alive, not bad with the ladies either. not that he’d ever brag, of course.”
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emmyhem · 4 years
it’s about time (l.r.h)
a/n: hi again! first of all i want to say thank you for the support on “seven things” it means the world. secondly, my requests are open and i’d be happy to write something for you. this is a jealous bff!luke imagine i wanted to get up this weekend, i didn’t do a very thorough edit before posting so hopefully there aren’t any typos. i am working on the request for a lashton x reader love triangle piece right now and will hopefully have it up by monday or tuesday. thank you, i hope you enjoy - emmy :) 
pairing: luke hemmings x reader 
summary: being best friends with the guy you’re in love with is extremely taxing especially when you have to watch him be with another girl all night. just when you’ve finally had enough of waiting around for him he ruins your plans for moving on. 
warnings: alcohol, using alcohol as a coping mechanism, slight angst, jealous luke, mentions of throwing up, cursing, luke’s a bit of an asshole. 
word count: 3.3k
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“God, could they get a room?” you scoffed leaning into Calum as you watched your best friend practically eat his date’s face from across the club. 
“Jealous are we y/n?” Calum laughed slinging an arm over your shoulder. 
“No, just utterly disgusted.” you said before slamming back your fourth shot of tequila.
 That was a lie, you were jealous. You were so insanely jealous that you could scream. 
Luke had met his date, Hannah at the studio last week. She was new, working at the front desk. She had caught Luke’s eye the second she walked in the room with a bright confident smile, and a flirty look in her eye. Luke had asked her out the next day and was practically giddy when she accepted. 
And that’s how they ended up in the corner of the club, Luke’s hands tangled in her hair, and her tongue down his throat. All the while you were trying to not look bitter, and distracting yourself with one too many drinks. 
It wasn’t a new routine. You couldn’t count how many times you’ve had to sit back and watch a girl way prettier than you, be in the exact position that you would quite literally die to be in, with your best friend of 4 years. And somehow it seemed to hurt more each time, which meant more drinks for you. 
As you felt the familiar and comforting burn of your fifth shot of the night slide down your throat Calum shot you a knowing look. 
“Maybe you should slow down there, kid.” 
You rolled your eyes and took his Corona from his hands using it as a chaser. 
“Corona girl?” you heard from behind you. When you turn, your eyes meet a pretty pair of green ones (you still preferred Luke’s blue, but what the hell). 
“Tequila girl.” you clarified. 
“Respect.” the man said, extending a strong tattooed hand. “I’m Austin.” 
“Y/n” you said, shaking his hand. You glanced over your shoulder at Calum who was now engaged in a conversation with Mikey and Ashton beside you. 
“Pretty name, pretty girl.” he smirked. “So, can I get you a tequila?” 
You giggled, happy for a distraction from Luke.
“You can get me a margarita, on the rocks.” 
The two of you chatted as you sipped on your drink, mind getting hazier with each sip. And you don’t know if it was the alcohol or your determination to get Luke off your mind but Austin was really, really hot. 
“Do you wanna dance with me?” you asked before you had a chance to convince yourself otherwise. You were never really a dance in public kind of girl, normally the closest you got to showing your moves on the dancefloor was Just Dance in Luke’s living room. 
“Absolutely.” Austin replied, sliding an arm around your waist to lead you to the dancefloor. 
The bass beat shook the floor as the two of you made your way to the middle of the club. As you stopped you realized you had absolutely no idea what to do. You never did stuff like this. You can’t even remember the last time you went on a date, let alone danced to sleazy house music with a stunning stranger. You glanced around you hoping to follow the lead of the more experienced dancers around you.
 A redhead to your right swung her hips, inching closer to her partner's body with each movement until she was pressed directly to his chest. 
“Seems like a good place to start” you mumbled to yourself. 
The second your hips were in movement Austin’s hands gripped them strongly guiding your movements closer and closer to him. As the beat built and your movements slowed to a teasingly slow pace his grip tightened causing your tight white dress to bunch up on your thighs. 
With the alcohol in your bloodstream and Austin’s breath on the back of your neck you nearly forgot about Luke and your perpetual sadness, that is until you locked eyes with him from across the room. 
Hannah was tucked under his arm sipping on her drink, but his gaze was locked on you, he had an unrecognizable look on his face, and a jaw clenched so hard you feared he would break his teeth. 
You took him staring as the perfect opportunity to spin around, inches away from Austin’s face looking up at him through your lashes. His pupils were blown a bit, eyes filled with lust. He was practically breathing into your mouth. You will yourself to just kiss him. It’s not like you were Luke’s girl you thought, so you started to lean in. 
As Austin placed his hand on the back of your neck you felt someone grab your arm tugging you out of Austin’s grip. 
“Y/n”  Luke appeared next to you.
“Is there a problem man?” Austin said grabbing one of your hands. 
Luke rolled his eyes with a sly grin on his face, “Cal wants to talk to you.” he said to you not breaking eye contact with the pissed off guy in front of you. 
“I’m a bit busy.” you said annoyance brewing in you as you ripped your arm out of Luke’s hand. “Can it wait?” 
“Nope, said it was important.” he said nonchalantly “Better go find him.” 
You internally groaned, “I’ll be right back.” you said leaning in to peck Austin’s cheek. 
“Y/n, C’mon!” Luke shouted over the music. 
“Fine!” you groaned leaving Luke and Austin behind you as you scanned the bar for Calum. 
After searching for a few minutes you saw him in a booth with Ashton, and Michael talking and laughing. 
“Calum,” you called. He glanced up at you waving a hand above his hand. You slid into the booth next to him, your patience growing thin. 
“What is it?” you said. 
“What?” he said, confusion spreading across his face. 
“Luke said you needed to talk to me, what’s up?” 
Calum’s eyebrows tugged together glancing at the other guys. 
“I haven’t talked to Luke since we got here.” 
You rolled your eyes and turned to the corner across the room where Luke had Hannah pressed up against the wall. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you said out loud, rubbing your temple in frustration. 
Ashton gave you a sympathetic smile and glanced at Michael who was practically sleeping on Cal’s shoulder. 
“Maybe we should head out.” he said motioning to the drunk mess that was the three of you. 
“No” Calum whined, dragging out the oh sound. “y/n was about to get some.” he teased poking your side. 
“Just take him home, y/n/n.” Michael groaned, not even opening his eyes. 
You pondered the idea, you never did stuff like this. But Austin was hot, and Luke was preoccupied. To say the least.
“I could take him home.” you say aloud trying to convince yourself. 
“Then do it.” Calum challenged. 
“I will.” you stated proudly. “You guys get Luke. Ash, you get the uber, and Austin and I will meet you at the door. “ you gave a quick nod to the boys and went to get Austin. 
Austin stood exactly where you left him on the dance floor. 
“Thank god you’re back. I-“ 
Before he had a chance to finish, you crashed your lips onto his. He quickly fell into the kiss moving his hand to the small of you back. Before it went any further you pulled apart about an inch, and spoke into his mouth, 
“Come back to my apartment?” 
“Absolutely.” he said an excited smile growing on his face.
When the two of you made it to where your group was struggling to stand by the door Luke pulled apart from Hannah, looking Austin up and down. His eyes stopping where your hands were interlocked. 
“Love, a word?” he slurred, nodding his head away from the group. 
You walked with him just outside the door. 
“What’s up?” 
“What are you doing?” he asked. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean with this guy, what are you doing with him?” 
“Um, taking him home with me?” you said confused. 
“You can’t do that.” 
“Who says?” anger began building as you looked up at him. 
“Uh, me I guess. You know nothing about him.” 
This caused you to scoff, a laugh passing your lips, “And you do a background check on every girl you take home with you?” 
“That’s different,” he alleged. 
“And how’s that?” your patience was growing thin, and you could feel this conversation sobering you up. 
“I don’t know y/n, you're just not one night stand material.” 
Okay, ouch. Tears began to prick at your waterline. 
“Go to hell.” you breathed, pushing past him. 
“No, y/n/n. You know that’s not what I meant. C’mon love, hey I’m sorry.” he called after you. 
As you approached the group, holding back tears, you took a glance at Austin in front of you and realized that no matter how hot he was you really didn’t even want this. How could you when you were head over heels in love with your asshole of a best friend.
 But it was too late now, you would do it. Even if it was wrong. Even if you didn’t want to. Even if it was just to spite Luke. 
“Ready to head out?” you questioned aloud, swallowing your hurt. 
“Yep, uber just got here.” Ashton confirmed, guiding a hammered Calum and Michael out the door. 
You all climbed into the Uber X Ashton had ordered, Luke, Hannah, and Calum in the back, Ashton in the passenger seat, and Michael, Austin, and you in the middle. 
As you pulled away from the club, Ashton spoke over the light music coming from the car radio and gave the driver Luke’s address. The group had made plans to all spend the night at Luke’s, like you typically did after a night out. 
“We have one more stop actually” you choked out, feeling Austin lean into you, lips attaching to your neck. 
You gave the man your address and turned your attention back to the sexually charged man glued to your side. As he moved his kisses up to your jaw you closed your eyes, in order to prevent yourself from breaking down. The constant reminder that Luke had no interest in you, being thrown in your face as Hannah released soft sighs behind you. 
Ashton glanced back at you from the front seat, 
“You feeling okay, kid?” he asked. 
You nodded gulping, and looked up at the ceiling to deter your threatening tears. 
His eyes narrowed in concern as he adjusted his body in his seat so he was looking you in the eyes. Luke turned his attention away from Hannah (much to her despair) to the front of the car as Ashton spoke.
“Y/n, you sure? Maybe you and your friend should continue this another night.” Ashton suggested, noticing how you had tensed up and your expression had faltered since entering the car.
 Austin pulled off of you and shot him a frustrated glare from his seat. Ashton raised his eyebrows in response, silently challenging Austin to confront him. 
Austin moved in centimeters from your ear, “Your friends are kind of cockblocks.” he complained. 
You tilted your head away from him and looked out the window Michael was sitting next to.
“Maybe they’re right.” you muttered. “Maybe you should just go home, and we can do this some other time. I’m not feeling well.” 
You kept your gaze directed outside of the car, too afraid to see his reaction to your sudden rejection. 
“Your kidding right?” he scoffed. 
You were becoming more anxious by the second as he rambled on about how you must be joking. 
“I’m not laughing.” Luke interrupted flatly.  
“Okay, what’s your deal man?” Austin’s demeanor had quickly changed as he turned to face Luke, aggression clear in his face. 
Luke held his hands in the air before resting them on the back of your seat. “No deal, she’s just clearly not interested, so maybe you could give her some space.” 
Calum and Michael perked up in their seats as the mood in the car shifted. In the front Ashton was talking to the driver, explaining how you would be getting dropped off with the rest of them. 
Austin was in a confrontational mood now, one that made you uneasy. He and Luke continued to bicker back and forth. Hannah sat confused and aggravated next to Luke.
 You were seconds away from crumbling, feeling extremely upset and overwhelmed. Michael placed a hand on your shoulder, hoping to ease some of your distress as you pulled into Luke’s driveway. 
Everyone got out of the car, leaving Austin stirring in his own anger. Ashton patted the top of the car twice before it drove away.
“Well, y/n you sure know how to pick em’” Luke commented. 
Calum shot him a disapproving look as you shoved past, running inside. 
You had officially reached your breaking point. You couldn’t have Luke but you were in too deep to be with anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Luke seemed to be taking pleasure in your misfortune for the night. 
You went straight for the bathroom. All the alcohol and confrontation hadn’t been kind to your stomach. 
You hunched over the toilet and began throwing up before you even got the chance to close the door all the way. Your eyes were red and stinging from your tears and your throat was stripped raw. Hugging your knees to your chest you sat with your back against the sink. 
Three soft knocks came from the cracked door and you peered up through cloudy eyes to see Ashton looking at you with pity clear on his face. 
“Can I come in?” 
You nodded into your knees, staring down at the familiar tiles of Luke’s bathroom. 
You couldn’t count how many times you had been in this exact spot. Whether it be dealing with the consequences of your unhealthy coping mechanism after a night out like you were now. Early mornings after sleeping over, sitting in the steam while Luke showered because he just couldn’t wait to tell you a story, or late nights he would convince you to paint his nails. All of it was replaying in your head. 
“Why can’t he just love me the way I love him?” you whimpered as a sob broke from your throat. 
Ashton was quick to wrap his arms around you, taking a seat on the floor. 
“It’s okay, y/n.” he shushed. “You’re okay. 
“I love him, Ash” your voice muffled from being pressed to his shoulder. 
“I know.” he comforted you, rocking your frame lightly. You sat in silence for a bit, trying to control your breathing. 
By the time you left the bathroom Calum and Michael were asleep on the couch and Luke and Hannah had gone to Luke’s room. Ashton laid on the couch with the other guys and you made your way to the guest room, falling asleep the second your head hit the pillow.   
You woke up early with a throbbing headache and an insatiable craving for iced coffee. There was no doubt in your mind that you were first one awake, the guys wouldn’t be up for hours. You tiptoed through the living room past a sleeping Michael, Calum, and Ashton being careful not to wake them. As you turned the corner to leave you heard a voice from the kitchen, 
“Morning,” Luke called, his gravelly voice making it very clear he had just woken up. He was leaning on the cabinet in a pair of sweats, a cup of coffee in hand. 
“Oh, you’re up.” you responded still moving towards the door. 
“Going somewhere?” he questioned walking towards you. 
“Yea I gotta go, I have uh…” your mind was drawing a blank. “ya know,  laundry.” 
“Wait,” he sprung forward in two big steps grabbing your shoulder. “as urgent as that sounds, I wanna talk.”
“‘bout what?” 
“I feel like I should apologize for last night.” 
“It’s okay, we can talk about it later. I really gotta get going.” 
“Y/n! Will you let me say sorry, please?” he pleaded 
“You have.” you replied nodding at him before turning away once again. 
“Fine, then can I ask why you tried to take someone home last night. You never do that.” 
“No reason.” you lied, opening the front door. 
“Really? Cause Cal said something last night about you being jealous or something and then I went to check on you and I overheard-” 
“I gotta go.” you panicked, taking a step outside. 
Right before the door swung closed and you made your escape Luke stopped it with his hand and spoke, 
“Are you in love with me?” 
You froze where you stood, squeezing your eyes shut completely mortified. 
Slowly, you spun back around to face Luke. He stepped out of the door frame allowing you reentrance and led you to the kitchen. Once you had both sat down he spoke again, 
“So is it true? What you told Ashton last night, is it true?” 
You placed your hands over your eyes and shook your head.
“Does it matter?” you responded. 
“Of course it matters, what do you mean?” 
“I mean you have Hannah and it doesn’t matter how I fe-” 
“Hannah’s gone.” he interrupted. 
“It wasn’t gonna work out with us. I ended things last night.” 
“Why would you end things with-” you paused, eyes narrowing.
Luke looked down, suddenly not wanting to meet your eyes. 
“Do you...you love me?” 
At this Luke shot up from his seat and started pacing around the kitchen.
“Well, of course I do. But I asked you first, and you can’t just..” he rambled on but you stopped listening after “of course I do” 
“Lu,” you said, standing up
He continued talking, not even hearing you over his own nervous talking and fidgeting. 
“Lu.” you called a bit louder. 
He turned to you, stopping mid sentence his mouth still hanging open. 
“I am.” 
“You…” he spoke slowly, eyes frozen on you.
“I am in love with you.” 
Both of you were frozen in place, terrified that if you moved you may wake up and discover this was all just a dream. You stayed like that for about a minute till you broke the silence. 
“I have been, for a couple years now. And I never told you, cause I always thought that-” you were cut off by Luke’s lips. 
He had one hand on the back of your neck and the other pulling you closer by the waist. You melted into the kiss pressing a hand to his chest. It may sound cliche but you swore you were seeing fireworks as he ran his tongue along your bottom lip.  
“I love you.” he sighed as you pulled apart. “I am so in love with you, fuck I can’t believe-” Before he had a chance to ramble again you pulled him back in for another kiss. 
After a few minutes you broke away to catch your breath. Luke moved his hands to cup both your cheeks, 
“Hi.” he cooed. 
“Hi” you smiled. “I need coffee” you turned away walking towards the kitchen.
“Hey no wait” he whined pulling you back by the waist. “m’not done kissing you.”
“We have plenty of time for that, but I need coffee now.” you teased pressing a swift kiss to his lips. 
“Mmm, I know but we’ve got a lot of catching up to do” he said chasing behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist as you walked to the coffee machine. 
As you fixed yourself a coffee, Luke's chin resting on the top of your head, you heard shuffling from the living room. When you looked up Michael was walking in with messy hair and eyes puffy from sleep. He glanced at you in Luke’s arms, his expression unchanging and mumbled while pulling orange juice from the fridge, 
“It’s about time.” 
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
piece o’cake-- poly!cake blurb
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a/n: SO! this is the first time writing for poly!cake...I’ve tested the waters with poly!lashton and loved it so this dynamic is a little different for me. Let me know what you think :)
word count: 1.3k
warnings: small smut scene, rest is fluffy and kinda domestic, uses she/her pronouns
donate to my ko-fi here :)
• • • •
She’s woken to soft kisses on her cheeks from warm pillowy lips while another set are kissing her hair, each one rousing her gently awake. This is still so new to all of them, this dynamic of being together, the three of them. Calum and Luke know the little things about each other but with her, it’s something new and exciting every day.
The first time they woke up together, Calum and Luke were being their usual loud selves. Their voices echoed from the bathroom while they utilized the facilities, laughter booming into her ears and the clatter of toothbrushes made her beautiful dream turn to a hellish nightmare really quick.
Annoyed, irritated, aggravated, and every other synonym to having her sleep disrupted, she tossed back the comforter in a huff and stomped her way to the bathroom door.
“Can you please be quieter?” she hissed, wide blue eyes darting between the two boyfriends.
“Were we really being that loud?” Calum asks. His sheepish expression eases her a little bit, but only a fraction.
“Yes,” she gritted her teeth then spun on her heel.
They watched her fall back into bed, throwing the blanket over her and she was still once again. Luke and Calum made sure to be quiet after that and apologized profusely when she officially woke up to coffee and toast that was made by them.
“It’s time to wake up, lovie,” Luke says in her ear, it tickles her skin, and she shrinks against Calum’s chest.
“Ten more minutes,” she groans.
Both their hands land on her thigh and waist, their palms are warm as they make circles on her skin, soft chuckles trickle out.
“We don’t have ten more minutes, cupcake. We’ve got a long day of relaxation planned ahead,” Calum pecks her lips quickly, but the slight poke of his tongue awakens her a bit.
“Sleep is relaxation.”
“You’ve been looking forward to our mani-pedi-massage day all week,” Luke kisses her shoulder.
She sighs and opens her eyes to be staring at the tattoos inked on Calum’s chest. Their hands continue to rub her skin with a few squeezes to her flesh with Calum’s thumb inching closer to between her thighs.
“Will we get to nap?”
“After the massage we can,” Luke smiles against her shoulder. His fingers squeeze at her ass cheek.
“Doesn’t seem like you guys want to get out of bed yet, either” she smiles craning her head so she can kiss Luke’s soft lips behind her. The turn made her legs open just enough so Calum can cup her sex with his palm, his thumb rubs at her through her underwear.
“This is the best way to get you out of bed, sweetheart,” Calum hums shifting her panties to the side. His finger teases between her folds, she gasps, and grabs hold of Luke’s curls.
“If Cal makes you cum, will you get out of bed?” Luke whispers against her lips.
She nods letting out a squeak for a yes, her lips chasing Luke’s.
“Give it to her, Cal,” Luke hums slipping his tongue in her mouth just as Calum inserts his finger.
She rests her leg open on Luke’s as Calum fingers her, his own mouth on her neck. He’s sucking and biting, his finger curling and rubbing against her spongy wall.
“Always so wet in the morning,” Calum murmurs on her skin and she moans at the tickling pleasure.
“Is Cal making you feel good, lovie?” Luke asks and she nods. “Yeah? Tell us how good.”
“So…so good,” she sighs tilting her hips with Calum’s motions. He’s using his whole arm as he fingers her, Luke hums and she feels herself slipping.
“There it is…come on baby, come for us,” Calum says, and she feels her orgasm burst forth.
When she moans, Luke and Calum press their lips to her skin until her body relaxes once more. They continue to pepper her in kisses until Calum removes his finger and sucks on it.
“Mmm, want a taste, Luke?” Calum asks.
She watches through heavy lids as Calum holds his hand out to Luke. He grins, shoots her a wink then wraps his lips around Calum’s middle finger. It disappears in his mouth as he sucks off her juices. She gets overwhelmed from the sight before her. How do they expect her to leave this bed now?
They meet in the middle to share a kiss, their tongues rolling over one another’s and she leans up to join in the fun. They both pull away before she can and she’s pouting at them while they share a smile.
“He made you cum, now it’s time to get out of bed, princess,” Luke sighs grabbing his clothes.
“Come on, pouty baby,” Calum grins and snags her ankles in his hands. He pulls her down the bed until her feet hit the fuzzy carpet. He pulls her up into a standing position, his arms wrap around her waist. “There’ll be more later.”
“Promise?” she asks, lip still pouting.
“We promise,” he gives her a sweet kiss.
After a quick breakfast of their favorite cereal, they change and are out the door to the nail salon. She sits in the front while Calum drives, his hand in hers while Luke rests his cheek on the seat by her face kissing her cheek occasionally.
When getting out of the car, Luke holds her hand while Calum opens the door for his two loves, the nail technicians greeting the trio with big smiles. They sit in silence while their feet are buffed, scrubbed, massaged and painted. They giggle as Luke nearly trips over his long legs in the oddly formed flip flops to the pedicure station, his hands held firmly in Calum and Y/N’s.
When the gel has set, they take a group picture of their new colors, Calum is a pretty purple, Luke has a nice shade of blue and Y/N chose a deep red. Three colors that blend together perfectly, just like they do.
Luke insists on paying for all them despite Calum and Y/N’s protests. He just shakes his head, curls jostling, then kisses both of their cheeks.
“My treat to you.”
Their next stop is the massage place that’s only a couple buildings over, so they decide to walk there. Calum has his hand on the lower part of Y/N’s waist, his thumb hooked under the band of her shorts while Luke has his arm thrown around her shoulders. It’s an easy thing being connected this way walking down the street. Somehow they’re always in sync, fitting perfectly together with little communication.
Since the rooms weren’t big enough, they all had to get massaged separately but none of them minded too much. As soon as the masseuse started, all thoughts and worries were gone.
Dazed and relaxed, they went back home for lunch and Y/N started to nod off against Calum’s shoulder. She always gets sleepy after a massage; her muscles feel like jelly.
“Is it my turn to carry her to bed?” Calum grins above her head at Luke.
“Nah, it’s my turn,” Luke chuckles.
Luke is much stronger than his body appears, she’s always amazed at how he can lift her into his arms. She nuzzles into his neck then makes grabby hands for him once he has her settled on their bed. She breathes in their smell in the blankets and sheets, sighing happily.
The two men join her, encircling her in their arms, legs tangled together like vines. She brings their hands to her chest, kisses both of their knuckles and cuddles them.
“After our nap, can we go in the hot tub?” she asks quietly.
“Sure, thing sweet pea,” Luke sighs kissing her forehead.
“Swimsuit optional?” Calum asks in her neck and she smiles against Luke’s throat.
“Only birthday suits,” she giggles then quickly drifts off to sleep. She’s never felt so loved, so cared for before.
• • • •
Taglist: @calpalirwin​  @thecurlsofgod​ @myloverboyash​ @rotten-kandy​ @tea4sykes​ @jannimoeller3​ @loveroflrh​ @iovehemmings​ @cxddlyash​ @princesslrh​  @katiaw2​ @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @atlcalm @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​​ @idontneedanyone​​ @dinosaursandsocks​​ @haveufoundwhaturlooking4​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @burstintocolor​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​ @dead-and-golden​​ @mymindwide​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​ @stardust-galaxies​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​ @redrattlers​​ @lovelybonesetc​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @quasighost​​ @i-like-5sos​​ @creampiecashton​​ @calpops​ @superbloomed-c​ @ophelia-enthusiast​
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burstingsunrise · 3 years
Hi darling. Is it too late to request “4. Kissing on sofa, foreheads pressed together, breathy, soft tender.” With Lashton? 💜
hi em! 💜 never too late for lashton. this is actually a follow-up to all in tangles, your last prompt! (maybe i love glitter beard luke.)
words: 1367 tw: mentions of alcohol and drinking
on ao3 here.
“Tonight was fun,” Ashton says, scooping half-empty plastic cups off Luke’s coffee table and depositing them on the kitchen island to deal with later. 
Luke rubs his hand down his face, pausing briefly to dig his fingers into his temples, then again to scratch over his bearded chin. “Yeah,” he agrees, and it’s honest, although maybe he had fun tonight for different reasons than Ashton. 
“It was nice spending time with you,” he says, tumbling wearily onto his sofa and kicking his feet up onto the empty space Ashton just cleared on the coffee table. He toes his boots off clumsily and watches them clatter to the floor.
It’s the first party Luke can remember throwing where he didn’t spend the entire night drunk. He’d gotten pleasantly tipsy; just drunk enough to feel like he was the version of himself that Ashton loved most. That had been the goal, after all. Maybe even the whole reason for the party.
And then something strange had happened. Luke slipped; told Ashton that he knows Ashton likes him best when he’s drunk, because that’s when he’s carefree and fun and lovable. He looks at Luke differently; like Luke is something to be adored and cared for. 
But then Ashton had said the thing Luke hasn’t been able to stop thinking about since.
“Did you ever think maybe I look at you like that all the time, and you just see it differently when you’re drunk?”
Of course Luke hadn’t, because he’s a self-absorbed idiot asshole. And even now that he’s spent hours running the words through his brain, trying to make sense of them, he’s not sure he’s any closer to understanding. 
In his defense, it‘s been hard to focus too hard on them for long, because Ashton was right there, all night, never more than a few feet away from Luke, even as Luke sobered up completely. Ashton stayed. Ashton kept looking at him with that extra something in his eyes.
Ashton hadn’t been lying. He does always look at Luke like that. 
That particular realization had hit Luke about an hour ago. How had he missed it for so long? Why had he only ever noticed it when he was drunk? (Probably because of the self-absorbed idiot asshole thing.)
He thinks maybe he has sorted out what it means, but he doesn’t know how to test his theory. He’s tired, his house is a mess, and Ashton’s cleaning his fucking kitchen. Maybe now isn’t the best time to try to decipher whether or not his enigmatic best friend and bandmate loves him back.
“Me and a dozen of your closest friends,” Ashton quips, rounding the sofa and dropping heavily next to Luke. He yawns, vocalizing through it in that obnoxious way he always does. It used to drive Luke crazy and set him on edge. It hasn’t bothered him at all lately. Nothing Ashton does bothers him that much, except when it involves him paying attention to people that aren’t Luke.
“It was nice spending time with you,” Luke repeats meaningfully, leaning into Ashton’s side and bumping his way under Ashton’s arm, which is stretched out across the back of the sofa. Luke may not be drunk anymore, but he’s never needed an excuse to be touchy.
Usually when he gets clingy, Ashton recoils just slightly before settling into the cuddle, making it clear that while he’s indulging Luke because he loves him (not the same way Luke loves Ashton, but Luke will take what he can get), he’d really prefer six to ten inches of personal space at all times. 
Tonight, though. Tonight was strange. Ashton kept getting in Luke’s space, pulling him into random hugs and standing so close to him it seemed like they were touching one way or another all night long. And it’s continuing to be strange, because when Luke curls into Ashton’s side, Ashton doesn’t hesitate to rest his arm over Luke’s shoulders, to pull him in tighter, closer. He even reaches out with his other arm to cradle Luke’s head, gently pressing it to his shoulder and petting at Luke’s hair with long, careful fingers.
“You too,” Ashton replies lightly. “It’s been too long since we’ve spent a night together.” His hand stills in Luke’s hair, and he leans his head down, pressing his forehead against Luke’s. This is strange, so strange, but so nice. Luke leans into it eagerly, warmth spreading across the top of his head where his skin is in contact with Ashton’s. 
“Weird not being drunk for the whole thing,” Luke comments offhandedly, letting his arm drop across Ashton’s waist. Testing, waiting, watching. 
“I liked that you weren’t drunk for the whole thing,” Ashton says. “If you were drunk right now, we wouldn’t be doing this.”
Luke feels something opening in the air around them, a space to slip through that had never been there before. “We wouldn’t?”
Ashton resumes playing with Luke’s hair, tugging at it lightly, then dropping his hand to cup Luke’s jaw, fingers running carefully over his stubble, experimenting with the texture of it against his fingertips. “Nah. You’d be in bed and I’d be cleaning up on my own.”
“Hey!” Luke whines, enjoying the tickle of Ashton’s fingers against his cheek, feeling that space in the air opening up even wider, big enough now that both of them could fit through it. “You don’t have to clean up; you choose to.”
“I don’t want you to wake up to a messy house,” Ashton says, and it’s soft, nearly a whisper. It almost sounds like he’s falling asleep, but his hand is still moving against Luke’s cheek, thumb caressing Luke’s jaw, and maybe he’s asleep. 
Luke shrugs, shifting his head slightly to feel the drag of his own skin against Ashton’s forehead. He’s never gotten to have him this close for this long. Maybe this is a dream. He opens his eyes to check, and Ashton’s face is too close for him to really see anything, but he can feel Ashton’s breath on his lips. Awake, then. 
Suddenly, he feels drunk again. “I wouldn’t mind waking up to a messy house,” he says quietly, “as long as I wake up with you.”
Ashton licks his lips, and Luke has half a mind just to go for it. Kiss Ashton now, worry about the consequences later. He chuckles to himself, and Ashton’s hand finds its way to the back of Luke’s neck. “What’s so funny?” he asks.
“I was just thinking it’s fucked up that even though I’m not drunk, I’m about to do something stupid enough that I might as well be.”
“What are you about to do?” Ashton breathes, hand smoothing across Luke’s neck, warm and reassuring.
“I’m either going to kiss you or tell you I love you,” Luke mumbles, woozy and reckless under Ashton’s touch.
Ashton grins, and Luke thinks with some amount of wonder that he’s seen Ashton smile millions of times in millions of different ways, but never quite like this, face so close, within a blink of his eye.
“Which one?” Ashton asks curiously, a hint of teasing in his tone.
The space is wide open now. They’re so close together, but there’s so much more room. So much more freedom, just with two words from Ashton.
Luke opts for kissing him. Ashton is always talking. If Luke starts with I love you, Ashton will no doubt want to talk about it. It could be hours before they get to the kissing. Luke has waited long enough. The talk can wait.
He kisses Ashton’s cheek first, right where it swells when he smiles, and Ashton inhales, surprised, maybe, that Luke has actually followed through. But then he presses his hand firmly against Luke’s neck, bringing their lips together, and he kisses Luke slowly, agonizingly slowly, and Luke can feel Ashton’s love pouring into him one drop at a time until he can’t handle it anymore and he pulls away, pressing back against Ashton’s hand. 
“Love you,” he says, breathy and light, before pressing his lips to Ashton’s again, cutting off whatever words Ashton might try to say with a kiss.
He feels Ashton smile against his lips.
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honeyedlashton · 4 years
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Leave Your Mark With Every Bite
Words: 2,949
Warnings: smut, also general anxiousness and anxiety around this whole thing.
Ship: Lashton (I’m so sorry I’m in a mood to write them half broken up)
A/N: this idea hit me in the shower, and I don’t know why I felt the compulsive need to make these two be trainwrecks, but, fuck am I here for it. I need angsty Lashton cause I’ve written too much fluff. So here you go. Here’s some “we shouldn’t be doing this,” for reasons I’ll leave open to interpretation. (I have a few in mind but, not everyone agrees with my sentiments, so I don’t wanna step on toes.) So take it as you will, here’s this toxic ass version of their relationship.
“i need to see u”
The white letters on the blue bubble stood out. The first non-grey text in a week. Luke shook reading it over. He shook even worse seeing the three little grey dots pop up on the opposite side of the screen.
It was a long time. Too long watching the graceful bouncing of the oversized ellipses. Their grace did nothing to soothe Luke’s mind. It had to have been a full minute l before those grey dots turned into: “On my way now...”
Luke could only guess the horrible things Ashton had erased. It was implied through the passive punctuation. And not for the first time this hour, he felt guilty.
He sat on his couch and hugged his knees to his chest, he was wrapped in his big white hoodie. He was safe, but not really. He was still shaking and racing a million miles a minute.
He found doing nothing made the seconds feel twice as long. So he fidgeted with his guitar. Not really playing anything, just giving his hands something to do. Anything to keep him from thinking too hard about what he was doing. Or why he was feeling guilty at all. He knew he was in the right, so why did he feel so horrible about it?
Eleven minutes was all it took. Enough time to send Luke into multiple spirals, and enough time for Ashton to arrive.
Luke saw the lights in the driveway, and practically threw his guitar out of his lap getting up to race out the door. He grabbed his keys as he left.
It was one of those peculiar times in the mid-spring where it rained in L.A.
Luke didn’t slow down, running up to the passenger door and got inside, barely looking at the illuminated figure that was warm and dry and staring back at him. Music played softly through the speakers, some melancholy soundtrack that seemed to match his mood perfectly. Luke buckled in before either of them could say anything. “Let’s just...drive,” Luke managed after a second, finally looking over at Ashton.
Finally. The interior lights had switched off, but the dashboard’s white lights on the dials made Ashton’s cheek and jawline stand out as he looked back at Luke. Glasses on, hair soft. He looked like the boy Luke loved so much.
He suddenly wanted to cry.
“Okay,” Ashton nodded, and reversed back out of the driveway. Silent and stoic. Two things Luke knew Ashton rarely was. Tonight was the exception.
The roads were almost empty, but not. Empty for L.A. Empty for 2 am on a fresh Friday. Empty for a pandemic. But not really empty at all. Luke could barely hear the music over the sound of the rain and the engine and the road, but it didn’t bother him. Being surrounded by these familiar things—Ashton’s leather seats, the smell of his air freshener, the smell of him—made Luke feel safe in a way the hoodie just couldn’t.
“Do you hate me?” Luke asked after they’d turned out of his suburbs.
Ashton scoffed in a way that showed real amusement. “Of course I don’t hate you. Whether the feeling is mutual or not’s the real question, though.”
Luke didn’t answer for a second. “I want to. I wish I could.”
Ashton nodded like he’d been expecting that answer, and just drove on at a green light.
“Don’t be worried.” Luke knew he was, “there’s still lots of love keeping me from thinking about it too hard.”
“Where am I driving us?” Ashton asked, even though he had already made a few of the decisions already.
Ashton’s expression didn’t change, and he just drove on.
“I hate when you do that.”
“Do what?” Ashton asked.
“Not answer me,” Luke huffed, and realized only before Ashton looked at him just how hypocritical he sounded. “I have an excuse...”
Ashton sighed. “I know...”
“I don’t wanna talk about that,” Luke grumbled. “Any of this shit. I texted you for a reason you know.”
“Why did you text me?” He didn’t sound hostile, just tired.
“I miss you.”
Almost like that was what he had been waiting for, Ashton’s hand dropped from the steering wheel and reached for Luke’s in his lap. His fingers were chilly from the air conditioner, but then again so we’re Luke’s. He pressed their palms together like Ashton was a lifeline. He felt his angst deflate in his chest. And he even reached to turn up the radio.
Its about a forty minute drive to the beach, and Luke knew this before asking. But he needed to see something other than his house, and right now, everything looked better than that. But the ocean was the only thing Luke loved to look at. Even at night, even in the rain.
The horizon was vast and open. The gradient of dark grey above faded to light grey as the clouds above hit nearly pitch black water. Ashton parked in front of it. An empty parking lot overlooking the grand beach. Their spot.
As soon as Ashton’s car was in park Luke nearly jumped into his arms, without words, without unbuckling. His lips found Ashton’s in the dim light, and Ashton’s didn’t shy away. All that was on his mind at that moment was savoring the feeling. The taste. The idea of having him this close. His Ashton.
Ashton only broke their kiss after a second to cut off the headlights and unbuckle his seatbelt. “Luuu...” Ashton groaned. “What are we doing?”
“Anything you’ll let me do,” Luke whined against his lips, unhappy that they kept getting interrupted.
“Not what I mean,” Ashton murmured.
Luke knew that, by the way he pulled away as he spoke.
“Luke...” Ashton urged.
“Please...” Luke whined looking at Ashton’s silhouette in the dark. Without any lights in the car, or streetlights around, it was hard to see anything at all. “Please, don’t ruin it. I need you...” tears pricked his eyes as he spoke, and he felt the lump rise in his throat.
And whether Ashton could see Luke’s eyes water in the dark, or he decided to give in, Ashton met Luke’s passion with a vengeance.
Luke felt Ashton’s nimble fingers fidget clumsily with Luke’s seatbelt buckle before he felt himself finally free from it. He wasted no time climbing over Ashton’s lap. It was awkward, it hurt his knees, but, god...he needed this, and he wasn’t talking himself out of it. He wasn’t letting Ashton talk him out out of it. He deserved to be reckless.
Ashton’s lips broke away from his and he immediately wanted to cry again, till he felt soft open lips pressed to that sweet spot on Luke’s neck. Hot and dizzying and stirring his nerves into a frenzy. He sighed with his eyes going out of focus. “Oh, Ash...” he whispered.
The prickle of Ashton’s stubble poked at Luke’s neck, and it jolted him in ways his own facial hair couldn’t. Luke found his hands tangled in the soft black curls. Even though he couldn’t see them, he’d remembered how fluffy it had been. He smelled like his shampoo and conditioner. He melted a little more at the familiarity, and tugged the locks in his fists.
“Fuck,” Ashton hissed. His arms tightened around Luke’s waist, and hands ghosted over his round bum in his shorts.
“Fuck me,” Luke whimpered, but he knew Ashton must have been expecting it. “Right here. I don’t care. I need you. I’m sorry.” Every sentence punctuated an inhale or exhale.
Ashton was seemingly two steps ahead, maneuvering the seat back, and Luke down with him. “I thought you’d never ask...” he leaned up to chase Luke’s lips again, which were happy to find his. Eager even. Just like Luke’s hands were to find the zipper of Ashton’s jeans.
Luke hadn’t fucked in a car very many times in his life, but he’d done it enough to know how to slide his partner’s pants down without moving more than necessary. It was a skill he was proud of. It was a skill he showcased now.
They were ill-prepared for this task. No lube. Just a condom in Ashton’s wallet and hopefully enough combined spit to not split Luke in half.
He wore his hoodie, while his shorts wadded uncomfortably around only one of his knees, as it pressed into the seatbelt buckle on Ashton’s side. But Luke wasn’t picky—at least he refused to be right now.
He felt high. He felt drunk. He felt relieved to kiss Ashton and feel his kiss back. He’d spent nights dreaming of being this close again, but only after the thousands of daydreams of killing him faded with the sunset.
Luke pushed back on Ashton’s three fingers. Eager. Hungry for touch. Hungry for only Ashton’s touch.
And just like he’d hoped, Ashton reminded him of that. “Missed me so much...couldn’t stand to be away from daddy could you?”
Luke shook his head. “Uh-uh,” he blushed across his nose. He was finally getting stimulation and degradation. It was basically the perfect day, minus his anxiousness. “Needed daddy. M-missed him so much...”
Ashton purred softly and kissed behind Luke’s ear. The heat ran directly down Luke’s spine and pooled in his tummy. “Well, daddy’s right here. Gonna fill you up and make you forget all about it,” he scissored his fingers one last time, before pulling out.
Luke whined, feeling empty and cold again, but that was only before Ashton placed the familiar thick tip against him. He practically rolled his eyes back like he hadn’t felt it in months. And officially he hadn’t...but if shit like this counted... well, then that was a different answer.
He rocked his hips back against Ashton, and panted, “please, please,” he whimpered and begged. “I’ll be so good. I promise...”
“‘Please, please’ what, baby? What are you asking for?” Ashton’s voice dripped with condescension, and Luke knew the week of leaving Ashton on read was coming back to haunt him.
“Your c-cock...” Luke hiccuped. “Need it...”
“Well you got it right there, sweetheart. What more could you want?”
“Want it inside me. Want you inside, right now...”
“Yeah? You sure you don’t wanna think about it some more? Don’t wanna make me wait a little longer?”
“Nuh-Uh...” Luke shook his head rapidly. “Just want you inside me, please...”
Ashton wasn’t a torturer, and Luke knew that. He wasn’t one to make Luke beg too much when he was this distraught. So he pushed up into him at that last “please” and Luke had to struggle to catch his breath.
“Oh! Mmm!” He gasped and furrowed his brows. Ashton’s hands splayed large and steady over part of Luke’s bum and the small of his back, as if guiding him to move. As if Luke needed the help.
“Goddamnit...” Ashton gulped and, Luke’s eyes must have adjusted to the complete dark, cause he could see a little shape of Ashton’s jaw, as he tossed his head back. “Why the fuck did I ever agree to let you go?”
“Shhh, daddy...” Luke whispered and kissed at Ashton’s cheek, when he thought he was aiming for his lips again. “Don’t ruin it...”
Ashton only seemed to get worse then. He gripped Luke’s skin under the hoodie, to the point it felt like he’d bruise. “Then remind me whose pussy this is...” Ashton growled, crashing his hips up against Luke’s small circular movements.
Luke felt it brush against his spot, only that once. And then he was left to chase it on his own again. The whine he’d let out was pathetic. And it didn’t answer Ashton’s question at all.
“Huh?” Ashton smacked his bum, and the clap of skin on skin stung in their ears only briefly since the car absorbed so much sound. “Tell me...”
“Yours, daddy...” Luke whined, cheeks hot.
“My what? Use your words”
“Your pussy. It belongs to you...” Luke hiccuped without remorse.
Ashton snapped his hips up again and Luke felt the white heat rush all over his body. Luke chased it, throwing his hips down like he couldn’t take it anymore.
Ashton panted out moans and crashed their lips together. All lips and teeth and tangling tongues in the darkness, but it was heat. And it felt and smelled and sounded like Ashton, so Luke would take everything he could.
He whined into the kiss, his body basically overheating the closer he got. The music on the radio subsumed the random thoughts in Luke’s head, at least the only ones not actively chasing release. His legs ached, his body felt ridged and achy, but he didn’t stop.
And all at once he didn’t remember the bad shit. He didn’t remember the problems or the reason they were forced apart. All there was, was them both holding each other for all of eternity.
“You’re slacking,” Ashton growled though his breaths were short, “pick up the pace, princess.”
Luke whined and dug down to do it despite the protest in his thighs. Because in reality, he loved when Ashton pushed him. He craved the approval too much to protest. “M trying,” he pouted.
“Well do better. You asked for daddy’s cock, so at least act like you want it.”
Luke blushed and slammed his hips down and he could tell by the way Ashton sighed he did perfectly right. “That’s more like it...” he purred. “That’s the little bunny I know...”
Luke hugged Ashton’s shoulders and buried himself further into his neck. Panting the warm heat of Ashton’s cologne and his own breath recycled back at him till it was suffocating. “There! There!” He clung to him with a desperate whine, nosing behind his ear. He wanted complete closeness. If he could press their chests within each other and wrap Ashton’s ribs around his, he would. And Ashton hugged him back just as feverishly.
The tidal wave of orgasm hit him hot and fast. And Ashton seemed to notice before any words could tumble out of his mouth. He was already kissing at Luke’s jaw. “Cum, baby. It’s okay...” he murmured against his skin. Luke melted into that, spilling all over his tummy under his hoodie with a pathetic whine. And then it was Ashton’s turn to groan and cum between pants of pleasure and heat exhaustion.
The rain had picked up at some point in their throes, and now drummed down on the car with loud taps. The radio seemed quiet by comparison. Only their heavied breaths really stood a chance against the backdrop of sound.
“Lu...” Ashton whispered after they had calmed, their bodies still pressed together in a lovers embrace.
“I love you.”
It hurt to hear. But Luke knew it would have hurt him more not to hear it.
“I love you, too...”
Ashton sighed like he’d deflated and shifted under Luke. It took every ounce of strength the blonde boy had to push himself away from Ashton so he could sit the seat back up.
“We have to stop doing this,” Ashton said softly. Not reprimanding him. He got a napkin from the glove compartment and lifted Luke’s hoodie to clean him up. It was like clockwork. Luke came to expect that phrase now after meeting up in secret.
“I know.”
“I have to stop saying yes. But you’re so easy to give into,” Ashton pouted.
“I know.”
“We have to be—.”
“Please don’t say it,” Luke pleaded, and the tears he’d been pushing down welled up again. “Please. I don’t want you to talk about it, I don’t wanna think about it. I just want you, and I don’t want to think about the consequences of my goddamn actions for once! Please...I already know. So will you just hold me and tell me everything’s going to be okay without taking it back?” The rain of Luke’s tears fell down his cheeks and landed somewhere into the void of darkness.
“Okay. Because I love you, and I hate you. And I can’t let you go...” he sobbed into Ashton’s neck. He wasn’t too surprised to feel Ashton’s arms wrap around him. They always did when Luke was in pain. Even when they were the two most opposed people on the planet.
Luke found it so annoying.
But he just hugged Ashton closer, crying harder. “I wish you hated me. I wish we could break it off and go our separate ways for good.”
Ashton pet his hair, and it annoyed him more.
“Don’t you think I’ve been a bitch? Aren’t you mad at me?”
“I’m not. I’m worried. I want you. I wish that we didn’t have to—. I wish things were different.”
The problem was, Luke could tell that Ashton was telling the truth. And it hurt even worse. “Well wishing isn’t gonna make it any better.” He stared at the foggy windows. “Let’s stay here tonight. I can’t sleep without you.” He admitted petulantly. Like a kid in time out.
Ashton cut off the car at that, and held Luke close. “Then we’ll stay...”
Luke unsurprisingly only thought about the consequences that would lie in wait for them tomorrow, but for now he was safe. And warm. And familiar. And coming down from so many intense emotions that he just didn’t care. He let them drift off with every flourish of Ashton’s feather light touch on his back.
“Don’t ever let this moment end.” Luke whispered into the gentle thrum of Ashton’s pulse as he faded into sleep. And he knew if Ashton really loved him he’d lie.
And right before the tendrils of sleep took him under, he heard the gentle confirmation in two words:
“Never ever.”
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cal-puddies · 4 years
caught in between || poly!lashton
idk how many more sexual scenarios i can push, but i am loving on the character and relationship development. @kindahoping4forever​ cheered your girl on as she always does. 
Poly! Lashton: the blow job || daddy’s home || cream pie || take the pleasure, take it with the pain || all at once this is enough || caught in between || take my heart, hit the back || daddy issues || needy || only you know the way that I break || picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
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Ash comes home from work early one day, neither you or Luke were expecting him. You just knew he’d been tired a lot and there had been a lot of late nights at the office and him coming in and collapsing in bed with you and Luke. You can only remember one night he spent in his own bed since the three of you had the incredibly intimate night, and that was only because he had zero energy to join you. 
You’d made note and made sure anything you and Luke wanted to do was done before he got home. He seemed to need to be with the two of you, re-energized by the closeness, at least enough to get through another crazy day. 
But he was in high spirits. He grins at you, calls for Luke and collapses with you on the couch. Luke looks confused when he walks in, handing you a sandwich wrapped in a napkin and a bottle of water and sits on the other side of Ash, taking a bite of his own sandwich.
“Babes.” He grins, “big news! Projects done. Which means I have time for a vacation with
My two favorite people in the world.” 
Luke grins wide, “does this also mean we’ll see you at normal times again?” 
“Yes, babe, it does.” 
“I’ve missed you two.” He quickly grabs Lukes face and kisses his cheek and then yours. “I’m gonna change real quick and then we can talk about where we wanna go.”
Luke’s brain is already working for where they can go, he likes the idea of the beach again, because you in a bikini and Ash half naked for basically the entire trip? Hell yeah. But Ash wasn’t usually too keen on long beach trips. Maybe they could do Vegas though, Luke did love the night life. 
Ash comes back, black athletic shorts only, “any thoughts babes?” He asks, sitting back between you. 
“I liked the beach house.” You pipe up. 
“The beach house was fun.” Ash agrees, “but I’d like to take you two somewhere else.” He drapes his arm across your shoulders. “Vegas?” Ash asks, looking at Luke like he could read his mind. 
“Eh.. I dunno if I’m ready to share baby girl like that. Way too many eyes would be all over her. Look at this hot piece of ass.” Luke reaches over and playfully pinches your thigh. 
“That’s fair… though, you seem to have trouble keeping your hands to yourself in Vegas.” Ash mentions to him. “We haven’t been to New York in awhile. Shopping’s good, plenty to do, good food… and it’d be nice to actually have you there. That place lacks so much of you two when I go for work.” 
“Can I also pitch Hawaii?” Luke asks, “I’ve never been, have you?” He asks you and Ash watches as you shake your head, “and she'd be in a bikini a lot… and that’s a selling point.” He explains. 
“That… is also an excellent idea.” Ash agrees, “both of you half naked for the whole trip and sun kissed… pretty girl, thoughts?”  He asks. 
“Oh… you two can choose. I’ve never been to either.” You shrug, getting up to exit the conversation. 
Ash grabs your hand as you breeze by, “no love, it’s for all of us, we can all decide.” He pulls you back into his lap. “You really don’t have an opinion?” He checks. 
“All that will matter to me is that I get to be with you guys.” You shrug. Ash squeezes you and kisses your cheek, “if you’re sure babe…” he watches you nod and let’s you go. 
That lands you in the small airport a week later. You knew Ash flew private for work, but you weren’t expecting to fly private, probably ever. Your fingers are tangled in Luke’s shirt as you wait, they'd decided on New York and neither of them were aware you’d never flown. But you could feel a panic attack say they were both gonna find out. 
“Hey.” Luke says, cupping your chin. “What is it? You’ve been pulling at my shirt for like the last ten minutes.” 
“It’s nothing.” You mumble, not meeting his eyes. 
“Talk to me.” Luke coaxes. 
“No. It’s fine.” You untangle your fingers and walk away from him, a little annoyed he wasn’t more sensitive to your obvious mood change. Ash would pick up on it, even though he might not say anything, but Luke could be oblivious if it would interfere with his own good time. 
You sit on the floor in a corner. Away from eyes. 
Luke spots you, head between your knees, and he knows it’s more serious than he initially thought. He walks up to Ashton and bumps him gently on his shoulder, “you gonna be on your phone the whole trip, because you’re gonna miss things like… that.” He points toward you and Ash’s eyes snap in your direction. 
“No, the second we leave I’m done… what’s wrong there?” He asks, shoving his phone in his pocket. 
“I don’t know. I didn’t quite recognize the vibe. She was pulling at my shirt and wouldn't tell me what’s up.” Luke shrugs, but he’s clearly worried now. 
“Pulling at your shirt?” Ash asks, still trying to get details and assess you. Luke shows him, twisting his fingers in his own shirt. “Mmkay. Stay here, I'll get it.” 
And then ash is in front of you, kneeling, gently running his fingers over the back of your neck. You flinch and he rests his hand there until you look up. “Wanna tell me what’s going on?” He asks quietly. 
“I’ve never flown before.” The tears well up and spill over. 
“Hey, it’s ok. Why didn’t you say something?” He moves closer. 
“You and Luke seemed so excited and I didn’t want to just ask to stay here, I’ve never left the state.” 
“Ok. It’s ok to be scared baby, but do you think I would ever do anything to put you in danger? After we’ve said “I love you” without our attention whore boyfriend?” 
He watches you smirk, “he’s just so pretty.” You relax a little. 
“And nothing but trouble.” Ashton grins. “C’mon, you’ll sit with me. I’ll keep you safe.” He holds his hand out and then the three of you are walking out to the tarmac to board the plane. 
Ash sits, and you sit in the seat next to him, it seems a lot more spacious than it looked from the outside, and everything was so expensive looking, from the white leather seats, down to the trim. Ash’s thumb rubs over the back of your hand, and he pulls it to his mouth to kiss it. 
Luke stops, rests his hand on your cheek. “You ok?” He murmurs. “You’ve been crying.” 
“I’m fine.” You nod, meeting his eyes. He leans in and kisses you. And then is taking a seat across the aisle. 
An attendant comes around, “Mr. Irwin, can I get you guys anything before take off?” She asks. 
“Yes, we’ll have a whiskey on the rocks.” He points between you and himself, “and he’ll drink whatever you give him, I’m sure.” Ash laughs. 
“I’ll do vodka and ginger.” Luke orders. 
You spend 65% of the flight in Ashton’s lap, Luke occupying the seat next to you. He’s being as reassuring as possible but every time the plane so much as jostles from turbulence, you’re freaking out. So, he holds you tight, murmurs that you’re ok, and kisses your cheek. “Hope you enjoy this more on the way back.”
You both watch Luke flirt with the flight attendant, and you’d be more worried except you know for a fact that the first thing Luke is gonna wanna do when you get settled is get naked. But you feel the jealousy radiate off Ashton as Luke continues to flirt with her, touching her, making little comments. 
“Sucks not to be the center of his world.” Ash murmurs to you. Both of you situated to look out of the window instead of at Luke. 
“We’re both still the center of his world.” You assure him, “sometimes he just needs other people in his orbit.” You chuckle. 
“He found the only two people that would love each other just to love him.” Ash smirks. 
“You don’t believe that?” You challenge. 
“I think… Luke is someone who needs attention, and he doesn’t mind sharing my attention with you, but when I focus on you, it can be too much for him.” 
“I don’t disagree but I was talking about loving each other to love him.” You chuckle. “I think I would have wound up loving you if we’d met without Luke.” You shrug, daring to actually lean in to look out the window. Ash tightens his grip on you. 
“I haven’t thought of it, honestly.” He hums. 
And to no one's surprise, Luke whines about wanting to order in, and begging to go down on either of you. Somehow, Luke has become the most submissive, getting himself down to his underwear, unbelieving that either of you wouldn’t want a thing from him at the moment. 
“Why didn’t you get the flight attendants number?” Ashton teases, you and him unpacking. 
“I didn’t want her.” He whines.
“Coulda fooled us, baby.” Ash laughs. “You couldn’t have been more all over her.” 
“What about you two?” He groans. 
“Love. The food menus are in the kitchen, top drawer across from the sink. Go find something you wanna eat.” Ash says, shooing Luke. 
“Don’t fuck my girl.” Luke warns, narrowing his eyes. 
“I’ll do whatever me and our girl wants.” Ash warns, “now go.” Ashton rolls his eyes. “He’s a needy one.” He says when Luke is out of ear shot. 
“Not really news.” You chuckle. 
“I want to talk to you about something.” Ash mentions moving closer. “I wanna put Luke between us.” His hands push up under the hem of your shirt, “but I think you’ll need to bring it up to Luke.”
“Luke fucks you, while I fuck him.” He says quietly, kissing you. “I know we’ve been playing with the dynamic a little bit. You a little less sub and a lot less pawn, but I don’t think he’ll be able to control himself… having both of us.”
“God.” You sigh, “his hips forced by yours? Will I survive?” You chuckle, rubbing your hands along his biceps. 
“To wreck you both would be the goal.” He admits, smiling, pulling you in closer. 
“Ooh daddy… keep talking dirty to me.” You grin, reaching for the buttons on his shirt. 
“Luke would be so mad if we did anything right now without him.” Ash chuckles. 
“And Luke played grab ass with the flight attendant for half the flight… besides, you just taking care of me, no questions asked for the flight today. Really hot, and I’m ready for you to just bend me over this bed and rail me.” You admit. 
“Can’t argue with that, now can I?” He chuckles, pressing his lips to yours. “I like this side of you where you ask for what you want.” 
“I’ve found I have a better chance of getting what I want, and I dunno… you’ve made me more confident in myself.” You shrug. 
“What kind of daddy would I be if I didn’t give my baby what she needed?” He wonders aloud. 
“The absolute worst.” You nod. 
“I’m not bending you over this bed though.” Ash says, pulling your shirt over your head. You start kissing him and he works on getting the both of you naked before settling in the middle of the bed. He holds his hand out and pulls you into him, swiping the tip of his cock through your wet folds, before pulling you down on top of him. “Figured it’s about time for me to have you like this.” He murmurs, kissing you, “stay quiet for me?” 
“Yeah, Ash I will.” You agree, ‘daddy’ didn’t seem appropriate for this kind of intimate. 
You tuck your face against ash’s neck as the two of you work together. He groans when your little whines start to reach his ears. “Hey, look at me.” He whispers, waiting for your eyes to meet his. You look up and press your lips to his. He holds the back of your head to hold you close. “Needed this with you.” He murmurs. 
“Me too.” You agree, slightly nodding and gripping into him. 
“Still gonna fill you with cum for Luke though.” He smirks. 
“I’d expect nothing less.” You laugh. “Like this.” You hum, pressing your lips back to his. 
“I do too.” He groans. “I never thought we’d get here.” He mumbles into your mouth. 
“Fuck.” You whine, head falling back, exposing your neck. Ash moves his lips along your skin, making small marks that’ll be covered by hair or a shirt collar. 
“C’mon pretty girl, give it to me.” He murmurs. He can tell you’re close, you’re digging in your nails and letting out small moans. He knows Luke must be able to hear you two, and he’s probably pouting. Not daring to come back and make a scene since he’d been sent away. 
“Yeah…” you breathe, nodding your head. “Fill me up Ash. Fill me with your cum.” You moan, you press your cheek to his, letting your whimpers fill his ears. 
He groans louder than he means to when you squeeze around him. “Fuck fuck fuck…. always so good.” 
“Please ash,” you moan. 
“M’right there pretty girl.” He bites your shoulder and you feel the hot cum start to spurt into you, his groan rumbles against your skin. Ash is quickly tilting you back, “keep your hips up for me, wanna keep as much cum as we can in you for Lukey.” He whispers, kissing you. He pulls out slowly and you hold your hips up. He climbs off the bed and grabs your panties, helping you put them back on, he pulls them into place and then helps you off the bed, you watch him clean his cock, and then pull his underwear and a pair of athletic shorts on. He helps you slip his button down on and he chooses a few buttons in the middle to button. 
The two of you walk out to the living room, hand in hand and Luke is clearly pouting. 
“Did you pick something to eat?” Ash asks, pulling you to the couch to sit with Luke. 
“D’you guys fuck?” He retorts. 
“I wouldn’t say we fucked, no, but if you’re gonna continue to be a little shit then I’ll happily clean baby girl up.” 
You watch Luke’s eyes narrow at Ashton and then he turns and looks at you, his eyes fall to your thighs and he grabs one and pushes it aside, seeing the wet spot seep through the thin cloth. “You full of cum, pretty girl?”
“Yeah.” You nod, watching him. 
“I want Thai. Menus on the counter.” He murmurs, eyes not leaving you. 
“Mmkay. I’ll order, I trust you’ll take care of the mess?” Ash smirks, he hears Luke’s slurping begin almost immediately after he leaves the room. And he’s not surprised when he walks in and sees you with your ass on the edge of the couch, panties on the floor and Luke on his knees. Ash sits next to you, “Lukey.” He murmurs. “How is it?” Luke's eyes flicker to him momentarily and he grins, he makes eye contact with you while he pushes two fingers in to scoop out cum. “You better give her another orgasm baby.” Ash warns. 
Ash enjoys watching you two, he likes Luke on his knees even if it isn’t for him. “Lukey.” You whimper. 
Ash gently caresses your face, wanting your attention, “feel good pretty girl? On that already sensitive clit?” He asks, and you nod. “Give her another finger Luke.” 
“She’s already got two.” He murmurs. 
“She can take 3.” Ash assures him. Luke follows directions and slips a third finger in you, causing you to gasp. Ash kisses your bottom lip, pushes his hand down your body and tangles his fingers in Luke's hair. “Stick your tongue out.” He says to Luke and he does, “now you, my pretty little thing, get your orgasm.” It takes you a minute to get what he means but then you’re working your hips against Luke’s tongue, simultaneously fucking his fingers in the meantime. “That’s it, look at you two.” He grins. “Get yourself off. Use Luke like daddy does.” He encourages. He uses his free hand to pull you into a kiss, swallowing your moans and whimpers meant for Luke. “Look at how bad you want it.” He grins. “Just came for me and now look at how bad you need to cum for Luke. My pretty little sluts.” He grins against your mouth. 
Your hips stutter a bit, “fuck, Lukey.” You whine. You relax, resting back into the couch. 
Luke continues to work his fingers in and out, gently licking at where your juices are spreading on your thighs and around your opening. He pushes up off the floor and sits next to you, he pulls his fingers out and you holds them up, Ash leans across you and starts sucking on them, his hand pushes over your thigh so he could grab Luke’s cock. When Luke pulls his fingers from Ash’s mouth he leans in and kisses him. You can feel Ash’s hand working on Luke’s cock, the Pre cum leaking onto your thigh. 
There’s a knock on the door and Ash pulls from the kiss. “Finish him.” He murmurs, “kiss him. He needs it.” He kisses your cheek and pulls away from both of you. 
Luke whimpers and you reach over and grab his cock. His lips immediately find yours. You pull out of the kiss and watch him, watch his face scrunch up, lips part. “Wanna ask you something.” You murmur, kissing on his neck while jerking him off. 
“Anything you want, baby girl.” He groans when you swipe your thumb over his slit. 
“Wanna put you between Ash and I.” You admit, pulling back as he continues to look for your lips. 
“Can we come back to this?” He moans. 
“Babes, food.” Ash calls. 
“I’m almost there!” Luke whines. 
You hear Ash coming back toward you. “Thought I told you to kiss him.” He murmurs to you, reaching over the back of the couch and replacing your hand with his. “Let him cum on you.” 
You lean in to kiss Luke like Ash wants and Luke bites your lip and then goes on the suck on it before pulling out to moan. You feel his hot cum coat your thigh, “good boy Lukey.” You grin at him, “thank you.” 
Ash swipes his finger tips in Luke's cum and holds them up to your mouth. You suck the cum off Ash’s fingers. 
“Let’s get you two cleaned up so we can just relax tonight.” Ash grins. 
The next couple days are mostly for relaxing, Ash sleeps in, you and Luke explore all the little shops in the neighborhood, letting Ash get some much needed r&r. 
“C’mon babes.” He says, rousing you and Luke from a very snuggly cuddled position on the couch. “We’re gonna do some shopping in the city.” He says, smacking your ass. You yelp, and slowly push up off of Luke. “Go get changed.” And sends you and Luke off. 
“Hey, I had a question.” Luke says, pulling on a tight pair of black jeans. ‘Mmm’ you hum, turning to him. “The other night, you said something about getting me between you and ash?” 
“Oh, yeah… just like…  you’d be getting fucked by him while you fuck me?” You shrug, picking a lacy bra to pull on. 
“She says so nonchalantly.” He smirks. 
“What? It sounds fun for all of us.” You give him innocent eyes. 
“You sure you can take that?” 
“The goal would be to wreck you.” You move closer to him and rub your hand over his cock. “You in my tight, wet pussy… ash filling you the way you love.” 
He lets out a low groan. “Yeah… yes.” He nods, “let’s do it.” 
You bite your lip, “mmmkay, I’ll talk to ash.” You squeeze him and then finish getting dressed and throw on some makeup. 
When you walk out ahead of Luke, you grin at Ash, “he agreed.” 
It’s actually a long day, a lot of flirting between the three of you, Ash getting you in as much lingerie as possible and you of course showing it off for them, Luke got some new pants that showed off his ass. 
“Lukey’s got a nice Peachy ass, huh daddy?” You smirk in the empty fitting room area as Luke shows them off for the two of you. Ash watches as you cock your head to the side and Luke turns back to you two. 
“Do we like?” He checks. 
“We love, peachy.” You murmur. 
“I like that.” Ash admits. “Peachy. They look good.” 
“That ass don’t quit.” You laugh. 
“No it does not and thank god for it.” Ash laughs.
As Luke’s changing you tug on Ashtons shirt, “can we go home?” You ask quietly, “I’m kinda tired.” 
“Of course babe, you wanna get dinner first or go straight home?” 
“I wanna go straight home.” Luke mentions, standing in front of you two, ready to go. You nod in agreement. 
Ash pulls out his wallet and gives you one of his cards, “you two go check out; and I’ll go order something for delivery.” He hands Luke the few items he was getting and then heads off, while you two head to the registers, card in hand.
“Today was fun.” Luke hums, resting his hand on your back. “Nice to see Ash relaxed.” 
“Yeah, it is. Don’t think I’ve ever seen him so relaxed.” You smile at Luke. 
“I forget there was what now seems like a whole life before you.” He murmurs and looks at you for a minute, then leans in to kiss your forehead. “But we're lucky to have you and we both know it. We’re better with you.” He assures you. You squeeze your arm around Luke’s waist. 
You guys get home as the doorman is leaving the food in the kitchen. Ashton thanks him and tips him and you send Luke to the bedroom with the bags and work on getting plates out. 
“You tryin to have Peachy between us tonight?” You ask. 
“Yeah, if you’re up for it. You said you were tired.” 
“Well… trying to keep up with both of your attention like that was a lot.” You laugh. “And I wanted to get home.” You wink at him, “color preference for the night.” 
“Want you in black.” He nods, “and Yeah, guess we don’t usually tag team you with that much attention.” 
“It’s usually me and you with Luke.” You laugh. 
Ash pulls you into a kiss, “we gotta treat our girl.” He murmurs. 
“Y’all are too good sometimes.” 
“No such thing, I love taking care of the two of you. Now. I want you to go put on something sexy, black, easy to get off, and then throw on one of my t shirts and we’ll get started with dinner, and I’ll start teasing our boy… peachy.” 
You grin and head off, crossing Luke in the hall. “Where are you going?” He asks. 
“Just gonna put on something more comfortable to eat noodles in.” You gesture to your tight jeans. He nods and leaves it be, heading back out to Ash. 
You take your time choosing the right black lingerie. You know your best features and you know what parts make Luke happiest and what makes Ash happiest, and ultimately it didn’t matter, just a means to an end. 
You head back out, swallowed in one of Ashton’s hoodies and take your seat between them. You eat, laughing and making conversation. Very rarely do you have silent moments between the three of you. And then you’re up, “anyone thirsty?” You ask, reaching for a cup. 
“Yeah, let’s do wine though.” Ash mentions, getting up too. He comes up behind you and his hands snake up under the hoodie, first feeling along your panties, “crotchless, nice.” He whispers, and then moving his hands up over your body, bare except the lacy push up bra you’d put on. “Daddy approved baby girl.” He nibbles your ear and then goes for a bottle of wine and you grab the glasses. “What do you guys wanna do tonight?” Ash asks, uncorking the wine. 
“I think there’s already a plan brewing.” Luke smirks at the two of you. “The question you asked, the peek of lace I saw when you sat down, Ash all over you… tonight’s the night? I’m between you?” He asks. 
“Is that what you want peachy?” You ask. 
“I honestly couldn’t think of anything I’d want more.” 
“I was hoping you’d say that baby boy.” Ash grins. “Logistics might be a little weird at first… but let’s clean up and see what we come up with babes.” Ash smirks. 
The bottle of wine makes it to the bedroom, Ash actually grabbed a second. “Want this to be fun, but good.” He admits. 
He kisses you first, pulling you in; and it starts slow. Barely open mouths. His hands slowly move down your body, by the time he grabs your ass, it’s open mouth and lots of tongue. He slowly strips the hoodie off of you. He cups your tits and Luke groans, eyes never leaving the two of you. He holds the back of your neck, kissing you harder before pulling out of the kiss. He slowly turns you toward Luke. “She looks good doesn’t she.” He asks Luke. 
“She always does.” Luke agrees, timidly stepping closer. 
He wasn’t sure if Ash was inviting him, but you reach for Luke and pull him in, “thanks peachy.” You grin into a kiss with Luke. You carefully turn him so he’s between you and Ash. “You want more play baby boy?” You hum against his mouth. 
“Uh-Uh, You fuckers have been teasing me since we got home. I’m fuckin ready.” He growls. 
“Have patience, peachy.” Ashton tsks, grabbing his cock over his jeans. “You have no clue what this is gonna be like.” His other hand gently ghosts over Luke’s neck.” A lot of stimulation.” He pulls his head back for a kiss while you undo Luke’s jeans. “But should be fun… and, you know I love watching you two.” He nibbles on Luke’s ear. Ash pulls Luke’s jeans down, “why don’t you two get started for me?” He asks, gently nudging Luke forward. 
You watch Luke strip, and then he’s scooping his arm behind your back, and pushing you to the bed. He gets you situated on the pillows and leans in for a kiss. “I love having you like this.” He murmurs. 
You push your fingers in his curls and he immediately moves on to exploring your body, hands, lips, anything to drink you in… and then he finds out that your panties are crotchless and his face is immediately between your thighs. 
“Can’t ever resist a chance to eat, can you baby boy?” Ash smirks, coming over and pulling you into a kiss. He unhooks your bra and pulls it off and you suck in a sharp breath when he plays with your tits. 
“This is supposed to be about Luke.” You murmur. 
“It's still about Luke.” He murmurs back, pulling his shirt off. He kneels on the bed, holding you in the kiss. “But you gotta feel good too.” He tangle his fingers in Luke's hair and gently pulls him away from you, “don’t need you too worked up peachy, get her panties off and get in there.” He lets go. 
“So crude.” You smirk, and Luke's scrambling to do as he was asked. You lift your hips as Luke pulls your panties down. Ash works his jeans off while Luke settles between your thigh, pushing his cock in with no warning. “Fuckk peachy.” You whine. 
“You knew  it was coming.” He laughs. 
“Thought you’d give a girl some warning, maybe a kiss.” You smirk. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry baby girl.” He presses his lips to yours, you let out a giggle. 
Ash likes that it’s fun so far, it doesn’t always seem so fun in the bedroom. But he likes all the smiling and giggling that’s going on. 
Luke starts slow and you’re hyper aware of everything Ash is doing. Grabbing the lube, getting naked getting in the bed. “I’m gonna touch you, peachy.” Ash warns. His hand smoothes over Luke’s ass, and Luke's hips stutter and then he just settles against you, but you don’t mind. You tangle your fingers into his hair and kiss him while Ash works on opening him up. “Think you’re ready.” Ash murmurs, 5 minutes later. 
Luke agrees and you watch, him still buried in you, as they work out the logistics and get settled. Luke’s barely holding it together when your thighs are pulled on top of his, with Ash knelt behind him and buried inside as well. His breathing is already shallow and Ash has only pushed in. 
“You ok, peachy?” You ask, reaching up to touch his chest. 
“Yeah…” he sucks in a sharp breath and closes his eyes as Ash slowly pulls his hips back. 
“Daddy filling you so good?” You ask. 
“Yeah…” he barely nods, and Ash’s hips press against his. 
Ash only gives him a couple more slow, shallow thrusts before he’s picking up the pace and it’s having more of an impact on you. He’s holding one if your thighs, and Luke’s hip. Luke’s holding your hand and the headboard and you are trying to touch him in a soothing way. 
Taking Ash was never easy, no matter how many times he’d done it, but it was always worth it. 
“You ok baby?” Ash asks, kissing Luke’s neck. Luke nods, “Mmkay.” The first harder thrust doesn’t do a lot for you, but Luke stopped most of the impact. “Relax peachy, the point is to fuck you both.” He reminds him. 
And Luke does, because the next one gets you, and as they get harder, Ash does more directing. “Rub her clit baby.” He groans, “you feel so fuckin good.” 
When Luke presses his thumb to your clit, you jolt, “fuck fuck fuck fuck.” You moan, “fuck me… fuck us, daddy please.” 
He smirks at you over Luke’s shoulder and then presses another kiss to Luke’s neck, “you ready baby boy? I can feel you’re close, and you know what having your tight ass does to me.” He groans, teeth skimming Luke’s skin. 
“Yeah, yes.” Luke groans, his eyes open and he looks down at you as Ash picks up the pace, fucking him into you. It turns into a mess of moans and skin. “Daddy, fuck… I’m cumming.” Luke barely warns before you feel him start to cum. 
He collapses against your chest and you immediately wrap your arms around him. “So good peachy.” You praise him, kissing his head. You watch as Ash pulls out and starts jerking himself off, quickly finishing on Luke’s back. You pull Luke into a quick kiss. 
And Ash is quickly moving, getting something to clean you up with. He wipes Luke's back, and cleans both of their cocks and finishes cleaning you and Luke up. He collapses on his back in the middle of the bed. “C’mere babes.” He beckons, and you and Luke, lay on either side, cuddling into his chest. Luke’s spent, entirely. It shows on his face and in the way he moves his body. Ash pets his hair and kisses his forehead, and his fingers snake their way between your thighs. You look up at him, and he presses his lips to yours, “you think I didn’t notice you didn’t cum?” He asks. 
“We both noticed.” Luke agrees, throwing his arm across your back. 
“It’s fine, this was about Luke.” You murmur, looking between them. 
“No.” Luke shakes his head and moves closer to kiss you. “You can say it was about me; but it was about all three of us. You’re gonna cum too.” 
“Peachy’s right.” Ash agrees, working his fingers in the slow rhythm you like best with him. You close your eyes and just let him work you, letting out your little whines as Luke leans across Ash’s chest to kiss on your neck and shoulder. 
“Daddy, peachy..” you moan, squeezing around Ash’s fingers. 
“There she is.” Ash grins, letting his fingertips rub gently over your clit a few more times, before pulling his fingers out and holding them up for Luke to lick. 
“This was fun.” Luke murmurs once Ash’s fingers were clean. “Can we do it again sometime?” He settles back next to Ash. 
“Absolutely, if baby girl is down.” Ash agrees.
“Yeah. I’d love that.” You grin.
Taglist: @cocktail-calum​ @1dthewantedlove​ @september09241994 @youngblood199456​ @lustingforwunder​ @calumsphile​ @neso-k​ @rosecoloredash​ @radmcqueen​ @justayoungandwisefangirl​ @itsnotmyblood​ @softboycal @lietoash​ @pushthetide21​ @5sosfanficrec​ @therealmrshale​ @fallfrxmgrace​ @lukashemmos​ @justarandomgirlthatyoudontknow​ @5sos-microwave​ @madbomb​ @sweetheartmendes1000​ @literally-anythin​ @lfwallscouldtalk​ @clemmingstylins0n​ @ccnicole02​ @lustingfor5sos​ @buteverythingiscopacetic​ @rosesfromcth​ @bodaciousbonzi1996​ @ashtontotheirwin​ @captainam-erika-trash​ @xxgendurvikixx​ @jazzyangel242​ @loti18 @bluebabycal​ @rhiannonmichellee​ @iovehemmings​ @glitterycalum1205​ @katcontreras​ @cashtonasfuck​ @ificanthaveu​ @kindahoping4forever​ @talkfastdrums​ @here-for-the-uproars​ @youngbloodchild​ @canterburyfiction​ @opheliaaurora​  @queer-5sos​ @banditocth​​ @babylonbaby13
gc tags: @sublimehood​ @sugarcoated-pain​ @5sosnsfw​ @angelbabylu​ @aspiringwildfire​ @irwinkitten​ @lashtoncurls​ @myloverboyash​ @singt0mecalum​
masterlist || ashton || calum || luke || michael
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calumcest · 4 years
call off the search for your soul (or put it on hold again)
what is life without a cheeky bit of angsty lashton from time to time i feel like i would be doing you all a disservice if i didn’t keep you on your TOES thinking when is helen next going to release some absolute bullshit like this
i call this one ‘proof that i am actually capable of writing things under 8k in length’ i genuinely think this is the shortest thing i’ve ever written i think most of my “““drabbles””” are longer than this
It’s a strange thing, to feel nothing. 
At first, Ashton doesn’t realise that’s what it is. How can you feel nothing, right? If you’re feeling it, you’re feeling something. At least, that’s what he’d tell himself, staring at his dull hazel eyes in a cracked hotel mirror, one hand either side of the sink, trying his best to see something in their flatness. They’re supposed to be the windows to his soul, after all, aren’t they? 
So why is there nothing there?
Being occupied stops him from really noticing it at first, keeps his spirit so tightly clenched in his fist with late nights and early mornings and drink and drugs that it doesn’t have a chance to stretch out and feel its bruises. He laughs when he should laugh and he smiles when he should smile and he cries when he should cry and he screams when he should scream, and he doesn’t stop to think maybe I shouldn’t be doing it just because it feels like I should. 
It’s not until one night, Luke’s head on his still-heaving chest, the two of them tangled in the sheets and each other, that he feels it. 
It feels like being full and empty at the same time. Full of emptiness, maybe, Ashton doesn’t know. It feels like he thinks the colour grey might feel, if he could feel colours. It’s not a bright, brilliant white, and it’s definitely not blue or red or yellow, but it’s not quite black either. It’s not happiness, and it’s not sadness or anger or contentedness, but it’s not despondency either. It’s just- it’s just nothing.
After that, it’s like the floodgates open, if only bit by bit. 
He starts to notice it more often. There are brief flickers of it when he tips his head back in laughter at a party, alcohol buzzing through his veins, and he thinks that the alcohol feels like it’s permanently thrumming on the surface, like no matter how many shots he pours down his throat, it can never penetrate any further than his outer layers. He catches it in tiny glances of himself that he catches as he passes by a shop window, making him do a double-take as he thinks who the fuck is that? Worst, though, are the moments where he sees himself, where he stares into those cracked hotel mirrors, gripping those sinks so hard he thinks dimly that they might break, and searches his own eyes in vain for any sign of life. 
It only gets worse from there. He stops caring, which is the first thing Luke notices. He stops making sure he’s exercising, stops forcing three meals a day down himself, stops going to bed when he should and getting up when he’s told. Calum and Michael don’t see, don’t spot that his behaviour gets more and more reckless as he realises that adrenaline rushes are the only way to get a flash of something to cut through the nothing, but Luke does. Luke always sees. 
He doesn’t say anything, at first. Ashton thinks that maybe he doesn’t know how, because he sees the way Luke’s mouth twists in a tiny grimace when Ashton accepts another line, or the way his brow furrows when Ashton stumbles down the street at five in the morning, laughing at something his new best friend whose name doesn’t think he’s asked for yet has just said, or the way his fists clench at his sides when Ashton gets yet another drunken tattoo. He doesn’t say anything then, just holds Ashton through the comedown the next morning, or picks Ashton up when he trips over, or holds his hand when the needle goes in. He doesn’t say anything, until one evening, when he speaks into the cosy comfort of their LA home. 
“You’re hurting yourself,” he says quietly, out of the blue, staring down at the empty whiskey tumbler he’s been nursing for at least half an hour. 
“What?” Ashton says, surprised, turning away from the TV. 
“You’re hurting yourself,” Luke repeats, still gazing unblinkingly at the glass in his hand. 
Ashton knows what he means, but doesn’t know how to say there’s nothing of me to hurt without saying just that. 
“I’m not,” he settles for instead, and Luke finally raises his head. 
“You are,” he says, and he sounds like he’s steeled himself, like he’s been rehearsing this conversation in his head for days. He probably has, knowing Luke. 
“I’m fine, Luke,” Ashton says, with a sigh, and reaches out, trying to pull Luke in for a hug so he won’t have to look at his face. Luke jerks away, though, shaking his head. 
“Why don’t you care?” 
“What?” Ashton says, like he doesn’t know what Luke’s talking about. 
“What’s wrong?” Luke presses, because he can read Ashton like a fucking book - better than a fucking book, because he can read him left to right, right to left, up and down, back to front. 
“Nothing’s wrong,” Ashton says. “I’m fine.” 
“You’re not.” And yeah, maybe he isn’t, but he’s not not fine, either, because he’s nothing, so it still counts. 
Ashton sighs, pulls back, rearranges himself so his legs are tucked under himself. 
“What d’you want me to say, Luke?” he says wearily. 
“I want you to tell me what’s wrong.” 
“Nothing’s wrong.” It’s not a lie, really. Nothing is wrong. He’s got a successful career in an industry he loves, gets to spend every day with his best friends, has a comfortable bank balance and lives in a gorgeous house in LA with his equally gorgeous boyfriend. By all accounts, Ashton wants for nothing. 
Except he’s wanting for something. 
“Don’t lie to me.” Luke’s words sound bolder than his tone does, but there’s an edge to it, an edge of worried bitterness that slices at one of the pieces of Ashton that’s still left over. 
“I’m not fucking lying to you,” Ashton says, and it comes out sharper than he’d intended. 
“Why are you getting angry at me?” Luke says, defensive and hostile. “I’m just worried about you.”
“Because there’s nothing to be worried about,” Ashton says, and the words pick up some of the poison he thinks what remains of his soul must be saturated in. “I’m fine.”
“Didn’t know ‘fine’ looked like getting a tattoo at five in the morning while high as a kite. Twice.”
“Maybe you’ve just never been fine,” Ashton retorts, trying for light-hearted and falling flat. Luke fixes him with a hard stare, one that he’s definitely had to build the courage to get from his heart to his eyes. 
“I love you,” he says, and Ashton doesn’t think the words should feel like they’re reaching into him and trying to tear those last few bits of him apart for good. 
“I know.” 
“So tell me how to help you,” Luke says, and it’s softer this time. 
Ashton swallows. He’s not being fair. Luke’s just trying to help. It’s not his fault that he doesn’t know there’s nothing of Ashton to help. 
“I don’t know,” he says, and he doesn’t mean for it to come out a whisper, but it does. “I- I don’t know.” Luke blinks, and then shifts closer, puts a hand on Ashton’s thigh. 
“Talk to me,” he says, and it’s gentle and sweet and concerned and Ashton thinks, a little despairingly, I would, if I had any words to say. 
“I can’t,” he says. “I don’t- I don’t know what- I- it’s not- I don’t know.” He half-expects Luke to sit back, to throw him a disappointed or maybe exasperated glance, to say something like can you take this seriously, please, Ashton, but he doesn’t. He stays put, stays right where he is, and strokes his thumb across Ashton’s thigh.
“That’s okay,” he says simply. “I’m here. And I’ll be here when you do know.” 
He brings his hand up from Ashton’s thigh to cup his face, to pull him in closer and press a chaste kiss to his lips, one that says it’s okay and I love you and I’m here and maybe even you’re okay, you’re going to be okay, but Ashton barely notices that as he tilts his head and kisses back, finding a home in Luke that he hasn’t found in the drink or the drugs or any of the other hollow adrenaline rushes. 
And, he realises with a jolt, his thigh feels warm where Luke’s fingers had been resting. That’s something, isn’t it? 
(He hopes his lips on Luke’s say you’re everything.) 
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kaleidoscopeminds · 4 years
You light up my whole heart, it feels like in the sun☀️
Lashton morning fluff, for my love Sam @tirednotflirting on her birthday 💛
Ashton blinks his eyes open as a gentle beam of sunlight slips between the gap of his curtains and pools its warmth just to the left of his head. He breathes in deeply, slightly inhibited by the unruly mess of curly hair pressed up against his chin and smiles a little. He notices mutely that he’s lost all feeling in his right arm as it has gone completely numb underneath the warm body next to him, and that he’s got a lot of limbs tangled and pressed up against him, seemingly with no understanding of personal space.
He breathes again, inhaling Luke’s warm scent, the minty smell of his shampoo and something so inherently Luke, comforting and sweet and heart achingly like home, and feels tiny puffs of warm air against his chest as Luke breathes softly. Luke snuffles slightly in his sleep, as if he senses Ashton has woken up, but just nuzzles his face deeper into Ashton’s chest. Ashton smiles again, Luke’s nose is one of his favourite features, and he can see through his sleepy gaze Luke smush it further into Ashton’s skin. As Luke’s breaths even out again, Ashton brushes his hand up from where it was looped loosely over Luke’s torso, towards his shoulders, fingertips skating over the expanse of pale, sleep warmed skin. He lets it rest at the base of Luke’s neck, scratching softly along his hairline and twisting some of his curls around his fingers gently.
He loves watching Luke like this, when he’s just on the verge of waking, limbs loose and face relaxed, worry smoothed from the lines in his forehead and lips slack. Luke’s hands will always find some part of Ashton to grip onto despite the relaxation of all his other muscles, his fingers sure, wrapped around Ashton’s arm or hip or shoulder. Ashton will complain about this to no end, calling Luke a clingy little shit who can’t keep his greedy hands to himself, but secretly he loves the way that no matter how or when they fall asleep, together or at different times, Luke will always reach out in the night to secure himself to him, to tether them together in wakefulness or sleep.
Luke snuffles again as Ashton brushes his fingers through his hair, mumbling softly and brushing his nose over Ashton’s collarbone, and Ashton feels his fingers clench and relax from where they’re predictably secured around the junction of his neck and shoulder and around his hip. Ashton smiles again at the familiarity of Luke waking up, in tiny stages of movement, as he feels his feet wiggle slightly against where they’re tucked under Ashton’s calves, and torso shift slightly on top of Ashton's currently useless arm. Finally he watches Luke’s curly head move away from his chest and lean back into the hand playing with his hair, blue eyes sleepily blinking open at him.
“Happy birthday, birthday boy,” Ashton says quietly, voice low with disuse, brushing a soft kiss over Luke’s forehead and skimming his free hand down between Luke’s shoulder blades, rubbing in soft circles.
“You were watching me again I know it,” Luke’s voice scratches out, soft and thick with sleep,  frowning slightly at Ashton.
“You couldn’t possibly know that, you were asleep,” Ashton responds with a small smile, pressing his thumb into the frown that’s appeared between Luke’s eyebrows, smoothing it out again.
“Doesn’t matter, I still know you were watching me,” Luke protests, but smiles back at him, heavy-eyed and yawning slightly, before pressing his face back against Ashton’s chest. Ashton feels his lips press the lightest of kisses along his collarbone and up his neck, until he reaches the corner of Ashton’s own lips, where he waits, mouth curling into a small smile on Ashton’s cheek.
Ashton laughs quietly before turning his head slightly to capture Luke’s lips in his own, and kisses him languidly, Luke’s mouth soft and still sleep lax under his own lips and tongue. He hears Luke hum contentedly as he presses impossibly closer, fingertips gripping tighter. 
Ashton pulls away slightly and Luke makes an adorably grumpy noise of protest, attempting to follow Ashton’s mouth with his own. 
“Doesn’t the birthday boy want a coffee and some breakfast?” Ashton laughs gently, bringing his hand up to sweep down Luke’s nose, then smooth over his cheeks before curling back around the back of his neck.
“The birthday boy wants a coffee but right now he’d prefer more kisses,” Luke pouts back at Ashton. “And it's my birthday so I get to decide what I want.”
“Then his wish is my command,” Ashton murmurs, kissing Luke again. Ashton decides to forgo the use of his numb arm for a bit longer in favour of having more of  Luke’s languorous morning kisses and the feeling of a heart so full of warmth it might force its way out of his chest.
The sunlight begins to stream full force into the hazy bedroom from where it's escaping the curtains, dancing on rumpled sheets and warm skin, and Ashton smiles underneath Luke’s lips.
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tinyglitterrose · 2 years
Wet dream
Lashton, 18+ but just the beginning
Ashton has a wet dream and Luke is there, but then it just kinda gets fluffy at the end? Definitely calls for a sequel😂
Luke and Ashton were sharing a hotel room tonight. The hotel was booked and so they could call themselves happy that they even found room for their whole crew and the band, even though everyone had to share.
But the boys of course didn't care. They'd share one room for years when they had just started the band and moved to the UK and now, about ten years later, their bond was even stronger. So it was no problem.
The kingsized bed wasn't a problem either. It was big enough to fit both the tall men and that was all they cared about.
Right now, Luke was scrolling through his social media, while Ashton was fast asleep next to him.
Luke couldn't sleep and he was wondering if Ashton's sleep was peaceful, as he had been groaning a little every now and then.
Suddenly, when Luke was about to click on a 5sos meme page on instagram, Ashton's groaning got louder.
Luke put his phone away and turned to look at his friend with worried eyes, when he started trashing around in the bed, little "Mmh, ah, ah" 's leaving his lips. His face was scrunched up, uncomfortable and he looked like he was in pain.
So Luke reached out to touch his shoulder to shake him awake - or that was what he intended to do. Before he could reach Ashton's shoulder that was bare due to his shirt having slipped off it, Ashton released a loud: "Luke!"
Luke jumped, pulling his hand back and clutching it to his chest with wide eyes.
Then all hell exploded. Well, not really, but Ashton started trashing even more, and Luke realized that he wasn't simply moving around, no - he was humping the bed. His middle was pressing down against the bedsheets again and again and on top of that he was moaning. There was no more groaning, he was letting out loud and long moans, whines and in between a constant repeat of Luke's name.
And Luke had no idea what to do.
One of his best friends was having a wet dream about him, what the fuck was he supposed to do? Wake him up? Go hide in the bathroom until he was done?
Oh god, until he was done - was he gonna... Luke gulped, eyeing the other boy warily. Now that he knew what was going on, he noticed the sweat on Ashton's neck and the damp ends of his hair.
His face was pushed into the sheets, mouth open and still letting out these constant sounds.
And just when Luke thought it couldn't get any worse, Ashton started moaning more words than just his name.
"Oh god, Oh yeah, shit ah!", his fists came up and tangled themselves into the sheets, then the right one slipped a little, touching Luke's thigh.
And grabbed it. Luke gasped quietly when Ashton long finger's gripped into the flesh of his thigh, holding on, while he continued to bring his hips down on the bed.
"Mmm yea, oh! Luke! Fuck, Luke ohhhh"
Luke was blushing furiously all the way down to his chest.
And then suddenly: "Oh Luke, yes! Don't stop, aaah! Al-almost ngh- aaah, fuck, fuck me, Luke yes!"
Did he just say 'fuck me'?
Curiously he bent down to be level with Ashton's ear and whispered: "You want me to fuck you?"
He didn't know what had come over himself to do it, but Ashton's answer was worth it to him: "Yes! Oh, please Luke, fuck me, don't stop!"
Yup, Luke would definitely make fun of him later for this.
"How do you want it, huh?"
"F-fast!", the older's head whipped around, closed eyes and open mouth facing Luke, "G-god, Luke, fuck me good"
Luke giggled a little. Fuck him good? He had never considered Ashton to be on the bottom. Never. And well, maybe this was just his subconscious talking, but it was still interesting to find out. And disturbing, Luke remembered. Because this boy right next to him was dreaming about him.
And he shouldn't be feeding into this dream he had, he shouldn't be asking how he wanted to be fucked. Because he didn't want to do that to him.
He - he didn't, right? Luke bit his lip, staring at his bandmate and his scrunched up face.
"But I don't want to fuck you, Ash", he mumbled, watching as a confused expression washed across his best friend's features and his rutting slowed down.
"But", he whimpered into the sheets, hips lushing upwards like he was chasing after an imaginery force that was drawing away from him, "I - no, please. Luke, mmh no, please"
"No, Ashton", Luke said in a louder more steady voice and suddenly the other's eyes blinked open, adjusting to the light before meeting Luke's own blue ones.
Confusion spread over his face and he rubbed a hand over it, before speaking up. "Are you okay?"
Luke cocked an eyebrow in response.
"You look", he interrupted himself with a yawn for a moment, "like you're upset about something."
"I am", Luke said, "You never told me you were gay"
Ashton's eyes widened in shock and he sat up in the bed, pulling his shirt back up his shoulder.
"Do the others know?", Luke continued.
"What - Luke, I'm not gay", the older laughed nervously.
"Oh, so you're not gay, but you dream about men fucking you in the ass?" That was so mean of him, Luke wanted to take it back as soon as it had slipped out, but it was too late. And he felt horrible for having said it, having used the tone he did, and the harsh words. Ashton looked hurt by them.
"I mean - no, you just -", Luke sighed, ruffling through his own hair, "You were having a wet dream about that and I just thought - I'm sorry, that was stupid of me to assume. You can't influence what you dream about."
Ashton stared at him wordlessly, biting his lip.
"No, you're right.", he finally said, barely above a whisper, "I am gay."
"Oh" Luke said. "I mean, I - that's totally cool, Ash, I don't mind. Yea it's cool, we all have our preferences, right? And if you bottom, you bottom and it's okay that it was me who did it in your dream, it's yea, cool, all good"
He stopped his rambling when Ashton's facial expressions turned from embarrassment to pure horror.
Shit. He had just told him that he had dreamed about his best friend in such private ... 'actions' and that he had heard all of it.
Ashton's face had turned bright red, gulping repeatedly.
"I'm so sorry, Luke"
Luke smiled awkwardly, mumbling about how it was fine and then they both turned away from each other, each on opposite sides of the bed.
Ashton didn't talk to him the next three days. Not when it wasn't necessary and had nothing to do with work.
And Luke finally had had enough, when Ashton stood up to leave the lounge area of the bus when Luke joined the rest of the band in there.
Ignoring Michael's question of whether he wanted to join him playing a game on their Playstation, he walked right out of the room again, following Ashton into the small kitchen area.
He was making tea, so he didn't see him coming and standing right behind him.
"Ash", Luke said.
Said boy jumped, almost knocking the boiling water over, but didn't turn around.
"Ash", Luke said again, this time more quietly, "We need to talk about this."
"Luke", Ashton sighed.
"You're ignoring me and I don't understand why"
"I'm not-", he turned around then, his eyes displaying hurt, "I'm not ignoring you, Luke. I just don't want to get in your way, so you don't have to be reminded of how much you hate me now."
"Ignoring and getting out of my way is basically the same thing.", Luke shook his head, leaning closer to the shorter boy, their toes almost touching, "And I don't hate you. I could never hate you."
"You should, though."
"Well, I don't."
Ashton didn't respond to that. Instead, he averted his eyes and stared at the floor.
"Stuff like this happens, Ash, it's okay ."
Ashton heavily shook his head, when Luke tried to lift it up with his fingers.
"But it's so embarrassing and I will never be able to express nust how sorry I am that you had to see and hear that."
"Well, maybe I liked it."
The curls bounced as his head shot up again, his eyes meeting the cheeky grin and shimmering blues in Luke's face.
"Shut up", he grumbled then, a blush spreading over his cheeks.
But Luke meant it.
Ashton didn't know that, but Luke meant it and he was still thinking about it, replaying in his mind the way his body had moved, the way his face had scrunched up in pleasure and the sounds he had made.
"What?", Ashton's voice was crooked, breaking off at the end.
"Huh?", Luke responded dumbly.
"You just - you just said -"
Oh. Shit.
Really really shit.
Luke had not just - didn't this only happen in really bad cheesy books? How had he actually just said all of this out loud?
"I'm - uh"
Both boys stared at each other, one more in shock than the other and yet both shocked the same. It had to be the modt awkward thing, Luke had ever experienced and Luke being Luke he had experienced quite a few.
"So are you..."
"Yup, we've had a band meeting about this, Ash, shouldn't be a surprise that I'm gay."
Ashton's curls fell over his eyes again, shielding them from Luke as he bowed his head once again. Was it weird that Luke wanted to carress his curly hair, stroke over his soft stubble and kiss him?
Was it possible to fall for someone this quickly? Especially after having been around them for years with no romantic thoughts towards them ever in all that time?
"I ...maybe we could..."
Ashton softly blinked his eyes up at Luke again and the taller one gulped audibly.
"I - um...I don't know if-"
"Oh no!", Ashton's curls bounced yet again as he shook his head, "No! I meant like - we don't ...no, we, I don't want that right away, but I thought maybe, if...if you liked it, then maybe you liked me and we could, umm..."
A smile spread across Luke's face and he interrupted the stuttering boy: "Do you wanna go on a date with me?"
Ashton stopped his stuttering and blinked repeatedly, before a grin spread across his face as well, bearing his dimples.
"That would be awesomey Lukeypoo"
"God, shut up, I hate that name"
"I know", Ashton grinned widely, pushing past him and running up the stairs, shouting something about going to get changed.
Luke was a bit shocked by the sudden turn of events, standing unmoving in the kitchen for a few moments. Suddenly everything was fine again. Maybe even better.
He jumped and squieked in an unmanly high pitch to which he could Michael errupting with laughter in the living room area, when the tea kettle made a loud noise to let everyone know that the water was done.
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Opposites Attract Masterlist
"Ah, sorry Doll." (ao3) - cliff0rd michael/luke T, 4k
Summary: Luke is a shy, quiet boy who works in a small Café and Bad boy Mikey just loves seeing him blush.
Arthurian Romances (ao3) - therjolras michael/ashton T, 4k
Summary: Ashton's in a bit of a tangle when he's rescued by a purple-haired knight-in-leather-jacket.
do the things that you'd only read about (ao3) - heartbreakgirl michael/luke N/R, 5k
Summary: When he looks over, Michael's eyes are open and he's grinning from ear to ear.
“I love you.”
He smiles shyly, eyes rolling fondly. “I love you too, Michael.”
or, book worm Luke & bad boy Michael
fight so dirty but your love's so sweet (ao3) - softirwin luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 11k
Summary: Luke hates a good ninety-five percent of his job.
A solid thirty percent of that comes from the fact that he works as a receptionist at a hotel, which he thinks is possibly the most thankless job humanity could possibly have created. A further ten comes from the fact that his desk is right next to the kitchen, meaning mouth-watering smells are constantly wafting under his nose, and Luke’s not allowed to eat on shift.
Fifty-five percent of it, though, is Ashton.  
written for the prompt 'lashton bad boy'
Have Faith In This Fragile World (ao3) - SilentlyFighting michael/calum, luke/ashton N/R, 19k
Summary: Michael Clifford is well known in his school, not for being popular, far from it, he is the nerd. The goody-two-shoes hasn't had the best past but his peers do not know this and a couple of the football team decide that he is their next target. A mysterious group of boys make an appearance, saving him multiple times, and when Michael runs out of money to buy food, they even find ways to get him food.
The boys do not scare him that much but they certainly catch his attention. Michael learns the names of two of the boys but the leader is set to keep his identity a secret. But, when Michael has another run in with the football team and they use him as bait, will the boys identity reveal itself?
i just wanna be bad enough for you (ao3) - metallicmoons michael/ashton M, 2k
Summary: just a typical adorable nerd!ashton and punk!michael fic because those are honestly my favourite.
My Cobain Shirt (ao3) - unconditionalcalum michael/calum, luke/ashton T, 14k
Summary: Michael's heart skipped a beat. Did he, Calum fucking Hood, just talk to him, Michael? Michael managed to smile at him quickly before the tanned boy walked away, already talking to someone else.
It never happened before. Until this moment, Michael wasn't even sure Calum knew he existed. But apparently, he did.
* * *
Or: the one where the shy boy with the bright hair (Michael) has a hopeless crush on the popular soccer-player-with-a-scholarship (Calum).
Shameless (ao3) - HeartnArrow luke/ashton N/R, 39k
Summary: Luke is captain of the hockey team, one of the most popular guys in school along with calum hood, came out as gay last year. ashton is a nerd who gets straight a’s and has yet to have his first kiss at the age of 17. michael is his best friend who isn't really a nerd but has known ashton since preschool. ashton has always watched luke from afar, admiring him at the hockey games and in the hallways. he’s had a crush on him since freshman year but luke doesn't even know his name. or Luke was looking for a fuck buddy while Ashton was looking for love.
snap backs and tattoos (ao3) - crankgameplays michael/calum N/R, 3k
Summary: Calum Hood is 16, almost 17, when hes warned to stay away from Michael Clifford. His dad catches a gaze of him from the kitchen window and hes got a new tattoo that's wrapped around his pale arm and there's tufts of pink hair peeking out from his snap back and oh my fucking god is that a fucking eyebrow piercing. Calum has died and gone to heaven. Or hell. Maybes hes being a little dramatic. Whatever. But his dad turns to him and he goes,
"Calum, I want you to stay away from that Clifford boy," pointing a finger in the direction of his son. "Hes no good." And Calum nods and mumbles, yes dad, and walks to his room and that's that.
But really. No one ever listens to their dads.
We're like noughts and crosses (ao3) - emptygoldss michael/calum G, 1k
Summary: it’s like Michael’s made of glass and Calum turns him to sand.
Wrong Way (ao3) - boomercal calum/ashton E, 9k
Summary: Two high schoolers who won't admit they think the other is cute and some well-intentioned friends means that while Ashton's looking for Calum on the Hockey field, Calum's looking for Ashton at the library; what's to be done when you're pretty sure that cute guy in your English class is avoiding you?
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tirednotflirting · 4 years
i’ve got a secret for the mad (in a little bit of time it won’t hurt so bad)
i was sad last night and this just happened. (baby’s first time writing lashton pls be nice)
Luke wakes up in an odd position, his long limbs tucked up onto the couch, an ache in his neck but also a pair of lips press against where the pain begins (something oddly poetic, he would reflect on later during a writing session that only he and Calum attended). Ashton's body is half on top of his own, the drummer’s calloused fingers pressing against his ribs under the t-shirt Luke had thrown on after showering in the venue the night before hopping on their bus.
The night before they had finished up their last Texas show which meant the long drive from Houston to Denver for the next show was on the agenda for the next couple of days. The show that night had felt a bit weird, Luke found himself thinking as he rummaged through the fridge in search of a few beers and a bottle of kombucha as he was the one who had been sent back to grab drinks for a movie night. Not that it hadn’t been a good show but at times he had found himself feeling some kind of tense energy during certain songs. Like a lack of fluidity he normally felt jamming with the guys for an arena of 10,000+ people.
He brushes it off pretty easily for now though, assuming it was maybe the lack of sleep or dehydration (the latter thought causing him to grab a bottle of water for himself as well) and shrugs to himself as he gently kicks the fridge door closed before wandering back to the lounge. Michael was standing in front of the TV, one hand on his hip while the other pointed a remote to the box, flipping through Netflix options. Calum stands just behind him, his chin resting against the blonde’s shoulder, softly adding comments about different titles he was finding he might be interested in.
Luke pulls a couple of the beers out from where they were cradled in his arms and passes one to each of them, the two boys turning and smiling their thanks as Luke continues walking past them toward the couch where Ashton was seated, his thumb swiping across his phone screen and his legs covered with a fleecy throw.
“Grabbed you a hippie juice,” Luke says quietly to him, trying not to startle him as he took a seat on the free end, his arm reaching over Ashton's shoulder to hand him the glass bottle of the pinky beverage. The comment would normally result in a giggle from the older boy along with some faux complaint at Luke making fun of his current drink of choice. Instead he is met with silence from Ashton, the mumblings of Calum and Michael trying to decide on what to watch and the hum of the interstate being the only sound to meet his ear.
Luke pouts as he let the bottle fall into Ashton's lap. As his eyes stay glued to the screen in front of him, his fingers now tapping against the glass, Luke was starting to have an idea of what might have felt off earlier in the night. He nudges his shoulder between Ashton's shoulder blades and let his head drop to his shoulder, the back of the couch keeping Luke from falling back as he looks up a bit at his cheek. Tired and somewhat sad hazel eyes met Luke’s blue as he felt Ashton sigh. “What is it, Luke?”
He immediately returns the question with another. “What’s bugging you?”
Ashton's tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth before his eyes lift to the ceiling and he takes a deep breath. Just as he’s about to respond, they both lift their eyes to the sound of footsteps toward the door that leads to the front of the bus as Mikey starts to speak. “Got a text that we’re stopping at McDonald's before we get too far out from anything. You guys want to join?”
Luke looks up to Ashton's face just as he’s looking down toward him with eyes pleading with him to not move. Luke lifts his head for a moment to respond for both of them. “Think we’re all good for now, you guys go ahead.”
The two of them shrug and wander toward the front, Luke watches them meander past the bunks as the lounge door slips shut again. He settles further into the plushy couch and Ashton scoots up some before letting his head drop into Luke's lap. He sighs gently again, this time against the knee closest to his face as he faces away from the pouting blonde. “Miss home. miss the sunflowers out back, miss that cat I started feeding out on the front porch.”
It was pretty routine for Ashton to hit some kind of slump around the halfway mark of a tour. Everyone was tired, everyone was missing the comforts of their own beds and kitchens. Being the first tour back after not being able to be out on the road for so long, Luke was honestly surprised it had taken this long for the boy in his lap to reach this point. He knew that by the end of it, Ashton had grown incredibly fond of his mornings watching the flowers he had been tending to dance in the breeze, of really taking his time to make his coffee in whatever fancy way he had read about trying recently.
Luke lets his fingers run through Ashton's black dyed curls (the longer style he had sported out of necessity summer 2020 was one he decided he wanted to keep for a while). The attention causes Ashton to turn some so he can look up into the eyes of the boy he’s cuddled himself onto. The action was one he had been hoping for, feeling and watching Luke wrap the dark hair around his painted fingers being one that brought him an almost odd sense of calm (a feeling he had found himself scribbling into song lyrics in his journals). 
Just as Luke’s about to respond, to offer some kind of comforting something to try to make Ashton feel even a little better (he really hates to see him so upset and stuck in his head), he speaks up again. “Which like, I know is bullshit. Because I know I spent probably a collective three weeks on FaceTime and stuff whining about not being able to be out on the road with you guys and seeing the fans and stuff but—“
He stops as Luke reaches out his free hand to the one Ashton has resting against his chest. The younger boy tangles up their fingers and squeezes against his palm. “You don’t have to try to explain yourself to me. Come on, I get it.”
Luke rhythmically taps his fingers against the knuckles of the other boy, hoping to get him to focus on the pattern to relax him as he continues. “You think I don’t miss Petunia? Or spending nights out in the backyard around that fire pit we decided to finally build to jam around? Or watching you make breakfast in the morning after we all ended up falling asleep around my place after hanging too late?”
Ashton feels his cheek press into Luke’s thigh as he smiles, remembering the image of a sleepy, bleach-blonde Luke sitting on the counter beside the stove, a cup of coffee cradled between both hands, his eyes tired but happy as he watches Ashton flip pancakes and cut fruit. He’s pulled out of the summer-sun soaked memory when Luke keeps going. “But we’re lucky. Because we get to go out and make people really happy making music that we’re proud of when honestly, I was worried we would never get to do it again like this.”
And of course he’s right. Ashton knows that. He suddenly thinks of another memory from the end of the previous summer also in Luke's kitchen. It was after another night with everyone in his backyard. Michael and Calum had just left (Michael deciding to drive a giggly, clingy Calum back home with promises to make sure they were both on time to the writing session at Ashton’s in the morning) and Luke and Ashton were cleaning up when Ashton suddenly heard a sniffling from the opposite side of the kitchen island. Luke faced away from him toward the cabinets but upon turning him around with a gentle hand against his shoulder, Ashton was met with red, glossy eyes before Luke tucked his face into the somewhat shorter man’s neck, his arms wrapping around his waist. He spoke quietly of his fears of never getting back out on the road so as to avoid a full blown meltdown. 
And while Ashton knew the wine Luke had sipped throughout the night was definitely heightening his emotions, he also knew the fears the boy in his arms confessed were ones shared by all four of them. Lacking the words to help dismiss those fears at the time, Ashton had just held Luke for a while in the kitchen, eventually waddling them both down the hall to the bedroom. He let the blonde cuddle into his side to fall asleep before sneaking out to finish cleaning up the kitchen and grabbing his keys to head home. 
(Before returning back to the present moment, his mind sits for a minute on how the night actually ended - he had one foot out of the door when he heard a sniff from across the living room, Ashton turning to see Luke in the pajama pants and t-shirt he had managed to get him to change into, the curly boy’s lips pouted as he blinked over at him. Ashton sighed with a smile as he dropped his keys into the bowl by the door, clicking the lock back into place before toeing off his boots and following Luke back to the bedroom, agreeing to play as the big spoon until the morning.)
Ashton feels Luke poke at his cheek and he screws his eyes shut and shakes himself back to where he’s currently at, staring up at the sweet smile and golden curls just above him. “All of that to say,” Luke starts as he draws figure 8s through the black curls and Ashton finds himself leaning back into his hand. “You’re allowed to be home sick. Especially after being stuck at home for so long. It’s not often we’re allowed to get used to what it feels like. Being at home.”
The drummer turns then to face the ceiling again as he nods slowly, knowing there wasn’t much of a solution to his current feelings aside from just waiting for them to pass. It's then that Calum and Michael return to the back lounge on the bus, giggling as they find places to set the food on the far too tiny coffee table in between the two couches. Michael informs the two that had stayed behind that they got them fries and Luke smiles brightly as he thanks them. Calum is typing into the search bar the name of whatever comedy the two of them must have decided on while waiting for their food.
Luke is preparing to ask what they’ve settled on as he continues to listen to the two of them laugh while Calum types in each additional letter, when the weight in his lap is lifted. He watches wordlessly as Ashton gets up off the couch and plants himself on the opposite side of Luke, his legs then tossing over the blonde’s lap and his head moving to rest where Luke’s shoulder meets his neck. He wonders if Ashton can feel the warmth of the blush that he’s sure is now painting it’s way up the back of his neck and cheeks. He pulls his left arm out from where it's been squished into the couch cushion and moves to wrap it around Ashton's waist, an action that provides him the reward of the black haired boy nestling a bit closer toward his chest. 
He finishes his question to Calum, who, upon turning to answer him, rolls his eyes as a smirk forms against his lips. He bites his tongue to avoid calling attention to the current arrangement his bandmates have placed themselves in since he was able to tell during the show that something was keeping Ashton stuck up in his head. Calum turns back to the TV and clicks play then and the title of a comedy from their childhood flashes onto the screen and Luke finds himself chuckling to himself just as the other two had before. Calum hits the light by the door and throws himself onto the other couch causing Michael to jokingly whine as the bassist lets his legs fall over his lap.
As Luke wiggles some to settle more into the couch, Ashton lifts his head in response, his eyes meeting Luke's with a questioning gaze. Luke rubs away the worry between the other boy’s brows that he can see from the white-blue illumination coming from the TV screen and squeezes Ashton’s hip so as to encourage him to settle back into his side. He misses hearing it over the dialogue from the characters on screen but feels a contented hum from Ashton as he cuddles into his neck. It's not fifteen minutes later that Luke catches soft snores in between the hushed laughter from the other couch.
He doesn’t remember ever stretching out and falling asleep on the couch. He's wondering how they managed the unconscious movement as he feels the lips against his neck pout some. Luke is still half asleep as he feels a smile stretch lazily across his face when he feels Ashton wrap his warm fingers more around his chest, obviously awake now but still chasing after the last moments of rest. 
Luke's eyes lift from where he’s looking down at the boy against his chest to the door as he hears it slide open, Michael wandering in with a couple of Starbucks cups. “Hey cuddle bugs, time to get up,” he announces in a voice loud enough that both of them groan as he places the cups on the coffee table. “We need to be out at the car to go to those radio shows in an hour.”
He slips out then, giving a similar message to Calum who likely was up in his bunk. (Luke finds himself wondering when Michael suddenly became the morning person of the bunch.) Luke moves to sit up then, attempting to wrap an arm around Ashton so as to avoid letting him fall to the floor with the movement, but he is met with a frustrated noise and Ashton attempts to push his weight more onto him.
“Ash, we gotta—”
“No, five more minutes.”
Luke laughs gently and lets his back fall back against the cushion, deciding the attitude was somehow a good sign. 
“Still feeling homesick?” he questions, his free hand moving to play with the ends of the black curls tickling his cheek. 
“Not anymore,” Ashton mumbles back against his neck. The response is punctuated with him further cuddling into Luke's chest, somehow making the short answer feel like so much more than two little words. 
Luke smiles and makes a mental note to run out between interviews to find where he can buy some sunflowers as he lets his eyes flutter shut once again.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
alex i love YOU like an infinite amount this is literally the least i can do in exchange for that ART like im reeling still
imagine if i DIDN’T write lashton angst. like just imagine that for a second. who would i be.
ALSO: upon receiving these prompts i realized i could kill two birds with one stone here because there are a fair few songs i’ve been meaning to make fics out of so i used those to write these SO. this one is talk me down by troye sivan
(if u wanna read this as a continuation of my emo lashton fic, u can.....it’s written that way....but it can also def stand alone)
By the burning red glow of Luke’s digital clock, it’s three in the morning when Ashton wakes him up.
“Ash,” Luke mumbles. He gets a bit of whiplash sitting up so quickly; Ashton awake at three in the morning almost never means anything good, and Ashton waking him at three in the morning is probably worse. “Hey. Hey. What’s up?”
Ashton shifts on his feet like he’s not sure if he can get in, so Luke sits up and moves over, patting the space beside him. 
“Sorry,” Ashton says, which is always his first word when he wakes Luke, no matter how many times Luke has told him not to be sorry. That this is what he’s here for, what they’re here for, and that Ashton can wake him at any time, whenever, for as long as he needs. It’s impossible to phrase, exactly, the way that Luke is so sure he needs — and wants — to be there for Ashton. 
“Don’t be sorry,” Luke says gently. “What’s up? What’s wrong?”
“No, nothing,” Ashton says hollowly, sinking into the mattress and tucking his legs up under him. “I don’t really know. I don’t know.”
“Okay,” Luke says. He reaches tentatively for Ashton and Ashton doesn’t jerk away, so he settles a hand in Ashton’s hair, smoothing it down and running his fingers between the strands. “That’s okay.”
“I felt like I needed to come home,” Ashton whispers, “but this is my house. I live here. It doesn’t get more home than this.”
Luke moves closer, wraps an arm around Ashton’s shoulders. “I know the feeling.”
“You feel like home, though,” Ashton murmurs, deliberately training his eyes on the duvet. “In here, with you. Anywhere with you.”
Luke feels his heart drum up a rhythm, and tries his best to ignore it. “I know that feeling, too.”
“I’m sorry,” Ashton says again, slightly desperate, though for what, Luke can’t imagine. “I know I can’t — I shouldn’t — say things like that, but I just —”
“Ashton, it’s okay. Really.”
“You make me feel safe,” Ashton says quietly, finally turning to look at Luke. Darkness shrouds his face, and Luke can barely make out the outline of his features, cheekbones sunk, jawline strong, eyes as piercing as ever. “Always, no matter what.”
“Ashton,” Luke breathes, gazing at him, unable to find the words for what he wants to say; it’s too big for words, too fragile to speak into existence.
He leans in, and then jerks, because this is something delicate and balanced; barely manages, “Can I —” before Ashton meets him halfway, kissing him like it’s the only thing in the world he’s sure of.
It’s easy to kiss Ashton. It’s the easiest thing in the world, because Ashton really is home for Luke, more than any other person, place, or thing, more than Sydney or LA, more than Michael or Calum, more than his own house, his own dog. The space Ashton fills in his heart is too big to call anything but home, and by the way Ashton sighs into his open mouth, it’s a more or less mutual feeling.
That’s what they do, here. Mutual feelings. They break in canon and heal in canon, and every once in a while they overlap on good days or bad days, but they always fix themselves up and start over. Half the time, Luke only dusts himself off from the knowledge that he’s going to need to be at his best when Ashton undoubtedly crashes in a few days. In every sense, Ashton is what hauls Luke to his feet when he’s at his worst, what sets him straight once again on the path towards doing better, being better. 
In the dark, right now, lips moving in tandem with Ashton’s, Luke has never felt more aligned.
Ashton pulls back by a millimetre, leans his forehead against Luke’s, exhales. “I don’t deserve you,” is what he murmurs, all air and no substance, the words floating from his mouth to Luke’s.
Luke fists the back of Ashton’s shirt collar in his hand. “Stop it. It’s not a question of who deserves whom. If you want me, I’m yours. I’ve always been.”
“You can’t say that,” Ashton says helplessly. “I’m not — you can’t trust me with that. I’ll hurt you.”
“Ashton,” Luke whispers. “Would you ever hurt me?”
“No, of course not, not on purpose. But I might, by accident. I’m volatile. Come on, Luke, you’ve been living here long enough to know that.”
“Then I’ve been living here long enough for you to know I’m not much better,” Luke says, trying to balance gentleness with a hard undertone. “I’ve trusted you for seven years and you haven’t let me down yet. And I trust that if you make a mistake, you’ll set it right. Just like I will.”
“You sound awfully sure of yourself,” Ashton says, with a shaky laugh.
“I’m not,” Luke tells him. “It’s all a front. I’m secretly terrified, all the time, about everything.” Ashton smiles hesitantly, one of his hands finding Luke’s in the dark and tangling them together. “But I’m sure about you,” Luke adds. “About this, with you, whatever you want to call it.”
“Nothing,” Ashton says, sounding apologetic. “Nothing, yet. I don’t —”
“Okay. Nothing yet.”
“This is what I mean, you can’t —”
“Ashton,” Luke says calmly. “I can decide for myself. You matter to me. However I can be here for you, I will be. No more, no less.”
Ashton breathes out, long and slow. “When did you get so fucking sincere?”
Luke squeezes his hand. “Maybe around the time I met you. I just know how I feel, and this is the way I feel.” Ashton looks on the verge of saying something, but then he closes his mouth and sighs. “Whatever you want to ask for, just ask. I can always say no.” Though I wouldn’t, he thinks, because he can’t come up with a single thing he would refuse Ashton.
“Can I sleep with you?” Ashton whispers. Then, hastily: “Just sleep, not, like…just sleep.”
“Of course,” Luke says. That’s already a given; beds are for sharing, always. “You don’t have to ask about that.”
“For the rest of…permanently,” Ashton clarifies, nervously. “Can I just stay here, with you?”
Luke scratches lightly at Ashton’s scalp with the hand around his neck. “Of course you can.”
“Can I kiss you again?”
“Always,” Luke says, and the word is captured by Ashton’s mouth on his, sweet and wet and warm and Ashton, so unlike anyone Luke’s ever kissed before. 
They fall asleep like that but lying down, faces so close their breath intermingles on the pillow, Luke holding Ashton tightly, like if he’s not careful Ashton will be gone by morning. 
(He won’t, though. He isn’t. This thing may be fragile but it’s a lot tougher than it seems, and so is Ashton.)
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