#TFAWS Fan Fiction
buckyalpine · 4 months
I'm here for some angst and fluff rn. Bucky being sad no one trusts him after his metal arm is taken off during a fight.
Bucky stared at the dark grey metal that fell to the floor with a clank, his vibranium arm no longer attached to his body with just a few pushes to his joint. The fight ended, leaving the soldier lost as he picked his arm off the floor, fingers trembling around the cold material. It felt dead in his hand, the emotional weight of it far heavier than anything else he'd ever carried.
"Did you know they could do that?" Sam asked, eyeing Bucky carefully while he locked his arm in place, readjusting it with a swing. The gold plates shifted to recalibrate, his fingers flexing while trying to silence his thoughts that begin to run a million miles a minute.
Bucky trudged down the hall, his heart sinking when he could hear the soft humming from inside his apartment, his sweet girl already waiting for him to come home. He usually felt the weight of the world life off his shoulders when you were around.
Not today.
Not when he knew what he really was.
What he had been all along.
He let out a strained breath before rummaging for his keys and opening the door, the smell of tea, sugar and vanilla wafting through the kitchen and living room. He thought about escaping as soon as he toed his boots off, locking himself in the shower and calling it an early night, of course you'd understand but his body won over what his mind was screaming.
Your face lit up as soon as you heard the door creak open, setting down the book you were reading, excited to see Bucky after he'd been gone for days for a mission. Your happiness was short lived as he padded into the living room, the strained smile on his face doing nothing to mask the pain he was feeling. You could see the turmoil in his eyes, waves of emotion crashing over him before he could surface.
"What's wrong, bub" You coo softly, opening your arms for him. Bucky kept his jacket on, avoiding melting into your hold even though he craved it more than ever.
"Do people still think I'm dangerous?" He asks quietly, shifting away from you when he feels you pressed against his arm. Something so soft and sweet as you definitely didn't have any business being near something so terrible, disgusting, murderous-
"What? No baby, why would you say that?" Your heart breaks at the tears that begin to well in his eyes, his nose and cheeks reddening as he suppresses all the emotions that desperately want to bubble over.
"I-I had no idea others would be able to remove it" He whispers, chewing his lip till he nearly draws blood, avoiding your gaze to stare at the floor instead. The fluffy rug turns blurry as tears begin to escape, his throat growing unbearably tight. "M'still a monster" His voice cracks before the first cry slips out.
Your pull him into your chest as sobs begin to wrack his body, letting him lay on you while you wrap him safely in your arms. The feeling of your affection is too much for Bucky, he doesn't deserve it but he needs it; he feels selfish as he allows you to hold him, hiding his face into the crook of your neck.
"What happened, sweet boy" You coo against his hair, running your fingers through his soft locks. He continued to sniffle between whimpers, trying to calm down, fresh waves of emotion holding him down, his metal arm gripping onto the sofa cushions.
His arm was dangerous.
He was dangerous.
"During a fight" Bucky let out a shuddered breath before continuing, shame seeping through his veins. What would you think of him if you knew the people who had healed him still didn't trust him, "We were trying to calm things down. I didn't mean to do anything-I didn't-I was holding back, we wanted to talk things over, she-"
He bit his lip again as it trembled, still feelings the spots that were pushed, sending his arm to the floor, "I didn't even know what was happening. She hit my shoulder in a few spots and my arm fell right off"
You stopped your ministrations, your heart breaking into two hearing the pain in his voice. Bucky sounded so small, like an admonished child scared to tell the truth. He curled himself up further, still flexing his fingers, almost fearful his arm would fall off again without warning. You moved your arms to hug him tighter, wishing you could take away at least half the pain his was feeling.
"I didn't know they could do that" He said with defeat, still softly sniffling while you kissed the top of his head.
"You're not a monster baby" You knew how much work Bucky had put in, how much he struggled to get a hold of his mind again, how long it took for him to learn to trust others, to trust himself.
"Then why" You knew he was desperate hearing the plead in his voice. Why. Why did others still have control over his own body. Why were others still able to do things to him without his knowledge.
"I wish they'd told you why, baby boy" You brought your hand to gently tip his chin up, making him look at you, "Perhaps they have their reasons. Regardless, your heart is pure, Bucky" Your hands moved under his jacket and tshirt, stroking his bare skin, the feel of your pure hands already soothing his aching heart.
"They don't trust me" He sighed, sitting up again as his mind swirled. You didn't let him spiral for long, straddling his lap while his arms moved on their own to wrap around your waist.
"They do, bub" you shook your head, cupping his cheeks so he'd look at you. "They took you in and healed you because you were worth healing. You deserved it. I need you to remember my sweet Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes is a good man. The opposite of dangerous, a soft, sweet boy"
"Do-do you trust me" His voice was small again, looking at you through his lashes, nervously fidgeting with the hem of the Henley you'd stolen.
"I trust you with my life, Bucky" You took his metal hand, brushing your lips against the gold ridges before kissing each of his cool finger tips. "Every single part of you. Your mind. Your body. All of it"
The mental exhaustion of the day began to take it's toll as his eyes grew heavy, cuddling into you while you rocked him in a comfortable silence. You smiled at the soft snores you heard moments later as Bucky fell asleep in your arms.
"Let's get you to bed, baby" you whispered, gently waking him and taking a quick warm shower before jumping into bed. He was right back in your arms as soon as you pulled the sheets back, the grating voices not so loud any more.
Regardless of what the world though, had you.
A pure sweet angel.
She trusted him.
That had to mean something.
It would be a long road of healing but at least his had his angel to guide him.
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
The Safest Hands
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*Slight Spoiler* For Falcon And The Winter Soldier Words: 1383 Pairing: Former!Sam Wilson x Reader Summary: Reader is the Eldest daughter of Tony Stark and the former fiancé of Sam Wilson. After the government announces its plans for Captain America, Reader pulls together the best plan she can manage to get the shield back. Author’s Note: I’m loving everything that's happening so far with TFAWS, and it gave me the idea for this fic where Reader is a lawyer who tries to say Steve had no legal right to the shield. 
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Courtrooms are nothing but theaters with bad actors in cheap suits. That was the first piece of advice your father had given you when you told him you wanted to become a lawyer. You were surprised by how true that turned out to be. Not so much the part about the suits being cheap, but the theatrical side of it for sure. You always tried your best not to play into the theatrics, unless it was the last resort.
Sure as hell hope this works. You thought as you shuffled papers at your table. You’d been in the courtroom for almost an hour. It seemed crazy to you that Supreme Court cases were decided so quickly. While corporate trials lasted weeks or sometimes months, the fate of a historic mantle would be decided in less than ninety minutes. You drank a sip of water from the glass in front of you. It was warm and tasted metallic, like someone had filtered it through pennies. You took a measured breath and waited for your turn to speak.
“So, as you can see by the evidence provided,” You began your closing statement. “Captain America’s iconic shield never legally transferred to Captain Steven Rogers. When Howard Stark passed, ownership of the shield was moved to the beneficiary of his estate, Mr. Stark’s only son, Anthony Stark. While under Anthony’s ownership the shield was stored in various facilities including being on loan to S.H.I.E.L.D. for several decades. Sometime in 2011, the shield was then loaned indefinity to Captain Rogers as shown in the asset transfer form submitted to the court. This form was signed by Captain Rogers, Nicholas J Fury and Anthony Stark. However, Captain Rogers terminated any rights to the shield following his refusal to sign the Sokovian Accords, as the original terms of the loan stated the shield would be reclaimed by Mr. Stark in the event the weapon was linked to a known crime in anyway. Therefor it stands to reason that since Captain Rogers had no legal right to the shield, he could not legally gift the shield to Mr. Samuel Wilson. Since Mr. Wilson was also not the legal owner of the shield, he could not legally donate it to the Smithsonian museum, which the government has since claimed the shield from. Rightfully, that shield belongs to the estate of Mr. Anthony Stark.”
“Thank you for those impassioned words, Ms. Stark.” The Chief Justice remarked. His tone was condescending, but you weren’t quite sure if that was intentional. “We thank you for your time as the court knows how personal this case is for you. We must hear our next case now. I expect you’ll have your answer following our next conference.”
With that the trial was over. There was nothing more you could do but wait for the justices to confer and deliver their opinion. You began gathering your things and exiting the court room. You’d presented every shred of evidence you could find. Proof that legally the shield had never transferred fully into Steve’s possession. Proof that Stark Industries still held pattens on all previous versions of the shield as well as several prototypes. Your father’s company or his estate also maintained pattens on every iteration of the Captain America Uniform. You could stop them from creating a new Captain America in everything but name.
You’d barely exited the Supreme Court Building when your phone rang. Sam Wilson’s name scrawled across the screen. You heaved a deep sigh, wishing this whole ordeal was over with already. You ignored Sam’s call, too preoccupied with dodging the press who were swarming around you. You gaze in the distance, relieved when you saw a familiar face. Happy Hogan met you at the base of the steps and helped you int the backseat of the car. You secured your seatbelt as he slipped behind the steering wheel and drove away.
“They were live streaming the courtroom.” He told you, not looking away from the road.
“Of course, they were. Vultures.” You complained, as you watched the reporters get smaller and smaller in the rearview.
“Can you really blame them? The whole country wants to see how this ends.” Happy told you.
“Wish it was over already.” You mumbled from the backseat. You answered a text from Pepper, asking if you were okay. You assured her that you were fine and that you’d been seeing here and Morgan soon. You just had a few things in DC that needed tying up. Again, your phone began to ring. It was Sam. You silenced it before tossing it across the seat.  
“You know he’d be proud of you, Kiddo. They both would be.” He assured you.
“If they weren’t both so stubborn, they’d still be here. Not leaving me to fight their battles for them. Which for the record, I stayed away from the tech industry specifically so that I wouldn’t turn into my father and…GAh!” You couldn’t help but let out a small exclamation of frustration. “Here I am throwing around the family name and exploiting thin as ice legal loopholes to get the stupid shield back! A shield that Sam was at best too humble and at worst too stupid to keep. Even if you don’t use it, man, just do the one thing you know Steve would have wanted and keep it away from the government! Aside from the fact that it’s classified as a deadly weapon, the thing’s got enough vibranium to buy you a decent house. Or If you want to give it to a government don’t give it to ours! Bring it to T’challa….”
You phone was now vibrating loudly as it skidded across the car’s leather back seat. You took a brief pause from your rant and finally answered the phone. You didn’t even bother looking at the caller ID. Only one person had been blowing up your phone all morning.
“What, Wilson?” You snapped at him.
“Hey, Baby, nice to hear your voice too. Long time no see.” He cackled from the other side of the line. You pinched the bridge of your nose and exhaled a deep breath.
“Sam, now’s not a good time…” You told him.
“C’mon you’ve been dodging my calls all morning.” His tone finally changed to something serious.
“You didn’t think that was for a reason?” You snapped.
“Oh, I know the reason. You think I’m going to ask you about the trial.” He laughed.
“Aren’t you?” You sighed.
“Nah I saw the whole thing on TV.” He assured you. “You look great by the way, very Stark-like.”
“Yeah, well the hot rod red power suit probably did most of the leg work there.” You sighed. “What do you want Sam? Happy and I are on our way to the hotel.”
“Any chance you want to join me for dinner?” He asked.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be seen together. I’m suing you remember?” You reminded him.
“So we just make sure no one sees us.” You could practically hear him shrugging. “Besides you’re only technically suing me. Once all the dust settles with the federal case we get to pretend we agreed to something outside of court. Then everything goes back to normal and you don’t have to pretend you’re mad at me anymore.”
“Let me be clear about something, I’m not pretending to be mad at you. I’m furious.” You told him sternly. “This isn’t like the time you bleached my favorite shirt. I’m not just going to get over it. You really messed this one up, Sam. I’m not fighting this fight for you and we’re lucky we didn’t go through with that proposal of yours, because if we were married right now, I’d have no hope at all of getting that shield back.
“It won’t kill you to say that you missed me too, [Y/N].” He said.
“I miss a lot of things Sam.” You told him. “But not all of us have the luxury of walking away from a legacy. Stark out.” You ended the call and tossed your phone again.
Everything’s gonna workout exactly the way it’s supposed to. Your father’s final words echoed in your head as you stare at the window.
“Probably not this time, Old Man.” You whispered to yourself.
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rax-writes · 3 years
Together, As It Should Be
Fandom:  MCU
Pairing:  Baron Helmut Zemo x Reader
Warnings:  Angst, descriptions of death / dead bodies, MCU-level violence
Notes:  Two Zemo fics in one day? Yes, because I do not trust Marvel, and I just know they’ll probably screw this man over sometime in the very near future, so I’m thoroughly basking in the episode 3 goodness. // Zemo and the reader would naturally be speaking Sokovian throughout basically the entire story, but I felt that it would be redundant and annoying to repeatedly state that. So, their dialogue is written in English, but just pretend it’s Sokovian. // I don’t ever write angst. I truly don’t know where this came from. But, uh... I’m sorry in advance.
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Sokovia had always been a modest country; it was never any kind of world power, but it had a moderately successful economy, infrequent wars, and above all, good, kind-hearted citizens. You had been a member of the Sokovian military unit EKO Scorpion, to protect against threats to your dear country, alongside a man named Helmut Zemo.
He was always a very analytical, observant, and intelligent man. Alternatively, you were fearless and quick, capable of deadly aim and precision in both your bullets and your hits to enemies' pressure points. There were countless times where Zemo was still busy reading the room or identifying the enemy's weak points by the time you ended them before they even had the chance to raise their weapon. The two of you formed a friendship as you rose through the ranks of the Sokovian Armed Forces alongside one another, eventually reaching the top as the commander and second in command. You eventually got to know Zemo beyond his cold, calculating exterior, and grew familiar with his dry, quick-witted sense of humor, incredible poker and chess skills, and fondness for music. There wasn't a single criminal who could outsmart or outrun the two of you; the pair of you, and your unit, were unstoppable.
In time, you fell in love with the man – although you never would have admitted it, as he was engaged when you met him, and married by the time you realized your feelings. As much as you wished it were you that he came home to every night, his wife was always very sweet and hospitable toward you, so you could never possibly hold any disdain for her. When his son was born, you knew you needed to get over yourself, get over your feelings for a man you could never have, before it cost you your closest friendship. So, you kept that love for him silent, quiet and close to your heart but never anything beyond that. Zemo even named you his son's godmother, and you attended every birthday party, school play, and soccer tournament of Carl's. He constantly badgered his parents to go over to "Auntie's place," and it was one day when you were returning him to his parents that you saw Zemo's happy little home life begin to crumble.
When you pulled up to the ancient Zemo family mansion, Carl chattering happily in the backseat, you caught a glimpse through the window of Zemo and his wife having a heated argument in the living room, both of them speaking animatedly with their hands and looking angry.
Turning to face Carl after you put the car in park, you donned a smile and suggested, "How about a game of hide and seek outside before I give you back to your parents, yeah? It's a nice day out, I want to play with my best buddy before I leave."
"Yeah!" the boy exclaimed, practically tearing off the car door as he burst out, running off toward their massive car garage to hide as he hollered, "Count to seventy-four!"
You smiled to yourself before walking up to the front door of the mansion, where you could hear the not-so-happy couple yelling at one another. You knocked loudly with the ornate, golden lion's head door-knocker, and the yelling died down before Zemo swung the door open, looking frustrated and fatigued, but as his eyes landed on you, relief washed across his features.
"Where is Carl?"
"I, uh… saw you two arguing through the window, figured it was best he didn't see that. So, he's off playing hide and seek in the garage," you explained, and Helmut nodded solemnly, looking at the ground. "Everything alright?"
"No," he answered honestly, exhaling slowly as he leaned against the doorframe. He glanced behind him for a moment, before returning his attention to you. "Let's get Carl inside, then go to a bar. I'm in the mood to drink away my troubles."
An hour later, you were seated beside Zemo in a quiet little bar in Novi Grad, watching him curiously as he nursed a whiskey on the rocks. He looked pensive, eyes a thousand miles away as he stared down at the amber liquid.
"I'm very grateful that you had Carl today. That entire conversation went far worse than I could have ever expected," he admitted with a dry, humorless chuckle.
"Mind telling me what it was about?"
"She confessed that she's been having an affair with our neighbor for quite some time now, so in retaliation, I told her that I've been in love with someone else for the past five years."
You let out a low whistle. "Yes, that's pretty bad, old friend."
"Indeed," Helmut mused, taking a swig of his whiskey.
As much as you tried to fight it, the question came tumbling out of your mouth against your better judgment. "So, who's the other woman? Do I know her?"
Helmut glanced at you out of the corner of his eye, his gaze lingering for a moment, before taking another sip of his drink and setting it back down on the bar, returning his gaze to the movement of the liquor in the glass. "No, you wouldn't know her."
Ignoring the tightness that formed in your chest at the disappointment that he didn't mean you, you asked, "How'd the conversation end? You two going to patch things up?"
"No. Maybe. I don't know. When I brought up a divorce, she suggested couples' counseling."
"An affair goes a bit beyond couples' counseling, in my opinion."
"I am inclined to agree."
"And besides, if you get a divorce, you'd have the chance to be with this other woman, the one you love," you suggested. As much as it hurt that he's not only been married to someone else for the entirety of the time you've been in love with him, but he was also apparently in love with someone besides you or her – at the end of the day, you really just wanted to see him happy.
Once again, Helmut gave you that side-eyed, lingering look, before he sighed and said, "It's not that simple. Besides, I do love my wife. Yes, I love this other woman more, and in a perfect world, I would have married her instead. But I am a man of my word, and I vowed to be with my wife til death do us part."
"Yeah, and she also vowed to be loyal to you, to be with you and only you 'til death do you part.' So, she null and voided that agreement when she became the first to break it."
"You have a point," he mused, finishing his drink as he waved the bartender down for another.
"Look, Z, life is short. You know that. You know how quickly a man can lose his life, we've both seen that in the field. And whether you realize it or not, even if you do get the chance to grow old, you'll find that your life has been lived before you ever realized you were approaching the end. Do you really want to spend what little time you have here married to a woman who chose your fucking neighbor over you?"
Helmut sighed, running a hand through his hair as the bartender sat another drink in front of him, which he thanked her for. After taking another drink, he was silent for a few moments more, before conceding, "You are right as usual, old friend. I will speak with her tomorrow about a divorce. And who knows, I may work up the courage to tell this other woman of my feelings."
"That is a good plan."
Little did either of you know, the next day brought nothing but chaos, death, and destruction, as Ultron arrived and laid waste to your homeland. You were racing into action the second the fighting began, running through the streets to your nearby military base, when you got a call from Helmut.
"Where are you? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, Z. Well, for now," you responded, before ducking behind a car to fire a few rounds at a few members of Ultron's fleet. Hearing the gunshots, his voice grew even more panicked.
"Get out of there immediately! Go to my father's home outside of the city, you'll be safe there."
"What kind of Scorpion would I be if I tucked tail and ran, instead of defending my country?"
"A live one!" Helmut bellowed, then groaned in exasperation. "Forget it, I know you're too stubborn to listen to me. Just get to the base and stay put until I get there. We'll fight together – as it should be."
After another few shots at those damn robots, you broke into a run toward the base, letting out a breathless laugh as his words reached your ears through the receiver. "Just like old times then, eh?"
Within twenty minutes of you reaching the military base, a handful of other members of your squad arrived, and finally, Zemo. The moment he burst through the doors, he frantically searched the room until he found you, his white button-up singed and tattered, hair a mess, and tie loose around his neck.
"Bit overdressed for battle, aren't you?" you teased as he ran to you, enveloping you in a bear hug.
"I was so worried that something would happen to you before I could get to you," he admitted in a whisper, face buried in your hair.
"You should know by now that I'm not an easy woman to kill," you replied, patting his back as you ignored the way your heart soared at the embrace. "Where is Carl? And your father? And the missus?"
"Safe, outside the city," Helmut answered, then held you out at arms length to glare at you. "Where I wish you would be."
"Not a chance," you retorted, smiling at him as you threw his military uniform against his chest, which he caught with ease. "Let's go show these robo-bastards who they're messing with."
After a straight hour of fighting for your lives, killing an endless slew of drones and saving more civilians than you could count, your beloved city began to take flight, tearing away from the Earth as it began to levitate. Unknowingly, you were standing at the edge, and Helmut suddenly fell from your line of sight, yelling your name as he fell off the side.
"Zemo!" you screamed so forcefully that it hurt your throat, as you dropped to your knees on the edge. He was dangling there, holding onto a metal pipe that had broken when the city left the ground. You laid on your stomach and extended your hand to him, which he grabbed immediately, and you used every ounce of strength you could muster to hold onto him. Motivated by sheer adrenaline and the inhuman strength associated with saving someone you love, you managed to drag him back up and onto solid ground, and he collapsed on top of you, both of you breathing heavily and wide-eyed.
Zemo gazed down at you, with such admiration and love in his eyes that the world around you grew quiet, despite the chaos of the battle still raging around you. Slowly, gently, he brushed a few strands of hair away from your face, before his fingers lingered on your cheek. Your breath caught in your throat, and your voice was scarcely a whisper when you spoke.
"There is something you must know," he said quickly. "My dearest friend, I –"
A sudden blast of blue energy hit the ground right next to your heads, and you looked to the side to see a handful of drones coming your way.
"Hold that thought," you quipped, before the both of you stood and leapt into action, resuming your fighting and navigation of civilians.
A short while later, you heard a few of the Avengers commanding everyone to vacate the floating hunk of Earth. You and Helmut exchanged a glance, before he walked over to them, and began speaking with a man holding a bow.
"Helmut Zemo, Commander of Sokovia's EKO Scorpion. What is going on?"
"Ultron is planning to drop the city at any moment, we need to get everyone out of here immediately."
"Dropping the city will decimate Sokovia," you noted, dumbfounded. "You're a motley crew of super-humans. Can't you find a way to just set it back down?"
"That's the goal, but we don't know for sure that we can," the Avenger explained. "We could use you guys' help getting everyone onto these helicarriers, so we can get them to safety."
"We're on it," you replied, being that Zemo was standing there in silence. As the Avenger walked off, he turned to you with fear in his brown eyes.
"Carl. My father. My wife. They aren't safe," Helmut whispered in disbelief.
You whipped out your phone and began trying to call his wife, but you had no service due to power lines being destroyed when the city took flight. He just stared at you, still shell-shocked, so you placed your hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Z, there isn't much we can do for them right now besides try to help the Avengers. The less civilians they have to worry about, the more they can focus on Ultron and getting Novi Grad back on the ground."
Helmut nodded solemnly, and you turned to the nearby members of your unit. "Scorpions! Get as many people onto these Lifeboats as quickly and as safely as possible, and when you've found all the civilians you can, get your own asses on there as well. Understood?"
They all nodded and disbanded, sprinting in various directions to execute their mission. You grabbed Helmut's hand and echoed his words from earlier. "We will fight together. For Sokovia, and for your family." The fear in his eyes was replaced with determination then, and he gave you a curt nod as he squeezed your hand, before the pair of you ran off in search of civilians.
Within a half hour, neither of you could find any more people to evacuate. Both of you were struggling to breathe, from running and from the thin air caused by the high elevation of the city, so you headed for the last of the helicarriers, making you two of the very last to evacuate. Helmut hesitated before boarding.
"I want to help them fight Ultron. Once he is defeated, this will be over, and my family will be safe."
"No, Zemo," you said immediately, brows furrowing together with concern as you took his hand, half worried he'd bolt off. "The primary objective right now isn't Ultron, it's this floating hunk of rock. That is the threat to your family right now. And the quicker we get to the ground, the quicker we can find them and get them further from the impact radius."
Helmut nodded dejectedly before boarding the aircraft with you. As it flew away from the city, you drew in a shuddering gasp as you got a better look at what you'd just been standing on. The amount of land that had been ripped from the Earth was three times the size you'd expected, and although you didn't dare to express it… your hopes of ever seeing dear, sweet Carl again dropped each second you stared at the floating hunk of Novi Grad.
Before you could give it a second thought, the city exploded, sending hunk of rock and debris flying in all directions and rocking the Lifeboat. Both you and Zemo dropped to your knees to brace yourselves, and he shielded you with his body. You looked up the moment it felt safe enough to do so, and saw a barrage of chunks of Earth flying into the nearby body of water, and to the ground below. A few people screamed as they watched the debris collide with land, knowing that countless lives were being lost every millisecond, but Helmut was still and silent, his arm tightening around your shoulders and his jaw clenched. When silence befell the Lifeboat, you turned to him with your hands on his shoulders, his arm still around you.
"Z, there's still a chance they're okay. There's still a chance."
His eyes held a myriad of emotions when he met your gaze. Fear, anger, frustration, sadness, horror. They began to water, before he pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, burying his face in your neck as he held you like you were the only thing keeping him grounded.
It was three hours later before you and Zemo were able to even enter the remnants of Sokovia, forced to wait for the dust to settle fully so you could see. The pair of you spent that time in silence, your hand in his as he looked out over the lake. It took ages to reach his father's place, clambering under fallen buildings and over rubble, and when you finally reached it… it was gone. The entire area was completely obliterated, leaving nothing but crumpled homes, craters, and colossal boulders.
Two days. Two days of digging through the debris, consisting of cement, wood, rocks, trees. Two days spent in silence, aside from you occasionally prompting Helmut to rest, drink, or eat. Two days of aimlessly searching for his family's bodies, not even sure where best to look, as the entire area had been obliterated. Two days before you heard a gut-wrenching scream from a few yards away, where Helmut had been searching. Two days before you ran to him as fast as your legs would carry you, only to stop dead in your tracks as you saw your friend and your love cradling his son's small, bloody, lifeless body from where he'd found it in the wreckage, beside his father and his wife, both of whom were also crushed and bloodied but still partially underneath a few slabs of cement and some rocks.
You removed the debris as quickly as you could from their bodies, allowing Helmut the ability to grab them as well, holding the three of them in his arms as the most heartbreaking sobs you'd ever heard in your life escaped his body. You kneeled behind him, and he leaned against you as he held them, his body too weak from exertion and grief to hold himself up. You tore a piece of fabric from your shirt to use as a rag, and wet it with water from your canteen to clean Carl's sweet little face. He looked as he did when sleeping, aside from the dirt and dried blood at the corner of his mouth, and the way his arm twisted unnaturally. Next you tidied up his father's and his wife's faces, which obviously didn't fix anything, but… just because they were dead didn't mean they had to look dead. You wrapped your arms around Helmut's shoulders, resting your cheek on the top of his head as he mourned.
You left to retrieve some emergency responders, who helped you get them in black body bags as Helmut turned away, unable to watch. They were placed on gurneys to transport them to a funeral home in the bordering country of Slovakia, near one of Zemo's estates there. You stayed there with him, helping him however possible as he made funeral preparations for his loved ones. Each day, you left before sunrise to help in Sokovia, while he stayed at his home and processed his grief. All the while, he remained stoic and withdrawn, exchanging a handful of words with you at the most, but you did not push him.
A week after their bodies were found, the funeral was held, each buried in individual plots Helmut had purchased. It was just the two of you there, standing together in the graveyard, staring at the three spots of fresh dirt before you. The grounds keeper had long since left, and the sun was high in the sky, illuminating the world despite the melancholy atmosphere surrounding you. Truthfully, the graveyard he'd chosen was beautiful; tall stone monuments and elaborate headstones, even a few mausoleums. You were busy admiring it when he spoke.
"I'm leaving."
You turned to him with your brows furrowed in confusion. "Where are you going?"
"I have some business to attend to," Helmut replied vaguely. "I will be leaving you with a key to the mansion. You are welcome to stay in this one as long as you'd like, or in any of the others. Simply call Oeznik, he will arrange your transportation and access to the other estate of your choosing."
"Can't I just go with you? The two of us, together, as it should be – remember?"
"I'm afraid I must do this alone."
"Do what alone?" you asked worriedly, laying a hand on his arm. "Z, are you okay? I mean, I know that's a stupid question, but you're scaring me. Are you going to be okay?"
"I will be fine," Helmut assured you, but there was no sincerity in his words. They were empty, just like his eyes had been for the past week. He then walked away towards his car, being that you had chosen to ride separately, in case he wanted to be left alone at their graves.
You jogged over to him and closed the door of his car just as he opened it.
"Promise me that you won't do anything stupid, and that you'll stay safe."
Helmut sighed before looking you in the eyes. "You have my word."
You kept your hand on the car door for a few moments more, studying him, before releasing it and taking a step back when you determined that he wasn't lying. He stared at you for what seemed like an eternity, and unlike usual, you couldn't read him. He had always been a somewhat reserved man, never the type to wear his heart on his sleeve, but his eyes had always told you everything you needed to know. Until now. They were just so… empty.
"I love you."
The words caught you off-guard. You had been expecting a simple goodbye, not… this. All you could do was stare at him, dumbfounded.
"That's what I wanted to tell you on Novi Grad, after you saved me. I love you. I've loved you for five years – possibly longer, but it was then that I realized it," Zemo explained, taking one of your hands in both of his as he spoke. "You are the love of my life, but fate chose to torment me by giving me these feelings after I had already married another. Now, my heart… it feels like a forest that has burned, all of it reduced to dust, aside from the smallest tree that remains somewhere within the ash, the sole survivor. That is you. My oldest and dearest friend, the keeper of my heart, my angel, my purpose."
Before you could process his confession enough to form a coherent response, Zemo cupped your face between his palms and kissed you.
It was delicate, sweet, and cathartic – exactly what both of you needed, after the horrors you had recently experienced. Your hands gently gripped his forearms, needing something to touch to convince yourself that this was real. The moment you never even allowed yourself to dream of was happening. Zemo kissed you breathless, and when he broke the kiss to gaze down at you, he smiled for the first time in over a week, although it still held a sense of sadness.
"I love you, too," was all you could manage, still stupefied.
"I know." Zemo kissed your forehead before opening the car door again, and sliding into the driver's seat. You rested your palms on the rolled-down window, and he stated, "I will be back before you know it, as a better man, and we will continue where we left off. I promise you that, my love."
"Just remember your other promise, Z. Be careful," you cautioned, and he nodded, before bringing one of your hands up to his lips to place a kiss upon your knuckles.
After lovingly staring into one another's eyes for several moments, you leaned down into the car to kiss him quickly, then took a step back from the vehicle.
As he drove away, Zemo called out, "Until next time, my angel."
But the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach told you that there would be no next time.
And, in the end… you were right.
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w00wzerz · 3 years
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Tags: Fluff, Angst, Icons, Imagines, Headcanons, One-shot
Sarah ran her soft fingertips over his metallic arm, simply contemplating all the majestical things he could do with it in the bedroom. Blushing at her own thoughts she quickly shook it off and pulled away. “Are you ready to help?”
It was the largest gathering that the small town in New Orleans had ever seen! Sam had invited his distant cousins from most of the neighboring cities. The Wilson family cook out was a popular event and was even crowned the most famous tourist spot of the summer! Only contested by the Louisiana folks during the majorly eventful Bayou festival in mid May.
The small dock erupted in cheers and laughter as Hey Ya! by OutKast blasted loudly, consuming the crowd and forcing everyone to the center of the dock.
“What you young-ins know about this jam!” Sam slid from the back of the boat, four cases of Corona beers in both hands,  with a contented grin plastered onto his face. Aj and Cass not too far behind.
“Where’s your mother anyway? Y’all been stuck with me all day.” Sam arched a confused brow at the two boys who shrugged their tiny shoulders in unison. “Last - I saw her with Uncle Bucky, packing the food.” Aj said before grabbing his brother’s hand and leading him to the center of the dance circle.
“Uncle Bucky?” Both of Sam’s brows shot up his forehead. “When did he get here?” He whispered to himself, when he placed the cases by the cooler on the table - and began his quest for his sister and his best friend.  
“This is my famous king crab Bucky.” Sarah shot a pearly white smile as she lathered the crab in spicy garlic butter sauce. She then gently stacked them onto one another in an oversized foil plate.
It was the time of the year where all of the eligible bachelorettes would slither their way to the dock in search of their “future husbands.” Sarah had already taken her loses and retired from the game - ever since the death of her husband. However, today seemed special, it was the first time in years that her stomach knotted in curls from butterflies so much so, that she thought she’d puke. Her youth sprung about anytime Bucky was around, similarly to a school girl with her very first crush. He just brought out the best in her, so she decided why not look the part.
Sam had mentioned to her that her skin glistened whenever she wore the color yellow. Despite how out of character it was for him to be so blunt about literally - anything, Sarah decided to take his advice and throw on her favorite off shoulder cut, form fitting sun dress. Her long senegalese twists were tied into a high bun and wrapped in a yellow ribbon that flowed behind her in pure elegance.
Turning the corner of her bedroom - on her way to the kitchen, she was greeted by a well dressed Bucky in a tight blue knit sweater that hugged his body in all the right places! And dark black jeans that displayed his full basketball trunk. He stood over a boiling pot of king crabs on the stove. Clearing her throat quite loudly, she caught his attention almost immediately. As he turned to face her his eyes widened in astonishment, almost as if he had sinfully taken a peak at the worlds most beautiful piece of treasure.
“Wow,” was all Bucky could muster when gravity became the main puppeteer, forcefully drawing them towards one another. He smiled sheepishly and continued “you look lovely Sarah.” Returning his grin she replied “and you don’t look so bad yourself, Uncle Bucky.”
Pulling him into a tight embrace Bucky’s chin rested in the corner of Sarah’s neck. He took in the scent of her sweet Vanilla Bean cologne. If he could have his way, he would have swallowed her whole that very instant. He wished for nothing more than to have her succumbed to his own desires, clawing his name on his back as she screams in pure ecstasy. Bucky swayed rhythmically with her movements, it took all of his energy not to instinctively plant a soft kiss between her neck and trail.
Sarah ran her soft fingertips over his metallic arm, simply contemplating all the majestical things he could do with it in the bedroom. Blushing at her own thoughts she quickly shook it off and pulled away. “Are you ready to help?”
“When I’m done with this batch, can you wrap it in aluminum foil and carry it to the front table for our guests?” Sarah faced the stove top, her back turned to a confused Bucky, who watched her work in utter amazement.
Bucky was familiar with crab as a cuisine, and had tasted a fair share of it during his time in Wakanda. However, he had never seen it prepared before him.
“So does it like ... cry or anything when you place it in the boiling water ... alive?” He asked innocently, when Sarah sighed in disbelief and sat the lathering brush onto the table. Her heart fluttered at his innocence, but her mind pondered in continuous confusion. She wondered just how much Bucky had missed out on in the last 70 years or just seemingly had minimal to no experience on. Turning to face him a smile crept its way up her plump lips as she answered nonchalantly “I don’t have an answer for you Bucky.”
His blue eyes glistened in curiosity as they scanned over Sarah’s features, she was unlike any woman that he had ever seen. From her bright dark brown eyes to the cute little indentation by her nose, Bucky found himself lost in their tight gaze. Until he eventually landed on Sarah’s plush pink lips. Sarah noticed Bucky’s observance and smiled shyly. Her cheeks flushed when she subconsciously ran her tongue over her lips. Of course she wanted to grapple Bucky right then and there, she had wanted to do so since she first laid eyes on the man. But one of her biggest fears was getting involved with a hero. She already had her plate full with Sam, was she really ready to add another burden to the list?
“There you guys are!” Sam grinned and pulled Sarah into a tight embrace “I was beginning to worry.”
“Aw Sam, you missed me, how sweet.” Bucky winked as Sam glared his way. Placing the trays of king crabs with roasted corn and potatoes, buttermilk biscuits and cajun shrimp onto the table, Sarah called for the event goers to each grab a plate and head for the grub.
Sam handed both Bucky and Sarah a pair of gloves before taking a seat at the edge of the table. He pinched Aj and Cass’s noses when they playfully snatched his plate from before him. “Y’all better stop playing before I tell your mama to send you to bed early.” He smiled when they took a seat next to him.
He watched bewildered by his sisters boldness when she took a seat by Bucky. Running her finger tips over his armored arm, he noticed that she began to play her fingers through her twists. Her grin from ear to ear as she engaged in conversation with Bucky, the same thing she used to do when she had a crush on a boy in high school.
“So where’s the crab opener?” Bucky asked, facing Sam who’s face scrunched in utter disgust. Sarah bursted into a fit of laughter when Aj and Cass joined as well.
“We don’t use that utensil around these parts, buddy.” Bucky’s brow arched in confusion when Sam picked up a crab leg and ripped it in half with one tug. “You see here?” He placed the piece into his mouth and used his teeth to crack the shell methodically, in an instant the entire meat was stripped from the leg. “Now that’s how you eat a crab leg! Let me see you do it.”
All eyes were now glued onto Bucky as he studied the crab leg. His blue eyes narrowed when he used his metal arm to pick up the leg and snapped it in half effortlessly. Sarah’s eyes widened as she watched Bucky smile contently to himself. He placed the crab to his lips, intricately running his tongue over every square inch of it. He shot Sarah a mischievous smirk, before pulling it out with a loud plop! “Tasty.”
Sarah flushed immediately, inching her way out of her seat. While Sam glared intently, picking up a piece of shrimp and sulking in his defeat.
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ladyeliot · 4 years
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28th March
Good afternoon, I hope you enjoyed the week. Here I am for another Sunday with some Marvel recommendations, and while I'm at it, I'd like to comment on something. 
The other day I received the first anonymous 'criticising' the fan fiction I write, I guess it won't be the last and I guess it will have happened to all of you more than once. I think that all of us who are on this social network, sharing our writings, are here for different reasons, many of them related to "fleeing" or "escaping" from our daily lives. For me, being here writing about my favourite movie/comic universe is an escape from my stressful life, it helps me to disconnect, to reduce my stress and anxiety. I know it might be a stupid thing to write, silly, but it works as a personal therapy for me. I believe that for many who are here writing, or reading, it also helps them, that's why I think that hate, rude comments or any kind of action against, what it will generate is that these people who are in TUMBLR to escape from their life, don't feel safe here. I just ask that if you don't like what people write, fine, but respect it. There are plenty of insecurities in real life, don't create them here too. Finally, I want to send all my support to all those who are here.
Love to all of you. 
P.S.: I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, I'm not an English expert.
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A New Hope by @fallingfavourites
Bucky + Steve + Sam /  bit of spoilers for TFATWS
Bucky Barnes
it’s ok if you forget me ✧ bucky barnes by @starrybrock
it’s ok if you forget about bucky—it’s what he deserves.
Carol Danvers
Sunset by @kram6496​
Parties and Jealousy by @sarahp-stan​
[+18] Something with Carol. I need a Carol x reader where reader is making Carol jealous at one of Tony's parties so she could go home and finish what she started.
Clint Barton
December by @toomanyrobins
Clint Barton, college football star, has a new interest: Y/N Y/L/N. But with her father gone all of the time, a younger brother, and going to college, Y/N has no time for dating. Will Clint get the yes, or will life get in the way?
Johnny Storm
Satan’s Angel by @operation-619​
[+18] She was hidden from the world as the age of 16 when something within her awoke. Something demonic. But she has her brother to hold onto when things start to get worse, because he’s there for her. Right?
Maria Hill
Lost by @marvels-writings​
She’s lost without you, and when she finally finds you, a goodbye looms in the distance.
Natasha Romanoff
My girl by @junajackson
You and Natasha have been dating for a while, maybe it’s time for the team to find out 
Pietro Maximoff
The Hearts of the Hopeless by @sunny-reys
You are utterly in love with Pietro Maximoff, but he’s an Avenger, and way out of your league. Pietro is utterly in love with Y/N L/N, but she’s an effortlessly cool S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and completely beyond him. However, they may reveal certain truths after one jealousy-filled night at a local bar.
Tony Stark
I miss you by  @johnnyshellby​
Inspired By: Gorgeous by Mansionz
Sam Wilson
The art of self care by @dameronology
After a long week at work, sam wilson waits for you at home 
New suit by @pointbreak-odinson​
Black!Reader - This fic does not have any TFAWS spoilers and (as usual) does not give a fuck about Endgame, meaning our favorite dysfunctional couple Tony and Steve are alive. Steve simply passed on the mantle.
Steve Rogers
Somewhere in 1949  by @interstellarflowers​
tw: sad, depression, grief, allusion to PTSD
Valkyrie ~ Queen’s Stress Relief by @captains-simp​
[+18] Established fwb (kinda) relationship, dom!Valkyrie, spanking, degrading, oral, strap on
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Imo i think while Peggy is the subject of bad character writing it's recognized less because unless she had a limited presence in the MCU ( unless you watched Agent Carter which most didn't). Sharon has the same problem tho to a much higher extreme because unless you are following behind the scene stuff or read the comics you get very little of Sharon before TFAWS. Its bad writing but if thats too large a part of what you got for the character its what you now have to judge the character on.
I will say that kind of take on Peggy is much less common and has more to do with not liking how they are handling Peggy now rather than bad character writing alone. But I do think this becomes a problem for many female characters in fandom in general.
Because they are often written badly compared to their male counterparts. And while it's not their fault they are written like that they are fictional characters. How they are written is to a large degree is what they are.
But I think in MCU specifically ( since they are based however loosely on the comics) its also based on fandom latching on to the comic canon vs not. For example its common to hear about comic canon vs the MCU depiction after a movie comes out.
After the Avengers for example people talked extensively about Hawkeye how he is in the comics. And many mcu fans were like damn I know comics and MCU are seperate things but thats a shame they didn't go with that version that seems like so much more fun. Many who didnt read comics started incorporating that version of Hawkeye to their fan content some even started reading Hawkeye comics.
Alternately similar things happened with Bucky and Sharon. People pointing out things like oh Bucky was actually Steve's kid side kick in comics and Sharon had Natasha's role in WS. But unlike with Hawkeye there was less lamenting of what could have been. People felt that the story hit better with Bucky as an adult who was Steve's best friend getting brainwashed. And they felt they liked that position more with Black Widow who they already knew getting this new character dynamic with someone. Rather than bring in another character to put in that position.
So the fan works often didnt bring in that version of Sharon and Bucky.
So imo the frustration with bad character writing is emphasized more when there is a contrast to better wrtten characters ( either other characters bring written better or the same character having been written better in a diff incanation).
And they are shit on that more when there isn't really a version of them a good chunk of people prefer to see instead ( like Sharon for example especially in the movies im seeing more defense now though of the character in the show but might just be people I follow and its actually uncommon).
While the fandom might mourn the loss of good character writing and try to use fandom to fix things in fic if there is a version fandom prefers more ( like Natasha in AOU ).
You get it.
Peggy, Sharon, and Bucky all fall under the same umbrella (with Sam too, and everyone except Fury, Natasha, and Maria) where in a movie starring Steve, their characters essentially worship him. They’re all Steve’s fans who love him unconditionally. In the comics, they had no problem calling him out when he did stupid shit, especially Sharon. But not many people were willing to read their comics because the obsession over how pretty the actors were drowned out any character complaints. Only Hawkeye received enough (very much deserved) complaints that led to the Fraction/Aja series picking up sales and fans. So it allowed Hawkeye to get better writing. They don’t know what to do with the other three, so Bucky’s character plateaus on wanting a new Cap that he approves of, Sharon’s writers bashing her while viewers ask what the fuck, and Peggy just being written to fill in Steve’s shoes because the actress wants to keep working with the MCU and his actor wants to do anything else.
~Mod R
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gifsbysimplysonia · 5 years
Just jumped around the Endgame battle scene and end credits
Cuz Steve wielding Mjolnir is hot!!!! And I had a craving.
In addition to getting upset all over again at a myriad of things including how underutilized and underappreciated Viking Thor was, not enough Bucky, and Tony Stark/Nat ... as well as how so many fans assumed the worst of Steve Rogers ending which NEVER MADE SENSE TO ME but I'm not getting into it cuz how can I expect other people to view it as open ended as I did I guess ... 
And I'm sitting here like, when did I become the dumba$$ who gets defensive of a fictional character? Lol when did I become the dumba$$ to sit around and THINK about this reckless idiot and be sad and concerned and lay out what I think he did when he finally lived his life?
This wasn't always me and it just makes me laugh that this is the sad sack I am now.
But honestly, I only saw that movie once and I'll never sit and watch it from beginning to end again and, like, just gimme Black Panther 2, Taika's next adventure, and TFaWS show and I'll be ok. OH, AND PETER AND MJ cuz I love those kids. I don't count Spiderverse as MCU, nor Deadpool, but I’m also hoping for good things from them as well!!!
I am glad to have a Marvel break tho cuz I don't think I realized til tonight just how much that sh!t took over my brain space in the last year. And like, trying to avoid set photos as well as filming and casting spoilers is almost impossible now cuz Google and Twitter and Insta show me everything thanks to them all knowing my click history. 
But I'm gonna try my best to stay in the unknown til next October when Falcon and Winter Soldier debuts. If I end up having to unfollow all Marvel related blogs and accounts and fans and start new accounts to not even get suggestions, then so be it. 
To be honest tho, that sounds like a LOT of work so I'll probably just log off everything and go live in the woods instead cuz I'm lazy lol. 
No point to any of this!
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w00wzerz · 3 years
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The white snow crunched synchronously beneath their steps as they made their way back to Sam’s Ram 1500 pickup truck. “Listen, you hear that?” Sam lips pursed as he shushed Bucky with his index finger. “Mariah Carey is blasting from every damn home window that we pass by.” Sam continued while patting the sides of his pockets, fishing for his keys. “Everyone is in the Christmas spirit, Aj, Cass and your soon to be wife, Saraaaaaaaah,” He sang in a child - like tune.
Bucky liked the sound of that, creeping a low smile, he rolled his eyes at Sam who laughed at his friend’s cryptic reaction. Turning the keys in the engine, the car revved when Sam put it into drive, “Let’s go home, man.”
So happy I finally concluded the first part of the Breathe series! Hope you all like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Next chapter out soon! 😜
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